A Lesson in Applcn SW An Erlrng Exmpl
A Lesson in Applcn SW An Erlrng Exmpl
A Lesson in Applcn SW An Erlrng Exmpl
Computing Essentials
Prepared by
Dr. Hassan Mathkour
Document Contents
Course Overview
Course Objectives
Course Syllabus
Detailed Syllabus of Unit 1
Lesson 4: Application Software
An Overview of the Course
Credit Hours: 3
Weekly Lectures: 0
Weekly Labs: 6
Single Lab Length: 2 hours
Course Objective: This course aims at giving the students a broad foundation in the
fundamental concepts of computing accompanied by detailed practical lessons in the lab
to develop basic skills in computer usage. This should allow students to make effective
and knowledgeable judgements about the use of standard computer systems in different
walks of life.
Students should be able to use the most common types of Information Technology
hardware and software systems. The skills and understanding developed in this course
should give necessary background for computing practice on any of the popular desktop
computing environments with a particular emphasis on Windows.
Students should be able to distinguish between the hardware and software components,
and understand network communications and security issues.
On ssuccessful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate a
satisfactory practical performance and understanding in the following topic areas:
• Computer Hardware.
• System software including operating systems, utilities, programming tools, and
file management.
• Application software systems including word processing, spreadsheet,
presentation, communication, and database application programs.
• Data Communications and Computer Security.
Course Contents: The course is divided into seven units as follows:
1. Main Concepts
2. Using the Computer and Managing Files
3. Word Processing
4. Building and Using Spreadsheets
5. Building and Using Databases
6. Creating and Delivering Presentations
7. The World Wide Web and Electronic Mail
The detailed syllabus of the course is given in a subsequent section in this document.
The syllabus of the first unit is further detailed. The Material of lesson 4 of the first
unit is developed and given in this document.
Course objectives:
Upon completion of this course a student will be able to:
Course Syllabus:
Getting Started
Formatting a Diskette and Using Help
Understanding the Desktop Environment
Organizing Files and Folders
Finding Folders and Files
Printing Files
Unit 3: Word Processing
Getting Started
Editing Text
Formatting Text
Spelling and Grammar Checking
Track changes
Working with Tables
Using a Mailing List
Using Templates
Objects Insertion
Using Macros
Getting Started
Using Help and Display Settings
Data Entry
Formatting worksheet and data
Data Sorting
Header and Footer
Objects Insertion
Using Functions
Printing a Spreadsheet
Using Advanced Features
Getting Started
Creating a Database
Using Data Entry Forms
Retrieving Information from a Database
Creating Reports
Querying Databases
Getting Started
Creating a Presentation
Formatting a Presentation Document
Drawing and Changing Objects
Creating Charts and Importing Objects
Printing and Distribution
Adding Effects and Animations
Unit 7: The World Wide Web and Electronic Mail
Unit 1: Detailed Syllabus
Lesson 1: Understanding Information technology
1 Objectives:
2 Introduction
4 Computer system components:
5 Software:
6 Connectivity:
7 People and Computing:
8 Advantages of Computers:
1 Objectives
2 Introduction
3 Operating systems
3.1 Categories
3.3 MAC OS
3.4 UNIX
4 Utilities
4.1 Windows Utilities
4,2 Utility Suites
5 Device Drivers
6 Language Translators
7 Chapter Review
7.1 Matching Exercises
7.2 Multiple choice Exercises
7.3 Open-ended Exercises
Lesson 4: Application Software
1 Objectives
2 Introduction
3 Application Software Basics
3.1 Definition
3.2 The Application Software Interface
3.3 Application software Distribution and Licensing
4 Types of Application Software
4.1 Classification of Application Software
4.2 Installed software and Web-Based Software
5 Starting Application Software
6 Word Processing Software
6.1 Definition and Basic Features
6.2 Creating a Word Document
6.3 Editing a Word Document
6.4 Formatting a Word Document
6.5 Advanced Word Processing Features
7 Spreadsheet Application Software
7.1 Definition and Basic Features
7.2 Advanced Spreadheet Features
8 The Desktop Publishing and Multimedia Authoring
8.1 Desktop Ppublishing
8.2 Multimedia Authoring
9 Presentation Graphic Software
9.1 Definition and Basic Features
9.2 Working with Prsentation Software
9.3 Advanced Features
10 Database application software
10.1 Definitions and Concepts
10.2 Physical Database
10.3 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
11 Application Software for Communications
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Web Browsers:
11.3 Electronic Mail (E-mail)
11.4 Instant messaging (IM)
12 Lesson Review
12.1 Matching Exercises
12.2 Multiple Choice Exercises
12.3 Essay Questions
Lesson5: Communication, Networking, and Computer
1 Objectives
2 Introduction
3 Communication systems
4 Communication channels
4.1 Physical connections
4.2 Wireless connections
4.3 Modems
5 Types of connections
6 Data transmission
6.1 Bandwidth
6.2 Protocols
7 Network architecture
7.1 Definitions
7.2 Configurations
7.3 Strategies
8 Network types
8.1 Local area networks
8.2 Metropolitan area networks
8.3 Wide area networks
9.1 Large databases
9.2 Private networks
9.3 Internet and the web
10.1 Threats to computer security
10.2 Measures to protect computer security
11 Questions
Lesson 4
Application Software
Table of Contents
1 Objectives ................................................................................................................. 14
2 Introduction............................................................................................................... 15
3 Application Software Basics..................................................................................... 16
3.1 Definition .......................................................................................................... 16
3.2 The Application Software Interface.................................................................. 16
3.3 Application software Distribution and Licensing ............................................. 17
4 Types of Application Software ................................................................................. 18
4.1 Classification of Application Software............................................................. 18
4.2 Installed software and Web-Based Software .................................................... 18
5 Starting Application Software................................................................................... 20
6 Word Processing Software........................................................................................ 20
6.1 Definition and Basic Features........................................................................... 20
6.2 Creating a Word Document .............................................................................. 21
6.3 Editing a Word Document ................................................................................ 21
6.4 Formatting a Word Document .......................................................................... 22
6.5 Advanced Word Processing Features ............................................................... 23
7 Spreadsheet Application Software............................................................................ 23
7.1 Definition and Basic Features........................................................................... 23
7.2 Advanced Spreadheet Features ......................................................................... 24
8 The Desktop Publishing and Multimedia Authoring ................................................ 24
8.1 Desktop Ppublishing ......................................................................................... 24
8.2 Multimedia Authoring ...................................................................................... 25
9 Presentation Graphic Software ................................................................................. 25
9.1 Definition and Basic Features........................................................................... 25
9.2 Working with Prsentation Software.................................................................. 26
9.3 Advanced Features............................................................................................ 26
10 Database application software .............................................................................. 27
10.1 Definitions and Concepts.................................................................................. 27
10.2 Physical Database ............................................................................................. 27
10.3 Database Management Systems (DBMS)......................................................... 28
11 Application Software for Communications .......................................................... 28
11.1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 28
11.2 Web Browsers:.................................................................................................. 28
11.3 Electronic Mail (E-mail) ................................................................................... 30
11.4 Instant messaging (IM) ..................................................................................... 31
12 Lesson Review ...................................................................................................... 32
12.1 Matching Exercises........................................................................................... 32
12.2 Multiple Choice Exercises ................................................................................ 34
12.3 Essay Questions ................................................................................................ 37
13 References………………………………………………………………………. 26
Lesson 4: Application Software
1 Objectives
• Understand the nature of application software.
• Know the types of application software for business, education, and
• Know ways of software distribution.
• Acquaint with the user interface of the application software.
• Know features of popular application programs .
• Become acquainted with word processing features and capabilities.
• Become acquainted with spreadsheet features and capabilities.
• Become acquainted with presentation software features and capabilities.
• Become acquainted with database and its software system.
• Become acquainted with multimedia and authoring software.
• Know application software for communication including electronic mail,
chatting, and instant messaging.
2 Introduction
In the previous lessons, you have been introduced to the hardware components and the
system software which makes the hardware able to communicate with the outside world.
These constitute the first and second layers. The third layer is the application software.
They are on top of the systems software (specifically the operating systems). Figure 1
below illustrates the three layers. Application software systems are programs that perform
certain tasks for the users. The tasks may be for business, education, home, personal,
communication, or other specialized purposes.
3 Application Software Basics
3.1 Definition
The interface is usually a set of menus in a graphical environment. See Figure 2 below.
An application software system consists of several components. Each component realizes
various functions. Each function performs a specific task. The components and the
functions are mirrored by the application menus through the different options that are
provided to the users. As can be seen below, each item in the bar menu or a drop-down
menu may constitute a component of the application software. Consequently, each item
of a drop-down menu reflects a function that performs a specific task. All the tasks (i.e.,
all functions) represent the application area of the application software. Examining the
interfaces (Figure 2) of the various application software systems, it is observed that the
interfaces share common design in look and content.
3.3 Application software Distribution and Licensing
• The packaged software systems or COTS are the most widely used. Larger
application software can be built from a combination of the packaged or COTS
software to serve the required objectives of the user. This allows for the creation of a
customized application to satisfy a given set of requirements. Packaged software
systems are mostly commercial. In commercial software, installation in number of
computers is specified by the software vendor. User only buys the license to use it.
User does not buy the software. A user may not be allowed to install software on
more than one machine. A demo version of software may exist for free but demo
version does not include all the key components of the software. Related software
programs are sometimes sold bundled together. It is called a Software Suite. An
example is MS Office. When you purchase MS Office license you basically purchase
the right to install and use MS Word, MS Excel, Power Point, and FrontPage.
• The shareware software is application software that is distributed free for a trial
period. It is considered as a marketing method to introduce the software to users. In
shareware, the distribution license of the software requires a payment.
• Freeware is software that is made available for use for an unlimited time at no cost. It
is copyrighted. The software license may impose one or more restrictions on the type
of use. For example, restricting its use to personal use, non-commercial use,
educational use, etc.
• Public-domain software is free and can be used without restrictions. It can be used,
studied, and modified without restriction. It can also be copied and redistributed in
modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with restrictions only to
ensure that end users have the same freedoms as the original authors. Programs in the
public domain can be used without restriction as components of other programs.
• Customized software systems are created by special modifications of an existing
software to support certain functions or by writing the application from scratch using
a programming tool.
Examples of free application software include: OpenOffice.org office suite, Mozilla and
Firefox web browsers, the GIMP graphics editor, and Typesetting and document
preparation systems TeX and LaTeX.
4 Types of Application Software
4.1 Classification of Application Software
As you have noticed, some software applications have uses in many domains.
Specifically word processing, spread sheets, databases, presentation software, and
browsers are being very popular for different types of users. Theses applications will be
detailed in the remaining units of this course. In this lesson, we give an overview of such
applications. Table 2 below lists actual programs that are of popular uses for some
application software.
Application software Popular Programs Domains of Applications
Word processing Microsoft Office Word Business, home, personal
Corel WordPerfect
Spreadsheet Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Business, home, personal
Corel Quattro Pro
Desktop publishing Adobe InDesign Business, home, personal, education,
Adobe PageMaker multimedia and graphics
Corel Ventura
Multimedia authoring Click2learn.com Toolbook Instructor Business, home, personal, education,
Macromedia Authorware multimedia and graphics
Macromedia Director
Video and audio editing Adobe Audition Business, home, personal, education,
Adobe Encore DVD multimedia and graphics
Adobe Premiere Pro
Macromedia SoundEdit
Presentation graphics Microsoft Office PowerPoint Business, home, personal, education,
Corel Presentations multimedia and graphics
Databases Microsoft Office Access Business, home, personal, education
SQL Server
Communication Internet Explorer Communication
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Outlook
Software suite Microsoft Office Business, home, personal, education
Corel WordPerfect Office
IBM Lotus SmartSuite
Paint/ image editing Adobe lllustrator Business, home, personal, education,
Adobe Photoshop multimedia and graphics
Corel CorelDRAW
Macromedia Freehand
Corel painter
Web page authoring Adobe GoLive Business, home, personal, education,
Adobe LiveMotion multimedia and graphics, Web
Macromedia Dreamweaver applications
Macromedia Fireworks
Macromedia Flash
Microsoft FrontPage
Project management Microsoft Office Project Business, home, personal
Primavera SureTrak Project Manager
Accounting Intuit QuickBooks Business, home, personal
Peachtree Complete Accounting
Personal information Lotus Organizer Business, communication
manager (PIM) Microsoft Office Outlook
Computer-aided design Autodesk AutoCAD Business, Engineering
Quality Plans Chief Architect
PDA software Microsoft Pocket Word Mobile Computing
Microsoft Pocket Excel
Microsoft Pocket Outlook
Ultrasoft Money Pocket Edition
Table 2: Application Software Examples
5 Starting Application Software
Many popular application software systems run on the operating system Windows. To
start an application program using Windows, click the Start button, point to All
Programs, and click the name of the application. The program’s instructions are now
loaded into memory and you can see the interface of the program (application software)
on the screen. We say the application software has been launched.
6.2 Creating a Word Document
To create a Word document, press the item “File” in the bar menu to obtain a drop-down
menu. Select “new” to create a document. A document can be printed and saved using
the drop down menu of the same command “File”.
Once a document has been created, a user can perform editing through the option “Edit”.
Editing is the process of rewriting and refining a document. Texts as well as graphics can
be deleted, inserted, moved, copied, and searched in the Editing mode.
6.4 Formatting a Word Document
Text formatting commands allow you to control the format and style of individual
characters and paragraphs as well as complete documents.
Commands in the drop-down window may themselves create a new window with a set of
new commands. For example, the command “Font” of the command “Format” creates a
new window as follows:
6.5 Advanced Word Processing Features
Spreadsheet application software systems help users organize their data. They perform
calculations and automatic recalculation when data change. Data are organized in sheets
called spreadsheets. In a spreadsheet, columns are identified by letters and rows are
identified by numbers. A cell is the intersection of a column and a row.
Spreadsheets application software allow users to:
• Create, save, print, modify spreadsheets.
• Obtain graphs from spreadsheets.
• Perform basic mathematical operations.
• Enhance the appearance of a spreadsheet via a format menu.
Spreadsheet application software systems are similar to word processing in user interface
and menu handling.
7.2 Advanced Spreadheet Features
Most sophisticated users and professionals use such features in their application. This is
especially true in accounting, finance, bookkeeping, and other business applications.
8.2 Multimedia Authoring
Multimedia authoring is the process of making mixed media. To create and edit
multimedia projects, the user begins with source documents (text, graphics, video clips,
music, and sound files) and use multimedia authoring software to combine the individual
sources. Multimedia authoring software allows the project to be interactive (requiring the
user to take an active role). A popular application area of such application software is E-
A type of business software that enables users to create highly stylized images for slide
shows and reports. The presentation graphic software includes functions for creating
various types of charts and graphs and for inserting text in a variety of fonts. They enable
users to import data from other application programs such as a spreadsheet application,
word processor, etc. to create charts and graphs. See Figure 12 below. They enable users
to create visual aids for a presentation (sometimes called a slide show). Its interface is
similar to that of word processors.
9.2 Working with Prsentation Software
Examples of presentation software are Power point, PresentationPro. Using the menus of
a presentation software such as Power point is similar to using the menus of a word
processor such as Word. See the following:
These features make presentation programs preferable to many users and professionals as
visual aids. The visual aids provided by such application software are useful in many
applications domains such as:
• Lecturing.
• Training and education sessions.
• Sales and product demonstrations.
• Meetings.
10 Database application software
10.1 Definitions and Concepts
A software system that supports the functions that are associated with databases is called
a Database Management System (DBMS). Below we further highlight the concept of a
database and its software system (DBMS) which together make the database system, i.e.,
Database + DBMS = Database system.
Examples of database software (DBMS) are Oracle, DB2, Microsoft Access, and
Microsoft SQL Server. Below are screen images of the DMBS MS Access.
10.3 Database Management Systems (DBMS)
The DBMS accepts requests for data from users and transfer the appropriate data to the
users. The DBMS ensures the integrity, consistency, and security of the data in the
database. A widely used DBMS is a relational database management system (RDBMS).
A standard user and program interface is the Structured Query Language (SQL).
In our context, application software systems for communication refer to programs that
allow users to browse the web and communicate with each others. This includes chatting
and instant messaging. Such programs are used to exchange real-time messages in text,
audio and/or video formats for communication purposes among users who are situated on
different computers. There are several application software systems that facilitate
different types of communications including:
• Web Browsers
• Electronic Mail (Email or E-mail))
• Video Conferencing
• Chat rooms
• Newsgroup
• Instant Messaging
A Web browser enables users to display and interact with text, images, and other
information located on a Web page on the World Wide Web (WWW) or a local area
network. Text and images on a Web page can contain links to other Web pages. Web
browsers allow a user to quickly and easily access information provided on many Web
pages at many websites by traversing these links. The appearance of a Web page differs
from a browser to another. Examples of the Web browsers are Internet Explorer, Mozilla
Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Netscape. Table 3 below depicts a comparison among those
browsers with respect to their uses.
located on WWW by means of a URL (uniform resource locator), which is treated as an
address, beginning with http: for HTTP access. Many browsers also support a variety of
other URL types and their corresponding protocols.
Table 3
11.3 Electronic Mail (E-mail)
11.4 Instant messaging (IM)
IM is a real time conversation that is done via special programs online among users.
With Instant messaging (IM), you can keep a list of people you interact with. You can IM
with anyone on your friend list or contact list as long as that person is online. You type
messages to each other into a small window that shows up on both of your screens.
Instant messaging requires an instant messaging client that connects to an instant
messaging service. Instant messaging differs from e-mail in that conversations happen in
real-time. Examples of instant messaging programs are AIM and MSN_Messenger.
Below is an image of the screen for AIM messenger.
12 Lesson Review
12.1 Matching Exercises
Match each numbered item (Column 2) with the most clearly related lettered item
(Column 1). Write your answer in the space provided (Column 3).
a. A database 1. a real time conversation that is done via special program online
system is between user and other users who are present in his/her list of
b. E-mail is 2. A structure that houses data and the relationships among them.
c.Presentation 3. to combine source documents of different sources including
graphic software text, graphics, video clips, music, and sound files.
d. An application 4. allow a user to quickly and easily access information provided
software system on many Web pages.
e. DBMS 5. help users organize their data and perform calculations and
automatic recalculation when data change.
f. Multimedia 6. application software that is distributed free for a trial period.
authoring software
g. Web browsers 7. The database itself and the DBMS.
h. Spreadsheet 8. a method of composing, sending, storing, and receiving
application messages over electronic communication systems.
software systems
i. IM is 9. has functions for creating various types of charts and graphs
and for inserting text in a variety of fonts.
j. A database is 10. a set of programs to support database functions.
k. The shareware 11. is a large program that is designed and developed to perform a
software is specific task.
l. System software 12. enables users to create, edit, format, and manipulate
documents containing texts and graphics
m. A software suite 13. Are those that you buy from the market or download from the
Internet to your computer. They run from your Hard Drive
n. In COTS, 14. makes the hardware able to communicate with the outside
o. Word Processing 15. user only buys the license to use them.
q. E-Learning is 17. a copyrighted software that is made available for use for an
unlimited time at no cost.
r. Database 18. free and can be used without restrictions
w. Desktop 23.
publishing provides • Auto- correct and format
for: • Spelling and Grammar checking.
• Table creation and manipulation
• Track changes
• Mailing
• Web Page Development
• Object insertion
• Help facilities
z. Customized 26. allow you to control the style of individual characters and
software systems paragraphs as well as complete documents.
12.2 Multiple Choice Exercises
Fill in the correct answer.
1. __________ a real time conversation that is done via special program online
between user and other users who are present in his/her list of friends.
a. E-mail
b. Chatting
c. Presenting
d. IM
e. Browser
2. ___________is a structure that houses data and the relationships among them.
a. Presentation graphic software
c. Database system
d. Operating system
e. Database
3. _________________________combines source documents of different sources
including text, graphics, video clips, music, and sound files.
a. An application software system
b. Multimedia authoring software
c. Presentation graphic software
d. E-mail
e. Spreadsheet
4.______________is a method of composing, sending, storing, and receiving messages
over electronic communication systems.
b. Word
c. Presentation graphic software
d. E-mail
e. Spreadsheet
5. ______________allow users to quickly and easily access information provided on
many Web pages.
a. E-mail
b. Browsers
c. PowerPoint
d. IM
e. System Software
6.____________________helps users organize their data and perform calculations and
automatic recalculation when data change.
a. Multimedia authoring software
b. Word
c. Spreadsheets
d. Browsers
e. Messengers
7.___________________application software that is distributed free for a trial period.
a. Web browsers
b. Database
c. Spreadsheet
d. Shareware
e. Freeware
8.__________________has functions for creating various types of charts and graphs and
for inserting text in a variety of fonts.
b. E-Mail
c. IM
d. Presentation software
e. Public-domain software
9. _________________enables users to create, edit, format, and manipulate documents
containing texts and graphics.
a. System software
b. Spreadsheet
d. Customized software
e. Word Processor
10.____________are those that you buy from the market or download from the Internet
to your computer. They run from your Hard Drive.
a. software suite
c. Installed Software
d. Word
e. Adobe
11.____________free and can be used without restrictions.
a. Shareware
b. WWW
d. Public-domain software
e. Freeware
12.____________free and can be used with copyright restrictions.
a. Shareware
b. WWW
c. Software suite
d. Public-domain software
e. Freeware
13._______________related software programs that are bundled together.
a. Software suite
b. Public-domain software
c. Freeware
d. Database
e. Operating systems
14. _____________ a popular application domain for multimedia authoring.
a. Physical database
b. Word Processing Software
c. E-Learning
d. Public-domain software
e. E-mail
21.________________ allows storing, retrieving, organizing and reorganize information.
a. Freeware
b. Database software
c. Operating systems
e. Web browser
22. _________________is a collection of one or more database files.
a. Physical database
b. Word Processing Software
c. E-Learning
d. Public-domain software
e. E-mail
23. ________________allow you to control the style of individual characters and
paragraphs as well as complete documents.
a. Text formatting commands
b. A word processor
c. Customized software systems
d. Spreadsheet programs support
e. IM
24.________________is the process of rewriting and refining a document.
a. A record
b. Editing
c. E-mail
d. Formatting
e. Freeware
25. ____________on top of the operating systems.
a. Application software system
b. Multimedia authoring software
c. Presentation graphic software
d. E-mail
e. Spreadsheet
26. Installation in number of computers is specified by_____________.
a. System software
b. The software vendor
d. Customized software
e. Word Processor
27. User only buys ___________to use the software.
a. the license
b. word Processing Software
c. E-Learning
d. public-domain software
e. Freeware
28. ____________are created by special modifications of an existing software to support
certain functions or by writing the application from scratch using a programming tool.
a. E-mail
b. Chatting
c. Customized software systems
d. Freeware
e. Browser
29.______________ are run from the Internet.
a. software suite
c. Installed Software
d. Web -based Software
e. Customized software systems
30. _____________is a collection of one or more files.
a. Physical database
b. Word Processing Software
c. E-Learning
d. Public-domain software
e. E-mail
1. Examine the diagram in Figure 1 and the lists in table 2, what programs are you
able to identify?
2. For each identified program in 1, list its application domain.
3. Describe the functions and uses of three popular application software systems.
4. Examine the program interfaces that appear in this lesson, identify similarities and
5. Describe two application domains and list types of software systems that belong
to them. For each type, list example programs.
6. Make a table to summarize your findings in 5.
7. Discuss the difference between E-Mail and IM.
1. June Jamrich Parsons and Dan Oja, Computer Concepts, Course Technology.
2. O’Leary, T. and L. O’Leary, Computing Essentials, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2007.
1. Nell Dale and John Lewis, Computer Science Illuminated, Jones and Bartlett, 3rd
ed., 2007.
2. Kenneth E. Hoganson, Concepts in Computing, Jones and Bartlett, 2007.
3. Mark Meyer, Explorations in Computer Science: A Guide to Discovery, Jones
and Bartlett, 2006.
4. http://en.wikipedia.org, The free Encyclopedia
5. The World Wide Web