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UGC Regulations (Minimum Standard and Procedure

for an award of Ph.D. degree regulation, 2016,
published in the Gazette of India on 05th May 2016.
(Pre Ph.D. and Ph.D. COURSE)


L.B.S. Marg, Pune – 411030.

Ph.D. Course Work


Sr. Page
No. No.
1. Introduction 3
2. A. Pre Ph.D. COURSE 4-10
a. Homoeopathic Materia Medica 4-6
b. Homoeopathic Repertory 6-7
c. Homoeopathic Organon of Medicine 7-9
d. Homoeopathic Pharmacy 9-10
3. B. Ph.D. COURSE 11-22
4. Paper- -I Research Methodology 11-13
5. Paper- II Recent Advances in Subject specific course 13-22
a. Homoeopathic Materia Medica 14-15
b. Homoeopathic Repertory 15-18
c. Homoeopathic Organon of Medicine 18-21
d. Homoeopathic Pharmacy 21-22
6. Paper- III
Presentation 22
7. Paper- IV Research and Publication Ethics 22-24
8. Examination Pattern 25


It had been a long standing dream of our founder to get the status of a University
to Bharati Vidyapeeth. That dream was realized when the Ministry of Human Resource
Development [Department of Education, Government of India] on the recommendation
of the University Grants Commission, New Delhi through their notification No.F.9-
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Management Studies, Engineering and Technology. The UGC has recognised this
University u/s 12 ‘B’ of UGC Act.

This University is a Member of Association of Indian Universities and also a member

of Association of Commonwealth Universities.


a. Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Syllabus for Pre- Ph.D. Theory Marks – 50

1. Science and philosophy of Hom. Materia Medica
2. The nature and scope of Homoeopathic Materia Medica; Definition
3. Comparison of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with other pharmaceutical
4. Concept of artificial and natural diseases. Concept of Drug Proving.
Understanding the evolution, philosophy and construction of the source book
5. Concept of causation from the Hahnemannian perspective viz. fundamental,
exciting, maintaining causes and its application in the study of Hom. Materia
6. Study of mental symptom, mental state, disposition, constitutions,
temperaments and evolutionary study of Hom Materia Medica
7. Clinico- pathological correlations of the diseases and integrating pathogenesis in
study of Hom. Materia Medica
8. Clinical Materia Medica and its practical application at the bedside
9. Scope & Limitation of the current state of knowledge of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica with the demands of Clinical Practice and Education
10. Comparative Materia Medica: from symptomatic, regional location, closely
coming drug pictures & group symptoms its application in the practice of
medicine, surgery & gynaecology – obst.
11. Mother tinctures, Nosodes (including bowel Nosodes), Sarcodes & Bach flower
12. Homoeopathic Materia Medica of acute illnesses, emergencies
13. Sources of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Drug proving & collection of
14. Types of Homoeopathic Materia Medica – concept, philosophy, scope &
15. Different approaches of study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica i.e. Psycho -
clinico-pathological, synthetic, comparative, analytic & remedy relationship
16. Study & construction of Homoeopathic Materia Medica- building a portrait of
artificial disease & drug picture integrating concept
17. Theory of biochemic system of medicine & biochemic medicine
18. Group study of Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Reference Books
List of Reference Books for Pre – Ph.D. (Homoeopathic Materia Medica)

1. S.Hahnemann – Materia Medica Pura Vol-I & II, Jain publishers New Delhi
2. S.Hahnemann – Chronic Diseases Vol-I & II, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
3. T.E.Allen – Encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Vol 1 to 12, B. Jain
publishers New Delhi
4. T.F. Allen – Handbook of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New
5. C.Hering –Guiding symptoms of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain
publishers New Delhi
6. J.T.Kent – Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New
7. E.A.Farrington- Clinical Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
8. E.A.Farrington- Comparative Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
9. M.L.Dhawale – Symposium volumes published by Dr.M.L.Dhawale Memorial
trust, Mumbai.
10. N.M. Chaudhary – Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
11. K.N. Mathur – Systemic Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
12. C.M. Boger – Synoptic Key, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
13. H.C. Allen Keynotes of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New
14. E.B. Nash- Leaders in Homoeopathic Therapeutics, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
15. W.Boericke – Clinical Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
16. Kent Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica & New Remedies, B. Jain
publishers New Delhi
17. T.F.Allen – Nosodes
18. Boericke & Dewey – Twelve Tissue Remedies
19. Jan Scholten – Homoeopathy & Minerals
20. Jan Scholten – Homoeopathy & Elements
21. Dr. George Vithoulkas- Materia Medica Viva
22. Burt – Physiological Materia Medica
23. M.L. Tyler – Drug Pictures of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
24. Harvey Farrington –P.G studies in Homoeopathy, B. Jain publishers New Delhi

b. Homoeopathic Repertory

• Introduction to the Concept Of Repertorisation and Historical Evolution

of the Repertory,
• General Principles Of Repertorisation,
• Various Approaches Of Repertorisation,
• Case Receiving : Principles And Techniques,
• General, Clinical And Modern Repertories
a) Understanding of Puritan repertories-philosophy and its application to
homoeopathic practice
b) Boger’s synoptic key
c) The clinical repertories, their authors - philosophy-application of
philosophy to practice and their uses: sensations as if-Ward and Robert’s ;
Allen’s fever , Murphy’s repertory; Robert’s Rheumatic Remedies , Clarke’s;
d) Understanding of Modern repertories (Complete, Synthetic, Synthesis,
Phatak. etc)- their authors-philosophy-application of philosophy to

• Regional and Computerized Repertories and the future of Repertories

a. Understanding regional repertories (Bell’s diarrhea , Berridge’s eye
,Minton’s uterine therapeutics , Acoucher’s Mannual, Respiratory Organs
by Nash etc)-their authors-philosophy-application of philosophy to
b. Card Repertories, Boger , Sankaran and Kishore.
c. Understanding computerized repertories – their creators – philosophy –
utilities, approach to Materia Medica and limitations. Comparative
analysis of the different software’s available in the market.
d. Future scope of repertories- identifying future methods of use of repertory
for study of Materia Medica – clinical conditions at mental and physical

Reference books
List of reference books of Homoeopathic Repertory
1. J. T. Kent-Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica ,B. Jain publisher. New
2. Fredrick Schroyens –Synthesis repertory , B. Jain publisher. New Delhi.
3. Robin Murphy- Homoeopathic Medical repertory , Indian books and
periodicals publishers , Karoi Bagh, New Delhi.
4. Barthel and Klunker-Synthetic Repertory of Materia Medica , B. Jain
publisher, New Delhi.
5. Allen T.F.-Boenninghausen’s Theurapeutic Pocket book, B. Jain publisher,
New Delhi.
6. C. M. Boger- Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, B. Jain
publisher ,New Delhi.
7. Boericke W.- Boericke’s Materia Medica with Repertory ,B. Jain publisher,
New Delhi.

c. Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philosophy

a. General Philosophy-Study of Development of Western Philosophy and its
reflections on Medicine in general and Homoeopathy in specific.
(Existentialism, Substantialism, Realism, Pragmatism, Idealism, Romanticism
Materialism, Naturalism, Vitalism)
b. Relationship between Philosophy, Science and Logic-Inductive and Deductive,
Contribution of Lord Bacon, Logical fallacies, Application in Homoeopathy
3. Development of the Scientific Spirit and Methods of Science with reference to
Hahnemannian Homoeopathy as a Science. Study of Precursors of Organon-
Medicine of Experience, An essay on the New Principles and Study of Editions
of Organon in ground plan, Evolutionary study of Principle of Similia, Vital
Principle, Posology and its Scientific application in Homoeopathy
4. Concept and Methods of Drug proving integrating modern analytical
developments in study of effects of drugs on human organism.
5. Concept of Symptomatology, Susceptibility, Suppression and its importance
in Totality formation- Local Application and Remedy-Reaction and regulation
so that the various observations made by Hahnemann in the management of
Chronic Diseases-One sided, Miasmatic, (Single and Complex), Mental
diseases, Intermittent diseases, Surgical diseases, Local diseases.
6. Concept of Aetiology, Pathology, Clinical Diagnosis, and their importance in
understanding Homoeopathic Theory of Chronic Diseases; its Principles,
Classification and Identification of the Four Miasmatic Types, their pre-
dispositions and Diseases associated with each Type. Representation of the
Four Miasmatic Types in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Classification
of Drugs on Miasmatic Basis. Homoeopathic Management of Miasmatic
Disorders and its impact on Therapeutics
7. Principles & Applications of Organon in clinical practice-Management of
Acute Diseases- Sporadic, Epidemic, Pandemic
8. Post Hahnemannian contributions to the literature focusing on philosophical
concepts, critical comparisons and applications in Materia Medica, Repertory
and Medicine and allied branches focusing on Comparative study of the
following concepts:

1. Man in Health, Constitution, Diathesis, Disease, Recovery and Cure and its
relation to Methods of Case Taking
2. Symptomatology, Classification and Evaluation
3. Susceptibility, Immunology, Suppression and Miasms
4. Remedy Administration: Potency-selection, Repetition, Second Prescription,
Placebo and Remedy Relationship
The following authors will be studied in detail:

1. Boenninghausen
2. Kent
3. Boger
4. Stuart Close
5. Herbert Roberts
9. Remedy Administration: Potency-selection, Repetition, Second Prescription,
Placebo and Remedy Relationship,

i. Hering
ii. J. H. Allen
iii. Farrington
iv. Richard Hughes
v. Dunham
vi. Clarke
vii. Boericke
viii. Sarkar
ix. Whitmont
x. Ortega
xi. Dhawale
10. Comparative study of the Philosophical and Conceptual framework of Current
Schools of medicine - Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and

Reference Books

B] List of Reference Books for Paper II (Organon of Medicine):

1) S. Hahnemann - Organon of Medicine- 6th Edition, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
2) S. Hahnemann-Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
3) S. Hahnemann-Chronic Diseases, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
4) J. K. Kent—Lectures on Homoeopathy Philosophy, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
5) Sarcar, B. K. Commentary on Organon of Medicine, Published by Bhattacharya
and Company Pvt. Ltd., 73, Netaji S. road, Calcutta.
6) H. A. Robert - Principles and practices of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, New

7) S. Close - Genius of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
8) Boeninghausen - Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
9) Farrington - Lesser Writing, B. Jaia Publisher, New Delhi.
10) M. L. Dhawale, - Principles and Practices of Homoeopathy, Indian Books and
Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi.

d. Homoeopathic Pharmacy

50 Marks 50% for Passing

1. Pharmacokinetic
a. Absorption, distribution
b. Biotransformation and excretion of Drugs
c. Mechanism of drugs action and factors modifying drug actions
d. Bio availability of drugs
2. Pharmacodynamics
a. Factors effecting dose of a drug
b. Structure activity relationship (SAR) ED50, LD50
3. Development of new drugs

a. Drug proving on animal and human beings

b. Ethical committee formation for drug studies on human Beings
4. Standardization of drugs and vehicles through analytical methods and
i. Biological
ii. Mechanical
iii. Chemical
iv. Toxicological process and characteristics
v. Laboratory methods of drug study
vi. Role of HPL, Govt. of India, Ghaziabad
5. Industrial Pharmacy (Homoeopathy)
History of Homoeopathic Industry, Administration & Principals of Industrial
Management in relation of homoeopathic pharmaceuticals

Reference Books

1. Mandal & Mandal - Text Book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Published by New
Central Book agency (P) Ltd. Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata.
2. Dr. Sumit Goel – Art and Science of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
3. Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940 (23rd of 1940)
4. The Homoeopathy Central Council Act 1973 (59 of 1973)
5. The Pharmacy Act 1948 (8 of 1948).

Paper –I Research Methodology

1. Introduction (8 Hours)
Definition and objectives of research, Characteristics of research, Types of
research- Descriptive vs. Analytical, Applied vs. Fundamental,
Quantitative vs. Qualitative, Conceptual vs. Empirical.
Role of information and communication technology (ICT) in research,
maintaining literature data using software tools, tabulation and graphical
presentation of research data, use of statistical software tools in research.
Review of Literature
Importance of literature review in defining a research problem, sources of
literature, identifying the gap areas from the literature review. Searching
for publications: Publication databases, search engines and patent
databases etc.

2. Research Problem Formulation (8 Hours)

Research problem formulation, determine the scope, objectives, limitations
and assumptions of the identified research problem, justify basis for
assumption, developing the objectives.
Methods of Data Collection
Static and dynamic characteristics of instruments used in experimental
set up, calibration of various instruments, sampling methods, various
methods of data collection,selection of appropriate method for data
collection, data collection using a digital computer system, case studies of
data collection.

3. Inferential Statistics and Hypothesis Testing (8 Hours)

Data processing, data analysis strategies and tools, Basic concepts
concerning testing of hypotheses, procedures of hypothesis testing,
generalization and interpretation, Hypothesis testing: Z-test, T-test, Chi
Square test, Analysis of variance (ANOVA) etc.

4. Quantitative Methods and Applied Statistics (8 Hours)

Measurement of central tendency and dispersion, Probability distribution,
Regression analysis, Parameter estimation, Multivariate statistics,
Principal component analysis, moments and response curve methods,
probable errors in research, error analysis, Hidden Markov Model (HMM)

5. Developing Research Report: (8 Hours)

Structure and components of scientific reports, types of report, developing

research report.

Thesis Writing: Different steps and software tools in the design and
preparation of thesis, layout, structure and language of typical reports,
Illustrations and tables, bibliography, referencing and footnotes.

Oral Presentation: Creating and making effective presentation, use of visual

aids, importance of effective communication.

6. Publishing of research work: (8 Hours)

Design of conference and journal research paper, design of review paper,

effective way of writing abstract, introduction, result and discussion and
conclusion in research papers, answering the queries of reviewers.
Importance of publication in standard databases such as Scopus, Web of
science etc., understanding of h-index, citation index and impact factor.

Research Ethics: Ethical issues in research, plagiarism tools and its


Intellectual property rights (IPR): Intellectual property rights and patent

law, techniques of writing a Patent, filing procedure, technology transfer, copy
right, royalty, trade related aspects of intellectual property rights.

1. Identify and write the research gap areas based on the literature review.
2. Use Mendeley or similar software and list the references in a report.
3. Define a research problem and mention the scope and objectives of your
research topic.
4. Determine the limitations and assumptions of the identified research problem.
5. Write a hypothesis for your identified research problem and apply the suitable
method of hypothesis testing.
6. Develop a research report based on your research area.
7. Prepare effective power point presentation based on your research report.
8. Present your research topic to the research committee.
9. Design a review paper based on literature review carried out by you.
10. Apply plagiarism tool and obtain the similarity index of your research
11. Learn any statistical tool such as R or SPSS and apply it to research data
available in literature.


1. Wayne Goddard, Stuart Melville, Research Methodology: An Introduction, Juta
and Company Ltd, 2004
2. Ranjit Kumar, Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners,
SAGE publications Ltd., 2011.
3. C. R. Kothari, Research Methodology: Methods and Trends, New Age
International, 2004
4. S.D. Sharma, Operational Research, Kedarnath Ram Nath& Co.,1972
5. B.L. Wadehra, Law relating to patents, trademarks, copyright designs and
geographical indications, Universal Law Publishing, 2014.
6. Donald Cooper, Pamela Schindler, Business Research Methods, McGraw-Hill
publication, 2005.
7. T. W. Anderson, An introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Wiley
Eastern Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
8. A. Fink, Conducting Research Literature Reviews: from the internet to paper,
Sage Publications, 2009
9. R. A. Day, How to write and publish a scientific paper, Cambridge University
Press, 1992

Paper –II Specialized course in the subject of Research.

Homoeopathy is known to the worldsince many years nevertheless the
scientific foundation is still highly complex and ambiguous. Modern medicine has
its own rational therapeutic approach supported with multiple researches and
evidences. Ultra molecular nature of homoeopathic medicines need to be unravelled
for generating systematic evidence for clinical effects of homoeopathic medicines.
Secondly, basic research in homoeopathy is in infancy and requires to be fast
tracked to current era. Not only clinical application but theoretical and conceptual
science should also grow hand in hand. Ph.D students are expected to understand
and apply this newer additions to the literature of homoeopathy with latest
information. Evidence based medicine is the trend which a research student must
follow for his own innovative studies and evolution of hypothesis.
Speciality Subjects.

1. Homoeopathic Materia Medica

2.Homoeopathic Repertory
3.Homoeopathic Organon of Medicine
4.Homoeopathic Pharmacy

a. Homoeopathic Materia Medica


1. Science and Philosophy of Hom. Materia Medica.

2. Concept of artificial and natural diseases. Concept of Drug Proving, new drug
proving guidelines, Homoeopathic Pathogenetic trials (HPT) Phase –I protocol.
3. Concept of causation from the Hahnemannian perspective, viz. fundamental,
exciting, maintaining causes and its application in the study of Hom. Materia
4. Bio-Psycho-Social concept of aetiopathogenesis and evolution of the disease
phenomena to integrate with the study of Hom. Materia Medica.
5. Study of mental symptom, mental state, disposition, constitutions,
temperaments and evolutionary study of Hom. Materia Medica.
6. Clinico- Pathological correlations of the diseases and integrating pathogensis in
study of Hom. Materia Medica and co-relating with miasms. Concept of
7. Posology.
8. Clinical Materia medica and its practical applicationthrough study of
comparative Materia medica.
9. Evolution of Hom. Materia medica with focus on the evolving concepts, masters
and the books, their construction and utility. Focusing on source books.
10. Scope & Limitations of the current state of knowledge of Homoeopathic
Materia medica with the demands of Clinical practice and Education.
11. Comparative study Of Homoeopathic Materia Medica in all systems of
Medicine under AYUSH for integrated study so as to understand the
Philosophical Background, Posological Study with difference in way of
Preparations of the Medicine – can help promote solidarity and integrity in
treatment of patients under the Umbrella of BIOETHICS

Section 2

1. Building portrait of artificial drug disease through study of polychrests

2. Concept of generalization and group study of Homoeopathicmateria medica –
Plant families, Periodic table and Animal groups.
3. Comparative materia medica, remedy differentiation through reference to source
books, commentaries and clinical materia medica.
4. Knowledge of remedy relationship in aiding second prescription.
5. Theory of Biochemic system of medicine and its Utility in clinical practice.
6. Bach flower remedies.
7. Nosodes (including Bowel nosodes), Sarcodes and Mother tinctures.
8. Repertorial techniques for the evolution of the drug pictures from symptoms.
9. Homoeopathic materia medica of acute illnesses / emergencies.
10. Review of latest research conducted in Homoeopathy- a) Homoeopathic
Pathogenetic Trial b) Veterinary Homoeopathy c) Agro Homoeopathy
Observational studies this will help in updating the application of Organ
11. Discussion on use of different Homoeopathic remedies in same clinical
conditions- an overview with posological insight.

List of Reference Books for Homoeopathic Materia Medica & Therapeutics

1 S.Hahnemann – Materia Medica Pura Vol-I & II, Jain publishers New Delhi
2 S.Hahnemann – Chronic Diseases Vol-I & II, B. Jain publishers New Delhi

3 T.F.Allen – Encyclopedia of Homoeopathic Materia Medica Vol 1 to 12, B.
Jain publishers New Delhi
4 C.Hering –Guiding symptoms of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain
publishers New Delhi
5 J.T.Kent – Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers
New Delhi
6 E.A.Farrington- Clinical Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
7 W.Boericke – Clinical Materia Medica, B. Jain publishers New Delhi
8 Jan Scholten – Homoeopathy & Minerals, Elements
9 Dr. Rajan Shankaran – Insight into Plant Kingdom Vol. I, II, III
10 Dr. George Vithalkous – Materia Medica Viva
11 Hughes - Cyclopaedia of Drug Pathogenesey Anschutz - New Remedies
12 Boericke& Dewey - Twelve Tissue Remedies

b. Repertory

Section – I

A. Introduction to the Concept of Repertorisation and Historical evolution of the


a. Concept of Repertorisation and its relation with Homoeopathic Philosophy and

Homoeopathic Materia Medica and understanding how the integration of the
three helps in creation of a Repertory.
b. Studying the Philosophy and scientific background of repertories
c. Principles of Repertorisation –Prerequisites, Approaches, Methods & Techniques
of Repertorisation.
d. Classification of Symptoms and its presentations in the classical repertories.
B. General Principles of Repertorization– Generalization, Causation, Concomitance,
Individualization, Evaluation, Analogy, Repertorial totality and Potential
Differencial Field.
C. Advances in repertorisation-Understanding computerized repertories and their
utilities, approach to Materia medica, utility in the study of different groups and
limitations. Comparative analysis of the different softwares and their special
1. Hahnemannian classification of disease- and its application in structuring
different regional repertories.
2. Unprejudiced observer and the Techniques of Application of Principles to
3. Application of concept of generalization and individualization in the
construction of repertory and repertorisation.
4. Concepts of Trait, Diathesis, Temperament and Disposition and its listing in the
5. Conceptual Image-Understanding the different components of portrait and its
conceptual background.
6. Understanding the meaning of the rubrics, cross references and synonyms in
the light of changes in medical terminologies and pathological advances.

7. Presentation of different rubrics in different age groups
(neonate,infant,adolescence,teenage,young adult, adult, geriatrics)and its
representation in different repertories.
8. Different approaches to find out the similimum (eg. - classical, clinical, holistic,
miasmatic, etc.)
9. Presentation of various disease condition in repertories and application of
repertories in clinical practice and to enhance knowledge of Practice of
Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology with relation to repertory.
10. Importance of miasmatic concepts in Homoeopathy and its presentation in
different repertories. (Miasmatic Repertory by Dr.R.P.Patel, etc.).
11. Application of the concept of different types of diseases/disorders like acute
disease, chronic disease, intermittent disease, mental disease, periodic
disorders in structuring different regional and clinical repertories.

Section – II
D. Three Classical Approaches of Repertories like Boenninghausen, Kent, Boger
including their life work, concept of totality, philosophy, construction,
adaptability, special features and criticism.
E. Clinical and Regional Repertories- Boericke’s Repertory,Boger’s Synoptic Key,
Phatak’s repertory, Bell’s Diarrhea, Borland’s pneumonia, Berridge’s Eye
Repertory ,Sensation as if ,Minton’s Uterine Therapeutics, Allen’s Therapeutics
of Fevers, Clarke’s Repertory To Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Clarke’s
Prescriber, Respiratory Organs by Nash etc.
F. Understanding of Puritan repertories (Lippe, Knerr’s repertory, Gentry’s
repertory, Herring’s Analytical Repertory of the Mind, etc) - their authors -
philosophy – application of philosophy to practice.
G. Approach of Repertorisation and utility of Special Repertories in the cases of
mental illnesses (Hering and Chitkara H.L. etc).
H. Modern repertories – Synthetic, Synthesis, Complete, Murphy. Etc.
I. Card Repertories: Boger, Sankaran and Kishore etc.
J. Future scope of repertories – identifying future methods of use of repertory for
study of Materia Medica – clinical conditions at mental and physical level.

Recent Advances

1. Homeopathic repertories and statistical principles in terms of likelihood ratio

and probability of accurate repertorisation as well as precise outcomes.
2. Bayesian perspective with reference to opposite repertory-rubrics,
3. Homeopathic prescribing on epidemiological techniques.

List of reference books of Homoeopathic Repertory

1. J. T. Kent-Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica,B. Jain publisher. New
2. J. T Kent - New Remedies, Clinical Cases and Lesser Writings, B, Jain
Publisher, New Delhi.
3. J.T Kent: Lesser writings.
4. J.T Kent: Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy.
5. Fredrick Schroyens –Synthesis repertory, B. Jain publisher. New Delhi.
6. Robin Murphy- Homoeopathic Medical repertory, Indian books and
Periodicals Publishers , Karol Bagh, New Delhi.
7. Barthel and Klunker-Synthetic Repertory of Materia Medica, B. Jain
publisher, New Delhi.
8. Allen T.F -Boenninghausen’s Theurapeutic Pocket book, B. Jain publisher,
New Delhi.
9. Boenninghausen - the Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
10. C. M. Boger: Boenninghausen’s Characteristics and Repertory, B. Jain
publisher,New Delhi.
11. C. M Boger: A Synoptic Key of the materia medica.
12. C. M. Boger: Studies in Philosophy of Healing, B. Jain Publishers. New Delhi.
13. C. M Boger: A Synoptic Key of the materia medica.
14. C. M Boger: General analysis.
15. C. M Boger: Times of remedies and moon phases.
16. Boericke W. - Boericke’s Materia Medica with Repertory,B. Jain publisher,
New Delhi.
17. Allen, H.C.: The therapeutics of fevers.
18. Allen: Symptom Register.
19. Gentry, W. D.: the Concordance Repertory of the materia Medica.
20. Knerr C. B. - Repertory of Herrings Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica,
B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
21. Jugal Kishore - Card Repertory - Kishore Publication. Indira Chowk,
Connaught Place, New Delhi
22. S. R. Phatak - Concise Repertory of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, New
23. Hering -Analytical Repertory of the symptoms of mind, B. Jain Publisher, New
24. Lippe’s Repertory.
25. Clarke, J. H: A Clinical Repertory to the dictionary of Homoeopathic materia
26. Clarke, J. H: Prescriber.
27. Borland, Douglas: Pneumonias
28. Bell, J. B.: The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diarrhoea.
29. Berridge: Complete Repertory to the Homoeopathic materia Medica on the
Diseases of the eye.
30. Minton-Uterine Therapeutics, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
31. Bakshi, J.P.S.: Phoenix repertory.
32. Murphy, R: Homoeopathic Clinical repertory.
33. Hahnemann's - Chronic Diseases, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
34. Hahnemann's - Materia Medica Pura, B. Jain Publisher. New Delhi.
35. Hahnemann, S: Organon of Medicine.
36. Hahnemann, S: Lesser writings.
37. Roberts, H. A.: Sensation as if.
38. Roberts, H. A.: The Rheumatic remedies.
39. Schmidt, P and DiwanHarishchand: Kent’s Final general repertory.
40. J. H. Allen-Chronic Miasms, B. Jain Publisher, NewDelhi
41. Tyler, M. L: Different Ways of Finding a Remedy.
42. Tyler, M. L. and John Weir, Repertorization.
43. Tyler M. L. Repertorising B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
44. Roberts, H. A.: Sensation as if.
45. Roberts, H. A.: The Rheumatic remedies.
46. H. A. Roberts - The Principles and Art of Cure by Homeopathy, B. Jain
Publisher,New Delhi.
47. Stuart Close - Genius of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, NewDelhi.
48. Zandvoort, Roger: Complete Repertory.
49. Zandvoort, Roger: Repertorium Universale
50. Patel, R. P: Art of Case taking and Practical Repertorization.
51. M. L. Dhawale- Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy.
52. M. L. Dhawale- ICR Symposium Volume on Hahnemannian Totality.

c. Homeopathic Organon of Medicine

Section – I

c. General Philosophy-Study of Development of Western Philosophy and its

reflections on Medicine in general and Homoeopathy in specific.
(Existentialism, Substantialism, Realism, Pragmatism, Idealism, Romanticism
Materialism, Naturalism, Vitalism)
d. Relationship between Philosophy, Science and Logic-Inductive and Deductive,
Contribution of Lord Bacon, Logical fallacies, Application in Homoeopathy
e. Universal Concept of Life in General and of “Man in Universe”. Study of
different Models of Man and Basic Psychology and its implications in
understanding Hahnemannian Concepts of Man in Health and Disease.
Recovery and Cure, Suppression/ Palliation, Causation & Concomitant

Following concepts have to be studied from Organon of Medicine 1st Edition

to 6th Edition as it evolved and its application in the Clinical set up.
1. Concept of ‘Medical Observer’ and ‘Unprejudiced observer’ his 'Mission' and
‘Knowledges’ as conceived by Hahnemann. Methods to operationalize these in
the light of current advances of methods to study man. Homoeopathic case
taking and its various Dos & don’ts. Relationship with demands placed on the
Healing Professions in the Modern World
2. Development of the Scientific Spirit and Methods of Science with reference to
Hahnemannian Homoeopathy as a Science. Study of Precursors of Organon-
Medicine of Experience, An essay on the New Principles and Study of Editions
of Organon in ground plan, Evolutionary study of Principle of Similia, Vital
Principle, Posology and its Scientific application in Homoeopathy
3. Concept and Methods of Drug proving integrating modern analytical
developments in study of effects of drugs on human organism.
4. Concept of Symptomatology,Susceptibility,Suppression and its importance in
Totality formation-Evolutionary study importance in Health, Constitution,
Diathesis, Disease, Recovery, Cure, Drug-effects, Remedy-effects,
Suppression and Palliation, Local Application and Remedy-Reaction and

regulation so that the various observations made by Hahnemann in the
management of Chronic Diseases-One sided, Miasmatic, (Single and
Complex), Mental diseases, Intermittent diseases, Surgical diseases, Local
5. Concept of Aetiology, Pathology, Clinical Diagnosis, and their importance in
understanding Homoeopathic Theory of Chronic Diseases; its Principles,
Classification and Identification of the Four Miasmatic Types, their pre-
dispositions and Diseases associated with each Type. Combination of
Miasms: Concept, Implications and Identification. Representation of the Four
Miasmatic Types in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Classification of
Drugs on Miasmatic Basis. Homoeopathic Management of Miasmatic
Disorders and its impact on Therapeutics
6. Principles & Applications of Organon in clinical practice-Management of
Acute Diseases-Individual, Sporadic, Epidemic, Pandemic
7. Remedy-Selection: Concepts of Individualization; Totality of Symptoms; and
Portrait of the Disease Remedy Administration: Potency-selection, Repetition,
Second Prescription, Placebo and Remedy Relationship,
8. Concept of Non remedial, ancillary methods in treatment of diseases.
9. Importance of an in-depth study of Aphorisms 1-6 as conveying the
Fundamental Approach to the teaching of Organon and Homoeopathic
Section – II

Post Hahnemannian contributions to the literature focusing on philosophical

concepts, critical comparisons and applications in Materia Medica, Repertory and
Medicine and allied branches focusing on Comparative study of the following
1. Man in Health, Constitution, Diathesis,Temperament, Disease, Recovery and
Cure and its relation to Methods of Case Taking
2. Symptomatology, Classification and Evaluation
3. Susceptibility, Immunology, Suppression and Miasms
4. Remedy Administration: Potency-selection, Repetition, Second Prescription,
Placebo and Remedy Relationship
The following stalwarts will be studied in detail:

1. Boenninghausen
2. Kent
3. Boger
4. Stuart Close
5. Herbert Roberts
5. Study of the contributions of other illustrious followers- old and recent- to the
literature focusing on philosophical concepts, critical comparisons and
applications in Materia Medica, Repertory and Medicine and allied branches
focusing on Comparative study of the following concepts
a. Man in Health, Constitution, Diathesis, Disease, Recovery and Cure and
its relation to Methods of Case Taking
b. Symptomatology, Classification and Evaluation
c. Susceptibility, Immunology, Suppression and Miasms

d. Homoeopathic Theory of Chronic Diseases; its principlesand interpretation
in the light of present knowledge. Clinical Classification and
Identification of the Four Miasmatic Types, Combination of Miasms:
Concept, Implications and Identification. Representation of the Four
Miasmatic Types in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Classification
of Drugs on Miasmatic Basis. Homoeopathic Management of Miasmatic
Disorders and its impact on Therapeutics
e. Remedy Administration: Potency-selection, Repetition, Second
Prescription, Placebo and Remedy Relationship,
i. Hering
ii. J. H. Allen
iii. Farrington
iv. Richard Hughes
v. Dunham
vi. Clarke
vii. Boericke
viii. Sarkar
ix. Whitmont
x. Ortega
xi. Dhawale
6. Comparative study of the Philosophical and Conceptual framework of Current
Schools of medicine - Modern Medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and
7. Concept of Law of simplex/minimum/single; Law of Similars: Evolution,
Deduction, and Scientific Experimental Proof; Application and Corollaries
Concept of the Dynamic Action and the Dose, in Relation to current research
in Physics, metaphysics, quantum theory, molecular and nanomedicine.

B] List of Reference Books for Paper II (Organon of Medicine):

1) S. Hahnemann - Organon of Medicine- 6th Edition, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
2) S. Hahnemann-Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
3) S. Hahnemann-Chronic Diseases, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
4) J. K. Kent—Lectures on Homoeopathy Philosophy, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
5) Sarkar, B. K. Commentary on Organon of Medicine, Published by Bhattacharya
and Company Pvt. Ltd., 73, NetajiS. road, Calcutta.
6) H. A. Robert - Principles and practices ofHomoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, New
7) S. Close - Genius of Homoeopathy, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
8) Boeninghausen - Lesser Writings, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
9) Farrington - Lesser Writing, B. Jain Publisher, New Delhi.
10) M. L. Dhawale, - Principles and Practices of Homoeopathy, Indian Books
and Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi.

d. Homoeopathic Pharmacy

Section– I

General Pharmacy, Pharmacology & Experimental Pharmacology in relation to

Homoeopathic Drugs
A. Source, identification, collection, preparation, potentization, preservation,
B. Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetic, Pharmacodynamics, Biopharmaceutics
C. Pharmacognosy.
D. Principles of Dispensing
a. Posology
b. Potency and duration of action
c. Metrology
d. Prescription writing
e. Pharmaceuticals calculations

Section - II

A. Standardization and validation of homeopathic medicines

B. Good manufacturing practises
C. Pharmacopoeia across the globe
D. Total Quality Management in homeopathic pharmaceuticals
E. Legislations partregarding homeopathic pharmacy
F. Industrial Pharmacy

Recent Advances

1. Systematic protocol regarding phase1 human pathogenic trials (human drug

proving in homeopathy).
2. Quasi-quantum model of potentization
3. Extreme homeopathic dilutions and retention of starting material,(Advances
in detection techniques of ultra molecular structure of homeopathic dilutions
4. Nano homeopathy and epitaxy
5. Mice and rat models in homeopathic formulation studies

List of Recommended Reference Books for Homoeopathic Pharmacy:

1. Mandal & Mandal - Text Book of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Published by New

Central Book agency (P) Ltd. Chintamani Das Lane, Kolkata.
2. Dr. Sumit Goel – Art and Science of Homoeopathic Pharmacy
3. Drug & Cosmetic Act 1940 (23rd of 1940)
4. The Homoeopathy Central Council Act 1973 (59 of 1973)
5. The Pharmacy Act 1948 (8 of 1948).

C. Paper- III – Presentation: On Literature survey and the Review of the work done
earlier on the topic of Research.

Section 1. Review of the work done earlier on the topic of Research

Section 2. Literature survey on the topic of Research

D. Paper- IV Research and Publication Ethics

Evaluation: Total Marks 50: (20 TE+30 UE) Internal Continuous assessment of 20
marks will be done through 10 marks for publishing research paper and 10 marks
for assignments, quizzes, group discussion and presentation. University
Examination of 30 marks will be by final written examination. There will be 6
questions of S marks each with internal option available to all questions covering
entire syllabus of the course.

Syllabus in detail (Theory)

RPE 01: Philosophy and Ethics: 4 hours

1. Introduction to philosophy: Definition, nature and scope, concept, branches
2. Ethics: Definition, moral philosophy, nature of moral judgment and

RPE 02: Scientific Conduct: 4 hours

1. Ethics with respect to science and research, Unethical Practices Nearly
Identical to research misconduct
2. Intellectual honesty and research integrity
3. Scientific misconducts: Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism (FFP), idea,
data, method and text plagiarism
4. Redundant publications: duplicate and overlapping publications, salami
5. Selective reporting and misrepresentation of data.

RPE 03: Publication Ethics: 7 hours

1. Publication Ethics: Definition, introduction and importance, citations styles,
objectivity, relevance, and transparency of the paper
2. Best Practices/ standards settings initiatives and guidelines: COPE, WAME,
etc 3. Conflicts of interest with copyrights and patents
4. Publication misconduct: Definition, concept, problems that lead to unethical
behaviour and vice versa, types
5. Violation of publication ethics, authorship and contributor ship
6. Dominant laws regarding research ethics
7. Infringement 2pd enforcement of Copyright and Patents


RPE 04: 0pen Access Publishing: 4 hours

1. Open Access Publications and Initiatives
2. SHERPA/ RoMEO online resource to check publisher copyright and self-
archiving policies
3. Software tool to identify predatory publications developed by SPPU
4. Journal finder/ journal suggestions tools viz JANE, Elsevier Journal Finder,
Spriger Journal Suggester, etc.

RPE 05: Publication Misconduct: 4 hours

A. Group Discussions (2 hrs.)
1. Subject specific ethical issues, FFP, authorship
2. Conflicts of interest
3. Complaints and appeals: examples and fraud from India and abroad
4. Peer review proces
B. Software Tools (2 hrs.)
Use of plagiarism software like Turnitin, Urkund, cross check, plagscan,
Crossref and other open source software tools.

RPE 06: Database and Research Metrics: 7 hours

A. Databases (3.5 hrs.)
1. Indexing databases
2. Citation Databases: Web of Science, Scopus, etc.
3. Open databases
B. Research Metrics (3.5 hrs.)
1. Impact factor of journal as per Journal Citation Report, SNIP, SJR, IPP, and
Cite Score
2. Metrics: h- index, g index, i 10 index, altmetrics. Web services: Mendeley,
Zotero like platforms for citation and referencing

1. Bird,A. (2006) Philosophy of Science. Routledge.
2. Maclntyre, Alasdair (1967) A Short History of Ethics. London.
3. P.Chaddah, (2018) Ethics in Competitive Research: Do not get scooped; do
not get plagiarized, ISBN: 978-9387480865
4. National Academy of Science. National Academy of Engineering and Institute
of Medicine. (2009). On being a scientist: A Guide to Responsible Conduct in
Research: Third Edition. National Academies Press.
5. Resnik,D.B. (2011). What is ethics in research and why it is important.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1-10. Retrieved from
6. BeallJ. (2012). Predatory publishers are corupting open access. Nature,
489(7415), 179-179.
7. https://doi.org/10.1038/489179a
8. Indian National Science Academy (INSA), Ethics in Science Education,
Research and 978-81-939482-1-7. Governance (2019). ISBN:
9. Resnik, Shamoo Responsible conduct of Research: Oxford University Press
10. Comstock: Research ethics: Cambridge University Press
11. Robin: Research ethics: Indiana University press
12. Tony Mayer: Promoting Research Integrity in a Global Environment: World
Scientific Publishing
13. Paul Oiver: The Student's Guide to Research Ethics: Open University Press
14. Kambadur Muralidhar, Amit Ghosh Ashok Kumar Singhvi.: Ethics in
Science Education, Research and Governance: Indian National Science Academy
15. David V Thiel : Research methods for Engineers: Cambridge Press
16. Isabella Paoletti, Maria Isabel Tomás and Femanda Menéndez. (2013).
Practices of Ethics: An Empirical Approach to Ethics in Social Sciences
Research. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. UK.
17. Bridges David. (2017). Philosophy in Educational Research Epistemology,
Ethics, Politics and Quality. Springer International Publishing.
18. Clive Opie (2004). Doing Educational Research A Guide for First time
researchers. New Delhi: Vistar Publications.
19. Dobrick Farina Madita… (et. al) (Ed) (2018). Research Ethics in the Digital
Age Ethics for the Social Sciences and Humanities in Times of Mediatization and
Digitization. Springer VS.
20. Peter Pruzan. (2016). Research Methodology: The Aims, Practices and Ethics
of Science. Switzerland. Springer International Publishing.

D. Examination Pattern –

Course Credits University Examination
Internal Evaluation (IE)
Research Methodology 4 Maximum Marks: 40 Maximum Marks: 60
▪ Class Participation: 10 Duration: 3 Hours (180
Recent Advances in 4 ▪ Assignment / minutes)
Specialty Subjects Objective Test: 10
• Homoeopathic ▪ Presentation: 20 ▪ Only one section
Materia Medica containing 8 questions
• Homoeopathic Above criterion is of 10 marks each
Repertory tentative in nature. Deans ▪ Attempt any 6
• Homoeopathic may formulate an questions
Organon of Medicine appropriate criterion for ▪ Each answer sheet will
• Homoeopathic their Academic Faculties. be evaluated by two
Pharmacy examiners (internal and
external) and their
average is taken
Presentations on 2 Maximum Marks: 50 -
Proposed Research ▪ Review of Literature:
Work 25
▪ Proposed Research
Work: 25
Research and 2 Maximum Marks: 20 Maximum Marks: 30
Publication Ethics ▪ Class Participation: 10 Duration: 1.5 Hours (90
▪ Review minutes)
ted: 10 ▪ Only one section

containing 5 questions
Above criterion is of 10 marks each
tentative in nature. Deans ▪ Attempt any 3
may formulate an questions
appropriate criterion for ▪ Each answer sheet will
their Academic Faculties. be evaluated by two
examiners (internal and
external) and their
average is taken

Coursework Result:
▪ Combined passing for each course (IE+UE)
▪ Minimum percentage to pass a course as well as entire coursework: 55%
▪ Grading System: UGC 10-point scale


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