Demo 2 Lab

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kG /MVA : Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products

Demo Project 2: &

By Sergio Feitoza Costa
Keywords: #iecstandards #stl #cigre #busbar #testinglaboratory #internalarc #ov erpressure #temperaturerise # el ectrodynamic #stresses #shorttimecurrent # emc #m agneticfields #el ectricfield #c ertification #qualitysystem #n ewtechnologies #desi gn #costsreduction #validation #calculation #busway #ser giofeitoza #switchgeardesign #highpower #r&d #simulation #highpowertest #testing #shortcircuit #cpri #jstc #pehla #sats #stlna #zku #intertek #s gs #bureauveritas #switchgear #switchboards #asefa #paineis #b arras #es ef #tabl ero #consultant #iec62271 #veiki #iec61439 #substatio n #lowcost #kema #k eri #l actec #cesi #stl # cepel #p owertech #sgs #s ergiofeitozacosta #a elp #chptl #icm et #fg #sabsnetf.

1. THE DEMO PROJECT #2 of 7 (R&D Centre + Testing Lab implementation).

The “kG /MVA: Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products” is a concept explained in Reference
[1]. The initial goal is to carry out 7 short-duration demonstration projects to show to the world that designing higher
efficiency equipment using less materials is not a difficult task and depend more on serious attitudes than of significant
investments. This project #2 intends to design and implement a financially sustainable center to provide R&D support
and laboratory testing for the development of Substations & Lines Innovative Products and Patents. Innovation in this
context refers to materials-saving goods or procedures. We provide samples below. Areas such as South America,
Africa, and parts of Asia like Malaysia, Singapore, or Thailand may benefit greatly from this kind of center.

Table 1 – The scope of 7 demonstration projects

Demonstration project Name Scope and monitoring of results
(Details in the links)
#1 Environmental efficiency To disseminate the idea, to monitor the level of interest certificate of electrical through the number of Linkedin followers, to create the
products (kG/MVA): guidelines for the implementation and to act within major
technical standard & demo technical standards organizations to discuss and prepare
projects management the standard.
#2 High Power (small size): Design and implementation of 3 units in ) in three regions Testing Laboratory with like South America (possibly Brazil), Africa and Asia
R&D services focused on (possibly in Malaysia ou Singapore or Thailand).
lower kG/MVA products
#3 Examples of more efficient Design, testing results & comparisons of kg/MVA between switchgear (30% less traditional techniques and ( a ) using several thin bars, per
kg/MVA) using thinner phase, ( b ) small (auto) ventilation resources , ( c )
bars, small ventilation, and different coatings of the busbar connections and ( d )
different materials Cu / Al parts of components using metal foam
profiles and coatings
#4 Designing triaxial busways Design and testing comparing the traditional busways for high rise buildings with a triaxial busway with higher rated and short circuit
(lower kg/MVA & current ratings (lower kg/MVA) using proved concepts
impedance for IEC62271 – used in coaxial cables
IEC 61439)

#5 A Super Enclosure for high To be disclosed soon current switchgear and
controlgear (IEC62271 –
IEC 61439)

#6 Decidix for kg/MVA – a A tool for technical-economic evaluations easy to use by tool to assess the equipment developers with little knowledge of cost
efficiency of high electric calculations. Allows you to compare the attractiveness of
power products projects of different natures
#7 MHD for a water To be disclosed soon. Check this article. transportation vessel
based on electrodynamic

Cell phone. 55-21-9 88874600

E-mail: [email protected] Site:
kG /MVA : Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products


The main barrier to the development of more eco-friendly products that consume less materials and resources on
Earth is the requirement for costly testing in high power testing laboratories. A facility like a medium size high power
test laboratory (HPL) cost from 20 to 50 million euros to build. Although there is a healthy market for testing, there
are greater return on investment opportunities for investors to consider. There are not so many laboratories in the
world, and the cost of a single testing day can range from 2,000 to 15,000 euros, depending on the test.

IEC, IEEE and most national standards are only focused on type testing and , unfortunately, do not even mention
greater efficiency and material savings as a benefit. Manufacturers, at least in the end of a product's development,
need to go to a third part testing lab to obtain a test report to be used for commercialization. They go to the laboratory
with the concern that, if the equipment does not pass test, they will have more expenses with test repetitions. For this
reason, they design the prototypes with safety margins higher than necessary. This is the opposite of the concept of
higher efficiency and lower costs.

By this reason, rather of attempting to create more efficient projects, any manufacturers prefer to copy old, already
tested projects, developed in the past by the large international manufacturers. It was not even contemplated at the
time to use less materials and be more efficient in order to preserve Earth's resources. It would be easy for big
international manufacturers to develop more efficient versions of their old designs. They will not, however, venture
outside of what they have been doing well for more than 50 years, particularly because the majority of buyers,
governments, and organizations in the electrical sector do not clearly perceive the macro notions of "high efficiency".

I state this consciously. At 69, I've spent 25 years designing, building, operating, and managing the largest testing labs
in South America. After that, for the past 23 years I've developed knowledge and used simulation software to review
the design before manufacturers go to the lab for actual testing. I review and correct their projects with almost 100%
success. Most designs I touched had possibilities of efficiency improvements.

A point to notice is that developing a growing medium-size electrical industry - higher efficiency based is not difficult
and produces impacting results in development, employment & income. I had a rare opportunity to witness and
participate in an entire process of enlarging Brazilian electric industry in the 80’s to 90’s. Nowadays, could be done
better and faster. The results in Brazil were very good, visible, and easily verifiable via web, just comparing the size
and profile of the electric industry in the 70’s and now. The, before, incipient electric industry growed and became
solid and competitive generating employment and development.

The world changed and to do something with similar effect today we should think about a smaller scale testing lab,
using less investment but adding more innovative ideas like to mix this with the approach of testing simulations. By
doing this, a sustainable business would be created, which would not be achievable with just funding conventional
testing lab operations.

The path of the stones is to create a small R&D centre with a small electrical testing laboratory including a
team focused on R&D to develop innovations in substation equipment (60% testing team + 40% R&D team).
The focus would be to get more efficient equipment with lower Kg/MVA. The strategy would also involve
systematic action in technical standardization bodies like IEC and IEEE to disseminate the knowledge acquired.
Following this line of action, in some 7 years the results will appear. To spread these kinds of efficiency
concepts, CIGRÆ, the most reputable voice of the electric industry, can be very useful.


Around the world, the majority of current research facilities and testing labs were constructed between the 1950s and
1980s. Numerous investments were made by state-owned enterprises with the aim of stimulating regional growth. In
the past 20 years, a number of large-medium centres and labs have closed and not replaced because private investors
believe they are not the best investments for sums higher than 20 million euros. Others were shut down because they
had already completed their initial goal or failed to see how the world was changing.

Cell phone. 55-21-9 88874600

E-mail: [email protected] Site:
kG /MVA : Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products
The project vision is of a private investment having as background the creation of a market for “higher efficiency saving
resources equipment” supported by a CERTIFICATE. Read in Ref. [1] the draft of an international technical standard.
This “Certificate” is an action to signalize that higher efficiency via a lower kg/MVA is good for the environment. The
plan calls for putting a marketing strategy into action to enhance the company's environmental image and persuade
the general public that manufacturing products with fewer kG/MVA and $/MVA is good for the Planet.

Big buyers that need to take care of the environmental image, will prefer to buy products with lower kg/MVA values.
The first ones which obtain the Certificate can strategically do campaigns to disclose who buys and who does not buy
more efficient products. Declarations about the relevancy of kg/MVA in product standards of entities really committed
to the environmental issue, would accelerate the process. IEC and IEEE could do a great contribution on this.

The envisaged step to follow is to implement the Demo Project 2 (Small lab) and monitoring the results for a certain
period of time. The idea is to implement the construction of a small - medium-sized 3rd part centre with a testing
laboratory. In addition to the conventional testing services the R&D team will provide support to manufacturers of
equipment for substations and lines. The idea is to help them in the development of more efficient products. It is
expected that a well-dimensioned centre + laboratory, managed from the perspective of private companies, will
immediately get a big market. The reasons are: (a) it creates conditions for a new attractive market and growth of the
electric industry (b) big buyers needing to take care of the environmental image, will prefer to buy products with lower
kg/MVA (c) the growth of the renewable energy market (d) low availability of cheaper small-sized testing labs .


The construction of this 3rd part laboratory goes far beyond test services because it provides support to manufacturers
for development of innovative products. The team and installations will be dimensioned to be a self-sustaining
enterprise with the sale of testing services and R&D services. The key for the success is to help the power industry to
develop or improve products. This does not conflict with doing third-party testing.

Most of the existing labs I know, all over the world, still have an extremely conservative view that "everything should
be tested" and furthermore, that a third-party lab should not act to help manufacturers to develop products because
would be conflicting with the interest of “doing neutral tests". The world has changed and doesn't care about this.

The important new is the use of low-cost testing simulations to develop products. The big world-wide manufacturers
use them intensively. However, the others, which would be the big beneficiaries – rarely know they exist. There are
recent CIGRE brochures demonstrating applications and validations like CIGRE 602 (Internal Arc), 740 (Low-Cost
Substations) and 830 (Temperature Rise). In IEC the openings for testing simulations were finally created as in IEC TR
62271-307. I am co-author of these Cigrè and IEC documents and participated of the WGs. The main big manufacturers
were there participating actively in the working groups.

Nowadays, almost always, manufacturers go to testing labs with the main objective of having a test report in hand to
show to product buyers. What matters is having the lowest expenses and passing in the tests. The concept with our
idea is to make the developments cheaper using design experience and test simulations. The idea is to go to the labs
only in the final stage of development, to carry out the type tests and get the test report. The focus is also to develop
higher efficiency + less materials products and to use this as a marketing strategy.


The idea is implementing a commercial venture with an acceptable return on investment for investors. In the feasibility
study we consider that the return on investment involve revenues from the sale of tests, patents, and other R&D
consequences as well as the improvement of system quality indexes. The enterprise will have two lines of action:

• A small - medium sized laboratory to carry out the high - power tests and,

• A parallel activity of "Support in the development of equipment for substations & lines systems" with
worldwide operations, including lower-cost solutions to amplify the use of renewable energy. The market
of this R&D activity is not still explored and may bring incomes even higher than the tests sales. Depends
mostly on the creativity of experienced specialists.

Cell phone. 55-21-9 88874600

E-mail: [email protected] Site:
kG /MVA : Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products

Direct business revenue will come from

• conducting conventional tests like in the list to follow,

• to provide, to manufacturers, technical support for the development of more efficient products,
• testing simulations and training to reduce development costs and
• neutral lectures, on behalf of manufacturers, on products and technical standards that - clearly - help to
improve energy efficiency.

The “Testing Laboratory” will allow remote viewing (as F.A.T.). The main tests to be performed will be:

• Tests of medium voltage, low voltage equipment and even some up to class 550 kV.
• Tests of short time current withstand and crest (short-circuit) up to 200 kArms - 1s
• Temperature rises to 20,000 A permanent.
• Low voltage internal arc (and some for MV)
• Dielectric tests up to medium voltage equipment.

For companies that show interest in the idea we can provide information and expertise like:
• Economic technical feasibility studies and business plan
• Detailed market study
• Estimated implementation costs and future revenues
• Team size (less than 25-30 people)

To know more about the author of this project idea read the CV of Sergio Feitoza Costa here . Check here some things that he helped to do along a successful
engineering and R&D life


[1] Demo 1 project: Environmental efficiency certificate of electrical products (kG/MVA): technical standard
& demo projects management)

[2] Lower kg/MVA:

[3] Improvement of quality of electric system indexes:

[4] Free book by Sergio "Renewable Energy + Environmental Education to try to save the Planet"

[5] Free book by Sergio” Project Save Rio in 10 years:

[6] Free book by Sergio “Switchgear, Busways & Isolators & Substations & Lines Equipment”

Cell phone. 55-21-9 88874600

E-mail: [email protected] Site:
kG /MVA : Research Centre on Environmental Efficiency of Electric Products

Sergio Feitoza, author of this article, helped to design, construct operate and to manage this set of 14 testing labs. including High-Power, High voltage, EMC, Ex,

Cell phone. 55-21-9 88874600

E-mail: [email protected] Site:

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