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is yhur hiiijion
tbot oppny th tbgShu
4 pages
`rila it witb
oir th tbg oirphrt
sgrvijgs ihr jbgjd-il
mgtoingm olm
`gnhw, os wgos
wgnn rgjheeglm yhu dggp o ahhms
`oaaoag, molagrhus jhpy ihr
olmyhur rgjhrms.
htbgr Vngosg
iephrtolt onsh todgrgnotgm
ilihreotihl tbg tieg
th th rgvigw
yhur trip. it os it jhltoils tbg aglgron jhlmitihls hi jorrioag
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Document Information
@hhdila Jhliireotihl
Moto Vrhtgjtihl Lhtijg; Shur pgrshlon moto winn `g prhjgssgm il ojjhrmoljg witb tbg oppnijo`ng jorrigr–s
privojy phnijy olm, ii yhur `hhdila is eomg vio o rgsgrvotihl systge prhvimgr („AMZ―), witb its privojy phnijy.
]bgsg org ovoino`ng ot tbg CO]O ]rovgn Jgltrg wg`sitg hr irhe tbg jorrigr hr AMZ
mirgjtny. Shu sbhunm rgom tbis mhjuegltotihl, wbijb oppnigs th yhur `hhdila olm spgjiiigs, ihr gxoepng, bhw yhur
pgrshlon moto is jhnngjtgm, sthrgm, usgm, misjnhsgm olm trolsigrrgm. Qg onsh ilvitg yhu
th vigw Oir Jolomo–s Vrivojy Vhnijy mirgjtny.
CEVHP]OL]; Gltry rgquirgeglts
]rovgnnila (hr rgturlila) th Jolomo irhe olhtbgr jhultry; trovgnngrs eust jhepngtg o ihre prihr th orrivon ot OrrivgJOL.
]rovgnnila (hr rgturlila) th W.Z. hr iltgrlotihlon mgstilotihls; Eodg surg th rgvigw tbg ahvgrleglt gltry rgquirgeglts prihr th trovgn.
60 Mgj, 0606 12;07 12;07 + 1 moy
Olagngs Cstol`un ]D616 1:br66Hpgrotgm `y; ]urdisb Oirnilgs |
Nhs Clt.(NOR), Cstol`un Oirphrt (CZ]),
]greilon @]urdgy
Jbgjdgm `oaaoag
Vngosg sgg `gnhw ihr mgtoins hl tbg `oas yhu pnol hl jbgjdila ot tbg `oaaoag jhultgr.
* Ihr trovgn witbil Jolomo hr `gtwggl Jolomo olm tbg Wlitgm Ztotgs, o Jolomiol
tox hi $:.66 JOM eoy oppny th `oaaoag iggs. Ihr trovgn `gtwggl Jolomo hr tbg
Wlitgm Ztotgs olm Egxijh, tbg Mheilijol Pgpu`nij olm @or`omhs, ol oppnijo`ng
nhjon songs tox hi $=.66 JOM eoy oppny th `oaaoag iggs. Ihr onn htbgr itilgrorigs
th/irhe Egxijh, tbg Mheilijol Pgpu`nij olm @or`omhs os wgnn os itilgrorigs
th/irhe Zhutb Oegrijo, ol oppnijo`ng nhjon songs tox hi $01.66 JOM eoy oppny th
`oaaoag iggs. Onn o`hvg tox oehults org `osgm hl tbg eoxieue oppnijo`ng tox
oehults pgr itilgrory typg. Ojtuon oehults eoy vory olm winn `g jboragm il tbg
jurrgljy usgm il yhur mgporturg oirphrt. ]ox oehults org su`jgjt th jbolag
witbhut lhtijg `y nhjon ahvgrleglt.
Igg oehults org mispnoygm il tbg jurrgljy hi tbg iirst mgporturg jity hl yhur tijdgt.
Hl tbg moy hi trovgn, oppnijo`ng iggs winn `g ossgssgm il tbg nhjon jurrgljy hi tbg
jhultry/rgaihl yhu org trovgnnila irhe. Jgrtoil gxjgptihls eoy oppny wbgrg tbg
mgporturg oirphrt mhgs lht jborag il nhjon jurrgljy. ]bg jurrgljy gxjbolag rotg
`g mgtgreilgm `y tbg motg hi trovgn.
Jbgjdgm `oaaoag iggs eoy `g rgossgssgm wbgl itilgrorigs iljnumg ol glrhutg sthphvgr hi ehrg tbol 0= bhurs.
Lhtg; Ci yhu gxjggm yhur `oaaoag onnhwoljg (il lue`gr, sizg olm/hr
wgiabt), ommitihlon jbgjdgm `oaaoag jborags winn oppny. ]bg phnijy olm
iggs winn `g tbhsg hi tbg jorrigr imgltiiigm il tbg
jbgjdgm `oaaoag ilihreotihl sgjtihl.
Yigw Oir Jolomo's ommitihlon jbgjdgm `oaaoag phnijy.
Yigw tbg ommitihlon jbgjdgm `oaaoag phnijy hi Oir Jolomo's jhmgsborg olm iltgrnilg portlgrs.
9. Molagrhus ahhms
Ihr soigty rgoshls, molagrhus ahhms eust lht `g pojdgm il jbgjdgm hr jorry-hl
`oaaoag, gxjgpt os spgjiiijonny pgreittgm. Molagrhus ahhms iljnumg, `ut org lht
nieitgm th; jheprgssgm aosgs, jhrrhsivgs, gxpnhsivgs, inoeeo`ng niquims olm
shnims, romihojtivg eotgrions, hximizila eotgrions, phishls, iligjtihus su`stoljgs,
`rigijosgs witb ilstonngm onore mgvijgs. Ihr sgjurity rgoshls, htbgr rgstrijtihls
eoy oppny. Vngosg rgigr th tbg Pgstrijtgm olm Vrhbi`itgm Ctges poag hl hur
wg`sitg ihr ehrg ilihreotihl.
1. Zu`jgjt th tbg prhvisihls hi tbg Ehltrgon Jhlvgltihl olm tbg Qorsow Jhlvgltihl,
os wgnn os tbg prhvisihls hi its oppnijo`ng toriiis, Oir Jolomo eoy rgiusg jorrioag hi
prhpgrty il jbgjdgm nuaaoag tbot is lht suito`ng ihr trolsphrtotihl, sujb os iroaing hr
pgrisbo`ng itges olm eoy rgiusg th jorry vonuo`ng itges (o vonuo`ng is mggegm th
`g oly itge wbhsg vonug is $ 1,666 JOM hr ehrg, pgr Dinharoe hr $1 JOM pgr
aroe). Oir Jolomo eoy rgiusg jnoies `osgm hl tbg ilbgrglt loturg hi ol itge
(g.a. its pgrisbo`ng loturg), hr ihr nhss hr mgnoy hi ulsuito`ny hr
ilomgquotgny pojdgm itges, th tbg gxtglt tbot tbg mgstrujtihl, nhss hr moeoags
rgsuntgm irhe tbg ilbgrglt mgigjt, quonity hr vijg hi tbg `oaaoag, hr, il
tbg josg hi mgnoy, tbot tbg jorrigr, its oaglts, olm sgrvolts thhd onn egosurgs tbot
jhunm rgoshlo`ny `g rgquirgm th ovhim tbg moeoag, hr tbot it wos
iephssi`ng th todg sujb egosurgs.
2. Cltgrlotihlon trovgn
Ahvgrleglts eoy rgquirg yhur jorrigr th prhvimg ilihreotihl hl hr pgreit ojjgss
th possglagr moto. Shu jollht trovgn ii yhu mh lht bovg onn rgquirgm trovgn
mhjueglts, sujb os o possphrt olm viso ( wbgrg oppnijo`ng), th gltgr il hr
trolsit tbrhuab gojb jhultry/rgaihl hl yhur itilgrory. Vngosg rgigr th tbg ]rovgn
Mhjueglts poag hl hur wg`sitg ihr ehrg ilihreotihl.
3. Cl-iniabt bgontb
Ehst pghpng org iit th trovgn `y oir, `ut spgjion ottgltihl is rgquirgm ihr
possglagrs wbhsg bgontb prh`nges eoy `g gxojgr`otgm `y ontitumg, trovgn
strgss, byphxio olm htbgr trovgn rgnotgm miiiijuntigs. Hur wg`sitg hiigrs
iephrtolt bgontb tips olm ilihreotihl ihr justhegrs witb spgjion lggms wbh eoy
rgquirg egmijon opprhvon `gihrg inyila.
Vngosg onsh lhtg tbot oirjroit misilsgjtihl is jorrigm hut hl jgrtoil rhutgs, il
jhepnioljg witb tbg rgquirgeglts hi tbg Qhrnm Bgontb Hraolizotihl (QBH), tbg
Cltgrlotihlon Jivin Oviotihl Hraolizotihl, ]rolsphrt Jolomo olm
oppnijo`ng ihrgial rgaunothry outbhritigs. Ehrg ilihreotihl is ovoino`ng hl hur
16. Zjbgmungs olm tiegto`ngs
]ieg olm oirjroit typg sbhwl il tiegto`ngs hr gnsgwbgrg org opprhxieotg olm lht
auoroltggm, olm ihre lh port hi tbg jhltrojt. Zjbgmungs org su`jgjt th jbolag
witbhut lhtijg olm jorrigr ossuegs lh rgsphlsi`inity ihr possglagr eodila
jhllgjtihls lht iljnumgm os port hi tbg itilgrory sgt hut il tbg tijdgt. Jorrigr is lht
rgsphlsi`ng ihr jbolags, grrhrs hr heissihls gitbgr il tiegto`ngs hr htbgr
rgprgsgltotihls hi sjbgmungs.
11. Hvgr`hhdila lhtijg
Oirnilg iniabts eoy `g hvgr`hhdgm, olm tbgrg is o sniabt jboljg tbot o sgot winn lht
`g ovoino`ng hl o iniabt ihr wbijb o pgrshl bos o jhliiregm rgsgrvotihl. Ci tbg
iniabt is hvgr`hhdgm, lh hlg winn `g mgligm o sgot ultin oirnilg pgrshllgn
iirst osd ihr vhnultggrs winnila th aivg up tbgir rgsgrvotihl il gxjbolag ihr o
poyeglt hi tbg oirnilg's jbhhsila. Ci tbgrg org lht glhuab vhnultggrs,
tbg oirnilg winn mgly `hormila th htbgr pgrshls il ojjhrmoljg witb its portijunor
`hormila prihrity. Qitb igw gxjgptihls, pgrshls mgligm `hormila
ilvhnultoriny org gltitngm th jhepglsotihl. ]bg jhepngtg rungs ihr tbg poyeglt hi
jhepglsotihl olm `hormila prihritigs org ovoino`ng ot onn oirphrt tijdgt
jhultgrs olm `hormila nhjotihls.
trgoteglt olm jhepglsotihl ulmgr tbg Oir Vossglagr Vrhtgjtihl Pgaunotihl. Ihr
ehrg ilihreotihl o`hut yhur possglagr riabts pngosg jhltojt yhur oir jorrigr hr visit
tbg Jolomiol ]rolsphrtotihl Oagljy–s wg`sitg.
Aglgron tgres olm jhlmitihls pgrtoilila th iniabt mgnoys, joljgnnotihls, mgligm
`hormila, sgotila hi jbinmrgl olm nhst hr moeoagm `oaaoag jol `g ihulm il Oir
Jolomo's Aglgron Jhlmitihls hi Jorrioag olm ]oriiis.
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