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My introduction will briefly describe the event that I attended celebration of coming
of age. Coming of age in our mother language we call it (Umemulo) what is uMemulo
? is a traditional ceremony that commemorates the coming of age of a Zulu lady. It is
very meaningful ceremony as it marks the transaction of a Zulu into womanhood
dignifying that she is now ready for marriage.I will mention all the events that will
take place like fetching of spear, Isolation, Bathing at the river, umemulo and after
On the day of the event the girl dressed up in traditional Zulu attire which is covered
with a layer of fat must be not break at any point as this will show that the girl is a
virgin. Also other girls present at the ceremony must wear traditional Zulu attire.
On the week before the ceremony we taken to a secluded place with Sinamile. we
undergoes a shastits test to learn how to be a woman and practices singing and
dancing moves for the big day. During the week Senamile was not allowed outside the
secluded house. Us as maidens we bring anything she requires. On the evening of the
ceremony Senamile leave the house and is welcomed by us her maidens with song.
Because the cow is extremely important and plays a significant role on the day of the
ceremony. Spirits were very high at her family .Boys slaughtered the cow. Every
single part to play in the ceremony with the cow fat being used to wrap around the girl
on the day of the ceremony. This fat must not break as this is seen as a sign that the
girl is no longer a virgin.
On the eve of the ceremonythey took us because we must sleep by the river . we left
at Senamile's house in the middle of the night completely naked and and only covered
by the blankets as we had to the river sitting around a fire and tested to confirm
whether or not she is a virgin. Once the test is finished the older woman sing and
shouted as confirmation that the ceremony can continue as planned.
What bath in the river and waited until the father of the girl called us. We dressed in a
traditional Zulu attire and Senamile was represented with a Spear(umkhonto) a
symbol of her victory and strength. When she got to the front of her home she throw
the spear down and wherever it lands to her father or head of the home, he ran
shouting and dancing to show his gratitude and pride. After the maidens had cleansed
them selves Senamile''s family and the rest of the community joined in the festivities -
when the guests arrived . Senamile pointed the spear at the guests and they pined gift
of money to the garmet on her head.
Zulu men traditionally wear a variety of clothing made from different animal hides.
Like married women,Married men also have specialstatus. The front coverings for
married men for example is called umutsha and differs from those worn by boys
which are smaller and called iqoyi and the girls worn virginbeads.
Mens and womens they were drinking umqombothi or sorghum beer because it is an
assential part of South African and drink heritage and well worth mastering and the
teenagers boys and girls the drinking beers like ciders. We ate too much food deserts
and salads. everyone was so happy there was no complains a bout the drinks and the
There was a time where by her father go to thank her for respecting herself till this
time that raised their family to show the community that they know how to teach a
girl the values of respecting herself and the gave her a new bed suit to show that she is
grown up. She deserves her own bedroom. She cried with tears of joy many things
happened there like dancing and singing untill it's over to start a new event that is
called after party.