Term Paper
Term Paper
Term Paper
Postgraduate Studies
MBA Program
Individual assignment
ID 0008/15
The Central Statistical Agency designed and implemented the NSDS I in the last five years. The mid-term
and final evaluation of the NSDS I was conducted in collaboration with PARIS 21, AfDB and ECA. As
observed in the evaluation of NSDS I, the design and monitoring of the country’s policies are heavily
informed by different surveys and censuses conducted by the CSA. Similarly, the NSDS II, which has
been aligned with the national plan (GTPII), is expected to serve as a monitoring and evaluation tool for
To establish an integrated and well-coordinated NSS under the guidance and leadership
of the Central Statistical Agency, professionally producing official statistics that meet the
current and evolving needs of users in a transparent and timely fashion, using standards
analysis, made it clear that the system is facing a number of challenges, which have to be
addressed for the NSS to achieve its vision through the accomplishment of its mission
3 ,Does the mission statement distinguish this organization from other organization
The mission statement define how the organization differentiates itself from other organization in
industry It is more specific than the vision statement and is intended to show how stake holder needs
will be satisfied
The generic actions that relate to the entire NSS and address all the needs of the members were
In order to promote the development agenda and evidence-based decision making, statistical
provision must be linked to the development frameworks both at the national and international
levels. This it is clear that the NSDS II should be mainstreamed into GTP II. Data generated and
made available should therefore support the Growth and Transformation Plan and the post-2015
agenda, i.e., SDGs. The available data will then be required for the successor GTP
6,Does the mission statement provide guidance for decision making
The primary aim of MIS is to support informed strategic decision making by providing quality
data that help managers and policy makers to manage service delivery program
MIS is an organized system of record keeping and reporting the products of administrative
actions which are compiled into statistical products. The resultant statistical products could still
be further processed and analyzed to give input and output indicators, which are made available
for use in planning, monitoring and evaluation of development frameworks and policy
formulation and for critical decision making. Indeed, MIS in Ethiopia in the past had produced
very important information generally generated at the sectors (MDAs). Key MDAs that have
been active in improving and developing MIS are the Ministry of Health (Health Management
Information System) and the Ministry of Education (Education Management Information
System), to mention just a few. Essentially, all the MDAs deal with MIS.
7 , Does the mission statement provide a clear focus for the organization
It is clear that the Central Statistical Agency is expected to operate effectively in accordance
its mission. However, the mandate of the CSA is not being implemented effectively because its
current human resource is inadequate to carry out the totality of its mandate as specified by the
law. Thus, the following need to be taken into consideration in order to further empower the
There is obvious need for skilled and adequate staffing at the CSA for it to
function effectively in line with the legal provisions;
The existence of the NSS and its responsibilities have to be indicated specifically in the
Provision for the CSA to coordinate the work of the NSS has to be explicitly stated in the
law; at present the CSA is granted authority to
Thus, it is necessary that the CSA’s responsibility in coordinating the activities of the other
members of the NSS must be explicitly stated in the law. To this effect, a strong coordination
unit should be established at the CSA. In the review of the law, the CSA’s institutional
arrangement must also be stated much more clearly. Any other law of other agencies with respect
to data generation that conflicts with the existing NSS statistics law should be aligned with it or
totally repealed. The law should also have provisions for financing statistical developments and
operations across the NSS
9, Is the mission statement achievable
The NSS has been institutionalized by the Central Statistical Agency, and the work
program has been approved by the National Statistics Council (NSC), which is led by the
Minister of Finance and Economic Cooperation/National Planning Commission (NPC),with
representatives of the sector ministries and all regional states as members. The NSS is made up
of data producers, data users, and suppliers of raw data, development partners and the media.
All these are important stakeholders in the preparation of the NSDS II, with the CSA as the
Coordinator and Facilitator of the NSS. The CSA also ensures that the sub-systems (Sector
Statistical Systems and the Sub-national Statistical Systems) are integrated into the NSS. The
NSC serves as a coordinating body for the purpose of designing the NSDS II and subsequently
monitoring the implementation. It is the duty of the CSA to motivate and re-orientate the various
groups of the NSS by developing appropriate mechanisms for this purpose.
The computation of the National Accounts numbers is located in the NPC. Essentially, the NPC
is the main user of these macro-economic aggregates. To date, the Ethiopian Revenue and
Customs Authority (ERCA) compiles the external trade figures which are among the mandatory
statistics to be produced. The Vital Events Registration Agency (VERA), which is linked with
the Ministry of Justice, has as its mandate the registration of births, deaths, marriages and
divorces. The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) produces Balance of Payment Statistics and all
monetary and financial statistics. Data on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are also put together
by the NBE. The Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Ministry of Livestock
and Fishery Development obtain their data from the administrative recordings, surveys and
censuses conducted by the CSA
4,Market or customer definition
The production of all mandatory statistics should, for the sake of coherence, be hosted at the
CSA, and the compilation of the external trade statistics should be transferred to the CSA as
early as possible. But the Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) and the CSA must
work together since the Authority should make the data from the bills of entry for all
commodities and services available to the CSA for the computation of the external trade
statistics. The CSA and the Vital Events Registration Agency (VERA) will always work
together, but the final compilation of vital statistics will be the responsibility of the CSA. Foreign
Direct Investment data could necessitate conducting a survey, which usually is jointly carried out
by both agencies, i.e., the National Bank of Ethiopia and the CSA. The NBE requires the various
price statistics to understand some of its own policies and these must be supplied timely by the
CSA. Obviously, they must work together collaboratively.
5,Technology or method used to create product or service
.1 Building the capacity of the CSA financially and by human resource to coordinate the NSS
2 Preparing clear guidelines and functions for coordination ta committee/ Forum and its sub-
committee and forum for suppliers of data
3 Establishing Producer/Producer (Inter-Agency), User/Producer
4 Creating partnership between the CSA on behalf of the NSS and the media
.5 Coordinating and strengthen the Donor group Forum on statistical initiatives
6 Establishing MOUs with the MDAs for joint work with the CSA
7 Preparing an annual performance report on the NSS for the Council
8 Initiating NSS Statistical Unit consultative meetings9 Building partnerships with universities,
research institutes and other
10 Establishing a technical Team of highly skilled professionals to undertake back-stopping
strategic activities
11 Developing a mechanism for within agency coordination
12 Following up the utilization of the standard documents and EDQAF
1,The existence of a well experienced CSA with its branch offices in all the regional states
of the country enhances not only data collection nationally but also initiates the need for
the coordination of all sectors (MDAs) and regional state statistical systems which highly
ensures the production of impartial and credible official statistics;
2. Team work spirit exists among the CSA and MDAs/Regional States and the staff of the
NSS, and all members also acknowledge the need for a strong NSS;
3. An up-to-date frame of geographic Enumeration Areas (EAs) is available for use of all
stakeholders as framework for conducting all household surveys in Ethiopia;
4. Competencies and unique capabilities are available in institutions within the components
of the NSS giving these agencies comparative advantage over others in performing
certain statistical tasks (carrying out population and economic censuses and large-scale
surveys by the CSA, undertaking school censuses under EMIS by the Ministries of
Education at both Federal and Regional levels and compiling indicators from health
statistics by the Ministry of Health at both the Federal and Regional levels);
5. Delivery of statistical as well as analytical reports and other deliverables from different
surveys conducted by the CSA and other NSS members;
6. Existence and harnessing of ICT and Geospatial Information Technology Infrastructure
to support the data production process, data management and flow and data exchange
7,Values of principle that guide decision making process
In addition to being based on and aligning with the Fundamental Principles of Official
(FPOS), all stakeholders within the NSS shall adopt, cultivate and be guided by the following
sets of values and principles:
Users are the reason for the NSS to be in the business of statistical production.
Therefore, the NSS shall be user-demand compliant in responding to user needs and
priorities and in reporting/ presenting statistical information.
The NSS shall remain objective and impartial in the analysis and interpretation of data
produced and in the release of statistics. Therefore, the NSS will strictly follow a
calendar that is prepared and released in advance.
Supplier Motivation
The NSS shall have a program for the motivation in terms of awareness creation of
Data Quality
For the NSS to be respected and be relied upon as authority in giving quality service, its
statistical products and outputs must pass when subjected to the tests of the dimensions of
quality, timeliness, consistency, completeness, coherence, reliability, and relevance under
the Ethiopian Data Quality Assessment Framework (EDQAF). For continuous
improvement in quality of products and services, NSS will embrace the principles of
Total Quality Management (TQM).
Since efficiency is a guarantee for success, the NSS shall promote efficiency by
encouraging teamwork, networking, collaboration, motivation, innovation, and cost-effectiveness
within the NSS.
The NSS must focus on achieving sustainability of its services by ensuring stability of a
contented work force and funding processes of its operations.
A high level of professionalism must be brought into the production of statistical outputs
using internationally acceptable methods, procedures, and practices so as to retai
stakeholders' trust in Official Statistics.
In order to retain the trust and confidence of the suppliers of data, individual data
submitted by respondents, whether they are natural or legal entities, shall be treated with
utmost confidentiality throughout the process of compilation and presentation and must
be used exclusively for statistical purposes as required by the statistics law.
Regulatory Framework
The NSS shall, at all times, respect the law, regulations and measures underpinning the
production processes and should ensure that the provisions of the Act is made public and
is meticulously implemented.
Effective Coordination
Coordination, along with collaboration and cooperation, is a critical value that must be
upheld in statistical production, management and dissemination by the NSS in order to
achieve the synergy and efficiency of the system and as the only way to attain an
integrated NSS.
Accountability and Transparency
The NSS shall strive to promote accountability to the public through the provision of
reliable and relevant statistics and by ensuring transparency in the data production
process, especially in the methodology used for production.
Standardization of Process
The process of generation as already adopted nationally is in line with the Fundamental
Principles of Official Statistics, the African Charter on Statistics and the Ethiopia Data
A comprehensive assessment of the current status of the NSS along with the challenges it faces
was another important step in the design process of this document. The assessment covered all
priority areas in harmony with the GTP II data needs. The existing situation, desired situation
and the general analysis of the issues were made before finally carrying out the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) analysis. From the analysis, challenges facing
the NSS and CSA were identified and incorporated together with the feedback obtained during
stakeholders’ validation workshop. The following were some of the challenges identified and
recommendations made
3,Sociocultural factor
Survey/ Statistical Year Funding Source Outputs and Indicators Remarks
Crop Forecast 2011, Government Regional and national level crop Published
Survey 2012, production data by type and
2013, size
2014, 2015
Annual Government Crop production, irrigation, land Published
Agricultural 2011, use, fertilizer use, acreage,
Sample Survey 2012, type of crop produced, pesticides,
(Meher and Belg 2013, production, consumption,
Season 2014, 2015 demand, supply, storage capacity,
Cattle Population, 2011, Government Report on characteristics and Published
Poultry and 2012, production of livesotick, farm
Beehives Survey 2013, poultry and beehives products
2014, 2015
Ethiopian Rural 2012 Government/World Data and report on rural and small Published
Socio-Economic Bank town socio-economic
Panel Survey (First characteristics at the household
Wave) (Living and community level.
Standard Demographic and related events,
Measurement use and condition of assets
Study – for different purposes, education,
Integrated Surveys health, labour and time use,
on Agriculture – savings, credit, consumption, food
LSMS-ISA security, assets, housing
programme characteristics, access to
electricity, water and sanitation
facilities, agriculture and
Ethiopian 2014 Government/ Data and report on national socio- Published
Socioeconomic World economic characteristics at
Panel Bank the household and community
Survey (Second level. Demographic and related
Wave) (Living events, use and condition of assets
Standard for different purposes,
Measurement education, health, labor and time
Study – use, savings, credit,
Integrated Surveys consumption, food security,
on Agriculture – assets, housing characteristics,
LSMS-ISA access to electricity, water and
programme sanitation facilities, agriculture
and livestock.
Dry Season 2014.2015 Government Report on dry season irrigation, Published
Irrigation Activity land use, type of crop
Survey produced, pesticides, production,
consumption, demand,
3,Technologycal factor
Innovative investments will be compulsory in the statistical system to cope with the increased
magnitude of statistical demands and to promote greater use of statistics in policy development
and monitoring. In addition, accommodating the new data needs and emerging cross-cutting
issues like gender and environment in the statistical domains requires a huge amount of finance.
To engage in methodological researches and statistical system development as well as the
implementation of modern data collection devices and statistical infrastructural development, a
huge amount and an efficient utilization of funds is needed. Moreover, managing a continuous
system assessment and accreditation of data produced and delivering an overall capacity
development within the NSS as part of the coordination of the system requires a considerable
amount of finance to b available.
Therefore, emphasis should be given to ensuring sustainable funding from the government and
donors so as to accomplish the task of implementing the national statistical development plan
which has been designed for the next five years.
The government’s share of the budget will be utilized to cover salaries, overheads and
allowances as well as part of the capital expenditure needed for the implementation of the
strategy. The contribution from donors will cover the balance of the capital cost which will be in
the form of technical support and other expenses
Statistics should have a much higher profile in the country than what is the case now. At
present, there is lack of statistical advocacy and awareness regarding its use. The CSA
establishment proclamation and directives have become inadequate in giving coverage to
the entire NSS. There is lack of coordination which has resulted in deficiency in emerging areas
such as environment, gender, improvements in research and
methodology, and administrative statistics coverage. Furthermore, some mandatory
statistics, which need to be handled by the CSA to ensure improved data presentation and
usage in various research activities by setting statistical standards which pave the way for
innovations, are done outside the CSA
4,Human resources
It is assumed that existing surveys, censuses, compilation of data from administrative records
and provision of technical support to the National Statistical System will continue. The focus of
this section is to highlight the newly emerging and identified national statistical in addition to its
established responsibilities. In the coming five years, as shown in the detailed work plan, the
CSA intends to increase the magnitude and coverage of surveys in order to meet the growing
data and statistical output demands together with the need to improve the timeliness of its data
production. It also needs to develop the overall institutional as well as human capacity to lead
Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Equally to be measured are the efficiency and effectiveness of
the delivery services in the social sector development plans such as in education, health, road and
railway infrastructural developments and services, and water supply and coverage, just to
mention a few