Koschella2011 - Copie
Koschella2011 - Copie
Koschella2011 - Copie
Carbohydrate Polymers
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Article history: Cellulose derivatives bearing azide- and alkyne moieties were prepared by conversion of cellulose p-
Received 1 March 2011 toluenesulphonic acid ester with sodium azide, on one hand, and propargylamine, on the other. The
Received in revised form 8 April 2011 products obtained were carboxymethylated to yield water soluble multifunctional cellulose derivatives.
Accepted 12 April 2011
Elemental analysis, FTIR- and NMR spectroscopy were applied to prove the structure of the polymers. SEC
Available online 21 April 2011
of the hydrogel components revealed values of the degree of polymerization (DP) between 43 and 200 that
are acceptable values after this multi-step reaction starting from celluloses with DP 600. The copper(I)-
catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction (Huisgen-reaction) was applied for the cross-linking. Gel
formation occurred within 55 and 1600 s after mixing of the aqueous solutions of both components and
Carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose copper(I) catalyst. The gelation time was found to depend on both the degree of functionalization and
Click reaction the amount of copper(I) catalyst. FTIR spectroscopy revealed incomplete conversion of the reactive sites.
Hydrogel The gels contain up to 98.4% water. Freeze-drying led to spongy materials with a porous structure as
Morphology visualised by SEM.
Swelling © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0144-8617/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Koschella et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (2011) 154–161 155
2009). Because of the LCST of pNIPAAm, the gels produced are obtain md . The maximum water content Qeq was calculated accord-
thermo-sensitive. ing to Eq. (1).
It was interesting to study hydrogels solely composed of cel- ms − md
lulose derivatives that can be prepared in aqueous solution. This Qeq = × 100% (1)
paper describes the synthesis of water-soluble cellulose deriva-
tives capable of undergoing the copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar Qeq : maximum water content; ms : mass of the swollen sample; md :
cycloaddition reaction. Hydrogels were prepared and character- mass of the dried sample.
ized regarding their cross-linking- and swelling behaviour as well The gel fraction Fp was calculated according to Eq. (2).
as their morphology in the dried state. mth
Fp = × 100% (2)
2. Experimental Fp : gel fraction; mth : theoretical mass of the polymer in the gel
(based on the stock solutions used); md : mass of the dried sample.
2.1. Materials The degree of substitution (DS) of carboxymethyl groups was
determined by HPLC after hydrolysis of the polymer with perchloric
Spruce sulphite pulp was purchased from Fluka. Other chemicals acid according to a previously published method (Heinze & Pfeiffer,
were supplied by Aldrich, Merck and Fluka. Cellulose was dried in 1999).
vacuum at 100 ◦ C for 2 d over KOH and LiCl was dried in vacuum
for 1 d at 150 ◦ C. 2.3. Methods
mixture was allowed to react for 2 h under stirring. Sodium with ethanol (300 mL), ethanol/water (4:1, v/v, 300 mL), and with
monochloroacetate (22.6 g, 196 mmol) was added and the mix- ethanol (300 mL). The raw product was dissolved in 400 mL water,
ture was allowed to react for 4 h at 55 ◦ C under stirring. Sodium filtrated and precipitated in 1 L ethanol. The product was washed
monochloroacetate (8.5 g, 72 mmol) were added and stirring with ethanol (2 × 500 mL) and dried in vacuum at 40 ◦ C.
was continued for 1 h. After cooling to room temperature, the
product was filtered off and washed with 500 mL ethanol. Purifi- Yield: 2.21 g (6.4 mmol, 31.7%).
cation was carried out by dissolving the crude product in water DSAmine : 0.58 (based on elemental analysis of compound 8).
(120 mL) and reprecipitation in ethanol (700 ml). The product DSCM : 2.05 (based on HPLC analysis of the hydrolyzed polymer).
was washed with ethanol (2 × 500 mL), ethanol/water (5/1, v/v) DSCl : 0.04 (based on elemental analysis).
(2 × 300 mL) and with ethanol (3 × 250 mL) and dried in vacuum SEC: M̄n 14,815 g/mol, M̄w 49,893 g/mol, PDI: 3.37.
at 40 ◦ C. DPn : 43.
Diglycolic acid: 19.7% (based on HPLC analysis of hydrolyzed poly-
Yield: 6.6 g (23.3 mmol, 71%). mer).
DSAzide : 0.81 (based on elemental analysis of compound 4). Glycolic acid: 6.3% (based on HPLC analysis of hydrolyzed poly-
Degree of substitution of carboxymethyl groups, DSCM : 1.57 (based mer).
on HPLC analysis of the hydrolyzed polymer). 13 C-NMR (DMSO-d /LiCl) ı: 176.2–175.4 (C11), 100.5 (C1),
SEC: M̄n 45,934 g/mol, M̄w 133,910 g/mol, PDI: 2.92. 79.5–71.8 (C2–5), 69–68.4 (C10), 67 (C6 (CM)), 55.9 (C6 (OH)), 46.7
DPn : 162. (C6 (Amine)), 35.5 (C7) ppm.
Diglycolic acid: 4.4% (based on HPLC analysis of hydrolyzed poly- FTIR (KBr): 3461 ( OH), 3300 ( alkyne, shoulder), 2924 ( CH2 ),
mer). 1601 ( COONa) cm−1 .
Glycolic acid: 8.2% (based on HPLC analysis of hydrolyzed poly-
mer). 2.4.3. Preparation of hydrogels (sample G9)
13 C-NMR (DMSO-d /LiCl) ı: 175.8–175.3 (C8), 100.4 (C1),
6 Carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (0.579 g,
79.5–71.4 (C2–5), 70–68.7 (C7), 68.1 (C6 (CM)), 55.8 (C6 (OH)), 1.66 mmol, sample 10) and carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cel-
48.8 (C6 (N3 )) ppm. lulose 0.308 g, 1.09 mmol, sample 6) were dissolved in 10 mL
FTIR (KBr): 3439 ( OH), 2926 ( CH2 ), 2115 ( azide), 1607 ( water under stirring. The copper(I)-catalyst was prepared by mix-
COONa) cm−1 . ing aqueous solutions of CuSO4 (5 mL, 0,04 mol/L) and ascorbic
acid (5 mL, 1 mol/L). The solutions were mixed and homogenized
2.4.1. 6-Deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (8) rapidly. A clear gel of green colour was formed after 2.5 min at room
Tosyl cellulose 2 (12.0 g, 39 mmol, DSTos 0.94) was dissolved in temperature. The compositions of the gels prepared are summa-
500 mL DMSO and propargylamine (20 g, 363 mmol, 9.3 mol/mol rized in Table 2.
AGU) was added drop-wise to the viscous solution. The reaction
mixture was allowed to react for 24 h at 80 ◦ C under stirring.
3. Results and discussion
After cooling down to room temperature, the black solution was
poured into 1.6 L acetone. The brown precipitate was filtered off
3.1. Preparation of the cellulose derivatives
and washed with acetone (4 × 400 mL). The raw product was repre-
cipitated from DMSO (100 mL) into acetone (1.2 L). After filtration
The starting materials for the hydrogel preparation were synthe-
and washing with acetone (2 × 400 mL), the product was dried in
sized from tosyl cellulose (Scheme 1), which can be easily prepared
vacuum at 40 ◦ C.
by conversion of cellulose dissolved in N,N-dimethyl acetamide
(DMA)/LiCl with p-toluenesulphonic acid (tosyl) chloride in the
Yield: 5 g (22.4 mmol, 57.5%). presence of triethylamine according to (Rahn et al., 1996). Tosyl cel-
Degree of substitution of 6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl groups, luloses with different DS were used (sample 1, DSTos 0.33; sample 2,
DSAmino : 0.58 (based on elemental analysis). DSTos 0.94). A DSTos < 1 was chosen to ensure a preferred tosylation
DSTos : 0.25 (based on elemental analysis). of position 6 with negligible functionalization of the secondary OH
DSCl : 0.04 (based on elemental analysis). groups. The 6-azido-6-deoxy celluloses 3 and 4 were prepared by
Elemental analysis: 50.1% C, 5.96% H, 3.62% N, 3.62% S, 0.6% Cl. conversion of tosyl cellulose (samples 1 and 2) with sodium azide
[theoretical data: 51.15% C, 5.92% H, 3.65% N, 3.6% S, 0.64% Cl]. in DMF solution for 24 h at 100 ◦ C (Heinze, Koschella, Brackhagen,
1 H-NMR (DMSO-d /LiCl) ı: 7.78–7.42 (H
6 aryl -Tosyl), 5.0–2.86 Engelhardt, & Nachtkamp, 2006). The products 3 (DSAzide 0.15)
(HAGU ), 2.3 (CH3 -Tosyl), 2.09 (H9) ppm. and 4 (DSAzide 0.81) were isolated by precipitation in water fol-
13 C-NMR (DMSO-d /LiCl) ı: 129.9–126.1 (C
6 aryl -Tosyl), 103.3 (C1), lowed by washing with water and ethanol. Elemental analysis
83.23 (C8), 80.42 (C9), 75.4-73.9 (C2–5), 61.1 (C6 ), 45.9 (C6), 38.2 revealed an almost complete substitution of the tosylate moieties
(C7), 21.5 (CH3 -Tosyl) ppm. by azide groups (0.88% S in sample 3, DSTos 0.05; 0.12% S in sam-
FTIR (KBr): 3442 ( OH), 3297 ( alkyne, shoulder), 2915 ( CH2 ), ple 4, DSTos 0.01). This was confirmed by 13 C-NMR spectroscopy.
1366 (as SO2 ), 1176 (s SO2 ) cm−1 . The following peaks were assigned: 103.3 ppm (C1), 79.6 ppm (C4),
75.6–72.3 ppm (C2, 3, 5), 60.1 ppm (CH2 OH), 51.5 ppm (CH2 N3 ). Sig-
2.4.2. Carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (10) nals of very low intensity belonging to the tosyl groups could only
6-Deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose 8 (4.5 g, 20 mmol, DSAmine be detected in the 1 H-NMR spectrum. The presence of the azide
0.58) was treated with 50 mL DMSO for 2 h at room temperature group was clearly shown by FTIR spectroscopy due to the pres-
and subsequently isopropanol (140 mL) was added to the swollen ence of an absorption band at 2108 cm−1 . Other bands appear at
polymer. A solution of sodium hydroxide (4.88 g, 122 mmol, 3441 cm−1 (OH) and 2910 cm−1 (CH). The characteristic bands
6 mol/mol AGU) in 20 mL water was added to the suspension of the tosyl group at 1373 (as SO2 ), 1161 (s SO2 ) cm−1 could be
and the mixture was stirred for 2 h at room temperature. Sodium seen as very weak signals only. The samples are soluble in DMA,
monochloroacetate (8.86 g, 76 mmol) was added and the mixture DMF, and DMSO.
was allowed to react for 4 h at 55 ◦ C under stirring. After cool- The 6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl celluloses 7 and 8 were pre-
ing to room temperature, the product was filtered off, washed pared by a comparable strategy. Tosyl celluloses 1 and 2 dissolved
A. Koschella et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (2011) 154–161 157
Fig. 1. 13 C-NMR spectra of 6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (8, degree of substitution of 6-desoxy-6-aminopropargyl groups, DSAmino 0.58, recorded in dimethyl
sulphoxide-d6 ) and carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (10, DSAmino 0.58, DS of carboxymethyl groups, DSCM , 2.05, recorded in D2 O). Impurities (trapped
solvents) are marked with an asterisk.
in DMSO were converted with propargyl amine for 24 h at 80 ◦ C incorrect results will be obtained. Therefore, the DS of CM-groups
according to (Pohl & Heinze, 2008). The products were precipitated was determined by a HPLC method and under the assumption that
in acetone, washed, and dried. The elemental analysis revealed an the other substituents are stable during the carboxymethylation
incomplete nucleophilic displacement of the tosyl groups, i.e., there reaction
is a remaining DSTos of 0.05 (sample 7) and 0.25 (sample 8). The molecular weight of the cellulose derivatives was charac-
The displacement of the tosyl groups became also obvious in terized by means of SEC. However, due to the different solubility
the FTIR spectra: 3442 cm−1 (OH), 3297 cm−1 ( alkyne, shoulder), of the samples, only a rough comparison can be done. 6-Azido-6-
2915 cm−1 (CH2 ), 1366 cm−1 (as SO2 ), 1176 cm−1 (s SO2 ) cm−1 . deoxy cellulose (samples 3 and 4) were measured in DMSO/LiBr
The structure was characterized by 13 C-NMR spectroscopy indi- and possess DPn values of 104 (3) and 291 (4, Table 1). SEC
cating following signals: 129.9–126.1 ppm (Caryl -Tosyl), 103.3 ppm of the carboxymethylated products in aqueous Na2 HPO4 solu-
(C1), 83.23 ppm (C8), 80.42 ppm (C9), 75.4–73.9 ppm (C2–5), tion gave DPn values of 196 (sample 5) and 162 (sample 6). DPn
61.1 ppm (CH2 OH), 45.9 ppm (CH2 NHCH2 C CH), 38.2 (C7), 21.5 values of 140 and 43 were calculated for the carboxymethyl-6-
(CH3 -Tosyl) (Fig. 1). deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose 9 and 10. It can be concluded
The 6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose derivatives 3 and 4 are soluble in that the polymer was more severely degraded during tosylation
DMA, DMF, and DMSO only and 6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellu- and/or nucleophilic displacement reaction compared with the car-
lose derivatives 7 and 8 are insoluble due to their low DS. In order
to get water-soluble cellulose derivatives, the compounds 3, 4, 7,
and 8 were carboxymethylated heterogeneously in an isopropanol
slurry because the ionic moieties may induce water solubility (Pohl,
Morris, Harding, & Heinze, 2009). In order to achieve a complete
conversion of the starting materials (compounds 3, 4, 7, and 8)
it was indispensable to dissolve or at least swell the polymers
in DMSO followed by precipitation in isopropanol. Otherwise, the
inner parts of the particles were inaccessible for the carboxymethy-
lation reagents. After addition of aqueous NaOH, the activated
polymer was allowed to react with sodium monochloroacetate. The
products were washed with aqueous ethanol and reprecipitated
from water into ethanol to remove side-products. HPLC analy-
sis of the carboxymethylated products (samples 5, 6, 9, 10) after
hydrolysis with HClO4 revealed DSCM values of 1.68 (sample 5),
1.57 (sample 6), 1.58 (sample 9), and 2.05 (sample 10). It must
be noticed that by-products of the carboxymethylation (glycolic
acid and diglycolic acid) could not be completely removed from
the samples, even after multiple reprecipitation (Table 1). Fig. 2. Time dependency of storage (G ) and loss modulus (G ) during the copper-
The DS of azide- and alkyne moieties of the carboxymethylated catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy
cellulose and carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose. For the starting
compounds could not be obtained by elemental analysis due to the materials of gels G9 and G12 see Table 2. No data acquisition from 0 to 30 s due to
fact that these ionic compounds do not burn completely and, hence, gel preparation.
158 A. Koschella et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (2011) 154–161
Scheme 1. Preparation of hydrogels by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose and carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-
aminopropargyl cellulose. (The real degree of substitution of the samples is not considered for clarity reasons.).
boxymethylation step. However, it must be taken into account that time required for gel preparation until the start of the measure-
the molar masses measured may not represent the value of a single ment. Storage modulus G and loss modulus G were recorded. At
polymer chain because aggregation of polymer chains is likely to the beginning, i.e., before the gelation occurs, G is lower than G .
occur due to hydrogen bonds. The time where the cross-over is observed was set as gel point,
i.e., the change from sol to gel state (Fig. 2). The cross-linking reac-
3.2. Preparation and characterization of the hydrogels tion is finished when both moduli do not increase further (Sahiner
et al., 2006; Weng, Chen, & Chen, 2007). However, the end of the
Gels were obtained within few minutes by mixing aqueous reaction could not be determined due to drying of the gel in the
solutions of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose (5, 6) and rheometer. Gelation times between 55 and 1594 s were measured
carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose (9, 10) with (Table 2).
a freshly prepared mixture of aqueous CuSO4 solution and ascor- Increasing copper concentration caused a faster gelation of
bic acid (Table 2). The molar ratio between azide and alkyne was the mixture as exemplified by the comparison of G1 (catalyst:
1 for every sample. Oscillation rheology was applied to monitor 5 mmol/L, gelation time 1594 s) and G3 (catalyst 10 mmol/L, gela-
the cross-linking reaction. Preliminary experiments showed that a tion time 78 s). Increase of the catalyst concentration from 5
frequency of 1 Hz and a stress of 10,000 Pa are appropriate mea- to 10 mmol/L while maintaining the gel composition constant
suring conditions. The solution prepared was rapidly transferred led to an increase of the gelation rate by a factor of 20. More-
to the rheometer. The times given in Fig. 2 and Table 2 include the over, it was found that an increase of the DS of azide- and
A. Koschella et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (2011) 154–161 159
Table 1
Cellulose derivatives used for the hydrogel preparation via copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction.
No. Compound No. Degree of substitution of DPn e PDIf Yield [%] Glycolic Diglycolic
acid [%] acid [%]
aminopropargyl groups accelerated the gelation time signifi- could be determined. Gravimetric investigations gave also infor-
cantly. It was also observed that the gelation of a mixture of mation on the amount of gel fraction (Fp ). Surprisingly low
carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose with DSN 0.81 (sample amounts in the range from 34 to 60% were measured indicating
6) and carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose with a comparably low yield of the cross-linking reaction. The high-
DSAmino 0.19 (sample 9) occurred very fast (sample G4, gel point est gel fraction and, hence, a higher yield was found for samples
421 s). Both components are mixed in equimolar amounts with with high DS of cross-linking groups. Noticeable, the maximum
regard to azide- and alkyne groups. water content decreased with increasing gel fraction. An expla-
The freshly prepared gels are transparent with a green-brownish nation is that a higher cross-linking density leads to a more
colour (Fig. 3). They are capable of further swelling in water rigid network with a lower absorption capacity than more flex-
but lose their mechanical stability, i.e., the gels disintegrate. ible gels (Po, 1994). The gels were freeze-dried prior to further
Therefore, it was impossible to monitor the swelling kinetics. How- analysis obtaining a solid spongy mass. All structural features
ever, maximum water content (Qeq ) in the range of 96.8–98.4% could be detected in the FTIR spectra (Fig. 4). The character-
Table 2
Composition and properties of hydrogels prepared from carboxymethylated 6-deoxy-6-azido cellulose and carboxymethylated 6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose via
copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction.
Conditions Result
6-Deoxy-6-azido 6-Deoxy-6- Functional group Cu2+ [mmol/L] Gel Gel fraction [%] Max. water content [%] Gel point [s]
carboxymethyl aminopropargyl [mmol/L]
cellulosea carboxymethyl
Fig. 3. Freshly prepared hydrogels obtained by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose and carboxymethyl-6-
deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose. For starting materials of the gels see Table 2.
istic band of the azide moiety at 2120 cm−1 was still present,
which indicated that not all azide groups were consumed during
the 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction. However, remaining azide-
or alkyne groups can be used to attach further functional moi-
SEM images of G3, G6, G9, and G12 were taken to visu-
alise the porous structure of the dried hydrogels (Fig. 5). G3
and G6 exhibit an irregular but closed structure while G9 and
G12 show porous topology as usual for freeze dried hydro-
gels. This might be caused by the high amount of diglycolic
acid in compound 10. This side product closes the pores of the
gels. However, due to the good water solubility of glycolic acid
and diglycolic acid they do not influence the swelling proper-
ties of the gels remarkably. The comparison of three gels with
same composition but different amounts of catalyst is shown in
Fig. 5. Obviously, the structure became more regular with an
increasing copper concentration (G7 5 mmol/L, G8 7.5 mmol/L,
Fig. 4. FTIR spectra of selected freeze dried gels obtained by copper-catalyzed
and G9 10 mmol/L). The pore size of the samples was nearly the
1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose and
carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose. For starting materials of the same.
gels see Table 2.
Fig. 5. SEM images of selected freeze dried gels obtained by copper-catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of carboxymethyl-6-azido-6-deoxy cellulose and
carboxymethyl-6-deoxy-6-aminopropargyl cellulose. The surface of the samples is shown. For starting materials of the gels see Table 2.
A. Koschella et al. / Carbohydrate Polymers 86 (2011) 154–161 161
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