UNIT 05 Speaking Activities

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Speaking Activity 1 PAIR WORK Tell time


Target Language Materials

Time vocabulary One worksheet for each student

PREPARATION (2–3 minutes)

Review times. Draw on the board a clock that shows 8:00.

Ask What time is it?
Redraw the hands on the clock to show a different time and
ask the question again. Repeat a few more times.

PROCEDURE (10 minutes)

Put students in pairs. Give each student a full worksheet.

Designate them as Student A and Student B.
Have each student draw clock hands to indicate times on
his or her eight blank clocks, leaving the clocks on the other
half of the worksheet blank.
Explain the activity: Students take turns asking about and
telling time to complete their worksheets.
Student A begins by asking What time is it in Dinatown?
Student B answers with the time he or she drew on the
clock labeled Dinatown. Student A draws that time on his/
her Dinatown clock.
Then Student B asks What time is it in New Town? Student A
says the time he or she drew on the clock labeled New Town.
Student B draws that time on his or her New Town clock.
Students continue to take turns until both partners have
drawn times on all clocks.
Students compare worksheets to check their answers.

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For additional practice telling time, have students switch

partners after they have drawn and checked all their clocks.
One student points to a clock on his or her page. The other
student says the time. Partners take turns pointing to a clock
and saying the time.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 1

STUDENT A Fill in these clocks to start.

12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6

New Town Tamden Grandvale Clay City

12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6
Annville Charlestown Spring City North Town

STUDENT B Fill in these clocks to start.

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12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6

Dinatown Willfield Harris City Morrisburg

12 12 12 12
11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 5 7 5 7 5 7 5
6 6 6 6
Summerville Topp Town New City Romark

2 UNIT 5, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 1 Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition

Speaking Activity 2 PAIR WORK Information gap

Target Language Materials

One worksheet cut in half for each pair of
Questions about time

PREPARATION (2–3 minutes) Answer Key

Review questions about time. Write questions such as the Monday
following on the board. Use upcoming events in the class, 6:30 Dinner at Ella’s Restaurant
school, or community. 7:30 Sisters concert
What day is [the soccer game]? Tuesday
What time is [the Juice concert]?
When is [the party]? 12:00 basketball game
8:30 movie: Our Family
Call on volunteers to answer the questions.
4:45 soccer game
PROCEDURE (10–15 minutes) 7:00 English class
Put students in pairs. One student gets the Student A half of
the worksheet, and the other gets the Student B half. 11:30 Kate’s birthday party
6:45 movie: The Airport
Explain the activity: Partners take turns asking about the
times of the events listed on their worksheets. They write
the times and events on the correct days on their calendars. 6:15 family dinner
They use the information on their calendars to answer their 8:00 concert in the park
partners’ questions. Saturday
For example: 12:45 children’s dance
A: When is the concert in the park? 9:00 Lisa’s party
B: Friday at 8:00. What day is the movie The Airport? Sunday
A: Thursday. 1:30 baseball game
B: What time?
8:00 movie at the museum
A: 6:45.
Partners compare their calendars to check their answers.

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Students add a few of their own events and times to their

calendars. They make a list of the events, exchange lists, and
continue the activity.

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 3


Ask about the days

and times of the events:
• concert in the park
• movie at the museum
7:30 Sisters concert 6:45 movie: The Airport
• movie: Our Family
• Lisa’s party 12:00 basketball game
• Dinner at Ella’s Restaurant

• Kate’s birthday party
• English class
6:15 Family dinner

4:45 soccer game 12:45 1:30


children’s baseball

dance game

11:30 Kate’s birthday party
Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc. Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Ask about the days


and times of the events:

• movie: The Airport
• Sisters concert 6:30 Dinner at
• soccer game
Ella’s Restaurant
• children’s dance
• family dinner


• basketball game
• baseball game

8:30 Movie: Our Family 8:00 concert in the park




9:00 8:00
Lisa’s movie at
7:00 English class party the museum

4 UNIT 5, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 2 Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition

Speaking Activity 3 GROUP WORK Sentence creation

Target Language Materials

Each group needs: one worksheet cut
into two sets of cards; pen or pencil and
Prepositions of time
scrap paper for keeping score; a one-
minute timer or a watch with an alarm

next cards until Student C says the correct

PREPARATION (2–3 minutes)
sentence.) Student B continues to flip over
cards as Student C says correct sentences.
Review prepositions of time. Write the
following two lists on the board: If playing in groups of two, the player who
concert noon keeps score and time also flips over the cards.
movie Monday night
When one minute is up, Student A says time
basketball game January
and adds up the number of sentences that
party 2:30
Student C said correctly. Student B returns the
Draw a line between concert and January. Say used cards to the decks.
The concert is in January. Draw a line between
Play continues in this way, with players
movie and Monday night. Say The movie is on
switching roles after every turn.
Monday night.
After each student has had the same number
Draw lines between various events and times.
of turns (about four), the player with the most
Invite students to make sentences with the
points wins.
correct prepositions of time.


(15–20 minutes)
Use only the second, shaded set of cards
Have students form groups of three (If the
(times) for this option.
number of students in the class is not a
multiple of 3, then the game can be played One student flips over a card.
with two students.)
The first of the other two students to correctly
One player mixes up the first set of cards and say the word or words on the card with
sets them facedown in a pile. Another player the correct preposition gets one point. For
mixes up the second set of cards and sets them example, if the card is Sunday, then the correct
facedown in a separate pile. answer is on Sunday.
Explain the activity: For each turn, Student A Play continues in this way, with players Copyright © 2015 by Pearson Education, Inc.
starts the timer for one minute. Student B flips switching roles after every turn.
over one card from each pile. As quickly as
possible, Student C says a sentence with the After all students have had an equal number of
words on the cards and the correct preposition. turns (about five), the student with the most
(For example, if the cards are soccer game and points wins.
April 11, the sentence is The soccer game is on
April 11th.)
As soon as Student C has said the correct
sentence, Student B flips over another card
from each pile. (Student B doesn’t flip the

Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition LESSON PLAN 5

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6 UNIT 5, SPEAKING ACTIVITY 3 Top Notch Fundamentals, Third Edition

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