Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasound Drainage For The Management of Fluid Collections After Pancreas Surgery
Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasound Drainage For The Management of Fluid Collections After Pancreas Surgery
Systematic Review and Meta Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasound Drainage For The Management of Fluid Collections After Pancreas Surgery
Received: 9 December 2021 / Accepted: 13 February 2022 / Published online: 4 March 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Background The outcomes of endoscopic ultrasonography-guided drainage (EUSD) in treatment of pancreas fluid collection
(PFC) after pancreas surgeries have not been evaluated systematically. The current systematic review and meta-analysis aim
to evaluate the outcomes of EUSD in patients with PFC after pancreas surgery and compare it with percutaneous drainage
Methods PubMed and Web of Science databases were searched for studies reporting outcomes EUSD in treatment of PFC
after pancreas surgeries, from their inception until January 2022. Two meta-analyses were performed: (A) a systematic
review and single-arm meta-analysis of EUSD (meta-analysis A) and (B) two-arm meta-analysis comparing the outcomes
of EUSD and PCD (meta-analysis B). Pooled proportion of the outcomes in meta-analysis A as well as odds ratio (OR) and
mean difference (MD) in meta-analysis B was calculated to determine the technical and clinical success rates, complications
rate, hospital stay, and recurrence rate. ROBINS-I tool was used to assess the risk of bias.
Results The literature search retrieved 610 articles, 25 of which were eligible for inclusion. Included clinical studies com-
prised reports on 695 patients. Twenty-five studies (477 patients) were included in meta-analysis A and eight studies (356
patients) were included in meta-analysis B. In meta-analysis A, the technical and clinical success rates of EUSD were 94%
and 87%, respectively, with post-procedural complications of 14% and recurrence rates of 9%. Meta-analysis B showed
comparable technical and clinical success rates as well as complications rates between EUSD and PCD. EUSD showed
significantly shorter duration of hospital stay compared to that of patients treated with PCD.
Conclusion EUSD seems to be associated with high technical and clinical success rates, with low rates of procedure-related
complications. Although EUSD leads to shorter hospital stay compared to PCD, the certainty of evidence was low in this
Post-operative complications after pancreatic surgery can be [1]. The most common complication after pancreatic sur-
life threatening and lead to major morbidity and mortality gery is peripancreatic fluid collection (PFC), which has
been reported in up to 50% of cases [1–3]. PFC is caused
by post-operative pancreatic leakage and occurs more often
* Arianeb Mehrabi following central and distal pancreatectomy than following
[email protected] pancreaticoduodenectomy [2, 4–7]. Approximately 40% of
1 PFCs need to be treated to avoid further complications [1,
Department of General, Visceral, and Transplantation
Surgery, University Hospital Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer 2, 4]. Following pancreaticoduodenectomy, enzymes within
Feld 420, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany the pancreatic fluid are active and can harm the adjacent
Department of Gastroenterology, Digestive Oncology Unit, vessels and organs, resulting in bleeding, tissue necrosis,
Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal and abscess formation. The main indications for PFC drain-
Department of Digestive Surgery, Hepato‑Pancreato‑Biliary age are pain, infection, an increase in diameter of PFC, and
Surgery Unit, Champalimaud Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal obstruction of the biliary tract and gastric outlet [8].
Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720 3709
PFCs often extend toward visceral organs and form irreg- • Intervention EUSD to treat PFC after pancreatic resec-
ular shapes, which make it difficult to drain the fluid [9, tion
10]. For decades, PFCs have been predominantly managed • Comparator None in meta-analysis A; PCD in meta-
through conservative approaches, such as jejunal feeding, analysis B
parenteral nutrition, sclerotherapy, and antibiotics [9, 10]. • Outcome Technical success, time to drainage, clinical
Surgical interventions have not been popular because of the success, repeated drainage, hospital stay, and relevant
increase in morbidity and mortality [4, 9–11]. Minimally perioperative data, including intra- and post-operative
invasive approaches, such as percutaneous drainage (PCD), complications, as well as data regarding incidence of
showed better outcomes compared to surgical therapies and post-operative complications.
have promoted recovery [4, 9–11]. However, PCD has also • Study design All study designs, except editorials and let-
been associated with a decreased quality of life due to the ter to editors.
necessity of external drainage after discharge from hospital
[12]. Furthermore, PCD increases the risk of persistent pan- To avoid analyzing the same patients more than once, the
creas fistula [1, 13]. studies were thoroughly assessed and double publications
Recent studies have focused on endoscopic ultrasonog- and overlapping reports removed.
raphy-guided drainage (EUSD) of PFC. EUSD has a high
clinical efficacy and low morbidity and is considered the
best option for managing pancreatic pseudocysts and PFCs Literature search
[14–17]. Several advantages have been described for EUSD,
such as the diagnostic possibility of fluid collection charac- A systematic literature search in Medline (via PubMed)
terization. It also inflicts limited trauma on the surround- and ISI Web of Science was conducted using the follow-
ing tissue and shortens hospitalization [1, 13]. However, ing search terms: “(Endoscopic Surgical Procedures[tiab]
despite these advantages, the technical and clinical out- OR Endoscopic drainage[tiab] OR Percutaneous transgas-
comes of EUSD have not been compared with those of other tric drainage[tiab] OR transgastric drainage[tiab] OR
approaches, which prohibits the assessment of superiority. Percutaneous transgastric irrigation drainage[tiab] OR
Larger sample sizes and longer follow-ups are needed to Gastrointestinal Endoscopy[tiab] OR Minimally Invasive
make reliable comparisons [1, 9, 13]. Surgical Procedures[tiab] OR Transmural drainage[tiab])
The current systematic review and meta-analysis evalu- AND (Collection[tiab] OR Pancreas Collection[tiab] OR
ated the outcomes of EUSD in treatment of patients with Pancreatic Collection[tiab] OR Fistula[tiab] OR Pancreas
PFC after pancreatic surgery and compared them with PCD. fistula[tiab] OR Pancreatic fistula[tiab]).” The search was
not restricted to a specific study type or year of publication.
The last query was performed in January 2022.
Materials and methods
Study selection and data extraction
This study was reported in accordance with the preferred
reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
After screening titles and abstracts in selected electronic
(PRISMA) 2020 guidelines [18] and a PRISMA 2020
databases, the full texts of appropriate studies were evalu-
Checklist has been provided in Supplementary Tables 1 and
ated, and their data were extracted by three investigators
2. We performed two meta-analyses—A and B. In meta-
(SS, SAHS, and AR) independently. Discrepancies among
analysis A, a systematic review and a single-arm meta-anal-
these investigators were resolved through discussions with a
ysis of studies reporting the outcomes of EUSD in patients
senior author (AM). For each study, the following data were
with PFC was performed. In meta-analysis B, the outcomes
extracted: study characteristics, patient characteristics, study
of PCD and EUSD in patients with PFC were compared.
quality, and the abovementioned outcome measures.
Eligibility criteria
Definition of extracted data
The study question was formulated based on the popula-
tion, intervention, comparison, outcome, and study design Demographic and pre‑treatment data
(PICOS) strategy. Studies were included in the study if they
met the following criteria: Baseline data, including indication and type of primary pan-
creas surgery, PFC-related symptoms, and time to drainage,
• Population Patients with post-pancreatectomy PFC were obtained.
3710 Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
Post‑treatment outcomes was a P value lower than 0.05 or an I2 value greater than
50%. Publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot. The
Technical success was defined as successful insertion of the R software (version 4.0.1) and Meta package were used for
stents into the PFC endoscopically, as well as access to and data analysis.
drainage of the contents. Repeated drainage was defined
as an unsuccessful initial drainage that needed additional
interventions. Clinical success was defined as the resolution Results
of the PFC and its associated symptoms. Procedure-related
complications were stent migration, perforation, bleeding, The literature search identified 264 articles, 25 of which
sepsis, infection, and PFC recurrence. The duration of hos- met our eligibility criteria. These clinical studies reported
pital stay after interventions was also recorded. 695 cases and were included in this meta-analysis [1, 10,
22–39] (Fig. 1). The articles were published between 2004
Quality assessment and 2021 and all had a retrospective non-randomized design.
The baseline characteristics of the included studies are sum-
Two investigators (AR, SF) assessed bias in non-rand- marized in Table 1. Twenty-five studies (477 patients) were
omized studies using the ROBINS-I (Risk of Bias in Non- included in meta-analysis A and eight studies (356 patients)
randomized Studies of Interventions) tool [19]. The risk of were included in meta-analysis B. Pre-procedural data of the
bias was assessed by considering the seven bias domains of patients and outcomes of the EUSD and PCD interventions
the ROBINS-I tool, as follows: (1) confounding; (2) selec- are summarized in Tables 2 and 3, respectively.
tion of participants; (3) classification of interventions; (4) A detailed summary of the risk of bias for non-rand-
deviations from intended interventions; (5) missing data; omized two-arm studies using ROBINS-I tool is listed in
(6) measurement of outcomes; and (7) selection of the Supplementary Fig. 1. The level assessment for each out-
reported result. The overall risk of bias was determined as come was varied between moderate and serious risk of bias.
low if the study was judged to be at low risk of bias for all Overall risk of bias for technical success, clinical success,
domains. Moderate risk of bias was considered, if the study post-procedural complications, and PFC recurrence were
was judged to be at some concerns in at least one domain. assessed as serious due to missing data and selection of
The risk of bias was considered serious if the study was results domain. Overall risk of bias for hospital stay was
judged to be at serious risk of bias in at least one domain reported at moderate. In Table 4, a detailed level of evi-
or if the study was judged to have some concerns in multi- dence is summarized in GRADE assessment tables for non-
ple domains in a way that substantially lowered confidence randomized two-arm studies comparing EUSD and PCD in
in the result. In case of missing concordance, two senior treatment of PFC after pancreas surgery, which provided low
authors (AM, RRT) resolved the issue. To summarize and or very low level of certainty of evidence.
visualize the risk-of-bias assessments outcomes, the robvis
tool was used [20]. Technical success
The certainty of evidence was assessed by applying “The
Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development In the single-arm meta-analysis of 24 studies, the techni-
and Evaluation (GRADE)” approach [21], and a summary cal success rate after EUSD was 94% (431/438 cases; 95%
of findings table was designed for all outcomes using the CI 91–97; I2 = 0%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.94) (Fig. 2A). The
GRADEpro GDT software (GRADEpro GDT: GRADEpro overall technical success rate reported in seven studies was
Guideline Development Tool [software]. McMaster Univer- 98.9% for EUSD and 98.7% for PCD, and the two-arm meta-
sity, 2020 (developed by Evidence Prime, Inc.). Available analysis revealed no significant between two techniques in
from means of technical success (OR 0.94, 95% CI 0.14–6.12;
P = 0.94; I2 = 0%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.45; Fig. 3A).
Statistical analysis
Clinical success
For the single-arm meta-analysis, data proportions were
analyzed using a random effects model. For the two-arm The one-arm analysis of 24 studies indicated that the clini-
meta-analysis, dichotomous data were presented as odds cal success rate in the EUSD group was 87% (421/473
ratios (OR) and continuous data as weighted mean differ- cases; 95% CI 82–91; I2 = 27%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.11)
ences (MD). Summary effect measures were presented along (Fig. 2B). In 16 studies, the authors reported the rate of
with their corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). re-intervention after EUSD due to unresolved symptoms
Statistical heterogeneity was assessed using χ2 and incon- or PFC. Of 246 patients, in 54 patients, the clinical cir-
sistency (I2) analyses, and the threshold for heterogeneity cumstances after EUSD warranted repeated intervention,
Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720 3711
which revealed a rate of 23% (95% CI 17–31; I2 = 20%; significant, the meta-analysis showed higher rate of clini-
Heterogeneity-P = 0.23). cal success after EUSD compared to PCD (OR 1.9, 95%
In the comparative meta-analysis, eight studies report- CI 0.95–3.81; P = 0.06; I2 = 12%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.34)
ing 356 cases gave the overall clinical success rate, which (Fig. 3B).
was 84.8% after EUSD and 76.6% after PCD. Albeit not
3712 Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
Table 1 Baseline characteristics and pre-procedural data of the patients that underwent EUSD
Author, year Country Study design Sample size Gender (M/F) Type of pancreas surgery Meta-
EUSD PCD Distal Pancreati- Central Other A B
pancreatec- coduodenec- pancreatec-
tomy tomy tomy
Post‑procedural complications and in 77 patients with PFC after PCD. The meta-analysis
showed that the length of hospital stay was significantly
Twenty studies describing 403 cases reported complications shorter after EUSD than after PCD (mean difference: − 3.84;
after EUSD. The one-arm analysis revealed a post-proce- 95% CI − 6.12 to − 1.55; P < 0.01, I2 = 14%; Heterogeneity-
dural complication rate of 14% (95% CI 9–20; I2 = 37%; P = 0.31) (Fig. 3D).
Heterogeneity-P = 0.05) (Fig. 2C). Eight studies describing
356 cases compared the outcomes of EUSD (138 cases) and PFC recurrence
PCD (218 cases). The meta-analysis revealed a lower rate
of post-procedural complications after EUSD, but this was PFC recurrence after EUSD was reported in 21/363 patients
not statistically significantly compared to rate of post-proce- from 20 studies. One-arm analysis showed that the incidence
dural complications after PCD (OR 0.69; 95% CI 0.24–1.98; of PFC recurrence after EUSD was 9% (95% CI 6–14;
P = 0.49; I2 = 18%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.30) (Fig. 3C). I2 = 8%; Heterogeneity-P = 0.35) (Fig. 2D). In six studies
reporting 193 cases, PFC recurrence was 6.9% after EUSD
Hospital stay and 7.2% after PCD and these rates were not significantly
different according to the two-arm meta-analysis (OR 1.12;
In means of two-arm meta-analysis, the duration of hospi- 95% CI 0.27–4.76; P = 0.87; I 2 = 28%; Heterogeneity-
tal stay was reported in 40 patients with PFC after EUSD P = 0.25) (Fig. 3E).
Table 2 Procedural data of the patients that underwent EUSD
Author, year Country Sample size Symptoms Time to drainage
EUSD PCD Fever Nausea Vomiting Abdominal Failure to Enlarging Acute (< 14 d) Early (< 30 d) Late (> 30 d)
pain intake diet collection
Table 3 Technical and clinical outcomes of the patients that underwent EUSD
Author, year Country Sample size Technical suc- Clinical suc- Post-procedural complications (EUSD/PCDa) Recurrence
cess cess
EUSD PCD EUSD PCD EUSD PCD Total Peri- Hemorrhage Stent migration Abscess/ sepsis POPF Pain EUSD PCD
EUSD endoscopic ultrasonography-guided drainage, PCD percutaneous drainage, POPF post-operative pancreas fistula
Number of complications divided between EUSD and PCD groups
Number of stents
Six patients with pancreatic enucleation were removed from further analysis, and totally 35 patients were included from this study
Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
Table 4 GRADE assessment for EUSD vs. PCD in treatment of PFC after pancreas surgery—non-RCTs (comparative cohort studies)
Certainty assessment Summary of findings
Participants Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Publication Overall Study event rates (%) Relative effect Anticipated absolute effects
(studies) bias certainty of (95% CI)
Follow-up evidence With PCD With EUSD Risk with Risk difference
Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
Technical success
258 Seriousa Not serious Not serious Very seriousb None ⨁◯◯◯ 157/159 98/99 (99.0%) OR 0.94 (0.14 987 per 1000 1 fewer per 1000
(7 obser- Very low (98.7%) to 6.13) (from 71 fewer
vational to 11 more)
Clinical success
356 (8 obser- Seriousa Not serious Not serious Very seriousb None ⨁◯◯◯ 167/218 117/138 OR 1.91 (0.96 766 per 1000 96 more per
vational Very low (76.6%) (84.8%) to 3.82) 1000 (from 7
studies) fewer to 160
Post-procedural complication
356 (8 obser- Seriousa Not serious Not serious Very seriousb None ⨁◯◯◯ 19/218 (8.7%) 8/138 (5.8%) OR 0.69 (0.24 87 per 1000 25 fewer per
vational Very low to 1.98) 1000 (from
studies) 65 fewer to 72
Hospital stay
117 Seriousa Not serious Not serious Seriousc None ⨁⨁◯◯ 77 40 – MD 3.84 lower
(3 obser- Low (6.12 lower to
vational 1.55 lower)
225 (6 obser- Seriousa Not serious Not serious Very seriousb None ⨁◯◯◯ 10/138 (7.2%) 6/87 (6.9%) OR 1.12 (0.27 72 per 1000 8 more per 1000
vational Very low to 4.76) (from 52 fewer
studies) to 199 more)
3716 Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720 3717
3718 Surgical Endoscopy (2022) 36:3708–3720
the early post-operative period with excellent outcomes. compared the outcomes of EUSD and PCD in patients with
EUSD has also proven to be feasible during the early PFC.
post-operative period in patients with PFC after pancrea- In conclusion, the present study shows that EUSD is a
ticoduodenectomy [39]. Despite the technical difficulty safe and feasible approach to draining PFCs after pancre-
and anatomic variations, EUSD provides the opportunity atic resections. EUSD provided a high technical and clini-
to visualize anatomically important structures. cal success rate and a low rate of procedure-related com-
In addition to its technical feasibility and safety, EUSD plications and PFC recurrence. These encouraging features
has also been shown to improve quality of life and reduce make EUSD an interesting option for treatment of PFC after
the risk of infection [42]. Even in patients with infectious pancreatic surgery. Satisfying outcomes can be achievable
PFC, draining the fluid into the stomach via EUSD did not by meticulous patient selection and good technical experi-
result in fever, gastroenteritis, or retrograde infection [22, ence. However, randomized trials with large patient cohorts
27]. Furthermore, EUSD prevents fluid and electrolyte are needed to comprehensively evaluate the advantages and
loss, which can occur after PCD, and diminishes the risk disadvantages of this procedure compared with other drain-
of persistent collections and fistula [10, 12, 30, 43]. The age techniques.
current study was not able to show that EUSD had better
outcomes compared to PCD in our study. Reported disad- Supplementary Information The online version contains supplemen-
tary material available at https://d oi.o rg/1 0.1 007/s 00464-0 22-0 9137-6.
vantages of EUSD include inconvenient nasocystic drain-
age and repeated endoscopic interventions because of stent Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt
migration or incomplete drainage [44]. As a limitation of DEAL.
this technique, EUSD might not be feasible in all patients
with PFC [45]. For example, the PFC needs to be in direct Declarations
contact with the stomach for EUSD [14], so a pre-interven-
tional computed tomography scan is advised to define the Disclosures Ali Ramouz, Saeed Shafiei, Sadeq Ali-Hasan-Al-Saegh,
anatomic characteristics of the PFC. Elias Khajeh, Ricardo Rio-Tinto, Sanam Fakour, Andreas Brandl, Gil
Goncalves, Christoph Berchtold, Markus W. Büchler, and Arianeb
EUSD outcomes are affected naturally by operator- and Mehrabi have no conflicts of interest or financial ties to disclose.
patient-dependent factors, such as the number and type of
stents, physician’s experience, and extent of the PFC [46,
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attri-
47]. Regarding stent type, double pigtail stents may prevent bution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adapta-
stent migration thereby reducing the risk of re-intervention tion, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
[48, 49]. However, it may not be possible to insert two stents as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,
into some patients if the location or shape of the PFC is provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes
were made. The images or other third party material in this article are
unsuitable [28], therefore appropriate patient selection is included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated
crucial [13]. In some cases, the PFC might contain solid otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in
debris from detached necrotic tissues. In these circum- the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
stances, EUSD might be useful not only for real-time detec- permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will
need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a
tion of the debris through imaging but also for debriding the copy of this licence, visit
necrotic tissue and performing a direct necrosectomy, which
is not possible via PCD [50, 51]. In patients with debris in
the PFC, metal stents are thought to be superior to plastic
stents due to their larger diameter [52, 53]. References
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