Week 6 Shafer (1994)

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The Analysis of Verbal Behavior 1994, 12, 53-66

A Review of Interventions to Teach a Mand Repertoire

Esther Shafer
The Central School of Speech and Drama, London, England
Interventions which teach developmentally disabled persons to make requests and choices are
now widely recommended. Recent changes in general approaches to teaching request-making
have been noted which are consistent with theory and research concerning mands. Three cate-
gories of interventions, incidental teaching, choice making, and the interrupted behavior chain
are also examined with regard to theory concerning the mand and establishing operations
(EOs). Several of the critical features of EOs, and in particular the momentary aspect of EOs,
have not been well incorporated into interventions. Suggestions for improvement of mand
interventions are therefore proposed.

In recent years, many interventions have filling the criteria of functionality and are
been designed with the purpose of teach- therefore often recommended for this
ing developmentally disabled individuals group of learners.
to make requests and choices. Although Many benefits of teaching students to
these interventions are not often described make requests and choices have been dis-
as ones designed to establish a mand cussed in the literature, including increases
repertoire, the goal appears to be essen- in desirable social behaviors (Peck, 1985)
tially the same, and for this reason reflects and spontaneous communication (Dyer,
a welcome trend. A change in the nature of 1989). There is also a growing awareness of
services that are provided to developmen- the relationship between challenging
tally disabled persons and the philosophy behavior and communication skills (e.g.
underlying these changes may be primar- Durand & Carr, 1992; Dyer, Dunlap, &
ily responsible for this trend. Over the past Winterling, 1990; Johnston & Reichle, 1993;
twenty-five years, the range of services Reichle et al., 1988). Developmentally dis-
provided to persons with developmental abled persons may sometimes acquire
disabilities has greatly increased (Falvey, strong repertoires of self-stimulation, self-
Bishop, Grenot-Scheyer & Coots, 1988). injurious behavior, and aggression toward
The criteria of functionality and increased others. When a functional analysis is made,
access to the mainstream of society are these behaviors often appear to be main-
generally applied to any intervention rec- tained by escape or avoidance of certain
ommended for this population (Falvey situations, social attention, or are followed
et al., 1988), and the same criteria are used by other tangible consequences (Durand &
to evaluate the benefits of communication Crimmins, 1991). Teaching request-making
training programs (Reichle, Piche-Cragoe, is frequently recommended as part of an
Sigafoos, & Doss, 1988). Interventions overall treatment plan to decrease chal-
which increase an individual's ability to lenging behavior by developing other
establish a listener's attention, request response forms which have the same func-
desired items, make choices, and reject tion (Durand & Carr, 1992).
unwanted items or events are seen as ful- The Need to Evaluate Interventions Designed
to Teach Request-Making
Suggestions offered by the reviewers and Guest
Associate Editor were greatly appreciated. Communication interventions for devel-
Correspondence may be addressed to the author at: 4
Oaklands, Constance Road, Whitton, Twickenham, opmentally disabled persons are carried
Middlesex TW2 7JQ England. out by professionals from diverse back-
grounds and published in the journals of (b) the frequency of occurrence of that part
many related fields (Warren & Reichle, of the organism's repertoire relevant to
1992). Despite the increasing amount of those events as consequences" (p. 192).
research in this area, the possibility exists Distinguishing the Two Effects of the EO
that many interventions described in the
literature have not been influenced by the The two effects of the EO are important
theory and research concerning mands and for practitioners to distinguish when plan-
the role of motivational variables that are ning treatment programs. The first effect of
relevant to the mand, or establishing oper- the EO is called reinforcer establishing
ations (Michael, 1993). As Remington (Michael, 1993), because it alters the rein-
(1991) noted, behavioral interventions for forcing effectiveness of other events. Since
persons with developmental disabilities the reinforcer establishing effect of the EO
often become detached from the theoretical is transient or momentary, the teacher
and empirical principles from which they must make sure that an EO is in effect at
were derived. the time of training by either capturing or
Because interventions to teach request- contriving EOs (Sundberg, 1993). To cap-
making are commonly recommended, a ture EOs, the teacher must take advantage
closer examination of these is justified, par- of events that occur naturally in the envi-
ticularly in regard to the current theoretical ronment. An opportunity that often arises
and experimental knowledge concerning is to simply note that a period of time has
the mand. This paper will first clarify passed since a person has eaten or had
essential features of the mand and estab- something to drink (Sundberg, 1993), at
lishing operations with respect to planning which time food or drink would function
treatment programs. General approaches as an effective form of reinforcement. EOs
to teaching request-making as well as may also be contrived, in which the envi-
types of interventions commonly recom- ronment is manipulated so that the rein-
mended will be reviewed, and suggestions forcing effectiveness of an event is
will be proposed for further development strengthened. Sundberg offers the example
of interventions. of a client who is showing interest in
watching a video. By turning the video off
FEATURES OF THE MAND momentarily, an EO is established in
THAT ARE IMPORTANT FOR which the continuation of the video will
COMMUNICATION TRAINING function as a form of reinforcement.
In Verbal Behavior (1957), Skinner defined The second effect of the EO is called the
the mand as ..."a verbal operant in which evocative effect (Michael, 1993), and is very
the response is reinforced by a characteris- different from the reinforcer establishing
tic consequence and is therefore under the effect of the EO. When an EO is in effect,
functional control of relevant conditions of any behavior which has been successful in
deprivation or aversive stimulation" (p. 35- the past in obtaining that form of reinforce-
36). The mand is unique among the verbal ment will be evoked. In the example of
operants because it is the only one in food deprivation, because the person has
which the form of the response is con- not eaten for some time and food now
trolled by motivational variables rather functions as an effective form of reinforce-
than prior stimuli (Michael, 1988). ment, the person is likely to produce a
Michael's (1993) analysis of the establish- mand for food. The behavior that is evoked
ing operation (EO) has provided clarifica- may take a number of different forms, and
tion of the role of motivational variables will vary depending upon each individ-
with respect to the mand. He defines the ual's learning history. Often, individuals
EO as "an environmental event, operation, with limited verbal repertoires will emit
or stimulus condition that affects an organ- unconventional mands or challenging
ism by momentarily altering (a) the rein- behaviors when strong EOs are in effect.
forcing effectiveness of other events and When such behavior is evoked the teacher
can employ prompting or shaping proce- increases the value of a second stimulus,
dures to modify or replace the initial an open door. The opportunity now exists
response forms. for the teacher to prompt for the mand
An appreciation of the differences "open" or "out." The transitive CEO can
between the two effects of the EO is also also be contrived, as in the interrupted
important in order to teach mands effec- behavior chain procedure (e.g. Hall &
tively. Many interventions focus upon the Sundberg, 1987). In this procedure, the
evocative effect of the EO by emphasizing learner engages in a chain of behavior, and
the procedures that are needed to develop the situation is arranged so that one essen-
new forms of responses. While the ability tial part of the chain cannot be completed,
to prompt and shape new response forms such as executing the steps to make a cup
is a necessary skill in conducting successful of instant coffee but not having access to
interventions, the likelihood that new hot water. The hot water has increased in
responses can be taught will be severely value as a result of engaging in the other
limited without carefully considering the behaviors involved in making instant cof-
reinforcer establishing effect of the EO. fee, and the mand for "water" can be
When attention is focused upon the form taught.
of a response rather than the controlling The reflexive and surrogate CEOs often
variables, the response may resemble a play a large role in instances of challenging
"request," but may not be a mand. behavior. A reflexive CEO is any stimulus
condition whose presence or absence has
Types of EOs been positively correlated with the pres-
EOs fall into two categories: uncondi- ence or absence of any form of worsening,
tioned establishing operations (UEOs), and will function as a CEO in establishing
whose effects are unlearned, and condi- its own termination as effective reinforce-
tioned establishing operations (CEOs) ment and in evoking any behavior that has
whose effects are a result of the individ- been so reinforced (Michael, 1993).
ual's history (Michael, 1993). UEOs such as Reflexive CEOs can function as warning
water or food deprivation are easy to stimuli, and behaviors that terminate these
incorporate into mand interventions, since stimuli are likely to be evoked. For exam-
the passage of time establishes food and ple, many students have had a history of
drink as EOs and the teacher can easily being unsuccessful in instructional situa-
capture these events. UEOs can also be tions. In this case, verbal directions that
contrived, for instance, by giving someone accompany instruction function as a reflex-
salty chips to increase the value of liquids ive CEO, because they are correlated with
(Sundberg, 1993). However, CEOs provide instruction and are therefore correlated
the greatest source of potential items and with a form of "worsening." The verbal
events to be used as reinforcement for the directions are likely to evoke behaviors
mand. Michael (1993) described three that result in the student escaping or
types of CEOs - transitive, reflexive, and avoiding teaching activities. To reduce
surrogate, and Sundberg (1993) provided these behaviors, the teacher can remove
examples of how they can be incorporated the warning stimuli (the verbal directions)
into mand training programs. and present new stimuli, while carefully
The transitive CEO can be both captured ensuring success while the new stimuli are
and contrived, and has been utilized in presented (Sundberg, 1993). A surrogate
many mand interventions. To capture a CEO is developed when a stimulus is cor-
transitive CEO, the teacher must take related with a UEO and becomes capable
advantage of situations in which one stim- of the same reinforcer establishing and
ulus increases the reinforcing value of a evocative effects as that UEO (Michael,
second stimulus. Sundberg (1993) provides 1993). A surrogate CEO can function in the
the example of a child seeing a highly rein- same way as a reflexive CEO by evoking
forcing fire truck outside a window, which behaviors which result in escaping or
avoiding a situation. For instance, the Many similar opportunities arise in the
white coat of a doctor or dentist may have everyday environment which can be used
become correlated with painful stimuli, to teach mands, as long as care is taken to
and the sight of someone wearing a white ensure that EOs have been captured or
coat may evoke behaviors that result in ter- contrived. In the above example, a UEO
minating the stimulus (Sundberg, 1993). could be captured by conducting training
When possible, mands such as "no" or at a time of day when the learner is likely
"stop" can be taught, thus giving a way to to be hungry.
escape or avoid situations without engag- Distinguishing between the EO and SD
ing in challenging behavior (Johnston & is also important when considering the
Reichle, 1993). issue of spontaneity. Although sponta-
Distinguishing the EOfrom the SD neous communication is widely considered
to be a desired outcome of training, many
The distinction between the EO and the students do not achieve this goal. In order
SD is important to clarify in order to plan to more accurately define spontaneity,
effective interventions (Sundberg, 1993). Halle (1987) has suggested arranging the
Michael (1993) provides a useful contrast, types of stimuli that may control verbal
noting that the reinforcing effectiveness of responses along a continuum. One end of
environmental events is associated with the continuum describes the stimuli that
the EO and the availability of an effective might control a verbal response in very
form of reinforcement is associated with structured teaching situations, while the
the SD. When an EO is in effect, a particu- other end considers responses for which
lar consequence would function as an such stimuli are absent, or presented in a
effective form of reinforcement if it were less obvious way.
obtained. This does not mean that a conse- The degree to which a request is sponta-
quence is available, even though that part neous can be further clarified in terms of
of the organism's repertoire that has been multiple control and the different verbal
successful in the past in obtaining that operants. For example, a response that is
reinforcement is momentarily strength- partly controlled by a nonverbal stimulus
ened. For example, if an EO such as food (presence of a glass of water held very
deprivation is in effect, the learner may close to the learner's face) and a verbal
mand for food even though food may not stimulus ("What do you want?") is consid-
be available. In contrast, an SD is a stimu- ered to have very little spontaneity. This
lus condition that has a history of correla- response is part mand (if an EO is in
tion with the differential availability of an effect), part tact (controlled by an SD), and
effective form of reinforcement, meaning part intraverbal (controlled by the prompt
that the relevant consequence is more "What do you want?"). In a teaching situa-
available in the presence of the SD than in tion such as this one, echoic prompts
its absence. The situation could arise in ("Water") may also be used, thereby
which food may be available and in view, adding another source of control. In con-
although the learner may not be hungry at trast, the most spontaneous type of
that moment and may not mand for it. response would be a pure mand, which is
An understandin &of the difference controlled solely by an EO or CEO. For
between the EO and S is important in the example, when a child tells a listener that
analysis of many everyday examples of she is thirsty when a nonverbal stimulus is
verbal behavior, which often involve joint absent (a drink is not in view) and who has
control by EOs and SDs. For example, in a not been asked a question (no verbal dis-
cafeteria, requesting a particular kind of criminative stimulus has been presented)
food is controlled by the sight of the food the response is presumed to be under con-
item (an SD) and presumably, food depri- trol of a UEO (water deprivation).
vation (a UEO), making the response mul- Many everyday situations fall some-
tiply controlled (part tact and part mand). where in the middle of the continuum by
involving some degree of multiple control, Although procedures to explicitly teach
such as asking for an item that is on dis- mands and tacts seldom need to be deliber-
play in a store. In a classroom setting, ately arranged in young children, the need
teachers often conduct communication to do so with many developmentally dis-
training during snacktime or mealtime by abled individuals has become apparent.
offering students a choice of foods and Therefore, an understandintof the differ-
beverages with the items in view. For ences between the EO and S'- is important
instance, if water were available, the form in order to design procedures which can
of the response "Water" would be jointly facilitate the acquisition of both verbal
controlled by water deprivation (UEO) and operants in the most effective manner.
the sight of water (SD), making the Procedures to transfer control from one
response part mand and part tact. Because verbal operant to another have been
these types of situations are often encoun- described by Sundberg (1990), and are now
tered throughout a typical day, they pro- well incorporated into communication
vide good opportunities for communica- training programs for developmentally
tion training as long as care is taken to disabled persons (e.g. Gobbi, Cipani,
ensure that the relevant EO is in effect. Hudson, & Lapenta-Neudeck, 1986). Other
Even though situations involving multiple researchers have begun to investigate the
control are frequent, pure manding, or con- conditions in which specific response
trol solely by an EO, appears to be the most topographies may be acquired as one ver-
functional for the speaker. The form of the bal operant, and are then acquired as the
response is not dependent upon supple- other verbal operant without direct train-
mental stimulation (i.e., prompts), and ing (Goodman & Remington, 1991;
may be emitted under a wide range of cir- Sigafoos, Doss, & Reichle, 1989; Sigafoos,
cumstances. For these reasons, communi- Reichle, Doss, Hall, & Pettit, 1990). These
cation programs which include some studies have also begun to consider the
teaching of pure mands are desirable. learning histories of students that can facil-
Establishing Mands and Tacts in a Speaker's itate the development of both repertoires.
Skinner (1957) notes that verbal MAND TRAINING
responses of a given form often seem to Directly Training a Mand Repertoire
pass easily from one type of operant to
another (pp. 188-190). The acquisition of Researchers are increasingly acknowl-
mands and tacts often occurs very rapidly edging that the mand should be trained
in young children, and the conditions directly, rather than expecting transfer of
which are responsible for the development stimulus control from other verbal oper-
of the two verbal operants can be identi- ants to occur (Reichle, Rogers, & Barrett,
fied only upon dose observation. One pos- 1984). The ease by which young children
sible reason may arise from the fact that acquire a verbal repertoire may have been
the events which reinforce a mand often the reason why earlier communication
resemble the discriminative stimuli which training programs for developmentally
control a tact (Skinner, 1957, p. 189). For disabled persons did not emphasize teach-
example, when a child produces the mand ing of a mand repertoire. Many earlier
for milk, the milk that is received is also a communication training programs
discriminative stimulus for the tact "milk." reported failure in teaching the mand, but
Although the response remains a mand these programs emphasized the teaching
and is primarily controlled by a state of of other verbal operants such as the tact
deprivation, the presence of the milk as a and echoic with the assumption that the
discriminative stimulus is relevant, and is mand repertoire would automatically
one step toward acquiring the correspond- develop (Hall & Sundberg, 1987;
ing tact. Sundberg, 1990). A careful consideration of
the conditions that are necessary to estab- willingness to participate in the teaching
lish each verbal operant in a speaker's activities.
repertoire is consistent with Skinner's Research has also supported the view
(1957) analysis that the verbal operants are that establishing a mand repertoire assists
functionally independent, and that teach- in the acquisition of other verbal operants.
ing one verbal operant does not necessarily Carroll and Hesse (1987) compared the
lead to another. Empirical support for the effects of alternating mand and tact train-
independence of the verbal operants has ing on the acquisition of tacts. A transitive
been provided by a number of researchers CEO procedure was implemented with
(e.g. Hall & Sundberg, 1987). young children, in which they were taught
Teaching the Mand as the First Verbal Operant to tact and mand parts of a toy that had to
be assembled for the toy to work. They
Researchers are increasingly recom- found that fewer trials were needed to
mending that request-making should be meet mastery criteria during mand-tact
the starting point of training for learners training than tact only training. Although
with limited verbal repertoires (Halle, further research is needed to supplement
1987; Reichle, Mirenda, Locke, Piche, & the small number of studies to date, the
Johnston, 1992). When the characteristics of advantages of emphasizing the teaching of
the mand are compared with those of other a mand repertoire to learners with limited
verbal operants, the advantages of teaching verbal behavior seem clear.
a mand repertoire become evident. The
reinforcement for the mand is the item or Recognizing a Wide Range of Response Forms
event manded and directly benefits the as Mands
speaker, while the tact is maintained by A particular challenge arises when
social and educational reinforcement and developing interventions for learners with
primarily benefits the listener (Skinner, severe sensory and motor impairments.
1957, pp. 36 & 84). Since social reinforce- Many students have difficulty in executing
ment is often not a strong source of rein- the motor movements which would allow
forcement for developmentally disabled them to acquire a mand repertoire using
persons (Bondy & Frost, 1993), and the vocalizations, sign language, or gestures.
establishing operations that control the Motoric and sensory limitations can also
mand are often powerful, these factors severely restrict the opportunities a learner
strongly indicate that a mand repertoire has to participate in activities and interact
would be acquired more rapidly than a tact with other persons (Siegel-Causey &
repertoire by learners who have limited Downing, 1987).
verbal behavior. In recent years, interventions for these
Two studies (Braam & Sundberg, 1991; students have been designed which allow
Stafford, Sundberg, & Braam, 1988) have them to make requests using response
supported this view. These studies com- forms such as eye gaze, gestures, facial
pared the acquisition of signed responses expressions, and undifferentiated vocaliza-
under two conditions, the specific rein- tions (Siegel-Causey & Downing, 1987;
forcement condition corresponding to the Sigafoos & Dempsey, 1992). Despite this,
mand and the nonspecific reinforcement listeners may have difficulty in recognizing
condition corresponding to the tact. Both the responses that these learners produce
studies demonstrated that responses in the as mands. Abnormal reflex patterns and
specific reinforcement condition produced muscle tone is often evident (Guess,
stronger verbal behavior when response Benson, & Siegel-Causey, 1985), resulting
strength was measured in terms of latency. in facial expressions and motor movements
Although percent correct responses were that appear different from those of other
similar in both conditions, subjects showed learners or are inconsistently produced.
preferences for the specific reinforcement Visual deficits may result in lack of gaze
condition by showing more interest and behaviors and eye contact, or the response
of looking at people and objects may not be ural environment, and interventions are
under operant control. An important increasingly being developed which take
aspect of implementing mand interven- advantage of these opportunities. Three
tions with these students is to teach care- categories of interventions have appeared
givers and teachers to recognize mands in the literature: incidental teaching, choice
that are produced using these response making, and interrupted behavior chains.
forms, and to respond accordingly (Guess Incidental or Milieu Teaching
et al., 1985; Siegel-Causey & Downing,
1987). Halle (1988) notes that the idea of con-
ducting training in the learner's natural
Evaluating Interventions environment grew from incidental lan-
When evaluating interventions, the pri- guage teaching procedures with preschool
mary consideration should be whether an children (Hart and Risley, 1968), and has
EO is actually in effect at the time of train- since been used with persons diagnosed
ing. Since the momentary aspect of EOs is with autism and developmental disabilities
critical, interventions should include pro- (see Kaiser, Yoder, & Keetz, 1992, for a
cedures to capture or contrive EOs. This review). Incidental teaching, also referred
question is particularly important to con- to as milieu teaching (Warren & Gadzag,
sider if an S is present, since the trainer 1990), is characterized by conducting train-
will want to be sure that the student is not ing trials throughout the day instead of in
responding solely under the control of the structured teaching sessions. Although a
SD, making the response a tact rather than key feature of incidental teaching is that all
a mand. The types of UEOs and CEOs that teaching opportunities are initiated by the
are utilized should also be noted. Because learner (Halle, 1988; Mirenda & Iacono,
many interventions have been adapted for 1988), the environment can be arranged in
learners with limited response forms or ways that will encourage requests for
challenging behavior, the extent to which materials or assistance (Halle, 1988), such
these interventions have captured and con- as having preferred items in view but out
trived EOs should also be considered. of reach. Incidental teaching is mainly con-
cerned with capturing EOs, but teachers
INTERVENTIONS TO TEACH A MAND can also contrive EOs to increase the fre-
REPERTOIRE quency of requests. Because the requests
are initiated by learners, it is likely that
Conducting Training in the Learner's EOs are in effect, and the requests are in
Environment fact, mands. An understanding of the
Conducting communication training in evocative effect of the EO is important
the learner's everyday environment has when employing incidental teaching pro-
become a widely adopted practice with cedures. The EOs themselves may be hard
developmentally disabled individuals to observe, but it is easier to observe the
(Caro & Snell, 1989; Halle, 1988; Mirenda & mands which are evoked by those EOs. In
Iacono, 1988). There are some very impor- incidental teaching, a skilled trainer can
tant reasons why the learner's own envi- capitalize on naturally-occurring EOs by
ronment should be the locus of training. conducting mand training when uncon-
Often, developmentally disabled persons ventional mands are evoked, prompting
have difficulty in transferring skills to new and shaping new response forms.
environments or new persons (Caro & Research has indicated that teaching
Snell, 1989). Training can take place as staff should be skilled in several areas in
opportunities naturally occur, eliminating order to successfully implement incidental
the need to design additional procedures teaching procedures. Houghton, Bronicki,
to facilitate generalization. Most impor- & Guess (1987) conducted classroom
tantly, there are many opportunities to observations of teaching staff and students
capture and contrive EOs in a learner's nat- with severe disabilities. They recorded the
opportunities given to students to express these available throughout the day. Other
preferences and make choices. Before train- skills necessary for successful incidental
ing, most of the mands that students teaching include prompting learners to
produced during the day in unstructured elaborate on their initial mand, and provid-
situations were not attended to. Staff were ing specific reinforcement for that mand.
more likely to respond to mands during Choice Making
formalized instructional situations,
although the frequency of doing so was Interventions designed to teach choice
still relatively low. Houghton et al. offered making are often recommended, since they
several reasons for these findings. They are consistent with the philosophy of func-
noted that incidental teaching is a very dif- tionality and normalization (Guess,
ferent style of instruction from structured Benson, & Siegel-Causey, 1985; Shevin &
teaching sessions, and teachers were not Klein, 1984). A usual procedure for teach-
experienced in responding to requests ing choice making, as described by Reichle,
made by students as they occurred Rogers, & Barrett (1984) is to display sev-
throughout the day. The authors also sug- eral items and ask the learner "What do
gested that many of the staff had difficulty you want?". The learner can then indicate a
identifying these responses as requests. choice through a variety of response forms
Most of the response forms used by stu- such as speech or signing before taking the
dents consisted of body movements and item. This response is part mand (assum-
facial expressions, while very few students ing an EO is in effect), part tact (controlled
used sign language, communication by a nonverbal stimulus) and part intraver-
boards, or vocalizations. Staff were more bal (controlled by the verbal stimulus
likely to reinforce these types of responses "What do you want?"). The practice of
in children below five years of age, and rejecting an item as a means of expressing
less likely to do so with older students, a choice is another skill that is frequently
perhaps because the types of responses taught. In the Reichle et al. study (1984),
these children were making are more typi- students were also taught to sign "no"
cal of younger children. when presented with objects that teaching
Recommendations for incidental teaching staff judged to be unattractive to that stu-
procedures. The results of the Houghton dent, and asked "Want one?" As in the
et al. (1987) study suggest that for inciden- previous example, the response is also part
tal teaching procedures to be successful, mand, part tact, and part intraverbal.
staff must have the ability to recognize Choice making interventions are often
mands that include a wide range of implemented in conjunction with inciden-
response forms, and to be observant for tal teaching procedures as part of a treat-
these throughout the day. Although inci- ment package (e.g., Peck, 1985).
dental teaching is meant to be structured Increasing the number of opportunities
so that the learner initiates all interactions, that learners are given to make choices is
capturing and contriving EOs would often a goal of choice making procedures.
increase the number of mands produced, Haring, Neetz, Lovinger, Peck, & Semmel
and may be necessary for learners whose (1987) observed that teachers participating
rate of manding is relatively low. For in their study generated an average of one
example, staff can take advantage of times choice making opportunity per day across
during the day when UEOs for food and all students in their classroom before a
water deprivation are likely to be in effect. training procedure was implemented.
During these times, staff can ensure that After training, the average number of
food and drink items are available so that opportunities presented by each teacher
mands are likely to occur. Staff can also increased to 5.9 per day. Shevin and Klein
note the kinds of items and events in (1984) suggested a number of ways in
which a student shows interest, varying which choice making can become inte-
these to prevent satiation and making grated into a student's daily routine,
including choosing among activities, two items for which an EO is equally in
whether or not to engage in an activity, effect. In the Sigafoos and Dempsey (1992)
when to terminate an activity, alternative study, two of the subjects accepted the
means of accomplishing an objective, and opposite items approximately half the
choosing partners for shared activities. time. Students were likely to be both hun-
Inconsistencies in choice making. Students gry and thirsty at the time the choice mak-
show inconsistencies in the choices that ing sessions occurred. Since the choices
they make in several ways, as demon- were portions of food and sips of a drink,
strated in a study by Sigafoos & Dempsey and the usual procedure would be to con-
(1992). They structured a choice making sume both items during a session, either
situation during which children were item may have been equally acceptable at
given five opportunities to choose between any time during the session. In order to
portions of either a food or beverage item. ensure closer correspondence between
The method by which a choice was indi- items chosen and items accepted, Reichle
cated varied depending upon the physical et al. (1989) developed a procedure which
abilities of each child, which included initially presented two items with reinforc-
looking at the items, maintaining physical ing values that were presumably very dif-
contact with the items or reaching toward ferent from each other. One of the two
the items. The children would sometimes items had often been chosen and accepted
refuse the items that were chosen after by the student in the past, (e.g., a banana)
they were given to them, and one child while the second item was one that the stu-
refused chosen items 19% of the time. Later dent had shown little interest in (e.g., an
in the study, a condition was implemented eraser). During this phase, the student
in which the opposite item to the one that demonstrated a high percentage of corre-
the child had chosen was deliberately pre- spondence between choosing and accept-
sented. Children often accepted the item ing the correct object. However, during the
not chosen, with two of the children next phase when two objects of presum-
accepting the unchosen item approxi- ably equal value were presented, the corre-
mately half the time. spondence of choosing and accepting the
Reasons for inconsistent responding. When same object decreased.
students show inconsistencies in choice Another possible reason for refusals
making, there is a strong possibility that might be explained by the nature of the
the conditions which define the mand are response patterns made by learners who
not in effect (Duker, Dortmans, & Lodder, cannot differentially vocalize or sign.
1993). Since items are in view while the Sigafoos and Dempsey (1992) noted that
choice is being made, an SD rather than an when a learner looks at or moves toward
EO may be primarily controlling the an object, they may be doing so simply to
response. Reichle, Sigafoos, & Piche (1989) observe the object, and might not accept it
note that in many choice making proce- if offered. In addition, because the reper-
dures, the student produces a response toires of these students are often limited,
form which corresponds to one of the subtle differences in responses may be dif-
items on view, and that item is then placed ficult for observers to detect. Learners who
in the student's hand. For example, if one have difficulty controlling motor move-
of the two items on display is an apple, the ments may, for example, have two slightly
student can produce the sign for apple and different forms of a head nod, one indicat-
be handed an apple. In this situation, the ing "yes" and the other indicating "no." A
student would be likely to refuse to eat the person unfamiliar with these response pat-
apple if the response had been controlled terns may interpret a "no" as a "yes."
by the nonverbal stimulus of the sight of Preferences that change over time. While
the apple instead of an EO. few studies of choice making directly
Accepting the opposite item to the one manipulate EOs, there is increased aware-
chosen could also be the result of having ness that reinforcing effectiveness of items
or events can vary due to such factors as them from a teacher. When sessions using
novelty of the stimulus and conversely, preferred items were alternated with ses-
satiation with the item or event on a given sions using nonpreferred items, children
occasion (Kennedy & Haring, 1993). These were more likely to make spontaneous ver-
researchers conducted an assessment of bal requests in the sessions using preferred
items and events that functioned as rein- items.
forcement for students, and then reassessed Recommendations for choice making proce-
these students several weeks or months dures. The inconsistencies in responding
later. At that time, some students chose dif- that have been reported in the literature
ferent items to those originally preferred. concerning choice making indicate that
The authors recommended that students be many interventions have not taken the
reassessed periodically to take into account momentary aspects of EOs into account.
the changing nature of preference. When recommending activities for choice
Several recently developed procedures making, the emphasis of many researchers
for choice making more closely address the appears to be the range of opportunities
momentary nature of EOs. Schweigert and that can be offered rather than ensuring
Rowland (1992) used switches to provide a that an EO has been captured or contrived
means by which children with multiple when the student is offered a choice. While
disabilities could request and choose the results of reinforcer preference invento-
between objects and activities, thus teach- ries can be used as a general guide, con-
ing a selection-based mand. They ducting such assessments before each
conducted assessments at the beginning of teaching session can more closely predict
each session to determine which items and EOs that are in effect at that time. Items
events the child was interested in at that and events should also be alternated fre-
time by recording behaviors which were quently, and new ones introduced, in order
felt to indicate preference, such as smiling. to prevent satiation from occurring.
An observer continued to monitor the Choices can be offered when UEOs are
child's affective behavior and rate of most likely to be in effect, such as provid-
switch use throughout the session, in order ing the choice of a food or drink item after
to change to another activity when interest a period of time has passed since the stu-
decreased. Dyer (1987, 1989) used a similar dent has had a snack or meal. When first
procedure for assessing items and events introducing choice making activities, one
that can function as reinforcement before item can be presented for which a very
each teaching session. In these two studies, obvious EO is in effect, with the other item
caregivers initially provided a list of toys being a nonpreferred one. Allowing the
and food judged to be enjoyable by a student to both mand for an item and to
particular child. Five of these items were then touch or pick up that item if physi-
chosen to be formally assessed before each cally possible can also help to ensure that
teaching session, by observing the responses are under the control of an EO.
responses of the child to the items. For an The Interrupted Behavior Chain
item to be used in the teaching session, the
child had to demonstrate behaviors which In the interrupted behavior chain proce-
indicated that the item would function as dure as described by Hall & Sundberg
reinforcement, such as manipulating the (1987), the student is presented with the
object for more than 15 seconds without opportunity to complete a chain of behav-
prompting, resisting when the item is ior. An essential item needed to complete
taken away, reaching for the object when the chain is withheld, thereby contriving a
removed, and exhibiting positive affect transitive CEO in which receipt of the
while manipulating the object. Two of the missing item would function as reinforce-
preferred items were then chosen for use in ment. Two behavior chains used in the
an incidental teaching session, in which the Hall and Sundberg study were making
items could be obtained by requesting instant coffee and instant soup, withhold-
ing the cup for the coffee and the hot water ensuring that mands for the utensils were
for the soup. Learners entered the study under control of a CEO.
with the ability to tact the cup and the hot Learners with physical and sensory disabili-
water, but they could not emit the same ties. Several adaptations of the interrupted
verbal topographies under mand condi- behavior chain procedure have been
tions (i.e., when the items were missing implemented with this group of learners.
and needed to complete the chain). In a study by Gee, Graham, Goetz,
Procedures were then implemented to Oshima, and Yoshioka (1991), students had
teach mands directly and to assess transfer physical disabilities which prevented them
from tacts to mands. from executing motor behaviors that
The interrupted behavior chain proce- would allow them to complete a behavior
dure is distinguished from other interven- chain, so were taught to activate a switch
tions by its emphasis on contriving CEOs. or call button. Accessing the switch
There are many advantages to using con- allowed them to request continuation of an
trived CEOs rather than captured EOs, as activity that was momentarily delayed,
discussed by Hall and Sundberg (1987). such as being taken out of a chair, or being
Most importantly, contriving CEOs assisted to drink from a cup. Before the
ensures that an EO is in effect at the time of study, these learners often exhibited
training. In contrast, procedures which pri- behaviors which could be interpreted as
marily take advantage of captured EOs mands, including signs of distress or
cannot be easily controlled, since the change in body posture when an ongoing
teacher must often wait for the EO to come activity was ceased or interrupted,
into effect. This is a particular problem in although these responses were often inef-
the case of UEOs, which build up slowly fective in obtaining assistance from a lis-
and weaken quickly upon delivery of rein- tener. Another study by Romer and
forcement. In addition, contrived proce- Schoenberg (1991) involved two learners
dures offer the potential to manipulate the who were occasionally observed to mand
reinforcing effectiveness of many objects or with a variety of response forms, but
events, allowing for a wide variety of whose sensory disabilities prevented them
mands to be trained. Contriving EOs also from engaging in many activities indepen-
makes manding for missing items easier to dently. Five different kinds of interrup-
teach, because responses are freed from tions were used, including presentation of
control by SDs. Many incidental training incorrect or broken items, physically pre-
procedures use items that are visible, and venting the learner from completing the
the resulting response is jointly controlled activity, materials missing from their
by SDs and EOs (i.e., is part tact, part proper places, and presenting an alternate
mand). When items are not visible, the activity in the middle of an ongoing one.
learner does not have to wait for the pres- The type of EO in effect. Although adapta-
ence of an item to mand for it. tions to the interrupted chain procedure
The interrupted behavior chain proce- have been developed with the special
dure has been the basis for a number of requirements of learners in mind, in some
recent interventions. A procedure similar cases the nature of the EO may be different
to the one described by Hall and Sundberg from the transitive CEO in effect in the
was used by Sigafoos et al. (1989) in which Hall and Sundberg (1987) study. For exam-
the response form was pointing to a ple, in two studies (Alwell, Hunt, Goetz, &
graphic symbol. The chains of behavior Sailor, 1989; Romer & Schoenberg, 1991),
were shorter than those used in the Hall teachers prevented students from exiting a
and Sundberg study, consisting of presen- room by either physically blocking the
tation of a food or drink item, but with the door or placing a hand on the student's
necessary utensil or opener missing. The shoulder. The presence of the teacher when
food items were made visible to the learn- blocking the door has some features of a
ers, but the utensils were not, thereby reflexive CEO. In this example, a CEO has
already been established (e.g., an open chain interruption procedures can be car-
door would function as reinforcement). ried out without teachers being paired
The presence of the teacher functions as a with forms of worsening.
warning stimulus that reinforcement is not Recommendations for interrupted behavior
forthcoming, and any behavior that termi- chain procedures. Because the interrupted
nates this stimulus will be reinforced. Since behavior chain procedure contrives rather
many learners have a history in which than captures EOs, it offers several impor-
teachers have been paired with punish- tant advantages. Training opportunities
ment and not with reinforcement can be arranged throughout the day by
(Sundberg, 1993), it is important that teach- manipulating a wide variety of CEOs,
ers become paired with reinforcing events therefore teaching a wide variety of
and avoid being paired with forms of mands. Care should be taken that teachers
worsening. Although establishing a transi- do not become paired with forms of wors-
tive CEO often involves some intervention ening while manipulating CEOs, since this
by a teacher in momentarily stopping rein- will have detrimental effects on the success
forcement (e.g., turning a video off so the of training in general. Consideration
learner will mand for the video to con- should also be given to the nature of the
tinue), the teacher's role may seem less reinforcement that a student receives as a
obvious to the learner than when access to result of completion of the behavior chain.
a reinforcing stimulus is directly blocked. Many studies (e.g., Hall & Sundberg, 1987;
An alternative to physically blocking a stu- Sigafoos et al., 1989) have used chains in
dent from leaving a room may be to find which the interruption results in establish-
another way to ensure that the door cannot ing a transitive CEO, making objects valu-
be opened easily by the student, such as a able which enable the student to eventu-
door handle which is difficult for the stu- ally consume a food or drink item.
dent to reach or manipulate. Teachers may Assuming that a UEO is in effect for that
find other creative ways to distance them- particular item, this type of interrupted
selves from situations, such as program- behavior chain would seem to be a very
ming a video by a timer to stop at specified good choice.
When a reflexive CEO is in effect, a stu- SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER
dent may exhibit emotional behavior such RESEARCH
as crying, but may otherwise have very The growing acceptance of the impor-
limited response forms that function as tance of teaching a mand repertoire is a
mands. Teaching activities are very diffi- very encouraging trend, since it makes the
cult to carry out under these circum- convergence of theory and practice more
stances, since emotional behavior may likely. Positive developments include the
interfere with attempts to prompt and recognition that mands should be intro-
shape new response forms. In order to pre- duced as the first step in teaching a verbal
vent this problem from occurring, two repertoire, the establishment of procedures
studies (Alwell et al., 1989; Goetz, Gee, and for transfer of stimulus control, the
Sailor, 1985) used a procedure of pretesting increased development of interventions for
activities in order to choose those that learners with severe disabilities, and the
could be interrupted without generating a emphasis upon teaching mands in the stu-
great deal of emotional behavior. A rating dent's everyday environment. At present,
scale was used to identify activities in however, the momentariness of the EO is
which students showed some degree of not taken into account in the design of
interest, such as looking at or reaching for many interventions. Since successful mand
an item, but without accompanying emo- training depends upon the ability to cap-
tional behavior which would interfere with ture and contrive UEOs and CEOs, this
training. By choosing activities that gener- knowledge must become a part of training
ate the least amount of emotional behavior, for those who work with developmentally
disabled individuals. While other impor- REFERENCES
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