ROTEM Interpretation
ROTEM Interpretation
ROTEM Interpretation
October 2021
ROTEM gives a more accurate idea of clot formation and which products are required to maintain normal clotting in major bleeding, it
does not guide on Hb levels or volume resuscitation
It provides a graphical display of the ‘firmness’ of a clot over time
• FIBTEM A5: the amplitude (firmness) of the clot at 5 minutes due to
fibrinogen, in mm
• EXTEM A5 : the amplitude (firmness) of the clot at 5 minutes due to
extrinsic pathway, in mm
• EXTEM CT: the clotting time due to extrinsic pathway, in seconds
Fibrinogen Deficiency
1 FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm • Correct as below ‘Dosages’ if
not already doing so
• Proceed to next ‘Step’
≥ 10 mm
EXTEM CT ≥ 85 s FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm
< 85 s
≥ 10 mm
• If FIBTEM A5 ≥ 10 then
patient is thrombocytopaenic
and requires platelets only
EXTEM A5 < 35 mm
If FIBTEM A5 < 10 then
correct low fibrinogen and
consider also giving platelets
if EXTEM A5 < 25
≥ 35 mm • Go to ‘Step 4’
EXTEM CT ≥ 85 s FIBTEM A5 < 10 mm
If EXTEM CT < 85s, EXTEM A5 ≥ 35 and FIBTEM ≥ 10, no further products are required, repeat the ROTEM
after transfusion, check the ROTEM for signs of hyperfibrinolysis
Dosages Hyperfibrinolysis
Low fibrinogen:
• FIBTEM A5 5 – 9: 3 bags of CRYO or 4g of riastap EXTEM amplitude decreases
• FIBTEM A5 < 5: 4 bags of CRYO or 6g of riastap over time, treatment is
Platelets: 1 pool tranexamic acid, graph
FFP: 20 ml/kg appears like the following
Tranexamic acid: up to 2g IV as 1g bolus and 1g over 8 hours with decreasing amplitude
Lead: J Chan, D Bootland, R Kong Prompt card by: J Castle Version 6.0 For review: Oct 2023