CSTP 1-6 Ruiz Martinez 040124

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gather additional data Uses data from a Uses data from Uses comprehensive
through data provided to learn about variety of formal and multiple measures to knowledge of students
by the school and/or individual students. informal sources to make adjustments to to make ongoing
assessments. 09/16/23 learn about students instruction and meet adjustments and
and guide selection of individual identified accommodations in
instructional strategies learning needs. instruction.
Using knowledge to meet diverse
of students to learning
engage them in Some students may needs.04/01/24 Students actively Students take
learning engage in learning Students engage in utilize a variety of ownership of their
using instructional single lessons or Students engage in instructional strategies learning by choosing
strategies focused on sequences of lessons learning through the and technologies in from a wide range of
the class as a whole. that include some use of adjustments in learning that ensure methods to further
adjustments based on instruction to meet equitable access to the their learning that are
assessments. 09/16/23 their needs.04/01/24 curriculum. responsive to their
learning needs.
I am learning about I use a lot of data from
students by having informal and formal
spontaneous assignments to learn
conversations with about my students.
them. I noticed that Throughout the
when I share things assessments I learned
about myself, a lot of about personal things
students can relate, of their lives,
and they start sharing themselves and their
facts about learning skills. After
themselves. learning about them
09/16/23 through this data, I
decided what
instructional strategies
I always make some meet my students'
modifications in the learning needs, and I
class by doing sitting started reading lessons
arrangements, and and assignments that
Evidence group and partner can cover their needs
activities. I also and meet the
provide dictionaries or classroom's goals and
viable sites where they expectations. I notice
can search for words that my students pay
that they do not know. more attention and
Furthermore, I provide understand the
them with a list of concepts better when I
vocabulary in Spanish adjust the lessons and
and English that they the assignments to
can use for each unit. their needs. I move
09/16/23 things around if I see
that my students are
lost on the warm-up
and I even reexplain or
reteach the lesson if it
is necessary. My
students engage more
in lessons that modify
and adjust to their
needs. 04/01/24
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, information about and family contacts to knowledge of students systematically uses
culture, backgrounds, students’ prior expand understanding and their communities extensive information
life experiences, and knowledge, cultural of students’ prior to inform instruction. regarding students’
interests represented backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
among students. experiences, and backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
interest to support experiences, and experiences, and
learning to
student learning. interests to connect to interests.
students’ prior
09/16/23 student
backgrounds, life
Some students connect Students are actively Students can articulate
experiences, and
learning activities to Students participate in Students make engaged in curriculum, the relevance and
their own lives. single lessons or connections between which relates their impact of lessons on
09/16/23 sequences of lessons curriculum, and their prior knowledge, their lives and society.
related to their prior knowledge, experiences, and
interests and backgrounds, life interests within and
experiences experiences, and across learning
interests.04/01/24 activities.
Students use their I always try to include I have been in contact
prior knowledge, their students' prior with my students
own experiences, or knowledge in all the family to understand
daily routines in all the activities and projects more about their
assignments especially that they have to background
where they have to complete in the class. I knowledge, life and
practice conjugating always do an example experiences to try to
verbs where they can where I include my make a connection
write sentences about experiences or with the students and
things that they do. interests so they can to help them in
09/16/23 see my example and different aspects in the
relate their activity to classroom to make
their own personal them succeed. After
interest or experiences. meetings, I can
09/16/23 connect the lessons
more to the students to
make it easier to
Evidence understand and easier
to connect to their
experiences and life. I
always try to use
assignments that
students can connect
to their background
knowledge to make it
more engaging and
more important for
them. I see that if the
assignment is
connected to them,
they focus on their
assignments without
complaining about the
work. 04/01/24
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life Explore using Integrates connections Integrates connections Engages student in
connections during additional real-life from subject matter to to meaningful, actively making
instruction as connections to subject meaningful, real-life real-life contexts in connections to
identified to the matter in single contexts, including planning subject relevant, meaningful,
curriculum. 09/16/23 lessons or sequence of those specific to matter instruction and and real-life contexts
lessons to support students’ family and is responsive during throughout subject
understanding. community.04/01/24 instruction to engage matter instruction.
Connecting students in relating to
subject matter to subject matter.
meaningful, Students routinely
real-life contexts Students make use of Students utilize Students actively integrate subject
Some students relate real-life connections real-life connections engage in making and matter into their own
subject matter to provided in single regularly to develop using real-life thinking and make
real-life. lessons or sequences understandings of connections to subject relevant applications
of lessons to support subject matter to extend their of subject matter
their understanding of matter.04/01/24 understanding. during learning
the subject matter. activities.
I always connect my Students put more All my lessons include
lessons to real-life effort into the real world context so
situations because I activities when they my students can see
notice that students notice that they can how and when they
get more engaged in use the information will use this content. I
the lessons and have a that they are learning noticed that when
better understanding in a real-life situation. students see that a
of the content of the 09/16/23 context connects to
lesson as well as they their daily life they
can remember it more show more interest in
easily. 09/16/23 learning it. I explained
the connection of the
class content to the
real life world when I
was explaining the
lesson goals. I also use
it because I noticed
that everything that I
relate to real-life
world is easier to
remember for
students. Students do
relate the content of
the lessons to subject
matter even when I
don't ask them to do it.
I feel that it is easier
for them to connect
those concepts to
things that they do
everyday or that they
see. They like to write
about them because
they know that it is
easier for them to
write or spark about
those things and they
know that their
classmates will
understand what they
are talking about more
clearly. 04/01/24

Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible
strategies, resources, instructional strategies including integrates a broad use of an extensive
and technologies as strategies, resources, culturally responsive range of strategies, repertoire of
provided by school and technologies in pedagogy, resources, resources, and strategies, resources,
and/or district. single lessons or and technologies technologies into and technologies to
09/16/23 sequence of lessons to during ongoing instruction designed to meet students’ diverse
Using a variety of
meet students’ diverse instruction to meet meet students’ diverse learning needs.
learning students’ diverse learning needs.
needs.04/01/24 learning needs.
resources, and
technologies to
Students participate in Students participate in Students actively Students take
meet students’
single lessons or instruction using engage in instruction responsibilities for
diverse learning
Some students sequence of lessons strategies, resources, and make use of a using a wide range of
participate in related to their and technologies variety of targeted strategies, resources,
instructional interests and matched to their strategies, resources, and technologies that
strategies, using experiences.04/01/24 learning needs. and technologies to successfully advance
resources and meet their individual their learning.
technologies provided. students needs.
I use different I am always exploring
instructional strategies different types of
and technology sites resources that help
to cover all the with my classroom
student's needs and try lessons. One of the
to encourage them to strategies that I have
be comfortable with been using daly and
other technology sites. that I continue
Also, sometimes I exploring with my
give the students students is Peardeck. I
different options to am still learning about
complete the how to use it in my
assignments and I tell class and I am doing it
them that they can use by exposing my
the technology site students to these new
with they feel more apps and together
comfortable. 09/16/23 figure out how they
work. I am always
exposing my students
to new technology
applications that help
their learning and that
they like. Students
most of the time
participate in lessons
or sequence of lessons
where they have to
share their experiences
and or they have to
share their interest. I
also know that they
like to complete
activities that are
related to things that
they do or that they
will be interested in
doing such as a
cooking project that I
assigned and they had
to bake their favorite
dessert. 04/01/24

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that Includes questions in Guide students to Supports students to Facilitates systematic
focus on factual single lessons or a think critically initiate critical opportunities for
knowledge and sequence of lessons through use of thinking through student to apply
comprehension.09/16/ that require students to questioning strategies, independently critical thinking by
23 recall, interpret, and posing/solving developing questions, designing structured
think problems, and posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically.04/01/24 reflection on issues in reflecting on multiple problems.
Promoting critical
content. perspectives.
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Students respond to Students pose Students pose and
solving, and
Some students varied questions or Students respond to problems and answer a wide-range
respond to questions tasks designed to questions and construct questions of of complex questions
regarding facts and promote problems posed by the their own to support and problems, reflect,
comprehension.09/16/ comprehension and teacher and begin to inquiries into content. and communicate
23 critical thinking in pose and solve understandings based
single lessons or a problems of their own on in depth analysis of
sequence of related to the content. content learning.
I always ask questions I like to challenge my
that focus on students and one way
comprehension of the of doing it is by
content of the lesson making them critically
before I introduce or about a topic that also
explain more deeply relates it to real-world
the content to the context. I make my
class. I noticed that students do reading,
some students do not comprehend the
answer those readings, ask them
questions and are just questions about the
a way for someone rearing and answer
else to respond and their questions and
listen to the answer. I later interpret reading
want to work on that and move it to critical
aspect because I want thinking where they
all the students to feel can connect those
free to share their readings to real-life
thoughts and answer situations that we face
the questions that I ask everyday. My students
the class. 09/16/23 respond very well
when I ask them
questions about my
lessons or assignments
that we complete in
class that require
comprehension and
understanding. I see
that my students can
answer questions
orally and written. I
noticed a big
difference between the
first semester of
school to the second
semester where they
are more exposed to
readings. 04/01/24
Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies Makes adjustments to
following curriculum instruction and adjustments to during instruction extend learning
guidelines. learning activities to instruction based on based on the ongoing opportunities and
support student observation of student monitoring of provide assistance to
understanding.09/16/2 engagement and individual student students in mastering
Monitoring 3 regular checks for needs for assistance, the concepts flexibly
student learning understanding.04/01/2 support, or challenge. and effectively.
and adjusting 4
instruction while Some students receive Students monitor their
teaching. individual assistance Students receive Students successfully Students are able to progress in learning
during assistance individually participate and stay articulate their level of and provide
instruction.09/16/23 or in small groups engaged in learning understanding and use information to teacher
during instruction. activities.04/01/24 teacher guidance to that informs
meet their needs adjustments in
during instruction. instruction.
I am always walking I am always I plan my lesson
around the classroom clarifying activities thinking on what is
and assisting in and giving them best for my students as
different ways with all examples of all the well as a lesson that
the students that I activities so they can covers the different
notice need more help. have an idea of how to needs of my students.
I help them complete the However, I am always
individually and assignments. I like to open to adjusting my
explain them in do all types of lesson last minute if I
different ways to make clarification before the see that my students
the content more students work on their are struggling and that
understandable for assignments but they need more time
them. 09/16/23 sometimes, I have to or more explanation
do it while they are on a concept of
working if someone vocabulary words. I
asks me to clarify also adjust my lessons
something that may be when I see that my
confusing for all the students know that
students. 09/16/23 contempt and that I
can move forward to
something harder than
that. I always do
clarifications and
quick checks with my
students before I move
faster or I need to
slow down the content
or exoking something
in a more basic and
simple way. All my
students participate in
my lessons and they
stay engaged in the
lessons and they
participate in a very
active way. I like that
my students volunteer
to participate and to
share to the whole
class things that
interest them or things
that are relevant to
their lives. 04/01/24

Standard 2 CSTP: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Element 2.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Models and Models fair and Reinforces positive, Develops shared Facilitates student
communicates respectful behavior. responsible, and responsibility with self- reflection and
expectations for fair Demonstrates respectful student students for resolving ongoing improvement
and respectful commitment to interactions. Assists conflict and creating of the caring
behavior to support fairness and respect in students to resolve and maintaining a community based on
social communications with conflicts. caring classroom respect, fairness, and
development.09-16-23 students about Incorporates cultural community. the value of all
language and behavior. awareness to develop a Supports students in members.
Promoting social Seeks to understand positive classroom taking leadership in
Development and cultural perceptions of climate. developing a caring
responsibility caring community that is
within a caring community.04/01/24 Students demonstrate responsive to the Students take
community where Some students share in efforts to be positive, diverse cultural norms leadership in resolving
each student is responsibility for the Students participate in accepting, and of identities of all conflict and creating a
treated fairly and classroom occasional community respectful of students. fair and respectful
respectfully. community.04/01/24 building activities, differences. 09-16-23 classroom community
designed to promote Students take where student’s home
caring, fairness, and responsibility culture is included and
respect. resolving conflicts and valued. Students
maintaining a caring communicate with
classroom community. empathy and
Students promote understanding in
respect and interactions with one
appreciation for another.
On the first day of Since the first day of Students share
class, I told the school I model respectful opinions
students what my fairness and respect to and demonstrate
expectations were for all my students. positive attitudes
the class and what I colleagues and toward classmates'
expected them to do everyone at school. I opinions and thoughts.
and behave in class respect my students 09-16-23
my main expectation and I communicate
was respect for with them fairly and
classmates, myself, respectfully no matter
and to the class in the circumstances. I
general as well as a always tell them to
positive attitude respect each other's
everyone's opinions likes, beliefs, culture,
and thoughts about the and traditions because
different topics that we we all deserved that
will learn throughout respect. I respect my
the school year. students in all aspects
09-16-23 and that is what I also
want my students to
My students share do. 04/01/24
their responsibility in
class by taking
ownership of their
behavior and by
respecting their
classmates as well as
respecting me all the
time. My students
signed a social
contract where they
sing that they will
behave in class and
that if they don't they
know what are the
consequences. My
students know that
they have to
participate in class and
they even volunteer to
share their answers or
things about them
depending on the
warm-up or activity of
the day. 04/01/24
Element 2.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Experiments with Develops physical Maintains physical Adapts physical and/or
importance of the and/or virtual learning environments that environments that environments flexibly
physical and/or virtual environments that reflect student reflect student to facilitate access to a
learning environments support student diversity and provide a diversity and provides wide range of
that support student learning.04/01/24 range of resources for a broad range of resources that engage
learning. 09-16-23 learning. resources, displays, students in learning.
and artifacts that are Ensures that
Is aware that Structures for Utilizes a variety of current and integral to environments enhance
structured interaction interaction are taught structures for instruction. learning and reflect
between students can in single lessons or interaction during diversity within and
Creating physical
support learning. sequence of lessons to learning activities that Integrates a variety of beyond the classroom.
or virtual
09-16-23 support student ensures a focus on and structures for
learning.04/01/24 completion of learning interaction that engage Selects from a
tasks. students constructively repertoire of structures
that promote
and productively in for interaction to
student learning,
learning. ensure accelerated
reflect diversity,
learning for the full
and encourage
Some students use range of students.
constructive and
available resources in Students use resources Students use a variety Students routinely use
learning environments provided in learning of resources in a range of resources in Students participate in
during instruction. environments and learning environments learning environments monitoring and
among students
09-16-23 interact with each and interact in ways that relate to and changing the design of
other to understand that deepen their enhance instruction learning environments
and complete learning understanding of the and reflect their and structures for
tasks in single lessons content and develop diversity. interactions.
or sequence of constructive social and Students share in
lessons.04/01/24 academic interactions. monitoring and
assessment of
interactions to
improve effectiveness
and develop a positive
culture for learning.
I always try to do I am using a lot of
physical movements to virtual learning
represent actions, applications where my
vocabulary, and students can practice
emotion so the the terms we are
students have a better covering in class. I
understanding of what also use a lot of
the words in the target physical movements to
language mean and represent actions,
they can remember vocabulary words and
easily. I also like to emotions. I see that
use a lot of support most of my students
which is images where like to use the online
the students can see resources to practice
the representation of what we learn in class
those words. I made because it is
the students interact interactive and they
with each other all the are computing with
time because I each other which
believed that students makes them excited.
could learn more if In each of my lessons,
they shared or asked I include an interaction
questions between activity where my
them as well as work students get to interact
with partners to with each other daily
support each other. and feel comfortable
Students use all the with everyone that is
resources that I in the classroom. I
provide to support always like to create
themselves throughout assignments that
the activities. 09-16-23 include a speaking part
where students have to
ask questions to each
other in Spanish and
they have to answer
each other in the target
language. They like to
interact with each
other because they feel
comfortable to go and
ask their friends
questions. They also
interact with each
other using zoom
where they have to
record themselves in a
conversation with each
other. 04/01/24
Element 2.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Adheres to policies Recognizes and Anticipates and Integrates support for Shares responsibility
and laws regarding addresses safety issues reduces risks to students to take risks with the students for
safety that are regarding materials, physical, intellectual, and offer respectful the establishment and
required by the site, student interactions, and emotional safety opinions about maintenance of a safe
district, and state. and the organization using multiple divergent viewpoints. physical, intellectual,
Responds to behaviors of the learning strategies that include and emotional
that impact student environments.04/01/2 examining biases in environment focused
safety as they arise. 4 the learning on high quality and
09-16-23 environment and Engages in reflection rigorous learning.
Establishing and
curriculum. on their own language
and behavior that
Explores strategies to Models and provides contributes to
environments that
establish intellectual instruction on skills intellectual and
are physically,
and emotional safety that develop resiliency emotional safety in the
intellectually, and
in the and support classroom.
emotionally safe
classroom.04/01/24 intellectual and Students demonstrate
emotional safety. resiliency in
Students are aware of Students develop and perseverance for
required safety Students follow practice resiliency academic
procedures and the teacher guidance Students take risks, skills and strategies to achievement.
school and classroom regarding potential offer opinions, and strive for academic Students maintain
rationale for safety issues for self share alternative achievement, and intellectual and
maintaining safety. or others.04/01/24 perspectives establish intellectual emotional safety for
09-16-23 and emotional safety themselves and others
in the classroom. in the classroom.
I told the students the Students know that the
safety policies to classroom needs to be
avoid an incident a safe place to be and
inside the classroom we all need to work
such as no running together to keep it as a
inside the class, no safe place. I explained
pushing each other, no to them what a safe
throwing items, etc. classroom is and what
Also, I told them that things they have to do
we have a safety to keep it safe. I told
emotional policy them that we need to
which is that we are respect everything and
all the same and that everyone to make the
inside the class we all classroom safe. When
have the same rights they run in class or
as well as I had told through things to each
them that my other, I ask them if
classroom is a safe what they are doing is
classroom where they safe and depending on
can share and ask for their answer, I ask
help if they need it. I them what they should
told them that I was do to make it safe. I
here for them and to am always building a
support them in safe interactive
anything. environment because I
Some students have am always telling
opened themselves up them to respect each
and shared with me other and talk with
when they have respect to each other
personal problems that so everyone feels safe
are making them feel to share about them
bad and I talk to them and things that are
to support them as related to the
well as give them the connected. As I
option to go to their mentioned, students
counselors for more follow my safety rules
support. 09/16/23 and they know how to
identify them. They
know what a safety
c;lassroom should like
and what they have to
do to make it happen.

Element 2.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Focuses the rigor of Strives for a rigorous Develops a rigorous Integrates rigor Facilitates a rigorous
the learning learning environment learning environment throughout the learning environment
environment on that includes accuracy, that includes accuracy, learning environment in which students take
accuracy of answers understanding, and the analysis, problem that values accuracy, leadership in learning.
and completion of importance of meeting solving, and analysis, and critical Fosters extended
learning tasks. targeted learning appropriate levels of reading, writing and studies, research,
Is aware of the goals.04/01/24 challenge. thinking. analysis and
importance of Holds high Integrates strategic purposeful use of
maintaining high Works to maintain expectations for scaffolds and learning.
Creating a
expectations for high expectations for students. Has an technologies Supports students to
rigorous learning
students. students while understanding of throughout instruction utilize an extensive
environment with
becoming aware of achievement patterns, that support the full repertoire of
high expectations
achievement patterns and uses scaffolds to range of learners in differentiated
and appropriate
for individuals and address achievement meeting high strategies to meet high
support for all
groups of gaps. expectations for expectations.
students.04/01/24 achievement.
Some students ask for Students engage in a Students take
teacher support to variety of Students actively use responsibility to fully
understand or Some individuals and differentiated supports supports and utilize teacher and
complete learning groups of students and challenges in challenges to complete peer support, to
tasks.09/16/23 work with the teacher ways that promote critical reading, achieve consistently
to support accuracy their accuracy, writing, higher order high levels of factual
and comprehension in analysis, and problem thinking, and problem and analytical
their learning.04/01/24 solving in learning. solving across subject learning.
I try to create my All my lessons focus
lessons and on my students'
explanation as simple learning needs so it
as possible for the can be easy to
students to have a understand everything
better understanding that we need to learn. I
of the content. I also use a lot of learning
show examples all the resources throughout
time or write things on my lesson to cover all
the board that will be my students' learning.
helpful for the My expectations are
student's t completely always high and I
understand the want my students to
concepts. I am always achieve those
establishing high expectations by
expectations or my guiding them and
students even though helping them get
sometimes students there. I set my
don’t see the students in groups of
importance of learning four or partners and I
a new language or try to include my
completing the students with more
assignments. All the struggles with my
time, I am pushing high achievement
them to do better and students so they can
show me something help each other. I am
more complex in their always pushing my
assignments. 09/16/23 students more and
more where they can
I have a few students show me that they can
in each class that I do more, such as start
have to re-explain the talking more in the
concept or the target language by
instructions of the saying simple words. I
activities because they work with a group of
haven’t gotten it or students. I sir some of
understand it my students in groups,
completely. I try my specially the ones that
best to explain it to need more help, and
them in different we work together on
words so they can missing assignments
have a better and even re-teaching a
understanding and can lesson that they don't
be able to complete understand. I also
the activities. 09/16/23 have some students
that volunteer to help
other students that
struggle in class.

Element 2.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes Develops expectations Uses multiple Integrates equitable Facilitates a positive
expectations, rules, with some student strategies including expectations, positive environment using
and consequences for involvement. culturally responsive supports, and systems that ensure
individual and group Communicates, instruction to develop consequences for students take an active
behavior. 09-16-23 models and explains and maintain high individual and group role in monitoring and
expectations for standards for behavior within and maintaining high
individual and group individual and group across learning standards for
behavior.04/01/24 behavior. activities. individual and group
Developing, behaviors.
communicating, Refers to standards for Reviews standards for Utilizes routine Guides and supports
and maintaining behavior and applies behavior with students references to standards students to self-assess,
high standards for consequences as in single lessons or for behavior prior and monitor, and set goals
individual and needed. 09-16-23 sequence of lessons in during individual and for individual and
group behavior anticipation of need group work. group behavior and
for participation.
4 Students follow Students respond to Students demonstrate
Students are aware of behavior expectations, individual and group positive behavior,
classroom rules and Students know accept consequences behaviors and consistent
consequences. expectations for and increase positive encourage and support participation and are
09-16-23 behavior and behaviors. each other to make valued for their unique
consequences and improvements. identities.
respond to guidance in

I explain the rules of I did a social contract

the classroom to the in my second semester
students on the first where students
day of school but participate to create a
every day, I remind poster with the rules
them about them, they need to follow in
especially cellphone class and with the
rules and cheating on expectations of the
quizzes. course. I see that
Students and parents students were
are aware of the encouraged because I
classroom rules and made them part of my
even sign out a paper decisions (writing the
to confirm that they rules of the
read the rules and the classroom). After we
consequences if they write the rules, I
break them. 09/16/23 communicate the rules
Evidence and expectations of
the class to all my
classes and even to
parents so they see
what it is expected
from students. I create
a slide where I review
the standards with the
students and how we
will be putting
everything together
little by little as well
as some changes that
might occur
depending on their
learning and progress.
My students know
what I expect from
their behavior and the
consequences if they
misbehave in class.
For consequences I
follow the guidelines
of the school so I am
fair with everyone and
all the classrooms
have the same
consequences so they
are familiar with them.

Element 2.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Establishes Develops routines, Maintains regular use Engages students in Facilitates student
procedures, routines procedures, and norms of routines and monitoring and participating in
or norms for single in single lessons or procedures that are reflecting on routines, developing,
lessons to support sequence of lessons culturally responsive procedures, and norms monitoring, and
student learning. with some student and engage students in in ways that are adjusting routines and
involvement.04/01/24 the development and culturally responsive. procedures focuses on
monitoring of norms. Maintains a quality maximizing learning.
learning climate that Classroom climate
builds on student integrates school
Seeks to promote Provides positive strengths. standards and
norms, and
positive behaviors and behavior supports. culturally relevant
supports for
Responds to disruptive responds to disruptive Responds Promotes positive norms.
positive behavior
behavior. behavior.04/01/24 appropriately to behaviors and
to ensure a climate
behaviors in ways that consistently prevents Promotes positive
in which all
lessen disruptions to or refocuses behaviors behaviors and
students can learn
the learning climate. disruptive to the establishes
Students participate in learning climate. preventions and a
routines, procedures, positive classroom
and norms and receive climate that eliminate
reinforcement for most disruptive
Students are aware of Students receive positive behaviors. behavior.
procedures, routines, correction for Students are involved
and classroom norms. behavior that Students receive in assessment and
interferes with timely and effective monitoring of
learning, and positive feedback and routines, procedures, Students share
reinforcement in consequences for and norms in ways responsibility with
following routines, behaviors that that improve the teacher for managing
procedures, and interfere with learning climate. and maintaining a
norms.04/01/24 learning. positive classroom
climate that promotes
I establish a classroom I establish a routine so
routine, so the my students are
students get used to familiar with the
the same structure of routine of the
the class. Also, they classroom and with
know what they have how the classroom
to do for each of the works. They are also
activities that we familiar with the
cover in the lesson slides and how the
such as warm-ups. lessons or sequence of
I always respond to lessons are created in
disruptive behavior by my classroom as well
reminding them of the as where to find them.
rules and norms of the I involved them in the
Evidence classroom. creation of those
Students are aware of routines by adding fun
the norms and routines stuff for each of them.
of the classroom. I alay promote
09/16/23 positive behavior by
making my students
respect each other, the
classroom and myself.
I also take action on
students' misbehavior
or disruption by
making them go
outside and talk
individually with
them. I positively
reinforced the
behavior of my
students until I created
a completely positive
classroom where
everyone has equal
opportunities for
learning without any
interruption of
incidents that might
affect them. After I
talk with the students I
start seeing a more
positive behavior and
a better following of
routines and norms in
the class. 04/01/24

Element 2.7 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Paces instruction Paces instruction with Paces instruction with Paces instruction to Paces, adjusts, and
based on curriculum some consideration of students to provide include ongoing fluidly facilitates
guidelines. lesson type, adequate time for assessment of student instruction and daily
Develops awareness adjustments for instruction, checking learning. Supports activities.
of how transitions and sufficient student for understanding, students in the
classroom work time and completion of monitoring of
Using management impact transitions to optimize learning activities and instructional time.
instructional time pacing and lessons. learning.04/01/24 closure.
to optimize Students use their
learning Some students Students participate instructional time to Students monitor their
complete learning Students complete in and complete a engage in and complete own time, are engaged
activities in time learning activities and, variety of learning learning activities and in accomplishing
allotted. as needed, may activities in the time are prepared for the learning goals, and
receive some allotted with options next sequence of participate in
adjustments of time for extension and instruction. reflection,
allotted for tasks or review. self-assessment, and
expectations for goal setting.

I am aware of how I always plan lessons

bad classroom thinking about what
management impacts my students know and
pacing and lessons how they process
because I know that if information. I always
I spend more time consider the
trying to make the adjustment of my
students pay attention, lessons and I always
I will be behind in the think about the time
lesson pacing. I think I that will take my
don’t have a problem students to understand
with classroom those concepts and put
management, so I try them into practice. I
my best to give the don't give homework
students half of the to my students. They
class to work on have to complete the
activities and assignments in class. I
assignments. assigned an activity
Most of the students and it might be that
complete their my expectation is that
activities in class time. they finish completing
09/16/23 the assignment by the
end of class and I
might see that they
need more time so if
that is the case I let
them know towards
the end of the class
that I will give them
more time the next
day of class. I adjust
my assignments of
what my students need
and how they do in
class time. 04/01/24
CSTP 3: Understanding and Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a foundational Examines concepts in Understands and Uses broad knowledge Uses extensive
knowledge of subject subject matter and explains the of inter-relationships knowledge of subject
matter, related academic language to relationship between of concepts, academic matter concepts,
3.1 Demonstrating academic language, identify connections essential subject content standards, and current issues,
knowledge of and academic content between academic matter concepts, academic language in academic language,
subject matter standards. content standards and academic language, ways that ensure clear and research to make
academic content 09-16-23 instruction.04/01/24 and academic content connections and relevant connections
standards standards. relevance to students. to standards during
instruction and extend
student learning.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I start teaching based I have been examining
on students' the concepts that I
fundamental have to teach and the
knowledge of the way that I feel is better
subject. Before I start to teach it. I saw the
explaining something, curriculum and the
I ask questions to the first quarter, I started
students to see how teaching it as it was
much they know about written down, but in
the content, and from the second quarter, I
there, I start noticed that I can
explaining and connect those concepts
preparing my and move them around
sequence of lessons. If to teach them in a
the students do not sequence so that my
have a fundamental students have a better
knowledge of the understanding of them.
subject, I start from I also connect those to
Evidence scratch and I build a the standards and my
base of the subject learning goals as well
content in order for as the expectations of
them to understand all the course. I start
the content I will teaching these subjects
explain and the from the lower level to
following concepts. create a fundamental
09-16-23 base and then I start
moving from it. I
connect the grammar
cointext and the
vocabulary. I even ask
my students if they
notice something and
they see how
everything connects
and how that makes it
easier for them. I am
always reading books
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
or documents that help
me find an easier way
to teach a concept
before I introduce it to
my students and that
they can be able to
understand from the
beginning of the
lesson. 04/01/24

Has basic knowledge Expands knowledge of Adapts instruction in Integrates knowledge Utilizes
of student stages of student development response to knowledge of range of students comprehensive
development while and implements of student development into knowledge of students
becoming aware of learning activities in development and instructional decisions to guide all students to
differences in single lessons or proficiencies to meet to ensure student develop proficiencies,
students’ sequence of lessons students’ diverse understanding of the understand subject
understanding of that addresses learning needs. subject matter matter including
subject matter. students’ proficiencies Ensures understanding including related related academic
09-16-23 and supports of subject matter academic language. language.
Teaches understanding of including related
3.2 Applying
subject-specific subject matter academic language. Provides explicit Engages student at all
knowledge of
vocabulary following including related teaching of specific levels of vocabulary,
curriculum guidelines. academic Provides explicit academic language, academic language,
development and
09-16-23 language.04/01/24 teaching of essential text structures, and proficiencies in
proficiencies to
vocabulary, idioms, grammatical, and self-directed goal
ensure student
Provides explicit key words with stylistic language setting, monitoring,
understanding of
teaching of essential multiple meanings, features to ensure and improvement.
subject matter
content vocabulary and academic equitable access to Guides all students in
and associated language in ways that subject matter using analysis
academic language in engage students in understanding for the strategies that
single lessons or accessing subject range of student provides equitable
sequence of lessons. matter text or learning language levels and access and deep
Explains academic activities. 04/01/24 abilities. understanding of
language, formats, and subject matter.
vocabulary to support
student access to
subject matter when
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
confusions are

I am learning about I explain the academic I decided to introduce

my student’s language and formats different types of
differences in of each activity to the vocabulary words for
understanding of the students to support my students that can
subject matter. I them and avoid help them understand
noticed which students confusion or lack of the concepts better and
needed extra support understanding. that can be easier for
or more explanation in Students respond them to use on a daily
order to understand the positively when I give basis. I use simple
subject. I provide them the vocabulary vocabulary and I also
vocabulary words for needed for each use more complex
the student to make activity. vocabulary that relates
their understanding of 09-16-23 it to things that they do
the lesson easier. every day or often. I
09-16-23 I started creating a also include different
sequence of lessons types of key words
Evidence from each topic for my and to help students
students to help them build sentences and to
and support them in a be able to help them
better way. The speak. I create
lessons I started different types of
creating cover activities with the
different students' vocabulary words that
needs such as word students engage and
coding, sentence learn in a fun way and
starters, visuals and that also motivates
examples. I decided to them to learn.
include these things in 04/01/24
my lessons because I
know that this can
help different students
to have a better
understanding of the
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
lesson and activities
within the lessons. My
sequence of lessons
are connected to each
other. Students see
how everything
connects and dont feel
lost or that they have
to learn something
totally different than
what they just learned.
My lessons are very
simple as well so they
are very
understandable and
easy to follow to
support my students'
understanding and
learning throughout
the school year.

Follows organization Examines organization Uses knowledge of Integrates knowledge Uses extensive
of curriculum as of curriculum and curriculum and student of curriculum and knowledge of
provided by site and considers adjustments readiness to organize resources to organize curriculum and related
district to support in single lessons or and adjust the and adjust instruction resources to flexibly
student understanding sequence of lessons to curriculum to ensure within and across and effectively
3.3 Organizing
of the subject matter. support understanding student subject matter to organize and adjust
curriculum to
of subject understanding.04/01/2 extend student instruction.
facilitate student
matter.09/16/23 4 understanding.
understanding of
Ensures student
the subject matter
comprehension and
facilitates student
articulation about
what they do and do
not understand.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I always try to go by I used to prepare my
the curriculum but if I classes following the
think that if I feel that curriculum. However,
if I make some I see that it would
adjustments to the work better if I
curriculum students adjusted the
will be able to have a curriculum to make it
better understanding easier for my students.
of the subject matter, I I made the changes
will do it because I because I want to
want to facilitate facilitate student’s
students' learning. For learning and make
example, in Spanish, them see the
we have two ways to connection to
express the verb is, in everything that they
the curriculum, only learned in class. As a
talk about one this Spanish speaker, I feel
semester and the that I know how to
second one in the connect concepts to
second semester, so I make the learning of
decided to incorporate my students more
both at the same time smooth and more
to make it easier for simple to learn and put
the students and to it together in their
teach them the work. I am continuing
different uses. to make adjustments
09/16/23 based on how my
students do in each
concept and how they
put things together.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Gathers and uses Selects and adapts a Integrates instructional Uses an extensive
strategies that are additional instructional variety of instructional strategies appropriate repertoire of
provided in the strategies in single strategies to ensure to subject matter to instructional strategies
curriculum. lessons or sequence of student understanding meet students’ diverse to develop
3.4 Utilizing
lessons to increase of academic language learning, to ensure enthusiasm,
student understanding appropriate to subject student understanding meta-cognitive
strategies that are
of academic language matter and that of academic language, abilities, and support
appropriate to the
appropriate to subject addresses students’ and guide students in and challenge the full
subject matter
matter.09/16/23 diverse learning needs. understanding range of students
04/01/24 connections within towards a deep
and across subject knowledge of subject
matter. matter.
I always try to use I always use different
additional instructional types of strategies for
strategies to increase each of the concepts
students' that I need to cover
understanding of the with my students to
language. I like to use support them in
different strategies different areas. I am
other than the ones always looking for
provided by the strategies that are
curriculum because I actualized because it
want students to learn can relate more to my
in different ways and students nowadays. I
Evidence be able to use their never use the
knowledge in real-life assignments from the
situations. 09/16/23 book because I see
that the book only
covers the writing
standard but it doesn't
include the
reading and speaking.
I am always looking
for activities that can
cover the different
standards and that can
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
help my students in all
ways as well as
activities that I can
edit so I can scaffold
them for my students
that need more help.

Uses available Explores additional Selects, adapts, and Integrates a wide Engages students in
instructional materials, instructional materials, utilizes appropriate range of adapted identifying and
resources, and resources, and instructional materials, resources, adapting resources,
technologies for technologies to make resources, and technologies, and technologies, and
specific lessons to subject matter technologies for instructional materials standards-aligned
make subject matter accessible to students. concept and skill to meet identified instructional materials
3.5 Using and
accessible to students. 09/16/23 development in student needs and to extend student
subject matter. make subject matter understanding and
Identifies Explores how to make Resources reflect the accessible to students. critical thinking about
technologies, and
technological resource technological diversity of the subject matter.
needs. resources available to classroom and support Assists student with
all students. 09/16/23 differentiated learning equitable access to Ensures that student
of subject matter. materials, resources, are able to obtain
including adopted
04/01/24 and technologies. equitable access to a
materials, to make
Seeks outside wide range of
subject matter
Guides students to use resources and support. technologies through
accessible to all
available print, ongoing links to
electronic, and online outside resources and
subject matter support.
resources based on
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am always looking I am always adapting
for different my activities that I
technology apps that create or the ones that
students can use and my colleagues share
get familiarized with with me for my
in the classroom and students. I am always
in different activities using different types
so they can get to use of resources online as
different sites. If the well as on paper to
technology resource cover the different
not covered by the learning processes of
school, I don’t mind to my students and also
pay for it because I to cover the diversity
know it will be useful of my students. I
in the class and always try to use
students would like to material that includes
use it to complete their different diversity and
assignments. 09/16/23 different opinions so
Evidence my students can relate
to that and see that we
can learn from each
other. The technology
applications that I use
are not that diverse but
in the way that I use
them they are because
I use them for my
students to express
different things about
themselves and
everything that
surrounds them. I am
still learning more
about new apps that I
can use in the class as
well as assignments.
Most of the time, I
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
post everything
electronically, but if a
student asks me to
print it out for them
because they prefer to
complete the
assignments on paper,
I print it out for them.
I have been teaching
some of my students
that struggle to turn in
assignments online
how to do it so they
get used to it and to
help them to be able to
turn in their
assignments in all their
classes as well.

Is aware of students’ Seeks additional Identifies language Integrates knowledge Engages English
primary language and information describing proficiencies and of English language learners in assessment
English language elements of culture English learner development, English of their progress in
proficiencies based on and language strengths in the study learners’ strengths and English language
available assessment proficiencies in of language and assessed needs into development and in
3.6 Addressing the
data.09/16/23 listening, speaking, content. Differentiated English language and meeting content
needs of English
reading, and writing. instruction using one content instruction. standards. Supports
learners and
Uses multiple or more components students to establish
student with
measures for assessing of English language and monitor language
special needs to
English learners’ development to and content goals.
provide equitable
performance to support English Develops and adapts
access to the
Provides adapted identify gaps in learners. instruction to provide
materials to help English language a wide range of Is resourceful and
English learners development.04/01/24 Creates and scaffolded support for flexible in the design,
access implements scaffolds language and content adjustment, and
content.09/16/23 Attempts to scaffold to support for the range of elimination of
content using visuals, standards-based English learners. scaffolds based on
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
models, and graphic instruction using English learners’
organizers.04/01/24 literacy strategies, proficiencies,
SDAIE, and content knowledge, and skills
level English language in the content.
development in order
for students to
improve language
proficiencies and
understand content.
At the moment I only I only have two
have two students that students that are
are English learners, English learners. I
and their primary thought at the begging
language is Spanish of the year that they
which is easier for me will do good in my
because they know all class because their
the content in Spanish. primary language is
09-16-23 Spanish but as we
I am aware that if I moved forward in the
had another student semester, I noticed that
whose primary they weren't doing
language is different well in my class and
from Spanish, I would one of them didn't
provide them with all show up to the class so
the resources to make I start asking for more
him/ her succeed in information about that
my class. 09/16/23 students to see what
was happening with
him and why he didn’t
show up. I use a lot of
visuals and scaffolding
for my students that
are non-native and
have never been in
touch with the
language. I provide
them a lot of resources
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
to make it easier to
understand the
language and I see that
most of them are
doing so much better
than first semester.

Has an awareness of Seeks additional Utilizes information Integrates Guides and support
the full range of information on the full on the full range of accommodations, the full range of
students identified range of students students identified adaptations, and student with special
with special needs identified with special with special needs to extensions to needs to actively
through data provided needs to address assess strengths and instruction for the full engage in the
by the school. challenges or supports competencies to range of students with assessment and
09-16-23 in single lessons or provide appropriate special needs to ensure monitor their own
sequence of challenge and adequate support and strengths, learning
lessons.04/01/24 accommodations in challenge. needs, and
instruction. achievement in
Communicates and accessing content.
3.6 Addressing the Attends required Cooperates with Communicates collaborates with
needs of English meeting with resource resource personnel, regularly with colleagues, support Communicates and
learners and personnel and para-educators, and resource personnel, staff, and families to collaborates with
student with special families. families during para-educators, and ensure consistent resource personnel,
needs to provide meetings and activities families to ensure that instruction. Supports para-educators,
equitable access to in support of learning student services are families in positive families, leadership,
the content plans and provided and progress engagement with and students in
goals.04/01/24 is made in accessing school. creating a coordinated
appropriate content. program to optimize
Initiates and monitors success of the full
Learn about referral Refers students as referral processes and range of students with
processes for students needed in a timely and follow-up meeting to special needs.
with special needs. Seeks additional appropriate manner ensure that students
09-16-23 information on supported with receive support and/or Takes leadership at the
struggling learners and documented data over extended learning that site/district and
advanced learners to time, including is integrated into the collaborates with
determine interventions tried core curriculum. resource personnel to
previous to referral. ensure the smooth and
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
appropriateness for effective
referral. 04/01/24 implementations of
referral processes.
I am aware of the I am aware of my
students who identify students IEP’s and
with special needs 504’s as well as the
through data provided accommodations that I
by school and for the need to have for those
same students that students in my
come to me and share classroom as well as
they’re with me. I am scaffold my lessons
working with them for them if it is
based on what they necessary. I have been
say to cover all their attending 504’s and
needs and provide the IEP’s meetings where
necessary I had met the
accommodation to administrations,
make them succeed in counselors, and other
my classroom. teachers to review the
Evidence 09-16-23 accommodations and
discuss students'
learning progress in
our classes as well as
ways that parents and I
can help the student. I
am always looking for
information from
parents and other
teachers and
administration to help
the students that
struggle in class and
all my students with
accommodations to
make them succeed in
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
my classroom.

CSTP 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for All Students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans daily lessons Plans single lessons or Plans differentiated Plans differentiated Plans differentiated
using available sequence of lessons instruction based on instruction, which is instruction that
curriculum and using additional knowledge of based on broad provides systematic
information from assessment students’ academic knowledge of students. opportunities for
district and state information on student readiness, academic Matches resources and supporting and
4.1 Using
required assessments. academic readiness, language, diverse specific strategies to extending student
knowledge of
09/16/23 language, cultural cultural backgrounds, students’ diverse learning based on
background, and and individual learning needs and comprehensive
individual cognitive, social, cultural backgrounds. information on
development. 03/14/24 emotional, and students.
physical development
to meet their
individual needs. Planning addresses
background, and
bias, stereotyping, and
Is aware of impact of Becomes aware of Examines potential assumptions about Engages students in
development to
bias on potential areas of bias sources of bias and cultures and members the analysis of bias,
plan instruction.
learning.09/16/23 and seeks to learn stereotyping when of cultures. stereotyping, and
about culturally planning lessons. Uses assumptions.
responsive pedagogy. culturally responsive
03/14/24 pedagogy in planning.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I do my lesson plans Now that we are in the
based on the second semester and
curriculum and that I know more
cultural background as information about my
well as cultural events. students, I strat
I try to follow the planning based on
curriculum that their background
focuses primarily on knowledge as well as
grammar but at the using their culture. I
same time, I include create units and
culture because I assignments that are
believe that culture related to themselves
and grammar are and I embed the
equally important grammar components
when learning a from the curriculum in
second language. the lesson. I do follow
09/16/23 the curriculum based
Evidence on the grammar my
students need to learn
but I don't use the
book. Instead, I search
for resources that are
more updated and that
can relate the
background of my
students and from
there I see what
grammar context I can
use and teach it. Once
I found the resources
and everything, I
started planning a
sequence of lessons
where my students can
relate. 03/14/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Communicates Establishes and shares Establishes and Establishes and Establishes and
learning objectives for learning goals for skill communicates to articulates learning articulates
a single lesson to development with students clear learning goals to students that comprehensive
4.2 Establishing students based on students in single goals for content that integrate content short-term and
and articulating content standards and lessons and sequence are accessible, standards with long-term learning
goals for student available curriculum. of lessons. 09/16/23 challenging, and students’ strengths, goals for students.
learning differentiated to interests, and learning Assists students to
address students’ needs. articulate and monitor
diverse learning needs. learning goals.
I create learning goals I am creating long and
for every day, and I short term goals for
ask different students my students. I create a
to read them for the long term goal which
whole class. After they is the unit goal for my
read the goals, I students so from the
explain the goal for beginning of the unit
them and my they start thinking
expectations for the about the outcome of
students to approach the whole unit.
the goal. 09/16/23 Students get more
encouraged when they
know the goals of the
Evidence unit. I also create short
term goals which are
the goals of everyday
life so I address
different students'
learning and I help
them complete the
main goal which is the
unit goal. 03/14/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available Begins to plan Establishes short- and Refines sequence of Utilizes extensive
curriculum for daily, curriculum units that long-term curriculum long-term plans to knowledge of
short- and long-term include a series of plans for subject reflect integrations of curriculum, content
4.3 Developing
plans. 09/16/23 connected lessons and matter concepts and curriculum guidelines, standards, and assess
and sequencing
are linked to long-term essential related frameworks, and learning needs to
long-term and
planning to support academic language assessed instructional design cohesive and
student learning. and formats that needs to ensure comprehensive long-
instructional plans
03/14/24 support student student learning. and short-term
to support student
learning. instructional plans that
ensure high levels of
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am following the I started planning
curriculum that the curriculum units for
department gave me my second semester.
because we want to This unit has a
teach the students the sequence of lessons
same content at the that are linked to each
same time so if other so students feel
students move more comfortable
between classes, they when we change the
learn the same content. topic and they can
09/16/23 relate it to what they
already learn and what
they will be learning. I
Evidence decided to move some
things around the
curriculum to connect
my lessons and
grammar context to
make it easier for
students to learn it.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Plans instruction that Selects strategies for Incorporates Plans instruction using Plans instruction
incorporates strategies single lessons or differentiated a wide range of incorporating a
suggested by sequence of lessons instructional strategies strategies to address repertoire of strategies
curriculum guidelines. that respond to into ongoing planning learning styles and specifically meet
09/16/23 students’ diverse that addresses meet students’ students’ diverse
learning needs. culturally responsive assessed language and language and learning
4.4 Planning 03/14/24 pedagogy, students’ learning needs. needs and styles to
instruction that diverse language, and Provides appropriate advance learning for
incorporates learning needs and support and challenges all.
appropriate Is aware of student styles. for students.
strategies to meet content, learning, and Seeks to learn about Facilitates
the learning needs language needs students’ diverse Uses assessments of Integrates results from opportunities for
of all students through data provided learning and language students’ learning and a broad range of students to reflect on
by the site and district. needs beyond basic language needs to assessments into their learning and the
09/16/23 data.03/14/24 inform planning planning to meet impact of instructional
differentiated students’ diverse strategies to meet their
instruction. learning and language learning and language
needs. needs.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I plan instructions that I plan instructions that
incorporate strategies incorporate strategies
suggested by the book suggested by the
or by my colleagues. I principal to
am aware of students' incorporate more
needs because of the speaking in my class
data provided by the that is something that
school and also by is not included in the
what they have told book or the
me. Some of them, curriculum. This
depending on what we second semester, I am
are working on, are more aware of the
honest and have told learning needs of each
me that they do not student based on the
know some of the staff half year that we have
to complete the been together and by
activities, so I explain the data I had
it to them. I am collected in the
Evidence planning on previous semester.
integrating new Based on this data. I
strategies different have been creating
than the ones that are lessons or sequences
written down in the of lessons that respond
curriculum. 09/16/23 to my students' diverse
learning by creating
assignments where I
give them the option
to choose how they
want to do it, what
materials that they
want to use as long as
they include the
information I am
asking for. I am
always looking for
different resources and
activities to scaffold
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
my lessons and all my
students get the
opportunity to show
me that they learn the
content in different
ways. 03/14/24

Implements lessons Begins to adapt plans Makes adjustments Makes ongoing Anticipates and plans
and uses materials and materials in single and adaptations to adjustments to for a wide range of
from the curriculum lessons or sequences differentiate instructional plans and adaptations to lessons
provided. of lessons to address instructional plans. uses a variety of based on in depth
4.5 Adapting
students’ learning Uses culturally materials as the analysis of individual
instructional plans
needs.03/14/24 responsive pedagogy instructional needs student needs.
and curricular
and additional arise to support
materials to meet
materials to support student learning. Engages with students
the assessed
students’ diverse to identify types of
learning needs of
learning needs. adjustments in
all students.
instruction that best
meet their learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I use the material I am using different
provided by the books, types of materials asn
but I am trying to look apps that can help my
for more material that students succeed in
is not included but that class and that make it
I think can be easier for them to
beneficial for the understand the topics.
students as well and I am also using
can be different and different types of
can engage them more reading that are related
in the lesson. I want to to the students' life
assign different because I feel that that
activities that I can will help them get
find in outside more of the context
resources that are that we are covered by
educationally seeing it in real
approved. 019/16/23 context. I am adapting
more resources that
benefit my students
and that can help me
with comprehension
input and target
language to help the
students feel more
comfortable speaking
and communicating in
the target language. I
looked for different
resources for my
lessons and I
connected them to the
sequence of lessons
that I will cover in
every unit. 03/14/24

CSTP 5: Assessing Students for Learning

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the Explores the use of Decides on the Develops and adapts Demonstrates
purposes and different types of purpose for the range of purposeful use of a
characteristics of pre-assessment, assessment and skills appropriate wide range of
formative and formative and to be assessed to select assessments to address assessments to support
summative summative appropriately matched questions about differentiated student
5.1 Applying assessments. 09/16/23 assessments. 03/20/24 pre-, formative and students’ learning learning needs and
knowledge of the summative needs and progress. reflect progress.
purposes, Begins to identify assessments.
characteristics, and specific characteristics Integrates a variety of Draws flexibility from
uses of different of assessments that Selects assessments characteristics into a repertoire of
types of assessments yield different types of based on clear assessments to allow appropriate
information about understanding of the students with a ranges assessment options
student preparedness, purposes and of learning needs to and characteristics to
progress, and characteristics of demonstrate what they maximize student
proficiency.03/20/24 assessments to support know. demonstration of
student learning. knowledge.
I am aware of the I had been using
importance of different types of
formative and formative and
summative summative
assessments. I always pre-assessments in my
try to do formative class for each of the
assessments which is a topics to collect data
warm-up every day at from each of the
the beginning of the students before I
class to see what my introduce a new topic.
Evidence students remember of My formative
the data after or to see assessments are my
how much they know warm-ups and this is
about the consent that one type of
I will introduce after assessment that gives
the warmup. My me different
warm-ups are super information about my
basic, and they have to students and from
write them on a piece these warm-ups I
of paper. I want to try collect information
something different, from where and how
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
but I need to see what to start teaching my
works for my classes. new topic. Students
For summative also complete a lot of
assessments, students summative
complete an activity assessments after I
every day that they introduce the topic to
have to turn in by the make sure my students
end of the week where understand the topic
they need to show and can show me in
what they have different ways that
learned on those days. they understand before
I go over them, and if I introduce a big
I see that they need project at the end of
more time to continue the unit or give them
practicing and an unit exam. Some
learning them, I formative assessments
extend my lessons a that I use in my
little longer. 09/16/23 classroom are
worksheets that my
students complete
each day, especially at
the beginning of the
introduction of the
topic. Once I see that
students understand
the topic, I move on
with reading and
activities from the
topic. After I assign
listening and
activities and small
assessments. I finish
the unit with a big
project followed by an
exam related to the
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
topic. Before I assign
the big project or unit
exam, I collect data
from the preview
assessments to make
sure students
understand the context
of the topic before I
assign anything big
where they can show
me their learning.

Use data from Explores collecting Collects a variety of Designs and integrates Infuses assessments
required assessments additional data using formal and informal an assessment plan strategically and
to assess student supplemental assessment data on that provides formal systematically
learning. 09/16/23 assessments.03/20/24 student learning. and informal throughout instruction
assessment data on to collect ongoing
Follows required Make adjustments in Uses analysis of a student learning. assessment data
5.2 Collecting and
processes for data planning for single variety of data to appropriate for the
analyzing assessment
analysis and draws lessons or sequence of inform planning and Uses data analysis of a range of learner needs.
data from a variety
conclusions about lessons based on differentiation of broad range of
of sources to inform
student learning. analysis of assessment instruction. assessments to provide Uses results of
09/16/23 data.03/20/24 comprehensive ongoing data analysis
information to guide to plan and
planning and differentiate
differentiation of instruction for
instruction. maximum academic
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
When students turn in I am using a lot of
their assignments, I resources to collect
read them, and collect data from my students.
data. If I see that A lot of this data are
students need more formative and
practice and need summative
more time to assessments that I
completely understand assigned in different
the contest, I plan for ways and that I
the following week analyze and see where
and I try to look for my students need
more strategies that more help. One of my
are more for the resources are
students and that help worksheets that I
them to do better in made my students
the class. I collect that complete and turn it
date also, to see what in. After they turn it
students need more in, I go over to them
Evidence help in class. From the so they can see if they
data, I can see what did it wrong, where
students individually they made the mistake
need. I start assisting and why they got it as
and checking on them. well as how they can
09/16/23 fix it. Also, I started
using Edpuzzles as
another summative
assessment where I
can get data about my
students' learning. I
looked for Edpuzzles
related to the context
we are covering and I
made them complete it
and I went over their
responses to see how
my students did.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Reviews and monitors Facilitates
available assessment additional assessment a variety of data on a broad range of data collaborative work
5.3 Reviewing data,
data as required by data individually and student learning individually and with and fosters colleagues
both individually
site and district with colleagues and individually and with colleagues to analyze ability to identify and
and with colleagues,
processes. 09/16/23 identifies learning colleagues to identify student thinking and address causes for
to monitor student
needs of individual trends and patterns identify underlying achievement patterns
students.03/20/24 among groups of causes for trends. and trends.
When I notice that a After reading and
student did not going over different
complete the whole types of assessments, I
activity or if they noticed that I have
write in a private different students that
comment that they did need more help or that
not understand if they I need to do more
need extra help. I scaffolding in class for
check if they have a them to understand the
504 case or anything concepts and do better
else that can be the on any assessments. I
reason why they accommodate my
couldn’t complete the assignments for
activity. If they do not students that have
have a 504, I search 504´s by assigning the
for more ways to help same assessments as
them or sometimes I other students but less
call my mentor questions or less
teacher for my requirements so they
credential program to don't feel pressured or
give me advice and overwhelmed but that
ideas about what I can they can show me that
do better to help those they have learned the
students. 09/16/23 concept. Also,
students that need
more help, I made
them sit in a group
and I met with them to
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
re-explain to them the
activity and how to
complete it. I spend
more time with them
and I make sure that
they are understanding
the assignments. I also
talked a lot about
accommodation with
my mentor teacher to
help my students.
Uses data from Uses data from Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Reflects on data
assessments provided available assessments assessment data to set data to set learning continuously to make
by site and district to to establish student learning goals goals for content and ongoing refinements
set learning goals for content-based learning for content and academic language to learning goals for
the class. 09/16/23 goals for class and academic language. that are integrated content and academic
individual students in across content language for the fill
single lessons or standards for range of students.
5.4 Using assessment
Plans instruction using sequences of Plans differentiated individuals and
data to establish
available curriculum lessons.03/20/24 lessons and groups. Uses data
learning goals and to
guidelines.09/16/23 modifications to systematically to
plan, differentiate,
Plans adjustments in instruction to meet Plans differentiated refine planning,
and modify
instruction to address students’ diverse instruction targeted to differentiate
learning needs of learning needs. meet individual and instruction, and make
individual group learning needs. ongoing adjustments
students.03/20/24 to match the evolving
Modifies lessons learning needs of
during instruction individuals and
based on informal groups.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I plan based on the I am planning my
curriculum and once I lessons and sequence
plan and see what I of lessons based on
will have to cover the curriculum that I
every day of the week, need to follow but
I start writing the also, based on the
learning goal for the students' needs. Every
class. I write my week, I establish my
learning objectives content learning goals
based on the based on the data I
information I got from collect from previous
the assessments and lessons and activities
the curriculum. and at the same time, I
09/16/23 connect it to one of
the contexts that I
need to cover from the
curriculum. I wrote a
long term objective at
the beginning of each
topic and small
learning objectives
everyday based on the
activities and context I
will be teaching so
students can see how
all the objectives of
the day connect to the
objective of the unit.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Informs students about Begins to encourage Models and scaffolds Implements structures Provides systematic
learning objectives, students to establish student for students to opportunities for
outcomes, and learning goals through self-assessment and self-assess and set student
summative assessment single lessons or goal setting processes learning goals related self-assessment, goal
results. Recognizes sequence of lessons for learning content to content, academic setting, and progress
the need for individual that include goal and academic language, and monitoring.
5.5 Involving all learning goals. setting language individual skills.
students in 09/16/23 exercises.03/20/24 development. Develops students’
self-assessment, Integrates student meta-cognitive skills
goal-setting, and Monitors progress Provides students with Guides students to self-assessment, goal for analyzing progress
progress monitoring using available tools opportunities in single monitor and reflect on setting, and progress and refining goals
for recording. lessons or sequence of progress on a regular monitoring across the towards high levels of
09/16/23 lessons to monitor basis. curriculum. academic
their own progress achievement.
toward class or
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I always go over the I always used to create
objective as the first the objectives,
thing in my lesson however, sometimes
plan and I explain it to before I read the
them. Before the end objectives, based on
of the class, I do an the topic of the lesson
exit ticket and I make I ask the students what
students share the they think the
answer to that exit objectives would be, I
ticket to see what the give them time to
outcomes of the think about it and then
learning objective are. I call on some students
I monitor the progress to share the objectives
because students have they thought. After
to turn in their exit they shared, I read my
tickets to me at the objectives and I
end of the class so I connected them to the
can go over them and ones that they shared
Evidence see how they are and most of the time
doing every day. we found similarities.
09/16/23 One way I encourage
my students to
monitor their own
progress and if they
met the objectives is
by writing a reflection
at the end of each
week and each unit. I
made my students
write a few sentences
explaining what
objectives do they
meet, which ones they
didn't and how they
meet those that they
didn't. 03/20/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses available Explores use of Uses technology to Integrates a variety of Use a wide range of
technologies to record additional design and implement technologies into the technologies to
assessments, technologies to assessments, record development, design, implement,
determine proficiency implement individual and analyze results, implementation, and analyze
5.6 Using available
levels, and make assessments, record and communicate analysis of assessments and
technologies to assist
required results, and about student learning assessments, and provides for an in
in assessment,
communications about communicate with with administration, communication of depth and ongoing
analysis, and
student learning. administration, colleagues, families, student learning to all communication
communication of
09/16/23 colleagues, and and students. Ensure audiences. regarding student
student learning
families about student that communications learning to all
learning. 03/20/24 are received by those audiences.
who lack access to
I use the school I use GoFormative to
technologies to record implement individual
assessments because assessments, record
students turn in their results, and
assignments on those communicate with
sites so I can have administration,
them review them and colleagues and
write comments on families about each of
each student to see my students if needed.
what else can do for GoFormative helps me
them to make them create different
succeed and learn in assessments that can
my class. 09/16/23 be adapted to the
different learnings of
my students.
GoFormative helps me
grade them and I can
give feedback for each
of the questions to my
students and they can
see it. Also, with
formative I can print
or email the report to
show them to the
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
parents as well as
re-open it without
editing so my students
can see what they did
wrong and ask me
questions while we go
over it. 03/20/24
Provides students with Provides students with Provides students with Integrates the ongoing Facilitates students’
feedback through additional feedback clear and timely sharing of leadership in seeking
assessed work and based on formative information about comprehensible and using ongoing
required summative assessments from strengths, needs, and feedback to students comprehensible
assessments. 09/16/23 single lessons or strategies for from formal and communications about
sequence of lessons. improving academic informal assessments individual student
Notifies families of Seeks to provide achievement. in ways that support progress and ways to
5.7 Using assessment
student proficiencies, feedback in ways that increased learning. provide and monitor
information to share
challenges, and students understand. Provides opportunities support.
timely and
behavior issues 03/19/24 for comprehensible Communicates
through school and timely two-way regularly with families
feedback with
mandated procedures. Communicates with communications with to share a range of
students and their
09/16/23 families about student families to share assessment
progress, strengths, student assessments, information that is
and needs at reporting progress, raise issues comprehensible and
periods. Contacts and/or concerns, and responsive to
families as needs arise guide family support. individual student and
regarding struggling family needs.
students or behavior
issues. 03/19/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I always give students I provide my students
feedback on their with feedback in
work, quizzes, and different ways. One of
projects. I always add the ways is on warm
comments to their ups when I call
work and for the students using
projects, I wrote my participation cards to
feedback on the complete sentences
bottom of it. For from the warm-ups
quizzes and tests, I go and based on their
over them in class and answers, I explain to
explain them to them them what they did it
so they can see what correct or wrong at the
they need to do or same time I am giving
why they got the them feedback. Also, I
answers wrong. I had will give them
emailed two parents feedback when we do
already, letting them over activities and I do
Evidence know about the the same activity as
student’s proficiency warmups by calling
in class to see what them and explaining
else I could do to to them if it is wrong
make the students do or wrong. I also
their work and provide feedback on
succeed in the class. quizzes and tests. For
09/16/23 my feedback, I use
simple sentences for
my students to have a
better understanding
of what they did
wrong and how they
can change it.
I email parents to
inform them about
missing assignments,
about behavior or
even asking for ways
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
to help students. I am
always in contact with
parents and
administration when I
need it. 03/20/24

CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in reflection Reflects individually Maintains ongoing
reflect on teaching reflection on teaching individually and with and with colleagues reflective practice and
practice to support practice individually colleagues on the on refinements in action research in
student learning. and with colleagues relationship between teaching practice and supporting student
Reflects individually that is focused on making adjustments in connections among learning and raising
or with colleagues on methods to support teaching practice and the elements of the the level of academic
immediate student the full range of impact on the full CSTP to positively achievement.
learning needs. learners. 04/01/24 range of learners. impact the full range
09/16/23 of learners. Engages in and fosters
reflection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on
student learning.

6.1 Reflecting on
teaching practice in
support of student
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I reflect on my I reflect about my
teaching after every teaching everyday on
class to see what I can my one but I also
do better or in what reflect on my teaching
other way I should with my mentor
cover the content. At teacher which is also
the end of the school the chair department.
day, I reflect on my We meet every week
teaching again to see to talk about how I am
what I can do better doing and to talk
for the next day. I about ways that I can
prepare myself every get better at planning
day for the following and classroom
day because I want my management. We
students to pay talked about the
attention and learn the different needs of the
most of every lesson. students and how I
Sometimes, I can work closely with
discourse my those that are
reflection with my struggling in class and
mentor teacher to see getting low grades. I
ways of improvement. had also met with the
09/16/23 principal and we had
talked about
encouraging students
to speak more in the
target language. After
school everyday I
reflect about things
that I can do better
and sometimes I
reflect after each class
so the next class I can
do better at teaching a
concept or explaining
an activity. 04/01/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops goals Sets goals connected Sets goals connected Sets and modifies Sets and modifies a
connected to the to the CSTP that take to the CSTP that are authentic goals broad range of
CSTP through into account authentic, connected to the professional goals
required processes and self-assessment of challenging, and CSTP that are connected to the
local teaching practice. based on self- intellectually CSTP to improve
protocols.09/16/23 assessment. challenging and based instructional practice
Expands knowledge on self-assessment and impact student
Attends required and skills individually Aligns personal goals and feedback from a learning within and
professional and with colleagues with school and variety of sources. beyond the classroom.
development.09/16/23 through available district goals, and
professional focuses on improving Engages in and Engages in ongoing
development. student learning. contributes to inquiry into teacher
04/01/24 professional practice for
Selects and engages in development targeted professional
professional on student development.
6.2 Establishing
development based on achievement. Pursues
professional goals
needs identified in a variety of additional Contributes to
and engaging in
professional goals. opportunities to learn professional
continuous and
professionally. organizations, and
professional growth
opportunities to
and development
extend their own
teaching practice.
I developed my I develop my learning
learning goals goals connected to the
connected to the CSTP’s because I
CSTP. I always check know that this is what
on them before I plan would help my
and write my lessons students to
as well as my accomplish my goals
objectives. I even and to succeed in the
check on another unit or topic I am
teacher to see if I am teaching. I also plan
writing them correctly. my lessons thinking
I always attend about them because I
professional know students will be
development meetings able to achieve the
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
where I learn and goals and would be
discuss with another more engaged if I
teacher about the include elements from
assignments that we the CSTP’s. I am
should include in the looking for new
class. 09/16/23 applications that can
help my students to
understand and be
more able to speak in
the target language. I
am always trying new
things with them such
as using apps to
record themselves
reading activities and
I am always talking
with my Chair
departments about
new application that
we can use with the
students to start
preparing them to the
highest levels and that
gives the students
more opportunities to
learn the context and
help them get more
comfortable to speak
in the target language.

Attends staff, grade Consults with Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates
6.3 Collaborating level, department, and colleagues to consider colleagues to improve colleagues to expand collaboration with
with colleagues and other required how best to support student learning and impact on teacher and colleagues.
the broader meetings and teacher and student reflect on teaching student learning
professional collaborations. learning. practice at the within grade or Works to ensure the
community to 09/16/23 classroom level. broadest positive
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
support teacher and Begins to identify department and school impact possible on
student learning Identifies student and how to access student Interacts with and district levels. instructional practice
teacher resources at and teacher resources members of the and student
the school and district in the broader broader professional Engages with achievement at school
level. 09/16/23 professional community to access members of the and district levels and
community. 04/01/24 resources that support broader professional for the profession.
teacher effectiveness community to access
and student learning resources and a wide Initiates and develops
range of support for professional learning
teaching the full range opportunities with the
of learners. broader professional
community focused
on student
I attend all the I work with other
meetings required by colleagues that teach
my school. I listen to the same classes to
all the advice and see how we can
improvements that we support the students to
need to make in our succeed in class and
classrooms. I have what aspect of our
identified and used curriculum we should
some of the school adapt or change to
resources for teachers make it easier for our
and students, but I feel students to understand
that I need to learn the context. We also
more and find more share ideas about
resources for them and things that we might
me. 09/16/23 like to implement or
try in our classrooms
that can be very
engaging to the
students and that can
make their learning
more easy. I am
getting more familiar
with the surroundings
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
of the school and
resources that students
can access other than
the school resources.
As a department, we
took one day of our
PLC to talk about how
we can access
students' information
through Aeries and
how we can look at
more details that we
need to know about
the students since the
beginning of the
school year at some
point of the school
year. 04/01/24

Is aware of the role of Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities Structures a wide
the family in student importance of the contribute to the and support for range of opportunities
learning and the need family’s role in classroom and school. families to actively for families to
for interactions with student learning. Adjusts participate in the contribute to the
families. Seeks information communication to classroom and school. classroom and school
about cultural norms families based on community. Supports
of families awareness of cultural Communicates to a school/district
represented in the norms and a wide families in ways environment in which
school. Welcomes range of experiences which show families take
family involvement at with schools. understanding of and leadership to improve
classroom/ school 04/01/24 respect for cultural student learning.
events. 09/16/23 norms.

6.4 Working with

families to support
student learning
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am aware of the In our school site, we
importance of family work collaboratively
tradition, culture, and with our Family
language to the Community Leasol to
students and that’s help students that are
one of the reasons not English speakers,
why I always ask that are passing
them or share things through a hard
related to my family moment in their life or
to make the students that struggles in
share about them and different ways in our
know more about it to classroom. She helps
include those things communicate with the
inside my lesson pan family and we get into
and more than a meeting with other
anything to teachers, the student
understand their and parents to talk
behavior in class. about students'
09/16/23 learning, grades,
weaknesses, strengths
and other observations
that we do in the
classroom. We talked
about it and we shared
experiences and we
found a solution to get
to an agreement about
things that we as
teachers can start
doing in the
classroom and things
that parents can start
doing at home to help
the student. 04/01/24
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase
communities to support the to support the instructional and
surrounding the Includes references or curriculum. instructional program, learning opportunities
school. connections to students, and families. for students.
09/16/23 communities in single Includes knowledge
lessons or sequence of of communities when Draws from Engages students in
Uses available lessons. 04/01/24 designing and understanding of leadership and service
neighborhood and implementing community to in the community.
community resources instruction improve and enrich Incorporates
in single lessons. the instructional community members
09/16/23 program. into the school
learning community.
I am getting familiar I am more familiar
with the surroundings with the surroundings
6.5 Engaging local
around the school to of the school and with
communities in
see where the students what they offer to the
support of the
may live and the school as well as the
shopping centers they resources that we
use or restaurants. I (teachers) provide to
want to know more support our
about the community instructional program.
to understand the There are different
students better and to schools that offer
bring some of that workshops to support
aspect to the class so other teachers in the
they can feel more integration of material
familiar with the in their classroom and
lessons. I haven’t how to keep the
used neighborhood students engaged. I
resources in my found that there are
lesson, but I want to some schools around
do it for the students. the area that offer
09/16/23 support to World
Language teachers
and model lessons in
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
another target
language to help the
teachers understand
the importance of
speaking in the target
language to their
students. Also, they
help to understand
what comprehension
input is and how we
can use it in our
classrooms with our
students. My school
site pays for these
workshops and offers
it to all the teachers to
support them and their
instructions. 04/01/24

Develops an Maintains Anticipates Integrates the full Models

understanding of professional professional range of professional professionalism and
professional responsibilities in responsibilities and responsibilities into supports colleagues in
responsibilities. timely ways and seeks manages time and advanced planning meeting and
support as needed. effort required to meet and prepares for exceeding
Seeks to meet required 09/16/23 expectations. situations that may be professional
commitments to 04/01/24 challenging. Responsibilities
students. Demonstrates effectively.
commitment by Pursues ways to Maintains continual
exploring ways to support students’ effort to seek, Supports colleagues to
address individual diverse learning needs develop, and refine maintain the
student needs. and maintains belief new and creative motivation, resiliency,
09/16/23 in students’ capacity methods to ensure and energy to ensure
for achievement. individual student that all students
6.6 Managing 04/01/24 learning. achieve.
responsibilities to
maintain motivation
and commitment to
all students
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I always maintain I am planning my
professional lessons with a week or
responsibilities such two of anticipation
as walking all the time which means that I
around the classroom know with
answering their anticipation what
questions or helping things I am
them in anything they responsible for in the
need to complete the classroom and with
activities. I always try my students. I also
to address individual write all the events
student's needs by and meetings I have in
going and sitting next my agenda so I know
to them when they with anticipation how
raise their hand for to prepare for those
help or when I see and what I will be
that they haven’t teaching or how I
started completing want things to work.
their activities to ask Also, it means that I
them if they know have time to practice
what they have to do if I am using a new
or if they need help to app or I am
complete the implementing a new
assignment. I want assessment. I like to
them to know that I know things in
am there to help them advance so I can
at any moment. prepare myself and
09/16/23 my students to meet
the expectations or
even exceed the
expectations. I am
always walking
around the classroom
checking on my
students to see if they
understand the
assignment and if they
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
need help. I also do
quick checks all the
time to make sure my
students understand
the instructions so
they know what to do
in class and with the
assignment. I also.
called on different
students to repeat the
instructions so if
anyone misses
something, they can
hear it multiple times
until they know what
to do and instructions
are clear. Also, I am
always cheering for
my students so they
know that they can do
it and that I am with
them supporting them
at any moment and
guiding them through
their learning process.
I also demonstrate
responsibility to
participate in school
activities such as
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site Maintains a high standard of personal integrity
policies, contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* and commitment to student learning and the
profession in all circumstances. 04/01/24
* As follows:
● Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building a professional
● Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in community and holding peers accountable to
which these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of norms of respectful treatment and
students. communication.
● Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a
● Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in high degree of resilience, professional integrity,
the California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. and ethical conduct.
● Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws
and district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
● Understands and implements school and district policies and state
and federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student
6.7 Demonstrating behavior.
professional ● Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the
responsibility, privacy, health, and safety of students, families, and other school
integrity, and ethical professionals.
conduct ● Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the
● Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
● Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and
school community. 09/16/23
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
I am aware that I am responsible for students' academic learning I am maintaining high standards and
outcomes because if all of them do bad it is not because of them, it’s commitment to student learning and the
because of my teaching techniques. I am also aware that everything that profession in all circumstances because even if
I do can affect or benefit the students, so I need to be very careful about the concept is hard, I need find the way to
what I say and in the way that I do it. I tried all the students in the same make sure my students achieved those high
way because for me all of them are equal and I provide equal standards and be capable of understand the
opportunities for them inside the classroom. I always model appropriate concept even if they need to practice more time
behavior and dress code as well as maintain professional conduct and and find different types of assignments to make
integrity with my students, colleagues, and school community by being sure they meet the standards. I am committed
respectful to anyone. 09/16/23 to my students learning no matter the
circumstances and how hard the time is. I like
to always provide a smile to my students and
tell them that they are capable of doing the
work. I am aware that sometimes the
environment in the class or students behavior is
not always good but even with that, I am
always positive and talk to them with respect
and professional and if I need to talk to one
specific student, I do it outside the classroom
and I exp[lained to them the classroom rules
and I let them explained to me why they were
behaving in certain way and we talked again
before we go back to the class. I am
professional with colleagues and administration
and I talked to them with respect as well and I
also reviewed with them the expectations and
standards of the class. I also demonstrate
professional responsibility to participate in
school activities such as learning walks.

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