An 9804
An 9804
An 9804
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Application Note 9804
This is the lowest possible noise level for a system with a Multipath and Fade Margin
given physical temperature. For most applications, Multipath occurs when waves emitted by the transmitter
temperature is typically assumed to be room temperature travel along a different path and interfere destructively with
(290K). Equations 1 and 2 demonstrate that RF power and waves travelling on a direct line-of-sight path. This is
bandwidth can be traded off to achieve a given performance sometimes referred to as signal fading. This phenomenon
level (as defined by BER). occurs because waves travelling along different paths may
Range and Path Loss be completely out of phase when they reach the antenna,
thereby canceling each other.
Another key consideration is the issue of range. As radio
waves propagate in free space, power falls off as the square Since signal cancellation is almost never complete, one
of range. For a doubling of range, power reaching a receiver method of overcoming this problem is to transmit more
antenna is reduced by a factor of four. This effect is due to power. In an indoor environment, multipath is almost always
the spreading of the radio waves as they propagate, and can present and tends to be dynamic (constantly varying).
be calculated by: Severe fading due to multipath can result in a signal
reduction of more than 30dB. It is therefore essential to
L = 20 log10 (4π D / λ) (EQ.3) provide adequate link margin to overcome this loss when
where: designing a wireless system. Failure to do so will adversely
affect reliability.
D = the distance between receiver and transmitter
The amount of extra RF power radiated to overcome this
λ = free space wavelength = c/f
phenomenon is referred to as fade margin. The exact
c = speed of light (3 x 108 m/s) amount of fade margin required depends on the desired
f = frequency (Hz) reliability of the link, but a good rule-of-thumb is 20dB to
Equation 3 above describes line-of-sight, or free space 30dB.
propagation. Because of building obstructions such as walls
and ceilings, propagation losses indoors can be significantly
higher. This occurs because of a combination of attenuation by
walls and ceilings, and blockage due to equipment, furniture,
and even people. For example, a “2 x 4” wood stud wall with 2
sheetrock on both sides results in about 6dB loss per wall. MULTIP
Experience has shown that line-of-sight propagation holds only
for about the first 20 feet. Beyond 20 feet, propagation losses DIR
One method of mitigating the effects of multipath is antenna
diversity. Since the cancellation of radio waves is geometry
80 dependent, use of two (or more) antennas separated by at least
half of a wavelength can drastically mitigate this problem. On
acquisition of a signal, the receiver checks each antenna and
60 simply selects the antenna with the best signal quality. This
reduces, but does not eliminate, the required link margin that
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 would otherwise be needed for a system which does not
RANGE (FT) employ diversity. The downside is this approach requires more
FIGURE 1. ESTIMATED INDOOR PROPAGATION LOSSES AT antennas and a more complicated receiver design.
Another method of dealing with the multipath problem is via
the use of an adaptive channel equalizer. Adaptive
equalization can be used with or without antenna diversity.
Application Note 9804
each other. The main drawback is the impact on system cost
and complexity. Adaptive equalizers can be expensive to 1.0E-05 COHERENT OOK, OFSK
implement for broadband data links.
BASEBAND Z -1 Z -1 Z -1 Z -1 1.0E-07
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
W1 W2 W3 W4 Wn Eb/No (dB)
Application Note 9804
In the U.S., these bands are collectively designated as FIGURE 6. COMBINING PRN SEQUENCE AND DATA
Industry, Science, and Medicine (ISM) bands. Operation in
these bands with approved devices does not require an FCC
The individual 1’s and 0’s that make up the PRN are called
license. By waiving licensing requirements, these bands
“chips”. They are distinct from the “bits” in the data stream
have been made generally accessible to virtually anyone.
because chips are predetermined by the PRN sequence and
This is mainly why the ISM bands are so important for
hence, contain no information. The ratio of the chip rate (C)
commercial and consumer applications.
to the data rate (R) is called processing gain. In the PRISM
As mentioned above, radios employing spread spectrum radio, this ratio is selectable. It can be set to 11, 13, 15, or 16
methods are allowed to radiated up to 1.0W (30dBm) of RF chips/bit. The IEEE 802.11 Standard specifies an 11 chip PN
energy, as compared to less than 1mW for non-spread sequence (Barker code), which will be used for this example.
radios. There are two common types of spread spectrum
systems. The easiest to understand is Frequency Hopped Processing Gain = 10log10(C/R) = 10.4dB (EQ.5)
Spread Spectrum (FHSS). In this method, the carrier
frequency hops from channel to channel in some pre-
arranged sequence. The receiver is programmed to hop in
sequence with the transmitter. If one channel is jammed, the
data is simply retransmitted when the transmitter hops to a
clear channel. The major drawback to FHSS is limited data
rate. In the 2.4GHz band, FCC regulations require that the
maximum occupied bandwidth for any single channel is FIGURE 7A. TRANSMITTER BASEBAND SIGNAL BEFORE
1MHz. This effectively limits the data rate through this type
of system to about 1Mbps.
Application Note 9804
Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1 Z-1
1 2 3 4 5 6 2N
R1 R2 R3 RN N = 16
+1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 -1 -1 -1
Application Note 9804
Example 1: Frequency Selection about 15dB. This number must be added to the thermal
noise to determine the receiver noise floor:
There are several bands available for unlicensed operation
(see Table 2). As described previously, in the Multipath and (EQ.7)
Receiver Noise Floor = -126dBm + 15dB
Fade Margin section, the higher the frequency, the higher
the propagation loss. Therefore, a lower frequency is better = -111dBm
in terms of propagation loss. It is generally less expensive to
build radios at lower frequencies. Other considerations Example 1: Receiver Sensitivity
include available bandwidth and regulatory limitations. The The first step in performing the link budget is determining the
available bands are 900MHz, 2.4GHz, and 5.725GHz. The required signal strength at the receiver input. This is referred
easy choice is 900MHz, but this band is getting crowded with to as receiver sensitivity (Prx). As described previously, this
things like cordless phones. For such a short link, 900MHz is is a function of the Modulation Technique and the desired
still a good choice. BER. A graph of Eb/No vs BER is shown in Figure 2. For the
case at hand, the modulation technique is OFSK. For 10-6
Example 1: Modulation Technique BER:
There are lots of choices here. The Intersil PRISM radio chip
set uses Phase Shift Keying (PSK) modulation, but some of (EQ.8)
Eb/No = 14.2dB = 26.3
the motivating factors behind this choice are not applicable
in this instance. A simpler method is Frequency Shift Keying
SNR = (Eb/No) * (R/BT) (EQ.9)
(FSK). FSK is actually a form of Frequency Modulation (FM),
which has been around for a long time. With FSK, two = 26.3 * (40kbps / 80kHz)
separate frequencies are chosen, one frequency
= 11dB
representing a logical “zero”, the other representing logical
“one”. Data is transmitted by switching between the two (EQ. 10)
Prx = Receiver Noise Floor + SNR
= -111dBm + 11dB
A good choice of modulation would therefore be FSK. The
= -100dBm
separation of two frequencies relative to the bit rate is called
modulation index (h). Example 1: Link Calculation
h = frequency separation / bit rate Propagation loss (Lfs) can be computed as:
= ∆f / R
Lfs = 20 x log10(4 * pi * D/lambda) (EQ. 11)
A modulation index of 1 (h = 1) is a good choice for a low
cost application, unless there are restrictions on bandwidth. = 20 x log10(4 * pi * 5 meters/0.33 meters)
When h = 1, the frequencies are said to be orthogonal. This = 46dB
form of modulation is called Orthogonal FSK, or OFSK.
Note: lambda is the free space wavelength at the carrier
Choosing h = 1 results in a simple but fairly robust receiver
design. In this case, the frequencies would be separated by
40kHz. λ = c/f
= 3 x 108ms-1/900MHz
Example 1: System Bandwidth and Noise Floor = 0.33 meters
In general, the modulation technique dictates the required
Finally, some assumption must be made about transmit and
system bandwidth (or visa versa, depending on design
receive antenna gain values. For a simple dipole antenna,
constraints). For FSK modulation and h = 1, the bandwidth is
an assumption of 0dB gain is reasonable. This number will
typically about 2 times the data rate (see Table 1), or 80kHz.
be taken for the gain of both the transmit antenna gain
We therefore can compute the noise power:
(Gtx)and receive antenna gain (Grx). Now, the required
transmitter power (Ptx) can be computed:
N = kTB (EQ.6)
= 1.38 x 10-23 J/K x 290K x 80,000 s-1 Ptx = Prx - Gtx - Grx + Lfs + Fade Margin (EQ. 12)
= 2.4 x 10-13mW
= -100dBm - 0dB - 0dB + 46dB + 30dB
= -126dBm
= -24dBm
This figure represents a theoretical noise floor for an ideal
receiver. A real receiver noise floor will always be higher, due Example 1: Conclusions
to noise and losses in the receiver itself. Noise Figure (NF) is This exercise shows that the wireless modem link can be
a measure of the amount of noise added by the receiver reliably served by an OFSK radio operating at 900MHz using
itself. A typical number for a low cost receiver would be as little as -24dBm transmit power. FCC regulations permit
Application Note 9804
Application Note 9804
Example 2: System Bandwidth and Noise Floor conservative assumption for fade margin. Transmit and
For 2Mbps, the occupied bandwidth of a PRISM transmitter receive antenna gain are unchanged from the previous
would be 22MHz due to spreading. Due to the 11:1 ratio example (0dB). Using this data, the link budget may now be
between the chip rate (C) and the data rate (R), the radio is recalculated:
transmitting 22Mcps. This results in an occupied bandwidth
Ptx = Prx - Gtx - Grx + Lfs + Fade Margin (EQ. 18)
of 22MHz (see Figure 7). However, after the de-spreading at
the receiver, the bandwidth at baseband would be restored = -93dBm - 0dB - 0dB + 80dB + 30dB
to 2MHz (see Figure 8). It is important to note that although
= 17dBm
PRISM is a spread spectrum radio, the noise floor is
computed using the de-spread bandwidth: FCC regulations permit DSSS systems to transmit up to 1W
(or 30dBm). The PRISM Radio chip set provides +18dBm
(EQ. 13) radiated power, which is ideal for this application. In addition,
Noise = kTB
the DSSS waveform provides an additional 10dB of rejection
= 1.38 x 10-23 J/K x 290K x 2,000,000 s-1 of potential jammers, such as microwave ovens, arc welders,
= 4 x 10-12mW and other industrial machinery.
(EQ. 16)
[1] Modern Communications Systems, Couch, Leon W.,
SNR = (Eb/No) * (R/BT) Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1995. (ISBN
= 12.7 * (2Mbps / 2.0MHz) 0-02-325286-3)
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