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Admit Card

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Corporate Centre, “Saudamini”, Plot No.

2, Sector – 29, Gurugram, Haryana – 122001

E-mail- [email protected]
Recruitment of Diploma Trainee (Electrical/Civil/Electronics)
Against Advt. No.: CC/08/2022 dated 09.12.2022
Computer Based Test on 05.05.2023
Please take a colored printout of this admit card in PORTRAIT MODE
For Written Test through CBT Mode for Diploma Trainee (Electrical/Civil/Electronics)

Post Name Diploma Trainee-Electronics

Candidate Name Shivangi Singh

Guardian Name Durga lal singh

Registration ID 923730 Name of Region NR-III

Date of Test 05/05/2023 Date of Birth 13-08-1997

Roll Number 3115320012 PwBD Status NO

Category OBC(NCL) PwBD Category N.A

Mobile Number 8957664899 NO
Nearest Railway

Mailing Address : Village gajpur,Khalilabad,272175


Test Venue Address : iON Digital Zone iDZ Prabandh Nagar

Subhash Chandra Bose Institute of Higher Education, Near IIM, Prabandh Nagar, Mubarakpur, Sitapur-Hardoi Bypass Road,
Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India - 226013

Reporting Time 7:00 AM Examination Time 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM

Registration Time 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM Gate Closure Time 8:00 AM

Negative Marks for

1/4th No. of Questions 170 (Part I - 120, Part II - 50)
wrong answer

For UR & EWS Vacancy 40% Part-I Part-II

Total No. of Technical Knowledge Supervisory Aptitude
Qualifying Marks Sections in the Test
For Reserved Vacancies 30% Test (TKT) Test (SAT)

To be signed at the venue

Candidate’s Signature Invigilator’s Signature

With best wishes,

Date: Deputy General Manager, HR-Rectt



Things to be brought compulsorily for admission to test/examination centre

ü Printed coloured copy of e-Admit Card ü Original Photo ID proof as mentioned below
ü Face Mask & Hand Glove ü Blue ball Pen for rough work & PET water bottle (transparent)
ü Personal hand sanitizer (50ml) ü 2 Passport size photographs (coloured)

1. This admit card is PROVISIONALLY issued to you based on the details submitted by you in the online application. Before reporting for Written Test,
please ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria for the post as mentioned in the said Advertisement. If you do not fulfill eligibility criteria set
for the said post, you should not appear for the Test. PLEASE NOTE THAT NO CHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE TEST CENTRE/VENUE
ALLOTTED TO YOU. You are advised to go through the instructions carefully.

2. The admit card along with Rough sheets used (if any) will have to be returned in original to the invigilators after the test. Failure to do so shall cancel
your candidature.

3. Please note that this admit card does not confirm an offer of employment. Your candidature for this Test is PROVISIONAL and is subject to your
fulfilling the educational and all other eligibility criteria prescribed for the post as per the concerned advertisement. Mere appearance in
the written test does not entitle you for consideration for further selection in POWERGRID.

4. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at the Test Centre without Admit Card and Photo Identification proof. Admission to the Test Center will only be
on production of following:

Ÿ This Admit Card (Colour print out)

Ÿ One photo identity proof (PAN card/ Passport/ Driving License/ Voter ID card/ Aadhaar Card/ Govt. Issued Identity card, etc.) in Original only for
verification purpose. The candidate's photograph and signature should be legibly printed and visible on the photo ID card and should match the
name on Admit Card.
Ÿ POWERGRID Employees should also bring their original POWERGRID ID Card along with a photocopy of the same.

5. Mobile Phones, Electronic Calculator, Watch, any kind of transmitter/receiver or any other such electronic devices, text book, notes,
scales, logarithmic tables, electronic gadget etc. inside the Examination Hall is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Candidates have to make their
own arrangement to keep these items out of the Examination Hall at their own risk. POWERGRID shall not be responsible for any loss of
personal belongings.

6. Your Candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of recruitment/selection process without notice or if joined services are liable to be terminated, if
any information provided by the candidate is not found in conformity with the eligibility criteria notified or POWERGRID comes across any evidence/
knowledge that the qualification/experience/ and any other particulars indicated in application/ personal resume/ other forms/ formats are not
recognized/ false/ misleading and / or amounts to suppression of information/ particulars which should have been brought to the notice of
POWERGRID or that the candidate has been shortlisted for next stage in the process/ has secured employment in POWERGRID through or
adopting any unfair means.

7. POWERGRID reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the selection/ recruitment if need so arises, without issuing any further
notice or assigning any reason thereafter.

8. Any canvassing directly or indirectly will disqualify the candidate.

9. Information/ Guidelines for SC/ST/PwD Candidates:

a. TA for SC/ST/PWD Candidates will be limited to Sleeper class to and fro rail fare from the nearest railway station mentioned in online application
form, provided the distance is at least 30 KMs and out of municipal limits. In case of journey by bus, reimbursement will be limited to Sleeper
(2nd) class rail fare for equivalent distance or actual bus fare whichever is less.

b. SC/ST/PWD Candidate should bring:

• The duly filled in TA Claim form downloaded from our website.(All reimbursements will be done through online mode only within a reasonable
period of time).
• Original Caste/ PWD certificate in the format prescribed by the Govt. of India with a self-attested copy of the same.
• Original bus ticket and/or railway ticket for claiming traveling allowance.

c. No other expenses are reimbursable.

d. PWD candidates requiring scribe shall have to submit scribe declaration form (original) and a copy of photo ID card of scribe along with admit
card to the invigilator. Such candidates shall be provided compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of the examination.

10. Written Test: The test is of objective type with each question having 4 answer options. All questions are compulsory and of 1 mark each. There shall
be 170 questions (120 questions on TKT & 50 questions on SAT). Duration of the test shall be 2 hours (120 minutes). There shall be negative
marking of 1/4.

11. At Test Venue, you must occupy the seat allotted against your roll no. Inter changing seats, creating disturbance in the hall, exchanging notes,
consulting/talking to each other/copying of questions in any form etc. will result in summarily dismissal from the Examination Hall, non- evaluation of
answer sheet and other disciplinary proceedings.

12. Before commencement of the test, candidates are required to register themselves at registration desk.

13. Once the attendance/Capturing of photograph at the Registration Desk is done, such candidate will not be allowed to leave the Exam
Room/ Hall before end of the examination. There will also be an exit verification (Capturing of photograph) after end of examination.

14. Ensure that your signature & signature of Invigilator are put on the Admit card. Without this, the answers will be treated as invalid.

15. You shall be provided rough sheets during the test. You are allowed to bring ONLY BALL POINT PEN with you inside the exam hall.

16. The medium of the question paper is bilingual i.e. English and Hindi as per choice opted by the candidate.

17. Please check your details printed in your admit card. In case of discrepancy with the printed Category/Name/DOB, please report it to the
POWERGRID Coordinator at your test venue.

18. Candidates should take their seats after finishing with the Registration Process System before commencement of Test,.

19. No admission into the venue is allowed after the Gate closure time as mentioned in the Admit card. No candidate shall be allowed to leave
the examination hall before the completion of the Computer based Test/Examination.


1. Candidate must maintain social distancing starting from point of entry in the exam venue till his/her exit from the exam venue and follow the
Signage/Notice Board.

2. In order to maintain Social Distancing Norm in the examination Hall, the Candidates will sit at alternative Computer Nodes. In case Candidate is
having COVID-19 symptom, in that case he/shall be allowed to appear in CBT in a separate Isolation Lab/Hall.

3. Candidate must bring their own Face Mask, Hand Gloves, personal hand sanitizer (50ml), transparent blue ball pen, PET water Bottle (transparent)
and the exam related documents (Admit Card, Photo ID Card etc.).No other items will be permitted inside exam Lab/Hall.

4. Temperature of candidates will be checked at the entry to the exam venue via Thermo Gun.

5. Candidate's Roll Number and the Lab Number' will NOT be displayed outside the exam venue, but the same will be provided to the candidates
individually at the time of entry to the exam venue after their Admit Card and ID verification.

6. Candidates need to follow directions given by Examination Centre representatives in order to observe social distancing at the entry point.

7. At registration desk, the candidate will be directed to sanitize his / her hands using sanitizer after which Photograph will be captured during the
registration process.

8. Candidates will be under CCTV surveillances from entry to exit in the examination premises.

" CUT HERE (below declaration of candidate shall be handed to centre representative/invigilator) "

Self – Declaration

I certify to the best of my knowledge & belief that I am NOT Corona Positive or identified as potential carrier of COVID or have
the following symptoms:

Cough Fever

Cold / Runny Nose Breathing Problem

Candidate Name :
Candidate Roll No :
Date of Examination :
Exam Centre Name :

Signature of Candidate


1. The candidate must bring the colour printout of E-Admit Card at the Examination Centre. The candidate is also required to bring one of the
PHOTO IDENTIFICATION CARD (not photocopy or scanned copy) in original viz. Voter Identity Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Passport,
Aadhaar Card, etc. along with this E-Admit Card. The identity of the candidate will be matched from the original proof. In case yourE-Admit
Card is without photograph, you are advised to bring two recent passport size photographs in the examination centre (same as uploaded in
online application).
2. The candidate's photograph and signature should be legibly printed and visible on the photo ID card and should match the name on E-Admit
Card. The Photo ID card should not be damaged or smudged.
3. Candidates will not be allowed to enter at the Test Centre without valid E-Admit Card and Photo Identification card as mentioned above.
4. No request for change in the Date, Time and Examination Centre will be considered under any circumstances. The E-Admit Card will be valid
only for the test date and examination time as specified above at page no.1.
5. No candidate shall be permitted in the examination centre without carrying this E-Admit Card and government ID proof (in original) under any
circumstances. In case, change in the name by the candidate after/before marriage, the candidate must bring the original matriculation
certificate along with marriage registration certificate /other documentary proof (in original ) along with original Identification Card to establish
the identity after marriage. The identity of the candidate will be matched from the proofs to be provided by the candidate. Candidates are
allowed to carry only E-Admit Card and Identity proof inside the examination centre.
6. The E-Admit Card is made available on the website https://www.powergrid.in/ for downloading & printing by the candidates. This E-Admit Card
is computer generated and shall not be sent by post.
7. Candidates are required to reach their allotted exam centres on reporting time as mentioned in the E-Admit Card so that entry
formalities can be done smoothly. The main gate of examination centre will be closed half an hour before the commencement of the
examination time. No late coming is allowed. Candidates are, therefore, advised to locate their test centre and its accessibility at least a day
before the test so that they can reach the centre on time on the day of the test.
8. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion the Computer based Test/Examination.
9. Candidate's admission to all the stages of the examination is purely PROVISIONAL subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions.
Mere issue of E-Admit Card to the candidate will not imply that his/her candidature has been finally considered by Power Grid Corporation of
India Ltd. (POWERGRID).
10. Once the attendance/ Capturing of photograph is done at the Registration Desk, the candidate should proceed to the allocated computer node
and should not leave the Examination Room/ Hall before end of the examination. After the Computer Based Test (CBT) is over the candidates
should appear for re-verification before leaving the computer lab. The candidate should ensure that the details are captured properly during
registration, as the same may be verified during the remaining stages of selection process.
11. Rough Sheet(s) will be provided to candidate for rough work, which will have to be returned to the invigilators after end of the examination.
Candidate should clearly write his/her Roll No. on each rough sheet.
12. User ID and password for the Computer Based Test (CBT) will be provided to the candidate 10 minutes before commencement of the test/
exam at their respective seat. The Candidate will be required to enter Login ID and Password which will be provided at examination entre to
appear for Computer Based Test. Please ensure that your name, photograph appearing on the computer screen are correct after login.
13. The candidate should check the particulars viz., Name, Date of Birth, Category, PwBD category, etc. mentioned in E-Admit Card carefully and
also eligibility in all respects as per criteria mentioned in Advertisement.
14. Candidates must refrain from creating any obstruction during the conduct of examination. If any candidate is found obstructing the conduct of
the examination or creating disturbances at the examination venue, his/her candidature shall be summarily cancelled. Such candidate shall
also be liable to be debarred from future examinations of the POWERGRID and legal proceedings could be initiated against him/her.
15. The candidate should bring only E-Admit Card, original Photo Identification Card and Ball Point Pens to Examination Centre.
Candidates are strictly advised not to bring mobile/cellular phones, electronic gadgets, earphones or microphones, books, notes,
electronics or wrist watches of any kind, pagers or any other electronic communications device, bags, wallet, purses, pen drives or
dongles, any type of metallic items, jewellery etc. inside the examination hall /centre. Any infringement of these instructions shall entail
disciplinary action against such candidates including ban from future examinations. Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/
costly items to the examination centre, as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. POWERGRID will not be responsible for any loss in this
16. In the examination, if a candidate is (or has been) found guilty of: (i) using unfair means during the examination or (ii) impersonating or
procuring impersonation by any person or (iii) misbehaving in the examination hall or (iv) resorting to any irregular or improper means in
connection with his/her candidature for selection or (v) obtaining support for his/her candidature by any unfair means, such a candidate may, in
addition to rendering himself/herself liable to criminal prosecution, will also be liable: (a) to be disqualified from the examination for which
he/she is a candidate and (b) to be debarred, either permanently or for a specified period, from any examination or recruitment conducted by
17. Candidate is also advised to read the “Online Examination Instructions” carefully for computer based test/exam available with this E-Admit
18. Candidates are also advised to keep visiting website https://www.powergrid.in/ for further updates.
19. Objection management link will be opened for candidates some days after the conduct of examination to see his/her marks online and submit
representation towards the questions to POWERGRID.
20. The candidates should check the particulars viz., Name, Date of Birth, Category, PwBD category, etc. mentioned in E-Admit Card carefully and
also eligibility in all respects as per the Advertisement. The registered candidates may log grievances, if any, with Recruitment Help Desk Email
[email protected]


1. Total duration of test/ examination is as mentioned in the E-Admit card.

2. The clock will be set at the server. The countdown timer in the top right corner of screen will display the remaining time available for you to
complete the examination. When the timer reaches zero, the examination will end by itself. You will not be required to end or submit your

3. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols:

Navigating to a Question :

4. To answer a question, do the following:

a. Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly.
b. Click on Save & Next to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question.
c. Click on Mark for Review & Next to mark the current question for review, and then go to the next question.
d. Caution: Note that your answer for the current question will be not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly (without saving
the answer) by clicking on its question number.

Answering a Question :

5. Procedure for answering a multiple choice type question:

a. To select your answer, click on the button of one of the options.

b. To deselect your chosen answer, click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the Clear Response button.
c. To change your chosen answer, click on the button of another option.
d. To save your answer, you MUST click on the Save & Next button.

To mark the question for review, click on the Mark for Review & Next button. If an answer is selected for a question and which is
Marked for Review, that answer will not be considered in the evaluation.


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