ROTEM Interpretation

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ROTEM Interpretation

October 2021

ROTEM gives a more accurate idea of clot formation and which products are required to maintain normal clotting in major bleeding, it
does not guide on Hb levels or volume resuscitation
It provides a graphical display of the ‘firmness’ of a clot over time
• FIBTEM A5: the amplitude (firmness) of the clot at 5 minutes due to
fibrinogen, in mm
• EXTEM A5 : the amplitude (firmness) of the clot at 5 minutes due to
extrinsic pathway, in mm
• EXTEM CT: the clotting time due to extrinsic pathway, in seconds

ROTEM results should be tracked in live time on ROTEMLive shortcut

on Resus computer, password is located under keyboard Example EXTEM and FIBTEM

Fibrinogen Deficiency
1 FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm • Correct as below ‘Dosages’ if
not already doing so
• Proceed to next ‘Step’
≥ 10 mm

EXTEM CT ≥ 85 s FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm

< 85 s
≥ 10 mm
• If FIBTEM A5 ≥ 10 then
patient is thrombocytopaenic
and requires platelets only

EXTEM A5 < 35 mm
If FIBTEM A5 < 10 then
correct low fibrinogen and
consider also giving platelets
if EXTEM A5 < 25
≥ 35 mm • Go to ‘Step 4’

EXTEM CT ≥ 85 s FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm

≥ 10 mm Low Clotting Factors or

< 85 s
anticoagulated – give FFP or
reverse anticoagulation

If EXTEM CT < 85s, EXTEM A5 ≥ 35 and FIBTEM ≥ 10, no further products are required, repeat the ROTEM
after transfusion, check the ROTEM for signs of hyperfibrinolysis

Dosages Hyperfibrinolysis
Low fibrinogen:
• FIBTEM A5 5 – 9: 3 bags of CRYO or 4g of riastap EXTEM amplitude decreases
• FIBTEM A5 < 5: 4 bags of CRYO or 6g of riastap over time, treatment is
Platelets: 1 pool tranexamic acid, graph
FFP: 20 ml/kg appears like the following
Tranexamic acid: up to 2g IV as 1g bolus and 1g over 8 hours with decreasing amplitude

Lead: J Chan, D Bootland, R Kong Prompt card by: J Castle Version 6.0 For review: Oct 2023

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