Dlp-Creating Darts For Children's Wear

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April 12, 2024

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Discuss the step-by-step procedures on creating darts for children’s wear.
b. Sew the folded seamline to create darts for children’s wear.
c. Appreciate the importance of darts on children’s wear.
II. Subject matter
b. Reference: GIYA
c. Materials: manila paper, pilot, bond paper (traditional) PPT

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

1. Prayer
“Students please stand, let us have a (Students stand then pray)
prayer first, my I request miss moira to lead “Let us bow our head and pray, Dear our
an prayer this morning” almighty God thank you for this wonderful
morning, please forgive our sin and guide us
today, Amen.”

2. Greetings

“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am Judy Ann”

3. Classroom Management
“Before you will go to your seats, please pick (Students pick up the pieces of paper and
up first some pieces of papers under your desk arranging their chair)
and arrange your chair”

“How are you today?” “We are all good ma’am Judy Ann”

“That’s nice to hear”

“Nice to see you class, by the way are you all “Nice to see you too ma’am Judy Ann, yes
ready to learn and encounter new things in we are all ready”
dress making?”
4. Checking of Attendance

“May I request our secretary miss Shella , to “copy ma’am”

please check the attendance of your ( student checking the attendance)
classmates who’s present and absent today”

5. Setting of Classroom Rules

“Let us recall first our classroom rules. Okay (Student’s recite it)
everybody tell me what are our classroom Classroom rules:
rules?” 1. Sit properly
2. Be quite
3. Listen attentively
4. Participate actively in class
5. Raise your hand if you want to
6. No cellphones allowed during class
“very good” hours


DIRECTION: Give the correct answer of

the following:

1.5X8-5 Answer:
2. 5X9-10 1.35
3. 5X10-15 2. 35
4. 5X1-0 3. 35
5. 5X3-14 4. 5
5. 1

7. Collecting of the Assignment

“Do we have an assignment last meeting “Yes ma’am”


“Okay, please pass it now” (Student’s passing their assignment)

8. Recalling/Reviewing
Who among you here can remember our topic “ma’am”
last meeting?” (Students raised their hands)

“Miss Myca, since you’re raising your hand “Our topic last meeting was all about
can you tell the class what was our topic last SEWING THE SIDE SEAM”

“Very good”

“And who among you here can tell me at least “ma’am (student raising their hand)
1 step on how to sew the side seam for
children’s wear?”

“miss Amina you’re raising your hand” “Prepare the side seam”

“that’s correct”

“another, miss sahi” “Thread your sewing needle and tie the ends
of the thread together“

“Impressive miss sahi”

“How about the tools needed in sewing the “threads, needle, ruler and tailor’s chalk”
side seam miss myka?”

“That’s correct”
None ma’am.
“Any question from the previous lesson.”
9. Motivation
Activity 2. Showing picture

“I will show you a picture”

“What this first picture is all about?” “it’s a dart”

“Very good”
(Students are raising their hands)
“Based on the picture, who among you here
can tell in class what is our topic for this

“Miss Balansag?” “Our topic this morning is all about making

darts for children’s wear.”

“Very good, Please take a seat.”

B. Presentation of the lesson

“Okay class our topic this morning is all about

making darts for children’s wear”

Presentation of objectives
“But before we’re going to proceed to our I. Objectives
discussion let us read first our goal/aims this At the end of the lesson, the students
morning should be able to:
“Please read first our objectives”
a. Discuss the step-by-step procedures
on creating darts for children’s wear.
b. Sew the folded seamline to create
darts for children’s wear.
c. Appreciate the importance of darts
on children’s wear.
Unlocking the difficult Terms

“This time I want to introduce to you some

trade terms. These are some difficult terms
that during the discussion of our lesson it will
find hard for us to understand that is why we
need to unlock those terms.”

“Everybody please read”

1.Dart- “A dart, or sewing dart, is a pleated
portion of fabric that lends a natural, three
dimensional shape to a flat design when
sewn into fitted garments.”

2. Seamline-

3. Flip-

“Miss amana please stand in making darts “Threads and needle ma’am”
what must be the tools needed?”

“Very good”
“Iron and pins”
“Another, miss gumamo?”

“That’s impressive”

These are the tools needed on making darts:

2. needle
4. Pins
5. Pin cushions

“These are the step by step procedure on

making darts”

Step by step procedure on making the


1. Flip the fabric into wrong side.

2. In front sleeve of the fabric, fold the right
side then pin it and repeat the step on the left
3. press it using the iron
4. sew the right side to form it into darts
5. Continue stitching until you reach the end
of the goal.
6.repeat the step into the left side
“Now I will show you how to make darts. I
want you all to observe because later you will (Students are observing)
be performing these steps individually.”


“Those are the step by step on making darts.”

“Do you have any questions/clarification “None ma’am”

regarding to our discussion?

I. Application

“Let’s proceed to our individual activity. Find

a place comfortable and please read the
instruction for your individual activity”

Activity 3. Demonstration
Directions: Perform the step-by-step
procedures in creating the dart on children’s

Criteria 10 7 5
Proper Execute Execute Execute
execution the task the task the task
properly but there but there
is one or are a lot
two mistake in
mistake in execution
Organizati All step 1-2 step More than
on are are not 2 step are
followed been been
and followed followed
organized on making on making
darts darts
Safety Follow One of the Two or
measures safety safety more of
measure measure the safety
in doing didn’t measure
the task follow didn’t
Timeliness Students Students Students
finished finished did not
the task the task finish the
before the just on task on (Students doing their activity now)
time limit time time

“I’ll give you 10 minutes,Your timer start


(Teacher observing the student’s work) (Students present their work)

“You have minute left”

“Your time’s up, finish or not yet finish

present your work in front”

“Based on my observation with my

performance criteria you all have a different
way in following the step-by-step procedure, (Students doing a good clap)
let’s give ourselves a good clap”

E. Generalization

“Do you have any question class regarding to

our discussion today?”

“Since you don’t have a question, let me ask

you about our topic”

1.In making darts, what tools must be used? (students are raising their hands)

“miss amana”
“threads, needles, iron, pin, and pin cushion
“Very good” ma’am”

2. What step should we do first?

(students are raising their hands)
“miss, fatima”
“Flip the fabric into wrong side.”
“ That’s correct”

3. Where do we fold the fabric to make darts?

(students are raising their hands)
“miss, cabansag”
“On the wrong side ma’am”
“impressive miss cabansag”
4. What is the importance of making darts for
children’s wear? “To take in ease and provide shape to a
“Very good”

“Do you have any questions or clarification “None ma’am”

regarding to our topic?”
IV. Evaluation ANSWER KEY:
DIRECTION: Encircle the letter of the correct 1. a
answer. 2. d
3. c
1. What is the first step in creating darts for 4. a
children’s wear? 5. c
a. Flip the fabric into wrong side.
b. In front sleeve of the fabric, fold the right
side then pin it and repeat the step on the left
c. press it using the iron
d. sew the right side to form it into darts
2. The following are true about darts in
garment, EXCEPT.
a. Darts can be placed pretty much anywhere;
location depends on the design and desired fit
of the garment
b. A dart, or sewing dart, is a pleated portion
of fabric that lends a natural, three
dimensional shape to a flat design when sewn
into fitted garments
c. Darts can be a design to a garment
d. Darts is a kind of stitch

3. What are the tools needed in sewing the

I. Threads
II. Needles
IV. Pincushion
a.I&III b. II&IV c. I&II d. I&IV

4. Which side of the fabric we fold?

a. Wrong side
b. left side
c. up-side
d. right side

5. What is the importance of making darts on

children’s wear?
a. To serve as a decorator
b. To learn how to sew
c. To take in ease and provide shape to a
d. To make it hard for us to attach the bias
bending into the neckline.
V. Assignment:
“For your assignment.
“Please research and study in advance our
next topic.”

“I will collect that next meeting” “Yes ma’am”

“That’s all for today, now please stand for the God at the end…
closing prayer.

“Okay, before we will dismiss, please pick up (Students pick some piece of papers and fix
the piece of papers under your table, arrange their selves)
your chairs and fix yourselves” “Goodbye and thank you ma’am Judy Ann.”

“Goodbye class”



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