Account Statement

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Savings Account Statement


175 8TH STREET Tax Invoice
EXTENSION 07 VAT Registration Number
0000 Capitec B Capitec Bank Limited
5 Neutron Road
23/12/202 0 Techno Park
7001 Stellenbosch
Branch: 4 02 7600
Device: 9
From Date: 23/11/2022
To Date: 23/12/2022
Print Date: 23/12/2022

Account Number: 1675541742

Validate document using SkyQR

Posting Date Transaction Description Money In (R) Money Out (R) Balance (R)
23/11/2022 19/11/2022 Shop2Shop Pretoria (Card 5032) -51.00 1 569.03
23/11/2022 19/11/2022 Shoprite Pretoria (Card 5032) -1 186.55 382.48
24/11/2022 24/11/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 382.23
25/11/2022 24/11/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 362.23
25/11/2022 24/11/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 361.73
25/11/2022 25/11/2022 Payment Received: Rtc 05gyqnl85j Nasi 350.00 711.73
25/11/2022 25/11/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 711.48
26/11/2022 24/11/2022 The Fix Central (Card 5032) -259.99 451.49
26/11/2022 26/11/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 431.49
26/11/2022 26/11/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 430.99
27/11/2022 27/11/2022 Cash Deposit: Cash Dep Ncr Atterid Ncr Atteridge Atlyn 200.00 630.99
27/11/2022 27/11/2022 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) -2.60 628.39
27/11/2022 27/11/2022 Payment Received K Mokgomme 500.00 1 128.39
27/11/2022 27/11/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 1 127.89
28/11/2022 27/11/2022 USSD Payment to 1575686765 -1 050.00 77.89
28/11/2022 27/11/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 76.89
28/11/2022 27/11/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -12.00 64.89
28/11/2022 27/11/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 64.39
28/11/2022 28/11/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 63.89
29/11/2022 27/11/2022 Ra Cellular Witbank (Card 5032) -40.00 23.89
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 ATM Cash Deposit: Cash Dep Dnr Atterid Dnr Atteridgeville 900.00 923.89
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) -11.70 912.19
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 USSD Payment to 1331183489 -200.00 712.19
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 711.19
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 Interest Received 1.47 712.66
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 712.16
30/11/2022 30/11/2022 Monthly Account Admin Fee -6.50 705.66
01/12/2022 01/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 705.41
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 685.41
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 684.91
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 Payment Received 499.00 1 183.91
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 ATM Cash Deposit: Cash Dep Dnr Atterid Dnr Atteridgeville 1 300.00 2 483.91
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) -16.90 2 467.01
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 USSD Payment to 1522730492 -1 200.00 1 267.01
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 1 266.01
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 USSD Payment to 1575686765 -1 050.00 216.01
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 215.01
02/12/2022 02/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 4 notification(s) -1.00 214.01
03/12/2022 03/12/2022 Payment Received P Morethe 70.00 284.01
03/12/2022 03/12/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 264.01
03/12/2022 03/12/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 263.51

24hr Client Care Centre 0860 10 20 43 E [email protected]

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 1 of 2

Unique Document No.: 99dfef7e-0769-4dfd-bd92-0c3ed6828de7 / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

03/12/2022 03/12/2022 USSD Payment to 1331183489 -199.00 64.51
03/12/2022 03/12/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 63.51
03/12/2022 03/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 63.01
04/12/2022 01/12/2022 Recurring Card Purchase: Showmax Randburg (Card 5032) -39.00 24.01
07/12/2022 07/12/2022 ATM Cash Deposit: Cash Dep Dnr Atterid Dnr Atteridgeville 500.00 524.01
07/12/2022 07/12/2022 Cash Deposit Fee (Notes) -6.50 517.51
07/12/2022 07/12/2022 USSD Cash Sent C*******905 -490.00 27.51
07/12/2022 07/12/2022 Cash Sent Fee -8.00 19.51
07/12/2022 07/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 19.01
10/12/2022 10/12/2022 Payment Received P Morethe 150.00 169.01
10/12/2022 10/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s)
ank -0.25 168.76
USSD Cash Sent C*******868
Cash Sent Fee
Capitec B -140.00
11/12/2022 11/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 20.51
15/12/2022 15/12/2022 Payment Received: Rtc 05syyxzc8j Nasi 22
23/12/220600.00 2 620.51
15/12/2022 15/12/2022 USSD Payment to 1663431602 70010
Branch: 4 02
-1 000.00 1 620.51
15/12/2022 15/12/2022 USSD Payment Fee 0 -1.00 1 619.51
15/12/2022 15/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) Device: 9 -0.50 1 619.01
16/12/2022 16/12/2022 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Erf 7457 Shop 4 B -500.00 1 119.01
16/12/2022 16/12/2022 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.00 1 109.01
16/12/2022 16/12/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 1 089.01
16/12/2022 16/12/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 1 088.51
16/12/2022 16/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 1 088.26
18/12/2022 18/12/2022 Banking App Prepaid Purchase -20.00 1 068.26
18/12/2022 18/12/2022 Prepaid Mobile Purchase Fee -0.50 1 067.76
18/12/2022 18/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 1 067.26
20/12/2022 18/12/2022 Ackermans Pretoria (Card 5032) -639.70 427.56
20/12/2022 20/12/2022 Payment Received: 000000 Rtc 36mck32efa Nasi 100.00 527.56
20/12/2022 20/12/2022 ATM Cash Withdrawal: Absa Shell Attridgevil Pretoria Gtza -100.00 427.56
20/12/2022 20/12/2022 ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee -10.00 417.56
20/12/2022 20/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 2 notification(s) -0.50 417.06
21/12/2022 18/12/2022 Piccadilly Pretoria Pretoria (Card 5032) -359.00 58.06
22/12/2022 22/12/2022 Payment Received K Mokgomme 1 000.00 1 058.06
22/12/2022 22/12/2022 SMS Notification Fee: 1 notification(s) -0.25 1 057.81
23/12/2022 23/12/2022 USSD Payment to 1618881106 -1 000.00 57.81
23/12/2022 23/12/2022 USSD Payment Fee -1.00 56.81

Transactions not yet processed on your account up to 23/12/2022
There are no Unprocessed Transaction Items

* Transactions before 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 14% VAT

* Transactions from 1 April 2018: amount inclusive of 15% VAT
Cheques not yet processed on your account up to 23/12/2022
There are no Unprocessed Cheque Items

Available Balance: 31.81

Capitec Bank is an authorised financial services (FSP46669) and registered credit provider (NCRCP13). Capitec Bank Limited Reg. No.: 1980/003695/06 Page 2 of 2

Unique Document No.: 99dfef7e-0769-4dfd-bd92-0c3ed6828de7 / 204 / V7.0 - 01/04/2018 (ddmmccyy)

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