Farm Structures-1
Farm Structures-1
Farm Structures-1
Live fence can make the farm earth or concrete Structure of a barbed
wire fence Posts these are of 4 types and
To look beautiful. made of wood;
Fences can increase the value of the Strainers/king post; these are large posts
farm since they areas sets. put at the Corners and gates. they resist
Explain the Factors that may determine the pull of the wire from one direction.
the type of fence to be used. Strut; smaller than the standard and
strainer posts; they give support to the
Availability of capital with enough strainer Standard/ bigger than struts and
capital, expensive holds the wire in position for
fenceslikeelectricfencescan be used. efficiency and pulls wires in both
Topography; hilly places may not directions.
favour trench and concrete fences since Droppers; they are the smallest posts;
they can be easily damaged. they are hanged between wire strands to
Animals to be confined/use; small prevent the wire from sagging.
livestock like goats, sheep, and poultry Staples/U nails
can be confined in woven fence but not
barbed wire. Buildings (stores, offices, cattle dip,
spray race, crush, animal house).
Skills of the farmer; highly sophisticated
fences like electric fence can only be Water storage structures (dam,
handled by skilled people. boreholes, tanks, reservoirs).
Prepare the poles for use. 6. It’s a good insulator against heat and
electric shocks.
Cold soaking
Poles are peeled to remove the
a. They are highly susceptible to attack by
pests if not treated.
They are immersed fully in a
b. easily decays under moist conditions
due to fungal attack
The preservative is drawn into the c. They are a fire hazard.
The posts/poles
A fence that depends on mild electric
are removed from the preservative and current flowing in wires to keep off
allowed to drip dry. animals by giving them a mild sock.
Posts are placed in a shade ready for The main components are posts, insulator
sale. Seasoning of timber and facing wire, power source and control
Provide a shade to keep off sunshine unit. Raising an Electric Fence
and rain. Clear the area where fence line is to
Heap the timber in stacks. pass to a width of 2m.
Support timber off the ground to allow Measure off the distance required for
air circulation beneath. each post.
Separate pieces of timber with wooden Dig the holes to accommodate the
rods to allow free air circulation. posts and over it.
4.May compete with crops for nutrients. Very expensive to construct and
5.Some hedge plants are poisonous to maintain.
animals. May prevent proper air floor into the
6.Some harbour pest that attack animals farm.
and crops Can be destroyed by water in poorly
7.Cannot be used effectively to subdivide drained soils.
land into paddocks for grazing WOVEN FENCE
Factors that affects effectiveness of Plain wire is woven into different patterns
hedges to make a sheet of wire mesh.the fence is
Age of the plants at a young age, they good for confining small animals though
may have less branches and hence less can work for big animals.
effective. Advantages
Level of branching; poor branching Easily confines small animals
makes it ineffective.
Does not damage the hides and skins.
Can restrict movement of a wide range
of intruders including people.
Cattle dip
Milking parlour/shade
It s a farm structure used for restraining
animals during farm operation .it has a
collecting yard, inlet, draining yard and
out let. It can be made from wood or
metal bars. It can confine animals during
1. Hand spraying to control ticks.
3.Administering oral and intravenous
4.Identification of animals
6.Taking the animal’s temperature.
8.Pregnancy diagnosis.
9.Physical examination of the animal.