Notes For I Know Why Penguin Offical Reader
Notes For I Know Why Penguin Offical Reader
Notes For I Know Why Penguin Offical Reader
Level 6 – Advanced
Teacher’s Notes
I Know Why
the Caged Bird Sings
by Maya Angelou
Level 6 – Advanced
(d) Why are names so important?
Teacher’s Notes Then students can share, if they wish, names that they have
been called by people in their family and how they feel about
these names.
Level 6 – Advanced
Student’s activities
I Know Why
the Caged Bird Sings
by Maya Angelou
Contents page. Can you make some predictions about what
(d) If Momma hadn’t owned land and houses…
happened to Maya Angelou? In which chapter(s)
(e) If Uncle Wille hadn’t worn a fresh white shirt every day…
(a) is she living in Arkansas?
2 Match these events in Marguerite’s life, with how she felt at
(b) is she in California?
the time.
(c) does she write about school?
(d) does she write about her family? (a) She and Bailey receive Christmas presents from their
(e) does she write about leaving her childhood behind? parents in California.
(b) When she saw how handsome her father was.
ACTIVITIES WHILE READING THE BOOK (c) When her father first said he had to return to California.
(d) When she first realizes that she will meet her mother.
Chapters 1–3
(e) When she sees her mother’s beautiful face for the first
1 Answer the following questions. time.
(a) Where did Marguerite’s light purple dress come from? 1 proud
(b) In her imagination, why was Marguerite black? 2 relieved
(c) What went down her legs and into her socks? 3 afraid
(d) Why did she laugh as she ran down into the yard? 4 abandoned
(e) What did she know was going to happen to her when 5 speechless
she got home?
3 Explain the relationship between these people.
2 Are these statements true or false? Circle the answer and
(a) Grandmother Baxter and the gamblers and whiskey
correct the false statements.
salesmen of St. Louis
(a) Marguerite and Bailey were sent by ship to their (b) Bibbi and Mr. Freeman
grandmother. T F (c) Ritie and Mr. Freeman
(b) Uncle Willie was crippled at birth.
Chapters 7–9
(c) Marguerite would have preferred Willie to be her father. 1 Who is the speaker and what is the situation?
T F (a) ‘Now, Junior, be careful you don’t tell a not true.’
(d) Willie hid his walking stick, stood erect and pretended (b) ‘I had planned to invite you for cookies and lemonade so
not to be crippled. T F we could have this little chat.’
(e) The couple took a picture of Willie in the Store. (c) ‘She’s a sweet little thing, though.’
T F (d) ‘My name used to be Hallelujah.’
( f ) Momma forbade Marguerite and Bailey to read books by (e) ‘That clumsy nigger. Clumsy little black nigger.’
white authors. T F
Level 6 – Advanced
Student’s activities
2 What do you know about these people and why does the 2 Which experience left Marguerite feeling
author write about them?
(a) tolerant of life? Why?
(a) Kay Francis (b) disappointed? Why?
(b) Louise (c) determined? Why?
(c) Tommy Valdon (d) wiser? Why?
Chapters 10–12 3 What does Marguerite mean when she says:
1 Write the correct form of graduate in the sentences below.. (a) A universe divided what she had from what I had.
family to live.
(h) Bailey arrives in San Francisco.
1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __
Chapters 13–15
1 The sentences in B follow the sentences in A in the story.
Match A with B, then choose the adjective that best describes
how Marguerite felt when these situations happened:
proud, anxious, forgiving, spiteful, overly-confident,
(a) I believe that my talent with a foreign language was the
only quality I had that impressed Dolores.
(b) Signs informed me that we were heading for Ensenada.
(c) People patted me on the back, shook Dad’s hand, and
spoke a rapid Spanish that I was unable to follow.
(d) If Dolores knew, she would die.
(e) I was extremely intelligent and had good physical skills.
( f ) And if I failed to hide the wound we were certain to
experience another scene of violence.
(g) Bailey was the hero of the hour, and as he responded to
the open show of friendship I saw a new side of the man.
(h) I thought of poor Mr. Freeman, and the guilt which
remained in my heart, even after all those years,
( i ) She couldn’t attempt the strange sounds.
( j ) The thought of that kept me happy for a long time.
(k) On that journey along the twisted roads beside the steep
mountain, I feared that I would never get back to
America, civilization, English, and wide streets again.
( l ) Of course I could drive.