Warehouse WMS Document

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In this modern world, warehouse has become essential part for many enterprises whether
they are small or large in scale. Web based warehouse management system is the replica of
real-time inventory handling system that enhances the capability of handling larger stock
movements between different stakeholders located at different geographical locations. The
virtual warehouse manager can hold the data relate to the stocks and dealers involved. An
effective model can draw motivation in the enterprises to outsource their stock
maintenance activities to third-party service providers which reduces the manual work and
maintenance costs. The main objective of the project is to develop the web based
application that manages the activity of maintaining the product warehouse. The scope of
the project is not limited to few target customers as there are different stakeholders like
administrator, supplier and retailer. Each user has their own system access privileges within
the application. User is navigated to different system components to fulfil his goal and the
end results and system responses are accurate and clear.
1. Introduction

1.1 Overview
To provide a real-time warehouse management solution that can handle a big organisation's
inventory, such as keeping track of the inventory in all of the stores and making it easy for
the store manager to maintain the stores. Because they contain all of the items needed or
generated in the production and distribution operations, from initial supplies to completed
products, warehouses are at the centre of these processes. A WMS's goal is to guarantee that
supplies and items are transported through warehouses in the most effective and economical
manner possible. A Warehouse Management Service (WMS) manages a variety of tasks,
such as inventory tracking, picking, receiving, and putaway, that make these moves possible.

Even though setting up and maintaining a WMS is difficult and expensive, organisations may
profit greatly from it. An organisation can save labour costs, increase inventory accuracy,
increase flexibility and responsiveness, minimise picking and shipping mistakes, and enhance
the customer experience by using a WMS. Real-time data is used by modern warehouse
management systems, giving the company access to the most recent data on transactions,
including orders, shipments, receipts, and any movement of items.
2. Requirements
Administrators, suppliers, and retailers will form the three different user tiers.

The administrators' primary operations are:

 Create suppliers’ chain

 Take decisions on suppliers’ registrations
 Add and view stocks
 Update data
 Update status of the suppliers’ requests about stock
 Deliver stocks to the suppliers
 View evaluation results

The suppliers’ primary operations are:

 Request the stocks

 View stocks
 View requests from the retailers
 Update status of the retailers’ requests
 View transactions

The retailers’ primary operations are:

 View' products
 Search products
 Order the stocks
 View stocks
 Feedback on the products
 View transactions
3. System Users

Product User Type User Characteristics

Admin The WMS has this user to maintain the inventory and
add stores and store managers. The admin is a superuser
of the WMS.

Supplier (Store Manager) This user is employed to act as an intermediary between

the admin and retailers.

Retailers Retailers are end-users of the WMS. They can purchase

the products from the supplier using the WMS.
4. Design

4.1 Use case diagram

Functional Requirements
The system mainly targets three users.

 Administrator
 Supplier
 Retailer

The main functionalities involved are as follows:

 Login and Registration

 The users can be able to register and login to the application.

 Add products

 User can be allowed to add different products to the warehouse.

 Update product

 The product information can be updated by the user.

 User can be able to update the quantity and price of product.

 Delete products

 The product information can be deleted from the warehouse.

 User can be able to delete the quantity and price of product.

 View product information

 The user can view the product information like price, name, etc.

 View billing information

 The user can view the billing information like total price.
 Create order

 The user can be able to create orders with different products.

 Delete order

 The user can be able to delete orders created.

 View order

 The user can be able to create orders with different products.

 Update order

 The user can be able to update orders by adding or deleting different

products and quantity.

 Give feedback

 The users are allowed to provide feedback on the product or delivery/order.

 Search products

 The search functionality lets the user different products in the warehouse.

 Stock notification

 Notifications are displayed in case of any low stock of products.

 Tracking

 The order/product status can be viewed.

 Order request
 View order request
 The user is allowed to make and view request for the order

 View user information

 Update user information

 The user can be able to view/update the user information.

4.3 Class diagram
5. Software Architectural Design

The architecture known as "Typical Web Application" was utilised in the development of this
system. This architecture is comprised primarily of three components:

Web browser: The browser, which is also known as the client-side application or the front-
end application, is an essential component that communicates with users, receives input from
users, governs how users interact with programmes, and controls how information is shown.
When it's essential, the data that user’s input are also checked.

Web server: The web server, which is sometimes referred to as the backend or server-side
layer, is in charge of all of the actions that are performed by the application. It is responsible
for the application logic as well as the presentation logic, and it routes user requests to the
appropriate component. It is able to effectively manage requests coming from a variety of
Database Server: A database server is any server that handles database files and runs
network database applications. Database servers can be either dedicated or shared. In addition
to storing and analysing data, it provides users with the ability to instantly access massive
amounts of data through the network.

5.1 Software Used

Software Reason

This application was developed with the This is open-source and familiar with Java
JDK (Java Development Kit). concepts.

This application was developed with Apache This is Java-based, open-source, and budget-
Tomcat as a web server. friendly.

This application used a MySQL database This is open-source, budget-friendly, and

server as the database server. maintains security features.
6. Testing

6.1 Test Cases

Test Test Case Name Description Result

Case ID

TC-1 Admin login test case This testing verifies admin login page inputs. Passed

TC-2 Supplier signup test This testing verifies supplier signup page Passed
case inputs and data verification in database.

TC-3 Supplier login test This testing verifies supplier login page Passed
case inputs.

TC-4 Retailer signup test This testing verifies retailer signup page Passed
case inputs and data verification in database.

TC-5 Retailer login test This testing verifies retailer login page Passed
case inputs.

TC-6 Add product test case This testing verifies the validations of Passed
product add page inputs and data verification
in database.
TC-7 Add stocks test case This testing verifies the validations of add Passed
stocks inputs and data verification in
TC-8 Add request test case This testing verifies the validations of add Passed
request page inputs and also verifies in the
TC-9 Purchase product test This testing verifies the validations of Passed
case product purchase page inputs and data
verification in database.
7. Application Results

 As indicated in Appendix 8.1, the homepage of the Warehouse Management System

(WMS) serves as a platform for actors to access their respective login and registration
 As indicated in Appendix 8.2, the login page of the admin and other actors is used for
verifying the login action. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built
into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.3, the stores add page by the admin is used for adding
new stores. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.4, the admin should add a supplier for maintaining the
inventory of the store. The admin adds the profile information of the supplier along
with the store ID. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its
 As indicated in Appendix 8.5, the admin can add categories to the products. The
products should be added to the respective category to maintain them. The admin adds
the product categories and products with their respective information. This page has
the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.6, the admin can add stocks of the products using this
page. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.7, the administrator can allot stocks to the stores. After
selecting the store ID, the admin can allot stocks by mentioning the quantity. This
page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.8, the admin can see the requests for allotting stocks from
suppliers. Using this page, the admin can learn about the needs of the stores. This
page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.9, the admin can see the stocks of warehouse of total
products and stocks of the stores. This page has the necessary inputs and validations
built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.10, the supplier can see the stocks of store of total
products. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.11, the supplier can raise a request for the stocks to the
admin by providing product details. This page has the necessary inputs and
validations built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.12, the retailer can create a new account in the WMS for
accessing the portal of retailer. This page has the necessary inputs and validations
built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.13, the retailer can view the products of WMS and filter
the products by selecting the category. From this page, the retailer can provide
feedback of the product. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into
its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.14, the retailer can view and purchase the products from
this page by mentioning quantity. This page has the necessary inputs and validations
built into its design.
 As indicated in Appendix 8.15, the retailer can view the history of purchases from this
page. This page has the necessary inputs and validations built into its design.
8. Appendix A – User Interfaces

8.1 Homepage of WMS

8.2 Login page of WMS

8.3 Add stores page by the admin

8.4 Create new supplier page by the admin

8.5 Add products and category of the products page
8.6 Add stocks by the admin

8.7 Allot stocks to stores by the admin

8.8 View requests from supplier by the admin

8.9 Evaluation page of the admin

8.10 View stocks by the supplier

8.11 Request page of the supplier

8.12 Signup page of the retailer

8.13 View product page of the retailer

8.14 Product purchase page by the retailer

8.15 View purchase history page by the supplier

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