Handout MATH F244 2 2024-1
Handout MATH F244 2 2024-1
Handout MATH F244 2 2024-1
Pilani Campus
AUGS/ AGSR Division
In addition to part I (General Handout for all courses appended to the Time table) this portion gives
further specific details regarding the course.
Course No : MATH F244
Course Title : Measure and Integration
Instructor-in-Charge : RAHUL KUMAR
1. Scope and Objective of the Course: The objective of this course is to give a comprehensive and sound
introduction to measure theory and integration that includes Riemann integration. It includes Lebesgue
measure and integrations, absolutely continuous functions and functions of bounded variation, Lp spaces.
Lebesgue theory of integration is base for study of theory of partial differential equations and in numerical
solution of partial differential and integral equations
2. Text Books: P. K. Jain, V. P. Gupta and P. Jain; Lebesgue Measure and Integration, New Age
International (P) Limited, New Delhi, II Edition, 2011
3. Reference Books:
R1. G De Barra: Measure Theory and Integration, New Age International (P) Limited, New
Delhi, II Edition, 2003.
R2. H. Royden and P. Fitzpatrick: Real Analysis, Pearson, IV Edition, 2017.
R3. E . J . McShane: Integration, Princeton University Press, 2016.
4. Course Plan:
Module No. Lecture Session Reference Learners outcome
-- 1 Introduction to measure theory --- What is the need for study of
Lebesgue measure
1 2 - 7 Outer measure and measurable sets 3.1--3.6 Generalization of Concept of length
and their properties of interval to arbitrary subsets of
real numbers
2 8 - 10 Characterization of measurable sets 3.7--3.8 Characteristic properties of
and Construction of non-measurable sets measurable sets and existence of
and axiom of choice, non-measurable sets,
5. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Duration Weightage Date & Time Nature of component
(%) (Closed Book/ Open
Mid-Semester 90 35% 11/03/2024 FN1* Closed Book
Comprehensive 3 Hours 45% 06/05/2024 FN* Closed Book/ Open
6 Quizzes (the best 20 Minutes 20% Unannounced Open Book
4 scores will be
considered for
*or as announced by AUGSD
6. Regular Problem Sets: will be uploaded on NALANDA for type of the problems to be done
8. Notices: Notices if any, will be posted on the NALANDA website, normally information will be conveyed in
the class.
9. Make UP Policy:
Make up of evaluation components will be granted only in genuine cases. Permission must be taken in advance
except in extreme cases. No requests for make-make-up will be entertained. Quizzes will not have any make-