Verbal Ability Handout 2023
Verbal Ability Handout 2023
Verbal Ability Handout 2023
TENSES 9. (c) rained; looked (d) has been raining; has been
Direction (1 – 12): Find out the error in each of the looking (e) rains; has been looking.
following sentences, if there is no error, answer is VOICES
(e). Avoid punctuation mistakes (if any). Direction: Find out the error in each of the following
1. (a)An anarchist is /(b) a person who /(c) is believing sentences, if there is no error, answer is (e). Avoid
in or /(d) tries to bring about anarchy. /(e) No error punctuation mistakes (if any).
2. (a) Shweta is behaving /(b) as if she never /(c) tells 1. (a) The officers/(b) who were on inspection/(c) in
a lie /(d) in her life. /(e) No error. this exam centre were discovered/(d) many
3. (a) I wish /(b) I was the /(c) first Prime minister of discrepancies. /(e) No error.
the /(d) country after independence /(e) No error 2. (a) The teacher asked/(b) the students whether
4. (a) Shreya uses to watch /(b) TV till eleven O’clock they/(c) could tell the name of the man /(d) who had
at night /(c) and then goes /(d) to bed /(e) No error been invented electricity./(e) No error.
5. (a) I wish I /(b) met you when /(c) you were /(d) 3. (a) I was surprise/(b) at her contemptuous
living in India / (e) No error behaviour/(c)as she was considered/(d) an obedient
6. (a) If we had /(b) Rahul in our team /(c) we would child/(e)No error.
/(d) won the match /(e) No error 4. (a) Had the police not/(b) reached there/(c)on
7. (a) A drop in the mercury column /(b) of a time, the bank/(d) would have robbed./(e) No error.
barometer /(c) indicates the change /(d) in 5. (a) Some passengers/(b) were flew/(c)to London
atmospheric pressure /(e) No error on/ (d) the last trip./(e) No error.
8. (a) Rama hopes /(b) to become an IAS officer /(c) 6. (a) By the time/(b) he arrived,/ (c) everybody had
after she completes /(d) her graduation. /(e) No error been/(d) left for the party./ (e) No error.
9. (a) Rahul along with his friends /(b) is going to have SPEECH
/(c) a party in his apartment /(d) after the match. /(e) Choose the correct alternative
No error Q.I. He said to you, ‘They have set up a barber’s
10. (a) Harit had not taken /(b) any decision /(c) until shop.’
he had /(d) studied the case /(e) No error. a) He told you that they had set up a barber’s shop.
11. (a) I have been /(b) studying in /(c) my room /(d) b) He told you that they have set up a barber’s shop.
for last evening /(e) No error. c) He told you that we had set up a barber’s shop.
12. (a) Many studies suggest /(b) that the number /(c) d) He told you that they have set up a barber’s shop.
of cancer patients /(d) is grow day by day /(e) No
error Q.II. Hari said to Ram, ‘You gave me a book.’
Direction (1 – 5): Fill in the blanks with the right a) Hari told Ram that I have given him a book.
option. b) Hari told Ram that he (Ram) had given him (Hari) a
1. The market ______ usually noisy in the morning. book.
(a) is (b) has (c) was (d) were (e) will be c) Hari told Ram that he had given me a book.
2. The post man ______ the letter already. d) Hari told Ram that you had given him a book.
(a) will be posting (b) has posted (c) delivered (d)
posts (e) has delivered Q.III. He said to us, ‘Are you going away today?’
3. Udit ______ Cricket since primary school when he a) He asked us if I was going away that day.
got selected in Indian Cricket team. b) He asked us if we were going away that day.
(a) has played (b) had been playing (c) will play c) He asked us if we have been going away today.
(d) will have played (e) has played d) He asked us if you were going away that day.
4. You are late. The train ______ already.
(a) left (b) has left (c) will leave (d) had left (e) leave Q.IV. He said to his servant, ‘Go away at once.’
5. It ______ since last night, and it ______ as if it may a) He ordered his servant to go away at once.
rain for the rest of the day. b) He asked his servant if go away at once.
(a) has been raining; looks (b) is raining, looked c) He asked his servant to go away at once.
d) He requested his servant to go away at once.
6. A. The men must have been great fishermen. 9. A. “We’re just on the edge of being able to do it here”
5. All the faith she had had had had no effect on the
outcome of her life.
(a) have had had had (b) had had
(c) had had had (d) has will have
(e) No replacement required