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Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development

e-ISSN 2663-3205 Volume 9 (2), 2022

ASTU Journal Home Page: www.ejssd.astu.edu.et

Research Paper

Evaluation of Different Blended Fertilizers Types and Rates for Improving the
Productivity of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Debub Ari District, South-western
Abebe Hegano, Atinafu Tunebo, Shemelis Tesema
Southern Agricultural Research Institute, Jinka agricultural Research Center, P.O.Box 96, Jinka, Ethiopia

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Crop specific fertilizer recommendation is necessary for sustainable crop production.
Received 06 March 2022 Accordingly, a field experiment was conducted in Debub Ari district, Southern Ethiopia, to
Received in revised form evaluate blended fertilizer types and rates effect on improving the production of wheat during
19 June 2022 the main rainy season of 2018 and 2019. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete
Accepted 30 June 2022 Block Design with three replications. The 9 treatments used for the field experiment were 1)
control, 2) (142 NPS + 42 urea) kgha-1, 3) (189 NPS + 72 urea) kgha-1, 4) (237 NPS +102 urea)
kgha-1, 5) (142NPS + 159 urea) kgha-1, 6) (150NPSB+ 41urea) kgha-1, 7) (200 NPSB + 72
urea) kgha-1, 8) (250NPSB + 102Urea) kgha-1 and 9) (150 NPSB + 161Urea) kgha-1 treatments.
Keywords: Application of blended fertilizer significantly (p < 0.05) increased the plant height, number of
Blended Fertilizer tillers per plant, spike length, number of seeds per spike, grain yield, aboveground biomass,
Wheat and thousand seed weight at harvest as compared to the control. The maximum and significant
Grain Yield grain yield (3796.7kg ha-1) and minimum (1466.5 kg ha-1) were obtained from the application
Biomass of 237 kg ha-1 NPS + 102 kgha-1 urea and unfertilized treatment, respectively. The application
of 237 kg ha-1 NPS + 102kgha-1 urea had a maximum and acceptable Marginal rate of return
(MRR %) and net benefit. Therefore, this type and rate of blended fertilizer can be
recommended since it produced a high marginal rate of return, high net benefit, and relatively
low total cost of production, for wheat production in the study area and other similar agro-

1. Introduction
Wheat (Triticum spp.) is the major cereal crop grown production (339.19 million t) next to maize and tef
in the highlands of Ethiopia (Efrem et al., 2000). It is (CSA, 2018).
well-produced across a wide range of soil conditions, Despite the long history of wheat cultivation, its high
although it is best adapted to fertile, well-drained silt cover of production area, its productivity, and its
and clay loam soils (Bekele et al., 2000). In Ethiopia, it importance to the Ethiopian agriculture, its average
ranks fourth in a total area of cereal grains coverage of yield is still very low, not exceeding 2.74 t ha-1
13.38% (1.69 million ha) and third in cereal grain nationally and 2.67 t ha-1 regionally (CSA, 2018) as
production (15.17% (4,642.96 million t)) next to maize compared to the world average 3.0 t ha-1 (FAOSTAT,
and tef, and in SNNPR wheat ranks third in area 2013). The low yield and reduction in productivity of
coverage (0.13 million ha) and also it ranks third in grain wheat could be due to low soil fertility, in addition to
other biotic and abiotic factors (Tesfaye, 1988).

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Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
Inadequate agronomic and soil management, 18 km from Jinka town. The experimental site has a bi-
insufficient level of technology generation and modal rainfall pattern with a shorter rainy season from
dissemination are the most significant problems to March-May and the longest rainy season from August
enhancing bread wheat production in Ethiopia. On the to November. The long-term mean annual is 1342.03
other hand, low soil fertility followed by slow progress mm and the maximum and minimum monthly average
in developing wheat with durable resistance to disease, temperatures of the study area are 27.61 and 16.3°C,
pests and weeds is considered the most important respectively.
constraint limiting bread wheat production in Ethiopia 2.2. Treatments and Experimental Design
(Demeke and DiMarcantonio, 2013). Soil fertility The experiment having nine treatments was laid out
improvement requires a balanced application of in a Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD)
inorganic and organic nutrient sources (Teklu and with three replications with a plot size of 4m*4m. Net
Hailemariam, 2009). Inorganic fertilizers have been the plot size 3m*4m was used for the data collection. The
important tools to overcome soil fertility problems and treatments consists of four rates of NPS and four rates
they are also responsible for a large part of the food of NPSB blend viz. control (no fertilizer), 142 kg NPS
production enhancement worldwide (Sanchez et al., + 42 kg urea, 189 kg NPS + 72 kg urea, 237 kg NPS +
1997). It has been estimated that at least 30 to 50% of 102 kg urea, 142 kg NPS + 159 kg urea, 150 kg NPSB
crop yield increment is attributable to the application of + 41 kg urea, 200 kg NPSB + 72 kg urea, 250 kg NPSB
commercial fertilizers (Stewart et al., 2005). + 102 kg urea, and 150 kg NPSB + 161 kg urea. The
Plants require essential nutrients with adequate amount of nutrients present in applied blended fertilizers
amounts for better production (Alloway, 2003). is explained in Table 1. A blended fertilizer NPS and
However, in Ethiopia, only di-ammonium phosphate NPSB were used based on soil fertility and fertilizer
(DAP) and Urea for the past many years has been used type recommendation Atlas Map for SNNPRS (ATA,
for crop production. According to (ATA, 2016), in 2016).
addition to nitrogen and phosphorous, other nutrients A full dose of NPS and NPSB was applied in the
like sulfur, potassium, boron, zinc, and copper are rows mixed with soil just at the time of planting.
identified as low in Ethiopian soil and are needed to Whereas nitrogen was split twice, half was applied at
address the key nutrient deficiencies. The soil of the planting, and a half was applied 35 days after planting.
study area lacks some major macronutrients like Improved wheat variety was used for the experiment,
nitrogen and phosphorus, secondary macronutrients like and all management practices were applied as per
sulphur, and some - micronutrients especially boron; not research recommendations for wheat. All necessary
only in the study area most of the soil of Debub Ari agronomic and soil data collection were done at
District lacked the above nutrients (ATA, 2016). appropriate crop growth stages following recommended
Therefore, this study was done with the general procedures.
objective of evaluating the effect of blended fertilizer
2.3. Data Collection
types and rates on growth, yield, and yield components
2.3.1. Agronomic characters
of wheat production.
Data for yield and yield components were collected
2. Materials and Methods as per the procedures mentioned as follows. For plant
2.1. Description of the Study Area height, five plants from the central rows of each plot
The experiment was conducted at Debub Ari district were randomly selected. Then the average values of
South Omo Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia for two these plants were recorded. Grain yield and biomass
consecutive years (2018 and 2019) during main were determined by harvesting the entire net plot area
cropping season. Geographically, the site is located at and converted into kilograms per hectare. Thousand
05°50’ N and 36°41’ E with an altitude of 1930 m.a.s.l. seed weight was counted at random from total grain
It is found in the northeastern direction at a distance of yield and weighed by using sensitive balance and expressed
Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
Table 1: Treatments description, fertilizer rates and their composition
No. Treatments Nutrient contents (%) in fertilizers types
N P 2 O5 S B
1 No fertilizer - - - -
2 142 NPS+42 kg urea 46 54 10 -
3 189 NPS +72 kg urea 69 72 13 -
4 237 NPS+102 kg urea 92 90 17 -
5 142 NPS+159 kg urea 92 54 10 -
6 150 NPSB+41 kg urea 46 54 10 1.07
7 200 NPSB+72 kg urea 69 72 13 1.4
8 250 NPSB+102 kg urea 92 90 17 1.7
9 150 NPSB + 161kg urea 92 54 10 1.07

in grams. Number of tillers per plant, spike length, and and price of fertilizers during planting ultimately
number of seeds per spike were also recorded. determine the economic feasibility of fertilizer
2.3.2. Soil Sampling application (CIMMYT, 1988). The gross benefit ha-1 is
Soil samples were randomly taken from the the product of field price and the mean yield for each
experimental field at a depth of 0 to 20 cm using an treatment. The total variable cost (TVC) is the sum of
auger in a zigzag pattern, and composited into one the cost of fertilizer and the cost of fertilizer application.
sample before sowing the crop. Before analysis, the The net benefit per hectare for each treatment is the
samples were air-dried and ground to pass through a 2 difference between the gross benefit and the total
mm sieve for analysis of selected soil physicochemical variable costs. For each pair of treatments, a percent
properties other than organic carbon (OC) and total marginal rate of return (MRR) was calculated. To obtain
nitrogen (TN), which were ground to pass through a 0.5 an estimate of these returns, MRR was calculated using
mm sieve to remove course materials. The soil samples the following formula:
were analyzed using standard soil laboratory procedures Change in Net benefit (NB2 − NB1) ∗ 100
MRR (%) =
at Jinka Agricultural Research Center Soil Laboratory. Change in TVC (TVC2 − TVC1)

2.4. Data Analysis where, NB1- Net benefit at level one; NB2- Net benefit
The collected data was subjected to analysis of at level two; TVC1-Total variable cost at level one and
variance (ANOVA) as per the design used in the TVC2-Total variable cost at level two.
experiment SAS version 9.1 Statistical Software. Least 3. Results and Discussion
Significant Difference (LSD) was used to separate 3.1. Soil Fertility Status before Planting
means at (p<0.05) probability levels of significance The analyzed soil data before planting indicated that
(SAS Institute, 2007). Pearson correlations were done to the textural class of the surface soil was clay and the soil
determine linear associations between agronomic was moderately acidic (pH 5.61) with high organic
parameters. carbon (°C) and total nitrogen (TN) contents (Tekalign,
2.5. Partial Budget Analysis 1991) (Table 2). Available phosphorus (P) content (3.59
For the economic evaluation, partial budget and ppm) was very low (Jones, 2003) and it is indicative of
marginal analyses were performed to investigate the soil has probable yield responses to P application.
economic feasibility of inputs at planting and for outputs Available B content of the soil in the experimental field
at the crop harvest. Current prices of wheat, urea and was low (Jones, 2003). According to Hariram and
blended fertilizer were used for the analysis. The Dwivedi (1994), the available sulfur content of the soil
potential response of crop towards the added fertilizer in the experimental field is 18.46 ppm which is high.

Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
Table 2: Some soil physical and chemical properties of the experimental site before planting in Debub Ari during the
2018 and 2019 cropping seasons
Soil properties Values Rates References
Clay 69
Silt 20
Sand 11
Textural class Clay
pH(H2O) 5.61 Moderately acidic Jones, 2003
Organic carbon (%) 3.54 High Tekalign, 1991
Total N (%) 0.25 High Tekalign, 1991
Available P (ppm) 3.59 Very low Jones, 2003
Available S(ppm) 18.46 Medium Hariram and Dwivedi, 1994
Available B (ppm) 0.12 Low Jones, 2003

Generally, the soils of the experimental field had the application of 200 kg NPS ha-1 blended fertilizer
characterized to be low available P, B, and S which while the minimum (86.2 cm) was obtained from control
indicated that potentially reduced the yield of wheat treatments.
production. However, the soils of the study site had high 3.2.2. Spike Length
OC and TN. Thus, an additional application of P, B, and Spike length of wheat was significantly (P<0.05)
S have enhanced the grain yield of wheat in the study affected by the applied blended fertilizer types and rates
area. as compared to the unfertilized plot. The maximum
3.2. Growth Parameters spike length (8.85cm) was recorded from the application
3.2.1. Plant Height of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea ha-1 while the minimum
The result analysis of variance indicated that the spike length (7.77 cm) was recorded from the control
applied blended fertilizer types and rates - significantly plot (Table 3). However, there was a non-significant
(P<0.05) affected the plant height of wheat. The highest difference was observed within applied blended
plant height (85.57 cm) was recorded from the fertilizer. Similar to this result, Haji et al., (2020)
application of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90 P2O5, reported that the maximum (9.37 cm) spike length was
17S) ha-1. However, the lowest plant height (67.17 cm) obtained from 200 kg NPSB ha-1 blended fertilizer
was recorded from the control plot, but the other whereas the minimum (6.14 cm) was from the control
treatments were statistically non-significant from each (unfertilized) treatment. The spike length increment
other (Table 3). The increment in plant height might be with the blended fertilizer application might be
due to the greater role of N applied for elongation and supplying better photo assimilation (Berhan, 2012). The
vegetative growth of wheat. On the other hand, the author also observed that the higher the spike length
minimum plant height in control plots might have been produced the higher grain per spike leading to a higher
due to low soil fertility status in the experimental field. yield.
A similar result was also reported by Sofonyas et al. 3.3. Yield and Yield Components
(2021) who reported that the application of 300 kg of 3.3.1. Number of Tillers per Plant
NPSZn ha-1 blended fertilizer significantly increased the Number of tillers per plant significantly (P<0.05)
plant height of bread wheat compared to unfertilized influenced by the application of blended fertilizer types
treatments. Haji et al. (2020) also reported that the and rates as compared to unfertilized treatments. The
maximum plant height (118.06 cm) was obtained from maximum number of tillers per plant (6.1) was obtained
Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
with the application of blended fertilizer 237 kg NPS + obtained from the application of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg
102 kg urea (92N, 90 P2O5, 17S) ha-1, while the urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1 whereas the minimum
minimum number of tillers per plant (3.45) was obtained aboveground biomass (4086.8 kg ha-1) was recorded
from the unfertilized plots (Table 3). This result is in line from the control (Table 3). Application of 237 kg NPS
with that of Seyoum (2017), who reported that the + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1 increases
highest number of tillers per plant of bread wheat due to aboveground biomass by 87.3% as compared with the
the combined application of 200 kg NPS + 92 kg N ha-1 unfertilized treatment. The increment of aboveground
indicates the positive role of the optimum rate of biomass might be due to improvement of root growth
nitrogen for tillering. and increased uptake of nutrients favoring better growth
3.3.2. Number of Seeds per Spike and tillering (Dinkinesh et al., 2020). Similarly, Abebual
The analysis of variance showed that there was a et al. (2019) reported that the highest total biomass
significant difference among the applied blended (14290 kg ha-1) from the treatment with the application
fertilizer types and rates (P≤0.05) on the number of of NPSZnB (175N+125P2O5+11.1S+3.3Zn+0.15B)
seeds per spike. The highest number of seeds per spike kgha-1, while the minimum (3390 kg ha-1) was recorded
(38.6) was obtained from the plot treated with 237 kg from the control treatment.
NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1, while the 3.3.5. Grain yield
lowest (23.8) was recorded from the control treatment The analysis of variance revealed that the different
(Table 3). The maximum rate of NPS blended fertilizer level of blended fertilizer types had a significant
enhanced the number of seeds per plant by 62% over the (P<0.05) influence on the grain yield production (Table
control treatments. In agreement with this result, 3). The study showed that the maximum grain yield of
Abebual et al. (2019) reported that a maximum (50.47) 3796.7 kg ha-1 was obtained from the plots maintained
number of seeds per spike of wheat were obtained from by 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1
the application of the NPSZnB application whereas the minimum 1466.5 kgha-1 was
(175N+125P2O5+11.1S+3.3Zn+0.15B) kg ha fertilizer obtained from unfertilized plots (Table 3). Application
rate while the minimum (32.73) was obtained from the of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1
control plot. improves grain yield production by 58.9% as compared
3.3.3. Thousand Seed weight to the unfertilized plot. The maximum grain yield from
The analysis of variance showed that thousand the highest NPS rates with optimum N amounts might
kernel weight was significantly affected (P ≤ 0.05) by have due to resulting in improved root growth and
the different blended fertilizer types and rates. The enhanced uptake of nutrients which increased yield and
maximum thousand kernel weight was obtained from yield components. Similar result was obtained by
the rate of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, Abebual et al. (2019) who reported that the highest grain
17S) ha-1 (Table 3), which is higher by about 27% as yield (5770 kgha-1) obtained from the application of
compared to thousand kernel weight obtained from the NPSZnB (175N+125P2O5+11.1S+3.3Zn+0.15B) kg ha-1
unfertilized plot. This result is in line with Dinkinesh et whereas, the lowest was recorded from unfertilized
al. (2020), who reported that a maximum (44.8 g) 1000 plots. Similarly, Dinkinesh et al. (2020) reported that the
kernels weight with the application of 183 kg NPSB ha- treatments that received blended fertilizers of 183 kg ha-1
rate while the minimum (37.2 g) was recorded from an NPSB increased grain yield of wheat as compared to the
unfertilized plot. control. Sofonyas et al., (2021), also reported the
maximum grain yield of wheat (3580.2 kg ha-1) was
3.3.4. Above Ground Biomass
obtained from 200 kg NPSZn ha-1 fertilizer application
The aboveground biomass was significantly (P <
over the unfertilized plot.
0.05) influenced by the application of blended fertilizer
types and rates as compared to the unfertilized plot. The
maximum aboveground biomass (7652.8 kg ha-1) was
Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
Table 3: Growth, yield and yield components of wheat as influenced by blended fertilizer type and rate in Debub Ari
during the 2018 and 2019 cropping seasons
Treatments (kg/ha) No. of PH (cm) Spike seed/spike TSW Biomass Yield
tiller per length (Gram) (Kgha-1) (Kgha-1)
plant (cm)
No fertilizer 3.45c 67.17d 7.77c 23.8c 32.49e 4086.80d 1466.50d
142 NPS + 42 kg urea 4.42bc 77.73b 8.16bc 31.27b 39.47ab 5692.70bc 2768.20b
189 NPS + 72 kg urea 4.33bc 78.67b 8.55ab 30.57b 37.83bc 6062.50bc 2618.90bc
237 NPS + 102 kg urea 6.10a 85.57a 8.85a 38.60a 41.17a 7652.80a 3796.70a
142 NPS + 159 kg urea 3.97bc 74.07c 8.08bc 32.67b 34.78de 5274.30cd 2166.50c
150 NPSB + 41 kg urea 4.47bc 79.37b 8.08bc 29.97b 38.63abc 5921.90bc 2567.60bc
200 NPSB + 72 kg urea 4.00bc 79.30b 8.35abc 29.80b 38.06bc 6597.20ab 2806.10bc
250 NPSB + 102 kg urea 4.53b 77.33b 7.77c 32.67b 39.04abc 6489.60ab 2608.00bc
b b abc b cd bc
150 NPSB + 161kg urea 4.53 78.43 8.35 32.80 36.35 6.39.90 2750.40b
LSD (5%) 1.06 2.87 0.61 5.53 3.03 1210.6 554.43
CV 13.85 2.14 4.29 10.2 4.67 11.69 12.24
NB. Means with the same letter are statistically not significant at 5% level of significance, CV=Coefficient of variation, LSD=
Least significance difference, PH= Plant height, TSW= Thousand Seed weight
3.4. Correlation analysis spike length (r= 0.49*), number of seeds per spike (r=
Correlation between growth and yield components 0.58**), above ground biomass (r= 0.79***) and
of common bean as influenced by the application of thousand seed weight (r= 0.84***) (Table 4). The result
blended fertilizers was computed and its results are indicated that the applied fertilizers have significant and
presented in Table 4. Significant and positive positive contribution to the economic yield. This result
correlation of grain yield with the other yield was supported by the recent findings of Abebual et al.
components was observed. This indicates that, grain (2019) who reported that significant and positive
yield of wheat could be invariably enhanced by association of grain yield with number of tillers per
increasing those characteristics. Grain yield was plant, plant height, spike length, number of seeds per
significantly and positively associated with number of spike, above ground biomass and thousand seed weight
tillers per plant (r= 0.65***), plant height (r= 0.83***), was observed on bread wheat.
Table 4: Correlation coefficients between mean agronomic parameters of wheat grown under blended fertilizers
PH 0.61*** 1
SL 0.46* 0.53** 1
NSS 0.62*** 0.64** 0.47* 1
BM 0.66*** 0.79*** 0.36NS 0.63*** 1
GY 0.65*** 0.83*** 0.49* 0.58** 0.79*** 1
TSW 0.53** 0.73*** 0.27NS 0.49* 0.77*** 0.84*** 1
Note: NTP- Number of tillers plant-1, PH- Plant height, SL-Spike length, NSS- Number of seed spike-1, BM- Aboveground
biomass, GY-Grain yield, TSW- Thousand seed weight, NS- non-significant and *, ** *** stands for significantly different
at 5%, 1%, and 0.1%, respectively.

Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
3.5. Partial Budget Analysis purpose, it is necessary to conduct a marginal rate of
The partial budget analysis was significantly return and dominated treatment analysis (CIMMITY,
affected by the application of different blended fertilizer 1988). To determine treatments with the maximum return
types and rates (Table 5). According to the economic to the farmer investment, marginal rate of return and
analysis, a maximum net benefit of 56550.08 ETB ha-1 dominant analysis was performed over the control
was obtained from the plot received from 237 kg NPS + treatment. The maximum marginal rate of return
102 kg urea ha-1 which was economically superior (16151.8%) was obtained from the application of 237 kg
treatment, followed by 142kg NPS + 42 kg urea ha-1 NPS + 102 kg urea ha-1 blended fertilizer (Table 6).
blended fertilizers, which had a total net benefit of Therefore, the result revealed that the application of 237
40200.92 ETB ha-1. While the minimum net benefit kg NPS + 102 kg urea ha-1 blended fertilizer gives
(27716.85 ETBha-1) was obtained from unfertilized 16151.8%, which is well above the 100% minimum rate
plots (Table 5). The highest net benefits from the of return, which was considered as the optimum for the
application of blended fertilizers for the production of recommendation. This treatment shows the maximum net
the wheat might not be enough for the farmers to accept benefit, relatively low variable cost, and acceptable
as good practices but also farmers prefer the highest marginal rate of return when compared with the other
profit i.e. with low cost and high income. For this treatments.
Table 5: Partial budget analysis of blended fertilizer type and rates on wheat production in Debub Ari during the
2018 and 2019 cropping seasons
No. Treatments (kg/ha) Variables
Average 10%Adjusted Gross benefit Total variable cost Net benefit
Yield kgha-1 Yield kgha-1 (ETB ha-1) (TVC) (ETB ha-1) (ETB ha-1)
1 Control (No Fertilizer) 1466.5 1319.85 27716.85 0 27716.85
2 142 kg NPS + 42 kg Urea 2768.2 2491.38 46259.95 6059.03 40200.92
3 189 kg NPS + 72 kg Urea 2618.9 2357.01 42340.65 7156.56 35184.09
4 237 kg NPS + 102 kg Urea 3796.7 3417.03 64818.16 8268.08 56550.08
5 142 kg NPS + 159 kg Urea 2166.5 1949.85 32678.77 6939.47 25739.3
6 150 kg NPSB + 41 kg Urea 2567.6 2310.84 42149.49 6378.15 35771.34
7 200 kg NPSB + 72 kg Urea 2806.1 2525.49 45429.01 7606.28 37822.73
8 250 kg NPSB + 102 kg Urea 2608 2347.2 40471.46 8819.74 31651.72
9 150 kg NPSB + 161 kg Urea 2750.4 2475.36 43843.54 8139.02 35704.52
10% Adj. Yield= Marketable Yield Adjusted to 10% downward; ETB= Ethiopian Birr
Table 1: Dominance and marginal analysis, wheat yield production by blended fertilizer type and rate in Debub Ari
during the 2018 and 2019 cropping seasons
Treatments (kg/ha) Variables
10% Adjusted TVC Net Benefit Dominance MRR (%)
Yield kgha-1 (ETBha-1) (ETBha-1) Analysis
No fertilizer 1319.85 0 27716.85 - -
142 kg NPS + 42 kg urea 2491.38 6059.03 40200.92 ND 206.04
150 kg NPSB + 41 kg urea 2310.84 6378.15 35771.34 D -
142 kg NPS + 159 kg urea 1949.85 6939.47 25739.3 D -
189 kg NPS + 72 kg urea 2357.01 7156.56 35184.09 D -
200 kg NPSB + 72 kg urea 2525.49 7606.28 37822.73 D -
150 kg NPSB + 161kg urea 2475.36 8139.02 35704.52 D -
237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea 3417.03 8268.08 56550.08 ND 16151.8
250 kg NPSB + 102 kg urea 2347.2 8819.74 31651.72 D -
Treatments which carries D = Dominated and ND= Non-dominant
Abebe Hegano et al. Ethiop.J.Sci.Sustain.Dev., Vol. 9 (2), 2022
4. Conclusion and Recommendation on the grain yield and economic analysis, the application
The application of blended fertilizer types and rates of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1
showed significant differences for yield and yield blended fertilizer can be recommended for Debub Ari
components of wheat. The application of blended district and other areas with similar agro-ecology and
fertilizer at the rate of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, soil conditions. However, to reach at a further
90P2O5, 17S) ha-1 resulted in the maximum grain yield, recommendation, further investigations are needed each
total biomass, plant height, number of tillers per plant, nutrients omission and commission and blended
spike length, number of seeds per spike, and thousand fertilizer formulation types.
kernels weight. The current study revealed that the Acknowledgements
maximum grain yield of 3796.7kg ha-1 was obtained The authors thank Southern Agricultural Research
from the plots received 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea (92N, Institute (SARI) for financially supporting the field
90P2O5, 17S) ha-1 of blended fertilizer application. The experiment. And also very grateful to Jinka Agricultural
partial budget analysis also indicated that the maximum Research Center for the analysis of the soil parameters
net benefit (56550.08 ETB ha-1) with acceptable and for the facilitation of the vehicle and other
marginal rate of return (MRR %) 16151.8% was accommodations to conduct the research.
obtained with application of 237 kg NPS + 102 kg urea
(92N, 90P2O5, 17S) ha-1 blended fertilizer. Thus, based
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