Learning Task 1 Ashley
Learning Task 1 Ashley
Learning Task 1 Ashley
A Learning Inquiry
by Ashley Perrotte
April 3, 2023
suggested best practices, and listening to
the perspectives of those impacted by this
A neurodevelopmental difference characterized by symptoms
such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity
a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to understand
number-based information and math
A neurological disorder that primarily affects the skills involved in
accurate and fluent word reading and spelling
- Reading Aloud
- Written tasks
- Reading fluently and quickly
Multiple means of Engagement:
Tier 1
- Movement Breaks - Choice in group creation
- Flexible Seating - Quiet Corner
Tier 2
- Speech to Text - Flexible deadlines
- Personal Checklist - Fidgets
- A color coded system for folders - Chunked deadlines
Tier 3
- Extra time on tests
- Counselling sessions
- Time with an occupational
- Medication
society. All children have
Assessment change. Curriculum must a right to education and
Now our student has the be taught to all. When we to teach the curriculum
support they need hooray! change standards or coddle effectively teachers must
However, lets recall our students due to a belief ensure it is accessible to
definition of a crutch “a that they cannot succeed all students regardless of
tool used past the point we are doing the student a difference and disability.
of needing it”. How do we disservice. Consider a variety Inclusive teaching is
determine when a support of options when formatively explicit and implicit in
is no longer needed? and summative assessing the Alberta Education
Instructional design must your student and don’t be Teaching Quality Standard
consider what a student is afraid to bring them into the and is therefore necessary
doing, what they’re capable process. Communicate with to meet the standards of a
of doing, challenge their them directly about the level quality teaching.
abilities. If a task is too easy of challenge their experiencing
growth does not occur but and cultivate a classroom “All children have a
if a task is too hard, they will environment where learning right to education
likely become discouraged. is valued over achievement. and to teach
According to Vygotsky’s To somewhat answer our
the curriculum
theory of the zone of question a support becomes
effectively teachers
proximal development a crutch when it no longer
instruction is most fits the definition of a support must ensure it is
beneficial when the task is “something you cannot accessible to all
just beyond the individuals’ complete a task or complete a students regardless
capabilities. ZPD also refers task well without”. Challenge of difference and
to the gap between what a your students while ensuring disability”
student is currently capable success remains possible for
of doing independently all. In Conclusion
and what they can do “When does a support
“Just because a
with support (Mcleod, become a crutch”? When
student experiences those involved in a child’s
2024). To accurately
understand your student
barriers does not learning fail to properly
and their capabilities mean standards identify need, fail to select
requires a strong teacher- change. Curriculum appropriate supports,
student relationship and must be taught to and neglect ongoing
ongoing assessment of all” assessment of student
student learning. When ability. To avoid these
completing assessment The Role of School and pitfalls teachers, parents,
for students with Curriculum and others involved
disabilities it is important The curriculum sets goals for in the child’s learning
to be mindful of bias and all students. The purpose of must embrace inclusive
“shifting the goal post”. curriculum is to give students learning practices and ask
Just because a student the knowledge, skills, and themselves “how can I
experiences barriers does understanding necessary to best support this child”?
not mean standards navigate and thrive in our