CHCL Acid Ascorbic
CHCL Acid Ascorbic
CHCL Acid Ascorbic
Keywords: Deep eutectic solvent (DES) is becoming an important alternative for green and high efficient recycling of spent
Ionization potential lithium ion batteries (LIBs). In this study, we proposed a simple and universal approach by applying ionization
Deep eutectic solvent potential (IP) calculation assisted with cyclic voltammetry test to assist selection of organic acid as efficient
Recycling spent lithium ion batteries
reductant in the DES for battery recycling. The reducibility of organic acid was found to have a close relationship
with the IP, with organic acids of lower IP being a more preferred reductant. Based on this approach, the hydrous
choline chloride-L-ascorbic acid DES was identified and verified to be efficient for metals leaching from LiNi1/
3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 cathode in multiple cycles, exhibiting leaching efficiencies over 96% for Li, Mn, Co and Ni under
a mild leaching condition (50℃, 1 h). The IP calculation is effective for screening reductive acids, and is also
feasible for predicting reaction mechanism. Metals were effectively recovered through sequential precipitation.
The deep eutectic solvent designed from IP calculation is versatile for treating various kinds of spent battery
cathodes and recyclable for multiple uses, decreasing the production of secondary chemical waste and pollution.
* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Zhao), [email protected] (Z. Zhang).
Received 7 June 2021; Received in revised form 19 October 2021; Accepted 22 October 2021
Available online 27 October 2021
1385-8947/© 2021 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
and long processing time are also prohibitive for commercial use of these organic acids with distinct IP were then selected to CV tests for verifi
existing methods. Therefore, alternative recycling methods that can cation. Following the IP calculation and CV study, several organic acids
achieve better metal recovery with minimal generation of secondary were selected to synthesize DES which were used for metal leaching
wastes and multiple uses of processing medium are needed [11,16–18]. from spent LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 (NCM111) cathodes. L-ascorbic acid
In recent years, battery recycling using deep eutectic solvent (DES) with ChCl showed the best leaching performance, which proves that IP
has been investigated and is drawing increasingly more attentions calculation assisted by CV tests is a powerful tool for design of hydrous
[19–21]. Based on interactions between hydrogen bond acceptors (HBA) organic acid DES for recycling of spent LIBs.
and hydrogen bond donors (HBD), DES features such characteristics as
low melting points, non-volatile, non-toxic, thermal stable and wide 2. Experimental
operating temperature range [22–25]. DES has excellent performance in
dissolving metal oxides and salts with much larger capacities than many 2.1. Theoretical calculation of ionization potential
aqueous solutions, acting as ideal green solvent for metal extraction
[26–29]. DES is normally used with choline chloride (ChCl), ethylene Considering IP as the energy difference after and before an atom or
glycol (EG) or urea for metal recovery from spent LIBs. Apart from metal molecule ionizes, the value of vertical IP (VIP) and adiabatic IP (AIP)
leaching ability, it has also been reported that DES is effective in sepa were calculated using Eq. (1) and Eq. (2):
rating different metal elements under controlled conditions [20].
However, the obstacles of rigorous operating condition such as high VIP = EV (N − 1) − E(N) (1)
temperature and long reaction time in existing processes must be
AIP = EA (N − 1) − E(N) (2)
addressed for wide applications of such methods.
The selection of DES is based on characteristics of cathodes. The
where EV(N-1) is the vertical potential when a molecule loses an elec
widely used LiCoO2 (LCO) and LiNixCoyMnzO2 (NCM) cathodes for
tron, while EA(N-1) is the adiabatic potential when a molecule loses an
example have a layered structure of lithium, oxygen and transition
electron. The system charge is + 1 for both EV(N-1) and EA(N-1). E(N) is
metals [30,31]. The transition metals in spent batteries are normally in
the potential of the initial neutral molecule with no charge, and N is the
mixed valences and those in high valences are usually not soluble in
number of electrons in the molecule.
water [32,33]. Therefore, these high-valence transition metals need to
In this study, the ChemDraw software was first applied to simulating
be first reduced. Moreover, to enhance the release of metal ions,
molecular structures of organic acids. Each simulated organic acid
hydrogen ions are needed to take away the oxygen and destroy the
molecule was automatically adjusted to minimal energy state by the
structure. EG and urea applied in previous studies are normally neutral
corresponding MM2 Minimize function in the software. The corre
compounds. Therefore, it was not until high temperatures were reached
sponding organic acid structure files were transferred into the Gaussian
before they behaved their leaching ability. To achieve the goal for high
software for energy calculation. For the calculation of initial potential E
efficiency leaching under mild conditions, DES mixed with ChCl and
(N) and vertical potential EV(N-1), the Energy job type was selected. For
reductive acids is a feasible option for metal extraction. Composed of
the calculation of adiabatic potential, the Optimization to Minimum job
ChCl and organic acids such as citric acid or p‑toluenesulfonic acid, DES
type was selected. As for calculation method, the Ground State – DFT
has been shown to be effective for metal leaching below 100℃, but the
–B3LYP was used. For E(N) calculation of initial neutral species, the (R)
process mechanisms remain unclear [34,35]. Additionally, a theoretical
B3LYP level with Singlet spin was selected. The charge of the neutral
guidance to measure reducibility is also required to efficiently pick out
system was set as 0. For EV(N-1) and EA(N-1) calculation of the ionized
suitable reductive acid. It is therefore necessary to develop a benchmark
system, the (U)B3LYP level of Doublet spin was applied while the charge
to evaluate the reducibility of alternative acids and design a high-
of the ionized system was set as + 1. Basis Set was determined to be6-
efficient process for metal leaching using DES.
311G++ (d, p) for both neutral and ionized species [36,37]. Finally, the
In this study, different from previous work which screened DES
VIP and AIP were calculated using Eq.1 and 2 given above.
simply by experiments, we propose a novel and universal method
through applying the calculation of ionization potential (IP) assisted
with cyclic voltammetry (CV) test to determine reductive acids for DES 2.2. Cyclic voltammetry study
synthesis. IP for a series of inorganic and organic acids was first calcu
lated using Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT) principle. The The CV study was conducted using an electrochemical workstation
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
produce by Wuhan Corrtest. The DES in this study was a hydrous organic and m is the initial mass of element in the powder. To determine the
acid-based system which had similar environment as aqueous solution. composition of the spent NCM111 cathode powder, the powder was
In previous studies about hydrous DES, it was reported that water would digested by aqua regia (composing of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid)
influence the mass transfer, diffusion, electro-conductivity and some using the digestion apparatus, then diluted by deionized water. The
other physical properties. The more or less of water did not have impact concentration of metals in the liquid was determined also by ICP-MS.
on the redox ability of other DES components [38–39]. In this study, it The leaching efficiencies at different leaching time were fitted to
was found that organic acids had same redox behaviors and sequences in various leaching kinetics equations, including mass transfer in the liquid
hydrous DES and aqueous solution. To improve the stability and elec boundary layer (Eq. (4)), chemical reaction on the surface (Eq. (5)) and
trical conductivity for CV test, the electrolyte solution was prepared by diffusion in the solid surface layer (Eq. (6)).
mixing potassium chloride (KCl) with the selected organic acids at molar
x = k1 t (4)
ratio of 10:1 and then dissolved in the deionized water. The concen
tration of each organic acid was set at 0.1 M. The glassy carbon electrode
electrode. The calomel electrode (reference potential 0.28 V) was used 1 − 3(1 − x)3 + 2(1 − x) = k3 t
as reference electrode throughout this study. The Corrtest software where × refers to leaching efficiency in the reaction time t, k1, k2 and
supplied to the work station was used in CV tests. The initial potential k3 are the slope of the fitting line, considered as the reaction rate con
was set at − 0.5 V and the potential scan ranged from − 0.5 V to 2.3 V at stant, and t represents reaction time. The activation energy of leaching
the scan rate of 50 mV/s. was calculated based on Arrhenius equation described by Eq. (7) or Eq.
2.3. Synthesis of DES
k = Ae− RT
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
3. Results and discussion metal leaching in previous researches, sometimes with the assistance of
reducing agent [45,46]. Fig. S3 shows the IP of a series of inorganic and
3.1. Deep eutectic solvent design: IP calculation and CV test organic acids calculated. The exact IP values of inorganic acids and
organic acids investigated in this study are given in Table S1 and
The redox reaction is essentially an electron transferring process. IP Table S2, respectively. Organic acids tended to have lower IP than
is an indicator to assess the reducibility, which is the minimum energy inorganic acids due to the presence of reductive functional groups such
required to remove an electron from an atom, ion or molecule. The value as –OH, –NH2 in organic acids, providing an additional reducibility.
of IP could provide information on the possibility and complexity for a Further discussed in detail here were four organic acids with obviously
matter to lose electron while it is being oxidized. As sketched in Fig. 1a, different IPs, including citric acid (CA), p-toluenesulfonic acid (PTA),
if an atom, ion or molecule has a relatively low IP, it will have a weaker the common acetic acid (AA) and the typical reductive L-ascorbic acid
constraint for its outer shell electrons, and can donate them more easily (LAA) [47–52]. Apart from reducibility reflected in IP, other properties
when there is an oxidizing agent or potential, working as an ideal of organic acids such as acidity could also affect the metal extractions. In
reductant [40,41]. The prediction of redox reactions from IP could be previous studies, these organic acids have been proved to be freely
validated by oxidation and reduction characteristics of CV tests. Once soluble in aqueous solution with high acidity for metal extraction.
validated, IP calculation could provide the most possible potentials Additionally, they could also co-exist with metal ions in the aqueous
where the ionization occurs, supporting the analysis of molecular re environment. The reducibility of these organic acids, therefore, was the
action mechanism. key point in metal leaching behavior. Also considered were four inor
ganic acids, including the common hydrogen chloride, sulfuric acid,
3.1.1. Prediction of leachability based on IP calculations nitric acid and phosphoric acid as representatives [53–57]. Fig. 1a
In this study, we first calculated IP values of different acids based on shows significantly higher IP for inorganic acids which provide only
DFT principle to evaluate their reducibility. The IP is generally divided acidity for the leaching reactions. In this case, additional reductants such
into Vertical Ionization Potential (VIP) and Adiabatic Ionization Po as Na2SO3 or H2O2 are needed for metal reduction reactions. Further
tential (AIP). The VIP is the minimum energy when a molecule loses an more, most of the inorganic acids could stably existed only in aqueous
electron without structure changes, while AIP represents the atomic solutions, and therefore are not suitable for DES. For organic acids, they
relaxation energy and therefore is referred to as the energy difference could provide both the acidity and the reducibility, suitable for DES
between the neutral and oxidized forms of molecule when both struc synthesis. Based on the results of calculations as shown in Fig. 1a, AA has
tures are optimized to lowest energy states (sketched Fig. S2). As a the highest IP, followed by CA and PTA with LAA being of the lowest IP.
direct indicator of ability to lose an electron, the VIP is more related to Therefore, the reducibility of these organic acids follows the sequence of
the oxidation potential. The VIP is the negative energy value of the LAA > PTA > CA > AA. The IP calculation provided an initial theoretical
energy for the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in the DFT indication of suitable and representative acids for the following tests.
calculations, which has been reported to have a linear relationship with Based on this prediction of IP calculation with the consideration of
oxidation potential [42–44]. Therefore, the oxidation potential is pre needing the donor of hydrogen bonds in the DES synthesis, organic acid
dicted by VIP (simplified as IP in the following) in this study. LAA is anticipated to have the strongest leaching ability of metals from
Both inorganic and organic acids have been proved to be effective for cathode materials.
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
The spectra of synthesized DES were a combination of ChCl and LAA generation of hydrogen ions which could destroy the layered structure of
without visible variations. This spectral feature indicates the absence of cathode material and release metal ions by taking away the oxygen.
chemical reaction during the DES synthesis, suggesting simple inter However, the water amount should not be too much in order to preserve
molecular hydrogen bond in DES. After the leaching, the band at around the DES characteristics. In the DES environment, the organic acid could
1636 cm− 1 became more evident. Such band manifests the existence of be maintained in high concentration in the liquid phase by the eutectic
C = O [52,64]. The variation in spectral feature before and after reaction effect from ChCl. The temperature also showed an important impact on
suggests the generation of C = O. During the leaching reaction, one of leaching efficiency of both Co and Li. Higher temperature is anticipated
the –OH lost an electron to become –OH+. The intermediate ionic group to enhance the rate and collision frequency of different molecules,
–OH+ has a strong attractive force on the electron cloud of C = C. As resulting in increasing reaction rate and hence higher leaching efficiency
displayed in Fig. 2c, the C = C in the LAA molecule was broken and one for a given leaching time. Similar trends were found for the leaching of
of the carbon atoms formed a C = O radical. The other –OH became Mn and Ni, as shown in Fig. S7.
highly reactive and tended to form another C = O radical with the linked Fig. 3c shows a close to 90% of leaching efficiency for both Co and Li
oxygen atom. The generation of O = C–C = O pushed another –OH to within 15 min, indicating a fast initial leaching reaction rate. Similar
ionize, resulting in a second hydrogen ion and electron. As a result, the trend was shown in Fig. S8 for Mn and Ni. The reaction reached the
LAA released two hydrogen atoms to become L-dehydroascorbic acid. highest leaching efficiency at around 60 min. The leaching kinetics was
Such reaction is known as the oxidation of LAA [50,52]. further investigated and discussed in Supplementary Note 1, with the
fitting parameters of different kinetic models being given in Figs. S9-
S11. The fitting results show the chemical reaction and liquid mass
3.3. Optimization of leaching condition transfer process being more influential at lower temperatures, while
solid surface diffusion being more prevailing at higher temperatures.
To determine the applicability of leaching agent, the leaching tests Activation energies of leaching reactions were calculated using Arrhe
were conducted using ChCl-LAA DES. The effect of different leaching nius equation to be 28.12 kJ/mol for Li, 34.49 kJ/mol for Mn, 27.37 kJ/
conditions such as water contents, leaching temperature and time, and mol for Co and 24.91 kJ/mol for Ni as shown in Fig. S12. These acti
solid to liquid ratio (S/L) on leaching efficiency was investigated. Metals vation energy values were lower than corresponding activation energies
leached out from the cathode materials were quantified by ICP-MS. obtained in previous DES and LAA aqueous solutions [50]. Effect of solid
Despite many different chemical properties, Co and Li showed to liquid ratio in Fig. S13 showed a maximum leaching efficiency at S/
similar trends of leaching, which was due to the layered structure of L = 1/25 was suitable. In summary, a suitable DES composition was
NCM and LCO (see Fig. S6). In such case, metals were extracted into the identified to be ChCl : LAA : H2O = 2:1:6, with an optimal leaching time
solution almost simultaneously as soon as the oxygen was taken away. of 1 h at 50℃ and S/L = 1/25 to achieve over 98% of Co, Ni and Mn
Fig. 3a and 3b show a notable increase in leaching efficiency with leaching with over 96% of Li leaching.
increasing the content of water, with around 90% of Co and Li being To verify the feasibility of ChCl-LAA DES in battery recycling, the
leached out at room temperature and water: DES molar ratio above 4. spent cathode material was extended to LiNi0.5Co0.2Mn0.3O2 (NCM532),
The water was proven to be vital for leaching reactions by reducing the LiNi0.6Co0.2Mn0.2O2 (NCM622) and LCO. The leaching efficiency of Co
viscosity of solvent to accelerate the transport of reactants and products and Li under the optimal condition mentioned earlier is shown in
of leaching. The presence of water molecules also improved the
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
Table 1 efficiency over 75% was obtained for LCO and other NCM. It is evident
Leaching efficiency of metals by DES and related hydrometallurgical processes. that the leaching efficiency affected by properties of raw materials such
Extracting Reagent Samples Conditions Efficiency (%) as chemical composition and particle sizes. Nevertheless ChCl-LAA DES
was proven to be effective for multiple kinds of spent LIBs.
ChCl : LAA : H2O NCM 30℃, 1 h, 0.1 g/2.5 g 88.4Li, 89.7 Mn, 88.9
DES Co, 85.4 Ni Table 1 summarizes leaching efficiencies of metals by different DES
50℃, 1 h, 0.1 g/2.5 g 96.2Li, 99.3 Mn, 98.1 or organic acids and shows clear advantages of organic acid–water
Co, 98.9 Ni containing DES including the ChCl-LAA DES studied here over ChCl-EG
ChCl : EG DES [19] LCO 160℃, 24 h, 0.1 g/5g 28.4Li, 23.8 Co DES or ChCl-Urea DES. Metals were leached out by hydrous organic acid
180℃, 24 h, 0.1 g/5g 89.8Li, 50.3 Co
220℃, 24 h, 0.1 g/5g 94.1 Co
DES at much lower temperatures and less leaching time, which was
ChCl : EG DES[20] NCM 90℃, 24 h, 0.5 g/25 g Removal of Cu much more environmental friendly. The reaction temperatures in hy
160℃, 20 h, 0.5 g/25 g Selective 90 Co, 10 Ni drous DES were also lower than LAA and CA aqueous solutions, which
ChCl : Urea DES LCO 160℃, 12 h, 0.1 g/5g 61.2Li, 64.2 Co was attributed to higher concentrations of reductant in DES. Moreover,
Fig. S14 compared leaching efficiencies between DES and aqueous so
180℃, 12 h, 0.1 g/5g 94.7Li, 97.9 Co
ChCl : CA : H2O LCO 40℃, 1 h, 20 g/L 93Li, 98 Co lutions. It could be found that after a cycle, the recovered DES was still
DES [34] able to reach a higher leaching efficiency than LAA aqueous solution.
ChCl : PTA : H2O LCO 90℃, 15 min, 0.05 g 94 Co The reason was that in the DES environment, the unreacted LAA was
DES [35] LCO / g HBD able to be preserved in liquid phase throughout the whole process. Ac
LAA[50] LCO 70℃, 20 min, 25 g/L 94.8 Co, 98.5Li
LAA [51] NCM 75℃, 1.5 h, pulp 96.3Li, 95.6 Mn, 94.8
cording to the 1H NMR spectra in Fig. S15, no obvious changes of DES
density 6% Co, 95.6 Ni were observed before leaching and after recovery. The result further
CA + H2O2 [65] NCM 90℃, 1 h, 20 g/L 99.1Li, 95.2 Mn, 99.8 confirmed the sustainability of recovered DES.
Co, 98.7 Ni
Fig. 4. Analysis of spent NCM111 cathode material before leaching (a), transition metal oxalate recovered (b) and product calcined at 1000℃ (c): 1) SEM image; 2)
EDX mapping image of Co in spent NCM111 cathode material, showing a uniform distribution; 3) XRD pattern; and 4) XPS spectra of Co 2p3/2.
Y. Hua et al. Chemical Engineering Journal 436 (2022) 133200
3.4. Metal recovery higher productivity than traditional acid aqueous solutions. DES is also
more sustainable for multiple cycles to fully consume the reductant. As a
To demonstrate the recovery of metals from spent lithium batteries result, chemical waste and water pollution can be reduced. DES based on
by ChCl-LAA DES, transition metals and Li were precipitated and theoretical IP prediction and CV test not only provides an alternative
recovered by oxalate acid (H2C2O4) from water and ethanol phases, pathway for recycling of spent LIB with high productivity and minimal
respectively. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern and SEM image of negative environmental impact, but such method is also anticipated to
Li2C2O4 are shown in Fig. S16. The XRD pattern of the product matches provide possibility for green treatment of various electronic heavy metal
well with standard Li2C2O4, indicating an effective recovery of Li2C2O4 wastes.
from ethanol.
As for transition metals, Co was included here while Mn and Ni were
given in supplementary information. Detailed discussions were given in Declaration of Competing Interest
Supplementary Note 2. Fig. 4a1-4a3 confirmed the crystal structure of
NCM111 and uniform distribution of Co in spent lithium-ion cathode The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
materials before leaching [66]. Fig. 4b1 and 4b2 show uniform distri interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
bution of Co in the round-shaped precipitates. Mn and Ni showed the the work reported in this paper.
similar uniform distribution as shown in Figs. S17 and S18. The XRD
pattern in Fig. 4b3 revealed the existence of (Co, Ni, Mn)C2O4⋅2H2O, Acknowledgements
demonstrating the effective recovery of metals. The XPS spectra of Co in
Fig. 4a4 and 4b4 confirmed the reduction reaction of Co during the We gratefully acknowledge supports from the National Natural Sci
metal leaching process (from Co3+ 779.8 eV to Co2+ 777.6 eV), indi ence Foundation of China [22008104, 51772141]. This work was also
cating the need of Co reduction for its extraction from spent NCM supported financially by Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation
cathode [67–68]. The calcination was performed aiming to further Committee [JCYJ20200109141642225, JCYJ20200109141437586,
confirm the existence of transition metals and the possibility for material KQJSCX20180322151507786]. Additional support was Basic and
regeneration. Fig. 4c1-4c3 show that the calcination merely decom Applied Basic Research Foundation of Guangdong Province
posed the oxalate while metals remained as oxides. Mn was found to (2021A1515010148), Guangdong Province Universities and Colleges
combine with Co to form Co2MnO4 while Ni existed as separate phase of Pearl River Scholar Funded Scheme 2018.
NiO. Such result was also supported by the results of EDX mapping
shown in Fig. S19. After calcination, Co was shown in Fig. 4c4 to be Appendix A. Supplementary data
oxidized to Co(III) which was the valence in the new cathode material.
Combined with the information of XPS result in Figs. S20-S23, varying Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
valences of transition metals after calcination indicate the regeneration org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.133200.
of new cathode material with proper treatment of recovered products.
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