The Theme of UFSS1504 (Final Edit)
The Theme of UFSS1504 (Final Edit)
The Theme of UFSS1504 (Final Edit)
The theme of UFSS1504/1522 this semester is employability and entrepreneurship. The questions below are all
related to this theme. To have an entrepreneurial mindset, you must have a future orientation and be interested
in the skills and knowledge required to be successful in your career. To increase your chances of employability,
you should be intentional about what the world of work requires, and how you can contribute.
All the questions require self-reflection and linking that reflection to the theory that you have learned in this
module. The feedback and grade that you receive will be related to the depth of your reflection, as well as your
ability to answer the questions in full.
Action verb glossary – Each question has a specific action verb that you need to understand to be able to answer the
Action verb: Definition in the context of this assessment opportunity:
Define What is meant by a word, text, concept, or action.
Demonstrate To give a practical exhibition and explanation of something.
Explain To make (an idea or situation) clear to someone by describing it in
more detail or revealing relevant facts.
Identify To recognise or distinguish and indicate who or what (something) is.
Name To identify correctly by name.
Provide To make available for use; supply.
Reflect Reflection is concerned with consciously looking at and thinking
When you reflect, make sure that you go through about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responses, and then
the UFSS1504/1522 content first so that your interpreting or analyzing them in order to learn from them (Atkins
reflection is meaningful and related to the content. and Murphy, 1994; Boud et al., 1994). Typically, we do this by asking
ourselves questions about what we did, how we did it, and what we
learned from doing it.
Questions: Answer ALL the questions by using the UFSS1504/1522 content (in the online second
semester module guide).
Important: Wherever asked for an example, you are required to provide a practical, real-life example
from your studies/life and explain it in full.
1. SWOT Analysis
For this integrated question, we are combining the SWOT analysis and the power of networking.
1.1. Create a SWOT analysis that includes 2 strengths, 2 weaknesses, 2 opportunities and 2 threats.
To answer this question, for each part of the SWOT analysis you must:
reflect on your university experience thus far, related to your degree programme and extra-
curriculars, and
reflect on the networks you have made and link this to your future career. – 8 marks
- My first strength is Perseverance, because I always keep on making efforts on my studies despite
- My second strength is commitment, because I like to commit on a single task and complete it
successfully.Delete this text and write your answer here.
Integrated Assessment - 2022
- My biggest weakness is procrastinating, because I always postpone other important tasks due to
- My other weakness is self-doubt, because most of the time I always doubt myself and end up feeling
uncertain about my answers.
- My First opportunity is on-going projects on my campus, because they help with personal
improvement activities.
- My other opportunity is becoming a Hybrid-entrepreneur, such as doing a side hustle to earn money
while also studying or working.
- My biggest threat is Language barrier, because many people speak different languages and it
requires lot of time to learn a foreign language.
- My other threat is the increased competition, because too many people are doing the same course
as mine, hence I need to work hard to stay ahead of my competitors.
a. Based on your SWOT analysis above, reflect on the strengths that you listed by
explaining how you can maximise them. Do so with reference to which source of power
you possess and how you can make use of one of the 3 ways of influence to maximise
these strengths with a brief explanation on how you will make use of this influence. – 5
If you do not think you possess any of the sources of power reflect on which you would like to
pursue and how you would develop it based on your strengths.
The source of power I would like to pursue most is Honesty, because I always prefer to be realistic
when it comes to my goals and dreams. Firstly, I would maximize my perseverance strength, because
it will help me to endure through difficult times, since I have to stay motivated, disciplined and
dedicated. Secondly, I would maximize my commitment strength, because it will help me to be
dedicated on my career path, hence I have to be fully focused on my studies and dedicated. Lastly, I
would maximize my time-management strength, because I have to prioritize my work and spend most
of my time in my academics more than I do in my leisure time.Delete this text and write your answer
Have a look at the definition of “entrepreneurial mindset” in your study guide. Also, think about the
entrepreneurial stream that you identify with – entrepreneur, hybrid entrepreneur or intrapreneur.
b. Which of the three entrepreneurial streams are you interested in pursuing as a career
option and why? Name one possible benefit and one challenge you think might arise in
this entrepreneurial stream, and provide a practical example of this benefit and
challenge. - 6 marks
Integrated Assessment - 2022
I’m interested in pursuing a Hybrid entrepreneur stream, because it will help me to have different
ideas that will improve my knowledge. Above all, it will benefit me with a financial stability more than
a person who only depend on a single income. For instance, opening a restaurant business while also
working as a qualified teacher. Although, the challenge will be the duplication of work duties, since I
have to focus on two tasks at the same time. For example, when a restaurant runs out of products and
services, and it will require you to be there, on the other hand you have to attend the teacher’s
meetings at the same time.
c. Study the criteria that one must adhere to, to develop an entrepreneurial mindset by
referring to the Entrepreneurial mindset VALUE rubric on page 57 of the UFSS1504/1522
second semester guide. Choose and write down 3 of the criteria (the first column on the
left) from this rubric and explain how you can develop each one by providing a practical
example from your studies. - 6 marks
a. Self-reliance, because it will be vital for me to feel more confident about my own study routine and
techniques. Such as, practicing self-study methods.
b. Collaboration, because when we engage ourselves in a group of corporative people, we often
become one of them, for this reason I would form a team with my class members and do study
c. Flexibility and Adaptability, we always encounter changes in our academic endeavors, hence I have
to be more flexible and adaptable enough for me to cope through difficulties of my academic levels.
Such as, completing assignments before deadlines.
As a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, employees are required to upskill themselves to stay
relevant in the current work environment.
3.1. Based on your future career, name four ways to upskill yourself (pg. 64 - 67 of the guide) related
to your future career (remember to consider industry-specific skills). – 4 marks
a. Coding
b. Project Management
c. Data analysis
d. Digital marketing
3.2. Based on the methods and skills listed above, provide practical examples of how you plan on
developing each of them. For each skill, be sure you are specific as to how this will be of value to
your career pathway and make you more employable. – 8 marks
A. Coding - this skill will enable me to have a better understanding of how to use technical skills in
Integrated Assessment - 2022
order for me to run websites automatically and allow machines to operate by themselves.
B. Project Management - this skill will enable me to handle daily tasks effectively and track all project
processes, so that all complex situations can be resolved in a work environment.
C. Data analysis - this skill will be useful for collecting, allocating, managing and monitoring all data
performances successfully.
D. Digital Marketing - this skill will enable me to help the organization achieve its goals in short period
of time, because I will be able to know how to advertise and sell some products online.
Have a look at the case studies below, to determine the skills needed for the future workforce.
4.1. There are three metacognitive skills that are important for career decision-making – name
these and explain how each of these applies to Lauren. - 6 marks
Lauren must decide on whether to accept a job that is far more entry level than she imagined it would be
or to pursue her postgraduate studies. She does not have much time as the applications for
postgraduate studies close soon. She has received feedback from the jobs she has applied for and she
was not successful due to lack of experience, thus the job offer that is available is the only positive
response she has received.
Naledi has basic cognitive skills, higher cognitive skills, and technical skills. Naledi is studying Quantity
Surveying and believes that she does not need social and emotional skills.
4.3. Based on the Pyramid of Information Processing Domains, what should Mpumi do next? - 2
Mpumi, after completing her values, interests, and skills inventory, realises that her study field does not
match her interests. Mpumi is confused and unsure of the next steps.
a. Planning – Lauren has to plan whether she should pursue with her postgraduate studies or accept a
job offer that is beyond her imagination.
b. Monitoring – Lauren realized that applications for studies were closing and she only have one
positive option of a job offer.
c. Reviewing – Lauren managed to take a job offer as a final decision.
- Disagree, because cognitive skills go hand in hand with both emotional and social skills, therefore it
is required for him to have those skills, since she will be working as a team with other people.
- Mpumi should do Decision-Making Domain and know how she make decisions.
Integrated Assessment - 2022
5.1. List four graduate attributes and for each attribute listed, elaborate by giving an example of one
assessment or activity (within your degree programme; it does not have to be specific to UFSS)
that helped you develop that attribute. – 4 marks
5.2. List three graduate attributes and for each attribute listed, elaborate by giving an example
of one activity (in your co-curricular activities, see no. 2 on page 132 of your UFSS guide) that
helped you develop that attribute. If you have not yet developed it, how do you plan on
developing this attribute through co-curricular activities. – 3 marks
1. Student Affairs Home, I would plan to engaging myself in campus projects campaign in order to
equip myself with enough information.
2. Student Counselling Development Home, I would ask for help in terms of cognitive anxieties and
also in times of psychological distresses.
3. Career Services Home, I would participate in every sessions in order to gain more clarity with
regards to my future career.
5.3. Reflect on the LinkedIn Learning course you completed for Homework assessment 2. Name the
course you completed and explain what you learned and how you will be able to use this
information or skill(s). – 3 marks
Problem Solving Technique course, I have learned how to do a brainstorming techniques, such as
defining a problem, generating new ideas, implementing, evaluating and selecting the best solution
for a problem.
5.4. Complete a second LinkedIn Learning course from the LinkedIn Learning playlist on Blackboard.
Name the course you completed and explain what you learned and how you will be able to use this
information or skill(s). – 3 marks
Integrated Assessment - 2022
You do not have to submit the certificate of the second course, you simply have to reflect on it
in this assessment.
Fundamentals of digital marketing, I have learned how to do an online marketing and advertise
products so that I can help my business to grow easly and quickly.
TOTAL: 60 marks