An 9804

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Tutorial on Basic Link Budget Analysis

Application Note June 1998 AN9804.1

Authors: Jim Zyren and Al Petrick

Abstract PRISM® Overview

Advances in the state-of-the-art have PRISM is a 2.4GHz Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) chip
made wireless technology a more set designed to meet the direct sequence spread spectrum
compelling solution for many consumer physical layer (radio) specifications of the IEEE802.11 WLAN
applications. This poses a problem to standard. PRISM uses Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK)
many practicing engineers and as the modulation scheme. The PRISM radio architecture
technology managers who are unfamiliar with the relevant provides half duplex wireless RF communications for packet
concepts and terminology. To add to the confusion, FCC data rate of 2Mbps. PRISM provides 70mW of RF power at the
regulations require the use of Spread Spectrum techniques antenna, which enables continuous data connectivity at up to
for most applications in the unlicensed bands. 400 feet indoors and 1000 feet outdoors. For more details, see
Intersil Application Note AN9624 PRISM DSSS PC Card
This paper is intended to provide the basic concepts Wireless LAN Description.
necessary to perform a top level analysis of a wireless link.
In addition, other terms and concepts are briefly described Communications Basics
with should help in understanding some of the system When evaluating a wireless link, the three most important
design issues, including a brief description of Spread questions to be answered are:
Spectrum techniques. Two examples are given which
demonstrate the influence of range, data rate, and 1. How much radio frequency (RF) power is available?
modulation technique on the radio requirements. 2. How much bandwidth is available?
3. What is the required reliability (as defined by Bit Error
Introduction Rate, or BER)?
There has been a great deal of interest of late in the In general, RF power and bandwidth effectively place an
application of wireless technology in industrial, commercial, upper bound on the capacity of a communications link. The
and even consumer environments. Several vendors, upper limit in terms of data rate is given by Shannon’s
including Intersil, offer products which comply with FCC Channel Capacity Theorem:
C = B * log2 (1 + S/N) (EQ.1)
regulations for unlicensed operation at 2.4GHz. These
regulations permit radiated RF power of up to 1W when
spread spectrum modulation techniques are used. There are where:
many applications for which the complexities imposed by the C = channel capacity (bits/s)
use of spread spectrum radios are more than offset by the
B = channel bandwidth (Hz)
interference rejection properties and higher RF power
permitted by FCC regulations. S = signal strength (watts)
N = noise power (watts)
Successful design of high speed wireless data links involves
many factors and is well beyond the scope of this application Note that this equation means that for an ideal system, the bit
note. However, a top-level link budget analysis is a fairly error rate (BER) will approach zero if the data transmission
straightforward exercise. It is the first step an engineer will rate is below the channel capacity. In the “real world”, the
degree to which a practical system can approach this limit is
take in order to determine the feasibility of any given system.
dependent on modulation technique and receiver noise.
A link budget calculation is also an excellent means for
anyone to begin to understand the various factors which Channel Noise
must be traded off to realize a given cost and level of For all communications systems, channel noise is intimately
reliability for a communications link. tied to bandwidth. All objects which have heat emit RF
This application note describes a method for performing a energy in the form of random (Gaussian) noise. The amount
basic link budget analysis. This discussion is followed by two of radiation emitted can be calculated by:
N = kTB (EQ.2)
simple examples. One example involves a short range
wireless link capable of 40kbits/s (kbps), which might be
suitable to provide a laptop computer with wireless access to
a nearby dial-up modem. The second example involves a N = noise power (watts)
high speed (2Mbps), longer range link designed for Wireless k = Boltzman’s constant (1.38 x 10-23 J/K)
USB in a home environment. These examples will
T = system temperature, usually assumed to be 290K
demonstrate the effects of range, data rate, and modulation
method on system requirements. B = channel bandwidth (Hz)

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PRISM is a registered trademark of Intersil Corporation. PRISM logo is a trademark of Intersil Corporation.
Application Note 9804

This is the lowest possible noise level for a system with a Multipath and Fade Margin
given physical temperature. For most applications, Multipath occurs when waves emitted by the transmitter
temperature is typically assumed to be room temperature travel along a different path and interfere destructively with
(290K). Equations 1 and 2 demonstrate that RF power and waves travelling on a direct line-of-sight path. This is
bandwidth can be traded off to achieve a given performance sometimes referred to as signal fading. This phenomenon
level (as defined by BER). occurs because waves travelling along different paths may
Range and Path Loss be completely out of phase when they reach the antenna,
thereby canceling each other.
Another key consideration is the issue of range. As radio
waves propagate in free space, power falls off as the square Since signal cancellation is almost never complete, one
of range. For a doubling of range, power reaching a receiver method of overcoming this problem is to transmit more
antenna is reduced by a factor of four. This effect is due to power. In an indoor environment, multipath is almost always
the spreading of the radio waves as they propagate, and can present and tends to be dynamic (constantly varying).
be calculated by: Severe fading due to multipath can result in a signal
reduction of more than 30dB. It is therefore essential to
L = 20 log10 (4π D / λ) (EQ.3) provide adequate link margin to overcome this loss when
where: designing a wireless system. Failure to do so will adversely
affect reliability.
D = the distance between receiver and transmitter
The amount of extra RF power radiated to overcome this
λ = free space wavelength = c/f
phenomenon is referred to as fade margin. The exact
c = speed of light (3 x 108 m/s) amount of fade margin required depends on the desired
f = frequency (Hz) reliability of the link, but a good rule-of-thumb is 20dB to
Equation 3 above describes line-of-sight, or free space 30dB.
propagation. Because of building obstructions such as walls
and ceilings, propagation losses indoors can be significantly
higher. This occurs because of a combination of attenuation by
walls and ceilings, and blockage due to equipment, furniture,
and even people. For example, a “2 x 4” wood stud wall with 2
sheetrock on both sides results in about 6dB loss per wall. MULTIP
Experience has shown that line-of-sight propagation holds only
for about the first 20 feet. Beyond 20 feet, propagation losses DIR


indoors increase at up to 30dB per 100 feet (see Figure 1) in H SIG



dense office environments. This is a good “rule-of-thumb”, in


that it is conservative (it overstates path loss in most cases).


Actual propagation losses may vary significantly depending on


building construction and layout. RX




One method of mitigating the effects of multipath is antenna
diversity. Since the cancellation of radio waves is geometry
80 dependent, use of two (or more) antennas separated by at least
half of a wavelength can drastically mitigate this problem. On
acquisition of a signal, the receiver checks each antenna and
60 simply selects the antenna with the best signal quality. This
reduces, but does not eliminate, the required link margin that
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 would otherwise be needed for a system which does not
RANGE (FT) employ diversity. The downside is this approach requires more
FIGURE 1. ESTIMATED INDOOR PROPAGATION LOSSES AT antennas and a more complicated receiver design.
Another method of dealing with the multipath problem is via
the use of an adaptive channel equalizer. Adaptive
equalization can be used with or without antenna diversity.

Application Note 9804

After the signal is received and digitized, it is fed through a

series of adaptive delay stages which are summed together
via feedback loops. This technique is particularly effective in
slowly changing environments such as transmission over
telephone lines, but is more difficult to implement in rapidly
changing environments like factory floors, offices and homes
where transmitters and receivers are moving in relation to

each other. The main drawback is the impact on system cost
and complexity. Adaptive equalizers can be expensive to 1.0E-05 COHERENT OOK, OFSK
implement for broadband data links.
BASEBAND Z -1 Z -1 Z -1 Z -1 1.0E-07
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
W1 W2 W3 W4 Wn Eb/No (dB)



For the purposes of link budget analysis, the most important
aspect of a given modulation technique is the Signal-to-
FIGURE 3. ADAPTIVE EQUALIZER Noise Ratio (SNR) necessary for a receiver to achieve a
specified level of reliability in terms of BER. A graph of Eb/No
vs BER is shown in Figure 4. Eb/No is a measure of the
Spread spectrum systems are fairly robust in the presence
required energy per bit relative to the noise power. Note that
of multipath. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS)
Eb/No is independent of the system data rate. In order to
systems will reject reflected signals which are significantly
convert from Eb/No to SNR, the data rate and system
delayed relative to the direct path or strongest signal. This is
bandwidth must be taken into account as shown below:
the same property which allows multiple users to share the
same bandwidth in Code Diversity Multiple Access (CDMA)
SNR = (Eb/No) * (R/BT) (EQ.4)
systems. Frequency Hopping Spread Systems (FHSS) also
exhibit some degree of immunity to multipath. Because a where:
FHSS transmitter is continuously changing frequencies, it
will always hop to some frequencies which experience little Eb = Energy required per bit of information
or no multipath loss. In a severe fading environment, No = thermal noise in 1Hz of bandwidth
throughput of an FHSS system will be reduced, but it is R = system data rate
unlikely that the link will be lost completely. The performance
BT = system bandwidth
of DSSS systems in the presence of multipath is described
further in a separate section below.
Modulation Technique MODULATION METHODS
Modulation technique is a key consideration. This is the TYPICAL BANDWIDTH
method by which the analog or digital information is MODULATION METHOD (NULL-TO-NULL)
converted to signals at RF frequencies suitable for QPSK, DQPSK 1.0 x Bit Rate
transmission. Selection of modulation method determines
MSK 1.5 x Bit Rate
system bandwidth, power efficiency, sensitivity, and
complexity. Most of us are familiar with Amplitude BPSK, DBPSK, OFSK 2.0 x Bit Rate
Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) because
of their widespread use in commercial radio. Phase Spread Spectrum Radios
Modulation is another important technique. It is used in The term “spread spectrum” simply means that the energy
applications such as Global Position System (GPS) radiated by the transmitter is spread out over a wider amount
receivers and some cellular telephone networks. of the RF spectrum than would otherwise be used. By
spreading out the energy, it is far less likely that two users
sharing the same spectrum will interfere with each other.
This is an important consideration in an unlicensed band,
which why the regulatory authorities imposed spread
spectrum requirements on radios which transmit over -1dBm
(about 0.75mW) in the following bands:

Application Note 9804




902 - 928MHz <1000mW N/A N/A 11 CHIPS 1-BIT
2400 - 2483.4MHz <1000mW <100mW N/A PRN 01000101111011101000
2471 - 2497MHz N/A N/A <10mW/MHz
5725 - 5875MHz <1000mW <100mW N/A

In the U.S., these bands are collectively designated as FIGURE 6. COMBINING PRN SEQUENCE AND DATA
Industry, Science, and Medicine (ISM) bands. Operation in
these bands with approved devices does not require an FCC
The individual 1’s and 0’s that make up the PRN are called
license. By waiving licensing requirements, these bands
“chips”. They are distinct from the “bits” in the data stream
have been made generally accessible to virtually anyone.
because chips are predetermined by the PRN sequence and
This is mainly why the ISM bands are so important for
hence, contain no information. The ratio of the chip rate (C)
commercial and consumer applications.
to the data rate (R) is called processing gain. In the PRISM
As mentioned above, radios employing spread spectrum radio, this ratio is selectable. It can be set to 11, 13, 15, or 16
methods are allowed to radiated up to 1.0W (30dBm) of RF chips/bit. The IEEE 802.11 Standard specifies an 11 chip PN
energy, as compared to less than 1mW for non-spread sequence (Barker code), which will be used for this example.
radios. There are two common types of spread spectrum
systems. The easiest to understand is Frequency Hopped Processing Gain = 10log10(C/R) = 10.4dB (EQ.5)
Spread Spectrum (FHSS). In this method, the carrier
frequency hops from channel to channel in some pre-
arranged sequence. The receiver is programmed to hop in
sequence with the transmitter. If one channel is jammed, the
data is simply retransmitted when the transmitter hops to a
clear channel. The major drawback to FHSS is limited data
rate. In the 2.4GHz band, FCC regulations require that the
maximum occupied bandwidth for any single channel is FIGURE 7A. TRANSMITTER BASEBAND SIGNAL BEFORE
1MHz. This effectively limits the data rate through this type
of system to about 1Mbps.

t-5 t-2 t0 t-1 t-4 t-3


2.400GHz 2.483GHz

At the receiver, the pseudo random code is used to

By contrast, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) “de-spread” the received data. In the PRISM chip set, this is
systems in the ISM bands provide much higher data rates. accomplished by means of a matched filter at baseband. It is
DSSS systems do not jump from frequency to frequency. during this process that the matched filter rejects unwanted
Instead, the transmitter actually spreads the energy out over interference because it is uncorrelated with the PRN. By
a wider portion of the RF spectrum. This can be careful selection of the PRN sequence, the matched filter
accomplished by combining the data stream with a much provides an additional benefit. It can reject multipath signals
higher rate Pseudo Random Numerical (PRN) sequence via which are delayed relative to the main signal by more than
an XOR function. The result is a digital stream at the same one chip period, or about 44ns. In this manner, it provides
rate as the PRN. When the RF carrier is modulated by the some of the benefits of the adaptive equalizer shown in
higher speed digital stream, the result is a spreading of the Figure 3, though its operation and implementation are much
RF energy. simpler.

Application Note 9804


Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1
1 2 3 4 5 6 2N

R1 R2 R3 RN N = 16


+1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1



If viewed on a spectrum analyzer, the de-spreading process

would cause the received spectrum to decrease in width by
a factor of 11:1, while at the same time causing the peak in
the spectrum to increase in amplitude by the same amount. XCVR
This is why this effect is called processing gain.



Example 1: Requirements
Required data rate = 40kbps
(28.8kbps plus framing, overhead, and checksum)
Range =5 meters
Desired BER =10-6
Example 1: FCC and ETSI Regulations
For unlicensed systems not employing spread spectrum
MATCHED FILTER CORRELATOR techniques, RF power is limited to -1.25dBm, or about
0.75mW. For details on RF power limitations, refer to FCC
Regulations 15.247 and 15.249. If spreading is employed,
Example 1: Wireless Link to Dial-Up Modem RF power can be increased to 1W (U.S. operations). For
As an example, consider a data link intended to provide a Europe, ETSI regulations (ETSI 300, 328) limit RF power for
wireless link between a laptop computer and a dial-up spread spectrum radios to 20dBm, or 100mW. Spreading is
modem in a home environment as shown in Figure 10. In therefore attractive because it allows for transmission of up
order to support a throughput of 28.8kbps, the link should be to 1000 times more RF power.
designed for about 40kbps. The additional data rate is
Example 1: So, Should Spread Spectrum
needed to accommodate framing, overhead, checksums
Techniques Be Used In This Case?
which may be required for the wireless link.
Spread spectrum offers some interference rejection
properties, but it also entails higher complexity. Therefore,
the application should first be evaluated to determine if it can
be reliably serviced by a low power, non-spread spectrum
radio. If not, then spread spectrum high power radios should
be considered.

Application Note 9804

Example 1: Frequency Selection about 15dB. This number must be added to the thermal
noise to determine the receiver noise floor:
There are several bands available for unlicensed operation
(see Table 2). As described previously, in the Multipath and (EQ.7)
Receiver Noise Floor = -126dBm + 15dB
Fade Margin section, the higher the frequency, the higher
the propagation loss. Therefore, a lower frequency is better = -111dBm
in terms of propagation loss. It is generally less expensive to
build radios at lower frequencies. Other considerations Example 1: Receiver Sensitivity
include available bandwidth and regulatory limitations. The The first step in performing the link budget is determining the
available bands are 900MHz, 2.4GHz, and 5.725GHz. The required signal strength at the receiver input. This is referred
easy choice is 900MHz, but this band is getting crowded with to as receiver sensitivity (Prx). As described previously, this
things like cordless phones. For such a short link, 900MHz is is a function of the Modulation Technique and the desired
still a good choice. BER. A graph of Eb/No vs BER is shown in Figure 2. For the
case at hand, the modulation technique is OFSK. For 10-6
Example 1: Modulation Technique BER:
There are lots of choices here. The Intersil PRISM radio chip
set uses Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation, but some of (EQ.8)
Eb/No = 14.2dB = 26.3
the motivating factors behind this choice are not applicable
in this instance. A simpler method is Frequency Shift Keying
SNR = (Eb/No) * (R/BT) (EQ.9)
(FSK). FSK is actually a form of Frequency Modulation (FM),
which has been around for a long time. With FSK, two = 26.3 * (40kbps / 80kHz)
separate frequencies are chosen, one frequency
= 11dB
representing a logical “zero”, the other representing logical
“one”. Data is transmitted by switching between the two (EQ. 10)
Prx = Receiver Noise Floor + SNR
= -111dBm + 11dB
A good choice of modulation would therefore be FSK. The
= -100dBm
separation of two frequencies relative to the bit rate is called
modulation index (h). Example 1: Link Calculation
h = frequency separation / bit rate Propagation loss (Lfs) can be computed as:
= ∆f / R
Lfs = 20 x log10(4 * pi * D/lambda) (EQ. 11)
A modulation index of 1 (h = 1) is a good choice for a low
cost application, unless there are restrictions on bandwidth. = 20 x log10(4 * pi * 5 meters/0.33 meters)
When h = 1, the frequencies are said to be orthogonal. This = 46dB
form of modulation is called Orthogonal FSK, or OFSK.
Note: lambda is the free space wavelength at the carrier
Choosing h = 1 results in a simple but fairly robust receiver
design. In this case, the frequencies would be separated by
40kHz. λ = c/f
= 3 x 108ms-1/900MHz
Example 1: System Bandwidth and Noise Floor = 0.33 meters
In general, the modulation technique dictates the required
Finally, some assumption must be made about transmit and
system bandwidth (or visa versa, depending on design
receive antenna gain values. For a simple dipole antenna,
constraints). For FSK modulation and h = 1, the bandwidth is
an assumption of 0dB gain is reasonable. This number will
typically about 2 times the data rate (see Table 1), or 80kHz.
be taken for the gain of both the transmit antenna gain
We therefore can compute the noise power:
(Gtx)and receive antenna gain (Grx). Now, the required
transmitter power (Ptx) can be computed:
N = kTB (EQ.6)

= 1.38 x 10-23 J/K x 290K x 80,000 s-1 Ptx = Prx - Gtx - Grx + Lfs + Fade Margin (EQ. 12)
= 2.4 x 10-13mW
= -100dBm - 0dB - 0dB + 46dB + 30dB
= -126dBm
= -24dBm
This figure represents a theoretical noise floor for an ideal
receiver. A real receiver noise floor will always be higher, due Example 1: Conclusions
to noise and losses in the receiver itself. Noise Figure (NF) is This exercise shows that the wireless modem link can be
a measure of the amount of noise added by the receiver reliably served by an OFSK radio operating at 900MHz using
itself. A typical number for a low cost receiver would be as little as -24dBm transmit power. FCC regulations permit

Application Note 9804

transmission of up to -1.25dBm in the unlicensed bands

without requiring spread spectrum modulation. However, as RF RF
mentioned above, the 900MHz band is becoming crowded. RECEIVER RECEIVER

This is particularly true for consumer application due to the

proliferation of cordless telephones. If this is considered a
major problem, the above analysis can easily be re-
evaluated assuming a carrier frequency in other unlicensed
bands such as 2.4GHz, or even 5GHz.
In addition to the analysis of the radio link itself, there are RF
other considerations beyond those mentioned here. These DESKTOP TRANSMITTER
include the suitability of the modem protocol to packet mode WIRELESS
transmission, synchronization of data rates, etc. The USB USB HUB
foregoing discussion focused on the link analysis and is by
no means exhaustive. It is intended to illustrate top level
trades involving data rate, range, and choice of modulation.
Example 2: Requirements
Example 2: Wireless USB - An Ideal
Data Rate = 2Mbps (1.408Mbps + framing, overhead,
Application for PRISM checksum)
Having shown that PRISM is not the optimal choice for a
short-haul, low bit rate wireless link such as the wireless Range = 30 meters indoors (100 feet)
modem described above, a more suitable application will Desired BER = 10-6
now be explored. Universal Serial Bus (USB) is rapidly
replacing the serial port on personal computers. USB Example 2: Should I Use a Spread Spectrum
provides high speed flexible interconnectivity between a PC Radio?
and its peripherals. Despite its flexibility, USB has a range In the previous example, spreading was not required.
limitation of 5 meters. However, there are a couple of major differences with this
example. The data rate is much higher and the range is a
USB has two modes of signaling. The full speed signaling
farther. Therefore, due to FCC restrictions on transmitted
rate is 12Mbps, while the low rate is 1.5Mbps. The low speed power for non-spread spectrum transmitters in the
rate is designed to support devices such as mice and unlicensed bands, the non-spread OFSK radio described in
keyboards. However, a radio capable of providing 1.5Mbps Example 1 above will not be capable of meeting this far more
throughput could be used in a wireless hub application, stringent application. By contrast, Intersil’s PRISM radio was
though it could not support the full hi-speed rate of 12Mbps. designed specifically for such demanding applications. It
A wireless hub could support bulk transfers, and possibly employs spread spectrum techniques and can radiate up to
isochronous applications such as wireless audio and 1W of RF power according to FCC regulations (FCC
MPEG1 video if rate buffering were available at the transmit 15.247).
side of the link.
Example 2: Frequency Selection
In this example, a wireless digital link capable of 1.5Mbps As described previously, there are several bands allocated
throughput at up to 100 feet indoors is desired. As in the for unlicensed operation. There is spectrum at 902-928MHz.
previous example, a somewhat higher data rate will be However, this band is getting pretty crowded. Another
required in order to accommodate framing, overhead, and consideration is the limited bandwidth. There is only 26MHz
checksum for the wireless link. Typically, throughput is about in this band. A better choice would be the 2.400 - 2.483GHz.
70% to 75% of peak data rate. Therefore, the required data There is less radio traffic in this band (although there is
rate for the wireless link is roughly 2Mbps. potential interference from microwave ovens), and the total
available bandwidth is 83MHz. In addition, this frequency
band is approved for unlicensed operation in the U.S.,
Europe, and Japan.

Example 2: Modulation Technique

PRISM utilizes Differential Binary Phase Shift Keyed
(DBPSK) modulation to transmit data at up to 1Mbps, and
Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keyed (DQPSK)
modulation to transmit data up to 2Mbps. The main
advantage of DQPSK is spectral efficiency. The null-to-null
bandwidth for a DQPSK radio is about the same as the data
rate (R).

Application Note 9804

Example 2: System Bandwidth and Noise Floor conservative assumption for fade margin. Transmit and
For 2Mbps, the occupied bandwidth of a PRISM transmitter receive antenna gain are unchanged from the previous
would be 22MHz due to spreading. Due to the 11:1 ratio example (0dB). Using this data, the link budget may now be
between the chip rate (C) and the data rate (R), the radio is recalculated:
transmitting 22Mcps. This results in an occupied bandwidth
Ptx = Prx - Gtx - Grx + Lfs + Fade Margin (EQ. 18)
of 22MHz (see Figure 7). However, after the de-spreading at
the receiver, the bandwidth at baseband would be restored = -93dBm - 0dB - 0dB + 80dB + 30dB
to 2MHz (see Figure 8). It is important to note that although
= 17dBm
PRISM is a spread spectrum radio, the noise floor is
computed using the de-spread bandwidth: FCC regulations permit DSSS systems to transmit up to 1W
(or 30dBm). The PRISM Radio chip set provides +18dBm
(EQ. 13) radiated power, which is ideal for this application. In addition,
Noise = kTB
the DSSS waveform provides an additional 10dB of rejection
= 1.38 x 10-23 J/K x 290K x 2,000,000 s-1 of potential jammers, such as microwave ovens, arc welders,
= 4 x 10-12mW and other industrial machinery.

= -113dBm Example 2: Conclusions

PRISM has a receiver noise figure of 7dB. The receiver PRISM is an ideal solution for high bit rate (up to 2Mbps)
noise floor is then: mobile data transmission. In addition to its robust waveform, it
features IEEE 802.11 compliant operation. It has a Carrier
(EQ. 14) Sense Multiple Access collision avoidance feature which
Rx Noise Floor = -111dBm + 7dB
allows multiple users to share the same RF channel. The
= -104dBm programmable synthesizer allows for the collocation of several
From Figure 1, the free space path loss at 100 feet for indoor channels to accommodate even more users. The highly
propagation may be determined. This value is 80dB. DQPSK is integrated chip set provides a complete Antenna-to-Bits
an efficient modulation technique. The required Eb/No to solution.
achieve a 10-6 BER is 11dB. The required signal-to-noise ratio References
(SNR) and receiver sensitivity (Prx) can now be determined:
For Intersil documents available on the internet, see web site
Eb/No = 11dB = 12.7 (EQ. 15)
Intersil AnswerFAX (321) 724-7800.

(EQ. 16)
[1] Modern Communications Systems, Couch, Leon W.,
SNR = (Eb/No) * (R/BT) Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. (ISBN
= 12.7 * (2Mbps / 2.0MHz) 0-02-325286-3)

= 11dB [2] Digital Communications Systems, Peebles, Peyton Z.,

Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1987. (ISBN
(EQ. 17) 0-13-211970-6)
Prx = Receiver Noise Floor + SNR
[3] Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Systems, Lee, Will-
= -104dBm + 11dB
iam C. Y., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1989 (ISBN 0-
= -93dBm 07-037030-3)
One of the characteristics of Direct Sequence Spread [4] Digital Communications, Proakis, John G., Second Edi-
Spectrum (DSSS) radios such as PRISM is reduction in the tion, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1989 (ISBN 0-07-
effects of multipath. If the indirect signal is delayed by more 050937-9)
than a chip period, it will appear to the receiver as
[5] Spread Spectrum Systems, Dixon, Robert C., Third Edi-
uncorrelated random noise, and will not cancel the direct
tion, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1994 (ISBN 0-
signal. Therefore, an allocation of 30dB is an even more

All Intersil semiconductor products are manufactured, assembled and tested under ISO9000 quality systems certification.
Intersil semiconductor products are sold by description only. Intersil Corporation reserves the right to make changes in circuit design and/or specifications at any time with-
out notice. Accordingly, the reader is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. Information furnished by Intersil is believed to be accurate and
reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Intersil or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result
from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Intersil or its subsidiaries.
For information regarding Intersil Corporation and its products, see web site


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