How To Burn MP3+G (Karaoke) To Disc
How To Burn MP3+G (Karaoke) To Disc
How To Burn MP3+G (Karaoke) To Disc
PART ONE - INSTALLATIONS .........................................................................................................................................2
MP3+G TOOLZ ............................................................................................................................................................2
ALCOHOL 120%..........................................................................................................................................................3
WINZIP .........................................................................................................................................................................3
THE BURNING PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................................4
FILE PREPARATION ......................................................................................................................................................4
Unzipping Folder of zips with MP3+G Toolz. ..............................................................................................................4
Converting to Bin Files..................................................................................................................................................6
BURNING A DISC ...........................................................................................................................................................7
Loading Image File........................................................................................................................................................7
Mounting The Image File ..............................................................................................................................................9
Burn Settings and The Burn.........................................................................................................................................10
How To Burn MP3+G Files To CD Successfully
This method requires: WinZip, Alcohol 120% and MP3+G Toolz version 4.05.
Alcohol 120% - If you don’t have this program Click here to download a 30-day trial version of Alcohol 120%.
To get the latest version of MP3+G Toolz Free Click Here
You also need to have a CDR-W Burner that supports RAW+96 and some MP3+G files.
(If you downloaded this as part of my Starter Kit Package, you should have what I have that works every time. So install the
programs that came with this kit now, as per this tutorial. If you want to up-grade the software afterwards that’s up to you. )
Start: by installing the Alcohol 120 software then REBOOT the system. Alcohol doesn't warn that full functionality of the
Virtual CD needs a reboot.
Next: Install MP3Toolz. If it asks about installing/enabling shell integration or similar, choose YES.
This allows the Right-Click options in your windows explorer.
Zip files: If you have mp3s + cdgs in zip files, you will need to unzip them into a working folder before continuing.
There are two methods you can use to do this.
One is by using WinZip if you have installed it. Using WinZip allows you to unzip individual zip files to a working folder.
The second and easiest method is by using the unzip folder feature with MP3+G Toolz.Using MP3+G Toolz, allows
unzipping a whole folder of mp3 + cdg zip files.
* CAUTION: Check the MP3+G files in the working folder to be sure each .mp3 (the music) has a matching .cdg file [the
lyrics]. If your files are not in a zip file, check that the files are IDENTICAL in name, except for the extensions - .mp3 and
.cdg. After unzipping check for this also. *
Run the installation file for Alcohol 120 software. Just follow the prompts as they appear and leave the defaults as they are
at this point. Then REBOOT your system.
*Alcohol doesn't warn that full functionality of the Virtual CD that it creates on your hard drive, needs a reboot of your
system. *
This is a very quick and easy installation of a very useful tool. Just run the installation file and it pretty much takes care of
itself. More on using this tool later.
Now that you have all these programs installed we can move on to the real fun part!
Unzipping Folder of zips with MP3+G Toolz.
The following steps will create bin and cue files which you need to burn a disc.
Begin by unzipping the song file zips in the working folder.
Right-Click the folder and choose
MP3+G Toolz.NET 4.
Now when you look into the working folder you will see the zip files and the extracted .mp3 and .cdg files.
You can delete the zip files at this time if you want to free up space on your hard drive.
Converting to Bin Files
Now we want to create the .cue file and bin files needed for the burning process.
Select the working folder again and select MP3+G Toolz again.
When it’s open, select the “Convert Audio + G To Bin” process.
The process will run and will create a .cue file and the bin files back into the working folder.
When completed just click on the “Exit” button. Now we’re close to burning our disc(s).
Fun isn’t it!!
All cue files will be listed after search is completed. Select the one you want to burn and right click.
Then select “Add selected to Alcohol 120%”, as shown in picture below.
Now close the Image Finder window and you’ll be back to the main program.
Mounting The Image File
Select the image (cue) sheet and right click. A menu will pop up and select “Mount on Device”. To the right of that select
the “AXV CD/DVD-ROM, as shown in picture below. It will now appear in the lower right window.
You should now see your image mounted to your newly installed virtual drive, as shown below.
Burn Settings and The Burn
Now the burning process has begun and you’ll be notified when the burn has been completed successfully.