Barron 39 S 02 November 2020
Barron 39 S 02 November 2020
Barron 39 S 02 November 2020
Nov. 2, 2020
Vol. C No. 44
loves company.
2 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
There are risks involved with investing in ETFs, including possible loss of money. ETFs are subject to risks similar to those of stocks. Investments focused in a particular sector, such as technology, are subject to greater risk, and are more
greatly impacted by market volatility, than more diversified investments. An investment cannot be made directly into any index.
No matter what happens
on Election Day, count
on Fed Chairman Jerome
Powell as the stabilizing
force for the economy
and the markets.
C O NT EN TS 11.02.20 VOL .C NO.4 4
P. 9 P. 24 P. 31
Other Voices: Why the
U.S. Election Is Secure
Bonds That Benefit By GLENN S. GERSTELL
Excelling in Covid tests
From a Blue Wave
Municipal bonds could win big if P. 35
Democrats sweep the White House
and both houses of Congress. Abbott Laboratories ABT Income: AT&T Can
Shining as gold surges
Remain an Aristocrat
P. 16
reshaped by mergers—but bigger By BEN LEVISOHN
isn’t always better.
By MAX A. CHERNEY SBA Communications SBAC P. M4
P. 17
Raking it in with toll-payment gear Euro Trader: Aggreko
Shares Could Rise 60%
China Offers Clues to
the U.S. Recovery
China’s snapback offers hope for
Roper Technologies ROP 8% By RUPERT STEINER
P. M4
U.S. industrials Parker Hannifin, Fixing America’s aging rooftops
Emerging Markets:
-21% CSL
Littelfuse, and TE Connectivity.
By AL ROOT CSL Wall Street Gets China’s
Carlisle Red-Carpet Treatment
P. 19
Source: Bloomberg
A Play on the World’s By CRAIG MELLOW
combine the diversification of a mutual fund and the tracking of an index with transparency and liquidity.
Merck MRK 5.29%
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Abbott Labs ABT 4.86%
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Amgen AMGN 3.75%
*Components and weightings as
of 9/30/20. Please see website for Medtronic MDT 3.52%
daily updates. Holdings subject
Bristol-Myers BMY 3.43% Visit or call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF
to change.
An investor should consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus, which contains this and other information, call 1-866-SECTOR-ETF or
visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
The S&P 500, SPDRs®, and Select Sector SPDRs® are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor’s Financial Services LLC. and have been licensed for use. The stocks included in each Select Sector Index were selected by the compilation agent. Their composition and
weighting can be expected to differ to that in any similar indexes that are published by S&P. The S&P 500 Index is an unmanaged index of 500 common stocks that is generally considered representative of the U.S. stock market. The index is heavily weighted toward
stocks with large market capitalizations and represents approximately two-thirds of the total market value of all domestic common stocks. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. The S&P 500 Index figures do not reflect any fees, expenses or taxes. Ordinary
brokerage commissions apply. ETFs are considered transparent because their portfolio holdings are disclosed daily. Liquidity is characterized by a high level of trading activity.
Select Sector SPDRs are subject to risks similar to those of stocks, including those regarding short-selling and margin account maintenance. All ETFs are subject to risk, including possible loss of principal. Funds focusing on a single sector generally experience greater
volatility. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of experiencing investment losses.
ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc., a registered broker-dealer, is distributor for the Select Sector SPDR Trust.
6 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Our index lists significant companies mentioned in stories and columns, For Customer Service, call 1 (800) 544-0422, or go to
plus Research Reports, and Corrections & Amplifications. The references For reprints of articles,
are to the first page of the item in which the company is mentioned. call 1 (800) 843-0008, or go to
Henry Schein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 7
Futures and options transactions are intended for sophisticated investors and are complex, carry a high degree of risk, and are not suitable for all investors. For more information, please read the Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options and the Risk
Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options by visiting or calling 1-800-387-2331 prior to applying for an account.
Standard options contract fee is $0.65 per contract (or $0.50 per contract for customers who execute at least 30 stock, ETF, and options trades per quarter). Retail online $0 commission does not apply to over-the-counter derivatives, foreign stock transactions, large
block transactions requiring special handling, transaction-fee mutual funds, futures, or ixed-income investments. Service charges apply for trades placed through a broker ($25). Stock plan account transactions are subject to a separate commission schedule. Additional
regulatory and exchange fees may apply. For more information about pricing, visit Securities products and services are offered by E*TRADE Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Commodity futures and options on futures offered by E*TRADE Futures
LLC, member NFA. E*TRADE Securities LLC and E*TRADE Futures LLC are separate but ailiated companies. © 2020 E*TRADE Financial Corporation. All rights reserved.
8 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
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The Refinitiv Lipper Fund Awards are based on the Lipper Leader for Consistent Return rating, which is a risk-adjusted performance measure calculated over 36, 60 and 120 months. Lipper Leaders fund ratings do not constitute and are not intended to constitute investment advice or an offer to sell or the
solicitation of an offer to buy any security of any entity in any jurisdiction. For more information, see Lipper Fund Awards from Refinitiv, ©2020 Refinitiv. All rights reserved. Used under license. The award is based on a review of risk-adjusted performance of 33 companies for 2020.
The award pertains only to the Nuveen funds in the fixed-income category. Certain funds have fee waivers in effect. Without such waivers ratings could be lower.
Past performance does not guarantee future results. This material is not intended to be a recommendation or investment advice, does not constitute a solicitation to buy, sell or hold a security or an investment strategy, and is not provided in a fiduciary capacity. The information provided does
not take into account the specific objectives or circumstances of any particular investor, or suggest any specific course of action. Investment decisions should be made based on an investor’s objectives and circumstances and in consultation with his or her advisors.
Before investing, carefully consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. For this and other information that should be read carefully,
please request a prospectus or summary prospectus from your financial professional or Nuveen at 800.752.8700 or visit
Nuveen Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC. 20854 GAD-1134692CR-W0420X
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 9
Economy Is in a Hole
demic, points out that this was the first surgence in the economy came from
recession in the post–World War II era the Federal Reserve, which slashed
concentrated in the services sector. short-term interest rates to zero and
Writing in his blog on LinkedIn, he pumped liquidity into virtually all sec-
points out that consumer spending on tors of the financial markets. The Fed-
services, such as travel, recreation, eral Open Market Committee sched-
and entertainment, has been shifted to uled its regular two-day policy meeting
our years ago this week, this doubt, is the economy, which had a goods. But that shift has its limits. to wind up on Thursday, no doubt on
column paraphrased former bungee bounce in the third quarter, Once you buy a new laptop, exercise the assumption that the election would
President Gerald Ford’s after much of the U.S. shut down to bicycle, or riding mower, you’re not be decided by then. Should the out-
observation that our long curb the coronavirus spread. The elas- about to buy another soon. After you come still be contested, the central
national nightmare is tic that provided the spring back came go to a restaurant today, you’ll want to bank probably would prefer to lie low.
almost over. That mistake from the Cares Act, which provided eat again tomorrow. One concern would be a replay of
won’t be repeated here. $2.2 trillion to spend as economies “A sustainable recovery cannot the disputed 2000 election, which
Election Day officially remains around the nation began to reopen. occur until the service sector is fully saw stocks slump while the hanging
Tuesday, Nov. 3, but it may not be the Real gross domestic product ex- open because it accounts for roughly chads were counted in Florida until
denouement of the endless U.S. presi- By Randall W. panded at a record 33.1% seasonally 60% of GDP and over 85% of the em- Bush v. Gore was decided by the Su-
dential campaign. As of this writing, Forsyth adjusted annual rate in the Septem- ployed workforce,” Carson says. The preme Court that December. One dif-
over 85 million ballots already have ber quarter. But after a record annu- partial reopening of the economy still ference from today is that, back then,
been cast, according to the U.S. Elec- alized contraction of 31.4% in the left service-sector jobs 10 million be- the Fed had been steadily pushing up
tions Project’s count. But counting the second quarter and a 5% annualized low the levels of early 2020, he adds. interest rates in 1999 and 2000, even
mail ballots, which totaled 55 million decline in the first, that still left the While rising Covid-19 cases are after the bursting of the dot-com bub-
of the early tally, will take time, de- U.S. economy some 3.5% below its raising the possibility of renewed curbs ble earlier in the latter year. Now, of
pending on the state. There have been pre-crisis peak, a falloff typical of the on businesses, prospects for another course, the Fed is all in to support the
230 election-related lawsuits filed. trough of a standard recession. That fiscal stimulus bill are iffy after the markets and the economy. (See this
Yet the election’s outcome—or its it followed a record quarterly re- on-again, off-again talks between Trea- week’s cover story, page 20.)
possible delay—isn’t the only thing bound shows the depth of the hole sury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and After a brutal week in the markets
besetting the stock market, which just and the uncertainty in the week ahead,
suffered its worst week since last the most hopeful sign for the bulls is
March, with losses ranging from that stock futures rebounded smartly
6.47% in the Dow Jones Industrial Friday from their lows set in the wee
Average to 5.51% in the Nasdaq Com- hours of the overnight session, accord-
posite. Anxiety over a resurgence of ing to Evercore ISI’s technical guru,
Covid-19 cases in Western Europe and Rich Ross. That should end the 8%
rising case numbers and hospitaliza- pre-election correction, he writes in a
tions in many parts of the U.S. also client note. That would mimic the pat-
sent the Cboe Volatility Index, or tern ahead of the 2016 vote.
VIX—aka the stock market’s fear And after that experience, the
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images
crude-oil prices, which fell back to the orking from home might
mid-$30 level for the U.S. benchmark, be one of those ways in
also the lowest since June. But bonds which many folks’ lives
offered no cushion, with the yield on changed in 2020, but it’s
In October, 20,000
the 10-year Treasury note climbing to empty chairs were
nothing new for some of us.
0.868%, the highest since early June. displayed near the More than three decades ago, I had
Among the known unknowns, White House to rep- a clone of my office computer set up at
resent the 200,000
while the outcome of the presidential lives lost in the U.S. home—a screaming 286 PC with a
and congressional races remain in to the coronavirus. monochrome monitor, a dot-matrix
10 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
expense of commuting.
With WFH becoming a necessity, rather now is a good time for a move, says Mat-
than a luxury, there’s been a suburban thew Pointon, a property economist at
housing boom, with urban families under Capital Economics, in a client note.
shutdown needing more space for a home But for housing to continue to boom,
office and home schooling. With mortgage the lower end of the market must pick up,
March stock-market lows to the early-Sep- reported as 1.011 million. Similarly, pend-
tember peaks. ing sales of existing homes dipped 2.2% in
But is this rush to single-family houses September, also contrary to expectations of
a long-lived trend, like online shopping? an uptick, with declines in all regions ex-
Or did the coronavirus-induced shut- cept the Northeast.
downs merely accelerate moves that fami- Meanwhile, rents in cities such as New
lies already had been contemplating? York are coming down. That may induce
More likely the latter, says Oliver Bren- some who were contemplating buying in
nan, an economist with TS Lombard. And the ’burbs instead to stay in the city and
while he doesn’t expect anything like the snag a deal on a bigger apartment. And
1 (888) 493-8631 bust that followed the housing boom of the some empty-nest baby boomers who had
2000s, he suggests that the iShares U.S. been considering downsizing might take
Home Construction exchange-traded advantage of the seller’s market for their
fund (ticker: ITB) is likely to underperform suburban houses.
the broad market. Markets have a way of bringing supply
The home-buying boom largely has been and demand into balance.
concentrated in the high end of the market, Lombard’s Brennan emphasizes that he
Beyond Ordinary ETFs TM
he writes in a report. Sales of million-dol- doesn’t see a housing crash, especially with
lar-plus houses have nearly doubled in the low mortgage rates. Home-building stocks
Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal. The invest- past year, according to the National Associ- discount 5%-20% earnings gains over the
able universe of companies in which CLOU may invest may be limited. The ation of Realtors. Affordability is good for next 12 months, which he suggests could be
Fund invests in securities of companies engaged in Information Technology, the well-off with top credit ratings; people overly optimistic, although their valuations
which can be affected by rapid product obsolescence and intense industry with FICO scores above 760 accounted for have come off a bit from their highs of early
competition. International investments may involve risk of capital loss from two-thirds of mortgage originations in the October. In addition, the component stocks
unfavorable fluctuation in currency values, from differences in generally ac- second quarter. of the iShares U.S. Home Construction ETF
cepted accounting principles or from social, economic or political instability But overall mortgage applications for are weighted marginally more to builders
in other nations. CLOU is non-diversified. home purchases have flattened in recent for first-time buyers, so he suggests short-
months, even as refinancing demand has ing that fund versus the S&P 500, rather
Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges soared, Brennan notes. At the same time, than the competing SPDR S&P Home-
and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be listings have multiplied in markets in builders ETF (XHB).
found in the Fund’s full or summary prospectus, which are available at which prices previously had risen, such as Covid-19 has changed many things, Read the prospectus carefully before investing. the New York and San Francisco metro such as the number of people working
areas. All of which points to disparities in from home, but housing remains cyclical.
Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not the housing market, with strong demand While the peak might not be here, the mar-
individually redeemed from the Fund. Brokerage commissions will reduce for high-value homes and refinancings in ket is far from the bottom. B
returns. Distributed by SEI Investments Distribution Co. expensive areas, but weaker demand for
cheaper houses and refis in regions where email: [email protected]
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 11
If you would like to learn more about our solutions for politically conservative investors, please visit our website
Carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges and expenses before investing. This and additional information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus
and Summary Prospectus, which may be obtained by visiting Read the prospectus and Summary Prospectus carefully before investing.
An investment in the Fund is subject to risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Overall stock market risks may affect the value of individual securities in which
the Fund invests. The Fund is actively managed, the Adviser’s investment decisions impact the Fund’s performance. The Fund and Adviser are new, the ETF has only recently commenced
operations. This Fund may not be suitable for all investors.
The ACVF Fund is distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC.
The Fund is structured as an ETF and as a result, is subject to special risks. Shares are bought and sold at market price (closing price) not net asset value (NAV) and are not individually
redeemed from the Fund. Market price returns are based on the midpoint of the bid/ask spread at 4:00pm Eastern Time (when NAV is normally determined) and do not represent the return
you would receive if you traded at other times.
12 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
UBS predicts that a vaccine, and how quickly it is
delivered, has roughly the same pull on stock-
market returns as the election.
mistic about a vaccine, but don’t want seller is that investors are paying
to pick a drug stock, UBS has an idea. handsomely for such companies now.
By its math, vaccine hope is already If Nasdaq were merely riding a stock
80% priced into the U.S. stock market, trading boom this year, investors
Forecasts for an
but only 46% priced into U.S. value would worry about a fizzle next year.
stocks—there are no decimal places, But around two-thirds of revenue now
sorry to say. comes from non-trading sources.
If the bank is right, a vote for value Nasdaq’s forward price/earnings ratio
Unknowable Future
stocks could pay off nicely if the lab- has doubled to 20 over the past eight
coat set has a breakthrough soon. years.
There are challenges. A technology
wild ride for stocks this boom in the 1980s and ’90s put
year is profiting companies Nasdaq and its Silicon Valley stock
that execute trades. Nasdaq listings on the map, but it also gave
(NDAQ) recently reported a rise to the modern internet, which has
like when predictions of un- already had. Vote for candidates you 15% increase in revenue, to $259 lowered barriers to entry for upstart
knowable things come with believe will govern well, and let the million, from what it calls market stock exchanges. Fees there could fall
impossible levels of precision. stock market take care of itself. services, which include stock as competition rises, which is all the
If you’re going to tell me how Second, UBS predicts that a Covid- trading. more reason for Nasdaq to push into
various U.S. election out- 19 vaccine, and how quickly it is That’s good news for its data and tech.
comes will affect the spread delivered, has roughly the same pull shareholders, of course, but more Friedman says one of the
between Italian and German on cumulative stock-market returns important is what’s going on in a company’s newest products uses
government bond yields in 2022, I see through 2022 as the election division called information services. artificial intelligence to scan for signs
no reason to skimp on the decimal outcome. There, revenue shot 20% higher last of money laundering.
places. So imagine my delight with a By Jack Hough That is, the bank’s highest-return quarter, to $238 million. I asked Friedman how much
new pre-election report from UBS forecast by election outcome is nine The division could soon be algorithmic trading influences
that lays naked the world’s financial percentage points higher than its Nasdaq’s biggest, accounting now for market movements. It accelerates
future with titillating specificity. lowest-return one. Meanwhile, the one-third of revenue. It makes money things, she says, but human
There is plenty for partisans on return spread between its optimistic from selling data and analytics to sentiment still deserves most of the
both sides to cheer and to curse. Gross and pessimistic vaccine assumptions sophisticated traders and crime credit or the blame. What do data
domestic product will fare best, in is also nine points. Under the fighters, and from licensing indexes buyers do with information about Joe
UBS’s view, if Democrats sweep, in optimistic assumption, we will have a to fund companies. and Sally Saver’s stock trades? They
part because of the increased chance vaccine late this year, and we will There are other business units that use it to better position themselves
of big spending packages passing. achieve herd immunity by the end of charge companies to list their shares for future trading, and it doesn’t leave
That route, however, also produces 2021. Under the pessimistic one, the on the Nasdaq Stock Market, and that Joe and Sally worse off on their
somewhat higher inflation, and more vaccine doesn’t arrive until the end of sell financial plumbing to power executions, she says.
of a rise in 10-year Treasury yields— 2021, and herd immunity takes stock exchanges around the world. Are Robinhood bros driving tech
which are seen rising in all election longer to develop. “We’re really a global technology stocks to absurd valuations, in
scenarios. Since higher bond yields I don’t put up election-year lawn company that serves the capital mar- between chest-thumping tweets and
compete with stocks for investor signs, but if I wanted to make an excep- kets,” says Adena Friedman, who ran swigs of mango hard seltzer?
affection, stocks do worse under a tion this year, mine might say Pfizer Nasdaq’s first data operation 20 years No, she explains, low bond yields
Democratic sweep than if Joe Biden (ticker: PFE), Moderna (MRNA), and ago, and has been CEO since 2017. have flattered stocks, and tech stocks
wins the presidency and if AstraZeneca (AZN), plus others in the One reason Friedman might want stand out for two reasons—because
Republicans hold the Senate. Covid-19 vaccine race. If you are opti- Nasdaq to be viewed as a technology fast growth is scarce, and because
I won’t dwell on these things, companies have separated into two
because they’ve been amply covered classes, based on how vulnerable they
elsewhere by now, and because again, are to the virus.
I don’t think they’re particularly BARRONS.COM/PODCASTS Wall Street predicts a 21% surge in
knowable. But UBS’ analysis is Nasdaq’s earnings per share this year,
interesting for two broad reasons.
First, there is no doomsday scenario.
The bank has the S&P 500 rising
Barron’s Streetwise a minimal increase next year, and a
7% increase in 2022. The company
has beaten estimates in 19 of the past
17.2% through 2022 under the status In a weekly podcast by Barron’s, columnist Jack Hough looks 20 quarters. Its shares have returned
quo, 23.3% under a Democratic at the companies, people, and trends you should be watching. 21% a year over the past decade, eight
sweep, and 26.2% if Biden wins but This is Wall Street like you’ve never heard before. Subscribe points better than the S&P 500
the Senate doesn’t flip. to Barron’s Streetwise on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, index. B
I’d be delighted with any of those or your favorite listening app.
numbers, given the 10-year run we’ve email: [email protected]
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 13
A Blue Wave Could Lift
The Muni Bond Market
E l e c t i o n . P a n d e m i c . U n c e r t a i n t y.
By Andrew Bary historically low, dampening demand from
individual investors. Hayes sees a favor- Worried About The Market?
he $3.9 trillion municipal bond able backdrop for the rest of the year.
market could be a big winner if Muni issuance was heavy in October,
Democrats sweep the White House at about $70 billion, although a growing
and both houses of Congress. Such chunk of that—now about 30%—is in the
a “blue wave” scenario is now given odds taxable muni market. Muni supply is
of better than 50% in betting markets. expected to fall in November, and that
The muni market would benefit in could bolster the market.
multiple ways. Financially strapped state While state and local governments
and local governments could be expected are apt to get more financial relief from a
to get relief from a stimulus bill along the Democratic-controlled Washington, long-
lines of the $2.2 trillion bill that passed
the House of Representatives, providing
term fiscal challenge stemming from the
pandemic are likely to persist. Barron’s CAMBRIA TAIL RISK ETF
about $436 billion to them. highlighted this risk in a cover story in
“A Democratic sweep is a grand slam August.
Seeks to mitigate significant downside market risk.
for state and local governments,” says “There’s an enormous loss of revenue
Dan Clifton, head of policy research for going on, and we don’t know how long it
Strategas. He points to a stimulus bill will last,” Richard Ravitch told Barron’s at
and the prospect of additional federal that time. Ravitch is the former Metropol-
Medicaid funding for states, as well as itan Transportation Authority chairman •Won “Alternative ETF of the Year” at the 2020 Fund Intelligence
the potential reinstatement of full deduct- who helped pull New York City back from Mutual Fund Industry and ETF Virtual Awards
ibility of state and local taxes. the brink of bankruptcy in the mid-1970s.
Such a move could curb the flight of He is now director of the Volcker Alli-
•Lowest cost fund in the Morningstar Bear Market Category
wealthy residents from high-tax states ance, a nonprofit group that advises on
like California, New York, and New Jersey effective government. as of 9/30/2020 based on 59 funds
to places like Florida and Texas, which The metropolitan New York area has
have no income taxes. been hard hit economically by Covid-19.
Joe Biden wants to raise the top federal Moody’s Investors Service recently down-
income-tax rate back to 39.6% from 37%, graded the credit ratings of New York
and that would enhance the allure of City, New York state, and the Metropoli-
munis for individuals. Biden also wants tan Transportation Authority, which Past performance does not guarantee future results. Short term performance does not guarantee long term results.
to raise the corporate tax rate to 28% operates the city’s subways, buses, and To determine if this Fund is an appropriate investment for you, carefully consider the Fund’s investment objectives, risk factors, charges
from 21%, and that would probably in- commuter rail networks. and expenses before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus which may be obtained by calling 855-
383-4636 (ETF INFO) or visiting our website at www. Read the prospectus carefully before investing or sending money.
crease demand from corporations for The city and state remain highly rated
muni debt. at double-A2, while the MTA, which faces TheCambriaETFsaredistributedbyALPSDistributorsInc.,1290Broadway,Suite1000,Denver,CO80203,whichisnotaffiliatedwithCambriaInvestment
Management, LP, the Investment Adviser for the Fund.
“If we get a blue wave, it’s likely that a grave financial outlook because of sharp
tax-exempt bonds would do very well,” declines in ridership, has a still-solid The Fund is actively managed.
says Peter Hayes, head of the municipal investment-grade rating of single-A3. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its investment goal. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.
bond group at BlackRock. “Munis are Reflecting fears about the region’s out- Not FDIC Insured. May Lose Value. Not Bank Guaranteed.
very cheap and are not factoring in higher look, long-term New York City debt yields Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their performance from an underlying reference asset, such as an index. Derivatives, such as put
tax rates.” about 2.5% and MTA debt yields 4%. That options, can be volatile, and a small investment in a derivative can have a large impact on the performance of the Fund as derivatives can result in
Triple-A-rated 10-year munis now yield compares with a yield of about 1.75% on losses in excess of the amount invested. Options used by the Fund to offset its exposure to tail risk or reduce volatility may not perform as intended.
about 0.95%, 110% of the yield on the 10- top-grade long-term munis. There can be no assurance that the Fund’s put option strategy will be effective. The put option strategy may not fully protect the Fund against declines
in the value of its portfolio securities.
year Treasury note, now at 0.85%. That is Investors, however, may want to steer
a high percentage relative to the past 20 clear of MTA bonds, given the agency’s © 2020 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may
not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible
years. It has usually been below 100%. high debt load of $44 billion, large pro- for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. CBM000279
The yield on the 10-year muni is up jected deficits in the coming years, and
from a low of 0.55% in August but is a need for federal financial help. B
14 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
R E VIEW 26,501.60
Dow Industrials: -1,833.97
Dow Global Index: -23.43
10-year treasury note: +0.02
A Matter of Control
Five members of Vice President Mike
A SURGE OF BLACK DIRECTORS Pence’s staff tested positive for
Covid-19 as Covid deaths in the U.S.
Election Eve
With the pandemic raging, a historic
lion in milestone payments….Blackstone
Group announced the acquisition of
self-storage company Simply Self Storage
from Brookfield Asset Management
“Companies are looking at their boards and saying, ‘We money owed by 2.8 million rent- wave of voters cast their ballots early, for $1.2 billion…Canadian oil-sands pro-
don’t have a Black perspective.’ ” ers by year end without a relief through the mail or in person. Both ducers Cenovus Energy and Husky
Americans head to the voting booths on Elec-
Tuesday tion Day. The latest polls, if correct, suggest a
Joe Biden presidency, a Democratic House of
Representatives, and a nail-biter in the battle for control of the Senate.
Sign up for the Review &
Preview daily newsletter at
dated market structure we have seen in 20 years.” 40 Alibaba Group Holding, Ameri- W September Trade Balance -$70.3 bil -$67.1 bil
TH Q3 Productivity 3.0% 10.1%
Investors and lenders have grown pickier about funding sourceBergen, AstraZeneca,
Illustration by Elias Stein
last 12 months. n Thursday, Marvell Tech-
The Xilinx deal, though, brings nology Group (MRVL) an-
AMD into the unknown. Xilinx has nounced that it is buying fi-
long been known for its expertise in beroptic-component and data-
so-called field-programmable gate ar- center chip maker Inphi (IPHI) for
rays (FPGAs), chips that can be repro- $10 billion. The cash and stock trans-
grammed after they are produced. FP- action values Inphi stock at $157.83 a
GAs are especially useful in emerging share—a rich 42% premium to
with New Street Research. Micro Devices 3% this fiscal year, to $3.08 billion “From a financial point of view, this
emiconductor deals have The need for scale is one of the ar- from $3.16 billion a year ago. “It thing has a kick-butt-looking P&L,”
AMD / Nasdaq
reached a frenzy. With more guments that Advanced Micro De- doesn’t seem to be a huge growth Murphy says of Inphi’s profit and loss
than $100 billion worth of vices (ticker: AMD) CEO Lisa Su $80 story right now,” Bandsma says. statement. “It’s got a lot of revenue
acquisitions announced this made to Barron’s this past week, after One institutional investor tells Bar- growth.”
year, including two major her company reached a deal to acquire ron’s that its fund unloaded its AMD He adds that scale matters for Mar-
ones this past week, the chip Xilinx (XLNX) for $35 billion. The position Tuesday because the stock’s vell because it is using more people
sector is being rethought all-stock transaction, announced rich multiple—the shares fetch 46 and more expensive tools and spend-
and remade by the companies rich Tuesday, values Xilinx shares at $143, 70 times estimated earnings for the next ing more on manufacturing as it
enough to strike deals. roughly a 25% premium to the previ- 12 months—no longer makes sense moves to smaller transistors.
The buying frenzy has as much to ous day’s ending price. AMD expects with Xilinx attached. The growth “The average cost of a semicon-
do with physics as balance sheets. As the acquisition to close by the end of 60 story has been muddied by non-core ductor advanced node project today
the billions of transistors that power next year. businesses, this investor says. is at least $100 million, but if you
today’s chips grow closer to a single “The semiconductor industry is a Sure enough, AMD shares fell 4% went back 10 or 15 years ago, it was
atom in size, the research and devel- high-stakes investment game,” Su 50 on the deal news. probably around $10 million,” Mur-
opment costs have mounted, steadily said. “From that standpoint, scale is “I think we’ve given them a lot of phy says.
increasing to the point where smaller very important. The more scale you information this morning, so there’s a “The cost of development and the
3 Industrials to Buy
sales were 12% above forecasts largely uncertainty subsides, and with an earn-
due to China’s strength. “China contin- ings boost, as well, the shares could
ues to accelerate,” TE’s CEO, Terrence trade near $260, up more than 20%.
Curtin, tells Barron’s, whileTrane
Technologies (TT) CEO Mike Lamach Littelfuse
also that China offers a glimpse into opposed to one that rises and falls growing vehicle-electrification market.
s China goes, so will what business may look like in North over a longer period. A Boeing jet, The car business has been a liabil-
the U.S. And that America over the next few months. which takes years from order to deliv- ity, but is improving. In China, sales
could lead to a turn- Industrials like Parker-Hannifin ery, is a classic long-cycle product; have grown 12% year over year in the
around for hard-hit (PH), Littelfuse (LFUS), and TE parts for the plane are short cycle. past three months, while the U.S. is
industrial stocks. Connectivity (TEL) could benefit. Parker makes items such as valves, back to 97% of pre-Covid levels. And
Renewed Covid-19 China was the first country hit by seals, and switches that go into every the global production outlook is rising,
concerns slammed the coronavirus, and the first to shut industrial end market. Its stock is up with China growing again and U.S.
the stock market—particularly down. But China also has been the some 1% this year as earnings fell to dealer inventories far below normal.
industrials—as the S&P 500 index fell first to recover from the virus. Car $10.79 in fiscal 2020, which ended in As the global auto recovery contin-
5.6% this past week and the Industrial sales tumbled 80% in February but June, from $11.85 in 2019. Asian sales ues, sales can come in even higher than
Select Sector SPDR exchange-traded rose 12% year over year by September. are predicted to be flat in fiscal 2021, the $3.2 billion that Wall Street is pro-
fund (ticker: XLI) slumped 6.5%. The China’s gross domestic product fell in but that could be conservative. jecting for 2020’s last quarter. That’s
fear is that the rise in cases will cause the first quarter for the first time since Wall Street remains optimistic that good news for the stock, which trades
Courtesy of Cummins Inc.
economic activity in the U.S. to grind to at least 1992 but grew 4.9% year over growth will return. Analysts estimate for 19 times estimated next 12-month
a halt and depress shares of cyclical year in the third quarter. that Parker will earn $13.12 in fiscal earnings, just below the S&P 500 mul-
companies even further. China’s gains have started to show continues to 2022, easily besting prior highs. At a tiple. Goldman Sachs analyst Mark
For hope, look overseas. China, in up in U.S. corporate earnings. Truck- accelerate.” recent $208 a share, Parker stock Delaney believes that the shares can hit
particular, looks strong. It’s not just parts maker Cummins (CMI) blew trades at roughly 18 times 12-month $120, up more than 20% from recent
Terrence Curtin,
that China is the No. 2 economy in the away expectations, mainly because of CEO, forward earnings. The stock could get levels due to cyclical improvement and
world and that U.S. industrials gener- the Chinese recovery. TE Connectivity TE Connectivity a market multiple of 20 times if Covid secular trends such as electric cars. B
18 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
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Zynga Finds
and 70 million users that tuned in at
least once a month.
In comparison, Nintendo has sold 61
million units of its popular Switch con-
Mobile Apps
base. Zynga’s operating profit margin
has more than doubled since Gibeau
Now, Zynga is using the success to
scale up more. The company bought
Turkish game developers Peak for $1.8
Zynga gets overshadowed by billion in July and Rollic for $168 mil-
larger videogame makers, but the lion in October.
company is learning how to play Peak’s games are similar to some
of Zynga’s current mobile offerings,
in a market of two billion people. including a popular one called Toon
Blast. Rollic adds so-called hypercasual
games—simple games that are cheap
By MAX A. CHERNEY to make and have a relatively short
shelf life—to the company’s portfolio.
ideogames have been one Together, the acquisitions will bring
of the stock market’s star Since taking over as Zynga’s CEO in 2016, Frank Gibeau has expanded profit margins and made key acquisitions. millions of new users that Zynga may
attractions in 2020, mostly be able to attract to its existing fran-
powered by Covid-19 quar- chises.
antines and the coming are about being social with other games, according to Giaimo’s research. While Zynga has managed to free
release of new game con- people, and they are meant to be en- While there’s more competition on itself from Facebook, the company still
soles from Sony and Micro- tertaining people 24/7, 365,” Gibeau phones, mobile games also come with relies on Apple (AAPL) and Alpha-
soft. Another long-running trend pre- says. “Every quarter, we want to come far lower development costs. bet’s (GOOGL) Google. The companies’
dated the pandemic, however, and will out with some big new feature or “Not only is mobile the fastest- app stores are Zynga’s primary source
surely outlast it: mobile gaming. some big new content for each game.” growing segment, but also it is the of distribution.
An estimated two billion people Wall Street forecasts Zynga sales to most competitive and is the cheapest That has been a worry for some
now play videogames on mobile de- grow 42% this year, easily outpacing category to create a game, so it makes investors, particularly as Apple weighs
vices. Videogame makers all benefit the larger game makers, to $2.23 bil- the barrier to entry a bit lower,” says changes to advertising technology in its
from the broad participation, but lion. While the big videogame makers Giaimo. iOS mobile operating system that could
there are limited pure-play stocks generally rely on big hits and new That creates a challenge for up- limit Zynga’s ability to track ads and
on the theme. consoles to drive sales, Zynga has a start videogame developers, but recruit new users.
The largest in the U.S., by far, is steady stream of sales, which now Zynga’s scale allows it to stand out. Gibeau says that the game maker
Zynga (ticker: ZNGA). Despite huge generate significant profits, as well. The company’s portfolio includes has a plan to mitigate any potential
growth, the stock plays second fiddle In 2020, analysts expect record net Words with Friends and Zynga Poker, damage to its advertising revenue—
to those of larger game publishers income of $377 million, or 35 cents a along with Harry Potter– and Star which was 20% of total revenue last
Activision Blizzard (ATVI), Elec- share, excluding certain costs like ac- Wars–licensed games. year—and to its ability to attract
tronic Arts (EA), and Take-Two Our quisitions and stock-option expenses. fresh players to its titles.
Interactive Software (TTWO). That mobile That’s up 45% from a year ago. fter going public at $10 in 2011, “It’ll require us to build some new
creates an opportunity for investors. Investors are largely still stuck in a Zynga stock spent much of the tools,” he says, and “to change some
Zynga shares could have significant games FarmVille state of mind, and they don’t following decade mired in the of the processes in terms of how we
upside in the year to come. “are about give Zynga full credit for the growth. low-single digits. acquire users.”
For years, Zynga was essentially Zynga shares trades at less than four The stock, which closed Friday just The good news is there are billions
an offshoot of Facebook (FB). Its hit being social times sales estimates for the coming below $9, fell as low as $2 in 2016, of people to choose from. B
FarmVille game relied on the giant with other year, versus an average of 6.3 times for giving the company a value less than
social network, which complicated life Activision, EA, and Take-Two. At 23 its assets, which included a lavish San
for the game maker and weighed on
people, and times forward earnings, Zynga also Francisco headquarters that has since Zynga’s Good Game
profitability. Since taking over in 2016, they are trades below the peer price-to-earn- been sold.
ZNGA / Nasdaq
CEO Frank Gibeau, a 20-year veteran ings average of 25, despite a more- The turnaround has roughly coin-
of Electronic Arts, has widened
meant to be reliable and generally faster-growing cided with Gibeau’s arrival four years Key Data
Zynga’s circle of friends. entertaining earnings stream. ago. “We started building fewer
Recent Price $8.99 2019 EPS $0.24
Courtesy of Zynga
The company now counts eight While the console market domi- games,” the CEO says. “We started
games with at least $100 million
people 24/7, nated by Zynga’s peers can be lucra- focusing on making the games we 2019 Rev (bil) $1.6 2020E EPS $0.35
worth of sales, according to Jefferies 365.” tive, the roughly 210 million consoles had much bigger.”
2020E Rev (bil) $2.2 Forward P/E 22.9
analyst Alex Giaimo. Zynga CEO is a small market compared with the In the second quarter, the com-
“At their base, [our mobile games] Frank Gibeau billions of people who play mobile pany had 22 million daily active users E=Estimate. Source: FactSet
20 BARRON’S November 2, 2020 November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 21
his week, amid a tumultuous U.S. election, the bond-buying programs, deployed new lending facilities,
Washington leader who has done more than any and went far beyond what any Fed had done in the past.
other to stabilize the U.S. economy and steady mar- No major change in Fed policy is expected this week—or
kets will go about his business as usual. in the months to come. Yet monetary policy is set to remain
On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Je- a steadfast support for the U.S. economy, and a backstop
rome Powell will lead the Federal Reserve’s instru- that takes the worst-case financial-market outcomes off the
mental decision-making panel, the Federal Open table. At the center of that will be Powell, whose term runs
Market Committee, in a two-day session on the economy until February 2022.
and monetary policy. For investors, Powell is arguably a As a recovery begins to unfold, his next steps will be
more important figure in Washington than whoever will to try to return Fed policy to a stance that resembles
occupy the White House come 2021. normal—although that will mean something very different
Faced with a pandemic that has forced Americans to in a post-Covid-19 world. How the central bank can wean
stay in their homes and shut down their businesses, the the market and the economy off the support it has provided
Fed, under Powell’s leadership, acted swiftly to prevent a during the pandemic will be its most critical challenge in
major financial catastrophe from unfolding. The central the coming years.
bank cut interest rates to near zero, unleashed enormous Guiding its approach will be a rethinking of the central
bank’s goals that recently has been The Powell Era economic stimulus bill that also
completed under Powell. The way that What the S&P 500 and the upper-bound of the federal-funds rate have done during Jerome Powell's funded lending facilities for the Fed
officials react to inflation and unem- tenure as chairman of the Federal Reserve. to extend emergency credit directly
ployment indicators will change in the to large and small businesses and mu-
coming economic cycle. 3750 S&P 500 Fed Funds Rate (upper bound) 3.0% nicipalities. And the Fed began to buy
“His lasting legacy I think will be a wider range of securities, including
the important shift in the orientation 3500 corporate bonds, commercial paper,
of Fed policy,” says Peter Hooper, and municipal debt—some through
Deutsche Bank’s global head of eco- exchange-traded funds.
nomic research, comparing it to the 2.0 “I give the Fed very high marks
Paul Volcker Fed’s quashing of infla- for its Covid response,” says Sonal
tion. “It’s as important as what Vol- Desai, chief investment officer of
cker did in the 1980s. There will be Franklin Templeton Fixed Income
risks, but I think that shift is some- 2750 and a member of the Barron’s Round-
thing Powell will be remembered 1.0 table. “They’ve gone further than
for.” 2500 people thought was possible, quicker
There are limits, however, to what than people thought was possible.”
monetary policy can do—something 0.5 The Fed barely got started unwind-
that Powell has clearly recognized. ing measures put in place to combat
With the economy still in the grips of 2000 0.0 the financial crisis. Will it be able to
the pandemic, the Fed chairman has Feb. 2018 ’19 ’20
remove the Covid-crisis support?
been a frequent and vocal advocate for Source: Bloomberg In late August, at the Kansas City
more fiscal stimulus from Congress. Fed’s virtual Jackson Hole sympo-
And that at times has threatened to sium, Powell unveiled a new ap-
drag him into the more turbulent ment under President George H.W. emphasizing the Fed’s independence proach to inflation targeting that will
waters of politics. Bush, rising to undersecretary for and saying that it would do what the govern the central bank’s actions in
President Donald Trump has domestic finance in 1992. economic data demanded. the coming recovery. Rather than
backed off on his criticism about Pow- He joined the private-equity firm “In retrospect, the way he handled trying to get ahead of rising inflation
ell in recent months, after a long spell Carlyle Group in 1997, focusing on the criticism from the White House that theory dictates will appear once
of berating him on Twitter for not industrial company buyouts. In 2005, was telling about him as a person— the unemployment rate falls below a
cutting interest rates to below zero. In he set out on his own, founding that he didn’t sway,” Deutsche Bank’s certain threshold, the Fed could al-
August 2019, at the height of U.S.- Severn Capital Partners the next year. Hooper says. low prices to run hot for extended
China trade tensions, the president Trump did eventually get his wish, periods to make up for shortfalls in
even asked, “Who is our bigger enemy, owell joined the Fed board in however. In early 2019, Powell said the past. And allowing unemploy-
Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?” Despite 2012 under Obama. Trump se- that the Fed would be “patient” with ment to fall as close to zero as possi-
Trump’s recent approval, it is unclear lected Powell to be chairman, regards to further rate increases and ble, as it did before the pandemic,
whether Trump or Joe Biden would and he began his four-year term gradually reduce its balance-sheet extends more of the gains of the ex-
renominate Powell when his four-year in February 2018. roll-off. pansion to minority and lower-in-
term expires. If Biden is elected, there At first, Powell largely continued “When the situation changed and come groups.
would be a recent precedent: Presi- along the path of his predecessor, global economic weakness threatened In essence, the Fed won’t be remov-
dent Barack Obama nominated Ben Janet Yellen. That meant gradually to spill over to the U.S., he led the ing the punch bowl when the party
Bernanke for a second term in 2009. increasing the federal-funds rate, committee to back away from their warms up—to paraphrase former
Still, Powell, 67, has shown himself which had dropped to near zero dur- previous path,” says Donald Kohn, a Fed Chairman William McChesney
able to remain cool and calm when the “The way ing the global financial crisis. former vice chairman of the Fed and Martin—but will wait for last call.
political brickbats are flying, and to At that time, policy makers wor- now a senior fellow at the Brookings Time will tell whether the Fed’s
keep a laser focus on the economy. [Powell] ried about getting ahead of impend- Institution. “That’s what you have to new policy approach—called flexible
“He’s a pragmatic pivoter,” says handled the ing inflation and having room to do.” “average inflation targeting”—will be
Edward Yardeni, an economist and cut rates in a future crisis. The Fed Powell’s pragmatism was tested successful. So far, the bond market
president of Yardeni Research. “He’s criticism raised interest rates by a quarter of when the Covid-19 crisis hit. In be- does not appear persuaded. Long-
done what he set out to do, and [shown from the a percentage point four times in 2018 tween scheduled meetings on March dated Treasury yields have hardly
a willingness to] change his mind and began to reduce the size of its 3, the Fed lowered the federal-funds budged since the Jackson Hole speech,
depending on what the situation de- White House $4.5 trillion balance sheet by allow- rate by half a percentage point, fol- and they aren’t pricing in any signifi-
mands, but not be totally inconsistent.” was telling ing bonds to roll off to the tune of lowed by a full point less than two cant inflation over the coming years.
It may help that unlike many of $50 billion a month. weeks later, to a target range of zero But the new framework should be
his successors, Powell doesn’t have a about him That monetary tightening drew fire to 0.25%—as low as possible without enough to give the market and inves-
background as a Ph.D. economist who as a person from critics who pointed to uncertain- going negative. It also promised to buy tors confidence that Fed policy will
spent years in the halls of academia. ties in the economic outlook. No de- hundreds of billions of dollars of Trea- remain supportive for years, while
A graduate of Princeton University
—that he tractor was more vocal than Trump, suries and mortgage-backed securi- also giving Powell room to adjust
and Georgetown Law, Powell had didn’t sway.” who repeatedly called for lower inter- ties, reduced bank reserve require- based on what happens in the real
stints as a federal appeals court clerk Peter Hooper, est rates to match negative rates in ments, and unveiled programs to economy—another pragmatic move.
and at two law firms, before moving to Deutsche Bank’s Europe and Japan. maintain dollar liquidity worldwide. “I would call it ‘constructive ambi-
investment banking. He then served global head of Powell managed to avoid address- In the following weeks, Congress guity,’ ” Desai says. “They haven’t put
economic research
three years at the Treasury Depart- ing the president’s criticism directly, passed the Cares Act, a $2.2 trillion into place some kind of mathematical
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 23
5 Stocks to Hold
More stimulus from Washington and There are risks. Diagnostics like the
an ever-swelling deficit could drive antigen tests is a fluid, fast-changing
the price of the yellow metal, and the business. And there’s Abbott’s ability
companies that mine it, even higher. to get its products from development
Here, then, are five stocks that look to approval to sales, especially given
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Laboratories’ (ticker: ABT)
the unpredictability of the regulatory
environment, notes SVB’s Antalffy.
Gold has already been on a tear this
six coronavirus tests drove a 39% gain year as investors seek a haven from a
Certain trends will continue to play out no matter who occupies the in third-quarter diagnostic sales. So weak dollar and slumping oil prices.
White House. Investors should put infrastructure at the top of the list. far this year, Abbott has delivered The yellow metal, which hit a record
more than 100 million Covid-19 tests, $2,063 an ounce in August, is a better
with $881 million in sales in the third alternative to negative or zero bond
quarter alone. rates, and generally benefits from a
Earlier in October, the company flight from risk assets when markets
raised its full-year forecast for earnings get volatile. Low rates and volatility
per share to $3.55, versus analysts’ are expected to linger into next year.
average of $3.32. While Warren Buffett’s Berkshire
Abbott’s latest $5 swab test is de- Hathaway (BRK.A) recently made a
signed to produce a result in 15 min- play in the segment with a $560 million
utes, and is connected to a mobile app stake in Barrick Gold (GOLD), James
people can use to validate their results. Rasteh of Coast Capital calls Newmont
The Food and Drug Administration (NEM), the world’s largest gold pro-
granted emergency-use authorization ducer (Barrick is No. 2), another op-
for the so-called antigen test in Au- tion. Last year, Newmont created a
gust, the first of its kind out of the gate. joint venture, Nevada Gold Mines, with
Analysts at SVB Leerink call Ab- Barrick, holding a 38.5% stake.
bott, a $188 billion health-care behe- Newmont mostly operates in politi-
moth, one of the safer stocks to own cally stable North America and Austra-
in the large-company medical tech- lia, with limited exposure to more vola-
nology sector. Strong demand “will tile regions. Its average real price of
drive a meaningful sales and EPS gold rose 31% in the second quarter.
estimate increase in 2021 and 2022,” Newmont said third-quarter revenue
says SVB analyst Danielle Antalffy. rose 17% over the past year, and ad-
Her sales estimates for 2020 and justed earnings per share of 86 cents
2021 suggest 14% growth, which beat the analyst consensus. CEO Tom
helps explain an estimated 2021 Palmer told Barron’s that “Newmont is
price/earnings multiple of 24.4. a long-lived business that is well run,
A new stimulus package from Con- with a good yield and leverage to gold
By LIZ MOYER ica. It’s something Washington loves gress—currently under negotiation but prices.”
to talk about—without taking much possible after the election—includes Longtime gold investor Jean-Marie
o matter who wins the U.S. action. But investors don’t have to funding for testing and could be an- Eveillard—who, until recently, was
presidential election on wait. The needs are so great that some other catalyst for growth, according to senior advisor to First Eagle Funds,
Nov. 3, and regardless of companies are already moving on UBS analysts. which at the end of June held 19.5 mil-
which party controls Con- their own on big job-creating initia- While diagnostics is Abbott’s fast- lion shares of Newmont worth $1.2
gress, the country will still tives, which, at a minimum, will boost est growing business segment, the billion—credits Newmont’s manage-
be wrestling with a viral construction and engineering. company is also seeing momentum in ment with successfully guiding the
pandemic and the uncer- “It’s hard to argue that the country medical devices. Sales of its blood-glu- company through the uncertainties
tainties of a battered economy. doesn’t have infrastructure problems,” cose monitoring systems for diabetics and restrictions of the pandemic.
It’s difficult to predict how the mar- says Scott Davis, CEO of Melius Re- “It’s hard to jumped 36% in the third quarter. Canaccord Genuity’s Carey Mac-
kets will react to these challenges. search. “There’s a lot of money that Abbott shares are up 22% this year Rury has set a price target of $88 on
What we can do is look at some key needs to be spent.” argue that and touched a 52-week high in late Newmont, implying a 50% increase
trends that appear to be election- Where else should investors look the country August after the FDA approved its over the next 12 months. Shares are up
grabbing headlines lately, but it’s the Looking Past the Election guns, brakes, and wire and cables, all
companies that operate the towers and These stocks should outperform no matter who wins the U.S. election. for commercial use.
the network that will likely benefit Like Roper, it’s a low-profile com-
Recent Market 1-Yr 2021E 2021E 2021E
first from early adoptions. pany with lots of upside, says James
Company / Ticker Price Value (bil) Return Revenue (bil) EPS P/E
That means tower operators like Hounsell of Centerstone Investors.
$33 billion SBA Communications Abbott Laboratories / ABT $106.42 $188.4 29.5% $38.4 $4.36 24.4 The biggest catalyst: an expected
(SBAC) are the ones to watch. SBA is a Newmont / NEM 58.65 47.1 53.2 14.2 4.42 13.3 boom in replacement roofing as 30-
real estate investment trust that owns year-old installations come up for
SBA Communications / SBAC 295.42 33.1 24.6 2.2 10.27* 28.8**
almost 33,000 wireless towers across renewal, he says. Shares are down
North and South America. Analysts Roper Technologies / ROP 367.50 38.5 8.1 6.3 14.72 25.0 25% this year but have recovered 25%
are forecasting 7% sales growth over Carlisle / CSL 120.52 6.4 -21.4 4.5 7.11 17.0 since hitting a low in May.
the next year. The pandemic appears Carlisle set a goal to reach EPS of
E=Estimate; *Adjusted funds from operations; **Price/AFFO Source: Bloomberg
to have increased the use of wireless $15 by the end of 2025—up from $6.16
networks, notes Raymond James, currently—and the pandemic isn’t
which argued earlier this year that slowing it down. “Despite challenging
volatility in SBA shares had created AFFO, because analysts forecast bet- Through September, Roper con- dynamics across several markets, I
an opportunity for investors. ter than 10% average annual AFFO verted 28% of its revenue to free cash want to be direct in saying we are fac-
In August, SBA CEO Jeffrey Stoops growth through 2023, driven by 5G. flow, company officials say. Roper ing them head-on and absolutely re-
said that “the pandemic has high- raised its full-year earnings guidance main committed” to achieving that
lighted the critical role of wireless as Roper Technologies to a range of $12.55 to $12.65 a share goal, CEO D. Christian Koch said on a
the primary source of broadband ser- Roper Technologies (ROP) is a rela- from $11.90 to $12.40. conference call in October.
vices, even before consideration of all tively obscure company behind the Roper is an acquisitive company Commercial roofing was an esti-
the benefits 5G service will bring.” technology focused on some very well- that targets asset-light businesses in mated $5.77 billion business last year,
Adjusted funds from operations known problems. For instance, Roper niche markets with high cash flows. according to Principia Consulting, and
(AFFO), a critical measure of a REIT’s makes electronic toll-payment systems That cash is used for acquisitions and is projected to grow to $8 billion in the
performance, rose roughly 14% in the like the one that runs E-ZPass, and it’s to pay down debt. Its segment operat- next decade. Since most of the work in
second quarter over the prior year, de- working with New York City to design ing margins average about 30%. “It is the sector is reroofing, that growth
spite Covid-related business shutdowns. a congestion-tolling system for Man- a category buster,” Dray says. doesn’t depend on a wave of construc-
SBA gets the bulk of its cash flow hattan, a bigger problem before Covid. The company closed on its biggest tion that may, or may not, continue.
from U.S. tower leases, which are It also makes water meters that don’t deal ever in September, the $5.3 billion Carlisle has plans to increase its
long-term contracts. The towers have require utilities to send agents to purchase of Vertafore, which makes operating margin to 20%, from 14% in
significant growth potential as tele- homes and video intubation technol- software used by insurance companies last year’s third quarter, though reve-
coms build out 5G wireless networks. ogy used in Covid treatment. and agents to communicate with each nue for the first nine months of this
T-Mobile US’ (TMUS) merger with RBC Capital Markets analyst Deane other and policyholders. year is down 13% from the same pe-
Sprint, justified on the grounds of Dray says the stock is poised to out- “We are well positioned for a riod last year. Shareholders have seen
competing in 5G, and its sale of perform because half of Roper’s busi- strong fourth quarter and a great their dividend rise 17%, to $1.52, in the
Sprint’s prepaid wireless business to ness is in software and software-as-a- 2021,” says CEO Neil Hunn. Shares same period.
DISH Network (DISH) to avoid anti- service, a booming tech sector. The are up 4.7% this year, hitting a recent This is also a business Buffett likes;
trust issues, should accelerate this. company has beaten earnings expecta- high in August. Berkshire Hathaway bought competi-
That clears the way for SBA to tions for four straight quarters, but tor Johns Manville two decades ago.
build new towers and thus sign new what makes Roper stand out is its abil- Carlisle Hounsell says it’s a business with a
leases, Raymond James says. The ity to generate cash, he says. Adjusted Carlisle (CSL) makes roofing for sticky customer base, meaning they
stock, at a recent $295, is up 22% this free cash flow for the third quarter was schools, malls, and other commercial tend to be loyal to their roofing suppli-
year. It trades at a premium to the $442 million, up 14%, on a 1% increase properties. It also produces a variety ers because installation requires train-
market, at 28.8 times estimated 2021 in revenue to $1.4 billion. of other products, such as paint spray ing and know-how. B
Prognosis for
Managed Care:
It’s Rally Time
Presidential elections tend to hit managed-care stocks.
Then the rhetoric fades. Anthem is a good bet this time.
aying more for health
insurance is nearly as
$129 Bil
certain as death and taxes. Est. 2021 Revenue
So, too, might be gains for
managed-care stocks in the
months after Election Day.
Discounts on managed-
Est. 2021 EPS
tals,” says SVB Leerink analyst Stephen
Tanal. He expects Anthem to boost ad-
and an adverse ruling—backed by new
Justice Amy Coney Barrett, who has
Covid-19-induced recession.
Insurers also have some tailwinds:
care shares historically widen in the Growth justed earnings per share at a 14% rate signaled opposition to the law—could The industry is getting a big tax break in
months leading up to a presidential through 2022, the fastest profit growth deal a setback to the sector. Democrats 2021 with the repeal of an ACA tax on
election, peaking at 34% relative to the
S&P 500 index, according to UBS.
Stock multiples then expand in the
Est. 2021 P/E
in the industry, and raised his price
target this week to $370, 34% above its
recent price. Even then, Anthem would
call for expanding the ACA, deepening
the pool of insured Americans, but
they also favor a “public option” for
health plans, estimated to save insurers
$15 billion a year. Managed-care compa-
nies are benefiting from rising enroll-
aftermath, as the political rhetoric still trade at just 10 times 2022 earnings Medicare, putting it in competition ment in Medicare plans, as 10,000 peo-
fades and the industry learns to live
with Washington’s new rules. The
stocks have gone on to rally by 22%
$72 Bil
Market Value
estimates of $28.50 share.
Health insurers face looming politi-
cal and regulatory risks, which could
with private plans. Republicans aim to
cut government health-care expendi-
tures and eliminate the ACA, moves
ple turn 65 every day, and they are
increasingly managing Medicaid plans
for states. The ACA, while hobbled by
in the six months after the past seven Source: FactSet keep their stocks, and multiples, de- that could cut the growth outlook for legal challenges, continues to subsidize
presidential elections and were up 43% pressed. The Supreme Court is hearing managed-care companies. Either way, insurance for low-income and unem-
a year later, beating market returns. a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, there is always the threat of higher fees ployed Americans.
One stock that looks intriguing: and corporate taxes, along with lower Insurers have also diversified and
Anthem (ticker: ANTM), the country’s reimbursement rates for Medicare and gained scale across geographies and
second-largest managed-care company, Postelection Bounce Medicaid. Managed-care companies product lines. Mergers in the past few
with 42.6 million members. Anthem’s Health-insurance stocks have outperformed sharply after may also face stiffer regulations on the years have consolidated the industry
profits fell 14% in the third quarter from presidential elections. amount of premium revenue they are into seven companies that now cover
their year-earlier level, largely due to Managed-Care Stock Performance vs. S&P 500 and the
allowed to keep (now capped at 15% to 57% of all insured people and 62% of
pandemic-related issues, and the stock Health Care Select Sector SPDR ETF after the elections. 20%). And they could see a big jump the commercial market. Most firms
has fallen more than 7% since the com- in claims, due to pent-up demand for sell a mix of commercial plans for
pany issued tepid guidance. But the surgeries and other health services employers and individuals, along with
Managed-care average
shares trade at 11 times estimated 2021 deferred during the pandemic. government-backed Medicaid and
S&P 500 43%
profits, a steep discount to the market Yet the odds still favor incremental Medicare policies. Insurers have built
and some other insurers. The company HC ETF (XLV) regulatory change. Overhauling health and acquired pharmacy-benefit man-
is adding to its Medicare and Medicaid insurance takes a huge amount of politi- agers, or PBMs, and they are selling
membership rolls and expanding into cal capital that simply might not be data analytics, telehealth, and consult-
managed-care concern, with more than One hurdle for Anthem (and the stock) is a
48 million members. Anthem’s commercial decline in commercial plans for individuals
enrollment, or plans for individuals and em- and employers. Enrollment fell 0.9% from
ployers, has stagnated for years and become the second to third quarter and has been flat
less profitable. Anthem, like other insurers, for five years, at about 30 million members.
also faces economic headwinds. It lost The commercial business has become less
570,000 commercial and specialty-business profitable as the mix has shifted from fully
members in the second and third quarters, insured plans to “administrative services
due largely to rising unemployment amid the
pandemic. Some of those members moved to
only,” or ASO, plans for employers who self-
fund their insurance and pay the claims. The Election's
managed Medicaid plans, but attrition and Fully insured plans are five times as profit-
profitability in the commercial business re-
main overhangs on the stock.
able as ASO policies, according to Tanal. But
ASOs are now 85% of Anthem’s commercial
Impact on Investors,
The opportunity in the stock arises from total, up from 48% in 2004.
a recovering economy and initiatives that
Anthem is taking to lift revenue and profit.
Anthem aims to boost the overall profit-
ability of its commercial business, partly by
Business and Policy
The company consists of a collection of 14 upselling more services to ASO customers, A Barron’s Roundtable
Blue Cross/Blue Shield brand groups in 14 such as telehealth, behaviorial, and dental
states. About a third of its revenue comes plans. But the company is seeing a slowdown Virtual Event
from commercial plans, 39% from Medicaid, in commercial sales because of Covid-19; it
and 13% from Medicare Advantage. says employers are deferring insurance deci-
CEO Gail Koziara Boudreaux, a former sions from 2021 to 2022. And the less profit- Featured Speakers:
executive of UnitedHealth, took over in late able ASO plans are becoming more popular
2017 after Anthem’s bid to merge with across the industry, especially as insurers sell Solita Marcelli
Cigna (CI) fell apart due to antitrust rul- them to smaller employers who weren’t able
ings. Boudreaux is building the business to self-fund in the past. Competition is also
Americas Chief Investment Officer
organically, streamlining internal technol- fierce, as insurers try to leverage their larger UBS Global Wealth Management
ogy, and trying to turn Anthem into a scale to win more employer contracts. “At the
“whole person” insurer, covering every- end of the day, the products are somewhat Henrietta Treyz
thing from medical to prescription-drug commodities,” says Tanal. Managing Partner
benefits and behavioral health. (Anthem Anthem’s challenges in the commercial
declined an interview request.) market have held back the stock for years,
Director of Economic Policy Research
One initiative that’s paying off: selling making it a value trap and industry lag- Veda Partners
more pharmacy-benefit plans. Anthem gard. With dividends included, the shares
scrapped a contract with Express Scripts have returned an annualized 17% over the Greg Valliere
in 2017 to provide these benefits to its past five years, trailing rivals such as Hu- Chief U.S. Policy Analyst
members, and developed its own PBM, mana (HUM), UnitedHealth, and Molina AGF Investments
IngenioRX, which launched last year. This Healthcare (MOH).
is saving it $4 billion in costs a year, and the Nonetheless, catalysts to get the stock Mark Zandi
company says it will return at least 20% of moving might be lined up. The repeal of the
those savings to earnings; the rest may go ACA’s “health insurer fee” will add 60 cents Chief Economist
to consumers as savings on premiums or to 80 cents in earnings per share next year. Moody’s Analytics
other benefits. IngenioRX delivered an Anthem is making headway in reducing the
operating gain of $1 billion in the first nine profit gap between fully insured and ASO
months of the year—17% of Anthem’s $5.8 plans. And revenue gains with drug-plan
billion total—and is ramping up sales both coverage and other services, along with lower
to Anthem’s insurance customers and ex- expenses, should deliver adjusted earnings
ternal clients. growth that’s ahead of the industry average.
Anthem is also boosting revenue from
Medicare plans covering more than 2.3 mil-
One key will be pent-up demand for surgeries
and other health care as the pandemic winds
November 10, 2020 | 12:00 PM ET
lion people, up 11% this year. And Medicaid down—a big variable that could dent earn-
membership has risen nearly 18% in 2020, ings. Medical costs have been rising, reaching Join Barron’s, MarketWatch, and special guests for
reaching 8.6 million members, the gains 87% of premium revenue in the third quarter,
partly fueled by plan acquisitions in Missouri as health-care expenditures unrelated to a live discussion on how the 2020 election results
and Nebraska. Medicaid coverage is getting a Covid got back to 95% of prepandemic levels.
lift from high unemployment levels and an Throw in Covid-related claims and costs will affect investors, business and policy.
easing of some eligibility requirements; en- could jump sharply.
rollment might slow as the economy recovers. Boudreaux has sounded upbeat lately,
But Anthem has expanded Medicaid revenue saying on a recent earnings call that Anthem
for years, now selling plans in 23 states. has a “very resilient catcher’s mitt across our
With its recent acquisition of Beacon Health book of business,” implying that it has some Register Now -
Options, the company is also selling more revenue softballs heading its way. If she’s
behavioral-health policies. right, the stock could be a home run. B
28 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
A Buffett-
id-cap stocks are often—and unfairly—
overlooked. In a coronavirus-stricken econ-
omy where giant tech companies keep pow-
ering the market higher as small companies
struggle to survive, mid-caps are an excellent compro-
mise. They generally have lower valuations than the
most beloved blue chips and stronger businesses than
the small fries.
In fund tracker Morningstar’s Mid-Cap Blend cate-
gory, the $552 million Madison Mid Cap fund (ticker:
GTSGX) is one of the best. The no-load fund has beaten
95% of its category peers in the past three years and
85% of them in the past 15. Equally important, it is less
volatile than its Russell Midcap benchmark, while
matching the index’s 11.8% average annual return in the
past 10 years. (Although officially this Y-share class of
the fund has a $25,000 minimum investment, brokers
such as Fidelity, Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, and
E*Trade allow clients to get into the fund with an invest-
ment of $2,500 or less.) It has an expense ratio of 0.95%.
Manager Rich Eisinger, 55, has been at the helm since
1998, but he also relies on Haruki Toyama, co-manager
since 2015, and Andy Romanowich, co-manager since
2019. Eisinger’s connection with Toyama, 49, goes way
back. They met in the 1990s at an investment club at
Cornell University’s business school, and both were
strong durable cash flows. “Over time, Eisinger sees a long runway for earnings
we’ve realized, especially in the mid-cap growth of 10% to 11% a year because Lab-
space, the value of paying up for a great Corp is the low-cost provider of diagnostic
business and watching that free cash flow tests relative to hospital labs. “There’s more
compound over many years,” Eisinger says. emphasis on [health care] cost containment
The fund tends to hold stocks for the long than there’s ever been, so [LabCorp] is go-
term—its turnover ratio is 25%, indicating a ing to start gaining more market share in
typical holding period of four years. “Forty
percent of our portfolio we’ve owned for
over a decade,” Toyama says.
the next decade.”
Moreover, in 2015 LabCorp acquired
drug developer Covance, which specializes
The Sun May Finally Be
The fund is also concentrated—another
Buffett hallmark—having just 29 stocks as
of Sept. 30. Concentration increases indi-
in personalized medicine, such as targeted
gene therapies. “Covance can utilize Lab-
Corp’s huge database of patients to get can-
Shining on Small-Caps
vidual stock risk, as any blowups in a 5% didates for their drug trials and their drug
position hurt returns more than a 1% one, development,” Eisinger says.
for instance. But the fund’s volatility is low, Another favorite, property and casualty
despite its small number of stocks, reflect- insurer Arch Capital Group (ACGL), has By Evie Liu they can do just that, at least for now.
ing the high quality of its holdings. a CEO, Marc Grandisson, who embodies More than 60% of nearly 200 active
To make it into the portfolio, a company the Buffett-like qualities that the fund man- etter times for small-company small-cap growth funds tracked by
should have a strong business model with agers seek. In fact, in the 1990s, Grandisson stocks might be on the way—and Morningstar have beaten the Russell
an “economic moat” that prevents compet- actually worked at Berkshire Hathaway (as active managers are already hav- 2000 Growth index this year, and
itors from reducing profits. It must also did his predecessor, Constantine Iordanou, ing a remarkably good year. they’ve outperformed by an average of
have a superior management team with who is now retired). Under Grandisson’s Smaller companies usually get hit more than six percentage points. In
preferably strong insider ownership, aegis, Arch has been an excellent capital harder in recessions: Their revenues are 2019, the group barely matched the
conservative accounting and earnings allocator and one of the few insurers to more economically sensitive, and they benchmark. Active large-cap growth
projections, and a history of wise capital- make a profit from its policy underwriting, tend to have less cash for crises. This year funds, meanwhile, have eked out a mere
allocation decisions regarding share buy- Toyama says. “Historically, the industry has bore that out, as the pandemic shut down one percentage point advantage over the
backs, acquisitions, and debt repayment. lost money underwriting and made it up in many economic activities. Companies in S&P 500 Growth index.
Finally, the valuation must be reasonable investments,” he notes, referring to how the S&P SmallCap 600 index saw third- Outperforming funds include the $3.2
for a strong business. insurers typically use money from policy quarter earnings sink 72% from the year- billion Lord Abbett Developing
Health-care diagnostics company Labo- premiums to buy bonds and stocks. earlier level, compared to S&P 500’s 19%. Growth fund (LAGWX) and the $410
ratory Corp. of America Holdings (LH), Arch’s insurance underwriting has been But as the U.S. opens, things are look- million Alger Small Cap Growth fund
commonly known as LabCorp, exemplifies successful because Grandisson is willing ing up. Unemployment has declined, and (ALSAX). Although the two have less
the fund’s buy-and-hold strategy. “We’re in to walk away from business when a policy business activity has been recovering. than 15% overlapped holdings, both have
the 17th year now of ownership,” Eisinger type becomes less profitable or commodity- Small-cap stocks have historically per- returned more than 43% year to date and
says. LabCorp and Quest Diagnostics like due to competition, Toyama says. The formed well coming out of recessions and an annualized 20% over the past five
(DGX) are the two largest clinical diagnos- company’s stock has taken a shellacking in off market lows. Since the end of June, years. This suggests plenty of opportuni-
tics labs in the country, controlling 25% 2020, down 29%, because of claims related analysts have forecasted small-company ties for successful stock-picking in the
of the independent lab business, he says. to Covid-19. But it is precisely after such earnings for 2021 to grow by more than small-cap space.
calamities that insurance premiums go up 30 percentage points over what they pre- “A lot of the smaller companies that we
and profitability increases, says Toyama. viously expected; large-cap estimates invest in have been able to pivot their
Madison Mid Cap The fund is staying put. have increased only two points. Small- business and take advantage of the op-
Total Return Typical of a high-quality mid-cap port- cap earnings should rebound sharply in portunities that came up during the pan-
3-Yr 5-Yr 15-Yr folio, many of the fund’s holdings are in- 2021 to more than 10% above 2019 levels. demic,” says Jamie Cuellar, portfolio
GTSGX 10.1% 10.2% 8.8% dustry leaders, but not household names. Investors can have a low-cost, broad manager of the $738 million Buffalo
Mid-Cap Blend Category 4.4 7.2 7.5
So 16% of its portfolio is in technology, but exposure to small-caps via exchange- Small Cap fund (BUFSX). “They can
not in the Amazon.coms of the world. In- traded funds tracking the Russell 2000 move quicker, relative to the large-caps
Top 10 Holdings stead, the fund invests in companies like or S&P SmallCap 600 index. This year, that try to do the same.”
Company / Ticker Weighting
tech research publisher and consultant growth names have been favored over Cueller particularly likes telecom
Liberty Broadband / LBRDK 6.9% Gartner (IT). value. While value stocks in the Russell stocks, due to the advent of 5G technology
Copart / CPRT 5.4 “Gartner has a very attractive business 2000 are down 18% for the year, their and higher demand for internet band-
Dollar Tree / DLTR 4.9 model in that its core product is a written growth peers have bounced back to re- width. Tensions between the U.S. and
IHS Markit / INFO 4.9
research service that is sold on a subscrip- cord highs—their 9% gains even beat the China have also given domestic suppliers
tion basis,” Romanowich says. “So, it has S&P 500. The $9.2 billion iShares Rus- the chance to expand abroad, as Huawei—
Arch Capital Group / ACGL 4.5
very visible, highly recurring revenue.” The sell 2000 Growth ETF (ticker: IWO) a major global rival—is being excluded
Brown & Brown / BRO 4.2 company has a major advantage as the lead- has an expense ratio of 0.24%, while the from many international markets.
Gartner / IT 4.1 ing research intermediary between tech $370 million Vanguard Russell 2000 Diagnostics also has great potential,
Markel / MKL 4.0 buyers and sellers, he adds. “Gartner knows Growth ETF (VTWG) charges 0.15%. says Cueller. Even though many of the
Laboratory Corp. of what end users want, and what corpora- Yet active funds could be more appeal- companies aren’t making money, profit-
America Holdings / LH tions’ tech road maps look like. They also ing right now. With the pandemic disrupt- ability can improve dramatically in the
CarMax / KMX 3.7 know what tech vendors are thinking and ing old industries and creating new ones, coming years, with a huge addressable
what their technology road maps look like.” it’s especially important to pick the right market. The Buffalo fund has returned
Total 46.3%
That informational advantage provides names that will emerge as future winners, 34% this year. Top holdings include ge-
Note: Holdings as of Sept. 30. Returns through Oct. 26;
all returns are annualized. an economic moat that any Warren Buffett and avoid those that might lose out. netic-testing company Natera (NTRA)
Sources: Madison Funds; Morningstar
fan would admire. B Small-cap managers have proven that and furniture retailer Lovesac (LOVE). B
30 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Google parent Alphabet was the star among
megatechs Thursday. Its YouTube unit alone had
$5 billion in ad sales, up 32% year over year.
year Prime Day fell in the fourth quar- quarter of its value. There is a lack of
o the irritation of Wall Street nal expectations, but they were a little ter; Amazon notes that those aren’t the pure plays on the public cloud. You
analysts, investors, and shy of Wall Street consensus estimates. company’s highest-margin sales. Let’s could do worse than owning a basket of
tech-stock columnists, five Worrisome was a sharp drop in sales not forget that Amazon crushed oper- Microsoft, Amazon, and Alphabet.
of the most important tech- in “Greater China.” They fell 29% from ating-income guidance for the Septem-
nology companies on Earth a year ago. The apparent issue: China is ber quarter. It wouldn’t be shocking if Deciphering Jeff: A standard part of
all reported financial results ahead of the U.S. on 5G, and other it did it again. Amazon vowed last every earnings press release is the CEO
within a few minutes of phone makers already have 5G phones week to hire 100,000 temporary quote. Usually the boss waxes poetic
each other on Thursday afternoon. on the market. Would you buy a 4G workers for the holidays. No company about the quarter, or raves about the
Yeesh, what was wrong with Wednes- phone now? Didn’t think so. has benefited more from the accelera- company’s engineers or huge address-
day? The surface-level news was that By Eric J. Savitz Apple didn’t give formal guidance, tion in online shopping. able market. Amazon’s release this
all five—Apple,, Alpha- but it gave some solid hints. It expects quarter quotes CEO Jeff Bezos saying
bet, Facebook, and Twitter—beat iPhone sales to rise year over year, de- Buy Stuff Now! Online-ad platforms that retailers everywhere should match
expectations for both sales and profits. spite the late start for the new iPhones, are also benefiting from the e-com- the company’s $15-an-hour minimum-
But there were more revealing details with double-digit revenue growth for merce surge. Amazon had “other reve- wage rate: “We hope other large em-
to be found beneath the headlines. every other hardware line and services. nue”—mostly ads—of $5.4 billion in the ployers will also make the jump to $15.
Apple also expects a return to growth quarter, up 50%. eBay’s [EBAY] ad Now would be a great time.”
Waiting for 5G: Let’s start with Apple in China. And, by the way: Macs, revenue rose 77% in the period. Snap That’s a strange quote for an earn-
(ticker: AAPL), still the largest com- iPads, and Wearables together gener- [SNAP] and Pinterest [PINS] recently ings release. A PR move to show Ama-
pany on Earth by market capitaliza- ated almost $24 billion in sales in the posted ad-driven earnings beats, spur- zon is a solid corporate citizen? An
tion, but now worth less than $2 tril- quarter, up a combined 30% year over ring huge stock moves. So it was no attempt to embarrass lower-paying
lion as its shares have fallen 20% from year. On a run-rate basis, Apple’s non- surprise that both Alphabet [GOOGL] rivals? It’s weird.
their 2000 high. This was an awkward iPhone hardware this quarter will sur- and Facebook [FB] blew away top-line
quarter for Apple. Investors are buzzed pass $100 billion. Services is ap- estimates. Remember the Facebook ad Merlin’s Beard! The loser on Tech
about the new iPhone 12 line, but the proaching $60 billion. Apple bought boycott? Heh. It’s not working. Google Trillions Thursday was Twitter
phones have just started shipping, and back $18 billion of stock in the quarter. parent Alphabet has been the megacap [TWTR]. Earlier in the week, CEO
weren’t available in the September Stop worrying; Apple will be fine. laggard this year, with a gain of under Jack Dorsey was grilled by Senate
quarter. Apple CEO Tim Cook said 20%, but it was the star Thursday. You- Republicans who think social net-
iPhone sales in the quarter beat inter- Shop! In the Name of Love: U.S. on- Tube alone had $5 billion in ad sales, up works censor conservative political
content. Dorsey appeared on screen
for the virtual hearing with a long
beard—a little bit Confucius, a little
ZZ Top. Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) ac-
cused Dorsey of being a pawn of the
Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, left, but the senator is worrying about
the wrong platform. Twitter added
and Facebook had blowout just one million daily average users in
the quarter, well below expectations.
quarterly earnings. The same It has under 200 million users. Face-
book’s platforms have a combined 2.5
can’t be said for Twitter. billion daily actives—about a third of
the world’s population. There’s a rea-
son Twitter’s valuation is just 5% of
Facebook’s. B
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 31
Spending categories that accounted for just 42%
of the U.S. economy before the pandemic were
behind 73% of the third-quarter improvement.
the bulk of the recovery from that behind. Together with health care, cat-
he fastest quarterly to living standards: The average low—all occurred in the second quar- egories that accounted for just 42% of
growth rate ever American was about 5% worse off in ter. While the economy continued to the U.S. economy before the pandemic
recorded has the third quarter than if the economy grow over the summer, the big gains were responsible for 73% of the total
brought the Ameri- had continued growing in line with the reported for the third quarter mostly improvement in the third quarter.
can economy about 2017-19 trend, compared with about reflect events that took place in the There may, however, be a limit to
halfway back to 11.5% worse off in the second quarter. second quarter. Americans’ demand for additional
where it was before The gap could close completely by the The danger is that a sluggish recov- recreational vehicles, laptops, and
the coronavirus pandemic. Clawing end of 2022 if the U.S. economy grows ery will leave a permanent mark on the exercise bikes, especially as the sav-
back that other half of lost output won’t at an average annual rate of 4.5% a economy, just like the last major down- ings accumulated earlier in the pan-
come as easily, and if we aren’t aggres- By Matthew C. year from now through then. turn. After all, the rebound in May and demic are exhausted. In theory, a
sive now, it may never come back. Klein However, that doesn’t seem to be June was powered by a wave of govern- recovery in services spending could
U.S. gross domestic product was happening right now. In fact, a closer ment income support and a marked offset the normalization of durable-
7.4% bigger in the third quarter than look at the GDP data imply that most slowdown in new infections. But fed- goods consumption. But that would
it was in the second quarter, which is of the momentum from the initial re- eral money has largely stopped flow- require making progress on curtailing
equivalent to an annualized quarterly covery has faded. With the exceptions ing, and Covid-19 cases and hospital- the virus—something that seems like
growth rate of just over 33%. That of retail spending and home building, izations are surging even before the a distant prospect.
sounds great, but GDP remains about growth in August and September was onset of winter. The economy hasn’t The longer that Americans have
3.5% lower than where it was at the much slower than in prior months. shrunk outright, but it has lost much of to wait for further stimulus or to beat
end of 2019. How can this be so? Blame the the momentum it had earlier in the back the virus, the greater the danger
The big question now is what hap- of the economy sinking into a more
pens in coming quarters, given that conventional downturn. This risk is
the pace of the recovery has already Halfway Back affecting economic forecasts. Com-
slowed. At best, the economy won’t The U.S. economy has rallied strongly since bottoming in March and April as the pandemic swept into the pared with what it was projecting
return to normal for years. At worst, country, but it remains well below the recent growth trend. before the pandemic, the nonpartisan
the gap between where we are and Congressional Budget Office now
where we would have been in the ab- Real GDP per American, 2017 Q1=100 Contributions to total change in real GDP since 2019 Q4 expects the U.S. economy to be 3%
sence of the virus may not get closed. Actual Consumer services Durable goods consumption, smaller by the end of 2025. That gap is
For perspective, let’s look to the 110 Implied by 2017-19 trend excluding health care residential construction, projected to shrink somewhat by the
4% and business investment
financial crisis. U.S. GDP fell 4% from If economy grows at a 4.5% Health-care services
in equipment end of the decade, but it’s never pro-
the peak in the fourth quarter of 2007 annual rate from Q4
2 Nondurable goods jected to close.
consumption All other
to the bottom in the second quarter of The good news is that this fate isn’t
2009. The initial impact of that drop in 105 0 inevitable. Eradicating the threat of
GDP was magnified by the slow recov- the virus is the only sustainable solu-
ery that followed. The average Ameri- tion, but until then, everything that is
can’s consumption spending grew less -4 done to sustain the economy will
than 1% a year for half a decade after 100 make us better off later. Aggressive
hitting bottom. By 2013, consumption -6 efforts to protect household incomes,
had fallen about 12% relative to the support businesses, and contain the
longer-term pre-1998 trend—and virus helped during the initial months
remained stuck at that depressed level -10 of the pandemic, and could do so
when the pandemic hit. again. Election Day should bring some
So far during the pandemic, Ameri- 2017 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 Oct. 2019 Jan. ’20 Apr. Jul. clarity on just how soon—and how
cans have avoided such a sharp blow Sources: Bureau of Economic Analysis; Barron’s calculation much—relief could be coming. B
32 BARRON’S November 2, 2020 November 2, 2020 BARRON’S 33
Q& A An Interview With Mary Ellen Stanek Between them, Mary Ellen Stanek and accumulated knowledge has come in “[At Baird,] we talk about striving to have all-weather have taken a hybrid approach to
Warren Pierson have 75 years of handy this year, with interest rates near fixed-income investing, combining
and Warren Pierson, Baird Advisors investment experience. Their zero and the economy in distress. They strategies. There has been a lot of weather.” Mary Ellen Stanek active and passive-like strategies.
The Bond
The thought was to flood the economy erate about every unit of risk. Our ap- ulation, they won’t be delayed indef- ing a lot of debt. Eventually, we’re go-
with liquidity and hopefully the cash proach is a hybrid. Some elements are initely. We also like a similar health- ing to have to repay that debt. Taxes
ends up in the pockets of workers. But it similar to passive strategies, with dura- care credit, Dentsply Sirona will have to make up some of that.
got stuck in the hands of investors. tion [the sensitivity of a bond’s price to [XRAY], the leading provider of There’s good value in the issues of
Household net worth is up sharply, a change in interest rates] neutral dental equipment and consumables. premier hubs, such as Dallas/Fort
largely because of the stock market. If against the benchmark. The active- My husband and son are dentists. Worth for airports, and institutions
you are the fortunate individual who management part is in yield-curve posi- With the Covid outbreak, there was such as North Dakota for a key public
owns a home in the right Zip Code and tioning, and sector and individual secu- a backlog of procedures and preven- school, and Xavier University and
has an investment portfolio, life is great. rity selection, then carefully managing tative appointments. The health- Marquette University, strong private
And you can work from home, which a liquidity and minimizing expenses and care names are still relatively attrac- schools with good endowments that
big portion of the service sector can’t do. the tax impact. We try to control what tive. have been cutting costs and seeing solid
Financial assets have been the major we can control: provide predictability, enrollment trends.
beneficiary. stability, capital income, and liquidity, You say financial intermediaries
Stanek: The sectors that got hit and take advantage of opportunities. might be in the crosshairs of a What are you underweighting?
directly include travel, hospitality, We’re at a point in the cycle where what Biden administration, but they’re Stanek: Agency-mortgage pass-
entertainment, commercial real estate, we choose to underweight and not own a longstanding holding for you. throughs, such as Fannie Mae
small businesses. Small businesses is going to be really important. Pierson: The new administration [FNMA], Ginnie Mae, and Freddie
are where job growth comes from, might not want the institutions to Mac [FMCC]. They account for
By LESLIE P. NORTON right? Income replacement is now What do the two presidential can- make gobs of profits, but they still 19.4% of Baird Aggregate Bond, ver-
winding off. The Fed would like to see didates mean for the bond market? want them to be sound and sturdy. As sus 26.8% of the benchmark. Our
he bond investors at Milwaukee-based Baird a more significant fiscal response. The Pierson: The consensus is that if Joe bondholders, we take comfort in that. challenge in this environment is that
Advisors have an enviable record of steady longer-term structural issues are still Biden wins and there’s a Democratic Stanek: They have a huge incentive to mortgage refinancings are rising dra-
performance over the years. out there and were made worse by the sweep of Congress, it might give a remain investment-grade-credit rated. matically. If you’re holding the bond,
Three funds in particular—Baird Core crisis. We need to be diligent and con- short-term boost to the economy. You We are modestly overweight U.S. you’ve given the homeowner an op-
Plus (ticker: BCOIX), Baird Aggregate Bond cerned about the implications of the can expect taxes to go up for wealthy banks. This year, we took the opportu- tion to prepay that mortgage. If they
(BAGIX), and Baird Short-Term Bond Fed’s extraordinary response. Americans and corporations. So there nity to add exposure at attractive yield exercise it against you when rates are
(BSBIX)—are routinely praised by Morning- may be a bit of upward pressure on spreads. We added to JPMorgan low, your reinvestment opportunities
star. Mary Ellen Stanek, who runs Baird and serves as its What is your outlook for the interest rates, and in the short term, Chase [JPM] and Bank of America are fewer.
chief investment officer, has twice been nominated for recovery and inflation? maybe we’ll have a little more inflation. [BAC]. Bank of America issued a Pierson: Another concern is that, as
Morningstar awards for investment excellence. With Pierson: We expect continued recov- Stanek: For investors, we see pretty 2.592% 11-year bond, not callable for the rates get low, a lot of investors throw
rock-bottom yields the norm in bond markets and a presi- ery with slower growth in the last significantly higher capital-gains tax first 10 years. Initially, it was issued at up their hands and say they’ll just buy
dential election looming, we checked in with Stanek and couple of months of 2020 and into rates [under a Biden administration] 197 basis points over Treasuries. Now an index fund. But if you buy an in-
Baird’s deputy chief investment officer, Warren Pierson, 2021. Unless you see wages rise signif- than are currently being insinuated, it’s at 115. It could conceivably tighten dex fund, and you’re a lender, you’re
for advice on how bond investors should be positioned. icantly, it will be hard for inflation to and more regulatory pressures. Fi- further. If it doesn’t, we earn the yield lending to all the issuers out there,
They ought to know: Between them, Stanek and Pierson have any staying power. There’s so nancial intermediaries would likely be over a long period. whether they’re worthy of a loan or
have 75 years of investment experience. Read the follow- much slack in the labor market. Un- in the crosshairs. You can’t ignore the We like the money-center banks. not. The Barclays U.S. Aggregate
ing edited excerpts of our conversation for more. employment has come down, but it is other fundamentals, too, such as an Their capital-markets and wealth man- Bond Index is 37% Treasury issues.
still 7.9%. It was 3.5% before Covid-19 aging population. agement businesses are performing In our aggregate bond fund, Treasur-
Barron’s: The Federal Reserve plans to keep inter- hit. Rising wages will drive real well. Regulators have also required ies are 21% of the portfolio. If the Fed
est rates near zero for at least three years. What is growth in the economy, but it’s hard to What are some credits you like? them to maintain higher capital ratios. pegs short-term rates close to zero,
driving that move? see them rising significantly when big Stanek: We still think there’s value While that has limited their ability to one implication is low yields on short-
Mary Ellen Stanek: They’re continuing to evaluate the sectors of the economy are operating in Zimmer Biomet [ZBH], the grow earnings, it strengthens their term Treasuries. We’re minimizing
short-, intermediate-, and long-term ramifications of the at half-speed or less. The good news: medical-device company. We added balance sheets and debt-service exposure there and filling that void
virus, the economic shutdown, social unrest, and now, It’s positive growth. But it will be to a five-year issue in March at a ability—music to bondholders’ ears. with spread sector exposure.
the elections. The range of possible outcomes is signifi- pretty low and slow growth. yield spread of 300 basis points over
cant. Throw in aging populations that consume differ- Banking comparable Treasuries. [A basis Would municipal bonds benefit Do you like international debt?
ently. The Fed is trying to provide an environment where What’s a bond investor to do? point is 1/100th of a percentage from a Biden victory? Pierson: We stay dollar-denominated,
the economy could heal and there is a chance for inflation Stanek: People invest in bonds for
On It point.] It’s now trading at 65 over, Pierson: Just going off Biden’s com- no derivatives, no leverage. Our Aggre-
Pierson and
even if, in the past decade-plus, inflation didn’t come any- stability, income or cash flow, and but could still tighten another 10 mercials that say, hey, I’m not going to gate Bond fund has 14.7% in non-U.S.
Stanek like bonds
where near the 2% target. “Unprecedented” doesn’t seem liquidity—not for excitement. Our basis points. We also own a 10-year raise taxes on anybody making less developed-market bonds; the bench-
of the big banks.
a strong enough word to describe its response. We’ve investor base wants a higher-quality, bond that is trading at 130 basis than $400,000—well, it’s the people mark is 6.6%. We have exposure to
virtually had a credit cycle in the span of six or seven more-predictable, consistent approach points over the benchmark and could who make more than $400,000 who large, multinational corporates that have
months. [At Baird,] we talk about striving to have all-
weather strategies. There has been a lot of weather.
[using] investment-grade [bonds].
While sectors of the market got silly
2.592% tighten another 20 to 30 basis
points. Based on company estimates,
are investing in munis. If their federal
taxes go up, that makes munis even
issued debt in the U.S., such as Barclays
[BCS] and BNP Paribas [BNPQY] for
Warren Pierson: The wealth disparities have gotten cheap back in March and April, we’re Coupon rate on an Zimmer Biomet has the No. 1 share more attractive to them. So there’s banks, and Grupo Bimbo [BMBOY],
even more profound. That’s a direct result of Fed policy. now closer to fair value. We still have a 11-year Bank of in both knee- and hip-replacement probably going to be pretty good de- and Pernod Ricard [PDRDY].
credit overweight, which is extremely America bond the products. A lot of elective surgeries mand for munis, regardless of whether
Photograph by LUCY HEWETT well diversified, and we are being delib- team snapped up were delayed, but with an aging pop- Biden wins or not. Our country is float- Thank you. B
34 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
No system can be fail-safe. But Americans should
realize that our national election security has
greatly improved since 2016.
America’s Elections
lead to widespread misconduct. acquire names and addresses of vot-
The news media’s tabulation is even ers. It’s in Russia’s interest to make
less likely to be tampered with. On Americans distrust the sanctity of the
election night, over 4,000 Associated ballot and to suggest that the results
ment officials are equally secure. can’t risk jeopardizing its U.S. exports.
hances are we will By Glenn S. dures. Even so, some lag behind in If all of that is true, what are offi- Perpetrating electoral fraud abroad
soon look back on Gerstell basic cybersecurity safeguards; con- cials worried about? A foreign coun- would give the lie to the message that
the 2020 elections sequently, scattered cybermischief is try. To alter the results in an undetect- a “responsible China” is a good neigh-
as the most secure still possible. But it shouldn’t, at least able way at sufficiently large scale bor in Asia and a fair global trading
in our history. in any nationally meaningful way, would take a concerted and sophisti- partner, with a more effective govern-
There will proba- favor either political party. Problems cated effort of the type that only an- ing system than the West. While the
bly be delays, dis- are instead likely because, for the other nation was capable of. Russia is U.S. intelligence community is rightly
putes, and disinformation. But actual first time, the majority of votes will the most likely perpetrator. Microsoft concerned about China’s long-term
large-scale chicanery with the ballot- not be cast in person on Election Day, days ago dismantled the Russian cybercapabilities, there’s no sugges-
ing or tabulation won’t be among the thus assuring that an accurate count Trickbot network that had infected tion that they intend to tinker with
problems. will take at least a few days. Isolated over a million computers and could vote outcomes.
Four years ago, we couldn’t have cases of error or fraud are always have been used to stage ransomware Iran, under strict embargoes, has
said that. While serving at the Na- possible with paper ballots, but or other attacks on election systems. little more to lose. Its disinformation
tional Security Agency during the there’s no reason to think that voting Russia has the technical ability and efforts are pernicious and could con-
2016 elections, I saw how our country by mail—safely employed for decades will to manipulate social media, cyber- tribute to public uncertainty. Yet, as
was caught flat-footed as Russians by many states and the military—will probe voting systems, and possibly a fake Proud Boys’ email campaign
sought both to improperly influence illustrated, their clumsy and inade-
our domestic politics and to probe our quate attempts are unlikely to affect
local election systems. In the 2018 actual outcomes.
midterms, we were better prepared: True, with malware and personal
NSA and U.S. Cyber Command kept data easily for sale online, it wouldn’t
the Russians at bay. The Federal Bu- take much technical sophistication for
reau of Investigation, the Department a domestic political agitator or cyber-
of Homeland Security, and the intelli- criminal to wreak havoc on less-
gence community made strides in cybersecure state election systems.
sharing responsibility for election But again, that’s difficult at a large
security, and in tipping off social me- scale. Far more likely is a ransomware
dia to foreign cybermischief without attack, forcing county election officials
revealing classified information. Now, to either pay to unlock their comput-
well-rehearsed and coordinated ef- ers or face data loss or delays.
forts across government have posi- No system can be fail-safe. But
tioned us to withstand attacks. Americans should realize that our
The machinery of voting is the national election security has greatly
source of the problem as well as a par- improved since 2016. Isolated mal-
tial shield. Over 3,000 counties operate functions and cybercrimes might be
85,000 polling places throughout the in the headlines after Election Day,
Forget AT&T’s 7.8% Yield. Coke Could Fizzle, Not Pop
Its Dividend Looks Safe.
By Lawrence C. Strauss company said. To the Editor: debt service. Yes, interest rates remain
That should be welcome news for in- I disagree that Coca-Cola will increase low, but a steeper yield curve will make
hen AT&T declared late last come investors as AT&T is a popular hold- investors’ equity (“Why Coke Stock Could additional stimulus more expensive.
year that it would boost its ing in dividend-investing portfolios. Last Pop,” Cover Story, Oct. 23). I feel that over Over the summer, the Federal Reserve
quarterly dividend by a year, AT&T paid out about $15 billion of past years the company has fizzled out amended its long-run monetary-policy
penny, or 2%, to 52 cents a dividends, second only to Microsoft and became flat. Even though Coke is in strategy to allow inflation to run above
share, it marked the 36th straight year in (MSFT) among S&P 500 companies, ac- 200 countries, it depended too much on 2% before it raises interest rates. While
which the telecom and media giant in- cording to S&P Dow Jones Indices. restaurants and sports stadiums for its inflation seems a ways away, long-dated,
creased its payout. And it kept AT&T But “a lot will depend on the trajectory profits. Soda consumption in the U.S. is inflation-sensitive Treasuries might be
firmly among the 64 S&P 500 Dividend of the businesses,” says Simon Flannery, currently at its lowest levels, not only responding to this risk. Higher rates
Aristocrats that have paid out a higher head of North American telecom services because of the pandemic but also due to lower the present value of future profits.
dividend for at least 25 straight years. and communications infrastructure re- the fact that it contributes to obesity. Coke Lastly, rising “risk free” Treasury yields
Whether AT&T (ticker: T) hits 37 years search at Morgan Stanley, when asked must diversify as soon as possible, just could reflect the U.S.’s weaker financial
is open to some debate. The company has about whether AT&T can maintain its divi- like PepsiCo has done. And if Coke position, something that bond-rating
been grappling with a hit to revenue amid dend. “The Covid impact is hitting them doesn’t, it will be forced to cut its divi- agencies will keep in mind when
the coronavirus pandemic, and it still car- pretty hard in two areas.” dend. And when this happens, Warren determining Uncle Sam’s credit-
ries considerable debt. One is WarnerMedia, which has felt Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway will sell its worthiness.
Against this backdrop, the stock has pressure partly because movie theaters shares, and then Coke will really go down Gray Schweitzer
recently sold off, pushing up the yield to a have been shut down during the pandemic the drain. Brooklyn, N.Y.
lofty 7.8%. While shares have returned “as well as weaker advertising trends,” he Martin Blumberg
about 10% this year, such high yields can says. “The other one is wireless, where Melville N.Y.
suggest that investors are worried about roaming revenues are impacted by the lack Closing the Loophole
whether the dividend is sustainable. Such of business travel.” To the Editor:
has been the concern among investors in Another development that Flannery Buying Coca-Cola stock before 1920 when To the Editor:
Exxon Mobil (XOM), whose stock yield says to watch: Even though the company it was really cheap made Ty Cobb rich, When I inherited a chunk of my father’s
has climbed to nearly 10% amid worries reported strong wireless customer growth back when baseball salaries were modest estate, I benefited quite a bit from the
about weak oil prices, among other things. in the third quarter, the introduction of the even for stars like Cobb. Wherever he stepped-up cost basis (“Here’s How Much
But there are some encouraging signs— iPhone 12 could lead to more competition went, he preached the merits of buying You Would Pay Under Biden’s and
and distinctions from Exxon Mobil’s for smartphone sales. Coca-Cola stock to teammates and strang- Trump’s Tax Plans,” Oct. 23). The more I
woes—for AT&T’s dividend health. “A dividend freeze might make sense in ers alike. Those who listened and bought thought about it, the more I realized that
When AT&T reported solid third-quar- the current environment,” Flannery wrote were happy they did. In a rare friendly it’s a kind of tax scam. Some of the stocks
ter earnings last week, it boosted its free in a note following the company’s third- mood, Cobb once told rival Babe Ruth to I inherited had tripled in value since the
cash flow guidance to at least $26 billion quarter earnings release buy it, but “the Bambino” ignored the time my dad bought them. Now, like
for the year. That would put the dividend Still, in a recent interview with Barron’s, advice and didn’t become as wealthy as magic, they can be sold with no tax liabil-
payout ratio, which in this case measures Flannery pointed out that AT&T has he could have been. ity. I’m not losing any sleep over it, but I
the percentage of free cash flow paid out in pushed out the maturities on some of its Albert Nyberg understand the logic behind closing the
dividends, in the high-50s. The previous debt and has been selling assets to raise On loophole.
guidance for that metric was in the 60s. A capital. As of Sept. 30, AT&T had about James Hulett
lower payout ratio is preferable in part $10 billion of cash on its balance sheet. Its On
because it means the company’s free cash net debt was about $149 billion, down by The Federal Deficit
flow is less stretched and there’s more fi- more than $30 billion since 2018.
nancial flexibility. Exxon Mobil’s dividend, “Keeping [the payout ratio] in the 50s or To the Editor: Send letters to [email protected].
by contrast, exceeds free cash flow, forcing even 60s is manageable as long as you are Randall W. Forsyth’s account of the bond To be considered for publication,
the company to use other sources such as growing your Ebitda [earnings before in- market’s recent price action is required correspondence must bear the writer’s
asset sales to fund the payout. terest, taxes, depreciation, and amortiza- reading (”What a Blue Wave Could Mean name, address, and phone number.
For its part, AT&T told Barron’s that it tion] and taking your leverage down at the for the Bond Market,” Up & Down Wall Letters are subject to editing.
has the “financial strength and flexibility” same time,” Flannery says. Street, Oct. 23). But there is more to un-
to maintain its payout. “One of our priori- And if it’s able to achieve that, AT&T pack. Some argue that the growing fed- The Readback, a podcast taking you inside
ties is paying the dividend, and we’re com- should be able to maintain its membership eral deficit is unproblematic, given that the latest stories, is available wherever
mitted to continuing to support it,” the among dividend-paying royalty. B it’s financed at low rates, easing future you listen to podcasts.
36 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Technology Select Sector SPDR ETF (XLK)
52-wk: -3.09% YTD: -7.14% Wkly: -6.47%
52-wk: +6.62% YTD: +1.21% Wkly: -5.64%
52-wk: +30.11% YTD: +21.61% Wkly: -5.51%
52-wk: +30.93% YTD: 20.93% Wkly: -6.40%
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Close
Source: Barron’s Statistics
omething freaked out Donald Trump and former Vice Presi- would benefit from another lockdown
What’s strange is that fundamentally, With any luck, we will know who has
everything seems to be pretty OK. Jobless won the election by Wednesday, and that
claims fell to the lowest level of the crisis, or will be one less thing for the market to
that third-quarter gross-domestic product, worry about. Two other events could take
though backward-looking, grew at an an- the spotlight off the election and the virus no
nual rate of 33.1%. And on Friday, we matter who wins. The first is this coming
learned that personal income grew by 0.9% Friday’s nonfarm payroll number, which is
in September as employers raised wages, expected to show some 650,000 jobs added
that personal spending rose 1.4%, and that by the U.S. in October. Even more important
the University of Michigan Sentiment index will be November’s meeting of the Federal
and the Chicago purchasing managers index Open Market Committee, which takes place
both topped expectations. “The numbers this coming Wednesday and Thursday. Once
have been surprising to the upside,” says again, the Federal Reserve will have a
Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at chance to reassure investors that it still has
Prudential Financial. “The concern is that their backs, explains J.P. Morgan strategist
we slow down, that we stall.” Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou. And it’s the liquid-
Even corporate earnings suggest that ity it provides, that could keep the market
conditions have gotten better—and should rallying over the medium- to long-term—
continue to get better. You wouldn’t know it even without fiscal stimulus.
Global Markets
S&P 500 having reported earnings, compa- longer term once U.S. election uncertainty
nies have been beating at an 81% clip. While subsides next week,” he writes.
earnings are down 12.5% from a year ago, If nothing else, there will be one less
that’s nine percentage points better than thing to fear.
predicted at the start of reporting season,
observes Lindsey Bell, chief investment Unleashing GE’s Stock Price
Direct Market Access to strategist at Ally Invest. Guidance has been You know that feeling you get when noth-
good enough for analysts to maintain their ing you do is good enough? General Elec-
135+ 33 23
outlook for double-digit growth in 2021. tric (GE) can’t seem to shake it.
“Right now, we’re bracing for more rough The iconic American manufacturer re-
days ahead, but we’re feeling good about the ported a third-quarter profit of six cents a
Markets Countries Currencies earnings outlook,” Bell says. “Earnings can share this past week, easily topping fore-
help drive the market after this particular casts for a loss of four cents, while cash
storm, too.” flow was much better than feared. CEO
And what a storm it’s been. There’s been Larry Culp said that “our markets are, by
a massive amount of selling, a sign of and large, stabilizing.” GE even said it
Starting at $0 Commissions “wholesale, get-me-out selling pressure,” would have $2.5 billion in free cash flow
says Sundial Capital Research’s Jason Goep- from its industrial business in the fourth
on US listed stocks and ETFs1 fert. Such selling doesn’t happen often, espe- quarter. It really couldn’t get much better,
cially when the stock market is still trading given the economic slowdown.
above its 200-day moving average. When it GE’s stock jumped 4.5% the day of the
does occur, it has been generally good for release, but still fell 2.8%, to $7.42, this past
stocks over the medium term: The S&P 500 week. It has remained stuck in the same
has risen over the next two months 71% of range since the beginning of June. And that
the time, with an average gain of 2.3%. has us wondering: What will it take for GE
Vital Signs Friday's
Week's Week's
Change % Chg. Last Week Week Earlier
DJ Industrials 26501.60 -1833.97 -6.47 NYSE Advances 324 1,681
DJ Transportation 11106.19 -773.94 -6.51 Declines 2,841 1,434
DJ Utilities 857.77 -35.91 -4.02 Unchanged 40 78
DJ 65 Stocks 8994.36 -581.84 -6.08 New Highs 83 200
Interactive Brokers Rated #1 DJ US Market 815.58 -49.40 -5.71 New Lows 181 76
Av Daily Vol (mil) 4,588.2 4,013.4
Best Online Broker 2020 by Barron’s* NYSE Comp.
NYSE Amer Comp.
-2.59 Dollar (Finex spot index) 93.88 92.77
S&P 500 3269.96 -195.43 -5.64 T-Bond (CBT nearby futures) 172-150 172-190
Member - NYSE, FINRA, SIPC - *Interactive Brokers rated #1, Best Online Broker S&P MidCap 1900.18 -115.47 -5.73 Crude Oil (NYM light sweet crude) 35.79 39.85
according to Barron’s Best Online Brokers Survey of 2020: February 21, 2020. For more S&P SmallCap 876.59 -57.13 -6.12 Inflation KR-CRB (Futures Price Index) 144.73 150.68
information see, - Barron’s is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Co.
Nasdaq 10911.59 -636.69 -5.51 Gold (CMX nearby futures) 1877.40 1902.00
Inc. [1] IBKR Lite provides commission-free trades in US exchange-listed stocks and ETFs
routed to select market makers. IBKR may charge non-commission related fees. For Value Line (arith.) 6307.36 -420.26 -6.25
more information, see Russell 2000 1538.48 -102.02 -6.22
DJ US TSM Float 33541.92 -2045.98 -5.75
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M3
Industry Action
Performance of the Dow Jones U.S. Industrials, ranked by weekly percent change.*
–2.25% Telecommunications
–3.93 Utilities
–5.02 Basic Materials
–5.59 Health Care
–5.61 Consumer Services
–5.65 Oil & Gas
–5.72 Consumer Goods
–5.84 Technology
–5.92 Financials
–6.42 Industrials
* For breakdown see page M32. Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices
Power Provider Aggreko China Still Has Its Doors
Is Sparking Growth Open for Wall Street
By Rupert Steiner target of 575 pence. Recent trading has By Craig Mellow says. What he does like about the five-
been resilient, with the shares up about year plan, or what can be divined of it at
hares in Aggreko, which rents 22% in the past month. hinese leaders may not be talk- this point, is “government continuing to
generators that power everything The Glasgow, Scotland–based com- ing much with their Beijing- back away from entrepreneurial compa-
from remote infrastructure proj- pany employs 6,200 and has a market bashing U.S. counterparts nies.” That should allow the consumer
ects to outside events like music value of 1.1 billion pounds sterling ($1.4 lately. They have been talking economy to keep mushrooming even as
festivals, have never regained their 2,430 billion). It fetches 12.3 times this year’s with Citigroup, BlackRock, Vanguard, authorities ratchet down infrastructure
pence ($31.72) peak of 2012, when the expected earnings and is valued at a 30% and JPMorgan. These and other Wall investment, and perhaps jettison macro
United Kingdom–listed firm electrified discount to its peers. Aggreko saw pretax Street titans are leaping through the door growth targets.
the London Olympics. profit rise 9%, to £199 million, for the 12 China opened on financial services ear- “Our portfolio is overwhelmingly
Lackluster demand from key oil and months ended in December, on sales of lier this year. based on Chinese companies selling to
gas clients and pressure to find more £1.6 billion. That reflects a dilemma that may have Chinese consumers,” Rothman says. The
environmentally sustainable solutions CEO Chris Weston told Barron’s in an weighed on the Communist Party ple- country can more directly manage an-
was a drag on the business. Aggreko’s interview, “We are seeing strong growth in num as it gathered in Beijing this week to other self-sufficiency goal—in energy,
stock (ticker: AGK.UK) ran out of energy, utilities and mining. We have the Olym- hash out a five-year plan for the world’s Chen says. Slashing fossil-fuel imports
slumping over 50% in the past five years pics next year, and our specialist focus on No. 2 economy: After decades of piling up will move China toward its grand carbon-
to around 446 pence. In recent months, sectors will lead to more growth. We see cash, China needs outside money to leap reduction target, a critical win-win.
the pandemic also hurt its events business. the energy transition as an opportunity.” further forward. “There’s going to be a huge drive on
But demand from oil and gas custom- The business dates back to 1962, when “Foreign reserves are almost flat and the environmental front,” she says.
ers is recovering, and the delayed Tokyo Luc Koopmans of the Netherlands pro- the current account surplus near zero,” More cooperation with giant capitalists
Olympics looks as though it might still vided the first diesel generator to heat says Tracy Chen, a portfolio manager for won’t be among the trumpeted dual-circu-
happen in 2021 (possibly without an Dutch greenhouses. The company’s name global credit at Brandywine Global. lation goals. But Beijing is taking a range
audience). When Aggreko gives a trad- is a combination of the word aggregaten, “China is shifting to a capital importer.” of below-the-radar actions to ease invest-
ing update in November, it will detail a which means generator, and the first part It’s picking the right time for this para- ment flows, Chen notes, such as eliminat-
new strategy for generating power in a of his surname. digm change, with the Chinese economy ing a 20% charge on currency hedging
more sustainable way including the use Aggreko generates cash on equipment exploding out of the pandemic while the and developing bond market futures.
of solar. rentals, maintenance, and selling fuel. West teeters. Yet sucking in global capital That’s opening new horizons for global
Will Kirkness, an analyst at indepen- It also designs solutions to generate looks at odds with President Xi Jinping’s investors—from the seeming no-brainer
dent investment bank Jefferies, estimates power in remote locations. overriding “dual-circulation” strategy, of sovereign bonds paying 3%-ish in a
that the shares could rise more than 60%, The company’s growth depends on the code for becoming more self-sufficient in strengthening renminbi, to an avalanche
to 720 pence. He has a Buy rating on the global economy picking up. It is a sup- an increasingly hostile world. of ambitious start-ups as authorities al-
stock, and wrote in a note that situations port business, so its earnings are directly “While the biggest challenge for Bei- low loss-making companies to go public.
such as Southern hurricanes and Western linked to customers being operational. jing five years ago was a weak economy, The Shanghai and Shenzhen stock mar-
fires in the U.S. were adding to demand. While the recovery for live events is a today it’s potential decoupling with the kets hosted nearly 300 initial public of-
He also noted that “with large-scale long way off, the Olympics will be key, U.S.,” says Larry Hu, chief China econo- ferings this year through mid-September.
projects and hybrid solutions, there are and it is worth $250 million. Aggreko has mist at Macquarie Group. The contradiction of increasing finan-
very few competitors who can do what already been paid 60% of its fee and is Five-year plans aren’t what they used cial openness and rising political tension
Aggreko does across one ownership struc- negotiating more because of costs con- to be in a China where private companies may catch up with China, however. A
ture. nected to the postponement. provide 90% of urban employment, ob- President Joe Biden would aim for a more
“Oil and gas markets continue to “We believe Aggreko is doing the right serves Andy Rothman, investment strate- “steady state relationship” with Beijing,
stabilize…and lifted restrictions on travel things operationally and strategically, gist at Matthews Asia. He’s skeptical that but largely maintain Trump’s trade stric-
should allow utility projects to progress. and that the valuation remains too cheap, the government can deliver “major break- tures, predicts Robert Daly, director of
Events (football, golf, F1) are now occur- especially given the resilience of cash throughs in core technologies,” as a the Wilson Center’s Kissinger Institute
ring, albeit with lower or no spectator flows and the strong balance sheet,” post-plenum communiqué promised. on China and the United States.
attendance, and the narrative for the RBC’s Brooke wrote in a note. Particularly tough will be closing the Xi is meanwhile testing fault lines in
Japan Olympics is that they will happen, Much depends on November’s third- gap in semiconductors, whose supply India, Taiwan, the South China Sea, and
come what may,” Kirkness wrote. quarter figures, which will come with a Donald Trump’s administration is re- elsewhere.
Andrew Brooke, an analyst at RBC strategy update. But already there are stricting. “Chinese industrial policy isn’t “No five-year plan can wish away the
Capital Markets, concurs, setting a price sparks for a turnaround. B always a resounding success,” Rothman growing political risk,” Daly says. B
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M5
Trying to anticipate the market’s postelection
trajectory is little more than a coin-flip exercise. It
is better to wait for the event and then respond.
Put-Call Ratio S&P 500 Index
70 230
By Steven M. Sears It is reasonable to expect that there will 190
50 170
be what strategists call a “macro volatility”
merica is gripped with hope and event around the election. The bland 130
30 110
fear ahead of Tuesday’s presiden- phrase simply means that the S&P 500 90
tial reckoning. It might be the only index could surge higher, or lower, in 70
thing that Democrats and Repub- reaction to election news. D J F M A M J J A S O 10 D J F M A M J J A S O 30
licans can agree on ahead of a historically Trying to anticipate the market’s post- Daily Values Source: CBOE Source: McMillan Analysis Corp.
polarized election. election trajectory, however, is little more
The Republicans naturally hope that than a coin-flip exercise. It is better to wait SPX SKEW NDX SKEW
Donald Trump will be elected to another for the reaction and then respond, rather Implied volatility % Implied volatility %
four years as president. If he loses, they than guessing on the direction of the move 16% 16%
fear the country will go to hell. in advance.
15 15
The Democrats, of course, hope that Joe Should the stock market tumble on the
14 14
Biden is elected president. They fear that election results, sell cash-secured put op-
13 13
another four years of Trump will damage tions on stocks that you want to buy, or on
the country, perhaps irreparably. stocks that you own and want to own more 12 12
Wall Street’s investment strategists gen- of. If stocks rally on the election news, the 11 11
erally seem to expect that Biden will win, approach also works. 10 10
but investors would be wise to ignore the The strategy is elegantly simple. Inves- 9 9
Street’s predictions no matter how well tors pick a price at which they want to buy 8 8
reasoned they sound. a stock. They set aside in their brokerage Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy Source: Credit Suisse Equity Derivatives Strategy
In 2016, Hillary Clinton was widely ex- account the amount of money that is Skew indicates whether the options market expects a stock-market advance or decline. It measures the difference
pected by the Wall Street establishment to needed to purchase the stock at the put- between the implied volatility of puts and calls that are 10% out of the money and expire in three months. Higher
readings are bearish.
win the presidential election, and the banks strike price. Should the stock price decline
and their strategists and lobbyists were to the put strike price at expiration, inves- Week's Most Active
profoundly wrong. At the time, the anger tors are obligated to buy the stock. Should Company Symbol Tot Vol Calls Puts Avg Tot Vol IV %ile Ratio
that people felt at the political establish- the stock be above the strike price at expi- Dunkin Brands DNKN 95583 51291 44292 4916 39 19.4
ment was palpable for anyone outside the ration, investors get to keep the money. Corelogic CLGX 3649 2284 1365 240 87 15.2
finance bubble, but the Street is generally The key risk is if the stock falls sharply SAP SAP 39472 24302 15170 2748 95 14.4
Callaway Golf ELY 170142 155270 14872 16612 96 10.2
so insulated from the realities and financial below the put strike price. Should that hap- Global Payments GPN 23448 17864 5584 2728 81 8.6
pressures of everyday people that it has a pen, investors must buy back the put or Tower Semiconductor TSEM 8978 8665 313 1076 92 8.3
hard time understanding how Main Street buy the stock at the strike price. Harley-Davidson HOG 121053 67705 53348 16816 77 7.2
sees the world. Our advice is to employ an oft-repeated Criteo CRTO 7439 7104 335 1076 26 6.9
Catabasis Pharmaceuticals CATB 6773 5134 1639 996 100 6.8
This year, the anger about the state of strategy: time arbitrage. When options in- Inphi IPHI 17800 12478 5322 2776 53 6.4
the nation—and people’s personal predica- flate with fear and greed premiums, strategic Selecta Biosciences SELB 14936 12481 2455 2536 63 5.9
ments amid the Covid-19 pandemic—is so investors can take advantage of short-term Endurance Int'l EIGI 11910 11601 309 2076 84 5.7 PRTS 19750 18049 1701 3768 62 5.2
widespread on both sides of the political paroxysms to curate long-term stock posi-
Vodafone VOD 84295 72544 11751 16328 90 5.2
spectrum that calling a victory is arguably tions. The action enables investors to com- Radian RDN 8293 7820 473 1692 85 4.9
harder than in 2016, even though the polls pound returns of favored equities, adding to Colfax CFX 8117 3315 4802 1700 85 4.8
now seem to favor a Biden victory. Voter the income generated by the equity’s divi- Tupperware TUP 43690 28578 15112 9124 78 4.8
F5 Networks FFIV 31520 14940 16580 6916 87 4.6
turnout should be at historic levels, as most dend or even creating a dividend-like pay- Juniper Networks JNPR 31258 22340 8918 6772 70 4.6
everyone passionately believes that the ment on the many growth stocks that don’t Chegg CHGG 79908 52469 27439 17768 67 4.5
future of the country is at stake. return capital to investors that way. This table of the most active options this week, as compared to average weekly activity – not just raw volume. The idea is that the
Rather than pinning investment strate- It takes a strong constitution to view mar- unusually heavy trading in these options might be a predictor of corporate activity – takeovers, earnings surprises, earnings pre-
announcements, biotech FDA hearings or drug trial result announcements, and so forth. Dividend arbitrage has been eliminated. In
gies around a particular candidate winning ket weakness—as we have recently experi- short, this list attempts to identify where heavy speculation is taking place. These options are likely to be expensive in comparison to
their usual pricing levels. Furthermore, many of these situations may be rumor-driven. Most rumors do not prove to be true, so one
the election, it is worth pondering what enced—as an opportunity, but that’s exactly should be aware of these increased risks if trading in these names
could happen if and when hope and fear what it is. Make volatility your friend. Use Ratio is the Tot Vol divided by Avg Tot Vol. IV %ile is how expensive the options are on a scale from 0 to 100.
collide after the election results are finally options to monetize investor fear and to po- Source: McMillan Analysis
© 2020 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. 2E222
heat futures have touched Exchange, he says.
their highest prices in nearly Meanwhile, wheat demand from China
six years as dry weather is expected to be strong, with the USDA
threatens global supplies of pegging the nation’s imports of the com-
the commodity, but some analysts urge modity at 7.5 million tons, “making China
caution with months to go before the har- the third-largest global importer” for the
vest. 2020-21 marketing year.
Dry weather in Russia, which is the China has a “big need to increase grain
world’s largest wheat exporter, and a imports,” in part due to a crop shortfall
drought in the western U.S. have raised this summer in corn and soybeans” be-
concerns about the “possibility of lesser cause of flooding, and also anxiety about
production in 2021,” says Todd Hultman, Covid-19 and the possibility of another
lead analyst at commodity information and trade war, says James Roemer, Weather
analysis provider DTN. Wealth Newsletter author at commodity-
Even before the weather concerns trading advisor
emerged, the U.S. Department of Agricul- Still, “there is no global shortage of
ture was already estimating U.S. ending wheat at this time,” says Hultman. The
stockpiles for soft red winter wheat at 108 USDA raised its projections on 2020-21
million bushels for the 2020-21 marketing world wheat ending stocks by 2.1 million
year, which would be the lowest in six tons to 321.5 million tons—a record, citing
years, Hultman says. Tighter U.S. supplies Russia for the increase. Russian wheat
of soft red winter wheat—which is typi- production was expected to rise by five
cally used in cakes, cookies, flatbreads, million tons to 83 million, the second-larg-
and crackers—along with weather con- est crop on record, according to an October
cerns have “put traders in a more bullish USDA report.
mood looking ahead to 2021.” When the Northern Hemisphere plants
Wheat futures for December delivery wheat in the fall, it goes “dormant” in the
settled at $6.32 ¾ a bushel on Oct. 23, the winter, and regrows again in the spring.
highest most-active contract finish since To some extent, the wheat market “got
December 2014. They pulled back to settle ahead of itself” with its price rally, says
at $6.08 ¾ on Oct. 28 as near-term fore- Roemer. Longer term, however, due to the
casts for rain in the Southern Plains eased dry conditions that often accompany the
some worries over dry conditions. La Niña weather pattern, higher wheat
Rainfall since July 15 in eastern prices are possible if dryness continues in
Ukraine, however, was at a meager 25% of Russia and the U.S. has crop issues next
Download the full report at normal, and since Aug. 5, rainfall totals spring, he says. across many key Russian winter wheat Hultman, meanwhile, emphasizes that
areas are the lowest of the past 30 years, traders need to understand that the recent
according to a USDA weather and crop rally in wheat is “largely based on weather,
bulletin released on Oct. 20. and wheat prices don’t usually show much
In the western U.S., the National movement when the Northern Hemisphere
Weather Service expects “widespread is in winter.”
drought conditions” to expand into the The dry stretch of weather in Russia is
Southern U.S. Plains and intensify over the “a legitimate threat to 2021 production, but
next few months, says Hultman. we still have many months of winter before
In Argentina, which is among the we find out how this new crop will emerge
world’s biggest wheat-exporting countries, in the spring.” B
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M7
Eargo (EAR)
New Enterprise Associates re- More Signs
M&A Will Be
vealed an initial stake in the maker
of hearing aids. New Enterprise
of the IPO. New Enterprise holds
a 17.9% interest in Eargo’s out- his year’s abbreviated
By ED LIN investors. standing stock, excluding those proxy season will be
Taurel paid $553,725 on Oct. 27 for underlying options held by general next year’s harvest.
BM stock is slumping in 2020, 5,000 IBM shares, a per share average partner Joshua Makower, who sits Activist advisors say
but longtime director Sidney price of $110.75. He now owns 28,798 on Eargo’s board. they’re busier than ever
Taurel bought up shares of the IBM shares in a personal account, IBM director preparing deals for
software giant. according to a form that the former Eli Sidney Taurel J. Alexander’s Holdings 2021. The increased
IBM stock (ticker: IBM) has Lilly CEO filed with the Securities and bought 5,000 (JAX) activity comes after the coronavirus
lost about a fifth of its market Exchange Commission. shares of the Hill Path Capital disclosed a new pandemic led to activist campaigns
value year to date. IBM Taurel didn’t respond to a request software giant. It’s position in the upscale restaurant being halted or never launching as
announced a plan in early October for comment on his recent stock the first purchase operator, consisting of the J. Alex- companies and investors alike fo-
to spin off its $19 billion managed- purchases. of IBM stock by ander’s, Redlands Grill, and Stoney cused on managing their own busi-
infrastructure services business Taurel, an IBM director since 2001, the former Eli Lilly River Steakhouse chains. Hill Path nesses through the crisis.
and refocus the rest of the company last purchased the company’s stock on CEO in two years. owns 898,585 J. Alexander’s There’s a lot of “pent-up frustra-
on hybrid cloud software and services. the open market in October 2018, when shares, all purchased from Sept. 18 tion” from the shortened proxy
Third-quarter earnings, reported later he paid $500,000 for 4,311 shares, a through Oct. 26 at prices ranging season, says Greg Taxin, founder of
that month, were strong, but shares per share average price of $115.02. from $5.15 to $5.59 each. Hill Path advisory firm Spotlight Advisors.
slid because IBM seemed to be Evercore analyst Amit Daryanani has no plans or proposals at pres- He would know. Spotlight is top-
challenged by the global economic wrote after IBM’s earnings report that ent, but disclosed that it spoke with ping league tables this year in the
slowdown and shifting patterns in investors viewed the spinoff and J. Alexander’s regarding a myriad number of campaigns it’s working
enterprise information-technology refocus as “strategic positives,” but of topics related to the board, oper- on—beating out Goldman Sachs
spending. We noted, however, that they want a better understanding of ations, and strategy. Hill Path owns Group (ticker: GS) and Morgan
IBM’s generous dividend yield and the financial profiles of the separating 6% of J. Alexander’s tradable stock. Stanley (MS), according to FactSet
relatively low valuation make it parts. He rates IBM stock at In Line data. Of 275 disclosed campaigns
appealing to both growth and value with a $135 price target. B this year, Spotlight is working on 17,
ter. Analysts wanted more. active users rose 37%. turnaround is working. Intel’s data center market.
Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $
55 70 42 136
48 58 36 122
41 46 30 108
34 34 24 94
27 22 18 80
20 10 12 66
Eating at home, North 32 The colon-cancer testing 134 To expand its data center 137 Expanding for the first 20.5
American customers bought 28 firm will pay $2 billion for a 124 appeal, Marvell Technology 127 time into entertainment, the 18.0
42% more resealable contain- 24 private company to speed its 114 will buy the chip maker for 117 golf-gear maker is buying 15.5
ers in Tupperware’s Septem- 20 development of blood tests 104 $10 billion in cash and stock. 107 the popular Topgolf chain of 13.0
ber quarter. Profit rose to 65 for cancer. Hopes are high Inphi sales have been grow- bars and driving ranges—
cents a share from 16 cents. for such “liquid biopsies.” ing at 40% a year. for $2 billion in stock.
Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $ Stock Price $
37.5 146 148 24
30.0 124 128 20
22.5 102 108 16
15.0 80 88 12
7.5 58 68 8
0.0 36 48 4
The charts record the net change in share price, the high, low and closing trades, and share volume for companies with noteworthy stock activity last week. In addition, the graphs depict last week’s daily price activity in detail. The
dotted line on some graphs denotes the stock’s 200-day moving average; lack of a moving average means the shares have traded for less than that time period.
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M9
Includes Common shares only. All figures reflect activity for the most-recent five-day trading week. Share volume figures are expressed in thousands. Volume percentage leaders exclude stocks with average daily volume of fewer
than 5,000 shares or priced under $5. Average volume is based on 65 trading days. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. a-Stock has not been in existence or not been traded for 65 consecutive sessions. S-Stock
split or stock dividend amounting to 10% or more. X-Ex-dividend
M10 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Research Reports
How Analysts Size Up Companies
These reports, excerpted and edited by Barron’s, were issued recently by investment organic growth questions that have plagued our EPS forecast rises by 20 cents, to $3.50.
the stock for years. Raising stock-price target to $75, from $70.
and research firms. The reports are a sampling of analysts’ thinking; they should not Overlooked will be 1) the material improve-
be considered the views or recommendations of Barron’s. Some of the reports’ issuers ment in active buyer gross merchandise Sealed Air • SEE-NYSE
have provided, or hope to provide, investment-banking or other services to the value, supported by new on-brand programs, Market Perform • Price $40.90 on Oct. 27
companies being analyzed. which should raise the growth floor; 2) by BMO Capital Markets
strength in payments and promoted listings;
3) price appreciation in Adevinta [a global We downgraded Sealed Air in April, assum-
Automatic Data Processing We are trimming estimates and remain posi- digital marketplace specialist in which eBay ing that Covid-19 would have an outsize im-
• ADP-Nasdaq tive on the shares, though it may take longer holds a stake]; and 4) an aggressive share-re- pact on a portfolio exposed to meat-packing
Outperform• Price $146.03 on Oct. 28 to achieve our price target of $380. purchase program. At just 15 times 2021 esti- plants, food service, and industrial/transpor-
by Evercore ISI mated earnings per share and 10 times tation markets. Management proved us
Bed Bath & Beyond • BBBY-Nasdaq Ebitda, excluding the Adevinta stake, eBay wrong. E-commerce and equipment volumes
In the first quarter of ADP’s fiscal 2021 Underweight • Price $21.10 on Oct. 28 looks cheap. We are raising our 2020 reve- have accelerated, and restructuring has off-
year, revenue and earnings exceeded our by Wells Fargo Securities nue and Ebitda forecast by $200 million. set cost headwinds. We applaud Sealed Air’s
forecasts and Street estimates, despite the Our EPS forecast rises by 28 cents, to $3.38 performance. However, the valuation is not
unprecedented global employment decline. Bed Bath’s long-awaited investor day fea- a share, on a $500 million expected increase inexpensive at 9.4 times our 2021 Ebitda
More importantly, new business bookings in tured an energized management team, up- in the stock-repurchase program. For 2021, estimate. Price target: $42.
Employer Services increased 2%, sharply beat presentation, and a well-articulated—
up from the 67% decrease in fiscal 2020’s albeit somewhat aspirational—transformation
fourth quarter, fueled by successful digital plan, with an aggressive focus on omnichan- INSIDER TRANSACTIONS: Recent Filings
marketing initiatives and recalibration of nel growth, supply-chain enhancement, and Purchases Sales
$ Val $ Val
the sales force to sell virtually. differentiation (via remodels and owned Company /Symbol Insiders Shares (000's) Company /Symbol Insiders Shares (000's)
Internationally, bookings were strong. brands) versus peers. Eargo EAR 4 799,999 27,080 Align Technology ALGN 8 143,196 65,757
While in second-quarter fiscal 2021, book- The company is clearly taking steps to im- Live Oak Bancshares LOB 1 154,384 5,277 Salesforce.Com CRM 5 209,524 53,107
Helix Acquisition HLXA 1 430,000 4,300 Procter & Gamble PG 4 257,555 36,782
ings might be down modestly, given partial prove its business, is pleased with recent mo- Replay Acquisition RPLA 1 350,000 3,535 Unitedhealth UNH 1 98,579 32,479
lockdowns in Europe combined with uncer- mentum, and expects long-term initiatives to Eastern Bankshares EBC 2 186,520 1,865 Danaher DHR 3 107,385 25,081
tainty from U.S. elections, fiscal-2021 book- yield considerable margin progress (with Crown Castle International CCI 1 8,050 1,298 Amphenol APH 1 158,500 18,824
Agree Realty ADC 1 15,293 1,005 Tesla TSLA 2 44,860 18,786
ings could be up 10% to 20%, boding well earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, International Business Machines IBM 1 5,000 554 Dell Technologies DELL 2 166,937 11,253
for fiscal 2022 and beyond. Based on our and amortization, or Ebitda, up by 600 basis Del Taco Restaurants TACO 1 67,400 505 Ppg Industries PPG 1 81,022 10,829
Universal Stainless & Alloy Products USAP 1 45,823 258 Paychex PAYX 3 121,398 10,069
survey, we believe that demand trends for points [six percentage points] by fiscal 2023).
Smart Global SGH 1 9,820 255 Mainstreet Bancshares MNSB 1 647,096 9,836
ADP products are strong. Employer Ser- That said, the transformation won’t be cheap, Premier Financial PFC 1 12,000 225 Thermo Fisher Scientific TMO 1 20,000 9,678
vices client retention is at record highs, heavy lifting remains, and the spotlight shifts Greenpower Motor GP 1 20,000 218 Autonation AN 2 154,259 9,465
Pultegroup PHM 1 5,000 207 Abbott LaboratoriesABT 1 83,333 9,069
benefiting from clients delaying decisions to to execution during a period of increasing
Genuine Parts GPC 1 2,200 202 Triumph Bancorp TBK 8 196,964 8,903
switch, but also higher client satisfaction. macro uncertainty, wonky year-to-year com- First American Financial FAF 1 4,000 191 Restaurant Brands International QSR 1 158,000 8,880
Our price target is $197. parisons, and rapidly shifting consumer Heartland Express HTLD 1 10,000 188 Guardant Health GH 2 81,002 8,670
1 5,000 160 Texas Instruments TXN 2 51,507 7,637
needs and preferences. EmployersEIG
Sound Financial Bancorp SFBC 1 5,000 149 Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals ARWR 2 129,166 7,397
Mastercard • MA-NYSE While CEO Mark Tritton & Co. talked a Orrstown Financial Services ORRF 3 6,500 89 Biolife Solutions BLFS 1 229,244 6,613
Positive • Price $317.11 on Oct. 28 good game, we see an opportunity to take An insider is any officer, director or owner of 10% or more of a class of a company's securities. In most cases, an insider must report any trade to
by Susquehanna International Group profits, as Bed Bath shares are up 104% in the SEC within two business days. The tables highlight companies that filed with the SEC through last Wednesday. The tables do not include
pension-plan or employee stock-option activity, trades by beneficial owners of 10% or more, trades under $2 per share or trades under 100
three months (versus 2% for the S&P 500 shares. The "Purchases" column includes only open-market and private purchases; the "Sales" column includes only open-market and private sales,
As in past recessions, credit is underper- index), expectations are calibrating higher, and excludes trades preceded by option exercise in the 12 months prior to the reported event. Source: Thomson Reuters
forming debit, and this shift disadvantages and the success of new initiatives likely won’t
Mastercard. While there is a quarterly lag, be linear. Reiterate $17 price target (14 times INSIDER TRANSACTIONS RATIO
Visa [ticker: V] volume mixed 52% debit (last our fiscal-2022 earnings estimate).
quarter) versus 43% debit for Mastercard
(this quarter). eBay • EBAY-Nasdaq
Utility-type spending, such as for groceries Buy• Price $53.25 on Oct. 29
and gasoline, remains healthy, but typically by Benchmark Bearish
skews to debit. In contrast, discretionary 30
spending, such as for travel and entertain- Despite strong third-quarter results and
ment, skews to credit. Although the company fourth-quarter guidance that, ex-Classifieds,
described normalization to even growth in should have numbers coming up across the 10
some discretionary categories, both personal board, we expect that shares of eBay will Bullish Ratio = 8
and business travel [abroad] remain weak. again be weak on the open. Commentary N D J F M A M J J A S O
around active buyer pull-forward and mod-
To be considered for this section, material erating demand due to increased mobility Ratio of Insiders Sales to Buys. Readings under 12:1 are Bullish. Those over 20:1 are Bearish.
should be sent to [email protected]. will likely bring about the same sustainable, The total top 20 sales and buys are 369,113,541 and 47,560,917 respectively; Source: Thomson Reuters
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M11
Market View
This commentary was issued recently by money managers, research firms,
and market newsletter writers and has been edited by Barron’s.
”Normally, long interest rates go up or down because of the economic outlook and changing inflation
expectations. But markets are now beginning to worry about increasing Treasury supply, and Treasury-
auction metrics are getting more attention.” —TORSTEN SLØk, Apollo Global Management
Too Much Treasury Supply? greeted by a resounding “meh”. tian and Palazzo casinos on the Las Vegas remembered as one of the most challenging
Why? Because old news is good news, Strip to accelerate a capital gain into 2020. and transformative years for most retail-
The Conversation Is Changing in Markets and it is all about the outlook—not the Whether a “blue wave” or a Biden White ers, we are forecasting that holiday sales
Apollo Global Management “backlook.” With Covid-renewed restrictions House are in store, 2021 would likely mark a will increase 9% in 2020, which would be beginning in Europe, the growth outlook secular reversal in economic policy. Ushered the largest increase on record. That is not
has become far more muddied there. The in by President Ronald Reagan and Federal to say that things are fine for all retailers,
Oct. 30: It is important to pay attention to fear is that resurgent cases in the U.S. por- Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker in the 1980s, (they are not), nor is it to say that consum-
the changing conversation. Normally, long tend a similar retrenchment of activity. monetary policy and supply-side economics ers are in excellent financial shape (they
interest rates go up or down because of the With U.S. fiscal policy stalled, monetary held sway in Washington over the past 40 are not, particularly those toward the
economic outlook and changing inflation ex- policy going full-throttle can only do so much. years through a combination of lower inter- lower end of the income spectrum). How-
pectations. But markets are now beginning The interaction of an uncertain, but est rates, smaller tax burdens, and lighter ever, a forced thrift that has curtailed
to worry about increasing Treasury supply, surging, virus and stalled fiscal policy cre- regulations. The federal-funds rate has cas- spending in the service sector and canceled
and Treasury-auction metrics are getting ates a thick fog around the path of the U.S. caded from 20% to zero. Corporate taxes as travel plans frees up income for more
more attention. recovery. That is why GDP—and other old a share of GDP have slid from 2.6% to 1.1%, spending on gifts. After the anxiety and
How much more Treasury supply might news—might be great, but doesn’t matter. while the value of the stock market has stress of a year defined by the virus, natu-
be coming? Third-quarter U.S. GDP came —SAMUEL RINES grown nearly four times faster than the ral disasters and a divisive election, we
out yesterday, and it shows that the econ- economy....A Biden victory would likely initi- suspect that holiday sales will also benefit
omy is currently $1.3 trillion below its trend Goodbye, Supply-Side Economics ate a shift toward fiscal, demand-side stimu- from a yearning for comfort and normalcy,
line. To completely “fill up the hole” after lus. Over time, such a result could mean a which many consumers may associate with
Covid, we would need $4.4 trillion. In other Market Commentary reversal in inflation, interest rates, and the having a few more gifts under the tree.
words, a fiscal package of $1.3 trillion to Cresset relationship between wages and profits. Traditions of the shopping season, like
$4.4 trillion would bring the economy back —JACK ABLIN the throngs of Black Friday shoppers the
closer to where it was pre-Covid, and day after Thanksgiving, will be largely re-
thereby push the unemployment rate down Oct. 28: A corporate-tax reset [under a Strength in Storage REITs placed this year with rolling special sales and
from its current level at 7.9% toward its Biden administration] would be unwelcome “buy-online, pick-up in store” deals, while on-
February level at 3.5%. If the U.S. economy news for sectors like technology and health Momentum Strategies Report line retailers pile on gains after last year’s
has to enter a second lockdown to get the care, which together make up more than Clif Droke Market Analysis first-time finish as top overall category of
virus under control, the fiscal need will be 40% of the S&P 500. Profitable companies holiday sales. In fact, since Amazon’s Prime
bigger. If we get a vaccine faster than within these sectors sported effective tax Day moved to October, many of its competi-
expected, the fiscal need will be smaller. rates of 15% and 20%, respectively, last Oct. 27: One of the areas of potential tors began offering opposing special offers
Adding another few trillion in Treasury year. Biden’s proposed 25% corporate tax strength I’m keeping an eye on is the stor- during the month. Some holiday shopping
supply will put upward pressure on long rates rate would boost their tax liabilities. Addi- age REIT stock group. Storage REITs have has already been pulled forward, so we
and steepen the yield curve. The question is tionally, both sectors are heavily invested in shown a conspicuous amount of relative wouldn’t be surprised to see the pace of sales
to what degree the Federal Reserve is pre- intellectual property, much of which is held strength lately, and for good reason. With taper off in the traditional holiday spending
pared to step in and buy longer-dated U.S. offshore. Technology companies derived real estate as strong as it is and so many months of November and December. Even if
government debt and thereby have monetary more than half of their revenue offshore last Americans migrating from big cities, stor- that is the case, our measure of holiday sales
policy play an important role as underwriter year, while 37% of health-care revenue was age units are in very high demand right sits comfortably at an all-time high as of Sep-
for fiscal policy. How the Fed talks about this generated outside the U.S. Other sectors now. Consequently, we may soon be getting tember after disruption from the virus ear-
topic and how markets interpret the Fed’s with a tax bulls-eye on their backs are another confirmed entry point in the leading lier this year. The 2020 holiday sales season
statements and actions are very important financials, materials, and consumer staples. storage stocks once the October swoon has is on track to be a blowout. But keep it in
parts of the new conversation in markets. A doubling of the capital-gains tax rate ended. [Note the] recent progression in one perspective: This boom in goods spending is
—TORSTEN SLØK would also inflict pain on sectors with the such stock, Public Storage [ticker: PSA]. coming at the expense of spending on ser-
highest unrealized gains, prompting an —CLIF DROKE vices, which remains depressed. In short, we
Why GDP News Doesn’t Matter acceleration of gain realization. Technology, do not look for overall consumer spending to
a sector that has gained more than 180% Jolly Holiday Sales return to its pre-crisis peak until the second
Macro Note over the past five years, would be most quarter of 2021.
Avalon Investment and Advisory exposed. Consumer discretionary, which Special Reports —TIM QUINLAN nearly doubled in the interim, would be next. Wells Fargo Securities
Media reports indicate that Donald Trump To be considered for this section, material, with
Oct. 29: GDP grew at a 33.1% [annualized] megadonor Sheldon Adelson, sensing a Joe the author’s name and address, should be sent
pace in the third quarter, but the news was Biden victory, is considering selling his Vene- Oct. 26: In what undoubtedly will be to [email protected].
M12 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Nasdaq Issues
Nasdaq Issues includes stocks traded on the Nasdaq Global Select and Nasdaq Global Market tiers. They are eligible for inclusion on the basis of SEC-approved market 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
value of publicly-held shares, trading volume, price and number of market-makers. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
38.91 17.58 CathayGenBncp CATY 5.3 8 23.53 –0.70 .31 8.96 1.69 CyclerionTherap CYCN ... dd 2.34 –0.30 ...
52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 236.10 99.58 CavcoIndustries CVCO ... 23 172.14 –6.63 ... 9.06 1.21 CymaBayTherap CBAY ... dd 8.32 –0.71 ...
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. 9.00 3.53 CECO Env CECE ... 15 7.08 –0.55 ... 86.77 43.72 CyrusOne CONE 2.9 dd 71.05 –3.96 .51
22.58 7.32 Cellectis CLLS ... dd 15.91 –3.50 ... 30.14 7.73 Cytokinetics CYTK ... dd 15.37 –1.02 ...
18.50 4.40 AmerSupercond AMSC ... dd 13.91 –1.12 ... 95.64 27.25 BarrettBus BBSI 2.0 10 59.25 –2.61 .30
A 117.70 35.30 AmericanWoodmark AMWD ... 22 82.61 –4.13 ... 18.24 4.25 BassettFurniture BSET 3.1 dd 14.76 –0.87 .125
15.44 3.60 CytomXTherap CTMX ... dd 6.62 –0.14 ...
129.70 35.18 AmerCarMart CRMT ... 11 86.52 –7.05 ... 23.50 9.67 BayCom BCML ... 10 11.10 –1.24 ...
65.69 40.48 AAON AAON .7 44 58.41 –3.45 .19 44.90
3.6 10
9 29.30
... D
58.72 30.02 AcadiaPharm ACAD ... dd 46.45 +3.28 ... 41.10 21.66 CentralGardenA CENTA ... 18 35.39 –1.97 ...
39.37 20.03 ACI Worldwide ACIW ... 45 29.17 –2.97 ... 264.97 177.05 Amgen AMGN 3.0 17 216.94 –10.22 1.60 5.15 1.15 BeasleyBroadcast BBGI .0 dd 1.21 –0.15 .05 11.33 2.91 CenturyAluminum CENX ... dd 6.58 –1.02 ... 13.49 1.35 DBV Tech DBVT ... dd 1.43 –0.10 ...
13.00 4.07 AC Immune ACIU ... dd 4.82 –0.17 ... 19.47 6.25 AmicusTherap FOLD ... dd 17.83 –0.65 ... 26.16 3.43 BedBath BBBY .0 dd 19.80 –5.56 .17 93.49 51.40 CenturyBancorpA CNBKA .9 11 71.57 –2.53 .16 4.78 0.71 DIRTT Envl DRTT ... dd 1.39 –0.09 ...
113.87 12.61 ACM Research ACMR ... 97 70.37 +2.40 ... 15.80 5.40 AmkorTech AMKR 1.4 9 11.85 –1.43 .04 322.98 118.55 BeiGene BGNE ... dd 296.52 –2.48 ... 2.99 0.99 Ceragon CRNT ... dd 2.21 –0.31 ... 42.62 17.09 DISH Network DISH ... 11 25.49 –1.75 ...
5.25 1.45 ADMA Biologics ADMA ... dd 1.99 –0.26 ... 22.69 12.33 AmphastarPharm AMPH ... cc 19.59 –1.25 ... 17.60 6.08 BelFuse A BELFA 2.1 dd 11.42 +0.43 .06 66.64 11.39 Cerence CRNC ... 29 54.58 –10.62 ... 54.11 20.15 DMC Global BOOM .0 dd 35.57 –1.84 .125
19.65 6.25 AGNC Invt AGNC 10.3 dd 13.97 –0.22 .12 15.50 7.62 AmrytPharma AMYT ... ... 12.86 +0.09 ... 21.50 6.30 BelFuse B BELFB 2.4 dd 11.71 +0.95 .07 80.90 53.08 Cerner CERN 1.0 27 70.09 –3.63 .18 18.77 10.26 DSP Group DSPG ... dd 13.17 –1.22 ...
1.46 0.28 ALJ Regional ALJJ ... dd 1.03 –0.03 ... 7.96 3.55 AmtechSystems ASYS ... dd 5.32 –0.55 ... 25.51 6.09 Benefitfocus BNFT ... dd 10.27 –0.89 ... 7.94 2.71 Cerus CERS ... dd 5.25 –1.09 ... 43.94 10.44 DXP Ents DXPE ... 13 15.64 –1.59 ...
52.00 28.01 AlxOncology ALXO ... ... 39.51 –2.25 ... 6.07 1.40 Amyris AMRS ... dd 2.50 –0.55 ... 40.82 27.00 BentleySystems BSY ... ... 35.06 –1.41 ... 17.57 6.18 ChangeHlthcr CHNG ... dd 14.15 –1.25 ... 37.38 14.60 DadaNexus DADA ... dd 33.01 +0.11 ...
13.80 4.41 AMAG Pharm AMAG ... dd 13.72 +0.05 ... 127.39 79.08 AnalogDevices ADI 2.1 40 118.53 –5.67 .62 89.67 50.26 BerkeleyLights BLI ... ... 72.57 –3.03 ... 63.29 30.71 ChangeHlthcrUn CHNGU 5.8 ... 52.07 –3.79 .75 7.11 3.69 Daktronics DAKT .0 cc 3.90 –0.12 .05
43.89 19.62 AMC Networks AMCX ... 6 21.25 –2.11 ... 39.48 10.00 AnaptysBio ANAB ... dd 29.46 +3.73 ... 11.72 1.82 Berry(bry) BRY .0 dd 2.62 –0.52 .12 91.98 15.00 ChartIndustries GTLS ... 48 84.45 –4.56 ... 118.13 28.88 Datadog DDOG ... cc 90.75 –11.33 ...
80.65 48.02 Amerisafe AMSF 1.8 12 58.98 +0.12 .27 25.93 10.00 Andersons ANDE 3.2 dd 21.69 –2.15 .175 197.50 48.18 BeyondMeat BYND ... dd 142.43 –29.30 ... 663.70 345.67 CharterComms CHTR ... 57 603.82 +10.54 ... 48.80 4.61 Dave&Buster's PLAY .0 dd 17.16 –3.29 .16
37.60 7.47 A-MarkPrecMet AMRK ... 7 31.08 –2.61 ... 17.24 7.48 AngioDynamics ANGO ... dd 10.34 –0.73 ... 21.59 7.50 BicycleTherap BCYC ... dd 18.51 –0.48 ... 130.98 80.06 CheckPoint CHKP ... 19 113.56 –6.91 ... 1.85 0.32 DAVIDsTEA DTEA ... dd 1.08 +0.01 ...
17.05 4.10 ANGI Homesvcs ANGI ... cc 10.60 –0.49 ... 71.05 22.01 AnikaTherap ANIK ... 42 32.62 –2.59 ... 9.72 0.65 Big5SportingGds BGFV 5.4 5 7.34 –0.87 .10 16.49 8.61 CheckmatePharm CMPI ... ... 11.49 –0.25 ... 2.93 0.84 DawsonGeophys DWSN ... dd 1.79 –0.34 ...
80.87 25.00 ANI Pham ANIP ... dd 25.49 –3.46 ... 31.84 15.33 Annexon ANNX ... dd 20.81 –3.63 ... 162.50 63.77 BigCommerce BIGC ... dd 73.40 –16.71 ... 45.24 14.52 Cheesecake CAKE .0 dd 29.72 –3.00 .36 71.11 33.10 DecipheraPharm DCPH ... dd 58.07 –5.99 ...
357.93 200.07 Ansys ANSS ... 66 304.37 –25.85 ... 12.18 3.15 AnPacBioMed ANPC ... ... 3.21 –0.38 ... 54.00 15.18 Bilibili BILI ... dd 44.67 +0.23 ... 40.33 3.55 ChefsWarehouse CHEF ... dd 13.52 –3.36 ... 47.17 12.39 DenaliTherap DNLI ... dd 42.78 +1.64 ...
23.60 7.19 ARKRestaurants ARKR .0 dd 10.05 –1.50 .25 33.77 3.80 Apache APA 1.2 dd 8.30 –0.98 .025 286.68 155.17 Bio-Techne TECH .5 44 252.41 –16.05 .32 65.43 7.88 ChemoCentryx CCXI ... dd 48.00 –10.80 ... 60.87 31.58 DentsplySirona XRAY .8 dd 47.19 –1.96 .10
409.11 191.25 ASML ASML .7 40 361.21 –17.35 1.4095 45.04 16.85 ApellisPharm APLS ... dd 31.90 –3.90 ... 6.29 1.38 BioCryst BCRX ... dd 3.82 +0.11 ... 46.69 21.75 ChemungFinl CHMG 3.1 9 34.08 –2.72 .26 63.11 24.35 Descartes DSGX ... cc 53.76 –1.72 ...
1.89 0.61 ATA Creativity AACG ... dd 1.09 –0.14 ... 6.44 1.95 Aphria APHA ... dd 4.50 –0.05 ... 7.21 2.85 BioDeliverySci BDSI ... 59 3.16 –0.24 ... 7.75 2.88 Chiasma CHMA ... dd 3.75 –0.13 ... 3.25 2.02 Deswell DSWL 3.2 dd 2.78 +0.09 .09
79.64 37.01 ATN Intl ATNI 1.5 dd 44.70 –1.40 .17 41.07 13.77 ApogeeEnt APOG 3.1 13 23.89 –3.25 .1875 15.00 11.73 Biodesix BDSX ... ... 12.43 –5.57 ... 17.90 4.66 ChickenSoupA CSSE ... dd 14.82 +0.14 ... 456.23 150.41 DexCom DXCM ... cc 319.58 –91.42 ...
10.71 2.23 AveoPharma AVEO ... dd 5.43 –0.47 ... 3.28 1.24 ApolloEnd APEN ... dd 1.75 +0.02 ... 374.99 243.25 Biogen BIIB ... 8 252.07 –12.93 ... 88.47 9.25 Children'sPlace PLCE .0 dd 25.27 –2.95 .56 150.00 75.00 DiamondHillInvt DHIL .0 12 136.94 –7.01 12.00
29.32 9.76 AVROBIO AVRO ... dd 14.28 –2.40 ... 18.33 5.20 ApolloInv AINV 16.4 dd 7.57 –0.75 .05 131.95 68.25 BioMarinPharm BMRN ... cc 74.43 –3.10 ... 3.89 1.19 Chimerix CMRX ... dd 2.67 –0.15 ... 96.92 14.55 DiamondbkEner FANG 5.8 dd 25.96 –3.07 .375
6.81 1.85 AXT AXTI ... dd 5.95 +0.12 ... 180.56 81.01 AppFolio APPF ... cc 142.87 –10.13 ... 105.00 16.12 BioNTech BNTX ... dd 85.36 –3.33 ... 119.44 97.91 ChinaBiologic CBPO ... 30 116.21 +3.03 ... 27.68 11.75 DicernaPharma DRNA ... dd 20.99 +1.60 ...
20.81 17.71 Abcam ABCM ... ... 19.00 +0.10 ... 84.81 29.07 Appian APPN ... dd 63.30 –14.98 ... 89.15 42.00 BioSpecificsTech BSTC ... 36 88.10 –0.06 ... 31.40 3.65 ChinaFinance JRJC ... dd 7.87 –2.05 ... 18.99 6.18 DigiIntl DGII ... 69 14.73 –1.13 ...
319.19 119.01 Abiomed ABMD ... 55 251.88 –29.54 ... 137.98 53.15 Apple AAPL .8 33 108.86 –6.18 .205 55.85 27.35 BioTelemetry BEAT ... 81 42.58 –0.89 ... 3.82 0.94 ChinaIndex CIH ... 3 1.34 –0.15 ... 38.17 9.92 Digimarc DMRC ... dd 31.69 –1.16 ...
13.95 4.90 AbsoluteSftwr ABST 2.2 47 11.28 –0.92 .0607 10.42 2.29 AppliedGenetic AGTC ... dd 5.16 –0.30 ... 46.25 17.63 BlackDiamond BDTX ... dd 31.51 –0.35 ... 2.44 0.63 ChinaXDPlastics CXDC ... dd 1.20 +0.02 ... 8.84 1.99 Digirad DRAD ... dd 2.52 –0.48 ...
69.13 60.62 AcaciaComms ACIA ... 49 67.74 +0.45 ... 69.90 36.64 ApplMaterials AMAT 1.5 17 59.23 –1.72 .22 86.50 38.22 Blackbaud BLKB .0 cc 49.34 –8.02 .12 16.76 13.12 Chindata CD ... dd 13.94 +0.35 ... 21.68 10.59 DimeComBcshrs DCOM 4.4 10 12.65 –0.50 .14
4.46 1.75 AcaciaResearch ACTG ... dd 3.15 –0.20 ... 36.21 17.05 AppliedMolecular AMTI ... ... 29.39 –3.29 ... 105.07 38.32 BlackLine BL ... dd 97.68 –1.35 ... 20.20 4.90 ChinookTherap KDNY ... dd 12.35 –3.04 ... 64.37 31.51 Diodes DIOD ... 24 57.83 –4.40 ...
15.71 12.05 AcademySports ASO ... ... 14.70 +0.12 ... 17.57 5.00 AppliedOptoelec AAOI ... dd 8.78 –1.39 ... 5.20 1.47 BlackRockCapInvt BKCC 17.1 dd 2.34 –0.26 .10 24.83 15.00 ChipMOSTechs IMOS ... 9 19.56 –0.78 ... 103.00 24.80 DiscoveryB DISCB ... 17 32.70 –1.12 ...
35.76 11.09 AcadiaHealthcare ACHC ... 30 35.65 +4.46 ... 57.39 13.99 AppliedTherap APLT ... dd 16.27 –6.31 ... 14.76 4.02 BlkRkTCPCap TCPC 13.0 dd 9.25 –0.56 .30 183.34 52.90 ChurchillDowns CHDN .4 dd 149.15 –24.06 .622 33.66 17.12 DiscoveryA DISCA ... 10 20.24 –0.86 ...
124.01 40.15 AcceleronPharma XLRN ... dd 104.58 –4.76 ... 53.11 21.22 ApreaTherap APRE ... dd 21.81 –4.97 ... 24.29 4.54 BloominBrands BLMN 5.7 dd 13.98 –2.28 .20 29.45 7.28 Chuy's CHUY ... dd 20.99 –2.32 ... 31.20 15.43 DiscoveryC DISCK ... 9 18.32 –0.79 ...
44.96 28.68 Accolade ACCD ... dd 35.02 –6.99 ... 6.47 1.60 Aptinyx APTX ... dd 2.93 –0.20 ... 26.51 8.37 Blucora BCOR ... dd 9.95 –1.15 ... 4.45 1.30 CidaraTherap CDTX ... dd 2.61 –0.42 ... 9.82 2.00 DiversifiedHlthcr DHC 1.4 dd 2.90 –0.45 .01
4.68 1.33 Accuray ARAY ... 88 2.91 –0.19 ... 18.25 1.16 Aptorum APM ... dd 2.10 –0.15 ... 23.99 8.40 BlueBird BLBD ... 26 11.54 –0.47 ... 145.09 40.80 Cimpress CMPR ... 28 73.40 –8.21 ... 2.00 0.53 DixieGroup DXYN ... 1 .91 –0.01 ...
2.50 0.70 AcelRxPharm ACRX ... dd 1.71 –0.05 ... 8.59 2.81 ApyxMedical APYX ... dd 6.02 –0.23 ... 99.36 38.95 bluebirdbio BLUE ... dd 51.71 –3.82 ... 115.53 46.07 CincinnatiFin CINF 3.4 15 70.74 –6.66 .60 290.23 64.25 DocuSign DOCU ... dd 202.25 –17.57 ...
5.04 0.70 AclarisTherap ACRS ... dd 3.84 –0.46 ... 10.00 1.41 AquestiveTherap AQST ... dd 4.84 –0.42 ... 35.89 8.04 BlueCity BLCT ... dd 9.96 –0.88 ... 6.00 0.25 Cinedigm CIDM ... dd .47 –0.11 ... 3.42 0.78 Dogness DOGZ ... cc 2.44 +0.37 ...
2.78 0.42 AcordaTherap ACOR ... dd .87 +0.04 ... 15.62 3.34 Aravive ARAV ... dd 4.63 –0.60 ... 1.79 0.53 BlueknightEner BKEP 11.5 dd 1.39 –0.03 .04 358.69 154.33 Cintas CTAS .9 37 314.55 –23.52 3.51 114.83 60.20 DollarTree DLTR ... 24 90.32 –5.15 ...
87.73 50.51 ActivisionBliz ATVI .5 32 75.73 –5.31 .41 9.02 0.88 ArbutusBiopharma ABUS ... dd 2.82 –0.07 ... 108.51 43.29 BlueprintMed BPMC ... 19 102.28 –2.39 ... 91.63 47.04 CirrusLogic CRUS ... 24 68.87 +1.21 ... 47.25 7.62 Domo DOMO ... dd 31.77 –4.29 ...
38.99 22.33 AcutusMedical AFIB ... ... 22.87 –3.38 ... 36.15 13.54 ArcBest ARCB 1.0 28 30.52 –2.95 .08 15.92 6.66 BoingoWireless WIFI ... dd 9.34 +0.16 ... 50.28 32.40 CiscoSystems CSCO 4.0 14 35.90 –2.92 .36 16.19 11.22 DonegalGroup A DGICA 4.1 8 14.51 –0.25 .15
7.45 1.90 AdamasPharm ADMS ... dd 3.04 –0.51 ... 48.32 20.93 ArchCapital ACGL ... 11 30.21 –1.60 ... 2094.00 1107.29 BookingHldgs BKNG ... 27 1622.50 –201.05 ... 29.50 6.70 CitiTrends CTRN .0 40 26.11 –1.67 .08 14.61 10.51 DonegalGroup B DGICB 4.5 7 11.87 –0.88 .1325
13.40 0.71 AdaptimmuneTher ADAP ... dd 4.51 –0.29 ... 59.49 29.09 ArcoPlatform ARCE ... dd 34.08 –1.32 ... 13.08 5.00 BostonPrivFin BPFH 3.9 12 6.18 –0.40 .06 12.75 5.26 CtznCmntyBcp CZWI 2.8 7 7.60 +0.12 .21 21.46 8.52 DorchesterMnls DMLP 13.8 10 10.06 –0.42 .3256
54.20 15.19 AdaptiveBiotech ADPT ... dd 46.08 –3.42 ... 66.24 8.51 ArcturusTherap ARCT ... dd 54.08 +4.71 ... 57.22 27.82 Bottomline EPAY ... dd 39.72 –2.90 ... 27.94 16.02 CitizensHolding CIZN 4.4 18 21.70 +0.30 .24 97.42 44.49 DormanProducts DORM ... 33 89.27 –1.40 ...
40.88 17.10 ArcutisBiotherap ARQT ... dd 17.82 –5.22 ... 12.53 5.10 Brainsway BWAY ... dd 5.59 –0.61 ... 17.85 6.11 DouYuIntl DOYU ... 61 15.30 +0.23 ...
106.98 43.13 AddusHomeCare ADUS ... 50 97.57 –3.59 ... 8.82 4.22 Ardelyx ARDX ... dd 5.11 –0.05 ... 34.25 16.51 BridgeBancorp BDGE 4.9 8 19.54 –0.82 .24 173.56 100.31 CitrixSystems CTXS 1.2 19 113.27 –9.45 .35
6.49 1.50 ADDvantage AEY ... dd 1.88 –0.15 ... 83.07 53.06 CityHolding CHCO 3.8 11 60.43 –1.74 .57 64.19 10.04 DraftKings DKNG ... dd 35.40 –7.34 ...
87.90 32.95 ArenaPharm ARNA ... dd 85.72 +4.38 ... 48.36 14.23 BridgeBioPharma BBIO ... dd 38.38 –1.28 ... 24.14 14.55 Dropbox DBX ... cc 18.26 –1.46 ...
69.16 6.02 AdicetBio ACET ... dd 10.72 –1.77 ... 19.33 7.90 AresCapital ARCC 11.6 18 13.83 –0.21 .40 31.87 14.06 BridgfordFoods BRID ... 25 18.25 –0.26 ... 17.75 7.85 Clarus CLAR .6 37 15.51 –0.70 .025
536.88 255.13 Adobe ADBE ... 56 447.10 –41.40 ... 3.75 1.05 CleanEnerFuels CLNE ... 16 2.48 –0.16 ... 47.98 35.10 DuckCreekTech DCT ... ... 43.37 –2.96 ...
13.20 4.80 Adtran ADTN 3.4 dd 10.69 –1.73 .09 284.00 103.75 arGEN-X ARGX ... dd 248.13 –2.29 ... 14.11 5.44 Brightcove BCOV ... dd 12.65 –1.25 ...
23.96 8.32 Clearfield CLFD ... 46 20.93 –0.65 ... 17.30 2.82 DuluthHoldings DLTH ... 32 15.34 –1.54 ...
14.00 3.52 AdvEmissions ADES .0 dd 4.45 +0.03 .25 44.44 29.05 ArrayTech ARRY ... ... 36.85 –5.15 ... 48.25 12.05 BrighthouseFin BHF ... 2 33.10 +0.13 ...
4.13 0.96 ClearsideBiomed CLSD ... dd 1.35 –0.06 ... 104.87 38.51 Dunkin' DNKN 1.6 38 99.71 +10.92 .4025
82.26 33.38 AdvEnergyInds AEIS ... 40 67.47 –5.02 ... 36.11 19.59 ArrowFinancial AROW 3.7 11 27.37 –1.82 .26 387.80 155.67 Broadcom AVGO 3.7 66 349.63 –23.09 3.25 27.11 15.60 DyneTherap DYN ... ... 20.68 +3.58 ...
73.72 19.51 ArrowheadPharm ARWR ... dd 57.30 –1.58 ... 20.13 7.10 BrookfieldProp BPY 9.6 dd 13.89 –0.56 .3325 17.37 3.18 ClovisOncology CLVS ... dd 4.93 –0.65 ...
94.28 34.10 AdvMicroDevices AMD ... cc 75.29 –6.67 ... 18.59 8.41 CoastalFinl CCB ... 13 14.86 –0.57 ...
ArtesianRscs A
4.8 18
5 14.75
.115 295.56
168.56 92.00 AscendisPharma ASND ... dd 163.35 +3.60 ... 57.56 21.19 Brooks Auto BRKS .9 86 46.70 –1.98 .10
1.48 0.30 Advaxis ADXS ... dd .34 –0.17 ... 8.18 0.35 AslanPharm ASLN ... dd 1.66 –0.18 ... 54.49 30.78 Bruker BRKR .4 40 42.54 +0.08 .04 14.40 8.40 CodiakBioSci CDAK ... ... 8.62 –0.88 ... 11.51 1.32 ECMOHO MOHO ... dd 1.37 –0.23 ...
26.98 7.15 AdverumBiotech ADVM ... dd 10.91 –1.45 ... 13.17 4.65 AspenGroup ASPU ... dd 9.38 –2.13 ... 41.41 22.20 BrynMawrBank BMTC 4.0 16 26.86 –1.57 .27 23.60 10.62 CodorusValleyBncp CVLY 3.0 16 13.46 –0.45 .10 5.39 1.46 EDAP TMS EDAP ... dd 4.24 –0.39 ...
23.65 11.40 Aegion AEGN ... dd 14.11 –1.63 ... 142.89 73.07 AspenTech AZPN ... 33 109.81 –19.68 ... 34.69 9.00 BuildersFirstSrc BLDR ... 17 30.30 –2.36 ... 3.72 0.30 CogentBio COGT ... dd 3.08 +0.29 ... 17.73 9.70 ESSA Bancorp ESSA 3.5 9 12.71 –0.74 .11
11.38 3.50 AegleaBioTherap AGLE ... dd 7.68 ... ... 27.84 10.23 AssemblyBiosci ASMB ... dd 14.74 –0.13 ... 32.40 18.64 BurningRockBio BNR ... dd 30.87 +1.17 ... 92.96 54.24 CogentComm CCOI 4.8 66 55.80 –1.87 .705 30.00 10.12 EVO Payments EVOP ... dd 21.07 –3.25 ...
5.10 0.37 Aemetis AMTX ... dd 3.69 –0.33 ... 1.71 0.55 Assertio ASRT ... dd .62 –0.08 ... 26.64 9.17 BusFirstBcshs BFST 2.4 12 16.61 –0.55 .10 71.76 35.20 Cognex CGNX .4 82 65.90 –4.03 .06 4.95 2.00 EXFO EXFO ... dd 2.58 –0.30 ...
26.26 9.01 AeriePharm AERI ... dd 10.61 +0.70 ... 63.74 25.17 AstecIndustries ASTE .9 80 50.80 –6.37 .11 76.45 40.01 CognizantTech CTSH 1.2 26 71.42 –2.70 .22 22.98 11.74 EagleBncpMT EBMT 2.0 7 19.26 –0.99 .0975
87.00 45.00 AeroVironment AVAV ... 54 76.36 –1.15 ... 178.08 78.21 Coherent COHR ... dd 125.14 –0.81 ...
... C 23.03
.0 dd
7 16.67
16.98 5.29 AstroNova ALOT .0 dd 7.90 –0.41 .07 43.80 32.58 Eargo EAR ... ... 34.65 –3.60 ...
34.87 13.98 Afya AFYA ... 38 24.00 –2.37 ... 19.36 4.52 AtaraBiotherap ATRA ... dd 12.91 –1.70 ... 12.93 8.42 Cadiz CDZI ... dd 9.55 –0.46 ... 65.63 13.26 CollectorsUniv CLCT 1.3 46 54.93 –5.49 .175 51.88 22.55 EastWestBncp EWBC 3.0 9 36.48 –1.88 .275
37.17 12.61 Agilysys AGYS ... dd 27.08 +0.36 ... 32.42 24.00 AteaPharm AVIR ... ... 30.34 +6.34 ... 57.61 28.00 C&F Fin CFFI 4.9 6 31.15 –0.02 .38 25.59 12.17 CollegiumPharm COLL ... dd 17.83 –1.51 ... 12.50 11.74 EasternBankshares EBC ... ... 11.95 –0.31 ...
56.75 27.77 AgiosPharm AGIO ... dd 40.07 +2.03 ... 18.35 5.63 Athenex ATNX ... dd 11.40 –0.05 ... 30.95 16.25 CB FinSvcs CBFV 4.9 9 19.61 –1.00 .24 92.07 33.93 ColliersIntl CIGI .1 46 70.88 +5.32 .05 31.97 15.28 Eastern EML 2.1 13 20.47 –1.66 .11
68.45 35.75 Agora API ... ... 38.50 –3.65 ... 22.14 15.79 AthiraPharma ATHA ... ... 18.06 –1.28 ... 31.73 12.50 CBTX CBTX 2.1 16 18.90 –0.98 .10 16.50 8.70 ColonyBankcorp CBAN 3.2 12 12.53 –0.22 .10 14.95 3.80 EbangIntl EBON ... ... 8.96 –0.27 ...
4.20 1.00 AgroFresh AGFS ... dd 2.06 –0.18 ... 3.48 1.46 AtlanticAmerican AAME ... dd 2.02 –0.23 ... 57.00 29.12 CDK Global CDK 1.4 25 43.10 –3.31 .15 41.40 19.11 ColumbiaBanking COLB 3.9 14 28.41 +0.25 .28 61.06 26.02 eBay EBAY 1.3 7 47.63 –6.16 .16
24.50 8.95 AirT AIRT ... dd 9.64 –0.43 ... 20.21 8.89 AtlCapitalBcshs ACBI ... 15 13.88 –0.95 ... 146.09 73.39 CDW CDW 1.2 24 122.60 –7.40 .38 17.34 10.27 ColumbiaFin CLBK ... 27 12.19 –0.73 ... 44.18 8.75 Ebix EBIX 1.7 6 18.06 –1.96 .075
0.74 0.01 AirT Wt AIRTW ... ... .03 ... ... 38.86 18.55 AtlUnionBkshs AUB 4.0 13 25.29 –1.31 .25 46.50 20.45 CEVA CEVA ... cc 40.32 –3.12 ... 102.05 51.82 ColumbiaSportswr COLM .0 28 74.59 –21.24 .26 30.52 14.17 EchoGlobalLog ECHO ... cc 26.97 –0.96 ...
30.08 13.20 AirTransportSvcs ATSG ... dd 28.04 –1.84 ... 32.50 17.74 AtlanticaSust AY 5.6 cc 29.49 –0.89 .42 28.75 22.40 C4 Therap CCCC ... ... 24.75 –1.34 ... 42.33 19.20 ColumbusMcKinn CMCO .7 47 33.89 –3.75 .06 45.15 22.56 EchoStar SATS ... dd 23.16 –3.01 ...
120.00 75.18 AkamaiTech AKAM ... 28 95.12 –11.63 ... 18.36 5.00 Atlanticus ATLC ... 6 11.45 –0.91 ... 106.75 56.94 CH Robinson CHRW 2.3 26 88.43 –12.11 .51 47.74 31.71 Comcast A CMCSA 2.2 19 42.24 –2.82 .23 39.96 14.01 EditasMedicine EDIT ... dd 30.94 –1.82 ...
13.71 2.09 AkebiaTherap AKBA ... dd 2.22 –0.96 ... 69.08 14.97 AtlasAir AAWW ... dd 59.16 –3.83 ... 15.81 6.27 CimComm CMCT 3.8 dd 8.00 +0.06 .075 71.92 45.51 CommerceBcshrs CBSH 1.7 22 62.25 –1.51 .27 20.00 3.02 EducDev EDUC 2.4 15 16.63 –1.56 .10
41.16 10.78 AkeroTherap AKRO ... dd 26.55 +0.31 ... 14.14 5.00 AtlasTech ATCX ... dd 6.85 –0.05 ... 8.86 1.62 CLPS CLPS ... 15 3.08 –1.25 ... 7.71 1.24 CommVehicle CVGI ... dd 5.85 –0.13 ... 16.24 7.59 EHang EH ... dd 7.95 –0.71 ...
30.67 16.59 Akouos AKUS ... ... 19.41 –0.29 ... 1.40 0.36 AtlasTechWt ATCXW ... ... .94 ... ... 174.87 85.26 CMC Materials CCMP 1.2 49 142.19 –9.91 .44 15.79 5.50 CommScope COMM ... dd 8.90 –0.68 ... 152.19 60.40 eHealth EHTH ... 22 67.11 –9.01 ...
74.66 32.00 ALRM ... 52 58.33 –1.97 ... 216.30 110.01 Atlassian TEAM ... dd 191.62 –16.87 ... 225.36 131.80 CME Group CME 2.3 25 150.72 –13.14 .85 9.90 3.50 CommsSystems JCS .0 12 3.97 –0.12 .02 76.94 28.39 EidosTherap EIDX ... dd 70.92 –2.37 ...
2.86 1.44 AlaskaCommSys ALSK .0 11 1.91 –0.04 .09 29.35 9.51 Atreca BCEL ... dd 13.36 –1.15 ... 33.78 13.25 CNB FinPA CCNE 3.7 8 18.14 –1.93 .17 47.54 26.45 CmntyTrBcp CTBI 4.8 9 31.82 –0.86 .385 15.82 4.55 EigerBioPharma EIGR ... dd 8.88 –1.21 ...
35.93 9.12 Alector ALEC ... dd 9.41 –0.08 ... 51.76 23.17 AtriCure ATRC ... dd 34.56 –3.40 ... 47.29 22.51 CompassPath CMPS ... ... 32.00 –6.39 ... 11.86 5.27 CommWestBcshs CWBC 2.5 8 8.05 –0.20 .05 47.25 14.00 89bio ETNB ... dd 23.16 –1.27 ...
128.57 72.67 AlexionPharm ALXN ... 27 115.14 –6.47 ... 843.64 579.00 Atrion ATRI 1.2 32 601.15 –54.00 1.75 58.19 21.96 CRA Intl CRAI 2.5 14 40.95 +0.70 .26 51.90 24.26 CommVaultSys CVLT ... dd 39.59 –2.73 ... 19.90 6.15 ElPolloLoco LOCO ... 27 14.12 –3.35 ...
38.25 22.55 Alico ALCO 1.2 9 28.88 –2.04 .09 65.55 22.51 AuburnNatlBncp AUBN 2.7 16 37.16 –0.37 .255 111.90 32.30 CRISPR Therap CRSP ... dd 91.82 –0.83 ... 19.90 4.76 Compugen CGEN ... dd 12.89 –1.27 ... 167.75 110.00 ElbitSystems ESLT 1.6 18 112.16 –7.84 .44
475.37 127.88 AlignTech ALGN ... 19 426.08 –43.48 ... 44.94 9.00 AudioCodes AUDC .9 97 28.99 –2.68 .14 58.69 36.33 CSG Systems CSGS 2.5 16 37.88 –2.26 .235 35.78 16.93 ComputerPrograms CPSI 1.4 19 27.89 –1.20 .10 3.30 0.32 electroCore ECOR ... dd 1.51 –0.16 ...
17.50 12.82 AligosTherap ALGS ... ... 14.94 –0.16 ... 21.93 4.88 AuriniaPharm AUPH ... dd 15.68 +0.02 ... 2.95 0.35 CSI Compressco CCLP 4.7 dd .84 –0.05 .01 6.48 2.86 ComputerTask CTG ... 11 5.56 –0.14 ... 147.36 85.69 ElectronicArts EA ... 18 119.83 –6.94 ...
9.98 2.86 AlimeraSciences ALIM ... dd 4.25 –0.27 ... 4.36 1.40 AuroraMobile JG ... dd 1.71 –0.17 ... 15.85 4.51 CSP CSPI .0 dd 7.09 –0.64 .15 5.51 1.80 comScore SCOR ... dd 2.00 –0.02 ... 8.16 1.44 EloxxPharm ELOX ... dd 2.53 –0.43 ...
21.88 11.98 Alkermes ALKS ... dd 16.25 –0.14 ... 268.44 125.38 Autodesk ADSK ... cc 235.54 –18.88 ... 89.04 50.13 CSW Industrials CSWI .6 30 85.53 +0.51 .135 38.00 11.48 ComtechTel CMTL 2.8 51 14.40 –1.81 .10 3.97 1.46 Emcore EMKR ... dd 3.26 –0.45 ...
139.99 41.61 Allakos ALLK ... dd 95.13 +5.29 ... 17.19 3.00 AutolusTherap AUTL ... dd 10.81 –1.20 ... 84.81 46.81 CSX CSX 1.3 22 78.94 –2.35 .26 13.09 5.47 ConcertPharm CNCE ... dd 10.32 –1.59 ... 67.88 38.40 EnantaPharma ENTA ... cc 43.63 –0.22 ...
38.95 20.88 AllegianceBcshs ABTX 1.4 15 28.30 +0.39 .10 182.32 103.11 ADP ADP 2.3 27 157.96 +8.76 .91 22.22 14.92 CVB Fin CVBF 4.1 14 17.50 –1.00 .18 7.97 1.54 Conduent CNDT ... dd 3.49 –0.26 ... 49.01 15.27 EncoreCapital ECPG ... 5 31.93 –7.40 ...
183.26 60.06 AllegiantTravel ALGT .0 dd 134.76 –7.52 .70 13.49 4.00 AvadelPharm AVDL ... 16 5.04 –0.30 ... 19.63 5.51 CabalettaBio CABA ... dd 11.57 –0.49 ... 2.25 0.50 Conformis CFMS ... dd .69 –0.05 ... 60.76 38.01 EncoreWire WIRE .2 15 46.21 –2.33 .02
19.74 14.00 AllegroMicro ALGM ... ... 18.30 +4.30 ... 23.87 7.10 AviatNetworks AVNW ... cc 18.51 –3.49 ... 118.22 51.39 CadenceDesign CDNS ... 28 109.37 –2.68 ... 4.60 2.00 Conifer CNFR ... dd 2.51 –0.06 ... 7.10 2.08 EndoIntl ENDP ... dd 4.57 –1.22 ...
6.30 0.53 AllenaPharm ALNA ... dd 1.25 –0.14 ... 9.69 4.67 AvidTechnology AVID ... 28 9.32 –0.03 ... 70.74 6.02 CaesarsEnt CZR ... dd 44.82 –9.87 ... 26.50 8.86 ConnectOneBncp CNOB 2.3 9 15.43 –1.06 .09 6.69 1.31 EnduranceIntl EIGI ... 43 5.81 –0.57 ...
12.92 2.63 AllianceResource ARLP .0 dd 3.22 +0.10 .40 37.46 23.06 AvidityBio RNA ... ... 24.73 –3.23 ... 17.57 7.65 Caesarstone CSTE .0 91 9.65 –0.99 .15 25.10 2.83 Conn's CONN ... dd 9.37 –2.00 ... 11.07 6.11 EnergyRecovery ERII ... 25 9.69 ... ...
60.28 37.66 AlliantEnergy LNT 2.7 21 55.28 –1.39 .38 52.98 6.35 AvisBudget CAR ... dd 33.67 –6.71 ... 46.66 30.74 Cal-MaineFoods CALM ... 42 38.35 –1.40 ... 8.81 3.42 ConsldComm CNSL ... 14 4.67 –0.34 ... 118.94 17.18 EnphaseEnergy ENPH ... 77 98.09 –5.24 ...
49.98 19.00 AlliedMotionTech AMOT .3 24 37.78 –5.76 .03 43.00 17.85 Avnet AVT 3.4 dd 24.67 –3.05 .21 12.14 3.70 CalAmp CAMP ... dd 7.08 –1.38 ... 18.83 10.01 ConsldWater CWCO 3.4 29 10.06 –0.71 .085 61.98 24.06 EnsignGroup ENSG .3 22 58.84 –0.93 .05
55.00 17.43 AllogeneTherap ALLO ... dd 33.92 –2.38 ... 3.88 2.02 Aware AWRE ... dd 2.64 +0.03 ... 94.92 48.31 CalavoGrowers CVGW 1.7 dd 67.13 –2.55 1.15 59.49 13.85 ConstellPharm CNST ... dd 19.62 –4.58 ... 213.99 94.58 EnstarGroup ESGR ... 6 171.87 –6.63 ...
13.05 6.44 Allot ALLT ... dd 9.13 –1.05 ... 31.50 12.99 AxcelisTechs ACLS ... 21 22.07 –0.97 ... 21.00 9.11 CaliforniaBncp CALB ... 24 13.65 +0.18 ... 22.15 11.96 ConstructionPtrs ROAD ... 27 20.38 –0.85 ... 6.22 1.60 EntasisTherap ETTX ... dd 1.61 –0.16 ...
45.28 18.15 AlloVir ALVR ... ... 26.43 +0.62 ... 7.73 2.25 AxcellaHealth AXLA ... dd 4.24 –0.21 ... 8.18 2.99 CalitheraBiosci CALA ... dd 3.54 –0.12 ... 5.12 1.00 ConsumerPtfo CPSS ... 5 3.75 –0.16 ... 85.14 38.12 Entegris ENTG .4 38 74.77 –3.58 .08
11.82 4.56 AllscriptsHlthcr MDRX ... dd 10.08 –0.84 ... 113.00 50.05 AxonEnterprise AAXN ... dd 98.90 –4.01 ... 32.07 19.00 CalliditasTherap CALT ... dd 23.34 –2.66 ... 118.56 55.69 Copart CPRT ... 38 110.36 –3.93 ... 34.75 19.27 EnterpriseBncp EBTC 3.1 9 22.61 –1.13 .175
167.33 84.97 AlnylamPharm ALNY ... dd 122.97 –8.87 ... 52.10 15.25 AxonicsModul AXNX ... dd 46.89 –3.05 ... 4.70 0.82 CalumetSpecialty CLMT ... dd 3.46 –0.25 ... 34.42 20.94 Core-Mark CORE 1.8 21 27.35 –1.47 .12 48.81 21.70 EnterpriseFinSvcs EFSC 2.5 10 29.11 –1.63 .18
17.30 5.82 Alpha&OmegaSem AOSL ... dd 15.86 –0.80 ... 6.93 1.41 AxovantGene AXGT ... dd 2.13 –1.37 ... 8.41 2.40 Calyxt CLXT ... dd 3.21 –0.50 ... 64.45 22.22 CornerstoneOnDem CSOD ... dd 37.99 –1.24 ... 27.82 11.03 Epizyme EPZM ... dd 12.36 –0.96 ...
1726.10 1008.87 Alphabet A GOOGL ... 36 1616.11 –16.87 ... 109.94 20.48 AxsomeTherap AXSM ... dd 66.31 –5.07 ... 25.63 3.57 CambiumNtwks CMBM ... cc 23.04 –0.24 ... 26.60 14.09 CorsairGaming CRSR ... 70 24.04 –0.63 ... 99.63 42.53 ePlus PLUS ... 13 67.51 –6.67 ...
1733.18 1013.54 Alphabet C GOOG ... 36 1621.01 –19.99 ... 16.50 8.62 AyalaPharm AYLA ... ... 11.39 –2.11 ... 48.48 25.74 CamdenNational CAC 4.1 9 31.97 –1.49 .33 73.84 20.14 Cortexyme CRTX ... dd 47.87 –1.92 ... 3.64 2.32 EpsilonEnergy EPSN ... 26 3.04 –0.17 ...
11.38 2.19 Alphatec ATEC ... dd 8.54 –1.00 ... 18.00 10.64 AziyoBiologics AZYO ... ... 10.98 –0.10 ... 19.65 6.27 Camtek CAMT ... 41 17.64 –0.33 ... 96.45 44.67 Corvel CRVL ... 40 91.22 –0.99 ... 27.05 2.20 Equillium EQ ... dd 6.35 +0.51 ...
15.00 2.05 AlpineImmune ALPN ... dd 7.50 –0.38 ... 13.00 1.76 Canaan CAN ... dd 2.18 +0.25 ... 6.88 1.01 CorvusPharm CRVS ... dd 3.96 ... ... 839.77 477.87 Equinix EQIX 1.5 cc 731.24 –45.79 2.66
47.43 23.04 AltairEngg ALTR ... dd 43.03 –4.36 ...
35.10 1.51 Altimmune ALT ... dd 11.45 –0.55 ... B 44.86
.0 71
9 36.35
ErieIndemnity A
19.87 6.00 AltisourcePortf ASPS ... dd 11.13 –1.53 ... 15.07 6.98 CapitalBancorp CBNK ... 7 10.52 –0.05 ... 27.98 13.55 CountyBancorp ICBK 1.5 31 18.50 –0.63 .07 13.95 3.50 ErytechPharma ERYP ... dd 5.24 –0.99 ...
45.03 12.00 AltraIndlMotion AIMC .6 dd 42.76 –2.06 .06 5.24 1.51 BBQ Holdings BBQ ... 7 4.20 +0.05 ... 30.95 15.61 CapitalCityBank CCBG 2.6 11 21.31 –0.46 .14 353.55 99.01 CoupaSoftware COUP ... dd 267.70 –34.30 ... 22.78 4.69 Escalade ESCA 3.0 17 18.61 –2.02 .14
59.60 9.40 AltusMidstream ALTM ... dd 9.65 –0.42 ... 14.50 7.73 BCB Bancorp BCBP 6.2 9 9.09 –0.72 .14 14.20 5.18 CapitalProduct CPLP 5.4 6 7.39 –0.10 .10 20.70 6.54 CovenantLogist CVLG ... dd 13.77 –3.60 ... 76.98 24.82 EsperionTherap ESPR ... dd 29.97 –2.34 ...
20.00 7.90 AmalgamBank AMAL 2.9 8 11.10 –0.78 .08 12.03 2.01 BELLUS Health BLU ... dd 2.31 –0.14 ... 22.56 7.39 CapitalSouthwest CSWC 12.3 dd 13.28 –0.74 .10 28.77 4.05 Covetrus CVET ... dd 24.69 –2.31 ... 9.12 2.50 EtonPharm ETON ... dd 7.29 –0.35 ...
26.12 3.36 Amarin AMRN ... dd 4.86 –0.12 ... 6.15 2.07 BGC Partners BGCP 1.4 53 2.95 +0.30 .01 55.20 8.40 CapitalaFinance CPTA .0 dd 8.69 –0.43 .4998 21.71 5.75 Cowen COWN .9 5 21.46 +2.25 .08 154.88 29.95 Etsy ETSY ... 67 121.59 –16.26 ...
3552.25 1626.03 AMZN ... cc 3036.15 –168.25 ... 44.47 6.01 BJsRestaurants BJRI .0 dd 28.21 –3.08 .13 14.50 8.75 CapitolFedFin CFFN 3.0 25 11.48 –0.20 .13 170.10 53.61 CrackerBarrel CBRL .0 dd 113.82 –11.17 1.30 167.64 61.27 EuronetWorldwide EEFT ... cc 88.84 –5.97 ...
73.59 36.02 Ambarella AMBA ... dd 54.67 –2.48 ... 45.23 13.38 BMC Stock BMCH ... 22 39.59 –3.17 ... 17.48 7.44 CapStarFin CSTR 1.9 10 10.39 –0.49 .05 539.00 199.00 CreditAcceptance CACC ... 16 298.12 –41.52 ... 8.08 3.01 EveloBiosci EVLO ... dd 3.97 –0.84 ...
77.29 44.05 Amdocs DOX 2.3 16 56.38 –0.93 .3275 88.28 34.57 BOK Fin BOKF 3.5 11 58.74 –3.85 .51 26.67 8.88 CaraTherap CARA ... dd 13.26 –1.00 ... 77.19 27.77 Cree CREE ... dd 63.60 –8.93 ... 6.76 0.61 Ever-Glory EVK ... dd 2.32 –0.42 ...
259.85 132.95 Amedisys AMED ... 52 259.00 +7.89 ... 30.15 8.35 BRP Group BRP ... dd 25.50 –1.13 ... 55.22 26.00 CardiovascularSys CSII ... dd 35.65 –3.43 ... 17.99 6.21 CrescentCapBDC CCAP 12.8 dd 12.80 +0.40 .41 165.79 66.19 Everbridge EVBG ... dd 104.69 –22.53 ...
23.59 9.01 AmerantBancorpA AMTB ... 33 10.07 –1.12 ... 59.19 12.97 BRP DOOO ... 41 53.95 –2.81 ... 107.50 27.33 Cardlytics CDLX ... dd 73.82 –11.29 ... 7.80 2.32 Cresud CRESY ... ... 3.15 –0.05 ... 63.44 19.76 EverQuote EVER ... dd 33.49 –3.16 ...
17.50 6.84 AmerantBancorpB AMTBB ... 26 7.99 –0.01 ... 30.17 12.94 B RileyFin RILY 4.6 25 26.24 +0.12 .05 47.41 15.71 Cardtronics CATM ... 22 17.81 –2.64 ... 26.67 10.63 CrineticsPharm CRNX ... dd 12.08 –1.86 ... 9.01 1.75 EverspinTech MRAM ... dd 7.35 –0.44 ...
426.50 222.34 Amerco UHAL .0 17 347.16 –21.63 .50 147.38 82.00 Baidu BIDU ... 91 133.05 –0.88 ... 55.89 13.04 CareDx CDNA ... dd 49.05 –1.13 ... 18.54 5.89 Criteo CRTO ... 16 17.16 +3.33 ... 5.30 0.75 Evogene EVGN ... dd 2.72 –0.46 ...
8.15 3.52 AmerFirstMultifam ATAX 6.1 10 3.96 –0.06 .06 113.93 78.30 Balchem BCPC .5 39 99.95 –4.85 .52 24.30 7.16 CareTrustREIT CTRE 5.8 34 17.10 –0.89 .25 55.40 8.40 Crocs CROX ... 24 52.33 –0.22 ... 16.87 2.85 Evolus EOLS ... dd 3.03 –0.48 ...
31.58 8.25 AmerAirlines AAL .0 dd 11.28 –1.32 .10 21.61 5.46 BallardPower BLDP ... dd 14.77 –1.23 ... 40.91 14.25 CarGurus CARG ... 52 19.93 –1.52 ... 9.00 4.00 Cronos CRON ... 12 5.29 –0.54 ... 29.86 10.29 Exagen XGN ... dd 14.26 –0.34 ...
104.97 65.14 AEP AEP 3.3 23 89.93 –1.95 .74 63.96 26.00 BancFirst BANF 3.1 15 44.45 –1.78 .34 34.98 15.21 Carlyle CG 4.0 dd 24.92 –2.54 .25 13.42 4.50 CrossCtyHlthcr CCRN ... dd 7.85 +0.20 ... 27.80 13.67 Exelixis EXEL ... 23 20.48 –1.81 ...
58.77 37.05 AmerElecPwrUn AEPPL 5.7 ... 53.39 +0.26 .7656 198.61 42.61 Bandwidth BAND ... dd 160.35 –2.02 ... 16.44 1.04 PRTS ... dd 12.69 –0.62 ... 14.50 5.66 CrossFirstBkshs CFB ... cc 8.35 –0.96 ... 50.54 29.28 Exelon EXC 3.8 15 39.89 –2.31 .3825
55.75 47.71 AmerElecPwrUn AEPPZ 5.8 ... 53.54 –0.19 .7656 31.76 14.20 BankOZK OZK 4.4 12 24.78 –0.22 .275 8.47 0.98 CarrolsRestr TAST ... dd 5.85 –0.88 ... 153.90 31.95 CrowdStrike CRWD ... dd 123.84 –11.58 ... 79.78 40.61 ExlService EXLS ... 33 75.74 +0.26 ...
15.18 4.20 AmericanFin AFIN 14.7 dd 5.77 –0.39 .0708 12.31 5.68 BankofCommerce BOCH 2.5 10 8.01 –0.37 .05 24.25 6.30 CarterBk&Tr CARE .0 9 6.95 –0.40 .14 5.80 2.88 CumberlandPharm CPIX ... dd 2.95 –0.05 ... 16.89 3.55 ExOne XONE ... dd 10.05 –2.02 ...
40.57 18.53 AmNtlBcsh AMNB 4.7 9 22.80 –1.19 .27 32.25 17.40 BankofPrinceton BPRN 2.0 10 19.67 –0.79 .10 6.10 1.85 CasaSystems CASA ... dd 4.17 –0.37 ... 18.15 3.00 CumulusMedia CMLS ... dd 5.06 –0.53 ... 62.50 6.51 eXpWorld EXPI ... cc 42.39 –1.83 ...
122.83 63.93 AmericanNatl ANAT 4.8 7 68.80 –3.90 .82 20.04 5.58 Bank7 BSVN 4.4 11 9.07 –0.48 .10 61.77 34.35 CasellaWaste CWST ... 76 53.99 –4.23 ... 85.00 36.15 CureVac CVAC ... ... 48.78 –1.25 ... 138.72 40.76 Expedia EXPE .0 dd 94.15 –8.57 .34
30.01 12.24 AmOutdoorBrands AOUT ... ... 15.13 +0.05 ... 14.14 6.73 BankFinancial BFIN 5.4 9 7.35 –0.11 .10 186.58 114.01 CaseysGenStores CASY .8 21 168.57 –13.77 .32 3.59 0.62 Curis CRIS ... dd 1.15 ... ... 95.38 52.55 ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 1.2 25 88.37 –6.83 .52
41.09 18.47 AmericanPubEdu APEI ... 32 28.27 –1.32 ... 30.00 12.07 BankwellFin BWFG 3.4 14 16.50 +0.33 .14 60.97 28.85 CassInfoSys CASS 2.8 23 39.22 –4.04 .27 39.15 9.07 Cutera CUTR ... dd 18.93 –2.92 ... 84.62 58.03 Exponent EXPO 1.1 46 69.59 –5.37 .19
16.43 8.00 AmRvrBksh AMRB 2.6 10 10.58 –0.17 .07 59.64 27.12 Banner BANR 4.4 12 36.87 –2.21 .41 55.31 20.98 CastleBiosci CSTL ... cc 46.43 –5.41 ... 144.90 69.51 CyberArkSoftware CYBR ... cc 99.15 –9.29 ... 15.29 5.35 ExtendedStayAmer STAY .4 dd 11.35 –1.03 .01
21.48 9.05 AmerSoftware AMSWA 3.0 63 14.68 –0.96 .11 47.51 22.19 Baozun BZUN ... 51 36.59 –1.64 ... 8.59 1.26 CatabasisPharm CATB ... dd 1.34 –4.48 ... 43.48 12.77 CyberOptics CYBE ... 39 23.04 –3.21 ... 8.00 1.43 ExtremeNetworks EXTR ... dd 4.06 –0.59 ...
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M17
Nasdaq Issues
High Low Name
Tick Div
Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
High Low Name
Tick Div
Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
High Low Name
Tick Div
2.53 0.35 EyePointPharm EYPT ... dd .37 –0.08 ... 11.97 1.33 Gogo GOGO ... dd 8.04 –1.36 ... 2.43 0.51 IconixBrand ICON ... dd .66 –0.07 ...
7.01 3.41 Ezcorp EZPW ... dd 4.46 –0.50 ... 26.25 10.02 GoHealth GOCO ... ... 10.36 –1.62 ... 19.69 4.31 iHeartMedia IHRT ... dd 8.22 –0.63 ... Tech Tumble: Reporting September quarters, Amazon sees higher costs,
65.81 35.15 FARO Tech FARO ... dd 60.24 –4.73 ... 10.66 1.30 GolarLNGPartners GMLP 3.9 8 2.07 –0.09 .0202 404.20 196.78 Illumina ILMN ... 63 292.70 –30.85 ...
156.36 79.78 F5Networks FFIV ... 26 132.94 +4.58 ... 15.24 4.54 GolarLNG GLNG ... dd 7.55 –0.74 ... 62.71 13.40 Imara IMRA ... ... 15.81 –1.43 ...
54.00 30.00 FRP Holdings FRPH ... 39 40.46 –0.85 ... 21.67 3.55 GoldenEnt GDEN ... dd 12.86 –0.42 ... 10.86 4.23 Immersion IMMR ... dd 6.16 –0.84 ... Apple is between iPhones and Twitter fears a post-election lull. The Nas-
304.67 137.10 Facebook FB ... 32 263.11 –21.68 ... 6.10 2.52 GoldenOcean GOGL 9.3 dd 3.24 –0.45 .05 23.39 4.19 Immunic IMUX ... dd 15.84 –1.18 ...
129.04 5.66 FangddNetwork DUO ... dd 6.59 –0.63 ... 18.33 8.94 GolubCapital GBDC 9.1 dd 12.71 –0.83 .29 7.07 1.95 Immunogen IMGN ... dd 5.64 +0.18 ... daq Composite Index ended Friday at 10,912—down 5.5% for the week.
27.76 14.91 Fanhua FANH 7.2 64 14.99 –1.45 .25 64.22 45.50 GoodRx GDRX ... cc 48.39 –4.11 ... 44.56 8.34 Immunovant IMVT ... ... 43.62 +1.45 ...
17.38 3.40 FarmerBros FARM ... dd 3.47 –0.75 ... 17.20 4.09 Goodyear GT .0 dd 8.28 –2.72 .16 3.10 0.53 Immutep IMMP ... dd 1.71 –0.09 ... Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
49.86 26.72 Fastenal FAST 2.3 30 43.23 –1.77 .25 124.84 37.26 GooseheadIns GSHD .0 cc 122.54 +13.67 1.1495 37.99 11.47 Impinj PI ... dd 25.51 –4.85 ... 11570
51.10 12.59 FateTherap FATE ... dd 44.40 –3.96 ... 7.20 2.00 GoPro GPRO ... dd 5.94 –0.89 ... 84.91 39.55 InariMedical NARI ... dd 66.20 +3.63 ...
16.87 4.90 FedNat FNHC 7.0 dd 5.13 –0.87 .09 27.15 7.52 GossamerBio GOSS ... dd 8.30 –1.28 ... 110.37 62.48 Incyte INCY ... dd 86.64 –3.05 ... (Prev Fri's
51.56 22.65 FibroGen FGEN ... dd 38.38 –4.22 ... 106.14 57.89 GrandCanyonEduc LOPE ... 15 78.37 –4.36 ... 87.11 49.25 IndependentBank INDB 3.2 14 57.29 –0.83 .46 Close)
70.00 30.50 FidelityD&D FDBC 2.5 20 47.66 –1.02 .30 20.74 12.50 GraybugVision GRAY ... ... 13.16 –1.59 ... 23.15 9.19 IndepBankMI IBCP 5.3 6 14.97 –0.20 .20
13.46 2.72 FiestaRestaurant FRGI ... dd 8.64 –1.98 ... 8.48 2.25 GreatElmCap GECC 37.9 dd 2.63 –0.36 .083 63.16 20.35 IndependentBank IBTX 2.3 12 51.58 –0.88 .30 11365
31.64 11.10 FifthThirdBncp FITB 4.7 12 23.22 –1.20 .27 3.74 1.31 GreatElmCap GEC ... dd 1.93 –0.30 ... 24.18 12.95 IndLogistics ILPT 6.9 23 19.18 –2.17 .33
92.61 53.94 51job JOBS ... 30 70.10 –1.51 ... 11.96 6.75 GreatLakesDredge GLDD ... 10 10.33 –1.02 ... 9.25 3.68 Infinera INFN ... dd 6.26 –0.42 ...
33.28 12.78 FinInstitutions FISI 5.9 8 17.73 +0.55 .26 64.48 32.23 GreatSouthernBncp GSBC 3.3 10 40.95 –0.79 .34 1.68 0.60 InfinityPharm INFI ... dd 1.05 –0.13 ...
18.34 7.54 FireEye FEYE ... dd 13.84 –0.40 ... 17.76 3.77 GreenPlains GPRE ... dd 15.10 –1.06 ... 9.70 2.26 InflaRx IFRX ... dd 3.82 –0.84 ...
41.34 17.32 FirstBancorpNC FBNC 3.0 9 24.09 –0.24 .18 14.81 3.47 GreenPlainsPtrs GPP 6.2 4 7.75 –0.55 .12 3.76 1.61 InfoSvcsGrp III ... 33 2.05 –0.05 ... 11160
30.64 17.62 FirstBancorp FNLC 5.4 9 23.13 –1.03 .31 4.49 1.02 Greenlane GNLN ... dd 2.43 –0.85 ... 49.14 32.21 InglesMarkets IMKTA 1.8 5 35.86 –0.57 .165
35.88 15.27 FirstBancshares FBMS 2.0 10 23.84 –1.13 .12 11.26 5.00 GreenlightCapRe GLRE ... dd 6.75 –0.26 ... 26.98 15.42 Inhibrx INBX ... ... 17.04 –2.10 ...
11.56 6.00 FirstBank FRBA 1.6 11 7.49 +0.01 .03 9.84 3.05 GreenSky GSKY ... 18 4.73 –0.65 ... 58.76 13.14 InMode INMD ... 30 36.56 –4.93 ...
28.00 11.00 FirstBusey BUSE 4.9 10 17.99 –0.71 .22 2.50 0.24 Gridsum GSUM ... dd 1.80 ... ... 8.24 3.30 InnatePharma IPHA ... dd 4.39 –0.28 ...
27.35 12.86 FirstBusFinSvcs FBIZ 3.8 9 17.15 –0.47 .165 64.35 28.67 GriffinIndlRealty GRIF .9 dd 53.05 –4.98 .50 3.83 0.75 Innodata INOD ... dd 2.60 –0.06 ... 10955
542.12 276.08 FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA .4 11 462.70 –21.40 .47 25.73 13.40 Grifols GRFS 1.0 19 16.98 –1.53 .0097 107.85 56.71 Innospec IOSP 1.6 30 66.14 –2.39 .52
32.82 17.21 FstCmntyBcsh FCBC 5.3 10 18.98 –1.37 .25 7.97 2.03 GrindrodShipping GRIN ... dd 3.80 –0.20 ... 8.09 1.20 InnovSolSuprt ISSC .0 35 6.13 –0.07 .65
22.91 9.01 1stConstBncp FCCY 2.8 9 13.04 –0.37 .09 12.96 2.60 GritstoneOncology GRTS ... dd 2.73 –0.28 ... 15.62 7.58 Innoviva INVA ... 5 10.81 +0.58 ...
7.00 1.56 FirstEagleAltCap FCRD 14.6 dd 2.74 +0.14 .10 46.00 28.11 GroceryOutlet GO ... 66 44.02 +1.70 ... 76.89 26.57 Inogen INGN ... cc 29.21 +1.20 ... -189.34 +72.41 -426.48 +180.72 -274.00
26.19 10.83 FirstFinBncpOH FFBC 6.4 9 14.30 –0.20 .23 63.20 9.60 Groupon GRPN ... dd 19.39 –1.05 ... 27.93 13.39 Inovalon INOV ... cc 18.99 –8.04 ... 10750
36.45 20.70 FirstFinBkshs FFIN 1.7 23 29.81 –1.08 .13 67.07 20.55 GrAeroportuario OMAB ... 21 36.18 –4.80 ... 33.79 2.12 InovioPharma INO ... dd 9.85 –1.10 ... 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm 10 12 2 4pm
46.93 27.62 FirstFinIN THFF 3.0 9 34.72 –0.73 .52 34.16 20.02 GuarantyBcshrs GNTY 2.6 13 28.90 +0.21 .20 31.65 16.10 InozymePharma INZY ... ... 22.97 –0.78 ...
15.47 7.90 FirstFinNW FFNW 4.0 11 9.91 –0.08 .10 26.93 12.70 GuarFedBcsh GFED 4.3 7 14.10 –0.60 .15 143.64 55.72 Inphi IPHI ... dd 139.76 +21.44 ...
17.64 8.01 FirstFoundation FFWM 1.9 9 14.87 –0.90 .07 114.33 55.90 GuardantHealth GH ... dd 106.66 +1.95 ... 15.25 3.91 Inseego INSG ... dd 8.70 –1.06 ...
22.38 11.29 FirstGuarBcshs FGBI 4.4 8 14.55 +0.33 .16 5.99 2.67 GulfIslandFab GIFI ... dd 3.26 –0.31 ... 73.22 28.25 InsightEnt NSIT ... 13 53.35 –9.19 ... 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
31.25 13.56 FirstHawaiian FHB 6.0 12 17.26 –0.52 .26 6.42 2.25 Gulf Resources GURE ... dd 4.90 –0.17 ... 39.39 12.09 Insmed INSM ... dd 32.94 –4.05 ...
28.50 10.47 FirstInternetBncp INBK 1.1 8 21.52 –1.12 .06 3.88 0.21 GulfportEnergy GPOR ... dd .26 –0.02 ... 26.61 10.00 InsteelInds IIIN .6 22 21.76 +0.15 .03 High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
43.83 24.50 FirstInterBanc FIBK 4.3 14 35.30 –1.50 .38 255.39 121.00 Insulet PODD ... cc 222.25 –27.14 ... 231.79 100.00 LHC Group LHCG ... 57 216.55 –0.36 ... 14.30 7.50 MagyarBancorp MGYR ... 23 8.66 +0.60 ...
3.0 11
9 26.11
.41 H 63.23
.33 36.63
LPL Financial
23.64 10.31 FirstMidwestBncp FMBI 4.5 12 12.55 –0.06 .14 27.07 9.18 IntelliaTherap NTLA ... dd 23.94 –0.94 ... 7.62 2.50 LSI Inds LYTS 2.9 26 6.84 –0.54 .05 23.75 10.06 MalvernBancorp MLVF ... 14 12.47 –0.63 ...
18.25 8.77 FirstNWBncp FNWB 2.0 13 11.75 +0.04 .06 37.85 9.12 H&E Equipment HEES 5.2 cc 21.04 –2.23 .275 10.54 1.91 Intellicheck IDN ... dd 7.24 –0.91 ... 15.90 8.95 LakeShoreBancorp LSBK 4.2 17 12.50 ... .13 2.70 0.56 MammothEnergy TUSK ... dd 1.51 –0.15 ...
97.93 28.47 FirstSolar FSLR ... 42 87.05 +1.68 ... 20.71 9.11 HBT Finl HBT 4.9 8 12.34 –0.57 .15 81.40 34.20 InterParfums IPAR .0 36 41.06 –0.24 .33 17.63 8.31 LakelandBcp LBAI 4.5 10 11.13 –0.64 .125
53.42 26.07 1stSource SRCE 3.3 11 33.49 –1.83 .28 43.56 21.69 HD Supply HDS ... 16 39.86 –2.72 ... 58.50 33.70 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR .8 22 47.57 –1.84 .10 106.17 35.20 ManhattanAssoc MANH ... 66 85.50 –12.01 ...
53.00 30.49 LakelandFin LKFN 2.3 16 51.13 +1.92 .30 19.39 6.49 Mannatech MTEX 3.9 9 16.50 –0.20 .16
24.99 10.74 FirstUnited FUNC 4.4 7 11.92 –1.55 .13 22.01 13.06 HMN Fin HMNF ... 8 14.69 +0.09 ... 125.00 27.02 InterceptPharm ICPT ... dd 27.79 –1.51 ... 28.00 9.97 LakelandInd LAKE ... 9 21.57 –2.97 ... 2.48 0.80 MannKind MNKD ... dd 2.01 –0.04 ...
18.98 10.75 FirstWesternFin MYFW ... 5 14.20 –0.30 ... 33.42 18.20 HMS Holdings HMSY ... 41 26.62 –1.57 ... 67.06 31.04 InterDigital IDCC 2.5 45 55.98 –3.02 .35 387.70 181.38 LamResearch LRCX 1.5 19 342.08 –11.84 1.30
90.56 51.15 FirstCash FCFS 2.1 17 52.04 –4.47 .27 14.37 5.80 Hookipa HOOK ... dd 9.40 –0.20 ... 17.68 5.06 Interface TILE .7 dd 6.13 –0.36 .01 93.99 55.25 ManTechIntl MANT 2.0 21 64.88 –4.72 .32
18.90 9.50 HackettGroup HCKT 2.9 40 12.92 –0.57 .095 96.82 30.89 LamarAdv LAMR 3.2 23 61.96 –7.49 .50 4.24 1.10 Marchex MCHX ... dd 1.71 –0.18 ...
6.97 2.72 FirsthandTechVal SVVC ... dd 3.09 –0.22 ... 44.00 15.60 IntlBcshs IBOC 4.0 10 27.68 –1.40 .55 184.97 114.55 LancasterColony LANC 1.7 33 166.14 –16.86 .70 5.70 0.77 MarinSoftware MRIN ... dd 2.47 –0.98 ...
138.86 57.38 FirstService FSV .5 82 134.16 +4.16 .165 75.43 31.85 HailiangEduc HLG ... 32 65.28 +1.70 ... 31.46 5.97 IntersectENT XENT ... dd 15.50 –0.62 ... 12.09 7.48 Landec LNDC ... dd 9.61 –0.64 ...
125.05 73.50 Fiserv FISV ... 73 95.47 –5.71 ... 36.90 18.12 HainCelestial HAIN ... dd 30.75 –4.38 ... 7.68 3.17 Intevac IVAC ... 24 5.28 –0.61 ... 16.28 4.04 MarinusPharma MRNS ... dd 13.04 –1.00 ...
19.70 2.28 HallmarkFin HALL ... dd 2.71 –0.40 ... 27.78 14.95 LandmarkBncp LARK 3.4 6 23.45 +0.94 .20 4.30 1.32 MarkerTherap MRKR ... dd 1.36 –0.26 ...
141.39 47.53 FiveBelow FIVE ... 75 133.34 –4.45 ... 43.56 8.51 Intra-Cellular ITCI ... dd 24.67 –1.43 ... 18.25 7.05 LandmarkInfrPtrs LMRK 7.9 dd 10.18 –0.32 .20 575.60 275.50 MarketAxess MKTX .4 74 538.85 –20.06 .60
156.40 52.51 Five9 FIVN ... dd 151.72 +9.44 ... 31.64 12.71 HalozymeTherap HALO ... dd 28.00 –3.10 ... 21.73 9.84 Intricon IIN ... dd 12.50 –0.53 ... 139.99 85.30 LandstarSystem LSTR .7 27 124.70 –7.28 .21 24.50 4.66 MarlinBusSvcs MRLN 7.7 dd 7.30 –0.03 .14
7.34 1.75 FivePrimeTherap FPRX ... dd 4.56 –1.01 ... 76.31 36.27 HamiltonLane HLNE 1.8 38 69.70 –1.60 .3125 360.00 187.68 Intuit INTU .7 45 314.68 –19.74 .59 21.84 8.67 Lantheus LNTH ... 36 10.86 –2.07 ...
15.62 5.36 Flex FLEX ... 75 14.15 –0.47 ... 44.42 14.32 HancockWhitney HWC 4.7 dd 22.87 –1.03 .27 778.83 360.50 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG ... 76 667.08 –68.40 ... 153.39 46.56 Marriott MAR .0 67 92.88 –8.88 .48
20.79 7.15 HanmiFinancial HAFC 3.6 9 8.99 –0.27 .08 21.25 7.43 LarimarTherap LRMR ... dd 18.80 +0.12 ... 20.13 10.67 MartenTransport MRTN 1.0 19 15.35 –0.92 .0267
22.98 5.01 FlexionTherap FLXN ... dd 11.99 –0.19 ... 15.95 9.01 Inventiva IVA ... dd 12.90 –1.05 ... 35.90 13.54 LatticeSemi LSCC ... cc 34.90 +0.18 ... 5.62 0.91 MartinMidstream MMLP 1.4 23 1.40 –0.31 .005
31.27 7.81 Flexsteel FLXS .7 dd 27.95 +1.65 .05 11.20 6.45 HarborOneBncp HONE 1.3 16 9.40 –0.24 .03 26.46 8.49 Investar ISTR 1.9 12 13.94 –0.24 .065 21.66 7.30 LaureateEduc LAUR ... dd 13.00 –0.81 ... 45.04 16.45 MarvellTech MRVL .6 18 37.51 –3.92 .06
59.44 23.85 FlirSystems FLIR 2.0 33 34.69 –1.47 .17 8.57 4.44 Harmonic HLIT ... dd 5.94 –1.13 ... 7.70 1.38 InvestcpCredit ICMB 19.5 dd 3.07 –0.06 .18 58.28 24.52 LawsonProducts LAWS ... 26 41.21 –5.35 ...
3.90 1.02 Fluent FLNT ... dd 2.55 –0.06 ... 47.37 28.97 HarmonyBio HRMY ... ... 38.90 –1.66 ... 12.57 6.31 InvestorsBancorp ISBC 5.7 10 8.46 +0.20 .12 258.00 140.53 Masimo MASI ... 58 223.82 –20.95 ...
25.02 10.27 HarpoonTherap HARP ... dd 14.47 –0.87 ... 3.18 0.57 LeapTherap LPTX ... dd 1.95 –0.17 ... 23.53 4.90 MasterCraftBoat MCFT ... dd 20.62 +0.95 ...
12.45 1.17 Fluidigm FLDM ... dd 5.74 –0.71 ... 178.50 96.45 InvestorsTitle ITIC 1.3 9 133.52 –10.80 .44
22.10 8.86 FlushingFin FFIC 6.6 8 12.79 +0.42 .21 7.92 3.33 HarrowHealth HROW ... dd 4.76 –0.39 ... 66.22 39.32 IonisPharma IONS ... 58 46.95 –0.39 ...
17.50 8.50 LegacyHousing LEGH ... 11 13.61 –1.14 ... 127.42 87.56 MatchGroup MTCH ... ... 116.78 –3.52 ...
43.24 24.64 LegendBiotech LEGN ... ... 25.87 –1.75 ... 52.87 10.65 Materialise MTLS ... dd 33.97 –15.13 ...
41.66 12.17 FocusFinPtrs FOCS ... cc 36.51 –3.48 ... 4.41 1.39 HarvardBioSci HBIO ... dd 3.38 +0.28 ... 41.49 18.70 IovanceBiotherap IOVA ... dd 35.68 –1.97 ... 38.64 18.76 LeMaitreVascular LMAT 1.2 40 32.48 –0.34 .095
20.30 14.03 FoghornTherap FHTX ... ... 15.98 –2.14 ... 109.50 41.33 Hasbro HAS 3.3 29 82.72 –9.28 .68 27.50 14.51 iQIYI IQ ... dd 24.70 +1.51 ... 23.83 7.11 MatrixService MTRX ... dd 7.60 –0.77 ...
392.74 135.72 LendingTree TREE ... dd 323.59 –21.32 ... 14.83 6.53 Mattel MAT ... dd 13.77 –0.39 ...
52.75 31.45 FormaTherap FMTX ... ... 43.12 –5.30 ... 31.34 7.55 HawaiianHoldings HA .0 dd 13.85 –1.62 .12 261.05 56.24 iRhythmTechs IRTC ... dd 211.45 –8.70 ... 22.19 20.05 Leslie's LESL ... cc 21.97 +4.97 ...
33.07 16.35 FormFactor FORM ... 29 28.35 –1.27 ... 59.89 26.82 Hawkins HWKN 2.0 15 46.71 –3.47 .2325 4.24 1.22 Iridex IRIX ... dd 1.78 –0.17 ... 40.36 17.01 MatthewsIntl MATW 3.8 dd 21.83 –2.34 .21
25.78 13.45 LevelOneBncp LEVL 1.3 8 15.75 –1.74 .05 37.62 11.78 MaxeonSolar MAXN ... ... 16.20 –2.73 ...
99.06 36.75 FormulaSys FORTY .8 31 85.20 ... .3704 25.00 12.93 HawthornBcsh HWBK 2.5 10 18.96 –0.63 .12 32.08 16.87 IridiumComm IRDM ... dd 26.41 –0.82 ... 5.33 1.10 LexiconPharm LXRX ... dd 1.11 –0.22 ...
50.00 22.45 ForresterResearch FORR ... 52 36.94 –1.06 ... 39.04 15.29 HaynesIntl HAYN 5.4 39 16.21 –1.16 .22 98.55 32.79 iRobot IRBT ... 15 79.58 –4.42 ... 74.87 41.93 MaximIntProducts MXIM .0 28 69.65 –3.22 .48
16.93 6.04 LexinFintech LX ... 12 8.24 +0.42 ... 19.78 15.42 McAfee MCFE ... dd 16.76 –2.03 ...
17.58 3.45 Forterra FRTA ... 27 13.05 –2.95 ... 27.62 12.25 Headhunter HHR ... 49 22.94 –0.10 ... 14.10 7.99 IronwoodPharm IRWD ... 16 9.88 +0.24 ... 24.48 14.31 LiAuto LI ... dd 20.17 +1.77 ...
151.95 70.20 Fortinet FTNT ... 46 110.37 –20.01 ... 41.26 17.48 HealthCatalyst HCAT ... dd 34.48 –0.04 ... 34.33 17.50 iTeosTherap ITOS ... ... 22.77 –1.53 ... 83.95 44.32 McGrathRent MGRC 2.9 14 57.08 –6.54 .42
151.49 80.14 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA ... cc 140.55 +1.95 ... 7.40 1.29 MedallionFin MFIN ... dd 2.63 +0.08 ...
71.87 39.59 ForwardAir FWRD 1.1 31 62.97 +0.16 .18 31.30 15.80 HealthcareSvcs HCSG 3.6 19 22.88 –0.72 .205 7.19 0.45 IterumTherap ITRM ... dd .47 –0.05 ... 152.42 86.20 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK ... cc 141.71 +1.72 ... 13.25 2.79 MediciNova MNOV ... dd 5.59 +0.15 ...
13.08 2.69 Fossil FOSL ... dd 5.71 –0.37 ... 88.78 34.40 HealthEquity HQY ... dd 51.49 –6.17 ... 88.32 40.48 Itron ITRI ... dd 67.95 –4.87 ... 25.71 15.24 LibertyGlobal A LBTYA ... dd 18.98 –1.67 ...
20.61 7.96 FosterLB FSTR ... 5 13.56 –1.44 ... 29.78 18.05 HealthStream HSTM ... 35 18.30 –3.04 ... 26.37 11.01 IturanLocation ITRN .0 dd 14.15 –0.02 .24 4.44 1.44 MediWound MDWD ... dd 3.12 –0.41 ...
58.31 15.98 LibertyGlobal B LBTYB ... dd 20.59 –0.59 ... 144.49 58.72 Medpace MEDP ... 34 110.94 –5.60 ...
39.74 19.81 FoxA FOXA 1.7 16 26.52 –0.56 .23 22.75 15.65 HeartlandExp HTLD .4 23 18.31 –0.74 .02 24.41 14.36 LibertyGlobal C LBTYK ... dd 18.66 –1.69 ...
.20 22.32 8.82 MeiraGTx MGTX ... dd 12.78 –0.54 ...
2.6 dd
9 32.94
+1.10 .15 J 19.91
19.91 1.70 Francesca's FRAN ... dd 2.95 –0.29 ... 213.30 104.02 HelenofTroy HELE ... 23 189.60 –17.51 ... 46.52 16.87 LibertyFormOne A FWONA ... dd 33.30 –1.33 ...
28.61 5.75 Franchise FRG 4.4 ... 22.92 –2.69 .25 49.49 29.03 HeliosTechnologies HLIO .9 60 41.84 –2.28 .09 14.40 3.00 JakksPacific JAKK ... dd 4.56 +0.01 ... 37.32 17.09 MercantileBank MBWM 5.1 8 21.86 –2.24 .28
48.95 18.31 LibertyFormOne C FWONK ... dd 36.13 –1.13 ... 13.44 5.77 MercerIntl MERC 4.1 dd 6.29 –0.52 .065
65.16 41.25 FranklinElec FELE 1.0 30 59.73 –3.51 .155 15.34 7.64 HemisphereMedia HMTV ... dd 7.82 –1.44 ... 191.69 105.67 J&JSnackFoods JJSF 1.7 69 135.57 –1.42 .575 30.16 13.59 LibertyBraves A BATRA ... dd 20.70 –1.67 ...
21.69 15.25 FreelineTherap FRLN ... ... 17.90 +1.40 ... 73.99 41.85 HenrySchein HSIC ... 23 63.58 –4.21 ... 86.58 30.84 JD ... 41 81.52 +0.18 ... 96.29 52.24 MercurySystems MRCY ... 44 68.88 –8.33 ...
29.99 13.20 LibertyBraves C BATRK ... dd 20.47 –1.52 ... 4.25 0.69 MereoBioPharma MREO ... dd 2.37 –0.22 ...
3.42 0.73 FreightCarAmer RAIL ... dd 1.51 –0.37 ... 13.14 6.04 HeritageCommerce HTBK 7.2 15 7.25 –0.64 .13 99.35 41.33 Joyy YY .3 7 91.38 +6.25 .013 51.11 22.54 LibertySirius A LSXMA ... 28 34.57 –2.50 ...
12.19 5.95 FrequencyElec FEIM ... dd 9.14 –1.14 ... 32.58 11.30 HeritageCrystal HCCI ... 88 16.48 +0.24 ... 104.57 53.25 j2Global JCOM ... 18 67.88 –2.24 ... 10.46 7.72 MeridaMergerCorp.I MCMJ ... cc 9.75 –0.05 ...
50.52 22.63 LibertySirius C LSXMK ... 28 34.60 –2.25 ... 20.86 8.88 MeridianBancorp EBSB 2.6 10 12.45 –0.10 .08
28.78 14.15 FrequencyTherap FREQ ... dd 21.88 –0.09 ... 29.25 14.65 HeritageFin HFWA 3.8 19 20.96 –0.86 .20 200.98 123.64 JackHenry JKHY 1.2 38 148.25 –10.06 .43 134.00 2.10 LibertyTripAdvB LTRPB ... dd 33.85 –3.03 ...
126.60 40.79 Freshpet FRPT ... cc 114.50 –3.30 ... 7.44 0.76 Hexindai HX ... ... 2.09 –0.21 ... 89.59 16.81 JackintheBox JACK 2.0 26 80.06 –7.65 .40 26.58 5.51 MeridianBiosci VIVO ... 17 17.15 –1.18 ...
10.20 0.86 LibertyTripAdvA LTRPA ... dd 1.78 –0.10 ... 20.89 10.68 Meridian MRBK 2.8 5 17.58 –0.10 .125
49.51 30.06 frontdoor FTDR ... 24 39.62 –1.64 ... 55.96 7.33 HibbettSports HIBB ... 20 37.81 –6.40 ... 57.41 25.34 JamesRiver JRVR 2.6 32 46.73 –8.49 .30 12.57 3.26 LifetimeBrands LCUT 1.7 dd 10.05 –1.90 .0425
3.50 0.24 FuelCell FCEL ... dd 2.00 –0.38 ... 8.99 4.20 HighPeakEner HPK ... ... 4.56 +0.25 ... 51.00 31.32 JamfHolding JAMF ... dd 32.60 –0.42 ... 8.89 1.43 LifewayFoods LWAY ... 34 4.61 –0.61 ... 54.17 20.66 MeritMedical MMSI ... dd 50.05 +1.07 ...
22.96 5.82 FulcrumTherap FULC ... dd 9.86 –1.14 ... 2.50 0.52 HighPeakEnerWt HPKEW ... ... 1.04 +0.52 ... 156.26 86.88 JazzPharma JAZZ ... 62 144.10 –6.16 ... 127.80 57.24 LigandPharm LGND ... dd 82.45 –2.57 ... 4.75 1.49 MerrimackPharm MACK ... dd 3.86 +0.01 ...
52.47 6.70 FulgentGenetics FLGT ... cc 32.53 –3.32 ... 5.10 1.73 HimaxTechs HIMX ... dd 3.53 –0.27 ... 21.65 6.61 JetBlue JBLU ... dd 11.97 –1.46 ... 8.19 3.43 LimelightNetworks LLNW ... dd 3.53 –0.67 ... 26.64 1.32 MersanaTherap MRSN ... dd 18.02 –0.46 ...
18.00 8.89 FultonFin FULT 4.7 10 10.99 –0.24 .13 216.82 125.55 HinghamSvg HIFS .9 10 201.97 –4.60 .45 95.20 60.00 JFrog FROG ... dd 72.43 –12.82 ... 31.45 4.40 LiminalBioSci LMNL ... dd 4.60 –1.11 ... 20.64 10.18 Merus MRUS ... dd 12.18 –0.88 ...
18.00 3.12 Funko FNKO ... dd 6.34 –0.42 ... 17.59 9.52 HollysysAuto HOLI 1.8 9 11.19 –0.63 .20 30.00 1.60 Jiayin JFIN ... 6 2.82 –0.26 ... 21.85 10.60 Limoneira LMNR 2.2 dd 13.83 –1.04 .075 9.65 2.05 MesaAir MESA ... 4 3.16 –0.53 ...
19.00 11.50 FusionPharm FUSN ... ... 12.40 +0.03 ... 73.63 26.49 Hologic HOLX ... 28 68.82 +0.91 ... 97.00 48.76 JohnsonOutdoors JOUT 1.0 20 87.33 +1.00 .21 8.99 1.60 LincolnEduc LINC ... 13 4.67 –0.75 ... 288.80 181.90 MesaLab MLAB .2 dd 261.41 –15.96 .16
40.99 8.16 Futu FUTU ... 64 29.73 –3.49 ... 40.00 18.57 HomeBancorp HBCP 3.5 11 25.24 –1.33 .22 11.72 2.85 JounceTherap JNCE ... 14 8.32 –1.17 ... 106.20 59.30 LincolnElectric LECO 2.0 30 101.82 –3.72 .49 21.28 3.12 Mesoblast MESO ... dd 10.70 –0.51 ...
21.04 9.71 HomeBancShares HOMB 3.4 13 16.60 –1.10 .14 11.34 3.01 LiquiditySvcs LQDT ... dd 8.53 –0.91 ... 40.00 13.09 MetaFinancial CASH .7 10 29.34 +4.02 .05
.15 16.19 8.05 Metacrine MTCR ... ... 9.10 ... ...
G 34.49
–0.45 .08 KL 204.15
... 42.19 9.00 Methanex MEOH .5 dd 29.67 –1.21 .0375
22.50 9.19 HomologyMed FIXX ... dd 10.57 –0.66 ... 37.90 7.57 LiveOakBcshs LOB .3 42 37.28 +3.57 .03 19.07 8.31 MetroCityBkshs MCBS 2.6 10 13.97 –0.69 .09
87.32 26.51 GCI LibertyA GLIBA ... 11 81.23 +0.51 ... 30.40 12.30 HookerFurniture HOFT 2.3 dd 27.50 –2.58 .16 223.54 110.19 KLA KLAC 1.8 26 197.18 –5.99 .90 63.90 14.08 LivePerson LPSN ... dd 53.46 –5.07 ... 11.70 1.00 Michaels MIK ... 9 8.11 –1.33 ...
91.97 41.45 GDS Holdings GDS ... dd 84.04 –1.99 ... 15.51 7.03 HopeBancorp HOPE 6.9 8 8.07 –0.57 .14 49.90 2.53 KLX Energy KLXE ... dd 3.92 –0.49 ... 151.05 18.76 LivongoHealth LVGO ... dd 139.77 +0.86 ... 116.56 53.15 MicrochipTech MCHP 1.4 42 105.08 –7.44 .368
31.38 8.80 G1Therapeutics GTHX ... dd 10.99 –1.67 ... 19.48 7.42 HorizonBancorp HBNC 3.9 8 12.40 –0.26 .12 11.64 6.36 KVH Inds KVHI ... dd 8.69 –0.47 ... 10.05 5.60 LixiangEduc LXEH ... 16 8.53 –0.27 ... 61.19 31.13 MicronTech MU ... 21 50.34 –2.51 ...
150.00 21.49 GRAVITY GRVY ... 33 118.94 –4.72 ... 13.78 4.51 HorizonTechFin HRZN 10.5 9 11.40 –0.49 .10 5.50 2.30 Kadmon KDMN ... dd 3.40 –0.13 ... 15.25 1.95 Lizhi LIZI ... dd 1.96 –0.23 ... 232.86 132.52 Microsoft MSFT 1.1 33 202.47 –13.76 .56
8.74 4.75 GSI Tech GSIT ... dd 6.11 –1.00 ... 86.67 23.81 HorizonTherap HZNP ... 31 74.93 –2.51 ... 117.06 50.49 KaiserAlum KALU 4.3 83 62.93 –0.99 .67 11.60 3.05 LogicBioTherap LOGC ... dd 5.52 –0.12 ... 187.00 90.00 MicroStrategy MSTR ... cc 167.07 –17.23 ...
141.98 67.98 GWPharm GWPH ... dd 90.01 –4.99 ... 6.85 1.03 HoughtonMifflin HMHC ... dd 2.61 –0.46 ... 14.68 3.45 KalaPharm KALA ... dd 6.60 –1.15 ... 95.71 31.37 LogitechIntl LOGI 1.0 22 84.65 –3.37 .8729 3.45 0.15 MicroVision MVIS ... dd 1.73 –0.71 ...
12.79 4.70 Gaia GAIA ... dd 10.14 –0.42 ... 4.73 1.67 HoustonWire HWCC ... dd 2.75 +0.05 ... 11.89 2.82 KaleidoBiosci KLDO ... dd 6.11 –0.78 ... 13.96 5.70 LoopIndustries LOOP ... dd 6.04 –1.21 ... 29.88 15.50 MidPennBancorp MPB 3.7 8 19.55 –0.50 .18
274.03 112.00 Galapagos GLPG ... 61 116.48 –11.17 ... 46.30 25.01 Huazhu HTHT ... dd 39.63 –3.94 ... 19.41 5.61 KalVistaPharm KALV ... dd 17.21 +1.97 ... 40.67 13.68 LoralSpace LORL ... dd 17.41 –2.93 ... 128.48 41.73 Middleby MIDD ... 19 99.54 –9.14 ...
17.11 13.53 Galecto GLTO ... ... 15.00 ... ... 60.42 36.51 HubGroup HUBG ... 21 50.13 –2.59 ... 13.33 4.40 Kamada KMDA ... 15 7.15 –1.23 ... 31.80 9.50 LordstownMotors RIDE ... cc 13.05 –5.16 ... 72.41 48.79 MiddlesexWater MSEX 1.7 30 64.14 –5.56 .2725
19.50 5.58 GaleraTherap GRTX ... dd 8.19 –4.05 ... 13.10 6.06 HudsonGlobal HSON ... 69 10.30 +0.13 ... 17.40 2.17 KandiTech KNDI ... 47 6.26 –0.83 ... 14.30 0.30 LordstownMotorsWt RIDEW ... ... 4.22 –2.49 ... 29.50 12.48 MidlandStBncp MSBI 7.2 13 14.90 +0.03 .2675
7.70 2.60 GamidaCell GMDA ... dd 5.08 –0.54 ... 14.80 4.83 HuizeHolding HUIZ ... dd 7.00 –0.57 ... 152.00 13.52 KarunaTherap KRTX ... dd 81.19 +0.42 ... 37.93 4.00 Lovesac LOVE ... dd 25.74 –6.26 ... 39.03 15.25 MidWestOneFin MOFG 4.4 9 20.15 –2.15 .22
50.99 13.04 Gaming&Leisure GLPI 6.6 17 36.35 –2.85 .60 144.35 75.29 JBHunt JBHT .9 26 121.74 –7.23 .27 29.61 11.63 KaryopharmTherap KPTI ... dd 14.82 –0.94 ... 399.90 128.85 lululemon LULU ... 77 319.29 –14.63 ... 23.25 1.69 MilestonePharm MIST ... dd 5.76 –0.24 ...
106.00 61.04 Garmin GRMN 2.3 20 104.02 +3.18 .61 15.63 6.82 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 5.7 15 10.44 –0.03 .15 14.40 6.91 KearnyFinancial KRNY 3.8 15 8.40 –0.96 .08 96.74 59.06 Lumentum LITE ... 47 82.69 –1.34 ... 49.87 14.39 MillerHerman MLHR 2.5 cc 30.47 –4.34 .1875
13.84 9.38 GencorIndustries GENC ... 28 11.56 –0.63 ... 39.38 20.39 Hurco HURC 1.7 dd 29.84 –1.52 .13 25.09 10.13 KellyServices A KELYA .0 dd 17.38 –2.13 .075 41.69 17.35 Luminex LMNX 1.6 93 22.04 +0.69 .09 49.71 20.15 MillicomIntl TIGO .0 dd 29.84 –3.04 1.32
11.24 4.62 GeneralFin GFN ... 53 6.55 –0.53 ... 70.91 35.15 HuronConsulting HURN ... dd 37.86 –4.75 ... 90.36 10.35 KellyServices B KELYB .0 dd 17.26 –2.35 .075 32.40 6.74 LumosPharma LUMO ... dd 14.44 +0.04 ... 54.40 25.14 Mimecast MIME ... cc 38.21 –4.59 ...
32.18 17.00 GenerationBio GBIO ... ... 25.84 +2.78 ... 34.90 14.74 HutchisonChina HCM ... dd 29.44 –1.26 ... 8.15 4.40 KY FirstFedBncp KFFB 6.3 dd 6.32 +0.07 .10 11.99 6.76 LutherBurbank LBC 2.4 12 9.43 –0.21 .0575 2.64 1.45 Mind CTI MNDO 10.9 9 2.20 –0.10 .24
17.71 9.03 Genetron GTH ... dd 10.10 –1.26 ... 66.41 19.10 KerosTherap KROS ... ... 55.60 +1.69 ... 54.50 14.56 Lyft LYFT ... dd 22.83 –3.19 ... 15.22 1.81 MinervaNeurosci NERV ... dd 3.21 –0.08 ...
3.63 225.06
38.87 16.24
... I 32.00
22.00 10.44 LyraTherap LYRA ... ... 10.70 –1.54 ...
22.20 6.71 Misonix MSON ... dd 11.36 –1.13 ...
20.88 3.36 GenMarkDiagn GNMK ... dd 12.22 +0.70 ... 10.48 2.51 KeyTronic KTCC ... 17 7.64 –1.42 ...
31.27 19.48 Gentex GNTX 1.7 23 27.67 –1.77 .12 137.97 100.22 IAC/InterActive IAC ... ... 120.72 –8.59 ... 9.79 2.18 KezarLifeSci KZR ... dd 5.12 –0.65 ... 15.03 11.75 MissionProduce AVO ... 27 13.19 +0.02 ...
49.95 27.24 Gentherm THRM ... 42 46.29 –0.71 ... 18.49 9.27 IBEX IBEX ... ... 15.11 –0.79 ... 42.64 20.60 Kforce KFRC 2.3 16 34.70 –3.69 .20 7.40 2.94 MobileIron MOBL ... dd 7.04 +0.01 ...
17.66 4.61 GeospaceTech GEOS ... dd 5.13 –0.75 ... 95.24 47.75 ICF Intl ICFI .9 20 65.39 –5.76 .14 18.49 9.78 KimballElec KE ... 17 12.12 –0.50 ... 44.69 15.03 Macom Tech MTSI ... dd 36.50 +1.05 ... 95.21 15.52 Moderna MRNA ... dd 67.47 –3.06 ...
36.17 23.54 GermanAmerBncp GABC 2.5 14 30.17 –1.43 .19 236.51 158.01 ICU Medical ICUI ... 46 177.79 –15.01 ... 22.40 8.19 KimballIntl B KBAL 3.5 9 10.30 –0.87 .09 3.43 1.01 MDC Partners MDCA ... dd 2.34 +0.25 ... 40.87 13.33 Momo MOMO .0 8 15.00 –0.21 .76
2.40 0.75 Geron GERN ... dd 1.74 –0.15 ... 19.97 2.95 IDEAYA Bio IDYA ... dd 12.17 –0.60 ... 42.80 17.01 KingsoftCloud KC ... dd 29.05 –2.10 ... 83.26 47.19 MGE Energy MGEE 2.3 25 65.02 –3.73 .37 57.57 12.83 MonarchCasino MCRI ... 62 43.39 –2.01 ...
74.00 30.60 GibraltarInds ROCK ... 24 57.45 –9.53 ... 453.20 168.65 IdexxLab IDXX ... 74 424.82 –4.84 ... 28.67 6.28 KiniksaPharm KNSA ... dd 15.66 –3.10 ... 53.33 21.64 MGP Ingredients MGPI 1.1 18 42.02 +0.39 .12 59.96 41.19 Mondelez MDLZ 2.4 22 53.12 –3.49 .315
34.42 2.96 GIIIApparel GIII ... 10 13.48 –1.70 ... 9.98 5.00 IEC Elec IEC ... 15 9.57 +0.07 ... 214.55 80.93 KinsaleCapital KNSL .2 64 187.47 –23.79 .09 3.33 0.70 MINDTechnology MIND ... dd 2.05 –0.26 ... 5.92 1.15 MoneyGram MGI ... dd 5.15 +0.42 ...
10.76 4.70 GilatSatellite GILT ... 24 5.99 +0.41 ... 39.45 13.73 IES Holdings IESC ... 18 31.92 –3.95 ... 13.58 0.56 Kirkland's KIRK ... dd 9.28 –2.52 ... 129.97 66.87 MKS Instrum MKSI .7 22 108.39 –4.82 .20 273.01 93.81 MongoDB MDB ... dd 228.47 –19.53 ...
85.97 57.04 GileadSciences GILD 4.7 60 58.15 –2.64 .68 89.81 19.43 IGM Biosci IGMS ... dd 52.79 –8.13 ... 102.74 20.57 KodiakSciences KOD ... dd 90.81 –5.82 ... 13.40 3.50 MTBC MTBC ... dd 7.67 –0.93 ... 325.18 130.12 MonolithicPower MPWR .6 cc 319.60 –1.85 .50
46.54 26.66 GlacierBancorp GBCI 3.4 14 35.80 –1.33 .30 52.97 19.00 II-VI IIVI ... dd 45.47 –1.73 ... 73.18 22.17 KornitDigital KRNT ... dd 67.32 +0.04 ... 61.10 13.15 MTS Systems MTSC .0 35 24.28 –1.76 .30 81.54 37.09 Monro MNRO 2.1 47 42.06 –3.50 .22
10.69 4.04 GladstoneCap GLAD 10.7 dd 7.31 –0.26 .065 47.46 9.30 I-Mab IMAB ... ... 41.17 +0.50 ... 36.37 19.99 KraftHeinz KHC 5.2 dd 30.59 –0.78 .40 46.71 16.33 MYR Group MYRG ... 13 42.75 –1.60 ... 87.05 50.06 MonsterBev MNST ... 36 76.57 –3.82 ...
23.74 7.59 GladstoneComm GOOD 9.2 dd 16.25 –1.22 .1252 202.58 98.04 IPG Photonics IPGP ... 78 185.96 –14.22 ... 22.26 5.00 KratosDefense KTOS ... cc 18.89 –2.71 ... 11.42 6.01 Macatawa MCBC 4.5 8 7.19 –0.38 .08 201.69 102.59 Morningstar MORN .6 47 190.38 +5.82 .30
15.34 6.43 GladstoneInvt GAIN 10.1 dd 8.33 –0.50 .07 18.00 5.06 IRSA Prop IRCP ... ... 8.00 +0.16 ... 34.90 25.50 KronosBio KRON ... ... 28.09 –4.33 ... 32.18 4.04 Macrogenics MGNX ... dd 19.41 –2.68 ... 31.00 9.90 Morphic MORF ... dd 26.91 –1.75 ...
16.76 9.61 GladstoneLand LAND 3.9 dd 13.87 –0.55 .0449 37.85 13.01 i3Verticals IIIV ... dd 20.63 –4.80 ... 66.85 33.08 KrystalBiotech KRYS ... dd 42.99 –5.16 ... 136.13 56.82 MadrigalPharm MDGL ... dd 127.25 –3.74 ... 37.96 18.21 MorphoSys MOR ... 43 25.13 –1.10 ...
87.54 39.95 GlbBloodTherap GBT ... dd 52.88 –3.48 ... 8.97 2.64 IVERICbio ISEE ... dd 5.92 –0.08 ... 28.66 16.91 Kulicke&Soffa KLIC 1.8 39 26.14 –0.77 .12 4.45 2.46 MagalSec MAGS ... 24 3.78 –0.02 ... 24.60 10.43 MotorcarParts MPAA ... dd 14.73 –0.47 ...
34.65 17.01 GlobalIndemnity GBLI 4.1 12 24.51 +0.53 .25 70.00 34.00 IcahnEnterprises IEP 16.2 dd 49.44 –1.80 2.00 35.25 6.35 KuraOncology KURA ... dd 31.25 +1.33 ... 81.04 30.60 MagellanHealth MGLN ... 14 72.27 –5.64 ... 4.85 1.78 MustangBio MBIO ... dd 2.67 –0.28 ...
14.99 8.51 GlobalWaterRscs GWRS 2.7 cc 10.60 –0.70 .0241 39.83 13.68 Ichor ICHR ... 28 23.26 –1.12 ... 28.80 5.07 KuraSushiUSA KRUS ... dd 12.87 –2.30 ... 16.19 5.76 MagentaTherap MGTA ... dd 6.31 –0.74 ... 23.11 12.75 Mylan MYL ... 28 14.54 –1.15 ...
10.85 3.98 GluMobile GLUU ... dd 7.16 –0.78 ... 10.22 3.01 iClickInteract ICLK ... dd 7.97 –0.54 ... 41.71 25.43 KymeraTherap KYMR ... ... 35.99 –1.51 ... 16.87 6.31 MagicSoftware MGIC 2.8 28 12.58 –0.99 .175 224.00 42.65 MyoKardia MYOK ... dd 223.53 +0.56 ...
6.72 1.82 GlycoMimetics GLYC ... dd 2.80 –0.43 ... 215.29 104.28 Icon ICLR ... 29 180.30 –14.05 ... 132.98 33.00 LGI Homes LGIH ... 13 106.88 –10.00 ... 13.11 4.09 Magnite MGNI ... dd 9.03 –0.78 ... 35.29 9.24 MyriadGenetics MYGN ... dd 12.43 –2.18 ...
M18 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Nasdaq Issues
52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
19.75 5.23 OraSureTechs OSUR ... dd 14.94 +0.03 ... 18.50 4.72 ProventionBio PRVB ... dd 11.86 –1.32 ... 55.00 37.62 Sanofi SNY 2.6 9 45.30 –4.03 1.6994 21.97 5.35 SyndaxPharm SNDX ... dd 17.41 +1.40 ...
N 15.93
... 22.99
40.67 18.60 OricPharm ORIC ... ... 21.50 +0.26 ... 18.59 9.53 PrudentialBncp PBIP 2.4 9 11.59 –0.75 .07 36.10 3.50 SatsumaPharm STSA ... dd 3.56 –0.47 ... 232.74 104.90 Synopsys SNPS ... 53 213.86 –12.88 ...
33.09 13.33 Napco Security NSSC ... 53 24.12 –0.89 ... 38.14 15.98 OriginBancorp OBNK 1.8 16 22.37 –2.14 .10 52.00 37.64 Pulmonx LUNG ... dd 42.06 –0.18 ... 5.48 0.69 Savara SVRA ... dd 1.04 –0.14 ... 2.15 0.54 SyprisSolutions SYPR ... dd 1.12 –0.10 ...
41.50 26.20 NBT Bancorp NBTB 3.9 12 27.38 –1.79 .27 11.07 9.20 Orphazyme ORPH ... dd 9.27 –0.80 ... 15.00 5.50 PumaBiotech PBYI ... dd 8.37 –1.13 ... 39.01 13.78 ScanSource SCSC ... dd 20.10 –0.71 ... 14.69 4.26 SyrosPharm SYRS ... dd 6.67 –0.86 ...
2.60 0.31 NCS Multistage NCSM ... dd .71 –0.08 ... 47.91 22.11 OrthofixIntl OFIX ... dd 31.26 –2.22 ... 9.02 4.11 Puyi PUYI ... dd 5.55 –0.10 ... 22.97 10.09 SchnitzerSteel SCHN 3.6 dd 21.00 –0.38 .1875 47.46 16.96 TCF Financial TCF 5.1 18 27.21 –2.41 .35
23.95 9.24 NGM Biopharm NGM ... dd 17.34 +0.29 ... 55.98 32.21 OrthoPediatrics KIDS ... dd 44.60 –4.43 ... 54.54 28.21 QAD A QADA .7 dd 41.84 –3.45 .072 46.50 6.95 ScholarRock SRRK ... dd 38.90 +24.76 ... 14.59 4.30 TCG BDC CGBD 15.6 dd 8.22 –0.49 .37
240.58 110.59 NICE NICE ... 75 228.26 +0.17 ... 9.67 2.81 OsmoticaPharm OSMT ... dd 5.13 –0.81 ... 38.04 20.53 QAD B QADB .8 dd 30.50 –0.50 .06 45.80 18.80 Scholastic SCHL 3.0 dd 19.76 –2.33 .15 22.84 5.84 TCR2 Therap TCRR ... dd 19.67 –1.22 ...
25.94 15.49 NIC EGOV 1.6 25 22.42 +1.41 .09 4.89 1.53 Otonomy OTIC ... dd 3.58 –0.21 ... 20.44 3.40 Q&K Intl QK ... ... 4.00 –0.16 ... 99.50 25.50 Schrodinger SDGR ... dd 48.78 –11.83 ... 23.55 5.25 TelaBio TELA ... dd 15.16 –1.83 ...
35.79 8.06 NMI Holdings NMIH ... 9 21.49 –3.01 ... 57.74 30.95 OtterTail OTTR 3.9 18 38.35 –2.48 .37 44.76 22.39 QCR Holdings QCRH .8 9 31.03 –0.34 .06 37.58 3.76 ScientificGames SGMS ... dd 31.88 –2.96 ... 22.47 12.65 TFS Fin TFSL 7.1 49 15.71 –0.66 .28
10.15 1.35 NN NNBR ... dd 5.36 –0.81 ... 65.00 42.50 OutsetMedical OM ... ... 46.47 –3.26 ... 21.64 8.62 QIWI QIWI 6.1 12 14.59 –1.20 .33 18.50 5.82 SciPlay SCPL ... 18 13.35 –1.49 ... 123.42 63.50 T-MobileUS TMUS ... 36 109.57 –2.81 ...
145.15 58.41 NXP Semi NXPI 1.1 dd 135.12 –2.06 .375 128.50 2.47 Overstock OSTK ... cc 56.10 –15.78 ... 140.69 67.54 Qorvo QRVO ... 38 127.36 –8.34 ... 11.99 4.01 scPharm SCPH ... dd 8.62 –0.41 ... 36.59 9.19 TPIComposites TPIC ... dd 33.12 –0.40 ...
2.23 0.49 NabrivaTherap NBRV ... dd .50 –0.06 ... 9.40 1.80 OvidTherap OVID ... dd 5.11 –0.23 ... 132.42 58.00 Qualcomm QCOM 2.1 52 123.36 –5.52 .65 16.93 5.36 ScrippsEW SSP 2.2 dd 9.08 –1.34 .05 148.88 82.51 TRowePrice TROW 2.8 15 126.66 –21.44 .90
66.67 20.26 NanoXImaging NNOX ... ... 27.60 –3.14 ... 17.77 8.37 OxfordImmunotec OXFD ... dd 11.24 –0.94 ... 125.22 63.37 Qualys QLYS ... 42 87.85 –9.82 ... 4.98 0.69 SeaChange SEAC ... dd .75 –0.04 ... 61.54 26.28 TTEC TTEC 1.4 26 54.78 –4.67 .40
46.93 13.85 NanoStringTech NSTG ... dd 36.65 +0.53 ... 9.60 1.86 OxfordLane OXLC 18.7 dd 4.34 –0.09 .0675 48.95 10.90 Quanterix QTRX ... dd 36.61 –3.98 ... 31.42 13.30 SeacoastBkgFL SBCF ... 15 21.48 –0.01 ... 16.25 8.06 TTM Tech TTMI ... dd 11.87 –0.55 ...
6.39 0.51 NantHealth NH ... dd 2.01 –0.43 ... 6.26 2.04 OxfordSquare OXSQ 16.8 dd 2.50 –0.02 .035 8.52 1.26 Quantum QMCO ... dd 4.18 –0.67 ... 64.17 39.02 Seagate STX 5.6 12 47.82 –2.92 .67 3.15 0.24 T2Biosystems TTOO ... dd 1.34 +0.01 ...
15.70 1.06 NantKwest NK ... dd 7.51 –1.07 ... 41.37 13.26 OysterPtPharma OYST ... dd 19.83 –1.56 ... 22.99 6.52 Quhuo QH ... ... 6.94 –0.62 ... 213.94 90.57 Seagen SGEN ... dd 166.80 –30.12 ... 69.72 33.04 TabulaRasaHlth TRHC ... dd 34.54 –4.91 ...
137.94 71.66 Nasdaq NDAQ 1.6 22 120.99 –8.13 .49 306.72 56.90 Quidel QDEL ... 75 268.29 +20.08 ... 16.91 4.02 SeaSpine SPNE ... dd 12.76 –1.85 ... 71.65 29.47 TactileSystems TCMD ... dd 36.58 –2.72 ...
.35 PQ 17.79
93.41 35.71 NationalBeverage FIZZ ... 25 78.29 –8.78 ... 28.46 2.28 QurateRetailB QRTEB .0 dd 6.85 –0.63 1.50 7.39 3.67 SecurityNatFin SNFCA ... 5 6.59 –0.50 ... 46.80 18.30 Talend TLND ... dd 37.64 –2.40 ...
9.85 1.62 NatlCineMedia NCMI 14.1 14 1.99 –0.27 .07 66.39 22.00 PAM Transport PTSI ... dd 39.60 –9.26 ... 7.98 1.73 QurateRetailA QRTEA .0 dd 6.77 –0.69 1.50 12.47 5.98 SelectBancorp SLCT ... 17 7.45 –0.50 ... 123.74 43.69 TandemDiabetes TNDM ... dd 109.00 –6.15 ...
34.48 11.82 NatlGeneral NGHC .6 10 33.97 +0.03 .05 7.52 3.75 P&FIndustries PFIN .0 dd 4.60 –0.20 .05 6.55 2.12 Qutoutiao QTT ... dd 2.15 –0.26 ... 4.83 1.29 SelectaBiosci SELB ... dd 2.96 +0.13 ... 5.36 0.75 TarenaIntl TEDU ... dd 1.97 –0.17 ...
47.89 20.42 NatlInstruments NATI 3.3 16 31.28 –4.04 .26 17.75 7.31 PCB Bancorp PCB 4.3 10 9.40 –0.20 .10 70.89 37.05 SelectiveIns SIGI 1.9 16 52.06 –4.27 .25 26.55 15.32 TarsusPharm TARS ... ... 20.44 –3.06 ...
.055 R 64.10
SenecaFoods A
43.50 11.70 NationalVision EYE ... dd 40.33 –2.80 ... 27.84 4.51 PDC Energy PDCE ... dd 11.92 –1.24 ... 48.50 27.53 SenecaFoods B SENEB ... 5 38.42 –3.58 ... 51.18 16.82 TechTarget TTGT ... 76 43.80 –3.13 ...
298.00 120.55 NatlWesternLife NWLI .2 6 169.63 –18.96 .36 26.42 8.61 PDF Solutions PDFS ... dd 18.74 –1.51 ... 51.21 10.52 RaptTherap RAPT ... dd 28.74 –4.27 ... 35.02 2.52 SeresTherap MCRB ... dd 27.89 –2.27 ... 12.52 6.15 Ericsson ERIC .9 24 11.21 –1.15 .0546
10.18 4.75 NaturalAlt NAII ... dd 7.74 –0.10 ... 3.78 2.05 PDL Biopharm PDLI ... dd 2.15 –0.11 ... 21.90 10.61 RBB Bancorp RBB 2.8 8 12.77 +0.11 .09 25.70 3.59 ServiceProperties SVC .6 dd 7.21 –0.97 .01 6.50 3.45 TeleNav TNAV ... 55 4.07 –0.01 ...
34.89 16.38 NatusMedical NTUS ... dd 18.21 +0.09 ... 14.85 7.31 PDLCommBncp PDLB ... dd 9.10 –0.93 ... 185.06 77.63 RBC Bearings ROLL ... 25 119.05 –8.58 ... 2.10 0.53 ServiceSource SREV ... dd 1.39 –0.08 ... 7.00 0.51 Teligent TLGT ... dd .53 –0.15 ...
15.50 4.07 Navient NAVI 8.0 4 8.01 –1.39 .16 11.41 6.41 PICO PICO ... 27 8.27 –0.66 ... 27.79 6.52 RCI Hospitality RICK .7 dd 21.40 –3.91 .04 40.90 21.76 ServisFirstBcshs SFBS 1.9 13 36.90 –2.14 .175 166.31 48.78 10xGenomics TXG ... dd 136.90 –5.37 ...
103.95 66.82 nCino NCNO ... dd 70.52 –2.64 ... 42.93 31.50 PMV Pharm PMVP ... ... 35.05 +0.14 ... 3.20 1.02 RCM Tech RCMT ... dd 1.27 –0.15 ... 1.54 0.37 SesenBio SESN ... dd 1.02 –0.16 ... 42.39 16.28 Tenable TENB ... dd 34.11 –2.99 ...
28.60 13.63 NektarTherap NKTR ... dd 15.84 –1.70 ... 37.51 10.61 PPD PPD ... cc 32.88 –2.60 ... 54.97 20.03 REGENXBIO RGNX ... dd 28.76 –0.10 ... 25.89 17.51 ShattuckLabs STTK ... ... 25.85 +4.09 ... 93.44 42.87 Teradyne TER .5 22 87.85 –4.15 .10
82.06 48.91 Neogen NEOG ... 61 69.74 –2.55 ... 47.35 19.40 PRA Group PRAA ... 12 34.13 –3.89 ... 7.07 3.31 RF Industries RFIL .0 79 4.28 –0.34 .02 59.93 31.95 ShenandoahTel SHEN .8 31 43.62 –1.71 .34 32.45 19.23 TerritBanc TBNK 4.3 10 21.21 –1.31 .23
18.13 2.79 NeoleukinTherap NLTX ... dd 10.49 –0.95 ... 113.41 58.67 PRA HealthSci PRAH ... 30 97.44 –12.49 ... 31.98 22.58 RGC Resources RGCO 2.9 17 23.80 +0.08 .175 79.74 22.01 ShockwaveMed SWAV ... dd 68.32 –4.51 ... 502.49 61.85 Tesla TSLA ... cc 388.04 –32.59 ...
1.98 0.45 NeosTherap NEOS ... dd .68 –0.11 ... 6.11 1.77 PRGX Global PRGX ... dd 5.44 +0.43 ... 10.20 3.00 RISE Education REDU ... dd 5.73 –0.26 ... 40.15 12.56 ShoeCarnival SCVL 1.2 42 30.98 –2.87 .09 14.22 4.12 TesscoTech TESS .0 dd 6.10 +0.17 .02
4.45 2.70 Net1UEPS UEPS ... dd 3.01 –0.09 ... 97.67 43.90 PTC PTC ... 74 83.88 –5.37 ... 18.08 7.12 R1RCM RCM ... cc 17.92 +0.45 ... 17.90 7.63 ShoreBancshares SHBI 4.4 9 10.82 –0.66 .12 112.56 63.61 TetraTech TTEK .7 40 100.91 –5.63 .17
65.38 34.66 NetApp NTAP 4.4 13 43.89 –3.00 .48 59.89 30.79 PTC Therap PTCT ... dd 52.19 +0.23 ... 22.75 15.25 RackspaceTech RXT ... dd 15.75 –0.97 ... 21.96 9.01 Shyft SHYF .5 dd 19.31 –1.71 .025 64.88 19.10 TexasCapBcshs TCBI ... 32 45.00 +2.22 ...
103.53 53.17 NetEase NTES 1.8 18 86.79 +0.92 .297 92.96 49.11 Paccar PCAR 1.5 21 85.38 –7.26 .32 9.75 6.57 RadiusGlbInfr RADI ... ... 7.50 –0.32 ... 9.71 1.00 Sientra SIEN ... dd 4.22 –0.40 ... 155.88 93.09 TexasInstruments TXN 2.8 27 144.59 –5.37 1.02
575.37 281.14 Netflix NFLX ... 77 475.74 –12.54 ... 15.12 2.20 PacBiosciCA PACB ... dd 13.11 –0.79 ... 29.89 10.15 RadiusHealth RDUS ... dd 13.41 –0.37 ... 30.15 13.05 SierraBancorp BSRR 4.0 9 19.84 –1.42 .20 76.21 25.15 TexasRoadhouse TXRH .0 90 70.03 –2.32 .36
37.40 15.01 Netgear NTGR ... 35 30.82 –3.99 ... 8.30 2.95 PacificMercBncp PMBC ... 55 3.71 –0.03 ... 23.45 5.81 RadNet RDNT ... dd 14.51 –1.42 ... 22.00 8.55 SierraOncology SRRA ... dd 13.71 +0.96 ... 13.73 3.36 TheBancorp TBBK ... 10 9.60 +0.03 ...
29.62 19.11 NetScout NTCT ... cc 20.52 –2.62 ... 34.90 13.93 PacificPremBncp PPBI 4.4 63 25.50 –1.12 .28 26.99 16.02 Radware RDWR ... 61 22.50 –1.50 ... 14.37 4.31 SierraWireless SWIR ... dd 11.10 –0.37 ... 2.96 0.85 TherapeuticsMD TXMD ... dd 1.22 –0.26 ...
136.26 72.14 Neurocrine NBIX ... 47 98.67 –0.34 ... 64.44 27.46 PaciraBioSci PCRX ... 18 52.30 –3.17 ... 4.17 1.75 RamacoRscs METC ... 10 2.80 –0.33 ... 148.64 68.98 SignatureBank SBNY 2.8 9 80.74 –3.83 .56 31.54 14.48 TheravanceBio TBPH ... dd 18.91 –0.54 ...
9.08 1.25 Neuronetics STIM ... dd 4.95 –0.66 ... 14.72 10.40 PactivEvergreen PTVE ... ... 12.51 –0.93 ... 16.98 9.01 Rambus RMBS ... dd 13.79 –0.47 ... 40.44 24.65 SilganHoldings SLGN 1.4 14 34.45 –1.29 .12 14.50 2.29 36Kr KRKR ... dd 2.81 +0.01 ...
54.92 7.01 NewFortressEner NFE 1.1 dd 36.13 –14.46 .10 40.14 13.84 PacWestBancorp PACW 5.2 dd 19.24 –1.36 .25 18.34 7.92 RandolphBancorp RNDB ... 5 14.80 +1.39 ... 39.52 20.93 Silicom SILC ... 39 37.21 +0.75 ... 18.06 6.37 360DigiTech QFIN ... 6 11.52 –0.97 ...
14.45 4.62 NewMtnFin NMFC 13.2 dd 9.07 –0.47 .30 121.87 39.21 Palomar PLMR ... 52 89.17 –3.90 ... 67.76 31.34 Rapid7 RPD ... dd 61.93 –3.78 ... 122.90 65.09 SiliconLab SLAB ... cc 102.46 –2.62 ... 24.10 2.43 Tilray TLRY ... dd 5.71 –1.02 ...
6.47 0.98 NY Mortgage NYMT 11.8 dd 2.54 –0.24 .075 40.11 10.61 PanAmerSilver PAAS .6 cc 31.80 –1.45 .05 18.41 2.90 RattlerMidstrm RTLR 19.8 7 5.87 –0.63 .29 53.04 26.72 SiliconMotion SIMO 3.7 16 37.74 –1.86 .35 31.00 13.60 TimberlandBncp TSBK 4.2 7 19.05 –2.04 .20
20.99 10.44 NewellBrands NWL 5.2 dd 17.66 –0.34 .23 27.75 10.28 PandionTherap PAND ... ... 11.81 +0.50 ... 38.00 16.01 RavenIndustries RAVN .0 34 21.92 –2.03 .13 72.19 20.84 SilkRoadMed SILK ... dd 60.60 –1.29 ... 18.18 6.96 TitanMachinery TITN ... 19 14.99 –1.08 ...
13.85 2.49 Newmark NMRK .8 11 4.74 –0.27 .01 102.25 28.55 PapaJohn's PZZA 1.2 cc 76.60 –0.14 .225 2.24 0.32 RealNetworks RNWK ... dd 1.40 –0.25 ... 13.75 6.21 SilvercrestAsset SAMG 5.7 9 11.29 –0.21 .16 26.07 1.92 TivityHealth TVTY ... dd 13.75 –0.87 ...
15.90 7.90 NewsCorp A NWSA 1.5 dd 13.13 –0.85 .10 6.72 2.50 ParatekPharma PRTK ... dd 4.77 –0.18 ... 69.79 36.91 RealPage RP ... cc 55.69 –3.16 ... 27.29 13.75 SimmonsFirstNat SFNC 4.0 7 16.99 –0.77 .17 12.17 0.62 TizianaLifeSci TLSA ... dd 3.82 –0.60 ...
15.70 7.88 NewsCorp B NWS 1.5 dd 13.02 –0.89 .10 36.11 10.78 Park-Ohio PKOH .0 60 19.74 –0.29 .125 23.23 5.00 RealReal REAL ... dd 12.59 –1.91 ... 40.76 10.58 SinclairBroadcast SBGI 4.3 4 18.58 –0.25 .20 3.87 0.39 TonixPharm TNXP ... dd .56 –0.10 ...
23.73 7.59 NewtekBusSvcs NEWT 13.8 ... 16.58 –1.75 .582 6.46 2.90 PartnerComms PTNR ... 77 3.95 –0.02 ... 257.96 88.17 ReataPharm RETA ... dd 116.71 –0.57 ... 12.00 5.06 SiriusIntlIns SG ... dd 11.22 –0.27 ... 48.86 6.34 Torm TRMD 29.1 2 6.54 –0.34 .85
133.25 43.37 NexstarMedia NXST 2.7 11 82.40 –8.00 .56 38.23 8.09 PassageBio PASG ... dd 16.81 –0.25 ... 59.00 29.90 RedRiverBcshs RRBI .5 12 45.41 –2.10 .06 7.40 4.11 SiriusXM SIRI 1.0 24 5.73 –0.25 .0146 25.80 12.13 TowerSemi TSEM ... 29 21.10 +1.14 ...
109.00 7.91 NextCure NXTC ... dd 9.66 –2.77 ... 69.84 16.70 PatrickIndustries PATK 1.8 16 55.75 –1.35 .25 37.29 4.04 RedRobin RRGB ... dd 12.04 –1.82 ... 98.63 15.42 SiTime SITM ... dd 83.49 –9.81 ... 29.02 15.03 TowneBank TOWN 4.0 10 18.18 –0.68 .18
18.49 5.10 NextGenHlthcr NXGN ... 92 13.60 –1.41 ... 14.00 3.83 PatriotNatBncp PNBK .0 dd 6.84 +0.09 .01 27.91 2.76 RedRockResorts RRR .0 dd 19.12 –1.11 .10 66.52 10.58 SkyWest SKYW .0 9 29.03 –4.71 .14 157.07 63.89 TractorSupply TSCO 1.2 21 133.21 –6.61 .40
9.60 4.76 NicholasFin NICK ... 15 8.01 +0.18 ... 21.26 8.06 PatriotTransport PATI .0 dd 9.32 +0.12 3.00 56.31 9.63 Redfin RDFN ... dd 41.77 –3.19 ... 158.61 67.90 Skyworks SWKS 1.4 31 141.29 –8.47 .50 675.00 136.00 TradeDesk TTD ... cc 566.45 –53.46 ...
93.99 10.20 Nikola NKLA ... dd 18.31 –4.23 ... 30.38 12.93 Patterson PDCO 4.2 dd 24.88 –2.25 .26 11.35 3.26 RedHillBio RDHL ... dd 8.36 –1.32 ... 67.30 15.27 SleepNumber SNBR ... 18 63.36 –1.64 ... 69.06 33.23 Tradeweb TW .6 64 54.48 –6.00 .08
12.20 0.72 9F JFU ... dd 1.32 –0.07 ... 10.95 1.61 PattersonUTIEn PTEN 3.1 dd 2.56 –0.33 .02 67.70 31.80 RegencyCtrs REG 6.7 66 35.59 –2.70 .595 2.92 0.55 SmartSand SND ... 3 1.28 ... ... 12.73 2.87 TransActTechs TACT .0 dd 7.15 ... .09
33.51 6.08 NiuTech NIU ... 91 26.27 –1.08 ... 90.54 47.87 Paychex PAYX 3.0 28 82.25 –2.78 .62 664.64 307.44 RegenPharm REGN ... 21 543.56 –36.25 ... 15.54 3.64 SmileDirectClub SDC ... dd 8.90 –2.46 ... 34.18 16.50 Transcat TRNS ... 34 30.91 +3.82 ...
58.69 22.46 Nkarta NKTX ... ... 28.71 –1.19 ... 196.37 66.98 Paylocity PCTY ... cc 185.52 –5.29 ... 49.89 32.56 RelayTherap RLAY ... ... 36.94 –2.94 ... 22.40 4.24 Smith&Wesson SWBI 1.2 dd 16.59 +0.34 .05 1.57 0.30 TransGlobeEner TGA ... dd .39 –0.03 ...
26.48 9.04 nLIGHT LASR ... dd 21.24 –1.92 ... 215.83 82.07 PayPal PYPL ... 85 186.13 –16.91 ... 54.00 23.25 RelmadaTherap RLMD ... dd 30.93 –2.41 ... 16.06 8.03 SoYoungIntl SY ... cc 11.67 –0.53 ... 28.09 6.80 TranslateBio TBIO ... dd 12.83 –1.20 ...
28.88 1.81 NobleMidstream NBLX 15.7 4 7.97 –1.12 .1875 31.72 11.15 PeapackGladFinl PGC 1.2 9 16.88 –0.76 .05 18.00 9.91 RenalytixAI RNLX ... ... 13.40 +2.10 ... 25.71 5.41 SOHU ... dd 18.84 +0.35 ... 20.99 10.10 TransMedics TMDX ... dd 11.98 –1.27 ...
9.31 3.14 Noodles NDLS ... dd 6.46 –2.00 ... 135.36 38.01 Pegasystems PEGA .1 dd 115.88 –18.35 .03 36.84 18.22 Renasant RNST 3.1 18 28.51 –0.76 .22 21.00 5.00 SolGelTech SLGL ... dd 8.05 –0.37 ... 28.37 5.51 TravelCenters TA ... 7 23.80 –4.41 ...
212.99 96.46 Nordson NDSN .8 34 193.43 –14.13 .39 139.75 17.70 Peloton PTON ... dd 110.21 –12.32 ... 65.65 16.05 RenewableEnergy REGI ... 4 56.40 –2.44 ... 21.24 7.42 SolarCapital SLRC 10.4 dd 15.82 –0.41 .41 12.40 3.04 Travelzoo TZOO ... dd 7.42 –1.13 ...
23.98 6.20 NortheastBank NBN .2 7 19.19 –1.32 .01 76.62 3.75 PennNational PENN ... dd 53.98 –8.82 ... 35.00 11.69 Rent-A-Center RCII 3.8 9 30.90 –1.86 .29 18.29 6.30 SolarSeniorCap SUNS 9.7 21 12.43 –1.06 .10 17.90 10.52 TreanInsurance TIG ... ... 10.85 –2.53 ...
14.88 4.70 NorthernTechsIntl NTIC .0 62 8.07 –0.38 .065 32.30 0.99 PennVirginia PVAC ... 1 7.68 –1.53 ... 36.67 21.45 RepareTherap RPTX ... ... 27.03 –0.45 ... 317.88 67.02 SolarEdgeTech SEDG ... 77 257.69 –25.19 ... 6.86 1.63 TremontMortgage TRMT 1.4 3 2.86 –0.02 .01
110.48 60.67 NorthernTrust NTRS 3.6 13 78.27 –6.14 .70 46.44 9.40 Pennant PNTG ... cc 41.66 –0.79 ... 180.84 78.41 Repligen RGEN ... cc 166.57 –9.68 ... 11.86 1.93 SolidBiosci SLDB ... dd 3.27 –0.53 ... 8.50 1.33 TreviTherap TRVI ... dd 3.22 –0.26 ...
17.55 8.72 NorthfieldBanc NFBK 4.3 14 10.16 –0.50 .11 6.86 1.76 PennantPark PNNT 16.5 dd 2.91 –0.17 .12 47.96 8.58 Replimune REPL ... dd 41.81 –3.39 ... 3.92 0.42 SonimTech SONM ... dd .44 –0.15 ... 13.86 4.91 TribunePub TPCO .0 dd 11.46 –1.18 .25
40.63 17.32 NorthrimBanCorp NRIM 4.8 7 28.56 –2.94 .35 36.27 18.72 PennsWoodsBncp PWOD 6.2 10 20.66 –1.20 .32 49.61 27.05 RepublicBcpKYA RBCAA 3.4 8 33.33 –1.57 .286 17.83 6.58 Sonos SONO ... dd 14.60 –1.39 ... 44.30 3.74 Tricida TCDA ... dd 5.63 –3.12 ...
17.17 8.52 NorthwestBcshs NWBI 7.1 19 10.67 +0.10 .19 17.13 9.37 People'sUtdFin PBCT 6.7 9 10.67 –0.77 .18 4.26 1.80 RepublicFirstBncp FRBK ... dd 2.23 –0.15 ... 6.92 1.43 SotherlyHotels SOHO .0 dd 1.52 –0.22 .13 41.42 23.05 TriCoBancshares TCBK 3.0 14 28.93 –1.48 .22
36.70 18.52 NorthwestPipe NWPX ... 9 26.80 –3.70 ... 39.28 17.91 PeoplesBncpOH PEBO 6.2 16 22.60 –1.78 .35 17.82 8.66 ResourcesConnect RGP 5.2 14 10.74 –0.65 .14 22.00 11.30 SouthPlainsFin SPFI 1.4 7 14.65 –0.27 .05 33.07 18.05 TriMas TRS ... dd 24.33 –1.20 ...
80.52 45.06 Northwestern NWE 4.6 16 52.13 –4.19 .60 33.18 13.30 PeoplesBncpNC PEBK 3.5 8 17.29 –1.61 .15 18.76 5.84 RetailOppor ROIC 8.2 34 9.73 –1.31 .20 88.10 40.42 SouthState SSB 3.0 36 61.40 –0.91 .47 54.51 20.01 Trimble TRMB ... 25 48.13 –1.95 ...
28.70 15.12 NortonLifeLock NLOK 2.4 4 20.57 –0.27 .125 53.88 29.01 PeoplesFinSvcs PFIS 4.0 11 35.85 –1.15 .36 22.17 8.98 Retrophin RTRX ... dd 20.24 –0.71 ... 44.43 20.89 SouthernFirstBcsh SFST ... 12 26.84 –1.74 ... 3.28 0.56 TrinityBiotech TRIB ... dd 2.72 +0.03 ...
39.69 21.20 NorwoodFin NWFL 4.4 12 22.88 –2.09 .25 147.20 101.42 PepsiCo PEP 3.1 26 133.29 –6.27 1.0225 34.62 11.78 RevanceTherap RVNC ... dd 25.88 +0.59 ... 39.05 17.30 SoMO Bancorp SMBC 2.4 8 25.48 +1.13 .15 38.95 20.10 TCOM ... dd 28.76 –2.46 ...
59.40 25.70 NovaMeasuring NVMI ... 39 55.63 –1.85 ... 7.29 2.34 Perceptron PRCP ... dd 6.90 +0.02 ... 47.14 17.35 RevolutionMed RVMD ... ... 30.19 –10.18 ... 16.85 7.58 SoNtlBcpVA SONA 4.1 10 9.66 –0.35 .10 41.75 13.73 TripAdvisor TRIP .0 dd 19.11 –1.80 3.50
3.72 0.22 Novan NOVN ... dd .46 –0.05 ... 19.85 7.11 PerdoceoEduc PRDO ... 8 11.29 –0.72 ... 36.00 21.61 ReynoldsCnsmr REYN 3.1 ... 28.24 –2.12 .22 37.89 23.51 SouthsideBcshs SBSI 4.6 13 26.96 –0.39 .31 26.43 7.59 TriStateCapital TSC ... 9 12.59 –1.21 ...
117.93 66.44 Novanta NOVT ... 93 108.72 –5.63 ... 53.76 18.88 Perficient PRFT ... 38 39.16 –4.75 ... 32.24 12.99 RhythmPharm RYTM ... dd 21.17 –1.45 ... 11.47 5.25 SparkEnergy SPKE 7.9 6 9.12 –0.20 .1813 46.66 19.03 TriumphBancorp TBK ... 22 42.13 –3.73 ...
189.40 3.54 Novavax NVAX ... dd 80.71 –12.42 ... 2.17 0.54 PerformantFin PFMT ... dd 1.04 –0.12 ... 5.64 1.95 RibbonComms RBBN ... dd 4.31 +0.29 ... 23.94 9.00 SpartanNash SPTN 4.2 14 18.41 –2.15 .1925 3.62 1.30 trivago TRVG ... dd 1.35 –0.15 ...
140.89 53.40 Novocure NVCR ... cc 122.10 –1.67 ... 9.70 3.43 PerionNetwork PERI ... 27 6.94 –0.91 ... 6.32 3.10 RichardsonElec RELL 5.7 dd 4.22 –0.17 .06 10.57 1.74 SpectrumPharm SPPI ... dd 3.43 +0.03 ... 6.47 1.98 TrueCar TRUE ... dd 4.36 –0.55 ...
35.65 13.51 NuanceComms NUAN ... 58 31.91 –2.39 ... 9.68 4.51 Perma-PipeIntl PPIH ... dd 5.54 –0.12 ... 5.24 1.23 RigelPharm RIGL ... dd 2.48 +0.02 ... 14.60 5.25 SperoTherap SPRO ... dd 13.11 –0.91 ... 95.53 22.48 Trupanion TRUP ... cc 71.54 –3.36 ...
10.59 3.81 NuCana NCNA ... dd 4.73 –0.86 ... 30.95 4.27 Personalis PSNL ... dd 24.73 –1.54 ... 6.91 0.77 RigNet RNET ... dd 3.67 –0.47 ... 23.48 8.96 SpiritofTexas STXB 2.2 9 12.71 –1.33 .07 9.10 4.30 TrustcoBank TRST 4.9 10 5.50 –0.31 .0681
37.46 15.21 NurixTherap NRIX ... dd 25.29 –3.03 ... 38.99 15.83 PetIQ PETQ ... dd 28.56 –1.91 ... 5.97 2.22 RiminiStreet RMNI ... dd 3.17 –0.02 ... 225.89 93.92 Splunk SPLK ... dd 198.04 –18.47 ... 35.82 20.08 Trustmark TRMK 3.9 10 23.39 –1.08 .23
37.86 11.31 Nutanix NTNX ... dd 24.34 –0.98 ... 42.89 21.20 PetMedExpress PETS 3.8 20 29.58 –1.08 .28 8.55 3.77 RiverviewBncp RVSB 4.3 9 4.69 –0.56 .05 13.01 8.53 SpokHoldings SPOK 5.5 dd 9.08 –0.16 .125 3.22 0.73 Tuniu TOUR ... dd 1.04 –0.11 ...
81.91 28.55 Nuvasive NUVA ... dd 44.43 –7.93 ... 8.49 2.60 PhaseBioPharm PHAS ... dd 2.73 –0.37 ... 13.60 4.00 RiverviewFinl RIVE .0 dd 7.11 –0.03 .075 18.46 4.08 SportsmansWrhs SPWH ... 11 13.02 –1.00 ... 122.85 31.30 TurningPtTherap TPTX ... dd 92.19 –10.37 ...
589.07 180.68 NVIDIA NVDA .1 92 501.36 –42.25 .16 64.54 18.51 PhathomPharm PHAT ... dd 39.36 –0.44 ... 30.43 9.01 RocketPharm RCKT ... dd 27.94 –0.16 ... 63.31 17.02 SpringWorks SWTX ... dd 57.99 –2.03 ... 20.95 4.05 TurtleBeach HEAR ... 13 18.02 –1.28 ...
29.38 16.27 PhibroAnimal PAHC 2.9 20 16.44 –1.84 .12 3.85 0.83 RockwellMedical RMTI ... dd .85 –0.11 ... 28.00 13.00 SproutsFarmersMkt SFM ... 9 19.05 –1.62 ... 30.44 6.31 21 Vianet VNET ... dd 22.96 –0.92 ...
O 16.75
.12 75.24
98.96 30.20 Pinduoduo PDD ... dd 89.98 +3.07 ... 239.14 58.22 Roku ROKU ... dd 202.40 –21.56 ... 325.13 73.14 STMP ... 42 223.24 –33.32 ... 49.46 11.51 2U TWOU ... dd 36.85 –0.77 ...
29.90 13.60 ODP ODP .0 dd 19.50 –2.79 .25 65.00 27.80 PinnacleFinPtrs PNFP 1.4 12 45.79 +0.60 .16 29.48 22.71 Root ROOT ... ... 23.97 –3.03 ... 12.09 3.86 StarBulkCarriers SBLK 2.1 dd 6.24 –0.69 .05
OP Bancorp
OPKO Health
... dd
8 6.43
–0.78 ...
.10 UVW
4.72 1.24 Orbcomm ORBC ... dd 4.30 +0.24 ... 8.59 1.30 PlayaHotels PLYA ... dd 3.87 –0.52 ... 56.50 34.80 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 1.6 ... 36.70 –2.31 .15 14.41 0.90 StealthBioTher MITO ... dd 1.28 –0.15 ...
487.95 251.52 OReillyAuto ORLY ... 19 436.60 –29.83 ... 86.53 35.16 Plexus PLXS ... 18 69.54 –3.53 ... 14.44 3.35 RubiusTherap RUBY ... dd 4.23 –0.36 ... 3.80 1.51 StealthGas GASS ... 7 2.17 –0.28 ... 64.20 29.17 UFP Inds UFPI .5 14 49.91 –3.36 .125
102.81 49.96 OSI Systems OSIS ... 22 77.16 –3.91 ... 35.63 19.50 PliantTherap PLRX ... ... 21.62 –2.15 ... 9.60 2.32 RuhnnHolding RUHN ... dd 2.34 –0.21 ... 1.95 0.40 SteelConnect STCN ... dd .58 –0.02 ... 70.26 39.47 UMB Fin UMBF 2.1 15 60.87 +1.14 .32
6.55 0.98 O2MicroIntl OIIM ... dd 6.42 +0.58 ... 22.69 6.59 Pluralsight PS ... dd 15.70 –2.34 ... 38.89 18.17 RushEnt A RUSHA 1.6 16 35.84 –2.81 .14 35.78 14.98 SteelDynamics STLD 3.2 14 31.48 –1.10 .25 12.85 2.36 USA Truck USAK ... dd 8.57 –0.33 ...
5.65 2.33 OaktreeSpec OCSL 9.2 dd 4.56 –0.27 .105 19.45 9.81 PolyPid PYPD ... ... 10.42 –0.98 ... 35.25 14.43 RushEnt B RUSHB 1.8 14 31.45 –3.14 .14 28.27 22.72 StepStone STEP ... 78 25.71 –0.84 ... 55.07 6.75 US Concrete USCR ... 18 33.96 –0.09 ...
18.89 2.80 OasisMidstream OMP 29.8 dd 7.17 –0.83 .54 371.17 160.35 Pool POOL .7 44 349.83 –11.88 .58 25.78 2.32 RuthsHospitality RUTH .0 dd 11.18 –0.94 .15 67.94 38.45 Stericycle SRCL ... dd 62.30 –5.07 ... 65.13 24.94 US Ecology ECOL .0 dd 30.52 –4.09 .18
2.14 0.62 ObalonTherap OBLN ... dd .99 +0.03 ... 61.46 23.69 Popular BPOP 3.8 8 42.20 +0.93 .40 96.79 44.44 Ryanair RYAAY ... 80 80.60 –9.15 ... 17.82 6.72 SterlingCnstr STRL ... 8 14.70 –2.13 ... 104.00 60.99 US Lime&Min USLM .7 20 92.70 –5.05 .16
8.50 1.63 ObsEva OBSV ... dd 1.89 –0.28 ... 2.39 0.75 PortmanRidge PTMN 19.0 dd 1.26 –0.13 .06 44.80 16.38 StevenMadden SHOO .0 dd 24.01 +1.33 .15 24.77 10.40 uCloudlink UCL ... dd 10.70 –1.77 ...
... ST 44.73
46.50 12.56 OdonateTherap ODT ... dd 14.41 –2.10 ... 48.13 22.40 PotlatchDelt PCH 3.9 36 41.55 –5.97 .40 41.56 15.82 StokeTherap STOK ... dd 38.39 –1.78 ... 102.15 31.99 UltragenyxPharm RARE ... dd 100.50 +7.44 ...
35.95 16.50 OfficePropIncm OPI 12.0 12 18.41 –1.49 .55 50.81 15.62 PowellIndustries POWL 4.4 14 23.63 –1.51 .26 41.54 16.98 S&T Bancorp STBA 5.7 37 19.79 –1.64 .28 60.76 17.72 StoneCo STNE ... 87 52.54 –6.46 ... 9.30 4.85 Ultralife ULBI ... 16 5.16 –1.04 ...
41.50 19.20 OhioValleyBanc OVBC 3.9 12 21.41 –1.56 .21 63.70 38.57 PowerIntegrations POWI .7 18 60.21 –1.42 .105 328.37 205.20 SBA Comm SBAC .6 dd 290.37 –11.74 .465 61.69 28.01 StoneX SNEX ... 9 52.98 –3.91 ... 18.94 8.88 Umpqua UMPQ 6.7 dd 12.56 –0.82 .21
251.18 88.66 Okta OKTA ... dd 209.83 –9.68 ... 8.50 2.55 PowerFleet PWFL ... dd 6.05 –0.73 ... 14.40 4.20 SCYNEXIS SCYX ... dd 4.37 –0.70 ... 22.21 11.89 Stratasys SSYS ... dd 12.78 –2.08 ... 7.70 3.95 UnicoAmerican UNAM ... dd 5.24 –0.25 ...
207.44 105.80 OldDomFreight ODFL .3 36 190.37 –10.25 .15 35.43 24.86 PraxisPrecision PRAX ... ... 35.00 +4.01 ... 69.61 35.41 SEI Investments SEIC 1.4 16 49.15 –2.88 .35 187.98 81.83 StrategicEd STRA 2.9 16 83.06 –13.10 .60 38.79 16.50 UnionBankshares UNB 6.2 9 20.78 –3.87 .32
18.74 11.19 OldNatlBncp ONB 4.0 12 13.98 –0.75 .14 7.28 1.26 Precigen PGEN ... dd 4.29 –0.10 ... 26.41 7.20 SI-BONE SIBN ... dd 20.97 –1.21 ... 30.00 11.74 Strattec STRT .0 dd 29.04 +0.28 .14 76.69 34.38 uniQure QURE ... dd 40.43 –2.20 ...
13.77 5.96 Old2ndBcp OSBC .5 9 8.55 –0.81 .01 23.67 4.46 PrecisionBio DTIL ... dd 6.31 –0.67 ... 8.10 3.96 SIGA Tech SIGA ... 94 6.39 –0.43 ... 32.22 12.00 StratusProp STRS ... dd 21.37 –1.78 ... 95.16 17.80 UnitedAirlines UAL ... dd 33.86 –4.15 ...
112.58 28.83 Ollie'sBargain OLLI ... 27 87.09 –5.86 ... 64.50 20.04 PreferredBankLA PFBC 3.5 7 33.83 –1.62 .30 44.99 26.04 Sina SINA ... dd 42.85 +0.01 ... 4.63 1.43 StrongbridgeBio SBBP ... dd 1.95 –0.15 ... 24.54 12.60 UnitedBancshares UBOH 3.1 5 20.64 +1.64 .16
18.41 7.74 OlympicSteel ZEUS .7 dd 11.41 –1.30 .02 76.60 36.16 PreformedLine PLPC 1.5 10 55.03 +3.69 .20 12.32 5.60 SLM SLM 1.3 7 9.19 –0.37 .03 27.83 13.48 SummitFin SMMF 3.8 8 18.01 –0.66 .17 40.70 19.67 UnitedBkshrsWV UBSI 5.3 12 26.23 +0.16 .35
183.00 50.38 OmegaFlex OFLX .7 83 149.70 –17.20 .28 50.19 23.69 PreludeTherap PRLD ... ... 35.23 +5.17 ... 39.08 16.42 SMART Global SGH ... dd 26.39 +0.53 ... 13.21 6.50 SummitStateBk SSBI 3.9 8 12.30 +0.30 .12 31.66 14.95 UtdCmtyBks UCBI 3.4 11 20.94 –0.38 .18
25.46 8.50 Omeros OMER ... dd 10.14 –0.52 ... 20.38 8.21 PremierFinBncp PFBI 4.8 8 12.50 –0.63 .15 4.19 1.32 SMTC SMTX ... dd 3.49 –0.11 ... 5.49 1.18 SummitTherap SMMT ... dd 3.27 ... ... 47.52 19.17 UnitedFire UFCS 6.4 dd 20.54 –2.58 .33
94.85 54.24 Omnicell OMCL ... cc 86.55 +2.08 ... 32.39 10.98 PremierFinl PFC 4.9 13 17.99 –1.23 .22 46.67 0.55 SPI Energy SPI ... ... 7.85 –0.45 ... 28.45 16.71 SumoLogic SUMO ... dd 17.28 –1.75 ... 20.89 10.65 UnitedGuardian UG 5.9 15 14.20 –0.65 .42
26.84 8.17 ON Semi ON ... dd 25.09 –1.07 ... 39.70 27.11 Premier PINC 2.3 dd 32.73 –1.66 .19 47.33 14.44 SP Plus SP ... dd 18.43 –0.20 ... 23.78 1.00 SundanceEnergy SNDE ... ... 1.86 –0.26 ... 10.92 5.04 UnitedSecBcshrs UBFO 7.1 11 6.22 +0.06 .11
19.30 14.60 Oncorus ONCR ... ... 16.61 +1.10 ... 19.96 9.02 PrevailTherap PRVL ... dd 9.79 –1.03 ... 88.43 31.28 SPS Commerce SPSC ... 75 85.59 –1.08 ... 4.02 0.14 SundialGrowers SNDL ... dd .14 –0.03 ... 134.73 75.58 UnitedTherap UTHR ... 13 134.23 +11.45 ...
32.78 11.15 1-800-FLOWERS FLWS ... 21 19.83 –5.52 ... 77.81 41.15 PriceSmart PSMT 1.0 27 69.00 –4.87 .35 66.74 29.51 SS&C Tech SSNC .9 28 59.22 –5.97 .14 8.17 1.33 SunOpta STKL ... dd 6.86 –0.97 ... 11.08 4.86 Uniti UNIT 6.8 dd 8.82 –1.14 .15
2.30 1.04 180DegreeCap TURN ... dd 1.70 –0.15 ... 23.73 9.42 PrimorisSvcs PRIM 1.3 10 18.87 –1.09 .06 25.32 9.00 SSR Mining SSRM ... 39 18.51 –0.72 ... 19.38 2.64 SunPower SPWR ... cc 15.99 –0.87 ... 24.15 8.76 UnityBancorp UNTY 2.3 7 14.02 +0.16 .08
44.87 15.00 1LifeHealthcare ONEM ... dd 28.21 –3.70 ... 57.16 23.31 PrincipalFin PFG 5.7 9 39.22 –4.30 .56 307.75 127.39 SVB Fin SIVB ... 14 290.70 –5.68 ... 82.42 7.84 SunRun RUN ... dd 52.02 –4.01 ... 15.44 2.72 UnityBiotech UBX ... dd 3.87 –0.34 ...
8.70 4.46 111 YI ... dd 6.94 –0.06 ... 20.63 9.63 ProfessionalHldg PFHD ... 56 13.63 –0.28 ... 26.24 9.35 SVMK SVMK ... dd 20.93 –2.68 ... 33.30 15.76 SuperMicroComp SMCI ... 14 22.72 –2.74 ... 222.20 105.11 UnivDisplay OLED .3 92 198.31 +4.83 .15
5.92 3.01 1347 Property PIH ... dd 3.10 +0.05 ... 15.92 4.99 Progenity PROG ... dd 4.99 –2.92 ... 24.82 5.55 SabraHealthcare SBRA 9.1 21 13.16 –0.99 .30 28.58 6.10 SuperiorGroup SGC 1.9 11 21.62 –2.09 .10 60.00 29.50 UnivElectro UEIC ... 18 37.06 –2.55 ...
33.60 3.41 OneWaterMarine ONEW ... 8 18.63 –1.36 ... 52.50 28.09 ProgressSoftware PRGS 1.9 29 36.37 –3.01 .175 23.56 3.30 Sabre SABR .0 dd 6.52 –0.77 .14 29.36 13.12 SupernusPharms SUPN ... 8 18.36 –1.73 ... 23.94 11.02 UnivLogistics ULH .0 28 19.73 –2.27 .105
83.34 8.55 Ontrak OTRK ... dd 61.24 –1.52 ... 36.50 15.59 Progyny PGNY ... dd 24.37 –3.58 ... 99.83 65.45 SafetyInsurance SAFT 5.1 13 70.00 –0.59 .90 10.25 1.38 SurfaceOncol SURF ... dd 8.38 –1.19 ... 15.45 5.12 UnivStainless USAP ... dd 5.43 –0.31 ...
28.50 9.37 OpenLending LPRO ... dd 25.96 –1.19 ... 133.00 83.81 Proofpoint PFPT ... dd 95.74 –11.74 ... 31.95 17.02 SagaComm SGA .0 26 17.02 –2.54 .32 5.40 1.46 Surgalign SRGA ... dd 1.74 –0.22 ... 27.54 13.20 UnivestFin UVSP 5.0 13 15.86 –0.59 .20
47.85 29.12 OpenText OTEX 1.9 43 36.73 –4.00 .1746 10.98 3.60 ProQR Therap PRQR ... dd 3.69 –0.49 ... 155.33 25.01 SageTherap SAGE ... dd 73.38 +1.87 ... 25.00 4.00 SurgeryPartners SGRY ... dd 21.82 –0.65 ... 7.60 2.03 UpFintech TIGR ... cc 4.55 –0.51 ...
12.18 4.60 Opera OPRA ... 32 9.10 –0.80 ... 6.75 3.68 ProspectCapital PSEC 14.5 ... 4.95 –0.22 .06 151.36 61.46 Saia SAIA ... 33 147.66 +0.25 ... 49.00 22.06 Surmodics SRDX ... 66 36.75 –4.17 ... 45.99 20.75 UplandSoftware UPLD ... dd 41.72 –2.42 ...
25.84 5.26 OportunFin OPRT ... dd 13.30 –1.40 ... 23.25 4.47 ProtagonistTherap PTGX ... dd 18.95 –1.00 ... 2.62 0.65 SalemMedia SALM .0 dd .83 –0.20 .025 13.91 6.00 SutroBioph STRO ... dd 12.86 +0.56 ... 21.30 5.14 Upwork UPWK ... dd 18.45 –1.27 ...
19.26 12.50 OptheaADR OPT ... dd 12.70 –0.80 ... 67.08 8.82 ProtaraTherap TARA ... dd 17.94 –3.54 ... 179.45 102.13 SandersonFarms SAFM 1.4 dd 127.97 –2.99 .44 38.24 22.12 SykesEnterprises SYKE ... 18 34.24 –2.05 ... 31.41 12.28 UrbanOutfitters URBN ... dd 22.34 –2.35 ...
12.75 9.44 Optibase OBAS ... cc 11.55 +0.45 ... 21.46 10.95 ProtectiveInsA PTVCA 2.7 dd 14.60 –0.10 .10 38.45 18.00 SandySpringBncp SASR 4.7 15 25.35 –0.75 .30 1.85 0.79 Synacor SYNC ... dd 1.40 +0.02 ... 35.21 13.12 UroGenPharma URGN ... dd 22.52 +1.15 ...
4.62 2.05 OpticalCable OCC ... dd 2.67 –0.35 ... 17.30 10.23 ProtectiveInsB PTVCB 3.0 dd 13.15 –0.96 .10 106.13 66.35 Sanfilippo JBSS .9 16 72.76 –3.60 2.00 15.79 3.81 Synalloy SYNL ... dd 5.19 +1.14 ... 15.98 6.55 UrovantSci UROV ... dd 7.39 –0.87 ...
11.66 3.14 Optinose OPTN ... dd 3.20 –0.57 ... 4.72 0.76 ProteostasisTher PTI ... dd .98 –0.13 ... 13.20 4.81 SangamoTherap SGMO ... dd 10.34 –0.50 ... 92.32 41.01 Synaptics SYNA ... 23 76.67 –4.60 ... 112.26 75.33 UtahMedProducts UTMD 1.3 26 83.00 –1.92 .28
18.21 5.74 OptionCare OPCH ... dd 13.33 –0.82 ... 17.63 7.10 Prothena PRTA ... dd 10.91 –0.54 ... 34.96 18.34 Sanmina SANM ... 16 24.44 –1.99 ... 6.51 2.17 Synchronoss SNCR ... dd 2.77 –0.28 ... 3.05 0.90 UTStarcom UTSI ... dd .97 –0.17 ...
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M19
Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
GS EW US LC Equity GSEW 1.8 49.18 –3.12 .2036 iShEdgeInvGrEnhBd IGEB 3.1 54.34 –0.29 .1213 NuvShTermREIT NURE 3.0 22.96 –1.06 .1486 AdvShDorseyMc DWMC .1 22.00 –1.34 .0178 FT S&PIntDivArist FID 4.9 13.81 –0.78 .1172
GSMarketBetaEM GSEE 8.9 47.59 –1.36 1.0572 iShEdgeMSCIMinEAFE EFAV 4.1 65.49 –2.96 .9773 OShEurQualDiv OEUR 2.8 21.94 –1.78 .0392 AdvShDorseyShrt DWSH ... 17.99 +1.34 ... FT SMID CapRising SDVY 1.9 18.74 –1.06 .057
GSMarketBetaUS GSUS 1.8 45.12 –2.64 .202 iShEdgeMSCIMinVlEM EEMV 2.7 54.96 –1.82 .5522 OShGlbInternet OGIG ... 44.99 –2.23 ... AdvShViceETF ACT 2.3 27.04 –1.12 .6203 FT SSI Strat FCVT 1.3 40.42 –1.72 .04
ALPSCleanEnergy ACES .9 55.21 –2.93 .0975 HartfordCoreBd HCRB 1.3 41.87 –0.10 .0389 iShEdgeMSCIMinVol ACWV 2.6 89.46 –3.80 .9203 OShUSQualDiv OUSA 2.4 34.51 –2.04 .0594 AlphaMarkActiveMgd SMCP .7 21.44 –1.09 .1539 FT SrLoanFd FTSL 3.7 45.78 –0.43 .127
ALPS DisrupTech DTEC .4 37.54 –2.91 .1375 HartfordLowVolIntl RODE 3.6 23.00 –0.91 .3864 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 2.1 61.66 –3.37 .3134 OShUSSCQualDiv OUSM 2.1 26.71 –1.30 .0304 ArrowInvDWATact DWAT 1.7 10.99 –0.32 .1423 FT SC CoreAlpha FYX 1.0 59.06 –4.25 .1368
ARK AutoTech ARKQ ... 57.74 –4.68 ... HartfordShrtDur HSRT 3.1 40.91 –0.13 .0913 iShMSCIMinVolUSASC SMMV 1.9 29.51 –1.32 .1124 OpusSCValue OSCV 1.6 23.60 –1.18 .0449 ClearBr AC Grw CACG .6 37.79 –2.63 .2581 FT SC GrwthAlpha FYC .3 47.12 –3.63 .0116
ARKGenomicRev ARKG .0 65.74 –4.37 1.0539 InnovDoubStkOct DSOC ... 24.82 –1.42 ... iShEdgeMSCIUSAMom MTUM 1.1 141.23 –8.18 .2395 PacerBioThreat VIRS .7 26.67 –1.54 .0484 ClearBrDivStrat YLDE 1.6 31.69 –1.62 .095 FT SC US Equity RNSC 1.6 18.95 –1.14 .0693
ARK Israel Innov IZRL 2.0 24.32 –1.60 .4753 InnovDbStk9Oct DBOC ... 25.02 –0.94 ... iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 1.6 101.05 –6.49 .4416 PacerIntCashCow100 ICOW 2.9 22.57 –1.35 .323 ClearBrLCGrw LRGE .3 43.85 –3.09 .14 FT SC Value FYT 1.3 31.96 –2.13 .1071
AffinityWorldLdr WLDR 2.7 19.57 –1.01 .0911 InnovNasd100Oct NOCT ... 33.34 –1.05 ... iShEdgeMSCIUSAVal VLUE 3.0 72.99 –4.26 .4787 PacerGlCashCows GCOW 5.2 23.67 –1.16 .5125 CSX-LinksCrudeOil USOI 88.4 3.92 –0.40 .0318 FT SKoreaAlpha FKO 2.1 20.22 –0.59 .0484
AgilityDynTacti THY 2.4 24.93 –0.35 .0792 InnovNasd100Apr NAPR ... 34.88 –0.28 ... iShUSFixedIncmBal FIBR 2.9 101.35 –0.14 .1927 PacerSaltHitruUS SLT ... 29.02 –2.20 ... CSXLGoldCvETN GLDI 12.5 9.75 –0.11 .1281 FT StratIncm FDIV 4.5 44.91 –0.89 .17
AlphaIntQuMom IMOM 1.3 28.13 –0.89 .084 InnovNasd100Jan NJAN ... 37.37 –0.29 ... iShEmMkCorpBdFd CEMB 4.1 51.23 –0.54 .1651 PacerSaltLowUS LSLT 3.5 26.51 –1.45 .1473 CSX SilverETN SLVO 21.3 6.21 –0.16 .2064 FT SwitzAlpha FSZ 1.5 51.31 –3.15 .7676
AlphaIntQuVal IVAL 2.5 23.78 –1.40 .1321 InnovNasd100Jul NJUL ... 42.04 –0.98 ... iShEM HY Bd EMHY 5.9 43.28 –0.35 .2053 PacerTrendEurIndex PTEU ... 20.34 –1.87 ... DavisFinl DFNL 1.9 19.29 –1.20 .282 FT TCW Opp FIXD 2.0 54.77 –0.12 .12
AlphaUSQuMom QMOM .4 40.21 –2.84 .0444 InnovRuss2000Jul KJUL ... 23.95 –0.81 ... iShEvolCnStpls IECS 2.5 27.91 –1.65 .2233 PacerTrendpilot450 PTMC ... 27.93 –1.67 ... DavisSelectIntlETF DINT 2.4 20.62 –0.71 .49 FT TacticalHY HYLS 5.1 47.13 –0.26 .204
AlphaUSQuVal QVAL 2.1 23.73 –1.86 .0546 InnovRuss2000Oct KOCT ... 24.13 –0.69 ... iShEvolUSDisc IEDI .9 35.59 –2.37 .0551 PacerTrendpilot100 PTNQ ... 48.27 –1.21 ... DavisUSEquity DUSA 1.1 25.26 –1.43 .29 FT TotalUSMkt TUSA 1.2 33.93 –1.54 .0752
AlphaArchValMom VMOT 1.5 23.38 –0.91 .3566 InnovRuss2000Apr KAPR ... 26.00 –0.38 ... iShEvolUSFin IEFN 2.7 20.46 –1.35 .1379 PacerTrendpilot750 PTLC ... 28.76 –1.67 ... DavisWorldwide DWLD 2.2 26.31 –1.20 .57 FT USEquityDiv RNDV 3.4 20.95 –1.24 .1484
AlphaCloneAltAlpha ALFA .1 64.19 –4.10 .0919 InnovRuss2000Jan KJAN ... 26.11 –0.87 ... iShEvolUSHlthcr IEHS .8 32.96 –2.29 .0886 PacerUSCashCows100 COWZ 2.9 27.55 –1.80 .2126 DefNasdJrBio IBBJ ... 27.25 –0.97 ... FT UK Alpha FKU 3.3 29.75 –2.12 .1259
AmCentFocDyn FDG ... 61.91 –5.09 ... InnovS&P500Buff BJUL ... 27.83 –1.04 ... iShEvolUSInnHlthcr IEIH 1.3 28.80 –1.38 .0964 PacerUSSCCash100 CALF .7 25.19 –2.20 .0409 DorseyWrightETN36 BMLP 12.3 28.27 –0.62 .8684 FlexShCredScoreUS SKOR 2.5 54.73 –0.17 .091
AmCentFocLCV FLV 1.2 46.83 –2.73 .2257 InnovS&P500BuffO BOCT ... 27.24 –1.21 ... iShEvoUSMedia IEME .9 26.17 –1.58 .10 PacerWealthShield PWS 1.1 24.93 –1.52 .0513 FidelityNasdComp ONEQ .8 424.10 –24.60 .91 FlexShRealAsset ASET 3.3 25.83 –1.20 .1783
AnfieldCapDiv DALT 4.0 8.37 –0.34 .0177 InnovS&P500BuffA BAPR ... 28.32 –0.66 ... iShEvolUSTech IETC .6 41.10 –2.72 .0472 PointBridgeGOP MAGA 2.5 25.32 –1.62 .628 FT AltAbsRet FAAR 1.0 26.32 –0.42 .0092 GlbXAI&Tech AIQ .5 23.11 –1.48 .0822
AnfieldUSEquity AESR .3 10.53 –0.68 .0012 InnovS&P500Aug BAUG ... 27.24 –1.10 ... iShExpTechSftwr IGV .4 304.64 –22.78 .0695 PremiseCapDivTact TCTL 2.5 26.43 –1.22 .6679 FT APxJapan FPA 2.7 26.04 –1.72 .0329 GlbXAuto&Elc DRIV .7 17.42 –0.82 .0496
AnfieldUnivFx AFIF 1.3 9.75 –0.02 .0061 InnovS&P500Dec BDEC ... 27.56 –1.09 ... iShMtgRealEstCap REM 11.1 25.67 –1.05 .5183 PrincipalGlbDiv GDVD 2.9 27.39 –1.84 .2956 FT BICK BICK .7 29.58 –1.02 .0432 GlbXCannabis POTX 7.9 7.70 –0.54 .3962
AptusColIncmOpp ACIO 1.6 26.15 –0.76 .0662 InnovS&P500Feb BFEB ... 24.92 –0.99 ... iShUSBlendStyle STLC 1.4 30.16 –1.89 .1336 ProShGlbListedPrv PEX 10.9 25.58 –1.84 .9487 FT BrazilAlpha FBZ 16.2 10.19 –0.91 .055 GlbXCnBiotech CHB ... 15.71 +0.35 ...
AptusDefRisk DRSK 1.5 30.27 –0.28 .1128 InnovS&P500Jan BJAN ... 29.83 –1.09 ... iShFctUSGrwStyle STLG .9 27.11 –1.97 .0659 ProShHY IntRt HYHG 5.7 59.65 –0.84 .2642 FT BuyWrite FTHI 5.1 18.68 –0.80 .08 GlbXCleanTech CTEC ... 15.15 ... ...
AptusDrawMgd ADME 1.0 33.06 –1.20 .0445 InnovS&P500BuffJun BJUN ... 29.05 –0.84 ... iShUSMidBlendStyle STMB 1.3 30.75 –1.71 .1286 ProShInvGrdIntRt IGHG 3.2 72.69 –0.31 .1758 FT CEFIncmOpp FCEF 6.0 19.05 –0.92 .09 GlbXCloudComp CLOU .0 23.45 –1.84 .0076
InnovS&P500BuffMar BMAR ... 27.77 –0.91 ... iShUSSmBlendStyle STSB 1.0 31.91 –2.04 .1117 ProShK1FreeCrude OILK 2.8 32.33 –3.58 .0556 FT CA MuniHi FCAL 2.2 52.82 +0.06 .095 GlbXConsciousCos KRMA 1.1 23.81 –1.39 .1024
ArrowResCapMgmt ARCM 1.4 100.37 –0.03 .0249 InnovS&P500BffMay BMAY ... 27.75 –0.89 ... iShFctUSValStyle STLV 2.6 20.79 –1.32 .1547 ProShLCCorePlus CSM 1.4 73.25 –4.37 .216 FT CanadaAlpha FCAN 1.4 20.64 –0.49 .0359
BarclaysETN+Select ATMP 11.4 9.51 –0.59 .2406 GlbX Cybersec BUG .6 20.76 –1.57 .1055
InnovS&P500BuffN BNOV ... 27.38 –1.21 ... iShFloatingRateBd FLOT 1.7 50.69 –0.01 .0219 ProShDivGrowers EFAD 1.7 37.94 –1.88 .1975 FT CapStrength FTCS 1.0 60.98 –3.49 .1154 GlbXDAXGermany DAX 1.2 25.47 –2.77 .2935
BarcRetDisability RODI ... 80.55 –6.66 ... InnovS&P500JSep BSEP ... 26.33 –1.10 ... iShGlbxUSDHiYdCpBd HYXU 1.2 51.95 –1.62 .6189 ProShMSCIEMDiv EMDV 3.8 49.39 –1.78 .9212 FT ChinaAlphaDEX FCA 4.7 25.97 –0.76 .4568
CBOES&P500DivAr KNG 4.1 42.29 –2.75 .4407 GlbXDataCtr VPN ... 14.44 ... ...
InnovS&P500Divrs BUFF 2.1 31.47 –0.74 .0666 iShGlbHiCorpBdFd GHYG 4.4 47.86 –0.83 .1818 ProShMSCIEurDiv EUDV 1.6 41.10 –2.84 .2344 FT CloudComp SKYY .2 76.13 –5.97 .0409 GlbXecomm EBIZ .1 26.84 –1.54 .034
CambriaEmSharehldr EYLD 4.6 28.09 –1.22 .4385 InnovS&P500Pwr PJUL ... 27.32 –0.72 ... iShGoldStrategy IAUF ... 62.73 –0.99 ... ProShMergerETF MRGR .8 38.67 +0.04 .2162 FT DevIntlEquity RNDM 2.0 45.61 –2.55 .2153
CambriaFgnShare FYLD 4.4 19.70 –1.21 .1755 GlbXEdu EDUT ... 15.40 –0.85 ...
InnovS&P500PwrF PFEB ... 24.90 –0.59 ... iShiBdsDec2028Muni IBMQ 1.3 27.12 –0.02 .0269 ProShMornAltSoln ALTS 1.8 35.05 –0.33 .0448 FT DevMkts FDT 2.3 48.30 –2.68 .0605 GlbXFinTech FINX ... 36.34 –3.35 ...
CambriaGlbAssetAll GAA 3.5 26.24 –0.68 .1993 InnovS&P500PwrN PNOV ... 27.39 –0.13 ... iShiBdsDec25Muni IBMN 1.2 28.02 –0.04 .0214 ProShPetCare PAWZ .2 60.32 –2.43 .0273 FT DevMktsXUS FDTS 2.6 35.52 –2.11 .0754
CambriaGlbMomentum GMOM 1.6 23.60 –0.69 .0463 GlbXGen&Biotech GNOM ... 18.06 –0.82 ...
InnovS&P500PwrA PAPR ... 26.43 –0.45 ... iShiBdsDec24Muni IBMM 1.3 27.02 –0.01 .0261 ProShRuss2000Div SMDV 2.4 49.30 –2.44 .2253 FT DorseyDyn5 FVC .6 25.91 –1.79 .0607 GlbX Health&Well BFIT .4 21.63 –1.45 .0345
CambriaGlbRlEst BLDG ... 24.86 –1.39 ... InnovS&P500Aug PAUG ... 26.71 –0.70 ... iShiBdsDec27Mun IBMP 1.2 26.93 –0.03 .0248 ProShRussUSDivGrw TMDV 1.8 37.69 –2.33 .2127 FT DorseyFoc5 FV .3 33.83 –2.25 .025
CambriaGlbValue GVAL 3.3 15.86 –1.36 .1284 GlbXInternetThings SNSR .7 25.95 –1.87 .0025
InnovS&P500PwrD PDEC ... 27.34 –0.56 ... iShiBdsDec26Muni IBMO 1.1 26.82 –0.04 .02 ProShS&P500Arist NOBL 2.3 70.76 –4.51 .4151 FT DorseyIntl5 IFV 3.1 18.48 –0.90 .0575 GlbXLongevityThem LNGR .6 24.49 –1.57 .0449
CambriaMarijuana TOKE 7.1 10.95 –0.79 .1362 InnovS&P500Jan PJAN ... 28.95 –0.65 ... iShiBdsDec23Muni IBML 1.5 26.18 –0.01 .0301 ProShS&PMC400 REGL 2.5 54.59 –2.79 .3017 FT DW Momentum DDIV 3.5 21.12 –1.34 .1301
CambriaShareholder SYLD 2.3 34.74 –2.85 .2261 ProShS&PTechDiv TDV 1.0 43.92 –2.59 .1427 GlbXMSCISuperDiv EFAS 6.2 11.40 –0.94 .0505
InnovS&P500PwrJun PJUN ... 28.75 –0.67 ... iShBds2025TermHY IBHE 6.0 24.14 –0.25 .1155 FT DW Mom&Low DVOL 1.5 22.23 –0.92 .0043 GlbXMillThematic MILN .3 30.56 –2.76 .0204
CambriaSovHiYdBd SOVB 2.6 24.45 –0.35 .0672 InnovS&P500PwrBuff PMAR ... 27.30 –0.61 ... iShiBds2024TermHY IBHD 5.8 23.49 –0.21 .1161 ProShShortUSDEmgBd EMSH 3.1 72.25 –0.24 .1769 FT DW Mom DVLU 1.8 15.06 –1.13 .0514
CambriaTailRiskETF TAIL .7 21.50 +0.35 .0076 ProShTrMgdFut FUT 1.2 39.45 –0.39 .0564 GlbXNasd100Cv QYLD 11.9 20.69 –0.83 .2167
InnovS&P500PwrMay PMAY ... 27.16 –0.54 ... iShBds2021TermHY IBHA 4.0 24.20 –0.06 .0615 FT DorseyWright DWPP 1.0 24.42 –1.61 .1432 GlXNasd100CCGrw QYLG 6.4 26.18 –1.37 .1397
CambriaTrinity TRTY 2.6 22.02 –0.77 .1134 InnovS&P500PwrO POCT ... 26.12 –0.73 ... iShBds2023TermHY IBHC 5.7 23.74 –0.15 .1164 RareviewDynFx RDFI ... 24.66 –0.36 ... FTDorseyDALI1 DALI 1.7 18.45 –0.41 .1146
CambriaValue VAMO 1.0 17.65 –1.16 .0198 RareviewTaxAdv RTAI ... 24.90 –0.06 ... GlbX Robotics&AI BOTZ .3 27.71 –1.33 .0636
InnovS&P500Sep PSEP ... 25.97 –0.84 ... iShBds2022TermHY IBHB 5.5 23.88 –0.05 .1106 FT DJ IntlInt FDNI .8 40.65 –0.27 .3087 GlbXS&PCathDvxUS CEFA ... 24.95 –1.58 ...
ClearFocVal CFCV 1.7 26.51 –1.68 .1144 InnovS&P500UltA UAPR ... 24.43 –0.24 ... iShInflHdgCpBd LQDI 2.6 27.84 –0.22 .0555 RealityDIVDivDef DFND .7 35.10 –1.32 .0651 FT MultAsstDiv MDIV 7.3 13.49 –0.49 .0758
CornerCapFundLC FUNL ... 24.13 –1.51 ... RealityDIVCONLdrs LEAD .9 42.57 –2.60 .0565 GlbXS&P500Catholic CATH 1.4 40.05 –2.79 .241
InnovS&P500UltAug UAUG ... 26.85 –0.50 ... iShIntlAggregateBd IAGG 2.1 55.89 +0.11 .0671 FT NasdTechDiv TDIV 2.3 42.02 –2.48 .2243 GlbXSocialMedia SOCL ... 52.11 –2.11 ...
EcofinDigPay TPAY .1 34.53 –3.59 .527 InnovS&P500UltDec UDEC ... 27.02 –0.64 ... iShIntlDivGrowth IGRO 2.7 52.32 –3.60 .3741 RevWeightUSLC RVRS 2.1 15.42 –1.02 .3232 FT EM Alphadex FEM 3.6 21.13 –0.97 .4512
EcofinGlbWater EBLU 1.3 34.84 –1.68 .3412 InnovS&P500UltFeb UFEB ... 24.78 –0.55 ... iShLiquidityIncm ICSH 1.6 50.54 –0.01 .0263 SPDRDoubleEMFixed EMTL 3.6 49.93 +0.05 .134 FT EM EquitySel RNEM 2.9 41.10 –1.62 .7741 GlbXSuperDividAlt ALTY 10.8 10.32 –0.46 .0821
Emles@Home LIV ... 22.67 –2.02 ... InnovS&P500UltJan UJAN ... 28.24 –0.67 ... iShMSCIArgentina AGT .7 20.20 –1.48 .0639 SPDRDoubleShDurTR STOT 1.9 49.81 –0.02 .0601 FT EM LocalCurr FEMB 5.9 34.37 –0.45 .1633 GlbXSuperDivdREIT SRET 12.2 7.58 –0.38 .0575
EmlesFedContr FEDX ... 22.69 –1.79 ... InnovS&P500UltrJul UJUL ... 25.55 –0.38 ... iShMSCIChileCapped ECH 2.4 23.90 –1.60 .5057 SabaClosedEndFds CEFS 9.3 18.16 –0.44 .14 FT EM SC Alpha FEMS 4.9 32.47 –1.97 .4185 GlbXTelemed EDOC ... 16.27 –1.11 ...
EmlesMadeinAmer AMER ... 23.63 –1.11 ... InnovS&P500UltJun UJUN ... 27.12 –0.37 ... iShMSCIChinaAETF CNYA .9 37.75 –0.45 .0952 StrategyResRobust ROMO .7 22.03 –1.14 .1519 FT EnhShtMat FTSM 1.6 60.04 –0.03 .035 GlbX ThemGrwth GXTG .3 34.39 –1.95 .024
EmlesRealEstCrd REC ... 24.77 –0.13 ... InnovS&P500Ultra UMAR ... 26.80 –0.44 ... iShMSCIDenmarkCap EDEN .6 82.53 –5.02 .3621 3DPrintingETF PRNT .1 23.62 –2.84 .015 FT EuropeAlpha FEP 2.0 31.59 –2.43 .1401 GlbXVideoGames HERO .2 26.50 –0.73 .0122
EsotericaNextG WUGI ... 43.21 –2.07 ... InnovS&P500UltMay UMAY ... 26.50 –0.34 ... iShMSCIEmgMulti EMGF 2.7 43.76 –1.62 .4091 TrendAggSG TEGS ... 26.87 –1.27 ... FTEurozoneAlpha FEUZ 1.6 34.07 –2.61 .2178 GlbXYieldCo&Renew YLCO 3.1 14.87 –0.64 .1215
FTCboeVestBf BUFR ... 19.75 –0.74 ... InnovS&P500UltN UNOV ... 27.38 +0.09 ... iShMSCIEurozone EZU 1.4 35.88 –3.30 .318 TrendAggUS TAEQ ... 25.86 –1.32 ... FT GerAlpha FGM 1.1 41.99 –2.91 .1379 HighlandSrLoan SNLN 3.7 15.62 –0.07 .0377
FTCboeUSBuffJul FJUL ... 30.53 –1.18 ... InnovS&P500UltO UOCT ... 25.74 –0.51 ... iShMSCIFinlandCap EFNL 3.6 38.09 –3.71 .7303 TrimTabsAllCapIntl TTAI ... 26.96 –1.56 ... FT GlTactCommod FTGC .9 16.98 –0.45 .1538 IQChaikinUSLC CLRG 2.1 24.46 –1.68 .0944
FTCboeUSBuffAug FAUG ... 31.78 –1.27 ... InnovS&P500UltSep USEP ... 25.77 –0.58 ... iShMSCIGermanySC EWGS .3 57.17 –4.98 .1502 TrimTabsACUSFree TTAC ... 40.12 –2.37 ... FTHdgBuyWriteIncm FTLB 3.5 18.92 –0.55 .055 IQ Chaikin US SC CSML 1.0 22.61 –1.52 .0698
FTCboeUSBuffFeb FFEB ... 30.64 –1.03 ... InnovS&PHiQualPfd EPRF 5.2 24.01 –0.48 .095 iShMSCIGlbMet&MnPr PICK 4.2 26.66 –1.67 .3732 TrueStructOutAug AUGZ ... 24.81 –1.35 ... FT HK AlphaDEX FHK 3.3 34.63 –0.08 .2727 InvscActMgdETC PDBC 1.8 13.23 –0.57 .2319
FTCboeUSBuffJun FJUN ... 31.54 –1.14 ... InnovTripleStkOct TSOC ... 24.99 –1.32 ... iShMSCIGlSilverMin SLVP 1.3 15.65 –0.96 .0211 TrueStructOutOct OCTZ ... 24.26 –1.21 ... FT IPOXEurEq FPXE 1.3 24.11 –1.42 .1098 InvscBldrSEM50ADR ADRE 1.2 48.42 –1.96 .1448
FTCboeUSBuffMay FMAY ... 32.75 –0.81 ... Innov20+YTrBd5Jl TFJL ... 24.45 +0.07 ... iShMSCIEAFEGrowth EFG 1.2 86.30 –4.62 .5066 TrueStructOutSep SEPZ ... 23.64 –1.18 ... FT GlblAgri FTAG 1.9 20.96 –1.15 .1602 InvscBS2030CorpBd BSCU ... 19.73 –0.13 ...
FTCboeUSBuffNov FNOV ... 32.02 –1.06 ... Innov20+YTrB9BfJul TBJL ... 24.36 ... ... iShMSCIIndiaETF INDA .3 33.59 –1.40 .0762 VanEckAMTFrIntMuni ITM 2.1 50.99 –0.05 .0783 FT GlbNatRscs FTRI 6.2 9.23 –0.64 .1334 InvscBS2030MuniBd BSMU ... 24.73 +0.02 ...
FTCboeUSBuffOct FOCT ... 28.63 ... ... InvscBalMulti PSMB 3.3 13.56 –0.53 .0651 iShMSCIIndiaSC SMIN 2.3 34.92 –1.05 .4011 VanEckAMTFrLgMun MLN 2.6 21.24 +0.07 .0427 FTIndiaNifty50EW NFTY .7 32.38 +0.37 .1265 InvscBull2020CpBd BSCK 1.8 21.21 +0.01 .0139
FTCboeUSBuffSep FSEP ... 29.48 –1.20 ... InvscConsrvMulti PSMC 2.8 12.82 –0.21 .0586 iShMSCINorwayCap ENOR 2.2 19.15 –1.87 .2907 VanEckAMTFrShMuni SMB 1.5 18.02 –0.01 .0207 FTIndxxInnTran LEGR 1.2 30.71 –2.08 .0879 InvscBull2028CpBd BSCS 2.7 23.03 –0.11 .0487
FTCboeUSDeepAug DAUG ... 31.44 –0.76 ... InvscGrwMultAll PSMG 2.4 14.03 –0.72 .0848 iShMSCI UK SC EWUS 3.1 33.36 –2.12 .4204 VanEckCEFMuni XMPT 4.0 26.70 –0.12 .0909 FTIndxxNextG NXTG 1.2 58.34 –3.15 .1745 InvscBull2025CpBd BSCP 2.6 22.34 –0.05 .042
FTCboeUSDeepFeb DFEB ... 30.56 –0.72 ... InvscModConserv PSMM 3.2 13.42 –0.35 .1014 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 3.7 38.84 –2.45 .5054 VanEckHYMuni HYD 4.2 59.45 –0.13 .2094 FTIntlEquOpps FPXI .3 56.15 –2.10 .1115 InvsBull25HYCpBd BSJP 5.3 23.53 –0.24 .1043
FTCboeUSDeepJul DJUL ... 30.40 –0.55 ... InvscPureDevxNA PBDM 2.3 22.62 –1.30 .1207 iShMornMultiAsst IYLD 5.4 22.03 –0.51 .1516 VanEckMornDur DURA 3.6 25.94 –1.30 .24 FT JapanAlpha FJP 2.5 46.56 –1.55 .3411 InvscBull2024CpBd BSCO 2.5 22.17 –0.03 .0434
FTCboeUSDeepJun DJUN ... 31.06 –0.65 ... InvscPureFTSEEM PBEE 3.0 24.96 –0.75 .1949 iShNorthAmNatRscs IGE 4.2 19.32 –0.92 .2091 VanEckMornGlb GOAT ... 31.25 –1.72 ... FT LC CoreAlpha FEX 1.4 62.92 –3.76 .1974 InvsBull24HYCpBd BSJO 4.8 24.10 –0.21 .0965
FTCboeUSDeepMay DMAY ... 31.71 –0.45 ... InvscPureMSCIUSA PBUS 1.7 33.02 –2.06 .1312 iShRussell2500 SMMD 1.5 45.44 –2.98 .201 VanEckMornIntlMoat MOTI 4.4 28.60 –1.72 1.25 FT LC GrwthAlpha FTC .6 82.44 –5.33 .037 InvsBull20HYCpBd BSJK 2.0 23.36 –0.01 .0048
FTCboeUSDeepNov DNOV ... 31.46 –0.78 ... InvscPrMSCIUSASC PBSM 1.6 26.66 –1.73 .0912 iShIntlPfdStock IPFF 4.5 13.91 –0.41 .0447 VanEckMornWideMoat MOAT 1.3 53.14 –3.28 .7167 FT LC US Equity RNLC 1.9 23.46 –1.49 .0911 InvscBull2021CpBd BSCL 2.3 21.31 +0.01 .0336
FTCboeUSDeepOct DOCT ... 29.12 –0.80 ... InvscPureUSAggBd PBND 2.5 26.62 ... .0525 iShShortMaturityBd NEAR 1.9 50.14 ... .0406 VanEckMuni MAAX 2.9 24.24 –0.04 .0577 FT LC Value FTA 2.3 46.80 –2.89 .2614 InvsBull21HYCpBd BSJL 4.3 22.96 –0.07 .0695
FTCboeUSDeepSep DSEP ... 29.59 –0.71 ... InvscPure0-5YTIPS PBTP .8 25.75 –0.07 .0822 iShShrtMatMuniBd MEAR 1.2 50.20 –0.03 .0201 VanEckRussia RSX 7.3 19.45 –1.99 1.4162 FT LatAmAlpha FLN 2.5 14.78 –1.11 .0693 InvscBull2027CpBd BSCR 2.6 21.92 –0.07 .0441
FidelityBlueChipGr FBCG ... 23.92 –1.54 ... InvscRuss1000Dyn OMFL 1.9 31.42 –2.11 .1785 iShCohen&StrsREIT ICF 2.7 98.65 –4.95 .6263 VanEckRussiaSC RSXJ ... 30.89 –2.49 ... FT LowDurOpp LMBS 2.3 51.51 –0.04 .09 InvscBull2026CpBd BSCQ 2.6 21.66 ... .0428
FidelityBlueChipV FBCV .7 20.64 –1.11 .049 InvscRuss2000Dyn OMFS 1.4 24.62 –1.97 .0787 iSh25+YTrStrip GOVZ ... 23.61 +0.01 ... VanEckShHYMuni SHYD 3.2 24.11 –0.15 .0638 FT LowDurStrat LDSF 2.4 20.30 –0.10 .0407 InvsBull26HYCpBd BSJQ 5.0 24.55 –0.27 .0985
FidelityLowDurBd FLDR 1.6 51.02 –0.03 .022 InvscS&P500MinVar SPMV 1.9 30.71 –1.72 .0633 iShUS Div&Buyback DIVB 2.4 27.75 –1.77 .1691 VanEckVietnam VNM .8 14.74 –0.70 .1051 FT MgdMuni FMB 2.3 55.41 +0.04 .1025 InvscBull2023CpBd BSCN 2.5 21.81 –0.02 .0394
FidelityNewMill FMIL .9 20.21 –1.14 .057 InvscS&PIntlDev IDHD 6.7 22.47 –0.80 .2385 iShUSInfr IFRA 2.0 25.55 –1.47 .1152 VangdESGIntlStk VSGX 2.0 50.72 –2.37 .2779 FT MegaCap FMK 1.6 36.55 –2.92 .132 InvsBull23HYCpBd BSJN 5.0 24.60 –0.23 .0975
FidelityStkInfl FCPI 2.0 23.13 –1.40 .119 InvscS&PSCHiDiv XSHD 7.6 15.93 –0.90 .0685 iShUSSCValue SVAL ... 19.14 ... ... VangdESGUSCpBd VCEB .5 74.44 –0.33 .0289 FT MC CoreAlpha FNX 1.4 67.37 –4.08 .2541 InvscBull2022CpBd BSCM 2.4 21.82 –0.01 .0372
FidelityTargEM FDEM 2.3 23.24 –0.96 .107 InvscS&PSCQuality XSHQ 1.7 25.88 –1.41 .1216 iShUSTreasuryBdETF GOVT 1.5 27.62 –0.03 .023 VangdESGUSStk ESGV 1.3 60.54 –3.59 .1931 FT MC GrwthAlpha FNY .4 53.43 –3.24 .0897 InvsBull22HYCpBd BSJM 4.5 22.88 –0.14 .0822
FidelityTargIntl FDEV 3.4 24.11 –1.11 .16 iPathS&P500DynVIX XVZ ... 42.34 +1.91 ... JPMBetaCanada BBCA 2.7 23.05 –1.39 .1492 VangdUSLiquid VFLQ 1.9 77.70 –4.82 .3148 FT MC US Equity RNMC 1.6 19.77 –1.32 .0684 InvscBS2028HY BSJS ... 24.68 –0.31 ...
FTLuntUSFactor FCTR .8 24.47 –1.79 .0275 iPathS&PMLPETN IMLP 13.8 7.82 –0.66 .2508 JPMBetaDevAsia BBAX 3.5 22.55 –1.10 .2606 VangdUSMinVol VFMV 2.5 80.48 –4.00 .3552 FT MC ValAlpha FNK 2.1 28.75 –1.68 .1395 InvscBS2028MuniBd BSMS 1.8 25.47 +0.01 .0387
FlexShCredScUSLg LKOR 3.1 61.69 –0.52 .1635 iPathBS&P500VIXMid VXZ ... 34.86 +2.55 ... JPMBetaEurope BBEU 2.5 21.67 –1.65 .1447 VangdUSMom VFMO .7 92.68 –6.83 .0554 FT MCGrAlpDX FAD .5 85.15 –5.63 .0759 InvscBS2025MuniBd BSMP 1.4 25.76 –0.01 .0269
FlexMrnUSMktFtrTlt TILT 1.7 121.20 –7.49 .5319 iPathS&P500VIX VXX ... 26.53 +4.36 ... JPMBetaIntl BBIN .8 46.29 –2.78 .2438 VangdUSMultifact VFMF 1.7 70.95 –4.58 .2313 FT MuCValAlpha FAB 2.0 47.79 –2.96 .2376 InvscBS2024MuniBd BSMO 1.2 25.57 +0.01 .0207
FlexSTOXXGlbESGImp ESGG 1.6 106.10 –6.49 .3763 iPathUSTrea5YrBull DFVL ... 88.27 –5.12 ... JPMBetaJapan BBJP 2.3 24.32 –0.43 .5657 VangdUSQual VFQY 1.4 82.91 –5.56 .2815 FTMuniCEFIncmOpp MCEF 3.3 18.92 –0.20 .06 InvscBS2024USDEM BSDE 3.8 25.90 –0.08 .0736
FlexSTOXXUSESGImp ESG 1.5 78.93 –4.90 .2788 iShAdCurrHdgMSCI DEFA 2.7 25.65 –1.48 .3567 JPMBetaUSREIT BBRE 3.1 70.01 –3.97 .5551 VangdUSValue VFVA 2.6 62.83 –4.34 .3535 FTMuniHiIncm FMHI 3.3 51.77 +0.08 .14 InvscBull2029CpBd BSCT 2.5 21.31 –0.10 .0413
FlexShUSQualLC QLC 1.7 35.37 –2.18 .1452 iShIntmGovt/CredBd GVI 2.0 117.26 –0.16 .1681 JPM Beta1-5Y BBSA 2.0 26.23 –0.02 .0321 WisdTrYdEnhUSST SHAG 2.2 51.47 –0.08 .06 FT NasdComBk QABA 3.1 36.39 –1.25 .2565 InvscBS2029MuniBd BSMT 1.9 25.32 +0.02 .0396
FormulaHdgGrwth FFHG .6 24.70 –1.79 .0083 iShBrdUSDHYCpBd USHY 5.7 39.52 –0.42 .1908 JPMBetaUSEquity BBUS 1.6 59.58 –3.60 .3048 WisdomDynCurrIntl DDWM 3.8 24.42 –1.36 .325 FT NasdCleanEdge QCLN .4 47.38 –1.76 .0178 InvscBS2021MuniBd BSML .9 25.32 –0.01 .0122
FormulaFolIncm FFTI 2.6 23.78 –0.14 .0433 iShConvBond ICVT 1.4 80.94 –3.81 .065 JPMCorePlusBd JCPB 2.0 55.62 –0.03 .0784 WisdomDynCurrIntSC DDLS 3.5 26.84 –1.43 .275 FT NasdClEdSmGr GRID .8 63.99 –4.12 .1993 InvscBS2021USDEM BSAE 3.8 25.31 –0.06 .0798
FormulaFolSmartGrw FFSG 1.2 26.43 –1.49 .0555 iShCoreMSCIEAFE IEFA 2.7 58.16 –3.31 .6999 JPMorganDisciplHY JPHY 5.0 50.09 –0.53 .198 WT EM ESG Fd RESE 2.3 31.06 –1.10 .26 FT NasdCybersec CIBR 1.5 33.31 –2.59 .0329 InvscBS27HYCpBd BSJR 4.7 24.44 –0.37 .105
FormulaFolTactGrw FFTG 1.1 26.94 –0.79 .0006 iShCurrHdgMSCIEAFE HEFA 2.7 26.58 –1.25 .3768 JPM IntlBdOpps JPIB 4.8 50.33 –0.24 .1307 WisdomTreeCpBdFd WFIG 2.4 54.40 –0.44 .1025 FT NasdGlblAuto CARZ 1.1 39.35 –2.11 .0428 InvscBS2027MuniBd BSMR 1.6 25.13 –0.04 .024
FrankDisrComm BUYZ ... 42.30 –2.92 ... iShCurrHdgMSCIEM HEEM 2.6 27.25 –0.92 .1461 JPM Municipal JMUB 2.1 54.21 –0.01 .0795 WisdomTreeUSHYCpBd WFHY 5.1 49.92 –0.90 .205 FT Nasd100xTech QQXT .3 66.57 –4.15 .0375 InvscBS2026MuniBd BSMQ 1.7 25.42 +0.01 .0331
FrankGenAdv HELX ... 35.54 –1.65 ... iShIntlSelDividend IDV 7.3 24.25 –1.44 .3016 JPM UltShtIncm JPST 1.8 50.78 –0.02 .0459 WisdTrUSSTCpBd SFIG 2.1 51.72 –0.09 .06 FT Nasd100Tech QTEC .6 116.07 –5.85 .1335 InvscBS2023MuniBd BSMN 1.0 25.52 –0.02 .0159
FrankIntMach IQM ... 33.38 –2.30 ... iShTransportAvg IYT 1.2 196.61 –13.75 .3879 JPMUltShMuni JMST 1.1 51.00 –0.01 .0233 WisdTrUSSTHY SFHY 4.8 47.68 –0.61 .175 FT NasdArtlIntel ROBT .1 38.75 –2.55 .0126 InvscBS2023USDEM BSCE 3.9 26.06 –0.03 .0834
FrankHYCorp FLHY 6.2 25.37 –0.42 .0988 iShU.S.Industrials IYJ 1.2 164.44 –11.02 .4318 LHAMktStAlpha MSVX ... 24.38 +0.01 ... WisdTrIntlESGFd RESD 2.2 24.40 –1.28 .155 FTNasdaqBk FTXO 3.7 18.76 –0.74 .1516 InvscBS2022MuniBd BSMM 1.0 25.40 ... .012
FrankIntlAggBd FLIA .9 25.48 +0.09 .0214 iShUSAerospace&Def ITA 2.1 151.03 –13.81 .4084 LHA MktStTact MSTB ... 24.53 –0.87 ... WisdTrIntlQualDiv IQDG 1.8 31.24 –1.91 .135 FT NasdFood&Bev FTXG 1.4 21.16 –1.12 .0928 InvscBS2022USDEM BSBE 4.0 25.79 –0.05 .0877
FrankSrLoan FLBL 3.5 23.99 –0.28 .0657 iShUSHomeConstrn ITB .5 52.02 –4.53 .0511 LeggMasonIntLowVol LVHI 5.3 21.28 –0.82 .1232 WisdTrUSMulti USMF 1.6 30.65 –1.71 .07 FT NasdOil&Gas FTXN 2.7 9.15 –0.97 .0703 InvscBuyBackAch PKW 1.9 59.08 –3.45 .2258
FranklinLib US FLQL 2.3 33.79 –1.81 .3043 iShUSOil&GasExpln IEO 4.9 25.14 –2.35 .4263 MainSectorRot SECT 1.8 29.95 –1.92 .0359 XtrkBBUSIGCpESG ESCR 2.9 22.48 –0.06 .0442 FT NasdPharm FTXH .8 23.00 –1.40 .0428 InvscDWABasicMatl PYZ 1.5 56.88 –3.78 .1501
FranklinLibUS MC FLQM 1.3 33.09 –1.87 .1304 iShUSTelecomm IYZ 3.0 26.62 –0.98 .211 MotleyFool100 TMFC .4 30.76 –1.88 .1256 XtrkrsEurozone EURZ 2.7 19.72 –1.92 .424 FT NasdRetail FTXD .9 25.70 –1.56 .03 InvscDWAConsCyc PEZ .4 59.07 –7.31 .0737
FranklinLibUS SC FLQS 1.6 26.17 –1.61 .1698 iShESGAwareAgg EAOA 1.4 26.72 –1.31 .0668 MotleyFoolSCGrw MFMS .0 32.19 –1.46 .3406 XtrkJPMEMSvn ESEB 4.2 21.52 –0.18 .0588 FT NasdSemicon FTXL .6 48.26 –2.33 .0571 InvscDWACnsStpls PSL .8 77.25 –3.48 .1877
Freedom100EM FRDM 1.3 24.85 –1.41 .0861 iShESGAwareCon EAOK 1.7 25.66 –0.54 .037 NuvESGEMEquity NUEM 1.8 29.37 –0.78 .5415 XtrkJPMESGUSDHY ESHY 5.9 20.17 –0.28 .1066 FT NasdaqTrans FTXR .6 23.44 –1.81 .0002 InvscDWADevMkt PIZ .9 29.78 –1.70 .0178
GlbX FdrRunCos BOSS .4 24.97 –1.79 .0697 iShESGAwareGrw EAOR 1.3 26.31 –1.01 .0711 NuvESGIntlDev NUDM 3.8 24.50 –1.43 .9217 FT Nasd100 EW QQEW .4 84.64 –4.88 .0691 InvscDWAEMMom PIE 1.7 19.56 –0.66 .1569
GlbXRuss2000Cvr RYLD 11.9
GlbXTarget5 TFIV 5.9
iShESGAwareMod EAOM 1.2
NuvESGLCGrowth NULG .4
.2615 NASDAQ FT RBA AmerInd AIRR .2
FTRisingDivAch RDVY 1.8
InvscDWAEnerMom PXI 4.5
InvscDWAFinMom PFI 2.0
GlbXTargetPlus2 TFLT 3.6 23.73 –0.19 .055 iShESGScrS&P500 XVV ... 24.96 –1.55 ... NuvESGLCValue NULV 1.7 28.65 –1.58 .4814 FT RiverFrDynAP RFAP 2.6 49.69 –1.46 .1967 InvscDWAHlthcrMom PTH ... 136.47 –7.40 ...
GlbXUSInfrDevt PAVE .5 17.43 –0.90 .0383 iShESGScrS&PMC XJH ... 26.11 –1.65 ... NuvESGMCGrowth NUMG .2 42.83 –2.86 .0961 AdvShDWAlphaEW DWEQ ... 24.13 –1.13 ... FT RiverFrDynDev RFDI 2.0 54.59 –3.12 .1768 InvscDWAIndlsMom PRN .2 73.83 –5.61 .0054
GSAccInflUSDBd GTIP 1.4 56.31 –0.26 .1437 iShESGScrS&PSC XJR ... 26.15 –1.77 ... NuvESGMCValue NUMV 2.8 25.67 –1.32 .7238 AdvShDW FSM AC DWAW ... 30.56 –1.96 ... FT RiverFrDynEM RFEM 3.4 61.07 –2.18 .5745 InvscDWAMom PDP .2 75.42 –4.10 .0237
GSAccUltShBd GSST 1.4 50.78 +0.01 .0262 iShEdgeHYDefBd HYDB 5.9 48.97 –0.51 .2508 NuvESGSC NUSC .9 30.74 –1.56 .2813 AdvShDW FSM US DWUS ... 29.72 –1.75 ... FT RiverFrDynEur RFEU 2.1 55.63 –3.71 .2659 InvscDWASCMom DWAS .3 59.22 –4.68 .0263
Nasdaq Issues
52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div 52-Week Tick Div
High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt. High Low Name Sym Yld P/E Last Chg. Amt.
3.80 0.72 Uxin UXIN ... dd .96 –0.04 ... 29.69 21.11 Vertex VERX ... dd 24.24 –1.68 ... 39.98 6.61 WaveLifeSci WVE ... dd 7.07 –0.92 ... 220.97 143.34 WillisTowers WLTW 1.5 22 182.48 –27.27 .68 21.71 9.01 Xperi XPER 1.6 dd 12.40 –0.35 .05
2.78 1.20 VEON VEON 28.6 7 1.25 –0.05 .15 306.08 195.02 VertxPharm VRTX ... 26 208.36 –3.22 ... 254.91 151.16 WD-40 WDFC 1.1 55 243.38 +8.28 .67 29.50 3.20 WiMiHologram WIMI ... ... 5.62 –0.01 ... 7.20 2.38 Xunlei XNET ... dd 2.63 –0.20 ...
14.14 1.82 VOXX Intl VOXX ... dd 11.33 –2.54 ... 46.90 13.12 ViacomCBS A VIACA 3.2 15 29.86 –0.97 .24 45.00 17.84 WSFS Financial WSFS 1.5 16 31.69 –0.34 .12 170.00 44.27 Wingstop WING .5 cc 116.33 –10.18 .14 50.49 14.16 Y-mAbsTherap YMAB ... dd 42.74 +1.36 ...
41.14 13.83 VSE VSEC 1.2 dd 28.96 –2.42 .09 43.04 10.10 ViacomCBS B VIAC 3.4 14 28.57 –0.71 .24 17.06 13.00 WVS Financial WVFC 2.8 10 14.21 +0.76 .10 215.00 115.00 Winmark WINA .6 22 169.41 –0.19 3.00 5.65 1.29 YRC Worldwide YRCW ... dd 3.92 –0.54 ...
7.48 1.00 VyneTherap VYNE ... dd 1.60 –0.28 ... 77.80 25.10 ViaSat VSAT ... dd 33.90 –1.84 ... 47.19 9.75 WW Intl WW ... 18 21.16 –4.22 ... 71.95 22.02 WintrustFin WTFC 2.3 11 49.23 –0.93 .28 70.11 27.93 Yandex YNDX ... 58 57.57 –1.55 ...
12.14 6.00 ValleyNatlBncp VLY 5.8 10 7.64 –0.44 .11 16.35 8.08 ViaviSolutions VIAV ... cc 12.35 –0.77 ... 5.85 0.21 Waitr WTRH ... dd 2.55 –0.47 ... 5.49 1.87 WisdomTreeInvs WETF 3.3 dd 3.64 –0.32 .03 7.29 4.16 YintechInvt YIN 1.4 38 7.21 +0.01 .20
17.85 7.12 VandaPharm VNDA ... 5 10.69 +0.44 ... 90.88 30.42 Vicor VICR ... cc 78.00 –5.74 ... 64.50 33.36 WalgreensBoots WBA 5.5 69 34.04 –4.00 .4675 22.27 3.90 WISeKey WKEY ... dd 5.09 –1.17 ... 51.27 34.56 YorkWater YORW 1.7 34 42.25 –4.02 .1802
33.00 10.37 VarexImaging VREX ... dd 13.40 –0.79 ... 24.83 10.18 VictoryCapital VCTR 1.1 8 18.34 –1.56 .06 4.85 1.36 WandaSports WSG ... dd 2.19 –0.06 ... 319.34 76.81 WIX ... dd 247.32 –24.55 ... 5.95 1.67 Yunji YJ ... dd 1.95 +0.07 ...
138.75 48.95 VaronisSystems VRNS ... dd 115.57 –8.70 ... 70.66 19.60 VielaBio VIE ... dd 31.91 –0.83 ... 34.76 25.80 WarnerMusic WMG 1.8 dd 26.53 –2.97 .12 129.06 46.51 Woodward WWD .4 20 79.55 –7.31 .0812 9.01 2.06 ZAGG ZAGG ... dd 2.85 –0.16 ...
1.64 0.90 VascularBiogenics VBLT ... dd 1.16 ... ... 4.88 1.11 ViewRay VRAY ... dd 2.97 –0.08 ... 38.18 20.01 WashingtonFederal WAFD 4.1 10 21.29 –1.94 .22 248.75 107.75 Workday WDAY ... dd 210.12 –14.02 ... 5.61 1.80 Ziopharm ZIOP ... dd 2.09 –0.18 ...
22.35 11.17 VastaPlatform VSTA ... ... 11.56 –1.74 ... 8.87 3.26 VikingTherap VKTX ... dd 5.63 –0.09 ... 54.96 25.86 WashTrBcp WASH 6.0 9 33.77 –2.14 .51 115.67 43.16 WorldAcceptance WRLD ... 14 83.99 –16.32 ... 95.52 35.01 ZaiLab ZLAB ... ... 82.05 –5.15 ...
58.48 17.80 Vaxcyte PCVX ... ... 37.37 –6.18 ... 28.71 16.48 VillageSuper A VLGEA 4.4 13 22.65 –0.68 .25 19.48 12.10 WaterstoneFinl WSBF 2.8 7 16.88 –0.14 .12 30.72 20.75 WrightMedical WMGI ... dd 30.59 –0.07 ... 44.60 22.00 ZealandPharma ZEAL ... dd 33.75 –3.48 ...
19.21 7.42 VeecoInstr VECO ... dd 12.73 –0.23 ... 10.80 4.20 ViomiTech VIOT ... 15 5.71 –0.14 ... 36.79 10.86 Watford WTRE ... dd 36.00 +0.37 ... 153.41 35.84 WynnResorts WYNN .0 dd 72.43 –4.13 1.00 304.57 150.06 ZebraTech ZBRA ... 31 283.64 –20.08 ...
32.50 9.87 VelodyneLidar VLDR ... dd 12.23 –0.95 ... 26.83 4.98 ViperEnergyPtrs VNOM 1.7 dd 7.01 –0.62 .03 26.50 9.52 WaysideTech WSTG 3.1 20 22.12 –0.68 .17 59.32 22.00 ZentalisPharm ZNTL ... ... 39.59 –2.09 ...
.05 XYZ 112.21
Zillow A
Zillow C
12.75 3.12 VeraBradley VRA ... 51 6.34 –0.94 ... 28.59 14.94 VirtuFinancial VIRT 4.5 7 21.38 –0.61 .24 47.43 28.99 WernerEnterprises WERN .9 17 38.02 –3.10 .09 52.48 23.58 ZionsBancorp ZION 4.2 14 32.27 –0.93 .34
44.64 13.90 Veracyte VCYT ... dd 34.66 –2.68 ... 180.89 55.37 VirtusInvtPtrs VRTS 2.1 22 159.55 –18.01 .82 38.58 17.46 WesBanco WSBC 5.3 15 24.29 –0.64 .32 28.85 14.14 XOMA XOMA ... dd 24.81 +2.25 ... 9.29 2.84 Zix ZIXI ... dd 6.13 –0.37 ...
4.67 0.83 Verastem VSTM ... dd 1.20 –0.02 ... 52.81 19.48 Virtusa VRTU ... 42 50.30 –0.15 ... 25.93 13.74 WestBancorp WTBA 5.1 9 16.59 –1.36 .21 52.94 15.50 XP XP ... 64 40.08 –3.38 ... 57.22 16.65 Zogenix ZGNX ... dd 21.32 +0.03 ...
59.83 32.44 VerintSystems VRNT ... cc 48.52 –3.80 ... 97.52 38.69 Visteon VC ... dd 89.65 +0.30 ... 69.08 46.94 WestamericaBncp WABC 3.1 18 52.37 –2.09 .41 26.40 8.72 XBiotech XBIT ... 1 17.11 –1.20 ... 588.84 62.02 ZoomVideo ZM ... cc 460.91 –50.61 ...
221.30 148.77 VeriSign VRSN ... 28 190.70 –10.10 ... 43.30 32.82 VitalFarms VITL ... ... 34.56 –0.63 ... 72.00 27.40 WesternDigital WDC .0 dd 37.73 –3.99 .50 1.94 0.40 XcelBrands XELB ... dd .89 –0.19 ... 64.40 30.83 ZoomInfoTech ZI ... ... 37.99 –5.18 ...
195.10 116.61 VeriskAnalytics VRSK .6 57 177.97 –11.28 .27 17.00 11.32 Vitru VTRU ... dd 11.45 –0.91 ... 10.00 4.45 WestNewEngBncp WNEB 3.5 14 5.76 –0.90 .05 74.41 46.58 XcelEnergy XEL 2.5 25 70.03 –1.44 .43 7.24 1.08 Zovio ZVO ... dd 3.61 –0.58 ...
29.41 10.02 Veritex VBTX 3.4 12 19.73 –1.56 .17 21.72 11.46 Vodafone VOD 7.4 dd 13.51 –1.33 .4746 3.39 0.70 WestportFuelSys WPRT ... dd 1.77 –0.30 ... 43.90 19.35 Xencor XNCR ... dd 38.38 –1.10 ... 163.80 35.00 Zscaler ZS ... dd 135.75 –11.30 ...
19.67 1.22 Veritone VERI ... dd 9.38 –0.33 ... 12.99 4.18 Vonage VG ... dd 10.58 –0.11 ... 26.72 15.13 WeycoGroup WEYS 6.1 21 15.84 –0.33 .24 18.45 7.00 XenonPharms XENE ... dd 9.72 –1.00 ... 35.68 13.13 Zumiez ZUMZ ... 12 28.00 –3.19 ...
15.71 2.01 VeronaPharma VRNA ... dd 5.87 –0.24 ... 16.53 6.26 VoyagerTherap VYGR ... dd 10.63 –0.40 ... 38.39 17.92 Willdan WLDN ... dd 26.17 –2.79 ... 9.69 1.42 XerisPharm XERS ... dd 4.73 –0.83 ... 7.81 2.55 ZynerbaPharma ZYNE ... dd 3.43 –0.29 ...
18.67 6.02 VerricaPharm VRCA ... dd 7.41 –1.06 ... 75.49 37.82 Vroom VRM ... ... 41.10 –5.00 ... 63.49 14.11 WillisLease WLFC ... 4 21.21 –1.51 ... 130.40 67.68 Xilinx XLNX 1.3 48 118.69 +1.87 .38 10.69 5.65 Zynga ZNGA ... dd 8.99 –0.45 ...
M20 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
InvscDWATechMom PTF ... 109.97 –7.59 ... VanEckBiotech BBH .3 152.30 –6.61 .4724 BarclaysETN FI Enh FLEU ... 92.10 –16.19 ... S&P2xDivAristoETN SDYL 7.7 68.84 –8.67 .5082 FrankFTSE SKorea FLKR 1.7 22.99 –1.11 .4017 InvscChinaTech CQQQ .0 74.42 +1.74 .0052
InvscDWAUtilMom PUI 2.7 30.83 –1.41 .201 VanEckFallAnglHYBd ANGL 5.1 29.89 –0.29 .1274 BarclaysFIEnhEur50 FFEU ... 63.69 –11.24 ... EtracsM1.5XLevCEF CEFD 13.2 24.46 –1.22 .3022 FrankFTSESwitz FLSW 2.5 26.66 –1.71 .6406 InvscCleantech PZD .4 58.44 –3.98 .0798
InvscDivAchvrs PFM 2.2 29.61 –1.65 .1361 VanEckGaming BJK 3.4 36.56 –2.82 1.2308 BarclaysETN HY FIYY ... 79.35 –9.42 ... EtracsM1.5XLevMtg MVRL 19.7 29.17 –2.04 .8058 FrankFTSETaiwan FLTW 2.8 31.40 –0.96 .0189 InvscCurrShAUD FXA .0 70.05 –1.16 .0058
InvscIntLowBeta IDLB 2.1 26.20 –0.89 .0167 VanEckPharm PPH 1.7 58.91 –3.55 .2493 Barrons400ETF BFOR .7 42.33 –2.45 .295 ETRACSMonthPay2x SMHB 32.5 5.04 –0.68 .105 FrankFTSE UK FLGB 4.8 18.45 –1.10 .3186 InvscCurrShGBP FXB ... 125.24 –0.88 ...
InvscFTSEUS1500SM PRFZ 1.5 119.48 –8.46 .3561 VanEckRetail RTH .8 144.23 –8.78 1.0901 BlkRkFutureHlth BMED ... 25.13 –1.35 ... ETRACS2xLvHiDiv HDLB 22.6 8.37 –0.92 .0807 FrankFedIntTxFr FLMI 2.2 25.53 ... .0487 InvscCurrShCAD FXC .3 73.87 –1.06 .0559
InvscGlblWater PIO .9 31.21 –1.75 .0456 VanEckSemiconduc SMH ... 174.95 –9.05 ... BlkRkFutInnov BFTR ... 35.55 –2.16 ... ETRACS 2xLvWF LMLB 31.4 7.05 –0.83 .0213 FrankFedTxFrBd FLMB 2.3 26.66 –0.01 .0446 InvscCurrShEuro FXE ... 109.54 –2.05 ...
InvscGoldenDragon PGJ .2 54.04 –1.05 .0275 VanEckVideoGam ESPO .1 59.78 –1.61 .0834 BlkRkFutureTech BTEK ... 25.84 –1.43 ... ETRACSNYSEPick PYPE 13.9 11.28 –0.81 .3658 FrankInvGradeCp FLCO 3.2 26.57 –0.11 .0653 InvscCurrShJPY FXY ... 90.29 –0.01 ...
InvscHYEquDivAch PEY 5.1 14.80 –0.78 .0605 VangdEM GovBd VWOB 4.6 78.30 –0.65 .3309 BlkRkUSEqRotat DYNF 1.8 27.31 –1.65 .135 EtracsQ1.5XLevWf BDCX 16.9 22.32 –1.29 1.049 FrankShtDurUSGovt FTSD 1.9 95.54 –0.17 .12 InvscCurrShCHF FXF ... 99.57 –1.42 ...
InvscIntlBuyBkAch IPKW 1.9 31.40 –1.78 .1439 VangdGlblxUS RE VNQI 7.8 46.98 –2.16 3.6471 BlueStarIsrael ITEQ ... 56.10 –3.21 ... EtracsQ1.5XLevAl MLPR 11.5 16.26 –2.03 .9332 FrankSysStyle FLSP .3 21.89 –0.17 .0511 InvscDBComm DBC 2.0 12.65 –0.61 .2538
InvscIntlDivAch PID 4.6 12.68 –0.81 .0815 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 2.8 95.46 –0.36 .1951 BreakwDryBulk BDRY ... 6.77 –0.62 ... ETRACS2xMLvWF BDCY 45.2 6.34 –0.63 .4351 FrankUSCoreBd FLCB 2.5 26.08 –0.09 .053 InvscDBAgriFd DBA 1.8 14.55 –0.39 .2572
InvscKBWBank KBWB 3.6 39.71 –1.93 .294 VangdIntermTrmTrea VGIT 1.7 69.96 –0.06 .0755 CP HY Trend HYTR 2.7 23.08 –0.28 .0707 ETRACS2xM092548 PFFL 12.2 17.57 –0.75 .1521 FrankUSLowVol FLLV 1.5 37.70 –2.08 .0823 InvscDBBaseMet DBB 1.7 15.59 –0.25 .2725
InvscKBWHiDvYdFn KBWD 12.8 13.27 –0.78 .1152 VangdIntlDivApp VIGI 1.8 70.22 –3.79 .2277 CTracksETN2026 MLPE .0 9.70 –0.44 .3156 ETRACSUBSBloomberg UCIB ... 13.07 –0.55 ... FrankUSTreaBd FLGV 1.5 24.92 –0.07 .0379 InvscDBEnerFd DBE 3.0 8.78 –0.70 .2623
InvscKBWPrEquREIT KBWY 13.6 16.52 –1.08 .1335 VangdIntlHiDiv VYMI 3.8 50.66 –2.98 .5768 CTrksETNsMillerHwd MLPC .0 6.36 –0.58 .2056 ETRACSWFBusDev BDCZ 12.3 13.23 –0.61 .3773 FrankUltraShBd FLUD 1.5 25.01 –0.02 .0405 InvscDBG10Curr DBV 1.5 23.11 –0.20 .3445
InvscKBWP&CIns KBWP 2.3 57.55 –3.23 .1871 VangdLTCorpBd VCLT 3.4 105.68 –0.84 .2711 CabanaTargetDraw5 TDSA ... 23.97 –0.34 ... E-TRACS Agri UAG ... 16.31 –0.56 ... FranklinLibEM FLQE 6.0 25.71 –1.15 .043 InvscDBGoldFd DGL ... 54.91 –0.81 ...
InvscKBWRegBkg KBWR 4.0 36.64 –1.41 .3285 VangdLong-TermTrea VGLT 1.9 96.24 –0.23 .1345 CabanaTargetDraw16 TDSE ... 23.97 –0.84 ... E-TRACS CMCI UCI ... 13.19 –0.47 ... FranklinLibQGlbDiv FLQD 3.7 26.94 –1.60 .4224 InvscDBOilFund DBO ... 6.42 –0.66 ...
InvscNasdNext100 QQQJ ... 24.94 –1.51 ... VangdMBS VMBS 2.1 54.13 +0.02 .0682 CabanaTargetDraw10 TDSC ... 24.17 –0.54 ... E-TRACS Food FUD ... 16.19 –0.51 ... FranklinGlbEquity FLQG 3.1 31.59 –1.82 .4263 InvscDBPrecMetls DBP 1.0 51.34 –1.15 .5253
InvscNasd100 QQQM ... 110.86 –6.14 ... VangdRuss1000 VONE 1.6 151.33 –8.93 .5149 CabanaTargetDraw13 TDSD ... 24.10 –0.70 ... E-TRACS Gold UBG ... 46.85 –0.49 ... FranklinIntlEquity FLQH 7.8 23.22 –0.98 .91 InvscDBSilverFd DBS ... 33.63 –1.43 ...
InvscNasdInt PNQI ... 204.80 –12.99 ... VangdRuss1000Grw VONG .8 216.24 –12.82 .3335 CannabisETF THCX 12.6 8.67 –0.93 .15 E-TRACS Silvr USV ... 29.47 –1.29 ... GadsdenDynMult GDMA 1.0 28.46 –0.70 .003 InvscDBUSDBear UDN ... 20.87 –0.30 ...
Invsc1-30LadTrea PLW 1.1 38.45 –0.08 .0246 VangdRuss1000Val VONV 2.6 102.64 –5.76 .5665 ChgFinUSLCFoss CHGX .8 24.97 –1.79 .2009 ElemntsRogrAgri RJA ... 5.69 –0.19 ... GlbBetaMomGrw GBGR .4 20.16 –1.35 .02 InvscDBUSDBull UUP 2.1 25.37 +0.33 .5261
InvscQQQI QQQ .6 269.38 –15.36 .3882 VangdRuss3000 VTHR 1.5 149.19 –8.81 .4843 Velocity4xAUDUSD UAUD ... 15.09 –0.72 ... ElemntsRogrEngy RJN ... 1.30 –0.13 ... GlbBetaSmartIncm GBDV 5.4 14.89 –1.05 .18 InvscDefEquity DEF 1.2 53.51 –2.88 .6475
InvscRAFIStDvxUS ISDX 2.8 21.56 –1.51 .1427 VangdRuss2000 VTWO 1.2 123.67 –7.98 .3273 Velocity4XCHFUSD UCHF ... 23.56 –1.27 ... ElemntsRogrMtls RJZ ... 9.20 –0.18 ... GlbXAdaptiveUS AUSF 2.8 22.23 –1.18 .16 InvscDJIADiv DJD 4.0 33.28 –1.80 .421
InvscRAFIStratEM ISEM 2.8 22.69 –1.26 .3173 VangdRuss2000Grw VTWG .6 162.41 –10.00 .1928 Velocity4XEURUSD UEUR ... 17.60 –1.00 ... ElemntsRogrTr RJI ... 4.26 –0.16 ... GlbXCopperMiners COPX .6 21.50 –0.94 .0712 InvscDynBiotech PBE .1 56.54 –3.13 .029
InvscRAFIStratUS IUS 2.0 26.17 –1.81 .1299 VangdRuss2000Val VTWV 1.8 90.36 –6.31 .406 Velocity4XGBPUSD UGBP ... 16.75 –0.40 ... ElemntsBiofuels FUE ... 5.67 –0.07 ... GlbX EM Bd EMBD 4.1 26.53 –0.19 .0915 InvscDynBuilding PKB .4 35.47 –2.86 .0413
InvscRAFIStrUSSm IUSS 1.1 22.58 –1.64 .0529 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 2.5 82.78 –0.13 .141 Velocity4XJPYUSD UJPY ... 25.47 +0.28 ... ElemntsGrain GRU ... 3.39 ... ... GlbXFTSENordReg GXF .6 23.36 –2.01 .1246 InvscDynEnerExpl PXE 4.9 7.27 –0.84 .121
InvscR1000LoBeta USLB 3.1 31.22 –1.80 .3047 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 1.2 50.64 –0.16 .2795 Velocity4xUSDAUD DAUD ... 26.20 +0.95 ... EnSelectSectorSPDR XLE 7.7 28.72 –1.67 .5436 GlbX FTSE SE Asia ASEA 3.3 11.67 –0.44 .2303 InvscDynFood&Bev PBJ 1.3 32.24 –1.98 .1045
InvscS&PSCCnsDisc PSCD .9 64.86 –4.94 .0623 VangdShortTermTrea VGSH 1.5 62.04 ... .0403 Velocity4XUSDCHF DCHF ... 20.85 +0.86 ... ER Entrepreneur30 ENTR .1 24.10 –1.96 .0144 GlbX GoldExplorers GOEX 1.3 33.40 –2.17 .0252 InvscDynLCGrw PWB .3 60.08 –3.17 .0124
InvscS&PSCCnsStpl PSCC 1.8 75.57 –4.52 .449 VangdTotalBd BND 2.4 87.58 –0.12 .1503 Velocity4XUSDEUR DEUR ... 28.33 +1.46 ... ERNonUSSC ERSX 1.4 19.10 –1.25 .2688 GlbX GuruIndex GURU 1.0 37.20 –2.43 .3008 InvscDynLCValue PWV 3.1 33.12 –1.75 .2483
InvscS&PSCEner PSCE 1.4 3.03 –0.33 .0131 VangdTotalCpBd VTC 2.9 91.65 –0.42 .1966 Velocity4XUSDGBP DGBP ... 24.75 +0.40 ... EthoClimateLeader ETHO .8 44.19 –2.70 .07 GlbXLithium&Batt LIT 1.0 43.13 +0.94 .1606 InvscDynLeisure PEJ .5 30.00 –2.58 .0182
InvscS&PSCFinls PSCF 6.0 39.00 –2.34 .4462 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 3.2 58.34 +0.07 .0461 Velocity4XUSDJPY DJPY ... 19.37 –0.20 ... FIEnhEurope50ETN FIEE ... 107.73 –19.07 ... GlbX MLP&Energy MLPX 7.4 22.54 –1.37 .5654 InvscDynMarket PWC 1.4 91.25 –5.45 .1393
InvscS&PSCHlthCr PSCH ... 133.66 –6.39 ... VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 2.6 50.97 –2.70 .3385 CitigrCTracksETN DIVC ... 30.92 –0.50 ... FidelityCorpBd FCOR 2.9 55.71 –0.32 .114 GlbX MLP MLPA 17.0 22.71 –2.02 .90 InvscDynMedia PBS .4 35.62 –2.15 .0031
InvscS&PSCIndls PSCI .8 62.54 –4.90 .1151 VangdTotWorldBd BNDW 2.8 81.58 –0.08 .0994 ClearPitonInt PIFI ... 99.70 –0.09 ... FidelityDivRising FDRR 3.7 31.38 –1.85 .218 GlbXMSCIArgentina ARGT .3 23.53 –1.74 .0778 InvscDynNetwkg PXQ .2 66.51 –5.39 .103
InvscS&PSCInfTech PSCT .1 89.72 –5.34 .0283 VicShDevEnhVol CIZ 1.7 26.68 –1.50 .0848 ClearUltShMat OPER .8 100.10 –0.03 .04 FidelityHiDiv FDVV 4.8 26.94 –1.59 .241 GlbXMSCIChinaCm CHIC .6 26.13 –0.19 .0907 InvscDynOil&GasSv PXJ 6.0 1.89 –0.16 .0269
InvscS&PSCMatls PSCM 1.7 42.48 –1.52 .1048 VicShDivAccel VSDA 1.5 35.36 –2.26 .0553 ColumbiaDivFixed DIAL 2.7 21.42 –0.17 .0464 FidelityHYFactor FDHY 4.9 53.80 –0.94 .206 GlXMSCIChinaCnsDisc CHIQ .5 29.51 +0.24 .0175 InvscDynPharm PJP .9 61.87 –3.59 .1166
InvscS&PSCUtil PSCU 2.3 43.97 –2.27 .1909 VicShEMHiDivVol CEY 4.9 18.47 –0.82 .0381 ColumbiaEMCoreXCh XCEM 2.4 24.07 –1.33 .5874 FidelityIntlHiDiv FIDI 5.6 15.22 –0.95 .214 GlbXMSCIChCS CHIS .8 29.17 –0.28 .1543 InvscDynSemicon PSI .4 80.27 –2.49 .0606
InvscVarRateInvt VRIG 1.9 24.88 ... .0154 VicShEMVolWtd CEZ 2.4 22.42 –0.92 .0499 ColumbiaEMConsumer ECON ... 25.40 –0.50 ... FidelityIntlValue FIVA 3.5 17.91 –1.15 .135 GlbXMSCIChinaEner CHIE 5.3 7.91 –0.42 .1284 InvscDynSoftware PSJ .1 123.65 –9.45 .0559
InvscWaterRscs PHO .4 40.77 –2.34 .0365 VicShIntlHiDivVol CID 4.0 24.99 –1.50 .1577 ColumbiaIndiaCnsmr INCO .3 40.34 –1.58 .12 FidelityLtdTermBd FLTB 1.9 52.50 –0.07 .05 GlbXMSCIChinaFinl CHIX 3.4 14.37 –1.07 .0418 InvscEMSovDebt PCY 4.9 26.80 –0.27 .0975
iShAsia50ETF AIA 1.8 74.26 –1.79 .26 VicShIntlVolWtd CIL 2.0 35.47 –1.82 .1123 ColumbiaMultMun MUST 2.3 21.95 +0.05 .0375 FidelityLowVol FDLO 2.0 38.19 –2.19 .142 GlbXMSCIChinaHC CHIH .2 23.82 –0.19 .1088 InvscFinlPfd PGF 5.1 18.55 –0.33 .0765
iSh3-7YTreasuryBd IEI 1.3 132.91 –0.04 .0953 VicShNasdNext50 QQQN .2 25.74 –1.87 .0045 ColumbiaResEnhVal REVS .8 18.40 –1.03 .1449 FidelityCommSvs FCOM 1.0 38.91 –1.73 .073 GlbXMSCIChinaIndls CHII 1.6 13.27 –0.30 .0467 InvscFTSEDvMktxUS PXF 2.7 34.26 –2.20 .20
iShBrdUSDInvCpBd USIG 3.0 60.43 –0.27 .1417 VicShUSDiscEnhVol CSF 1.1 40.95 –2.07 .0397 ColumbiaSustIntl ESGN 3.3 21.20 –1.05 .1536 FidelityMSCICnDisc FDIS .9 60.32 –4.09 .089 GlbXMSCIChinaIT CHIK .4 27.94 +0.30 .0409 InvscDevMktxUSSM PDN 2.2 28.97 –1.45 .1318
iShCommodSelStrat COMT 3.2 24.18 –0.75 .8576 VicShUSEQIncmEnh CDC 2.8 47.52 –2.33 .1282 ColumbiaSustUSEqu ESGS 2.9 25.31 –1.67 .1858 FidelityMSCICnStpl FSTA 3.2 37.27 –1.84 .235 GlbXMSCIChLC50 CHIL 1.3 35.46 –0.43 .1247 InvscFTSERAFIEM PXH 3.6 17.50 –1.04 .2731
iShCoreMSCITotInt IXUS 2.5 57.10 –2.94 .535 VicShUS500EnhVol CFO 1.0 54.05 –3.06 .0718 CommSvsSPDR XLC .8 59.20 –2.91 .1239 FidelityMSCIEn FENY 14.2 7.63 –0.46 .133 GlbXMSCIChinaMatls CHIM 3.1 18.26 –0.26 .171 InvscFTSEUS1000 PRF 2.5 112.72 –6.69 .6032
iShCore1-5YUSDBd ISTB 2.4 51.44 –0.06 .0903 VicShUS500Vol CFA 1.4 53.94 –3.15 .0755 CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 1.0 142.97 –10.02 .3056 FidelityMSCIFinls FNCL 3.5 34.14 –1.90 .22 GlbXMSCIChRlEst CHIR 4.3 16.07 –0.53 .2575 InvscFundHYCpBd PHB 4.1 18.55 –0.22 .0628
iShCoreS&PUSGrowth IUSG 1.1 77.70 –4.55 .2235 VicShUSLCHiDivVol CDL 3.9 40.49 –2.62 .1489 CnsStapleSelSector XLP 2.6 62.26 –3.13 .3766 FidelityMSCIHlthCr FHLC 1.7 51.24 –2.94 .176 GlbXMSCIChUtil CHIU 2.5 13.77 –0.20 .1419 InvscFundInvCpBd PFIG 2.5 27.21 –0.10 .0511
iShCoreS&PUSValue IUSV 2.7 53.42 –3.09 .3841 VicShUSMultMin VSMV 2.2 30.59 –1.80 .0832 CoreAlternative CCOR 1.4 26.97 –0.80 .06 FidelityMSCIIndls FIDU 2.0 39.57 –2.71 .144 GlbXMSCIColombia GXG 4.5 23.05 –1.14 .4598 InvscGlbClnEner PBD 1.1 22.97 –0.99 .0707
iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 2.7 54.06 –0.08 .1157 VicShUSSCHiDiv CSB 4.5 39.05 –2.26 .1358 CS FI LC Grwth FLGE ... 413.32 –56.33 ... FidelityMSCIIT FTEC 1.2 88.11 –5.99 .189 GlbX MSCIGreece GREK 3.8 17.89 –1.60 .1318 InvscGlblPrvEqu PSP 7.5 10.79 –0.58 .1166
iShCurrHdMSCIGrmny HEWG 1.4 25.22 –2.44 .3521 VicShUSSCVolWtd CSA 1.6 42.74 –2.53 .055 CS S&P MLP MLPO 13.8 6.30 –0.01 .2012 FidelityMSCIMatls FMAT 2.5 34.36 –1.67 .169 GlbXMSCINextEm EMFM 4.2 16.46 –0.74 .245 InvscGlbShrtHYBd PGHY 5.6 21.55 –0.14 .095
iShSelectDividend DVY 4.3 83.00 –4.59 .9463 WahedFTSEUSAShar HLAL 1.1 28.64 –1.94 .125 CSX Mthly2xLvMtg REML 54.6 3.73 –0.31 .144 FidelityRealEst FREL 4.5 22.82 –1.12 .179 GlbXMSCINigeria NGE .7 11.27 +0.55 .0836 InvscIndia PIN .9 19.50 –0.69 .1667
iShESGAdvHYCorpBd HYXF 4.8 51.18 –0.51 .201 WstAstShrtDur WINC 3.8 25.60 –0.10 .0628 DBGoldDoubleLg DGP ... 44.20 –1.29 ... FidelityMSCIUtils FUTY 4.0 39.79 –1.62 .321 GlbX MSCINorway NORW 2.1 9.61 –0.90 .1293 InvscIntlCpBd PICB 1.2 28.13 –0.48 .0244
iShESGAdvMSCI DMXF ... 53.28 –2.92 ... WstAstTR WBND 2.6 28.05 –0.30 .0577 DBGoldDoubleShrt DZZ ... 2.70 +0.08 ... FidelityMomFactor FDMO 1.3 38.97 –2.40 .088 GlbXMSCIPakistan PAK 2.9 26.90 –0.84 .2425 InvscInvGradeDef IIGD 1.8 27.30 ... .034
iShESGAdvMSCIEM EMXF ... 36.23 –0.78 ... WisdTrChinaxSOE CXSE .5 59.57 +0.25 .1025 DBGoldShortETN DGZ ... 10.03 +0.12 ... FidelityQualFactor FQAL 2.0 37.69 –2.39 .152 GlbXMSCIPortugal PGAL 3.3 8.46 –0.69 .1999 InvscInvGradeValue IIGV 2.5 28.10 –0.07 .0487
iShESGAdvUSA USXF 1.3 27.25 –1.65 .0887 WisdTrEM CpBd EMCB 4.1 73.71 –0.68 .2425 DayHaganNedRes SSUS ... 25.50 –1.55 ... FidelitySmalMid FSMD 1.6 23.95 –1.51 .079 GlbXISuperDivEM SDEM 8.4 9.58 –0.57 .0545 InvscMSCIGlbTimb CUT 2.8 27.84 –1.64 .771
iShESGAwareMSCI ESGD 1.9 61.15 –3.63 .585 WisdTrEMQualDivGrw DGRE 2.4 24.33 –0.89 .265 DefianceNextGen FIVG 1.0 28.34 –1.64 .0816 FidelityTotalBdETF FBND 2.7 54.29 –0.31 .097 GlXS&P500CCGrw XYLG 6.4 24.60 –1.36 .1308 InvscNatAMTFrMuni PZA 2.5 26.44 +0.09 .0518
iShESGAwareEM ESGE 1.9 36.24 –1.25 .2114 WisdTrGermanyHdg DXGE 2.9 26.56 –2.17 .335 DefNextGenSpac SPAK ... 22.38 –1.85 ... FidelityUSMulti FLRG ... 19.22 –1.11 ... GlbXS&P500Cv XYLD 7.8 42.86 –1.87 .4523 InvscNYAMTFrMuni PZT 2.6 25.41 +0.12 .0559
iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 1.5 74.43 –4.40 .2825 WisdTrIntRtHYBd HYZD 5.6 20.86 –0.39 .0875 DefianceQuantum QTUM .6 32.82 –2.25 .0555 FidelityValFactor FVAL 2.4 34.87 –1.97 .162 GlbXS&P500QualDiv QDIV 3.7 22.04 –1.37 .064 InvscPreferred PGX 5.6 14.64 –0.28 .0612
iShESG1-5YCpBd SUSB 2.2 26.05 –0.02 .0371 WisdTrIntUSAgg AGZD 2.4 46.80 –0.21 .09 DeltaShS&P500Mgd DMRL 1.1 57.78 –2.77 .0966 FieldUVAUnconMed FFIU 2.6 26.30 –0.16 .055 GlbXSilverMiners SIL 1.3 42.29 –2.91 .1392 InvscRayJamesSB1 RYJ ... 40.48 –2.74 ...
iShESGUSDCorpBd SUSC 2.5 27.60 –0.11 .0476 WisdTrJapanHdgSC DXJS 3.0 38.13 –0.91 .6692 DeltaShS&P400Mgd DMRM .8 47.74 –1.28 .0298 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF ... 23.86 –1.39 ... GlblXSuperDividend SDIV 10.9 10.63 –0.52 .08 InvscRuss1000EW EQAL 2.0 32.24 –1.93 .1433
iShESGEMLdrs LDEM .0 52.20 –1.62 .3498 WisdTrUSQltyDiv DGRW 2.1 47.73 –2.95 .105 DeltaShS&PIntMgd DMRI 1.3 43.14 –1.82 .0511 FTActiveFactorLC AFLG 1.2 19.59 –1.17 .0629 GlbXSuperDivUS DIV 10.1 15.00 –0.67 .0995 InvscS&PEMLowVol EELV 3.6 19.85 –0.72 .2052
iShESGIUSALdrs SUSL 1.6 56.53 –3.35 .2312 WisdTrUSSCQltyDiv DGRS 2.5 31.78 –2.15 .05 DeltaShS&P600Mgd DMRS .7 47.09 –1.07 .1246 FTActiveFactorMC AFMC 1.0 17.91 –0.78 .0443 GlbXSuperIncPfd SPFF 6.1 11.07 –0.21 .0565 InvscS&PEMMom EEMO 2.0 16.43 –0.13 .2767
iShExponentialTech XT 1.1 47.80 –2.86 .2421 DirexAuspiceBroad COM .4 23.11 –0.81 .0323 FTActiveFactorSC AFSM .7 17.97 –1.18 .0225 GlbX US Pfd PFFD 5.5 24.72 –0.46 .109 InvscS&P500BuyWr PBP 1.6 18.68 –0.86 .0594
iShFallAngelsUSDBd FALN 5.4
iSh5-10YIGCorpBd IGIB 2.9
.135 NYSE ARCA DirexConCnsmr CCON ...
DirexAeroBl3 DFEN 1.2
FT AustrAlpha FAUS 5.2
FT ConsDscAlpDx FXD .7
–2.76 .0229
GlbX Uranium
URA 2.2
PFFV 5.7
InvscS&P500Down PHDG
InvscS&P500EnhVal SPVU
iShGNMABondETF GNMA 2.0 50.98 +0.06 .0814 DirexBrazilBull2X BRZU 10.6 61.86 –13.00 .3491 FT ConsStaples FXG 1.7 47.45 –2.70 .1446 GSAccessHYCorpBd GHYB 5.1 48.50 –0.52 .179 InvscS&P500EWCm EWCO 1.6 25.62 –1.68 .0968
iShGlbCleanEnergy ICLN .7 19.56 –0.66 .0527 AAFFirstCLOBd AAA ... 24.95 ... ... DirexCSIChinaInt CWEB .2 53.90 +1.24 .0959 FT DJ GlbSelDiv FGD 7.3 17.84 –1.10 .2416 GSAccessIGCpBd GIGB 2.8 54.87 –0.33 .1104 InvsS&P500EWCD RCD 1.4 102.17 –7.63 .1603
iShGlbGreenBd BGRN 2.9 55.90 +0.02 .02 AAM LowDurPfd PFLD 5.5 24.06 –0.29 .10 DirexCSI300CnA CHAD .5 20.26 +0.16 .0633 FT DJ Internet FDN ... 187.01 –12.78 ... GSTreasury0-1Y GBIL 1.4 100.13 +0.01 .3097 InvscS&P500CnStp RHS 2.2 137.57 –8.08 .7454
iShGlbTimber WOOD .9 63.27 –4.21 .4726 AAMS&PDevMk DMDV 7.1 18.58 –1.29 .001 DirexCSI300CnABl2 CHAU .3 32.68 –0.71 .0088 FT Dow30EW EDOW 2.4 23.17 –1.66 .1524 GSAccUSAggBd GCOR ... 49.64 –0.06 ... InvscS&P500EWEner RYE 4.5 21.45 –1.66 .2763
iShiBdsDec28Trea IBTI .6 26.42 +0.10 .0149 AAMS&PEMHiDivVal EEMD 7.2 17.46 –0.83 .088 DirexCnsDiscBl3 WANT .2 36.04 –8.50 .0355 FTEIPCarbonImpact ECLN 2.1 21.36 –0.64 .1224 GSActiveBetaEM GEM 2.3 32.98 –1.18 .2596 InvscS&P500EW RSP 2.0 107.51 –6.64 .4966
iShiBdsDec25Trea IBTF .6 26.08 ... .0149 AAMS&P500HiDivV SPDV 5.1 21.07 –1.27 .0727 DirexDJBear3X WEBS 1.3 44.60 +7.59 .315 FT EnergyAlpDx FXN 6.3 5.61 –0.42 .259 GSActiveBetaEurope GSEU 2.6 27.46 –2.21 .1247 InvscS&P500EWFin RYF 2.7 38.70 –2.45 .2528
iShiBdsDec24Trea IBTE .6 25.94 ... .0141 AIPoweredEquity AIEQ .4 29.69 –1.98 .06 DirexDJBull3X WEBL .0 45.47 –10.87 .0176 FT EqCompRiskMgr ERM 1.8 17.36 –1.16 .057 GSActiveBetaIntlEq GSIE 2.3 27.09 –1.61 .1195 InvscS&P500EWHC RYH .6 231.65 –14.63 .2777
iShiBdsDec29Trea IBTJ .6 26.45 +0.14 .0163 AIPwrdIntlEqu AIIQ ... 25.97 –1.89 ... DirexEM Bear3 EDZ 1.0 17.25 +1.59 .086 FT EqCompTactical TERM 1.8 15.18 –0.99 .0459 GSActiveBetaJapan GSJY 2.6 32.50 –0.57 .0291 InvscS&P500Ind RGI 1.2 134.27 –8.46 .3444
iShiBdsDec21Trea IBTA .4 25.36 –0.01 .0018 ALPSEmgDivDogs EDOG 3.8 18.14 –1.06 .1122 DirexEM Bull3 EDC .7 59.48 –7.23 .3919 FT DJ SelMicro FDM 1.6 38.23 –2.51 .0769 GSActiveBetaUSLC GSLC 1.6 66.35 –3.84 .2144 InvscS&P500EWMat RTM 1.9 118.82 –5.00 .5363
iShiBdsDec27Trea IBTH .5 26.20 –0.01 .0134 ALPS EqSecWgh EQL 2.5 75.36 –4.39 .4147 DirexEnergyBr2 ERY .3 73.56 +7.11 .1496 FT FTSE DevRE FFR 5.3 37.34 –2.10 .321 GS Active US SC GSSC 1.3 43.20 –2.50 .114 InvscS&P500RlEst EWRE 3.9 24.91 –1.40 .2042
iShiBdsDec26Trea IBTG .5 26.24 +0.07 .0143 ALPSIntlDivDogs IDOG 5.5 20.78 –1.39 .1956 DirexEnergyBl2 ERX 15.8 8.46 –1.05 .1015 FT FinlsAlpDx FXO 3.4 27.29 –1.50 .2632 GS Data GDAT .8 66.70 –5.10 .008 InvscS&P500EWTech RYT 1.4 207.54 –13.33 .7779
iShiBdsDec23Trea IBTD .5 25.72 ... .0119 ALPSMedBreak SBIO .0 43.66 –0.90 .0159 DirexChinaBr3 YANG 1.0 20.88 +1.31 .1087 FT GlbEngg FLM 3.2 41.23 –2.47 .1881 GS Fin GFIN .8 61.43 –5.15 .0445 InvscS&P500EWUtil RYU 3.0 98.90 –4.53 .7841
iShiBdsDec22Trea IBTB .7 25.55 ... .0145 ALPSREITDivDogs RDOG 6.0 33.00 –2.18 .3482 DirexChinaBl3 YINN 1.1 16.78 –1.25 .0243 FT GlbWindEner FAN 1.5 18.08 –0.67 .0343 GSHedgeIndVIP GVIP .2 75.30 –4.71 .1115 InvscS&P500xRt XRLV 2.0 37.07 –2.17 .0428
iShIndia50ETF INDY .1 35.11 –1.50 .0328 ALPSSectorDivDogs SDOG 4.3 38.02 –2.27 .3806 DirexFTSEEurBull3x EURL 1.0 14.40 –3.92 .0557 FT HlthCareAlpha FXH ... 95.38 –4.63 ... GS HumanEv GDNA .6 62.84 –4.26 .1836 InvscS&P500GARP SPGP 1.4 59.87 –3.80 .1512
iShIntlDevRealEst IFGL 7.6 22.95 –1.13 .2051 ARKInnovationETF ARKK .0 90.79 –8.39 .1906 DirexFinlBear3 FAZ .8 14.69 +2.06 .0446 FTHorizonMgdVolDev HDMV 2.4 27.55 –1.38 .0951 GS JUST US LC JUST 1.6 47.62 –2.77 .1641 InvscS&P500HiBeta SPHB 2.4 42.27 –2.90 .2001
iShIntlTreasuryBd IGOV .2 52.97 –0.66 .1219 ARK NextGen ARKW ... 110.81 –7.73 ... DirexFinlBull3 FAS .9 33.61 –6.19 .0474 FTHorizonMgdVolDom HUSV 1.3 26.76 –1.40 .0694 GS Mfg GMAN .6 71.38 –4.09 .0353 InvscS&P500HiDiv SPHD 5.7 32.54 –1.91 .1475
iShJPMUSDEmgBd EMB 4.1 110.02 –0.95 .366 AberdStdBlAllCm BCD 1.6 23.20 –0.77 .3805 DirexGoldMinBr2 DUST 5.2 20.00 +1.05 .717 FTHorizMgdVolSM HSMV .7 24.42 –1.26 .0777 GS NewAge GBUY .2 84.20 –2.57 .0389 InvscS&P500LowVol SPLV 2.4 52.03 –2.76 .0718
iShMBSETF MBB 2.3 110.29 +0.09 .1911 AberdStdBlACStr BCI 1.7 20.23 –0.45 .3344 DirexGoldMinBl2 NUGT .9 76.88 –5.89 .7094 FT Chindia FNI .2 48.94 –1.51 .0007 GraniteBloomComm COMB 1.7 21.54 –0.48 .3586 InvscS&P500Mom SPMO 1.4 47.84 –2.79 .1685
iShMSCI ACWI ACWI 1.9 78.14 –4.30 .6141 AberdStdPhysGold SGOL ... 18.05 –0.26 ... DirexHlthcrBull3 CURE .2 55.82 –11.03 .0101 FT IndlsAlpDx FXR 1.2 41.26 –2.53 .0753 GraniteGold BAR ... 18.66 –0.26 ... InvscS&P500PrGrw RPG .6 139.19 –8.60 .1359
iShMSCIACWIxUS ACWX 2.7 45.05 –2.25 .5049 AberdStdPhysPall PALL ... 207.83 –17.31 ... DirexHmbldrBull3 NAIL .0 39.55 –11.81 .0049 FTInstPfdSecs FPEI 5.1 19.40 –0.06 .0853 GraniteHIPSUSHiInc HIPS 11.3 11.37 –0.56 .1075 InvscS&P500PrVal RPV 2.9 49.93 –3.20 .2989
iShMSCIACxJpn AAXJ 1.5 78.60 –2.19 .2631 AberdStdPhysPlat PPLT ... 79.61 –5.37 ... DirexIndlsBl3 DUSL .8 18.50 –4.30 .0111 FT LgDurOpps LGOV 3.1 29.19 +0.07 .022 GranitePlatinum PLTM ... 8.36 –0.60 ... InvscS&P500Qual SPHQ 1.7 37.11 –2.33 .1432
iShMSCIBrazilSC EWZS 1.9 12.23 –1.35 .0785 AberdStdPhyPrMt GLTR ... 93.31 –3.10 ... DirexJrGoldMinBr2 JDST 15.6 11.66 +1.06 1.1458 FT Long/Short FTLS .3 41.76 –1.47 .0205 GraniteXOUTUSLC XOUT .6 31.35 –1.78 .0351 InvscS&P500Rev RWL 2.1 53.13 –3.24 .2626
iShMSCIChina MCHI 1.0 77.72 –0.81 .2365 AberdStdPhySilv SIVR ... 22.86 –0.98 ... DirexJrGoldMinBl2 JNUG .1 117.55 –15.45 .1217 FT MgdFutures FMF 1.0 42.82 –1.19 .4493 HCM Def500 LGH .2 27.04 –2.39 .048 InvscS&P500Top50 XLG 1.4 252.63 –14.16 .8215
iShMSCI EAFE SC SCZ 3.2 56.95 –3.41 .5449 AbsoluteCrStrat ABEQ .5 23.10 –0.74 .0624 DirexLatAmBl2X LBJ 2.3 41.11 –10.87 .2904 FT MatAlpDX FXZ 1.9 38.73 –1.93 .2413 HCM Def100 QQH .0 33.15 –2.70 .0619 InvscS&P500ValMom SPVM 2.7 34.87 –2.20 .2062
iShMSCI EM Asia EEMA 1.6 77.18 –1.22 .244 AcquirersFund ZIG ... 21.36 –0.97 ... DirexIndiaBull2 INDL .0 30.74 –3.94 .0145 FTMergerArbitrage MARB ... 19.54 –0.01 ... HartfordMultiDvxUS RODM 3.0 25.02 –1.26 .4098 InvscS&PGlbWater CGW 1.5 41.55 –2.14 .6069
iShMSCIEMxChina EMXC 2.6 45.82 –2.38 .2289 AdvShDorseyADR AADR .1 53.35 –2.97 .0667 DirexMexicoBl3 MEXX 2.1 31.62 –7.67 .0273 FT MngstrDiv FDL 5.1 25.95 –1.18 .2993 HartfordMultiEM ROAM 4.3 19.58 –0.98 .2798 InvscS&PIntDvLoVl IDLV 6.0 27.42 –0.93 .2023
iShMSCIEuropeFinls EUFN 2.7 13.25 –1.06 .1705 AdvShDbLineVal DBLV ... 67.79 –4.57 ... DirexMcBull3 MIDU .8 22.91 –4.58 .0105 FT Multi-MgrLG MMLG ... 20.63 –1.34 ... HartfrdMultifctrSC ROSC 4.5 25.83 –1.70 .0938 InvscS&PIntlDev IDMO 1.8 28.93 –1.11 .1032
iShMSCIEuropeSmCp IEUS 2.0 49.09 –3.72 .3845 AdvShFocusedEqu CWS .4 38.26 –1.92 .1464 DirexPharmBl3X PILL .0 15.71 –2.75 .0003 FT NaturalGas FCG 5.1 6.08 –0.67 .0729 HartfordMultiUSEqu ROUS 2.2 31.05 –1.63 .1498 InvscS&PIntlDevQu IDHQ 1.9 25.03 –1.30 .1308
iShMSCIGlblGoldMin RING .5 31.20 –1.04 .1021 AdvShFolioBey FWDB 2.3 25.68 –0.01 .0345 DirexRealEstBr3 DRV .6 15.29 +1.92 .06 FT NA Energy Infra EMLP 5.2 19.66 –0.88 .2168 HartfordMuniOpps HMOP 2.5 40.95 –0.08 .0703 InvscS&PMC400EW EWMC 1.4 61.61 –4.04 .1905
iShMSCIGlbImpact SDG 1.1 77.71 –2.88 .4945 AdvShNewfleet MINC 2.4 48.53 –0.28 .0859 DirexRealEstBl3 DRN 2.2 9.04 –1.46 .026 FT NYSE ArcaBiotch FBT ... 152.75 –4.87 ... HartfordSchTax HTAB 1.5 21.59 +0.02 .0206 InvscS&P400PrGrw RFG .3 171.46 –10.81 .1131
iShMSCIJapanEW EWJE 2.7 34.00 –0.85 .2608 AdvShPureCannab YOLO 4.4 11.33 –0.88 .0737 DirexRgBanksBull3X DPST 3.4 65.87 –7.92 .2202 FT PfdSecs FPE 5.2 19.17 –0.25 .0629 HartfordTRBd HTRB 3.0 41.16 –0.20 .0763 InvscS&P400PrVal RFV 2.4 56.91 –4.84 .2063
iShMSCIJapanVal EWJV 4.1 22.76 –0.62 .2797 AdvShPureUSCan MSOS ... 25.04 –1.25 ... DirexRetailBull3 RETL .4 212.17 –68.22 .8695 FTSTOXXEurSel Div FDD 5.0 9.91 –0.83 .1961 HealthCareSelSect XLV 1.6 101.66 –6.16 .4184 InvscS&PMC400Rev RWK 1.4 55.58 –4.15 .1433
iShMSCINewZealand ENZL 2.6 59.37 –2.72 .3702 AdvShRangerEqBear HDGE .3 4.44 +0.28 .0116 DirexRobAI2X UBOT .1 166.42 –24.31 .1456 FT ShDurMgMun FSMB 1.9 20.62 +0.01 .0285 High Yield HYLD 7.9 30.32 –0.43 .20 InvscS&PMCLowVol XMLV 2.9 41.61 –2.22 .1871
iShMSCIQatar QAT 2.9 17.00 –0.66 .4861 AdvShStrGlbBW VEGA .5 33.21 –1.31 .151 DirexRussiaBl2 RUSL 1.0 13.30 –2.86 .1174 FT S&P REIT FRI 3.2 20.50 –1.17 .1088 HoyaCapHousing HOMZ 1.6 28.60 –2.27 .0755 InvscS&PMCMom XMMO .9 67.33 –3.22 .1578
iShMSCITurkeyETF TUR 2.6 17.74 –2.24 .1521 AdvShSageCore HOLD 1.6 98.71 –0.12 .078 DirexS&P500Br3 SPXS .9 6.09 +0.91 .02 FT TCW SecPlus DEED 1.0 25.84 –0.02 .034 HullTacticalUS HTUS .9 26.65 –0.84 .2472 InvscS&PMCQual XMHQ 1.2 56.00 –3.23 .1585
iShMSCIUAE UAE 5.3 10.50 –0.07 .5528 AGFiQHdgDivIncm DIVA 4.6 20.33 –0.50 .0918 DirexS&P500Bl3 SPXL .6 48.14 –9.38 .0456 FT TCWUnPlBd UCON 3.2 26.25 +0.06 .066 IQCandESGIntl IQSI 1.4 22.94 –1.38 .0974 InvscS&PMCValMom XMVM 1.8 29.31 –1.96 .1141
iShMornMCValue JKI 3.4 131.99 –9.20 .9854 AGFiQ US NeutAB BTAL .9 22.86 +0.34 .1958 DirexS&P500Bull2X SPUU 1.2 60.64 –7.95 .2658 FT TechAlphaDEX FXL .1 89.98 –6.05 .0196 IQCandESGUS IQSU .9 27.99 –1.70 .0776 InvscS&P100EW EQWL 2.4 58.19 –3.71 .346
iShNasdaqBiotech IBB .2 130.62 –5.87 .0632 AGFiQ US NeutrMom MOM ... 30.50 +0.54 ... DirexS&PBiotechBr3 LABD 2.3 54.19 +5.75 .9952 FT USEquityOpp FPX .5 95.53 –8.17 .0424 IQEnhCorePlusBdUS AGGP 2.4 19.64 –0.06 .0386 InvscS&PSCLowVol XSLV 3.8 33.89 –1.69 .191
iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 2.6 54.89 –0.05 .0996 AGFiQ US NeutrVal CHEP 3.2 13.76 –0.18 .4434 DirexS&PBiotechBl3 LABU .0 53.77 –7.68 .0053 FT UltShDurMuni FUMB 1.1 20.11 –0.05 .013 IQ50%HdgFTSEIntl HFXI 2.2 19.19 –0.94 .0838 InvscS&PSCMom XSMO 1.3 39.72 –2.42 .1002
iSh13YearIntlTBd ISHG ... 81.31 –0.91 ... AlerianEnergyInfr ENFR 9.6 12.38 –0.80 .2625 DirexS&P500Br1 SPDN .4 21.25 +1.13 .0176 FT UtilAlpha FXU 3.9 27.37 –1.47 .2463 IQ500IntlETF IQIN 2.1 23.55 –1.70 .3474 InvscS&PSC600EW EWSC 1.9 48.67 –3.51 .1432
iShPHLXSemicond SOXX 1.0 305.48 –14.86 1.0693 AlerianMLPETF AMLP 16.4 20.86 –1.80 .75 DirexHiBetaBear3X HIBS .8 5.06 +0.81 .0154 FT ValDivFd FVD 2.5 31.43 –1.68 .1866 IQGlobalResources GRES 1.9 25.14 –0.85 .4702 InvscS&P600PrGrw RZG .7 106.83 –7.29 .1504
iShPfd&Incm PFF 5.4 36.22 –0.85 .1574 AllianzUSLCB10O AZAO ... 24.50 –1.00 ... DirexHiBetaBull3X HIBL 1.0 101.34 –23.34 .4282 FT ValueLine100 FVL 1.0 21.21 –1.17 .1103 IQHedgeEventDriven QED 2.0 22.62 –0.41 .4497 InvscS&P600PrVal RZV 1.0 51.83 –4.42 .0857
iShRuss1000PureUS AMCA 2.7 27.44 –1.22 .2072 AllianzUSLCBf20J AZBL ... 25.55 –0.40 ... DirexS&POil&GasBr2 DRIP .6 71.61 +12.01 .0271 FT Water FIW .5 62.24 –3.85 .0951 IQHedgeL/STracker QLS 1.5 23.34 –0.79 .3534 InvscS&P600Rev RWJ 1.5 61.18 –5.58 .1245
iShS&PSC600Growth IJT .9 89.65 –5.30 .1934 AllianzUSLCB10 AZBO ... 24.70 –0.62 ... DirexS&POil&GasBl2 GUSH 20.0 19.57 –4.55 .0005 FlexShSelBdFd BNDC 2.2 26.79 –0.08 .0406 IQ HedMacrTrac MCRO 1.3 27.48 –0.31 .3611 InvscS&PSCValMom XSVM 1.9 27.38 –2.53 .0653
iShS&P EM Infra EMIF 2.7 19.89 –1.43 .3008 AltMergerArb ARB ... 25.70 +0.02 ... DirexSemiBear3 SOXS 3.8 37.35 +4.39 .6415 FlexShCurrHdDM TLDH 4.2 24.55 –1.24 .1201 IQHedgeMktNeut QMN ... 26.64 –0.29 ... InvscS&PSpin-Off CSD ... 43.22 –3.17 ...
iShGlobalInfra IGF 3.2 38.12 –2.62 .4385 AmCentDivrsCpBd KORP 2.6 52.56 –0.15 .1461 DirexSemiBl3 SOXL .2 248.95 –41.60 .0943 FlexShDevMkxUSQu QLVD 2.3 23.55 –1.04 .1185 IQ HedMultStra QAI 1.9 30.85 –0.37 .5878 InvscS&PUltDiv RDIV 4.8 27.19 –1.75 .3716
iShShortTreaBd SHV 1.1 110.70 +0.02 .0129 AmCentDivrsMuni TAXF 2.1 53.30 –0.02 .1034 Direx7-10TreaBr3 TYO .5 8.08 +0.06 .0287 FlexShDiscDurMBS MBSD 2.8 24.09 –0.03 .0536 IQMacKayMuniIns MMIN 2.2 27.09 +0.07 .0425 InvscSrLoan BKLN 3.9 21.50 –0.21 .06
iSh1-3YTreasuryBd SHY 1.3 86.43 +0.02 .04 AmCentMCGrw MID ... 42.92 –3.54 ... Direx7-10TreaBull TYD .3 65.16 –0.44 .0742 FlexShEMQualLo QLVE 2.6 24.13 –0.72 .2373 IQMacKayMuniInter MMIT 2.4 26.28 +0.07 .0476 InvscSolar TAN .1 68.77 –2.35 .0908
iSh7-10YTreasuryBd IEF 1.3 120.06 –0.32 .0793 AmCentQulDivIn QINT 1.3 41.48 –1.94 .3401 DirexScBear3 TZA 1.1 15.49 +2.56 .0832 FlexGlbQualRealEst GQRE 5.0 50.78 –2.48 .304 IQMergerArbitrage MNA ... 34.21 +0.11 ... InvscTaxMuniBd BAB 3.2 32.55 +0.02 .0687
iSh20+YTreasuryBd TLT 1.6 157.57 –0.44 .1691 AmCentStoxxUSQ QGRO .3 53.47 –3.05 .0104 DirexSCBull3 TNA .5 32.19 –6.89 .011 FlexGlbUpstmNatRsc GUNR 3.5 26.76 –1.46 .274 IQRealReturn CPI 2.2 27.14 –0.16 .5929 InvscTotalRetBd GTO 2.2 57.57 –0.18 .0728
iSh0-5YInvGrdCpBd SLQD 2.5 52.06 –0.05 .092 AmCentSTOXXUSQual VALQ 2.5 36.85 –2.09 .2049 DirexKRBull3 KORU 1.1 16.60 –2.86 .19 FSHiYdValScored HYGV 6.4 46.33 –0.61 .2621 IQS&PHYLowVolBd HYLV 4.2 24.82 –0.23 .0799 InvscTreaCollat CLTL 1.1 105.72 –0.02 .0255
JanusSCGrwAlpha JSML .2 47.73 –2.94 .0174 AmCentSustEq ESGA .7 41.04 –2.57 .0751 DirexTechBear3 TECS 2.5 14.75 +2.42 .1304 FlexShiBoxx5YTIPS TDTF 1.0 27.33 –0.12 .049 IQ US RealEstSC ROOF 6.2 16.96 –1.26 .2008 InvscUltShtDur GSY 1.7 50.53 ... .0291
JanusS/MC GrwAlph JSMD .2 52.24 –2.85 .0176 AmConsValues ACVF ... 24.43 ... ... DirexTechBull3 TECL .1 256.51 –59.48 .1945 FlexiBx3YDurTIPS TDTT 1.0 25.74 –0.08 .0381 IQ UltShrtDur ULTR 1.8 49.67 +0.01 .0471 InvscVRDOTaxFrWk PVI .5 24.97 +0.08 ...
LeggMasonGlbInfr INFR 3.7 26.23 –1.59 .2017 AmplifyBlackSwan SWAN .6 30.82 –0.94 .0067 DirexTransportBl3 TPOR .3 18.09 –4.32 .0033 FlexShIntQualDiv IQDE 3.9 19.13 –0.98 .2398 IdeaNextVeh EKAR .9 28.03 –1.34 .2499 InvscVarRtPfd VRP 4.5 24.62 –0.21 .092
LeggMasonLVHD LVHD 3.7 29.40 –1.49 .2817 AmpCWPEnhDiv DIVO 5.5 29.30 –1.70 .1396 Direx20+TreaBr3 TMV .7 55.74 +0.26 .202 FlexShIntQuDivDyn IQDY 3.6 22.40 –1.46 .2536 iMDBiHedgeStrat DBEH .1 26.41 –1.15 .0183 InvscWildClnEngy PBW .6 63.32 –4.38 .0122
LeggMasonSCQualVal SQLV 1.4 23.15 –1.46 .0439 AmpCrowdBureau LEND 7.4 13.20 –0.68 .9809 Direx20+YrTrBull TMF .4 35.85 –0.19 .0993 FlexShIntlQualDiv IQDF 4.2 20.15 –1.02 .2441 iMDBiMgdFut DBMF .2 24.59 –0.01 .0174 InvscZacksMC CZA 1.6 67.03 –2.98 1.0741
LoncarCancerETF CNCR ... 26.39 –1.57 ... AmplifyHiIncm YYY 10.9 14.28 –0.56 .13 DirexUtilBl3X UTSL 2.0 26.56 –3.39 .0724 FlexShMDevMktxUS TLTD 3.4 54.15 –3.32 .2744 ImpactNAACPMinrty NACP .9 25.14 –1.44 .0586 InvscZacksMltIncm CVY 4.1 16.48 –1.00 .1737
LoncarChinaBio CHNA .1 29.66 –0.78 .0402 AmplifyOnlRetail XBUY .1 41.62 –2.22 .0602 DirexDynHedge DYHG .7 49.16 –1.61 .171 FlexShEM FactTilt TLTE 3.0 47.79 –2.14 .4598 ImpactSustain SDGA ... 21.69 –1.07 ... iPathBloomCocoaTR NIB ... 27.46 –2.49 ...
LongTermCareETF OLD 2.5 24.63 –1.31 .1436 AmplifyLithium BATT ... 10.88 –0.06 ... DirexFallKnives NIFE .3 54.63 –2.51 .0397 FlexShQualDivDef QDEF 2.8 42.64 –2.39 .2684 ImpactShsYWCAWomen WOMN 1.0 25.60 –1.75 .0542 iPathBloomCommTR DJP ... 19.85 –0.57 ...
Merlyn.AITactGrw SNUG 1.3 25.31 –0.68 .035 AmplifyOnlineRet IBUY .2 88.74 –8.04 .1494 DirexFlight FLYT 1.2 52.44 –0.74 .1743 FlexShQualDivDyn QDYN 3.8 43.80 –2.61 .3193 IndSelSectorSPDR XLI 1.9 75.87 –5.30 .3053 iPathBloomLeadTR LD ... 37.29 +1.32 ...
NasdaqNexEcon BLCN .6 33.11 –2.17 .0141 AmpSeymCannabis CNBS .6 11.89 –0.72 .0771 DirexHiGrowth HIPR .2 51.15 –3.28 .0353 FlexShQualityDiv QDF 2.9 43.39 –2.50 .2729 InfraCapMLP AMZA 34.6 13.83 –1.66 .24 iPathGSCI nts GSP ... 8.77 –0.68 ...
Nasdaq7HANDL HNDL 2.5 24.24 –0.50 .1452 AmplifyTransData BLOK ... 24.88 –1.12 ... DirexNasd100EW QQQE .6 63.03 –3.66 .0821 FlexShReadyAcc RAVI 1.6 76.30 –0.02 .052 InfraCapREITPfd PFFR 6.8 21.57 –0.47 .12 iPathPBBroadCmod BCM ... 26.55 –0.95 ...
PacerCashCows HERD 2.3 23.15 –1.29 .2027 ArkFinInnov ARKF .0 40.89 –2.09 .3008 DirexRs1000GrOvVal RWGV .3 91.95 –6.07 .1342 FlexShSTOXXGlb NFRA 2.4 48.24 –2.47 .3807 InfusiveComp JOYY ... 29.28 –1.59 ... iPathPBCrudeOil OIL ... 10.77 –1.10 ...
PacerEMCashCows ECOW 11.3 19.62 –1.19 .5495 ArmorUSEquity ARMR ... 19.03 –1.17 ... DirexRs1000ValOvGr RWVG 2.5 41.40 –2.45 .3281 FlexShUSQualLo QLV 1.3 40.82 –2.36 .1328 InnovNextProto KOIN 1.5 31.55 –2.75 .466 iPathBlmAgricult JJA ... 45.14 –1.74 ...
PrincipalHlthInnov BTEC ... 48.19 –2.05 ... ArrowDJGlobalYd GYLD 9.9 10.99 –0.61 .0658 DirexS&P500HiMin QMJ 1.4 51.37 –3.64 .1715 FrankFTSEAsiaxJpn FLAX 1.9 24.26 –0.64 .0758 InnovIBDBreakout BOUT ... 23.50 –1.84 ... iPathBlmAlum JJU ... 39.68 –0.15 ...
PrincplMillennials GENY .9 48.38 –2.87 .1332 ArrowQVMEquityFact QVM 3.4 20.35 –1.37 .0648 DirexWorkFrHome WFH .2 53.77 –3.68 .0317 FrankFTSEAustralia FLAU 3.3 23.28 –1.32 .3217 InnovIBDLdrs LDRS 1.3 24.20 –1.08 .1715 iPathBlmCoffee JO ... 31.51 –0.40 ...
PrincipalQual PSET 1.2 41.66 –2.47 .1113 AvantisCoreFixIncm AVIG ... 49.72 –0.10 ... DistillUSFundSt DSTL .9 31.80 –1.90 .2972 FrankFTSEBrazil FLBR 5.3 16.57 –1.66 .2607 InnovatorIBD50 FFTY ... 35.95 –2.38 ... iPathBlmCopper JJC ... 46.32 –1.37 ...
PrinUSLCMulti PLC 1.7 26.66 –1.71 .1216 AvantisEM AVEM 1.0 52.07 –2.02 .3486 EmgqEM Internet EMQQ .8 55.02 +0.21 .4549 FrankFTSECanada FLCA 2.7 23.62 –1.35 .2588 InnovLoupFrontier LOUP ... 37.42 –1.53 ... iPathBlmCotton BAL ... 40.84 –1.21 ...
PrinUSMega USMC 1.9 31.45 –1.76 .1393 AvantisIntlEquity AVDE 1.1 47.72 –2.79 .3905 ETFMGAltHarvest MJ 8.2 10.72 –0.78 .18 FrankFTSEChina FLCH 1.6 30.55 –0.25 .0422 InnovEAFEPwrJan IJAN ... 23.64 –0.52 ... iPathBlmGrains JJG ... 46.95 –2.19 ...
PrinUSSCMulti PSC 1.6 28.31 –2.17 .1133 AvantisIntlSCValue AVDV 1.1 45.82 –3.07 .298 ETFMG PrimeCyber HACK 1.4 45.05 –3.31 .02 FrankFTSEEurope FLEE 2.8 21.66 –1.65 .1977 InnovEAFEPwrJul IJUL .0 22.60 –0.55 .2347 iPathBlmIndMet JJM ... 45.90 –0.66 ...
PrinUS S-MC Mult PSM 1.8 23.46 –1.07 .1065 AvantisShortTrmFix AVSF ... 49.98 –0.02 ... ETFMGPrmJrSilv SILJ 1.2 13.70 –0.98 .17 FrankFTSEEurHdg FLEH 6.3 20.73 –1.32 .1466 InnovEMPwrJan EJAN ... 27.21 –0.55 ... iPathBlmLivestk COW ... 33.53 +0.45 ...
PrincipalValue PY 3.5 27.91 –1.87 .4542 AvantisUSEquityETF AVUS 1.3 53.45 –3.25 .1887 ETFMG PrimeMob IPAY .0 50.79 –5.43 .015 FrankFTSEFrance FLFR 2.1 21.91 –1.90 .1706 InnovEMPwrJuly EJUL ... 25.47 –0.24 ... iPathBBloomNatGas GAZ ... 20.31 +0.89 ...
ProcureSpace UFO .8 20.84 –1.08 .06 AvantisUSSCValue AVUV 1.3 44.83 –3.24 .1556 ETFMGSitUltra VALT 1.7 49.77 +0.01 .0403 FrankFTSEGermany FLGR 1.6 20.46 –2.43 .2426 InspireCpBdImp IBD 1.7 26.30 –0.08 .028 iPathBlmNickel JJN ... 60.23 –1.72 ...
ProShEquRising EQRR 2.8 29.25 –2.31 .1653 AwareUltShDur AWTM 2.0 49.60 –0.04 .05 ETFMG TravelTech AWAY ... 17.44 –1.82 ... FrankFTSE HK FLHK 2.9 22.62 –0.78 .252 InspireGlblHope BLES 1.9 27.17 –2.02 .1237 iPathBlmPlatinum PGM ... 39.92 –3.48 ...
ProShUltNdBio BIB ... 64.70 –6.04 ... BNYMellonCoreBd BKAG 1.8 50.30 ... .0632 ETFMG Treat GERM ... 27.22 –1.43 ... FrankFTSEIndia FLIN .7 22.01 –0.83 .1211 InspireIntlESGETF WWJD 1.2 24.31 –2.07 .0928 iPathBlmPrecMet JJP ... 65.98 –1.37 ...
ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ .0 117.45 –21.85 .0313 BNYMellonEM BKEM 2.4 62.92 –2.06 .4492 ETRACS Alerian MLP AMU 14.6 7.11 –0.54 .2399 FrankFTSEItaly FLIY 3.2 19.24 –1.86 .401 Inspire100ETF BIBL 1.2 32.51 –2.02 .0809 iPathBlmSugar SGG ... 42.92 –1.20 ...
ProShUltShtQQQ SQQQ 3.5 25.03 +3.43 .3262 BNYMellonHYBeta BKHY 6.1 54.08 –0.59 .265 ETRACSAlerianMLP AMUB 14.6 7.08 –0.57 .2399 FrankFTSEJapan FLJP 2.0 25.83 –0.45 .2111 InspireS/MC Impact ISMD 1.3 23.17 –1.55 .072 iPathBlmTin JJT ... 46.30 –1.76 ...
ProShUltShNdBtech BIS .8 32.73 +2.60 .1057 BNYMellonIntl BKIE 2.5 56.66 –3.26 .3702 ETRACSAlernMLPInfr MLPB 15.0 9.45 –0.79 .3143 FrankFTSEJapanHdg FLJH ... 24.58 –0.50 ... InspireTactBal RISN .5 24.99 –0.91 .0326 iPathShillerCape CAPE ... 152.80 –8.85 ...
SPDRDorseyWrightFx DWFI 2.9 24.12 –0.53 .0438 BNYM ShDurCpBd BKSB 1.7 51.65 –0.05 .0685 EtracsAlerianMid AMND 11.9 22.37 –1.69 .6682 FrankFTSELatAm FLLA 3.4 17.65 –1.52 .1624 InvscActvUSRlEst PSR 3.5 78.13 –4.30 .6412 iPathSilverETN SBUG ... 33.07 –1.34 ...
SirenLCBlend SPQQ ... 25.95 –1.74 ... BNYM LC Core BKLC 1.4 61.82 –3.86 .1756 EtracsAlerMidstr AMNA 10.1 21.20 –1.32 .536 FrankFTSEMexico FLMX 2.9 17.00 –1.10 .1299 InvscAero&Def PPA 1.2 53.89 –4.03 .1053 iShAAA-ARtdCorpBd QLTA 2.5 57.33 –0.35 .0983
SoFiGigEcon GIGE ... 28.56 –2.00 ... BNYM US MC Core BKMC 1.4 65.55 –4.22 .2415 EtracsAlerMid AMTR ... 23.85 –1.48 ... FrankFTSERussia FLRU ... 20.05 –2.11 ... InvscCA AMT-Fr PWZ 2.4 27.35 ... .0546 iShA/PDividend DVYA 5.0 32.14 –1.16 .642
TigerChinaUS TTTN ... 41.28 –1.09 ... BNYM US SC Core BKSE 1.4 67.04 –4.27 .2384 ETRACSBloomETN DJCB ... 13.33 –0.35 ... FrankFTSESAfrica FLZA 14.0 19.29 –1.67 .3909 InvscCEFIncmComp PCEF 8.7 19.74 –0.65 .133 iShBBCpBd HYBB ... 50.03 –0.48 ...
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M21
Exchange-Traded Portfolios
Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div Tick Div
Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt. Name Sym Yld Last Chg. Amt.
iShAgencyBond AGZ 1.6 120.73 +0.03 .0902 iShMornLCValue JKF 3.6 95.71 –5.80 .8268 NatixisSeeyondIntl MVIN 5.4 37.88 –1.94 .5244 ProShUltBrazil BZQ .6 17.63 +2.78 .0185 SPDRSSgAUltraShrt ULST 1.7 40.46 +0.02 .0321 VangdDivApp VIG 1.8 125.74 –7.40 .5575
iShCMBSETF CMBS 2.5 55.04 –0.08 .1119 iShMorningstarMC JKG 1.3 197.98 –11.73 .682 NatixisVaughanMC VNMC ... 24.55 –1.72 ... ProShrUS MSCI EAFE EFU .2 19.10 +2.03 .0083 SPFdsDJGlbSukuk SPSK 2.4 20.16 –0.10 .042 VangdEnergy VDE 6.7 38.91 –2.39 .5524
iShGovt/CreditBond GBF 2.0 124.31 –0.26 .1346 iShMornMCGrowth JKH .2 321.79 –22.07 .0795 NatixisVaughanNel VNSE ... 23.93 –1.56 ... ProShUltMSCIEM EEV .4 25.09 +1.66 .0261 SPFdsS&P500Sharia SPUS 1.2 22.39 –1.36 .026 VangdExDurTreas EDV 2.0 157.45 –0.54 .7035
iSh10-20YTreasBd TLH 1.6 161.66 –0.60 .1589 iShMorningstarSC JKJ 1.6 159.27 –10.03 .6758 NETLeaseCpRlEst NETL 4.6 21.78 –1.70 .2792 ProShrUS MSCI Jpn EWV .0 20.28 +0.72 .0096 SchwabEM Equity SCHE 3.1 27.24 –0.85 .1075 VangdAWxUSSC VSS 2.4 102.43 –5.48 .3423
iSh0-5YTIPSBd STIP 1.3 103.41 –0.26 .4838 iShMornSCGrowth JKK .2 244.02 –13.76 .1559 NiftyIndiaFinls INDF ... 24.13 –1.15 ... ProShUltMC400 MZZ .5 9.97 +1.06 .0143 Schwab5-10YCpBd SCHI 2.3 52.60 –0.21 .105 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 2.5 39.45 –2.29 .2208
iShBloomRollSel CMDY ... 42.00 –0.92 ... iShMornSCValue JKL 2.9 109.52 –7.76 .728 NoShoreGlUran URNM ... 27.20 –0.90 ... ProShrUSOilGas DUG .1 59.74 +5.80 .0289 SchwabFundEmgLrg FNDE 4.2 23.48 –1.43 .145 VangdFTSE EM VWO 2.8 43.81 –1.55 .4256
iShCalifMuniBd CMF 1.9 61.92 –0.03 .0919 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 2.2 115.12 –0.13 .2079 NuvESGHYCorpBd NUHY 5.3 24.36 –0.28 .1085 ProShUltShtQQQ QID 1.7 9.85 +0.96 .0654 SchwabFundIntLrgCo FNDF 3.8 23.88 –1.46 .1981 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 2.5 49.59 –3.92 .3032
iShAggrAllocation AOA 2.1 56.73 –2.64 .159 iShNewYorkMuniBd NYF 2.0 57.15 ... .0967 NuvESGUSAggBd NUBD 2.3 26.73 –0.03 .0513 ProShrUSRlEst SRS .6 15.50 +1.22 .0237 SchwabFundIntlSmCo FNDC 3.0 29.13 –1.66 .1246 VangdFTSE Pac VPL 2.4 67.30 –2.08 .3139
iShConsAllocat AOK 2.3 36.81 –0.69 .0742 iShResidentMultiRE REZ 3.4 60.30 –2.51 .4707 NuvEnhYd1-5Y NUSA 2.7 25.50 –0.02 .0528 ProShUltShRus2000 TWM .7 8.53 +0.98 .0207 SchwabFundUSBrd FNDB 2.8 37.45 –2.48 .295 VangdFinls VFH 2.7 58.94 –3.38 .3558
iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 2.5 38.96 –2.28 .2605 iShRobotics&AI IRBO .3 33.23 –1.47 .0371 NuvEnhYdUSAgg NUAG 3.4 25.42 –0.07 .1225 ProShUltShtS&P500 SDS .9 16.58 +1.71 .0569 SchwabFundUSLrgCo FNDX 2.9 38.17 –2.37 .3246 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 2.6 49.41 –2.52 .3416
iShCore5-10YUSDBd IMTB 2.4 52.11 –0.04 .0957 iShRussell1000Gwth IWF .8 209.58 –13.06 .4328 OverlayCoreBd OVB 3.4 26.01 –0.23 .2624 ProShrUSSemi SSG .9 21.21 +2.30 .0472 SchwabFundUSSmCo FNDA 1.6 33.82 –2.28 .14 VangdGrowth VUG .8 220.77 –13.51 .4062
iShGrwthAllocation AOR 2.2 47.50 –1.72 .1623 iShRussell1000 IWB 1.6 182.85 –10.96 .7651 OverlayFgnEqu OVF 3.6 22.81 –1.25 .32 ProShUltShtSilver ZSL ... 9.22 +0.68 ... SchwabIntmUSTrsr SCHR 1.9 58.25 –0.04 .0568 VangdHlthCr VHT 1.3 198.15 –11.70 .6313
iShCoreHiDividend HDV 4.4 77.84 –4.04 .8508 iShRussell1000Val IWD 2.7 116.73 –6.64 .72 OverlayLCEq OVL 1.8 27.49 –2.08 .2659 ProShUlShtSC600 SDD .2 8.54 +0.97 .0142 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 3.2 30.32 –1.74 .2385 VangdHiDiv VYM 3.6 79.54 –4.32 .7053
iShCoreMSCIEM IEMG 2.5 53.47 –1.95 .4364 iShRussell2000Gwth IWO .7 223.17 –13.81 .3283 OverlayMuniBd OVM 3.4 25.21 –0.22 .2578 ProShrUSTech REW .8 19.61 +1.92 .0388 SchwabIntlSC SCHC 3.0 31.46 –1.83 .9543 VangdIndls VIS 1.7 143.19 –9.91 .553
iShCoreMSCIEurope IEUR 2.3 42.40 –3.28 .5947 iShRussell2000 IWM 1.3 153.09 –9.98 .5664 OverlaySCEq OVS 1.7 23.16 –1.80 .2094 ProShUltraSh20+ TBT 1.1 16.74 +0.04 .0003 SchwabLTUSTrea SCHQ 1.5 54.83 –0.11 .0622 VangdIntermBd BIV 2.4 92.69 –0.29 .1575
iShMSCIIntlDev IDEV 2.6 52.15 –2.91 .5734 iShRussell2000Val IWN 2.2 102.99 –7.34 .5774 PGIMActHYBd PHYL 6.2 39.61 –0.44 .1851 ProShrUSUtil SDP .2 9.99 +0.77 .0118 Schwab1-5YCpBd SCHJ 1.8 51.48 –0.07 .0712 VangdLC VV 1.7 152.54 –8.87 .6157
iShCoreMSCIPacific IPAC 3.1 55.67 –1.61 .5823 iShRussell3000 IWV 1.5 191.94 –11.49 .7673 PGIMUltraShBd PULS 2.1 49.91 ... .0518 ProShUltShtYen YCS ... 69.86 –0.06 ... Schwab1000Index SCHK 2.0 32.23 –1.98 .1868 VangdLT Bond BLV 3.0 109.49 –0.59 .2692
iShModAllocation AOM 2.3 40.42 –1.02 .163 iShMicro-CapETF IWC 1.3 91.79 –6.10 .3026 PIMCO25+YrZeroCoup ZROZ 1.8 162.09 –0.80 .57 ProShsVIXMTFut VIXM ... 41.21 +2.47 ... SchwabSrtTRmUSTrsr SCHO 1.6 51.46 +0.02 .0421 VangdMegaCap MGC 1.6 116.22 –6.90 .4012
iShCoreS&P500 IVV 1.8 327.62 –19.34 1.5058 iShRussellMid-Cap IWR 1.6 57.75 –3.51 .2173 PIMCO ActiveBd BOND 2.9 111.47 –0.31 .23 ProShsVIXSTFut VIXY ... 21.73 +3.56 ... SchwabUS AggrBd SCHZ 2.5 55.63 –0.14 .1081 VangdMegaGrwth MGK .7 179.05 –10.96 .2673
iShCoreS&P MC IJH 1.7 189.47 –11.55 .8331 iShRussellMCValue IWS 2.4 81.60 –4.89 .4261 PIMCOBrdUSTIPSIdx TIPZ 1.8 64.28 –0.17 .24 Qraft AI US Hi Div HDIV 2.5 23.53 –1.44 .1021 SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 2.0 78.06 –4.66 .4867 VangdMegaVal MGV 2.8 74.74 –4.26 .4566
iShCoreS&P SC IJR 1.6 72.02 –4.66 .289 iShRussellTop200Gr IWY .8 116.60 –7.17 .2472 PIMCOEnhLowDur LDUR 2.6 102.35 +0.15 .18 QRAFT AI US LC QRFT .4 32.27 –2.02 .9867 SchwabUS Div SCHD 3.4 55.51 –3.19 .543 VangdMC VO 1.7 176.14 –10.86 .6628
iShS&PTotlUSStkMkt ITOT 1.7 74.05 –4.36 .3324 iShRussellTop200 IWL 1.5 78.58 –4.62 .298 PIMCOEnhShMaturESG EMNT 1.5 100.86 ... .08 QRAFTAIUSLCMom AMOM .1 34.34 –2.46 .443 SchwabUS LC SCHX 2.0 78.71 –4.73 .4851 VangdMCGrowth VOT .7 178.76 –11.63 .2628
iShCore10+YUSDBd ILTB 3.1 74.00 –0.57 .1771 iShRussellTop200Vl IWX 2.6 49.87 –2.78 .298 PIMCOEnhShMaturity MINT 1.6 101.96 ... .0524 QuadIntRtVol IVOL 3.7 27.44 –0.07 .0823 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG .6 111.90 –7.00 .1736 VangdMC Val VOE 2.9 101.88 –5.96 .6335
iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 2.3 117.20 –0.27 .2017 iShS&P100 OEF 1.6 150.78 –8.82 .6316 PIMCO15+USTIPSIdx LTPZ 2.0 85.35 –0.73 .30 RoboGlbAI THNQ ... 32.32 –2.14 ... SchwabUS LC Val SCHV 4.0 51.11 –2.92 .6509 VangdRealEst VNQ 3.9 76.59 –3.77 .5901
iShCoreUS REIT USRT 3.9 42.62 –2.39 .3442 iShS&PMC400Growth IJK .9 60.59 –3.45 .1279 PIMCOIntermMuniBd MUNI 2.0 56.02 +0.02 .0868 RoboGlbHlthTch HTEC ... 35.17 –1.98 ... SchwabUS MC SCHM 1.6 56.17 –3.37 .2026 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 1.8 299.82 –17.83 1.3085
iShCurHdgMSCIUS HAWX 3.0 25.92 –1.01 .316 iShS&P500Growth IVW 1.0 56.17 –3.23 .1365 PIMCOInvGrdCorpBd CORP 2.9 113.98 –0.71 .2534 RoboGlblRobotics ROBO .3 48.22 –2.55 .1558 SchwabUS REIT SCHH 3.4 34.27 –1.76 .2463 VangdS&P500 Grw VOOG 1.0 202.29 –12.12 .3805
iShCurrHdgMSCICda HEWC 5.7 24.20 –1.00 1.0856 iShGlobalEnergyETF IXC 7.0 15.56 –0.96 .3913 PIMCO1-5USTIPSIdx STPZ 2.2 53.54 –0.16 .25 RPAR RiskParity RPAR .7 21.69 –0.54 .048 SchwabUS SC SCHA 1.4 69.82 –4.59 .2817 VangdS&P500Val VOOV 2.6 106.92 –6.15 .6344
iShCurHdgMSCIEAFE HSCZ 3.2 27.92 –1.35 .2636 iShGlobalHealthcr IXJ 1.5 68.25 –3.94 .534 PIMCO DynMultEM MFEM 2.4 22.37 –0.91 .08 RealEstSectorSPDR XLRE 3.2 34.15 –1.48 .213 Schwab US TIPs SCHP 1.2 61.05 –0.25 .1776 VangdS&PMC400 IVOO 1.4 128.51 –7.71 .3828
iShCurHdMSCIEurozn HEZU 1.4 26.52 –1.90 .2501 iShGlobalTechETF IXN .8 250.55 –17.71 .9623 PIMCO DynMultIn MFDX 2.4 23.22 –1.28 .03 RenaissanceIPO IPO .3 50.68 –3.80 .0657 SimplUSConvex SPYC ... 23.59 –1.43 ... VangdS&P400Grwth IVOG 1.1 150.65 –8.68 1.7219
iShCurrHdMSCIJapan HEWJ 2.2 31.28 –0.57 .3065 iShGloblFinancials IXG 3.1 52.47 –3.24 .784 PIMCO DynMultUS MFUS 2.4 29.20 –1.80 .03 RenaissanceIntlIPO IPOS .2 32.20 –0.97 .0235 SimplUSPlusDown SPD ... 23.68 –1.34 ... VangdS&P400Val IVOV 2.1 108.41 –6.97 2.2747
iShCurHdgMSCIMex HEWW 2.0 13.66 –0.80 .0524 iShS&P500Value IVE 2.7 110.39 –6.52 .6284 PIMCO RAFI ESG US RAFE 2.2 21.83 –1.43 .14 RivFrDynCoreIncm RFCI 2.0 26.00 –0.02 .0326 SimplUSPlusUp SPUC ... 23.47 –1.55 ... VangdS&P600 VIOO 1.6 132.68 –8.58 2.0859
iShCurrHdgMSCIUK HEWU 4.3 17.84 –0.96 .3396 iShIntlDevProperty WPS 8.0 30.30 –1.43 .3129 PIMCOShrtTrmMuniBd SMMU 1.4 51.20 ... .042 RivFrDynUSDiv RFDA 1.8 33.50 –2.14 .0326 SitRisingRateETF RISE ... 19.95 –0.32 ... VangdS&P600Grwth VIOG .9 154.61 –9.18 .2876
iShCybersecurity IHAK .5 30.79 –2.40 .1106 iShGlobalConsDiscr RXI .9 133.29 –7.05 .5235 PIMCO0-5YrHiYdCorp HYS 4.8 93.84 –1.07 .39 RivFrDynUSFlex RFFC 1.3 34.14 –2.25 .0079 6MeridianHdg SIXH 1.9 25.52 –0.62 .0368 VangdS&P600Val VIOV 1.8 110.01 –7.80 .4395
iShUSBasicMaterial IYM 1.8 97.30 –5.07 .4067 iShGlobalUtilities JXI 2.7 57.10 –2.74 .5851 PPTYUSDivrsRealEst PPTY 4.1 24.63 –1.65 .2523 RivFrDynUnconInc RFUN 4.4 25.13 –0.20 .0812 6MeridianLowBeta SIXL .7 26.63 –1.41 .0114 VangdST Bond BSV 2.0 82.83 –0.07 .1092
iShUSConsumerSvcs IYC .8 242.49 –15.06 .4476 iShGlobalMaterials MXI 1.7 67.96 –3.63 .3981 PacerAmEnIndepend USAI 11.4 14.94 –1.13 .0647 RivFrStratIncm RIGS 3.5 24.54 –0.16 .0528 6MeridianMega SIXA 1.9 26.47 –1.56 .0386 VangdSC VB 1.4 157.11 –9.56 .5446
iShUSConsumerGoods IYK 1.8 144.79 –8.78 .7843 iShGloblIndustrial EXI 1.5 90.77 –5.91 .7514 PacerData&Infr SRVR 1.8 34.07 –1.55 .1464 RoundAcqDpVal DEEP 7.5 21.98 –1.56 .0147 6MeridianSC SIXS .9 30.52 –1.71 .028 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 2.1 54.11 –0.02 .0891
iShUSFinlServices IYG 2.0 119.49 –8.31 .6168 iShrsSP GSCI Cmdty GSG ... 10.38 –0.55 ... PacerIndRealEst INDS 2.0 33.48 –1.64 .1851 RoundBitEsports NERD .2 25.20 –0.76 .0496 SmartTransport MOTO ... 32.30 –1.98 ... VangdTotalStk VTI 1.7 166.99 –9.85 .6741
iShUSHealthcare IYH 1.3 219.61 –13.01 .8893 iShS&PMC400Value IJJ 2.3 69.73 –4.46 .3789 PacerCFRAStovall SZNE 1.7 26.67 –1.64 .0889 RoundSportsBet BETZ ... 19.46 –1.81 ... SoFi50ETF SFYF 1.0 22.27 –1.75 .0781 VangdTotlWrld VT 2.0 78.99 –4.46 .4025
iShUSRealEstate IYR 3.2 77.51 –3.50 .4794 iShS&PSC600Value IJS 2.1 63.45 –4.42 .2837 PacerFTSECnA50 AFTY 3.7 20.28 –0.49 .752 SPDRBlackstoneSrLn SRLN 5.1 44.26 –0.43 .19 SoFiNext500 SFYX 1.3 10.19 –0.57 .0545 VangdUtilities VPU 3.0 135.41 –5.34 .8866
iShUSUtilities IDU 2.9 152.82 –6.06 1.2234 iShGlblConStaples KXI 2.2 53.15 –2.84 .5818 PaceriPathGold GBUG ... 30.91 –0.46 ... SPDRBloomBarCvSecs CWB 2.5 68.91 –2.74 .1083 SoFiSelect500 SFY 1.3 12.04 –0.71 .0804 VangdValue VTV 3.1 102.61 –5.68 .7155
iShUS Energy IYE 6.7 15.37 –0.90 .2696 iShNATech-Mult IGN .7 47.46 –2.76 .101 PacerLuntLCAlt ALTL 1.5 24.24 –1.30 .0881 SPDRBBCpBd SPBO 3.0 35.21 –0.16 .0784 SoFiWeeklyIncm TGIF .2 99.89 –0.73 .05 VesperUSLCShort UTRN .6 28.99 –1.47 .8496
iShUS Finls IYF 2.1 111.07 –6.88 .6029 iShSelfDrvngEV IDRV 1.1 33.58 –1.85 .1807 PacerLuntLCMultAlt PALC .6 26.73 –1.67 .0399 SPDRBloomBarEMLoBd EBND 4.1 26.31 –0.37 .0738 SPDR DJRlEst RWX 11.4 28.55 –1.44 .2686 VicShUSAACrIntBd UITB 2.7 53.87 –0.15 .0971
iShUSHealthcarePrv IHF .7 200.78 –16.47 .5042 iShShortNatlMuniBd SUB 1.4 107.64 –0.19 .0988 PacerLuntMCMult PAMC .3 27.10 –1.56 .0176 SPDR BlmBarcHYBd JNK 5.5 104.30 –1.21 .4547 SPDR DJREIT RWR 4.1 75.99 –4.29 .6509 VicSh USAAShtBd USTB 2.5 51.76 –0.01 .0544
iShUSInsurance IAK 2.5 56.58 –3.12 .3599 iShSilver SLV ... 21.99 –0.95 ... PacerTrendFd TRND 1.0 24.82 –1.11 .2496 SPDRBloomBarInCpBd IBND .5 35.57 –0.75 .0109 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 2.2 265.06 –18.28 .1168 VicShUSAA EMVal UEVM 4.9 38.78 –2.27 .0556
iShUSOilEquip&Svcs IEZ 4.6 7.13 –0.46 .0579 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 1.0 125.23 –0.62 .4173 PacerTrendpilot PTIN 1.2 22.03 –1.21 .2587 SPDRBlmBarIntTrBd BWX 1.0 29.95 –0.26 .0215 SPDR EurSTOXX FEZ 2.2 33.59 –3.32 .1841 VicShUSAA IntlVal UIVM 4.0 39.13 –1.99 .1531
iShUSPharmaceuticl IHE 1.3 159.02 –9.09 .7089 iSh10+YIGCpBd IGLB 3.4 69.43 –0.64 .197 PacerTrendUSBd PTBD 2.2 26.30 –0.38 .2738 SPDRBlmBarInvGrdFR FLRN 1.7 30.58 –0.01 .0154 SPDR MSCI exUS CWI 2.8 23.53 –1.22 .2741 VicSh USA SC Val USVM 1.5 49.00 –3.17 .1445
iShUSRegionalBanks IAT 3.6 36.53 –1.34 .3735 iShTreaFRBd TFLO .8 50.29 +0.01 .0041 PacerUSCashCows BUL 1.0 27.12 –1.82 .0752 SPDRBloomBarc1-10Y TIPX 1.7 20.57 –0.09 .0825 SpdrSPIntDiv DWX 5.3 32.49 –1.68 .4057 VicShUSAA USAVal ULVM 1.9 47.71 –2.64 .0671
iShUSMedDevices IHI .3 298.16 –15.90 .1975 iShDowJonesUS IYY 1.6 162.72 –9.71 .6731 PacificGlbSrLoan FLRT 3.8 47.59 –0.38 .1395 SPDRBloomBar1-3MTB BIL .7 91.53 ... .0143 SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 1.4 346.27 –21.22 1.0331 VidentUSBdStrat VBND 2.5 51.52 –0.10 .032
iShAdvTotUSDBd EUSB 1.4 50.18 –0.12 .0567 iShChinaLC FXI 2.5 44.10 –1.03 .3332 PerthMintPhGold AAAU ... 18.71 –0.26 ... SPDRBloomBarSTHYBd SJNK 5.6 25.89 –0.22 .1249 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 1.7 326.54 –19.24 1.3392 VidentCoreUSEquity VUSE 1.6 28.73 –1.95 .0118
iShESGUSAggBd EAGG 2.0 56.10 –0.12 .0599 iShRussellMCGrowth IWP .5 173.08 –10.52 .207 PrincipalActIncm YLD 5.0 37.39 –0.78 .1403 SPDRBloomBarSTInTr BWZ .2 31.45 –0.34 .0004 SPDR S&P Biotch XBI .1 112.77 –4.86 .089 VidentIntlEquityFd VIDI 3.1 20.37 –1.26 .0064
iShEM Dividend DVYE 6.8 29.70 –1.57 .4926 iShUSBrokerDealers IAI 2.0 61.64 –3.63 .3268 PrincInvGrdCp IG 3.3 26.87 –0.16 .0667 SPDR 3-12MT-Bill BILS ... 100.08 +0.01 ... SPDR SP China GXC 1.1 123.96 –1.16 .5641 VirtusInfrUSPfd PFFA 9.9 19.05 –0.68 .15
iShEuropeETF IEV 2.0 39.61 –3.17 .4938 iShUSTechBreak TECB .9 30.69 –2.14 .0429 PrincipalSpectPfd PREF 4.7 20.02 –0.15 .0779 SPDRDoubleTRTact TOTL 2.9 49.18 –0.05 .1031 SPDR S&P Div SDY 3.1 92.46 –5.54 .6858 VirtusLifeSciBio BBC ... 38.79 –2.28 ...
iShExpTech IGM .4 300.77 –19.55 .2554 iShUSTech IYW .7 292.74 –18.44 .4185 PrincipalTaxAdv PQDI 1.8 20.79 –0.17 .0779 SPDRDJGlbRealEst RWO 4.8 38.23 –2.07 .329 SPDR SP EmAsPac GMF 1.6 114.38 –2.32 .5679 VirtusLifeSciBio BBP ... 48.07 –1.58 ...
iShFocusedValue FOVL 4.0 33.57 –1.91 .3102 iShVirtualWork IWFH ... 25.51 –1.20 ... PrincUltShtAct USI 2.4 24.93 –0.01 .036 SPDREUROSTOXXSC SMEZ 1.2 56.74 –4.90 .3675 SPDR S&P Home XHB .8 51.98 –3.84 .0899 VirtusNewDynCredit BLHY 3.8 23.25 –0.26 .0813
iShGenomicsImm IDNA .2 37.93 –1.73 .0837 iShYdOptimizedBd BYLD 3.2 25.64 –0.09 .0585 ProShDJBrkGlIn TOLZ 3.6 37.45 –2.18 .4638 SPDRIntGovBd WIP 1.8 54.14 –0.73 .0616 SPDR IntlSC GWX 3.4 29.48 –1.53 .3291 VirtusNewMultiBd NFLT 3.8 24.69 –0.14 .0701
iShGlblComm IXP 1.1 67.37 –1.97 .2971 iSh0-5YHYCorpBd SHYG 5.4 43.90 –0.45 .1941 ProShDecRetail EMTY .4 27.86 +1.93 .0166 SPDRFactSetInnTech XITK .1 169.47 –11.65 .1604 SPDR S&P MtlMng XME 1.5 24.43 –1.17 .0739 VirtusPrvCrd VPC 11.8 17.35 –0.60 .51
iShGlobal100 IOO 1.7 54.55 –2.89 .5069 iSh0-3MTreaBd SGOV .1 100.02 ... .0052 ProShHdgReplic HDG .3 46.00 –0.96 .0421 SPDRGlobalDow DGT 2.2 79.89 –5.24 .3318 SPDRS&POilGasExpl XOP 3.6 40.58 –4.34 .3782 VirtusRealAsset VRAI 4.0 18.55 –1.12 .22
iShGlobalREITETF REET 6.3 20.38 –1.07 .1913 JPM AlerianMLP AMJ 14.5 11.33 –0.75 .3803 ProShInflationExp RINF .7 26.35 –0.15 .0355 SPDRGoldMini GLDM ... 18.71 –0.25 ... SPDR S&P Pharm XPH .6 44.11 –2.28 .0523 VirtusReavesUtil UTES 2.1 39.29 –1.53 .22
iShGoldTr IAU ... 17.89 –0.27 ... JanusHendersonAAA JAAA ... 49.82 –0.14 ... ProShLgOnline CLIX .5 85.04 –2.09 .4289 SPDR Gold GLD ... 176.20 –2.44 ... SPDR S&P Retail XRT 1.2 49.84 –4.60 .1304 VirtusSeixSrLoan SEIX 4.5 24.16 –0.11 .0735
iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 2.9 133.73 –0.89 .2945 JanusHendMtg JMBS 3.3 53.59 +0.01 .1443 ProShMSCITransform ANEW ... 36.97 –2.31 ... SPDRMFSSysCore SYE 1.5 84.59 –5.19 .1784 SPDR S&P Semi XSD .4 132.52 –4.49 .0787 WBIBullBrGlbIncm WBII 3.7 23.62 –0.24 .0145
iShiBondsDec2020Cp IBDL .0 25.21 ... .023 JanusHenShrtDur VNLA 1.9 50.42 –0.01 .0227 ProShOnlRetail ONLN .6 63.56 –3.83 .3711 SPDRMFSSysGrowth SYG .7 102.58 –6.49 .1092 SPDRWelsFrg PSK 5.2 43.19 –0.67 .18 WBIBullBrQu3000 WBIL .4 25.47 –1.20 .0211
iShiBdsDec2030Cp IBDV 1.9 25.58 –0.15 .0401 HancockConsDisc JHMC 1.0 38.11 –2.91 .1522 ProShRAFI L/S RALS 1.8 30.04 –0.02 .1009 SPDRMFSSysValueEqu SYV 2.2 59.25 –3.50 .2132 SprottGoldMiners SGDM .2 32.04 –1.00 .0631 WBIBullBrRsInc300 WBIE .4 26.44 –1.17 .0366
iShiBdsDec2028Cp IBDT 2.9 28.97 –0.11 .0646 HancockConsStpl JHMS 2.4 29.90 –1.53 .3619 ProShS&P500Bd SPXB 2.9 91.77 –0.59 .1902 SPDRACWILowCarbon LOWC 2.0 98.02 –5.44 .7801 SprottJrGoldMiners SGDJ .5 44.51 –3.09 .2196 WBIBullBrTdUS WBIT 3.4 19.28 –0.14 .1441
iShiBondsDec2025Cp IBDQ 2.7 27.09 –0.05 .0522 HancockDevIntl JHMD 2.2 26.24 –1.48 .2389 ProShS&P500xEner SPXE 1.2 71.14 –4.46 .19 SPDREAFEFossilFr EFAX 2.1 65.71 –3.89 .6562 SterlingCapFocus LCG ... 22.96 –1.56 ... WBIBullBrTrdUSTR WBIN 5.3 16.41 –0.16 .009
iShiBondsDec2024Cp IBDP 2.7 26.37 –0.09 .0531 HancockMultEM JHEM 2.6 24.66 –1.05 .1786 ProShS&P500xFin SPXN 1.2 70.10 –4.43 .2153 SPDRMSCIEAFEStrat QEFA 2.7 59.71 –3.18 .739 SyntaxStratLC SSPY 1.6 47.90 –2.89 .7875 WBIBullBrVal3000 WBIF .4 25.12 –1.24 .0237
iShiBdsDec2029Cp IBDU 2.6 26.92 –0.10 .0534 HancockEnergy JHME 12.5 10.91 –0.75 .2057 ProShS&P500xTech SPXT 1.8 56.54 –3.38 .2308 SPDREMFossilFuelFr EEMX 2.6 67.45 –2.02 .3338 TRowePriceBlueChip TCHP ... 25.05 –1.70 ... WBIBullBrYd3000 WBIG .7 21.93 –1.05 .0508
iShiBondsDec2021Cp IBDM 2.4 25.01 ... .0431 HancockMultFinls JHMF 2.6 33.60 –2.40 .349 ProShShtBasicMat SBM .2 14.73 +0.70 .0049 SPDRMSCIEMStrat QEMM 3.2 56.49 –2.28 .48 TRowePriceDivGwth TDVG .6 24.66 –1.49 .0374 WBIPwrFactorHiDiv WBIY 6.2 18.53 –1.22 .2284
iShiBdsDec2021Muni IBMJ 1.4 25.80 ... .0304 HancockHealthcare JHMH 1.8 38.93 –2.34 .4498 ProShShtDow30 DOG .4 45.68 +2.89 .055 SPDRMSCIUSAStrat QUS 1.9 91.91 –5.37 .7723 TRowePriceEqIncm TEQI 1.4 24.36 –1.53 .0832 WedETFMGGlbCld IVES .6 40.71 –2.83 .08
iShiBondsDec2027Cp IBDS 2.9 27.05 –0.10 .0578 HancockIndustrials JHMI 1.3 38.20 –2.47 .2064 ProShShortEuro EUFX ... 44.00 +1.02 ... SPDRMSCIWorldStrat QWLD 2.3 80.87 –4.64 .8494 TRowePriceGrowth TGRW ... 25.31 –1.86 ... WedbushVideoGame GAMR .6 66.14 –2.44 .21
iShiBondsDec2026Cp IBDR 2.8 26.77 –0.06 .0558 HancockLC JHML 1.8 41.06 –2.38 .361 ProShShXinhuaCh25 YXI .2 15.81 +0.37 .011 SPDR NYSE Tech XNTK .4 114.87 –6.78 .065 TacticalIncm TBND .0 23.23 –0.25 .4335 WisdTrUSDBull USDU 3.1 26.46 +0.36 .8163
iShiBondsDec2023Cp IBDO 2.6 26.23 –0.03 .0502 HancockMatls JHMA 1.8 34.60 –1.70 .2687 ProShShtFinls SEF .4 19.52 +1.10 .0196 SPDRNuvBBHYMuni HYMB 3.8 56.56 –0.31 .1741 TechSelectSector XLK 1.1 110.86 –7.58 .2465 WisdTrCBOES&P500 PUTW 1.6 25.94 –1.17 .4183
iShiBondsDec2022Cp IBDN 2.5 25.62 –0.01 .0456 HancockMultMedia JHCS 1.0 29.32 –1.47 .1201 ProShShortHY SJB .4 19.81 +0.22 .0125 SPDRNuveenMuniBd TFI 2.0 51.62 –0.07 .0831 TeucriumAgriFd TAGS ... 19.18 –0.41 ... WisdTrChineseYuan CYB 1.9 26.69 –0.11 .5104
iShiBdsDec2022Muni IBMK 1.4 26.41 +0.04 .031 HancockMC JHMM 1.2 38.00 –2.19 .223 ProShShMSCI EAFE EFZ .5 24.65 +1.33 .0086 SPDRNuveenSTMuniBd SHM 1.3 49.67 –0.11 .0476 TeucriumCornFd CORN ... 13.33 –0.49 ... WisdTrContComm GCC ... 17.15 –0.61 ...
iShiBdsMar23CpxFin IBCE 2.6 25.08 ... .048 HancockMultiSC JHSC 1.3 24.99 –1.50 .1273 ProShShtMSCI EM EUM .4 15.17 +0.51 .0196 SPDRPtfAggBd SPAB 2.6 30.57 –0.05 .0594 TeucriumSoybeanFd SOYB ... 16.13 –0.31 ... WisdTrEmgCurr CEW ... 17.37 –0.20 ...
iShiBdsMar2023Cp IBDD 2.6 27.32 –0.04 .0529 HancockTech JHMT 1.4 64.43 –4.40 .457 ProShShtMC400 MYY .3 36.20 +2.05 .0152 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 2.5 28.30 –1.64 .3053 TeucriumSugarFd CANE ... 6.11 –0.27 ... WisdTrEMxSOE XSOE 1.1 34.44 –0.94 .145
iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 5.0 83.88 –0.99 .3574 HancockUtils JHMU 3.1 30.80 –1.41 .4615 ProShShtOil&Gas DDG .1 35.75 +1.89 .023 SPDRPtfEM SPEM 2.8 37.01 –1.23 .2992 TeucriumWheatFd WEAT ... 5.81 –0.33 ... WisdTrEM HiDiv DEM 5.3 34.72 –2.12 .94
iShIntRtHdgCorpBd LQDH 2.6 92.08 –0.39 .1313 JPMBeta US MC BBMC .9 64.06 –4.10 .1803 ProShShortQQQ PSQ .7 16.94 +0.87 .0448 SPDR PtfEurope SPEU 2.5 30.93 –2.40 .1744 TimothyHiDiv TPHD 2.7 23.03 –1.36 .0607 WisdTrEMLocDebt ELD 5.3 31.80 –0.69 .13
iShIntRateHdgEM EMBH 3.2 22.54 –0.12 .0469 JPMCorpBdResearch JIGB 3.1 56.78 –0.20 .135 ProShShtRE REK .3 12.75 +0.56 .0079 SPDR PtfHYBd SPHY 6.1 25.34 –0.18 .1282 TimothyPlanIntl TPIF 2.3 23.08 –1.27 .0659 WisdTrEMMulti EMMF 2.4 21.64 –0.72 .21
iShIntRtHdgHiYdBd HYGH 4.3 83.18 –0.75 .2751 JPM DivRetEM JPEM 4.2 46.21 –2.29 .6559 ProShShtRus2000 RWM .6 33.04 +1.98 .0499 SPDRPtfIntermCpBd SPIB 2.4 36.68 –0.11 .0615 TimothyUS LMC TPLC .9 26.73 –1.56 .024 WisdTrEM SC DGS 4.0 41.04 –2.09 .63
iShIntRtLTCpBd IGBH 2.7 23.58 –0.11 .0469 JPM DivRetIntlEq JPIN 3.1 49.86 –2.54 .4335 ProShShrtS&P500 SH .6 20.75 +1.10 .0279 SPDR PtfIntTrea SPTI 1.1 33.03 –0.03 .0086 Timothy US SC TPSC 1.2 22.01 –1.33 .0251 WisdTrEuropeHdg HEDJ 2.6 58.48 –4.15 .655
iShJPM EM LC Bd LEMB ... 41.67 –0.67 ... JPM DivRetUS Eq JPUS 2.4 73.50 –4.02 .3741 ProShSh7-10YrTr TBX .4 23.97 +0.05 .0229 SPDRPtfLTCorpBd SPLB 3.3 31.41 –0.29 .0814 TortoiseNAPipeline TPYP 6.9 15.08 –0.92 .2676 WisdTrEuropeHdgSM EUSC 3.8 25.78 –1.58 .485
iShJPX-Nikkei400 JPXN 1.9 62.84 –1.31 .4252 JPM Div US MC JPME 1.8 64.72 –3.42 .2624 SPDRPtfLgTermTrea SPTL 1.8 45.13 –0.13 .0575 WisdTrEurQualDiv EUDG 2.1 26.00 –2.02 .18
iShLatinAmerica40 ILF 4.0 21.05 –1.82 .2724 JPM Div US SC JPSE 1.4 28.94 –1.90 .0801 ProShShrtSC600 SBB .2 28.54 +1.72 .0097 SPDR PtfGSM SPGM 2.1 42.03 –2.53 .2611 TransamDeltaS&PEM DMRE 1.5 49.53 –1.48 .0461 WisdTrEuropeSC DFE 3.1 50.57 –4.33 .25
iShACWILowCarbon CRBN 1.9 127.74 –7.51 1.0368 JPMEquityPrem JEPI 9.6 52.14 –1.84 .4348 ProShSh20+Tr TBF .7 15.89 +0.03 .0351 SPDRPtfMtgBkdBd SPMB 3.0 26.54 –0.02 .0634 TrendAggGrowth TAAG ... 27.95 –1.03 ... WisdTrFRTrea USFR .6 25.12 +0.01 .001
iShMSCIAustralia EWA 3.7 19.77 –1.11 .2843 JPM IntlGrwth JIG ... 63.12 –2.76 ... ProShShtVIXST SVXY ... 33.73 –3.67 ... SPDRS&P500Value SPYV 2.8 29.66 –1.73 .1921 TrendAggDiv TADS ... 26.29 –0.76 ... WisdTrGlbxUSQual DNL 2.1 64.87 –3.27 .47
iShMSCIAustria EWO 4.5 14.24 –1.21 .1161 JPMUSAggregateBd JAGG 2.1 27.71 –0.09 .0365 ProShUltBscMtls UYM .9 53.17 –6.23 .0684 SPDRPtfS&P1500 SPTM 1.8 39.96 –2.39 .1416 TrueESGActOpps ECOZ ... 29.71 –2.08 ... WisdTrGlbxUSREFd DRW 2.4 23.52 –1.11 .5689
iShMSCIBRICETF BKF 1.4 47.60 –1.27 .1491 JPMUSDEMSovBd JPMB 4.5 48.56 –0.20 .1894 ProShUltBlmCrude UCO ... 22.68 –4.36 ... SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 1.8 38.38 –2.26 .1498 TrueTechAI LRNZ ... 38.06 –2.55 ... WisdTrGlbHiDiv DEW 4.7 36.72 –2.09 .60
iShMSCIBelgium EWK 2.3 15.80 –1.37 .1498 JPM US Dividend JDIV 3.9 23.26 –1.45 .2013 ProshUltBlmNatGas BOIL ... 42.78 +3.82 ... SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 1.1 48.59 –2.90 .1049 UBSNatGasMLPETN MLPG 14.8 10.16 –0.87 .3367 WisdTrGrwLdrs PLAT .2 36.48 –2.24 .0806
iShMSCIBrazil EWZ 3.8 26.86 –2.63 .3574 JPMUSMinimumVol JMIN 2.5 28.97 –1.58 .212 ProShUltCnsGds UGE .7 57.24 –7.55 .0656 SPDRS&P500HiDiv SPYD 5.5 27.60 –1.64 .2636 UBS FIEnhGlbHY FIHD ... 139.31 –16.96 ... WisdTrIndiaEarn EPI .8 23.60 –1.00 .035
iShMSCICanadaETF EWC 2.5 26.47 –1.64 .2582 JPM US Moment JMOM 1.0 33.74 –2.14 .077 ProShUltCnsSvs UCC .1 65.84 –8.61 .0198 SPDRPtfS&P400MC SPMD 1.6 33.34 –2.04 .0913 UBS FIEnhLCGrw FBGX ... 413.26 –65.35 ... WisdTrIndiaxSOE IXSE .1 24.63 –0.83 .03
iShMSCIChinaSC ECNS 2.7 43.52 –1.65 .583 JPM USQualFactor JQUA 1.5 31.54 –1.88 .1172 ProShUltDow30 DDM .7 42.48 –6.24 .0109 SPDRPtfS&P600SC SPSM 1.5 28.10 –1.81 .0614 E-TRACS DJ Cmd DJCI ... 13.35 –0.35 ... WisdTrIntDivxFin DOO 4.3 34.23 –2.31 .445
iShMSCIColombia ICOL 4.1 8.14 –0.40 .1485 JPM US Value JVAL 3.1 24.90 –1.64 .1517 ProShUlt Euro ULE ... 14.40 –0.52 ... SPDRPtfSTCpBd SPSB 2.2 31.35 –0.03 .0447 UBSWellsFargoETN BDCS 12.3 13.24 –0.61 .3773 WisdTrIntlEquity DWM 3.2 43.69 –2.53 .38
iShMSCI EAFE EFA 2.7 61.39 –3.59 .8577 KFADynFixIncm KDFI 3.7 20.86 –0.33 .0625 ProShUltFTSEEurope UPV .2 36.04 –6.16 .0668 SPDRShtTermTrea SPTS 1.1 30.69 ... .0075 E-TRACS AlrInfr MLPI 15.0 9.45 –0.77 .3143 WisdTrIntlHdgQual IHDG 1.7 35.22 –1.72 .15
iShMSCIEmgMarkets EEM 2.0 44.71 –1.61 .2303 KFA GlblCarbon KRBN ... 19.33 –0.94 ... ProShXinhuaChina25 XPP .2 63.69 –3.19 .1488 SPDR PtfTIPS SPIP 1.9 30.51 –0.16 .1338 USCF SummerDynCom SDCI .4 14.77 –0.27 .0332 WisdTrIntlHiDiv DTH 4.5 31.54 –2.08 .44
iSh MSCI EM SC EEMS 2.6 43.54 –2.04 .2853 KFA LCQualDiv KLCD .8 26.24 –1.50 .2031 ProShUltFinls UYG 1.3 29.43 –3.83 .0316 SPDRRuss1000LowVol ONEV 2.2 77.97 –4.55 .317 USEquCumDiv2027 IDIV 14.7 9.28 –0.12 .0875 WisdTrIntlLC Div DOL 3.3 39.42 –2.42 .345
iShMSCIFranceETF EWQ 3.0 26.67 –2.38 .1772 KFA SCQualDiv KSCD .7 22.22 –1.01 .1621 ProShUltraGold UGL ... 67.40 –2.05 ... SPDRRuss1000Mom ONEO 1.6 72.87 –4.28 .1749 USEquityxDiv2027 XDIV ... 71.45 –3.58 ... WisdTrIntlMC Div DIM 2.9 54.08 –3.15 .485
iShMSCIFrontier100 FM 3.0 26.28 –0.78 .6384 KnowldgLdrDevWrld KLDW .0 36.72 –1.89 .3599 ProShUltHlthCr RXL .2 119.98 –15.89 .1534 SPDRRuss1000Yd ONEY 3.4 61.02 –4.31 .3385 USGlbGOGold GOAU .1 20.97 –1.18 .0275 WisdTrIntlMult DWMF 2.1 23.06 –0.90 .125
iShMSCIGermanyETF EWG 1.1 26.28 –3.12 .2798 KraneBoseraChinaA KBA 1.2 40.84 –0.45 .4987 ProShUltraHY UJB 2.7 68.69 –1.54 .2172 SPDRMomentumTilt MMTM 1.4 143.17 –8.92 .3624 U.S.GlobalJetsETF JETS 2.3 16.92 –1.76 .3911 WisdTrIntlSC DLS 3.2 58.39 –3.12 .315
iShMSCIGlblAgriPrd VEGI 1.7 28.57 –1.53 .236 KraneCCBSChCpHY KCCB 4.4 40.03 –0.16 .1604 ProShUltIndls UXI .5 71.58 –10.73 .0241 SPDRS&P1500ValTilt VLU 2.5 100.22 –6.45 .5491 USVeganClimate VEGN .8 29.47 –1.92 .0235 WisdTrJapanHdg DXJ 2.6 48.17 –1.05 .5861
iShMSCIGloblEnProd FILL 6.7 9.86 –0.70 .2357 KraneCICCChina KFYP ... 30.91 –0.09 ... ProShUltBrazil UBR .2 18.88 –3.91 .0321 SPDR S&P500MidGr MDYG .9 58.06 –3.41 .0619 UtilitiesSelSector XLU 3.1 62.38 –2.37 .4986 WisdTrJapanSC DFJ 2.5 68.05 –1.99 .9352
iShMSCIGlbMulti ACWF 2.4 29.02 –1.71 .2597 KraneCSIChInt KWEB .1 71.83 +0.85 .0413 ProShUltMSCIEAFE EFO .0 30.43 –3.86 .0074 SPDR S&P400MidVl MDYV 2.3 44.83 –2.88 .1527 VanEckMerkGoldTr OUNZ ... 18.32 –0.25 ... WisdTrMgdFut WTMF 1.7 34.81 –0.90 .6039
iShMSCIHongKong EWH 2.9 21.50 –0.72 .4107 KraneEFdChina KCNY 2.3 33.85 –0.25 .0681 ProShUltMSCIEM EET .4 70.60 –5.43 .0086 SPDRS&P600SmallCap SLY 1.4 62.33 –4.15 .0915 VanEckAfrica AFK 7.3 17.67 –0.73 1.2858 WisdTrMtgPlBdFd MTGP 2.1 51.52 –0.16 .075
iShMSCIIndonesia EIDO 1.2 18.28 –0.62 .1818 KraneElcVehicle KARS 1.5 29.47 –1.50 .4351 ProShrUltraJapan EZJ ... 34.59 –1.35 ... SPDR S&P600SCpGr SLYG .9 59.98 –3.64 .0507 VanEckAgribus MOO 1.4 66.38 –2.93 .9091 WisdTr90/60USBal NTSX 1.0 32.21 –1.76 .085
iShMSCIIntlMom IMTM 1.3 32.73 –1.41 .2241 KraneEMCnsTech KEMQ 1.5 28.11 –1.15 .4219 ProShUltMC400 MVV .6 32.48 –4.20 .0055 SPDR S&P600SCapVal SLYV 1.9 51.95 –3.61 .1076 VanEckBDCIncome BIZD 13.1 11.24 –0.56 .3603 WisdTrUSDivxFin DTN 4.2 73.59 –4.42 .265
iShMSCIIntlMulti INTF 3.3 23.32 –1.37 .3402 KraneEMHlthcrIndex KMED 1.2 30.64 +0.04 .3789 ProShUltOilGas DIG 8.3 43.63 –5.41 .6067 SPDR Aero Dfns XAR .9 85.12 –7.34 .0925 VanEckBrazilSC BRF 4.4 15.85 –1.74 .6972 WisdTrUSHiDiv DHS 4.5 61.23 –3.13 .34
iShMSCIIntlQual IQLT 2.0 30.22 –1.72 .3441 KraneChinaHlthCr KURE .2 34.83 +0.43 .0573 ProShUltraQQQ QLD .0 85.50 –10.25 .0045 SPDRS&PBank KBE 3.2 33.15 –1.44 .281 VanEckChinaGrwth GLCN 1.3 48.19 +0.06 .6157 WisdTrUSLCDivFd DLN 3.0 93.94 –5.46 .285
iShMSCIIntlSize ISZE 1.3 24.65 –1.56 .1422 KraneAllChina KALL 1.2 32.12 –0.26 .384 ProShrUltraRE URE 1.4 51.15 –4.88 .0748 SPDRS&PCapitalMkts KCE 2.3 60.44 –3.49 .3048 VanEckChinaBond CBON 3.3 23.29 –0.11 .0446 WisdTrUSLCFd EPS 2.0 34.62 –2.03 .175
iShMSCIIntlSC ISCF 2.8 28.88 –1.43 .2887 KraneMSCICnLdrs KESG ... 27.88 –0.02 ... ProShrUltraRus UWM .4 54.91 –7.58 .0045 SPDREmMktsDiv EDIV 4.1 24.01 –0.91 .3085 VanEckSMEChiNxt CNXT .3 43.20 +0.78 .135 WisdTrUSMCDivFd DON 3.2 29.44 –1.81 .07
iShMSCIIntlValue IVLU 3.1 18.78 –1.18 .2071 KraneMSCIChinaEnv KGRN ... 33.86 +0.80 ... ProShUltraS&P SSO .3 69.52 –8.60 .0988 SPDR S&P EM SC EWX 2.7 43.95 –2.18 .3506 VanEckCoal KOL 14.4 73.25 –4.18 10.546 WisdTrUSMCFd EZM 1.7 35.32 –2.23 .135
iShMSCIIreland EIRL 1.6 40.99 –1.60 .2387 KraneEMxChina KEMX 3.1 23.54 –1.03 .7363 ProShUltSemi USD .3 72.28 –8.91 .0117 SPDR S&P500 ESG EFIV 1.1 30.57 –1.91 .0831 VanEckEgypt EGPT 2.5 24.14 –0.35 .6047 WisdTrUSQualShr QSY 1.7 82.59 –5.57 .32
iShMSCIIsrael EIS 2.1 52.37 –2.31 .1058 KraneSh1Belt1Road OBOR 4.7 22.07 –0.78 1.0473 ProShrUl7-10Trs UST .8 73.84 –0.36 .0896 SPDRS&P500Fossil SPYX 1.5 81.20 –4.86 .2632 VanEckEM AggBd EMAG 4.6 20.61 –0.24 .0753 WisdTrUSSCDiv DES 3.3 21.62 –1.37 .06
iShMSCIItaly EWI 2.0 22.81 –2.16 .2501 LCGrowthETN2028 FRLG ... 178.94 –24.32 ... ProShUltSilver AGQ ... 42.49 –3.85 ... SPDRS&PGlbDividend WDIV 5.5 52.07 –2.89 .6663 VanEckEMHYBond HYEM 6.0 22.61 –0.13 .108 WisdTrUSSCFd EES 1.5 30.71 –2.32 .09
iShMSCIJapan EWJ 2.0 58.24 –1.06 .4417 LeaderActivLdrs ACTV ... 24.23 ... ... ProShUltSC600 SAA .2 66.23 –9.57 .1626 SPDRS&PGlbInfr GII 3.5 43.75 –2.94 .5481 VanEckEnerIncm EINC 9.2 34.28 –2.34 .6601 WisdTrUSTotalDivFd DTD 3.1 91.31 –5.27 .27
iShMSCIJapanSC SCJ 4.0 71.35 –1.98 .7019 LeaderAlphaFactor LSAT ... 24.02 ... ... ProShUltTech ROM .1 54.14 –7.03 .0344 SPDRS&PGlbNatRes GNR 4.0 36.37 –1.95 .4833 VanEckEnvironSvcs EVX .5 98.87 –6.21 .4715 WisdTrUSTMFd RESP 2.1 35.61 –2.09 .12
iShMSCIKLD400Soc DSI 1.4 125.01 –7.38 .4454 LeaderAlphaUSCore LSAF .7 24.65 –1.44 .0301 ProShUltTelecom LTL 1.7 30.55 –2.49 .13 SPDRS&PHlthCareEqp XHE .0 97.39 –5.99 .0032 VanEckGoldMiner GDX .5 37.49 –1.33 .1905 WisdTrYdUSAggBd AGGY 2.6 53.28 –0.24 .0975
iShMSCIKokusaiETF TOK 1.7 72.16 –4.26 .5894 LeaderShEqSkew SQEW ... 27.90 –1.56 ... ProShUlt20YrTr UBT .6 61.68 –0.37 .1599 SPDRS&PHlthCareSvs XHS 2.2 78.22 –4.65 .0407 VanEckGreenBd GRNB 2.4 27.64 –0.04 .0458 XtrkrsFTSEDevXus DEEF 3.4 26.11 –1.32 .4266
iShMSCIMalaysiaETF EWM 3.4 25.36 –0.99 .5447 LeutholdCore LCR ... 26.23 –0.90 ... ProShrUltraUtil UPW 1.1 54.67 –4.67 .2586 SPDRS&PInsurance KIE 2.1 28.42 –1.91 .1337 VanEckIndiaGrwth GLIN 1.5 27.84 –1.00 .4239 XtrkrsHarvCSI300 ASHR .8 35.81 –0.38 .2899
iShMSCIMexico EWW 1.6 34.16 –2.32 .1241 MatlsSelSectorSPDR XLB 1.9 63.18 –2.82 .3076 ProShUltVIXST UVXY ... 21.58 +4.86 ... SPDRS&PInternetETF XWEB .6 116.86 –10.23 .3352 VanEckIndonesia IDX 2.9 16.56 –0.66 .4723 XtrkrsHarvCSI500 ASHS .5 33.42 –0.73 .1573
iShMSCINetherlands EWN 1.0 33.96 –2.12 .191 MerlynAIBullBr WIZ .4 29.38 –1.65 .005 ProShUltraYen YCL ... 58.45 +0.01 ... SPDRS&PKenCleanPwr CNRG 1.1 74.20 –4.67 .0963 VanEckIntlHYBd IHY 5.0 24.23 –0.52 .0963 XtrkrsHiBetHYBd HYUP 6.6 45.59 –0.72 .25
iShMSCIPacificxJp EPP 3.7 40.25 –1.96 .5433 MicroSecCannabis MJJ ... 55.00 –2.29 ... ProShUltDow30 UDOW .5 67.02 –15.48 .0032 SPDRS&PKenFinalFr ROKT .6 30.44 –2.69 .0427 VanEckInvtGrFR FLTR 1.9 25.23 ... .0186 XtrkIntlRealEst HAUZ 5.2 23.11 –1.11 .3558
iShMSCIPeru EPU 2.7 29.30 –1.24 .48 MicroSecCannabis2X MJO ... 52.89 –4.44 ... ProShUltMC400 UMDD .4 57.35 –11.72 .0625 SPDRS&PKenFut FITE 1.1 35.60 –2.80 .0023 VanEckIsrael ISRA 1.3 36.29 –1.79 .4849 XtrkrsJpnJPXNik400 JPN 2.3 28.42 –0.64 .2789
iShMSCIPhilippines EPHE .7 28.08 –1.25 .1618 MicroFANG+ETN FNGS ... 92.85 –5.93 ... ProShUltRus2000 URTY .3 38.13 –8.30 .1182 SPDRS&PKenInt SIMS 1.3 32.28 –2.29 .0384 VanEckJPMEMLCBd EMLC 5.7 30.74 –0.47 .1098 XtrrsLowBetHYBd HYDW 4.5 49.80 –0.49 .1868
iShMSCIPoland EPOL 4.8 13.92 –1.70 .175 MicroSectFANG+Invr GNAF ... 20.06 +1.01 ... ProShUltS&P500 UPRO .3 51.17 –9.97 .0566 SPDRS&PKenNewEc KOMP .8 43.25 –2.88 .0671 VanEckJrGold GDXJ .3 53.21 –3.23 .1638 XtrkACWIxUSESGLd ACSG 2.7 26.91 –1.23 .2537
iShMSCIRussia ERUS 9.5 29.77 –3.06 .3292 MicroFANG-3XInvr FNGD ... 8.72 +1.15 ... ProShUltShtDow30 SDOW 1.0 20.38 +3.53 .0662 SPDRS&PKenSmart HAIL 1.2 38.53 –2.46 .0315 VanEckLong/Flat LFEQ 1.4 30.63 –1.91 .4348 XtrkrsMSCIAllChina CN 3.4 42.20 –0.38 1.4423
iShMSCISaudiArabia KSA 2.9 28.32 –2.33 .4537 MicroSectorsFANG3X FNGU ... 175.26 –38.44 ... ProShShtMC400 SMDD .5 11.78 +1.82 .0079 SPDRS&PNAmNatlRscs NANR 2.7 27.84 –1.27 .3404 VanEckLowCarbon SMOG ... 115.38 –4.16 ... XtrkrsMSCIAWxUS HDAW 5.0 20.11 –1.29 .33
iShMSCISingapore EWS 5.0 18.03 –1.25 .219 MicroFANG-2XInvr FNGZ ... 6.39 +0.66 ... ProShShtRus2000 SRTY 1.5 7.84 +1.30 .0332 SPDRS&POil&GasEq XES 3.7 27.36 –2.12 .0798 VanEckMtgREIT MORT 12.1 13.60 –0.58 .3373 XtrkrsMSCIAWxUS DBAW 2.4 26.64 –1.20 .2367
iShMSCISouthAfrica EZA 3.7 37.04 –3.15 .6451 MicroSectFANG+2X FNGO ... 132.21 –18.70 ... ProShUltS&P500 SPXU 1.4 9.18 +1.36 .0416 SPDRS&PRegionalBkg KRE 3.4 41.15 –1.44 .3572 VanEckNatRscs HAP 3.2 31.72 –1.91 1.00 XtrkMChinaAIncl ASHX .6 26.29 –0.23 .3737
iShMSCISthKorea EWY 2.0 64.90 –3.40 1.3076 MicroUSBigBkInv KNAB ... 42.07 +2.04 ... ProShUltShrt20YTr TTT 1.4 31.21 +0.14 .0867 SPDRS&PSft&Svs XSW .3 117.97 –9.00 .001 VanEckOilRefin CRAK 2.2 18.67 –1.34 .4134 XtrkESGLeaders EASG 2.3 24.39 –1.48 .2608
iShMSCISpain EWP 4.2 21.01 –1.75 .2137 MicroUSBigBk3X BNKD ... 11.24 +1.44 ... ProShUltShtAUD CROC ... 53.47 +1.40 ... SPDRS&PTelecom XTL 1.0 68.02 –3.50 .1949 VanEckOilSvcs OIH 6.1 95.67 –6.44 5.81 XtrkrsMSCIHiDiv HDEF 3.9 19.55 –1.16 .23
iShMSCISweden EWD 1.5 33.78 –2.79 .0955 MicroUSBigBk3X BNKU ... 11.61 –1.80 ... ProShUSBscMtls SMN .1 14.64 +1.41 .0206 SPDRS&PTransport XTN .8 58.57 –4.44 .0676 VanEckPfdSecsxFin PFXF 5.6 19.24 –0.50 .0883 XtrkrsMSCIEAFE DBEF 2.4 29.45 –1.39 .3718
iShMSCISwitz EWL 1.6 38.93 –2.51 .6238 MicroUSBigBk2X BNKZ ... 26.07 +2.52 ... ProShUltBloomCrd SCO ... 19.85 +2.91 ... SPDRSSGAFxScRt FISR 3.0 31.85 –0.11 .0593 VanEckRareEarth REMX 1.6 40.29 –0.94 .6441 XtrkrsMSCIEMESG EMSG 3.6 29.28 –0.80 .2888
iShMSCITaiwan EWT ... 45.16 –1.32 ... MicroUSBigBk2X BNKO ... 26.16 –3.13 ... ProShUltShBlmGas KOLD ... 29.03 –2.91 ... SPDRGenderDivers SHE 1.7 74.55 –4.60 .179 VanEckRealAsset RAAX 3.1 19.82 –0.93 .6087 XtrkrsMSCIEM DBEM 2.2 24.50 –0.75 .1063
iShMSCIThailand THD 3.3 61.00 –1.61 1.3321 MicrUSBigOilInv YGRN ... 67.39 +5.58 ... ProShUSCnsmrGd SZK .5 13.38 +1.51 .0168 SPDR US LC Low Vol LGLV 2.0 105.59 –6.29 .4191 VanEckSteel SLX 3.0 31.98 –1.85 .9715 XtrkrsMSCIEurope DBEU 2.4 26.02 –1.63 .3944
iShMSCIUSAESGSelct SUSA 1.3 144.54 –8.06 .5343 MicrUSBigOil3InLv NRGD ... 33.92 +5.72 ... ProShUSCnsmrSvc SCC .6 15.85 +1.69 .0069 SPDR SSGA US XLSR 1.3 35.16 –2.33 .076 VanEckUnOil&Gas FRAK 3.7 53.35 –5.58 2.00 XtrkrsMSCIEurozone DBEZ 1.6 27.71 –2.05 .2795
iShMSCIUSAEqWeight EUSA 1.9 60.67 –3.89 .2386 MicrUSBigOil3Lev NRGU ... 24.07 –6.15 ... ProShUltDow30 DXD .8 16.99 +2.05 .0384 SPDR US SC LowVol SMLV 2.7 76.83 –4.52 .239 VanEckUranium NLR 2.6 45.21 –2.05 1.1787 XtrkrsMSCIGermany DBGR 1.5 24.88 –2.49 .3636
iShMSCIUSAMCMult MIDF 1.6 27.17 –1.55 .1046 MicrUSBigOil2InLv NRGZ ... 59.56 +7.91 ... ProShUltShEuro EUO ... 24.74 +0.84 ... SPDRSolactCda ZCAN 3.2 55.06 –3.33 .7592 VangdCnsmrDiscr VCR 2.4 229.12 –16.74 3.7937 XtrkrsMSCIJapan DBJP 2.9 39.91 –0.69 1.1466
iShMSCIUSAMulti LRGF 1.8 32.84 –1.95 .125 MicrUSBigOil2Lev NRGO ... 7.29 –1.21 ... ProShUltChina50 FXP .3 38.31 +1.62 .0207 SPDRSolactGermany ZDEU 1.4 52.71 –6.59 .7182 VangdCnsmrStpls VDC 2.4 159.52 –8.05 .8713 XtrkUSAESGLdrs USSG 1.5 29.74 –1.76 .108
iShMSCIUSASize SIZE 1.6 93.62 –5.67 .4259 MSCushMLPHI MLPY 17.1 2.62 –0.22 .0885 ProShrUltShFTSEEur EPV .3 24.88 +3.36 .0143 SPDRSolactHK ZHOK 2.5 56.99 –1.90 .6809 VangdExtMkt VXF 1.2 130.35 –8.73 .3954 XtrkrsMuniInfra RVNU 2.6 28.26 +0.08 .07
iShMSCIUSASCMul SMLF 1.5 37.94 –2.22 .1277 NationwideMaxDivUS MXDU 1.6 32.52 –2.20 .5206 ProShUltShFin SKF .4 11.92 +1.29 .0084 SPDRSolactJpn ZJPN 2.4 76.48 –1.47 .7031 VangdInfoTech VGT 1.0 297.99 –20.61 .7074 XtrkrsRussell1000 DEUS 1.7 33.70 –1.92 .1386
iShMSCIUK EWU 4.1 24.34 –1.43 .3947 NationRiskBaseIntl RBIN 2.8 24.12 –1.16 .6829 ProShUltShGold GLL ... 32.45 +0.87 ... SPDRSolactUK ZGBR 4.6 37.44 –2.31 .6123 VangdMatrls VAW 1.8 135.07 –6.32 .5911 XtrkRuss1000USQu QARP 1.9 29.08 –1.86 .1112
iShMSCIWorldETF URTH 1.9 96.53 –5.81 .9192 NationRiskBasedUS RBUS 1.8 31.45 –1.64 .563 ProShrUSHlthCr RXD .6 12.29 +1.36 .0167 SPDRSSgAGlbAll GAL 2.7 38.30 –1.50 .1534 VangdSC Grwth VBK .5 216.78 –12.99 .2978 XtrkS&P500ESG SNPE 1.6 28.74 –1.82 .0922
iShMorningstarLC JKD 1.5 187.84 –11.24 .6648 NationRiskMgd NUSI 7.8 26.22 –0.22 .1726 ProShrUSInd SIJ ... 7.24 +0.89 ... SPDRSSgAIncmAllctn INKM 4.3 30.88 –0.89 .1912 VangdSC Val VBR 2.2 114.10 –7.06 .6197 XtrkrsShDurHYBd SHYL 6.1 45.90 –0.51 .2664
iShMornLCGrowth JKE .4 255.51 –15.37 .1888 NatixisShrtDur LSST 2.0 25.96 –0.04 .0371 ProShUltra7-10 PST .7 15.53 +0.07 .0175 SPDRSSgAMultiAsset RLY 3.4 21.39 –0.87 .0348 VangdCommSvcs VOX .9 102.64 –4.60 .2392 XtrkrsUSDHYCorpBd HYLB 5.6 48.09 –0.57 .2189
M22 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Complete FOREIGN EXCHANGE LIST: Page M34 Foreign Markets Key Cross Rates $1=€0.8586, ¥104.67, £0.7722
S&P Global S&P Global SP Global Point
Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date Most Recent Week’s Year-to-Date Indexes, Indexes, Indexes, Chg. % Chg.
Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg. Close %Chg. Chg. % Chg. Region/ Local Curr. Wkly U.S. $ Wkly U.S. $ on From From
Country 10/30/20 % Chg. 10/30/20 % Chg. 12/31/19 12/31/19 12/31/19
Amsterdam AEX 533.88 –3.69 –70.70–11.69 Mexico City IPC 36987 –4.44 –6553.16–15.05 Americas 352.45 — 5.79 352.84 — 0.39 — 0.11
Brazil 947.88 — 7.37 186.41 — 9.57 321.59 — 135.18 — 42.03
Athens General 569.50 –6.99 –347.17–37.87 Milan FTSE All Share 19510 –7.32 –6117.95–23.87 Canada 477.57 — 4.48 455.22 — 5.78 512.59 — 57.37 — 11.19
Chile 248.46 — 7.04 140.76 — 6.59 197.06 — 56.30 — 28.57
Bangkok SET 1194.95 –1.54 –384.89–24.36 Moscow RTS 1066.60 –8.37 –482.32–31.14 Mexico 618.13 — 4.54 234.74 — 6.24 310.96 — 76.22 — 24.51
U.S. 33541.92 — 5.75 33541.92 — 5.75 33035.38 506.54 1.53
Bombay Sensex 39614 –2.63 –1639.67 –3.97 Oslo Composite 874.42 –5.52 –157.82–15.29 Latin America 189.86 — 8.32 304.77 — 114.91 — 37.70
Europe 346.72 — 7.03 408.14 — 61.42 — 15.05
Brussels Bel-20 3043.36 –6.26 –912.47–23.07 Paris CAC 4594.24 –6.42 –1383.82–23.15 Austria 214.89 — 6.36 207.77 — 7.84 299.44 — 91.67 — 30.61
Belgium 281.42 — 6.57 272.09 — 8.05 368.41 — 96.32 — 26.14
Santiago Selective 2438.20 –7.07 –897.66–26.91 Denmark 2162.03 — 3.74 2117.62 — 5.30 1769.38 348.24 19.68
Buenos Aires Merval 45290 –13.75 +3618.61 +8.68
Finland 1378.38 — 7.11 1332.70 — 8.57 1329.35 3.34 0.25
Sao Paulo Bovespa 93952 –7.22 –21692–18.76 France 343.20 — 6.43 331.82 — 7.90 412.89 — 81.06 — 19.63
Copenhagen OMX 20 1340.77 –2.73 +204.98+18.05
Germany 416.03 — 8.71 402.25 — 10.16 455.73 — 53.49 — 11.74
Seoul Composite 2326.67 –1.45 +129.00 +5.87 Greece 12.95 — 7.71 13.71 — 9.17 23.73 — 10.02 — 42.24
Dublin ISEQ 6359.59 –3.27 –823.82–11.47
Ireland 646.30 — 2.26 624.88 — 3.80 665.38 — 40.50 — 6.09
Shanghai Composite 3224.53 –1.63 +174.41 +5.72 Italy 176.74 — 7.09 170.88 — 8.56 217.35 — 46.46 — 21.38
EURO STOXX SXXE 333.30 –6.70 –70.64–17.49
Netherlands 669.18 — 3.87 647.00 — 5.39 624.39 22.61 3.62
Shenzhen B Share Idx 937.33 –0.50 –24.29 –2.53 Norway 527.17 — 5.43 386.90 — 8.29 500.64 — 113.74 — 22.72
EURO STOXX 50 SXSE 2958.21 –7.52 –786.94–21.01
Portugal 53.46 — 5.10 56.57 — 6.60 68.24 — 11.66 — 17.09
Singapore FTSE STI 2423.84 –4.47 –798.99–24.79 Russia 1902.85 — 5.64 193.31 — 8.48 290.94 — 97.63 — 33.56
Frankfurt DAX 11556 –8.61 –1692.53–12.77 Spain 292.37 — 6.03 282.68 — 7.51 399.59 — 116.91 — 29.26
Stockholm OMXS 683.51 –5.69 +2.70 +0.40 Sweden 1327.70 — 6.20 1054.59 — 7.45 982.90 71.69 7.29
Helsinki OMHX 9575.23 –6.55 –299.43 –3.03 Switzerland 565.24 — 4.13 899.70 — 5.19 940.04 — 40.33 — 4.29
STOXX Europe 50 SXSP 2700.62 –5.82 –702.41–20.64 United Kingdom 223.90 — 4.99 191.73 — 5.81 267.99 — 76.26 — 28.46
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24107 –3.26 –4082.33–14.48 South Africa 799.39 — 5.75 240.12 — 5.92 316.49 — 76.37 — 24.13
STOXX Europe 600 SXXP 342.36 –5.56 –73.48–17.67 Pacific Region 240.32 — 2.62 238.86 1.47 0.61
Istanbul IMKB 1112.37 –6.57 –31.88 –2.79 Australia 426.45 — 4.00 434.78 — 5.08 485.26 — 50.49 — 10.40
Sydney S&P/ASX 200 5927.60 –3.88 –756.47–11.32
China 581.56 — 0.98 709.38 — 1.08 590.76 118.62 20.08
Jakarta Composite 5128.23 +0.31 –1171.31–18.59 Hong Kong 429.57 — 3.38 429.45 — 3.44 477.15 — 47.71 — 10.00
Taipel Weighted 12546 –2.73 +549.20 +4.58
India 1125.88 — 2.08 596.83 — 2.73 624.41 — 27.58 — 4.42
Johannesburg All Share 51684 –6.60 –5399.40 –9.46 Japan 123.98 — 2.87 148.08 — 2.60 155.29 — 7.21 — 4.64
Tel Aviv 125 Index 1373.94 –1.46 –242.76–15.02
Malaysia 227.86 — 2.01 143.54 — 2.01 156.90 — 13.35 — 8.51
Kuala Lumpur Composite 1466.89 –1.86 –121.87 –7.67 New Zealand 402.14 — 3.42 517.58 — 4.16 494.63 22.95 4.64
Tokyo Nikkei-225 22977 –2.29 –679.49 –2.87
Philippines 321.06 — 2.47 264.68 — 2.29 313.51 — 48.84 — 15.58
LISBON PSI 3058.44 –4.08 –306.81 –9.12 Singapore 162.53 — 4.64 194.33 — 4.96 224.34 — 30.01 — 13.38
Toronto S&P/TSX 15580 –4.44 –1482.79 –8.69
South Korea 878.20 — 3.95 1311.83 — 4.09 1222.99 88.84 7.26
London FTSE - 100 5577.27 –4.83 –1965.17–26.05 Taiwan 125.19 — 2.75 142.90 — 2.60 129.43 13.47 10.40
Vienna ATX 2054.96 –6.33 –1131.98–35.52
Thailand 260.45 — 1.71 401.85 — 1.41 567.16 — 165.31 — 29.15
Euro Zone 126.14 — 8.16 148.72 — 22.58 — 15.18
Madrid IBEX 35 6452.19 –6.40 –3097.01–32.43 Wellington S&P/NZX 50 12084 –3.09 +592.57 +5.16
Europe Developed (ex U.K.) 466.75 — 7.37 520.07 — 53.32 — 10.25
Europe (Nordic) 1060.80 — 7.12 1005.63 55.17 5.49
Manila Composite 6324.00 –2.47 –1491.26–19.08 Zurich Swiss 9587.15 –4.36 –1029.79 –9.70
Pacific (ex. Japan) 333.98 — 2.64 321.74 12.24 3.80
World (ex US) 196.35 — 4.74 214.75 — 18.41 — 8.57
Indexes are based on local currencies. Because of various holidays and other market closings, the most recent close is not necessarily S&P Global Broad Market Indices 270.69 — 5.30 279.60 — 8.91 — 3.19
that of the week of publication. GLOBAL DOW 2886.50 — 5.96 3251.24 — 364.74 — 11.22
s2020 S&P Dow Jones Indices. All Rights Reserved.
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M23
Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. CASH TRACK NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
IntTF 11.66 0.01 2.6 11.3 NatlMuni 11.11 0.00 1.5 10.8 LargeCapGrowthA 56.36 -3.94 15.4 58.8
A MdCapVal
OneChoice2025 14.74
14.78 -0.85
17.0 Money Back: Cash left equity funds last week, swelling the last month’s average weekly
ScTechOppInst 55.54
LargeCapGrowthC 43.64
LargeCapGrowthI 63.16
AAM: OneChoice2030 12.93 -0.40 2.8 18.1 StratIncOpptyIns 10.05 -0.05 3.1 11.0 LargeCapValueI 30.50 -1.82 -8.7 12.1
B&GIncGroClI 18.53 -0.93 -5.2 21.7 OneChoice2035 16.18 -0.57 2.8 19.0 outflow to $14.7 billion. Taxable-bond funds saw weekly inflows slip to $8.2 billion, while StratMuniOppI 11.16 0.01 -3.3 6.0 MidCapA 33.53 -1.96 -2.3 17.5
AB Funds: SDIPB 10.60 -0.04 3.2 8.3 TotRet 12.48 -0.03 6.7 16.4 SmallCapGrowthA 40.95 -2.32 18.4 61.6
AlBeGblBndFdClZ p 8.61 -0.01 3.1 11.8 SmCapVal 6.74 -0.41 -15.7 -3.1 muni-bond fund inflow ticked up to $1.4 billion. Money-market outflows averaged $14.1 WorldInc 6.40 -0.03 5.8 14.7 SmallCapGrowthI 44.62 -2.52 18.7 63.0
AllMktRtrn1 7.52 -0.30 -13.1 -7.9 Ultra 69.25 -4.90 27.5 79.5 BMO Funds: SmallCapGrowthIS 45.31 -2.57 18.8 63.6
CapFdInc.LCapGow 74.64 -4.40 18.5 69.4 American Century Ins: billion. CorePlBdI 12.30 -0.04 5.9 15.3 Clipper:
DiscovValFd 16.44 -1.05 -16.5 -10.7 CAIntTf 12.11 0.00 2.1 10.2 IntrTaxFree I 11.41 0.00 1.8 9.9 ClipperFd n 116.73 -6.37 -4.9 11.4
IntDurInstl 15.96 -0.02 6.4 15.7 American Century Inv: UltrShtTxFrI 10.07 -0.01 0.8 4.2 Cohen & Steers:
IntlStraEquPtZ 11.30 -0.47 -8.8 -5.2 Balanced n 19.92 NA NA NA BNY Mellon Funds: GlbRltyI 47.62 -2.30 -15.3 6.0
MuniIncmShares 11.85 0.00 1.0 15.1 CaHYMu n 10.83 NA NA NA Aprec pn 35.72 -2.07 8.3 43.6 InstlRlty 39.11 -1.92 -12.8 14.9
SmCapGrwPortZCl 74.17 -3.88 24.2 77.9 CAIntTF n 12.11 0.01 1.9 9.5 CA AMTMuBdZ nr 14.96 NA NA NA IntlRltyI r 10.54 -0.50 -15.2 7.7
AB Funds - A: DiscCoreVal n 37.56 -2.20 -1.9 18.5 Dr500In tn 52.11 NA NA NA PrefSecIncmA 13.83 -0.18 1.3 13.9
BalWlthStrA p 15.11 NA NA NA DivBnd n 11.50 NA NA NA Equity Funds Municipal Bond Funds Dreyf n 13.89 NA NA NA PrefSecIncmC 13.75 -0.17 0.8 11.7
GlobalBondA p 8.62 -0.01 2.9 11.0 EmgMkt nr 12.76 -0.29 7.7 10.1 -7900 3120 DreyMid r Inv nr 30.51 NA NA NA PrefSecIncnI 13.87 -0.18 1.6 15.0
GrowthA p 94.75 -5.86 18.2 68.5 EqGro n 31.57 -1.86 1.6 26.7 FloRtIncY 11.09 NA NA NA RltyIncA p 13.69 -0.64 -13.7 11.2
HighIncomeA p 7.52 -0.09 -4.6 2.4 EqInc n 8.13 -0.36 -9.4 10.7 GblRealRtY 15.66 NA NA NA RltyIncI 14.54 -0.68 -13.5 12.1
LgCpGrA p 67.73 -4.00 18.1 67.7 FocusDynamGrowth n 45.20 -3.39 45.0 109.2 -9700 2600 GlbStkI 23.33 -1.38 1.2 33.0 RltyShs n 55.11 -2.71 -13.0 14.2
MuCA A p 11.24 0.00 2.0 9.7 GinnieMae n 10.69 0.01 3.3 9.9 GlFxIncI 23.23 NA NA NA Colorado BondShares:
NtlMuA p 10.46 0.01 2.0 10.0 GlGold nr 13.60 -0.52 23.0 63.1 HYldI 5.91 NA NA NA ColoradoBdShs 9.21 NA NA NA
RelatValA p 4.82 -0.22 -14.4 4.5 GovtBd n 11.63 -0.01 6.2 13.4 -11500 2080 InstS&PStkIdx I 61.72 NA NA NA Columbia Class A:
SmCpGroA p 66.13 -3.46 23.8 76.1 Grwth n 41.93 -2.69 17.8 63.2 Interm n 13.82 NA NA NA AcornA t 12.21 -0.66 10.8 36.9
SmMdCpGrA p 13.45 -0.74 26.6 68.8 Heritage n 24.38 -1.62 17.6 57.9 IntlStkI 21.79 -1.21 3.0 23.7 AMTTEBd 16.42 0.01 1.5 12.3
SustGlblThemGrA p 150.38 -6.54 22.4 49.0 InfAdjBd n 12.38 -0.05 7.7 14.5 -13300 1560 IntlStkY 21.54 -1.19 3.1 23.8 BalancedA t 45.42 -1.89 5.1 24.7
AB Funds - ADV: Intl Gr n 13.70 -0.72 7.5 19.3 MunBd nr 11.93 NA NA NA BldrAggrsv 12.01 -0.57 -0.5 15.8
ConGroAdv 45.81 -2.79 5.5 55.3 IntlOppt n 11.73 -0.55 10.3 15.4 NewtonIntlEqY 20.24 NA NA NA BldrMod p 11.00 -0.35 1.4 14.8
GlbBd 8.61 -0.01 3.1 11.8 IntTF n 11.65 0.01 2.4 10.6 -15100 1040 NY Tax nr 14.88 NA NA NA ContCoreA p 27.67 -1.81 3.6 30.0
HiIncmAdv 7.53 -0.09 -4.4 3.2 LgComVal n 9.66 -0.51 -11.1 8.2 Sep Oct Sep Oct ResrchGrA 19.36 NA NA NA DisplCoreA p 11.78 -0.74 -1.3 25.1
IntlSmCapPtADV 10.10 -0.54 -10.0 -9.2 MdCapVal n 14.76 -0.85 -12.6 1.8 ResrchGrZ n 19.84 NA NA NA DivIncA t 22.68 -1.20 -5.8 20.4
IntlStraEquPtADV 11.29 -0.47 -8.7 -5.1 OneChAgg n 16.54 NA NA NA SelMgrSmCpGroY 28.68 NA NA NA DivOpptyA 30.21 -1.46 -12.8 7.5
IntlStrgCore 11.13 -0.60 -8.8 0.8 OneChCon n 14.14 -0.41 3.6 16.3 Money Market Funds Taxable Bond Funds SmCpStk r Inv nr 25.11 NA NA NA EqValA 10.86 -0.68 -13.8 0.2
LgCpGrAdv 74.83 -4.42 18.4 68.9 OneChMod n 16.19 NA NA NA -3900 18800 SmMidCpGrI 35.38 NA NA NA FocEqA t 21.04 -1.36 21.2 60.5
NationalPtf 10.46 0.01 2.2 10.9 OneChoice2025 n 14.72 -0.41 2.4 16.3 StratValA r 32.71 NA NA NA GlobEq 16.59 -1.00 10.9 51.3
SelectUSLgShrt 13.34 -0.41 1.8 20.8 OneChoice2030 n 12.91 -0.41 2.5 17.3 U.S.EqY 21.32 -1.35 0.9 34.3 GlobTech 50.41 -3.16 13.1 58.3
SmCapCorePortADV 10.65 -0.64 -9.4 -0.4 OneChoice2035 n 16.14 -0.57 2.6 18.2 WWGrA 58.39 -3.23 8.4 38.5 HiYldBd 11.52 -0.14 0.0 11.4
SmMdCpGr 14.66 -0.82 26.9 70.0 OneChoice2045 n 16.98 -0.72 2.9 20.4 -13600 14800 BNY Mellon Funds Tru: IncmBldr t 12.27 -0.24 2.8 15.3
SmMidCpValAdv 17.05 -1.09 -16.6 -10.9 OneChoiceRet n 12.59 -0.33 2.4 15.5 BondFd 13.53 NA NA NA LgCpGrowA t 51.23 -3.12 17.4 55.7
SustGlbThemAdv 160.77 -6.98 22.7 48.8 Select n 95.99 NA NA NA EmgMkts 11.75 NA NA NA LgCpIdx pn 50.67 -3.03 2.3 32.9
TxMgdWlthAppAdv 16.14 -0.86 -2.5 14.6 SmCapGrowth n 22.27 NA NA NA IncomeStk 7.08 NA NA NA LgCpVl A 12.47 -0.70 -11.1 6.9
WlthApprStr 16.69 -0.88 -2.3 15.0 SmCpVal n 6.66 -0.41 -15.9 -3.7 -23300 10800 IntlFd 12.01 NA NA NA LiGoBalA p 11.82 -0.46 0.5 15.8
AB Funds - C: Sustain Equity n 33.63 -2.00 3.9 37.8 IntmBdFd 13.05 NA NA NA MdCpIndxA pn 14.22 -0.86 -7.0 7.8
HighIncomeC p 7.61 -0.09 -5.3 -0.1 Ultra n 66.38 -4.70 27.3 78.5 MCMultiStrM 19.04 NA NA NA MidCapGthA t 27.44 -1.58 16.8 53.0
LgCpGrC t 47.92 -2.83 17.4 63.9 Value n 6.90 -0.38 -17.1 0.0 NtlIntmMuni 14.00 NA NA NA SelgComuInfoA 89.33 -5.60 11.6 56.2
AB Funds - I: VeryCon tn 12.52 -0.22 3.6 14.5 -33000 6800 NtlShTMuni 12.92 NA NA NA SelMidCpValA 9.58 -0.61 -12.0 4.4
GlbBd 8.61 -0.01 3.1 11.8 American Century R5: Sep Oct Sep Oct Boston Trust Walden: SmCpIdxA pn 20.03 -1.31 -13.3 0.3
LgCpGroI 74.37 -4.39 18.4 68.9 InfProBd 10.60 -0.04 3.3 8.6 BostonBalanced 54.29 NA NA NA StrAlloc 14.62 -0.44 1.2 11.8
SmCpGroI 73.72 -3.86 24.1 77.4 American Century R6: Braddock Multi Strat: StratIncA 24.20 -0.20 2.6 12.0
Aberdeen Fds: AmCentUltraFdR6 69.51 -4.91 27.6 80.3 The charts above show four-week moving averages of net cash flow in millions of dollars. Those below are for last month. Income Fund 6.95 NA NA NA TaxEA 13.33 0.00 0.5 10.2
EmMktEqty Inst 16.90 -0.39 5.4 12.5 EmgMkt 13.09 -0.30 7.9 11.2 Bridge Builder Trust: TechA p 49.52 -3.09 25.3 76.8
UltStMuniIncInst 10.03 0.00 0.8 3.8 EqInc 8.15 -0.36 -9.2 11.9 CoreBond 10.89 -0.03 6.7 17.2 TotReBdA t 39.27 -0.11 8.7 18.8
USSmCapEq Inst 36.09 -2.01 4.7 18.7 Growth 42.86 -2.74 18.2 65.0 CorePlusBond 10.61 -0.04 6.7 17.6 Columbia Class Adv:
Acadian Emerging Markets: MdCapVal 14.78 -0.85 -12.3 2.9
Monthly Equity Cash Flow ($bils) Equity Portfolio Cash as % of Assets Intl Eq 11.37 -0.60 -5.2 4.4 ContCore p 28.49 -1.86 3.8 31.0
AcadnEm Inv n 19.65 -0.63 -5.2 -5.1 OCP2025 11.22 -0.32 2.6 17.5 -14 3.3 LargeCapGrowth 18.59 -1.15 17.4 62.5 DivIncom 23.11 -1.21 -5.6 21.4
AIG Funds: OCP2030 11.79 -0.37 2.9 18.6 LargeCapValue 12.32 -0.79 -8.7 12.7 Columbia Class C:
FDivStII t 13.99 -0.72 -16.5 -5.7 OCP2035 11.50 -0.40 3.0 19.6 MunicipalBond 10.56 0.01 1.9 11.2 Balanced 45.29 -1.89 4.5 21.9
Akre Funds: American Century Y: S/MCapGrowth 15.95 -1.01 11.1 47.1 ContCore p 24.61 -1.61 2.9 27.1
AkreFocusInst 48.64 -3.35 6.6 57.5 IntTF 11.65 0.01 2.6 11.4 -34 2.9 S/MCapValue 10.53 -0.68 -14.8 -3.2 DivInc t 21.93 -1.15 -6.4 17.8
AkreFocusRtl 47.32 -3.26 6.4 56.3 American Funds Cl A: Brown Advisory Funds: Columbia Class I:
Alger Funds A: 2010TarRetA p 11.37 -0.27 1.5 13.7 GrowEqInv n 30.60 -2.04 17.9 80.6 Acorn I n 15.55 -0.85 11.0 37.8
CapApr 33.76 -1.98 25.3 68.7 2015TarRetA p 12.02 -0.32 1.3 14.4 GrwthEquityInst 31.06 -2.06 18.1 81.4 AcornIntl I n 31.85 -1.65 -2.1 11.9
SpectraN 28.25 -1.69 25.9 68.7 2020TarRetA p 13.22 -0.36 2.0 16.0 -54 2.5 SmCapGrInv n 23.77 -1.46 7.6 38.1 AltBeta I 28.74 -0.33 -2.2 -22.8
Alger Funds I: 2025TarRetA p 14.51 -0.47 3.1 19.0 BrownSmCoInv n: Balanced I 45.33 -1.88 5.4 25.6
CapAppr I-2 101.14 -5.98 25.0 70.3 2030TarRetA p 15.58 -0.60 2.8 20.4 BrownSmCoInv n 119.80 -8.30 21.0 59.0 ConSec I n 26.26 -1.26 23.5 56.3
Alger Funds Inst: 2035TarRetA p 16.21 -0.71 2.8 22.8 Buffalo Funds: ContCore I 27.95 -1.82 3.8 31.0
CapApprI 43.16 -2.54 25.1 68.6 2040TarRetA p 16.64 -0.80 2.7 23.6 -74 2.1 DiscFd n 26.63 -1.46 9.9 39.1 CorpIncm I 11.29 -0.05 7.3 20.1
Allianz Fds Admin: 2045TarRetA p 16.96 -0.83 2.7 24.0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S SmCap n 17.59 -1.07 28.8 74.8 DivIncom I 22.71 -1.19 -5.6 21.4
RCMTechI 91.57 -6.55 40.1 92.5 2050TarRetA p 16.67 -0.83 2.8 24.4 DivOppty tn 30.37 -1.48 -12.7 8.2
Allianz Funds A:
RCMGrowthA 65.76 -4.43 27.6 68.9
AmcpA p
AMutlA p
BARRON'S • Lipper FMI; Investment Company Institute
C FocEq I pn
GlbTechGw I
RCMTech t 76.44 -5.47 39.7 90.5 BalA p 28.35 -0.97 1.1 20.6 Calamos Funds: HYMuni I 10.39 0.00 -0.5 12.0
AllianzGI: BondA p 14.00 -0.03 8.7 17.1 Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. ConvI 20.05 -0.86 25.5 52.1 IncOppty n 9.55 -0.11 -2.0 9.5
MidCpValA 27.11 -1.34 -11.7 -1.5 CapIBA p 56.52 -2.29 -8.3 2.4 NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. Gr&IncA p 36.26 -1.98 6.1 32.2 IntmMunBd I 10.51 0.00 2.0 9.7
Amana Income: CapWA p 21.00 -0.17 5.3 12.6 Gr&IncI 34.68 -1.89 6.3 33.2 LgCapGr 15.10 -0.91 27.2 73.8
AmanaIncm n 52.78 -2.81 0.6 24.5 CapWGrA 50.74 -2.43 -1.7 14.4 YacktFocFd N n 17.48 -0.88 -4.2 25.5 Ave Maria Funds: DivrMuni n 14.64 0.01 2.3 8.8 ScTechOppA 51.24 -2.59 51.6 124.5 GrowthA p 34.96 -2.34 12.2 44.5 LgCpGrow I n 53.90 -3.28 17.7 56.8
AmanaGrowth n: EupacA p 57.39 -2.44 3.1 12.8 YacktmanFd I 19.42 -0.99 -5.2 21.1 Growth pn 39.24 -2.83 3.3 46.6 EmMkts n 27.62 -0.93 -3.9 -4.4 StratMuniOpp 11.16 0.01 -3.4 5.2 MktNeutA p 13.77 -0.11 2.7 11.8 LgCpIdx I n 51.07 -3.05 2.6 33.9
AmanaGrowth n 50.43 -3.00 13.0 60.3 FdInvA p 59.63 -3.50 -1.6 21.9 Angel Oak Funds Trst: RisingDivd n 17.12 -1.20 -7.4 17.6 IntlPort 15.95 -0.92 -7.1 -5.2 StrtIncOpptyInvA 10.05 -0.04 2.9 10.1 MktNeutI 13.60 -0.11 2.9 12.6 MdCpIdx I n 14.16 -0.86 -6.9 8.6
Amer Beacon Insti: GBalA p 33.54 -1.16 -1.3 11.0 AglOkMtiStFdClIn 10.23 NA NA NA IntmDur n 13.95 -0.02 5.8 15.3 TotRet 12.48 -0.04 6.3 15.3 Calvert Investments: MidCapGth I 30.15 -1.73 17.0 54.2
14.73 -1.20
23.36 -1.47
-20.2 -17.7
-14.7 1.4
GovtA p
GwthA p
AQR Funds:
DivArbI 10.23 NA NA NA B NY Mun n
TxMgdIntl n
BlackRock Funds Blrk:
CapAppr 37.46 -2.42 22.5 70.0
Bal A
Eq A p
-1.29 5.4 30.5
-3.53 11.0 65.5
SelComunInfo tn 99.63
SelLCVal pn 24.01
SmCpInst 19.76 -1.30 -18.8 -13.1 HI TrA p 9.62 -0.13 0.2 9.9 LgCapDefStyle I 24.50 NA NA NA Baird Funds: BlackRock Funds: BlackRock Funds C: Carillon Eagle: SelMdCpVal I p pn 9.61 -0.61 -11.8 5.2
Amer Beacon Inv: HiInMuniA 16.12 0.01 0.8 13.1 LgCapDefStyle R 24.49 NA NA NA AggBdInst 11.78 -0.03 7.1 17.3 CoreBd A 10.41 -0.01 6.6 15.9 EqtyDivd t 16.56 -0.99 -14.1 3.2 MdCpGrA p 77.60 -4.62 17.7 53.9 SmCapGth I 27.47 -1.74 34.1 91.7
LgCapInv 21.32 -1.34 -14.9 0.4 ICAA p 38.92 -2.15 0.0 21.6 LgCapMomStyle I 24.33 NA NA NA CorBdInst 12.11 -0.03 7.0 17.6 CoreBd Inst 10.40 -0.01 6.8 16.8 GlblAlloc t 17.54 -0.61 6.0 14.8 Carillon Reams: SmCpIdx I n 20.20 -1.32 -13.1 1.1
American Century A: IncoA p 21.40 -0.88 -5.7 9.3 LgCpMultiStyle R 17.40 NA NA NA IntBdInst 11.77 -0.03 6.4 14.3 CoreBd K 10.43 -0.01 6.8 16.9 HlthScOp 58.89 -3.69 5.5 43.1 CoreBd I 13.16 -0.01 13.8 24.9 StratInc I 23.76 -0.20 2.9 12.9
EqIncA p 8.13 -0.36 -9.6 10.0 IntBdA p 14.19 0.00 6.6 11.9 MgdFutStrI 8.35 NA NA NA QualIntMunBdInst 11.95 -0.02 3.4 10.0 CreStraInc Inst 10.21 -0.07 2.3 13.7 MultiAstIncome 10.50 -0.20 -1.3 7.3 CorePlBd I 36.64 -0.08 14.4 25.4 TaxEZ n 13.33 0.00 0.7 10.8
American Century G: IntlGrIncA p 31.30 -1.84 -12.3 -1.8 MgdFutStrN 8.19 NA NA NA ShtTBdInst 9.97 -0.01 3.7 10.0 HiYBlk 7.44 -0.10 0.2 13.1 BlackRock Funds III: UnconstrndBd I 12.81 -0.06 8.0 15.3 Thermostat I n 17.56 -0.51 19.4 38.3
GlBond 10.47 NA NA NA LtdTEBdA 16.13 0.00 2.8 8.4 StylePremAlt R 6.28 NA NA NA Baron Funds: HiYInvA 7.43 -0.10 -0.2 11.5 iShS&P500IdxK 387.16 -23.05 2.8 34.8 Carillon Scout: TotReBd I 39.29 -0.11 8.9 19.7
InfAdjBd 12.38 -0.06 8.0 16.0 N PerA p 52.26 -3.08 10.6 37.2 Aquila Funds: Asset n 97.30 -6.63 12.8 56.5 HiYldBd Inst 7.44 -0.09 0.2 12.7 iShUSAggBdIdxK 10.84 -0.03 6.4 15.8 Intl I 15.53 -1.13 -17.2 -11.0 USGvtMtg tn 22.74 -0.03 4.4 13.9
NT IntlGr 12.50 -0.65 8.9 25.2 NEcoA p 52.00 -2.37 13.7 41.6 HI TF A 11.54 0.00 2.5 7.4 EmergingMkts n 15.99 -0.29 8.6 9.2 InflProtBdInst 11.70 -0.03 9.4 17.6 BlackRock Funds Inst: MidCap I r 20.03 -1.26 5.4 20.6 USTrsIdx I 12.09 0.00 7.7 15.8
NT MdCapVal 11.27 -0.64 -11.9 4.8 NwWrldA 73.88 -2.87 4.7 21.0 ArbitrageI : GlobalAdv n 43.49 -2.48 51.6 126.3 LDurBlk 9.70 -0.01 2.6 8.6 AdvIntl Inst 15.00 -0.90 -10.7 -5.8 CausewayInst : Columbia Class I2:
NTDiscGro 15.03 -0.91 18.4 52.7 SmCpA p 65.50 -3.68 11.3 36.4 ArbitrageI 13.75 NA NA NA Growth n 89.05 -5.32 7.7 51.0 LowDurBdA 9.71 -0.01 2.3 7.7 AdvLgCapCore 18.16 -1.13 3.3 31.1 CausewayInst 12.33 -1.13 -21.1 -19.9 ContCore I2 28.48 -1.86 3.9 31.3
NTDvBnd 11.47 -0.02 6.7 15.6 STBFA p 10.17 0.01 3.3 7.1 Ariel Investments: Opportunity n 34.97 -2.04 52.9 141.2 LowDurI Inst 9.71 -0.01 2.5 8.4 AdvSmCapInst 19.90 -1.24 3.2 33.4 CGM Funds: DivIncom 23.09 -1.21 -5.5 21.7
NTEmgMkt 13.09 -0.30 9.3 15.3 STTxExBdA 10.34 0.00 2.5 6.2 ApprecInv pn 39.19 -2.50 -12.1 -0.1 Partners n 112.37 -8.25 64.2 133.8 BlackRock Funds A: BalCapFd 24.57 -0.75 5.2 26.9 Realty n 22.48 -1.85 -11.8 -19.0 MidCapIndx 14.50 -0.88 -6.9 8.6
NTEqGrp 11.11 -0.66 2.3 29.5 TECAA p 18.09 0.02 2.2 11.4 Ariel Inv pn 55.68 -3.37 -14.4 -0.5 SmallCap n 33.96 -2.74 15.7 49.5 AdvLCGrwA 19.07 -1.19 17.0 56.8 BasicVal 15.88 -0.99 -15.6 1.8 Chartwell: SmCapIndx 20.72 -1.35 -13.1 1.1
NTGrwth 20.00 -1.27 18.6 68.6 TxExA p 13.39 0.01 2.4 11.5 Artisan Funds: Baron Instl Shares: AdvLgCapCore p 17.39 -1.09 3.0 30.0 CAInsMun 12.41 0.00 -1.6 7.7 Income n 12.73 NA NA NA Columbia Class I3:
NTHeritage 14.13 -0.94 18.2 61.8 WshA p 44.47 -2.75 -6.2 19.5 GblOppInst 35.16 NA NA NA AssetInst 101.65 -6.92 13.0 57.7 BalCapFd 24.46 -0.73 5.1 25.9 CapAppr 37.16 -2.40 22.4 69.5 CIBC Atlas: Balanced I3 45.81 -1.90 5.4 26.0
NTHighInc 9.27 -0.12 0.4 11.9 AMG Funds: GblOppInv n 34.57 NA NA NA DiscoveryInst 28.54 -1.85 31.8 75.0 BasicVal 15.59 -0.97 -15.8 0.9 EmgMkts 26.75 -0.81 3.5 22.5 DispEq Inst 23.69 -1.36 4.3 44.1 Bond I3 36.40 -0.06 7.2 17.4
NTIntlVal 8.05 -0.51 -11.4 -14.1 RRSmCapValI 11.05 -0.66 -17.4 4.5 Intl Inv n 31.67 NA NA NA EmergingMktsInst 16.05 -0.29 8.8 10.0 CAInsMuni 12.40 0.01 -1.8 6.9 EqtyDivd 17.42 -1.04 -13.4 6.2 ClearBridge: ContCore I3 p 28.51 -1.85 3.9 31.6
NTLgVal 10.37 -0.56 -10.4 11.0 AMG Managers Funds: IntlInst 31.88 NA NA NA GlobalAdvInst 44.25 -2.51 52.0 128.0 CapAppr 33.67 -2.18 22.1 68.2 FloRateIncPorIns 9.62 -0.06 -0.7 7.9 AggressGrowthA 167.00 -11.16 -4.6 12.4 DivIncom 23.12 -1.21 -5.5 21.8
SDIPB 10.63 -0.03 3.6 9.9 Brandywine I n 57.41 -3.92 10.3 39.6 IntlVal Inst 32.27 NA NA NA GrowthInst 92.51 -5.52 8.0 52.1 EqtyDivd p 17.35 -1.04 -13.6 5.4 LgCpFocusGwth 6.38 -0.41 26.6 74.5 AggressGrowthI 190.60 -12.72 -4.4 13.5 SelLgCpGr t 16.41 -0.98 27.5 74.6
Sustain Equity 33.97 -2.01 4.6 NS GWKMBd I 12.36 0.00 2.8 11.6 IntlVal Inv n 32.15 NA NA NA PartnersInst 115.53 -8.47 64.5 135.6 GlblAlloc p 19.88 -0.69 6.6 17.4 GlblAlloc 20.05 -0.70 6.9 18.3 AllCapValueA 10.92 -0.65 -18.1 -10.8 STBond 10.02 -0.01 2.5 8.5
American Century I: LoomisSaylesBd I 27.17 -0.22 3.1 13.4 MidCapInst 54.82 NA NA NA RealEstateInst 31.07 -1.98 18.9 42.6 HlthScOp p 68.52 -4.29 6.1 46.2 GlobLg/ShrtCrIns 9.83 -0.05 -1.0 4.6 AppreciationA 26.39 -1.51 0.5 33.0 Columbia Funds:
CaHYMu 10.83 NA NA NA LoomisSaylesBd N n 27.17 -0.21 3.0 12.8 MidCapInv n 48.24 NA NA NA SmallCapInst 35.71 -2.88 15.9 50.7 LgCp Focus Gr 5.83 -0.37 26.5 73.2 HlthScOp 72.38 -4.52 6.3 47.5 AppreciationI 26.25 -1.49 0.7 34.2 UltShortBd Inst3 9.06 0.00 1.6 6.7
DivBnd 11.51 NA NA NA TSIntlSC I 15.09 -0.66 -7.2 -6.3 MidCapVal Inv n 16.28 NA NA NA BerkshireFocus n: MdCpGrA 31.46 -1.94 21.0 71.6 HYMuni 9.64 0.00 -0.9 13.2 AppreciationIS 26.35 -1.50 0.8 34.6 Commerce Funds:
EmgMkt 13.08 -0.30 7.8 10.7 TSSmCapGrFd Z 20.67 -1.15 12.4 54.7 SmCpInv n 44.61 NA NA NA BerkshireFocus n 42.52 -2.96 54.4 137.1 MultiAstIncome 10.51 -0.20 -0.7 9.7 iShMSCIIntldx 12.40 -0.75 -10.5 -3.2 DividendStrat1 n 23.64 -1.46 -5.8 22.3 Bond n 20.85 -0.05 4.9 14.1
EqInc 8.15 -0.35 -9.2 11.5 TSSmCpGrFd N n 19.84 -1.11 12.2 53.7 Ashmore Funds: Bernstein Fds: NatlMuni p 11.12 0.01 1.3 9.9 MdCpGrEq 36.54 -2.25 21.3 73.0 DividendStratA 23.62 -1.46 -6.0 21.3 Community Capital Tr:
Growth 42.87 -2.75 18.0 64.2 YachtmanFocFd I 17.45 -0.88 -4.1 26.2 EmgMktTRInst 6.92 NA NA NA Ca Mu n 14.48 0.00 1.7 7.8 NYMUNIOPP 10.87 0.01 -3.5 5.1 MultiAstIncome 10.52 -0.20 -0.4 10.5 DividendStratI 24.34 -1.51 -5.8 22.4 CRAQualInvFd 10.83 -0.02 3.6 9.4
About our Funds reported closing price for the week. Footnotes: NA: not available. NE: performance excluded by Lipper editor. NN:
fund not tracked. NS: fund not in existence for whole period. e: ex capital gains distributions. f: previous day’s
The listings include the top 2500 open-end funds by assets. These funds value their portfolios daily and report net quote. n: no front- or back-end sales charge. p: fund assets are used to pay marketing and distribution costs (12b-1
asset va lues (the dollar amount of their holdings divided by the number of shares outstanding) to the National fees). r: fund levies redemption fee or back-end load. s: stock dividend or split of 25% or more. t: fund charges
Association of Securities Dealers. Total returns reflect both price changes and dividends; these figures assume that 12b-1 fees (for marketing and distribution) and a back-end load. v: capital-gains distribution may be a return of
all distributions are reinvested in the fund. Because Lipper is constantly updating its database, these returns may capital. x: ex cash dividend. All data supplied by Lipper.
differ from those previously published or calculated by others. 3 year returns are cumulative. The NAV is the last
M24 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
Credit Suisse Common: DoubleLine Funds: LTTrsBdIdxInstPr n 16.29 -0.04 17.5 35.2 Freedom2010 K 15.72 -0.31 3.4 16.2 MidCapEnIdx nr 14.75 -0.88 -4.2 14.0 HiInc A1 1.80 -0.03 1.3 12.1 StrInc Adv p 9.23 -0.08 -0.4 6.4 RisDv C t 68.58 -4.66 0.6 26.2
ComdtyRet r 4.22 -0.10 -8.9 -11.9 CoreFxdIncmI 11.16 -0.06 3.2 11.7 MidCpInxInstPrem n 23.09 -1.38 -1.7 22.2 Freedom2015 K 12.85 -0.32 3.1 17.1 MidCapStkK r 32.47 -2.02 -6.7 13.1 HY TF A1 p 10.04 0.01 2.0 12.8 USGovAdv p 6.11 0.00 3.4 9.3 Utils C t 20.67 -0.88 -4.4 19.2
Cullen Funds: CorFxdIncN n 11.15 -0.06 2.9 10.9 NewMkt I 14.18 -0.12 -2.6 NS Freedom2015 K6 12.82 -0.32 3.1 17.3 MIMun n 12.64 0.00 3.3 12.6 IncomeA1 p 2.07 -0.06 -7.6 2.1 Utils Adv 20.98 -0.89 -3.9 21.5 FrankTemp/Franklin R:
HiDivEqI r 13.90 -0.91 -17.2 -2.0 EmgMktIncmI 10.12 -0.11 -0.8 7.1 OTCK6Port 14.66 -0.90 26.0 NS Freedom2020 K 16.13 -0.49 2.7 17.7 MNMun n 12.05 0.01 3.0 11.5 MIInsTF A1 p 11.86 0.01 3.5 13.1 FrankTemp/Franklin A: FrkDynTchR6 125.13 -7.59 35.1 93.7
FlexibleIncomeI 9.33 -0.07 -0.5 7.2 RealEstIdxInst n 12.80 -0.72 -23.4 -6.9 Freedom2020K6 16.10 -0.48 2.8 18.0 MtgSec n 11.58 0.01 4.0 11.6 MNInsTF A1 p 12.66 0.01 3.2 11.2 BAL A t 11.73 -0.36 -3.6 12.5 FrkGrthOppR6 54.95 -3.34 26.8 72.7
D GlobalBondN 10.64
InfraIncomeI 10.45
SAIRealEstIndxFd 9.14
SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 17.53
Freedom2025 K
MuniInc n
MO TF A1 p
NC TF A1 p
BalInv p
BioDis A p
Davenport: LowDurBdI 9.93 -0.02 1.2 7.6 SeriesBondFd 10.71 -0.02 6.4 NS Freedom2030 K 17.63 -0.68 2.0 19.1 NewInsights Z 36.30 -2.16 10.9 41.8 NJ TF A1 p 11.30 0.01 1.0 10.0 CoreAll A p 19.32 -1.10 1.1 21.5 FrkRisDivR6 69.84 -4.74 1.5 30.4
Davenport Core n 26.66 -1.48 -0.9 27.6 LowDurBdN n 9.92 -0.02 0.9 6.7 SeriesOverseas 10.62 -0.68 -1.5 NS Freedom2030K6 17.60 -0.68 2.0 19.5 NewMill n 32.79 -1.98 -12.8 6.5 NY TF A1 p 11.10 0.02 1.6 9.8 CvtSc A p 27.11 -1.06 26.5 64.9 FrkSmCpGrR6 28.00 -1.50 17.0 62.6
EqOpp n 20.20 -1.40 0.8 32.5 ShillerEnhCAPEI 15.78 -0.93 -1.4 31.2 SerLTTreBdIdx 9.98 -0.03 17.3 35.0 Freedom2035 K 14.76 -0.69 0.9 19.1 NewMkt nr 14.18 -0.11 -2.5 0.1 OHInsTF A1 p 13.02 0.01 3.3 11.7 DynaTech A p 119.41 -7.25 34.7 91.7 FrkTotRtnR6 10.11 -0.04 4.5 13.1
Val&Incm n 14.91 -0.85 -12.3 2.6 ShillerEnhCAPEN n 15.77 -0.92 -1.6 30.3 SmCpIdxInstPrem n 19.58 -1.30 -6.7 8.0 Freedom2035K6 14.74 -0.69 1.0 19.6 NJMun nr 12.23 0.01 1.7 12.8 OR TF A1 p 11.74 0.01 2.7 10.8 EqIn A p 24.22 -1.31 -7.6 14.5 MutShrR6 21.57 -1.26 -20.0 -7.8
Davis Funds A: TotRetBdI 10.67 -0.03 3.0 11.0 STBdIdx InstPrem n 10.34 0.00 4.3 10.4 Freedom2040 K 10.30 -0.54 0.4 18.8 NYMun n 13.36 0.02 1.1 10.0 PA TF A1 p 9.87 0.00 2.1 9.5 FlRtDA A p 7.34 -0.06 -7.4 -4.0 TempGlbBndR6 9.77 0.07 -4.6 -2.9
NYVen A 28.03 -1.42 -5.5 11.9 TotRetBdN n 10.67 -0.03 2.8 10.3 STTreIdx InstPre n 10.85 0.00 4.2 9.8 Freedom2040K6 10.28 -0.53 0.6 19.4 OHMun n 12.43 0.00 2.4 11.0 US Gov A1 p 6.09 0.00 3.3 8.9 FoundFAlA p 11.78 -0.53 -13.0 -5.5 TmpGrthR6 20.20 -0.94 -10.4 -8.5
Davis Funds C & Y: Driehaus Funds: TMktIdxInstPrem n 93.03 -5.66 3.0 33.2 Freedom2045 K 11.72 -0.61 0.4 18.8 OTC n 15.08 -0.89 25.7 73.6 Utils A1 p 20.80 -0.88 -4.1 20.9 FrkIntlGrthA 18.22 -1.43 9.8 36.1 TmpFrgnR6 5.86 -0.23 -17.8 -19.1
NYVenY 28.87 -1.46 -5.3 12.8 EmMktsGr n 43.74 -1.07 10.7 21.5 TotalMarketIndex n 11.67 -0.70 2.9 NS Freedom2045K6 11.70 -0.60 0.5 19.4 OTC K 15.36 -0.90 25.8 74.2 Franklin Templeton: FSmCoSer r 19.88 -1.01 -7.1 -4.2 FrankTemp/Mutual A&B:
Del Invest Instl: Dupree Mutual Fds: TtlIntIdxInstPr n 11.54 -0.58 -7.1 -0.2 Freedom2050 K 11.81 -0.61 0.5 18.9 OverseasK r 50.83 -3.15 -1.6 10.8 TgtGro A p 17.79 -0.79 2.0 18.8 GoldPrM A p 25.15 -1.48 29.3 66.2 Beacn A 13.29 -0.83 -17.5 -2.9
CorpBdI 6.38 -0.03 7.3 20.5 KYTF n 7.92 0.01 2.7 11.3 USBdIdxInstPrem n 12.36 -0.03 6.4 15.8 Freedom2050K6 11.80 -0.61 0.6 19.3 Ovrse n 50.91 -3.16 -1.7 10.4 TgtModA p 14.98 -0.50 2.6 16.6 GrOp A p 49.40 -3.01 26.5 70.9 Shares A 21.28 -1.24 -20.2 -8.7
USGrw 28.49 -2.08 22.0 53.3 USSusIdx n 14.29 -0.83 3.1 36.4 Freedom2055 K 13.50 -0.70 0.4 18.9 PAMun nr 11.38 0.00 2.0 11.6 FrankTemp/Frank Adv: Growth A p 127.05 -7.57 13.2 49.6 FrankTemp/Temp A:
Delaware Invest A:
18.60 -1.33 -15.5 4.4 E Fidelity Adv Focus A:
HthCarA r 60.70 -3.58 9.0 50.4
Freedom2060 n
PcBas nr
CA HY Adv t
CA IntAdv
LwDuToRt A
RisDv A p
DvMk A p
Frgn A p
Diver Inc p 9.23 -0.05 7.3 16.7 Eaton Vance Class A: TechA t 78.46 -5.20 33.2 85.7 FundK 57.35 -3.17 13.5 48.4 Puritn n 24.18 -0.97 9.7 30.6 CA TF Adv t 7.63 0.01 2.4 13.8 SmCpGr A p 25.00 -1.33 16.6 60.7 GlBond A p 9.82 0.07 -4.9 -3.9
GrEq A p 13.45 -0.80 11.1 28.2 AtlCpSMID p 30.93 -1.90 -7.7 23.6 Fidelity Adv Focus C: Idx2015InsPre 14.20 -0.35 3.3 19.0 RealE n 36.65 -1.91 -16.3 2.8 CvtScAdv 27.11 -1.07 26.8 66.1 SmCpVal A p 41.84 -2.61 -14.3 -1.6 GlSmCo A p 9.15 -0.50 -5.2 1.3
GroInA p 11.60 -0.83 -15.8 -0.8 DivBldrA 14.88 -0.80 -2.1 27.2 HthCarC p 47.25 -2.79 8.3 47.1 Idx2020InsPre 15.23 -0.45 2.9 19.8 RealEstInc nr 11.04 -0.25 -10.0 5.9 Dynat Adv 123.72 -7.51 35.0 93.1 SmMCpGrA p 43.52 -2.48 33.0 72.4 Growth A p 20.16 -0.94 -10.7 -9.4
OppA p 23.70 -1.40 -17.5 -5.5 FloatRt 8.77 -0.06 -1.3 6.5 Fidelity Adv Focus M: Idx2025InsPre 16.81 -0.56 2.6 20.4 REInc n 9.96 -0.15 -7.4 8.6 Fed TF Adv 12.02 0.01 2.7 11.3 StrInc A p 9.22 -0.08 -0.5 5.6 World A p 12.12 -0.54 -11.1 -6.4
SMIDCapGrA p 38.07 -2.66 53.4 138.7 FltgRtAdvg p 10.07 -0.08 -2.6 6.5 Tech p 73.30 -4.85 33.0 84.3 Idx2030InsPre 17.34 -0.66 2.0 21.4 SAIIntlMinVolInd 9.64 -0.45 -13.4 -1.3 FedIntAdv 12.24 0.01 2.6 8.3 TgtCon A p 14.09 -0.32 2.4 13.1 FrankTemp/Temp Adv:
TotRtA p 14.09 -0.65 -9.4 0.9 Inc Bos 5.34 -0.07 -0.7 9.4 Fidelity Advisor: Idx2035InsPre 18.46 -0.85 0.8 21.6 SAILTTreBdIdx 12.77 -0.03 17.9 36.6 GrOpAdv p 54.10 -3.29 26.7 72.1 TtlRtn A p 10.04 -0.04 4.2 11.8 Frng Adv 5.87 -0.23 -17.9 -19.4
TxExIncmA 9.35 -0.01 2.3 9.1 LgCpVal 18.05 -1.00 -12.4 12.0 SrsAdvIntlCapApp 25.83 -1.12 7.0 28.3 Idx2040InsPre 18.22 -0.94 0.2 21.4 SAISm-MidCap500I 11.67 -0.68 -2.2 20.7 Growth Adv t 127.54 -7.60 13.4 50.7 FrankTemp/Franklin C: GlBondAdv p 9.77 0.07 -4.8 -3.2
TxUSA p 11.80 0.00 3.2 12.9 NatlMuniInc 10.18 0.00 3.0 13.5 StragInc n 12.43 -0.15 1.9 NS Idx2045InsPre 18.91 -0.97 0.2 21.4 SAIUSMinVolIndFd 14.87 -0.87 -2.3 30.8 HY TF Adv 10.09 0.02 2.1 13.2 CA TF C t 7.63 0.01 2.0 11.7 TGlTotRAdv 10.01 0.08 -6.3 -3.2
Deutsche DWS: ShDurGovIncFd 8.12 0.00 2.3 6.3 TotBdFdClZ 11.09 -0.04 6.9 17.1 Idx2050InsPre 18.94 -0.97 0.2 21.4 SAIUSQtyIdx 14.95 -0.92 8.0 47.3 IncomeAdv 2.05 -0.06 -7.6 2.5 DynaTech C p 97.93 -5.96 33.9 87.4 FrankTemp/Temp B&C:
CapGrth p 101.64 -6.41 21.3 67.9 ShDurStratIncFd 7.18 NA NA NA Fidelity Advisor A: Idx2055InsPre 15.57 -0.79 0.2 21.4 SmallCap nr 16.94 -1.29 -6.5 12.0 RisDv Adv r 69.85 -4.74 1.4 30.0 Fed TF C t 12.00 0.02 2.1 9.1 GlBond C p 9.85 0.07 -5.2 -5.1
CapGrth n 103.02 -6.49 21.6 69.2 TMG1.0 n 1462.17 NA NA NA AdvMdCpIIA p 18.74 -1.21 -3.0 6.8 Idx2055Investor 15.55 -0.80 0.2 21.2 SmCapDisc n 20.08 -1.31 -13.2 -2.2 SmCpGrAdv p 27.48 -1.47 16.8 61.7 Growth C t 114.62 -6.84 12.5 46.3 Frost Family of Fund:
CoreEq n 27.81 -1.70 -0.6 27.4 TMG1.1 65.88 NA NA NA AdvStrDivInA p 14.67 -0.67 -2.9 16.0 Income n 11.92 -0.14 3.8 14.1 SmlCapO n 12.95 -0.86 -6.9 14.9 SmCpValAdv t 44.44 -2.77 -14.1 -0.9 Income C t 2.10 -0.06 -8.0 0.5 FrTRInst 10.08 -0.06 0.6 7.8
EqDivA 44.74 -2.54 -20.9 3.0 TMG1.2 29.59 NA NA NA BalancA t 23.25 -0.98 8.0 30.7 Income K 11.90 -0.14 3.8 14.2 SmlCpGrth nr 28.24 -1.68 9.4 46.5
GblIncBldA 9.26 -0.31 -2.6 10.5 WW Hlth Science p 12.57 -0.77 1.5 37.8 BioTech 31.37 -0.75 12.9 38.5 Fidelity Invest: SmlCpGrth K6 16.34 -0.97 10.3 47.9
GblGrwS n 38.88 -2.43 3.5 16.1 Eaton Vance Class C: DivIntlA 25.10 -1.27 3.0 15.2 AdvSrsGroOpport 18.01 -1.18 39.1 137.7 SmlCpVal nr 13.14 -1.03 -14.1 -8.1
GNMA S n 13.88 0.00 2.5 9.6 FltgRtAdvg p 10.05 -0.09 -3.0 4.9 EqGrA p/r t
AggrInt n
SrsBlChGroRetail n
HiIncA 4.67 -0.05 1.3 13.5 Eaton Vance Class I:
HiYldTx n 11.85 0.02 -0.1 9.2 AtlCpSMID 34.75 -2.14 -7.5 24.5 FF2030A p 14.15 -0.55 1.3 18.9 AMgr20% n 13.93 -0.19 3.4 13.7 SrsCommStrt 4.22 -0.10 -11.0 -13.1
MgdMuniA p 9.13 0.01 1.0 9.5 FloatRtHiInc 8.35 NA NA NA GrOppA 123.27 -8.08 38.9 129.9 AMgr50% n 19.13 -0.59 3.8 18.6 SrsEmrgMkt 21.50 -0.74 4.2 16.9 November Data for
MgdMuniS n 9.15 0.01 1.2 10.2 FltgRt 8.48 -0.06 -1.1 7.3 HiIncAdvA 10.95 -0.28 -1.5 10.7 AMgr70% n 23.39 -0.99 3.0 20.1 SrsGlobal 12.23 -0.62 -7.1 -0.1
S&P500S n 33.73 -2.01 2.5 34.1 GblMacAbR 8.63 -0.03 1.1 7.8 LevCoStA p 39.92 -3.09 2.4 16.2 AMgr85% n 20.59 -1.06 2.5 21.5 SrsGroCoRetail 25.49 -1.55 43.6 98.7 2 PMI Manufacturing Index (9:45 a.m.) - Final October
TechA 30.55 -2.08 25.6 77.0 IncBos 5.34 -0.07 -0.5 10.3 NwInsghtA p 35.25 -2.10 10.6 40.2 AstMgr30R n 11.69 -0.22 3.8 16.0 SrsIntlGrw 18.01 -0.99 2.8 27.9
Diamond Hill Funds: LgCpVal 18.13 -1.01 -12.3 12.8 SmllCapA p 22.70 -1.36 -4.4 6.7 Balanc n 25.35 -1.07 8.2 32.3 SrsIntlSmCp 17.55 -0.74 1.4 19.5 ISM Manufacturing Report (10:00 a.m.) October
CorpCrI 11.48 -0.15 4.7 20.1 NatlMuniInc 10.18 0.00 3.2 14.4 StkSelMC p 32.83 -2.03 -7.7 13.0 BalancedK 25.35 -1.07 8.3 32.6 SrsIntlVal 8.25 -0.54 -16.7 -15.0
LgCapA p 26.99 -1.62 -6.5 16.5 Eaton Vance Funds: StrInA 12.26 -0.14 1.7 9.9 BluCh n 139.35 -9.10 34.9 88.0 SrsSmCapDiscRet 10.35 -0.67 -10.9 4.3 Construction Spending (10:00 a.m.) September
LgCapI 27.23 -1.63 -6.3 17.6 ParTxMgdEmgMktIn 42.02 -1.76 -13.6 -12.2 TotalBdA p 11.11 -0.05 6.5 15.8 BluChpGr K6 20.38 -1.33 35.5 86.5 STBF n 8.82 -0.01 3.3 8.7 3 Car Sales (3:45 p.m.) October
LgCapY 27.27 -1.63 -6.2 17.9 Edgewood Growth Instituti: Fidelity Advisor C: BluChpGrK 139.78 -9.13 35.0 88.5 StkSelSmCp n 24.77 -1.66 -2.9 19.2
LongShortI 23.67 -1.04 -12.3 2.8 EdgewoodGrInst 48.33 -3.53 25.5 76.2 BalancC 23.06 -0.98 7.3 27.7 CALmtTrmTFB n 10.85 0.00 2.2 7.2 StkSlcACap n 50.68 -3.12 5.8 32.7 Factory Orders (10:00 a.m.) September
SmMidCapI 19.17 -1.21 -15.9 -4.0 GrOppC p 103.31 -6.78 38.0 124.8 CAMun n 13.28 0.02 2.5 11.6 StratDivInc n 14.78 -0.67 -2.6 17.0
NwInsghtC t 29.49 -1.76 9.9 37.0 Canad nr 46.26 -2.95 -12.2 -3.1 StrDivIncI 14.73 -0.68 -2.7 16.9 4 International Trade (8:30 a.m.) September
Dimensional Fds:
2TGlFxd 10.00 0.00 0.9 5.6 F StrInC t 12.23 -0.14 1.0 7.5 CapAp n 39.58 -2.04 16.9 50.4 TaxFrB nr 11.91 0.01 2.3 13.0
PMI Composite Index (9:45 a.m.) October
5GlbFxdInc 10.89 0.01 1.5 6.9 Fidelity Advisor Fun: CapApprK 39.70 -2.05 17.0 50.9 TotalBond n 11.11 -0.04 6.8 16.8
CAIntrTrmMuniBd 10.85 -0.01 2.2 7.1 Fairholme: IntlGrwZ 16.19 -0.89 1.8 24.4 CapDevO n 14.32 -0.97 -10.7 12.3 TotalBond K6 10.36 -0.04 6.9 17.0
CASTMuniBd 10.29 -0.01 0.6 2.9 Fairholme n 21.75 -0.14 9.7 17.6 Fidelity Advisor I: ChinaReg n 51.53 -0.96 30.3 52.6 Trend n 134.35 -8.46 25.6 70.5 ISM Service Index (10:00 a.m.) October
Cont 23.82 -1.92 -9.7 -6.4 FAM Value: BalancI 23.77 -1.00 8.2 31.7 CnvSc n 36.01 -1.92 17.3 50.8 Utility n 25.58 -1.06 -5.5 20.6 5 Challenger Job-Cut Report (7:30 a.m.)
DFARlEst 34.21 -1.77 -15.3 8.1 FAMValue n 75.50 -5.08 -6.6 18.7 BiotechI 33.55 -0.79 13.2 39.6 Contra n 16.15 -0.97 18.6 54.1 Value n 9.57 -0.64 -13.6 -1.7
EmgMkt 27.64 -0.90 -3.9 0.4 Federated Hermes A: ConsvIncmMuni I 10.04 0.00 0.6 4.1 ContraK 16.18 -0.97 18.6 54.5 ValueDisc n 27.37 -1.59 -8.8 7.5 Productivity and Costs (8:30 a.m.) - Preliminary Q3, 2020
EmgMktSoCoEq 13.18 -0.47 -5.4 -1.3 EqIncA p 19.63 -1.23 -10.1 1.1 DivIntl 25.57 -1.29 3.2 16.1 CorpBd n 12.63 -0.06 7.2 20.4 ValueK 9.59 -0.64 -13.4 40.3
EmgMktVa 23.93 -1.10 -14.9 -14.2 FdShInToRetA 10.69 -0.01 4.0 9.4 EqGrI 17.36 -0.95 25.6 70.2 CpInc nr 9.88 -0.26 -0.1 12.8 Wrldw n 31.97 -2.10 12.7 42.6 FOMC Announcement (2:00 p.m.)
EmMktCorEq 20.34 -0.73 -4.9 -1.9 FedMunULA pn 10.03 0.00 0.8 3.4 FAInvGrdI 8.48 -0.03 8.0 18.3 DisEq n 45.48 -2.88 13.7 40.0 Fidelity SAI:
KaufmannA p 6.80 -0.36 13.7 63.2 6 Employment Situation (8:30 a.m.) October
EmMktSmCp 19.67 -0.75 -4.9 -4.4 FF2030 14.26 -0.54 1.6 19.9 DivGrowK 26.08 -1.69 -14.5 8.4 FidSAIEmgMktIndx 14.45 -0.43 0.6 5.9
Fixd 10.30 0.00 0.6 5.0 KaufmnLCA p 31.46 -1.94 13.1 58.9 FF2040 14.66 -0.75 -0.1 19.8 DivGth n 26.11 -1.69 -14.6 8.0 FidSAIIntlIndxFd 11.04 -0.65 -10.4 -3.1 Wholesale Trade (10:00 a.m.) August
GblAll60 40Inst 18.74 -0.66 -0.1 13.5 KaufmnSCA p 49.86 -2.86 14.9 75.0 FltRatel 8.96 -0.07 -2.3 6.6 DivIntl n 41.61 -2.08 2.7 15.5 IntlValIdx 7.16 -0.51 -23.6 NS
GlAll25 75Inst 13.99 -0.21 2.2 11.5 MunStkAdvA p 13.02 -0.34 -0.1 10.1 GrOppI 134.36 -8.79 39.2 131.8 DivIntl K6 11.96 -0.60 3.3 16.3 Muni Inc 10.64 0.01 1.6 NS Consumer Credit (3:00 p.m.) September
GlEqInst 23.39 -1.37 -4.7 11.7 StrValDivA p p 4.49 -0.22 -18.6 -7.5 HiIncAdvI 10.25 -0.26 -1.4 11.5 DivIntlK r 41.56 -2.07 2.9 15.9 SAIEmgMktLoVolIx 9.41 -0.28 -8.1 NS
GlRESec 9.57 -0.50 -18.8 2.7 UltraShortA pn 9.19 -0.01 1.7 6.3 HthCarI r 66.45 -3.91 9.3 51.6 DivStkO n 29.74 -1.74 12.4 41.2 TotalBd 10.54 -0.04 6.2 NS 10 NFIB Small Business Optimism Index (6 a.m.) October
InfProtSec 13.05 -0.07 9.1 17.9 Federated Hermes C: IntlGr 16.16 -0.89 1.7 23.9 Emerg Asia nr 63.61 -1.65 40.0 62.2 TxFreeBd 10.66 0.01 1.4 NS
IntGvFxdInc 13.73 -0.02 8.9 17.4 StraValDivC p 4.50 -0.21 -19.1 -9.6 IntlSmCp 25.44 -1.36 -10.0 -4.3 EmrgMktK r 40.30 -0.95 15.3 33.6 U.S.TreBdIdx 10.72 -0.01 7.8 16.2 JOLTS (10:00 a.m.) September
IntlCoreEq 12.08 -0.74 -11.2 -7.7 Federated Hermes Int: LmtdTrmBdFd 11.92 -0.01 4.2 10.9 EmrgMktsDebt 8.97 -0.08 -2.3 3.3 USMomentumIdx 14.72 -0.87 13.3 42.9 12 Consumer Price Index (8:30 a.m.) October
IntlREst 3.77 -0.20 -24.4 -6.7 GloFinI 33.81 -2.21 -5.1 -2.1 LmtTrmGov n 10.33 0.00 3.9 8.6 EmrMkt nr 40.26 -0.96 15.2 33.1 USValueIndex 8.39 -0.51 -21.4 NS
IntlSustCore1 10.09 -0.63 -7.4 -0.2 InsHiYld r 9.57 -0.12 0.8 12.7 MuniIncI r 10.74 0.01 2.6 10.7 Eq Inc n 53.82 -2.98 -9.7 10.0 Fidelity Selects: PPI (8:30 a.m.) October
IntlVal 13.54 -0.89 -22.2 -23.0 MDTSmCIS 17.98 -1.03 -10.5 -4.3 MuniIncome 13.34 0.01 1.8 NS EqDivIncm n 21.54 -1.25 -14.7 2.7 Biotech nr 23.91 -0.65 14.4 40.3
IntlVectorEq 10.42 -0.66 -13.6 -12.3 TtlRtnBdI 11.55 -0.04 6.8 16.6 NwInsghtI 36.24 -2.15 10.8 41.3 EqIncK 53.78 -2.98 -9.6 10.4 Chem nr 12.27 -0.68 -0.9 -15.7 Michigan Consumer Sentiment (10:00 a.m.) - Preliminary November
IntrLrgCpGroPor 13.40 -0.74 -2.1 10.1 Federated Hermes IS: REIncmInst 11.00 -0.25 -10.0 5.9 Europ nr 35.35 -2.46 -2.5 3.2 Comp nr 91.00 -2.55 14.9 56.8 17 Retail Sales (8:30 a.m.)
IntEq IS p 24.95 -1.28 -0.6 10.4 SmCapGrwI 28.32 -1.69 9.4 46.4 Export n 17.77 -0.98 -17.8 3.9 ConDis nr 56.63 -4.13 14.7 56.5
IntSmCo 16.84 -1.03 -10.5 -6.9
IntSmVa 15.65 -1.01 -18.8 -22.2 KaufmnIS 6.98 -0.37 14.1 65.6 StrInI 12.43 -0.15 1.9 10.7 Fidel n 57.36 -3.17 13.4 48.0 ConStap nr 85.98 -4.74 -1.1 16.6 U.S. Import & Export Price Indexes (8:30 a.m.) October
IntTermMuni 10.58 -0.02 3.1 8.6 KaufmnSCI 50.90 -2.91 15.4 77.5 Total Bd 11.09 -0.04 6.8 16.7 FltRateHi nr 8.97 -0.06 -2.2 6.8 DfAero nr 13.09 -1.02 -26.7 -4.6
IntVaIII 11.57 -0.76 -22.1 -22.5 CorpBondFdIS 9.74 -0.08 5.2 17.5 Fidelity Advisor M: FocsdStk n 30.56 -2.30 17.2 66.8 Energy nr 17.68 -1.01 -50.1 -54.3 Industrial Production & Capacity Utilization (9:15 a.m.) October
ITExQual 11.79 -0.07 7.4 19.3 FdShinToRetI 10.69 -0.01 4.2 10.2 Balanced p 23.56 -1.00 7.8 29.7 FournOne n 49.06 -2.53 0.4 21.2 Gold nr 31.32 -0.79 29.4 56.4
Japan 23.39 -0.65 -5.8 -5.6 GovUltra 9.96 0.00 1.4 5.7 EqGr p 15.09 -0.83 25.0 67.6 GNMA n 11.78 0.00 3.4 10.0 Health nr 31.05 -1.79 11.9 58.5 Business Inventories (10:00 a.m.) September
LgCo 25.10 -1.49 2.7 34.5 KaufmnLCIS 32.53 -2.01 13.3 60.1 EqIn p 25.02 -1.46 -15.5 0.2 GovtInc n 10.96 -0.01 6.6 14.2 HlthCareSrvPt r nr 107.13 -8.65 3.0 45.0
LgCpIntl 20.90 -1.25 -10.1 -3.2 ShIntDurMuInst 10.31 -0.01 1.0 5.4 GrOppM p 121.61 -7.97 38.6 128.3 GroCo n 30.27 -1.88 41.7 92.7 Ind n 32.07 -2.19 -5.2 9.7 NAHB Housing Market Index (10:00 a.m) November
SclCrEqInst 11.49 -0.71 -12.0 -9.0 StraValDivIS 4.52 -0.22 -18.3 -6.7 NwInsghtM p 33.69 -2.01 10.3 39.1 GroInc n 36.43 -2.45 -10.8 11.4 ITSvs n 80.35 -7.53 7.5 65.2
SelHdgGlFxd 9.76 0.00 1.9 8.7 UltraShortI 9.19 0.00 1.9 7.7 StrInM p 12.25 -0.15 1.7 9.9 GrowCoK 30.34 -1.88 41.8 93.2 MdTchDevis n 70.07 -3.28 19.3 79.0 Treasury International Capital Data (4 p.m.) September
STExQual 10.97 -0.01 1.8 7.6 ShtlncIS 8.68 -0.01 2.9 9.4 Fidelity Advisor Z: GrowIncK 36.39 -2.45 -10.7 11.8 Multimedia nr 71.51 -3.32 14.4 54.5 18 Housing Starts and Permits (8:30 a.m.) October
STGov 10.56 0.00 0.4 3.7 FedMuniUl A 10.03 0.00 0.8 4.5 CorporateBond 12.62 -0.06 7.2 NS GrStrt nr 55.91 -3.18 11.7 48.3 Pharm n 22.83 -1.11 0.9 42.8
STMuniBd 10.19 -0.01 0.9 3.3 Federated Hermes R: EmMkt Z 30.89 -0.61 8.5 21.8 GwthDiscovery n 47.89 -2.61 25.3 69.4 Retail nr 20.51 -1.46 21.8 76.7 19 Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index (8:30 a.m.) November
TAUSCoreEq2 19.42 -1.18 -2.5 20.1 KaufmnR r 6.82 -0.36 13.7 63.3 FloatRateHighInc 8.97 -0.06 -2.1 NS HighInc nr 8.39 -0.10 -2.5 9.2 Semiconductors r nr 13.69 -0.71 17.3 75.9
TAWldexUSCr 9.91 -0.53 -9.9 -6.9 Federated Hermes R6: GovtIncome 10.99 0.00 6.7 NS Indepndnc n 42.04 -2.37 14.9 46.3 Softwr nr 23.68 -1.77 23.2 82.2 Existing Home Sales (10:00 a.m.) October
TM IntVa 11.67 -0.74 -21.3 -21.8 FedInstHYBondL 9.57 -0.12 0.7 12.7 GrOpp 135.77 -8.87 39.4 132.6 IntBd n 11.33 -0.02 6.0 13.9 Tech nr 25.95 -1.72 35.7 87.7 U.S. Leading Indicators Index (10:00 a.m.) October
TM US Sm 38.59 -2.36 -11.1 -2.7 KaufmnSCL n 50.51 -2.89 15.4 77.5 IntCpAp 25.88 -1.12 7.2 28.8 IntGov n 10.93 -0.01 5.4 11.4 UtilGr nr 87.99 -4.44 -5.6 24.0
TM USTgtVal 28.37 -1.87 -18.9 -13.7 StrValL 4.52 -0.21 -18.4 -6.7 InvestGradeBd 8.49 -0.02 8.1 NS IntlCapiApp K6 13.99 -0.60 7.5 29.9 Fidelity Series: 23 PMI Composite Flash (9:45 a.m.) November
TMMktwdVa 27.06 -1.61 -15.0 2.5 TtlRtnBdL 11.55 -0.04 6.9 16.7 NewMktsIncFdZ 14.18 -0.11 -2.5 NS IntlDisc n 46.20 -2.50 1.7 10.2 Canada 9.77 -0.65 -13.5 -3.3
TMMttVa2 25.06 -1.48 -14.9 2.9 Fidelity: RE Income 11.00 -0.25 -9.9 NS IntlEnhIdx n 8.64 -0.51 -10.9 -8.3 FASeriesEqGroFd 17.93 -0.97 26.5 74.0 24 S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices (9:00 a.m.) November
TMUSEq 35.43 -2.14 3.3 33.4 500IdxInstPrem n 113.51 -6.76 2.8 34.7 StrgInc 12.43 -0.15 1.9 NS IntlGrRet n 16.20 -0.89 1.7 23.8 HthCarZ 66.54 -3.92 9.4 NS FHFA House Price Index (9:00 a.m.) September
US CoreEq1 25.24 -1.53 -1.3 24.3 BalancedK6 11.70 -0.50 8.3 NS Fidelity Freedom: IntlScOpps nr 21.10 -0.87 2.4 20.5 IntMuni Z 10.74 0.00 2.7 NS
US CoreEq2 22.79 -1.38 -2.6 19.7 Contrafund K6 17.01 -0.99 17.6 54.2 FAFree2020I p 13.17 -0.40 2.4 18.2 IntlSmCap nr 25.28 -1.35 -10.0 -4.3 STCrFd 10.22 -0.01 3.5 10.4 Consumer Confidence (10:00 a.m.) November
US Micro 18.19 -1.20 -15.5 -7.5 EmgMktIdxInstPre n 11.07 -0.34 0.8 6.1 FAFree2025I 13.32 -0.44 2.2 18.9 IntMu n 10.72 0.00 2.6 11.0 Fiera Capital:
US Small 31.00 -1.94 -10.7 -2.2 ExtMktIdxInstPre n 66.49 -4.43 4.2 25.9 FAFree2035I 13.75 -0.64 0.5 20.1 InvGB n 8.48 -0.02 8.0 18.6 EmgMkt Inst 50.74 -0.74 3.6 1.2 25 Durable Goods Shipments and Orders (8:30 a.m.) October
US SmCpVal 27.34 -1.97 -19.9 -17.3 FidSAIEmerg 11.78 -0.44 NS NS FAFree2045A 11.40 -0.58 -0.2 18.9 InvGrBd 11.71 -0.03 7.6 18.3 First Eagle Funds:
US TgdVal 18.57 -1.30 -18.8 -13.1 FidSAIIntern 11.07 -0.57 NS NS FF2005 n 12.68 -0.19 3.5 14.9 JpnSmCo nr 16.64 -0.40 -3.4 4.5 GlbA 55.42 -2.44 -4.4 7.2 GDP (8:30 a.m) - (Second Estimate) Q3, 2020
USLCpGr 24.35 -1.50 6.5 46.3 FIDSerEmgMkt 9.65 -0.28 -1.1 NS FF2010 n 15.73 -0.31 3.3 16.0 LargeCap n 29.32 -2.00 -10.9 11.9 Gold p 26.28 -0.46 33.3 57.9
USLgVa 31.40 -1.89 -17.2 -2.6 FidSerToMarket 11.18 -0.68 3.0 NS FF2015 n 12.86 -0.33 3.0 16.8 LCapCrEIdx n 16.85 -1.01 2.4 32.8 OverseasA 22.80 -0.79 -4.8 1.5 Personal Income and Outlay (8:30 a.m) October
USLgVaIII 21.17 -1.27 -17.1 -2.2 FIDSerTresIndxFd 10.01 0.00 0.9 NS FF2020 n 16.14 -0.49 2.6 17.4 LCapGrEIdx n 25.48 -1.59 18.6 57.4 US Val A t 16.97 -0.88 -5.7 9.0 New Home Sales (10:00 a.m.) October
USSmCpGr 18.67 -1.14 -3.1 12.2 FIDZroExtMktIx n 9.48 -0.60 -6.1 NS FF2020A p 13.05 -0.39 2.2 17.3 LevCoSt n 32.80 -2.49 1.2 19.2 US Val I r 17.32 -0.91 -5.5 9.9
USSoCoreEq2 16.94 -1.03 -2.9 19.9 FIDZroLgCpIx n 11.73 -0.71 4.4 NS FF2025 n 14.30 -0.48 2.4 18.0 LgCpVHIdx n 12.07 -0.69 -11.9 6.9 FMI Funds: Michigan Consumer Sentiment (10:00 a.m.) - Final October
USSustCoreI 25.40 -1.57 2.7 33.1 Flex 500 Index 13.95 -0.83 2.8 34.8 FF2025A p 13.17 -0.45 1.9 17.9 LmtTrmMuniIncm n 10.81 0.00 2.4 7.7 IntlInvst n 27.29 -1.35 -15.7 -9.9
USVectorEq 17.00 -1.04 -12.1 0.6 FlexIntIdx 11.04 -0.55 -7.1 -0.1 FF2030 n 17.64 -0.68 1.8 18.8 LowP nr 42.45 -2.70 -8.9 7.4 LgCapInvst n 18.62 -0.95 -5.8 18.8 FOMC Minutes (2:00 p.m.)
WexUSGov 10.85 0.02 6.0 19.6 FlexUSBdIdx 10.79 -0.02 6.5 16.0 FF2035 n 14.77 -0.70 0.8 18.7 LowPriStkK r 42.41 -2.69 -8.9 7.7 FPA Funds:
WrdEXUSTARGETVAL 10.91 -0.68 -15.6 -18.0 Freedom2060K 12.18 -0.63 0.4 18.8 FF2035A t 13.61 -0.63 0.3 19.2 LowPriStkK6 10.91 -0.69 -8.7 8.6 FPACres n 31.21 -1.15 -4.9 6.7 26 US Holiday: Thanksgiving
Dodge & Cox: GlexUSIdxInstPre n 12.43 -0.62 -7.2 -0.1 FF2040 n 10.31 -0.53 0.4 18.5 LtdTmBdFd n 11.92 -0.01 4.2 11.1 NwInc n 10.00 -0.02 2.1 8.9 29 Chicago PMI (9:45 a.m.) November
Balanced n 91.83 -3.83 -6.7 10.0 GrowthCompanyK6 16.37 -1.05 42.3 NS FF2040A p 14.53 -0.74 -0.3 19.0 MagellanK 11.71 -0.65 15.0 47.7 Franklin A1:
GblStock n 10.65 -0.70 -16.2 -5.8 HighIncome C 8.39 -0.10 -2.6 NS FF2045 n 11.73 -0.61 0.3 18.4 Magin n 11.72 -0.66 14.9 47.4 AZ TF A1 p 10.88 0.00 2.0 10.7 Pending Home Sales Index (NAR) (10:00 a.m.) October
Income n 14.65 -0.05 6.7 17.1 InflPrBdIndInsPr n 10.90 -0.05 8.4 17.1 FF2050 n 11.82 -0.61 0.4 18.5 MAMun n 12.48 0.01 2.4 10.9 CA TF A1 p 7.65 0.02 2.5 13.5
Intl Stk n 34.91 -2.28 -19.9 -18.2 IntlIdxInstPrem n 38.51 -2.29 -10.4 -3.0 FrdmBlen2025 K6 10.65 -0.36 2.3 NS Manager40 n 12.33 -0.30 4.0 17.6 CAHY A1 p 11.06 0.01 1.4 13.9
Stock n 163.34 -10.77 -13.0 6.1 IntlIndex n 9.67 -0.50 -7.2 NS Free2045L 11.50 -0.59 0.0 19.8 Manager60 n 13.47 -0.49 3.5 19.6 CAInt A1 p 12.07 0.00 2.0 8.4
Domini Funds: IntrTresBdIxPrem n 11.89 -0.03 8.8 17.8 Free2050I 11.48 -0.60 -0.1 19.8 McpVl n 19.56 -0.99 -15.5 -9.9 Fed TF A1 p 12.01 0.02 2.6 11.0 Note: Some dates and times are approximations.
Intl Eq Instit 7.17 -0.39 -10.5 -10.3 LgCpGwId InstPre n 20.83 -1.30 20.1 67.6 Free2055 n 13.50 -0.70 0.3 18.4 MegaCpStk n 13.63 -0.86 -7.9 17.1 FedInt A1 p 12.21 0.01 2.5 8.0
US Equity Inv pn 27.06 -1.56 13.1 39.5 LgCpVlIdxIstPrem n 11.44 -0.67 -12.7 6.0 Free2060Investor 13.16 -0.67 0.1 21.2 MidCap n 32.44 -2.02 -6.8 12.7 FedL T TF A1 10.59 0.00 2.0 6.6
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M25
Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
EqInc t 17.55 -1.04 -9.4 9.1 GblAllocA 18.77 -0.79 -0.8 5.8 SmCapGrI r 26.69 NA NA NA FunLgCpCorI 53.47 -3.23 2.5 22.6 GlbLstInfr 13.66 -0.61 -10.9 4.6 ProBConsS 14.47 -0.28 4.2 16.0 RschI 48.65 -2.88 2.6 35.2
G FltRateA t 8.04 -0.07 -2.5 4.9 GblStrIncmA p 3.59 -0.04 -2.6 3.3 IncomeI 6.58 -0.06 3.8 12.1 IntlEq 16.71 -1.23 -9.9 -2.4 Marsico Funds: TotRI 19.54 -0.69 -0.6 15.9
Gabelli Funds:
GrOppty t
GrowAllA p
GlbOppA p
Glcoreeq p
5.5 J StratIncmOppI 10.94
USGlbLdrsGrwI 68.49
3.9 9.7
21.3 74.5
IntStrtEq r 14.00
USEQ Concen Inst 16.36
Focus pn
Mass Mutual:
24.97 -1.63 32.3 75.7 ValueI
MFS Funds Instl:
39.84 -2.27 -9.5 9.9
ABC pn 10.25 -0.07 0.4 5.9 Hlthcare 40.91 -2.15 8.5 42.3 GlGr 32.19 -1.72 2.5 18.0 JamesBalGR A n: JPMorgan A Class: Lazard Open: SelBluChipGroClI 28.94 NA NA NA IntlEq 25.73 -1.90 -7.6 8.4
Asset pn 51.40 -2.92 -6.6 11.4 MidCap A p 30.63 -1.97 0.2 27.2 GlHltCr 41.82 -2.30 -0.3 33.0 JamesBalGR A n 20.33 -0.54 -3.8 -1.9 CoreBond 12.37 NA NA NA IntlStrEq n 14.10 -0.99 -9.0 3.1 MassMutual Premier: Mondrian:
SmCapG n 43.45 -2.80 -7.5 -0.7 Muti-AstIncGw 19.61 -0.46 -1.4 10.8 GrIncA 19.34 -1.19 -16.4 -5.4 Janus Henderson: CorePlusBd p 8.76 NA NA NA Legg Mason A: CoreBdI 11.63 -0.01 5.8 16.0 IntlValEq n 11.46 NA NA NA
SmCpGrwI 44.79 -2.87 -7.3 0.1 ShtDur 10.00 -0.02 2.4 9.0 GrowAlloc p 15.29 -0.70 -3.2 9.8 Balanced C 37.46 -1.45 3.5 29.1 EmMktEq t 37.15 NA NA NA GrowFdClA 14.80 NA NA NA MassMutual Select: Morgan Stanley Fds A:
Util A p 7.40 -0.40 -9.7 4.1 TotRBdA p 11.13 -0.02 6.8 16.9 Hyld 3.78 -0.05 -2.8 6.2 Balanced S 37.88 -1.46 4.0 31.2 EqInc p 16.88 NA NA NA Legg Mason I: BlackRockGlAllCi 11.93 NA NA NA InsightA p 77.88 NA NA NA
GAMCO Funds: Hartford Funds C: HYMuA 9.80 0.03 -1.2 11.6 Balanced T n 37.96 -1.46 4.2 32.2 EqIndx p 50.25 NA NA NA IntlGrTrI 56.99 -3.49 4.6 26.6 BlChpGrR5 28.88 NA NA NA Morgan Stanley Fds I:
GwthAAA pn 80.78 -4.65 22.7 73.5 Bal IncC 14.29 -0.41 -1.5 12.0 IntlBdA p 5.41 -0.10 -0.3 4.4 Contrarian T n 23.03 -1.33 8.0 51.9 GroInc p 47.34 NA NA NA OpporTrI 32.05 -2.73 1.8 30.0 IdxEqI 18.80 -1.12 2.7 34.4 FxInOpp I 5.79 NA NA NA
Gartmore Funds: Hartford Funds I: IntlDivA 19.04 -0.95 2.4 12.2 Enterprise Inst 78.47 -4.42 -0.5 38.2 GwthAdv p 28.93 NA NA NA Longleaf Partners: IndxEqR4 n 18.20 -1.09 2.3 32.3 Insight I 87.66 NA NA NA
NationwideInstSv 24.76 NA NA NA BalIncI 14.53 -0.42 -0.7 15.4 IntlGrow 31.34 -1.65 -2.9 7.3 Enterprise T n 140.76 -7.98 0.0 37.2 Inv Bal p 15.38 NA NA NA Intl n 13.78 -0.75 -22.1 -12.4 MCGrEqIII 25.32 -1.55 6.9 40.5 Morgan Stanley Inst:
Gateway: CapAppI 38.66 -2.69 2.9 32.8 IntlGrowA p 45.87 -2.76 2.9 8.5 FlxBnd T n 11.18 -0.04 8.0 16.9 InvCon p 12.97 NA NA NA Partners n 18.27 -1.13 -10.0 -12.2 MCpGrEqIIS 25.02 -1.52 6.8 40.2 CapGrI 87.56 NA NA NA
GatewayA 34.20 -1.04 -0.7 6.6 DivGthI 24.12 -1.44 -7.3 17.1 IntlSmCoA 51.69 -2.51 7.2 27.6 Forty S 43.56 -2.83 21.3 70.2 InvG&I p 17.50 NA NA NA Sm-Cap n 21.35 -1.36 -12.0 0.1 PIMCITRetI 10.76 -0.01 7.4 17.7 CapGrP p 82.18 NA NA NA
GE Elfun/S&S: EmrgMktEqInv r 17.22 -0.61 3.8 11.2 IntTMIA p 11.23 0.00 0.9 9.4 GlbEqIncA 5.70 -0.33 -13.8 -10.0 InvGrwt p 20.84 NA NA NA Loomis Sayles Fds: Matthews Asian Funds: CorPlusFxdIncI 11.86 NA NA NA
RSPIncm n 12.27 -0.03 6.0 15.4 EqIncI 17.44 -1.03 -9.2 10.0 InvescoFd p 27.85 -1.41 33.2 77.3 GlbResch T nr 85.70 -5.12 1.8 26.3 LgCpGwth p 55.88 NA NA NA HiInc 6.00 -0.11 -3.8 3.6 AsiaDivInv nr 19.77 -0.43 14.7 17.1 Discovery I 39.79 NA NA NA
RSPUSEq n 61.91 -3.63 8.0 42.4 FltRateI 8.03 -0.07 -2.3 5.8 InvGloblFdA 101.84 -6.72 6.2 25.1 GblResh Inst 54.08 -3.22 1.7 26.8 MdCpGrw p 40.89 NA NA NA LSBondI 12.98 -0.21 -3.6 5.3 AsiaGroInv nr 33.20 -0.68 18.1 33.3 DiscoveryA p p 31.16 NA NA NA
Tax Ex n 11.47 0.00 2.4 11.1 GrowOppI t 58.53 -4.45 39.2 85.4 LmtdTrmMunInc p 11.49 0.00 2.5 7.2 GlLifeSci T nr 65.76 -3.35 7.8 47.3 MdCpVal p 32.78 NA NA NA LSBondR pn 12.91 -0.20 -3.8 4.5 Asian G&I Inv nr 15.83 -0.47 1.4 10.1 GloFranI t 29.12 -1.73 2.1 36.7
Trusts n 67.31 -3.66 8.3 47.0 InterValue 11.40 -0.78 -24.2 -24.2 MnStFndA 48.70 -2.82 1.2 26.9 GlTech T nr 50.72 -2.83 31.1 95.0 Sm Cap p 49.77 NA NA NA LSCorBndA p 14.01 -0.06 7.9 17.0 ChinaInv n 25.39 -0.20 32.8 46.9 IntlEqI 13.49 -0.95 -8.5 -2.4
GMO Trust Class III: IntlAlphaInv p 13.71 -0.83 3.7 15.8 MnStOpA p 20.46 -1.23 4.8 27.9 Grw&Inc T n 57.71 -3.64 -4.6 26.1 SmCapGrw p 22.10 NA NA NA LSFixIncl 13.11 -0.18 -1.6 9.2 IndiaInv nr 22.67 -0.66 -2.6 -7.5 MorganStanleyPathway:
EmgCntryDt r 26.13 NA NA NA MidCap 31.87 -2.04 0.4 28.2 MnStSmCpA p 23.50 -1.36 -6.8 12.2 MdCpVal T n 13.70 -0.71 -15.1 -1.2 SR2020 p 17.68 NA NA NA LSStrIncA p 13.42 -0.21 -4.8 3.1 JapanInv nr 24.06 -0.38 11.9 17.4 CoreFxIcm n 8.70 -0.04 6.5 16.7
Quality 24.02 -1.70 0.5 36.9 MunOpptI 8.94 0.01 2.4 12.6 ModInvA 11.49 -0.41 -0.8 13.3 Resh T n 58.00 -3.52 16.4 58.5 SR2030 p 19.02 NA NA NA SmCpGI 28.99 -1.44 9.2 42.6 PacTigerInv nr 31.70 -0.55 10.3 16.5 EmgMkt n 14.71 -0.49 -5.6 -1.1
GMO Trust Class IV: StrInc 9.04 -0.10 6.8 18.3 MunInA 13.37 0.01 1.2 11.0 SCVal T n 17.70 -0.93 -23.1 -12.3 SR2040A p 21.16 NA NA NA Lord Abbett A: Merger Fd pn: LgCapEq n 20.49 -1.28 1.9 31.0
EmgCntrDt 26.09 NA NA NA WorldBond 10.68 0.00 1.3 9.8 QualityIncomeA 11.92 -0.02 4.8 11.0 Venture T n 85.27 -4.83 5.0 31.5 USEquity 17.55 NA NA NA Affiltd p 13.29 -0.76 -14.3 4.5 Merger Fd pn 17.53 0.03 2.1 15.9 Sm-MdCapEq nr 17.77 -1.03 -2.4 16.5
IntlEq 19.71 -1.25 -10.4 -9.7 Hartford Funds Y: RchHiYldMuniA 7.66 0.00 0.9 26.1 Jensen I : ValAdv t 30.35 NA NA NA BdDeb p 8.01 -0.08 1.9 12.0 Meridian Funds: Munder Funds:
Quality 24.08 -1.69 0.6 37.1 DiscpEq 36.60 -2.15 3.3 42.5 RealEst p 16.86 -0.91 -17.2 2.6 Jensen I 53.26 -3.17 3.9 42.4 JPMorgan C Class: CalibrDivGr 16.20 -0.91 2.1 30.0 Growth n 40.28 -1.59 3.9 30.3 MndrIntlSmCpInv r 14.06 NA NA NA
GMO Trust Class VI: DivGthY 24.95 -1.49 -7.2 17.2 RisingDivA 20.52 -1.23 -0.2 24.4 JensenQualGrJ n: InvBal p 15.10 NA NA NA CoreFxdInc p 11.56 -0.02 6.3 14.3 Value n 34.66 -1.77 -2.0 20.5 Mutual Series:
EmgMkts r 31.55 NA NA NA IntOppY 17.55 -0.80 1.9 6.8 RochAMTFrMuni 7.64 0.00 3.8 25.4 JensenQualGrJ n 53.27 -3.17 3.7 41.3 InvConsvGr t 12.90 NA NA NA DevGt p 27.22 -1.40 38.7 102.7 Metropolitan West: BeacnZ n 13.46 -0.83 -17.3 -2.1
Quality 24.03 -1.70 0.6 37.3 MidCapY 38.02 -2.45 0.5 28.4 RochCAMuni 8.99 0.00 3.2 21.7 John Hancock: JPMorgan Funds: FloatRt p 8.01 -0.07 -5.8 1.5 IntmBdI 11.08 NA NA NA GlbDiscA 23.61 -1.44 -22.0 -12.5
Goldman Sachs A: Hartford HLS Fds IA: RochLmtTrNYMuni p 3.02 0.01 1.1 18.5 500Index1 37.41 -3.71 2.6 33.6 Fl EmMktEq L 38.37 NA NA NA FundlEq p 10.56 -0.62 -11.8 3.7 LowDurBdI 8.89 NA NA NA GlbDiscC t 23.42 -1.43 -22.5 -14.5
CapGr 25.48 -1.56 5.6 40.6 Balanced 28.98 -1.26 0.2 20.5 RochPAMuni 11.23 0.00 2.3 26.1 BondI 16.66 -0.07 6.2 16.5 MdCpVal L 33.71 NA NA NA HiYldA t 7.03 -0.09 -1.8 7.7 TotRetBd n 11.58 NA NA NA GlbDiscz n 24.19 -1.47 -21.8 -11.8
HYMuni p 10.01 0.01 0.0 17.5 CapApp 45.67 -3.05 3.6 31.1 RoMu A p 16.52 0.03 1.3 24.9 BondR6 16.69 -0.07 6.4 16.9 USEquity L 17.64 NA NA NA HYMuniBd p 12.09 0.01 -1.2 15.8 TotRetBdI 11.57 NA NA NA QuestA t 11.75 -0.39 -15.0 -9.9
Muni 16.18 0.01 0.4 11.5 DiscEqui 15.22 -0.90 3.0 41.6 SenFltRtA 6.59 -0.03 -8.7 -6.6 CapApprNAV 20.83 -1.55 32.3 79.7 JPMorgan I Class: IncomeA p 2.92 -0.02 3.5 14.4 TRBdPlan 10.89 NA NA NA QuestZ n 11.96 -0.40 -14.8 -9.3
Goldman Sachs Inst: Div&Grwth 19.33 -1.17 -7.7 17.0 ShortTerm p 8.63 -0.01 2.3 8.0 ClassicVal I 24.06 -1.38 -26.5 -19.3 CoreBond 12.36 NA NA NA IntrTxFr 11.07 0.00 1.2 10.3 UnconstrBdI 11.90 NA NA NA SharesZ n 21.57 -1.26 -20.1 -8.1
EmgMEq 25.54 -0.65 10.4 18.2 IntlOpp 16.52 -0.76 1.6 6.8 SmCpGr 41.74 -2.48 22.9 44.9 DispVal I 17.64 -1.00 -14.9 -1.0 CorePlusBd 8.76 NA NA NA MidCapStk 24.39 -1.44 -14.7 -8.6 MFS Funds Class A:
SP IncomeA
Tech p
DispValMdCpR6 19.59
DispValR6 17.69
EmMktEq I
MultiAstBalOppty 12.04
MultiAstInc 15.40
AgGrAlA p
BondA p
Int 11.76 -0.69 -9.5 -7.7 Stock 85.36 -5.26 -1.3 36.1 Invesco Funds C: GblShrhYldI 9.67 -0.58 -14.7 -4.1 EqIndx 50.32 NA NA NA ShDurTxFr 15.77 0.00 1.0 5.8 CoEqyA 36.02 -2.07 3.0 36.1 Nationwide Fds R6:
Muni 16.17 0.01 0.7 12.7 TotRetBd 11.73 -0.02 6.8 17.7 EqWtdC 56.95 -3.50 -6.3 14.7 IntlGrwI 32.32 -1.30 7.4 24.0 GrAdv r 30.13 NA NA NA ShtDurIncmA p 4.17 -0.01 1.5 8.2 ConAllA p 16.67 -0.39 3.9 19.7 BdIdxR6 11.74 NA NA NA
ShDuTF 10.78 0.00 1.6 7.6 UltraShBd 10.09 0.00 1.4 6.0 RchHiYldMunC 7.63 0.00 0.4 23.7 MdCpIdxI 17.55 -3.57 -6.9 8.0 GvBd 11.27 NA NA NA TaxFr p 11.64 0.01 1.1 12.6 Growth A p 139.62 -8.17 17.4 68.7 IntIdxR6 7.18 NA NA NA
SmCapVa 44.23 -2.67 -19.2 -10.8 Heartland Funds: SenFltRtC 6.59 -0.03 -9.4 -8.7 Science&TechI 34.82 -6.18 30.9 83.2 HighYld 6.80 NA NA NA TotRet p 10.75 -0.03 4.9 12.8 GlEqA 45.22 -3.12 -4.7 15.6 Nationwide Fds Serv:
Gotham: Val Inv n 35.28 NA NA NA TEHYC 9.77 0.03 -1.8 9.2 TotalStkMktIdxI 22.39 -4.02 3.5 32.1 IntlEqIndx 16.18 NA NA NA ValOpps p 16.97 -0.90 -3.5 7.7 GlTotA p 17.90 -0.65 -2.3 9.6 IDAggr p 8.43 NA NA NA
AbsRt Inst 13.94 -0.48 -10.1 -0.9 Hennessy Funds: Invesco Funds Instl: VolBalSrs1 10.93 -1.00 -6.6 6.9 IntmdTFBd 11.13 NA NA NA Lord Abbett C: GrAllA p 22.09 -0.98 1.2 23.6 IDMod p 9.07 NA NA NA
Guggenheim Funds Tru: FocInv 71.68 -6.49 -9.8 13.3 IntlGrow 32.02 -1.68 -2.6 8.4 VolGrw1 11.09 -1.17 -10.7 2.6 LgCpGwth 56.94 NA NA NA BdDeb 8.03 -0.08 1.2 9.9 GvScA p 10.37 -0.01 5.9 12.8 IDModAggr p 8.83 NA NA NA
FloRaStraFdInst 24.04 -0.13 -1.7 5.7 GasUtilIndInv 24.08 -1.05 -14.1 -1.7 SmCpGr 48.84 -2.90 23.2 46.5 John Hancock Class 1: MdCpGrw 48.43 NA NA NA FloatRt p 8.02 -0.07 -6.2 -0.3 HiInA p 3.33 -0.04 0.0 10.6 Natixis Funds:
MacOppFdClInstl 26.33 -0.24 5.9 9.7 JapanInst 44.19 -0.37 11.9 32.7 Invesco Funds P: BlueChipGrw 52.97 -3.29 21.2 63.9 MdCpVal 33.22 NA NA NA ShtDurIncmC t 4.20 0.00 1.0 6.5 IntGrA t 36.81 -2.20 -0.5 18.6 InvGradeBdA p 11.83 -0.06 7.6 17.0
TotRtnBdFdClInst 29.60 -0.12 11.5 19.0 Homestead Funds: Summit P pn 26.80 -1.70 21.3 66.9 CapAppr 20.75 -1.54 32.3 79.5 MtgBckd 11.61 NA NA NA Lord Abbett F: IntlDvFdA t 20.49 -1.06 -1.8 13.6 InvGradeBdY 11.84 -0.06 7.8 17.8
TotRtnBondFdClA 29.57 -0.12 11.2 18.0 ShtTmBd n 5.42 0.00 4.6 10.6 Invesco Funds Y: LSAggr 14.43 -0.80 0.9 17.7 ShtDurBnd 11.14 NA NA NA BdDeb 7.99 -0.09 1.8 12.2 IntlIntVA t 47.83 -2.36 5.4 23.9 LSGrowthY 21.68 -1.34 18.2 56.5
GuideMark Funds: Value n 46.48 -2.63 -7.4 16.7 BalancedRiskAllY n 10.33 -0.35 -2.3 7.4 LSBalncd 14.35 -0.52 2.7 16.8 SmCap 58.55 NA NA NA FloatRt p 8.00 -0.07 -5.7 1.8 IntNwDA p 33.07 -1.53 -4.9 9.0 USEqOppsA 37.13 -2.20 4.5 31.9
LgCpCorServ pn 21.37 -1.30 4.2 32.3 Hotchkis and Wiley: DevMktY n 45.21 -1.81 -0.9 11.5 LSConserv 13.20 -0.20 3.7 13.2 SmCapGrw 25.01 NA NA NA HiYld p 7.02 -0.09 -1.8 8.0 LtdMA p 6.10 0.00 3.5 9.3 Neuberger Berman Fds:
GuideStone Funds: HiYldI 10.49 -0.18 -4.4 1.9 DiscovY n 118.90 -5.89 25.4 73.3 LSGwth 14.57 -0.68 1.8 17.2 SR2030 I 19.08 NA NA NA HYMuniBd 12.10 0.01 -1.1 16.1 MCapA 24.34 -1.30 15.8 63.8 EmgMktInst 20.01 -0.69 -2.7 0.7
AggrAllGS4 n 11.83 NA NA NA EqWtdY n 60.70 -3.72 -5.5 18.2 LSModer 13.43 -0.35 2.9 14.8 TxAwEq 41.04 NA NA NA Income 2.92 -0.02 3.5 14.7 MCpValA p 21.80 -1.29 -12.0 5.7 EqIncInst 12.03 -0.50 -7.4 9.5
BalAllGS4 n
I GlblOppY n
GloblY n
MidCapStock 28.25
RetCho2025 12.62
USEquity 17.61
USLgCpCorPls 27.24
NatlTxF p
EqIndxGS4 n 36.43 NA NA NA ICM Small Company: IntGrowY n 45.63 -2.74 3.1 9.3 RetCho2030 13.22 -0.42 2.7 17.6 USRechEnhEq 28.71 NA NA NA ShtDurIncm 4.17 0.00 1.6 8.8 ModAllA p 19.03 -0.65 3.0 22.4 IntrinsicValInst 14.78 -0.76 -5.3 8.1
GrAllGS4 n 12.31 NA NA NA ICMSmCo 23.79 -1.61 -17.8 -8.6 IntlBdY n 5.41 -0.09 -0.1 5.2 RetCho2035 13.38 -0.54 1.7 18.1 ValAdv 30.56 NA NA NA ShtDurTxF p 15.77 0.00 1.1 6.1 MuHiA 8.21 0.00 -0.6 12.3 LgShInst 16.00 -0.48 8.7 22.4
GrEqGS2 31.50 NA NA NA IFP US Equity Fund: IntlSmCoY n 51.29 -2.49 7.4 28.5 RetCho2040R4 13.45 -0.60 1.1 18.3 JPMorgan Inst Class: TotRet 10.75 -0.03 5.0 13.1 MuInA p 8.88 0.00 0.9 11.1 MidCapGroR6 18.88 -1.05 19.4 57.8
GrEqGS4 n 31.21 NA NA NA IFP US EquityFd 18.84 -1.06 1.6 33.9 RocMuniY n 16.52 0.02 1.5 25.7 RetCho2045 13.57 -0.63 0.9 18.5 ValAdv L 30.60 NA NA NA Lord Abbett I: MuLtA 8.31 0.00 1.8 8.4 MultCpOptyInst 16.28 -1.07 -3.8 23.7
IntEqGS2 12.33 NA NA NA INVESCO A Shares: Sel40Y n 3.68 -0.28 -41.1 -41.8 RetCho2050R4 12.06 -0.58 0.8 18.6 JPMorgan R Class: BdDebentr 7.96 -0.08 1.9 12.5 NewDA t 32.62 -1.95 17.0 70.3 StrIncInst 10.97 -0.08 2.2 11.0
LowDurGS2 13.63 NA NA NA AmValA 28.99 -1.76 -16.1 -4.2 CoreBdY n 7.00 -0.01 7.7 17.9 RetLiv2020 9.77 -0.31 2.6 16.6 CoreBond 12.38 NA NA NA DevlpGro 33.97 -1.74 38.9 104.2 ReInA p 19.03 -1.02 -3.6 9.5 SustainableEqIns 38.38 -1.86 2.1 27.5
MedDurGS2 15.85 NA NA NA Invesco Fds Investor: IVA Funds: RetLiv2025 10.39 -0.40 2.8 17.9 CorePlusBd 8.77 NA NA NA FloatRt 8.02 -0.07 -5.5 2.3 RetBdA t 11.44 -0.03 6.3 15.7 Neuberger Berman Inv:
ValEqGS2 16.47 NA NA NA DivrsDiv n 17.82 -0.93 -12.4 3.8 Intl I r 13.55 -0.52 -14.7 -13.5 RetLiv2030 10.65 -0.47 2.8 19.0 HighYld r 6.81 NA NA NA HiYld 7.06 -0.09 -1.6 8.4 RschA p 47.26 -2.79 2.4 34.2 Focus n 27.36 -1.91 8.4 30.4
GlHltCr pn 41.83 -2.30 -0.3 33.0 WorldwideA t 14.74 -0.56 -11.5 -6.4 RetLiv2035 11.02 -0.53 2.7 19.5 LimDurBd 10.18 NA NA NA ShtDurInc p 4.17 0.00 1.7 9.1 TechA p 59.91 -3.77 27.1 76.9 Genes n 62.14 -3.17 6.0 33.4
H Tech n
Invesco Funds A:
63.64 -3.76 28.3 73.0 WorldwideI r
Ivy Funds:
14.82 -0.56 -11.3 -5.6 RetLiv2040
LSVValEq :
LSVValEq 22.35 -1.47 -18.6 -8.3
TotRA p
UtilA p
Guard n
IntlEqInst r
Harbor Funds: 500InxA p 35.16 -2.10 2.3 32.6 AssetStrA p 21.49 NA NA NA John Hancock Funds A: SmCpEqR5 58.79 NA NA NA ValueA p 39.60 -2.26 -9.7 9.1 LCVal n 29.19 -1.51 -9.7 14.8
AssetStr I r
BalancedA p
BondA p
NA M MFS Funds Class C:
ConAllC p 16.40 -0.39 3.3 17.0
MdCpGrInv n 18.71
Neuberger Berman Tr:
-1.04 19.2 56.4
CapApInv pn 94.19 -7.01 30.5 76.1 BalancedRiskAllA 10.12 -0.34 -2.5 6.5 CoreEqA t 15.19 NA NA NA DispVal 18.26 -1.03 -15.1 -1.7 USRechEnhEq 28.68 NA NA NA MainStay Fds A: GrAllC p 21.55 -0.96 0.6 20.9 Genes n 62.11 -3.16 5.9 33.1
IntlGr r 19.09 -0.86 12.4 26.6 CapApprA p 65.53 -4.26 17.8 56.2 EmgMktEqFdI 24.90 NA NA NA DispValMdCp 18.71 -1.15 -12.3 0.7 JPMorgan R5 Class: ConvtA 21.26 NA NA NA Growth C t 108.59 -6.38 16.7 64.9 GenesisFdR6 62.05 -3.16 6.2 34.5
IntlInst r 36.64 -2.03 -8.6 -5.0 Chart 15.99 -0.93 0.4 20.6 GlGrFundClA p 49.37 NA NA NA FunLgCpCorA p 50.84 -3.07 2.2 21.7 SR2020 R5 17.78 NA NA NA HiYldBdA 5.44 NA NA NA ModAllC p 18.64 -0.64 2.3 19.7 New Covenant Funds:
LgCpValue 17.11 -0.95 -1.3 23.7 CmstA 19.92 -1.20 -19.1 -6.3 HiIncA p 6.60 NA NA NA InvGrBdA 11.15 -0.03 6.3 15.3 SR2030 R5 19.14 NA NA NA IncBldr 18.61 -0.64 -3.4 9.2 TotRC t 19.70 -0.68 -1.3 12.7 Growth n 46.03 -2.76 3.1 31.7
SmCpGwth 15.84 -0.95 13.7 53.7 CoreBdA p 7.05 -0.01 7.6 16.9 HiIncI r 6.60 NA NA NA IntlGrw 32.19 -1.29 7.2 22.9 SR2040 R5 21.30 NA NA NA LgCpGrA p 11.08 -0.70 20.7 70.9 ValueC t 39.15 -2.24 -10.2 6.7 Nicholas Group:
SmCpValInst 31.63 -1.99 -9.4 0.9 CpBdA 7.84 -0.05 6.1 18.0 IntlCorEqI r 15.89 NA NA NA LifeAggr 14.47 -0.81 0.6 16.5 SRIncome R5 16.77 NA NA NA TxFrBdA 10.43 NA NA NA MFS Funds Class I: Nch II I 28.29 -1.56 -0.1 35.2
Harding Loevner: DevMkt 38.27 -1.45 -0.7 8.9 LgCpGwthA p 27.99 NA NA NA LifeBal 14.46 -0.52 2.4 15.5 JPMorgan Select Cls: MainStay Fds I: BondI 15.49 -0.05 7.9 20.7 Nich n 70.78 -4.09 4.2 41.2
EmgMktsAdv n 55.48 -2.13 -6.3 0.1 DevMktA 45.84 -1.84 -1.1 10.7 LgCpGwthl r 29.92 NA NA NA LifeConsv 13.23 -0.19 3.4 12.0 SmCpGrL 25.95 NA NA NA EpochGlb r 15.89 NA NA NA Growth I 149.58 -8.76 17.6 69.9 Northern Funds:
IntlEq 23.76 -1.59 -0.2 10.9 DiscFdA p 101.91 -5.05 25.1 72.1 LtdTrmI r 11.08 NA NA NA LifeGrw 14.61 -0.69 1.5 15.9 MacKaySTMuni 9.68 NA NA NA IntNwDI 34.16 -1.58 -4.7 9.8 ActMIntlEq nr 10.16 -0.68 -7.8 1.0
Hartford Funds A:
BalIncA 14.53 -0.41 -0.9 14.6
DisMdCpGrA 26.65
DivIncm p 20.68
MdCpGwthA p 34.38
37.74 NA
StrIncA p
L S&P500IdxA
-0.06 6.7 15.6
BdIdx n
CAIntTxEx n
CapAppA p 38.39 -2.68 2.6 31.7 DivrsDiv p 17.82 -0.94 -12.4 3.6 MuniHighIncA t 4.97 NA NA NA USGlobLdrs 62.60 -3.89 21.0 73.3 Laudus Funds: Mairs&Power: MIGI p 36.45 -2.08 7.2 59.0 EmMktsEqIdx nr 12.41 NA NA NA
Chks&Bal p 9.42 -0.41 1.1 22.3 EqIncA 9.57 -0.43 -5.8 5.4 ScTechA p 83.05 NA NA NA John Hancock Instl: USLgCpGr nr 27.10 -1.78 21.9 69.3 MairsPwrBal n 97.36 -3.88 -0.8 19.6 MITI 31.35 -1.88 -0.4 29.9 FixIn n 10.69 -0.03 5.5 14.7
DiscpEqA p 36.04 -2.12 3.1 41.2 EqInvA 15.32 -0.81 -3.3 9.8 ScTechI r 93.97 NA NA NA BalancedI 22.49 -0.73 6.7 27.5 Lazard Instl: MairsPwrGr n 127.37 -7.89 0.8 29.7 ReInT t 19.76 -1.05 -3.5 10.3 GlbREIdx nr 8.80 -0.44 -20.8 -5.1
DivGth A p 24.26 -1.44 -7.5 16.2 EqWtdA p 59.98 -3.69 -5.6 17.3 SmCapGrA t 19.09 NA NA NA DispValMCI 19.58 -1.20 -12.1 1.5 EmgMktEq 14.68 -0.85 -19.4 -18.3 Manning & Napier Fds: RetBdI 11.45 -0.02 6.5 16.3 HiYFxInc n 6.33 -0.10 -1.8 9.9
Short Interest
HORT INTEREST ON THE NEW YORK Oct. 15, from a revised 433,675,049, as of Sept. S OF OCT. 15, OVERALL NASDAQ The short-interest ratio was 3.2 days, versus
Stock Exchange fell 0.45%, to 30. The short-interest ratio increased to 1.6 short interest fell 2%, to 2.8 days for the previous reporting period.
13,632,872,976 shares, as of Oct. 15, days, from a revised 1.8 in the prior period. 9,571,138,240 shares, compared Short interest on the Nasdaq Capital Mar-
from a revised 13,693,898,590 on Sept. The top three shorts on the NYSE: with 9,760,325,219 on Sept. 30. kets declined 5%, to 1,309,811,101 shares in
30. The short-interest ratio rose to 3.6 days, SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (ticker: SPY), The short-interest ratio was 2.49 days, versus 1,150 securities, versus 1,380,699,724 in 1,135
versus 3.1 days on Sept. 30. The ratio is calcu- Macy’s (M) and AT&T (T). The top three on 2.48 in the preceding reporting period. on Sept. 30. The short-interest ratio remained
lated by dividing the number of shares sold the NYSE MKT: Senseonics (SENS), On the Nasdaq Global Markets, short in- the same at 1 day. The top three shorts in the
short by the average total traded each day. GlobalStar (GSAT) and Northern Dynasty terest decreased 1.4%, to 8,261,327,139 shares period: Sirius XM (ticker: SIRI), American
Short interest on the NYSE American Ex- and Minerals (NAK). in 2,517 securities. That’s down from Airlines (AAL), and Opko Health (OPK).
change rose 2.2%, to 443,19,568 shares, as of —MICHAEL T. KOKOSZKA 8,379,625,495 in 2,499 securities on Sept. 30. —MICHAEL T. KOKOSZKA
M26 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr. Net YTD 3-Yr.
NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret. NAV Chg. % Ret. % Ret.
HiYMuni n 8.64 0.00 0.1 10.5 HiYld 8.71 -0.10 0.3 12.2 InstSmCap 26.58 -1.25 3.8 38.6 GeorgePutBal 21.62 -0.80 5.1 29.0 Sterling Capital Fds: LCIdx2025Inst 19.57 -0.66 3.1 20.6 S&PIdx n 46.08 NA NA NA CAITAdml n 12.23 0.01 3.1 11.8
IntlEqIdx nr 11.46 NA NA NA HiYldMuniBd 9.34 0.01 1.7 16.9 IntDis n 79.63 -3.77 16.5 25.4 GlblEqty p 16.77 -1.01 -3.7 10.6 SmCap 65.75 -3.70 -17.0 -9.4 LCIdx2035Inst 21.60 -0.92 2.0 21.8 SciTech n 30.74 NA NA NA CALTAdml n 12.67 0.02 3.3 14.2
IntTxExpt n 10.88 NA NA NA IntlBdUnhedged r 10.04 -0.12 4.8 10.0 IntEqIdx nr 12.81 -0.76 -9.5 -3.7 GlbHlthCare p 57.89 -2.93 2.7 33.5 TotRetBdI 11.32 -0.02 7.0 17.3 LCIdx2040Inst 22.27 -1.05 1.4 22.2 ShtT n 10.53 NA NA NA CapOpAdml nr 162.93 -9.65 3.3 31.9
MidCpIdx n 18.04 -1.09 -6.7 9.0 IntlBdUSH 11.04 0.02 4.7 15.7 IntlBond n 9.42 -0.12 5.8 12.3 GrOpp p 47.88 -3.19 22.5 75.2 LCIdx2045Inst 22.38 -1.15 0.9 22.3 ShtTBdA n 9.31 NA NA NA CoStIxAd nr 78.57 -4.08 0.6 27.1
ShIntTaxFr n
SmCapIdx n
IntlStk n
IntlValEq n
HiYld A p
Incm p
17.5 T LifeStkIdx 28.28 -1.71
LrgCpGrIdxInst 43.65 -2.73
SmCpStk n
TarRet2020 n
DivAppIdxAdm n
EMAdmr n
SmCpVal n 16.25 -1.08 -21.1 -15.9 LgTrmCrdtBd 13.33 NA NA NA Japan n 17.75 -0.51 15.6 33.3 IntlEq p 22.70 -1.39 -7.2 -4.0 TCU ShtDur : LrgCpGrIdxRet 43.91 -2.75 19.8 66.4 TarRet2030 n 12.35 NA NA NA EnergyAdml nr 51.25 -3.27 -42.3 -42.4
StkIdx n 37.51 -2.23 2.7 34.3 LngDurTotRtrn 11.85 NA NA NA MCapVal n 25.67 -1.51 -8.2 3.0 NYTx p 8.64 0.01 0.9 9.6 TCU ShtDur 9.88 0.00 3.5 9.2 LrgCpGrInst 27.14 -1.79 24.2 67.9 TarRet2040 n 12.20 NA NA NA EqIncAdml n 69.32 -3.97 -10.7 10.4
TxExpt n 10.95 NA NA NA LowDur 9.92 -0.01 2.9 8.1 MCEqGr 64.42 -3.79 5.4 40.9 ShtDurBd 10.21 -0.01 2.3 9.4 TCW Funds: LrgCpVl IdxInst 17.72 -1.03 -12.7 5.9 TarRet2050 n 12.45 NA NA NA EuropeAdml n 62.01 -4.88 -13.6 -6.6
Nuveen Cl A: LowDurInc r 8.45 -0.03 1.4 10.3 MD Bond n 10.88 0.03 1.5 10.4 StDurInc 10.09 0.00 1.3 6.2 CoreFxInc n 12.00 NA NA NA LrgCpVl IdxRet 18.03 -1.04 -12.8 5.1 VA Bd n 11.52 NA NA NA ExplrAdml n 102.82 -5.83 5.8 42.5
AAMunBd p 11.78 0.01 1.7 12.3 LTUSG 7.63 NA NA NA MidCap n 100.91 -5.86 5.9 39.9 SustainLdrsFd p 106.56 -6.44 13.1 56.1 EmMktInc n 7.98 NA NA NA LrgCpVl Inst 16.01 -0.94 -13.0 0.4 ValueFd n 13.56 NA NA NA ExtndAdml n 98.83 -6.59 4.2 25.9
CAMunBd p 11.48 0.02 2.7 12.0 ModDur 10.90 NA NA NA N Asia n 22.07 -0.47 13.3 26.1 TFHY 12.55 0.01 0.4 12.4 SelEqtyI n 34.95 NA NA NA MdCpGrInst 25.15 -1.63 18.1 50.7 WldGr n 25.35 NA NA NA GNMAAdml n 10.72 0.00 3.3 10.5
HiYldMuBd p 16.75 -0.04 -3.0 12.5 MortgOppBd 10.94 0.01 3.7 10.7 N Inc n 9.86 -0.02 3.7 13.0 TxEx p 8.64 0.01 1.6 11.6 TotRetBondI n 10.48 NA NA NA MdCpVl Inst 14.40 -0.81 -19.6 -9.5 GroIncAdml n 86.09 -5.05 2.2 32.1
IntDMunBd p
LtdMnBd p
RAEFndmtlAdvPLUS 8.42
RAEPlusEMG 8.36
NAmer n
New Era n
MtgSec p 12.09
Putnam Funds Class Y:
0.02 -4.1 6.4 TCW Funds N:
TotRetBdN pn 10.80 NA NA NA
QuantSmCpEqInst 14.40 -1.01
RealSecInst 15.92 -0.78
18.0 V GrwthAdml n
HltClxAd nr
NYMunBd p 10.97 0.02 0.5 9.1 RealRtnI 12.18 NA NA NA NHoriz n 80.68 -4.06 35.9 100.6 EqInc 23.47 -1.27 -10.0 12.7 Templeton Class A: S&P500IdxInst 36.35 -2.17 2.7 34.6 VALIC: HlthCareAdml nr 87.47 -4.93 2.5 30.5
Nuveen Cl I: RERRStg 7.51 NA NA NA OverS SF nr 10.07 -0.67 -10.0 -4.2 GrOpp Y 50.36 -3.36 22.8 76.5 TGlTotRA 9.99 0.08 -6.5 -3.9 S&P500IdxRet 36.06 -2.14 2.6 33.6 CoreBd 11.89 -0.03 6.1 15.2 HYCorAdml nr 5.78 -0.06 1.1 13.8
HYMunBd 16.75 -0.04 -2.8 13.2 ShortT 9.88 0.01 2.7 7.3 QMUSSmCpGrEq n 40.84 -2.07 2.9 32.6 Incm 7.44 0.00 4.5 18.3 Templeton Instit: ShTrmBdInst 10.48 -0.01 2.8 8.8 CoreVal 10.01 -0.55 -14.6 1.3 InfProAd n 27.99 -0.11 8.5 16.8
Nuveen Cl R: ShtAssetInv 10.00 0.00 1.0 6.0 SpectConsAllo n 20.45 -0.49 3.4 17.0 ShtDurBd 10.23 -0.01 2.5 10.3 SmCpBl IdxInst 19.45 -1.28 -6.6 8.0 FrgnVal 8.56 -0.58 -12.8 -14.9 InfTechIdx n 152.46 -10.67 22.6 89.8
IntlEqSer Primar 13.28 0.14 -12.1 -14.8 SmCpBl IdxRet 19.51 -1.29 -6.8 7.2
CAMunBd 11.49 0.01 2.7 12.7 StcksPLUSIntlHdg r 6.96 NA NA NA SpectModerAllo n 24.95 -0.86 3.3 19.9 StDurInc 10.10 0.00 1.4 6.5 The Bruce Fund: GlobEq 8.68 -0.24 0.2 0.3 IntlGrAdml n 133.69 -6.03 30.1 53.1
IntDMunBd 9.48 -0.01 2.0 11.4 StcksPLUSShort 6.07 0.33 -9.6 -27.1 SpectModerGwAllo n 36.91 -1.67 2.8 21.9 SocChEqInst 21.42 -1.23 3.3 33.8 HighYdBd 7.42 -0.08 0.9 12.8 ITBondAdml n 12.55 -0.04 8.3 19.1
BruceFund n 589.88 -19.20 -0.1 18.8
1.9 8.8
0.6 9.8
StcksPLUSSmall 8.84
StkPlsLgDur 8.24
R2005 n
R2010 n
16.9 R Thompson IM Fds,Inc:
Bond n 10.54 -0.03 -4.8 2.6
Tortoise Capital:
21.75 -1.25 3.1 32.8 HlthSci
ITCorpIx n
ITIGradeAdml n
Nuveen Fds: StksPLS 10.40 NA NA NA R2015 n 14.88 -0.44 2.6 17.5 RBB Fund: TorMLPPipInsCl 7.17 -0.42 -41.2 -37.8 IntlEq 6.48 NA NA NA ITsryAdml n 12.10 -0.01 7.9 15.6
Thornburg Fds: Touchstone Family Fd: ITTresIdx n 23.60 -0.05 7.3 15.1
RealEst 17.08 -0.85 -14.9 4.1 StPlTRInst r 11.05 NA NA NA R2020 n 22.61 -0.74 2.4 18.5 BPSmVal2Inst 20.53 -1.31 -20.2 -12.5 IncBuildA t 18.31 -0.93 -15.8 -2.4 IntlGro 15.03 -0.79 16.7 45.5
SmCpVal 17.93 -1.08 -23.7 -26.5 TotRetESG 9.77 NA NA NA R2025 n 18.20 -0.69 2.4 19.3 RBC Funds: FlexIncY 11.14 -0.03 5.4 13.3 IntlSmCpEq 20.52 NA NA NA LarCapAd n 76.88 -4.65 4.4 36.7
TotRt 10.86 -0.02 7.3 16.1 R2030 n 26.45 -1.14 2.1 19.9 IncBuildC p 18.29 -0.93 -16.3 -4.6 FocEqY 48.74 -2.82 6.9 30.2 LTGradeAdml n 11.68 -0.07 10.3 28.5
AccCpCommInvI 9.11 0.00 3.6 9.8 IntVal I 25.34 -1.32 5.2 11.3 LgCpGro 18.49 -1.06 6.9 57.8
O TRII 10.30
TrndsMgdFutStrgy 9.79
R2035 n
R2040 n
RiverNorth Funds:
RNDLIncomeI 10.17 NA NA NA
IntValA p
LagCapFoc A p 45.87 -2.61
MdCpGrwY 35.37 -2.46
LTsryAdml n
LTTresIdx n
PIMCO Funds: RealEst n 19.28 -0.99 -23.4 -11.4 MdCpY 39.19 -2.38 -2.3 36.2 SciTech 35.14 -2.30 30.7 82.7 MatIdx nr 68.78 -3.26 2.1 7.5
Oak Associates Funds: Royce Funds: LtdTIncI 14.11 -0.02 6.5 14.1 SandsCapGrI 31.75 -1.85 42.2 101.8
RedOakTec n 33.97 -2.09 9.3 52.5 IncomeFd 11.71 NA NA NA Ret2025A p 18.06 -0.69 2.1 18.4 Oppty I nr 11.76 -0.75 -6.1 -0.3 SmCpIdx 16.70 -1.11 -7.1 6.5 MidCpAdml n 218.04 -13.45 0.1 24.5
StcksPLUSIntlHdg 6.88 NA NA NA Ret2045 n 18.86 -1.01 1.8 21.0 LtdTMu I 14.60 -0.01 2.4 7.4 SandsCapGrY 18.65 -1.09 41.8 99.6 SocResp 19.89 -1.17 1.1 31.6 MrgBkdIdx n 21.62 -0.01 3.2 10.6
Oakmark Funds Invest: PAMut I nr 8.71 -0.43 -7.7 8.4 LtdTMuA 14.60 0.00 2.2 6.6 SelGrwth 17.04 -0.99 41.6 98.3
EqtyInc nr 27.61 -1.17 -6.0 5.7 TotRet 10.86 -0.02 6.7 14.0 Ret2045R 18.44 -0.99 1.4 19.2 PremierI nr 11.69 -0.61 -9.2 13.4 StckIdx 43.50 -2.59 2.5 33.4 MuHYAdml n 11.68 0.02 2.2 14.5
PIMCO Funds A: Ret2055 n 16.17 -0.86 1.7 20.7 Thrivent Funds A: Tr for Credit Unions: StraBd 11.36 -0.07 3.8 11.9 MuIntAdml n 14.64 0.00 3.2 12.0
GlbSel nr 16.65 -0.94 -10.3 -6.5 SpecEqI nr 16.72 -0.53 -4.9 0.4 DivrIncPlus 7.27 NA NA NA UltShtDur TCU 9.43 0.00 1.4 5.4
Global n 24.77 -1.91 -15.7 -9.3 AllAsset 11.13 NA NA NA Ret2055 16.02 -0.86 1.5 19.8 TotRet I nr 9.23 -0.54 -14.6 -4.4 ValUltra 21.48 -1.36 24.6 65.3 MuLTAdml n 12.03 0.01 3.6 14.7
HiYld 8.71 -0.10 0.0 11.1 RetBal Inc n 15.79 -0.39 2.9 16.4 LgCpStk 24.10 NA NA NA Transamerica A: Value Line Funds: MuLtdAdml n 11.20 -0.01 2.6 8.0
Oakmark n 72.53 -4.46 -9.3 4.4 RS Funds: MidCapStk 24.69 NA NA NA AsAlCnsrv p 11.11 NA NA NA MuShtAdml n 15.93 0.00 1.6 5.5
OakmrkInt n 19.35 -1.67 -22.4 -25.1 HiYldMuniBd 9.34 0.01 1.5 15.9 SciTec n 53.01 -2.96 22.8 72.5 CoreEqVIP 40.80 NA NA NA AstAlcClInv n 40.91 -1.48 6.4 39.2
IncomeFd 11.71 NA NA NA Sht-Bd n 4.83 0.00 3.8 9.7 MuniBd 11.42 NA NA NA AsAIGrow p 12.73 NA NA NA CapAppreClInv n 11.82 -0.60 15.3 44.7 NJLTAdml n 12.42 0.01 2.4 15.0
Select n 38.66 -1.78 -10.9 -11.2 InvQBdVIP 13.31 NA NA NA Thrivent Funds S: AsAlMod p 11.58 NA NA NA NYLTAdml n 11.99 0.02 2.4 12.5
Oberweis Funds: IntlBdUSH 11.04 0.02 4.3 14.3 SmCap n 43.68 -2.38 -8.8 4.0 Russell Funds S: Van Eck Funds:
InvstGrCrBd 11.02 NA NA NA SmCapStk n 54.35 -2.53 3.9 38.1 LgCpVal n 20.61 NA NA NA AsAlModGr p 12.01 NA NA NA EmgMktsY 19.07 NA NA NA PacifAdml n 83.00 -2.79 -2.7 2.6
IntlOppInst 13.83 -0.77 32.9 30.7 EmerMkts 18.50 NA NA NA MidCapStk n 28.36 NA NA NA Balanced 30.23 -1.06 5.4 26.1 VANGUARD ADMIRAL: PALTAdml n 11.99 0.01 3.6 15.4
Old Westbury Fds: LowDurA 9.92 -0.01 2.6 7.1 SpecGr n 23.58 -1.36 1.2 21.0 IntlDvMkt n 32.26 NA NA NA
LowDurInc 8.45 -0.03 1.1 9.0 SpecInc n 12.42 -0.17 0.1 9.8 OppIncmPl n 9.99 NA NA NA FocusA 49.00 NA NA NA 400MCpIdxInst 256.12 -15.49 -6.7 9.2 PrmcpAdml nr 143.94 -8.33 -0.2 31.2
AlCpCore n 20.18 -1.16 9.6 43.3 InvGrdBd n 23.00 NA NA NA TIAA-CREF/Instl Cl: Trust for Professional Ma: 500Adml n 302.03 -17.99 2.7 34.6 RealEstatAdml n 108.50 -5.37 -15.4 5.1
FixInc pn 11.83 NA NA NA MuniBdA 10.18 0.00 2.4 12.9 SpecIntl n 13.42 -0.70 -4.7 3.9 StratBd n 11.72 NA NA NA
RealRtnA 12.18 NA NA NA SuMuInc n 12.11 0.02 1.6 10.9 CoreBond Inst 11.03 -0.03 5.7 15.5 PerfTrstMuniInst 25.34 0.04 3.3 14.1 BalAdml n 40.60 -1.47 5.3 27.9 S&PSC600Idx 266.59 -17.35 -12.9 1.6
LrgCpStr n 15.26 -0.78 1.3 19.8 TaxExBd n 23.57 NA NA NA CorePlsBd 11.01 -0.03 5.4 15.4 PrfTrtStrtBd Ins 22.81 -0.01 3.3 14.1
MuniBd pn 12.52 NA NA NA ShtTmA 9.88 0.01 2.4 6.5 SuMuInt n 12.21 0.00 2.5 10.3 TMUSMdSmCp n 28.23 NA NA NA
StksPLSTR 10.80 NA NA NA TaxEfEqty nr 45.01 -2.85 17.3 64.3 TIAA-CREF/Retail Cl: Tweedy Browne Fds:
OWstbryNYMuBndFdn 10.55 NA NA NS TxMngUSLgCp n 50.33 NA NA NA EqIdx n 24.48 -1.48 2.9 32.2 GblValue n 23.31 -1.33 -16.7 -9.0
TotRetA 10.86 -0.02 7.0 14.9 TF Incom n 11.92 0.01 -0.5 10.5
Sm&MdCapStrategi n 15.78 NA NA NA
PIMCO Funds C: TF Incom n 10.20 0.01 2.0 10.9
USSmCpEq n 24.91 NA NA NA Gro&Inc n 21.14 -1.24 3.3 29.2 THE STATISTICAL RECORD
Optimum Funds Inst:
Fixed Inc 10.29 -0.04 6.9 15.6 IncomeFd
-0.02 6.3 12.3
TotIndex n
Rydex Dynamic Fds:
NasdaqStratH p 268.26 -32.81 39.5 140.7
LrgCpGro n
MgdAlloc n
18.0 U Monthly Dow Comparison
Intl Eqty 11.95 -0.66 -11.2 -6.4 Rydex Investor Class: SocChEq n 18.88 -1.09 3.0 32.7
LgCpGrwth 23.34 -1.63 17.1 57.3 PIMCO Funds I2: U.S.EqResch n 31.88 -1.91 3.1 35.1 NasdaqInv n 55.99 -3.25 26.0 75.0 UM Funds: October September October
All Asset 11.15 NA NA NA USLrgCpCore n 26.97 -1.52 0.8 30.2 TIAA/CREF Funds: BehavVal 49.07 NA NA NA
LgCpVal 15.71 -0.84 -11.0 7.5 BdIdxInst 11.58 -0.02 6.2 15.3 2020 2020 2019
CommdtyRR 5.29 -0.16 -9.8 -10.5 USTInter n 6.28 -0.01 7.6 15.3 USAA Group:
-13.7 ComPLUSStrtgyFd 4.05 -0.24 -25.2 -16.9 USTLg n 14.81 -0.03 17.7 35.0 S EqIdxInst
500Indx Reward n 46.10 NA NA NA Price of 30 Indus 28005.11 27733.40 26736.80
Osterweis Strat Income: DivInc 10.99 -0.09 1.7 13.6 VABond n 12.26 0.01 2.9 11.4 CA Bd n 11.39 NA NA NA Price of 20 Trans 11603.37 11292.65 10376.82
GNMAGvtSec 11.41 NA NA NA Value n 35.79 -1.90 -5.6 11.7 Schwab Funds: Gr&IncInst 15.16 -0.89 3.5 30.3 CapGr n 10.52 NA NA NA
OsterweisStrInc n 11.02 -0.07 4.8 10.5 Income 11.71 NA NA NA Price Funds - Adv Cl: 1000 Inv nr 73.73 -4.44 3.6 35.1 Gr&IncRet 15.47 -0.91 3.3 29.3 CrnrsMod n 14.82 NA NA NA Price of 15 Util 870.52 804.67 867.37
IntlBdUSH 11.04 0.02 4.6 15.4 BlChip p 148.04 -9.24 21.3 63.5 Balanced n 16.68 NA NA NA HgYldInst 9.19 -0.12 -2.9 10.3 CrnstModAggr n 25.38 NA NA NA
PQ InvstGrCrBd 11.02 NA NA NA CapAppA p 32.83 -1.26 6.3 35.0 CATxFrBd n
CoreEq n
InflLkdBdInst 12.14
IntlEqIdxInst 17.93
ExtMktIn n 20.96 NA NA NA
Best-Grade Bond Yield 1.57 1.61 2.70
LowDurInc 8.45 -0.03 1.3 10.0 Growth p 84.97 -5.76 18.8 55.6 Gr&Inc n 20.75 NA NA NA Monthly Range of Averages
PACE Funds Cl P: LwDur 9.92 -0.01 2.8 7.8 MCapGro p 97.21 -5.65 5.6 38.8 DivEqSel n 12.14 -0.67 -17.7 -6.2 IntlEqIdxRet 18.32 -1.10 -10.5 -3.7 Gr&TxStr n 22.05 NA NA NA (a)Shares
IntlEqty P 14.51 -0.81 -7.0 -2.2 RealRtn 12.18 NA NA NA R2020A p 22.40 -0.73 2.2 17.6 FunIntlLgInst nr 7.51 -0.48 -16.7 -13.0 IntlEqInst 10.91 -0.58 -4.9 -7.5 Grwth n 32.20 NA NA NA
LgGrEqty P 27.79 -2.09 21.1 59.1 FunUSLgInst nr 16.28 -1.01 -8.5 15.5 LC2015Ret 12.78 -0.33 2.9 16.1 (f)High (f)Low traded
ShtTm 9.88 0.01 2.6 6.9 R2030A p 26.17 -1.13 1.9 19.1 HiIncm n 7.37 NA NA NA
LgVEqty P 17.78 -0.96 -18.5 -6.4 TotRt 10.86 -0.02 7.2 15.7 R2035 19.29 -0.91 1.8 19.5 HlthCare n 26.27 -1.24 1.8 27.1 LC2020Ret 13.52 -0.38 2.7 16.5 Inco n 13.80 NA NA NA 30 Indus 28837.52 26501.60 8,499,126.7
StraFxd P 14.69 NA NA NA PIMCO Funds Instl: R2040A p 27.30 -1.39 1.8 19.9 InflProSel n 12.16 -0.04 8.4 17.2 LC2025Ret 13.98 -0.45 2.4 17.1 IncStk n 15.61 NA NA NA
Pacific Life Funds: ComPLUSStrtgyFd 4.07 -0.24 -25.2 -16.6 Ret2045-A p 18.70 -1.00 1.6 20.1 IntI Sel nr 18.56 -1.12 -10.4 -3.1 LC2030Ret 14.34 -0.53 2.1 17.6 Intl n 22.59 NA NA NA 20 Trans 11988.83 10945.62 3,177,151.1
PortOptModAggClA p 13.43 NA NA NA DynamicBd 10.74 -0.01 3.4 10.7 Ret2050-A p 15.75 -0.85 1.6 20.1 IntlMstr nr 24.37 -1.34 1.8 7.1 LC2035Ret 14.83 -0.63 1.5 17.9 IntmTerm n 13.64 NA NA NA 15 Util 893.68 824.27 1,052,150.7
PortOptModClA r 12.97 NA NA NA GNMAGvtSec 11.41 NA NA NA Price Funds - R Cl: MT AllEq n 17.92 NA NA NA LC2040Inst 10.82 -0.51 1.4 18.9 LgTerm n 13.48 NA NA NA
Palmer Square: IncomeFd 11.71 NA NA NA BlChipR p 141.58 -8.83 21.0 62.3 MT Bal n 18.51 NA NA NA LC2040Ret 15.21 -0.71 1.2 18.1 Nasdaq100 n 31.78 NA NA NA 65 Stocks 9653.91 8976.63 12,728,428.5
Income Plus 9.89 -0.03 1.7 8.8 InflRespMulAsset 8.28 NA NA NA ExtIndex nr 30.26 -1.98 3.5 24.2 MT Gro n 22.61 NA NA NA LC2045Ret 12.93 -0.68 0.8 18.1 ntTerBd n 11.17 NA NA NA (a) 000 omitted. (f) High and low for month of daily closing
Parnassus Fds: RAEPLUSIntl 5.68 NA NA NA GrowthR p 81.54 -5.53 18.6 54.5 S&P Sel n 50.75 -3.03 2.8 34.7 LCIdx2020Inst 18.51 -0.55 3.4 19.8 PrecMM n 20.94 NA NA NA averages..
ParnEqFd n 49.76 -2.86 6.3 44.4 RAEPLUSSml 8.21 -0.54 -17.7 -9.0 R2020R p 22.15 -0.73 2.0 16.7 SmCp Sel nr 27.18 -1.80 -6.7 7.8
Parnsus n 54.79 -3.12 8.6 32.2 Pioneer Funds A: R2030R p 25.89 -1.12 1.7 18.2 SmCpEqSel nr 15.02 -1.01 -13.5 -7.8
Pax World Fds:
SustAll Inv n 24.31 -0.87 5.2 25.2
AMTFreeMuniA p p 15.44 0.04 3.7 15.1 R2040R p 27.06 -1.38 1.6 19.1 Trgt2020 nr
Trgt2030 nr
BondA 10.18 -0.02 5.3 14.3 Ret2025-R p 17.84 -0.68 1.9 17.6
Paydenfunds: CoreEqA 21.28 -1.22 4.8 31.2 Ret2035-R 19.02 -0.90 1.6 18.5 Trgt2040 nr 16.39 NA NA NA 30 Industrials 20 Transport Cos 15 Utilities Sales Corp
CoreBd n 11.13 -0.02 4.8 13.4 DiscGrA 20.53 -1.25 15.9 53.9 Ret2050-R 15.58 -0.84 1.4 19.2 TSM Sel nr 57.62 -3.50 3.0 33.0 High Low Close High Low Close High Low Close –000– Bonds
EqIncInv n 15.97 -0.81 -11.1 11.1 EqIncA 31.38 -1.83 -12.9 4.5 PRIMECAP Odyssey Fds: TxFrBd n 12.06 0.01 2.5 10.4
HiInc n 6.45 -0.09 1.6 15.2 HighIncMuniA 7.16 0.00 -1.5 12.9 AggGrowth nr 48.07 -2.92 7.1 34.8 USSmCoIdx nr 11.97 -0.80 -15.0 -2.5 1 28172.23 27578.40 27816.90 11403.39 11120.96 11211.11 828.49 812.46 824.27 847,061 462.34
LowDur n 10.22 -0.01 2.7 7.9 MdCapVa 20.39 -1.11 -12.0 -5.4 Growth nr 40.31 -2.49 -1.5 24.7 Segall Bryant & Hami: 2 28036.33 27247.02 27682.81 11423.44 10988.89 11297.10 840.27 814.43 832.49 898,263 461.50
LtdMat n 9.50 -0.01 1.4 6.7 PioFdA 32.07 -1.97 8.9 46.7 Stock nr 31.89 -1.79 -7.5 15.2 PlusBd n 11.24 -0.05 6.6 16.5
Pear Tree: SelMCGrA 52.12 -3.12 15.9 54.2 Principal Investors: SEI Portfolios: 5 28226.91 27765.22 28148.64 11553.92 11337.44 11482.09 847.94 829.44 844.57 850,985 460.06
ForeignVal I r 17.43 -1.14 -21.1 -15.9 StratIncA p p 10.92 -0.06 1.9 10.8 CapApprA p 51.92 NA NA NA CoreFxIn F 12.09 -0.02 7.1 16.8 6 28469.85 27684.76 27772.76 11676.29 11352.61 11399.14 861.27 838.70 850.89 991,582 462.21
PearValR6 9.11 -0.59 -21.1 -15.6 Pioneer Funds Y: ConBalA p 12.23 NA NA NA EMktDbt F 9.79 -0.14 -4.6 1.9 7 28433.40 27914.81 28303.46 11771.86 11502.62 11690.02 865.27 848.58 859.99 871,727 461.16
Perm Port Funds: AMTFreeMuniY 15.37 0.03 3.7 15.7 EqIncIA p 30.79 NA NA NA HiYld F 6.47 -0.08 -2.1 8.5
Permanent n 43.88 -1.29 7.7 21.6 BondY 10.09 -0.02 5.7 15.5 FlIncA p 12.44 NA NA NA IntlEmg F 12.19 -0.36 -1.5 -0.3 8 28655.20 28142.95 28425.51 11871.47 11613.91 11762.56 878.33 860.46 875.30 797,864 462.37
PGIM Funds Cl A: SelMCGrY 57.36 -3.42 16.1 55.3 HighYldA p 7.01 NA NA NA IntlEq F 10.47 -0.67 -8.8 -4.2 9 28797.35 28315.50 28586.90 11964.27 11740.13 11861.95 882.86 868.22 875.81 825,268 462.67
2020FcA 16.75 -1.13 11.4 40.3 StratIncY p p 10.92 -0.06 2.2 11.9 HiYld IN 9.00 NA NA NA IntMuni F 12.03 0.00 2.6 10.8 12 29058.95 28524.99 28837.52 12007.35 11788.49 11880.44 889.15 872.85 882.82 744,911 ....
Balanced 15.70 -0.57 -1.6 14.1 Price Funds: InfPro IN 9.31 NA NA NA LgCapGr F 43.89 -2.62 17.5 60.4
HighYield 5.28 -0.06 -0.5 13.5 2050RetFd n 15.93 -0.85 1.9 21.0 LgCpStA p 20.39 NA NA NA LgCVal F 19.65 -1.22 -17.9 -3.3 13 29008.22 28466.89 28679.81 11948.27 11726.61 11783.22 880.74 865.88 876.05 755,377 465.16
JennBlend 21.68 -1.38 5.8 29.4 Balnanced n 25.32 -1.01 2.8 20.4 LgIndxI 20.40 NA NA NA MgdVol F 15.62 -0.83 -12.3 10.3 14 28939.57 28357.84 28514.00 11993.87 11791.15 11887.49 882.77 868.99 875.19 763,256 465.14
JennGrowth 56.66 NA NA NA BdEnhIdx nr 11.77 -0.02 6.8 16.2 LgIndxJ tn 20.17 NA NA NA S&P500 F 73.39 -4.37 2.5 33.8 15 28644.54 28015.44 28494.20 12017.39 11687.61 11988.83 880.82 863.18 875.22 749,224 464.26
JennHealthSci 52.60 NA NA NA BlChip n 151.14 -9.42 21.5 64.9 LT2020 In 14.06 NA NA NA ShtGov F 10.57 0.00 3.4 7.6 16 28951.94 28443.23 28606.31 12071.34 11769.64 11836.43 890.01 873.02 884.52 885,307 464.57
JennMidCapGrowth 25.76 -1.71 17.5 54.0 CA Bond n 11.69 0.03 1.8 10.8 LT2020J tn 13.97 NA NA NA TaxMgdLC F 26.36 -1.66 -3.9 21.4
JennUtility 15.51 -0.62 0.3 28.8 Communica&Tech n 171.47 -8.11 38.6 86.3 LT2030In 14.84 NA NA NA TaxMgdSmMdCp F 19.64 -1.21 -10.4 -0.2 19 28834.92 28100.26 28195.42 12022.64 11648.15 11708.09 891.63 873.56 877.60 833,838 464.05
NationalMuni 14.98 0.00 1.6 10.6 CorpInc n 10.04 -0.05 3.8 15.8 LT2030J tn 14.78 NA NA NA Selected Funds: 20 28657.90 28127.75 28308.79 12045.41 11736.65 11860.30 889.45 875.08 881.15 755,284 462.74
ShrtTermCorpBond 11.31 -0.02 3.8 10.5 DivGro n 52.56 -2.99 -0.5 33.4 LT2040I 15.69 NA NA NA AmShD n 35.34 -1.79 -5.2 11.9 21 28579.04 28048.24 28210.82 11976.59 11655.57 11725.02 886.45 872.18 877.10 842,284 462.40
TotalReturnBond p 14.76 -0.08 4.5 15.5 DvsfMCGr n 40.64 -2.39 10.9 54.3 LT2040J tn 15.53 NA NA NA AmShS pn 35.19 -1.78 -5.5 10.8
PGIM Funds Cl C: EmgMktB n 10.79 -0.10 -3.4 -0.7 LT2050I 15.73 NA NA NA Sequoia: 22 28560.29 27965.24 28363.66 11982.48 11551.85 11748.55 894.13 875.21 891.28 843,133 460.46
TotalReturnBond 14.74 -0.08 3.8 13.0 EmMktS n 47.10 -1.72 0.6 12.2 MdGrIII Inst 13.88 NA NA NA SequoiaFd n 163.15 -8.80 6.0 36.8 23 28605.69 28098.97 28335.57 11953.80 11671.86 11880.13 899.44 886.47 893.68 721,653 462.02
PGIM Funds Cl Z: EqInc n 26.24 -1.56 -16.5 -0.5 MidCpBldA 30.47 NA NA NA Sit Funds: 26 28142.46 27349.79 27685.38 11774.43 11453.25 11604.82 896.72 877.17 891.98 826,627 462.97
GlobalRealEstate 20.15 -1.00 -15.3 5.1 EqIndex n 86.89 -5.17 2.6 34.0 PreSecI 10.16 NA NA NA MinnTxF n 10.58 0.00 1.5 10.6
HighYield 5.29 -0.06 -0.3 14.2 Europe n 20.90 -1.58 -4.9 6.8 PtrLGI In 19.63 NA NA NA SmeadFds: 27 27852.11 27342.85 27463.19 11686.11 11381.96 11431.61 901.41 885.93 890.68 795,558 464.72
JennGrowth 62.11 NA NA NA FinSvcs n 23.18 -1.17 -17.7 -0.9 PtrLV In 14.96 NA NA NA SmeadValueInstl 42.93 -3.10 -14.8 10.9 28 27162.01 26406.00 26519.95 11247.76 10863.53 10945.62 891.37 863.41 865.33 1,077,026 464.25
JennHealthSci 59.21 NA NA NA GlbGr n 37.06 -2.03 21.9 53.2 RealEstSecI 23.63 NA NA NA SoundShoreInv n: 29 26976.37 26212.26 26659.11 11310.04 10898.78 11183.52 878.84 851.05 867.65 1,000,356 461.80
JennMidCapGrowth 30.22 -2.00 17.9 55.5 GlbStk n 57.76 -3.10 26.4 69.7 SAMBalA p 15.75 NA NA NA SoundShoreInv n 38.04 -2.23 -9.8 -0.6
JennSmallCompany 23.87 -1.24 2.3 19.5 GlbTech n 23.60 -1.41 44.3 76.1 SAMGrA p 17.57 NA NA NA Sprott Funds Trust: 30 26752.64 26051.82 26501.60 11248.95 10905.80 11106.19 870.08 849.11 857.77 1,185,458 460.15
TotalReturnBond 14.71 -0.08 4.8 16.5 GMS-fd n 11.67 -0.07 4.5 16.7 StrGrw A p 18.78 NA NA NA GoldEq Inv p/r tn 53.75 -2.12 29.2 49.2 High 28837.52 High 11988.83 High 893.68 High 465.16
PIMCO Fds Admin: GNMA n 9.42 0.00 3.8 9.5 ProFunds Inv Class: SSgA Funds: Low 26501.60 Low 10945.62 Low 824.27 Low 460.06
TotRtAd p 10.86 -0.02 7.0 15.2 Gr&In n 30.29 -1.72 0.8 30.5 UltNASDAQ-100 n 131.66 NA NA NA SP500 n 236.40 -14.10 2.9 34.5
PIMCO Fds Instl: Growth n 87.36 -5.92 19.1 56.9 Putnam Funds: State Farm Associate:
AllAsset 11.13 NA NA NA HelSci n 92.00 -4.42 13.0 50.8 GrOpp R6 50.74 -3.38 22.9 77.1 Balan n 76.23 -2.82 2.0 23.4
AllAssetAuth r 7.47 NA NA NA HiYield n 6.36 -0.09 -0.4 10.7 Putnam Funds Class A: Gwth n 88.95 -4.74 -0.1 27.1 MONTHLY DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE
CommodtyRR 5.32 -0.15 -9.6 -10.1 InstEmMEq 42.81 -1.58 0.6 12.4 CATx p 8.25 0.01 2.8 12.5 Muni n 8.97 0.01 4.1 12.2
DivInc 10.99 -0.09 1.8 14.0 InstFLRfd r 9.46 -0.06 -0.8 8.8 ConvSec 30.47 -1.49 23.4 48.9 State Street Institu: Year First Closing Closing Close Avg Last Avg. Avg.
EmMktsBd 10.31 -0.07 -0.1 10.2 InstHiYld 8.45 -0.11 -0.5 11.2 DvrIn p 6.49 -0.03 -5.7 5.0 SmCapEq (ICL) 16.08 -0.93 -7.5 8.6 Month Closing High Low Mean Close Chg. % Chg. P/E Yield
EmrgMktCur&STInv 7.67 -0.10 -4.2 -0.2 LgCapGow I 53.43 -3.49 21.3 66.4 DynAABalA 15.04 -0.58 1.2 13.3 State Street V.I.S.:
ExtdDur 10.49 NA NA NA InstLCCoreGr 59.19 -3.66 21.6 65.5 DynAAGthA 16.64 -0.78 0.3 13.3 TR V.I.S. Cl 1 15.33 -0.49 -3.6 7.1 2020
GlblBdOppUSH 10.61 NA NA NA LgCpVal 20.18 -1.09 -14.6 2.0 EqIn p 23.47 -1.27 -10.1 11.9 TR V.I.S. Cl 3 15.25 -0.49 -3.8 6.3 Oct 27816.90 28837.52 26501.60 28005.11 26501.60 – 1280.10 – 4.61 26.63 2.11
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M27
52 Week 52 Week
Stock Market Prem Market TRACKING CLOSED - END FUNDS Stock Market Prem Market
Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return
Friday, October 30, 2020 Wells Fargo Gl Div Oppty (EOD) ....... N 4.84 4.09 – 15.5 – 15.5
General Equity Funds Investment Distancing: Ahead of the election, investors went to the sidelines. The 12 mos
Adams Diversified Equity (ADX) ...... N 18.32 15.56 – 15.1 5.1 Stock Market Prem Yield
Boulder Growth & Income (BIF) ...... N 11.74 9.52 – 18.9 – 12.1 Herzfeld Average and the Dow saw their sharpest weekly drops in months, sliding a Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc 9/30/20
Central Secs (CET)-c ........................ A 35.51 28.19 – 20.6 – 8.3
CohenStrsCEOppFd (FOF) .............. N 11.09 10.21 – 7.9 – 15.2 respective 4.4% and 6.0% for the week ended Thursday. U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
Eagle Capital Growth (GRF)-c ........... A NA 7.17 NA – 6.8 BlckRk Income (BKT) ...................... N 6.26 6.13 – 2.1 6.7
EVTxAdvDivIncm (EVT) .................. N 21.01 18.73 – 10.9 – 17.8 51000 Net Asset Value First Trust Mtge Inc (FMY) .............. N 14.45 13.40 – 7.3 5.3
Equus II (EQS) ................................
Foxby Corp. (FXBY) ........................
NA – 24.0
55100 Invesco HI 2023 Tgt Term (IHIT) ..... N 8.31 7.87 – 5.3 7.5
Invesco HI 2024 Tgt Term (IHTA) .... N 8.44 7.95 – 5.8 7.0
GabelliDiv&IncTr (GDV) ................. N 21.06 17.61 – 16.4 – 9.2 Nuveen Mortgage and Inc (JLS) ...... N 21.56 18.64 – 13.5 5.8
Gabelli Equity Tr (GAB)-h ................. N 4.85 5.33 + 9.9 – 0.1 45600 50700 Nuveen Multi-Market Inc (JMM)-c ... N 7.62 6.93 – 9.1 4.8
GeneralAmer (GAM) ....................... N 40.11 32.89 – 18.0 – 6.4 Vertical Capital Income (VCIF) ........ N NA 9.94 NA 3.3
JHancockTaxAdvDiv (HTD) ............ N 21.65 18.99 – 12.3 – 25.2 46300 Western Asset Mtg Oppty (DMO) .... N NA 13.20 NA 12.6
Librty AllStr Eq (USA) ..................... N 6.43 5.80 – 9.8 – 1.9 Investment Grade Bond Funds
Librty AllStr Gr (ASG)-h ................... N 6.95 7.20 + 3.6 26.8 40200 41900 BlRck Core Bond (BHK) .................. N 15.99 15.50 – 3.1 5.1
NuvTaxAdvTRStrat (JTA) ............... N 9.00 7.55 – 16.1 – 28.2 BR Credit Alloc Inc (BTZ) ................. N 15.00 13.81 – 7.9 7.0
Royce Micro-Cap Tr (RMT) ............. N 9.24 7.71 – 16.6 2.9 *Herzfeld 37500 BR Enhcd Govt (EGF) ...................... N 13.40 12.93 – 3.5 3.6
Royce Value Trust (RVT) ................. N 15.05 12.68 – 15.7 – 2.9
Source Capital (SOR) ...................... N 41.34 35.62 – 13.8 – 5.0 Closed-End 34800 1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q Insight Select Income (INSI) ........... N 21.61 21.04 – 2.6 4.1
InvescoBond (VBF) ......................... N 21.16 19.76 – 6.6 3.8
Special Opportunities (SPE) ............ N NA 11.42 NA – 10.4 Average % Disc/Prem From Net Asset Value J Han Income (JHS) ........................ N 15.95 15.44 – 3.2 4.9
Sprott Focus Trust (FUND) .............. O 7.02 5.82 – 17.1 – 10.1 MFS Govt Mkts (MGF) .................... N 4.74 4.62 – 2.5 7.5
Tri-Continental (TY) ........................ N 29.39 25.32 – 13.8 – 0.8 -4 MFS Intmdt (MIN) .......................... N 3.95 3.73 – 5.6 9.1
Specialized Equity Funds 29400 Western Asset Inf-Lk Inc (WIA) ....... N NA 12.36 NA 3.2
Aberdeen Glb Prem Prop (AWP) ..... N 5.23 4.36 – 16.6 – 25.9 -7 Western Asset Inf-Lk O&I (WIW) .... N NA 11.40 NA 3.6
Aberdeen Std Gl Infra I (ASGI) ......... N 19.03 16.41 – 13.8 NS WA Investment Grade Inc (PAI) ....... N NA 14.87 NA 3.9
Adams Natural Resources (PEO) .... N 11.17 9.40 – 15.8 – 37.2 -10 WesternAssetPremBd (WEA) ......... N NA 13.00 NA 6.1
AllianzGI AI & Tech Opps (AIO) ....... N 24.33 21.08 – 13.4 11.4 24000 Westn Asst IG Def Opp Tr (IGI) ........ N NA 20.50 NA 4.1
GI DivInt&PremStr (NFJ) ................ N 13.63 11.53 – 15.4 – 0.4
ASA Gold & Prec Met Ltd (ASA) ....... N 23.81 19.74 – 17.1 56.6 -13 Loan Participation Funds
BR Enh C&I (CII) ............................. N 17.08 14.82 – 13.2 – 4.4 Dow Industrials Apollo Senior Floating (AFT) ........... N NA 12.67 NA 7.8
BlackRock Energy & Res (BGR) ...... N 6.38 5.60 – 12.2 – 45.3 18600 -16 BR Debt Strategy (DSU) .................. N 11.16 9.53 – 14.6 8.5
BlackRock Eq Enh Div (BDJ) ........... N 8.09 7.01 – 13.3 – 18.1 BR F/R Inc Str (FRA) ....................... N 13.38 11.34 – 15.2 8.2
1Q 20 2Q 20 3Q 20 4Q 20 1Q 20 2Q 20 3Q 20 4Q 20 BlackRock Floatng Rt Inc (BGT) ...... N 12.98 11.11 – 14.4 8.1
BlackRock Enh Glbl Div (BOE) ......... N 10.88 9.18 – 15.6 – 6.4
BlackRock Enh Intl Div (BGY) .......... N 5.83 4.97 – 14.8 – 2.2 Blackstone / GSO Strat (BGB) .......... N 13.65 11.76 – 13.8 9.98
The Herzfeld Closed-End Average measures 15 equally-weighted closed-end funds based in the U.S. that invest principally in Blackstone/GSO LS Cr Inc (BGX) ..... N 14.32 12.44 – 13.1 10.5
BlackRock Hlth Sci Tr II (BMEZ) ...... N 26.31 23.38 – 11.1 NS
BlackRock Hlth Sciences (BME) ...... N 41.41 41.70 + 0.7 11.0 American equities. The net assest value is a weighted average of the funds' NAVs. Source: Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc., Miami. Blackstone/GSO Sr Flt Rt (BSL) ....... N 15.23 13.19 – 13.4 8.6
BlackRock Res & Comm (BCX) ....... N 6.93 5.69 – 17.9 – 19.3 BNY Mellon Alct GCI 2024 (DCF) ..... N NA 7.59 NA 7.8
305-271-1900/ Eagle Point Credit (ECC) .................. N NA 8.00 NA 19.4
BlackRock Sci&Tech Tr II (BSTZ) .... N 30.51 26.18 – 14.2 38.5
BlackRock Sci&Tech Trust (BST) .... N 44.02 42.45 – 3.6 45.7 Eagle Point Income (EIC) ................ N NA 13.59 NA 9.7
52 Week 52 Week Eaton Vance F-R 2022 TT (EFL) ....... N 8.90 8.51 – 4.4 5.5
BlackRock Utl Inf & Pwr (BUI) ......... N 21.59 21.53 – 0.3 0.6
CBRE ClrnGlbRlEst (IGR) ................ A 6.91 5.60 – 19.0 – 23.3 Stock Market Prem Market Stock Market Prem Market EtnVncFltRteInc (EFT) .................... N 13.73 12.36 – 10.0 7.9
CLEARBRIDGE ENGY MDS OPP (EMO) N NA 9.37 NA – 74.9 Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return Fund Name (Symbol) Exch NAV Price /Disc Return EtnVncFltRteIncPlus (EFF) .............. N 15.72 14.33 – 8.8 6.2
CLEARBRIDGE MLP&MDSTM TR (CTR) N NA 10.41 NA – 72.2 EV SenFlRtTr (EFR) ......................... N 13.50 11.90 – 11.9 8.1
NuvCorEqAlpha (JCE) ..................... N 13.66 12.16 – 11.0 – 8.4 CalamosConvHi (CHY) ................... N 13.22 11.50 – 13.0 13.1 EVSnrIncm (EVF) ........................... N 6.44 5.80 – 9.9 6.8
ClearBridge MLP & Midstm (CEM) .. N NA 12.27 NA – 74.4 NuveenDiversDiv&Inc (JDD) .......... N 8.95 7.34 – 18.0 – 25.6 CalmosConvOp (CHI) ..................... N 12.54 10.89 – 13.2 11.8
Cntr Cst Brkfld MLP&EI (CEN) ......... N 10.54 7.45 – 29.3 – 85.8 First Eagle Senior Loan (FSLF) ........ N 15.16 12.62 – 16.8 9.0
Nuveen Nasdaq 100 Dyn Ov (QQQX) N 23.85 22.52 – 5.6 2.9 Ellsworth G&I Fund Ltd (ECF) .......... A 13.26 11.23 – 15.3 9.8 FT/Sr Fltg Rte Inc 2 (FCT) ................ N 12.36 10.51 – 15.0 9.8
ChnStrInfr (UTF) ............................. N 22.56 22.77 + 0.9 – 9.0 Nuv Real Est (JRS) .......................... A 8.58 7.23 – 15.7 – 26.4 Gabelli Conv Sec (GCV) ................... N 5.85 5.17 – 11.6 1.4
COHEN & STEERS MLP INC&E (MIE) N 2.13 1.59 – 25.4 – 76.6 FT/Sr Fltg Rte 2022 TgTr (FIV) ......... N 9.07 8.48 – 6.5 3.3
Nuveen Rl Asst Inc & Gro (JRI) ........ N 14.09 11.64 – 17.4 – 28.9 HiIncBd (PCF) ................................. N 8.36 7.27 – 13.0 – 6.1 Highland Income (HFRO) ................ N 12.64 7.85 – 37.9 10.7
Cohen&SteersQualInc (RQI) ........... N 11.65 10.31 – 11.5 – 25.7 NuvS&P500DynOvFd (SPXX) ......... N NA 12.77 NA – 12.9 World Equity Funds
Cohen&Steers TotRet (RFI) ............ N 12.02 11.47 – 4.6 – 20.7 InvDYCrOpp (VTA) ......................... N 10.86 9.25 – 14.8 9.7
NuvSP500BuyIncFd (BXMX) .......... N 12.65 10.88 – 14.0 – 13.0 AbrdnAusEq (IAF) ........................... A 5.16 4.47 – 13.4 – 3.3 InvSnrIncTr (VVR) .......................... N 4.23 3.55 – 16.1 7.5
CohenStrsREITPrefInc (RNP) ......... N 21.49 19.14 – 10.9 – 17.6 PIMGlbStkPI (PGP) ........................ N NA 7.80 NA – 24.1 Aberdeen Emg Mkts Eq Inc (AEF) .... A 7.75 6.50 – 16.1 – 6.5
Columbia Sel Prm Tech Gr (STK) ..... N 21.91 21.33 – 2.6 3.5 Nuveen Credit Strat Inc (JQC) ......... N 6.79 5.79 – 14.7 18.4
ReavesUtilityIncome (UTG) ............ A 30.77 31.45 + 2.2 – 10.0 Aberdeen Glbl Dyn Div (AGD) .......... N 10.16 8.58 – 15.6 – 5.1 NuvFloatRateIncFd (JFR) ................ N 9.42 7.97 – 15.4 8.0
CushingMLPTotRet (SRV)-d ............ N 22.54 15.68 – 30.4 – 53.8 RMR Mortgage Trust (RMRM) ........ A NA 7.04 NA – 63.7 Aberdeen Japan Equity (JEQ) .......... N 9.80 8.22 – 16.1 11.5
Cushing NextGen Inf Inc (SZC) ........ N 37.78 26.20 – 30.7 – 43.2 NuvFloatRteIncOppty (JRO) ........... N 9.33 7.85 – 15.9 7.9
Salient Midstream & MLP (SMM) ... N 4.97 3.45 – 30.6 – 49.4 Aberdeen Tot Dyn Div (AOD) ........... N 8.77 7.31 – 16.6 – 6.3 Nuveen Senior Income (NSL) .......... N 5.53 4.67 – 15.6 8.5
DNP Select Income (DNP)-a ............. N 8.64 9.99 + 15.7 – 15.4 Tortoise Energy Ind (NDP) .............. N 13.48 9.91 – 26.5 – 66.6 BlackRock Capital Alloc (BCAT) ...... N 19.74 19.78 + 0.2 NS
Duff&Ph Uti&Infra Inc Fd (DPG) ...... N 12.11 10.20 – 15.8 – 26.3 Nuveen Sht Dur Crdt Opp (JSD) ...... N 14.04 11.91 – 15.2 8.2
Tortoise Enrgy Infra Crp (TYG) ........ N 20.48 15.02 – 26.7 – 78.5 Calamos GloDynInc (CHW) ............. N 8.03 7.80 – 2.9 6.4 PionrFltRate Tr (PHD) ..................... N 10.83 10.02 – 7.5 6.7
Duff&Ph Sel MLP&MS Engy (DSE) . N 0.48 0.36 – 25.0 – 90.0 Tortoise Ess Asst Inc Tm (TEAF) ..... N 14.73 11.25 – 23.6 – 23.4 Cdn Genl Inv (CGI)-y ........................ T 41.18 27.60 – 33.0 19.6
EtnVncEqtyInc (EOI) ....................... N 15.14 13.82 – 8.7 – 3.4 WA Corporate Loan (TLI) ................ N NA 9.24 NA 8.3
Tortoise Midstream Enrgy (NTG) .... N 20.59 14.64 – 28.9 – 85.9 Central and Eastern Euro (CEE) ....... N 22.03 18.33 – 16.8 – 30.6
EtnVncEqtyIncoII (EOS) ................. N 18.50 17.93 – 3.1 12.6 China (CHN) ................................... N 31.52 27.93 – 11.4 46.3 High Yield Bond Funds
Tortoise Pipelne & Enrgy (TTP) ....... N 16.32 11.30 – 30.8 – 75.8 Aberdeen Inc Credit Str (ACP) ......... N 10.15 9.18 – 9.6 14.3
EVRskMnDvsEqInc (ETJ) ............... N 9.49 9.40 – 0.9 10.6 Tortoise Pwr & Engy Infr (TPZ) ....... N 11.65 8.23 – 29.4 – 46.3 Delaware Enh Gl Div & In (DEX) ....... N 9.52 8.55 – 10.2 – 5.1
ETnVncTxMgdBuyWrtInc (ETB) ..... N 13.34 13.10 – 1.8 – 12.1 EV TxAdvGlbDivInc (ETG) ............... N 16.16 14.29 – 11.6 – 8.0 AllianceBernGlHiIncm (AWF) .......... N 12.11 10.29 – 15.0 7.4
Wells Fargo Ut & Hi Inc (ERH) ......... A 12.39 12.00 – 3.1 – 8.8 Angel Oak Dynmc FS I Trm (DYFN) .. N NA 17.16 NA NS
EtnVncTxMgdBuyWrtOpp (ETV) ..... N 13.20 13.33 + 1.0 – 1.1 Income & Preferred Stock Funds EtnVncTxAdvOpp (ETO) ................. N 22.39 19.74 – 11.8 – 17.6
EvTxMnDvsEqInc (ETY) ................. N 11.60 10.34 – 10.9 – 5.3 Economic Inv Tr (N/A)-cy ................. T 144.73 96.00 – 33.7 – 3.2 Angel Oak FS Inc Trm (FINS) ........... N NA 16.27 NA 7.6
EtnVncTxMgdGlbB (ETW) .............. N 9.26 8.13 – 12.2 – 11.8 CalamosStratTot (CSQ) .................. N 13.30 12.80 – 3.8 6.9 Barings Glb SD HY Bd (BGH) ........... N 14.86 12.82 – 13.7 11.2
CohenStrsLtdDurPref&Inc (LDP) ... N 24.58 23.24 – 5.5 – 3.3 European Equity Fund Inc (EEA) ...... N 10.16 8.73 – 14.1 – 1.0
EVTxMnGblDvEqInc (EXG) ............. N 8.09 7.13 – 11.9 – 6.0 FirstTrAbEmergOp (FEO) ................ N 14.28 12.13 – 15.1 – 0.5 BR Corporate HY (HYT) .................. N 11.32 10.60 – 6.4 8.7
First Trust Energy Inc G (FEN) ......... A 11.68 9.23 – 21.0 – 49.9 CohenStrsSelPref&Income (PSF) ... N 25.33 25.00 – 1.3 – 11.6 BlackRock Ltd Dur Inc (BLW) .......... N 16.18 14.29 – 11.7 8.0
CohenStrsTaxAvPreSecs&I (PTA) .. N 25.00 25.00 + 0.0 NS FirstTr Dyn Euro Eq Inc (FDEU) ....... N 10.92 9.28 – 15.0 – 31.2
First Tr Enhanced Eq (FFA) .............. N 15.99 14.38 – 10.1 – 3.7 Gabelli Gl Sm&Mid Cp Val (GGZ) ..... N 12.19 9.80 – 19.6 – 6.5 BNY Mellon Hi Yield Str (DHF) ......... N NA 2.70 NA 9.5
First Tr Specialty Fn (FGB) ............... N 2.79 2.34 – 16.1 – 58.3 Del Div & Inc (DDF) ......................... N 8.51 7.55 – 11.3 – 41.1 Brookfield Real Asst Inc (RA) .......... N 18.80 15.89 – 15.5 14.4
Dividend and Income (DNIF) ........... O 13.56 NA NA NA Gabelli Multimedia (GGT)-h ............. N 6.53 6.16 – 5.7 – 12.6
FirstTrEnergyInfra (FIF) .................. N 11.50 9.36 – 18.6 – 36.6 GDL Fund (GDL) ............................. N 10.68 8.39 – 21.4 – 3.8 CrSuisHighYld (DHY) ..................... A 2.39 2.07 – 13.4 9.6
FirstTrMLPEner&Inc (FEI) .............. N NA 4.92 NA – 51.8 FirstTrIntDurPref&Inc (FPF) ........... N 22.65 21.56 – 4.8 – 2.7 CSAM Income Fd (CIK) ................... A 3.23 2.92 – 9.8 9.1
Gabelli Go Anywhere Tr (GGO) ........ N 11.37 11.24 – 1.1 – 22.6 Herzfeld Caribb (CUBA) .................. O NA 3.57 NA – 41.1
Gab Gl Util & Inc (GLU)-h ................. A 16.60 16.21 – 2.3 – 6.9 Highland Global Alloc (HGLB) ......... N 9.22 5.07 – 45.0 – 38.1 DoubleLine Inc Sol (DSL) ................ N NA 15.32 NA 11.5
Gabelli Healthcare (GRX)-h .............. N 12.01 9.98 – 16.9 0.9 JHanPrefInc (HPI) .......................... N 18.55 17.97 – 3.1 – 14.9 India Fund (IFN) .............................. N 19.81 16.58 – 16.3 – 11.0 DoubleLine Yld Opps (DLY) ............ N 19.07 17.07 – 10.5 NS
Gab Utility (GUT)-h .......................... N 3.89 7.62 + 95.9 15.0 JHPrefIncII (HPF) ........................... N 18.24 17.36 – 4.8 – 15.1 J Han Hdgd Ety & Inc (HEQ) ............ N 11.71 9.82 – 16.1 – 23.0 EVHiInc2021 (EHT) ........................ N 9.85 9.52 – 3.4 3.9
GAMCOGlGold&NatRes (GGN) ....... A 3.80 3.32 – 12.6 – 9.1 HnckJPfdInco III (HPS) .................. N 16.33 15.73 – 3.7 – 10.9 JHancockTaxAdv Gl Sh Yld (HTY) ... N 5.78 4.75 – 17.8 – 23.6 First Tr Hi Inc Lng/Shrt (FSD) .......... N 15.66 13.49 – 13.9 9.4
GAMCO NR GLD & INC TR (GNT) .... N 5.59 4.65 – 16.8 – 13.2 J Han Prm (PDT) ............................. N 12.84 12.55 – 2.3 – 22.4 Japan Smaller Cap (JOF) ................. N NA 8.25 NA – 1.0 First Trust HY Opp:2027 (FTHY) ...... N 20.43 20.03 – 2.0 NS
J Han Finl Opptys (BTO) .................. N 21.95 22.22 + 1.2 – 28.4 LMP CapInco (SCD) ........................ N NA 9.70 NA – 23.2 Korea (KF) ...................................... N 35.96 30.15 – 16.2 6.3 Franklin Univ (FT)-a ......................... N 8.20 6.78 – 17.3 5.6
Macquarie/FirstTr Gl (MFD) ............ N 8.90 7.37 – 17.2 – 20.6 Nuveen Pref & I 2022 Trm (JPT) ...... N 23.17 22.98 – 0.8 – 0.3 LazardGlbTotRetInc (LGI) ............... N 17.14 14.76 – 13.9 2.7 InvHighIncTrII (VLT) ...................... N 14.01 12.10 – 13.6 9.4
Madison CovCall & Eq Str (MCN) .... N 6.66 5.76 – 13.5 1.5 Nuveen Pref & Inc Opp (JPC) .......... N 9.06 8.30 – 8.4 – 10.4 MexicoEqandIncmFd (MXE) ........... N 9.62 7.80 – 18.9 – 28.2 IVY HIGH INCOME OPP (IVH) ......... N NA 11.69 NA 10.3
Neuberger Brmn MLP & EI (NML) ... N 3.48 2.43 – 30.2 – 60.4 Nuveen Fd (JPS) ............................. N 9.24 8.78 – 5.0 – 6.4 Mexico (MXF) ................................. N NA 10.49 NA – 19.5 MFS IntmdHgInc (CIF) .................... N 2.39 2.33 – 2.5 9.96
NubrgrRlEstSec (NRO) ................... A 3.89 3.70 – 4.9 – 26.0 Nuveen Pref & Inc Term (JPI) .......... N 22.96 21.79 – 5.1 – 6.7 Miller/Howard High Inc E (HIE) ....... N 6.94 5.98 – 13.8 – 43.2 NeubHgYldStrt (NHS) ..................... N 11.74 10.75 – 8.4 9.7
Nuv Dow 30 Dyn Overwrite (DIAX) .. N 14.94 12.72 – 14.9 – 22.2 Nuveen TxAdvDivGr (JTD) .............. N 14.05 11.88 – 15.4 – 23.8 MS ChinaShrFd (CAF)-J ................... N 26.07 21.93 – 15.9 5.8 New Amer Hi Inc (HYB) ................... N 9.35 8.18 – 12.5 7.0
TCW Strat Income (TSI) .................. N NA 5.65 NA 4.8 MS India (IIF) .................................. N 21.04 17.29 – 17.8 – 12.0 NexPointStratOppty (NHF) ............. N 16.92 9.13 – 46.0 19.6
a-NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-NAV is fully diluted. c- Convertible Sec's. Funds New Germany (GF) ......................... N 18.74 16.00 – 14.6 13.5 Nuveen CI 2023 Target (JHAA) ........ N 9.64 9.36 – 2.9 6.0
NAV is as of Thursday’s close. d-NAV is as of Wednesday’s close. AdvntCnvrtbl&IncFd (AVK) ............. N 16.06 13.62 – 15.2 2.0 New Ireland (IRL) ........................... N 10.76 7.85 – 27.0 – 13.7 Nuveen CI Nov 2021 Tgt (JHB) ........ N 9.40 9.01 – 4.1 4.8
e-NAV assumes rights offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering AllianzGI Con & Inc 2024 (CBH) ...... N 9.65 8.85 – 8.3 – 2.4 RENN Fund (RCG) .......................... A NA 1.37 NA – 11.0 Nuveen Crdt Opps 2022 TT (JCO) .... N 8.14 7.85 – 3.6 7.1
GI Conv & Inc (NCV) ....................... N 5.29 4.55 – 14.0 – 10.5 Royce Global Value Trust (RGT) ...... N 13.59 12.57 – 7.5 20.1 Nuveen Global High Inc (JGH) ......... N 15.80 13.61 – 13.9 8.5
in process. g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been ad- AGI Conv & Inc II (NCZ) ................... N 4.73 4.02 – 15.0 – 10.1 Swiss Helvetia (SWZ) ..................... N 9.17 7.67 – 16.4 0.6 Nuveen Hi Inc 2020 Trgt (JHY) ........ N NA NA NA 1.9
justed for rights offering. j-Rights offering has expired, but Lipper AGI Dvs Inc & Conv (ACV) ............... N 28.75 25.05 – 12.9 17.6 Templeton Dragon (TDF) ................ N 26.11 23.56 – 9.8 46.9 PGIM Global High Yield (GHY) ........ N 15.24 12.73 – 16.5 9.5
data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of previous day. o-Tender offer in AGI Eqty & Conv Inc (NIE) ............... N 27.32 24.12 – 11.7 17.9 Templeton Em Mkt (EMF) ............... N 17.71 15.89 – 10.3 12.0 PGIM High Yield Bond (ISD) ........... N 15.79 13.53 – 14.3 9.1
process. Source: Lipper Bancroft Fund Ltd (BCV) ................. A 29.44 24.63 – 16.3 10.2 United Corps Ltd (UNC)-cy ............... T 153.64 93.00 – 39.5 0.0 PioneerHilncmTr (PHT) .................. N 8.64 7.72 – 10.6 9.3
Market Laboratory
divisors have changed. For more info, please Week's
Market Advance/Decline Volumes
Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30
30000 NY Up 73,998 199,360 92,177 703,353 503,741
3M -9.84 NY Off 750,211 583,647 980,491 282,063 668,351
American Express -9.74 NY Up - Composite 364,221 1,161,685 615,986 3,418,192 1,986,834
NY Off - Composite 3,659,432 2,796,781 4,477,247 1,416,245 2,820,072
DJ HALF-HOURLY AVERAGES Amgen -10.22 NYSE Amer UP 6,346 7,699 1,250 10,069 7,126
Apple -6.18 29000 NYSE Amer Off 10,006 4,508 13,073 2,655 6,503
Dow Jones 30 Industrial (divisor: 0.15198707565833) Boeing -22.97 NASD Up 911,879 1,508,744 1,066,570 2,069,096 1,166,844
Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30 NASD Off 2,266,858 1,569,379 2,792,346 1,080,237 2,492,969
Caterpillar -11.54 NYSE Arca UP 46,560 91,357 62,217 188,463 121,702
Open (t) 28015.74 27678.97 26898.08 26516.66 26517.45 Chevron -3.07 NYSE Arca Off 182,386 94,147 283,031 77,123 183,123
Open (a) 28185.82 27651.18 27102.14 26480.98 26572.27 % (QCHA) –1.85 –.95 –2.52 +.83 –.66
10:00 27936.85 27650.99 26896.65 26523.60 26513.24 Cisco Systems -2.92 28000 % (QACH) –1.81 +.42 –3.47 +1.05 –1.38
10:30 27860.21 27548.44 26702.97 26623.11 26310.00 Coca-Cola -2.46 % (QCHAQ) –2.06 –.54 –2.48 +1.06 –1.54
11:00 27723.97 27575.70 26660.63 26630.42 26158.07
11:30 27668.98 27547.97 26626.21 26582.39 26255.49 Disney -7.10 Market Advance/Decline Totals
12:00 27613.46 27638.75 26772.10 26543.49 26317.18 Dow -3.04 Week ended last Friday compared to previous Friday
12:30 27587.14 27596.17 26725.28 26581.40 26437.53 Goldman Sachs -16.00 27000 Weekly Comp. NYSE NYSE Amer Nasdaq NYSE Arca
1:00 27516.00 27545.20 26651.64 26591.75 26332.02
1:30 27410.23 27604.68 26648.02 26640.50 26327.00 Home Depot -16.29 Total Issues 3,205 282 3,734 1,525
Advances 324 50 528 145
2:00 27518.35 27613.44 26665.69 26769.53 26295.62 Honeywell Intl -10.59 Declines 2,841 228 3,153 1,361
2:30 27615.36 27560.21 26691.44 26869.29 26245.98
IBM -4.34 Unchanged 40 4 53 19
3:00 27581.66 27506.28 26692.72 26803.37 26223.62
3:30 27611.49 27532.16 26697.94 26780.89 26261.33 Intel -3.92 26000 New Highs 83 7 129 21
New Lows 181 8 223 35
Close 27685.38 27463.19 26519.95 26659.11 26501.60
High (t) 28142.46 27852.11 27162.01 26976.37 26752.64
Johnson & Johnson -8.13 NYSE Composite Daily Breadth
Low (t) 27349.79 27342.85 26406.00 26212.26 26051.82 JPMorgan Chase -5.77 Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30
High (a) 28185.82 27707.69 27102.14 26891.89 26639.18 McDonald's -15.71 Issues Traded 3,145 3,138 3,153 3,142 3,152
Low (a)
27370.16 27457.96 26497.39
–650.19 –222.19 –943.24
–157.51 Merck -4.62 NOTICE TO READERS: Advances
Unchanged 60 110 51 97 104
Theoretical (t): High 28142.46 Low 26051.82 Microsoft -13.76 New Highs 14 31 14 20 19
Actual (a): High 28185.82 Low 26143.77 New Lows 45 34 98 87 64
Nike Cl B -9.91 Sign up for the Weekly Market Blocks - primary 4,862 5,045 6,218 6,093 6,249
Dow Jones 20 Transport (divisor: 0.16385001129960) Procter & Gamble -5.28 Lab Newsletter: 24000 Total (000) - primary 826,627 795,558 1,077,026 1,000,356 1,185,458
Total (000) 4,034,328 4,027,114 5,111,046 4,901,392 4,866,979
Open (t) 11748.00 11633.20 11095.57 10947.51 11098.87 -18.25
Open (a) 11811.66 11613.67 11319.93 10940.55 11126.21 newsletters NYSE American Composite
10:00 11671.92 11601.25 11078.28 11063.39 11157.01 Travelers Cos -5.26
Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30
10:30 11626.76 11573.65 11044.41 11123.10 11043.89 UnitedHealth Group -25.46 Issues Traded 271 263 265 261 269
11:00 11572.63 11566.71 11009.92 11142.66 10971.32 Verizon Communications -0.97 Please visit the new Market Lab 23000 Advances 54 126 28 168 86
11:30 11577.19 11537.69 11039.43 11109.06 11022.46 Declines 211 129 230 84 173
12:00 11555.03 11542.94 11072.32 11087.27 11022.14 Visa Cl A -16.30 home page on Unchanged 6 8 7 9 10
New Highs 1 2 1 3 ...
11539.67 11518.77 11070.74
11529.75 11500.08 11032.32
Walgreens Boots Alliance -4.00 under Data. New Lows 2 4 5 1 2
Blocks - primary 113 130 152 113 131
1:30 11492.16 11492.98 10988.65 11185.21 11045.16 Walmart -5.10 Total (000) - primary 16,366 12,302 14,605 13,184 13,910
2:00 11532.02 11471.31 11029.23 11223.41 11056.12 22000 Total (000) 260,117 137,570 172,787 208,737 141,807
2:30 11569.73 11446.54 11024.61 11283.25 11026.30 market-lab
3:00 11567.25 11430.05 11025.17 11241.13 11028.10 TRANSPORTATION 12300 Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30
3:30 11578.18 11458.67 11020.26 11218.33 11005.03
Close 11604.82 11431.61 10945.62 11183.52 11106.19
Alaska Air Group -3.68 Issues Traded 3,610 3,587 3,629 3,567 3,619
Advances 638 1,362 493 2,250 963
High (t) 11774.43 11686.11 11247.76 11310.04 11248.95 American Airlines Group -1.32 Declines 2,886 2,097 3,057 1,193 2,540
Low (t) 11453.25 11381.96 10863.53 10898.78 10905.80 Avis Budget Group -6.71 11675 Unchanged 86 128 79 124 116
High (a) 11811.66 11629.03 11319.93 11292.00 11207.27 New Highs 38 42 21 40 25
Low (a) 11477.66 11420.41 10937.95 10922.00 10971.32 CH Robinson Worldwide -12.11 New Lows 62 64 135 87 101
Blocks - primary 14,068 15,272 22,294 13,667 14,037
Change –275.31 –173.21 –485.99 +237.90 –77.33 CSX -2.35 Total (000) 3,202,347 3,107,872 3,899,486 3,185,227 3,674,070
Theoretical (t): High 11774.43 Low 10863.53 11050
Delta Air -3.36 NYSE Arca Composite
Actual (a): High 11811.66 Low 10922.00
Expeditors Intl of Wash -6.83 Daily Oct 26 27 28 29 30
Dow Jones 15 Utilities (divisor: 1.29685261171310) FedEx -24.09 10425 Issues Traded 1,423 1,401 1,444 1,417 1,431
Open (t) 887.80 892.20 880.52 862.24 862.63 Advances 222 538 130 1,032 288
Open (a) 888.92 892.45 883.39 861.05 863.81 JB Hunt Transport -7.23 Declines 1,185 845 1,297 368 1,122
Unchanged 16 18 17 17 21
10:00 885.17 894.72 888.39 857.88 864.99 JetBlue Airways -1.46 New Highs 3 5 2 9 1
10:30 888.83 896.22 881.04 862.66 859.77 9800 New Lows 7 5 15 12 20
Kansas City Southern -8.32 Blocks - primary 1,177 1,001 1,705 1,331 1,512
11:00 885.96 893.44 877.93 865.63 854.51
11:30 882.45 894.45 874.57 864.72 855.95 Kirby Corp 0.00 Total (000) - primary 229,650 186,487 345,883 266,655 307,017
Total (000) 1,247,378 955,043 1,730,091 1,396,399 1,594,971
12:00 886.64 898.30 877.61 862.45 861.33 Landstar System -7.28 9175
12:30 884.99 897.83 877.71 862.78 863.89
1:00 885.51 895.80 872.30 865.54 861.06 Matson Inc. -0.32
1:30 886.63 898.19 869.91 867.15 859.13 Norfolk Southern -6.28 8550 OTHER MARKET INDEXES
2:00 891.47 896.14 869.50 874.51 858.66
2:30 893.44 893.56 871.71 876.81 855.07
Ryder System -2.32 Daily 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30
3:00 892.31 894.10 871.05 873.99 853.83 Southwest Airlines -3.26 NYSE Amer Comp 2000.43 2002.10 1946.05 1963.39 1983.71
3:30 893.35 892.97 870.61 870.88 855.80 Union Pacific -10.95 7925 AmMajorMkt 2428.01 2402.70 2318.41 2336.35 2326.40
Close 891.98 890.68 865.33 867.65 857.77 BNY ADR Idx 136.13 135.54 131.20 132.43 131.15
High (t) 896.72 901.41 891.37 878.84 870.08 United Airlines -4.15 Europe 109.23 107.46 103.63 104.18 103.60
Low (t) 877.17 885.93 863.41 851.05 849.11 United Parcel Service B -14.79 Latin Am 147.86 144.54 137.10 138.06 136.35
High (a) 894.04 900.68 890.83 878.13 867.72
7300 Asia 207.34 209.51 204.11 206.98 204.07
Low (a) 881.02 887.57 864.10 852.64 850.12 Emerg M 369.96 373.37 361.47 366.15 360.28
Change –1.70 –1.30 –25.35 +2.32 –9.88 UTILITIES DJ US TSM Float 34918.18 34799.18 33618.19 34001.60 33541.92
Theoretical (t): High 901.41 Low 849.11 925 Nasdaq Cmp 11358.94 11431.35 11004.87 11185.59 10911.59
AES -1.15 100 Index 11504.52 11598.95 11142.76 11350.74 11052.95
Actual (a): High 900.68 Low 850.12
American Elec Power -1.95 Indus. 8969.45 9038.48 8762.13 8860.87 8562.37
Dow Jones 65 Composite (divisor: 0.77382380748747) Insur. 9087.48 8908.38 8743.28 8735.92 8615.35
American Water Works -3.57 Banks 2902.64 2817.08 2764.58 2822.26 2848.13
Open (t) 9476.12 9394.90 9108.12 8971.22 9004.07 Atmos Energy -6.02 Computer 7900.13 7976.41 7619.28 7800.94 7608.31
Open (a) 9524.35 9385.72 9200.51 8960.73 9022.60 875 Telecom 397.12 395.33 383.99 387.33 388.31
10:00 9440.22 9386.86 9117.35 8989.81 9019.51 Consolidated Edison -3.11 NYSE Comp.-z 12936.39 12817.87 12415.42 12502.29 12429.28
10:30 9422.55 9363.40 9059.84 9030.00 8946.90 Dominion Energy -0.80 Financial-z 7031.11 6909.76 6702.56 6775.59 6761.94
11:00 9379.69 9362.61 9039.00 9040.57 8892.86 Health Care-z 18764.59 18595.91 18009.46 17875.69 17847.94
11:30 9363.67 9352.71 9032.86 9022.48 8925.24 Duke Energy -0.67 Energy-z 5075.13 4992.15 4776.65 4888.20 4912.48
12:00 9355.85 9378.11 9073.57 9006.43 8946.30 Edison Intl -4.45 825 Russell 1000 1900.42 1894.67 1829.66 1850.61 1825.67
12:30 9344.57 9363.85 9064.20 9020.78 8985.19 2000 1605.21 1590.48 1543.28 1561.58 1538.48
1:00 9329.66 9346.47 9032.54 9042.37 8953.82
Exelon -2.31 3000 2002.74 1995.97 1928.01 1950.13 1923.70
1:30 9303.34 9360.65 9018.57 9054.09 8949.42 FirstEnergy -3.58 Value-v 1192.36 1177.45 1142.28 1152.10 1150.46
2:00 9341.32 9354.36 9029.95 9099.85 8944.79 Growth-v 2203.94 2216.26 2131.43 2161.30 2108.84
NextEra Energy -2.56 MidCap 2396.57 2376.95 2309.33 2333.41 2309.11
2:30 9371.53 9334.33 9037.74 9135.97 8922.72
3:00 9362.45 9321.16 9037.00 9109.38 8916.62 Public Service Enterprise -2.77 775 S&P 100 Index 1568.65 1569.14 1509.64 1530.28 1507.65
3:30 9372.38 9330.41 9036.24 9094.93 8922.44 Sempra Energy -8.50 500 3400.97 3390.68 3271.03 3310.11 3269.96
Close 9389.79 9307.29 8976.63 9058.22 8994.36 Ind. 4810.00 4807.00 4630.13 4688.25 4621.10
High (t) 9522.23 9455.54 9210.37 9166.08 9094.53
Southern -3.40 MidCap 1973.88 1946.68 1895.57 1915.44 1900.18
SmallCap 913.96 901.87 874.84 888.66 876.59
Low (t) 9266.48 9265.18 8933.66 8882.36 8849.07 Xcel Energy -1.44 Value Line(A) 6570.52 6493.09 6288.77 6363.20 6307.36
High (a) 9524.35 9404.22 9200.51 9144.18 9049.51 725 Value Line(G) 480.64 474.82 459.74 464.99 460.71
Low (a) 9292.28 9306.71 8970.64 8912.99 8888.78 May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct DJ US Small TSM 10808.79 10698.47 10386.34 10509.62 10376.27
Change –186.41 –82.50 –330.66 +81.59 –63.86 (A)-Arithmetic Index. (G)-Geometric Index.
Theoretical (t): High 9522.23 Low 8849.07 Note: Theoretical highs and lows are shown. (v)-Value 1000 and Growth 1000. (y)-Dec. 31,1965=50. (z)-Dec.
Actual (a): High 9524.35 Low 8888.78 31,2002=5000.
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M31
Market Laboratory
DJ latest 52-week earnings and dividends adjusted by Dow Divisors at Friday's close. S&P Dec. 4-quarter's GAAP earnings as This index is an weighted average of 50 leading issues.
reported and indicated dividends based on Friday close.S&P 500 P/E ratios based on GAAP earnings as reported. For additional This is a list of the Dow Jones trailing 52-week diluted Useful in security valuation. Source: Barron's Stats
earnings series, please refer to DJ latest available book values for FY 2019 and 2018, and S&P latest for 2018 and share earnings, dividends and book values as reported
2017. r-Revised data Oct 29 Oct 22 Oct Yr-to-Yr
by the company. Bolded numbers indicate new values. 2020 2020 2019 % Chg
Last Prev. Year Last Prev. Year
Week Week Ago Week Week Ago Sources Barron's Stats and FactSet.
S&P 500 Index 3310.11 3453.49 2979 11.12
DJ Ind Avg 26501.60 28335.57 27347.36 Divs Yield % 3.20 2.96 2.91 Industrial Stocks Barron's 50 Index 8727.13 9118.65 9341 –6.57
Divs $ 27.43 26.43 25.22 Book Book
P/E Ratio 26.21 26.99 20.15 Earns Divs. Value Earns Divs. Value Projected quarterly earn 80.39 53.28 91.39 –12.04
Earns Yield % 3.82 3.70 4.96 Mkt to Book 2.29 2.39 2.34
Earns $ 1011.07 1049.69 1357.38 Book Value $ 374.40 374.40 370.98 Am Exp 4.03 1.72 28.48 Johnson&John 6.36 3.86 22.59 Annualized projected earn 321.57 213.10 365.58 –12.04
Amgen 12.62 6.25 16.36 JPMorgChase 7.65 3.60 75.98
Divs Yield % 2.22 2.08 2.25 S&P 500 Index 3269.96 3465.39 3066.91 Apple 3.28 0.795 20.37 McDonalds 6.31 5.00 (11.00)
Annualized projected P/E 27.14 42.79 25.6 6.22
Divs $ 589.26 589.26 616.46 P/E Ratio 32.95 34.92 22.67 Boeing (7.89) Suspended (15.31) Merck Co 4.52 2.44 10.20 Five-year average earn 394.05 394.05 391.09 0.76
Mkt to Book 3.96 4.24 4.20 Earns Yield % 3.03 2.86 4.41 Caterpillar 6.01 4.12 26.52 Microsoft 6.19 2.04 15.63 Five-year average P/E 22.15 23.14 23.9 –7.27
Book Value $ 6688.86 6688.86 6512.92 Earns $ 99.23 99.23 135.27 Chevron Corp (6.14) 5.06 76.62 Nike Inc 1.67 0.98 5.17
Cisco Sys 2.63 1.41 7.90 Proc Gam 5.23 3.118 18.40 Year-end earn 348.41 348.41 397.70 –12.40
DJ Trans Avg 11106.19 11880.13 10738.81 Divs Yield % 1.75 1.65 1.94
P/E Ratio 0.00 0.00 18.12 Divs $ 57.22 57.18 59.50
Coca Cola 1.92 1.63 4.43 3M Co 8.53 5.85 17.50 Year-end P/E 25.05 26.17 23.5 6.65
Disney Walt (0.62) 1.76 49.90 2.56 0.00 37.95
Earns Yield % 0.00 0.00 5.52 Mkt to Book 3.58 3.79 3.60 Dow (3.17) 2.80 18.26 Travelers Cos 8.75 3.34 101.54 Year-end earns yield, % 3.99 3.82 4.3 –6.24
Earns $ (87.95) (86.24) 592.81 Book Value $ 914.49 914.49 851.62 Goldman Sachs 18.01 5.00 227.62 UnitedHealth Grp 17.41 4.66 60.78 Best grade bond yields, % 1.54 1.54 2.62 –41.22
Divs Yield % 1.37 1.28 1.56 Home Depot 10.91 5.86 (2.89) Verizon 4.41 2.4725 14.84
S&P Ind Index 4621.10 4902.55 4132.10 Honeywell 6.97 3.60 26.01 Visa 4.88 1.20 13.53 Bond yields/stock ylds, % 0.39 0.40 0.62 –37.31
Divs $ 151.82 151.82 167.86 P/E Ratio 38.12 40.44 25.00
Mkt to Book 3.28 3.51 3.31
IBM 8.84 6.50 23.49 Walgreens 0.50 1.84 26.26 Actual year-end divs 223.59 223.54 216.48 3.29
Earns Yield % 2.62 2.47 4.00 Intel 5.10 1.305 18.07 Wal-mart 6.27 2.15 26.36
Book Value $ 3389.19 3389.19 3239.67 Earns $ 121.22 121.22 165.30
Actual yr-end divs yld, % 2.56 2.45 2.32 10.55
Transportation Stocks
DJ Utility Avg 857.77 893.68 867.83 Divs Yield % 1.57 1.47 1.79 Alaska Air Group (5.63) Suspended 35.21 KC Southern 6.05 1.60 45.95
P/E Ratio 21.03 25.61 27.23 Divs $ 72.55 72.07 73.96 American Airlines (13.84) Suspended (0.28) Kirby Corp (3.22) Nil 56.18
Earns Yield % 4.76 3.91 3.67 Mkt to Book 4.89 5.19 4.68 Avis Budget Grp (4.67) Nil 8.86 Landstar Sys 4.55 0.765 18.28 STOCK VOLUME
Earns $ 40.79 34.90 31.87 Book Value $ 944.26 944.26 883.41 C.H. Robinson 3.43 2.04 12.39 Matson Inc 2.05 0.89 18.78
CSX Corp 3.60 1.02 15.32 Norf Southern 7.77 3.76 58.87 Last Prev. Year YOY
Delta Air Lines (16.61) Suspended 23.89 Ryder Sys (3.86) 2.24 46.48 Week Week Ago % Chg
144 FILINGS Expeditors Int'l 3.51 1.02 12.94 Southwest Air (2.79) 0.72 18.94 NYSE(a) 4,885,025 3,996,192 3,885,291 25.73
FedEx 6.77 2.60 69.84 Un Pacific 7.85 3.88 26.19 30 Dow Inds (b) 2,219,488 1,697,967 1,288,476 72.26
Hunt (JB) 4.85 1.07 21.34 UPS 5.26 3.99 3.81 20 Dow Trans (b) 766,789 746,911 294,434 160.43
SEC Form 144 must be filed by holders of restricted securities (also called letter stock) who intend to sell shares. Shares Indi- JetBlue Air (3.03) Nil 17.02 United Airlines (16.45) Nil 45.90 15 Dow Utils (b) 269,147 232,132 223,060 20.66
cated: the number to be sold. Sales Date: the approximate date of the sale. (Sometimes shares aren't sold, even though their owner Utility Stocks 65 Dow Stks (b) 3,255,424 2,677,010 1,805,971 80.26
NYSE American (a) 70,367 65,905 51,035 37.88
has filed a Form144.) Source: Thomson Reuters AES Corp. 0.30 0.5732 4.51 Exelon 2.71 1.51 33.12 Nasdaq(d) 17,069,002 16,959,941 10,073,656 69.44
Am Elec 3.87 2.80 39.73 FirstEnergy 1.24 1.55 12.90 NYSE 15 Most Active
Shares Sale American Water Works 3.52 2.10 33.85 NextEra Energy 1.99 5.45 75.67
Company Sym Indicated $ Value Date Seller Title Average Price 21.25 19.53 16.61 27.93
Atmos Energy 4.87 2.30 48.18 Xcel Energy 2.80 1.695 25.24 % Tot Vol 19.91 21.37 16.60 19.94
Datadog DDOG 390,000 43,820,400 10/19/20 Obstler, David AF Con Ed 3.99 3.01 54.12 Pub Sv Ent 3.42 1.94 29.94 Stock Offerings $(z,v) 11,929,400 r8,256,000 4,900,200 143.45
Dominion Energy 0.74 3.7375 35.33 Sempra Energy 14.53 4.102 60.58
Tenable TENB 160,073 6,532,579 10/12/20 Hammonds, Kim AF Duke Energy 2.81 3.80 61.20 Southn Co. 3.00 2.52 25.03 Daily Stock Volume
Amphenol APH 158,500 18,806,686 10/23/20 Ehrmanntraut, Dietrich AF Edison Int'l 3.11 2.55 36.75
Coupa Software COUP 150,000 46,077,000 10/19/20 Bernshteyn, Robert AF Daily 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30
Revolve Group
Peters, Jeffrey
Mente, Michael
AF Coming U.S. Auctions NYSE(a)
30 Inds (b)
826,627 795,558 1,077,026 1,000,356 1,185,458
407,044.5 372,479.9 499,634.7 434,007.1 506,321.8
Phreesia PHR 94,906 3,443,190 10/22/20 Altier, Thomas AF 20 Trans (b) 174,654.0 143,355.2 173,149.6 131,916.7 143,713.0
Yields (%) 15 Utils (b) 51,063.9 40,832.9 54,915.6 53,373.8 68,961.3
Iridium Communications IRDM 92,069 2,762,070 10/20/20 Desch, Matthew UT Day When Last 65 Stks (b) 632,762.4 556,667.9 727,699.9 619,297.7 718,996.1
Datadog DDOG 89,500 8,855,130 10/23/20 Kopits, Laszlo AF Issued* Auction NYSE Amer(a) 16,366 12,302 14,605 13,184 13,910
Castle Biosciences CSTL 84,000 4,131,120 10/20/20 Maetzold, Derek OE Nasd(d) 3,202,347 3,107,872 3,899,486 3,185,227 3,674,070
M NYSE 15 Most Active
Avg. Price 18.36 17.32 17.09 22.01 22.01
THE WEEK IN STOCKS FOR THE MAJOR INDEXES $54.0 bil 3-month 0.095 0.100 % Tot Vol 19.50 20.69 19.53 23.84 19.87
$51.0 bil 6-month 0.108 0.110 Numbers in thousands save price and percentages. (a) Primary
12-Month Weekly Friday Weekly 12-Month Change From volume. (b) Composite volume. (d) as of 4:10 pm. (r) Revised. (v)
High Low High Low Close Chg. % Chg. Chg. % Chg. 12/31 % Chg. T W/E Thursday. (z) Source: Refinitiv.
Dow Jones Indexes $54.0 bil
29551.42 18591.93 30 Indus 27685.38 26501.60 26501.60 –1833.97 –6.47 –845.76 –3.09 –2036.84 –7.14 1-year 0.125 0.140
11988.83 6703.63 20 Transp 11604.82 10945.62 11106.19 –773.94 –6.51 367.38 3.42 204.91 1.88
960.89 610.89 15 Utilities 891.98 857.77 857.77 –35.91 –4.02 –10.06 –1.16 –21.40 –2.43
* As of Friday afternoon. DISTRIBUTIONS & OFFERINGS
9710.01 6100.31 65 Comp 9389.79 8976.63 8994.36 –581.84 –6.08 –109.05 –1.20 –392.12 –4.18 Secondary Distributions of common stocks
Dow Jones Indexes DELTA MARKET SENTIMENT INDICATOR Absolute Software 6,272,727 $11.00 $68,999,997
36434.12 22462.76 US TSM Float 34918.18 33541.92 33541.92 –2045.98 –5.75 2165.73 6.90 506.54 1.53 Allakos 3,506,098 $82.00 $287,500,036
887.96 547.67 US Market 848.90 815.58 815.58 –49.40 –5.71 54.82 7.21 14.82 1.85 The Delta MSI measures the position of ~1,800 stocks relative to an
935.01 487.28 Internet 900.13 845.51 845.51 –58.85 –6.51 240.51 39.75 217.04 34.53 intermediate-term moving average crossover (MAC) point. When
EQT 20,000,000 $15.50 $310,000,000
New York Stock Exchange greater than 50% of the stocks followed are above this MAC point, the Forte Biosciences 1,403,509 $28.50 $40,000,007
14183.20 8777.38 Comp-z 12936.39 12415.42 12429.28 –770.58 –5.84 –870.99 –6.55 –1483.75 –10.66 market is bullish and equities are attractive. When the indicator is Gaming & Leisure Properties 8,000,000 $36.25 $290,000,000
8908.29 5036.38 Financial-z 7031.11 6702.56 6761.94 –414.68 –5.78 –1619.64 –19.32 –1938.17 –22.28 below 50%, risk is elevated and stock exposures should be reduced. GDS 160,000,000 $80.88$1,669,769,872
Manager uses discretion on asset allocation when MSI is 50% +/- 3%.
19220.29 12991.76 Health Care-z 18764.59 17847.94 17847.94 –1115.79 –5.88 1124.42 6.72 –222.16 –1.23 Mirati Therapeutics 4,960,706 $202.00$1,002,062,612
10251.47 4032.17 Energy-z 5075.13 4776.65 4912.48 –317.99 –6.08 –4723.77 –49.02 –5124.82 –51.06 Last 2 Weeks 3 Weeks
Current Sentiment Week Ago Ago Pacific Ethanol 8,900,493 $8.42 $74,941,769
NYSE American Stock Exchange
Scholar Rock 5,128,205 $39.00 $199,999,777
2626.91 1317.22 NYSE Amer Comp 2002.10 1946.05 1983.71 –52.80 –2.59 –492.75 –19.90 –568.85 –22.29 BULLISH 53.0% 63.5% 69.5%
2852.12 1742.29 Major Mkt 2428.01 2318.41 2326.40 -159.77 –6.43 –372.34 –13.80 –448.30 –16.16 Turning Point Therapeutics 5,287,357 $87.00 $460,000,059
Current Market Exposure: 100% Equities, 0% Bonds, 0% Cash Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical 5,111,110 $90.00 $459,999,900
Standard & Poor's Indexes Source: Delta Investment Management
1675.67 1040.00 100 Index 1569.14 1507.65 1507.65 –89.09 –5.58 144.62 10.61 65.48 4.54, (415) 249-6337 Source: Dealogic LLC, New York City; (212) 577-4400.
3580.84 2237.40 500 Index 3400.97 3269.96 3269.96 –195.43 –5.64 203.05 6.62 39.18 1.21
5107.48 3123.44 Indus 4810.00 4621.10 4621.10 –281.45 –5.74 489.00 11.83 249.48 5.71
2106.12 1218.55 MidCap 1973.88 1895.57 1900.18 –115.47 –5.73 –83.32 –4.20 –162.84 –7.89
1041.03 595.67 SmallCap 913.96 874.84 876.59 –57.13 –6.12 –103.83 –10.59 –144.59 –14.16 U.S. DOLLAR INDEX vs EURO and YEN
Nasdaq Stock Market
12056.44 6860.67 Comp 11431.35 10911.59 10911.59 –636.69 –5.51 2525.19 30.11 1938.99 21.61 Bright Green: The dollar gained against the euro and the pound well
12420.54 6994.29 100 Index 11598.95 11052.95 11052.95 –639.62 –5.47 2891.78 35.43 2319.87 26.56
9421.24 5239.66 Indus 9038.48 8562.37 8562.37 –513.70 –5.66 2024.44 30.96 1754.67 25.77 as the six-currency basket of the U.S. Dollar Index—which rose 1.2% for the week.
10673.14 6343.13 Insur 9087.48 8615.35 8615.35 –686.06 –7.38 –1450.04 –14.41 –1376.59 –13.78 10
4011.98 2136.72 Banks 2902.64 2764.58 2848.13 –97.05 –3.30 –937.91 –24.77 –1120.71 –28.24
8587.40 4608.77 Computer 7976.41 7608.31 7608.31 –449.14 –5.57 2233.78 41.56 1729.31 29.42
457.36 298.17 Telecom 397.12 383.99 388.31 –17.48 –4.31 1.98 0.51 –0.20 –0.05
Russell Indexes s
1989.08 1224.45 1000 1900.42 1825.67 1825.67 –110.60 –5.71 131.87 7.79 41.46 2.32 EURO in $
1705.22 991.16 2000 1605.21 1538.48 1538.48 –102.02 –6.22 –50.85 –3.20 –129.99 –7.79
2089.83 1288.04 3000 2002.74 1923.70 1923.70 –117.19 –5.74 126.93 7.06 31.45 1.66 0
1365.33 838.37 Value-v 1192.36 1142.28 1150.46 –67.11 –5.51 –142.75 –11.04 –197.21 –14.63 s
2350.43 1322.15 Growth-v 2216.26 2108.84 2108.84 –132.10 –5.89 445.12 26.75 338.32 19.11 YEN in $
2472.07 1471.40 MidCap 2396.57 2309.11 2309.11 –138.84 –5.67 25.70 1.13 –72.80 –3.06
6789.54 3854.81 Value Line-a 6570.52 6288.77 6307.36 –420.26 –6.25 –45.07 –0.71 –351.34 –5.28 s
562.05 305.71 Value Line-g 480.64 459.74 460.71 –31.54 –6.41 –70.76 –13.31 –91.48 –16.57 DXY (93.88)
11510.08 6621.12 DJ US Small TSM10808.79 10376.27 10376.27 –672.04 –6.08 –373.29 –3.47 –888.71 –7.89
767.01 455.11 Barron's 400 748.41 719.73 719.73 –42.02 –5.52 22.27 3.19 –12.50 –1.71 -10
High/Low's are based upon the daily closing index. a-Arithmetic Index. G-Geometric Index. V-Value 1000 and Growth 1000 y-Dec.
31,1965=50 z-Dec. 31,2002=5000 Source: Tullett Prebon
M32 BARRON’S November 2, 2020
Market Laboratory
Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week Wkly Ask
Coming Earnings
Top 20 Weekly Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low Maturity Bid Asked Chg. Yld. Day Consensus Year
Estimate Ago
Mining DJUSMG 130.21 + 3.79 33.42 +3.00 [1] +47.67 [7] +34.52 [8] +16.11 147.36 81.60 Nov 03 '20 0.06 0.05 -0.02 0.05
Gold Mining DJUSPM 140.33 + 4.08 37.06 +3.00 [2] +50.17 [6] +35.89 [6] +19.97 159.08 87.77 Nov 05 '20 0.07 0.06 -0.01 0.06 Continued from page 15 of the main section.
Real Estate Services DJUSES 240.56 + 6.35 4.96 +2.71 [3] +14.55 [32] +2.10 [51] +15.04 262.20 152.88 Nov 10 '20 0.06 0.05 -0.02 0.05 Leidos (Q3) 1.23 1.36
Media Agencies DJUSAV 602.46 + 14.56 10.59 +2.48 [4] +5.51 [59] +1.79 [54] +4.39 621.07 347.17 Nov 12 '20 0.07 0.06 .... 0.06 Matson (Q3) 1.39 0.84
Real Estate Investmt & Svcs DJUSRH 505.33 + 11.81 –15.71 +2.39 [5] +8.97 [49] –3.01 [66] +11.27 573.68 320.35 Nov 17 '20 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.07
PayPal (Q3) 0.95 0.61
Marine Transportation DJUSMT 126.34 0 –167.54 0 [6] –52.24 [137] –57.01 [136] –17.94 300.12 112.26 Nov 19 '20 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.07
Basic Resources DJUSBS 194.60 – 1.79 19.72 –.91 [7] +22.62 [22] +11.28 [33] +3.76 199.90 109.84 Nov 24 '20 0.08 0.07 0.01 0.07 Williams (Q3) 0.27 0.18
Mobile Telecom DJUSWC 393.36 – 7.41 –8.75 –1.85 [8] –2.15 [78] –2.18 [62] +8.27 420.17 336.62 Nov 27 '20 0.08 0.07 .... 0.07 Vornado Realty (Q3) 1.43 1.46
Recreational Products DJUSRP 472.16 – 10.40 93.30 –2.15 [9] +29.12 [20] +24.63 [17] +8.77 509.54 216.09 Dec 01 '20 0.08 0.07 .... 0.07 Waste Management (Q3) 1.01 1.19
Bldg Materials & Fixtures DJUSBD 1176.04 – 28.45 126.73 –2.36 [10] +13.17 [36] +12.08 [28] +8.84 1,219.78 646.23 Dec 03 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Dec 08 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08 T
Construction & Materials DJUSCN 879.82 – 21.88 85.69 –2.43 [11] +11.38 [40] +10.79 [35] +7.92 911.76 485.80
Furnishings DJUSFH 298.69 – 8.05 –59.33 –2.62 [12] –19.29 [110] –16.57 [100] –12.51 388.28 151.80 Dec 10 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08 Alleghany (Q3) -0.93 7.61
Multiutilities DJUSMU 217.04 – 6.15 –10.47 –2.76 [13] –5.02 [92] –4.60 [71] +2.92 248.91 154.64 Dec 15 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08 Exelon (Q3) 0.87 0.92
Fixed Line Telecom DJUSFC 123.01 – 3.64 –54.91 –2.88 [14] –29.27 [119] –30.86 [118] –8.17 180.42 120.65 Dec 17 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08 Expeditors Int’l of Wash. (Q3) 0.98 0.92
Heavy Construction DJUSHV 465.52 – 13.93 8.79 –2.90 [15] +.09 [71] +1.92 [53] +2.63 483.49 267.34 Dec 22 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Dec 24 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Fox (Q1) 0.74 0.83
Brewers DJUSDB 710.24 – 24.35 117.45 –3.32 [16] +21.85 [23] +19.81 [23] –5.47 734.60 412.07 Wayfair (Q3) 0.80 -2.23
Personal Products DJUSCM 639.95 – 22.63 31.14 –3.42 [17] +8.30 [51] +5.11 [42] +7.99 680.58 479.71 Dec 29 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Real Estate Holding & Dev DJUSEH 49.28 – 1.76 –51.20 –3.45 [18] –44.12 [128] –50.95 [131] –21.17 102.50 29.67
Dec 31 '20 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08 Zebra Tech (Q3) 2.81 3.43
Jan 07 '21 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Full Line Insurance DJUSIF 30.94 – 1.14 –18.89 –3.56 [19] –37.65 [123] –37.90 [124] –18.19 52.83 19.61
Jan 14 '21 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Publishing DJUSPB 440.69 – 16.40 1.59 –3.59 [20] +5.60 [58] +.36 [55] +12.42 472.95 273.74 American Water Works (Q3) 1.38 1.30
Jan 21 '21 0.09 0.08 .... 0.08
Net Change % Change and Ranking 52 Week Chesapeake Utilites (Q3) 0.49 0.38
Jan 28 '21 0.10 0.09 .... 0.09
Top 20 Yr Ago Ranked IG-Sym Close Wkly YTD Week Rank Yr Ago Rank YTD Rank 3 Yr High Low
Automobiles DJUSAU 512.48 – 39.61 299.72 –7.17 [111] +169.18 [1] +140.87 [1] +31.98 612.05 134.39
Feb 04 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.01 0.09 Expedia Group (Q3) -0.78 3.38
Feb 11 '21 0.09 0.08 -0.01 0.08 Fidelity National Financial (Q3) 1.26 1.10
Automobiles & Parts DJUSAP 625.64 – 48.52 291.87 –7.20 [112] +103.88 [2] +87.44 [2] +19.92 726.70 195.90 Feb 18 '21 0.10 0.09 .... 0.09
Nonferrous Metals DJUSNF 231.95 – 13.64 56.45 –5.56 [65] +71.17 [3] +32.16 [9] +7.55 245.60 71.03 Feb 25 '21 0.10 0.09 .... 0.09 MetLife (Q3) 1.61 1.27
Computer Hardware DJUSCR 5388.73– 315.29 1,551.87 –5.53 [64] +67.15 [4] +40.45 [5] +32.74 6,577.88 2,859.07 Mar 04 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.01 0.09 Public Storage (Q3) 2.59 2.73
Broadline Retailers DJUSRB 3083.76– 163.17 1,063.62 –5.03 [52] +58.98 [5] +52.65 [3] +34.87 3,520.79 1,791.13 Mar 11 '21 0.10 0.09 .... 0.09
Gold Mining DJUSPM 140.33 + 4.08 37.06 +3.00 [2] +50.17 [6] +35.89 [6] +19.97 159.08 87.77
Mar 18 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.01 0.09
Mining DJUSMG 130.21 + 3.79 33.42 +3.00 [1] +47.67 [7] +34.52 [8] +16.11 147.36 81.60 Mar 25 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.02 0.09
Ball (Q3) 0.77 0.70
Delivery Svcs DJUSAF 1347.59– 124.50 401.67 –8.46 [127] +42.14 [8] +42.46 [4] +8.37 1,492.01 666.48 Apr 01 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.02 0.09 Becton, Dickinson (Q4) 2.52 3.31
Technology Hardware & Equip DJUSTQ 2667.00– 159.80 537.72 –5.65 [68] +41.69 [9] +25.25 [15] +22.77 3,051.15 1,580.41 Apr 08 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.02 0.09 Brighthouse (Q3) 2.54 -1.52
Software DJUSSW 3955.96– 290.81 912.26 –6.85 [104] +40.77 [10] +29.97 [11] +29.87 4,446.11 2,522.55 Apr 15 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.02 0.09 Bristol Myers Squibb (Q3) 1.49 1.17
General Retailers DJUSGT 2098.98– 117.71 545.17 –5.31 [60] +38.73 [11] +35.09 [7] +27.27 2,345.51 1,258.95 Apr 22 '21 0.11 0.10 -0.01 0.10 Cigna (Q3) 4.24 4.54
Internet DJUSNS 2470.02– 123.65 547.65 –4.77 [45] +37.32 [12] +28.49 [12] +16.28 2,709.71 1,473.18 Apr 29 '21 0.11 0.10 .... 0.10
Software & Computer Svcs DJUSSV 3705.84– 235.50 787.89 –5.98 [84] +36.38 [13] +27.00 [13] +21.90 4,123.93 2,332.65 May 20 '21 0.10 0.09 .... 0.09 Consolidated Edison (Q3) 1.51 1.54
Retail DJUSRT 1821.14– 103.74 427.74 –5.39 [61] +34.14 [14] +30.70 [10] +24.82 2,022.70 1,135.92 Jun 17 '21 0.10 0.09 -0.01 0.09 Dominion Energy (Q3) 1.00 1.18
Semiconductor DJUSSC 5189.13– 312.05 875.68 –5.67 [69] +32.89 [15] +20.30 [22] +17.34 5,712.00 3,082.27 Jul 15 '21 0.11 0.10 .... 0.10 Duke Energy (Q3) 1.79 1.79
Specialty Retailers DJUSRS 2211.61 – 97.92 466.22 –4.24 [33] +31.80 [16] +26.71 [14] +25.23 2,476.82 1,335.92 Aug 12 '21 0.11 0.10 -0.01 0.10 General Motors (Q3) 1.38 1.72
Toys DJUSTY 1177.48 – 85.78 209.44 –6.79 [102] +29.63 [17] +21.64 [19] +4.85 1,291.14 765.22 Sep 09 '21 0.12 0.11 .... 0.11
Oct 07 '21 0.13 0.12 -0.01 0.12
Incyte (Q3) 0.52 0.59
Footwear DJUSFT 2158.39– 170.77 288.07 –7.33 [114] +29.38 [18] +15.40 [25] +27.35 2,341.92 1,139.98
Regeneron (Q3) 6.97 6.67
Leisure Goods DJUSLE 792.50 – 51.48 142.95 –6.10 [87] +29.31 [19] +22.01 [18] +6.32 863.67 491.25
Recreational Products DJUSRP 472.16 – 10.40 93.30 –2.15 [9] +29.12 [20] +24.63 [17] +8.77 509.54 216.09 Republic Services (Q3) 0.82 0.91
Groups are weighted by capitalization. 52-week highs and lows are based on daily closes. Dec. 31, 1991=100. In the U.S. listings, % vol chg Sempra Energy (Q3) 1.52 1.50
column shows the change from previous 65-day moving average. Volume figures do not reflect extended trading hours. NYSE HALF-HOURLY VOLUME Square (Q3) 0.16 0.25
Daily 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30
Take-Two Interactive (Q2) 1.47 1.93
Initial Most 9:30-10:00 103,193 95,942 148,749 148,276 111,103 Zillow (Q3) 0.12 -0.12
Initial Most
Ticker Offer IPO Recent % Ticker Offer IPO Recent % 10:00-10:30 41,592 43,057 67,566 63,062 52,687 Zoetis (Q3) 0.91 0.94
Code Price Date Price Chg Code Price Date Price Chg 10:30-11:00 44,132 39,225 53,775 56,062 59,796
11:00-11:30 43,750 36,566 46,590 43,352 47,879
Atea Pharmaceuticals AVIR 24.00 10/30 30.34 26.4% Ajax I AJAXU 10.00 10/28 10.08 0.8% CVS Health (Q3) 1.33 1.84
11:30-12:00 33,971 30,718 43,194 37,012 36,441
Bull Horn Holdings BHSEU 10.00 10/30 9.88 -1.2% Mednax (Q3) 0.37 0.91
Atlas Crest Investment ACICU 10.00 10/28 9.93 -0.7% 12:00-12:30 27,698 29,294 40,630 35,904 36,616
CONX CONXU 10.00 10/30 9.92 -0.8% Northern Oil & Gas (Q3) 0.35 0.90
Biodesix BDSX 18.00 10/28 12.43 -30.9% 12:30-1:00 32,126 31,374 34,320 33,443 30,182
Lufax Holding LU 13.50 10/30 12.85 -4.8% The Hersey Co (Q3) 1.73 1.61
Bluescape Opp BOACU 10.00 10/28 9.87 -1.3% 1:00-1:30 30,578 28,340 34,244 29,626 29,148
SQZ Biotechnologies SQZ 16.00 10/30 13.25 -17.2% 1:30-2:00 30,591 26,427 30,455 33,608 36,394 ViacomCBS (Q3) 0.79 0.95
Allegro MicroSystems ALGM 14.00 10/29 18.30 30.7%
Gatos Silver GATO 7.00 10/28 6.70 -4.3% (Earnings are diluted and report dates are tentative. All fore-
2:00-2:30 28,166 26,977 32,828 36,973 41,918
Duddell Street Acqui DSACU 10.00 10/29 9.80 -2.0% Mallard Acquisition MACUU 10.00 10/28 9.95 -0.5% casts and historical numbers exclude extraordinary items by
2:30-3:00 28,871 30,730 41,319 35,762 39,173
MediaAlpha MAX 19.00 10/28 33.83 78.1% accounting definitions.)
Galecto GLTO 15.00 10/29 15.00 0.0% 3:00-3:30 34,784 39,443 47,307 47,843 52,808 Source: FactSet
Leslie's LESL 17.00 10/29 21.97 29.2% Root ROOT 27.00 10/28 23.97 -11.2% 3:30-4:00 347,175 337,466 456,049 399,432 611,313
Absolute Software ABST 11.00 10/28 11.28 2.5% Lux Health Tech Acqui LUXAU 10.00 10/27 10.15 1.5%
Production Exports, (bil. $).............................................................................. 3rd Qtr 2,166.7 1,927.4 2,536.6 –14.58
Imports, (bil. $) ............................................................................. 3rd Qtr 3,177.5 2,702.5 3,486.8 –8.87
Electric power, (mil. kw hrs) (EEI) .................................................. Oct 24 70,046 69,802 68,164 2.76 Inflation
Petroleum, related capacity, % ...................................................... Oct 23 74.6 72.9 87.7 –14.94
Rotary rigs running, U.S. & Can., (Hughes) .................................... Oct 30 382 370 964 –60.37 JOC–ECRI Industrial Price Index f .................................................. Oct 30 96.15 96.89 89.56 7.36
Steel, (thous. tons) ........................................................................ Oct 24 1,542 1,535 1,866 –17.36 Gross domestic product deflator.................................................... 3rd Qtr 3.6 –1.8 1.5 ….
Steel, rated capacity, % (AISI)........................................................ Oct 24 69.7 69.4 80.7 –13.63 Employment
Consumption and Distribution Employment cost index ................................................................. 3rd Qtr 144.3 142.9 141.0 2.34
Consumer spending, (bil. $) .......................................................... Sept 14,578.4 r14,376.9 14,673.2 –0.65 Initial jobless claims (thous.) ........................................................ Oct 24 751 r791 217 246.08
Continuing claims (mil.) ................................................................ Oct 17 7.756 r8.465 1.700 356.24
Durable goods (bil. $) .................................................................... Sept 245.0 r244.3 251.6 –2.62
Instinet Research Redbook Avg. (monthly %) ................................ Oct 24 0.78 –0.04 0.28 …. Construction
Baltic Dry Index ............................................................................. Oct 30 1,283 1,415 1,697 –24.40
New home sales, (thous. units)...................................................... Sept 959 r994 726 32.09 Home Price Index S&P Case–Shiller – Comp. 10 (SA) .................... Aug 241.47 r238.87 230.72 4.66
Personal consumption, (bil. $)....................................................... 3rd Qtr 12,917.3 11,860.3 13,301.3 –2.89 Other Indicators
Inventories Consumer confidence (Conference Board) .................................... Oct 100.9 r101.3 126.1 –19.98
Citi Research Panic–Euphoria Reading .......................................... Oct 30 0.77 r0.73 0.00 ….
Domestic crude oil, (thous. bbls) Comm. (Excl. Lease Stck) ........... Oct 23 492,427 488,107 438,853 12.21 a-1997 equals 100. b-1982-84 equals 100. c-1982 equals 100. f-1996 equals 100. h-benchmark revision, 2016 equals 100. r-Revised.
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M33
Market Laboratory
Weekly Comp. NYSE NYSE Amer Nasdaq Biodesix Galecto LongevityAcqnWt SpruceBio AziyoBiologics FoghornTherap Lizhi SundialGrowers CooperT&R MaxLinear Snap WescoPfdA
BioLifeSols Genasys LuxHlthTech StaarSurgical BaudaxBio ForumMergerIII LoopIndustries SunesisPharm CoreLogic MediaAlpha SOQUIMICH Zendesk
New Highs 83 7 129 BioLineRX GeoVaxLabsWt MallardAcqn StitchFix BCTG Acqn ForumMergerIIIWt LuxHlthTech TargetHosp Cummins MedleyCapNts23 SolarWinds
New Lows 181 8 223 BlueknightEnPtrsA GlbX ThemGrwth MarketAxess StokeTherap BellicumPharm FSDPharma MalaccaStraitsAcqn Teligent NEW LOWS
BlueprintMed GlbXCleanTech MatchGroup Tantech BenitecBiopharm FTAC Olympus MallardAcqn The9 AEA-Bridges CypressEnvl HollyFrontier RivernorthOppsRt
BowXAcqnWt GlbXDataCtr MeritMedical TekkorpDigital BioCardia FTACOlympusWt MarkerTherap Thryv AberdStdGlbInfr D8 A HorizonAcqn SFL
DHI Group
SQZ Biotech
Effective 10/27 in the DJUA, Atmos Energy Cerence GreencityAcqn MoneyGram TurmericAcqn BiondVaxPharm GileadSciences Metacrine TurmericAcqn AjaxI DPCM Capital IonAcqn1 A ScorpioTankers
CFFinanceAcqnII GuardantHealth MontesArchimedes UltragenyxPharm BowXAcqnA GlbXCleanTech MetenEdtechX TWC Tech II AltimarAcqn DiamondSShip IntercorpFinSvcs SocialCapHedIII
(ATO) replaced CenterPoint Energy (CNP) and CFFinanceIIWt HelixAcqn Morningstar UnitedTherap BowXAcqnWt GlbXDataCtr MingZhuLogistics TymeTechs ApolloStratGr DouglasEmmett IntlSeaways SocialCapHedWt
Xcel Energy (XEL) replaced NiSource (NI). The Clarus
DragoneerGrwA JawsAcqnA
DragoneerGrwWt KilroyRealty
index changes were prompted by NextEra CognizantTech IdexxLab O2MicroIntl VirtusInvtPtrs BurgundyTechA GoHealth NBT Bancorp UTStarcom Asana Embraer MinisoGroup SpartanEnergy
Conx Immunovant OceanFirstPfdA WD-40 CapitalaFinance GoodWksAcqn Neovasc VastaPlatform AscendantDigA EmpireStateRealty Mack-Cali StrPeakEnerA
Energy’s (NEE) decision to split its stock 4:1. CorsairGaming Inphi OFSCapNts2023 WisdTrChinaxSOE CastorMaritime GoresHoldingsV NeuroBoPharm VectorAcqn AscendantDigWt EquityCommnwlth MediaAlpha StrPeakEnerWt
Cowen IPG Photonics OptimizeRx Xilinx CatabasisPharm GoresV Wt NextGenAcqn VEON AshfordHosp EquityDistribution MicroFocus SupernovaPtrs
Crocs iShMSCIChina PAVmedWt XTL Biopharm Celsion GreenwichLife OLB Group VertexEnergy AspirationalCns EquityResdntl NOW TPGPaceBenFin
As a result, the divisor for the DJUA changed CymaBayTherap JamesRiver PhioPharmWt YellowstoneAcqn CerevelTherap HallofFameResort OncternalTherap VesperHlthcrAcqn AtlStreetAcqn Euronav NatlOilwell TPGPaceTechOpps
DenaliTherap JFrog PingtanMarineEnt YintechInvt CF Finance HallofFameWt OpiantPharm Vitru AtlasCrestInvt ExecutiveNtwk NavSight TailwindAcqn
to 1.2968526117131 from 1.4136679751566 DuddellStreet CF Finance II HappinessBiotech OptheaADR ViveveMedical AuroraCannabis Express NewYorkCityReit TailwindAcqnA
and the DJCA changed to 0.77382380748747 NEW LOWS CFFinanceAcqnII HarborCustom Optinose VPC Impact AvantiAcqn FG NewAmerica NY CmntyBcp TailwindAcqnWt
1347 Property CogentComm HolicityA ProQR Therap CFFinanceIIWt HaynesIntl Orphazyme Vroom BEST FTI Consulting NorthernGenesis Teekay
from 0.78492070186714. AbraxisPetrol comScore HolicityWt Psychemedics Check-Cap HealthcareMerger PandionTherap WalgreensBoots BP FirstMarkHorizon NorthernGenesisAcqnWt TeekayTankers
AcastiPharma ConsldWater HothTherap PyxisTankersPfdA CHF Solutions HealthStream PhaseBioPharm WarnerMusic BP Prudhoe Fisker NorthwestNat TelecomArgentina
AceConvergence Conx HudsonExecA PyxisTankersWt Chindata HemisphereMedia PhibroAnimal X4 Pharm BancoMacro FoleyTrasimeneA OaktreeAcqnII TelefonicaBras
NYSE AMER AceConvWt CorbusPharm IG Acqn Q&K Intl CMLifeSciWt HighCapeCap PredictiveOncology ZosanoPharma BluescapeOpps FoleyTrasimeneWt OccidentalPetrol Telefonica
AciesAcqn Creatd ImmaticsWt QellAcqn CodiakBioSci HighPeakEner Progenity BoqiiHolding FoleyTrasimII Omnicom Tenaris
NEW HIGHS AconS2Acqn CSX-LinksCrudeOil Immunome Reading A BostonProps FoleyTras II A oneA Thermon
AcmeUnited EllomayCapital PTK Acqn Zedge AcutusMedical CumberlandPharm InsuAcqnII RechargeAcqn NYSE CCNeubergerII FoleyTrasII Wt PBF Energy TidewaterWtB
Ampco-PittsWt 1847Goedeker UnvlSecInstr AdvantageSolns CuriosityStream IntecPharma RecroPharma CCNeubergerIIWt FomentoEconMex PHX Minerals TidewaterWtA
NEW LOWS AdvantageSolnsWt CyclacelPharm Intel RockwellMedical NEW HIGHS CVR Energy FortressValueII PanaceaAcqnWt Tim
Ashford NorthernOil&Gas RingEnergy Senseonics AEternaZentaris DBV Tech InterceptPharm Root AjaxI Danaher Moelis SouthernNts2020C CaliforniaRscs FortressValueII ParamountGroup TortoiseAcqnII
ChardanHlthcr2Wt PTK Acqn SachemNts2025 TalosEnergyWt AkebiaTherap DeerfieldWt InVivoTherap RothCHAcqnIWt Alibaba DanaherPfdA MorganStanleyPfdA SoCopper Capstar FortressValueIIWt PeabodyEnergy Transocean
Akerna DuddellStreet InvscBS2030CorpBd RoyaltyPharma Amrep dMY Tech II NIO St.Joe CapstarSpacA Frank'sIntl PA Reit TrebiaAcquisition
NASDAQ Alector Dynatronics InvscNasd100 RuhnnHolding AtlasCrestInvt dMYTechII Wt Natuzzi SupernovaPtrs Cato Frontline PeridotAcqn Unitil
AllegroMicro E.MergeTechA InvscNasdNext100 SagaComm BankofAmPfdE DolbyLab NuvMN QualMuni Systemax CerberusTele GEO Group PermianBasin US BancorpPfdL
NEW HIGHS AmerantBancorpA E.MergeTechWt iShESGAdvMSCIEM SarissaCap Bio-RadLab A Endava PJT Partners TailwindAcqnA ChurchillCapIVWt GoAcqnA PermianvilleRT UnivInsurance
AcadiaHealthcare DuluthHoldings KBLMergerIV PraxisPrecision ANI Pham EastRscsAcqnWt iShMSCITurkeyETF SatsumaPharm Bio-RadLab B ExtraSpaceSt Penumbra TailwindAcqnWt ChurchillCapIV GoAcqnWt PetroChina VG Acqn
AciesAcqn Dunkin' KerosTherap Pro-Dex ArcLightClean EastStoneAcqn IterumTherap SCWorx Bitauto GabelliMultiPfdG Pinterest ThermoFisherSci CityOfficeREIT GS Acqn II Wt PhoenixTree Verso
AlbertonAcqnWt DZS KismetAcqnOne ProvidenceService ArteloBiosci EchoStar JaguarHealth SeaChange BlkRkMuniyldAZ II GatosSilver PitneyBowes TraneTech ClimateChgI GTT Comm PiedmontOfficeA VyGlblGrowth
AlignTech EchoGlobalLog KodiakSciences PyxisTankersWt ArtiusAcqn EntasisTherap JamfHolding ShiftPixy BluescapeOpps Generac PublicStorage Tupperware Coca-Cola Femsa GasLog PrimeImpactI WashingtonREIT
AllegroMicro ErieIndemnity A LatticeSemi R1RCM ArtiusAcqnA Evolus KiromicBiopharma ShiftTech BrookfieldFinNts HIG Acqn QuantaServices TurningPoint C&STaxAdvPfd GatosSilver PrincipalRealEst WellsFargo
Amedisys EucratesBio Leslie's Repligen ArtiusAcqnWt EyePointPharm KismetAcqnOne SilenceTherap Bunge HancockIncmSecs RiceAcqn Twitter CohnRobbins GenesisHealthcare PrudentialNts2060 WellsFargoPfdAA
AmicusTherap ExactSciences LifeSciAcqn Root Arvinas FalconCapAcqn LandcadiaIII SoftwareII Wt CaliforniaRscs HavertyFurn Rollins TylerTech ColonnadeAcqn GreatAjaxNts24 PublicStoragePfdN Westwood
ArenaPharm FirstMidBncpPfdC LifeSciAcqnUn ScholarRock ARYASciencesAcqIII Fanhua LefterisAcqn SonimTech Chegg HoulihanLokey RoyceGlbValueTr USCellularNts2069 ColonnadeAcqnA HPX A RaMedicalSys Wiley A
AscendisPharma FirstSolar LifetimeBrands ShattuckLabs Astronics FarmerBros Leslie's StarboardValue ChinaFund IonAcqn1 A SQZ Biotech UnitySoftware CerveceriasUnid HPX Wt ReinventTechPtrs WorldFuelSvcs
AteaPharm Five9 LionheartAcqnII SiyataMobile AteaPharm FedNat LexiconPharm StateAutoFin C&STaxAdvPfd LabCpAm SanJuanBasin VertivUn CoreCivic HawaiianElec Revlon YucaipaAcqnA
AvidTechnology Flexsteel LiveOakBcshs SiyataMobileWt AvenueTherap FinTechAcqnIV LimelightNetworks StrategicEd ColgatePalm LiveRamp Shutterstock VoceraComm CorEnergyInfr HighPointRscs RiverNorthDoublPfd YucaipaAcqnWt
BeamTherap FreedomHolding LongevityAcqnUn SoftwareII A Avinger FirstCash LiminalBioSci SumoLogic CiaSiderurgica Matson SilvergateCapital WattsWater Credicorp
Market Laboratory
Latest Prev. Yr Ago Readings in the CBOE equity put-call ratio of 60:100 Friday, October 30, 2020 Foreign Foreign U.S. $ in U.S. $ in
Week Week and in the S&P 100 of 125:100 are considered bullish, The New York foreign exchange mid-range rates are quoted at 5 Currency Currency Foreign Foreign
p.m. Eastern time by Tullett Prebon. Retail transactions pro- in U.S.$ in U.S.$ Currency Currency
Discount Rate (NY) 0.25 0.25 2.25 for instance. Bearish signals flash when the equity Country Fri. Last Fri. Fri. Last Fri.
put-call level reaches the vicinity of 30:100 and the vide fewer units of foreign currency per dollar.
Prime Rate (base) 3.25 3.25 4.75 index ratio hits 75:100. Foreign Foreign U.S. $ in U.S. $ in South Korea (Won) .0008798 .0008862 1136.62 1128.45
Currency Currency Foreign Foreign
Fed Funds Rate in U.S.$ in U.S.$ Currency Currency Sri Lanka (Rupee) .0054 .0054 184.3000 184.2700
Avg effective offer 0.09 0.09 1.59 S&P 100 CBOE Country Fri. Last Fri. Fri. Last Fri. Sweden (Krona) .1123 .1143 8.9015 8.7483
Avg weekly auction-c 0.09 0.09 1.85 Switzerland (Franc) 1.0908 1.1061 .9168 .9041
4.90 1.15 Argentina (Peso)-y .0128 .0128 78.3325 78.1379 Taiwan (Dollar) .03497 .03492 28.599 28.633
T-Bills Rate CBOE Australia (Dollar) .7028 .7137 1.4229 1.4011
s Thailand (Baht) .03211 .03192 31.140 31.330
13 weeks, Coupon Yield 0.101 0.101 1.654 Bahrain (Dinar) 2.6520 2.6522 .3771 .3771 Turkey (New Lira)-d .1198 .1256 8.3465 7.9640
13 weeks, Auction Rate 0.100 0.100 1.620 4.00 1.00 Brazil (Real) .1741 .1779 5.7444 5.6197 .0350 .0353 28.5500 28.3500
Ukraine (Hryvnia)
26 weeks, Coupon Yield 0.112 0.117 1.650 Bulgaria (Lev) .5958 .6065 1.6785 1.6489 U.K. (Pound) 1.2950 1.3042 .7722 .7668
26 weeks, Auction Rate 0.110 0.115 1.610 Canada (Dollar) .7507 .7618 1.3320 1.3126 Uruguay (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… ..
Avg weekly auction-c 0.10 0.11 1.63 Chile (Peso) .001293 .001289 773.30 775.70 Financial .02324 .02343 43.030 42.675
3.10 0.85 .1494 .1495 6.6927 6.6868 ----
Broker Call Rate China (Renminbi)
2.00 2.00 3.50 S&P 100 Euro 1.1646 1.1861 .8586 .8431
s Colombia (Peso) .0002584 .0002639 3870.35 3789.50
Bankers Acceptances Croatia (Kuna) .1537917 .1565264 6.50 6.39 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) are based on exchange rates for the U.S.,
1 month 0.12 0.12 1.85 2.20 0.70 Czech. Rep. (Koruna) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… .. British, and Japanese currencies. Source: International Monetary Fund.
a-Russian Central Bank rate. b-government rate. d-rebased as of Jan. 1,
2 months 0.15 0.15 1.85 Commercial rate .04276 .04358 23.386 22.946 2005. y-floating rate.
3 months 0.18 0.18 1.95 Denmark (Krone) .1564 .1594 6.3924 6.2740
6 months 0.20 0.20 1.93 1.30 0.55 EcuadorUS Dollar 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Egypt (Pound)-y .0637 .0636 15.7008 15.7111
Euro Libor Rate Hong Kong (Dollar) .1290 .1290 7.7523 7.7502
1 month -0.562 -0.565 -0.513 Hungary (Forint) .003178 .003248 314.62 307.92
3 months -0.530 -0.527 -0.441
0.40 0.40
N D J F M A M J J A S O Iceland (Krona) .007089 .007201 141.07 138.86 ARMS INDEX
6 months -0.523 -0.508 -0.409 India (Rupee) .01341 .01354 74.544 73.839
12 months -0.474 -0.459 -0.309 Source: CBOE
Indonesia (Rupiah) .0000684 .0000682 14625 14660
The Arms index, also known as the short term trading index, is a number
Israel (Shekel) .2935 .2962 3.4069 3.3764
Libor Interbank Rate derived by dividing one quotient into another quotient. The numerator in
Japan (Yen) .009554 .009548 104.67 104.73
1 month 0.14 0.16 1.77 the index is the number of advancing stocks divided by the number of
3 months 0.22 0.22 1.89 INVESTOR SENTIMENT READINGS Kazakhstan (Tenge) .002310 .002337 432.88 427.89
declining stocks. As of 3/14/11, the denominator in the index is now the
Kuwait (Dinar) 3.2724 3.2730 .3056 .3055
6 months 0.24 0.25 1.90 High bullish readings in the Consensus stock index or in the .1252 .1252 7.9900 7.9885 compositevolumeofadvancingstocksdividedbythecompositevolumeof
Macau (Pataca)
12 months 0.33 0.34 1.93 Market Vane stock index usually are signs of Market tops; low Malaysia (Ringgit)-b .2408 .2405 4.1535 4.1575 declining stocks.
Foreign Prime Rates ones, market bottoms. Mexico (Peso) …… .. …… .. …… .. …… .. Daily 10/26 10/27 10/28 10/29 10/30
Last 2 Weeks 3 Weeks
Canada 2.45 2.45 3.95 Floating rate .0472 .0479 21.1918 20.8643
Week Ago Ago
Germany 0.00 0.00 0.00 New Zealand (Dollar) .6613 .6695 1.5122 1.4937 NYSE 1.45 1.09 .69 .81 .90
Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 Consensus Index Norway (Krone) .1048 .1083 9.5415 9.2369 NYSE American .18 .55 .85 .34 .65
Switzerland 0.00 0.00 0.50 Consensus Bullish Sentiment 67% 68% 65% Oman (Rial) 2.5974 2.5974 .3850 .3850 Nasdaq .55 .68 .42 .98 .81
Britain 0.10 0.10 0.75 Pakistan (Rupee) .00623 .00619 160.450 161.550
Source: Consensus Inc., P.O. Box 520526,Independence, Mo.
Historical data available at (816) 373-3700. [email protected] Philippines (Peso) .02059 .02066 48.560 48.409
Other Money Rates Poland (Zloty) .2529 .2596 3.9544 3.8519
Fannie Mae Home Loan: AAII Index Qatar (Rial) .2746 .2746 3.6410 3.6413 BARRON'S GOLD MINING INDEX
30-Year Fixed Conv 1.92 1.95 3.17 Bullish 35.3% 35.8% 34.8% Russia (Ruble)-a .01259 .01312 79.406 76.217
Bearish 35.3 33.0 35.7 12-Month Year Week %
Bank money market-z 0.10 0.10 0.22 Saudi Arabia (Riyal) .2666 .2666 3.7506 3.7506
Interest Checking-z 0.05 0.05 0.07 Neutral 29.4 31.2 29.5 High Low 10/29 10/22 Ago Chg.
Singapore (Dollar) .7320 .7364 1.3662 1.3580
6-Month Certif-z 0.18 0.18 0.55 Source: American Association of Individual Investors, South Africa (Rand) .0615 .0617 16.2496 16.2012 923.32 391.56 Gold mining 807.85 862.06 524.16 –6.29
12-Month Certif-z 0.25 0.25 0.78 625 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611 (312) 280-0170.
30 Month Accounts-z 0.25 0.25 0.84 Market Vane
5-Year Certificates-z 0.41 0.42 1.13 Bullish Consensus 44% 47% 50%
Source: Market Vane, P.O. Box 90490,
Long-Term (5yrs+) 0.10 0.10 0.10 Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 395-7436. Year
Prev. Year
c-Annualized yields, adjusted for constant maturity, reported by TIM Group Market Sentiment Handy & Harman 10/30 10/23 Ago
Member Bank Latest Week Ago
the Federal Reserve on a weekly average basis. Indicator 46.3% 49.7% 42.7% Gold, troy ounce 1881.85 1903.65 1508.80
Reserve Chgs. (Mil. $) Week Change Change
Sources: Tullett Prebon information, Ltd. Source: TIM Group, 3 Columbus Circle, Suite 1592 Silver, troy ounce 23.55 24.58 18.08
Factset. One week ended Oct 28:
New York, NY 10019 (844) 207-1445. [email protected] Base for pricing gold and silver contents of shipments and for
making refining settlement.
U.S. Gov't securities: Price Premium Premium
Bought outright 6,547,389 + 13,939 +2,934,591 Coins $ %
Federal agency secur: Krugerrand 1956.14 75.24 4.00
Last Prev. Yr Ago Last Prev. Yr Ago Bought outright 2,347 .... .... Maple Leaf 1974.95 94.05 5.00
Week Week Week Week Week Week Mexican Peso 2275.80 8.00 0.35
Reserve bank credit: Austria Crown 1846.66 3.00 0.16
New Offerings, (mil $) (v) Bond Buyer 20 Bond Index (Index of yields of 20 Primary Credit 2,656 -148 + 2,643 Austria Phil 1974.95 94.05 5.00
Corporate (z) 9,410 r30,951 18,387 general obligation municipal bonds.) U.S. Eagles 1974.95 94.05 5.00
Secondary Credit .... .... ....
Municipal (z) 12,957 r19,551 9,169 2.34 2.37
2.79 Premium is the amount over the value of the gold content in the
Seasonal Credit 4 -5 -38
Best Grade Bonds-y (Barron's index of 10 high-grade Bond Buyer Municipal Bond Index (Index of 40 coin. Source Manfra, Tordella & Brookes, Inc.
Float -256 -37 -7 Bullion spot gold price 1880.90
corporate bonds.) actively-traded tax-exempt bonds; component issues are
Other F.R. Assets 40,023 + 1,033 + 12,524
1.54 1.54 2.62 changed regularly to keep the index a current picture of the
market. Source: The Bond Buyer Total Fed Credit # 7,124,894 + 14,029 +3,158,955
Interm-Grade Bonds-y (Barron's index of 10 GOLD PERFORMANCE
medium-grade corporate bonds.) 3.62 3.63 3.61 Gold stock 11,041 .... ....
3.16 3.02 3.46 Stock/Bond Yield Gap-s (Difference between yield on SDR Certif. Accounts 5,200 .... .... Casting Off: Investors left their glitter-
highest-grade corporate bonds and yield on stocks on the DJIA.) Treas. Curr. Outst. 50,467 + 14 + 447 ing haven, reducing gold’s price 1.1%
Confidence Index (High-grade index divided by inter-
mediate-grade index; decline in latter vs. former generally +.68 +.54 –.37 Total 7,213,321 + 14,161 +3,160,484
on the week, to $1,882 an ounce.
indicates rising confidence, pointing to higher stocks.) Yield on DJ Equal Weight US Corp Bond Idx: Currency in circ 2,042,923 + 829 + 266,884
48.7 50.9 75.5 Treas. Cash Hldgs 43 + 4 -149 90
Corp Bonds, (y) 2.23 2.23 2.84
Other Confidence Indicators: Treas. Fed Deposits 1,680,933 -43,859 +1,291,061
v-Week ended Thursday. y-Yield to maturity, week ended Thursday. 75
z-Source: Refinitiv.*Barclays T-Bond Index discontinued by firm. Foreign Fed Deposits 21,249 + 1,215 + 16,062
Barron's Gold Mining Index (807.85)
Bloomberg Barclays US Long Treasury*(This Other Fed Deposits 229,996 + 32,011 + 163,744 60
index measures the performance of fixed-rate, nominal US
Treasuries with at least 10 years to maturity. Jan. 1, 1973=100.) MONEY SUPPLY Other FR liab/cap 48,505 -1,896 + 3,627
4724.24 4711.90 4112.04 Total factors 4,332,541 -6,139 +1,763,406
Money Supply (Bil. $) Latest Prev. Yr. Ago YOY % Chg Reserves F.R. banks 2,880,781 + 20,301 +1,397,079 30
Bloomberg Barclays US Credit (This index Week ended October 19
includes all publicly issued, fixed-rate, non-convertible, invest- M1 (seas. adjusted) 5,545.5 r5,603.6 3,944.6 40.58 Fgn hold U.S. debt 3,394,941 -7,848 -26,720 15
ment-grade, dollar-denominated, SEC-registered corporate M1 (not adjusted) s
5,482.1 r5,368.2 3,914.2 40.06 Handy & Harman Gold Price
debt. All issues have at least one year to maturity and outstand- M2 (seas. adjusted) 18,815.2 r18,795.4 15,205.2 23.74 Reserve Aggr (Mil. $ sa) Latest Prev. Month % Year 0
M2 (not adjusted) 18,797.4 r18,734.6 15,157.4 24.01
ing par value of at least $250 million. Jan. 1, 1973=0.) (v) Month ended September
Month Ended September: Month Month Chg. Ago
3289.39 3287.04 3073.39 M1 Mult. Replacement (St. Louis Fed) r1.113 1.125 1.218 -8.62 Total Reserves: 2,852,800 2,799,700 1.90 1,504,800
Ryan Labs Treasury Index (Index of total return from Monthly Money Supply Nonborrowed Res 2,774,400 2,716,600 2.13 1,504,700 -30
active Treasury notes and bonds. Dec. 31, 1996=100.) Month ended September Borrowed Reserves 78,387 83,126 -5.70 102 N D J F M A M J J A S O
M1 (seas. adjusted) r5,502.2 r5,390.8 3,902.9 40.98
329.73 328.94 303.04 M2 (seas. adjusted) 18,647.9 r18,403.5 15,028.4 24.08 Monetary Base 4,880,400 4,807,400 1.52 3,202,700
November 2, 2020 BARRON’S M35
Market Laboratory
Record Ex-Dividend Payment
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date This list includes payouts on common stocks. This list includes payouts on common stocks.
Rollins Inc-ROL (NYSE)......................................................................... 3-for-2 11-10 12-11 12-10
Tempur Sealy-TPX (NYSE) ................................................................... 4-for-1 11-10 11-24 11-23 NYSE NYSE
Monday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Eaton Corp. PLC .73 Sunday
Energy Transfer .153
SPECIAL DIVIDENDS (November 2) (November 3) (November 6)
(November 3)
First Commonwealth .11
(November 8)
Brown & Brown .093 NONE
Record Ex-Dividend Payment ABM Industries .185 NONE Ennis .225 Clorox 1.11
FirstEnergy .39
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Amount Date Date Date Medifast 1.13 Employers Holdings .25
Lamb Weston Holdings .23 Monday
Acuity Brands .13 Wednesday Magellan Midstream 1.028 (November 9)
AMERISAFE-AMSF (Nasdaq) ............................................................... 3.50 11-11 11-09 11-18 AT & T .52 nVent Electric .175 Wednesday Moelis .382 American Water Works .55
(November 4)
Capitol Federal Finl-CFFN (Nasdaq) .................................................... 0.13 11-20 11-19 12-04 Boise Cascade 1.60 Owens Corning .24 (November 4) MPLX .688 Fresh Del Monte Produce.10
AZZ .17
Diamond Hill Investment-DHIL (Nasdaq)........................................... 12.00 11-25 11-24 12-04 Bristol Myers Squibb .45 Pentair PLC .19 Affiliated Managers .01 NGL Energy Partners .10 Gerdau ADR .02
Marine Products-MPX (NYSE)............................................................. 0.04 11-10 11-09 12-10 Graco Inc .175 Armstrong Wrld Ind .21 Norfolk Southern .94 Graham Corp .11
PerkinElmer .07
Campbell Soup .35 Banco Bradesco Ord .003 Greenbrier Cos .27
Schneider National-SNDR (NYSE)...................................................... 2.00 11-09 11-06 11-19 Lowe's Cos .60 NuSTAR Energy .40
Thor Industries .41 Hess Midstream .442
CVS Health .50 NY Community Bancorp .17 Hanesbrands .15
Luxfer Holdings .125 USA Compression .525 IDACORP .71 Pfizer .38 IBM 1.63
Darden Restaurants .30
DIVIDEND PAYMENT REDUCTIONS SM Energy .01 WPP ADR .659 Materion .115 Sunoco .826 Invitation Homes .15
Dillard's .15 Xylem .26
Adjusted % Record Ex-Div Payment
General Mills .51
Thursday Saturday Wells Fargo .10 Marine Products .08
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Yield Period To From Decrease Date Date Date Thursday Friday Marine Products .04
Energy Transfer-ET (NYSE) ................................ 24.2 Q .1525 .305 -50.0 % 11-06 11-05 11-19 Glatfelter .135 (November 5) (November 7)
(November 5) MSC Industrial Direct .75
(November 6)
Kontoor Brands-KTB (NYSE) .............................. 4.9 Q .40 .56 -28.6 % 12-10 12-09 12-18 Universal Corp .77 Costamare .10 NONE Banco Sant Brasil ADR .048
Banco Latinamer .25
Mueller Water Products .055
Olin Corp .20
NGL Energy Partners-NGL (NYSE) ..................... 33.6 Q .10 .20 -50.0 % 11-06 11-05 11-13 Verizon Comm .627 Graham Holdings 1.45
Sunday BP ADR .315
Comfort Systems USA .11
Brinks .15 Penske Automotive .42
Waddell & Reed Financial.25 Park Aerospace .10
(November 8) CIT Group .35
Global Partners .50
PPG Industries .54
DIVIDEND PAYMENT BOOSTS Wolverine World Wide .10 PNC Fincl Svcs 1.15
NONE CMS Energy .407
OneMain Holdings .45
Rollins Inc .053
Systemax .14
Adjusted % Record Ex-Div Payment Concho Resources .20 Sonoco Products .43
WW Grainger 1.53
Company Name-Ticker Symbol (Exchange) Yield Period To From Increase Date Date Date NASDAQ Constellation Brands A .75 Southern Copper .50
Agnico-Eagle Mines-AEM (NYSE) ......................... 1.8 Q .35 .20 75.0 % 11-25 11-24 12-15 Constellation Brands B .68 Saturday Standex Intl .24
Altabancorp-ALTA (NCM )....................................... 2.6 Q .15 .13 15.4 11-09 11-06 11-16 Monday Wednesday Coca-Cola Consolidated .25 Crestwood Equity .625 (November 7) Webster Financial .40
Apartment Inv & Mgmnt-AIV (NYSE)..................... 5.2 Q .82 .41 100.0 11-04 11-03 11-30 (November 4) Union Bankshares .32 Delek Logistics Prtnrs .905 NONE West Pharmaceutical .17
(November 2)
Apollo Global Mgmt A-APO (NYSE)....................... 6.2 Q .51 .49 4.1 11-20 11-19 11-30 First United .13 NONE Saturday NASDAQ
Arrow Financial-AROW (Nasdaq) ........................... 3.7 Q .26 .245075 6.1 12-02 12-01 12-15
Artisan Ptrs Asset Mgmt-APAM (NYSE) ............... 7.0 Q .83 .67 23.9 11-16 11-13 11-30 Norwood Financial .25 Thursday (November 7)
Tuesday Hawkins .233 Southern Natl Bncp of VA.10
Heidrick & Struggles Intl.15 WVS Financial .10
BancorpSouth Bank-BXS (NYSE) ......................... 3.3 Q .19 .185 2.7 12-15 12-14 1-04 Waterstone Fincl .12 (November 5) NONE (November 3)
Black Hills-BKH (NYSE) ........................................... 4.0 Q .565 .535 5.6 11-17 11-16 12-01 Tuesday Lakeland Financial .30 Sunday American River Banksh .07
Heritage Commerce .13 Saturday
HomeStreet .15
Blackstone Group-BX (NYSE)................................ 3.7 Q .54 .37 45.9 11-09 11-06 11-16 Heritage Financial .20 (November 7)
Calavo Growers-CVGW (Nasdaq) ........................... 1.7 A 1.15 1.10 4.5 11-13 11-12 12-04 (November 3) Friday (November 8) MetroCity Bankshares .09
Independent Bank Group .30
Intel .33
Cheniere Energy Ptnr-CQP (NYSE AMER ) ............ 7.1 Q .65 .645 0.8 11-06 11-05 11-13 NONE (November 6) NONE PCB Bancorp .10
JB Hunt Transport .27 Sunday
Churchill Downs-CHDN (Nasdaq)........................... 0.4 A .622 .581 7.1 12-04 12-03 1-06 CMC Materials .44 VSE .09
Luther Burbank .058 (November 8)
Cognex-CGNX (Nasdaq) ........................................... 0.4 Q .06 .055 9.1 11-13 11-12 11-27 Wednesday Martin Midstream .005 NONE
Comfort Systems USA-FIX (NYSE) ....................... 1.0 Q .11 .105 4.8 11-09 11-06 11-20 NYSE American
Community West Bancshares-CWBC (Nasdaq).. 2.5 Q .05 .045 11.1 11-13 11-12 11-30
(November 4) Nexstar Media Cl A .56 Monday
Cowen Cl A-COWN (Nasdaq) ................................... 1.0 Q .08 .04 100.0 12-01 11-30 12-15 Monday Wednesday Friday Franklin Electric .155 OP Bancorp .07
(November 9)
(November 6) NONE Independent Bank Mich .20 Pacific Premier Bancorp .28
(November 2) (November 4) 1st Constitution Bancorp .09
CRA International-CRAI (Nasdaq).......................... 2.5 Q .26 .23 13.0 11-24 11-23 12-11 Lake Shore Bancorp .13 Pinnacle Finl Partners .16
CTO Realty Growth-CTO (NYSE AMER )................. 4.3 Q 1.00 .40 150.0 11-16 11-13 11-30 National Healthcare .52 NONE Saturday Northwest Bancshares .19 Richardson Electronics .06
American Elec Power .74
Cullen/Frost Bankers-CFR (NYSE)........................ 4.1 Q .72 .71 1.4 11-30 11-27 12-15 Tuesday Thursday (November 7) NONE
S & T Bancorp .28 Sirius XM Holdings .015
CapStar Finl Hldgs .05
Delek Logistics Partners-DKL (NYSE).................. 13.5 Q .905 .90 0.6 11-06 11-05 11-12 (November 3) (November 5) Sunday Veritex Holdings .17 Washington Federal .22
Enterprise Bancorp .175
NONE NONE (November 8) NONE First Bancshares .12
Dorchester Minerals-DMLP (Nasdaq) ................... 13.8 Q .325612 .226318 43.9 11-02 10-30 11-12 WSFS Financial .12
Friday German American Banc .19
DTE Energy-DTE (NYSE) ......................................... 3.6 Q 1.085 1.0125 7.2 12-21 12-18 1-15 Thursday (November 6) Home BancShares .14
Duke Realty-DRE (NYSE)......................................... 2.7 Q .255 .235 8.5 11-16 11-13 11-30 NEW LISTINGS (November 5) Artesian Resources Cl A.257 Landmark Bancorp .20
Fidelity D&D Bancorp-FDBC (Nasdaq) .................. 2.5 Q .30 .28 7.1 11-20 11-19 12-10 BCB Bancorp .14 Clarus .025 Landstar System .21
Fidelity Ntl Financial-FNF (NYSE) .......................... 4.6 Q .36 .33 9.1 12-17 12-16 12-31 Boston Private Financial .06 First Foundation .07 Macatawa Bank .08
First Bancshares-FBMS (Nasdaq).......................... 2.0 Q .12 .10 20.0 11-10 11-09 11-24 NYSE
Capitol Federal Finl .085 HBT Financial .15 MarketAxess Holdings .60
First Citizens Bcshs Cl A-FCNCA (Nasdaq) ........... 0.4 Q .47 .40 17.5 12-14 12-11 1-04 Atlas Crest Investment (ACICU) Columbus McKinnon .06 Home Bancorp .22 Paccar .32
First Interstate Banc A-FIBK (Nasdaq)................... 4.3 Q .38 .34 11.8 11-06 11-05 11-16 Ajax I (AJAXU) Dime Community Bancs .14 Meridian .125 Peapack Gladstone .05
First Mid Bancshares-FMBH (Nasdaq) .................. 3.0 S .41 .40 2.5 12-01 11-30 12-15 First Bank .03 PCTEL .055 Western New England .05
First Northwest Bancorp-FNWB (Nasdaq)............ 2.0 Q .06 .05 20.0 11-13 11-12 11-27 Bluescape Opportunities Acquisition (BOACU) First Community Bncsh .25 PetMed Express .28 Winmark 3.00
Fresh Del Monte Produce-FDP (NYSE)................. 1.4 Q .10 .05 100.0 11-11 11-09 12-04 California Resources (CRC) First Interstate Banc A .38 Rush Enterprises A .14 Winmark .25
GlaxoSmithKline ADR-GSK (NYSE)...................... 6.0 Q .495938 .492922 0.6 11-13 11-12 1-14 Gatos Silver (GATO) Green Plains Partners .12 Rush Enterprises B .14 Xilinx .38
Global Partners-GLP (NYSE) .................................. 13.0 Q .50 .45875 9.0 11-09 11-06 11-13 NYSE American
Gorman-Rupp-GRC (NYSE) .................................... 2.0 Q .155 .145 6.9 11-13 11-12 12-10 Lufax Holding (LU)
Hercules Capital-HTGC (NYSE) .............................. 11.6 Q .34 .32 6.3 11-09 11-06 11-16 MediaAlpha (MAX) Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Hess Midstream-HESM (NYSE) .............................. 9.9 Q .4417 .4363 1.2 11-05 11-04 11-13 SQZ Biotechnologies (SQZ) (November 3) (November 5) (November 7)
HomeTrust Bancshares-HTBI (Nasdaq) ............... 1.8 Q .08 .07 14.3 11-19 11-18 12-03 NONE
Amcon Distributing .18 NONE
Hubbell-HUBB (NYSE) .............................................. 2.7 Q .98 .91 7.7 11-30 11-27 12-15 Nasdaq Cheniere Energy Ptnr .65 Sunday
Independent Bank Group-IBTX (Nasdaq)............. 2.3 Q .30 .25 20.0 11-06 11-05 11-19 Wednesday Seaboard 2.25 (November 8) NONE
Kimbell Royalty Partners-KRP (NYSE)................. 14.7 Q .19 .13 46.2 11-02 10-30 11-09 Absolute Software (ABST) (November 4) Friday Monday
Lake Shore Bancorp-LSBK (Nasdaq)..................... 4.2 Q .13 .12 8.3 11-05 11-04 11-19 Allegro MicroSystems (ALGM) NONE (November 6) (November 9)
Manhattan Bridge-LOAN (NCM ) ............................ 10.5 Q .11 .10 10.0 12-31 12-30 1-15 Atea Pharmaceuticals (AVIR) NONE Gold Resource .003
MDC Holdings-MDC (NYSE) ................................... 3.7 Q .40 .33 21.2 11-10 11-09 11-24
Moelis-MC (NYSE) .................................................... 4.1 Q .3825 .255 50.0 11-06 11-05 11-30 Biodesix (BDSX)
Mueller Water Products-MWA (NYSE).................. 2.1 Q .055 .0525 4.8 11-10 11-09 11-20 Bull Horn Holdings (BHSEU)
Newmont-NEM (NYSE) ............................................ 2.6 Q .40 .25 60.0 12-11 12-10 12-28 CONX (CONXU) NYSE
NexPoint Residential Tr-NXRT (NYSE) ................. 3.1 Q .34125 .3125 9.2 12-15 12-14 12-31
OneMain Holdings-OMF (NYSE) ............................ 5.2 Q .45 .33 36.4 11-09 11-06 11-17 Duddell Street Acquisition (DSACU) Advanced Disposal Services (ADSW)
Origin Bancorp-OBNK (Nasdaq) ............................. 1.8 Q .10 .0925 8.1 11-13 11-12 11-30 Galecto (GLTO) Hertz Global Holdings (HTZ)
Oshkosh-OSK (NYSE) .............................................. 2.0 Q .33 .30 10.0 11-16 11-13 11-30 Jupiter Wellness (JUPW) Kadmon Holdings (KDMN)
Pacific Premier Bancorp-PPBI (Nasdaq) .............. 4.4 Q .28 .25 12.0 11-06 11-05 11-13
Pinnacle West Capital-PNW (NYSE) ..................... 4.1 Q .83 .7825 6.1 11-02 10-30 12-01 Kadmon Holdings (KDMN) Nasdaq
Prosperity Bancshares-PB (NYSE)....................... 3.6 Q .49 .46 6.5 12-15 12-14 1-04 Legato Merger (LEGOU) Garrison Capital (GARS)
RBB Bancorp-RBB (Nasdaq)................................... 2.9 Q .09 .06 50.0 11-02 10-30 11-16 Leslie's (LESL) Immunomedics (IMMU)
Royal Dutch Shell ADR A-RDS.A (NYSE) .............. 8.5 Q .333 .32 4.1 11-13 11-12 12-16
Royal Dutch Shell ADR B-RDS.B (NYSE) .............. 10.5 Q .333 .32 4.1 11-13 11-12 12-16 Lux Health Tech Acquisition (LUXAU)
SB Financial Group-SBFG (NCM ).......................... 2.7 Q .105 .10 5.0 11-06 11-05 11-20 Mallard Acquisition (MACUU) NAME CHANGES
Seagate Technology-STX (Nasdaq) ...................... 5.6 Q .67 .65 3.1 12-23 12-22 1-06 Root (ROOT)
Selective Insurance Group-SIGI (Nasdaq)........... 1.9 Q .25 .23 8.7 11-13 11-12 12-01 NYSE
Shenandoah Telecom-SHEN (Nasdaq) ................. 0.8 A .34 .29 17.2 11-12 11-10 12-01 Fisker (FSR), formerly Spartan Energy Acquisition (SPAQ)
South Plains Financial-SPFI (Nasdaq) .................. 1.4 Q .05 .03 66.7 11-02 10-30 11-16 YEARLY HIGH/LOWS S&P 500 INDEX
Southern Copper-SCCO (NYSE)............................. 3.8 Q .50 .40 25.0 11-11 11-09 11-24 PHX Minerals (PHX), formerly Panhandle Oil & Gas
Sturm Ruger-RGR (NYSE) ....................................... 2.3 Q .56 .42 33.3 11-13 11-12 11-27 The yearly S&P 500 Index; with a high/low range based
TC Energy-TRP (NYSE)............................................ 6.2 Q .608 .566744 7.3 12-31 12-30 1-29 on the daily close.
Tennant Co-TNC (NYSE).......................................... 1.5 Q .23 .22 4.5 11-30 11-27 12-15 Year High Date Low Date
Advantage Solutions (ADV), formerly Conyers Park II
Tompkins Financial-TMP (NYSE AMER )............... 3.8 Q .54 .52 3.8 11-03 11-02 11-13 Acquisition (CPAA)
Triton International-TRTN (NYSE) ......................... 6.2 Q .57 .52 9.6 12-10 12-09 12-23 2020 3580.84 Sept. 02 2237.40 Mar. 23
Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings (CERE), formerly ARYA
UMB Financial-UMBF (Nasdaq)............................... 2.1 Q .32 .31 3.2 12-10 12-09 1-04 2019 3240.02 Dec. 27 2447.89 Jan. 03
Visa Cl A-V (NYSE) ................................................... 0.7 Q .32 .30 6.7 11-13 11-12 12-01 2018 2930.75 Sept. 20 2351.10 Dec. 24 Sciences Acquisition II (ARYB)
Waste Connections-WCN (NYSE) ......................... 0.8 Q .205 .185 10.8 11-10 11-09 11-25 2017 2690.16 Dec. 18 2257.83 Jan. 03 Lordstown Motors (RIDE), formerly DiamondPeak Holdings
West Pharmaceutical Svcs-WST (NYSE)............. 0.3 Q .17 .16 6.3 11-11 11-09 11-18 2016 2271.72 Dec. 13 1829.08 Feb. 11 (DPHC)
X W L C 10 11 12 H G R P 4 8 3 F A D 6 7 9 0 I
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