Wage Order No. Rovii-22

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Labor and Employment National Wages and Productivity Commission REGIONAL TRIPARTITE WAGES AND PRODUCTIVITY BOARD Vil WAGE ORDER NO. ROVII -22 PROVIDING FOR INCREASE IN THE MINIMUM WAGE RATES IN CENTRAL VISAYAS WHEREAS, Republic Act 6727 othennise known as the Wage Rationalization Act of 989 mandated the Regional Tripanite Wages and Productviy Boards to determina and fix the minimum wages of private sector ‘workers in the regions, WHEREAS, the Cettu Labor Coalition, Lonbisco Employees Union (LEO), Metaphil Workers Union (s1IVU) and Union Bank Employees Association (USEA), fled 2 Pettion for Three Hundred Forty-One Pesos sand Seventy-Five Contavos (341.75) across-the-board daly wage aqjuotment on August 9, 2019, WHEREAS, the poiilion was filed six (6) days aller existing Wage Order No. 21 reached its one-year annivarsary and the prohibitive panod for filing patitins has lapsed, WHEREAS, on August 13, 2019 the Board \ssurd Resolution No: 6-2019 declaring the petition 2s duly filod and considered for purposus of conducting public hearings and wage defiborations to exoecite the asoiution thereof; WHEREAS, ‘the Notice of Public Hoarinas was published in The Freaman Newsonpar on August 17 2019 and a series of wage public hearings were conducted in Dumaguete City {September 17, 2019), Cebu City (Seatember 24, 2019.) Bago City (Soptomber 30, 2019) and Tagbilaran City (Octobar 11,2019); WHEREAS. as a rosul of the pariodic and continuous review of the sacio economic condition in the rogion and taking into consideration tho issues raised during the public hearings and the position papors suvmilled by concemed stakeholders, the Soard agreed to increase the existing minimum wage rales in Cantral Visayas; WHEREAS, inline with the thrust to rationalize tne wage structure in the region, and in consideration of the recommendations of stakeholders curing the public hearings for the Board 10 reviow the geographic sifeation of wages, the simplification of the exoting geographis wage ckssifaation from four (Class A, 8B, C, 0) to three calegaries (Ciass A.8, C) was undertaken; WHEREAS, in torms of sectoral classifeations, tha sxsting non- agriculture employing ten or moe workers was simpisad into non-agncullure while non- agriculture employieg Jess than ten workers was exoanded to cover all establishments employing loss than ton workers. The agriculture ciasalfication wa retained bul te rales were raciassiiod with the rates of eslablishmonts amplaying loss tnan ton workers; NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the power and authority vested under Repubilc Act No. 6727, the Regional Tripartite Wagon and Productivity Board, Ragion Vil, hereby issuos this Wage Order: Section 4. Upon affecivity of this Wage Ordar, the dniiy minimum wage rates of all private seotor workers and employees in Region Vil, shall be as follows: fe fe ff © Ve bp l TESTARUIMNTNTS HPIDTNO wowaawonrune | omourune 1s have WORT RE aroanancent antes |i a a ~anssn = Gia Gin, xb Di T Goon, tind, Me, feo Movdaney ol soso, me: rea teaandon accor! pay | pax | peor nace | pa | rams | rane wpe finan, Soe trans (inn tues cas 8 CARR a TERE pam, | nae som [om she | re Gren Oomioxte Goreng ne a= pe Tepotvern Eousry fons a oe ila oe are ne CUS C - - — spa sem | ep re comer marcas net cond | ras [oon | eae mss] om |p Ure CWA an — t pas re feces |e *Cticwin Geos Province Wot lnelfidin Des A- Bage a Toledo Crd ur dow (tiara) ara Nees Oriol (Deh. Sayenar, Ceeiten. Daye, Gaiden) arises = Cite Province cust Comper, Consol, Cordova, Uline, Manghnily Sex Feces sme Mavis in uene ang ein Gra Provecen — Mesicbuitee b Siler Proves, Betayan ad Canale end Section 2. COVERAGE. Tho adjustments prescnbod undor this Order shal apply to ail minmum wage private sector workers ond employees in Region VIL Not covered from the orvisons ofthis Order are hovaehoke or domests wnrkers; pernons in te partonal sence of anothor, and workor of extnblahminnts mgistord under tha Barangay Micro Gxsiness Entemans with vaid Cortficates of Authority Sootion 3. BASIS OF MINIMUM WAGE-Tho minimum wage rates proscribed undar this Ordar ohall be for tho ronmil working houra, which she! not excead oight (8) houry work a day. Section 4. APPLICATION TO PRIVATE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. in tho case of private education! insftufions, tio share of covered vorkurs and eimployeos inthe incroase in tulon foos for School Yanr 2019-2029 snail de considered as compliance with the increase prescrted herein Konever, payment of any shart in the wage increase set forth horein shall be covered starting School Year 2020-202", Privata educational institutions which have no! increased thir tuvon fees for the Schoo! Year 2018-2020 may {afer complianca with tha inoreasa prosantnd haruin unl tho baginning of Scxool Year 2070-2021. In ary cao, privat ‘educational insututons chal implamont the inoroane harain starting School Yaar 2020-2921 Section 5. APPLICATION TO CONTRACTORS. In the cuse of conbects for constuction projects and for socurty, [anitoral and simiav servees, the proscribed ineraases in tho wage rates of te workers shall be dome by heprincpats or cients of te constnuctinterice contractom, and the contract shaé be deamae amereied aocordely. in ‘mo ocont, Nowoxer, thatthe prncinal or cnt fats to pay the prescrned Increase oF new minimum wage rales, the ‘corstrydon'sarvon contactor shel bo joint nnd sovoraiylinblo wih is prinepa or cfent Soction 6. WORKERS PAID BY RESULTS. // workers pait by results, including thoso who a0 paid on pincowork, “kay” or task basis, shad be onftled fo receive not isss than tha proscribed minimum wage inemaoe por ‘eight @) Kurs werk 3 day, oF a proportion thereo! for working le han oight (8) hour. Soctlon 7. WAGES OF SPECIAL GROUPS OF WORKERS. Wages of apprentives and leamers shall no case be paid ‘ess than sevonty-fye porcent (7535) o! tha applicable minimum wago rutos orasciibad in tots Order. Al fecogniand apprenticashio sgreamants entered into before the effectity of this Order shalt be considered autoratizaly madifed insofar as thelr wage dauses are concomad 10 reflec the now proscribed wage rates, “De EPS fog RA 7277 i / AG fi > , p Soction 8. APPLICATION TO TRANSFER, BRANCH ANO MOBILE WORKERS. The appizuble mmimum frage of workers in estabishmant which keve branches in different purty of te region oF whore hhoudquartory iy outide the rugion, shal! be the role oppiizable (othe area whore the worker is based In case of motile workers, te minimum wage sha! be the rate appiicabie to the head office, in case of transfor thom a high class cayimunisipaigy to @ lower class citylmunispalty, te hghor rate she’ continue to bo apotad. Sootion 9. EXEMPTION. This wago oer docs not alizw oromption. Estabishrmants advorvoly affoctod by

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