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Plebetoral System

The modern day name Pleb is slang for the word Plebe, meaning idiot or stupid.

The title Plebe originated from ancient Roman times, when plebeians were any tribe without
advisers to the King.

The Plebeians were a general body of Roman Citizens who were not aristocrats or nobleman and
were considered common or of lower stock, or of a lower status.

Over time, the word Plebe, which is related to the Greek word for crowd, Plethos, came to mean the
Common People.

With Nobility and Plebeians defining status, both classes were considered hereditary with Plebeians
being the lower class.

The definition of illiterate today simply means unable to read or write, however with almost all of
the world’s population now within the Plebetoral system, even those who think they can read and
write are still considered illiterate.

It is not just the words that are written down that must be understood, but the meaning behind
them. Furthermore you need to understand the language being used, the symbolism and even the
order of the wording to comprehend what is truly being said.

The definition of grammar is the whole system and structure of a language, relating to the syntax,
morphology and semantics.

1. Syntax: the arrangement of words and phrases to create a well formed sentence.
2. Morphology: the study of words in the same language, how they are formed and their
relationship to other words.
3. Semantics: the study of meaning, reference, or truth concerned with the analysis of words
and the relations between them. In short the meaning of a word, phrase, or text.

Being able to read is much more than just recognising the text written on a document, it also
requires the understanding of the system of the language, or realising the rules of the language,
called grammar.

Teaching grammar to children was removed from public education and government schools decades
ago. In the UK the withdrawal of grammar and civics began in 1971, in the USA it was 1965.

The word Civics is derived from the Latin word Civicus meaning “relating to a citizen” which is the
study of rights and obligations of citizens in society.
Even though this was just privileges and allowances to the citizens within the Plebetoral system or
society, the very idea of rights was too dangerous to teach and was later changed to social studies.

Note: Liberty does not mean freedom, but actually privileges and allowances from a higher

The word liberty originated from the Latin word Libertas, which was derived from the name of the
Roman Goddess Libertas 238 B.C, who granted her worshipers privileges and allowances.

The word Spell comes from the Proto-Germanic word Spellan, spoken in southern Scandinavia
around 500 BC, and means “to tell”, which in turn gave rise to the Old English word Spellian that
later became Spell.

The first recorded instance of the word “Spell” being used to indicate the correct writing of
individual letters of a word, was in the early 15th Century.

Spell referring to Magic Spell is of a similar if not the same origin.

That word is originally Germanic, taken from the noun Spel which refers to talk, storytelling, gossip,
and a sermon.

It is also a derivative of Gospel, which translates to "good tale" and is the source of magical power
and the enchantment senses of the word spell.

It is the use of deceptive language, which has the ability to cast a “spell” over the illiterate.

A hieroglyph is a character used in a system of pictorial writing. The name comes from the Greek
word Hieroglyphic which means “sacred carving”.

The Greeks distinguished the Egyptian Carving from the Egyptian Writing, which were written with
ink on papyrus or on other smooth surfaces.

Scripts written in ink were known as the Hieratic, which was used during the time of the ancient
Greeks for religious text only, with the Demotic, the Cursive Script used for ordinary documents.

Note: the word “demotic” refers to the kind of language used by ordinary people, or the common

Today most people are unaware that what they are reading is in fact a blend of different languages
using words and hieroglyphic symbolism with hidden meaning.

A blend of Descriptive Text and Symbolic Text is used to deceive the illiterate.
Latin is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages. It
originated from the Italic people who lived in a region of Italy called Latium in the 6th century BC.

It was used predominantly by ancient Rome and its empire, and today it is widely used historically as
a language of scholarship and administration, becoming part of the modern legal system and law.

The original Latin alphabet included 23 different characters that would be recognised as all caps

The Latin alphabet started out as uppercase letters, known as Roman Square Capitals, however
lowercase letters were developed over time.

Bicameral System: These lower case letters are considered separate to the uppercase, and should
not be mixed and used in the same sentence, meaning that Latin is a Bicameral System; “Bi-cameral”
means “two-chambers” or “two branches” in Latin.

Although the full history of how this language and alphabet changed over time is complex, to
understand the modern day global legal system it would be practical to just consider Latin as being
in all caps, and a different language to English.

Note: the Latin hyphen means to combine two words, which originated from the Greek word
Huphen meaning together. Combining two words can change the whole meaning of the original
words to define something else entirely.

De-based Latin is all caps without the hyphen, mixed with lowercase letters.

The origins of the English language can be traced back to a West Germanic language which was
spoken by inhabitants of early medieval England.

The name English is derived from Anglisc, which was the language of the Angles, one of the three
Germanic tribes that invaded England during the 5th century.

The English language can be broken down into four main time periods:

1. Old English 5th to the 9th Century

2. Middle English 9th to the 15th Century
3. Early Modern 15th to the 17th Century
4. Modern English 17th Century to today

The modern day English alphabet is derived from the 7th century Latin script and consists of 26
letters, each having an upper and lower case.

Latin and English are not the same language.

Dog Latin:
Doggerel or Doggrel is the name given to poetry that is irregular in rhythm and in rhyme, usually
done for comic relief and being considered cheap or having a trivial meaning, and dates back to the
Middle English word Doggerel, a derivative of dog without pure breading, from the 14 th century.

The term Dog Latin is given to the language that the plebe’s use, within the Plebetoral system, by
the upper class or nobility in a form of ridicule, as the plebes are ignorant to the true meaning
behind the Latin words placed among the English text.

Diglossia system: Glossia is from ancient Greek meaning “tongue”, Diglossia means “speaking in two
languages”; Dog Latin is the blend of two languages, Latin and English.

Within this Diglossic Dog Latin, all text written in all caps are referring to Latin, but are perceived to
be English by the plebes.

With the true meaning of the words written being split, it is spoken through the forked tongue or
the tongue of the serpent.

Legalese is the name given to text used in legal writing and documents which utilises a type of
English, but not English itself.

This language is a formalized language based on hidden rules, incorporating many different
languages and codes, including Latin, which differs from the ordinary natural language and
vocabulary used by most people.

The grammar and syntax with Legalese is designed to be misleading and deceptive, while the words
used are not taken from the Oxford English Dictionary, but the Black’s Law Dictionary.

Even the placement of words, fonts, underlining, boxes and margins on the paper or parchment are
designed to trick the illiterate reader.

For example: Text written in a margin could be written in a symbolic text which signifies that it has
nothing to do with the main text of the document.

Capital letters could refer to Latin, Block Language or even hieroglyphic symbolism without any real
or unknown meaning, yet the illiterate read them as English.

Underlining a word usually means it is being emphasised, but in the Italic language, within legalese
it can mean word removed.

Four Corners Rule:

Within Contract Law the Four Corners Rule stipulates if two parties enter into a written agreement,
they cannot use oral or implied agreements to contradict the terms written.

The Four Corners Rule, also known as the Patrol Evidence Rule, makes reference to the "four
corners" of a document.
In simple terms it implies that the only legal parts of the contract are within the four corners of a
page. Anything outside of these four corners are not part of the document.

Note: it would be prudent to number each page if there are more than one.

If there is text or evidence that exists outside of these four corners, they cannot be used in court if
they directly contradict the terms of the written contract.

When dealing with legalese, the illiterate are unaware of the deception that the document they are
reading is under this Four Corners Rule, but it now applies to any Boxes printed on the document.

Meaning that under the “grammatical four corner rule” what’s inside a box has nothing to do with
what exists outside said box.

The word Gloss means to cover up, camouflage and disguise. Glosses are words from the spoken
language written in small capital letters. When two or more written words are used to gloss a single
sign, the glosses are separated by hyphens.

This creates a sign that the illiterate read as English.

For example: The sign for “a car drove by” is written as VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY.

The translation of the sign can be anything; however your assumption is that it is English. That is the

There is a technique within the use of language called Doublespeak, which refers to the type of
language that is deliberately misleading, ambiguous or obscure.

This is used to distort words and phrases, within a sentence, in order to conceal the truth, or
camouflage facts.

Here are some examples:

1. “Alternative facts” instead of Lies or Misinformation.

2. "Negative cash flow" instead of Spending More than you Make.
3. "Pre-emptive strike" instead of Unprovoked Attack.
4. “Politically correct” instead of Censorship under Government Tyranny.
5. “Non-performing assets” instead of Bad Defaulted Loan.
6. “Classic Car with Patina” instead of Rusty Old Car.
7. “Sugar Fee” instead of Full of Sugar.

To counter this deceptive form of communication, you must not assume what may be described but
clarify the meaning of the sentence and even the use of each word in turn.
When taking the “sugar” example, corporation definition of the word “sugar” is “table sugar”, which
is Sucrose, and as they do not add “table sugar” or Sucrose to food and drinks, they claim “sugar
free” while totally ignoring the Glucose and Fructose already in the food or drink.

Note: most fruit juices contain large quantities of both Glucose and Fructose, which are damaging to
the body, but are labelled “sugar free” as there is no added table sugar, or Sucrose.

The meaning of the word Slang is a type of language consisting of words and phrases that are
regarded as very informal. More common in the spoken word rather than written, these words are
typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.

Although this form of language is considered to be more playful than official, and its non-
conventional use of real words, or even made up words that are not recognized by every group or
culture, it has become so popular that the Urban Dictionary was created.

While playful and amusing in some cases, the problem becomes further apparent as more people
adopt this way of communicating resulting in the true function and grammar of English being lost.

Plebetoral System:
The Plebetoral system was set up to give the illusion that slaves were in fact free. This includes the
voting system, or the electoral system creating the Democratic Deception.

Public officials are never elected but are reselected for the illiterate slaves to play the game of
politics while totally unaware that Democratic means “Sovereign People” in Latin.

The plebes are ignorant to this deception and are fooled into believing they have a choice in how
their lives are run, when they are nothing more than bonded slaves to a global debt based monetary
system supported by the creation of credit using their own birth certificate.

A state controlled education system ensures a brainwashed and subservient society that has been
conditioned to obey the rules, policies and regulations of their master, while being oblivious to being

The food supply and pharmaceutical medicines are used to chemical reduce the IQ and intelligence
of the people within this Plebetoral system to ensure they stay docile and compliant.

Bread and circus are offered as a distraction while 95% of their wealth is taken through taxation and
inflation, as their life expectancy is cut in half.

Cheap and plentiful commodities are artificially made scarce and expensive.

The Public is the Plebetoral system today; being a member of the public makes you a plebe.

Mongrel English:
Today people who are unwitting slaves to the Plebetoral system use a language called Mongrel
With badly spelt wording and incorrect grammar usually found on social media, that now includes
the hieroglyphics of emoji’s, with fictional and made up slang words only found in the urban

It is a non-standard language, with no official sanction and is not codified.

People using this language have no knowledge of Latin, Dog Latin, legal hieroglyphs and true English.

The truth is this language is unreadable and just babel, from Babylon, the city that was founded
around the year 2300 BC, which was a centre for commerce using many languages.

Note: Babylon is also considered to be the place where evil and corruption began, and symbolises
debauchery, dishonesty and immorality.

The dangerous assumption many make is accepting this as a Mixed Case Language when in fact it is
a Mixed Language.

Anyone using this language, with the added entrapment of modern day internet apps, website tick
boxes and digital signatures, will be forever slaves.

To be free you must be able to see through this Mongrel English and become literate.

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