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Use of Modular Approach: Views of ABM Students in Taking Modular Set-up in The Midst of

Title of Proposed Study

Leader: Arias, Kristine S.


1. Cruz, Simon

2.Albano, Joaquin

3.Garcia, Mark Luis

4. De Leon, Yuan

5.Cuenca, Rayne Lexine

6. Caballa, Cassandra

Date of Submission:

Instructor’s Name and Signature:


Criteria weight 4 3 2 1 Score

Subject matter/content of x2
chosen literatures
Topic and content of chosen
literatures are directly relevant to
the proposed study.

Quality of Information x3
presented Details lifted from
the chosen
literature are appropriate,
accurate, factual, and

Organization x3
Good organization; points are
logically ordered; Closely adheres
to the standard conventions.

Mechanics x1
No errors

Citation Style x1
Correct use of APA citation style

Research Journal Article #1:

Sadia Sadiq,Dr Shazia Zamir (2014)Effectiveness of Modular Approach in Teaching at University Level
Volume(nov17,2014), pp. Page(8). doi:# or Retrieved from URL:

Topic/Thesis Statement
Effectiveness of Modular Approach in Teaching at University Level

Objectives/Research The key purpose of this research was to find out the effectiveness
Questions of modular approach in teaching in order to assess the student

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researcher used 30 student to find out the effectiveness of modular

approach in teaching in order to assess the student learning,

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher designed a module to forge educationally sound and

logical links between learner's needs, aims, learning outcomes,
resources, learning and teaching techniques and strategies, criteria of
assessment and evaluation.

Data Analysis Procedure

The data were collected from both groups(controlled and experimental)

analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t-test
through the use of statistical package SPSS. The result’ scores were in
the favor of usage of a modular teaching approach. So it is
recommended that the modular approach should be widely used at
various levels of education.

Summary/ Highlights of This research proved that modular teaching is a more effective
the approach in order to teach university students of Master in
Educational Planning and Management. This method can be
ns for further studies
applied widely

Accomplished by: Simon Cruz

Research Journal Article #2:

Riasat Ali (sept 10, 2010).Effectiveness of Modular Teaching in Biology at Secondary Level
Journal Name, Volume(2010), pp. Page(6). doi:# or Retrieved from

Topic/Thesis Statement Effectiveness of Modular Teaching in Biology at Secondary Level

Objectives/Research The major purpose of the study was to explore the impact of
Questions modular teaching on the achievements of students.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The aim of this study was to investigate the relative effectiveness of

modular teaching on the academic achievement of secondary students
in biology. Therefore, students studying the subject of Biology at
secondary level constituted the population of study

Data Gathering Procedure

Researchers made pretest and posttest were the research instruments.

Both tests were almost parallel with the same difficulty level. Each test
was composed of multiple choice test items, matching items pertaining
to a combination of learning domains. These test items were based on
the selected units of 9th class biology

Data Analysis Procedure

Raw scores obtained from pretest and posttest were presented in

tabular form for the purpose of interpretation. For the manipulation of
data, the means, standard deviations, and differences of means were
computed for each group. Significance of difference between the mean
scores of both the experimental and control groups on the variable of
pretest scores, posttest scores was tested at 0.05 level by applying t-

Summary/ Highlights of This study proved that modular teaching is a more effective mode
the of instruction for biology as compared to traditional methods of
teaching. This method should be applied to others subjects as well
ns for further studies
as other levels of education. Therefore the teachers of biology
should use modular teaching to improve the academic
achievements of the students.

Accomplished by:Simon Cruz

Research Journal Article #3:

Markus deli girik allo (apr 1, 2020). Is online learning good in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic? The
case of EFL learners Journal Name (Jurnal Sinestesia), Volume(2020), pp. Page(10). doi:# or
Retrieved from URL : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Markus_Girik_Allo/publication/

Topic/Thesis Statement
Is online learning good in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic? The
case of EFL learners

Objectives/Research The purpose of this study is to investigate the learners’ perception

Questions on online learning in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researcher interviewed the learners by calling them by using

WhatsApp application.

Data Gathering Procedure

The instrument used is semi-structured interview

Data Analysis Procedure

Research design applied in this research was case study. Case study is
a variation of an ethnography in that the researcher provides an in-depth
exploration of a bounded system (e.g., an activity, an event, a process,
or an individual) based on extensive data collection, Creswell (2007). To
analyze the data, the researcher applied thematic analysis by Braun and
Clarke (2006) describes an iterative process as to how to go from messy
data to a map of the most important themes in the data. The process
contains six steps, they are: familiarization, generating initial codes,
searching for themes, reviewing themes, defining and naming themes,
and producing the report.

Summary/ Highlights of Based on the study result above, it can be concluded that the
the learners’ perception on online learning reveals that it is good in the
midst of COVID-19 pandemic. They perceive online learning is very
ns for further studies
helpful in the middle of a pandemic. This study not only reports
that online learning is good in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic but
also spotted the light on the availability of internet access, financial
issues, and online learning implementation.

Accomplished by:Simon Cruz

Research Journal Article #4:

Kesavan Vadakalur Elumalai (sept 2, 2020).FACTORS AFFECTING THE QUALITY OF E-LEARNING

STUDENTS Volume(19, 2020), pp. Page(23). doi:# or Retrieved from URL:



Objectives/Research The objective of the research was to study the relationship of

Questions seven independent factors: administrative support, course content,
course design, instructor characteristics, learner characteristics,
social support, and technical support on quality of e-learning in
higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, the study
analyzes the moderating effect(s) of gender and level of the course
on the quality of e-learning in higher education during the COVID-
19 pandemic.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researcher used students of higher education institutions in India

and the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used an inferential statistics cross-sectional study

Data Analysis Procedure

All levels of undergraduate and postgraduate students took part in the

study with a sample size of 784. Ultimately, this study used a Structural
Equation Modelling (SEM) approach to find the positive relationship
between the quality of e-learning and the seven independent variables
and two moderating variables in the higher education sector.

Summary/ Highlights of The findings revealed that there is a positive relationship between
the the set of variables and the quality of e-learning in the higher
education sector. Also, there is a significant difference in the
ns for further studies
perception of the students between gender, level of the course, and
quality of e-learning in the higher education sector during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The results were examined and interpreted in
detail, based on the perspective of the students, and concluded
with a view for future research. The study will be beneficial for
academic researchers from different countries with a different set
of students and framework.

Accomplished by:Simon Cruz

Research Journal Article #5:

Yzobelle Mangahas Leon1 (2014). What we know about homeschooling A critical review of literature
and studies on homeschooling Vol, 8 (1): 41-49
Topic/Thesis Statement
What we know about homeschooling A critical review of literature
and studies on homeschooling

Objectives/Research Among the themes discussed are the following: motives leading to
Questions homeschooling; scholastic development of homeschooled
children; social and personality development of homeschooled
children; impact of homeschooling choice on the family;the
struggle for custody over children’s education; state recognition
and legalization; homeschooling, community life and the purpose
of public schooling; and homeschooling from the perspective of
the main stakeholder.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researchers used parents who choose to completely take over the
education of their children by giving it at home.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey questionnaires

Data Analysis Procedure

Consist of several parents that choose to homeschool for their children

the data that is gathered is divided into different portions of this

Summary/ Highlights of In light of the foregoing discussion, homeschooling is an

the educational phenomenon that proves to have elements that have
yet to be rigorously inquired into. Addressing issues on the extent
ns for further studies
of parental involvement in children’s education would enlighten
both parents and school authorities. To reveal the impact of
homeschooling on the entire family, and the social and personality
development of homeschooled children, and the dent that
homeschooling leaves on the entire community life are worth
venturing into since the homeschooling population proves to be
increasing in size. Most importantly, to heed the voices of the
homeschooled students is the most crucial and critical in any
attempt to understand the phenomenon because the students are
the main stakeholders and it is supposedly for their welfare and
developmental interests that homeschooling is practiced.

Accomplished by: Joaquin Albano

Research Journal Article #6:

Eric J. Isenberg (Published online: 05 Dec 2007). What Have We Learned About Homeschooling?
Pages 387-409 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01619560701312996

Topic/Thesis Statement
What Have We Learned About Homeschooling?

Objectives/Research This article discusses quantitative research on homeschooling,

Questions including the available data, pitfalls of using the data, estimates of
the number of homeschooled children, part-time homeschooling,
and why families homeschool. I compare research on
homeschooling to research on charter schools, voucher programs,
and private schools.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researchers used homeschooled children as respondents for this


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used an interview method to estimate the number of

homeschooled children.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers used the collected data using percentages to come up

with different answers.
Summary/ Highlights of
Findings/Recommendatio ● There are at least 1 million children in homeschooling
ns for further studies and many more who have been homeschooled for at
least part of their education.
● Families who homeschool frequently also use public or
private schools.
● Families choose to homeschool for both academic and
religious reasons.
● For evangelical Protestant families, both public and
private school options become more appealing in
communities with large evangelical Protestant
● Mothers with more time and less income are relatively
more likely to choose homeschooling over private
schooling as an alternative to public schools.
● Better educated mothers are more likely to homeschool
young children.
● Older children are more likely to be homeschooled for
behavioral reasons or special needs.

As future data become available, our knowledge of this fascinating

experiment in school choice will continue to expand

Accomplished by: Joaquin Albano

Research Journal Article #7:

Terada, Youki (June 23, 2020).Covid-19’s Impact on Students’ Academic and Mental Well-Being,
Volume(Issue), pp. Page(s). https://www.edutopia.org/article/covid-19s-impact-students-academic-and-
Topic/Thesis Statement The impact of Students Academic and mental Well-Being

Objectives/Research How can they help students recover and stay on track throughout the
Questions year even as their lives are likely to continue to be disrupted by the

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researcher used students in grades 3-8 who took the MAP Growth

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher compared typical growth in a standard-length school

year to projections based on students being out of school from mid-
March on.

Data Analysis Procedure

17 percent of teenagers have difficulty completing homework

assignments because they do not have reliable access to a computer
or internet connection. For Black students, the number spikes to 25

Summary/ Highlights of The Covid-19 pandemic could exacerbate existing mental health
the problems and lead to more cases among children and adolescents
due to the unusual combination of the public health crisis, social
ns for further studies
exclusion, and economic recession. Because most mental health
issues occur in infancy, it is important that all mental health
problems be detected early and addressed. Untreated, they will
lead to severe health and mental issues. In the short term, video
conferencing will be an efficient means of providing mental health
care to youth.

Accomplished by: Cuenca, Rayne Lexine

Research Journal Article #8:

SENSEI ADORADOR (SEP 8, 2020). Are students actually learning during this pandemic?,
Volume(Issue), pp. Page(s). https://www.rappler.com/voices/imho/opinion-are-students-learning-during-

Topic/Thesis Statement Students are still learning during this pandemic?

Objectives/Research Module-making and course packs become a struggle because of the

Questions demands of the institution. Some institutions hastily forced teachers to
produce modules for the sake of having finished products to justify
expenditures on teacher salaries and to beat the deadline, given the
early class opening. Modules and course packs don’t replicate the actual
teaching. This band-aid solution only shows the gaps between the
privileged and their underserved counterparts in education.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researcher used students and teachers.

Data Gathering Procedure

Students enroll not because they want to learn, but because they don’t
want to be left behind. They attend online classes and answer their
modules and coursepacks, not because they want to learn but because
they need to comply with these requirements to get a degree and

Data Analysis Procedure

Before, education was seen as a gateway to a brighter future; now,

education is a burden to the poor and an advantage to the affluent.

Summary/ Highlights of Educational entities seek the brightest, but they forget to become
the individuals. There is no real learning in this urgent transition; it is
for the sake of completion. The problem with this pedagogical
ns for further studies
migration is that it leaves disadvantaged students with haphazard
knowledge where they face complicated content, socioeconomic,
mental, and infrastructural challenges.

Accomplished by: Cuenca, Rayne Lexine

Research Journal Article #9:

Ysthr Rave Pe Dangle,Johnine Danganan Sumaoang (27-29 November 2020). The Implementation of
Modular Distance Learning in the Philippine Secondary Public Schools Volume(Issue), pp. Page(s).

Topic/Thesis Statement Implementation of modular learning in secondary public schools

Objectives/Research This pandemic has paved the way for the implementation of
Questions Modular Distance Learning is an urgent response to ensure continuity of
education. The Philippines is in the process of adapting to the new
normal form of education at present, and continuous innovations of
educators and active involvement of other stakeholders are the driving
force for its success. The key purpose of this research is to find out the
challenges encountered, opinions, and recommendations of teachers,
parents, and students in the implementation of Modular Distance

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

This research utilized the survey design in determining the challenges

on the usage of Modular Distance Learning Modality and descriptive
design in identifying the different solutions to these challenges.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used students, parents, and teachers through survey

questionnaires with open-ended questions.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers conducted the study using collected data using a


Summary/ Highlights of It may be shown that most learners had trouble with this modern
the learning modality. Many parents also choose Modular Distance
Learning to Online or Mixed Learning because they feel that this
ns for further studies
modular model is better for their children. This approach is often
measured for learners living in places where the Internet is not
available. Apart from that, certain parents do not have enough
gadgets to use their children for online lessons.

Accomplished by: Cuenca, Rayne Lexine

Research Journal Article #10:

Robert Kunzman & Milton Gaither (2013-01-31)Homeschooling: A Comprehensive Survey of the

Research Vol 2 No 1 https://www.othereducation.org/index.php/OE/article/view/10
Topic/Thesis Statement A Comprehensive Survey of the Research

Objectives/Research What primary topics or themes are addressed in the literature? How effective
Questions are the methodology and analysis performed? What does the research reveal
about homeschooling, and what questions remain unanswered?

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

English-language academic texts on the topic—more than 1,400 in total

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used survey questionnaires and divided into three

primary criteria: quality of scholarship, significance or influence, and
distinctiveness of insight.

Data Analysis Procedure

The 351 texts used in this review were culled from virtually the entire universe of
English-language academic texts

Summary/ Highlights of This article provides a comprehensive summary of the English-language

the research and scholarship on homeschooling, organized into the categories of
Findings/Recommendatio demographics, curriculum, academic achievement, socialization, law,
ns for further studies
relationships with public schools, transition to college/adulthood, and
international homeschooling. The 351 texts used in this review were culled
from virtually the entire universe of English-language academic texts on the
topic—more than 1,400 in total. Scholarship was evaluated using three
primary criteria: quality of scholarship, significance or influence, and
distinctiveness of insight. This review sought to answer the following questions:
What primary topics or themes are addressed in the literature? How effective
are the methodology and analysis performed? What does the research reveal
about homeschooling, and what questions remain unanswered?
Accomplished by: Joaquin Albano

Research Journal Article #11:

Mascorro, Karina , Sanchez David, Echeverria Valeria, Maharaj Ronishlla (2020) Student
perspectives: the pros and cons of distance learning Volume(2020), pp. Page(). doi:# or
Retrieved from URL: https://edsource.org/2020/student-perspectives-the-pros-and-cons-of-distance-

Topic/Thesis Statement
Student perspectives: the pros and cons of distance learning

Objectives/Research West Contra Costa students reflect on their experiences with distance

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researchers used the students' voices and asked them to reflect on
their experiences on how they are adjusting and give out their
experiences on the new distance learning.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers gathered all the data by asking 17 students from

Richmond High School in the West Contra Costa Unified School District
who are doing the distance learning approach. The students' reflections
and shared thoughts were summarized and posted on the website.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers used collective and narrative analysis to find out the
reflections and student’s opinions on the distance learning system. The
students were asked to share their own personal experiences to shed
light on their struggles and experiences.

Summary/ Highlights of The article proved that most students are struggling to learn and
the focus on the new blended learning because of its difficulty in
communicating with their teachers while giving loads of activities
ns for further studies
and homework after homework. Some say that it kind of ruined
their high school experience. On the other hand, it gives them
flexibility on their schedule and safety advantages. Distance
learning is somehow convenient but also a big challenge for

Accomplished by: Kristine Arias

Research Journal Article #12:

Amir Lisa, Tanti Ira, Maharani Diah Ayu, Wimardhani Yuniardini Septorini, Julia Vera, Sulijaya Benso,
Puspitawati Ria (2020) Student perspective of classroom and distance learning during COVID-19
pandemic in the undergraduate dental study program Universitas Indonesia Volume(392, 2020), pp.
Page(20). doi:# or Retrieved from URL: https://bmcmededuc.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12909-
Topic/Thesis Statement Student perspective of classroom and distance learning during
COVID-19 pandemic in the undergraduate dental study program
Universitas Indonesia

Objectives/Research The researchers aimed to evaluate the student perspective of DL

compared to classroom learning (CL) in the undergraduate
dentistry study program at the Faculty of Dentistry Universitas

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researchers used the students in the undergrad dental study

program in Universitas Indonesia as their respondents on the study.
Students who are in first year and seniors and asked them online

Data Gathering Procedure

The gathered data was conducted by the researchers by sending out

online questionnaires at the end of the semester to a total of 301
students in the University.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers analyzed the data by calculating the probability of the

students who prefer distance learning compared to classroom learning.
The percentage number of students who thought that distance learning
gave a more efficient learning method over classroom learning was also

Summary/ Highlights of Despite some challenges, dental students could adapt to the new
the learning methods of full DL and the majority agreed blended
learning that combined classroom and distance learning can be
s for further studies
implemented henceforth. This current COVID-19 pandemic
changes not only the utilization of technology in education but the
pedagogy strategies in the future.

Accomplished by: Kristine Arias

Research Journal Article #13:

Schroeder Ray (2020) Wellness and Mental Health in 2020 Online Learning Volume, pp. Page(). doi:#
or Retrieved from URLhttps://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/blogs/online-trending-now/wellness-
Topic/Thesis Statement Worldwide, lives are stressed and strained by COVID-19. Nowhere
is that more evident than in the lives of students, staff and faculty
members engaged in the transformed role of online learning

Objectives/Research The researchers seek to know how the transition of Online

Learning during this time of pandemic affects the mental health of
students, faculty members and staff.

Methodology Participants/Sampling Procedure

The researchers used the students and faculty members on identifying

how this sudden transition affects them. They separated men and
womens to know who is more prone to having challenges in relation with
mental illness or problem.

Data Gathering Procedure

The gathered data was conducted by the researchers by basing their

study on the previous articles that were published and was related and
helpful to their study.

Data Analysis Procedure

The researchers analyzed the data by calculating the proportion of how

many mens and womens are affected by the indirect impacts of the
crisis. The use of probability was also present for the researchers to
know how many who are men and women who are students have some
sort of income loss due to the pandemic.

Summary/ Highlights of As higher education adapts to teaching and learning at a

the distance, the workload and the learning load of adopting a
s for further studies new delivery mode is taking a huge toll on the lives of those
in higher education. This is an immense problem that is
growing rapidly. While there are some students who are
thriving through online learning, the toll of the virus,
isolation, increased workloads and other associated effects
are rising among many students, staff and faculty members.
It must not be underestimated. Every institution must
address these challenges that threaten the well-being of their
constituents. So many faculty members who already live on
the edge of burnout in meeting the teaching, advising,
research and publication expectations are facing an
emotional letdown or even collapse. Most students are
feeling the strain.So, those at the front line of engaging students
have enhanced responsibilities in this COVID time. We need to be
both vigilantly observant of possible symptoms of serious problems
while at the same time, being gracefully supportive of our learners.

Accomplished by: Kristine Arias

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