Singer 1
Singer 1
Singer 1
Brian C. J. Singer
can also serve to think about the ‘social’. The claim of this article is that the
social was only ‘discovered’ during the 18th and 19th centuries, and that this
discovery must be related to the modern democratic revolution. Warrant for
this claim can be found in one of Lefort’s more difficult essays, ‘Outline of
the Genesis of Ideology in Modern Societies’ (Lefort, 1982). As this essay’s
central thematic concerns ideology, his comments on the social remain quite
brief. They are, nonetheless, highly suggestive, and need to be unpacked
and expanded.
Near the beginning of the essay, Lefort draws a distinction between
the ‘institution of the social’ and the ‘discourse on the social’, which corre-
sponds roughly to that between ‘an order of practice and an order of repre-
sentation’ (1982: 183). The social here applies to all societies. Still, he makes
it clear that the social appears explicitly as such, in discourse, only in modern
societies. Earlier societies spoke of the social in non-social terms, as they
had not disentangled ‘the social order’ from ‘the order of the world’
(1982: 187). The suggestion is that the social order was confused with the
natural or, as more likely, the super-natural world, such that the institution
of that order was represented as proceeding from an extra-social, transcen-
dental source. In modern societies the social order is deemed immanent to
society and, therefore, intelligible in its own terms – this ultimately being
what is meant by the ‘discovery’ of the social. Of course, many have noted
that, as long as religion remained dominant, the nature of social being was
misrecognized. The promise of Lefort’s discussion lies in its association of
secularization with the idea of a change in the ‘symbolic order’. The latter
is defined not just as ‘a system of oppositions by which social forms can be
identified and articulated with one another’ (1982: 194). He adds that the
character of these oppositions depends on ‘the configuration of the signi-
fiers of law, power and knowledge’ (1982: 186). With a change in the
symbolic order, there is a change in the relations between law, power and
knowledge, and consequently, in each of these terms’ signification. Consider
the character of this change, if only schematically.
the law that gives it form. A power that separates from its law is no longer
power, but its corruption. Similarly, knowledge is only genuine knowledge
if it is validated by power, and serves to sustain power and its law. Ulti-
mately, power speaks truth in order to sustain a lawful world. Truths that
lie outside the orbit of power appear senseless because they would refer to
a disorderly and incoherent world.
This has implications for the distinction between ‘the institution of the
social’ and the ‘discourse on the social’ (here a politico-theological discourse
on a social ‘under erasure’). Institution appears present only to the extent
that it is represented in the theological-political discourse, for the latter
renders present the power, law and knowledge without which there would
be no institution. Institution thus appears via discourse, the latter appearing
less a discourse about the ‘social’ than a discourse constitutive of the ‘social’,
as it relays the divine word constitutive of the order of the world from which
the ‘social’ is not yet disentangled. Words are often not just words; they
mould the institutional world. And acts are often ritual acts because they
communicate between worlds. Power here bears, comparatively speaking,
an explicitly symbolic dimension.
Modern democratic power is less explicitly symbolic: as the place of
power is ‘empty’, its occupants no longer incarnate the constitution of an
order. Nonetheless, modern democratic regimes still entail a symbolic order,
the emptying of the place of power itself implying a new ‘configuration of
the signifiers of power, law and knowledge’. In effect, as the three terms no
longer refer to a single extra-social source, they separate and pursue their
own particular ‘logics’. This article looks at this separation from, above all,
the perspective of knowledge and its transformation. The latter is, indirectly,
the focus of Lefort’s essay, ideology being a form of knowledge, an un-
satisfactory form to be sure, but one still subject to the changes being
In modern democratic regimes, knowledge (like power and law,
moreover) is general, and in several senses. Everyone can, in principle,
become knowledgeable, and should receive an education. Everyone is a
potential source of knowledge, and deserves to be heard regardless of
position. And everyone can become his own object of knowledge, with his
own personal archive. All this supposes that knowledge, if it is not to become
an instrument of oppression by the few, must be dissociated from the
position of power, or at least the position of the power-holders. This last
statement suggests a qualification, for power is divided between the immedi-
ately visible positions occupied by the power-holders and the sovereign
position they claim to represent. One wonders if this separation from knowl-
edge also applies to the sovereign, particularly in matters of political judge-
ment. After all, if constitutions never declare the all-powerful sovereign
people to be all-knowing, knowledge and power are still conjoined, if only
tentatively, in the figures of the general will, common sense and public
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declaration of law that constitutes the sovereign nation that declares the law.
If, then, a constitution genuinely takes hold, it will be no mere piece of
paper; it will appear sacrosanct, not because inspired by God, but because
confounded with the sovereign act that founds the nation. One cannot under-
estimate the enormous symbolic efficacy of the representation of the law
The real problem emerges with the translation from the representation
of law to that of power. One might think such a translation unnecessary,
even impossible. After all, if in the register of the law the referent (the repre-
sented) cannot be easily separated from its enunciation (the representation),
in the register of power the representatives and represented refer to two
different groups of people. However, as the sovereign people is constituted
through the (fundamental) law, the representational logics of law and power
overlap, opening the way for a logic of substitution that operates in the
following manner. The sovereign power constituted by the (fundamental)
law refers to the general will of the people that exists to maintain and extend
the law. But this will cannot manifest itself directly, at least not continuously,
as the nation is too large to assemble in person. Instead it must manifest
itself indirectly through its political representation, with the proviso that the
latter reflect the national will as closely as possible (a proviso that appears
all the more necessary as, prior to the Revolution, political representation
was considered inherently aristocratic, a filtering mechanism for the promotion
of superior individuals to positions of authority). The tendency, then, is to
read not just the ‘general will’, but the nation’s very existence, off the repre-
sentative will. Thus the propensity to postpone elections which, while peri-
odically permitting the direct manifestation of the sovereign will, threaten to
reveal that will as internally divided and different from its representation.
Indeed, all political divisions, whether within or between representatives and
represented, appear as a direct menace to the nation one and indivisible,
the Terror being the attempt to ensure the survival of the sovereign by forcing
nation and representation to coincide.
The dramatic, ultimately unsustainable, character of such a logic under-
lines the need to separate polity and society. If events at the level of politi-
cal representation are not to directly threaten the ‘order of society’, the latter
must appear as existing relatively independent of political representation,
which is to say, it must be represented in terms other than those of law or
power. The second disentangling, in short, supposes the existence of differ-
ent forms of representation corresponding to the different spheres.
Once polity and society can be distinguished, democratic political
representation no longer represents the collectivity, identified with the sover-
eign power and its act of foundation. When the order, coherence and identity
of the collectivity are no longer suspended on its political representation,
politics can be ‘desacralized’. Political representation need no longer embody
the wholeness and wholesomeness of the social bond. It refers instead to a
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assume that Claude Lefort draws it from Merleau-Ponty, and notably from
his 1954–5 course at the Collège de France, which Lefort recently edited. In
the preface he writes:
be indefinitely disguised; eventually the facts escape even the most ‘realist’
discourse, which can then only play catch-up. Representation inevitably falls
short of social reality, and not just because the distance between the place
of enunciation and its referent cannot, in the end, be disguised. Nor because
there is no single place of enunciation and, therefore, no single perspective
on the referent (politicians, lawyers and sociologists all represent social
reality differently, as do economists, artists, shopkeepers, workers, industri-
alists, etc.). Ultimately, the failure is inscribed in the very nature of the object,
the social, wherein the instituting continuously breaks through the instituted.
The social, once distinguished from the political, is a source of stability.
Being rooted in the bedrock of an evolving history, and dispersed through
a variety of spheres, it proves relatively impervious to shifts in power. The
social is also a source of uncertainty – the topos of an ‘institution’ ultimately
experienced as ‘ïnsaisissable’ and ‘immaîtrisable’ (Lefort, 1981: 173). The
discovery of the social signals a new ontology of collective life, suggestive
of a new openness to institutional creativity, and a new sensitivity to reality’s
indeterminacy. In its dual aspect this discovery must be considered a politi-
cal event (if one that points beyond the political4), as well as an event in
knowledge. Indeed, as a source both of stability and uncertainty, the social
appears as the necessary presupposition of modern democracy, serving to
ground its regime of representations. However, as a presupposition, the
social is without determinate content, and all attempts to specify its content
prove rather fragile.
1. Though there can be no doubt that Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s book of the same
name did much to spread the use of the term ‘social’ (Williams, 1976: 243–7).
2. Saint-Simon, Tocqueville, Marx, Comte and Durkheim can and have all been
read in this manner. There is no need to turn to a Bonald or de Maistre, with
their attempt to ground a community – as opposed to a society – in a revived
political theology.
3. Foucault hardly speaks about the appearance of the social (not least because
of his difficulties in speaking about the political); he does, however, speak of
the emergence of the ‘human sciences’.
4. Much of what is called nation-building should be understood as the attempt
to establish the presence of a ‘pre-political’ society. In an earlier article I tried
to examine the emergence, within the French Revolution, of elements of a
‘cultural’ understanding of the nation in response to the aporias of a strictly
voluntary, contractual understanding (Singer, 1996).
5. The representative principle, at its root, consists in wanting to produce
the political and, more generally, the social bond, by the will alone, that
is, from the human soul alone. Our period is perhaps not very religious,
but, in the political and social order, it is quite “spiritualist.” We want all
our ties, even corporal ties, to have their origin, cause and duration in a
purely and sovereignly spiritual decision. (Manent, 2004: 230; my trans-
Note the author, a political theorist, tends to fold the social into the political.
6. One death suggests the end of social work; another that the social has been
reduced to social work. One sees representation (the representation of the
norm) absorbed into the facts, while another sees the facts absorbed into repre-
sentation (by the media).
7. He describes the ‘invisible ideology’ in terms of a double movement: ‘elimi-
nating the distance between the discourse on the social and social discourse,
inserting the first into the second’; and ‘dissociating [this latter enterprise] from
the affirmation of totality’ (1982: 225).
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