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Flex Box

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What is Flexbox?

CSS provides many tools and properties that you can use to position
elements on a webpage. Codecademy’s lessons on the box model and CSS display
introduce a couple of these techniques.

In this lesson, you will learn about Flexible Box Layout or flexbox, a tool that
greatly simplifies how to position elements.

There are two important components to a flexbox layout: flex

containers and flex items. A flex container is an element on a page that contains flex
items. All direct child elements of a flex container are flex items. This distinction is
important because some of the properties you will learn in this lesson apply to flex
containers while others apply to flex items.

To designate an element as a flex container, set the element’s display property

to flex or inline-flex. Once an item is a flex container, there are several
properties we can use to specify how its children behave. In this lesson we will cover
these properties:

1. justify-content
2. align-items
3. flex-grow
4. flex-shrink
5. flex-basis
6. flex
7. flex-wrap
8. align-content
9. flex-direction
10. flex-flow

Flexbox is an elegant tool that makes it easy to address positioning issues that
may have been difficult before. Let’s get started!


In the browser to the right, scroll down until you see the phrase “Our Expertise” in
the div with the yellow background. Stretch and shrink the browser and observe how
the elements change position to fit in the width of the page.
display: flex

Any element can be a flex container. Flex containers are helpful tools for
creating websites that respond to changes in screen sizes. Child elements of flex
containers will change size and location in response to the size and position of their
parent container.

For an element to become a flex container, its display property must be set
to flex.

div.container {
display: flex;

In the example above, all divs with the class container are flex containers. If
they have children, the children are flex items. A div with the declaration display:
flex; will remain block level — no other elements will appear on the same line as it.

However, it will change the behavior of its child elements. Child elements will
not begin on new lines. In the exercises that follow, we will cover how the
flex display property impacts the positioning of child elements.


In the previous exercise, you might have observed that when we gave a div —
a block level element — the display value of flex that it remained a block level
element. What if we want multiple flex containers to display inline with each other?

If we didn’t want div elements to be block-level elements, we would

use display: inline. Flexbox, however, provides the inline-flex value for
the display property, which allows us to create flex containers that are also inline

<div class='container'>
<p>I’m inside of a flex container!</p>
<p>A flex container’s children are flex items!</p>
<div class='container'>
<p>I’m also a flex item!</p>
<p>Me too!</p>
.container {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
display: inline-flex;

In the example above, there are two container divs. Without a width, each div
would stretch the entire width of the page. The paragraphs within each div would
also display on top of each other because paragraphs are block-level elements.

When we change the value of the display property to inline-flex, the divs
will display inline with each other if the page is wide enough. As we progress through
this lesson, we will cover in more detail how flex items are displayed.

Notice that in the example above, the size of the flex container is set.
Currently, the size of the parent container will override the size of its child elements.
If the parent element is too small, the flex items will shrink to accommodate the
parent container’s size. We’ll explain why in a later exercise.

<div class='container'>
<div class='child'>
<div class='child'>

.container {
width: 200px;

.child {
display: inline-flex;
width: 150px;
height: auto;

In the example above, the .child divs will take up more width (300 pixels)
than the container div allows (200 pixels). The .child divs will shrink to
accommodate the container’s size. In later exercises, we will explore several ways to
handle this.

In previous exercises, when we changed the display value of parent

containers to flex or inline-flex, all of the child elements (flex items) moved
toward the upper left corner of the parent container. This is the default behavior of
flex containers and their children. We can specify how flex items spread out from left
to right, along the main axis. We will learn more about axes in a later exercise.

To position the items from left to right, we use a property called justify-

.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: flex-end;

In the example above, we set the value of justify-content to flex-end.

This will cause all of the flex items to shift to the right side of the flex container.

Below are five commonly used values for the justify-content property:

 flex-start — all items will be positioned in order, starting from the left of the
parent container, with no extra space between or before them.
 flex-end — all items will be positioned in order, with the last item starting on
the right side of the parent container, with no extra space between or after
 center — all items will be positioned in order, in the center of the parent
container with no extra space before, between, or after them.
 space-around — items will be positioned with equal space before and after
each item, resulting in double the space between elements.
 space-between — items will be positioned with equal space between them,
but no extra space before the first or after the last elements.

In the definitions above, “no extra space” means that margins and borders will be
respected, but no more space (than is specified in the style rule for the particular
element) will be added between elements. The size of each individual flex item is not
changed by this property.


In the previous exercise, you learned how to justify the content of

a flex container from left to right across the page. It is also possible to align flex items
vertically within the container. The align-items property makes it possible to space
flex items vertically.
.container {
align-items: baseline;

In the example above, the align-items property is set to baseline. This

means that the baseline of the content of each item will be aligned.

Below are five commonly used values for the align-items property:

 flex-start — all elements will be positioned at the top of the parent

 flex-end — all elements will be positioned at the bottom of the parent
 center — the center of all elements will be positioned halfway between the
top and bottom of the parent container.
 baseline — the bottom of the content of all items will be aligned with each
 stretch — if possible, the items will stretch from top to bottom of the
container (this is the default value; elements with a specified height will not
stretch; elements with a minimum height or no height specified will stretch).

These five values tell the elements how to behave along the cross axis of the
parent container. In these examples, the cross axis stretches from top to bottom of
the container. We’ll learn more about this in a future exercise.

You might be unfamiliar with the min-height and max-height properties, but
you have used height and width before. min-height, max-height, min-width,
and max-width are properties that ensure an element is at least a certain size or at
most a certain size. You’ll see how these become useful as you move throughout
this lesson.

Now you’re going to see each of the five values above in action!


In Exercise 3, we learned that all flex items shrink proportionally when the flex
container is too small. However, if the parent container is larger than necessary then
the flex items will not stretch by default. The flex-grow property allows us to specify
if items should grow to fill a container and also which items should grow
proportionally more or less than others.

<div class='container'>
<div class='side'>
<h1>I’m on the side of the flex container!</h1>
<div class='center'>
<h1>I'm in the center of the flex container!</h1>
<div class='side'>
<h1>I'm on the other side of the flex container!</h1>

.container {
display: flex;

.side {
width: 100px;
flex-grow: 1;

.center {
width: 100px;
flex-grow: 2;

In the example above, the .container div has a display value of flex, so
its three child divs will be positioned next to each other. If there is additional space in
the .container div (in this case, if it is wider than 300 pixels), the flex items will
grow to fill it. The .center div will stretch twice as much as the .side divs. For
example, if there were 60 additional pixels of space, the center div would absorb 30
pixels and the side divs would absorb 15 pixels each.

If a max-width is set for an element, it will not grow larger than that even if
there is more space for it to absorb.

All of the previous properties we have learned are declared on flex containers,
or the parent elements. This property — flex-grow — is the first we have learned
that is declared on flex items.


Just as the flex-grow property proportionally stretches flex items, the flex-
shrink property can be used to specify which elements will shrink and in what

You may have noticed in earlier exercises that flex items shrank when the flex
container was too small, even though we had not declared the property. This is
because the default value of flex-shrink is 1. However, flex items do not grow
unless the flex-grow property is declared because the default value of flex-
grow is 0.

<div class='container'>
<div class='side'>
<h1>I'm on the side of the flex container!</h1>
<div class='center'>
<h1>I'm in the center of the flex container!</h1>
<div class='side'>
<h1>I'm on the other side of the flex container!</h1>

.container {
display: flex;

.side {
width: 100px;
flex-shrink: 1;

.center {
width: 100px;
flex-shrink: 2;

In the example above, the .center div will shrink twice as much as
the .side divs if the .container div is too small to fit the elements within it. If the
content is 60 pixels too large for the flex container that surrounds it, the .center div
will shrink by 30 pixels and the outer divs will shrink by 15 pixels each. Margins are
unaffected by flex-grow and flex-shrink.

Keep in mind, minimum and maximum widths will take precedence

over flex-grow and flex-shrink. As with flex-grow, flex-shrink will only be
employed if the parent container is too small or the browser is adjusted.


In the previous two exercises, the dimensions of the divs were determined by
heights and widths set with CSS. Another way of specifying the width of a flex item is
with the flex-basis property. flex-basis allows us to specify the width of an item
before it stretches or shrinks.
<div class='container'>
<div class='side'>
<h1>Left side!</h1>
<div class='center'>
<div class='side'>
<h1>Right side!</h1>

.container {
display: flex;

.side {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-basis: 100px;

.center {
flex-grow: 2;
flex-basis: 150px;

In the example above, the .side divs will be 100 pixels wide and
the .center div will be 150 pixels wide if the .container div has just the right
amount of space (350 pixels, plus a little extra for margins and borders). If
the .container div is larger, the .center div will absorb twice as much space as
the .side divs.

The same would hold true if we assigned flex-shrink values to the divs
above as well.


The shorthand flex property provides a convenient way for specifying how
elements stretch and shrink, while simplifying the CSS required. The flex property
allows you to declare flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis all in one line.

Note: The flex property is different from the flex value used for
the display property.

.big {
flex-grow: 2;
flex-shrink: 1;
flex-basis: 150px;

.small {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-shrink: 2;
flex-basis: 100px;

In the example above, all elements with class big will grow twice as much as
elements with class small. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean big items will be twice
as big as small items, they’ll just take up more of the extra space.

The CSS below declares these three properties in one line.

.big {
flex: 2 1 150px;

.small {
flex: 1 2 100px;

In the example above, we use the flex property to declare the values
for flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis (in that order) all in one line.

.big {
flex: 2 1;

In the example above, we use the flex property to declare flex-

grow and flex-shrink, but not flex-basis.

.small {
flex: 1 20px;

In the example above, we use the flex property to declare flex-

grow and flex-basis. Note that there is no way to set only flex-
shrink and flex-basis using 2 values.
The browser to the right has two flex containers, each with three flex items.
In style.css, examine the values for each of these items. Notice that the flex-
grow and flex-basis values are set for the blue divs.

Stretch the browser window to increase its width. Observe that once the top
outer divs reach 100 pixels wide, they begin to grow faster than the top center div.
Also notice that once the bottom center div reaches 100 pixels wide, it begins to
grow faster than the outer divs.

Now, shrink the browser window and notice that once the top
center div reaches 50 pixels wide it begins to shrink faster than the outer divs and
when the bottom outer divs reach 75 pixels, they begin to shrink faster than the
center div.


Sometimes, we don’t want our content to shrink to fit its container. Instead, we
might want flex items to move to the next line when necessary. This can be declared
with the flex-wrap property. The flex-wrap property can accept three values:

1. wrap — child elements of a flex container that don’t fit into a row will move
down to the next line
2. wrap-reverse — the same functionality as wrap, but the order of rows within
a flex container is reversed (for example, in a 2-row flexbox, the first row from
a wrap container will become the second in wrap-reverse and the second
row from the wrap container will become the first in wrap-reverse)
3. nowrap — prevents items from wrapping; this is the default value and is only
necessary to override a wrap value set by a different CSS rule.

<div class='container'>
<div class='item'>
<h1>We're going to wrap!</h1>
<div class='item'>
<h1>We're going to wrap!</h1>
<div class='item'>
<h1>We're going to wrap!</h1>

.container {
display: inline-flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
width: 250px;
.item {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;

In the example above, three flex items are contained by a parent flex
container. The flex container is only 250 pixels wide so the three 100 pixel wide flex
items cannot fit inline. The flex-wrap: wrap; setting causes the third, overflowing
item to appear on a new line, below the other two items.

Note: The flex-wrap property is declared on flex containers.


Now that elements can wrap to the next line, we might have multiple rows
of flex items within the same container. In a previous exercise, we used the align-
items property to space flex items from the top to the bottom of a flex
container. align-items is for aligning elements within a single row. If a flex
container has multiple rows of content, we can use align-content to space the
rows from top to bottom.

Below are some of the more commonly used align-content values:

 flex-start — all rows of elements will be positioned at the top of the parent
container with no extra space between.
 flex-end — all rows of elements will be positioned at the bottom of the
parent container with no extra space between.
 center — all rows of elements will be positioned at the center of the parent
element with no extra space between.
 space-between — all rows of elements will be spaced evenly from the top to
the bottom of the container with no space above the first or below the last.
 space-around — all rows of elements will be spaced evenly from the top to
the bottom of the container with the same amount of space at the top and
bottom and between each element.
 stretch — if a minimum height or no height is specified, the rows of
elements will stretch to fill the parent container from top to bottom (default

<div class='container'>
<div class='child'>
<div class='child'>
<div class='child'>
<div class='child'>

.container {
display: flex;
width: 400px;
height: 400px;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-content: space-around;

.child {
width: 150px;
height: 150px;

In the example above, there are four flex items inside of a flex container. The
flex items are set to be 150 pixels wide each, but the parent container is only 400
pixels wide. This means that no more than two elements can be displayed inline. The
other two elements will wrap to the next line and there will be two rows of divs inside
of the flex container. The align-content property is set to the value of space-
around, which means the two rows of divs will be evenly spaced from top to bottom
of the parent container with equal space before the first row and after the second,
with double space between the rows.

Note: The align-content property is declared on flex containers.


Up to this point, we’ve only covered flex items that stretch and shrink horizontally
and wrap vertically. As previously stated, flex containers have two axes: a main
axis and a cross axis. By default, the main axis is horizontal and the cross axis is

The main axis is used to position flex items with the following properties:

1. justify-content
2. flex-wrap
3. flex-grow
4. flex-shrink

The cross axis is used to position flex items with the following properties:

1. align-items
2. align-content

The main axis and cross axis are interchangeable. We can switch them using
the flex-direction property. If we add the flex-direction property and give it a
value of column, the flex items will be ordered vertically, not horizontally.

<div class='container'>
<div class='item'>
<div class='item'>
<div class='item'>
<div class='item'>
<div class="item">

.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
width: 1000px;
.item {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;

In the example above, the five divs will be positioned in a vertical column. All of
these divs could fit in one horizontal row. However, the column value tells the
browser to stack the divs one on top of the other. As explained above, properties
like justify-content will not behave the way they did in previous examples.

The flex-direction property can accept four values:

1. row — elements will be positioned from left to right across the parent element
starting from the top left corner (default).
2. row-reverse — elements will be positioned from right to left across the
parent element starting from the top right corner.
3. column — elements will be positioned from top to bottom of the parent
element starting from the top left corner.
4. column-reverse — elements will be positioned from the bottom to the top of
the parent element starting from the bottom left corner.

Note: The flex-direction property is declared on flex containers.


Like the shorthand flex property, the shorthand flex-flow property is used
to declare both the flex-wrap and flex-direction properties in one line.

.container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
flex-direction: column;

In the example above, we take two lines to accomplish what can be done with

.container {
display: flex;
flex-flow: column wrap;

In the example above, the first value in the flex-flow declaration is a flex-
direction value and the second is a flex-wrap value. All values for flex-
direction and flex-wrap are accepted.

Note: The flex-flow property is declared on flex containers.

Nested Flexboxes

So far, we’ve had multiple flex containers on the same page to explore flex
item positioning. It is also possible to position flex containers inside of one another.
<div class='container'>
<div class='left'>
<img class='small' src='#'/>
<img class='small' src='#'/>
<img class='small' src='#' />
<div class='right'>
<img class='large' src='#' />

.container {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;

.left {
display: inline-flex;
flex: 2 1 200px;
flex-direction: column;

.right {
display: inline-flex;
flex: 1 2 400px;
align-items: center;

.small {
height: 200px;
width: auto;

.large {
height: 600px;
width: auto;

In the example above, a div with three smaller images will display from top to
bottom on the left of the page (.left). There is also a div with one large image that
will display on the right side of the page (.right). The left div has a smaller flex-
basis but stretches to fill more extra space; the right div has a larger flex-
basis but stretches to fill less extra space. Both divs are flex items and flex
containers. The items have properties that dictate how they will be positioned in the
parent container and how their flex item children will be positioned in them.
We’ll use the same formatting above to layout the simple page to the right.

Review: Flexbox

You should be proud of yourself! You have learned the most important properties
of flexbox. Flexbox is an art and a science; you can use it to make laying out multiple
elements a piece of cake. You know everything necessary to begin using it in your
own projects.

1. display: flex changes an element to a block-level container with flex items

inside of it.
2. display: inline-flex allows multiple flex containers to appear inline with
each other.
3. justify-content is used to space items along the main axis.
4. align-items is used to space items along the cross axis.
5. flex-grow is used to specify how much space (and in what proportions) flex
items absorb along the main axis.
6. flex-shrink is used to specify how much flex items shrink and in what
proportions along the main axis.
7. flex-basis is used to specify the initial size of an element styled with flex-
grow and/or flex-shrink.
8. flex is used to specify flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis in one
9. flex-wrap specifies that elements should shift along the cross axis if the flex
container is not large enough.
10. align-content is used to space rows along the cross axis.
11. flex-direction is used to specify the main and cross axes.
12. flex-flow is used to specify flex-wrap and flex-direction in one
13. Flex containers can be nested inside of each other by declaring display:
flex or display: inline-flex for children of flex containers.

Let’s apply a few of the properties you’ve learned to arrange one section of the
web page in the browser to the right!

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