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Labs for Regions, Availability zones, and Edge locations

[1] Follow the steps to sign up for a free AWS tier:

Note: As long as you're careful, and only choose resources that are marked as free-tier
compatible you will not be charged. These labs are not precise step-by-step labs but “big
picture labs” where I'm making the assumption that you'll be able to go through and find the
components that I'm suggesting you look for. The reason for this, is that Amazon changes their
cloud, sometimes daily. You wouldn't enjoy the typos, and I wouldn't enjoy the constant
updating, so we will meet somewhere in the middle.

Review AWS Regions

The first time you log into the AWS Management you will be operating in the North Virginia
region; that's the default region. you can see this by looking up to the top right-hand corner and
seeing N.Virginia. listed as the region you are in.

1. Click N. Virginia and look at the regions that are available.

2. Select a region to change to the selected AWS region.
3. Switch back We are not creating a file system in this example because it will cost us
money We are back in the N. Virginia region.
4. Click Services (Top left-hand corner of the menu bar) and under Compute, choose EC2.
5. Change your region back to another AWS region: note that the EC2 console is still
displayed but in another region.

Review Availability Zones

Availability zones show up when you're making requests for infrastructure like networking,
databases, or launching an EC2 instance from the console.

1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

2. Open the EC2 Dashboard, and scrolling down, review the Zone status. Notice the
availability zones that are currently operating normally.
3. Switch your current region to another AWS region and note the different availability
zones in the new region.
4. Switch back to your initial region.
5. in the middle of the EC2 Dashboard page select Launch Instance / Launch Instance.
6. For image click Select to select the Amazon Linux AMI.
7. For Instance select t2.micro, as it is free tier eligible.
8. Click the Next: Configure Instance Details button.
9. Note the Network that is selected is the default VPC.
10. For Subnet selection, click No preference, and review the availability zones.
11. Switch region to another AWS regions and note the different subnet possibilities.

Review Edge Services

Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

1. Note the current region selection in the menu bar. In my example it's currently N.
2. In the search bar Find Services enter CloudFront and press Enter.
Make note of the change to the region selection for this service:

3. When edge services are selected, the region selection is Global, indicating region
selection is not required as the service is not a regional service.
4. Using the search bar Find Services, search for the following services noting the region
Route 53
WAF and Shield
AWS Firewall Manager

Question: Why is S3 displaying a Global regional selection?

Answer: Because the names for S3 buckets are global DNS names managed by Route 53; an
edge location service. S3 buckets are regional, but the naming for S3 buckets is global.

Order a VPC and select Availability Zones

1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

2. In the search bar Find Services enter VPC and press Enter.
3. On the left-hand side of the VPC Dashboard select Your VPC’s
4. Click the orange button Create VPC
5. Under VPC settings enter the following values:
Name tag: Test VPC
IPv4 CIDR block:
No IPv6 CIDR block
Tenancy: Default
6. Review your selections, and then click Create VPC. You have created a VPC with no
subnets. Let's create two separate subnets in different availability zones.

7. From the VPC dashboard select Subnets

8. Click Create subnet

9. Enter the following values:

Name tag: Private_Subnet_EC2_1
Availability Zone: Select the first availability zone available
IPv4 CIDR Block:
10. Click Create to create your first subnet.
11. Once again from the VPC console select Subnets.
12. Click Create subnet

13. Enter the following values:

Name tag: Private_Subnet_EC2_2
Availability Zone: Select the second availability zone available
IPv4 CIDR Block:
14. Click Create to create your second subnet.
15. From the VPC Console, under Subnet you should see the two subnets that you've
16. You're now a networking genius, it's time to update your resume.

Review EFS, FSx and RDS deployment options

1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

2. In the search bar Find Services enter RDS.

3. From the Amazon RDS Dashboard, Click the orange button Create database
4. Leave the default option of Standard Create selected
5. For engine options choose MySQL.
6. Scroll down to the section Availability & durability
7. Note that Multi-AZ deployment has been selected
8. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

9. In the search bar Find Services enter FSx

10. From the Amazon FSx splash screen select Create file system
11. Select FSx for Windows File Server
12. Note in the information listed for FSx, the fourth bullet indicates that the FSx service can
operate with multiple availability zone deployment options

Note we are not creating a file system for this example because FSX is not part of the free

13. Next click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS
Management Console.

14. In the search bar Find Services enter EFS

15. From the Amazon EFS splash screen select Create file system
16. On the Create filesystem splash screen select your VPC Test VPC and then click Create
17. Under File systems, select the File system ID link.
18. From the menu options select Network
19. Take note of the availability zones used to create your file system.
20. Scroll back up to the top and click Delete to delete your file system.
21. Enter the file system ID (by cutting and pasting) and click Confirm too delete your file

Labs for AWS Toolbox

Lab: Create CloudFront Distribution

12. Logon to your AWS account.

13. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

Create an S3 bucket and Upload a File

14. Scroll down and under Storage select S3.
15. On the S3 console select Create Bucket.
16. In the Create Bucket dialog box enter a bucket name: test-cloudfront-yourlastname
17. For Region choose a region for your bucket. This will be the same region as your
CloudFront distribution, and the current region that you are in.
18. Click Next twice, this should put you on the Set permissions page.
19. Clear the following checkbox Block all public access
20. Check the checkbox “I acknowledge that the current settings may result in this bucket
and the objects within becoming public”
21. Click Next and then click Create bucket.
22. On the buckets pane, scroll down and click your bucket.
23. Click Upload.
24. On the Select files page click Add Files and choose a single small file to upload. Click
25. On the Set permissions page, for Manage public permissions, choose Grant public read
access to this object(s)
26. Click Next, next click Upload.
27. After the file upload is complete, navigate to the file by checking the checkbox of the
file, and from the properties of the file
28. the Object URL to verify that your file is publicly accessible.

Create a CloudFront Distribution

29. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

30. Under Networking open CloudFront.

31. Click Create Distribution, choose Web distribution and Origin The main Name the blue
button Get Started.
32. Under Create Distribution select Origin Domain Name and choose the S3 bucket that
you created.
33. Review all settings, accept all defaults, and when you're done click Create Distribution.

Test your Distribution Link

34. Copy the following HTML file into a text editor

<head>My CloudFront Test</head>
<p>My text content goes here.</p>
<p><img src="https://<domain name>/<object name>" alt="my test image"/></p>

35. Replace <domain name with your CloudFront domain name which you can find by
clicking on your CloudFront distribution, and on the General tab, copying the domain
name which will look something like

36. Replace <object name> with the name of your file that you uploaded to your S3 bucket
37. Your string should look something like this:

38. Save the html text in a file that has an HTML file name extension
39. Open your HTML file in a browser to review your content being served from CloudFront.
40. Now go back to the CloudFront console , and disable your distribution, wait about 15
minutes and then delete your distribution.

Lab: Enable GuardDuty

1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

2. Scroll down in the AWS Management Console and find Security, Identity, & Compliance
and from the list of services select GuardDuty.
3. Click the orange button Get started.
4. Under Service permissions note that a service linked role will be assigned to guard duty
to be able to do its job and analyze CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, and DNS query logs.
5. Click the orange button Enable GuardDuty.
6. From the GuardDuty console select Usage. This is where you would see your costs. Note
that you have a free trial for 30 days from this date.
7. Select Findings. This is where you would see any issues that GuardDuty found.

8. Select Settings. This is where you could set or modify the service role permissions and
add delegated administrators.
9. Scrolling down to the bottom, under Sample findings, is an option to generate sample
findings to illustrate what GuardDuty can find.
10. Click the button Generate sample findings.
11. Move back and select Findings.
12. Take a few moments to take a look at the different findings that GuardDuty could
13. Now let's move down to Lists, which is under Settings.
14. Here you could add trusted IP's that would not be analyzed by GuardDuty when
connecting to your AWS environment. You can also add a threat list of malicious IP
addresses that you know.
15. Select S3 Protection; this is where you can enable protection for S3 buckets.
16. Select Accounts; this is great could add additional AWS accounts, as GuardDuty support
AWS Organizations.
17. When you're done reviewing the options for GuardDuty select Settings.
18. Under Suspend GuardDuty click the button Suspend GuardDuty.
19. One more time click Suspend.

Lab: Review CloudWatch Metrics for EC2 Instances

1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

2. Open the EC2 Dashboard.

3. In the middle of the EC2 page select Launch Instance / Launch Instance.
4. For image click Select to select the Amazon Linux AMI.
5. For Instance select t2.micro, as it is free tier eligible.
6. Click the Next: Configure Instance Details button.
7. For the Network select the default VPC.
8. For Subnet selection, select a Public Subnet.
9. For Auto-assign Public IP make sure Use subnet setting (Disable) is selected.

10. At the bottom of the screen click the blue button Review and Launch.
11. On Step 7: Review Instance Launch screen click the blue button Launch.
12. On the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair dialog box select Proceed
without a key pair and check the “I acknowledge….checkbox.
13. Click Launch Instances.
14. On the launch Status screen click the link for your instance.
15. On the Instances page click the button Clear filters.
16. Once your instant state is Running, check the dialog box to the left of your instance ID.
17. Select the Monitoring tab to show the default CloudWatch metrics.
18. Review the available CloudWatch metrics.
19. Click the Status Checks tab.
20. Hopefully your status checks for the system and instance have passed.
21. Click the Actions menu and select Create status check alarm.
22. Notice that it starts the process of creating a CloudWatch alarm.
23. Accept the default setting Create a new alarm.
24. Turn off the Alarm notification.
25. Enable Alarm Action and from the drop-down options select Recover.
26. Note the Alarm thresholds has been set to Status Check Failed.
27. Review the other types of data that you could sample / select.
28. Scroll to the bottom Create.
29. Review your instance alarm status by clicking the round circle with three dots.
30. Click services and under Management & Governance select CloudWatch.
31. Check the Alarms by AWS Service, you should see EC2 listed.
32. This alarm will not actually swing into action unless there are issues with the status
checks of the instance.
33. On the left-hand side of the ClooudWatch console click Metrics.
34. Click EC2, and then Per-Instance Metrics.
35. Note all the metrics available for EC2 instances.
36. Scroll down and check CPUUtilization.
37. Click the Graphed metric tab.
38. Review the settings for Statistics, and Period.
39. Under Actions click the Alarm bell.
40. Here's what we could set conditions for the CPUUtilization metric and alarm.
41. From the menu bar click Services and on the left in Recently visited click EC2.
42. On the left-hand side of the EC2 Dashboard select Instances.
43. Click the checkbox to the left of your instance ID and from the Actions menu select
Instance state and then Terminate instance.
44. Click the orange button Terminate.

Lab: Create a custom CloudTrail trail

45. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management

46. In Find Services type CloudTrail.

47. From the CloudTrail Dashboard click Trails.
48. In the top right-hand corner click the orange button Create trail.
49. Give your Trail a name.
50. Accept the storage location Create new S3 bucket.
51. Accept the Trail log bucket and folder generated for you.
52. Write down the S3 bucket name for future reference.
53. Note that the SSE (Server-side encryption) KMS (Key Management Server) encryption is
enabled by default.
54. For the AWS KMS alias, enter cloudtrail
55. Note that under Additional settings log file validation has been enabled.
56. Click the info link to gather more information about log file validation.
57. Note that SNS notification could also be enabled; check the Enabled checkbox, note that
a new SNS topic could be created for you. Uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
58. Note that under CloudWatch Logs you could enable logging of your trail logs to
CloudWatch, be notified when specific activity occurs.
59. Check the Enabled checkbox, note that a new CloudWatch log could be created for you.
Uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
60. Scroll to the bottom and click the orange button Next.
61. On the Choose log event screen note that Management events have been chosen. We
could also choose Data events or Insight events for more detailed monitoring.
62. Under Management events note the API activity has been chosen for both reads and
63. Click Next.
64. On the Review and create screen, review the selected options and then click the orange
button Create trail.
65. Under Trails your trail will be shown.
66. Click your trail name to see details.
67. Click the radio dialog box to the left of your trail name and then select Delete.
68. Make note, that the S3 bucket that was created is still present and is not deleted just
the trail.
69. From the menu bar click Services and under Storage select S3.
70. On the right-hand side of the S3 console, click the Date created column to find your S3
bucket that was created for CloudTrail.
71. Click the checkbox to the left of your S3 bucket name and click the Delete button.
72. Enter the name of your S3 bucket to confirm deletion and click Confirm.

Labs for Networking Services

Create a Custom VPC

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.
Click Services.

3. Scroll down; under Networking & Content Delivery click VPC

4. Click the link Your VPCs
5. Click Create VPC
6. For Name tag enter: Dev VPC
7. For IPv4 CIDR block enter
8. Click Create VPC

The Default VPC

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.
Click Services.

3. Under Compute select EC2

4. Click the orange button Launch Instance and then select Launch instance
5. Under Quick Start, select the Amazon Linux 2 AMI ,and click Select
6. Make sure t2.micro (Free tier eligible) is selected
7. In the right-hand corner, click Next: Configure Instance Details
8. On the Step 3:Configure Instance Details screen, select Network; note the VPC that is selected
is the default VPC.
9. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

10. Click Services and in Networking & Content Delivery select VPC
11. Select the link Your VPCs

12. Select the checkbox to the left of default VPC
13. Take a few moments to review the Details, and the CIDRs tab
14. On the left-hand side of the VPC Dashboard select Subnets and review the subnets for the
default VPC.
15. Select Route Tables and review the route table for the default VPC
16. Select Internet Gateway’s and review the Internet gateway attached to the default VPC.

Create Subnets
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

3. Click Services and in Networking & Content Delivery select VPC

4. Click Subnets
5. Click Create subnet
Name tag: PublicSubnet1
Availability Zone: Pick an AZ
IPv4 CIDR block:
6. Click Create
7. Again, click Create Subnet
Name tag: PrivateSubnet1

Availability Zone: Pick the same AZ as in step 5
IPv4 CIDR block:
8. Click Create

Create Security Groups

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

3. Click Services and in Compute click EC2

4. In the EC2 Dashboard, scroll down and in Network and Security select Security Groups
5. Click Create Security Group
Security group name: DevA
Description: Access to Linux instance
Scope: VPC
6. Under Inbound rules click Add Rule
Type: SSH
Port Range 22
Source: Anywhere,

Description: SSH for Dev Admins
7. Under Outbound rules review the default options
8. Click Create security group
9. Review the Dev A security group settings
10. In the top right-hand corner click Actions and review the available options
11. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

12. Click Services and from Networking & Content Delivery select VPC
13. On the left-hand side of the VPC Dashboard, scroll down, under Security select Security Groups
14. Note that the Security Groups listing is the same as the EC2 Dashboard values

Configure Network ACLs

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

3. Click Services and from Networking & Content Delivery select VPC
4. On the left-hand side of the VPC Dashboard, scroll down under Security, select Network ACLs
5. Click Create network ACL
6. Name Tag: 443traffic
7. VPC: Select Dev VPC and click Create
8. Select the Network ACL 443traffic
9. Click the Inbound Rules tab
10. Click the button Edit inbound rules
11. Click the button Add Rule
Rule #: 100
Port Range: 443

Allow / Deny: Allow
12. Note the * rule which denies all inbound IP version 4 traffic not already handled by a preceding
rule, in our case, Rule # 100
13. Click Save
14. Click the Outbound Rules tab
Click the button Edit outound rules
15. Click the button Add Rule
Rule #: 100
Port Range: 443
Allow / Deny: Allow
16. Note the * rule which denies all inbound IP version 4 traffic not already handled by a preceding
rule, in our case, Rule # 100
17. Click Save
18. Click the Subnet Associations tab. Note the subnets that the NACL is associated with; currently
no subnets are associated with this NACL

Enable Flow Logs

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management Console.

3. Click Services and under Management & Governance select CloudWatch

4. On the left-hand side of the CloudWatch Dashboard select Logs
5. Click Actions and select Create log group
6. For log group name enter PrivateSubnetTraffic with no spaces
7. Click Create log group
8. Go back to the main AWS Console
9. Select IAM from Security, Identity and Compliance
10. On the left-hand side select Policies
11. Click Create Policy
12. Select Copy an AWS Managed Policy
13. From the policy listing select CloudWatchEventsFullAccess

14. In the search dialog box type cloudwatch
15. Select CloudWatchFullAccess
16. In the Policy Name dialog box change the name to CloudWatchFullAccess
17. Click Create Policy
18. Go back to the main AWS console
19. Click VPC under Networking
20. Click Subnets
21. Select Private Subnet 1 associated with the VPC Dev VPC
22. Click Subnet Actions and select Create Flow Log
23. For Role select CloudWatchFullAccess
24. For Destination Log Group select PrivateSubnetTraffic
25. Click Create Flow Log
26. Select the Flow Logs tab
27. Note that the flow log is active

Labs for Compute Services and more

EBS Volumes
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Compute select EC2

4. Scroll down and under Elastic Block Store, select Volumes
5. Click Create Volume
6. For Volume Type select general-purpose SSD, leave the default size of 100 GiB
7. Note the additional options for Availability Zone, whether to create this new volume
from an existing snapshot, or whether to encrypt the volume
8. Click Create Volume, after your volume has been created, click Close
9. Select the created volume, and click Actions to review the options available

Create Snapshots
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Compute select EC2

4. Under Elastic Block Store, select Volumes
5. Select a volume, and click Actions
6. Select Create Snapshot
7. For Description enter “drive from accounting”
8. Click Create Snapshot
9. Once you receive notification that the snapshot process has started click Close
10. Take a look at Snapshots under Elastic Block Storage; in a few seconds your snapshot
will be available.

The Root Account
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Security, Identity & Compliance click IAM

4. Since you are using the master account for your free AWS account, you are using the
Root account. The root account is not controlled by IAM. Under Best Practices take a
look at your security status.
5. In the top right-hand corner

click your name, and from the drop-down menu select My Security Credentials.
6. You should receive a warning, indicating that you are using the root account, and it’s a
best practice to use IAM. All of the options under Your Security Credentials are worth
exploring for security knowledge and for the certification test.

IAM Users and Groups
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Security, Identity & Compliance click IAM

4. On the left-hand side of the IAM dashboard select Users
5. Click Add user
6. Enter your first name for username
7. Under AWS Access type select both checkboxes. Take a minute and view what you are
allowing by selecting both of these options.
8. For Console password select Custom Password and enter a password
9. Uncheck Require password reset and click Next:Permissions
10. Review the permissions and options that you could choose, then click Next:Tags
11. Add a Tag. Key:Admin Value: CloudAdmin
12. Click Next:Review and under Permissions summary, note that no policy will be assigned
to your new user account once created.
13. Click Create user
14. Reveal the Secret access key and Password
15. Download and review the .csv file containing your security credentials for the new user
16. Once you’ve downloaded your credentials click Close
17. Click the user account link you just created and review the Summary details for the
18. From the IAM console click Groups

19. Click Create New Group
20. For Group Name enter Admins and click Next Step
21. On the Attach Policy screen select AdministratorAccess
22. Click Next Step
23. Click Create Group
24. From the IAM console click Groups
25. Select, and click the group you just created
26. On the Permissions tab and review the managed policy attached to this group.
27. Click the Users tab
28. Click Add Users to Group
29. Add the user account you created earlier in this exercise
30. From the IAM console click Dashboard
31. At the top of the IAM dashboard create an sign-in URL and then copy the IAM users sign
in link
32. Logout and back in to AWS
33. You have now logged in as an IAM user that has been assigned administrative access to
your AWS account

Policy Simulator
1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

2. Under Security, Identity & Compliance click IAM

3. On the right-hand side under Additional information, click the link Policy Simulator
4. On the left-hand side, click your username. Note the policies that are assigned to your

5. At the top of the Policy Simulator screen click Select service and select a service
6. Click Select All
7. Review the actions available
8. Click Run Simulation and review the permissions that are allowed or denied, depending
on the service that you select

Password Policy
1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

2. Under Security, Identity & Compliance click IAM

3. On the left-hand side select Account settings
4. Note the options that you could adjust to define a Password Policy for your IAM users
5. If you wish you can make changes to the existing password policy and then click Apply
password policy
6. Click Credential report and then Download Report to look at the current security

Trusted Advisor
1. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

2. Under Management & Governance click Trusted Advisor

3. After Trusted Advisor completes its checks review the Recommended Actions
4. On the left select each option and review the findings
5. On the left, click Preferences, and review the Recommended Actions

Labs for Storage

Create EBS Volumes

10. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
11. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

12. Under Compute select EC2

13. Under Elastic Block Store, select Volumes
14. Click Create Volume
15. For Volume type select General Purpose SSD (gp2), accept the default size of 100 GiB
16. Note the additional options for availability zone, whether to create this new volume
from an existing snapshot, or whether to encrypt the volume
17. Click Create Volume, after your volume has been created, click Close
18. Select the created volume, and click Actions to review the options available

Create Snapshots
11. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
12. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

13. Under Compute select EC2

14. Under Elastic Block Store, select Volumes
15. Select a volume, and click Actions
16. Select Create Snapshot
17. For description enter “drive from accounting”
18. Click Create Snapshot
19. Once you receive notification that the snapshot process has started click Close
20. Take a look at Snapshots under Elastic Block Storage; in a few seconds your snapshot
will be available.

Create an S3 Bucket and upload content
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Storage click S3

4. Click Create bucket
5. For the bucket name enter a unique name such as your first and last name together with
no spaces
6. For Region select US East
7. Click Next, three times, review all of the default settings, then click Create Bucket
8. From the S3 dashboard locate and click your bucket name.
9. At the bottom of the screen click Get started
10. Click Add files, and add a files and click Open
11. Click Next and review the permissions that will be set and then click Next
12. Review the Storage classes available and the storage class selected that is selected,
then Click
13. Click Upload

Enable Versioning
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Storage click S3

4. Find and click your bucket

5. Click the Properties tab
6. Click the Versioning tile
7. Select enable versioning and click Save
8. Click the Overview tab
9. Create a text file on your computer called red.txt. Add the text payroll, and save the file
10. Upload the file, after selecting the file, click three times and then click Upload
11. Back on your computer system edit the file red.txt, and add the year and resave the file
12. Now upload the new copy of the file, after selecting the file, click three times and then
click Upload
13. After the upload is completed click the Show button beside the heading Versions
14. Note the two copies of the same object in your bucket

Lifecycle Options with S3 and Glacier

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Storage click S3

4. Find and click your bucket
5. Click the Management tab
6. Click + Add lifecycle rule
7. For rule name enter Rule1 and select the rule scope “Apply to all objects in the
bucket”; click Next
8. Under Storage class transition, select Current version and click Next
9. For Configure expiration, select Current version, select Expire current version of object,
and for After select 90 days
10. Check the acknowledgement and click Save

Setup RDS
To do this exercise, you need two private subnets in a VPC with each subnet in a different
availability zone.
1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Database select RDS

4. Click Create Database
5. Select PostgreSQL
6. Select Free Tier
7. For DB Instance Identifier enter Dev
8. For Master Username enter your first name
9. For Passwords enter dbpassword
10. Review the instance Specifications for DB Instance class
11. Review the rest of the default settings
12. Under Connectivity select a VPC
13. Expand Additional configuration

14. Under Database options enter a Database Name
15. Under Backup review the Backup Retention Period
16. Under Maintenance review the options for version upgrades, and Maintenance
17. Click Launch DB Instance
18. In a few seconds, click View Your DB Instances
19. Take some time to review your options under Show Monitoring, and Instance Actions
20. When have finished reviewing, click Instance Actions and delete your database

1. Log into the AWS console using your credentials for your free AWS account.
2. Click the AWS logo in the top left-hand corner to show the default AWS Management
Console. Click Services.

3. Under Database select DynamoDB

4. Under Additional Resources click Getting started hands-on lab.
5. This will launch a free Quick Labs


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