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© : NM-104 4 : : y November-2013 Peery T.Y. B.Se. (Sem-V) (CBCS) < — MAT-301 : Mathematics ALinieai, Algebra + U1) Tse: 3 Hoars} Si (Max. Marks: Instryctions: (1) All the questions are compulsory and carry 14 marks. p @). Notations are uswal everywhere G)- Figures to the right indicate marks of the question/sub-quéestion. 1 e\tfove that the addition of tw6 linear maps'is @ linear. map: aR . - . ee 1) = 0, has the trivial solution NET: US Visi linear imap, ¥9 € RM) and if 7 fn TCU) = vp has a 84 ib only solution then prove that the operator ca unique'solution. + mas? _H a lineaé map F= V, > Vyis defined as i et Tey.) =, vt *) V (4,2) € Vz then solve the operator equation Lure PA 3) = (5,28). es oR Find the dual basis of the Basis B= {(1'0, 0), ( 21) for the See ¥,. 4 ~ ee State and prove the Cavchy-Schwarz inequality. wager 44 tap or OR = Prove that any onhogonal set of ndn:zero vectors in-an inner product space is OX eR iseaelyandepende. oh). ee orly the Gram-Schmidt eee process to the basis e oy VP B= (1,1, (1,-1.1), (I 1, ID) in order to get orthuganal basis for V. 3 OR Gbetine an onthogonal linear map. If (Y, <, >) is an inner product space and if T < V — Y is af orthogona! linear map then pro’ Pe :70 2 thar ff T¢9 |] = Ifx|} for alt” J : P-T.O. sig the expec ropes Risa function satisiyi SOR I oxic Rn(o pov ear od Forannxan slace Expansion tbat + gets au. ona? i he cofactor of eRe the Cram! rule to solve. 5 g-2y veel Pe oR _ y-270* Spices she ries cake i defined a5 TW AD= ed Tor DE Yr \en Lane on 3 “gear ee argec| 07) © vent ne sa ie ee | \ pean Sonn et ‘ of A. si One seuowing resins aso ; (Define the space UU, ¥) 208 bilinear form. e 4 Ste eco \ oy Define a Tinear fonctional and dual 5 Ue State the dual basis existence theorem, 4{3} State the tnangle sms of the norm of VeCIOrS ; «4 {e)_ Define an inner product: inner product 5 {19 State the Cramer's ue sali a systern oF TNE eNOS : (4) _ State the spectra sheorem. Die Me yee ee : ic *Seitno: FSR GS N13-116 Pam. @®) November.2014 _° : i BSe., Sem.-V MAT-301 : Mathematics = (Linear Algebra) Time: 3 Hours} IMax. Marks : 70 ()._ All the questions are compulsory and carry equal marks. 2). Notations areusnal everywhere ‘: G) Figures to the right, indicate marks of the question/sub-question. Instructions = = 0, has a rontrivial solution 443 g then proye tht ie operator equi solutions. 'y h2s an infinite number ot es) hen solve the operator equation T(x, x3, x5) = (6.3) a oR ind the dual basis of the basis B = {(1, 0, 0), NI Find the dual basis of te basis 2 = ((1, 0, space V3, } 2 are mein ‘inequality by using the ¢ Schwarz inequal oie IB Cauchy-Schwatz ine , 2, 0). (1, 2. 3)) of the vector ak 2S ea age args (0, 1,02, no. we 72) order to get the onhononmad bast for Sa Ab for x= 1 Gm) y= wien the map + is defined as 2 ts 04+ H le, HH), +9) then show that » #8 am inner product on V, Nate 3 Li) tterjwc Rand ifaer: ve 7 Risa ‘~/ _ of the determinant then prove the followings 7 det (04,2 as ES ans Hy) Ul (Hs Mp oe Pears GI det, Yp Yp on Mp ay My) = AO Mp EM oy an YD eS OR 7 State and prove tie Cramer's rule of solving the system of finear equations Use the Cramer’sruleta.solve: + y= 1 Wye yt2=3 “we catx=5 7 OR : ; 1200 | : 0.030 | Ghote gern witout expansionic=| 0232] gc | : “Nstees iJ soiee 4. (a) Define cigen-value/vector of an endomorphism. Also discuss eigen vahie/vector fT: Vz» Vp defined as T(x, x5) = (ry, %); for (, x) € Vo ifexists, 7 r OR 5: : | te and prove the Cayley"Haiilion’s Theoreni, eee | seSists and prove the Cayley Hiaiilion’s Th we? | 7014 page: $92 90 Boe Find eigen values ORES os cari oR oI rp b& aug ' 5. Answer the following questions in short : 6 (@) Define the space L{U, V) and a bilinear forrn:— ! yc Petine onal and dual space of aectorspace. ©) (3-0) 204) +3014 ee the Cauchy Schwarz. inequality. s Se oes z | : z fate] -BSz] A a | @) FinedtAifa=},3.1 0] > [3 -Lo er +S i 7p} $ a eB ene e632 Be t AGF Define an inner product and an ipner-product space” WG Pefine im orthogonal set and give one cxample of it, s (8) State the spectral theorem., - g) Syppose vy is a figite-dimersiona) real vector nissis SPAC®: The linear opetaton SE LCV) Vs Seltadjornd Ny eas: if Vv FS the okthogona) direct SUm of NS Gyenspace of 5 foe real eigenvalues: Vr EY, mee © Time : 3 Hours} Seat No. : Ge NB-102 December-2015 BSc., Sem-V Core Course-301 : Mathematics (Linear Algebra-II) Instructions : (1) All the questions re compulsory and carry 14 marks. i @)_ Righthand side figures indicate marks ofthe question/sub-question. (a) If TU Vis linear map, vy €R(t) and if T(u) = 0, has a nontrivial solution u% 0,, then prove that the operator equation T(u) = vp has’an infinite number of solutions. i. . OR re IfT : U> Vand S : V > W are linear maps, then prove that the composition map ST: U-> W also is a linear map. Ifa linear miap T: V, > Vs is defined as Tey 9) = yp % — Xe * + Ds V (iy %) € Vp» then solve the operator equation T(x,%,) = (5,2, 8). - OR Find the dual basis of the basis B = {(1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0), (I, 1, 1)} for the vector space V,. ce 2. \(a}-Prove that a finite dimensional inner product space has an orthogonal basis. Pe OR — State and prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. AGY If for x = (%, x), ¥ = (yp ¥,) © R? the map <, > is defined as 2x, > =) Yp—Hy Vp Vy +2 Yop then show that <, > is an inner product on R?. OR Apply the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process to the basis B (1,2, 1), (1, 1,2)} im order to get orthogonal basis for R’. {@1,0, | 3. (@) If det : V¥>Ris a function satisfying the properties of the determinant, then prove the following : (det (%,% 4 My ones a) = det (¥4p Ypney YF BM ey Vprery Vy fOr iwi. i (i) det 4, Vy My ~det(y,,V5y Yop Yyp + %- | OR © : NB-102 : ‘ 1 Pro. [Max. Marks : 70 \ State and proye the Cramer's rule for solving asystem of linear equations. 23-4 % 04 4 Ss &» 1fA=|| > 2*3=% |, then find detA by applying the Laplace Expansion y Jed a —_ ¥ 0-13 about the second row of the matrik A. 1 xtaob c d aoxtb oc d ie IfA= 3 then compute detA without expansion. ee aoe cead a aba eed 4. (a) Define eigen value and eigen vector of a linear operator T : V -> V. Also find cigen value-and eigen vector of the linear map T : V ~> V; defined as * TGy.x2) = Gp) if exists. 1 - OR State and prove the Cayley-Hamilton's Theorem. > 22.3 (0) Verify the Cayley-Hamilton’s theorem for A fe 1 2 Jathoeta i 5 : ool oe OR 201 es Diagonalize the matrix A =| 0 3 | Also find the corresponding modal * - a 1.02 oe ‘matrix. ‘Answer any seven of the following questions in short : \UGay Define homogeneous and non-homogencous operator equations. (@)- Define a linear functional and give one example of it. re operon dub one}, (©). Define the space L(U, V) and an isomorphism. 11> poe ee a (@- Define an inner product and give one example of it Me} Define orthonormal set and give one example of it. 4 (State the Laplace Expansion. ict -)0) als Ce 2 2 | hol R= (g) Find deta if A [3 as? - 2S -map and a quadric.\2° @ DE ae h) duqdxatre fear 2 = i Nein fa Bete 2 a » Zing Be E A homey oncous. em fo ANS Tmves f Vobrables (b) Define ati Be eM uposea 85 sS¥eM Of secoy) doe. is cts a maak at ee dor a vol wot La? 2 ue November-2016 B.Sc., Sem.-V CC-301 : Mathematics Linear Algebra-I) Time : 3 Hours] (Max. Marks : 70 Instructions: (J) All the questions are compulsory. (2) All the questions carry 14 marks (3) Right hand side figures indicate marks of the question/sub question. (4) Notations are usual 1. (@) If TU» Vis tinear map, vy € R(T) and if T(u) = 0, has @ nontrivial solution 1+ 0) then prove that the operator equation ‘T(u) = vy has an infinite number of solutions, “ me OR State and prove the dual basis existence theorem. (>) If a linear map T : Vy > V. defined as T(e,) = €, +e), Tle) +, +€), then solve the operator equation T(x, x2, 5) = (4, 6, 8). 1 t oR a is B= {(1, 2, 3), (3, 1, 2), @, 3, 1)} for the vector 2.\_ (a) Prive that a finite dimensional inner product space hasan orthogonal basis. “h OR | Define an orthogonal linear map. | If(V, <>) is an inner product space then prove that a linear map T : V—> Vis an ‘orthogonal linear map if and only if || T(x) || = ||x|| for all x € V. MB-114 1 PTO. ) If for x = (ry, &) y = (%, yy) © R? the map <, > is defined as Sh =) Ley 4] + yaL2e, —j] then show that <, > is an inner product on R2 OR Apply the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process to the basis 2 B= (0,-1.1). (1.0.1) (1, 1,09} in order to get orthonomnal basis for V, 3 (2) Ifij,0.€ R and ifdet: V"— R isa function satistying the expected properties of the determinant then prove the followings @ dell. V9.5 Va) det Yay e WA AY cn Bp Wy) (i) det(yy, vy, 25 Vy) =—det(¥), v5, OR State and prove the Cramer's rule for solving a system of linear equations. 1034 O-145 @ Wa~| os then find dt by aplyng the Laplace Expansion about terete ee the last row of the matrix A. oR 1234 ; Basps eee mae 20.4 2 |tmempued a witout expansion Pasaited 4 GY" Express the characteristic equation of 2 x 2 matrix A in terms of Trace of A. and det A. Also prove that a 2 x 2 real and symmetric matrix has only real eigen values OR {State and prove the Cayley-Hamilton’s theorem, 21 (b) Diagonalize the matrix A = [ _ a also find the modal matrix which diagonalizes A OR Z Identify the quadrie in R? given by fi, y,2) = 4rz + 4y? + By +8 =0 z al 2 ay aglyacytz) co eA One ay e MB-I14 7 Answer any seven of the following questions in short 14 ()—Define addition and composition of linear maps. (0) Define a linear functional and give one example of it 4e) Define an endomorphism and an isomorphism, ‘{@)_Define and illustrate an inner produet space. \(e Define orthogonal set and give one example of it. 2 (BL State the Laplace Expansion. 100 jer imssanie-| 3 ‘| 9A EG Mes = 9(303)7 7 f 543 (h) Define eigen value and eigen vector of an endomorphism =j ‘\Mi)—Define a bilinear map and a quadric, Q@ IF s.v2V dad 72 UV Ake Jineay maps then Bar .UZVis Wneak > I$ T.V2V and si VOW ale Jintor rps tren ComPaSition maP Sot: UW RqIs6 TSJinwr hep haelice Exparion = fen a gilen Spane maria = Cay JEM, 8244 = AiO) + A224 + Pinte = Z Pipe for AMY Fined Fy de en whee Ay 1S the wfacter of @ , element Ans ™~h) Ergen value aw eigen vector of square mateucese Let A € MnCiQ) then A ~ i ergenwive of matane a thy) re (% oe ee A) 40 Dale AK =AY sich d mon zero vectok X fs called eigen vectsr of A Connesporei ry Jo Cigenvalue 4 MB-114 3

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