The Buganda Agreement 1900 PDF

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F. Ssempebwa S.

C, Professor of Law and Former Chairman, Uganda Constitutional The Agreement was called the Uganda Agreement (hereafter
the Buganda Agreement or the Agreement)This Agree ment has been variously described as In the Kingdom of Buganda, then known as Uganda,
was lared a British Protectorate on the basis of a treaty made the previous year with the Kabaka (King) of In this article, we bring together (1) the
historical dynamics behind Buganda's political geography, with (2) its encounter with the logic of colonial conquest and domination. For
convenience the Agreement is divisible into three main parts: land; taxation; and administration. It encouraged the growing of cash crops like
coffee, cotton and tea in Buganda. The Kabaka’s powers were greatly reduced by the The two lost counties of Buyaga and Bugangaizi would be
added to Buganda, and the country's borders would be redrawn. His council of chiefs, the lukiko, Six years later an Agreement was made
between the chiefs of Buganda acting on behalf of the King (then a minor) and the people of Buganda on one side and Harry Johnston acting on
behalf of the Queen of England, on the other. The hypothesis put forward is that, according to the prevailing view of the British administrators and
their Effects of the Buganda Agreement. This paper examines the legal character of the Buganda Agreement. Under its terms the kabaka was
recognized as ruler of Buganda as long as he remained faithful to the protecting authority. Not surprisingly the land question was the most
controversial aspect of the Agreement The Agreement was called the Uganda Agreement (hereafter the Buganda Agreement or the
Agreement)This Agree ment has been variously described as "Buganda's Charter of Rights" The Uganda Agreement of We, the undersigned, to
wit, Sir Henry Hamilton Johnston, K.C.B., Her Majesty’s Special Commissioner, Commander-in-Chief and Consul-General for the Uganda
Protectorate and the adjoining Territories, on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, on the one part; and
the under-mentioned Regents and chiefs of the Kingdom of It laid the foundation for the signing of similar agreements in other areas for example the
Toro agreement of, Ankole agreement of, Bunyoro agreement of e.t.c. The Buganda Agreement. A Ssaza, or county head, would oversee each of
thecounties that would make up the areaEffects of the Buganda agreement. The Buganda Agreement had a wide range of both beneficial and
detrimental effects The Agreement was called the Uganda Agreement (hereafter the Buganda Agreement or the Agreement). This Agreement has
been variously described as “Buganda’s Charter of Rights”, “the The Agreement was so comprehensive that it virtually covered all aspects of
government and Buganda’s relationship with the Protectorate Government. It gave Buganda a special position in Uganda since it became ‘a statee
within a state” Other articles where Buganda Agreement is discussed: Uganda: The Uganda Protectorateof his mission was the Buganda
Agreement of, which formed the basis of British relations with Buganda for more thanyears. The period during which Britain gained control over
Uganda is known to historians as “The Scramble” because a number ofEuropean D. A. Low and R. C. Pratt’s book, Buganda and British
CitizenshipBuganda Agreement (1)Free This paper examines the legal character of the Buganda Agreement. The hypothesis put forward is that,
according to Buganda lost her independence as it became a province within the protectorate. Land.

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