Mcafee Installer Manual
Mcafee Installer Manual
Mcafee Installer Manual
You must be logged in as administrator or an account with equivalent permissions. This installation guide only applies to MS Internet Explorer. If you are using a browser other than MS Internet Explorer, please refer to your browser's help section for file download instructions specific to your browser. Close all programs which are running in the machine. Do not open any program when installing this.
1. Open the folder where the system is and run SetupVSE file. Highlighted below
3. Select the appropriate License Expiry Type (in the drop down menu in the upper left of the window). Then select the button for "I accept the terms..." and click OK. Use the options that I have highlighted foryou.
7. Check Enable On-Access Scanner at the end of installation option. Then click Next
8. First discuss and agree on a password which will be used by all machines. This is the password you will put here. Make sure it is one password for all machines. This should be known by IT and the administrator. Then click Next and the other options should be left the way they are.
10. The Wizard will now begin installing the files. It may pause the installation process and ask you to end particular applications so that it can safely continue the installation.
11. After a successful installation, McAfee will ask if you want to update the virus definitions and run a scan; you should do both.
12. Once installation is complete, McAfee will automatically update the virus definitions. Once the updates are finished click Close.
13. When the update is complete, McAfee will scan the computer for viruses.
14. Once the virus scan is complete, click OK and restart your computer to load the network driver.
b. i. Use SuperDATs option ii. Download sdat****.exe file. This is what you will use to update all machines.
17. On the task bar, you should get something like this
Use VirusScan Console to enable/disable the password. This is when you are installing genuine software. Use UnLock User Interface After this, disable the first 4 options on the list i.e. Access protection, buffer overflow etc. use the RED
After you are through with the installation you were doing, use the green triangular button to enable
them, one at a time. Remember to Lock User Interface when you are through.