K To 12 Melcs With CG Codes Homeroom Guidance Program1
K To 12 Melcs With CG Codes Homeroom Guidance Program1
K To 12 Melcs With CG Codes Homeroom Guidance Program1
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
1st Quarter Week 1
Week 6
6. Identify the importance of oneself
Gain understanding of
as a member of family and HGKPS-Ii.1-15
oneself and others
2nd Week 1
Analyze responsible 1. State own contribution to the
decisions and goals Provide proper steps solution for issues concerning HGKPS-IIe.2-7
toward achievement of toward responsible the family and school
personal welfare and decision-making
common good 2. Share views about home and Week 2
Evaluate experiences in 3. Identify the possible Week 3
decision-making towards consequences of decisions to HGKPS-IIf.2-9
achieving common good oneself and others
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
4. Determine the consequences of Week 4
decisions based on different
conditions or situations
2nd Week 5
Quarter Understand the
importance of guidance 5. Cite the importance of
from parents or guardians guidance from
and significant adults in parents/guardians in choosing
Analyze the relationship choosing a profession, ones profession and vocation
of one’s skills and vocation and future plans
experiences in choosing a
profession, vocation and Week 6
future plans Strengthen the connection
among knowledge, skills
and roles of parents or 6. Enumerate abilities toward the
guardians and significant selection of ones profession, HGKC-IIj.2-14
adults in choosing a vocation and future plans
profession, vocation and
future plans
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
5. Solve problems that involved Week 5 HGKPS-IIIh.1-11
oneself and others HGKPS-IIIh.2-11
3rd Week 6
Apply the ability to
Quarter choose their own field
6. State the characteristics and
based on the different Describe the chosen field HGKC-IIIi.1-12
tasks of desired profession
factors toward achieving
goals in life
4th Week 1
Quarter Develop academic skills
to respond to community Participate in school 1. Demonstrate abilities and
development based on activities relevant to the willingness to take part in HGKA-IVa.1-1
international standards needs of the community school or community activities
Quarter Standards Competencies Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
4th Week 6
Quarter Implement steps toward
the realization of chosen
State steps to fulfill the
profession and vocation 6. Describe the goals in life HGK-C- IV-i.1-11
goal in life
based on international
Share skills helpful to solve 8. Analyze good and bad things for Week 8
problems oneself and for others
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
1 Quarter Understand the 1. Describe different effective Week 1
Identify the methods of
knowledge, skills, and learning methods being
effective study habits HGJA-Ia-2
positive attitude for employed
toward lifelong learning
the achievement of
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
optimum learning in 2. Demonstrate the ability to Week 2
Share knowledge, skills,
school and in daily independently deal with
and positive attitude HGJA-Ic-5
living personal tasks and actively
helpful in lifelong
participate in school activities
1st Quarter 3. Determine the importance of Week 3 HGJPS-Id-7
oneself as part of the family
and community
Value oneself 4. Exhibit self-discipline Week 4 HGJPS-Ie-8
5. Manage personal changes Week 5
Understand the toward self-appreciation
importance of oneself 6. Value the similarities and Week 6 HGJPS-Ig-13
and others differences among the culture,
Respect individual
beliefs, views, and values of
Gain understanding of 7. Strengthen the relationship to Week 7 HGJPS-Ih-15
oneself and others others by responsibly fulfilling
familial duties
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
2 Quarter 5. Share to others the knowledge Week 1 HGJA-IIb-5
gained from school and
Share the lessons learned community beneficial in life
from school and
community that can be
Analyze the relevance used in daily living
of experiences in
school and community
toward academic 6. Demonstrate how to develop Week 2 HGJA-IIc-7
success Apply lessons from home, strengths and overcome
school and community to weaknesses
daily living with
consideration to family
and society
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
2 Quarter 12. Identify the important aspects Week 6 HGJC-IIi-18
Understand the to be considered in choosing a
importance of guidance profession, vocation, and the
from parents or guardians future
Analyze the and significant others in
relationship of one’s choosing a profession,
skills and experiences vocation and future plans
in choosing a
profession, vocation Relate the choice of 13. Analyze personal abilities and Week 7 HGJC-IIj-20
and future plans profession, vocation and experiences
future plans to one’s 14. Recognize the important Week 8 HGJC-IIj-21
skills, competencies, and opinions of parents, guardians,
the roles of and significant others to make
parents/guardians and meaningful decisions
significant adults
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
factors toward 7. Explain the connection of Week 7 HGJC-IIIg-17
achieving goals in life Decide for life and work, needs of the society,
profession and global economy
Quarter Standard Competency Most Essential Learning Competency Time Allotment K to 12 CG Code
Strengthen self- 7. Show optimism in dealing with
empowerment to respond life challenges
to the needs of the