Real Time Billing Datasheet

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amdocs real-time billing – driving 5G

monetization and user engagement

Billing: the story so far Introducing Real-Time Billing

Traditionally, billing in our industry followed much the Amdocs Real-Time Billing brings a revolutionary new
same protocol as elsewhere. User actions and service approach to the entire billing process, offering dynamic
consumption would be collected during the bill period, and new ways to extract customer value. By transforming
at the end of the cycle, the bill would arrive in the mail. batch billing processes into real-time functions, the
And even as the world (and bill) went digital, very little to solution calculates charges for any transaction type in
do with this process really changed. real time, shortening time to cash for the operator and
empowering omni-monetization. The benefits extend
This mode of operations is no longer feasible. As new to customers and partners too, who gain advanced
digital service providers seek to draw value from the payment flexibility and real-time transparency into
opportunities presented by 5G, IoT, cloud and edge their transactions.
ecosystem, they’re being motivated to explore new billing
paradigms and seek more innovative approaches to drive
billing modernization.
User management & experience

With service providers diversifying their offerings beyond plain connectivity, 5G holds great promise in its ability to leverage
the dynamic new networks these players are creating to support a wide range of new services and business models.

The future of Monetization is changing

But as more diverse services become consumed, Real-Time Billing achieves this, while at the same time,
the billing process must evolve to support customer providing an accurate, real-time spend view that enables
expectations for dynamic subscriptions and flexible service providers to enhance customer satisfaction
payment models, allowing them to pay immediately and reduce call to care following a bill dispute or query.
through their method of choice (on-bill/off-bill, credit card Furthermore, it introduces the capability to leverage the
or any ePayment provider) and transparently monitor this bill as an engagement channel, as a means to offering
in real time. personalized upsell packages.
Operational benefits Furthermore, as a cloud-native, microservices-based
solution, it empowers service providers to leverage
As the number of subscribers, services and transactions the benefits of cloud, enabling a hybrid approach that
grow, the end-of-cycle billing process increases in supports both on-prem and public cloud deployments
complexity and workload. This workload must typically according to the organization’s specific needs. This allows
be handled within a limited space of time, leading to them to identify the optimal migration path, leveraging
inefficient resource allocation. existing systems and infrastructure, together with the
public cloud, to achieve significant TCO reduction.
Driven by real-time calculations, Real-Time Billing provides
a wide range of capabilities that dramatically shorten Consolidation
the order-to-cash process, such as preemptive QA and
inline charge recalculations to rectify errors before the bill With service provider offerings potentially including
is produced. On the forecasting side, the solution helps subscriptions, pre- and post-paid plans, and augmented
forward financial planning by providing an on-demand, by one-time payment offers, Real-Time Billing has been
accurate, outlook on earned/unbilled revenue (customer natively geared to cope with the need to combine multiple
and system level). billing monetization and business models under the same
install base. It does this utilizing a single engine that
has the capability to handle all the above using a single
software platform.
New partnerships carrier resolutions, which the solution can then handle
dynamically in real time. These emerging models have
With a central part of the 5G ecosystem revolving around diverse monetization needs and will ultimately need to be
partnerships, service providers are exploring advanced supported alongside the traditional operator offerings in
offerings with enterprises, as well as a wide partner a hybrid mode of operations. Real-Time Billing supports
ecosystem. Such partnerships however, create additional this capability.
and more complex billing system requirements.
By supporting a B2B2X business model, Real-Time
Billing provides the capability to support a long tail of As our industry continues to evolve, the importance of
diverse partners (the middle B of B2B2X), who utilize the innovative monetization and user journeys – and how they
operator’s resources to support their own services based should be supported – must remain at the top of service
on specific network performance requirements. providers’ minds. Such journeys must be navigated in a
hybrid manner, leveraging existing assets and services
Furthermore, the Network as a service (NaaS) approach in an optimal way, while seizing every monetization
can also be enhanced to support more diverse offerings. opportunity as it emerges.
For example, MVNO models may be extended from the
current state into PEN (private enterprise networks) Amdocs Real-Time Billing is the engine that will help
leveraging the operator’s slice and edge resources in achieve those objectives, providing the best billing
a dynamic manner. Extending coverage globally will infrastructure to address monetization opportunities and
add monetization requirements in the form of inter- challenges of the digital 5G era.

Amdocs Real-Time Billing – Billing re-imagined, re-invented
© 2020 Amdocs. All rights reserved.

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