Research Format For Quantitative Research
Research Format For Quantitative Research
Research Format For Quantitative Research
Arial font, 12
3 lines max.
5 single lines
5 single lines
5 single lines
_________________________ 25 characters
5 single lines
1.25“ 1“
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion Bold
5 single lines
_________________________ 25 characters
5 single lines
All caps and Bold
4 single lines
June 2022
1” ii
Page number is
Abstract Bold shown
1” iii
All caps and
Page number is
Full dots
Title Page………………………………………………………………………………. . i
Abstract………………………………………………………………………………….. ii
Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………. iii
List of Tables……………………………………………………………………………. v
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………………. vi
2 single
2 single
Theory Base………………………………………………………………. 2
Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………. 2
1.25” 1”
Statement of the Problem………………………………………………. 2
Hypothesis………………………………………………….……………. 3
Research Design………………………………………………………… 5
Respondents…………………………………………………………….. 5
Sampling Design…..…………………………………………………….. 6
Research Instrument……………………………………………………. 6
Data Analysis…………………………………………………………….. 8
1” iv
Summary………………………………………………..………………… 34
Recommendations…..……………………………..……………………. 37
REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………… 39
Curriculum Vitae
All caps and 1” v
Page number is
The table number should be written in Arabic numerals. All tables presented in
the study should be listed here. They must be numbered systematically as they appear
1.25” 1”
1” vi
All caps and
Bold Page number is
Figure Page
The figure number should be written in Arabic Numerals. All figures presented
in the paper should be listed here. They must be numbered systematically as they
1.25” 1”
1” Written in Arabic
Only the first
letter is capital, Page number is
Bold not shown
All caps and Chapter 1
2 single lines
The background should start with a contextual view of the study. This first
double paragraph should be strong enough to capture the main perspective of the problem.
The researcher should make that the context is supported by authorities to establish
the worthiness of the study. This paragraph must skillfully use the element of
persuasion to convey to the readers that the study will help solve some educational
The second and succeeding paragraphs should set the global situation. Major
arguments related to the occurrence of the problems and the solutions employed by
possible, major comparison must be presented between advanced and third world
Aside from the global scenes, a national situationer is needed to establish the
occurrence of the problems at a national level. This section must be written the way
Just like the two situationers, this section must be strong enough to establish the worth
of the study.
1” 2
Page number is
The background of the study must be conducted by establishing the urgency
of needs of conducting the study. This can be achieved by presenting the gap of the
frameworks are needed for every study. They must be clearly discussed separately in order
The theoretical framework contains the different theories by which the study is being
2 single lines
Conceptual Framework
2 single lines
From the literature review and studies, the researcher formulates a conceptual
scheme for his research problem, which is a tentative theoretical explanation of the
be reduced into a paradigm/ schematic diagram showing the variable of the framework
are the basis for developing the methods of the study. The questions posed should be
1” 3
In writing the statement of the problems, include only questions which are
mutually inclusive. Do not include questions which are not contributory to the
all research studies start with asking the profile of the respondents. If the variables of
the study do not include the profile of the respondents, do not include these in your
research problems.
2 single lines
2 single lines
There are two types of hypothesis but the ones presented in the study is the
Null hypothesis denoted by the symbol H0. It is written in negative form. Avoid
significant relationship between age and academic performance” can be written as:
affected by age”. These are just two ways which the null hypothesis can be written.
Y is not a factor of X.
This section show why the problem investigated is important and what
significance the results have. It should include a statement on relevance to felt needs,
1” 4
the potential contribution of the research to new knowledge, and policy implications
and other possible uses for its results. (identify who should benefit from the study and
It should be followed by the locale of the study, where the data will be gathered
or the entity to which the data belong, and the population or universe from which the
respondents will be selected. Lastly, the period of the study must be clearly stated,
Definition of Terms
2 single lines
Many terms are subject to a variety of interpretations. Such terms should be
defined operationally according to the precise meanings they are intended to convey.
Clear definition should be stated for all important factors/ properties especially if these
1” Written in Arabic
Only the first
letter is capital, Page number is
Bold not shown
All caps and Chapter 2
2 single lines
Presented in this chapter is the methodology used to answer the research
questions posed.
2 single lines
Research Design
2 single lines
This section presents the research design used in the study. It is a common
practice for novice researchers to discuss the research design conceptually like giving
the definition. However, the discussion should focus on the utilization of the research
Researchers should make use of this section to justify the selection of the
research design. To achieve this, the application of the research design in gathering
and treating the data to answer the research questions must be explained.
2 single lines
2 single lines
Researchers are often confused what term to use to refer to the samples of the
study. If the study requires the sample to be under treatment, just like those in the
experimental studies, the appropriate term is subject of the study. If the study requires
the samples to answer a questionnaire, then the samples are called respondents. But
symposium and the like, then the samples are called participants.
1” 6
The main aim of this section is to provide answers to the following questions:
who are the respondents, why and on what capacity are they selected and what
contribution can they make toward the achievement of the goal of the study?
Sampling Design
2 single lines
This section discusses how the subjects were selected. The selection of the
total number of the respondents must be clearly argued to show that the samples are
This section of samples is necessary requisite to establish the worth of the data
gathered. The sampling design influences the discussion of the results. If the samples
are true representative of the population, then generalization can be made. However,
if the samples are not reflective of the true nature of the population, then researcher
should is adopted, then its characteristics (validity and reliability) must be presented.
The extensive utilization track of the questionnaire and its applicability of the current
study should also be argued. Researchers should take proper caution in using
adopted questionnaire. If the questionnaire was not originally written in the context of
Philippine setting, there is a need to re-pilot the instruments to establish its validity
1” 7
issue and reliability index including the clarity of the language and acceptability of the
should be clearly outlined and discussed. The focus of the discussion should be the
All these seven steps must be elaborated in this section of the study. The
veracity of the research findings depends on how valid and reliable the instruments
2 single lines
Data Analysis
2 single lines
All statistical tools should be explicitly discussed in this section. The focus of
the discussion should be the utilization of each statistical tool in treating the different
The software used should also be presented in this section. If the computation
was done through manual operations, then the source of “Tabular value” should be
number for
first page
Only the first letter is should not
capital, all words be shown
should be bold Chapter 3
Introductory In this chapter, the analysis and interpretation of data are presented.
about the The discussions are outlined based on the following: Level of the
content of this
chapter based Organizational Work Scheme Protocols, Level of the Work Attitude of
on the
Statement of Teachers, Relationship between Organizational Work Scheme Protocols and
the Problem
Work Attitude of Teachers, and Predictors of Teachers’ Work Attitude.
It reveals that statement “as teachers, we render 8-hour work for five
days” obtained the highest mean value among the five (5) statements (X of findings of
Domain 1 for
SD=0.61) which is described as “very highly manifested”. On the other hand, the 1st
statement “as teachers, we collect the different learning modality of the pupils based from
the table.
while working at home” obtained the lowest mean value among the five (5)
Page number for
the second and 10
succeeding pages
should be shown
reveals further that the overall mean value on the level of organizational work
Table Number,
which is described as “very highly manifested”.
Bold and
capitalize the Table 4 The items/
first letter statements are
Title of the Level of Organizational Work Scheme Protocols of Teachers in terms from the survey
table, Left of Work from Home questionnaire
Statements Mean SD Description
As teachers….
1. we deserve the policy on academic Very Highly
should 4.41 .72
have 3 ease Manifested
lines only 2. we establish a strategic arrangement in
keeping in touch with our pupils Highly These
4.19 .65
through different type of learning Manifested descriptive
modalities. levels are
3. we closely follow the work from home Very Highly based on the
4.20 .87 research
schedule Manifested
4. we collect the different learning modality Highly instrument
3.85 .97 located in
of the pupils while working at home. Manifested
Chapter 2.
Very Highly
5. we render 8-hour work for five days. 4.70 .61 Method
Very Highly
Overall Mean 4.28 .54
This means that the respondents always manifest rendering 8-hour work
for five days. However, they often manifest collecting the different learning Implications
based from
modality of the pupils while working at home. This implies that teachers always the findings.
Oducado (2020) that the Department of Education has implemented the work
scheme protocols, thus the managements have to adapt and make contingency
plans to respond to new measures as they arise just to contain the spread of
the virus. Moreover, the change of organizational work scheme protocols due
of the organization. The duration encompasses both the process by which this
a defined goal (Quattrone and Hopper, 2020). Working from home has
elsewhere outside of the office environment (CIPD, 2016). Thus, Brooks (2014)
According to Watson and Lightfoot (2003), some employees who carry out
these different types of flexible working condition are more motivated; they
have more capacity for work; or they are performing to a higher standard. It can
Table 5
their assigned tasks” obtained the highest mean value among the five (5)
On the other hand, statement “the school formulates its own instructional
materials for the pupils” obtained the lowest mean value among the five (5)
further reveals that the overall mean value on the level of organizational work
This means that the respondents always manifest support from school
in the full completion in the assigned tasks. On the other hand, the respondents
often manifest that their school formulates its own instructional materials for the
pupils. This implies that teachers always manifest support from their leader.
work and low social interaction in the work environment among co-workers and
effective leaders to lead the operations and their employees. Reflected in the
arrangement for reporting which is set by the school” obtained the highest
described as “very highly manifested”. It also reveals that the overall mean
Table 6
This means that the respondents always manifest following the work
force arrangement for reporting which is set by the school. On the other hand,
they always manifest observing skeletal work force arrangement. This implies
The finding supports the report of Accenture (2020) that the Department
whose functions are critical or in the operations. Teachers also reported that
to focus and inspire their work; explicit routines that enable the work and
provide boundaries between work and home; and, both a place where the work
is performed as well as a purpose for the work that enables and inspires
Wrzesniewski, 2019).
protocols such as wearing of mask, face shield, washing of hands with soap
and sanitizing our hands with alcohol in coming to school” obtained the highest
school establishes information system and booth to cater and address the
described as “very highly manifested”. It further shows that the overall mean
highly manifested”.
Table 7
protocols such as wearing of mask, face shield, washing of hands with soap
and sanitizing our hands with alcohol in coming to school. On the hand other,
they always manifest establishing information system and booth by the school
to cater and address the needs of stakeholders during these times of pandemic.
(DepEd) adopted the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan which includes
of curricular and co-curricular activities (IATF section 4-11.a). With this, the
emergency. To meet this need, teachers have made various efforts and
strategies to sustain the education of the learners. However, the delivery of the
personnel. The barangays wherein the schools are located can be considered
as “very highly manifested”. On the other hand, domain “work from home
schedule” obtained the lowest mean value among the four (4) domains (X
that the overall mean of organizational work scheme protocols is 4.43 (SD=.41)
Table 8
protocol. On the other hand, they always manifest observing work from home
scheme protocol.
Relatedly, the study of Ravindran and Baral (2014) highlights that work
Flovik, Knardahl, and Christensen (202) argued that the sudden change of the
job satisfaction.
job despite the COVID 19 situation” obtained the lowest mean value among the
manifested”. On the other hand, statement “as teachers, we make sure that we
master the module content for the easy analysis of the learners” obtained the
described as “very highly manifested. It also shows that the overall mean value
Table 9
fulfillment in their job despite the COVID 19 situation. On the other hand, they
always manifest ensuring that they master the module content for the easy
analysis of the learners. This implies that teachers always manifest job
or unfavorable feelings and emotions which employees view with their work.
Since people spend about most of their waking hours at work, employee job
with that, influencing factors of job satisfaction are essential for improving the
institutions and one of the main indicators of how healthy an organization is.
It reveals that statement “as teachers, our job motivates us to exert more
effort” obtained the highest mean value among the five (5) statements (X
statement “as teachers, most of our personal life goals are job oriented”
obtained the lowest mean values among the five (5) statements (X
the overall mean value on the level of work attitude of teachers in terms of job
highly manifested”.
Table 10
This means that the respondents always manifest that their job
motivates them to exert more effort. On the other hand, they always manifest
that most of their personal life goals are job oriented. This implies that teachers
always manifest job involvement and engagement during the new normal
giving good returns then he will have a positive involvement onto the job
because the more needs met by his/her job, the better satisfied he/she
with it and how well he/she is identified with it. In other words, the job has
already become the image of the person (Ongori, 2019; Govender &
job they readily accomplished what their job requires (Khan, Jam, Akbar, Khan,
Table 11
involve in our job” obtained the highest mean value among the five (5)
stay” obtained the lowest mean value among the five (5) statements (X
the overall mean value on the level of work attitude of teachers in terms of
highly manifested”.
This means that the respondents always manifest they are decisive to
always be involve in their job. On the other hand, they always manifest they
have a sense of obligation to stay. This implies that teachers always manifest
employees and organization (Sharma & Bajpai, 2015). Employees who are
can only happen when employees are satisfied with their job. Employees who
are satisfied with their job perform better than those who are not (Samad,
Table 12
activities” obtained the highest mean value among the five (5) statements
hand, statement “as teachers, we have a sense of control in relation to our job”
obtained the lowest mean value among the five (5) statements (X
SD=0.65) which is described as “very highly manifested”. It also shows that the
highly manifested”.
This means that the respondents always manifest they are actively
engaged to school activities. On the other hand, they always manifest they
have a sense of control in relation to their job. This implies that teachers always
The finding supports with what Conger & Kanungo (1988) claimed that
efficacy among organizational members, which would also include that the
work) and choice (how and deciding on the time to execute tasks) (Thomas &
Table 13
as “very highly manifested”. On the other hand, domain “job involvement and
engagement” obtained the lowest mean value among the four (4) domains
reveals that the overall mean value of work attitude is 4.50 (SD=.50) which is
always manifest good work attitude during the new normal teaching.
The finding negates the study of Max Roser (2020) which reveals that
due to additional work demands, health risks in the workplace and different
work schemes. These are the teachers who encountered different struggles in
to improve.
Table 14
Degree of p- Decision
Variables R R2
Relationship value @ 0.05
Organizational Work
Scheme Protocols
0.59 0.35 Moderate 0.001 Reject Ho
Work Attitude
work scheme protocols, they would have high work attitude. It further reveals
that 35 percent (R2=0.35) of the variance in work attitude can be attributed for
the level of organizational work scheme protocols. This implies that when
leaders and valuing the health of the employees share the capacity to broaden
and actions that come to their minds, and provide a positive outlook of the
commitment and satisfies the mental health of the employees (Fredrickson &
Tugade, 2011). Avey, Luthans and Jensen (2009) found that organization with
excellent work scheme brings a positive resource that can also increase
Table 15
Domains of
Decision @
Organizational Work B BE Beta t-stat p-value
0.05 level
Scheme Protocol
Constant 1.019 .422 4.56 .001 Significant
Work from Home Not
.144 .090 .186 1.04 .114
Schedule Significant
Leadership Support .329 .074 .436 1.48 .000 Significant
Skeletal Work Force Not
-.39 .058 .068 2.52 -.504
Arrangement Significant
Observing Health
.347 .082 .360 1.98 .000 Significant
Regression Model
positive, indicating a direct positive relationship with the work attitude. This
means that when teachers manifest a high leadership support from their school
learn in the new normal education. Specifically, in schools with high leadership
devised new systems to ensure staff's voices were included in school policies
and practices. However, in schools with low leadership supports, Oppel et al.
best practices and adapting to the virtual learning environment, largely due to
Moreover, the finding corroborates to the claim of Tsai (2011) who stated
leadership gives managers the ability to affect the behavior of their employees
supervisors are also successful leaders because they have great influence on
helping them to accomplish their own personal and career goals is an important
part of their motivation. Thus, the more motivated the teachers are, the more
effective is the leader and the more effective the leader is, the more motivated
are the teachers. The achievement of educational goals is not enough to keep
teachers motivated but helping them to accomplish their own personal and
career goals is an important part of their motivation. Thus, the more motivated
the teachers are, the more effective is the leader and the more effective the
leader is, the more motivated are the teachers (Gutema, 2014).
On the other hand, the finding implies that when teachers manifest a
high health protocol, they would have high work attitude. Similarly, Maslow
(1943) pointed out that for the individuals to perform their tasks efficiently and
attain a fruitful outcome, their basic needs such as health, psycho-social, social
security and mental growth must be met first. When achieved, motivation
among teachers will then rise towards the fulfillment of the ultimate goal which
work attitude among educators in the workplace does not change the nature or
the direction of the baseline relationships between age, sex, class, work status
and health, but it does change the gradients associated with those
Introductory This chapter presents the summary of findings and the conclusions that
about the were drawn out of the findings of the study. This section further offers
content of
this chapter
recommendations as to how the findings of this study can improve practice.
3 single lines
scheme protocol to the work attitude of teachers. Specifically, this study sought
to determine the level of organizational work scheme protocol and work attitude
of teachers. This study also sought to determine the degree of relationship Summary of
the research
between organizational work scheme protocol and work attitude and if they are objective
attitude of teachers.
level of organizational work scheme protocol and work attitude of teachers, and
Summary of
the domains of organizational work scheme protocol that predict the work the research
attitude. The respondents of this study were seventy-six (76) Public School
Elementary Teachers of the nine (9) Elementary Schools from one of the school
Page number for
the second and 35
succeeding pages
should be shown
data collection. The data gathered were tabulated and analyzed using mean,
For the overall level of organizational work scheme protocol, the highest
organizational work scheme protocol. This implies that teachers always follow
For the overall level of work attitude of teachers, the highest mean
always manifest work attitude. This implies that teachers always manifest good
work attitude of teachers at 0.05 level of significance. The results show that
Summary of
there is a significant moderate positive relationship between organizational the findings
for SOP 3
work scheme protocol and work attitude of teachers.
organizational work scheme protocol that significantly predict the work attitude
Summary of
of teachers at 0.05 level of significance. The results show that leadership the findings
for SOP 3
support and observing health protocols are the domains that significantly
3 single lines
Based on the analyses made on the available data, these were the
3. Schools that show a good organizational work scheme protocols would also
for SOP 3
have developed teachers with good work attitude.
4. Moreover, schools that have good leadership support and are highly
practicing health protocols are also those that may have teachers who for SOP 4
3 single lines
Based on the findings of this study, the following were recommended for
work attitude.
3. The school administrators may find this study as an eye-opener about the
especially in the new normal education to sustain the good work attitude of
their support in all means to the needs of teachers during this new normal