Grow All You Can Eat in 3 Square Feet

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Making a start 7 Small space projects 58
Your growing space Balcony planter 60
The golden rules 8 Strawberry colander 62
Where can I grow crops? 10 Balcony saddlebags 66
Growing crops in urban areas 12 Corn oil drum 70
Understanding light 14 Cucumber trellis 76
Water and exposure 16 Ladder shelves 78
Getting to know your soil 18 Easy lean-to shelves 82
Benefits of raised beds 20 Bicycle wheel trellis 86
Reasons to use containers 24 Potted bean arch 90
Being creative with containers 26 Pallet planter 96
Preparing your containers 28 Zucchini in a bag 102
Blueberry in a pot 104
Deciding what to grow DIY window box 108
What should I grow? 30 Squash trellis 112
What plants can you fit in? 32 Growing gutters 118
Top sun-loving crops 36 Productive paving 122
Top shade-tolerant crops 37 Hanging herbs 124
Top high-yielding crops 38 Wall pockets 126
Top quick-growing crops 39
Top easy-care crops 40 Crops in small yards 130
Top shallow-rooted crops 41 A nine-pot plot 132
DIY raised bed 158
Being space efficient The easy-to-grow bed 162
Making the most of your Gourmet bed 174
growing space 42 Circular salad bed 184
Extending the growing season 44 The Med bed 194
Preparing your soil 46 Shady bed 202
Sowing seeds 48 Tasty herb bed 214
Sowing seeds in succession 50
Feeding and watering 52 Plant know-how 222
Beneficial insects 54 Crop planner 224
Companion planting 56 Common pests 242
Common diseases and disorders 244
Common garden weeds 246

Resources 248
Index and acknowledgments 250
8 Making a start

3 golden
rules for
your own
3 golden rules for growing your own crops 9

• Identify every space in your yard where you could
grow crops, including in pots, and ensure these
areas are suitable for plants (see pp.14–19).

• Consider the crops you’d like to grow, and work
out if you have the space (see pp.32–33) and can
give them the right conditions (see pp.224–241).

• Make the most of the space and time you have.
Start your plants early, keep them healthy, harvest
promptly, and resow bare spaces (see pp.42–57).
10 Making a start

In the soil

If you have space,

the best place to
grow your crops is
directly in the
soil. Choose the
best spot possible

Where (see pp.14–19), and

make a bed as

can I large as you need.

Get to know your

grow soil and improve

it if you need to

crops? (see pp.18–19).

...practically anywhere.
Where can I grow crops? 11

Raised beds Containers Be creative!

Raised beds are a Most crops can By being creative

great option even be grown in pots with the space
if you can plant as long as they are you have and how
directly in the large enough for you use it, you’ll
soil, and they have what you want to be surprised by
many advantages grow. Containers the amount of
(see pp.20–21). are a great option crops you can
They are also for smaller yards, grow. Line your
ideal for spaces and they can also paths with pots,
where there is no help you to make hang grow bags
soil, such as on full use of every over your balcony,
a patio, or where space in even and fix shelves for
the soil is poor. larger gardens. planting troughs.
12 Making a start

Growing crops
in urban areas
What most urban
gardens may lack in
size, they make up for Light
• Closely packed
with opportunities. buildings create
pockets of light and
Being able to grow shade, of which you
can take advantage.
fresh fruit and • Prune back any
overhanging branches
vegetables within of larger trees and
shrubs to allow more
light into your garden.
sight of your home is • Walls overlooking
your garden could
highly rewarding, be painted white
to reflect extra light
and also surprisingly onto your crops.


• Urban gardens are sheltered and
warmed by surrounding buildings, Water
creating mild “urban heat islands.” • Crops growing in containers
• The sheltered conditions allow an earlier will need frequent watering.
start in spring and a long growing season. Consider installing a water
• The mild temperatures allow you to barrel or an outside tap.
grow tender crops, such as cucumbers. • Walls and fences can prevent
the rain from reaching your
plants, so check them regularly
to see if they need watering.
Growing crops in urban areas 13

• Balconies and rooftop
gardens can be exposed
5 benefits of
to wind, so choose low-
growing crops and support
urban gardens
taller plants.
• Nearby buildings can • They tend to be
channel the wind, so install
windbreaks, such as trellis
warmer in winter,
or wind-resistant plants. ideal for tender crops.
• When positioning pots
on shelves or putting up
hanging baskets, ensure • They warm up
they cannot be blown off. quickly in spring,
giving your crops
an earlier start.

• The shelter from

nearby buildings
encourages rapid
plant growth.
Weighty issues
• If you garden on a balcony • An early start and
or roof terrace, be careful not a late finish gives
to overload it. Wet compost is
very heavy, and your growing your crops a long
plants will gain weight. growing season.
• When putting up wall shelves
and brackets for containers and
baskets, be sure they are firmly • Often smaller, they
attached and will safely take the
necessary weight.
are easy to maintain.
14 Making a start

The longest summer’s

Understanding light day in the US
The amount of light in your garden plays an important provides nearly 16
role when planning what to grow. Some crops, such as hours of daylight.
tomatoes and chili peppers, need at least six hours of sun In Fairbanks, AK,
a day to grow well, while lettuce thrives in just three. the shortest winter’s
day has less than
4 hours of light.
The effects of light and shade
Full sun Partial sun Partial shade
• Sunny sites can be • East- and west-facing • Shady plots are colder
very warm, and plants plots offer a balance of and are slow to warm up
need watering often. sun and shade, and suit in spring.
• Fruit, such as many crops. • Sun-loving plants grow
tomatoes, ripen more • Many sun-loving weak and spindly
quickly in full sun. crops can be grown in when grown in shade.
• Most plants flower partial sun, although • Most leafy crops
more readily in full sun, won’t crop as freely. prefer some shade; they
which is essential for • You may be able to can scorch if positioned
fruiting crops. reduce the amount of in full sun.
• Heat can stress crops, shade in your garden • Slugs and snails
leaving them prone to by removing shadow- prefer cool, damp areas,
disease. Leaf crops may forming plants and and can be a problem
“bolt” (suddenly flower). structures. in shadier gardens.
Understanding light 15

Make a
photo diary
Grab your camera
and start noting where
sun and shade occur
in your garden
throughout the day.
This will help you to 10AM 12 NOON
find the brightest
spots for your crops.

What does full sun

actually mean?
Urban gardens often only
have sun for part of the day.
So in these conditions, full
sun means direct sunlight for
at least six hours a day, and
for shadier areas, a minimum
of three hours a day.


SUMMER Light levels are good at this time because WINTER Light levels are poor because the sun is low
the sun is at its highest in the sky, at least until in the sky and the light itself is less intense. The days
midsummer. There is less shadow, and the days are are also cool and short, especially in northern areas,
warmer and longer, which encourages plant growth. meaning that plant growth is very slow.
16 Making a start

Water is vital for healthy crops, and since growing them in small
spaces often means doing so in containers, you need to be prepared
to water them often. Taking these steps will make this easier.

• Use larger pots,

since these dry out
less quickly.
• Stand your pots
on drip trays
to keep the soil
mix moist.
• Soak plants well
before planting to
encourage rooting.
• Be aware of the
rain shadows
around your garden.

Easier watering
To make watering easier, add an
outside tap, or site a water barrel
near your crops. Buy a hose that
will reach your plants easily and a
good reel to store it neatly. Micro-
irrigation kits and seep hoses can
save hours of time and are easy
to implement. Also, mulch your
pots to prevent evaporation.
Water 17

Being exposed to strong wind causes plants to dry out more quickly and can scorch the
leaves and damage the stems. Balconies and roof gardens are most at risk, although any
area can be affected if nearby buildings create wind tunnels. Wind can be defeated, however.

• Use trellises to filter and

slow the wind, so it is less
damaging. A trellis also offers
support to climbers.
• Avoid solid windbreaks that
cause damaging currents
on the opposite side.
• Position new greenhouses
and sheds to break up wind
tunnels affecting your plot.
• Use multilayered barriers
Windproof plants of plants and structures to
Tougher plants that withstand
and filter the wind can make an
attractive feature, and can also
diffuse strong winds.
be used to provide habitat for
beneficial wildlife. Try wild roses
• Add low-level barriers, like
(Rosa), hawthorn (Crataegus),
and shrubby honeysuckles
netting or sheets of plastic,
(Lonicera). Grasses also work
well, swaying in the breeze.
to help low-growing crops.
Closer to the ground, use
Mediterranean plants, such as
• Use cloches to help protect
lavender (Lavandula) and sage
(Salvia). Grow them at the edges vulnerable young plants.
of beds to protect your leafy
crops from wind scorch.
18 Making a start

Getting to know your soil

Whether you grow them in pots or directly in borders
or raised beds, healthy plants that crop well rely on healthy soil,
which makes them more resistant to pests and diseases.
By getting to know your soil, you will understand
how to improve it to get the best results.

• The ideal soil, such as loam

(see right), retains moisture and
nutrients well, but drains freely.
• Most garden soils are rich
in either heavy clay or sand.
Loam Clay soil Sandy soil
• All soil types can be improved This is the perfect garden Heavy clay soil holds onto Light sandy soil drains
by adding organic matter to soil, comprising a well- nutrients well, but drains very freely, leaching
balanced mixture of clay, poorly. It can be heavy to moisture and nutrients. It
increase drainage, or moisture
sand, and silt particles, dig when wet and can is always worth improving
and nutrient retention. and organic matter. bake hard in summer. it with organic matter.

Checking your soil type

Your soil type can be easily tested just by rubbing a
small amount between your fingers. Clay soil, with its
sticky texture, will be easy to mold into balls that will
hold their shape. Sandy soils will feel gritty to the
touch and won’t hold together; loamy soils will feel
silky and should mold into shapes fairly well.

Is your soil acidic or alkaline?

The pH of your soil will influence the crops you can grow,
and it can be easily tested using a kit bought from a garden
center. Most vegetables prefer slightly acidic soil, and
although soil pH can be altered, it’s best to grow the crops
that suit the soil you have. If your soil isn’t ideal for what you
want to grow, plant in pots or in a raised bed instead.
Getting to know your soil 19

Improving your soil

Well-rotted organic matter is ideal for improving both clay and sandy soils. Rather than
digging it in, however, lay it on the surface as a mulch, and allow earthworms to draw it
into the soil. As they tunnel and feed, worms aerate the soil and improve its structure.
Clay soil Sandy soil
Clay soil is made up of very fine particles that stick Sandy soil is very porous, meaning that moisture
together, which impedes drainage. Adding coarse and soluble nutrients are quickly lost. Adding bulky
organic matter physically breaks up the clay, organic matter works like a sponge, helping to
making it lighter to dig and improving drainage. retain moisture and nutrients in the soil for longer.

Recycled green waste Homemade garden compost

Garden or park waste is often available Absolutely free, it acts as a slow-release
from recycling centers and local municipal fertilizer, and improves the aeration and
authorities. This nutrient-rich compost will water retention of your soil. It can also be
aerate the soil and act as a slow-release feed. used to fill containers if mixed with soil.

Well-rotted manure Leaf mold

Manure is full of degraded straw, which This is excellent for increasing the water
helps break up clay soil. It is also rich in retention and organic content of light soils.
nutrients and acts as a slow-release feed. It’s easy to make: store wet fall leaves in
Only use well-rotted manure, never fresh. bags for two years, and it’s ready to use.

Making your own garden compost

Any disease-free leafy and twiggy plant material can be added to a compost heap, which
breaks down over a few months to produce a good all-around soil improver—all for free.

Adding plant material Turning the compost bin The finished compost
To fill a compost bin, add leafy and twiggy Continue adding material and periodically Compost is ready to use when it is dark and
material and kitchen waste in layers. Doing turn the heap using a fork. This adds air and crumbly. Empty the compost out and return
this will ensure good airflow. encourages the composting process. material that isn’t decomposed to the bin.
Benefits of raised beds
Raised beds are a wonderfully rich environment to grow fruit and vegetables
in, and come in all shapes and sizes—essentially what you decide. What’s
more, they can be positioned to grab the most sun in your garden, and be
conveniently situated near the kitchen door for easy harvesting.

1 Ideal for soil-less spaces

No soil—no worries! Raised beds
enable you to grow the crops of your
dreams. For less hungry and smaller
crops, such as lettuce and radishes,
6in (15cm) of depth is great. However,
for hungrier and deep-rooted plants,
such as zucchini and beets, aim for a
minimum of 12in (30cm) depth.
6 Benefits of raised beds 21

2 Providing ideal
growing conditions
Many gardens have problematic
soil, whether heavy clay or very
light and sandy. Building raised
beds, and adding the perfect
blend of soil mix and topsoil
(see pp.22–23), will allow you
to instantly start growing a
whole range of exciting fruit,
herbs, and vegetables.

3 Temporary growing space 4 Using recycled materials

If you rent your home, have building plans on the horizon, The world is your oyster when it comes to
or are dabbling in a bit of guerrilla gardening on a patch of using recycled materials to make raised beds.
unloved public space (and why not?), raised beds are ideal. Old bricks, scaffolding boards, and metal
They are quick, cheap, and easy to construct, and they allow sheets are ideal materials. Or, plant directly
you to quickly start growing, even if it’s just for one season. into used tires or even an old wading pool.

5 Protecting crops from pests

Compared to traditional vegetable patches, raised
beds, being contained areas, are much easier to
protect against pests. Netting can be secured along
the sides to keep birds from stealing your succulent
fruit or to prevent butterflies from laying eggs on
your brassica crops. Use chicken wire to deter
larger pests, such as birds, cats, foxes, and deer.

6 Giving you easier access

Making your beds no wider than 3–4ft (1–1.2m) across will
make it easier for you to tend your crops without the need to
tread on the soil, compacting it. The higher the bed, the less
bending down you’ll have to do, which can be a godsend if
you have a bad back or troublesome knees.
22 Making a start

An early start
A useful advantage of raised
beds is that they warm up Raised beds are ideal
for gardens with no soil,
more quickly in spring. This and can easily be sited
allows you to sow and plant on decks, roof terraces,
and patios. Just be sure
out earlier than you could if that any water that
growing your crops directly in
drains from the base has
somewhere to go.
the soil. An early start gives
you more time to grow crops.

The perfect height

To provide adequate depth for plant roots, raised beds should
provide at least 6in (15cm) of soil. However, they can be much
deeper, even allowing you to grow crops with big tubers, such
as potatoes. Deeper beds also have the advantage of retaining
moisture better, so are less prone to drying out.
6 Benefits of raised beds 23

Filling your raised bed

Building a raised bed gives you the perfect opportunity to provide your plants with the ideal growing
conditions to ensure the best crops. Using the ratio below, mix the topsoil, soil mix, and coarse grit
together in a wheelbarrow or on a large sheet of plastic on the ground before filling the bed.

45% topsoil

45% peat-
free soil mix

10% coarse grit

Worms are an essential ally Do you dig it?
in the garden, and are vital to The “No Dig” approach is an
healthy soil. Feeding on organic alternative gardening method.
matter, such as garden compost Not turning the soil, and disturbing
and rotting leaves, they draw it it as little as possible, maintains
deeply into the soil, aerating it as the soil’s complex structure and
they do so. As they feed, worms prevents weed seeds from being
release nutrients that in turn brought to the surface. Rather than
feed your plants. Crops in raised turning it over every year, the soil
beds will also benefit from a is instead mulched with well-
healthy worm population, so add rotted organic matter, such as
some to the soil, and encourage garden compost. Worms then
them to stay by mulching. work the material into the soil.
1 Finding the
best locations
By using pots, you can
site them to suit your
plants, whether that’s
basking in the sun or in
the cool shade. You can
also move them as the
season changes to find
the best locations.

Reasons to use containers

5 The advantage of growing crops in containers is that they are highly versatile.
Pots allow you to provide the best conditions for your plants, and with artful
positioning, they help you make best use of your space. Whenever possible,
choose larger containers because these retain water and nutrients better.
5 Reasons to use containers 25

3 Planting in
grow bags
Grow bags make easy,
inexpensive containers.
Nutrient-hungry crops,
such as climbing beans,
zucchini, and potatoes,
need deep grow bags
with rich soil and plenty
of water. Grow bags for
tomatoes tend to be
shallower, so water
them often.

4 Making use
of small spaces
Some crops, such as pea
shoots and round salad
carrots, will grow even in
small pots, allowing you
to make use of the most
confined spaces. With
clever design ideas, you
can utilize almost any
2 Creating an attractive feature area. Consider using
Be it a gorgeous series of herb pots, welcoming you home
shelves, hanging
with delicious scents, or quirky recycled containers full of
baskets, and saddlebags
edible flowers, producing food can be highly decorative
(see pp.66–69).
and creative, too. Have fun designing your space!

5 Keeping your
crops close at hand
What’s not to love about
having your dinner growing in
pots right there on your patio?
Freshly picked herbs and
salad leaves, juicy berries,
and homegrown tomatoes—
nothing tastes better! You’ll
also save time shopping at
the end of a busy day, and
use zero food miles, too.
26 Making a start

Being creative with containers

The beauty of containers is that they are so versatile. Whether arranged on the ground,
attached to walls, hung, or placed on shelves, they allow you to grow crops nearly anywhere.

Look around your yard

for areas that provide
enough light to grow
plants, choose pots
that will fit, and start
growing. Larger
containers are best,
but even small ones
can be used to grow
certain varieties.

Tender perennial crops, such as cucamelons

and figs, can be grown outside in pots over the
summer, then brought indoors for the winter.
Being creative with containers 27

Containers in every corner

With a little imagination, and possibly some handiwork, pots help
make full use of your space. Don’t forget that your planters need to
be easily accessible for watering and harvesting, however.

Climbing crops, such as cucumbers and Grouping containers together can Window boxes are ideal for growing
beans, make good use of small spaces, since provide a significant amount of growing smaller crops, such as lettuce, and those that
growth is trained vertically. If well watered space, (see pp.132–155). By using attractive trail, like strawberries. Choose colorful
and fed, all can be grown in large containers. planters, you can also create a great feature. varieties that look as good as they taste.

Saddlebags are easy to make yourself Hanging baskets make great use of Using shelves and growing your plants
(see pp.66–69), and can be hung over railings, vertical spaces, and can be attached to walls, in layers is an excellent use of a small space.
such as on balconies. Make them big enough fences, and garden structures. They are ideal They can be permanently attached to walls,
to fill the space you have available. for trailing plants, like trailing tomatoes. or placed on ladders as a temporary solution.
28 Making a start

Preparing your
Container-grown crops
rely on you to ensure
they have adequate food
and water. Keep them
content by preparing
their pots well and using
the correct soil mix.

Annual crops Perennial and shrubby crops

These grow quickly, so require a soil mix that is These long-term crops need a soil mix that will
nutrient rich and retains moisture well. support healthy growth for many years.

Use liquid feed for

hungry growers, Slow-release feed
such as tomatoes. can be spread on the
surface in spring.

Add slow-release Add sharp grit if

fertilizer to feed your plant needs
crops all season. good drainage.

Multipurpose A heavier soil mix

potting mix is will keep larger
ideal for vegetables. plants more stable.

MULTIPURPOSE SOIL MIX retains moisture well, and SOIL-BASED POTTING MIX is heavy and keeps potted
is light and easy to use. However, being made from perennials, shrubs, and trees stable. It doesn’t degrade
organic materials, it gradually breaks down over time. over time and retains nutrients well.
Preparing your containers 29

Feeding container plants

Most potting mixes provide enough nutrients to last 4–6
weeks, after which your crops may need more nutrients and
could fail to thrive unless you take steps to support them.
• Mix slow-release fertilizer pellets into the soil mix at the
time of planting, which will feed your plants all season.
• Apply a liquid fertilizer weekly to give a boost to hungry
crops, such as tomatoes and zucchini.
• Spread mulch or slow-release fertilizer on the soil of plants
that have been growing in pots for more than one year.

Preparing to plant
KEEPING ROOTS COOL Metal containers are
poorly insulated, allowing the soil mix inside to
become warm, which plants don’t like. Prevent
this by lining the insides with bubble wrap before
filling with soil mix, taking care not to block the
drainage holes. Pierce some holes to ensure
proper drainage is possible.


multipurpose potting mix to grow quick-growing
crops, such as microgreens, that have only been in
it for a few weeks, you could reuse it. Pick out any
GOOD DRAINAGE plant debris, add slow-release fertilizer, and top it
Plants need good drainage to keep their roots from becoming up with soil mix. Any soil mix used for longer than
waterlogged, so ensure any container you use has ample
holes in the bottom. If it does not, carefully make some,
a few weeks is best discarded.
using a drill. To stop the drainage holes from becoming
blocked with soil mix, cover them with pieces of a broken POSITIONING LARGE CONTAINERS is easiest
pot or bits of broken-up styrofoam. Some plants need very to do before you fill them with potting mix.
good drainage, so mix coarse grit into their potting mix.
30 Making a start

Good to eat

If time and space

are limited, grow
the fruit and
vegetables that
you find the most

What delicious, whether

that’s tasty peas

should or juicy apples.

As long as you can

I grow? provide the right

conditions, simply
grow the crops
you love the most.

....what you like eating!

What should I grow? 31

Suit your site Best fresh Time wise

If your yard is Think about crops Choose fast-

shady, sun-loving that are best eaten growing crops
crops like peppers fresh, like peas to help make the
aren’t for you, but and sweet corn, most of the space
there are loads of or those that are you have. Speedy
other things you expensive to buy. crops, such as pea
can grow instead. You can even grow shoots, are ready
To enjoy the best crops you rarely to pick in a matter
harvest, choose see sold in stores, of weeks, giving
crops that suit the such as deliciously you time to grow
conditions your aromatic herbs, something else in
garden provides like sorrel and the same space
(see pp.224–241). sweet cicely. (see pp.50–51).
32 Making a start

What plants CROP Planting distance

Plant characteristics

can you fit in? Tomatoes—bush 18–36 (45–90) 12–48 (30–120) Dense and bushy
Tomatoes—cordon 16–18 (40–45) 60–72 (150–180) Upright and leafy
Use this guide to Sweet peppers 18–24 (45–60) 24–36 (60–90) Dense and bushy
Chili peppers 14–18 (35–45) 12–36 (30–90) Dense and bushy
help you decide the Eggplant 24–30 (60–75) 24–36 (60–90) Dense and bushy
Zucchini 36 (90) 12–18 (30–45) Leafy and spreading
best crops for your Summer squash 36 (90) 12–18 (30–45) Leafy and spreading

growing space. Cucumbers 18–36 (45–90) 72 (180) Climbing or spreading

Cucamelons 12–16 (30–40) 8ft (2.5m) Climbing or spreading
Don't forget to Pea shoots ¾ (2) 2–4 (5–10) Upright and leafy
Peas 2–5 (5–13) 24–48 (60–120) Climbing or upright
consider the places Green beans 2–4 (5–10) 39–72 (100–180) Dense and climbing
Runner beans 6 (15) 72 (180) Dense and climbing
where you can set
Broad beans 10 (25) 36–48 (90–120) Upright and leafy

pots, hang baskets, Radishes ½ (1) 6 (15) Low and leafy

and train climbing Carrots 2–4 (5–10) 6–12 (15–30) Low and leafy

Beets 2–4 (5–10) 10–14 (25–35) Low and leafy

crops vertically. Potatoes 12–16 (30–40) 30–36 (75–90) Dense and bushy
Turnips 3–5 (8–13) 12–18 (30–45) Low and leafy
Kohlrabi 10 (25) 12–18 (30–45) Low and leafy
Florence fennel 12 (30) 24–36 (60–90) Low and leafy
Green onions ½ (1) 10–14 (25–35) Low and leafy
Garlic 8 (20) 12–14 (30–35) Upright and sparse
Leeks 6–8 (15–20) 18–24 (45–60) Upright and leafy
Lettuce 6–14 (15–35) 6–12 (15–30) Low and leafy
Spinach 6 (15) 12–24 (30–60) Upright and leafy
Mustard greens 15–30 (6–12) 6–8 (15–20) Low and leafy
Arugula 15 (6) 6–8 (15–20) Low and leafy
Swiss chard 8 (20) 18–24 (45–60) Upright and leafy
Bok choy 4–10 (10–25) 12–26 (30–65) Low and leafy
Endive 10 (25) 14–16 (35–40) Low and leafy
Chicory 12 (30) 16–20 (40–50) Low and leafy
Kale 24 (60) 20–36 (50–90) Upright and leafy
Sprouting broccoli 24 (60) 36–48 (90–120) Upright and leafy
Sweet corn 14–18 (35–45) 60–72 (150–180) Upright and leafy
What plants can you fit in? 33


Small space Small Large Hanging Raised

Window boxes
rating (see p.224) pots pots baskets beds

Miniature Trailing When growing baby

crops, you can sow
and plant them more
closely together.
However, keep them
well watered, so they
don't compete with one
another for moisture.

Baby Round Round

Round Baby or round Baby

Baby Baby

Round Baby
34 Making a start


Planting Small
Height Plant Small Large Window Hanging Raised
HERBS distance
(in/cm) characteristics
pots Pots boxes baskets beds

French sorrel 12 (30) 12–20 (30–50) Upright and leafy

Lovage 24 (60) 72 (180) Upright and leafy
Parsley 6 (15) 12–36 (30–90) Low and leafy
Sweet cicely 24 (60) 39–72 (100–180) Upright and sparse
Fennel 18 (45) 48–60 (120–150) Upright and feathery
Starflower 8 (20) 12–39 (30–100) Low and leafy
Sage 16 (40) 18–36 (45–90) Leafy shrub
Lavender 20 (50) 18–48 (45–120) Dense shrub
Rosemary 16 (40) 24–48 (60–120) Upright shrub
Basil 10 (25) 12–24 (30–60) Low and leafy
African basil 12 (30) 20–24 (50–60) Low and leafy
Mint 12 (30) 24–48 (60–120) Upright and leafy
French tarragon 24 (60) 24–36 (60–90) Upright and leafy
Chives 6 (15) 12–18 (30–45) Upright and sparse

Dill 8 (20) 24–36 (60–90) Upright and sparse

Marjoram 10 (25) 6–18 (15–45) Low and leafy

Thyme 12 (30) 2–10 (5–25) Creeping

Coriander 12 (30) 12–24 (30–60) Low and leafy

Planting Small
Height Plant Small Large Window Hanging Raised
FRUIT distance
(in/cm) characteristics
pots Pots boxes baskets beds

Strawberries 12–16 6–12

Low and leafy
(inc. alpine types) (30–40) (15–30)
14–18 48–60 Dense and
(35–45) (120–150) upright
Unruly shrub, can
Japanese 8–11ft 6–10ft
be trained along
wineberries (2.5–3.5m) (1.8–3m)
poles and wires
8–11ft Unruly shrub, can
Blackberries (2.5–3.5m) be trained along
poles and wires
Blueberries 5ft (1.5m) Bushy
Apples—on 6–12ft 6–10ft
dwarf rootstocks (1.8–3.6m) (2–3m)
Pear—on dwarf 6–12ft 6–10ft
rootstocks (1.8–3.6m) (2–3m)
Apples—trained 8–11ft Depends on Space-saving
types (2.5–3.5m) type grown types
Make use of vertical
surfaces to train
climbing crops

Pick your crops

regularly to promote
a larger harvest

Plant closely and

resow or plant areas
after harvesting
36 Making a start

15 Top sun-loving crops

Some plants will need at least six hours of direct sunlight per day to produce crops that
develop fully and will ripen well. If your courtyard, balcony, or roof terrace is a sun trap,
these plants will thrive, giving you the sweetest tasting fruit and vegetables.

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

1 TOMATOES There are many exciting 5 SWEET PEPPERS Best in a warm

varieties. Try ‘Green Zebra’ and ‘Banana spot, the brightly colored fruit will Others to try
Legs’, which you won’t find in stores. enliven any vegetable patch. • Cucumbers
• Summer squash
2 ZUCCHINI Sow yellow and green 6 STRAWBERRIES The taste of • Green and runner beans
varieties in repeated batches summer; grow early and late varieties • Florence fennel
for masses of this versatile crop. to extend your harvest. • Rosemary
3 EGGPLANT Best suited for warm 7 FENNEL The feathery leaves are • Raspberries
climates or raising under cover, there almost reason enough to grow this • Garlic
are purple and white-fruited varieties. delicious anise-flavored herb.

4 CHILI PEPPERS Decorative and 8 BASIL As well as sweet basil, also

edible, the fruit develop in a stunning try purple, Thai, African, and cinnamon
array of shapes, colors, and tastes. varieties for more interesting flavors.
15 Top sun-loving crops 37

15 Top shade-tolerant crops

Not all plants need full sun to grow well, and some, especially leafy crops, relish a cooler,
shadier location. If your growing space is north-facing, or there are surrounding trees or
buildings that block out the sun for part of the day, these crops are ideal choices.

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

1 LETTUCE Sow little and often for 5 FALL RASPBERRIES ‘Polka’

an endless supply, and plant a mix produces copious amounts of huge Others to try
of varieties for a decorative effect. juicy berries from late summer until fall. • Arugula
• Parsley
2 SWISS CHARD The variety ‘Bright 6 ALPINE STRAWBERRIES These • Peas
Lights’ has vividly colored stems that berries are small but extremely tasty. • Radishes
glow in the sun. It will crop into winter. Plant them along paths or in containers. • Sweet cicely
3 MUSTARD LEAVES With varied 7 RUNNER BEANS This climbing crop • Mint
colors and textures, these spicy bears attractive red or white flowers, • Coriander
leaves are ideal for salads and stir-fries. and an abundance of summer beans.

4 SPINACH Pick the leaves small and 8 SORREL An underused, easy-to-

tender to use raw in salads, or let them grow perennial herb with a delicious
grow larger to enjoy them cooked. lemony bite. Use it in salads and soups.
38 Making a start

15 Top high-yielding crops

If you only have a limited amount of room to grow fruit and vegetables, it’s important to
choose those crops that make best use of the space they occupy by rewarding you with
an abundant harvest. Those that crop over a long period are especially worthwhile.

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8


These climbing beans bear purple, growers—sow seed every few weeks Others to try
yellow, or green pods for many weeks. for a ready supply of crunchy, hot bites. • Early potatoes
• Zucchini
2 ARUGULA A dual-purpose crop, the 6 MUSTARD LEAVES This hot and • Spinach
peppery leaves are perfect for salads, spicy leaf crop can be picked over a • Carrots
while the flowers are sweet and spicy. long period, or be resown regularly. • Microgreens
3 BEETS Producing two crops in one, 7 ZUCCHINI This fleshy fruit comes • Everlasting strawberries
these are grown for their leaves and thick and fast in summer, more so • Chinese broccoli
roots. ‘Chioggia’ has striped flesh. when they are picked regularly.

4 LETTUCE Delicious and decorative, 8 SWISS CHARD The young fresh

only pick outer leaves for eating, or leaves are good for salads, while older,
enjoy a cut-and-come-again harvest. larger ones can be cooked like spinach.
15 Top high-yielding crops 39

15 Top quick-growing crops

Just as space is limited in the garden, so too is time, and it’s important to take full advantage
of the growing season. These are some of the quickest vegetables to grow, swiftly providing
pickings from your plot, then making way, ready for you to sow more vegetables.

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

1 PEA SHOOTS Ready to pick in just 5 BOK CHOY Within 6–8 weeks,
3 weeks, the crisp shoots are fresh and these fresh and succulent Asian greens Others to try
succulent. Perfect for many salads. can be eaten raw or used in stir-fries. • Swiss chard
• Beets
2 MICROGREENS Taking 3–5 weeks, 6 ZUCCHINI These start bearing fruit • Kohlrabi
these intensely flavorful mini leaves within 8–10 weeks. The male flowers • Lettuce
can be grown from spare seeds. can also be picked and eaten. • Green and runner beans
• Florence fennel
3 RADISHES Taking 4–6 weeks, sow 7 CARROTS Ready to harvest within
• Early potatoes
these spicy roots in regular batches for 8–10 weeks, try mini round ‘Paris
a constant supply throughout summer. Market’ or multicolored ‘Harlequin’.

4 ARUGULA Mature leaves are ready 8 CHINESE BROCCOLI Pick after

to eat in 4–5 weeks, and you can also 8–10 weeks, and let the stem resprout.
use the thinnings as microgreens. It tastes more bitter than broccoli.
40 Making a start

15 Top easy-care crops

Some vegetables are prima donnas, demanding attention throughout their growing season.
Others, however, once planted, grow very happily on their own, just waiting for you to
harvest when the crop ripens. If growing them in pots, don’t forget to water though!

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

1 RUNNER BEANS Simply plant these 5 KOHLRABI Sow seeds in batches in

robust climbers at the base of a pole spring and summer, then watch the Others to try
and look forward to a good harvest. unusual-looking crop develop. • Beets
• Lettuce
2 STRAWBERRIES Feed in spring, 6 PEA SHOOTS Soak dried peas
• Carrots
cut off any runners, and these plants overnight, sow, and 3 weeks later pick
• Mustard leaves
will crop for several weeks. the shoots, once large enough to use.
• Mint
3 FALL RASPBERRIES Once planted, 7 SPROUTING BROCCOLI Slow but • Sorrel
mulch in spring, enjoy the fruit, then easy to grow, sow in spring, plant out • Sweet cicely
remove all stems in late winter. in summer, then crop next spring.

4 ZUCCHINI Always water well, and 8 SWISS CHARD This hardy crop will
feed if fruiting starts to flag. Pick grow through winter, when you can
zucchini small to encourage fruiting. harvest the leaves as you need them.
15 Top easy-care crops 41

15 Top shallow-rooted crops

Shallow-rooted vegetables are a godsend for growing on balconies, windowsills, and
rooftops, where the quantity of soil, and especially its weight, is a serious consideration.
All of these crops can be grown in a mere 6in (15cm) of soil, when kept well watered.

1 3 5 7

2 4 6 8

1 LETTUCE Harvest the plants as a 5 MUSTARD LEAVES Try growing

cut-and-come-again crop, or as mature ‘Green in Snow’, ‘Red Giant’, and Others to try
heads. Sow seed in regular batches. ‘Osaka Purple’ for a mix of tastes. • Peas
• Garlic
2 RADISHES Small round varieties, 6 GREEN AND RUNNER BEANS
• Swiss chard
such as ‘Cherry Belle’, are perfect for Water well and harvest regularly to
• Marigolds
growing in pots and shallow beds. grow beans well on shallower soils.
• Nasturtiums
tasty, plant them 12in (30cm) apart to to plant along the edges of beds, these • Sage
allow decent-sized bulbs to develop. small berries are very sweet and tasty.

4 CHIVES Both the stems and flowers 8 TOMATOES At home in shallow

of this useful perennial herb are edible. beds and grow bags, keep plants well
Divide congested plants in spring. watered and fed during the summer.
42 Making a start

Making the most of

your growing space
Once you have identified your growing space, the next step is to use it as productively as
possible. This means squeezing in as many crops as you can, encouraging them to produce
the biggest harvest possible, and ensuring the space is fully planted all season.

The best place to grow crops

is in a bed, ideally a raised one
that can be filled with fertile
soil and tended from the sides,
with crops grown close
together. Dividing it into equal
areas helps you allocate space
to crops with little waste.

Container growing
EVEN SMALL YARDS produce bountiful crops,
because fruit and vegetables can be grown just as
intensively in containers as when planted in beds.
Even if you don’t have a single large area to
devote to your crops, the growing space offered
by several containers can add up significantly, as
shown here. The nine containers shown on the
left (see also pp.133–155) provide exactly the
same growing space as the bed above. However,
they have the advantage that you can position
them around your yard, using every spot available.
Making the most of your growing space 43

Raising crops in Harvesting crops all season

CROPS GROW AND MATURE at different rates, which helps you use your
pots to plant out space and the growing season efficiently. Quick-growing crops provide several
when existing ones harvests in a single season, and can be planted to make use of the space around
are harvested means those that grow slower (see pp.50–51). Low-growers, such as lettuce, can be
planted beneath taller crops, such as sweet corn. Don’t ever waste an inch!
your garden is always
productive. Plan
your sowing and
planting in advance
(see pp.224–241).
44 Making a start

Extend the growing season

Seeds and plants grow quicker in warmer conditions, and there are simple ways to provide
them. This will give the plants an earlier start, prolong the season, and increase your harvest.

• Warming the soil

enables you to sow
seeds outside earlier.
• Sow seeds under
cover to give plants a
head start in spring.
• Cloches and covers
encourage growth
and allow plants to
crop for longer.

The seed of most crops can be sown in pots

on a bright windowsill. This is ideal for those
that need a long season, such as peppers.
Extend the growing season 45

Beating the chill

In most cases, extending the season is about eating into fall and
winter by trapping warmth and protecting your plants from cold.
Even tender crops can last into fall with a little help.

Covering your soil for a few weeks in Protecting plants from frost in spring Cold frames are easy to make yourself
late winter with sheets of black plastic warms and fall means they develop sooner and and ideal for raising plants. They offer frost
the soil, allowing you to sow seeds directly continue cropping longer. Crops in pots can protection, so can be used to grow crops,
outside sooner. This is ideal for raised beds. also be brought indoors to keep them going. such as Swiss chard, through the winter.

Covering plants with cloches in Mini-greenhouses provide the perfect Harvesting crops regularly lengthens
spring guards against frost and encourages growing conditions for warmth-loving plants, the season by encouraging plants to replace
growth. Cloches can also be used to protect like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Here, the leaves and fruit they have lost. Of course,
winter crops, such as endive and chicory. they will crop sooner, better, and for longer. this doesn’t apply to root crops!
46 Making a start

Preparing your soil

Good soil is essential for producing Before preparing your soil,
a healthy harvest, and time spent make sure you know what
type you have (see p.18).
preparing it before planting will be Adding organic matter,
well rewarded. New beds can be such as compost, will
improve drainage in heavy
filled with the best mix possible clay soils and make sandy
(see p.23). With existing beds, soils better at retaining
nutrients and moisture.
however, you need to make the
most of what’s already there.

Giving your soil a makeover

When growing crops in a raised bed, you can employ the no dig approach (see p.23). Using this technique, well-rotted
organic matter, such as garden compost or manure, is applied to the surface and left for the worms to incorporate naturally
into the soil. The advantage is that the soil structure isn’t damaged by digging, and the mulch can be applied around any
existing crops. However, the worms don’t do all the work for you, and there are further steps to improving your soil.

Start by weeding the soil thoroughly, Water the soil well, then, starting If the bed is going to remain empty
1 being sure to remove any perennial
weeds completely (see pp.246–247).
2 at one end of the bed, cover the
surface with a deep mulch of organic
3 in fall and winter, sow a green
manure, such as red clover (above),
Weed roots should not be composted. matter, 4in (10cm) thick. Don’t dig it in. which can be dug into the soil in spring.
Busy soil is best
Soil is a living material, and the
more crops you grow, the better
it becomes over time. Plant roots
help to break up soil, improving
its drainage and aeration, and
attract beneficial soil organisms,
such as fungi and bacteria. Help
your soil by growing many crops.
48 Making a start

Sowing seeds
Growing your own vegetables from seed is especially satisfying, as it allows you to nurture
your plants from the very beginning. It is easy to do in most cases, and has many practical
advantages. Perennial crops and soft fruit are best grown from plants, however.

Sowing crops from

seed allows you to Sowing outdoors
The easiest way to sow seeds is directly where they are to grow outside.
grow the widest Hardy seeds can be sown while the weather is still chilly if covered with
fabric. For tender crops, wait until the last frost has passed.
range possible,
including unusual
varieties you won’t
see in stores. It also
enables you to grow
When sowing into a raised bed, Using string, mark out where
a number of plants 1 prepare the soil first by removing
any weeds and rocks. Rake the
2 the seeds will be sown. Then,
make furrows (shallow grooves)
very cheaply. Many surface level, and break up any with a dibble or trowel to the depth
clumps to create a fine consistency. given on the seed packet.
crops can only be
grown from seed.

Seeds in outdoor pots

Seeds can be sown directly into
pots outside in a similar way as
in a bed. Fill the container with Small seeds should be thinly Cover the seeds over with soil
soil mix and water it well. Once it
has drained, either make furrows
3 sown along the furrow—larger
ones can be placed individually.
4 and water them in gently using
a can with a fine nozzle. Once the
in the soil mix surface, or sow Refer to the seed packet for the seedlings emerge, thin them out to
seeds onto the surface and cover correct planting distances. the recommended spacings.
them with more potting mix.
Water the seeds, then wait.
Sowing seeds 49

Sowing under cover

Sowing seeds indoors gives you an early start but you will
need somewhere to grow the seedlings on under cover.

Fill small pots or flats with Cover the seeds with a clear plastic
1 multipurpose soil mix. Water
well and leave it to drain. Sow seeds
2 bag to help retain moisture and
place them somewhere warm and
lightly onto the soil mix and cover light. Check daily, and when seedlings
with more potting mix to the depth appear, remove the plastic bag. Keep
given on the seed packet. them moist as the seedlings grow.

Once the seedlings have two pairs Grow the seedlings under cover.
3 of leaves, transplant them into flats,
spacing them out with room to grow,
4 When they are large enough, or the
risk of frost has passed, acclimatize
or into individual pots. Alternatively, them to life outside. Put them outside
thin the seedlings out in their first flat. by day, inside at night, for ten days.
50 Making a start

Sowing seeds in succession

Most seeds are sown from spring to late summer.
Sow all types of crops successionally, in small frequent
batches, for constant harvests in summer and fall.

Quick- growing crops

1 that mature a few
weeks after sowing are
ideal for successional
sowing, and include pea
shoots, microgreens, and
radishes (left). These can
be sown directly into your
Crop rotation
bed or in containers. Sow In a traditional vegetable garden,
the seeds as shown on you should not grow the same
the packet instructions. crops in the same area year after
year. Doing so depletes the soil
The aim is to promote of the nutrients that crop requires,
2 rapid growth so the
plants can soon be
and also risks attracting specific
pests and diseases that attack it.
harvested. To do this, thin Most raised beds are too small
the seedlings so those to support effective crop rotation,
remaining have space to since the plants grow so closely
grow and don’t have to together. Instead, clear plant
compete for moisture debris to prevent diseases, control
and nutrients. Keep them pests, and feed the soil each year.
well watered and fed, and
watch out for pests.

Harvest the crops as

3 soon as they reach a
usable size, freeing up
space in your bed or
If crops
container. Refresh the
raised b in your
soil by removing any plant attacked ed are
debris, and lightly turn it. soilborne by
You can sow a new batch
of radish seeds, repeating
such as diseases,
this process as long as (see p.2 clubroot
the season lasts. consider 44),
the soil replacing
Sowing seeds in succession 51

Growing crops between crops

Otherwise known as intercropping, this approach allows you to make use of the
temporary spaces around and between crops that are tall and airy or slow growing.

Taller crops, such

as sweet corn, leave
useful space at their
base, which you can
use for low-growers,
such as beets.
Likewise, use any
gaps around slow Slow growing and
tall, sweet corn can
be intercropped.
crops, like sprouting
broccoli, to grow
speedier vegetables,
such as radishes.

Crop guide
• Tall crops: Sweet corn, kale,
and sprouting broccoli
• Low-growing crops: Radishes,
zucchini, squash, and carrots
• Slow-growing crops: Kale, sprouting Beets can be
broccoli, sweet corn, and peppers harvested young in
a matter of weeks.
• Speedy crops: Pea shoots, radishes,
baby carrots, microgreens, and arugula
52 Getting started

Feeding and watering

To reap the largest harvest possible from
containers and raised beds, it is essential to
water and feed your crops well. Keep them
nourished and they will nourish you in return.
Fertilizing your crops
All fruit and vegetables require regular feeding as they
develop, but it is important to use the correct type of
fertilizer for the crops you are growing.

Liquid feed provides an instant Mulching with compost is ideal

1 boost to your crops. It is short-
lived, however, so you need to
2 for slow-growing and perennial
crops, because it provides nutrients
apply it regularly—usually weekly. slowly and over a long period.

Leaf crops, such as Swiss chard Fruiting crops, like zucchini,

3 and lettuce, require plenty of
nitrogen to grow well. Feed them
4 need potassium to flower and
fruit well. Feed them using liquid
using a balanced liquid fertilizer. tomato feed, which has potassium.
Feeding and watering 53

Effective watering
Even though they may get rained on, your crops rely
on you for water, especially those in containers.

Water seedlings using a watering Direct the water at the base of

1 can with a fine nozzle to prevent
damaging or washing them away.
2 older plants so it soaks down to
the roots. Avoid wetting the leaves.

Insert funnels made from cut- Conserve moisture in the soil

3 off plastic bottles to help water
thirsty crops more thoroughly.
4 by mulching the surface around
plants. This reduces evaporation.

Micro irrigation kits

If you have a lot of containers, consider
installing a simple micro irrigation system
connected to a timer. You can lay seep
hoses on raised beds, connected to a timer,
that will water your crops automatically.
54 Making a start

Beneficial insects
All fruiting crops, such as
zucchini and strawberries, need
insects to pollinate their flowers
before they can produce their fruit.
Attracting pollinators into your
garden by planting nectar-rich
flowers will help to increase your
harvest. Some pollinators are also
predatory, and will help to control
pests, including aphids.

Plants for
• Pollinating insects prefer
simple, single flowers
that they can easily
access. Avoid those with
complex double blooms. Lavender California poppies Fennel
• To attract insects
throughout the growing
season, plant a variety
of flowers that lasts
from spring to fall.
• Include spring-flowering
bulbs and blossom-rich
trees, summer herbs, and
fall perennials.
Hollyhocks Love-in-a-mist Apple blossoms
Beneficial insects 55

Insect allies
By creating areas for insects,
such as ladybugs and lacewings,
to overwinter, they will be on hand
in spring to control your pests
and pollinate your crops.

Bees Wild bees

hibernate in holes in the
ground and in trees,
although you can also help
by providing a “bee hotel.”
Making use of garden leftovers Feeding on nectar and pollen
• When harvesting your crops, don’t be in a hurry during summer, they are
to tidy up right away. The flowers of many herbs vital crop pollinators.
and vegetables are loved by pollinating insects.
• Carrots and parsnips are biennial, but are normally Hoverflies
pulled before they flower. However, bees love their Resembling wasps, these
blooms, so leave some in to flower next year. are doubly beneficial in the
• Mustard leaf bears yellow flowers if not cropped, garden. Adults pollinate
which attract pollinators and are edible. flowers and the larvae
avidly feed on aphids.

and moths
These pollinate flowers
and are a welcome sight
in the garden. They also
Borage Cornflowers attract beneficial birds that
feed on the caterpillars.

Watch and learn

Whether you’re at a nursery or visiting a garden,
take note of the plants that pollinators feed on. They
will guide you to the best plants to grow. Buddleia
bushes are always swathed in butterflies, and
Crocus Giant hyssop borage seems to be bee heaven.
56 Making a start

Controlling damaging pests
is essential to growing the
biggest harvest, and there
are certain plants that do
some of the work for you.

While pests flock

to certain plants,
they steer clear of
others. Grow pest
magnets away
from your crops as
a cunning lure,
and use those they
hate as a barrier.
You can also grow
plants to attract
pest predators.
Companion planting 57

Your growing allies

Grow these plants in your beds and containers to protect your crops from
pests. All except poached egg plant are also edible, doubling their value.

MARIGOLDS These CHIVES Their onion scent

edible flowers attract helps prevent carrot rust
aphid-eating hoverflies. flies from finding your crop.

POACHED EGG PLANT This annual attracts hoverflies GARLIC Grow carrots next NASTURTIUMS Grow
that avidly feed on aphids. Sow it directly at the edge of to garlic to mask their scent these to lure aphids away
your beds or grow it in containers placed near your crops. from pesky carrot rust flies. from your vulnerable crops.

THYME Plant this scented FRENCH MARIGOLDS BASIL Plant this herb MINT Plant pots of scented
herb near your crops to help Use these pungent plants alongside tomatoes mint near your beds and
fend off aphid attacks. to help ward off whiteflies. to help repel aphid attack. containers to deter aphids.
60 Small space projects

Balcony planter Find a sturdy

Hanging a planter on railings makes great use of space on planter with strong
a balcony. Fill it with vining crops, like trailing tomatoes. hooks and hang it
facing onto your
Materials Plants balcony so you can
Bubble wrap
Trailing tomatoes
enjoy the display,
Multipurpose care for your plants,
potting mix
Liquid tomato feed
and harvest the
fruit easily.

If you’re using a metal container, line it

1 with a piece of bubble wrap to prevent
the roots from heating up in hot sun. Make
holes in the wrap so the planter drains freely.

Arrange your plants and plant them,

3 firming them in with more soil mix
as needed. Water them in thoroughly.

Fill the container with multipurpose soil

2 mix, finishing 2in (5cm) below the rim
to allow space for easier watering.
Balcony planter 61

Care Advice
Deadheading Pick off
dead flower heads to keep
dianthus blooming
Keep the plants
4 well watered, even
in rainy spells. Begin
throughout the summer.

Ripening At the end of the

feeding the tomato season, add green tomatoes
plant with liquid tomato to a fruit bowl with apples
and bananas to help them
feed weekly as soon
ripen, or make chutney.
as the first flowers
begin to appear.

Add edible dianthus

5 to salads and pick the
tomatoes when they are
fully ripe, richly colored,
with a hint of softness.
62 Small space projects

Strawberry colander Combine summer-

Store-bought strawberries never taste as good as those you fruiting and perennial
pick yourself, and here is a way to grow them with style in a strawberry varieties
small space—by using a retro colander as a hanging basket. (see p.233) for the
longest crop, lasting
from midsummer to
Materials fall. Pick the berries
Vintage or retro-style metal
when they are firm
Hanging basket bracket
and bright red.
Hanging basket chains
Multipurpose soil mix
Bubble wrap
Watering can

5 x strawberry plants

Measure out the bubble wrap to fit the container and

2 don’t forget to put holes in it to let water drain through.
Waterlogged plants will quickly begin to die off.

Smooth out the

3 bumps and ridges
to allow maximum
room for potting mix.
This is a restricted
space and you need to
make use of every bit
of it when you fill it.
Look for a good-sized metal colander with plenty of room
1 in it. The drainage holes make it ideal as a planter but it
will need insulating to protect the roots from overheating.
Strawberry colander 63
64 Small space projects

Fill the colander halfway with soil mix and position the Remove the pots. If you find the roots have become pot-
4 strawberries evenly on the base so that they will sit
about 11⁄4in (3 cm) below the top of the container.
5 bound, tease them out with your fingers before planting
to help them grow out naturally into the fresh soil mix.

Fill in the gaps around the plants with soil mix and firm it Give the plants a really good soak, and leave the colander
6 in well, finishing the layer about 1in (2.5cm) below the
rim of the colander to allow space for watering.
7 on the ground until all the water has been absorbed. Add
more soil mix if it has settled and left gaps between plants.
Strawberry colander 65

Others to try

Space the hanging

8 basket chains
evenly and attach them
Aromatic trailing and by clipping them to the
bushy herbs, such as oregano holes in the colander.
and basil, would be ideal to grow
If using summer-
instead of strawberries.
fruiting strawberries,
hang them in full sun.

Even if rain pours

9 down, little will
reach the potting mix,
so water your plants
regularly. Feed weekly
once in flower, using a
Trailing tomatoes make liquid tomato fertilizer
good hanging displays, but use to encourage fruiting.
just one plant per colander and
water without fail every day.

Care Advice
Lifespan Strawberries are
perennials and will bear some
fruit in their first year, but crop
better in the second and third.

Runners After fruiting, plants

put out runners to make new
plants. Snip them off to
conserve the plants’ energy.
66 Small space projects

Balcony No needlework skills

saddlebags required for tailor-
made saddlebags for
Hanging a fabric saddlebag over a any size of balcony.
railing will double your growing space Just don’t make them
with crops on both sides of the rail. too deep because the
weight of the wet
soil mix may cause
the fabric to tear.
Sturdy fabric, roughly Hammer
3 x4ft (1x1.2m) per Scissors
saddlebag Chalk pencil
Tape measure Hanging basket liner
Heavy-duty rivet kit Water-absorbing beads
Ruler Multipurpose soil mix

Tomato ‘Bitonto’ Swiss chard
Trailing tomatoes Sorrel
Strawberries Arugula
Basil (green and purple) Red giant mustard leaf
Oregano Marigolds
Mint Cornflowers

Cut out the cloth to size and hem the short Leave 2½in (6cm) clear at each end. Draw two lines in the
1 sides by folding in ¾in (2cm) of fabric three
times and hammering in rivets, 4in (10cm) apart.
2 center of the cloth to accommodate the width of your railing and
allow the bags to hang, then bring the riveted ends up to the lines.
Balcony saddlebags 67
68 Small space projects

Cut a length of hanging-basket

4 liner and fold it inside each bag
to retain moisture. It should set just
Turn the cloth to work on the long sides. below the lip of the bag.
3 Fold over 1¼in (3cm) of fabric twice
along each of the long sides to make seams
and create the bags. Rivet them in place.

Fill the bags, pushing the

For an extra boost in moisture retention,

6 potting mix down into the
corners to make use of all the
5 mix ¼oz (5g) of water-absorbing beads
into 1 gallon (5 liters) of multipurpose soil
space. Leave room at the top
to accommodate your plants.
mix before you use it to fill the bags.
Balcony saddlebags 69

Planting combinations
Think of your saddlebags as miniature English gardens—a traditional mix
of vegetables, fruit, and flowers that complement each other perfectly.

Marigolds and verbena add Salad bag on the inside has

Hang the bags on the rail. Plant sun-
7 loving crops and flowers on the outside
and shade-tolerant plants facing inward.
a splash of color to this saddlebag,
planted with zesty French sorrel.
mustard greens and Swiss chard with
a trailing tomato out front.

Mediterranean bag Strawberries do best on the

features a dwarf bush tomato, purple sunny side with a cluster of marigolds.
and green basil, and oregano. Cornflowers and mint form a backdrop.

Care Advice
Topping off Keep the bags topped off with soil mix if any
Firm in the plants with more soil mix
8 and water them well. Keep watering
throughout the season, even if it rains.
gets washed away to keep the weight of each pocket even.

Tidy up Remove damaged or dying foliage and deadhead

flowering plants to encourage them to bloom repeatedly.
70 Small space projects

Corn oil drum Sweet corn is slow

Sun-loving sweet corn needs a hot summer to do well. growing and casts
It grows tall so pick a deep, roomy container—an oil little shade, which
drum is perfect—and place it in a warm, sunny spot. makes it a great
candidate for
Tools and materials Try beets, lettuce,
A large container at least
16in (40cm) in diameter with
Liquid fertilizer
Watering can
arugula, parsley, or
drainage holes in the bottom
mustard greens.
Multipurpose soil mix

Plants and seeds

Small sweet corn plants
(purchased or grown indoors
from seed)
Beet seeds

Space the plants evenly in a block rather than in a row.

2 This will help wind pollination between the male and
female flowers, which is essential for kernels to form.

Care Advice
Planting Sweet corn dislikes moving so don’t let young
plants become too big before you plant them outdoors.

Harvesting Most plants produce one or two cobs in

August or September. Pull apart the leaves to check for
You can grow sweet corn from seed indoors from mid-
1 spring onward, or buy young plants. Plant out in a
sheltered spot in full sun when danger of frost has passed.
pale yellow kernels, then twist the ripe cob off at its base.
72 Small space projects

Water the plants in well and continue to keep the drum Thinly scatter beet seeds (or seeds for fast-growing
3 well watered and free of weeds. Remove any weak or
failing plants to create more space, if need be.
4 salads or herbs) between the corn. When seedlings
appear, thin them out to their correct planting distances.

After 4–6 weeks, the sturdy plants will be depleting the Pick some of the earthy young beet leaves for salads.
5 nutrients in the potting mix. Feed them once a week
with a liquid fertilizer to boost crop production.
6 When the beets are ready to harvest a few weeks later,
pull them out gently to avoid disturbing the corn.
Corn oil drum 73

Carrot oil drum

Sow seeds thinly in multipurpose soil mix in rows

or circles. Planting your crop high up may help to protect
it from carrot rust flies, which fly close to the ground.

Lightly cover the seeds with soil mix, and water

them in thoroughly using a watering can with a fine
nozzle. Keep the growing plants well watered.

For the sweetest cobs, pick them as soon as their silky

Thin out baby carrots regularly to eat raw in salads
7 tassels start to turn brown and eat them within 24
hours. If cobs are left too long, their sugar turns to starch.
and make room for the full-sized carrots to develop. You
can eat the carrot tops too—they taste a bit like parsley.
When you can’t
grow out...
Go upward!
Your ground space may be limited, but by growing
crops vertically, you can double, or even triple, the
area you have. Instead of placing a raised bed at the
base of this fence (right), lean-to shelves provide far
more space. Growing climbing crops up supports
also maximizes space efficiency. Requiring the same
amount of soil as a few lettuce plants, you can enjoy
crops like runner beans to harvest all summer long.
76 Small space projects

Cucumber trellis ‘Crystal Apple’

This unusual cucumber needs little space to produce may look unusual
garlands of globes that taste as good as they look. For but it has a similar
a bumper crop, choose a warm, sheltered spot. taste and texture to
other cucumbers. Its
advantage is that it
Materials grows well outdoors.
A large container, at least
12in (30cm) in diameter
Watering can
Liquid tomato fertilizer
You could also use
Multipurpose soil mix Bubble wrap ridge varieties.
Slow-release fertilizer
3 x bamboo poles
Garden twine

Cucumber ‘Crystal Apple’
(Grown from seed or bought as a small plant)

Fill a large container with multipurpose soil mix and mix in Push the bamboo poles into the soil mix and tie them
1 some slow-release fertilizer to feed the plant. If you are
using a metal container, line it with bubble wrap (see p.29).
2 together at the top to form a tepee. Wind string around
it from bottom to top for the cucumber to climb up.
Care Advice
Watering Cucumbers are
thirsty plants and should be
kept moist at all times.

Harvesting Pick cucumbers

as soon as they are ready
to ensure a constant supply.
Each plant will produce up to
a dozen fruits during summer.
Either grow your own cucumber plant
3 from seed, sown individually in pots
indoors mid-spring, or buy a plant. Harden
it off and plant it outside after the last frost.

Firm the plant into the soil mix and water

4 it in well. Guide the growing tips onto
the string to help the plant put out tendrils
and climb the tepee.

Water regularly and feed weekly with

5 tomato fertilizer once the first flowers
appear. Harvest the cucumbers as soon
as they are ripe and large enough to use.
78 Small space projects

Ladder shelves Try auctions, flea

These decorative shelves, filled with vibrant markets, and yard
flowers and crops, are a perfect way to create sales for ladders and
valuable growing space on your patio. planks, and unusual
containers in all sizes
and colors. Paint
Materials ladders and shelves
2 x wooden ladders
3 x scaffolding boards
Multipurpose soil mix
Liquid plant fertilizer
to fit your garden
Approximately 20 pots color scheme.
Plants and seeds
Trailing tomatoes Lettuce
Cucamelon Strawberries
Purple basil Chili peppers
Marigolds Mint
Sweet Williams Thyme
Violas Mustard greens

Place the ladders on a firm surface, facing each other,

1 and in a sunny and sheltered spot. Evenly position the
scaffolding boards to sit securely on the ladder rungs.
80 Small space projects

Fill a container with soil mix and use a dibble to make To sow fine seeds, spread them over the surface of
2 evenly spaced holes for larger seeds, like nasturtiums.
Cover them over with potting mix and water in well.
3 moist soil mix and cover them to the depth given on
the packet. Keep them moist and thin once germinated.

Microgreens are a quick and delicious crop to grow. Try all
types of seeds for these tiny, intense leaves, such as basil,
mustard greens, kale, and arugula. Once cropped, replace with
Plant young plants or potted herbs outdoors after the last
4 frost. Release the plant gently, surround the root ball
with extra soil mix in a larger pot, and firm it in. Water well.
another sowing of seeds. By repeatedly sowing every few
weeks, you’ll have these tasty leaves all summer long.
Ladder shelves 81

Caring for your plants

Continually deadhead Feed tomatoes with a liquid Pinch off the growing tips of
violas, marigolds, and Sweet Williams high-potassium fertilizer each week once the basil plants to encourage new
so they continue flowering all summer. the first flowers have appeared. sideshoots and strong, bushy growth.

Water the plants even when

5 it rains since pots on lower
levels may be in a rain shadow.
82 Small space projects

Easy lean-to shelves Lean-to shelving

Shelves are a great way to make use of sunny walls for units are widely
growing crops in pots. Simple lean-to shelves that rest available as kits.
against the wall are especially simple to install. Be sure to choose
one that is sturdy
enough to take the
Materials weight of your pots,
Lean-to ladder kit
10–15 assorted pots
and is suitable for
Multipurpose soil mix outdoor use.
Power drill
Screwdriver and screws
Screw anchors

Plants and seeds

Thyme, basil, and chives
Choose a kit that fits neatly
Chili peppers
Carrot, beet, and
lettuce seeds
1 into the space available and
make sure that it is the type that
Plants with edible flowers leans against the wall. Follow the
instructions to assemble it.

Care Advice
Watering To ensure
larger containers don’t
become too heavy for
their shelves when wet,
place them on the ground
when watering them.

Feeding Feed weekly

with a liquid fertilizer. Use
a balanced feed for leafy
crops and tomato fertilizer
for fruiting plants.

Place the shelves against a sunny wall,

2 making sure the base is on level ground
and is stable, with both sides resting flat 3 Ensure the pots you are
using have drainage holes. If
against the wall. Fix it securely to the wall. they don’t, carefully make some.
Use your own judgment, but
it is usually best to put heavier
plants nearer the bottom and
smaller, trailing plants closer
to the top of the shelves.
84 Small space projects

Seeds of many crops, such as carrots, can be sown

4 directly into containers. Sprinkle the seeds finely over
the soil mix, cover them lightly, and water in well.

Keep the seeds moist until they germinate, then thin the
5 seedlings out to leave the strongest plants. Continue to
thin, leaving the rest to grow until they are harvested.

Before you place

7 your pots on the
shelves, water them
well. This way water
and soil will not drip
onto the plants below.
If you want to keep the
shelves clean, continue
to put your smaller pots
Repot herbs and flowers bought as young plants into on the ground each
6 containers filled with soil mix. Keep the neck of the plant
at the same level as it was in its pot, and firm it in.
time you water them.
Easy lean-to shelves 85

Turn the containers regularly to allow each side to face Fast-growing leafy crops, such as herbs and salad leaves,
8 the sun and help the plants to grow straight. Check crops
regularly to see if they are ready to be pulled or picked.
9 can soon outgrow their allotted space on the shelves, so
harvest them regularly. This will keep them cropping, too.

Plants that Siting trailing

10 appreciate the
warmth and shelter
11 fruit, such as
strawberries, high
provided by a wall up on the ladder
are ideal for shelf life. enhances this
Chili peppers are attractive feature.
a great choice; they Growing strawberries
will flower and fruit above ground also
continually, so pick keeps the fruit clean
them regularly and and away from pests,
dry them for winter although check your
use. Other good shelves regularly for
plants for a low shelf climbing slugs and
include blueberries, snails. Mix in pinks
sweet peppers, and and marigolds for a
dwarf bush tomatoes. kitchen garden effect.
86 Small space projects

Bicycle wheel trellis Choose any ridge

Pinned onto a sunny wall or fence, old bicycle wheels variety of cucumber,
create a clever and creative trellis. The spokes are since these are
ideal for cucumber tendrils to cling to and climb. specially selected for
growing outdoors.
Those with smaller
Materials fruit, such as
3 x bicycle wheels
3 x large-headed long nails
Multipurpose soil mix
‘Burpless Tasty
U-shaped metal pins Liquid tomato fertilizer Green’, are prolific.
Large container
Small pole
Soft string

1 x Climbing cucumber
(Raise from seed or buy.)

Hammer a long nail with a large head through the hub

2 of each wheel. Tack extra fixing pins over some of the
spokes that lie flat against the fence.

Care Advice
Pinching off the growing tip of the plant as soon as it
reaches the top of your trellis will encourage sideshoots
and bushy growth across the wheels.

Powdery mildew is a white powdery coating that

appears on leaves, often when a plant is underwatered.
Find a warm, sheltered spot next to a sturdy fence or wall
1 and experiment with different arrangements of wheels to
allow height and space for the plant to climb.
Remove damaged leaves as soon as you spot it.
88 Small space projects

Position the wheels so that they overlap a little and

3 provide full support to your plant. Ensure they cannot
turn in the wind, which could damage the plant stems.

Wait until all

4 risk of frost
has passed before
planting out. Keep
the soil mix at the
same level as the
neck of the plant
to avoid neck rot.
Firm the plant in
and water it well.

A small bamboo pole will support the plant and help it

5 to reach the trellis. Keep the plant watered, and protect
it from pests, such as slugs, which feast on young growth.
Bicycle wheel trellis 89

As soon as the plant reaches its first wheel, tie it in Remember to keep watering, even during wet spells.
6 loosely with soft string—then watch it grow. It will
put out tendrils and climb the trellis rapidly on its own.
7 Once the first flowers appear, feed the plant weekly
with a liquid tomato fertilizer to encourage a large harvest.

Any crop that puts out tendrils should adapt well to a bicycle
trellis. Try planting one or two sugar snap pea plants in a wide
container after the last frost, and support them with sticks
until they reach the first wheel. They may need some training,
so wind them gently around the spokes until they begin to
Cucumbers mature fast and are best picked when they
8 are about 8–10in (20–25cm) long and the skin is tender.
Harvesting regularly helps to keep the plant producing fruit.
cling. Water them well and protect them from slugs and snails.
90 Small space projects

Potted bean arch Try growing

Easy-to-grow climbing beans reach dizzy heights. green, runner,
Use them to frame a doorway with their pretty flowers, and Borlotti beans
and enjoy a nonstop supply of beans all summer. together for a
stunning display.
Red, pink, and white
Materials flowers are followed
2 x matching containers, at
least 3ft (1m) long, 1ft (30cm)
Plastic ties or garden twine
Liquid fertilizer
by yellow, purple,
wide, and 18in (45cm) deep. Watering can red, and green beans.
10 x wooden poles or canes,
6–8ft (1.8–2.5m) long.
Multipurpose soil mix

Borlotti beans: Runner beans:
‘Lingua di Fuoco 2’ ‘St. George’
‘White Lady’
Green beans:
‘Kentucky Wonder’

Insert four poles close to the inside edge of each planter,

2 leaning them toward the center so they cross over each
other, forming an arch. Tie them in place with string or ties.

Care Advice
Pinch off the growing tips of your beans when they
reach the top of the poles to encourage sideshoots.

Keep picking because while there are still flowers on

your runner beans there will be more beans to come.
Look out for tough old beans hidden among the leaves,
Beans do best in a sunny, sheltered location but will also
1 grow in partial shade. Place the containers on each side
of a doorway or beside a path, and fill them with soil mix.
and remove them before the plants stop fruiting.
92 Small space projects

Beans often reach 8ft (2.5m) in height and need a strong Tie in a second horizontal pole halfway down the vertical
3 support. Add a horizontal pole to strengthen the arch,
tying it in to the vertical poles where they cross.
4 poles to stabilize the arch and create a sturdy structure
for these vigorous climbing plants.

Sow 2 or 3 beans directly into the soil mix at the base Alternatively, start your beans off in pots indoors from
5 of each pole, after the last frost. If any fail to germinate,
resow a few weeks later to give you a succession of beans.
6 mid-spring onward, then harden them off and plant out
after the last frost. Tie the plants in to help them climb.
Potted bean arch 93

Water the plants in well and continue to water regularly,

7 especially when the flowers start to appear. After 4–6
weeks, start feeding weekly with liquid tomato fertilizer.

Pick the young, succulent pods every 2–3 days to keep If you have spare space in the containers, sow quick-
8 the beans coming. Later in the season, stop picking
Borlotti pods and leave the beans to develop for drying.
9 growing crops, such as arugula, radishes, or mustard
greens at the base of your beans. Resow as they mature.
Don’t just reuse
and recycle...
All plants need in order to grow is soil mix, light,
and water, so as long as your containers and planters
provide these, you can use almost anything to grow
crops in. Recycling old objects is especially rewarding,
since it allows you to be truly creative and to grow
your own healthy produce in a sustainable way. Here,
reclaimed oil drums, stacked together, provide a home
for herbs, chili peppers, and tomatoes in a small yard.
96 Small space projects

Pallet planter Sitting close to a wall

With a few adaptations, a wood pallet or fence on the patio,
makes an innovative planter, providing this vertical planter is
a living wall of crops that is right on trend. a great way to grow
strawberries, salads,
Materials tomatoes, and herbs
Recycled wood pallet Scissors
to serve at a summer
Landscape fabric Staple gun and staples barbecue—whatever
Multipurpose soil mix Small watering can
suits your palate!
Strawberries Dianthus, violas, and
Trailing tomatoes, lettuce nasturtiums.
sage, thyme, and marjoram. Seeds of your choice

Pallets are usually easy to come by. Try a junk yard or

1 local business for a medium-sized pallet that is
undamaged and has roomy slots for plants to colonize.
98 Small space projects

The soil mix is contained in pockets attached to each Use your first piece as a template to cut the rest of the
2 rung of the pallet. Cut fabric pieces that measure a little
more than the length of a section and twice the depth.
3 pockets. Each piece is folded along its length to form a
pocket, with the ends close against the sides of the pallet.

Position the first pocket in the top of the Staple the pocket to one side using a staple gun; then turn the pallet
4 pallet. Ensure the fabric fits snugly at the
ends with no gaps for soil mix to fall through.
5 over to attach the second side. Ensure the fabric is secure. It needs
to be able to take the weight of the wet soil mix, as well as the plants.
Pallet planter 99

Moisture is at a premium in confined growing spaces, so
before you plant your crops, give them a good soaking.
While they are still in their pots, stand them in a tub of water
and leave them there until bubbles stop rising from the pots.
Work your way down the rungs, attaching a pocket to
6 the sides of each section to create, in this case, 18
separate growing compartments. Stand the pallet upright.
Remove them and let them drain.

Place the pallet in position and secure it safely to the fence or wall before Continue packing soil mix into the
7 starting to fill the pockets. Fill the top with soil mix, then use a small
trowel and your hands to carefully fill the lower compartments.
8 pockets to make use of every inch of
space. Leave room at the top for watering.
100 Small space projects

Design a plan before you start planting to create an attractive balance Plant young lettuce plants by tucking
9 of trailing plants, bushy herbs, and flowers. Put trailing plants higher
up and shade-tolerant herbs lower down—seeds can be sown in the top.
10 them into the slots sideways and
pushing the root ball down into the soil mix.

Make a bold statement with

11 a diagonal line of variegated
sage. Surround it with other herbs
and trailing plants. Stand back and
check the results as you plant.
Pallet planter 101

Use a watering can with a long spout to soak each

13 level of the pallet thoroughly, and pack extra soil mix
into any spaces that appear after the soil has settled.

When you are happy with the way the side is planted,
12 plant the top with trailing plants, such as trailing
tomatoes, strawberries, and nasturtiums. You can also sow
seeds of quick-growing crops, like salad leaves and radishes.

Care Advice
Tidy up To keep your pallet looking great, remove weak
growth and straggly leaves, harvest crops regularly, and
deadhead flowering plants

Harvesting Crop the lettuce by cutting individual Keep watering! The slots at the front need particular
greens, leaving the plant to grow. Pinch the leaves from
herbs as you need them, and harvest fruit regularly.
14 attention to support a dense colony of plants in such
a little space with no chance of rain reaching the soil mix.
102 Small space projects

Zucchini in a bag Try ‘Goldie’ for

Reusable plastic shopping bags are strong and golden fruit and
durable, and are large enough to grow prolific crops, decorative foliage or
such as zucchini. They are also easy to store in winter. ‘Defender’ for an
abundant crop of
green fruit. Give your
Materials plants room to grow,
Reusable plastic shopping bags
planting them 3ft
Multipurpose soil mix (90cm) apart.
Liquid tomato fertilizer
Watering can

Plants and seeds

1 plant per bag (Grow them from
seed, sown under cover in
mid-spring, or buy them.)

Water the plant in and keep it well watered throughout the season,
2 especially during hot spells, to prevent powdery mildew. Once the
first flowers appear, feed weekly with liquid tomato fertilizer.

Care Advice
Sow plants a few weeks apart to avoid gluts and
to provide nonstop supplies of this versatile crop all
summer long. Zucchini flowers are edible too.

Fill the shopping bag with soil mix, leaving Zucchini will not thrive in cold, wet conditions,
1 room at the top for watering. Plant out small
plants, one per bag, when there is no longer a
so make sure temperatures have really warmed up
before you plant them outside.

risk of frost, and firm them in.

Zucchini in a bag 103

Grow a sack of spuds

Snip off the fruit when it is young, thin-skinned, and

3 tasty. Keep an eye on the plant since zucchini seem
to become oversized as soon as you turn your back! Large bags are ideal for growing early potatoes.
Fill a bag one-third full with soil mix, add three tubers, a
deep layer of soil mix, two more tubers, then cover with
a final deep layer of soil mix. Water the soil well.

Harvest after the plants have flowered and the top

Harvest continually to encourage plants to produce more
4 fruit. Because each plant will produce up to 20 zucchini
if fed and watered well, you may only need one.
growth begins to fade. Dig out a few potatoes at a time
with your hands, or cut the sack to release the entire crop.
104 Small space projects

Blueberry in a pot Blueberries are

Blueberries are ideal for large containers, where they acid-loving plants,
flower and fruit freely, bearing delicious berries. They and as well as
must have acidic soil, which you can easily provide. needing lime-free,
acidic potting mix,
they should also
Materials Plants be watered using
Large container Blueberry plant
at least 18in (45cm) across (You may need two.)
rainwater. Most
Acidic potting mix tap water is alkaline.
Water barrel to collect rainwater
Bamboo poles
Plastic netting

Choose a container at least 18in (45cm) wide, ensuring it To help avoid disturbing the roots of your plant, slide it
1 has drainage holes in the base. Make some if it doesn’t.
Add acidic potting mix to the bottom of the container.
2 from its pot. Place the pot in your container, setting it on
soil mix so its top sets 2in (5cm) below the container rim.
106 Small space projects

Turn the pot slightly to loosen it, then lift it out.

4 You will be left with a pot-shaped hole, the ideal
size, shape, and depth for your blueberry plant.

Fill around the blueberry’s old pot with moist soil mix, firming Lightly tease the root ball with your fingers
3 it gently as you do so, until you have filled up to the top of it.
This will ensure your plant is planted at the correct depth.
5 to loosen the outermost roots, then place it in
the container. Firm it in, then water the plant well.
Blueberry in a pot 107


Blueberry flowers must

be pollinated before they will
set fruit. Some varieties are self-
pollinating, meaning you only
need one plant. Most are not,
so you will need to grow two.

Care Advice
Watering Keep plants moist at all
times, watering them with rainwater.

Feeding Blueberries flower and fruit

over a long period. As soon as the first
blooms appear, start feeding them with
a liquid tomato fertilizer each month.

Pruning Plants only need pruning after

their second year. In spring, remove any
weak, dead, and diseased growth. Prune
fruited stems back to healthy buds, and
thin out a third of the oldest stems.
Birds love blueberries and will eat them as soon as they start to ripen.
Protect plants using fine plastic netting, or make a simple fruit cage.
108 Small space projects

DIY window box Strong winds and

Why buy when you can make? This simple rustic visiting birds can
window box is easy enough for a DIY novice and dislodge a window
can be tailor-made to fit the space available. box with disastrous
results. If you’re
siting your box on
Materials a higher windowsill,
Pretreated wood planks, Screws—1½in (4cm) long make sure that it
½in (1.5cm) thick Screwdriver
Tape measure Copper tape is properly secured.
Pencil Galvanized tacks
Wood saw Sandpaper
Power drill with wood bits Multipurpose soil mix

Lay the wood on a firm surface to support it while you

2 cut the lengths you need. Hold the pieces together
to ensure you have cut and measured them accurately.

Drill two pilot holes,

3 about 1⁄4in (6mm)
in toward the ends of
each long side of the
box—these will help
to keep the wood from
splitting. Then screw
the sides together to
form a neat rectangle.
Make sure your windowsill is level and able to support
1 a box before measuring it to decide on the length and
depth of your window box. Two small boxes may be more
practical than a long one. Measure and mark the lumber.
DIY window box 109

Any cook would welcome a bed
of mixed fragrant herbs growing
just outside a window—much
cheaper and fresher than store-
bought herb packs and pots.
110 Small space projects

Care Advice
Maintenance If you like,
you can paint your box
inside and out with wood
preservative to protect it
from water and weather,
and prolong its life.

Plants Pinch off the tops

of herb plants to encourage
bushy growth. Introduce a
few small lettuce plants for
a handy crop of salad leaves
just outside your window.

Keeping the box square, screw the sides of the box together. If it wobbles or looks
4 crooked, loosen the screws and readjust the joints. Then tighten all the screws.

When all four sides have been joined together, insert the Screw small wood pieces across the base of the box
5 base and hold it in place firmly. First, drill pilot holes, then
screw through the sides into the base to secure it.
6 to create feet. This allows water to drain easily and raises
the base off the wet sill, helping to prevent wood decay.
DIY window box 111

Use a large drill bit to drill holes at regular intervals Secure the tape by tapping in galvanized tacks, spaced
7 through the base of the box to provide good drainage
and prevent plants from becoming waterlogged.
9 evenly to create an attractive, rustic finish. Sand the box
lightly to remove splinters and smooth the edges.

To deter slugs and snails, stick a band of copper tape Fill the box almost to the top with soil mix, allowing
8 around the outside of the window box, keeping it level.
A static charge from the copper repels the pests.
10 space for watering, and plant it with your chosen
plants. Water well and place the box on the windowsill.
112 Small space projects

Squash trellis Squash come in

Beautifully decorative and a great use of vertical an exciting array
space, training squash up a trellis is a wonderful of shapes and sizes,
way to grow this vegetable in confined areas. and can be easily
grown from seed.
Try acorn-shaped
Materials ‘Mini Red Turban’
Large metal container
Bubble wrap
Liquid fertilizer
or the trombonelike
Multipurpose soil mix Mulch ‘Tromboncino’.
Wooden poles or canes Watering can
Soft string

Squash plants
Nasturtiums (optional)

Ensure each side of the metal container is insulated,

2 then make small holes in the bubble wrap to allow water
to drain freely. The container can then be placed in a sunny
location and filled with multipurpose soil mix.

Growing Advice
Watering and feeding Water plants well, especially
in hot, dry spells, ensuring the potting mix never dries
out. After 4–6 weeks, feed weekly with a liquid fertilizer
to ensure a good harvest.

Training As the squash plants grow, tie their stems

Metal containers look attractive but can heat up quickly
1 in hot weather. To keep the roots of your plants cool,
insulate the container inside using plastic bubble wrap.
carefully to the trellis with string, covering it evenly.
114 Small space projects

Once the risk of frost has passed, plant your squash,

4 ensuring they are hardened off first. For smaller varieties,
plant two plants per container, 12–18in (30–45cm) apart.

Insert tall wooden or bamboo poles upright into the Water the plants in well and start training them vertically
3 container, then attach shorter laterals using string
to create an open framework. Ensure it is sturdy and secure.
5 by tying their stems to the framework using soft string.
Train them regularly to ensure they can support their fruit.
Squash trellis 115

Mulch plants with soil mix to

6 keep their roots cool and moist,
and to provide extra nutrients. Useful tips

Promote ripening
Snip off or move aside any
leaves that cast shade on the
fruit to help them ripen fully.

Bonus crop In larger

containers, plant nasturtiums
alongside your squash, and
enjoy their edible flowers.
You may lack
space but not...
Great ideas!
In order to make the most of a small yard, consider
every possible area where you could grow crops,
no matter how unlikely, then decide how to use it.
Most crops are versatile and easy to grow, especially
annual ones, which means you can be really inventive
in how and where you grow them. If, for example, you
have a patio table that’s only used occasionally, why
not use part of it for a crop of salad greens?
118 Small space projects

Growing gutters Greens picked while

Easy to attach to any sunny, vertical surface, plastic young have a flavor
gutters are ideal for growing super fast, feather-light that is more intense
crops such as microgreens and pea shoots. than fully grown
greens. This is a
great way to grow
Materials and tools crops such as arugula
Plastic gutters
Gutter ends
that tend to bolt
Gutter brackets Power drill when they mature.
Pencil Epoxy resin glue
Hacksaw Multipurpose soil mix
Drill Watering can

Microgreens—mustard greens, mizuna, arugula
Herbs – basil, fennel, coriander, parsley

Measure your space and decide on the lengths and Hold the gutter firmly on a solid surface and use a power
1 arrangement of your gutters. Mark the gutter with
a pencil and cut the lengths using a hacksaw.
2 drill to make drainage holes in the base, spaced about
6in (15cm) apart along its length.
Sited in sun or part-shade, gutters provide
the ultimate economical growing space for
the impatient gardener. Start harvesting
microgreens and herbs within days, and
resow the gutters up to three times for
fresh or different crops. Then clear out the
depleted soil mix, refill the gutters with
fresh potting mix, and begin again.
120 Small space projects

Care Advice
Watering To keep your gutters growing, water them
gently but thoroughly every day.

Pests and diseases Microgreens grow fast and are

harvested quickly, leaving little time for attack from
pests and diseases. Slugs and snails will climb to the
feast, so be vigilant and catch them on the way.

White gutters are easy to paint to match your garden

3 color scheme. Use simple slide-on ends to keep the soil
mix and water in, and glue them in place if need be.

Mark positions for the brackets, making sure the gutter Fill the gutter with soil mix, leaving a small space below
4 is supported in the middle and is level. Drill holes, screw
in the brackets, and simply slide the gutters into place.
5 the rim for watering. Level it off and firm it gently. Your
growing gutter is now ready for sowing seeds.
Growing gutters 121

Check your plants within a few days to see if they have

7 germinated. Thin out overcrowded seedlings, eating the
thinnings, and leave the rest to grow until ready to pick.

Sow seeds fairly densely—every shoot is part of the

6 crop. (Peas are shown here.) Cover them lightly with soil
mix and water in using a can with a fine nozzle.

Corn salad leaves

will keep cropping
for weeks

Sweet, delicate-
tasting pea shoots
are a gourmet crop

Harvest within a week, depending on the crop. Pull microgreens out

8 of the soil, including roots, and wash well before eating. Pick pea
shoots and salad greens when they are young and tender.
122 Small space projects

Productive paving Most herbs prefer

Herbs can bring your new paths and patios to life. a sunny spot and
Plant creeping and flowering herbs between the are easy to care for.
pavers for food and fragrance at your feet. Plant a mix of
flowering herbs, such
as chamomile, and
Materials Plants those with colorful
Paving slabs
Creeping and flowering
herbs, such as chamomile,
foliage, such as
Landscape fabric Corsican mint, oregano, and variegated thyme.
Trowel variegated thyme.
Watering can

Scoop out some gravel between slabs, cut slits in the

2 fabric beneath, and dig small holes in the soil. Plant the
herbs, and replace the fabric and gravel around their bases.

Decide where your new patio or path will be, level the Water the herbs in well, and keep them moist until they
1 soil, and lay the landscape fabric. Cover the fabric with
gravel and set your slabs into it, leaving small planting gaps.
3 show signs of new growth. Pinch off their growing tips
to encourage new sideshoots, and trim back excess growth.
As well as providing you with
tasty leaves and stems to add
to your cooking, an herb-filled
path creates a highly aromatic
feature. Simply brushing over
the herbs releases their fine
fragrance into the air.
124 Small space projects

Hanging herbs Choose bushy and

Many herbs prefer dry, hungry soil, and so thrive
in hanging baskets. Position one near your kitchen
trailing herbs for an
window or door, and enjoy tasty herbs close at hand.
attractive effect, and
pick silver-, gold-,
and purple-leaf
Materials Plants types for visual
Hanging basket Golden oregano impact. Hang the
Multipurpose soil mix
Purple sage
Curry plant
basket in a sheltered,
Trowel Chives
sunny location.
Watering can Mint
Herbs of your choice

Plant the herbs 2in (5cm) below the rim, with trailing
2 types at the edges, bushier ones in the middle or at the
back. Fill around them with more soil mix and firm them in.

If you don’t already have one, fix a hanging basket bracket Water the basket well, leave it to drain, then add more
1 at your chosen location. Fill the base of the basket with
multipurpose soil mix, leaving space to plant the herbs.
3 soil mix between the plants if required. Attach the
chains to the basket and hang it to give the best display.
Water plants regularly to
encourage tender growth, but
feed them just once a month
with balanced liquid fertilizer.
Pinch off the tips to promote
bushiness, and pick the leaves
and stems as you need them.
Evergreen herbs, such as sage
and rosemary, will give color
throughout the winter months.
126 Small space projects

Wall pockets
Wall-mounted planting pockets are now
widely available, and are ideal for growing Wall pockets are
small crops on sunny vertical surfaces. well suited to small
annual crops and
Materials herbs, and there are
Wall pockets
Multipurpose soil mix
Bamboo poles
(painted black - optional)
many designs you can
Plastic ties and wire Water-retaining beads use. In fall they can
Plants and seeds
easily be taken down
Thyme plants Chive plants
and stored until the
Rosemary plants Strawberry plants following spring.
Sage plants Microgreen seeds
Viola plants

Decide how much space you want to cover and buy To keep from drilling multiple holes in your
1 enough planting pockets. Choose a design that suits
the space and the plants you want to grow.
2 walls, the pockets are hung from a bamboo
pole. Fix sturdy wires to hang the poles from.
128 Small space projects

Link the planting pockets together using strong plastic Join as many pockets together as your pole and wire will
3 ties. If your pockets don’t already have mounting holes,
carefully make some, ensuring they cannot easily rip.
4 safely hold—remember that wet soil mix is heavy. You
could also mount them using a small stake and rope.

Attach the pole to the uppermost pockets using plastic The pockets will quickly dry out once planted, so to help
5 ties. Fix a pair of level screws to the wall, then hang the
pockets, using the mounting wires tied to the pole in step 2.
6 retain moisture, add some water-retaining gel beads
to the soil mix. Water the mix before starting to plant.
Wall pockets 129

Care Advice
Watering Keep the pockets well watered, checking
them every day in warm spells. Water carefully early in
the morning, using a watering can with a fine nozzle.

Training Trim back plants that become tangled or look

untidy. Deadhead and harvest the crops regularly.

Starting from the uppermost pockets, plant them up,

7 leaving about a 2in (5cm) gap below the rim for watering.

Create a display of bushy and trailing plants, and crops

8 grown for their leaves, flowers, and fruits. You can even
include small specimens of shrubby herbs, such as sage.
132 Crops in small yards

A nine-pot plot CROPS—WHEN TO PLANT

Radishes Green beans
If you don’t have room for a conventional Sow from Sow in early
mid-spring summer
raised bed, you can create a similar amount
of growing space by using large containers.
Here, nine pots give the same space as a Lettuce Runner beans
Sow from Sow in early
3x3ft (1x1m) bed, and provide two abundant mid-spring summer
crops that last from spring to winter.
Snow peas Black leaf
Sow in early kale
To get the most from spring Sow in spring
in small pots
your pots, sow crops to
Green onions Chinese
harvest in spring and Sow from late broccoli
spring Sow in early

summer, doubling the summer

number of vegetables Pea shoots

Sow batches
Plant small
in early spring plants in early
you can grow in one summer

year. Use the largest Sugar snap Tomatoes

peas Plant out small
containers you have room Sow in early plants in early
spring summer
for, and ensure they have
Carrots African basil

ample drainage holes. Sow from

Plant out in
early summer

Beets Chili peppers

Sow from Plant small
You will need mid-spring plants outside
• Materials • Tools in early summer
Large containers Trowel
Multipurpose soil mix Scissors Kale French
Bamboo poles Sow from tarragon
Garden string mid-spring Plant in early
The more pea pods
Spring pots you pick, the more
will be produced.

Add beet leaves

and pea shoots
to summer salads.

Just 4–5 lettuce

plants will provide
ample greens.
Summer pots

Climbing crops, such

as beans, are ideal
for smaller spaces.

Leaf crops, such

as kale, will thrive
in cool containers.

leaf crops make good
use of limited space.
A nine-pot plot 135

Alternative crops to grow


Arugula Mustard greens Swiss chard

Instead of green onions This peppery- Instead of radishes Grow as a cut-and- Instead of kale Sow seeds directly into the
tasting leaf crop can be sown directly into come-again salad. Sow the seeds directly container or plant small plants. This crop will
a container during spring. in the container, then thin the plants. last into winter if left to continue growing.

Summer squash Spinach Kohlrabi

Instead of peas or beans Train the plants Instead of Chinese Broccoli Sow seeds Instead of kale This unusual-looking
up bamboo tepees to make best use of small into the container. Pick individual leaves or vegetable is grown for its plump, tender
spaces. Water and feed the plants well. cut whole plants, allowing them to regrow. stems. Sow seed in early summer.


Asian greens Basil Zucchini

Instead of French tarragon This is a Instead of African basil If you cannot find Instead of peas or beans These large
quick-growing leaf crop that can be resown the African plants, this annual type can be plants need plenty of water and fertilizer.
repeatedly in summer, every 3–4 weeks. sown directly in early summer. Plant in early summer and enjoy the bounty.
136 Crops in small yards

Pot 1 Spring

Radishes are one of the quickest

crops you can grow, and are
ready to harvest in 4–6 weeks.
Sow seeds directly in spring and
harvest in early summer.

Radishes grow quickly, so thin them out

1 as soon as seedlings are large enough to
handle to keep the plants healthy.

Keep the plants well watered and pull the

2 roots once they reach a usable size. Pull
some as baby roots, others once full size.
Pot 1 Summer

Green beans can be started

once the radishes are pulled.
Add slow-release fertilizer to the
soil mix and insert tall poles, tied
into a tepee, for support.

Seed can be sown in late spring under

1 cover, ready to plant out. They can also
be sown directly at the base of each stake,
once the radishes are removed.

Position in
2 a sheltered,
sunny site, and
water well. Feed
weekly with liquid
tomato fertilizer
once the first
flowers appear.
Harvest the
beans regularly
to keep them
coming through
the fall.
138 Crops in small yards

Pot 2 Spring

Lettuce is quick and easy to

grow. It can be harvested as
baby leaves as soon as it is
large enough, or as full-size
heads after 9–12 weeks.

Sow the seeds thinly on the surface in

1 spring. As the seedlings grow, thin them
out, using the thinnings as a crop of baby
greens. Leave four plants to form heads.

Harvest the heads once large enough

2 in early summer, or pick the outer leaves
individually as and when you need them.
Pot 2 Summer

Runner beans crop well in pots

if well watered. Young plants can
be raised under cover in late
spring to plant out, or sow the
seeds directly in early summer.

Provide a tall support, tie in new growth,

1 and keep the plants well watered. Once
the first flowers appear, start feeding plants
weekly with a liquid tomato fertilizer.

Harvest the pods

2 regularly, once
large enough to use.
The more you pick,
the more will grow.
140 Crops in small yards

Pot 3 Spring

Snow peas taste delicious, and

although they are expensive to
buy, they are very easy to grow.
The seeds are sown directly in
the container in spring.

All peas need something to cling onto

1 when growing, so insert some twigs or
sticks into the potting mix for support.

Keep plants well watered, especially

2 once in flower. Pick the pods whole
just as the peas inside begin to form.
A nine-pot plot 141

Pot 3 Summer

Black leaf kale is a type of kale

grown for its rich-tasting leaves.
It is slow-growing but can be
picked as young or mature leaves
from late summer until spring.

Sow seed in small pots in spring, thin out

1 the seedlings to one per pot, and grow
them until the peas are harvested. They can
then be planted into the container.

Water the plants well and

2 provide taller plants with
support. Harvest the outer
leaves once large enough.
142 Crops in small yards


If you pull the individual green
onions carefully when harvesting,
Green onions are grown for smaller plants can be left to keep
growing, making full use of the
their leaves and bulbs, which crop. Use pickings like chives.
give a mild onion-flavored
crunch to salads. Red varieties
give a welcome splash of color.

Sow seed directly in the container during

1 spring, and thin the seedlings to 1in
(2.5cm) apart so they will reach a good size.

Keep the green onions well watered, and

2 pull the plants whole once the stems are
pencil-thick. Loosen the soil mix if needed.
A nine-pot plot 143

Pot 4 Summer

Chinese broccoli, which is also

know as kai lan, is grown for
its succulent leaves, shoots, and
flowers. Sown in spring, it is
ready to harvest in 8–10 weeks.

Sow seeds directly in the container and

1 thin seedlings to 8in (20cm) apart. Keep
them well watered, and check plants for
caterpillars (above), which attack them.

When the stems reach

2 8–10in (20–25cm) tall, cut
them back to 3in (7.5cm) high.
Leave the plants to grow back,
then harvest them again later.
144 Crops in small yards

Pot 5 Spring
Pea shoots should be kept moist
Pea shoots are fantastically at all times to ensure they taste
their best. Regular watering also
quick to grow and are ready to helps to keep powdery mildew
harvest in about three weeks. away from the plants (see p.245).

The plants can be harvested two

or three times during spring.

Soak the seeds overnight and sow them

1 directly in the container, 1in (2.5cm) apart.
You can use any pea seeds for pea shoots.

When shoots
2 are 4–6in
(10–15cm) tall, cut
them just above
the lowest leaves.
Keep them well
watered and they
will regrow, giving
2–3 more crops.
Pot 5 Summer

Cucumbers need a warm,

sheltered site, and a tall support
to climb. Varieties with smaller
fruit are the most productive,
especially when harvested often.

Plant out small cucumber

1 plants once the risk of frost
has passed and the peas have
been removed. Tie in their
stems to the support at first.

Keep plants
2 moist and feed
weekly with liquid
tomato fertilizer
once the first
flowers appear.
Harvest the fruit
when they reach
a usable size.
146 Crops in small yards

Pot 6 Spring

Sugar snap peas produce

sweet-tasting pods from late
spring. They are easy to grow
from seeds sown directly in
the container in early spring.

Peas need
1 support, so
insert 3–4 twiggy
stems into the
container before
sowing the seeds.
Tie in the young
stems, after
which they will
climb naturally.
Keep the plants
well watered.

Pick the pods when round and plump,

2 but before the peas inside are firm.
Harvest regularly to encourage cropping.
Pot 6 Summer

Tomatoes need a sheltered,

warm site. Cordon varieties,
grown as a single stem, are best
for containers. There are many
fascinating varieties to try.

Plant out a young plant in early summer,

1 and insert a 6ft (2m) pole to support its
single stem. Keep plants well watered and
tie the stem to the pole as it grows.

Remove any
2 sideshoots
that form from
the main stem.
Feed plants
weekly with
tomato fertilizer
after the first
flowers appear.
Harvest the fruit
when they pull
easily from the
vine—pick often.
148 Crops in small yards

Pot 7 Spring
To help prevent carrot rust flies
from finding your crop, place it
Carrots are sweet and tender near strongly scented plants, such
when harvested young, and are as African basil. The scent will
mask the telltale carrot aroma.
ready to pull after 12 weeks.
Early varieties tend to be short
or round-rooted, so ideal for pots.

Sow seed thinly to avoid attracting carrot

1 rust flies (see p.242). These pests are
attracted by the carrot scent.

Keep the plants well watered and pull the

2 roots when they reach a usable size. Take
care not to disturb any that are still growing.
A nine-pot plot 149

Pot 7 Summer

African basil is a tender

perennial with richly aromatic
purple-tinted foliage. Like basil,
the leaves are great for salads,
pestos, and sauces.

Only available as plants, plant one into

1 your container in early summer once
the risk of frost has passed. Place it in full
sun, and water and feed it regularly.

Pinch off the tips to

2 encourage sideshoots,
and pick the leaves and
stems all summer. Bring the
plant under cover for winter.
150 Crops in small yards

Pot 8 Spring
Beets can be ready to pull in as Although beets are usually grown
for their plump roots, you can also
little as eight weeks, when the grow them as a micro crop. Pull
roots are sweet and tender. The after 2–3 weeks and eat the
leaves, stems, and tiny roots.
leaves can also be lightly picked,
and used like Swiss chard.

Sow seeds directly in the container and

1 thin the seedlings to 2–4in (5–10cm)
apart. You can add the thinnings to salads.

Keep the plants well watered to ensure

2 the roots are tender, and harvest them
as soon as they are large enough to use.
A nine-pot plot 151

Pot 8 Summer

Chili peppers come in a

dazzling array of shapes, sizes,
and colors. When growing
outdoors, give them a sheltered,
warm site to crop at their best.

Peppers need a long growing season, so

1 start seeds off indoors in early spring, or
buy small plants. Plant out hardened-off
plants after the last frost in early summer.

2 the plants
regularly, and
feed them
weekly with liquid
tomato fertilizer
once the first
flowers appear.
The fruit can be
harvested when
green and milder
in taste, or when
fully ripe and hot.
152 Crops in small yards

Pot 9 Spring

Kale is usually grown as a

winter crop (see p.141), but if
sown in early spring, the outer
leaves can also be harvested
repeatedly until early summer.

Sow seeds under cover in pots during

1 late winter, harden off the seedlings, and
plant them into the container in early spring.

Once the plants are large enough, start

2 using the older outer leaves, leaving the
young inner ones to continue growing.
A nine-pot plot 153

Pot 9 Summer

French tarragon is a delicious,

half-hardy herb that benefits from
being grown in a container. Use
the leaves in chicken and fish
dishes, or in soups and salads.

Best bought as young plants in early

1 summer, plant them into the container
once the risk of frost has passed. Pinch off
the tops of the stems for bushier plants.

Keep the
2 plants moist
and feed regularly
with a balanced
liquid fertilizer.
The leaves and
stems can be
picked as needed.
Bring the plant
indoors in winter.
154 Crops in small yards

Crops sown early spring will give a bountiful harvest at the

Yield Spring end of the season. Many can be picked over several weeks.

The outer leaves

of lettuce can be
picked individually.
Try yellow-rooted
beets as well as
classic red forms.

Peas and snow peas

crop for weeks when
picked regularly.
A nine-pot plot 155

Most summer crops can be harvested over many weeks,

Yield Summer rewarding your efforts with ample fresh and tasty produce.

Try different basils,

such as lemon, lime,
purple, and Thai.

Kale can be picked

as soon as the plants
are large enough.

Tomatoes give a
delicious, summer-
long harvest.
Where space
allows use...
Raised beds
There are many advantages to growing your crops in a
raised bed (see pp.20–23), but as well as providing ideal
growing conditions, they can also make an attractive
feature. When choosing what to grow, consider varieties
with positive qualities, such as colorful foliage or
flowers, and combine crops with different leaf
textures. Rather than planting in rows, why not
arrange your crops in interesting patterns instead?
158 Crops in small yards

DIY raised bed Raised beds can

Sunny walls provide warmth and shelter, encouraging be made from many
plants to grow. It’s the ideal place to position a three- different materials.
sided raised bed, which you can easily make yourself. Wood is ideal, since
it is easy to use, and
You will need when treated with
• Materials Topsoil, potting preservative, it can
Pretreated wood planks
at least 2in (5cm) thick
mix, and grit be very long-lasting.
Long wood screws • Tools
Scrap wood pieces Power drill, saw, tape
Plastic sheeting measure, and a shovel.

The bed consists of a three-sided wood frame placed Depending on how high you want your bed to be, join
1 against a wall to form a box. Decide how large you want
your bed to be, then measure, mark, and saw the pieces of
2 the first three sides at the corners to form a frame. Drill
pilot holes, then attach the sides, using long screws. Repeat,
wood to length on a firm, level surface. if you are making a deeper bed, using two or more frames.
160 Crops in small yards

Choose a level site

3 and place the first
frame in position against
the wall. Place your
second, and even third,
frame on top. Make
certain that each added
frame sets squarely on
the one below it.

With all the frames in place and squared up, cut wood Cut plastic sheeting and a piece of wood the full length
4 pieces, two per side, to connect them together. Drill pilot
holes, then screw the wood in place.
5 of the bed. Screw the wood to the wall, through the
lower edge of the plastic sheeting, to hold it in place.
DIY raised bed 161

To take full advantage of the
warmth and shelter provided by
a sunny wall, consider installing
Fold the first piece of
6 plastic sheeting down
and into the bed, so that it
a trellis before positioning the
bed. This will allow you to grow
climbing crops, including heat-
covers the wall. This will loving melons or beans.
keep the wall from getting Alternatively, rather than a trellis,
you could also attach horizontal
damp. Now, cut more plastic wires to the wall. Wires are
sheeting to fully line the more flexible than a trellis, and
inside of the bed and nail it are ideal for training fruiting
in place. This will protect the crops, such as raspberries and
wood from decay and help Japanese wineberries.

to retain moisture.

Fill the bed with a mixture of topsoil, soil mix, and grit
8 (see p.23), mixing it in a wheelbarrow first. Water the
mix, allow to settle for a few days, then top it off if needed.

Care Advice
Wood care Even pretreated wood benefits from being
painted with wood preservative each year. This is best
done in fall, when the bed is likely to be empty. Use
a wood preservative harmless to plants.
If the bed is more than 36in (90cm) deep, place some
gravel in the bottom to ensure good drainage.
162 Crops in small yards

The easy- Spring

to-grow bed
Planted with crops that are quick and easy
to grow, this bed will supply you with an
abundance of colorful, nourishing, tasty
leaves and fruit from spring to winter.

When planting your

bed, be aware that
strawberry plants are
perennial and take up
permanent space. Use GETTING STARTED Plant the strawberries, which will
remain in the bed all year. Sow the seeds of your spring
the space around them crops directly in the soil, ready to harvest a few weeks later.

for quick-growing
crops. Sow new batches
You will need
of seeds as soon as • Materials • Tools
Raised bed, approximately Spade
space is available, 3ft (1m) square
Potting mix, soil, and grit
Watering can
Bamboo poles String guides
and always sow a few Fine plastic netting

extras in case of slug

and snail damage.
Surplus plants can
be thinned.
The easy-to-grow bed 163

Summer Fall

GETTING AHEAD Remove the spring crops, plant out the EXTENDING THE SEASON Leave the strawberries where
tomato plants, and sow your summer crops. Sow Swiss they are but remove all other summer crops. Plant out the
chard and mustard greens in pots to plant out in fall. Swiss chard and mustard greens sown in pots in summer.


Peas Green onions Lettuce Strawberries

Sow direct in Sow in batches Sow in spring. Plant out in
early spring. in early spring. early spring.

Nasturtiums Pea shoots Swiss chard Mustard greens

Sow seeds in Sow in batches Sow in summer Sow in summer
mid-spring. during summer. into small pots. into small pots.

Sow seeds in
164 Crops in small yards

Use string to help

work out your plant

Remove any weeds

that appear before
sowing and planting.

ill your bedal

F the ide
with o get the
soil t results
best p.23).

Now is the time to start sowing the first seeds and planting strawberries.
To give your crops a useful head start, warm the soil first (see pp.44–45).


If the weather is cold, start your
Strawberry plants need time to 0nce the soil is warm enough, sow seeds off under cover, ready to
1 establish, so plant them first. You
can then sow your annual crops in the
2 your seeds into shallow furrows, to
the depth and spacing recommended
plant out in a few weeks. Peas can
even be started in old rain gutters.
remainder of the bed around them. on the packet. Water them in gently.
The easy-to-grow bed 165

Use bamboo poles

to mark out where
to sow your seeds.

Use plastic netting

to protect crops from
birds and animals.

Plant strawberries
12–14in (30–40cm)
apart and water in.

Snip off strawberry runners, Thin out your vegetable seedlings Don’t waste the thinnings, the
3 the long stems with young plants
attached, so the plants put all their
4 as they grow, leaving the strongest
ones at the recommended planting
5 surplus seedlings removed during
thinning. Many, such as lettuce, can be
energy into producing berries. distances (see pp.32–34). harvested as baby vegetables.
166 Crops in small yards


Sugar snap peas can be harvested and eaten

whole, as soon as the juvenile peas start to swell within the
pods. Wait until the pods have plumped up slightly, and eat
them on the day they are picked for the best flavor.


Weed around green onions, being careful of their shallow
roots, so that they don’t have competition for nutrients and
water. Sow batches every few weeks from spring to summer
for a constant supply. If you have enough space, you could
also continue sowing throughout summer.

• Keep all plants well watered
• Weed between plants carefully
• Regularly check for signs of pests
• Pick fruiting crops regularly
• Deadhead flowering plants SPRING LETTUCE Crop lettuce by picking the outer leaves,
• Resow new batches of seed rather than pulling up the whole plant, and leave
• Ensure nets are securely fastened
the inner ones to continue growing. Alternatively, cut the
head off near the base, leaving the stump to resprout.
The easy-to-grow bed 167
168 Crops in small yards

Picking the outer

leaves creates space
for other crops.

Sow nasturtium
seeds between your
strawberry plants.

Once the peas have been harvested, remove the plants and replace them
with young tomatoes. Continue to harvest the outer lettuce leaves.

Harvest the green onions by pulling S ow a new batch of green onions, Water your tomato plants regularly,
1 them from the soil. Prepare the area
for resowing by removing any plant
2 or another quick-growing crop,
such as pea shoots. These too can
3 especially in drier weather. Erratic
watering when the fruit start to form
debris, and lightly turning the soil. soon be replaced, once harvested. can cause them to split and spoil.
The easy-to-grow bed 169

Train the tomatoes

as space-saving
cordons (see p.171).

Sow Swiss chard

in pots. Use them to
replace the lettuce.

Deadhead your
nasturtiums to keep
them flowering well.

Edible nasturtium
flowers, oak leaf
Harvest pea shoots just above the
4 lowest leaves, when they are about
6in (15cm) tall. The plants will resprout
lettuce, and pea
shoots make a
colorful salad.
to give another harvest in a few weeks.
The easy-to-grow bed 171

Always wash
your hands after
handling tomato
plants. The sap
can irritate skin.
Or, wear gloves.

Tomato tips

Choice toms Try

growing unusual varieties of
tomatoes, such as ‘Green Zebra’
Swiss chard can be harvested
(above), that you’d be hard
as baby greens to eat raw, or fully pressed to find in shops.
grown to enjoy lightly steamed.

When there isn’t a lot of room for
bush varieties, cordon tomatoes
are an excellent option. These are
grown as a single stem that is
trained up a vertical support, such
as a pole or string. Any sideshoots
that appear in the leaf joints should
be pinched off (left), and the main
growing tip is removed once the
plant has produced 5–6 trusses of Ripe fruit Small cherry
tomatoes. If you have more space, tomatoes are the best type for
bush tomatoes simply require cooler areas—they ripen more
support rather than training. quickly than larger-fruiting types.
172 Crops in small plots

As summer crops finish, plant out hardy ones raised from seed in
pots during summer, such as Swiss chard, to harvest until winter.

The Swiss chard will

benefit from winter

Mustard greens will

continue to grow
during mild spells.

The strawberry
plants will become
dormant until spring.

The soil in your raised bed will still be warm in fall, and although the
temperatures are lower, it is still warm enough to grow certain crops.
Take advantage of these favorable conditions for as long as they last,
and grow and harvest as much as you can.
Alternative crops to grow

Carrots Beets Radishes Violas

Instead of peas Sow seeds Instead of peas Sow seeds into Instead of green onions Sow Instead of nasturtiums Plant
thinly where they are to grow the soil in early spring. Pull the the seeds directly, water well, out young plants in early spring.
in spring. Pull in early summer. tender roots in early summer. and pull when large enough. Pick the flowers into summer.


Marjoram Spinach Basil Sweet corn

Instead of pea shoots Plant Instead of lettuce Sow into the Instead of nasturtiums Plant Instead of tomatoes Plant out
out in early summer. Pick the bed in mid-spring and harvest young plants in summer and young plants in early summer in
aromatic leaves all summer. from summer to fall. harvest regularly all season. a block. Harvest in late summer.

No sowing plans are set in
stone and it’s important to
grow what you love to eat.
If you’re not interested in
growing green onions,
lettuce, tomatoes, or
Winter-flowering violas Black leaf kale Arugula peas, here are some
Instead of mustard greens Instead of Swiss chard Sow Instead of mustard greens alternatives to try.
Plant in fall and harvest seed in pots in early summer to Sow the seed into any free space
the flowers until spring. plant out in late summer. and harvest once large enough.
174 Crops in small yards

Gourmet bed
When space is limited, think gourmet,
and fill your bed with crop varieties that Squash flowers are a
you could never find in the supermarket. foodie’s delight. Pick
They offer a superior taste and often look male flowers on long
fantastic, but take no more time and stems for stuffing,
effort to grow than ordinary crops. leaving the female
flowers to form fruit.
Look out for unusual
or heirloom varieties
of tomatoes, carrots,
and beets to enjoy
their subtly different
tastes, colors, and
textures. Why grow the
same zucchini that you
can easily buy? Try
tromboncino ones
instead, with their
amazing fruit, and You will need
grow them alongside • Materials
Raised bed, approximately
3 x bamboo poles,
about 8ft (2.5m) tall
3ft (1m) square Garden string
lemony-tasting purple Multipurpose soil mix, Trellis
topsoil, and grit Cloche for spring protection
oxalis leaves. Liquid fertilizer
Gourmet bed 175

Spring to summer Fall to spring

READY FOR SUMMER After the last frost, plant the tomato INTO WINTER Keep your bed productive with frilly endives,
and tromboncino zucchini, and provide support. Also plant sown in fall for winter harvest, and garlic and broad beans,
the oxalis. The other summer crops can be sown from seed. which will be ready next spring and summer.


Zucchini Tomato Beet ‘Boltardy’ Endive
‘Tromboncino’ ‘Black Cherry’ Sow mid- ‘Wallone Despa’
Plant mid- Plant to late spring Sow/plant
to late spring mid-spring late summer

Tomato Marigolds Beet Broad bean

‘Snowberry’ Sow early spring ‘Burpees Golden’ ‘Super Aquadulche’
Plant Plant late spring Sow mid- Sow
mid-spring to late spring late fall

Tomato ‘Beam’s Carrot Purple oxalis Garlic

Yellow Pear’ ‘Harlequin’ (Oxalis Plant late fall
Plant Sow triangularis)
mid-spring mid-spring Plant late spring
176 Crops in small yards

Reclaimed steel
mesh is ideal for
zucchini to climb.

Fill with an even

blend of soil mix and
topsoil, and 10% grit.

Tomatoes and zucchini can be grown from seed in spring, or bought as

young plants. After the last frost, harden them off and plant them out.

Tomatoes and summer squash Make a hole for the zucchini wider Plant with the neck of the plant just
1 are hungry plants, so add
homemade compost or enriched
2 and deeper than the pot. This
vigorous plant will fill the space,
3 above the surface of the soil to
avoid neck rot. Cover with soil mix,
multipurpose soil mix to the bed. so don’t be tempted to plant two. firm in well, and water it thoroughly.
Gourmet bed 177

Plant all your small

plants into the bed
Grow marigolds from before sowing seeds.
seed indoors or buy
plants in spring.

Sink tall bamboo

poles into the bed
to support tomatoes.

Plant your tomatoes next to their Harden off your marigolds and Sow carrot and beet seeds in
4 poles and tie in the stems with
string. Water them well and continue
5 oxalis plants, and plant them out
after the last frost. Snip off any dead
6 furrows, cover them lightly, and
water gently. Check planting distances
to tie them in as they grow. leaves to encourage new growth. in the Crop planner (see pp.224–241).
The tomato plants
should be trained as
cordons (see p.171).

Keep crops coming

with a liquid feed
once a week.

By early summer your bed will be bursting with produce, rewarding your
hard work. Harvest regularly, and keep your crops well watered and fed.

Your squash will cling on and climb Thin out carrots and beets Start feeding tomatoes weekly with
1 rapidly, but watch out for growth
heading off in a direction you hadn’t
2 to allow decent-sized roots
to form. Eat tiny carrots raw and
3 a tomato fertilizer once the first
flowers appear. Keep the plants moist
planned on; redirect it and tie it in. add young beet leaves to salads. at all times to avoid the fruit splitting.
Gourmet bed 179

Lightly harvest the

5 leaves from oxalis
to use sparingly in
summer salads. The
leaves pack a strong,
lemony punch, which
comes from oxalic acid
(also present in sorrel
and spinach). Enjoy
eating it in moderation.

Tomatoes come in
a huge variety of
colors and shapes—
from dark reds to
pale yellows and
greens, and in all
shapes from plums
to light bulbs. All are
grown in the same
way, so why not
choose one that
isn’t simply round
and red?
Tromboncinos are at their best when they are 12–16in
4 (30–40cm) long. Keep picking for a nonstop supply. Try
shaving them with a potato peeler to use like pasta.

The mix of soil in a

6 raised bed, and its
lack of rocks, makes
OUT WEEDS it ideal for growing
A benefit of planting carrots with perfectly
closely in your bed is formed roots. For a
that it helps to suppress selection of colorful,
weeds. However, they crunchy, and sweet-
can still appear, unseen tasting roots, grow
at first, between your ‘Harlequin’ (right).
plants, and will compete If you would prefer
for water and nutrients. single colors, choose
Check regularly, and ‘Cosmic Purple’, ‘Atomic
remove any you spot. Red’, or ‘Solar Yellow’.
180 Crops in small yards

gourmet c
will turn rops
a simple b
into a gar ed
spectacle. den

From mid- to late summer there should be something to eat every day:
fresh beets and carrots and trusses of tomatoes, ripening in the sun.

Pull beets when the tops of the Pull carrots gently to avoid snapping To encourage a larger harvest, pick
1 roots are visible above the soil
surface. You can also eat the leaves
2 the roots and disturbing the rest of
the crop. Make this easier by watering
3 your tomatoes regularly. They are
at their best when they are fully ripe,
young and raw or mature and cooked. the soil or loosening it slightly first. pull easily, and are slightly soft.
182 Crops in small yards

Clear the bed in fall and dig in fresh soil mix

Fall to Spring
for crops that will take you through to next summer.

Sow broad beans

2in (5cm) deep to
harvest in spring.

Plant garlic cloves

into the soil, about
/4in (2cm) deep.

Sow endive in pots

mid- to late summer.
Plant out in fall.

Sow broad beans from mid-fall to crop in early spring. A late-fall

planting of garlic will be ready to harvest in summer, while endive
will keep you in flavorful leaves throughout the winter.
In colder spells, protect your plants with fabric or cloches.
Alternative crops to grow
Spring to Summer

Cornflowers Sweet peppers Kohlrabi Spinach

Instead of marigolds Use these Instead of tomatoes Peppers Instead of carrots Sow this Instead of endive Sow seed in
attractive, edible flowers to add enjoy the same conditions as gourmet vegetable from mid- pots during summer to plant out
color to salads. Sow in spring. tomatoes. Plant in early summer. spring onward (see p.229). in early fall (see p.230).

Green or runner beans Alpine strawberries Summer herbs Florence fennel

Instead of tromboncinos Use Instead of oxalis These can be Instead of oxalis Plant thyme Instead of carrots Sow directly
either crop to cover the vertical planted as young plants during and marjoram in spring, and in early summer, keep moist, and
support. Sow in early summer. spring, and will fruit all summer. harvest throughout the summer. harvest the stems in summer.

Winter to Spring

Chicory Black leaf kale Swiss chard Sprouting broccoli

Instead of endive Sow in pots Instead of broad beans Sow in Instead of endive Sow during Instead of broad beans Raise
in summer, ready to plant them pots in summer. Insert poles for late summer in pots, and plant plants in pots from seed sown in
out when the bed is cleared. support and harvest all winter. them out in early fall. summer. Harvest until spring.
184 Crops in small yards

Circular salad bed

A raised bed can be used to create
dazzling decorative effects that are also
productive. Try growing your own crop Try planting tomato
circles—rings of mixed salad leaves and ‘Terenzo’, a sweet,
edible flowers, with trailing tomatoes on hanging variety
the perimeter. Site the bed in a sunny that is perfect for
spot on a patio, so you can go out and tumbling over the
pick leaves as and when you need them. edge of a raised bed.

In yards where space is

limited there is always
a compromise between
how much room you
devote to flowers, and
how much you allocate
to crops. The virtue of
this planting design,
with its colorful and
edible fruit, greens, and
flowers, is that it tastes
as good as it looks. You will need
• Materials
Raised bed, approximately Liquid fertilizer
3ft (1m) square Cloches and fabric for
Multipurpose soil mix, winter protection
topsoil, and grit
Horticultural sand
Circular salad bed 185

Spring to Summer Fall to Winter

FRESH SALADS are the main focus of the summer bed, COLORFUL KALE and spicy mustard greens, sown in
sown and planted from mid- to late spring to provide a summer and planted in fall, maintain a handsome bed
continuous supply of greens and sweet cherry tomatoes. of salad crops and stir-fry vegetables through the winter.


Tomato Violas Mustard greens Mibuna
‘Terenzo’ Plant mid-spring ‘Red frills’ Sow in summer
Plant late spring Sow in summer

Lettuce Chives Garlic ‘Solent

‘Navarra’ Plant 1 mid- White’
Sow mid-spring spring Plant in fall

Lettuce Kale ‘Redbor’

‘Lobjoits’ and ‘Winterbor’
Sow mid-spring Sow midsummer
186 Crops in small yards

The sand planting

guides will wash
away after sowing.

Tomatoes can be
grown from seed
or bought as plants.

For summer crops, work begins in late spring, preparing your bed for sowing
Summer seeds directly into the soil, and for planting out plants after the last frost.

If using an existing bed, prepare Rake the soil to a fine tilth, ready for Check your seed packets for the
1 the soil by turning it over, remove
any weeds, and top it off. For a new
2 sowing. Attach string to a peg in
the middle of the bed and tie a dibble
3 ideal planting distances for your
crops. Space the circles accordingly,
bed, fill it with the ideal mix (see p.23). to the other end. Mark out circles. and mark them out, using sand.
Circular salad bed 187

Cut chives regularly

and use the flowers
in summer salads.

Violas flower early

and can be picked
from late spring.

Leave sideshoots on
tomatoes for bushy,
trailing plants.

• Keep to the circles as you sow, and
remove seedlings that spoil the design
• Protect young plants from slugs,
snails, and birds
• Keep watering, even in wet spells
• Weed between plants regularly
• Harvest young salad greens regularly
• Give tomatoes a liquid feed when the
first flowers and trusses begin to form
Put a chive plant in the center of the Sow lettuce seeds thinly into the
4 bed, with a trailing tomato plant in
each corner to cascade over the edges.
5 furrows, following the lines of the
sand. Cover with soil and water in
Firm and water the plants in. gently, using a watering can.
188 Crops in small yards

Keep deadheading violas for

8 a continuous supply of edible
blooms. If the heads turn to seed,
the plant will stop flowering.

Space the viola plants evenly

6 around the edge of the bed in a
wide circle. Tuck them into holes, firm 9 Cut the chives as and
when you need them.
them in, and water them thoroughly. For a fresh new crop, cut
the leaves clear down in
midsummer—they will
quickly grow back. Chives
will overwinter, and can be
divided up in spring and
replanted in fresh soil mix
in a sunny location.

Rather than pulling up the
whole head of your lettuce
plants at one time, you can
leave the plant in place and
harvest the outer leaves as
you need them. Alternatively,
cut the head off near the base,
leaving a short stump that
As lettuce begins to grow, thin will regrow. Good varieties

7 it out so that the remaining plants

can mature fully. Use the thinnings as
to plant include speckle-leaf
‘Freckles’ and bronze-tipped
‘Rubens Red’.
an early crop, adding the succulent,
sweet greens to salads.
190 Crops in small yards

As crops begin to fade at the end of the summer, clear the bed of debris and
Winter top it off with soil mix, ready to plant crops for winter and next summer.

Pick the outer leaves

of kale, leaving inner
ones to mature.

Plant garlic cloves

/4in (2cm) deep
in fall.

Mustard greens are

welcome in winter
when salad is scarce.

For crops to grow through winter, sow kale and mustard greens in small
pots during summer and let them grow, ready to plant out once your
summer crops have been cleared. Garlic can be planted directly in the
fall. Protect your salad greens with fabric or cloches during winter.
Alternative crops to grow

African basil Cilantro

Instead of chives Plant out a pot-grown Instead of chives Sow seeds directly in
specimen once the risk of frost has passed. early summer and keep the plants moist.
Harvest the leaves and stems during summer. Enjoy the flavorful leaves all summer.

Strawberries Spinach Hyssop

Instead of tomatoes Plant strawberries in Instead of summer lettuce Sow the seeds Instead of violas Plant out small plants
spring, and choose summer-fruiting and directly in late spring and keep the plants during spring and harvest the richly aromatic
everbearing varieties for the longest harvest. well watered. Harvest summer to winter. leaves and flowers throughout the summer.


Swiss chard Sprouting broccoli Endive

Instead of kale Sow the seeds into small Instead of kale Sow the seeds in pots in Instead of mustard greens Sow the seeds
pots in summer, let them grow, and plant out summer to grow. Plant in fall, staking them, during summer into small pots outside. Plant
in fall. Harvest the leaves in winter. and harvest in winter and spring. them out once the bed has been cleared.
Use your beds to
grow the crops...
You love!
One of the pleasures of growing your own is that you
can concentrate on the crops that you really enjoy
eating. Lettuce may be easy to grow, but if you don’t
like it, why bother? Growing your own also means you
can experiment with different varieties that you never
see in the stores. If you love summer salads, explore
every possibility, from textural Asian greens to
peppery mustard greens. If you like it, grow it.
194 Crops in small yards

The Med bed

This bed brims with an essence of the
Mediterranean, with its vibrant colors
Peppers come in a
and flavors. Best in a warm spot, site
dazzling array of
your raised bed in the sunniest and most
colors and sizes, but
protected corner. Hold back from planting
select carefully. They
and sowing until the sun is high and the
can pack a real punch
soil has warmed up in late spring.
that ranges from
mild to super hot!
Tap into the tastes and
health benefits of a
Mediterranean diet
by growing vibrant
chili and sweet
peppers, crunchy
Florence fennel, and
glossy eggplant. Look
for varieties that have
been selected
to grow outdoors in
slightly cooler climates, You will need
• Materials
and pamper your Raised bed approximately Bamboo poles
3ft (1m) square Soft string

plants during prolonged Topsoil, soil mix, and grit

Watering can
Fabric or cloches
for protection
Liquid ferilizer
wet and cool spells.
The Med bed 195

Summer Winter

START THE SUMMER BED in late spring with chili peppers, FOR WINTER CROPS clear the bed in early fall and sow
bought as small plants, and Florence fennel, sweet peppers, radicchio and winter lettuce. Plant out kale, chicory,
and eggplant grown from seed indoors and planted out. and sprouting broccoli, grown in pots during summer.


Sweet Pepper Florence fennel Chicory Lettuce
Sow indoors in Sow indoors in Sow in pots ‘Merveille de Quatre Saisons’
pots early spring pots early spring in midsummer Sow seed directly in fall

Chili Pepper Sweet Pepper Kale Sprouting broccoli

Plant out in Sow indoors in Sow in pots Sow in pots in midsummer
late spring pots early spring in midsummer

Chili Pepper Eggplant Radicchio

Plant out in Sow indoors in ‘Orchidea Rossa’
late spring pots early spring Sow in fall
The Med bed 197

Eggplant dislikes root
disturbance. Plant seeds
singly in pots indoors in
spring, and ensure the
plants have a good root
system before you plant
them outside. Acclimatize
the plants to life outdoors
by hardening them off
over a couple of weeks.
Plant out gently in warm
soil in full sun, and insert
a pole for support.

Cooler summer This bed is

definitely one for warmer areas—in
cooler spots or during a cold, wet
summer you may struggle to produce
a ripe eggplant or more than a handful
of sweet peppers. It’s worth trying,
and if any plants wilt or fail, replace
TOO CHILLY FOR CHILI PEPPERS? them with Mediterranean herbs, such
Both chili and sweet peppers are tender plants and suffer in cold, as rosemary and basil, and sow
wet soil. Harden them off well before planting, and make sure that fast-growing salad greens.
the soil in your bed has warmed up. Putting a cloche over the
planting area for a week or two will help to create a welcoming spot.

In early summer, Florence fennel can be sown from seed under cover,
to plant out in a few weeks’ time. Later harvests can be sown directly.

Sow three fennel seeds per pot Plant out with minimal disturbance
1 under cover in late spring and thin
to one healthy seedling, or sow directly
2 after the last frost. Fennel plants
tend to bolt if they are disturbed,
outdoors in early summer. or are too cold or underwatered.
198 Crops in small yards


Peppers hate to be wet, so water this crop minimally and let the top of the When your eggplant is about 10in (25cm)
soil dry out between waterings. Most chili peppers ripen from green to red, tall, pinch off the top of the main shoot to
becoming spicier as they do so. As long as the fruit have reached their full encourage bushier growth. Once the plant
size, you can pick them when they are green for a milder flavor. Picking unripe
starts flowering, feed it weekly with liquid
fruit will also encourage the plant to keep flowering and produce more.
tomato fertilizer to promote fruiting.

Fennel likes to be pampered,
so keep your plants well
watered, and mulch around
the base of bulb to retain
Some sweet moisture. Pick some leaves
grow tall andpeppers to use in salads or to flavor
food, leaving plenty to
need support may support the plants’ growth.
a bamboo po ing with Harvest by pulling the bulbs
out of the soil with the roots
plants regulale. Feed attached, or cut through the

tomato fertil rly with base of each bulb just below

ground level. The remaining
in flower, an izer once roots should then produce

the mature f d harvest another small flush of airy,

anise-flavored leaves.
encourage m ruit to
200 Crops in small yards

As soon as the last peppers have been picked, fill the bed with kale,
broccoli, chicory, and lettuce for a feast from fall to spring.

Underplant kale and

sprouting broccoli
with chicory.

Black leaf kale will

be a statuesque
presence in the bed.

Plant radicchio
where it is easy
to harvest.

In early fall clear the bed and dig in fresh potting mix. With
planning, your winter crops will be underway, sown and growing
in pots from midsummer. In fall, some winter salads can be sown
directly. Protect plants with fabric or cloches in cold spells.
Alternative crops to grow

Runner beans Tomatoes Summer squash Sweet corn

Instead of peppers Sow beans Instead of eggplant Plant Instead of peppers Train the Instead of eggplant Sow seeds
directly in late spring and train cordon tomatoes in late spring. plants up trellises or tepees in early summer or plant out
the plants up tepees. Tie them in to bamboo poles. to make the best use of space. small plants raised in pots.

If eggplant and fennel are
not to your taste, there’s a
range of crops shown here
that will thrive in similar
warm, sunny conditions
through summer, or which
will fill the bed in winter.
See the Crop planner on
Cucamelons Basil Dwarf green beans pages 224–241 for more
Instead of fennel These Instead of peppers Sow inside, Instead of peppers No supports alternatives to grow.
delicate vines will scramble up plant out mid-spring, and pinch needed for these productive
a tepee or trellis. Sow in spring. off tops for bushy growth. plants about 18in (45cm) high.


Swiss chard Corn salad Mustard greens Red Russian kale

Instead of kale Start off Swiss Instead of radicchio Sow seed Instead of lettuce Interplant Instead of broccoli Sow red
chard in small pots in summer for during summer in seed flats and broccoli with spicy green and red and purple kale in pots in
colorful stems and tasty leaves. transplant in early fall. varieties. Sow in summer. summer for a vibrant winter bed.
202 Crops in small yards

Shady bed
Not every gardener can rely on full sun
throughout the day, especially on urban
Fancy salad greens
sites surrounded by houses and fences.
are a feast for the
This bed embraces shady spots, with
eyes in shady spots.
plantings of vegetables, such as lettuce,
Try ‘Freckles’, a
sorrel, and mustard greens, that thrive in
lettuce with dainty
cool growing conditions.
speckled leaves.

Try for a decorative

effect in your cool
corner by planting
quadrants of shade-
tolerant crops that are
gloriously tasty, too.
Red-flecked Lettuce
‘Speckles’ and red-
leaved ‘Navarra’ are
stars of the summer
bed. In fall, Mizuna
‘Red Knight’, Mustard You will need
• Materials Watering can
green ‘Green in Snow’, A raised bed approximately Fabric and cloches for
3ft (1m) square winter protection

and bok choy continue Topsoil, soil mix, and grit

Garden string
Short bamboo stakes
the show.
Shady bed 203

Spring Summer

GETTING STARTED After the final frost, plant small REPLENISH While the soil is still warm in late summer, clear
parsley plants, violas, and a sorrel centerpiece. Sow the bed and resow it with fall and winter crops, such as
radishes and lettuce varieties to harvest in early summer. mustard greens, bok choy, and chicory.


Sorrel Radishes Bok choy
Plant small plants Sow at intervals Sow seeds direct
or sow seeds in from spring to in late summer
mid-spring late summer

Violas Lettuce Mizuna

Plant small plants Sow regularly Sow mid- to late
or sow seeds in from spring until summer
mid-spring midsummer

Parsley Mustard greens

Plant or sow Sow seeds
in mid-spring direct in late
204 Crops in small yards

Sow parsley seeds

or plant out small
plants in spring.

Mark out areas by

running string from
corner to corner.

is a
Sorrelnial herb
peren has
that y, lemony
tang s year
leave year.
Mark out your plot and plant potted herbs before sowing seeds. Your seedlings
Spring should start appearing within a week, and radishes may be ready in 3-4 weeks.

Sow seeds in clearly defined rows. When the seedlings are bigger Radishes grow rapidly. As soon
1 This makes it easy to identify weeds
and pick them so that there is no
2 and have developed true leaves,
thin them out carefully, leaving the
3 as seedlings appear, thin them
out to 2in (5cm) apart to allow
competition for nutrients and water. remainder at their final spacings. space for roots to develop quickly.
Shady bed 205

Sow more radishes

every two weeks for
a nonstop harvest.

Thin out the lettuce

to their preferred
planting distance.

Cut the parsley

tops to prevent it
from going to seed.

Don’t throw away your thinnings. Brighten up your salads with sweet- Harvest radishes young, as soon as
4 These young tender leaves, along
with young radish and sorrel leaves,
5 scented viola flowers in all shades
from violet to pale yellow. Pick them
6 their crowns show above the soil.
Left to grow too big, the roots become
make a delicious, herby salad. regularly to keep the plants flowering. tough and will lose their crispness.
206 Crops in small yards

HARVEST LETTUCE by picking off the outer leaves and

leaving the heads to grow, or by cutting the fully grown,
hearty head off at the base. If you leave the stump in the
soil, it will regrow, with leaves to harvest again in summer.

Keep up a nonstop supply of salad crops

Spring by resowing whenever space becomes free.

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S slugs
havens foilrs. Go on
1 Radishes take little room and grow
fast in the summer heat, so after
and sna fter rain
each harvest, level and rake over the Resow lettuces too, keeping them patrol ausk and
soil, and sow a fresh row. 2 well watered to prevent them or at d h them.
from bolting and going to seed. deal wit
208 Crops in small yards

Leave the sorrel for

a supply of tangy
leaves into fall.

Mark out new

planting areas with
bamboo stakes.

New crops can be

sown directly into
the warm soil.

As soon as the last lettuce and radishes have been harvested, seize the
Summer opportunity to sow more leafy vegetables that will take you through fall.

Dig some fresh soil mix into the bed When the seedlings have Bok choy leaves will be ready in
1 and rake it to a fine tilth before
sowing sugar loaf chicory, mustard
2 developed their first true leaves,
thin them to 6–12in (15–30cm) apart.
3 about a month; fully grown heads
for stir-frying take up to two months.
greens, and bok choy. Use the thinned seedlings for salads. Water well to prevent bolting.
Shady bed 209
210 Crops in small yards
Alternative crops to grow

Sweet cicely Tatsoi Spinach Oriental saladini

Instead of Sorrel Plant this Instead of lettuce Directly sow Instead of lettuce Sow spinach Instead of lettuce Grow a mix
delicious aniseed-flavored herb this gorgeous Asian green, a from spring onward. Use young of mustard greens and Asian
as a small plant in spring. rosette bok choy, in early spring. greens in salads. greens to cut-and-come-again.

For your shady bed, seek
out varieties that have
been selected for their
resilience in cool climates,
especially for your fall
crops. A cool corner in
summer can become a
frost pocket in winter.
Lettuce ‘Maravilla de Swiss chard Chervil Use fabric and cloches
Verano Canasta’ Instead of lettuce Sow in Instead of parsley This ferny to protect delicate leaves.
Instead of ‘Freckles’ Try this spring to supply young leaves herb has an aniseed flavor.
red- and green-leaf variety. and brilliantly colored stems. Sow in spring and summer.


Corn salad Arugula Miner’s lettuce Kale

Instead of chicory Sow seeds Instead of mustard greens Instead of chicory Eat both the Instead of bok choy Grow one
directly in late summer for crops Sow seed directly from mid- to greens and flowers of this crop, of the many varieties of kale,
throughout the winter. late summer and pick regularly. sown directly in summer. sown directly in midsummer.
Liven up your
cooking with...
Fresh herbs!
Instead of growing fruit and vegetables, you could
devote a raised bed to culinary herbs. Choose your
favorite annual and perennial types, such as basil and
chives, and also include evergreens, like sage, that you
can pick through the winter. Many common herbs
can be bought fresh in supermarkets, so why not plant
others that aren’t, such as aromatic sweet cicely?
214 Crops in small yards

Tasty herb bed

This decorative, deliciously scented, and
intensely flavored group of plants is tailor- Spikes of fragrant
made for a small bed. Keep them close by thyme and vivid
for easy picking. This is a valuable crop for starflowers are
any cook who likes to experiment—cut magnets for bees,
herbs in stores are pricey, limited in scope, attracting pollinators
and bear no comparison to homegrown. to all your crops.

Many of these herbs are

perennials, returning
year after year, which
makes this bed easy to
maintain. Plant staples,
like sage and thyme,
and unusual herbs, such
as lovage, fennel, and
sweet cicely, which you
are unlikely to ever find
in the grocery store.
Edible flowers, such You will need
• Materials
as starflowers, self- Raised bed approximately Tools
3ft (1m) square Watering can

seed freely, providing Topsoil, soil mix, and grit.

Stakes for tall plants

free plants next year.

Tasty herb bed 215

Summer Winter

PLANTING TIME Plant small herb plants in mid-spring as WINTER HERBS Replace starflowers, cilantro, and poppies
the soil warms up. Wait until after the last frost to plant when they go to seed, with mustard greens and arugula.
basil and fennel. Sow California poppies around the herbs. Leave the perennials, and plant garlic in late fall.


Rosemary Lovage Sweet cicely Marjoram Mustard
Perennial, plant Tall perennial, Perennial, plant Perennial, plant greens
mid-spring plant mid-spring mid-spring mid-spring Annual, sow in
late summer

Bronze fennel Starflower Purple sage California Arugula

Perennial, plant Annual, sow Evergreen shrub, poppy Annual, sow in
mid-spring late spring plant mid-spring Annual, sow late summer
in late spring

Thyme Cilantro Purple basil Garlic

Perennial, plant Annual, sow or Annual, plant Plant cloves
mid-spring plant late spring late spring in fall
216 Crops in small yards

Give tall plants such

as fennel plenty of
growing room.

Plant out tender

herbs like basil after
the final frost.

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Purchase a mix of small hardy and annual herb plants from a good
herb nursery to plant in mid-spring, spaced evenly around the bed.

Mediterranean plants such as This group of herbs is sensitive to To help pot-grown plants establish
1 thyme, rosemary, sage, and fennel
need full sun to grow their best.
2 wet soil, and should not be planted
any deeper than they were in their
3 well, use your fingers to gently
loosen their root balls. This encourages
Ease them gently from their pots. original containers. new roots to grow into the soil.
Tasty herb bed 217

lovage grows tall, so
plant it at the back.

Thyme varieties
include orange,
lemon, and caraway. Try black currant,
tangerine, and
tricolor sages.

• Keep all your plants well watered
• Check for slugs and snails regularly
• Keep trimming your herbs to prevent
them from flowering early
• Remove dead or fading leaves
• Pick herb bunches in late summer
and dry for winter, or freeze them
• Cover tender shoots, like basil, with
a net if birds start feasting on them
Purple basil is slower-growing than Leave fennel to develop beautiful
4 the green-leaf type. Make sure it
isn’t smothered by neighboring plants
5 flower heads in late summer. These
are loved by bees, and will supply
as they grow. Trim back if necessary. aniseed-flavored seeds for cooking.
218 Crops in small yards

annual herbs

Keep on top of weeding to Sow seed under cover

1 remove any competition in
the bed for nutrients and water.
during early summer into flats
of multipurpose soil mix. Keep
the seeds warm and moist.

Young starflower
2 leaves bring a mild
cucumber flavor to
salads, and the flowers
can be picked off and
frozen into ice cubes to
decorate fruity drinks.
If you have too many
starflowers, dig young
plants back into the soil Transplant the seedlings
as a green manure. into individual pots once they are
large enough to handle. Keep
growing them under cover.

Marjoram ‘Golden Curly’ is a
decorative, perennial herb. It
produces prolific tufts of bright
leaves and frothy pale pink
flowers that hum with bees in
summer. Marjoram is in the
same family as oregano and
adds rich flavor to pasta
sauces, pizzas, casseroles,
Pinch off the tips to
encourage the plants to bush
and roasted vegetables.
out. Harden them off for a few
days, then plant them outside.
220 Crops in small yards

Fennel, hyssop, and sweet cicely die down in fall and shoot up again
in spring, while rosemary and sage can be picked all winter.

When starflower is
over, remove and
sow rows of arugula.

To overwinter,
thyme may need
protection from frost.

Plant the garlic as

individual cloves
in early fall.

At the end of summer, gaps left in the bed by annuals can be sown
with mustard green and arugula seeds for fall pickings. In late fall,
plant garlic cloves, which can be picked as green leafy spikes in
spring, and as succulent bulbs in summer.
Alternative herbs to grow

Violas Tree spinach Dill Mint

Instead of California poppies Instead of lovage This fast- Instead of fennel Sow in spring Instead of sweet cicely Keep
Plant violas in spring and growing, 6ft (1.8m) annual has for aniseed-flavored, feathery mint confined to its pot in the
crystallize the flowers for cakes. magenta-colored young leaves. leaves and seeds. bed to keep it from taking over.

Angelica Salad burnet Hyssop Parsley

Instead of lovage This whopper Instead of marjoram Sow this Instead of rosemary Plant in Instead of cilantro Sow this
produces sweet stems to cook pretty perennial herb with a mild early summer. It has aromatic versatile biennial in late spring.
with fruit and vegetables. cucumber flavor in mid-spring. leaves and blue flower spikes. Use in sauces and salads.


Choose your own. There
are so many delicious
herbs, each with their own
flavor and special culinary
uses, but the most useful
to you are the ones you
include regularly in your
own dishes. Most are easy
Swiss chard Kale Tatsoi to grow and many come
Instead of arugula Harvest the Instead of mustard greens Instead of garlic Plant mid- back year after year.
robust stems and crisp leaves in Kales have wonderful textures to late summer for succulent
winter. Sow in late summer. and colors. Sow in late summer. greens in fall and winter.
224 Crop planner

Crop planner
Use this crop planner to help make the most of the space you have, and to decide what to
sow and plant when. With careful planning, you’ll be able to make use of every inch of your
growing space, with new crops ready to plant as existing ones are reaching maturity.
A guide to the icons Full sun
20–26 weeks
PLANT IN SUN OR PART SHADE These Late winter to mid-spring
plants prefer either sun or part shade. Fruit Late spring to early summer
and vegetables will not grow in full shade. Early to midsummer
Midsummer to early fall
This is a guide to how long each crop takes to Small space rating
reach maturity. Use it to plan the order in which
you sow your crops. Varieties to try
‘Corno di Toro Rosso’ Long, tapering scarlet peppers.
WHEN TO SOW SEED UNDER COVER ‘Gourmet’ Early-ripening, chunky orange fruit.
This is when to sow seed in flats and pots. ‘Gypsy’ Heavy-cropping, slim green peppers ripen to red.
Keep the seedlings indoors until planted out. How to grow Once planted out, support plants with poles because
the fruit are heavy. Feed weekly with tomato fertilizer once the first
WHEN TO SOW SEED OUTSIDE Now is flowers appear. You get more peppers if you pick them green, but
fewer, sweeter fruit if you let them ripen and change color.
the time when you can sow each crop directly
outside in the soil.
have raised plants from seed, or bought them 20–26 weeks
as seedlings, this is when to plant them out. Late winter to mid-spring
Late spring to early summer
WHEN TO HARVEST This is the time of year Late spring to early summer
when each crop should be ready to harvest. Midsummer to early fall
18–24in (45–61cm)
is the distance to leave between your plants.

SMALL SPACE RATING This is a guide to Varieties to try

how productive a crop is, relative to the time ‘Apache’ Dwarf habit and small red fruit (medium-hot).
’Hungarian Hot Wax’ Ripening to red and good for cool areas (mild).
and space they need. The crops awarded three
‘Prairie Fire’ Masses of tiny yellow to red fruit all summer (hot).
stars are the most productive choices.
How to grow Treat in a similar way to sweet peppers (above).
Dwarf varieties also thrive on sunny windowsills in pots as small as
6in (15cm) across. Harvest over several weeks, green and mild, or hot
and ripe. The fruit grow fewer but hotter if kept on the dry side.
Crop planner 225

Full sun Full sun
9–12 weeks 24–28 weeks
Early spring Early spring to mid-spring
Mid- to late spring Late spring to early summer
Midsummer to fall Late spring
Midsummer to early fall Late summer to mid-fall
12–36in (30–90cm) 24–30in (60–75cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Sungold’ Sweet-tasting orange cherry-sized fruit. ‘Bonica’ An early variety with purple-black fruit.
‘Gardener’s Delight’ Very reliable red cherry tomatoes. ‘Moneymaker’ Tasty, purple fruit; grows well outdoors.
‘Green Zebra’ Bears colorful yellow and green fruit. ‘Thai Green Pea’ Abundant, slender, lime-green fruit.
How to grow Plant out deeper than in original pots, just below How to grow Plants need rich, well-drained soil, warmth, and
the first leaves. To grow cordon types, provide a tall support, and pinch humidity, so are usually grown under cover in cool areas, or outside
off any sideshoots that develop, leaving a single stem. Once it has in sheltered, sunny spots. They dislike root disturbance, so sow seed
produced 5–6 trusses of fruit, pinch off the main tip. When growing singly in pots, planting them into containers or grow bags when the
bush varieties, the sideshoots are allowed to grow, and each will need first flowers appear. Outdoor plants must be hardened off. Provide
a support. Keep all plants very well watered to prevent the fruit from support and pinch off the growing tips to encourage bushiness. Water
splitting and, once in flower, feed weekly with tomato fertilizer. and feed well, and nip off the main tip once each plant has 4–6 fruits.


Full sun Full sun
8–12 weeks 14–20 weeks
Late spring Mid-spring to late spring
Early summer Late spring to early summer
Early summer Early summer
Midsummer to mid-fall Midsummer to mid-fall
36in (90cm) 36in (90cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Goldy’ Prolific crops of bright yellow zucchini. ‘Eight ball’ Round, deep green, glossy squashes with nutty flesh.
‘Zucchini’ Green fruit and an early cropper. ‘Peter Pan’ Creamy flesh in pale green; a round, early squash.
‘Rond di Nice’ Pale green round fruit, good for stuffing. ‘Sunburst’ Yellow patty pan type squash with white flesh.
How to grow Harden off young plants before planting out in late How to grow These fast-growing, large plants can be planted in
spring, after the last frost, protecting them against slugs and snails. the soil, or in containers or growing bags. Sow the large seed into pots,
These are big plants, so position 3ft (90cm) apart, although they can planting them out once the danger of frost has passed, or sow them
also be grown in large containers. Keep plants very well watered, directly outside. These plants are hungry and thirsty, but prone to rot,
watering them directly at the base, and feed them regularly with a so keep the leaves and stems dry when watering the soil. Apply mulch
liquid tomato fertilizer once in fruit. Harvest zucchini when they reach and feed weekly with tomato fertilizer. Train the stems vertically to
5–6in (13–15cm) long, taking care not to damage the main stem. save space and to keep the fruit off the soil, where they may rot.
226 Crop planner

Full sun Full sun
16–20 weeks 12–16 weeks
Early spring to mid-spring Mid- to late spring
Late spring to early summer n/a
Early summer Late spring to early summer
Midsummer to mid-fall Midsummer to early fall
18–36in (45–90cm) 12–16in (30–40cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Burpees Tasty Green’ This bears long, tasty, crisp fruit. None available—Only the species is grown.
‘Crystal Apple’ Outdoor type with small, round, sweet-tasting fruit. How to grow Although exotic-sounding, cucamelons are easy
‘Marketmore’ Outdoor ridge type with classic long, crisp fruit. to grow, and can be treated in the same way as you would an outdoor
How to grow Cucumbers come in greenhouse or outdoor varieties; cucumber. Sow indoors in late spring and plant out after the last frost
outdoor ones include short, rough-skinned ridge types. All need into borders or large containers. The fruit are produced on long, thin,
warmth, ample watering, rich soil, and a long season, so are sown delicate vines that can be trained up tall supports, through other
indoors. Train the stems up poles to save space, and pinch off the tips climbers, or allowed to trail. Keep plants well watered, and feed them
when they reach the top. Keep plants well watered and feed regularly using liquid tomato fertilizer to encourage a larger harvest. The green
with tomato fertilizer. When growing greenhouse types, remove the fruit, which have a sharp cucumber flavor, are ready to harvest when
male flowers (no fruitlet on stalk) to avoid bitter fruit. they reach the size of a chicken egg, and can be added to salads.


Full sun or light shade Full sun or part shade
1–2 weeks 12–14 weeks
All year Spring or mid- to late fall
All year Spring
Not applicable Mid-spring or late fall
All year Early summer to mid-fall
1in (2cm) 2–5in (5–13cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Oregon Sugar Pod’ A hardy, disease-resistant snow pea type. ‘Kelvedon Wonder’ Dwarf early or main crop variety with small peas.
‘Cascadia’ A compact sugar snap pea that does not require support. ‘Snow Wind’ Snow pea variety, almost leafless, with sweet pods.
‘Sugar Bon’ A sugar snap pea, usually grown for its pods. ‘Sugar Ann’ A sugar snap pea with pale, succulent pods.
How to grow Sow any variety in succession every few weeks for How to grow Sow seed under cover, 1½in (4cm) deep, into
a supply of tender shoots, leaves, and tendrils. Indoors, sow anytime cardboard tubes or biodegradable pots to avoid disturbing their roots
in containers or growing bags, 1½in (4cm) deep, and 2–3in (5–8cm) when planting out. Seed can also be sown directly outdoors in single
apart. Sow outdoors in containers or open ground from early spring to or double rows, 2–5in (5–13cm) apart. Support taller varieties with
early fall, or hardy varieties in mid- to late fall for early spring shoots. poles, a trellis, or netting, and mulch young plants to retain moisture.
Keep seedlings moist and harvest when 4–6in (10–15cm) tall, pinching Keep plants well watered once in flower and as the pods swell, and
off the top 2–3in (5–8cm). You can re-harvest 3–4 times. crop regularly to encourage a prolonged harvest.
Crop planner 227


Full sun or part shade Full sun or part shade
10–16 weeks 10–16 weeks
Mid-spring to midsummer Mid-spring to midsummer
Late spring to early summer Late spring to early summer
Late spring to midsummer Late spring to midsummer
Midsummer to fall Midsummer to fall
2–4in (5–10cm) 6in (15cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Kentucky Wonder’ Bright green, stringless pods with plump seeds. ‘St. George’ Good cropper with red and white flowers.
‘Cobra’ Stringless green beans with mauve flowers. ‘Polestar’ Stringless and tasty variety with bright red flowers.
‘Roquencourt’ Dwarf variety with yellow pods. ‘Sunset’ Reliable cropper with attractive apricot flowers.
How to grow Sow seed undercover, two per 4in (10cm) pot, harden How to grow Vigorous but also tender, so sow under cover, two
them off, and plant outside after the risk of frost has passed. Climbing seeds per 4in (10cm) pot. Harden the seedlings off and plant out after
varieties will require support. Seed can also be sown outside after the the risk of frost has passed, when seed can also be sown directly
last frost. Sow 2–3 seeds at the base of each support, and protect them outside. Provide a tall support of poles or netting, and tie in new
against slugs. Tie in the stems as they grow, then pinch off their tips growth until plants start to climb themselves. Earlier flowers may not
when they reach the top of their support. Harvest the beans regularly, be pollinated if the weather is too cold for bees, and will fail to fruit.
while they are young and tender, to encourage a larger harvest. Sow batches 3–4 weeks apart for beans throughout the whole summer.


Full sun Full sun or part shade
12–28 weeks 2–8 weeks (summer);
Late winter to mid-spring 8–10 weeks (winter)
Early spring to late spring Midwinter to early spring
Late winter to mid-spring Mid-spring
Late spring to late summer Mid- to late spring
10in (25cm) Late spring to midwinter
Small space rating ½in (1cm) summer; 9in (23cm) winter
Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Windsor Bush’ Buttery flavor and smooth texture. ‘Mino Early’ Winter radish with long, white, tapering roots.
‘Stereo’ Thin-skinned pods that can be eaten whole. ‘Pink Beauty’ Summer type with sweet, pink-skinned roots.
‘The Sutton’ Dwarf variety with nutty, white beans. ‘Scarlet Globe’ Bright red summer radish with round roots.
How to grow Broad beans have long roots, so sow them singly How to grow Summer radishes grow rapidly, producing small roots
in long tubes under cover, or in deep beds of rich, free-draining soil to eat raw in salads. The roots soon become tough, so sow batches
outside. Early crops can be sown in fall, but since they will not stand every 2–3 weeks, even using them to fill gaps between larger crops.
waterlogging or cold winters, protect those sown outdoors with Early crops can be sown indoors, ready to plant out once the risk of
cloches or fabric. Water well during flowering for a bigger crop. When frost has passed. Later sowings can be made outside. Winter radishes
the first beans appear, pinch off the tops to encourage the pods to are large and slow growing, and are eaten cooked. Sow them thinly
grow, and to deter aphids. Pick regularly while the pods are tender. outdoors from mid- to late summer, thinning them to 9in (23cm) apart.
228 Crop planner

Full sun or part shade Full sun or part shade
12–20 weeks 8–12 weeks
Not applicable Early spring
Mid-spring to late spring Mid-spring to summer
n/a Mid-spring to midsummer
Late spring to early winter Midsummer to fall
2–4in (5–10cm) 2–4in (5–10cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Bangor’ Main crop carrot with smooth skins that store well. ‘Chioggia’ Round-rooted with striped pink and white flesh.
‘Sugarsnax 54’ Bright orange, long roots with a very sweet flavor. ‘Boltardy’ This reliable variety is resistant to bolting.
‘Parmex’ Round, sweet baby carrots that crop early. ‘Burpees Golden’ This variety has distinctive yellow roots.
How to grow Choose round-rooted varieties for containers, and How to grow Seeds can be sown directly outdoors from mid-spring,
those with long roots for beds, which can also be harvested early as and also in cell packs to plant into any available space. Sow every few
baby roots. Sow seed thinly, where they are to grow, in containers and weeks and harvest the roots throughout summer and fall. Each seed
beds, and them keep moist to encourage germination. For spring capsule actually contains up to five individual seeds, so thin out the
crops, sow fall to winter; sow throughout spring and summer for later seedlings to leave one strong plant, spaced 4in (10cm) apart. Plants
harvests. Protect early crops from frost using fabric, and install fine spaced more closely can be harvested as baby roots; farther apart for
netting to deter carrot rust fly larvae that attack the roots. larger, mature roots. The foliage is edible and can be lightly picked.

Full sun Full sun or part shade
12–22 weeks 6–10 weeks
n/a Late winter to early spring
n/a Early spring to mid-spring
Spring Early spring to late summer
Early summer to mid-fall Late spring to early winter
12–16in (30–40cm) 3–5in (8–13cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Charlotte’ A salad potato with waxy yellow flesh. ‘Golden Ball’ A yellow-skinned variety with a mild flavor.
‘Adirondack Red’ Beautiful red flesh and great taste. ‘Ivory’ Very early cropper with sweet-tasting white roots.
‘Elba’ Impressive round white potato with good disease resistance. ‘Primera’ Best pulled young, it has sweet, purple-tinged white roots.
How to grow Potatoes are referred to as early, main, and storage How to grow For early crops, sow indoors in cell packs and thin to
types, according to when they mature. All can be grown in containers one per cell, harden them off, and plant out once seedlings are large
and raised beds. Earlier types mature first, so are best for small enough to handle. Alternatively, sow direct every 2–3 weeks from early
spaces. Plant seed tubers into rich soil, or in 6in (15cm) of soil mix at spring for a constant supply. Because turnips prefer cool, moist
the base of a large container. Protect young shoots of early crops from conditions, keep those sown in summer well watered and shaded.
frost. As the stems grow, pile soil at their base to within 4in (10cm) Dry plants can become woody. Harvest turnips once they reach golf
of their tips. Do this 2–3 times to prevent green potatoes. ball size. Eat them raw or cooked, and use the thinnings in salads.
Crop planner 229

Full sun or part shade Full sun or part shade
30–32 weeks 9–12 weeks
Mid- to late winter Early spring
Mid-spring to midsummer Late spring
Early to mid-spring Mid- to late spring
Late summer to mid-spring Summer to fall
6–8in (15–20cm) 10in (25cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Oarsman F1’ Midseason variety with good rust and bolting tolerance. ‘Purple Danube’ This purple variety has sweet-tasting bulbs.
‘King Richard’ Grown as an early baby leek, it has long, slim stems. ‘Quickstar’ A pale, green-skinned variety that is bolt resistant.
‘Toledo’ This late-season leek is bolt resistant with long stems. ‘Logo’ Ideal for baby bulbs, this is a green-skinned variety.
How to grow Leeks are easily transplanted, so can be sown in How to grow For early bulbs, sow indoors into cell packs in early
seedbeds or indoors to save space while they develop. Sow thinly in spring, and plant out about 6 weeks later when the soil is warmer.
small pots or cell packs in winter, or in a seedbed once the soil is For a succession of crops, sow directly outdoors every few weeks from
workable, early to mid-spring. Plant out seedlings when pencil-thick mid-spring, thinning to 10in (25cm) apart, and harvest when the size
and 8in (20cm) tall. Make 6in (15cm) deep planting holes, drop a leek of a tennis ball. For mini kohlrabi, thin to 2in (5cm) apart, and harvest
into each one. Do not fill the hole with soil, just water the plants well. when the size of a golf ball. Kohlrabi is a member of the brassica
As they grow, pile earth around the stems to blanch and support them. family—don’t sow it where other brassicas have been recently grown.


Full sun Full sun
8–24 weeks 10–14 weeks
Mid-spring Early to mid-spring
Late spring Late spring to early fall
Late spring Early summer
Summer to early fall Midsummer to mid-fall
12in (30cm) ⁄2in (1cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Cantino’ This variety has good bolt resistance. ‘Deep Purple’ This variety has a round violet bulbs and green leaves.
‘Zefa Fino’ Produces large flattened bulbs with a good flavor. ‘Laser’ Slow to form bulbs, this vigorous variety has a mild flavor.
‘Romanesco’ A traditional variety with tasty and tender stems. ‘Lisbon’ This traditional variety is good in containers.
How to grow Sow seed in large cell packs or 4in (10cm) pots How to grow For a constant supply in summer, sow directly
indoors, 4–6 weeks before the last frost, then plant them out in a warm outdoors every two weeks from late spring, protecting them from frost.
and sheltered spot. Alternatively, sow seed directly in the soil during Thin seedlings to ½in (1cm) apart, keep them watered to keep the
early summer for a later crop. Florence fennel can be tricky to grow, stems from becoming bulbous, and harvest when they reach a usable
because fluctuations in temperature or a lack of water can cause the size. For plants to overwinter until spring, sow seed in late summer.
plants to bolt (flower suddenly), leading to poor bulb development. Ideal for containers, you can even sow them in pots on a warm, bright
To prevent bolting, keep your plants moist at all times. windowsill during winter; thin to 4–5 seedlings per 4in (10cm) pot.
230 Crop planner

Full sun Full sun or part shade
20–36 weeks 10–16 weeks
n/a Early spring and fall to winter
n/a Early summer
Mid-fall to early spring Summer
Late spring to early fall Midsummer to late winter
8in (20cm) 12in (30cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Germidour’ A mild variety with purple-streaked skins. ‘Palla Rossa’ A bolt-resistant radicchio with dense red hearts.
‘Solent White’ Forms large, white, tasty bulbs that store well. ‘Pan di Zucchero’ Sugarloaf type, ideal as a cut-and-come-again.
‘German Red’ Full-bodied, strong, and spicy with easy-to-peel cloves. ‘Rossa di Treviso Precoce’ A radicchio ideal for winter harvesting.
How to grow Requiring a cold period to mature, this crop can be How to grow Red chicory, or radicchio, and green sugarloaf types
grown through winter when beds or containers are empty. Plant cloves are grown in a similar way to lettuce but are hardier. Seed can be
directly from mid-fall to late winter in well drained soil, with their tips started early under cover during spring, ready to plant out in summer,
showing above the soil surface. Lift them once their leaves yellow in or sown directly in summer. Plant or thin out the seedlings to about
late spring or early summer. Or, plant in early spring to mature from 12in (30cm) apart. Seed can also be sown under cover during fall
midsummer. You can also plant cloves indoors in pots in early spring and winter, with the plants grown under protection as a cut-and-
if conditions are very wet, for planting out in mid-spring. come-again crop. Water plants well to prevent bolting.

Full sun or part shade Part shade
9–12 weeks 6–12 weeks
Early spring n/a
Mid-spring to late summer Late spring to early fall
Mid-spring to late summer n/a
Midsummer to fall Mid-spring to late fall
6–14in (15–35cm) 6in (15cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Cocarde’ An oak-leaf variety with upright heads. ‘Barbados’ This upright variety has smooth, rounded leaves.
‘Freckles’ Romaine lettuce with red-speckled green leaves. ‘Medania’ A prolific variety with soft, deep green leaves.
‘Maravilla de Verano Canasta’ Crisp and green with red tips. ‘Monnopa’ Bolt resistant, its thick leaves are sweet tasting.
How to grow Sow early crops under cover in spring into cell packs, How to grow Plants sown indoors tend to bolt, so sow directly
thinning each cell to a single plant. Harden off and plant out once outdoors every three weeks for a succession of leaves. Thin the
large enough to handle. From mid-spring onward, sow seed directly. seedlings to 3in (8cm) apart, then remove alternate plants to use as
If the weather is hot, however, wait until evening, since lettuce will young leaves and let the remainder mature. Leave late summer and
not germinate in temperatures above 77ºF (25ºC). Thin seedlings, early fall sowings to overwinter for early crops next year. Water this
using the thinnings in salads. Harvest by picking the outer leaves or fast-growing leaf crop regularly to prevent bolting. Harvest young
cut the whole head near the base, leaving the stump to resprout. leaves for salads from six weeks and mature spinach after ten weeks.
Crop planner 231


Full sun or part shade Full sun or part shade
6–8 weeks 4–12 weeks
Late spring to early summer Spring and early fall
Mid- to late summer Late spring and mid-fall
Mid- to late summer Mid-spring to mid-fall
Midsummer to late fall Early spring to early winter
6–12in (15–30cm) 6in (15cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Golden Streaks’ The frilly lime green leaves have a sweet flavor. ‘Apollo’ Best eaten young, it has large, rounded dark green leaves.
‘Green-in-the-snow’ Its jagged leaves have a peppery taste. ‘Pegasus’ Mildly peppery, its leaves are large and serrated.
‘Red Giant’ This variety has broad, purple-tinted green leaves. ‘Sky Rocket’ This variety is fast growing and slow to bolt.
How to grow Mustard greens are full of vitamins, taste spicier as How to grow Prone to bolting in hot or dry conditions, and with
they mature, and are great in salads and stir-fries. To keep plants from age, repeat sow for a continuous supply of tender leaves. Sow a new
bolting in cool conditions early in the season, sow seed under cover in batch once previous seedlings have two true leaves—every 2–3
cell packs, and plant out when the seedlings are large enough to weeks, depending on the weather. Sow directly outdoors or, in cool
handle. From midsummer, sow directly, using any thinnings as a baby areas, sow indoors during spring and fall into containers, protecting
leaf crop. Pick individual leaves or cut the entire head off at the base. them with fabric. Keep well watered and harvest after two weeks as
Alternatively, sow closely and harvest as a cut-and-come-again crop. a cut-and-come-again crop, or pick whole plants after four weeks.


Full sun or part shade Full sun
8–16 weeks 5–10 weeks
Early to mid-spring Mid-spring to early summer
Mid-spring to late summer Midsummer to late summer
Late spring to early summer Late spring to early summer
Midsummer to spring Early summer to mid-fall
8–15in (20–38cm) 4–10in (10–25cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Bright Lights’ Provides a mixture of brightly colored stems. ‘Choko’ This variety has slender green leaves.
‘Charlotte’ Resistant to bolting, this variety has bright red stems. ‘Glacier’ Bolt resistant, it has white stems and white-veined leaves.
‘Fordhook Giant’ A large-leaf type with crisp white stems. ‘Joi Choi’ A white-stemmed variety, it resists bolting.
How to grow Swiss chard can be cropped for its young tender How to grow A useful catch crop, this fast-growing brassica is
leaves in summer, or grown over fall and winter to provide mature tasty at all stages, from early thinnings to plump mature heads.
stems and leaves for steaming. Sow seed thinly directly into the soil Prone to bolting if they become too hot, cold, or dry, sow bolt-resistant
or in cell packs. Each pod contains a number of seeds, so thin to one varieties indoors in spring at 50–55°F (10–13°C). Sow seed singly and
plant per sowing location. Sow in spring for a summer harvest, transplant as soon as seedlings can be handled. In summer, sow seed
thinning plants to 8in (20cm) apart. For fall and winter crops, sow directly outside, thinning to 4in (10cm) apart for baby cut-and-come-
in late summer, thinning the plants out to 15in (38cm) apart. again leaves, or 10in (25cm) for mature heads. Water plants regularly.
232 Crop planner


Full sun or part shade Full sun
12–14 weeks 16–24 weeks
Mid- to late spring Mid- to late spring
Early summer to midsummer Early summer
Early summer to late summer Late spring to early summer
Midsummer to late fall Late summer to mid-fall
10in (25cm) 14–18in (35–45cm) in a block
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Frenzy’ A frisée-type with compact, self-blanching heads. ‘Minipop F1’ A baby corn, picked young, and ideal for small spaces.
‘Natacha’ Bolt-resistant, Batavian variety with broad leaves. ‘Ovation’ This is a midseason variety with large, sweet cobs.
‘Pancalieri’ A mild, self-blanching, bolt-resistant frisée variety. ‘Swift’ Dwarf variety, suitable for cool areas. It matures early.
How to grow Endive comes in two types, frisée types with frilly How to grow Sweet corn is wind-pollinated, so is grown in blocks,
leaves, and the hardier Batavian types with rounded leaves. For a and can be underplanted with lower-growing crops, such as lettuce.
continuous supply, sow a batch every few weeks. Start by sowing It needs warmth to germinate and a long growing season. Sow indoors
indoors in spring to prevent bolting, harden off the seedlings, and singly in tubes or deep cell packs in spring to plant out in early
plant out once it is warmer. In summer, sow seed directly outside. summer. In early summer, seed can be sown directly in pairs, then
Once the heads are large enough, cover them with a plate, or tie thinned to leave the strongest plants. Support the tall stems with
them closed using string for ten days to reduce their bitter flavor. poles. Water well when plants are flowering and the cobs form.


Full sun or part shade Full sun
14–32 weeks 34–38 weeks
Mid- to late spring Late spring
Early summer Early summer
Late spring to midsummer Midsummer
Fall to the following spring Late winter to late spring
24in (60cm) 24in (60cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Cavolo Nero’ This variety has slender, dark green, crinkly leaves. ‘Red Arrow’ This variety is an early cropper, ready to pick in winter.
‘Redbor’ An attractive variety with frilly leaves and purple stems. ‘Claret’ Cropping in spring, this variety matures later.
‘Red Russian’ Grown for its serrated gray leaves and purple stems. ‘Italian Green Sprouting’ With 5–8in heads and many sideshoots.
How to grow Kale grown for winter cropping can take up a lot of How to grow These are large plants that fill the hungry gap from
space, so sow in individual pots in mid- to late spring, and plant out winter to spring. Sow in individual pots or cell packs, ½in (1cm) deep
in their final locations in midsummer, as space becomes available. in late spring, and plant out firmly when space becomes available in
Keep plants well watered and provide support as they grow. Kale can midsummer. Seed can also be sown directly outside in early summer,
be harvested in fall and winter by picking the outer leaves, leaving the ready to transplant into their final locations. Net young plants to deter
inner ones to grow. They can also be harvested as baby leaves during birds, keep them well watered, and provide support as they grow.
summer and treated as a cut-and-come-again crop. In summer, underplant with lettuce and other low-growing crops.
Crop planner 233


Full sun or part shade Full sun
Every summer once established Every summer once established
Spring or fall n/a
Late spring n/a
Mid-spring or early fall Spring or fall
Summer Early summer to early fall
12–15in (30–40cm) 12–16in (30–40cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Alexandra’ This compact variety is quick to fruit from seed. ‘Eversweet Everbearer’ Fruits throughout spring, summer, and fall.
‘Baron Solemacher’ Ideal for containers, it bears dark red fruit. ‘Honeoye’ Consistently bears heavy yields of large, crimson fruit.
‘Regina’ This variety bears masses of large, sweet, scarlet berries. ‘Elegance’ Garden variety producing enormous, tasty strawberries.
How to grow These perennials self-seed readily, yield a few dainty How to grow These perennials are usually grown from bare-root
fruit at a time, and make good groundcover. Sow seed under cover in or pot-grown plants. There are two types: summer-bearers, which
spring, grow the seedlings on in pots, then plant them out once the produce a single flush of fruit in early to midsummer, and everbearing
risk of frost has passed. You can also sow directly in rows, but protect types that fruit mainly in summer, then sporadically into fall. Plant
seedlings from slugs. Avoid getting the fruit wet, which causes them outdoors into rich soil or in containers, spacing container plants 6in
to rot. Remove runners for the best fruit, but propagate fresh plants (15cm) apart. Water well and feed with tomato fertilizer, and keep
from runners every 3–4 years. The tiny white flowers are also edible. the fruit off the soil surface using plastic sheeting or dry straw.


Full sun or part shade Sun or part shade
Every fall once established Every summer once established
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
Late fall to early spring Fall to early spring
Late summer to mid-fall Mid- to late summer
14–18in (35–45cm) 8–11ft (2.5–3.5m)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘All Gold’ Bears fragrant, amber berries on self-supporting canes. None available—Only the species is grown.
‘Autumn Bliss’ This variety gives good crops of large red berries. How to grow This is a vigorous shrub that can be planted directly
‘Polka’ Early and free fruiting, its canes are almost thornless. into rich soil, or grown in a large container. Since wineberries fruit on
How to grow Available as bare-root or container-grown plants, stems produced the previous year, you’ll have to wait at least 18
they can be grown directly in the soil or in large containers. months for your first berries. When pruned correctly, however, they
Raspberries generally don’t need support, and crop on the current then fruit every summer. Keep plants well watered, especially when
season’s growth. In spring, mulch to retain soil moisture, then water fruiting, and tie in their pink, fuzzy stems to a support, such as a trellis
and feed well for the most successful fruiting. Net plants to protect or a cane tepee. To restrict their size in small spaces, train the stems
the berries from birds, and harvest the fruit until the first frost. Cut into figure eights, looping them around themselves. Once fruited, cut
down the canes to ground level in late winter. out the old stems and tie in the new ones to fruit next year.
234 Crop planner

Full sun or part shade Full sun or part shade
Every summer once established Every summer once established
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
Fall to early spring Fall to early spring
Midsummer to early fall Late summer to early fall
8–11ft (2.5–3.5m) 5ft (1.5m)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Loch Ness’ Compact and thornless, it bears large, sweet fruit. ‘Duke’ This is an early and free-fruiting variety.
‘Silvan’ An early variety with large, long, purple-black fruit. ‘Spartan’ With an upright form, it bears richly flavored fruit.
‘Waldo’ Thornless and compact, this is ideal for containers. ‘Top Hat’ A dwarf variety with small and sweet, bright blue berries.
How to grow Blackberries fruit freely on long, clambering stems, How to grow Ideal for containers, blueberries produce masses of
although there are compact, thornless varieties available, suitable for berries, as well as having attractive spring flowers and bright fall
large containers. To provide support, plant them against horizontal foliage. They must be grown in free-draining acidic soil, and should be
wires fixed to a fence or between two posts. As fruit is borne on two- kept moist at all times using rainwater (tap water is often alkaline). For
year-old canes, train the canes into a fan shape in the first year, then, the best crop, grow two plants, so they can pollinate each other. Mulch
after fruiting in the second, cut them to the base, retaining the new in spring and net against birds. After two years, prune each spring,
stems to fruit the following year. Water and feed as per raspberries. removing congested growth, plus one or two older stems.

Full sun Full sun
Every summer once established Every summer once established
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
Fall to early spring Fall to early spring
Midsummer to mid-fall Late summer to mid-fall
6–12ft (1.8–3.6m) 6–12ft (1.8–3.6m)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ A self-pollinating apple for eating or cooking. ‘Concorde’ Compact and self-pollinating, with long dessert pears.
‘Ben Davis’ Dependable producer that bears firm, juicy fruit. ‘Doyenné du Comice’ Bears sweet, juicy, large fruit.
‘Liberty’ Crisp white flesh and sweet-tart taste perfect for fresh eating. ‘Luscious’ A blushing, sweet yellow dessert pear.
How to grow For small spaces and containers, choose apples How to grow Like apples, choose trees on dwarfing rootstocks and
grafted onto dwarfing rootstock M26, and consider training them into prune them into space-saving shapes. You can also choose varieties
space-saving shapes, such as a fan, cordon, or espalier. To ensure the specially grown for use in containers. Pears require a warm spot and
flowers are pollinated and set fruit, grow two trees, unless there is protection from frost to fruit well; they also need one or two pollinating
another nearby. Stake freestanding trees, and water well until they are partners, so seek advice on suitable varieties. Stake freestanding trees
established. Remove fruit in the first year, thereafter thin them to get or train in to their supports. Mulch in spring, thin the fruit, and water
fewer, but bigger, apples. Depending on type, prune summer or winter. well in summer. Depending on the type, prune in summer or winter.
Crop planner 235


Part shade Full sun or part shade
8–18 weeks 42–60 weeks
Early to mid-spring Late winter to late spring
Late spring Mid-spring to early summer
Mid- to late spring Spring to summer, or in fall
Summer to fall Late spring to early winter
12in (30cm) 24in (60cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘De Belleville’ This has pale green leaves with a lemony flavor. None available—Only the species is grown.
‘Silver Shield’ Forms low mat of silvery green, spear-shaped leaves. How to grow This hardy perennial reaches 6ft (2m) tall, providing
How to grow This hardy perennial adds a lemon or apple tartness celery-flavored leaves that may be used like spinach in salads, stews,
to salads, as well as egg, cheese, and fish dishes. Sow batches thinly and soups. New plants need time to establish before being picked.
into cell packs indoors, or direct outdoors, and thin when the seedlings Either plant container-grown plants in fall to pick the following year or,
are large enough to handle. Mulch and water well to keep the soil if sowing from seed, only harvest from them in their second season.
moist and cool to stop the leaves from becoming bitter. Pick young Sow indoors in cell packs or direct in rows outside. Pick young, tender
leaves before flowering. Remove the flowers to stop the plants from leaves early in the season before the flowers appear. Keep the plants
seeding and becoming invasive. Cover in winter and continue to pick moist and cut back in fall. You can divide mature plants in spring.
the leaves. Established plants can be divided in spring or fall. Note: Eating large amounts may cause stomach upset.


Full sun or part shade Part shade
8–12 weeks 16–20 weeks
Early spring and early fall n/a
Late spring to early summer Mid-fall to late winter
Late spring to late summer Late winter to fall
Year-round Spring and summer
6in (15cm) 20–24in (50–60cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Laura’ A flat-leaf variety with a more intense flavor. None available—Only the species is grown.
‘Lisette’ Curly-leaf parsley with bright green, sweet foliage. How to grow The ferny leaves of this herb have a sweet, aniseed
‘Titan’ Flat-leaf variety with lacy, dark green leaves. scent, which is great in salads or fruit desserts. It is a large, very hardy
How to grow Usually grown as an annual, if sown in regular perennial, and its seeds need cold to germinate. Sow singly in pots or
batches, it can be harvested all year. Sow indoors in spring into cell cell packs, and leave them outside over winter to germinate in spring,
packs to avoid root disturbance, keep at a steady 64°F (18°C), and or sow seed directly, thinning to leave the strongest plants. Harvest
plant out once the risk of frost has passed. In summer, sow directly leaves regularly and remove the flat, white flowerheads in summer for
into moist soil. Keep plants moist, feed weekly with a high-nitrogen new flushes of foliage. You could allow it to flower—stop picking
fertilizer, and remove any flowers that appear. Late-sown seedlings leaves while it does—and use the unripe seeds to add a sharp aniseed
can be potted and grown indoors on a bright windowsill. tang to salads. Don’t allow the seeds to fall. It self-seeds very readily.
236 Crop planner

Full sun Full sun
16–20 weeks 10–14 weeks
Early- to mid-spring Early spring
Late spring to early summer Mid- to late spring
Late spring Mid- to late spring
Early summer to mid-fall Early summer to early fall
18in (45cm) 8in (20cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

Foeniculum vulgare Has green foliage and flat yellow flowerheads. Borago officinalis Blue-flowered with large, fuzzy, gray-green leaves.
‘Purpureum’ This variety has bronze foliage, maturing to gray-green. ‘Alba’ This variety has white flowers and large green, fuzzy leaves.
How to grow This elegant herb has aniseed-flavored feathery How to grow Borage is grown for its edible flowers, which can be
fronds, stems, and seeds. It can be grown as an annual for its leaves, added to summer drinks, ice cubes, salads, and desserts. The leaves
sowing the seeds directly in spring, or as a perennial for its young can also be picked when young and used in salads. Sow seed indoors
leaves and flavorful seeds. To grow it as a perennial, sow indoors in in pots or cell packs in spring, harden off, and plant out when large
spring into cell packs to avoid disturbing the long taproot, then plant enough to handle, so as not to disturb their taproots. Seed can also
out once the risk of frost has passed. Pick leaves regularly before be sown directly and thinned. It is best grown in poor soil or soil mix
plants flower, or to prolong the harvest, remove the flowering stems. to keep it from getting leggy. Pick the flowers regularly to keep new
Harvest seed in late summer. Mature plants can be lifted and divided. buds forming into fall. Don’t allow it to set seed—it spreads rapidly.

Full sun Full sun
All year once established Every summer once established
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
Fall and spring Fall or spring
Year-round Early summer to mid-fall
16in (40cm) 16–20in (40–50cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Albiflora’ This has spikes of white flowers and gray-green leaves. ‘Hidcote’ This has dark violet flowers and silvery gray foliage.
‘Icterina’ An attractive shrub with gold variegated foliage. ‘Loddon Pink’ Compact with short, grayish-pink flower spikes.
‘Purpurascens’ Semievergreen with purple-green leaves. ‘Munstead’ A dwarf plant, with gray leaves and deep blue flowers.
How to grow This shrubby perennial is a classic herb, and one How to grow The highly aromatic leaves and flowers may be used
plant will provide a year-round supply of aromatic leaves, to use fresh sparingly to flavor sugar, desserts, cookies, cakes, teas, and oils. Best
or dried. It is best bought as a container-grown plant, and requires bought in spring as plugs or container-grown plants, lavender requires
light, free-draining soil or potting mix. Pick the leaves regularly, which free-draining soil or potting mix. Harvest the flowers during summer
taste milder before flowering and stronger afterward. Prune plants and the leaves into fall. After flowering, shear off all flowered stems,
after flowering into a neat shape and for new growth. After 3–4 years, but do not cut into old wood, as it does not resprout. Lavender plants
sage is best replaced. Buy a new plant or take cuttings in summer. can be short-lived and may need replacing after 4–5 years.
Crop planner 237

Full sun Full sun
All year once established 6–8 weeks
n/a Early spring to early summer
n/a Early to midsummer
Late spring Early to midsummer
Year-round Early summer to fall
16in (40cm) 10in (25cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Green Ginger’ Compact and upright with ginger-scented leaves. ‘Cinnamon’ This has purple-brown foliage with a spicy taste.
‘Miss Jessopp’s Upright’ Has silvery foliage and blue spring flowers. ‘Sweet Green’ Ideal for pesto, it has mint- and clove-scented leaves.
‘Roseus’ A pink-flowered variety with bright green foliage. ‘Purple Ruffles’ It has strongly flavored, frilly purple-black foliage.
How to grow An evergreen shrub, rosemary provides a year-round How to grow This tender annual needs hot, dry conditions; it often
supply of leaves once mature; spring and early summer leaves are more grows best on a sunny windowsill or under glass. Sow in batches
tender. Young plants and some varieties are not fully hardy, so wait indoors at a minimum of 64°F (18°C), cover thinly, and water seedlings
until all risk of frost has passed before planting it outdoors into well sparingly to avoid rot. Sow in midsummer for plants to last into winter.
drained soil or potting mix. In cold and exposed areas, plant it in pots Sow direct only in warm, sheltered soil or containers. Pick basil tips
that can be brought under cover for winter. Cut back after flowering in regularly to keep it compact and producing new leaves. Water plants
spring or summer to keep it neat and to prompt new growth. sparingly and never in the evening—basil hates having a wet base.


Full sun Full sun or part shade
12–28 weeks Every summer once established
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
Early summer Mid-spring to early summer
Early to late summer Early to late summer
12–16in (30–40cm) 12–16in (30–40cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

None available—Only the species is grown. Ginger mint (Mentha x gracilis) It has spicy, variegated leaves.
How to grow This herb has deliciously tasty leaves, similar Spearmint (M. spicata) Fresh-tasting leaves with purple flowers.
to basil, and its purple spires of flowers are much loved by bees. Apple mint (M. suaveolens) Fuzzy green foliage with a zingy taste.
Unlike traditional basil, it is a tender perennial, and is only available as How to grow This is a very useful herb, and one plant of any variety
plugs or container-grown plants, since it does not produce seed. It is all you need since they are rampant growers. Buy in spring as a plug
needs well drained soil or soil mix, and is ideal for containers, although or a container-grown plant. All types spread quickly, so they are best
should not be planted out until the risk of frost has passed. Plants can grown in large containers, which can be placed into borders to control
be cut back and brought under cover for winter. To grow new plants, their spreading roots. Keep plants well watered, pick young leaves
take 4–6in (10–15cm) cuttings during spring. Insert them into gritty regularly, and cut back old stems in summer to encourage new
soil mix, and water sparingly. They will root in a matter of weeks. growth. There is a wide range of species and varieties available.
238 Crop planner


Full sun Full sun
Every summer once established Every summer once established
n/a Late winter to late spring
n/a Late spring
Spring Early spring to midsummer
Summer to early fall Late spring to mid-fall
24in (60cm) 6in (15cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

None available—Only the species is grown. ‘Black Isle Blush’ This variety has mauve flowers with pink centers.
How to grow This herb has narrow, silver-green leaves that have ‘Silver Chimes’ A dwarf variety with white flowers. Strongly flavored.
a distinctive mint-anise flavor. Difficult to grow from seed in cool ‘Forescate’ Grown for its pink flowers and tasty blue-green leaves.
climates, it is best bought as a container-grown plant. It is suitable How to grow A hardy perennial, chives are a natural cut-and-
for growing in borders or containers, and needs full sun and well come-again crop. Sow indoors thinly in flats, prick out in threes or
drained, alkaline or neutral soil or potting mix. Tarragon hates cold, fours into pots to grow on, then plant out once frost has passed. Plants
wet conditions, and is not fully hardy, so should be protected from can also be kept under cover for early crops. Seed can also be sown
excessive winter wet and hard frost. Plants grown in containers could directly outside in summer. Begin harvesting once the leaves reach
be brought under cover. Although they look similar, do not confuse 6in (15cm) tall, and cut them back every two months to promote
this with the more vigorous but less flavorful Russian tarragon. tender new growth. The attractive flowers are also good to eat.

Full sun Full sun
8–10 weeks Every summer once established
Late winter to early spring n/a
Late spring n/a
Mid-spring to midsummer Late spring to midsummer
Summer Midsummer to mid-fall
8in (20cm) 10in (25cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Bouquet’ A dwarf form with highly aromatic, ferny foliage. ‘Acorn Bank’ A yellow-leaf type with pink flowers.
‘Compatto’ Dwarf variety, suitable for containers. ‘Compactum’ Forms a low mound of dark green, aromatic leaves.
‘Dukat’ This type has sweetly flavored, blue-green leaves. ‘Country Cream’ Has variegated green and cream foliage.
How to grow This frost-hardy annual has a long taproot, so grows How to grow A hardy perennial, marjoram is an essential herb in
best if sown directly. Sow seed outdoors in batches for a constant Mediterranean cooking. Tricky and slow to raise from seed, it is best
supply. Barely cover the seed, and protect early seedlings under bought as plugs or container-grown plants. It is ideal for containers
cloches until all risk of frost has passed. For an early crop, sow indoors and window boxes, or to plant alongside a path, and needs full sun
in cell packs and thin each to the strongest seedling. Harvest leaves and well drained soil. Harvest the leaves before the flower buds open,
once plants reach 12in (30cm) tall, cutting the whole plant. You can when they taste their best. This herb is often confused with sweet
also use the edible flowers and seeds. Keep the plants well watered. marjoram, which is less hardy, but still worth growing.
Crop planner 239

Full sun Full sun or part shade
Every summer once established 4–8 weeks for the leaves
n/a Early spring and fall
n/a Mid-spring
Late spring to early summer Mid-spring to midsummer
Late spring to early winter Late spring to early winter
12in (30cm) 10–12in (25–30cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Golden King’ Lemon scented with golden-edged foliage. ‘Calypso’ Fast-growing, the leaves can be cut down 3 or 4 times.
‘Orange Balsam’ Has orange- and thyme-scented leaves. ‘Confetti’ This variety has delicate, feathery, sweet-tasting foliage.
‘Silver Queen’ A cream-variegated variety with mauve flowers. ‘Leisure’ Good for containers, it has large, tasty leaves and flowers.
How to grow Evergreen thyme has a creeping style, and is ideal How to grow This annual can be grown in part-shade for the most
for planting in very small but sunny places. It is slow to grow from flavorful leaves, or in full sun for its spicy seeds. Early crops can be
seed, so is best bought as container-grown plants. There are many sown under cover in spring, although may bolt when planted outside,
varieties to choose from—some with distinctive flavors. Pick only so seeds are best sown directly outside in monthly batches. Seed can
a few leaves until the plant is established. The flavor is best before also be sown in pots during fall to grow through winter indoors
flowering; trim plants hard after flowering to prompt fresh growth. on a bright windowsill. Cut leaf crops regularly and keep them moist
Plants require well drained soil and can be short-lived. to prevent bolting. Support top-heavy seed crops with poles.


Full sun or part shade Full sun
8–10 weeks 10–12 weeks
n/a Mid-spring
n/a Late spring to early summer
Early summer Late spring and early summer
Midsummer to fall Summer to fall
12in (30cm) 18in (45cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

None available—only the species is grown ‘Indian Chief’ Climber with bright red flowers and dark green leaves.
How to grow Often used as a houseplant, this tender perennial ‘Alaska’ A variegated type with attractive white-splashed foliage.
can be planted outside for summer, and grown for its lemon-flavored ‘Black Velvet’ Bears sumptuous deep red flowers.
purple leaves and its attractive pale pink flowers. Buy container-grown How to grow This annual is grown from seed, sown under cover
plants in late spring, and plant them into free-draining soil or potting in pots in spring, or directly outside once the risk of frost has passed.
mix in beds or containers after the last frost. Keep plants well watered It has a trailing or climbing habit, and can be trained up a support or
and deadhead them frequently to encourage more flowers to grow. left to creep among your plants. It grows well in most soils, even poor
Pick the leaves and flowers sparingly, when required, and add them to soil, and is suitable for borders and containers. The flowers, leaves, and
salads. Plants can be lifted in fall and brought indoors until spring, fresh seeds are all edible, and have a strong peppery taste, especially
when larger plants can be divided. the seeds. Nasturtiums will self-seed readily.
240 Crop planner


Full sun Full sun
10 weeks 10–12 weeks
n/a Early spring
Mid-spring to early summer Mid-spring
n/a Mid- to late spring
Summer Summer to fall
6–8in (15–20cm) 12in (30cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Chrome Queen’ Pale yellow flowers with feathery foliage. ‘Neon’ This variety has deep orange petals, tipped with red.
‘Red Chief’ Vibrant red-flowered variety with blue-green leaves. ‘Orange Porcupine’ The orange flowers have quilled petals.
‘Orange King’ Has rich orange flowers and feathery leaves. ‘Orange Prince’ Free-flowering with open, deep orange flowers.
How to grow The seeds of this annual are sown directly where they How to grow This annual is easy to grow from seed, and there are
are to flower, either in well drained borders or in containers, during many varieties to try. In early spring, sow seed into small pots or cell
mid-spring. Sow in a couple of batches a few weeks apart to extend packs under cover, and thin the seedlings to leave the strongest.
the flowering season, thinning the seedlings to 6–8in (15–20cm) apart. Harden them off and plant out 12in (30cm) apart. Seed can also be
Pick the flowers as required, adding the petals to salads and summer sown directly where they are to flower, in borders or containers. Keep
drinks. Deadhead the plants frequently to encourage repeat flowering. plants well watered and deadhead frequently. Marigolds are great for
California poppies will readily self-seed, returning year after year. companion planting, and as garnishes in salads and other dishes.


Full sun or part shade Full sun
8–24 weeks 32 weeks from plants
Spring or fall n/a
Late spring Early to midsummer
Spring Fall
Summer to early fall Late spring to early summer
18in (45cm) 10in (25cm)
Small space rating Small space rating

Varieties to try Varieties to try

‘Heart’s ease’ (V. tricolor) has dainty purple, yellow, and white flowers. ‘Auricula Eyed’ Produces clusters of fringed pink and white flowers.
‘Pat Kavanagh’ This variety has yellow flowers with mauve edges. ‘Sweet Red’ Dwarf form with red flowers that is ideal for containers.
‘Penny Primrose Picotee’ A striking yellow with a purple edge. ‘Diabunda Red Picotee’ This variety may bloom in its first year.
How to grow Violas are usually bought as plants, since they are How to grow Sweet William is a biennial that is normally bought
so readily available and cheap to buy. Plant in the garden or in pots as year-old plants in fall to flower the following spring. It can also be
in mid- to late spring and, if regularly deadheaded, they should flower grown from seeds, which will flower in their second year, although
throughout summer. Perennial varieties will often flower into fall, and you will need spare space for them to grow in the meantime. Its
many have a wonderfully sweet scent. Pick the flowers as you need flowers have a delicious clovelike scent, and can be used to add color
them and add them to salads and summer drinks. Many varieties will to salads and drinks. Keep the plants well watered and deadhead
self-seed freely, so you may only need to buy them once. them regularly. Discard spent plants after flowering.
242 Plant know-how

Common pests

Snails and slugs Coming out mostly at Cabbage white caterpillars Despite Carrot rust fly larvae These tiny
night and during wet spells, these pests will their name, these caterpillars feed on most maggots burrow into the roots of carrots and
attack your crops at every stage of growth, members of the brassica family, stripping turnips, creating mush-filled tunnels. Net
weakening or even killing them. Apply pellets their leaves to skeletons. Net plants to stop plants so the adults do not lay eggs near your
or use slug and snail barriers and traps. the adults from laying eggs on your crops. plants, or grow resistant varieties.

Wireworms Larvae of the click beetle, Vine weevil grubs These small cream- Birds Newly planted brassica plants are
these soil-dwelling grubs feed on the roots colored maggots feed on the roots of many often stripped of their leaves by birds (above).
of seedlings, killing them, and burrow into crops, especially those grown in containers. Ripening fruit will also be targeted by many
potatoes and onions. There is no treatment. Treat containers with a nematode solution types of birds. Net your plants clear down to
Simply remove the pests if you find them. and remove any grubs you find in your pots. soil level to ensure birds cannot sneak below.
Common pests 243

Aphids Also known as blackflies or Cats, dogs, and foxes Whether you like Flea beetle These tiny black beetles, which
greenflies, these sap-sucking insects form them or not, these can cause significant harm jump from your plants when disturbed, feed
large colonies and can weaken or kill your to your crops by digging them up or urinating on leaves, especially of seedlings, peppering
plants. Treat with insecticide, or wash them on them. Use deterrents to keep them away, them with holes. Cover plants with fine fabric
off and encourage natural predators. or protect plants with nets and barriers. as a barrier or use a suitable insecticide.

Pea and bean weevils Creating small Cabbage root maggots These small Codling moth caterpillars Attacking
notches in the leaves of pea and bean plants, maggots feed on the roots of newly planted apples and pears, these pests burrow into
the damage often looks worse than it is. If members of the brassica family, causing them the fruit, creating tunnels, and spoiling them.
your plants are weakened, however, treat to wilt and die. Protect seedlings by fitting Lure the egg-laying adults away from your
them using a suitable insecticide. barrier collars when planting (above). trees using codling moth traps in late spring.
244 Plant know-how

Common diseases and disorders

Blight This fungal disease attacks potatoes, Blossom end rot A disorder rather than Damping off This fungal disease kills
causing brown patches on the leaves, which a disease, the ends of tomatoes and zucchini seedlings, most commonly raised indoors,
suddenly wilt, and the tubers may rot. It also decay, which spreads to the whole fruit. It is by causing their stems to collapse. To prevent
affects tomatoes, causing the fruit to turn caused by erratic watering. Simply water this, sow into new soil mix, water with
brown. Infected plants are best discarded. your plants more regularly. tapwater, and keep seedlings well ventilated.

Splitting tomato skins This problem Clubroot Affecting members of the brassica Gray mold This disease affects a wide
results from erratic watering while the fruit family, this soilborne disease distorts their variety of crops, including fruit. It forms
are developing. The split fruit may then also roots, causing the plants to wilt and grow downy gray patches of mold on the leaves,
rot. Prevent splitting by keeping your plants weakly—if not die. Grow resistant varieties stems, flowers, or fruit, which then decay.
evenly moist at all times while in fruit. and rotate your crops annually. Remove affected growth to prevent spread.
Common diseases and disorders 245

Downy mildew Most common in wet Powdery mildew Most common in dry Rust Infected plants develop orange-brown
weather, the leaves of many crops develop spells when plants are stressed, powdery pustules on the leaves, become weak, and
brown patches on the top, with pale mold white patches appear on leaves and stems, may die. Avoid using nitrogen-rich fertilizers,
beneath. Remove infected growth, avoid weakening the plant. Remove affected remove affected growth, and keep beds free
wetting the leaves, and improve airflow. growth and keep plants well watered. of plant debris. Fungicides can be applied.

Brown rot on fruit This mostly affects Bolting This refers to plants, often leaf Scorch The leaves of any plant can be
damaged fruit, which soften, turn brown, and crops, suddenly flowering, after which they damaged by strong wind (above) or by hot
shrivel up. White pustules may then appear. soon die, ending the harvest. It is caused sunlight, causing dead, brown patches.
Protect fruit from bird damage, remove by heat or moisture stress. Sow seeds at the Choose the ideal place to grow crops, keep
affected fruit, and apply fungicide. recommended time and keep plants moist. them moist, and provide shelter if required.
246 Plant know-how

Common garden weeds

Tansy ragwort This annual weed forms Annual bluegrass This annual type Bindweed This is a rampant, climbing
a large rosette of crinkle-edged dark green grass grows and flowers quickly, and soon perennial weed that spreads via creeping
leaves and produces tall stems of yellow colonizes bare soil. It is easily controlled roots. It will quickly smother crops if not
flowers in summer. It seeds very freely, by hoeing around your plants regularly. controlled. Do not dig it up, as this will spread
so should be removed before it flowers. Do not allow it to flower and set seeds. the roots—use a systemic weedkiller instead.

Creeping thistle A tough perennial weed, Hairy bittercress This annual spreads Dandelions A perennial weed, mature
problem plants are most likely on existing very rapidly by firing its seeds far and wide plants are mostly found in established yards,
vegetable patches. Kill them at root level with from exploding pods. Seedlings flower within where the long taproots need to be pulled
a systemic weedkiller. Seedlings can appear a matter of weeks. Hoe them off before they from the ground whole. It self-seeds freely, so
on new beds and can be easily hoed off. have time to flower, and pull them from pots. seedlings can occur anywhere. Hoe them off.
Common garden weeds 247

Goosegrass This clinging weed will Groundsel A quick-growing annual weed, Shepherd’s purse This annual weed
quickly ramble among your crops and can it will rapidly colonize any bare earth, as well produces long spikes of tiny white flowers
smother smaller plants. Pull it up by hand as containers. It flowers and sets seeds in a that lead to characteristic heart-shaped seed
before it has the chance to flower and produce matter of weeks, and spreads readily. Pull up pods. Quick to grow and flower, pull it up
its sticky seedpods. Hoe seedlings off. mature plants by hand and hoe off seedlings. before it has time to produce seeds.

Creeping buttercup A perennial, this Dock Mature plants of this perennial weed Stinging nettle This perennial weed is
colorful weed spreads via its creeping roots are more common in established yards and common in unused urban areas. It forms
and can soon weave itself among your crops. have deep roots that are hard to pull up. Treat dense mats of roots that easily regrow, so
Seedlings can be hoed off but treat mature them with systemic weedkiller. Seedlings treat with a systemic weedkiller. Hoe off
plants with a systemic weedkiller. can be pulled by hand or hoed off. seedlings or pull by hand, wearing gloves.
248 Plant know-how

Useful resources
Seeds & plants
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co. Territorial Seed Company Mountain Valley Growers
P.O. Box 4178 P.O. Box 158 38325 Pepperweed Rd.
Greendale, IN 47025-4178 Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Squaw Valley, CA 93675
(513) 354-1491 (541) 942-9547 (559) 338-2775

Thompson & Morgan®

Park Seed Co. The Natural Gardening Seedsmen, Inc.
3507 Cokesbury Rd. Company P.O. Box 397
Hodges, SC 29653 P.O. Box 750776 Aurora, IN 47001-0397
(800) 845-3369 Petaluma, CA 94975-0776 (800) 274-7333 (707) 766-9303

W. Atlee Burpee & Co.

300 Park Ave.
Warminster, PA 18974
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
955 Benton Ave.
Fruit trees,
(800) 888-1447
Winslow, ME 04901
(877) 564-6697
plants & shrubs
Willis Orchard Company
Henry Field’s Seed 200 McCormick Rd.
& Nursery Co. NESEED Cartersville, GA 30120
P.O. Box 397 3580 Main St. (866) 586-6283
Aurora, IN 47001-0397 Hartford, CT 06120
(513) 354-1495 (800) 825-5477
Stark Bros. Nurseries
& Orchards Co.
J.W. Jung Seed Company Eden Brothers P.O. Box 1800
335 S. High St. 34 Old Brevard Rd. Louisiana, MO 63353
Randolph, WI 53956 Asheville, NC 28806 (800) 325-4180
(800) 297-3123 (828) 633-6338

Cottage Farms Direct

Harris Seeds American Meadows Inc. 9960 Padgett Switch Rd.
355 Paul Road 223 Avenue D, Suite 30 Irvington, AL 36544
P.O. Box 24966 Williston, VT 05495 (888) 593-3644
Rochester, NY 14624-0966 (877) 309-7333
(800) 544-7938
Useful resources 249

Nature Hills Nursery, Inc. Gardens Alive! Garden Tool Company

9910 N. 48th St., Suite 200 5100 Schenley Place 10 Circle Dr.
Omaha, NE 68152 Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 Fort Collins, CO 80524
(888) 864-7663 (513) 354-1482 (800) 830-4019

Planet Natural
Raintree Nursery 1612 Gold Ave. A. M. Leonard, Inc.
391 Butts Rd. Bozeman, MT 59715 241 Fox Drive
Morton, WA 98356 (406) 587-5891 Piqua, OH 45356-0816
(800) 391-8892 (800) 543-8955

Arbico Organics
Gurney’s Seed & Nursery Co. 10831 N. Mavinee Dr., Ste. 185 Tractor Supply Company
P.O. Box 4178 Oro Valley, AZ 85737-9531 200 Powell Place
Greendale, IN 47025-4178 (800) 827-2847 Brentwood, TN 37027
(513) 354-1491 (877) 718-6750

Biological Sundries &

pest control equipment
Gardener’s Supply Company
Buglogical Control Systems, Inc. 128 Intervale Road
P.O. Box 32046 Burlington, VT 05401
Tucson, AZ 85751-2046 (800) 876-5520
(520) 298-4400

Plow and Hearth Rt. 230 West
9664 Tanqueray Ct. Madison, VA 22727
Redding, CA 96003 (800) 494-7544
(530) 226-6300
250 Index

Index see also broad beans; green

bees 55
beans, etc.
chervil 211
chicory 32, 45, 183, 195, 230
chili peppers 14, 31, 194, 224
beets 38, 39, 40, 134, 154, 228 harvesting 85, 198

A harvesting 150, 173, 178, 180

planting 32, 51, 70, 132, 175, 177
planting 32, 132, 151, 195, 197
positioning 14, 36
acidic soils 18 bicycle wheel trellis 86–9 watering 198
African basil 191, 237 bindweed 246 Chinese broccoli 38, 39, 132, 143
planting 34, 132, 149 birds 107, 165, 242 chives 41, 57, 238
positioning 36, 148 black leaf kale 132, 141, 173, 183, 200 harvesting 187, 188
alkaline soils 18 blackberries 34, 234 planting 34, 185
angelica 221 blight 244 cilantro 34, 191, 215, 239
animals 165, 243 blossom end rot 244 clay soil 18, 19, 46
annual crops, container-grown 28 blueberries 34, 85, 104–7, 234 climbers: growing in pots 27
aphids 57, 243 bluegrass, annual 246 supporting 17
apples 34, 54, 234, 243 bok choy 32, 39, 203, 208, 231 cloches 17, 44, 45, 182, 190
arugula 38, 39, 118, 231 bolting 14, 245 clubroot 244
planting 32, 51, 70, 80, 173, Borlotti beans: potted bean arch 90–3 codling moth caterpillars 243
211, 215 broad beans 32, 175, 182, 227 colander, strawberry 62–5
planting in pots 135 broccoli 32, 200 cold frames 45
Asian greens 135 see also sprouting broccoli cold weather protection 45, 182, 190
brown rot 245 companion planting 56–7, 115

B buddleia 55
buttercup, creeping 247
compost 19, 23, 28–9, 46, 52
containers 11
bags, growing zucchini in 102–3
butterflies 55 balcony planters 60–1
balcony gardens 13, 17, 60–1, 66–9
balcony saddlebags 66–9
basil 57, 155, 237
being creative with 26–7
pinching off 81
planting 34, 36, 69, 80, 201, 217
C blueberry in a pot 104–7
cabbage root maggots 243 DIY window box 108–11
planting in pots 135 cabbage white caterpillars 242 feeding plants in 29
planting in raised beds 173 California poppies 54, 215, 240 growing gutters 118–21
purple basil 215 carrot rust flies 57, 148, 242 hanging herbs 124–5
see also African basil carrots 38, 39, 40, 55, 228 making the most of 42
bean weevils 243 carrot oil drum 73 nine-pot plot 132–55
beans: in growing bags 25 harvesting 180, 148, 178 pallet planter 96–101
harvesting 90 pests 57, 148, 242 potted bean arch 90–3
pests and diseases 243 planting 32, 51, 84, 132, 148, 173, preparing 28–9
pinching off 90 175, 177 reasons to use 24–5
planting 132, 133, 175 caterpillars 242, 243 sack of spuds 103
potted bean arch 90–3 cats 243 sowing seeds in 48, 84
chamomile 122 strawberry colander 62–5
Index 251

wall pockets 126–9 downy mildew 245

watering 16, 53, 82, 101 drainage 29, 46 G
wind 13 garlic 41, 57, 230
zucchini in a bag 102–3 planting 32, 175,
corn oil drum 70–3 EF 182, 185, 190,
215, 220
corn salad 201, 211 eggplant 36, 198, 225
cornflowers 55, 69, 183 planting 32, 45, 195, 197 positioning 36
creeping buttercup 247 endive 32, 45, 175, 182, 191, 232 goosegrass 247
creeping thistle 246 exposure 13 gourmet bed 174–83
crocus 55 feeding 29, 52, 61, 82 gray mold 244
crops: crop planner 224–40 see also individual vegetables green beans 38, 39, 41,
crop rotation 50 and fruit 183, 227
easy-care crops 40 fences 12 planting 32, 36,
harvesting 45 fennel 39, 54, 217, 236 132, 201
high-yielding 38 bronze fennel 215 planting in pots
intercropping 51 Florence fennel 32, 39, 41, 183, 137
quick-growing 39, 43, 50 195, 229 potted bean arch
shade-tolerant 37 harvesting 198 90–3
shallow-rooted 41 planting 34, 36, 195, 197, 216 green manure 46
sun-loving 36 fertilizer 28, 29 green onions 229
what can you fit in? 32–3 figs 26 harvesting 168
cucamelons 26, 32, 201, 226 flea beetles 243 planting 32, 132, 163,
cucumbers 226 foxes 243 166, 168
bicycle wheel trellis 86–9 French marigolds 57 planting in pots 142
cucumber trellis 76–7 French sorrel 34, 69, greenhouses 17, 45
harvesting 77, 89 235 groundsel 247
pinching off 86 French tarragon 34, growing bags 25
planting 32, 132, 145 132, 153, 238 growing seasons 12, 13,
planting in pots 145 frost 45 43, 44–5
watering 77 fruit: easy-care 40 gutters, growing 118–21
and light 14
pests and diseases
D 243, 244, 245 H
damping off 244 planting 34 hairy bittercress 246
dandelions 246 shade-tolerant 37 hanging baskets 27, 62–5,
deadheading 61, 69, 81 siting of 85 124–5
dill 34, 221, 238 sun-loving 36 harvesting 43
diseases and disorders 14, 50, 244–5 fruit cages 107 see also individual
dock 247 vegetables and fruit
dogs 243 heirloom varieties 174
herbs 183
252 Index

growing in pots 65 planting 32, 43, 70, 132, 134, 163, planting 163, 168
growing in window boxes 109 185, 187, 195, 203, 206, 211 netting 21, 107, 164
hanging herbs 124–5 positioning 37 nine-pot plot 132–55
harvesting 85, 119 thinning 205
planting 34, 215, 218 light 12, 14–5, 36, 37
productive paving 122–3 liquid fertilizers 28, 29, 52, 82 O
tasty herb bed 214–21 loam 18 oil drums, corn 70–3
see also basil; thyme, etc. lovage 34, 215, 217, 235 oregano 65, 69
hollyhocks 54 love-in-a-mist 54 organic matter 19, 23, 46
hoverflies 55 oriental saladini 211
hyssop 55, 191, 221 oxalis 175, 177, 179, 239
manure 19, 46
I marigolds 34, 41, 69, 81, 85, 177, P
insects 54–5 238, 240 pallet planter 96–101
insulating pots 29, 60, 62, French marigolds 57 parsley 205, 235
76, 112 planting 175 planting 34, 70, 203, 204, 221
intercropping 51, 70 marjoram 34, 173, 215, 218, 238 parsnips 55
irrigation kits 53 the Med bed 194–201 paving, productive 122–3
metal containers 29, 60, 112 pea shoots 226
mibuna 185 growing in pots 25
JK micro beets 150 harvesting 39, 121, 134, 169
Japanese wineberries 34, 233 microgreens 38, 39 planting 32, 40, 50, 51, 132,
kale 232 harvesting 119, 121 144, 163
harvesting 155 planting 50, 51, 80 watering 144
planting 32, 51, 80, 132, 133, 185, mildew 86, 245 pea weevils 243
190, 195, 201, 211, 221 mint 40, 41, 57, 237 pears 34, 234, 243
planting in pots 152 planting 34, 221 peas 31, 41, 226
kohlrabi 32, 39, 40, 135, 183, 229 planting ideas 69 harvesting 134, 154
moths 55 pests and diseases 243
mulching 52 planting 32, 163
L mustard greens 38, 40, 41, 55, 231 peppers 85, 183, 224
ladder shelves 78–81 planting 32, 70, 80, 135, 163, 185, growing in greenhouses 45
lavender 34, 54, 236 190, 201, 203, 215 harvesting 198
leaf mold 19 planting ideas 69 planting 32, 36, 51, 195, 197
leeks 32, 229 perennial crops, container grown 28
lettuce 38, 39, 40, 41, 169, 230 pests 242–3
feeding 52
growing in pots 27, 138
N companion planting 56–7
nasturtiums 41, 57, 239 preventing 21
harvesting 101, 154, 166, 168, companion planting 115 pinching off 81, 171
188, 206 deadheading 169 planters see containers
Index 253

plot size, making the most of 42–3 crop rotation 50

poached egg plant 57 DIY raised bed 158–61 S
pockets, wall 126–9 easy-to-grow bed 162–73 sacks, growing potatoes in 103
pollinators 54–5 gourmet bed 174–83 saddlebags 27
poppies, California 54, 215, 240 Med bed 194–201 balcony saddlebags 66–9
potassium 52, 81 shady bed 202–11 sage 41, 125, 236
potatoes 228 soil 179 planting 34, 216
early 38, 39 sowing into raised beds 48 varieties 215, 217
growing in sacks 103 tasty herb bed 214–21 salad burnet 221
harvesting 103 raspberries 34, 36, 37, 40, 233 salad greens 121, 184–91, 200, 202
in growing bags 25 red clover 46 sandy soil 18, 19, 46
pests and diseases 242, 244 red Russian kale 201 scorch 245
planting 32 roof gardens 13, 17 seeds and sowing 48–9, 80, 84, 204
pots: being creative with 26–7 rosemary 125, 216, 237 outdoors 48
blueberry in a pot 104–7 planting 34, 215, 216 in succession 50
feeding plants in 29 runner beans 38, 39, 40, 41, 183, 227 under cover 44, 49, 164
making the most of 42 planting 32, 132, 201 shade 12, 14–5, 31
nine-pot plot 132–55 planting in pots 139 shade-tolerant crops 37
potted bean arch 90–3 positioning 36, 37 shady bed 202–11
preparing 28–9 potted bean arch 90–3 sharp grit 28
reasons to use 24–5 runners 65 sheds 17
sowing seeds in 48, 84 rust 245 shelter 12, 13
watering 16, 53, 82, 101 shelves 27
wind 13 ladder shelves 78–81
powdery mildew 86, 245 lean-to shelves 82–5
pruning 12 shepherd’s purse 247
slugs and snails 14, 111, 120, 206, 242
snow peas 132, 140, 154
R soaking plants 99
soil 18–9
radicchio 195
radishes 38, 39, 41, 227 covering in winter 45
harvesting 205 no dig approach 23, 46
planting 32, 50, 51, 132, 173, 203, preparing 46–7, 186
205, 206 raised beds 20, 21, 22, 23, 179
planting in pots 136 sorrel 31, 40, 208
thinning 204–5 French sorrel 235
rain shadows 16, 81 planting 34, 37, 203
raised beds 11, 42 planting ideas 69
benefits of 20–3 sowing see seeds and sowing
circular salad bed 184–91
covering in winter 45
254 Index

spinach 38, 183, 230

planting 32, 173, 191, 211, 221 T WYZ
planting in pots 135 tansy ragwort 246 wall pockets 126–9
sprouting broccoli 40, 183, 232 tarragon 34 walls 12
planting 32, 51, 191, 195 French tarragon 132, 153, 238 watering 16, 52–3, 81
squash, summer 225 tatsoi 211, 221 containers 12, 61, 82, 101
planting 32, 51, 176–7, 201 temperature 12, 13, 14 effective 53
planting in pots 135 thistle, creeping 246 growing bags 25
promoting ripening 115 thyme 57, 122, 239 soaking plants 99
squash trellis 112–5 planting 34, 215, 216 weather 197
training 178 varieties 217 weeds 46, 164, 179, 218, 246–7
starflowers 34, 55, 215, 218, 236 tomatoes 14, 41, 85, 225 whiteflies 57
stinging nettles 247 feeding 81, 178 wind 13, 17
strawberries 40, 85, 233 greenhouses 45 window boxes 27, 108–11
Alpine 41, 183, 233 hanging baskets 65 wineberries, Japanese 34, 233
everbearing 38 harvesting 155, 180 winter purslane 211
growing in pots 27 heirloom 174 wireworms 242
planting 34, 162, 163, 164, pests and diseases 57, 244 worms 23, 46
165, 191 planting 32, 132, 163, 175, 176–7, yield, high-yielding crops 38
planting ideas 69 185, 187, 201 zucchini 38, 39, 40, 174, 225
positioning 36, 37 planting ideas 69 feeding 52
strawberry colander 62–5 positioning 36 in growing bags 25
sugar snap peas 89, 132, 146, 166 pots 27, 28, 29, 60–1, 147 pests and diseases 244
sun-loving crops 36 ripening 61, 171 planting 32, 36, 51, 135, 175,
sweet cicely 31, 40, 235 training 169, 171 176–7
planting 34, 211, 215 varieties 171, 179, 184 zucchini in a bag 102–3
sweet corn 31, 232 watering 168, 244
corn oil drum 70–3 trellis 17, 161
planting 32, 43, 51, 70, 201 bicycle wheel trellis 86–9
planting in raised beds 173 cucumber trellis 76–7
sweet Williams 81, 240 squash trellis 112–5
Swiss chard 38, 39, 40, 41, 45, 169, turnips 32, 228
183, 231
feeding 52
harvesting 171 UV
planting 32, 163, 191, 201, 211, 221 urban plots 12–3
planting ideas 69 verbena 69
planting in pots 135 vine weevils 242
positioning 37 violas 81, 185, 205, 240
harvesting 187, 188
planting 173, 188, 203, 221
Acknowledgments 255

Picture credits Dorling Kindersley would
The publisher would like to thank the following for
their kind permission to reproduce their photographs: like to thank:
Lucy Claxton (c) Dorling Kindersley 14 FBL; Lucy Photography Peter Anderson
Claxton (c) Dorling Kindersley 25 CLA; (c) Alan Editorial support Esther Ripley and Annalise Evans
Buckingham 30 FBR; Brian North (c) Dorling Design support Eleanor Bates, Vanessa Hamilton,
Kindersley, Courtesy of RHS Chelsea Flower Show and Amy Keast
2009 36 CRB; (c) Alan Buckingham 37 CRA; Peter Proofreading Constance Novis
Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of Indexing Vanessa Bird
RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 40 CRA; (c) Alan
Buckingham 44 FCLB; (c) Jerry Young 55 CRA; DK would also like to give special thanks to the
Mark Winwood (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of RHS following for their kind help in producing this
Wisley 55 FBL; Getty: Reggie Casagrande / book:
Photodisc 57 FCRA; Brian North (c) Dorling Kindersley, Bruno Lacey and his colleagues at Urban Growth,
Courtesy of RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2011 75 London, for helping to create and maintain many of the
C; Mark Winwood (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of raised beds featured.
RHS Wisley 107 FCLA; Joanne Doran (c) Dorling Tom Wheatcroft and his colleagues at Capel Manor
Kindersley, Courtesy of RHS Hampton Court Flower College, London, for helping to create and maintain
Show 2011 117 C; Peter Anderson (c) Dorling many of the projects shown.
Kindersley, Courtesy of RHS Chelsea Flower Show Clare Dyson at Pro-Veg Seeds Ltd., Cambridge, for
2009 157 C; Peter Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley, supplying plants.
Courtesy of RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 183 Faulks and Cox Ltd., Leicestershire, for supplying
CRB; Peter Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley, many of the containers used.
Courtesy of RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 183
CLB; Peter Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley,
Courtesy of RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2010
183 CRA; Peter Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley,
Courtesy of RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 201 BL;
Joanne Doran (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy
of RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2011 211 CLA;
Joanne Doran (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of
RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2011 221 CRB; Peter
Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of
RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2010 221 CLA; Lucy
Claxton (c) Dorling Kindersley 225 TR; Peter
Anderson (c) Dorling Kindersley, Courtesy of RHS
Hampton Court Flower Show 2010 229 TR; (c)
Alan Buckingham 233 FCLB; (c) Alan Buckingham 233
CRB; (c) Alan Buckingham 234 CRB; (c) Alan
Buckingham 244 FCRB; (c) Alan Buckingham 245

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