Verbal Ability Handout 2023

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TENSES 9. (c) rained; looked (d) has been raining; has been
Direction (1 – 12): Find out the error in each of the looking (e) rains; has been looking.
following sentences, if there is no error, answer is VOICES
(e). Avoid punctuation mistakes (if any). Direction: Find out the error in each of the following
1. (a)An anarchist is /(b) a person who /(c) is believing sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid
in or /(d) tries to bring about anarchy. /(e) No error punctuation mistakes (if any).
2. (a) Shweta is behaving /(b) as if she never /(c) tells 1. (a) The officers/(b) who were on inspection/(c) in
a lie /(d) in her life. /(e) No error. this exam centre were discovered/(d) many
3. (a) I wish /(b) I was the /(c) first Prime minister of discrepancies. /(e) No error.
the /(d) country after independence /(e) No error 2. (a) The teacher asked/(b) the students whether
4. (a) Shreya uses to watch /(b) TV till eleven O’clock they/(c) could tell the name of the man /(d) who had
at night /(c) and then goes /(d) to bed /(e) No error been invented electricity./(e) No error.
5. (a) I wish I /(b) met you when /(c) you were /(d) 3. (a) I was surprise/(b) at her contemptuous
living in India / (e) No error behaviour/(c)as she was considered/(d) an obedient
6. (a) If we had /(b) Rahul in our team /(c) we would child/(e)No error.
/(d) won the match /(e) No error 4. (a) Had the police not/(b) reached there/(c)on
7. (a) A drop in the mercury column /(b) of a time, the bank/(d) would have robbed./(e) No error.
barometer /(c) indicates the change /(d) in 5. (a) Some passengers/(b) were flew/(c)to London
atmospheric pressure /(e) No error on/ (d) the last trip./(e) No error.
8. (a) Rama hopes /(b) to become an IAS officer /(c) 6. (a) By the time/(b) he arrived,/ (c) everybody had
after she completes /(d) her graduation. /(e) No error been/(d) left for the party./ (e) No error.
9. (a) Rahul along with his friends /(b) is going to have SPEECH
/(c) a party in his apartment /(d) after the match. /(e) Choose the correct alternative
No error Q.I. He said to you, ‘They have set up a barber’s
10. (a) Harit had not taken /(b) any decision /(c) until shop.’
he had /(d) studied the case /(e) No error. a) He told you that they had set up a barber’s shop.
11. (a) I have been /(b) studying in /(c) my room /(d) b) He told you that they have set up a barber’s shop.
for last evening /(e) No error. c) He told you that we had set up a barber’s shop.
12. (a) Many studies suggest /(b) that the number /(c) d) He told you that they have set up a barber’s shop.
of cancer patients /(d) is grow day by day /(e) No
error Q.II. Hari said to Ram, ‘You gave me a book.’
Direction (1 – 5): Fill in the blanks with the right a) Hari told Ram that I have given him a book.
option. b) Hari told Ram that he (Ram) had given him (Hari) a
1. The market ______ usually noisy in the morning. book.
(a) is (b) has (c) was (d) were (e) will be c) Hari told Ram that he had given me a book.
2. The post man ______ the letter already. d) Hari told Ram that you had given him a book.
(a) will be posting (b) has posted (c) delivered (d)
posts (e) has delivered Q.III. He said to us, ‘Are you going away today?’
3. Udit ______ Cricket since primary school when he a) He asked us if I was going away that day.
got selected in Indian Cricket team. b) He asked us if we were going away that day.
(a) has played (b) had been playing (c) will play c) He asked us if we have been going away today.
(d) will have played (e) has played d) He asked us if you were going away that day.
4. You are late. The train ______ already.
(a) left (b) has left (c) will leave (d) had left (e) leave Q.IV. He said to his servant, ‘Go away at once.’
5. It ______ since last night, and it ______ as if it may a) He ordered his servant to go away at once.
rain for the rest of the day. b) He asked his servant if go away at once.
(a) has been raining; looks (b) is raining, looked c) He asked his servant to go away at once.
d) He requested his servant to go away at once. For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

Direction: Find out the error in each of the following
Q.V. The accused said to the magistrate, ‘Pardon me sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid
this time, sir.’ punctuation mistakes (if any).
a) The accused advised the magistrate to pardon him 1. (a) Neither of them/ (b) are going/(c) to take/(d)
that time. the exam on 4th March./ (e) No error.
b) The accused asked the magistrate to pardon me 2. (a) She walked ten miles / (b) which are really a
that time. great distance/(c) for a woman like her /(d) who is
c) The accused ordered the magistrate to pardon him not only old but also injured./(e) No error.
that time. 3. (a) Either my father/(b) or my mother /(c) are going
d) The accused begged the magistrate to pardon him /(d) to attend my cousin's wedding./(e) No error.
that time. 4. (a) The rise and fall/ (b) of the share prices/(c) are
due to /(d) policy paralyses on management's
Q.VI. I said to him, “Why are you working so hard?” part./(e) No error.
a. I asked him why he was working so hard. 5. (a) Many a /(b)men have/(c) succumbed to/ (d) this
b. I asked him why was he working so hard. temptation./ (e) No error. 6.
c. I asked him why had he been working so hard. 6. (a) Each of the students/ (b) in the science class
d. I asked him why he had been working so hard. has/(c) to prepare their/(d) own research paper this
semester./(e) No error.
Q.VII The tailor said to him,” Will you have the suit 7. (a) Sachin Tendulkar is one of those/(b)
ready by tomorrow evening?” sportsperson who is/(c) regarded all /(d) over the
a. The tailor asked him that he will have the suit world. / (e) No error
ready by the next evening. 8. (a) I wish/(b) I was/(c) the President/(d) of India. /
b. The tailor asked him that he would had the suit (e) No error
ready by the next evening. 9. (a) There is/(b)only one of his/(c) movies, that/(d)
c. The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready are interesting./ (e) No error.
by the next evening. 10. (a)Patience as well as perseverance /(b) are
d.The tailor asked him if he will like to the suit ready necessary/(c) for success./(d) in life. / (e) No error.
by the next evening. 18. (a)Due to absence of any witness or
evidence/(b)Neither of the/(c) five accused (d) could
Direction: Find out the error in each of the following be convicted./ (e) No error.
sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid 11. (a)The effect of all/ (b) the difficulties, vexations
punctuation mistake (if any). and anxieties/(c) were clearly visible /(d) on her face./
1. (a) They /(b) said that/(c) they will go/(d) next (e) No error
day./(e) No error Articles
2. (a) He asked her / (b) that if / (c)she was going / (d) Direction: Find out the error in each of the following
to attend the meeting. / (e) No error sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid
3. (a) Shweta asked Harish / (b) that what / (c) had punctuation mistakes (if any).
not / (d) happened . / (e) No error 1. (a) It is only after/(b) the movie is over/ (c) that
4. (a) She ordered/ (b) her son shut/ (c) the door people realize/(d) how good or bad it was/ (e) No
and/(d) close the window./ (e) No error. error.
5. (a) My father allowed/ (b) me to/(c) do whatever 2. (a) Of the two/(b) cars, this/(c) is definitely/(d)
/(d) I want./ (e) No error. better./(e) No error.
6. (a) She suggested that/ (b) I should stay at/(c) 3. (a) Rajeev is unfortunate enough/(b) to lose/(c) few
home if it rained but I do not /(d) give any answer/(e) friends he made/(d) during his stay at Delhi./(e) No
No error error.
4. (a) There were a number/(b) of pretty girls in the
party/(c) but it was Neelam/(d) who remained a
Subject Verb Agreement centre of attraction./ (e) No error. For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

5. (a) I have been /(b) informed that/(c) Dr Sharma 7. (a) All his brother-in laws/(b) are extremely co-
visits Mumbai/ (d) the following week./(e) No error. operative/(c) and she doesn’t miss her/(d) real
6. (a) He is /(b)the best singer/(c) of the time but brothers at all./(e) No error.
unfortunately/(d) least recognized /(e) No error. 8. (a) This house/(b) is not built/(c) of stones/(d) but
7. (a) Raju said that he felt ecstatic/(b) because a of love./(e) No error.
friend of his/(c) had given him/(d) a very good 9. (a) One should not put/(b) one’s sign /(c) on any
news./(e) No error. paper/(d) that one hasn’t read./(e) No error.
8. (a) I don't like/ (b) that kind of a man/(c) who does 10. (a) Unless four or more members/(b) object to
nothing but/(d) find out faults in others. / (e) No him joining / (c) the team, we shall have to/(d)
error. accept his application for membership./ (e) No
9. (a) Little knowledge/(b) of art that she error.
possessed/(c) proved to be a boon for her/ (d) when 11. (a) No one/(b) can change/(c) destiny/(d) isn’t it?
she was utterly helpless./(e) No error. (e) No error.
10. (a) Don't talk to her/(b) she always/(c) remains in 12. (a) It is/(b) not I/(c) who is/(d) to blame./(e) No
temper/(d) these days./(e) No error error.
Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles: 13. (a) The two brothers/(b) shouted at/(c) one
1. Did you bring umbrella? another/(d) in public/ (e) No error.
2. Are you looking for shampoo? 14. (a) Many a boy/(b) have /(c) failed the UPSC
3. I checked mailbox again. examination/(d)this year./(e) No error.
4. Can I have spoon please? 15. (a) I, Mohan and Mayank /(b) shall arrange
5. I was born into poor family. everything/(c) and shall not ask/(d) anyone for
6. Have you been to Space Needle Tower help./(e) No error
in Seattle? 16. (a) One should keep/(b) his morals intact if one
7. The helicopter landed on roof of a wants/(c) respect from /(d) both friends and
building. enemies./(e) No error
Mixed Exercises 17. (a) Neither of the two friends/(b) has got /(c)
Direction: Find out the error in each of the following their money back/(d) from the company./(e) No
sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid error.
punctuation mistake (if any). 18. He saw a gentleman who/whom he presumed to
1. (a) He knows it well/(b) that his success in life/(c) be the director, and told him about Helen.
depends not on my advice/(d) but on somebody 19. Here in dwells an old man with who/whom I
else./(e) No error. would like to converse.
2. (a) I visited/(b) Rajesh’s and Seema’s house/(c) 20. He is the consultant who/whom can answer your
twice but found/ (d) the couple absent./(e) No question. Who
error. 21. The prize goes to the runner who/whom collects
3. (a) Many a citizen’s life is in danger/(b) if the the most points
Government does not take/(c) any serious action 22. Whom/who did the committee select?
to/ (d) curb degradation of environment. /(e) No 23. (a); Of the millions of stars/(b) in the galaxy,/(c)
error. how much /(d) support life?/(e) No error.
4. (a) My brother/(b) has read/(c) pages after 24. . (a); A few chapter/(b) of this book/(c) are
pages/(d) of the Ramayana./(e) No error. important from/(d) examination point of view.
5. (a) The sceneries/(b) of Uttarakhand/(c) is /(e) No error.
very/(d) charming/ (e) No error. 25. (a); Diamond is/(b) harder than/ (c) any other/(d)
6. (a) He wears spectacle/(b) and so he was /(c) metal /(e) No error
unable to see the burglar /(d) that attacked him 26. (a); He is the most/(b) intelligent and also/(c) the
last month./(e) No error. very talented/(d) student of the college./(e) No
error. For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

27. (a) Sandy and her sister/(b) fell in/(c) the well and era, capital did play a role as did technological
nobody/(c) tried to save them./(e) No error. innovations such as the plough, the steamboat, or
28. (a) He was angry on/(b) me because I had/(c) not the train. But land and labour were more critical.
invited him/(d) to the party./(e) No error. With the service economy, the wealth creates by
29. (a) Despite of/(b) working hard/(c) he failed/(d) services exceeded the wealth created through
the test/(e) No error manufacturing. Here the ability of the service
30. (a) She/(b) is suffering/(c) with flu /(d) since provider to establish a sound business gave him
Monday./(e) No error. access to additional capital. This evolved into a
31. 10. (a) No sooner the teacher / (b) enter the class global economy where goods and services were
/ (c) than the students stood up / (d) No error traded across international borders with little
32. (a) Unless you do not meet / (b) all the restriction. In this period, capital started flowing
requirements / (c) your application will be across borders on a large scale for the first time.
rejected. / (d) No error The last five years have seen the advent of the
33. (a) Run fast / (b) lest you will / (c) lose the race / digital economy where technology is becoming
(d) No error the driving force. With information being the
34. (a) Scarcely we had / (b) reached the office / (c) driver of value and wealth creation, information
when it started raining cats and dogs. / (d) No technology is becoming the key to success in a
error growing number of industries. In the digital
SENTENCES AND CLAUSES economy, the power of innovation and ideas have
Direction: Find out the error in each of the gained the upper hand over direct access to
following sentences, if there is no error, answer capital. The Indian economy is in a unique position
is (e). Avoid punctuation mistakes (if any). in terms of its economic evolution. While
manufacturing and service industries in India
1. (a) If she will work/ (b) hard she/(c) will surely cannot freely access capital, the new breed of IT
/ (d) clear the exam. / (e) No error based industries have access to venture capital
2. 5. (a) If she had money/ (b) she will have/ (c) and private equity. The country’s potential in this
lent it/ (d) to me. / (e) No error emerging sector has opened the doors to capital
3. 6. (a) If I was you/ (b) I would not/(c) tolerate inflows that are still not available to traditional
her / (d) for a moment. / (e) No error industries. There are two key trends which will
4. 8. (a) Supposing if he /(b) does not reach / (c) boost the democratization of capital, either
the examination centre in time, / (d) what directly as funding sources or indirectly. More
will his teacher do? / (e) No error effective capital market routes especially for
5. 2. (a) Suppose if you are / (b) late, you will information based and software companies. This is
not be / (c) allowed to enter the examination already happening rapidly. A market that was
hall. / (e) No error. 13. (a) Unless / (b) he will supposed to be stagnating with no public offering
not understand from the manufacturing sector in the first quarter
of the fiscal year, may see as many as 20-25 new
READING COMPREHENSION software issues this year. Numerous Internet and
PASSAGE 1 e-commerce companies are tapping funds through
Directions: Read the following passage carefully the capital market. For the financial intermediaries
and answer the questions given below it. Certain as well as for the investing public, dot com or
words/phrases have been printed in bold to help ‘info’ initial public offerings are fast becoming
you locate them while answering some of the attractive investment alternatives to traditional
questions. manufacturing or financial sector offers. With
Over the last three centuries the world economy more effective capital markets, for high potential
has evolved from a predominantly agriculture- IT stocks, ‘critical mass’, which in the industrial
based system to a digital economic system. The economy was primary in ensuring as company’s
earlier economies were mainly agrarian. In this ability to raise capital, will cease to matter. This For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

underlines the way a burgeoning digital economy 4. The public offer of which type of companies
has led to a redeployment of capital from a are preferred by the investors at present?
concentrated segment to the smaller knowledge (a) Service sector companies
entrepreneur. A greater number of venture (b) Agro based companies
capitalists are actively seeking to fund budding (c) Information based companies
knowledge entrepreneurs. Along with the rise in (d) Companies dealing with financial sector
(e) None of these
Net entrepreneurs one has seen the emergence of
5. What impact on economy has been envisaged
a new breed of venture capitalists who recognize
owing to rise in net enterprise?
the potential that resides in these ideas. The (a) The venture capitalists have started financing
emergence and strengthening of the virtual the projects even at the planning stage.
economy necessitate sources of funds at the (b) The economic planning will no more be
‘ideation’ stage where business plans may still be realistic now.
at the infancy stage and potential not clearly (c) The funding of unplanned projects has
identified. This need is being fulfilled by the increased.
incubator funds or the angel investors who hand- (d) Virtual economy has necessitated the source of
hold Internet start-ups and other Info Tech funds from abroad.
ventures till the stage at which they can attract (e) None of these
bigger investors. Instead of looking at high risk but 6. Which trend can boost capital growth in the
modern era?
big ventures, this genre of venture capitalists are
(a) Conversion of land and labour to private equity
looking at investments in companies which have
(b) Converting manufacturing industries into
the potential of excellent valuations in the future
service sector
on the strength of their ideas. (c) Generating resources through international
1. Which of the following has been rated as most (d) Promoting information based and software
crucial in agro-based economy? companies
(i) Land (ii) Labour (iii) Capital (e) None of these
(a) Only (i) and (ii) PASSAGE 2
(b) Only (iii) Directions: Read the following passage carefully
(c) Only (ii) and answer the questions given below it. Certain
(d) Only (i) words/phrases have been printed in bold to help
(e) None of these you locate them while answering some of the
2. How did service economy evolve into a global questions
economy? The first time Sarah “Sally” Thomason and I spoke,
(a) The wealth gained through service exceeded she’d just completed her annual two-day,
the gain through manufacture. eighteen-hundred-mile drive from her home in
(b) The services started flowing across borders.
Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she teaches, to rural
(c) The labour started producing goods for mass
northwestern Montana, where she spends her
summers studying Montana Salish. For thirty-four
(d) The trade for services and goods crossed the
international borders. years, Thomason has been assembling a dictionary
(e) None of these of this Native American language, which is spoken
3. Which of the following best describes the fluently by fewer than forty people. Thomason, a
phrase “critical mass” as used in the passage? linguist, is fascinated by what happens when one
(a) Paradigm shift from fund base to knowledge language meets another, and how those
base languages change, or don’t. I had contacted her
(b) The net worth of a small knowledge because I was interested in how certain words—
entrepreneur say, e-mail, or google, or tweet— had been
(c) The ability of an organization to raise funds exported worldwide by American-born
(d) The sum capital of industrial economy technology. I’d already called several linguists, and
(e) None of these For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

they all said I had to speak to Sally. No one, they whole language either, because the people who
said, had more insight into how linguistic traits were trying to cross that bridge were all warriors,
travel, how pidgins and creoles are born, and how all men, and there would have been women and
languages interact and change over time. The children who weren’t in the battle, I assume.
French government tried very hard to resist We’re living in an era when jargon, especially from
American loanwords like e-mail, promoting in its the tech world, tends to bleed into the culture at
place messagerie électronique or courriel. They’d large. Is that something you pay attention to?
formed a whole agency for this purpose. Laws Yeah, and that’s obviously important for social
were passed and enforced. And yet e-mail history, too, right? Things that get to be
prevailed—it was simply more efficient. But Sally mainstream used to be very specific to a
was especially excited about languages that resist particular subculture. One aspect of that is what
such borrowing, even in the face of extraordinary happens to slang. Every generation of teenagers
cultural influence and dominance. Montana Salish will invent their own words because the whole
was one such language. Our conversations point of teenage slang is to have in-group
followed a pattern: I arrived expecting one thing vocabulary that outsiders, like old people, can’t
and ended up somewhere entirely distinct, understand very well. And a lot of those words are
thinking differently about language and human ephemeral. The next generation comes along, gets
culture. Is it fair to say that you study what their own words, the old words disappear. But
happens when languages meet? Is meet too some of them don’t, some of them hang on—and
friendly a word? I suppose there’s a whole range predicting which ones will hang on is a mug’s
of things that happen, and sometimes it’s friendly game. But looking at the ones that did hang on is
and sometimes it’s not. Right, but having a interesting because it tells you the entire process
language disappear because all the speakers got by which they turned out to be useful. Mob—the
massacred is actually really rare. There are a word mob used to be a slang word. It’s a reduced
couple of examples where all the speakers of form of a Latin word, mobile. But now it’s a useful
some language got wiped out by a volcanic word. It’s interesting to see which words turn out
eruption on an island. And there are a couple of to be useful. There must have been a time when a
examples, at least one in this country, where computer mouse was confined to a very small
almost everybody was wiped out by smallpox and subculture.
then the remainder was lynched by a mob. Let’s 1. According to the given passage, why is it
see, Susquehannock is the language that died interesting to look at the words that that hang
when all the speakers got lynched by a mob. It was on?
an Iroquoian language. First they got devastated (a) Because it tells us how a slang becomes useful.
by smallpox. And there are cases where languages (b) Because slangs are interesting.
were almost killed, or at least there was an effort (c) Because Latin words have interesting usage.
to kill them, out of genocide. You know, as a side (d) Because it tells us how technical words cross
effect of genocide in El Salvador, when they had the geographic boundaries.
all those wars some years back, the government (e) None of these.
decided that Indians were dangerous and they 2. According to the author, why is it difficult to
should kill them all. And so they actually killed an have a language disappeared? Choose the most
awful lot of Indians, but I think maybe only one or appropriate option.
two languages completely disappeared. The most (a) Because natural disasters are not potent
famous story is in the Bible—the people at the enough to disappear the speakers of a language,
bridge saying shibboleth. And that was a case (b) Because ladies and children do not participate
where they were both speaking dialects of in wars
Hebrew, I guess it was, and if you couldn’t say (c) Because it is not usual to annihilate all the
shibboleth because you didn’t have the shh sound, speakers of a language.
they’d kill you. But that wouldn’t have killed the For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

(d) Because the governments are committed to did he do this because he finally understood that
safeguard the interests of its citizens. to die outside the church was to die in misery, or
(e) Because genocides do not ensure entire because he was somehow tricked (3) _______
removal of all the speakers of a language. conformity (4) ________ the threat of having his
3. What does the phrase ‘HANG ON’ mean? Give body excluded from proper burial? The second
answer in context of the passage. issue had to do with his body. Assuming, as the
(a) Hold tightly (b) Retain local priest testified, that he had not properly
(c) To be in a difficult situation taken last rites, what should be done with his
(d) Listen closely to body? The church of course would have excluded
(e) Be contingent or dependent on him from proper burial; his friends, who
4. What was the reason that even after so much vehemently (5) _____ that Voltaire had backed off
of restrictions the word e-mail prevailed? of any of his anti-clerical views or that he had died
(a) Because people of France were hostile towards the (6) ______ death of an atheist, sought ways to
their government. have (7) _______ interred in consecrated ground
(b) Because other words messagerie électronique (8) _____ ecclesiastical opposition. (9) ________
or courriel weren’t speaker friendly. the end they managed to whisk his body off to a
(c) Because the agencies formed were not efficient monastic burial ground to which his nephew had
enough. connections and the (10) _______ authorities
(d) Because it was more efficient to use. decided not to push the issue further.
(e) Because the laws, which were passed, were
not enforced properly. 1. (a) about (b) surrounding (c) related (d) of (e)
5. According to the given passage, what is a surround
reason for a language to disappear? Give answer 2. (a) on (b) about (c) around (d) over (e) into
in context of the passage. 3. (a) into (b) over (c) by (d) with (e) under
(a) Natural Disaster (b) War 4. (a) of (b) with (c) that (d) by (e) in
(c) Lynching (d) Epidemic (e) All of these. 5. (a) denied (b) deny (c) denying (d)denies (e)
6. According to the given passage, what was the denyed
profession of Sarah “Sally” Thomason? 6. (a) fatal (b) agonizing (c) soothing (d) pacifying
(a) She is a lexicographer (b) She is a linguist (e) agonize
(c) She is a polyglot (d) She is a teacher 7. (a) his (b) her (c) him (d) their (e) them
(e) None of these 8. (a) despite (b) in spite (c) although (d) yet (e)
CLOZE TESTS 9. (a) in (b) on (c) over (d) before (e) at
Directions (1-10): In the following passage there 10. (a) ecclesiastical (b) ecclesiastic (c)
are blanks each of which has been numbered. ecclesiasticing (d) concern (e) concerning
These numbers are printed below the passage
and against each five words are suggested one of Directions (11-20)
which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the Buying a house is a big decision and you need to
appropriate word in each case. be financially (11)______ emotionally ready
There were major controversies (1) ________ the before you take the plunge. Here are some key
death and burial of most of the great French things that will help you (12) ______ if you are
Enlightenment figures. (Rousseau was an ready to buy a house. In case you are buying a
exception because, as a Protestant, he could not house without (13) _____ loan, the foremost and
be buried in sacred ground.) The greatest and perhaps the only thing one should determine is if
most notorious of these controversies swirled (2) (14) _______ has enough savings to buy the house
______ the death and burial of Voltaire. There one (15)______. If you are taking a loan, banks
were two related issues. First, did he on his death and financial institutions do not provide the entire
bed take last rites and recant his views? And, if so, amount of loan. It ranges from bank to bank, but For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

in no cases does the loan exceed 90 % of the value fiend to drain an average human’s blood. They
of the house. In this case you will need about 10 % have calculated that it would take only 6.4
of the value of the house as savings to make a minutes to drain 15 per cent of the blood from the
down payment. The (16) _______ criteria to fulfil external carotid artery in a human’s neck.
to even think of buying a house is to have good (22)______ 15 per cent was used as the
financial health. Banks have their own criteria to benchmark as any more blood loss causes the
measure how much loan you are eligible for, but heart rate to change, while less can be taken
that should not be the factor to base your decision without affecting the circulatory system of a
on. You should be able to calculate and figure out human. The aorta, the main artery of the body,
what the added pressure of a loan would do to splits into five other arteries. For the purpose of
your monthly expenses. It is important to maintain the study the team was concerned with the
a (17) ________ debt to-income ratio to ensure velocity of blood flowing (23)_____ only the
that you do not default on your common carotid artery. They also (24)_______
loans,(18)________ in turn will affect your credit that the five arteries are of(25)______thickness,
score. A debt load of around 35% is considered enabling them to calculate the velocity of blood
ideal for a person, but a home loan can push it up flowing into the common carotid artery. By
to about 45 -50%. (19) _______ can be a problem, examining the average human blood pressure in
but if you have additional sources of income, for arteries (26)________ relative to the air pressure,
example that of your spouse, the ratio can be (20) this gave the students the pressure difference.
_______. They then worked out average density of blood at
room temperature and were able to deduce how
11. (a) but (b) and (c) yet (d) though (e) as well as much blood would come out of a puncture
12. (a) determine (b) to determine (c) determining (27)_______ a human’s neck (with vampire fangs
(d) determined (e) determines assumed to leave puncture holes with a width of
13. (a) some (b) any (c) a few (d) less (e) the few 0.5mm each). (28)________ the human body has
14. (a) one (b) you (c) he (d) they (e) oneself an average of 5 litres of blood and that a vampire
15. (a) wants (b) wanted (c) want (d) need (e) might feasibly take 15 per cent, in the study
needed (29)________ vampire would drain 0.75 litres of
16. (a) first (b) former (c) foremost (d) prior (e) last blood and by (30)________ calculations it would
17. (a) healthy (b) requirement (c) big (d) take 6.4 minutes to do so.
balancing (e) lower
18. (a) what (b) those (c) which (d) who (e) whose 21. (a) will (b) would (c) should (d) could (e) shall
19. (a) this (b) which (c) that (d) those (e) these 22. (a) Around (b) at least (c) About (d) At most (e)
20. (a) highest (b) higher (c) high (d) lower (e) low at least
23. (a) in (b) under (c) over (d) into (e) on
Directions (21-30. 24. (a) argued (b) concluded (c) stated (d) deduced
It (21)_______ take a vampire only 6.4 minutes to (e) assumed
suck out 15 per cent of the blood from the 25. (a) equated (b) even (c) congruent (d) same (e)
external artery in an average human’s neck, a new difference
study has found. Throughout human history there 26. (a) measured (b) measurement (c) measuring
have been tales of vampires-bloodsucking (d) measures (e) measure
creatures of folklore that prey on their victims by 27. (a) in (b) onto (c) over (d) into (e) under
draining their life essence, usually via the blood. 28. (a) consider (b) considers (c) Considering (d)
To coincide with the 85th anniversary of Universal considered (e) since
Pictures’ ‘Dracula’ starring Bela Lugosi, students 29. (a) a (b) the (c) few (d) some (e) all
from the University of Leicester’s Department of 30. (a) his (b) their (c) her (d) the (e) our
Physics and Astronomy used fluid dynamics to
examine how long it would take for the undead VOCABULARY: For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words but national policy has treated the issue
1. She hadn’t eaten all day, and by the time she with____________________ importance.
got home she was______. (a) Assure , great (b) Provoke, permissible
(a) blighted (b) confutative (c) ravenous (d) (c) Support, few (d) Capitulate, titular
ostentatious (e) blissful (e) Sustain, scant
2. The movie offended many of the parents of its 10. Scientific assessments after mining _________
younger viewers by including unnecessary ______ have documented significant improvements in
in the dialogue. water quality and _________ in silt load levels in
(a) vulgarity (b) verbosity (c) vocalizations (d) the Bhadra river.
garishness (e) tonality (a) Ceased, reduction (b) Stayed, degradation
3. His neighbours found his ______ manner bossy (c) Ceased, depletion (d) Assisted, completion
and irritating, and they stopped inviting him to (e) Helped, continuation
backyard barbeques. (a) insentient (b) magisterial
(c) reparatory (d) restorative (e) modest PARAJUMBLES
4. Wedding ceremonies often include the 1. A. Now, it is merely a curiosity found in flea
exchange of ______ rings to symbolize the markets and collections of Mao memorabilia.
couple’s promises to each other.
B. The book Quotations of Mao Zedong was often
(a) hirsute (b) acrimonious (c) plaintive said to be second most popular book – after the Bible
(d) deciduous (e) votive – with about one billion captive readers.
5. Juan’s friends found him in a ______ mood after
he learned he would be homecoming king. (a) C. It was said that Mao’s thoughts were all anyone
jovial (b) stealthy (c) paltry (d) gullible (e) depleted needed for almost any endeavour from building dams
6. Besides taking the __________ to the country’s to having a baby.
campus that is most identified with Left politics, D. During the Cultural Revolution in China, it was
the JNU development was obviously a chance for considered obligatory to own a ‘little red book’ and
the BJP to ____________ from the excesses of wave it, at political rallies, like a talisman.
a] BDCA b] ACDB c] CADB d]
(a) Conflict, offset (b) Dispute, harm
(c) Contest, destroy (d) Encounter, resume
(e) Fight, recover
7. The issue will now be dealt with by a
2. A. Two studies look at this difference in learning,
Commission to _______________ provincial
in elementary school and the role social pressures
borders within three months, but politically the play in math achievement for adolescents.
two sides appear to be inching _____________
agreement that the criteria can be combined. B. Another study, conducted by a researcher, showed
(a) Decide, towards (b) Procrastinate, for that girls’ interest in math is much lower than their
(c) Select, with (d) Resolve, approaches performance
(e) Identify, from C. One study shows that, as early as first grade,
8. The mill workers were not__________ with differences exist in the strategies boys and girls use to
their low wages and non-payment of wages for solve math problems.
last three months ____________ fuel to the
flames. D. For decades, researchers and educators have
discussed gender differences in mathematical abilities
(a) Good, put (b) Satisfied, added
among children.
(c) Joyful, poured (d) Pleased, directed
(e) Enjoyed, moved a] ABCD b] ACBD c] DCAB d] DACB
9. Air quality has a strong bearing in India’s ability
to __________________ high economic growth, For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

3. A. Spring in Mumbai is as ephemeral as winter, but B. “The Indian struck this fish with a reed harpoon and
while it lasts, one should enjoy the show put on by the then dragged it to shore”
city’s flora in full Eastman colour.
C. The Guale’s dominion ended with the arrival of those
B. In this steel magnolia of a city choked with grotty high seeking land, wealth and souls – Spanish friars, French
rises and claustrophobic slums, the tree population from the Mississippi valley and Gen. James Oglethorpe’s
struggles to draw breath British troops.
C. Grey is the hue of the urban jungle, Mumbai being D. William Bartram, who with his father, John, travelled
India’s densest one throughout the Georgia tidewater in the mid-18th century,
reported seeing a native catch a 15 pound “Salmon trout”
D. But come spring, the green army rouses itself, brushes
for supper.
the dirt off its leaves and plunges headlong into the
revelries of the season. a] ACBD b] ABDC c] ADCB d] ADBC
a] ABDC b] CDBA c] CBDA d] CADB 7. A. The primary use of critique occurs when the human
factor is the critical ingredient; equipment and physical
factors reflect human decisions rather than problems
4. A. For thirty-eight days during Operation Desert independent of them.
Strom, the US military and its allies controlled the air.
B. Sometimes critique is relied upon to discover what
B. That’s how most people remember the Gulf War of occurred to prevent it from occurring again, but the facts
1991 and data that have to be marshalled for the study have no
human content.
C. Cruise missiles hugged the terrain over hundreds of
miles of hit heavily fortified targets, and radar-evading C. This is critique to strengthen the resources of a team.
stealth fighters dropped smart bombs on
D. They are facts based upon the breakdown of
communications centres and bridges.
machinery or equipment or a power failure or any
D. A victory for technology number of mechanical things; but people are not a
significant component in the performance.
8. A. In fact, no one had excavated at this chaotic site for
5. A. Trex was well suited for hunting but could also 20 years when the team arrived in 1986.
have bullied other hunters to abandon their prey.
B. Harappa’s kilns turned out millions of bricks, a feat
B. What was Sue’s world like? that led, in modern times, to a woeful scrambling of
C. This indicates that some 67 million years ago the archaeological evidence.
environment was warmer and wetter than today, offering C. Afterwards archaeologists who dug at Harappa
plenty of forage for the plant-eating dinosaurs that in turn concluded that the earth was too disturbed to yield a
became Trex meals. coherent account of the city.
D. Fossils of broad-leaved plants, conifers and ferns were D. Needing ballast for a new track, British railroad
recovered from the same arid and rocky South Dakota builders in the 1850s sent labourers into the ruins to root
site where Sue was found. out the bricks and cart them away.

6. A. The men must have been great fishermen. 9. A. “We’re just on the edge of being able to do it here” For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

B. Born in London of Guyanese origins, Philips is one (a) have widen in (b) have widened in
of Britain’s best-known broadcasters and the chairman (c) has widened on (d) has widened in
of the London Arts Board. (e) No replacement required
C. “It is the holy grail of all societies to have the energy
that hybridity brings without the distressing divisions” 44. Accumulation of dirt or particles like dust, water,
sand and moss on the surface of solar photovoltaic
D. Trebor Philips told me this as we sat in the living panel obstruct or distract light energy from reaching
room of his house in Stanmore, a leafy suburb on the the solar cells
northern fringes of the city. (a) Accumulating of dirt or particles like dust, water,
a] DCAB b] CBDA c] CDBA d] BDCA sand and moss
(b) Accumulated of dirt or particles like dust, water,
Directions (Q. 1-50): In the following questions, a (c) Accumulate of dirt or particles like dust, water,
sentence has been given with some of its parts in sand and moss
bold. To make the sentence grammatically correct, (d) Accumulation in dirt or particles like dust, water,
you have to replace the bold part with the correct sand and moss
alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as (e) No replacement required
it is, give 5) as your answer (i.e. No correction
1. Being a women, she was barred from entering the
(a) She, being a woman (b) It being a woman
(c) Her being a woman (d) Having being women
(e) No replacement required

2. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)

has asked public not to share their personal
information with unauthorised agencies for print or
laminate their Aadhaar cards.
(a) unauthorised agencies for printing or laminating
(b) unauthorised agencies for printing or lamination
(c) unauthorised agencies for print or lamination
(d) unauthorised agencies for print and laminating
(e) No replacement required

5. All the faith she had had had had no effect on the
outcome of her life.
(a) have had had had (b) had had
(c) had had had (d) has will have
(e) No replacement required

10. Top leaders are often stymied by the difficult of

managing conflicts of diverse population.
(a) difficulty of managing. (b) difficulties of managing.
(c) difficult for managing. (d) difficult to manage.
(e) No replacement required
21. The disparity between the standard of living of the
poor and the rich has widen in the last few years. For details on our programs: - Contact: +91 9930202329, +918291924300

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