Conflict Management Assignments October 2023-1

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Tinashe Mandera R201123H Explain the causes of the 1978-79 Uganda –
Tanzania War (25 Marks)
Lyn Muvezwa R202191H What is the role of ECOWAS in peace
building and conflict resolution (25 Marks)
Nelson Manjeya R201711H The fast-track land reform in Zimbabwe was
a manifestation of what negative peace can
do to a country. Discus (25 Marks)
Agnes Kanhukamwe R201806H Conflict within and between bureaucratic
structures provides means for avoiding the
ossification and ritualism which threatens
organizations. Analyze the truism of this
statement using the polices, structure or
operating procedures of any organization you
are familiar with (25 Marks)
Netsayi Muronzi R201619M Describe the conflict between Ethiopia and
R Eritrea highlighting, its actors including the
spoilers and its causes (25 Marks)
Mitchell Mapumura R202489H Analyze the Biafra Civil War (Nigerian Civil
War) using any of the conflict analysis tools
(25 Marks)
Womberai Mumanyi R202065H Using examples from all over the world,
differentiate between positive and negative
peace (25 Marks)
Mana Mlambo R202926H Using the Kenyan example, explain the role
of the church in peace building and conflict
resolution (25 Marks)
Shekinah Chatima R203351B What has been the role of Civic Society
organizations in Peace building in Zimbabwe
since 1980 (25 Marks)
Precious Mabandhla R192238h Lewis Coser Conflict theory of Social
Change mainly deal with some functions of
conflict within social systems. Discus (25
Tapiwa Muchenje R202967h With the aid of examples describe the
difference between inter and intra-state
conflicts. (25 Marks)
Vimbai Chikanga R202537H Society cannot change unless there is a
conflict. Discus this statement in view of
Lewis Coser’s theory of social change (25
Tamia Toki R202712B As conflicts continue and actors inflict harm
on each other, participants may become
motivated by desires beyond reaching their
original goals, such as inflicting as much
harm on the perceived enemy as possible
(Bartos and Wehr, 2002). Discus this
submission in view of the political conflict
between ZANU PF, CCC and MDC
ALLIANCE in Zimbabwe (25 Marks)
Tinotenda. Kandengwa R202284H. Various actors both internal and external have
argued that meaningful dialogue between
ZANU PF and CCC is the only way that
Zimbabwe can achieve meaningful
development. Do you also think so? (25
Unity Maranjisi R202581H Conflict analysis is influenced by different
world-views. Define and explain the
following 3 world views of conflict using
examples for clarity
I. The Harvard Approach
II. The Human Needs Theory
III. The Conflict Transformation (25 Marks)
Courage Mapingire R202768B Constructive conflict transformation seeks to
empower actors and support recognition of
commonalities between them as basis for
possible resolution. What commonalities
exist between ZANU PF and CCC which can
be of use for dialogue (25 Marks)
Hazel Moyo R201028B Conflict actors differ as to their goals and
interests, their positions, capacities to realise
their interests, and relationships with other
Kudzai Tatayi R202112H Conduct a conflict analysis for a conflict you
are familiar with which either happened in
your organisation, community, country,
continent or anywhere and answer the
following questions. The conflict should be
an intrapersonal conflict (25 Marks)
✓ What is the ✓ What are
political, the
economic, structural
and socio- causes of
cultural conflict?
context? ✓ What issues
✓ What are can be
emergent considered
political, as
economic proximate
and social causes of
issues? conflict?
✓ Is there a ✓ What
history of triggers
conflict? could
to the
of conflict?
✓ What new
✓ What
factors can
to peace?
✓ Who are the DYNAMICS
main actors? ✓ What are
✓ What are current
their conflict
interests, trends?
goals, ✓ What are
positions, windows of
capacities opportunity
and ?
relationships ✓ What
? scenarios
✓ What can be
capacities developed
for peace from the
can be analysis of
identified? the conflict
✓ What actors profile,
can be causes and
identified as actors?
✓ Are they
MR Mereki Examine the dynamics of conflict between
fathers and daughters, understand the
underlying causes and consequences, and
explore strategies for managing and resolving
such conflicts effectively (25 MARKS)
Runyararo Fusire R202710H Reflect on a recent experience where you
faced an intrapersonal conflict. It could be a
situation where you had conflicting thoughts,
emotions, or desires, or a situation where you
struggled to reconcile your values or beliefs.
Write a personal reflection addressing the
following points:
a. Describe the specific situation and the
conflicting aspects within yourself.
b. Analyze the factors that contributed to the
c. Reflect on the emotions and thoughts you
experienced during the conflict.
d. Evaluate the impact of the conflict on your
overall well-being and decision-making
e. Identify any lessons or insights gained
from the experience. (25 Marks)
Malaika Chiweshe R202335H Describe the SADC conflict resolution
institution and discus using one or two
conflict examples, whether it has been
effective or not (25 Marks)
Tanaka Gambe R202566H Is it true that there is a likelihood of violent
conflict if people are emotionally engaged in
whatever endeavor they engage in in society
(25 Marks)? Use examples to qualify your
Barbra Makore R201816H Zimbabwean institutions have not done well
in ensure effective conflict resolution.
Analyze the effectiveness of the Zimbabwean
judiciary as a conflict resolution body (25
Laina Nyoni R202265B Discus the role of the Peace and Recondition
Commission and highlight whether it has
been effective in its role. Use examples to
qualify your position (25 Marks)
Confidence Mapota R202313H According to Bartos and Wehr (2002)
conflict is any situation where actors use
conflict action against each other in order to
attain incompatible goals or to express their
hostility. Agree or disagree with this
definition (25 Marks)
Ireen Murechu R202203H Mediation is one of the common Conflict
Resolution strategies. Discus whether SADC
has been effective in its role as the mediator
in the Zimbabwean conflict from 2008 to
2015 (25 Marks)
Shamiso Mahufe R201230H Think of an intrapersonal conflict you or any
other person you know have experienced.
What was the issue? How was the conflict
resolve? (25 Marks)
Ruvarashe Kaswa R201305H Identify a conflict you are familiar with and
explain its structural, proximate causes and
triggers (25 Marks)
Faith Sibanda R201293H List the common causes of conflict in
organizations and projects and discus at least
four conflict resolution strategies in project
management and in organizations (25 Marks)
Susan Chaunzwa R201214H Martin Luther King, Jr explained that peace
is often misunderstood as soft, silent, weak
and static which is quite the opposite because
peace requires courage and has to be worked
on at all times. Explain your own
understanding of this statement (25 Marks)
Chipo Masocha R201900H Intrapersonal conflicts are not necessarily
negative; they are also a sign that a person is
experiencing some sort of personal growth.
Discus with aid of examples (25 Marks)
Natasha Mupfunya R201267H What has been limiting effective conflict
resolution by the SADC organ on politics,
defense security. Use the DRC example to
explain your position (25 Marks)
Nancy Gundumure R201583H With reference to the Zimbabwean 2023
harmonized elections, discus how electoral
structures and processes can either be a cause
of conflict or a cause of peace (25 Marks)
Tsitsi Dick R201370H When members of a certain group think that
members of another group are a threat to their
sources of power (for example, values,
resources, legitimacy or protection) they start
seeing any gain to the other as a loss to them.
In view of this statement, discus the conflict
between man and women in the gender
equality movement (25 Marks)
Nokuthula Chipuriro R192335H What are the main causes of conflict between
governments and citizens in Africa (25
Lisa Masawi R202190H What role does SADC in conflict resolution
amongst and within its member states?
Panashe Wakatama R202742H Using the Russia-Ukraine conflict or any
other conflict situation either Discus the
relationship between conflict, peace and
development (25 Marks)
Chiedza Musimbo R202528H Conflict not only generates new norms, new
Musimbo institutions. Agree or refute this statement
citing examples of real-life situations were a
conflict resulted in the formation of new
systems and institutions (25 Marks)
Doreen Dzama R202010B Using the conflict, you are aware with which
happened in your organisation or elsewhere,
identify that conflict's profile, causes, actors
and dynamics highlighting how an
understanding of these issues is important in
conflict resolution (25 Marks)

Mellisa Madenyika R202082H Discus the motivations or needs behind the

conflict in Cabo Delgado region in
Mozambique (25 Marks)
Chidochashe Mukorombind R202915h List and explain five types of conflict in
o project management and five conflict
resolution strategies in project management
using examples (25 Marks)
Zvikomborer Mazarire R202800h History is the key to understanding conflict
o dynamics of any conflict, in this regard,
explain the key events and consequences of
the conflict to do Land in Zimbabwe since
independence (25 Marks)
Faith R.S Mafico R201744H A social system, according to Coser was in
Mafico need of conflict if only to renew its energies
and revitalize its creative forces. Analyze this
assertion using real life examples to qualify
your statement (25 Marks)
Vincent Khumalo R202020B Give at least two examples of each of the
Khumalo following types of conflicts:
a. conflicts based on material needs
b. conflicts based on social needs
(balance of power between parties,
status, roles in a group);
conflicts based on cultural and spiritual needs
(values, ideas, principles) (25 Marks)
Itayi Mutemera R202443H What does the twin criteria of classification
Mutemera of conflicts entail? In your explanations use
se examples (25 Marks)
Hazel Muzeza R202127H The Human Needs Theory explains well
profile of conflicts that happen between
employees and employers. Discus this
statement with reference to any employee
employer conflict you are familiar with (25
Nomatter Kanhukamwe R201727H The criteria used for classification vary.
Identify and describe at least three criteria for
classifying conflicts using conflict examples
for each. (25 Marks)
Duduzile Ngwenya R201969H According to Cosier (1956) a conflict is a
struggle between opponents over values and
claims to scarce status, power and resources.
Identify and describe a conflict that you are
aware of that fits this definition (25 Marks)
Deadry Nhende R201956H The conflict between South and North Sudan,
can be classified as “ethnic” (in other words,
as one between two ethnic groups) can also
be classified as religious, political or as intra-
society. Identify such as conflict and describe
it showing how it fits ethnicity, political (25
Makanaka Makuti R201845B Do you agree that within any society or group
there are those who are superordinate and
those who are subordinate? Justify your
position with real life examples (25 Marks)
Tholubuhle Khumalo R201205B For Marxists, the appearance of consensus is
an illusion; it conceals the reality of one class
imposing its will on the rest of society. Do
you think this is true? Can this be true for the
relationship between male and females in
Zimbabwe (25 Marks)
Peace Mutsindikwa List and explain the two main types of
conflict in project management and how each
one influences the project environment
differently and is managed differently with a
different approach (25 Marks
Natalia Mapindu R201602H Schelling (1960) a conflict as a bargaining
situation in which the ability of one
participant to achieve his ends is dependent
on the choices or decisions that the other
participant makes. Identify and describe a
conflict that you are aware of that fits this
definition (25 Marks)
Pamhidzai Muzambi R201464H Social classes in any society are naturally
antagonistic by virtue of their interests.
Discus this assentation using examples from
African countries. (25 Marks)
Sheila Gondo R201244H Deutsch (1973) believes that conflict takes
place whenever incompatible activities occur.
One party is interfering, disrupting,
obstructing, or in some other way making
another party’s actions less effective.
describe a gender related conflict that fits this
definition (25 Marks)
Faith Chingwaro R201158H Structural change is a consequence of the
class struggle. Discus using examples (25

Dominic Nhandara R201694H Capital confers political power, which the

bourgeois class uses to legitimatize and
protect their property and consequent social
relations. Discus this assertion in relation to
state capture in Africa (25 Marks)
Brendon Nkomo R201204B Identify and describe the interests, goals,
positions, institutional capacities and
relationships of the main actors in the conflict
between teachers and the government in
Zimbabwe (25 Marks)
Dumoluhle Ncube R201433B Though they are taken for granted,
intrapersonal conflicts are as important as
any other type of conflict. Often times they
have end up in people committing suicide or
murders. Discus (25 Marks)
Faith Ngulube R201204B Which basis of classification do you find the
most useful in the conflicts you usually
encounter in work or life? (25 Marks)
Natasha Takura R201699B When people's roles, responsibilities, and
authority are poorly defined at the beginning
of a project, heated disagreements are bound
to occur. Dis this assertion with regards to
conflicts in projects (25 Marks)
Hazel Moyo R201028B A dysfunctional state is a breeding ground for
conflict. Discus (25 Marks)
Mitchel Jani R201707H Identifying and understanding the possible
causes of a conflict is essential to dealing
with it effectively. On this basis, identify the
causes of the conflict between Ukraine and
Russia and what you think as the best way to
solve the conflict (25 Marks)
Winnie Chihombiro R201925H Identify and discus the causes of the downfall
of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya (25 Marks)
Sharmain Kajekere R201519B There is no correlation between conflict and
religion. Refute or agree with this statement
(25 Marks)
Rumbidzai Matanhire R201938H Descibe the perennial Palestinian- Israel
Conflict and what you think is the best
solution to end the conflict (25 Marks)
Mary Masika R201412H Many conflicts which involve religion also
have many other grievances associated with
the conflict. Identify one such conflict and
qualify this statement (25 Marks)
Wellington Makudza R201638H Discus Dewey’s assumption that if the
customary is taken for granted; it operates
subconsciously to a point where it can no
longer be challenged or is no longer capable
of transforming (25 Marks)
Shekinah Chatima R203351B Depending on how it is dealt with, conflicts
either in any context can be constructive or
destructive. Using examples explain a
conflict scenarios were conflicts were either
constructive or destructive (25 Marks)
Courage Mapaike R202768B What role does the African Union play in
African peace and conflict management and
has it been effective in this role (25 Marks)
Ireen Murechu R202203H Identify at least one conflict that you are
familiar with and analyse it using the
following world views of conflict analysis:
a. Harvard approach
b. Human needs theory
c. Conflict Transformation
In your analysis suggest how the conflict can
be resolved (25 Marks)
Kudzai Tatayi R202112H Conceptualise the following terms:
Conflict Resolution,
Conflict Settlement
Conflict Resolution (25 Marks)
Tendai Masimba Using the Conflict Wheel six dimensions of
conflict analysis, analyze a conflict you are
familiar either from your workplace or
anywhere else (25 Marks)
Maita Musa R202791B Discus the motivations behind the conflict
between civic society organisations and
NGOs and the Government of Zimbabwe (25
Laina Nyoni R202265B A conflict can only be resolved if its context
and actors are known. These actors can either
be main actors or spoilers. Describe the
Zimbabwean political conflict, highlighting
the history, political, economic, socio-
cultural context as the main actors and
spoilers involved in the conflict (25 Marks)
Doreen Dzama R202010B Analysis the truth behind the assertion that
whilst not openly and visibly violent,
Zimbabwe is characterised by ongoing and
systematic oppression and injustice which
amounts to negative peace (25 Marks)
Tawanda Mlambo What we have in Africa, especially in
Zimbabwe is Negative peace. Discus (25
Vanessa James R201880H The Norwegian peace researcher Johan
Galtung suggests that the underlying issues
of conflict, namely, the structural conditions
such as the unequal distribution of resources,
discrimination and power imbalances must
be resolved in order for true peace to come
about. Discus this submission using real life
examples, if possible Zimbabwean examples
(25 Marks)
Nyasha Tseriwa R201468H Institutional violence, racism, exploitation
and other barriers to equal opportunities limit
peace. Discus using at least an example from
a developed country and a developing
country (25 Marks)
Vimbainashe Matubu R201235H The term “negative peace” is a state-centered
approach, founded on the general belief that
all social relations are ultimately regulated by
violence. Discus using examples (25 Marks)
Shaniz Adams R201835H Gender based violence can only be addressed
through social, political, economic and and
cultural transformation because the
manifestation of the violence is a result of
underlying socioeconomic, political and
cultural factors (25 MARKS)
Nakai Kwangwa R201265H With reference to the Mozambique
Insurgency, Evaluate the effectiveness, and
limitations Southern Africa Development
Community role and contribution in
addressing the Mozambique Insurgency
Cabo Delgado.
Dylan Nhandara After independence, Zimbabwe was not
effectively taken through effective
demobilization and this explains the culture
of violence that characterize the country 23
years post-independence. Discus (25 Marks)

Precious Mabhandhla R192238H Using examples trace the origin, and scope,
and explain the limits of nonviolence as a
strategy for social change in the 21st-century
strategic environment.
Vincent Khumalo R202020B Discus the achievements of the UN Security
Council in maintaining peace and security
worldwide highlighting areas where the
institution can make improvements (25
Vimbainashe Dzwiti R201118H Evaluate the impact of peacebuilding efforts
and identify the sources of conflict within the
Zimbabwean electoral system. Use the 2018
elections as an example. (25 Marks)

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