Lagos Electricity Policy
Lagos Electricity Policy
Lagos Electricity Policy
Table of Contents 2
Governor’s Forward 4
Executive Summary 5
Lagos, in addition to being the commercial estimated 45,000MW of off-grid generators Government support for market
centre, is the most populous state in Nigeria. It in Nigeria is located within Lagos State alone. growth/customer satisfaction.
is home to one of the largest megacities in the Lagos has continued to witness a continuous 3) an autonomous, credible
world and is growing each minute. The State flow of new residential, commercial, and regulatory body.
is very important to the survival of a non-oil industrial developments and investments. 4) an integrated resource plan.
dependent Nigeria. It is home to Nigeria and As it tries to manage its evolution into a 21st 5) competitive and transparent
Sub-Saharan Africa’s most important financial century economy, with the attendant need to procurement of generation
centre outside Johannesburg, South Africa and meet urban planning standards and satisfy resources.
is home to the two most important seaports the demand for various social amenities and 6) a bankable commercial
and domestic and international airport hubs economic opportunities, the State needs to framework.
in the country. Lagos State would be the fifth establish the enabling environment for an 7) well-funded, well-managed
largest economy in Africa if it were a country. electricity market that supports the huge generation, transmission, and
This makes Lagos a major centre for both demand that this growth generates. This distribution players.
domestic and international trade as well as Lagos market must be separate from the 8) an Independent System Operator.
labour mobility. national electricity grid, but also be connected
with and complementary to the latter. Lagos This Policy articulates the vision of LASG on the
Energy supply is currently the single biggest cannot rely on the national grid alone for its necessary constitutional, legal, engineering,
infrastructure and developmental challenge in long term, sustainable socio-economic growth and commercial foundations for creating a
the State. Lagos depends entirely on Nigeria’s and significant growth in the standard of living viable sub-national electricity sector that
national grid for its public electricity supply, as of its citizens. caters fully to the needs of its citizens, while
does the rest of the country. Through its two enabling significant socio-economic growth
resident electricity distribution companies A major challenge the State must contend and development both for Lagos State and
(Discos) – Eko and Ikeja – it receives just about with is the highly skewed ratio between public the country at large.
1000MW for an average of no more than electricity supply and highly expensive, highly
12 hours daily, i.e., 12,000 megawatt-hours polluting, and economically inefficient off-
(MWh), for a population exceeding 27 million grid generators that actually powers Lagos
spread over a compact land mass. State. Several requirements are critical to
implementing a holistic solution that delivers
The uneven supply across the State for no clean, adequate, and reliable electricity supply
more than half a day, on average, makes off- within the geographical territory of the State
grid generators, self-generated electricity and to all its demographic/customer classes.
critical to socio-economic activity despite These include:
being extremely costly and environmentally
unfriendly. The Lagos State Electricity 1) an enabling constitutional and
Board (LSEB) conducted research in 2014 legal framework.
that demonstrated that 15,000MW of the 2) collaborative Federal and State
» 1.4 industrial and generation customers in the » 1.7 companies (Gencos) at 3 sites, Egbin,
Western part of the country. At the moment, Olorunsogo and Papalanto, Lagos State has
There is a single grid-connected generating the ELPS system has the additional capacity Electricity transmission in Lagos State is just Egbin Power Plc but constitutes the
plant within Lagos State as of today; this is to transport at least another 1bcf (enough undertaken by the Transmission Company of Region’s largest single largest sub-market in
the 1,320MW Egbin Power Plc. In keeping with to deliver at least 3,500MW of generation Nigeria (TCN). TCN holds two separate licenses the country, with four of Lagos Region’s five
the central dispatch operation of Nigeria’s capacity) to existing and prospective Gencos from the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory sub-regions and thirty-three (26 x 132kV and
single electricity market, energy from Egbin and IPPs in and around Lagos State. Commission (NERC) under which it operates 7 x 330kV) of its thirty-eight sub-stations
is delivered to the national grid from where two separate businesses. The Transmission dedicated entirely to the State.
some of it is transmitted back into Lagos. » 1.6 Services Provider (TSP) responsible for the
construction and maintenance of the 330kV » 1.8
» 1.5 Apart from the prospects of natural gas and 132kV transmission grid, comprising
supply to Lagos State via from ELPS, the transmission towers, lines, switchyards, TCN’s 4 Sub-Regions and 33 substations
Nigeria is dependent on natural gas to provide Nigeria LNG Limited has recently announced and substations. Even though TSP’s Lagos in Lagos State and their respective
more than 75% of its daily supply from the that it has signed contracts for the supply of Transmission Region covers five generating transformation capacities are:
national grid. Today, all gas thermal plants, liquefied natural gas to the Nigerian domestic
including Egbin, connected to the national grid gas market. While this is an exciting prospect,
are supplied with gas by Nigeria Gas Marketing it will be difficult to translate this into a steady
Company’s Escravos – Lagos Pipeline System and sustained commercial reality without
(ELPS). The ELPS recently doubled in capacity a market, such as Lagos State, creating the
from 1bcf to a 2bcf system that supplies opportunity for it.
» 3.12 at which point the ISO will take over custody » 3.17
of the plan and oversee the execution of its » 3.19
processes. Given the steady progression towards
The Lagos Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)
decentralisation and the increased use of The bankability of this commercial framework
will outline a framework to meet future
electricity demand in the State by establishing
Competitive and technology in providing energy services to is based on revenue streams derived via a
the availability of fuel and electricity Transparent Procurement of customers, there will be significant scope tariff methodology founded on the following
for the further disaggregation of distribution basic principles:
generation resources available within the Resources
services within the State. All such services,
State and ensuring that these resources
depending on their sophistication and capital/ 3.19.1 Transparent generation procurement
are transparently allocated to credible and
capable private sector players who will then » 3.15 management requirements will be subject to processes.
some form of licensing. Licensing processes
deliver energy into the Lagos Electricity
A competitive and transparent framework for will be simple, automated, and efficient. The 3.19.2 Consistent and apolitical response to
Market. Implementing the Plan requires the
procuring new generation capacity based on relationships between players in the Market macroeconomic signals.
deployment of power system planning tools
projections made in the IRP will be mandated will be governed by a set of typical industry
with the objective of determining the least
by the State Regulator. The procurement codes and guidelines established by the 3.19.3 Willing buyer-willing seller transactions
cost method of meeting all identified demand.
of new generation will in turn be a major regulatory body via a consultative process. in every sector of the Lagos electricity market
It will also consider the wide range of supply-
factor in determining end-user tariffs by the The Market will also have an industry- from fuel supply through generation and
and demand-side resources, their potential
contracting buyers and sellers, based on their led dispute resolution mechanism that transmission to distribution (wholesale and
means of deployment, the constraints to such
different transaction cost components. Such emphasizes alternative dispute resolution. retail).
deployment and their financial, economic, and
willing buyer-willing seller negotiations will These essential elements will be provided for
environmental impact with regard to meeting
in turn be guided by the tariff methodology in the State electricity law and the focus will 3.19.4 Competition in the generation and
projected future energy needs.
established by the Regulator. be to establish a commercially and financially distribution retail sectors, although probably
viable and technically sound LEM into which not in the wires business; and
» 3.13
A Bankable Commercial entry is via a simple, uncomplicated licensing
mechanism, with most of the energy consumed 3.19.5 Accounting separation between each
Lagos State commenced the process of Framework by customers being based on willing buyer/ business segment of the Market
developing its IRP in H2 2022 with the
willing seller transactions.
support of the USAID Power Africa Nigeria
Power Sector Program (PA-NPSP). The State » 3.16 » 3.20
now has a draft IRP, which will be refined and
» 3.18
The Lagos Electricity Market (LEM) will be The methodology or methodologies by
updated. A completed plan will be issued and
owned and operated substantially by the Also important to the success of the LEM is which electricity tariffs in the State are to
adopted as a foundational document for the
private sector under a commercial framework, the need to identify clusters of credit worthy be determined will be established following
establishment of the Lagos Energy Market by
also guided by the IRP and the State tariff wholesale and retail end-customers that will consultations undertaken by the regulatory
Q4 2021. The IRP will thereafter be regularly
methodology. TCN will be encouraged to buy electricity from the Market. Provision body. These consultations will also identify
reviewed in line with regulations to be issued
incorporate its transmission network in the would be made for sustainable arrangements those vulnerable and less economically viable
by the Regulator to ensure that it remains
State under a separate corporate entity that for funding either or both capital and recurrent segments of the market that will benefit from
relevant to the needs of Lagosians.
would seek and obtain a transmission licence costs of providing access to vulnerable or capital cost support measures implemented
economically under-privileged citizens. For by the LSEB or its successor agency.
» 3.14 from the State regulator. The Lagos ISO,
when established, will also be owned by all the sound financial health of the LEM, the IRP
The IRP will be in the custody of, and its market participants, possibly including key
In Lagos, where issues of poverty reduction, (DSM) 4.11.1 Defines the State’s short-, medium-
social equity and inclusion are critical, OGS 4.7.3 Articulates the role of the State in
and long-term DSM program targets and
presents solutions that enable the delivery of incentivizing and providing the enabling
environment to catalyse private sector » 4.9 incentives.
clean energy access to the people, particularly
investment in creating an OGS ecosystem.
to the poor and vulnerable. Very importantly, 4.11.2 Articulates the role of the State
The State Government will promote strategies
OGS also offers the prospect of cost-effective, in incentivizing and creating an enabling
4.7.4 Establishes a Lagos State Off-grid to conserve energy and reduce overall demand
fast, and cleaner means of electricity for the environment to encourage the DSM measures.
Electrification Agency as the executing agency for electricity (particularly during identified
SMEs that are the backbone of the State’s
for the State OGS Strategy and Plan working peak periods). These DSM measures are
economy. Effectively deployed, OGS can play with relevant State, Federal Government 4.11.3 Defines the role of key stakeholders in
expected to benefit all stakeholders – Lagos
a significant role in catalysing job creation and MDAs and private sector players. the implementation of the policy.
residents, electricity utilities, and the society
socio-economic development.
at large; reduce electricity bills, reduce the
4.7.5 Provides a basis for developing 4.11.4 Outlines a process to periodically
overall electricity demand, improve reliability,
» 4.6 education, research, sensitization, consumer identify the gaps between current and target
reduce public electricity expenditure, and
protection, and capacity building programmes levels, develop action plans on how, when, and
improve economic development.
OGS also offer a cost-efficient way to improve for OGS in the State. by whom the gaps will be addressed.
the resilience and independence of public and
4.7.6 Sets out regulatory principles applicable » 4.10
social infrastructure, which is a key element 4.11.5 Establishes priority activities to be
of this Administration’s T.H.E.M.E.S. agenda. to OGS and e-waste in the State.
Electricity supply has remained inconsistent, implemented annually.
From 2015 till date, Lagos State, with funding
4.7.7 Promotes gender and social inclusion unreliable, and inadequate thus far, and
support from the UK Government under 4.11.6 Ensures a DSM program monitoring
in driving electricity access; large commercial and industrial users are
the Solar Nigeria Programme, has powered system for data collection and track impact.
largely self-supplying. Nevertheless, supply is
172 schools and 11 rural primary health care
4.7.8 Recognizes OGS as a vital component expected to grow, and the State Government
centres in the State via off-grid solar systems. 4.11.7 Incorporates DSM in the State’s
of the State IRP; and will establish and drive the implementation of
In addition, off-grid solar systems were Integrated Resource Planning and Data
measures designed to encourage residents of
deployed to public health centres and medical 4.7.9 Provides a Monitoring & Evaluation gathering.
the State to modify levels, patterns, timing, and
laboratories during the COVID-19 pandemic (M&E) framework to track the implementation quantities of electricity that they consume;
by the private sector and government. These of the State OGS Strategy and Plan, and 4.11.8 Assigns responsibility for the
such that the cost of growing the Lagos
existing programmes will be expanded, and attainment of the State’s OGS objectives. specification, collection, storage, maintenance,
Electricity Market becomes more efficient and
new ones will be initiated in an institutional and supply of relevant DSM data, according to
and structured manner. » 4.8 the requirements of the IRP and international
The OGS Plan will identify all unserved or » 4.11 standards; and
» 4.7
underserved areas and communities of the
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 4.11.9 Provides for annual reviews, audits
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources State by name and identify the OGS most likely
will be the coordinating authority for DSM and reporting to the DSM programs including
to be cost-effective in serving each identified
will be the coordinating authority for OGS their costs and benefits (including targets and
area or community. It will also discuss the schemes in the State and develop a State DSM
schemes in the State. It will and develop a achievements).
nature of incentives that may be provided
State OGS Strategy and Plan that:
to these areas and communities and the
operators that wish to undertake connections
4.7.1 Defines the State’s short-, medium-, to these communities; identify the key players
and long-term targets for OGS. in implementing the Plan and the roles they
will be expected to play either on their own or
4.7.2 Maps areas, communities and clusters in collaboration with the Lagos State Off-grid
Electricity Agency.
» 5.1 objective will be the creation of a credible, rules-
and contract-based electricity market for the
The key public sector institutions in the Lagos State into which capable, well-managed, well-
Electricity Market and their roles are: financed entities are incentivised to enter and
remain. To this end, the State Government will
5.1.1 The Lagos State Government: seek out and appoint well-qualified citizens as
The three arms of Government in the State Commissioners and staff of the Regulator and
will provide a platform for the coordination of provide them with enough financial, physical
policies by the Executive, the making of laws and training resources to enable them settle
by the Legislature and subsidiary legislation down quickly to their very important tasks.
by the regulator. The Judiciary will continue to
play its established role in interpreting relevant 5.1.4 The Lagos Independent System
laws and resolving disputes involving market Operator: The nature of the Lagos ISO has
participants that are properly brought before also been discussed previously in Paragraphs
it. The Judiciary will also exercise jurisdiction 3.25 – 3.27. The Lagos State Government,
in adjudicating all cases of electricity theft, through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
malpractice, and other criminal matters under Resources will foster the establishment of the
the enabling Law to be enacted hereafter. ISO by creating a unit that will take custody
Special arrangements will be made by the of its draft IRP already prepared and design
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the various processes and the technical and
working with the State Ministry of Justice commercial frameworks for establishing the
and the Lagos State Police Command to Lagos ISO.
focus directly and sharply on electricity-
related crimes and ensure their immediate 5.1.5 The Lagos State Electricity Board
prosecution. (LSEB): The LSEB is the implementing
agency under the Lagos State Ministry of
5.1.2 The Lagos State Ministry of Energy Energy & Mineral Resources responsible for
and Mineral Resources: the State’s independent power project and
The Ministry will lead the Executive Branch role, public lighting programmes. Its 1980 enabling
and represent the State, in policy development Law also confers on it the power to undertake
in all aspects of electricity, energy and their generation, transmission and distribution
related issues. In addition, the Ministry will have of electricity to areas not covered by the
supervisory responsibility for the Lagos State national grid system within Lagos State. The
Off-grid Electrification Agency and manage Law to implement this Policy will re-establish
the relationship between the Executive and this entity and focus it particularly on working
the State House of Assembly in the latter’s with stakeholders to bring electricity access
exercise of its oversight responsibility. to the unserved and underserved areas Lagos
through a State Electrification Fund that
EXECUTIVE INSTITUTIONS regulator have been discussed in Paragraphs LSEB’s historical responsibility for public
3.10 – 3.11 above. The Regulator’s primary