Learning Task 1 Ashley

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“A teacher at risk is one that goes home having learned nothing”

A Learning Inquiry
by Ashley Perrotte

April 3, 2023

A SUPPORT In this article we will be exploring both

sides of this topic, related research,

suggested best practices, and listening to
the perspectives of those impacted by this


A Short History Lesson

Parents and educators are concerned
that the some supports may hinder Education like most industries has evolved
over time. The education system as we know
student independence and foster
it is only about 200 years old. Before that,
dependence on outside support.
formal education was mostly reserved for
“We’re too soft on kids these days they’ll the elite. But as industrialization changed
crumble once they’re out in the real world!” the way we work; it created the need for
Statements like this are nothing new in the universal schooling. Factory owners required
sea of parent and even teacher grievances a docile, agreeable workers who would show
with the current school environment. With up on time and do what their managers
the rise in awareness of learning disabilities told them. Sitting in a classroom all day
and the evolution of inclusive learning stu- with a teacher was good training for that
dents now have more variety and access to (Schrager, 2018). Teachers were viewed as
supports than ever before. No one believes the holders of knowledge, students were
we should stop supporting kids altogether viewed as containers for that knowledge,
but when is it too much? and there was an expectation that every
child’s experience should be the same. same and will respond differently to
Schools like factory assembly lines the same instruction. This realization
were standardized and sequenced that some students do not succeed
(Friesen & Jardine, 2010). However, under standardized instruction is what
unlike the materials used to make the jump starts the evolution of inclusion in
same product all students are not the Education.

The Evolution of Inclusion in Education


Initially we had Then we moved to Next we moved Finally we have

exclusion where segregation. Where towards integration inclusion a process
those who existed students with disabilities and placed people of systemic reform
outside of the norm were educated in with disabilities in in education to
where excluded form separate environments existing mainstream overcome barriers
education. designed for their educational and provide all
impairments in isolation institutions with students with an
from “normal” students. the expectation equitable learning
(Inclusion BC, 2019) they can adjust to experience that best
the standardized corresponds to their
requirements. requirements.

Respected teacher Shelley Moore also proposed a final diagram of a

circle where the dots are different colors to show that there is no typical
and we must address diversity in all learners. I suspect adults who
campaign against providing supports to diverse students were likely
educated before the movement towards inclusivity. They experienced
success and see no need for it or believe intense struggle in academics
is necessary to “build character”. In addition to this there are also many
common misconceptions that support the belief that kids are being
coddled. These misconceptions can rob kids of the support they need and create a deep
mistrust between teachers and parents. We cannot go over all the possible misconceptions
surrounding disabilities, supports, and inclusivity. However, in the following we will go over
some of the more common misconceptions that lead parents to believe kids are being
coddled in school.
Myths and Misconceptions
Of Supports, Inclusion, and Diversity

using best practice but remember they are

guidelines. There are many the experts and want
reasons the rate of diagnoses what’s best for the child.
is increasing. Clinicians are Kids need adversity but
getting better at spotting continuously struggling
what was always present, due to no support is not
increased awareness of productive and can lead to
Learning disabilities are learning disabilities, and apathy, anxiety, and even
becoming over diagnosed decreased stigma. abandonment of the school
Perhaps one of the most system.
common misconceptions If kids receive any
around support is whether support they will become Special education services
it’s actually needed. dependent on them are expensive, so other
Many parents worry It is possible that a short kids will lose out on
that students with any sighted teacher could activities.
behavioral difficulties are implement a tool that does In schools lacking in
too quickly slapped with not encourage a student to ammenities for students
a label such as ADHD or grow. This is one reason why parents may wonder how
Autism. There has been a it is important for parents schools are able to provide
rise in diagnoses for both to stay aware and involved students with disabilities
with the rate of diagnosed in their child’s education supports. This can create
ADHD in children increasing experience. Talk to your child a sense of resentment
approximately 5% every and their teacher about how towards students with
year (CHADD, n.d.). In 2023 they may be struggling, what seeminly less severe
the CDC found 1 in 36 kids supports they are receiving, disabilities recieving
have autism which is an and the logic behind them. I support. Schools get
increase from the belief 1 in believe most teacher’s goal is government funding for
110 kids have autism in 2006 to gradually increase student special education programs
(Robison & Gassner, 2023). independence and will use a and support based on
However, for kids to be multi tiered approach which proven need within the
over diagnosed we would encourages introducing school. That funding doesn’t
need to be misdiagnosing supports and then gradually pay for everything. But it
them. Misdiagnosis is not weaning them off it. If your helps to ensure that only
common. Diagnosing kid has an IPP and you’re a small part of the local
ADHD and Autism requires skeptical of the suggested school budget goes to
substantial training, and supports talk to their health special education. All kids
most children are being care practitioner and other have a right to an inclusive
diagnosed by practitioners members of the IPP team education (Morin, n.d.).
Some of the barriers and challenges experienced by a
variety of neurodiverse learners.

A neurodevelopmental difference characterized by symptoms
such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity

- Standardized testing and sit-down instruction

- Few or infrequent opportunities for movement
- Organization

a learning disorder that affects a person’s ability to understand
number-based information and math

- Memorizing calculations for tests

- Reading a clock
- Accurately estimating quantities

A neurological disorder that primarily affects the skills involved in
accurate and fluent word reading and spelling

- Reading Aloud
- Written tasks
- Reading fluently and quickly

Sensory Processing Disorders

A condition that affects how the brain processes sensory
- Over or under sensitive to stimuli (ex. loud classroom/quiet spaces)
- Sensitive to lights or a sudden change in lighting
- Trouble with social cues
To properly explore the understand the typical to expect a quick fix. There
question “when does a developmental process for are a variety of supports
support become a crutch?” students of a certain age and a good teacher will try
we need to understand and develop a reasonable a few to see what is most
what a crutch is. Generally, range they should fit effective for their student.
a crutch is understood as within. It is important to
a tool used past the point note that children often “When identifying a
of needing it. If you cannot do not progress in all need by considering
complete a task without areas at the same rate and developmental norms
something or complete growth can also occur in it is important for
it nearly as well, then it spurts (Wood, 2017). When
teachers to think in
is a support not a crutch. identifying a need by
terms of differences
Sounds simple enough. considering developmental
Where things get complex norms it is important for not deficits”
is determining whether the teachers to think in terms
child needs support, what of differences not deficits. Support Tools
support is appropriate, and Teachers may also notice a Now that we’ve identified
understanding if or when student consistently unable a valid need how do we
they no longer need that to enter a “flow” when know what support tool
support. In the following working. Kids will enter is appropriate? Do we just
sections we will explore the a flow when their work is throw a variety of supports
role of the teacher, support appropriately challenging at the child and hope
tools and systems such as their skills and interests one works? No, we refer
MTSS, and assessment. (Mcleod, 2024). If they are to our observations and
struggling to achieve this documentation on the
The Role of the then maybe supports or child and make informed
Teacher adjustments to the task are decisions. This is another
The main three participants needed. Teachers cannot reason why it is important
in education are teachers, be 100% certain of why a to have a strength-based
parents, and peers. Each student is struggling but view. Yes, knowing the
of these groups have a intentional observation and details of their areas of
right to contribute to a documentation can increase weakness is important
student’s development. our accuracy in identifying but knowing the details
Taking a more holistic view the need. Once a need of the areas of strength is
the role of the teacher is to is identified it should be also helpful. Why do they
facilitate learning. To do this considered when designing succeed in this area, and
effectively teachers must instruction, the classroom can we bring some of those
engage their students, environment, and the overall conditions into their area
challenge them, and learning experience. Not of weakness? The better
ensure the learning they’re all needs are diagnosable you understand a child
providing is accessible to learning disabilities or they better you can choose
all. Teachers are often the exceptionalities and only effective supports. It is
first people to observe a need minor supports to also good pedagogy when
potential need in students. ensure success. Lastly it is choosing what supports
Competent teachers important for all parties not to implement to consider
the whole class. It can be supports and Response intense barriers. IEPs take
time consuming and narrow to intervention consider some of the burden off
sighted to single out and the different approaches the teacher when it comes
provide support to individual needed for greater levels to identifying effective
students, especially when of need. MTSS has three supports. IEPs are a legal
that support could benefit tiers with tier one being document that outlines
all students. This concept supports for all, tier two a student’s needs and
is referred to as Universal being moderate supports supports and the teacher’s
Design Learning. UDL targets for small groups, and tier responsibility to ensure
people with disabilities but is three being specialized these needs are met and
accessible for everyone. For supports for individuals. provide evidence on their
example, making weighted Some of the key elements progress (Wardle, 2024).
stuffed animals available to of are frequent monitoring IPPs and other documents
all in your classroom may of students’ progress to such as Ed Psych reports
target the kid with an anxiety help decide if they need also contain data and
disorder but help any kid who more interventions and recommendations
is feeling anxious and wants the use of evidence-based that make it easier to
that support. strategies (Rosen, n.d.). It understand what supports
is important to note that a student needs. These
“UDL targets people one of the goals of MTSS documents are crafted by
with disabilities is that tier two supports a team of people including
but is accessible for be temporary (Crawford, parents, teachers, and
everyone.” 2024). By combining experts who work together
evidence-based strategies to design effective
However, sometimes a
and frequently monitoring supports and make
student or a group of
progress we can increase learning more accessible.
students have a more
our chances of choosing With close monitoring
intense or unique need
an effective support for and routine assessment,
than their peers and needs
the student(s) in need. Tier we can see whether the
support more tailored to
three is geared towards support is the right fit for
them. Frameworks like
students with diagnosed the child.
a multi-tiered system of
disabilities, IEPs, or more

Basic Outline of MTSS

Tier 1: Universal support for all students. A student or a small group
who is still struggling may move to Tier 2.

Tier 2: Small group interventions.They get more targeted support

through small group lessons or more tailored support tools.

Tier 3: Intensive individualized support. This tier can mean small

group work but often focusses on individual students with
intense needs. Students in this tier will often have IPPs and need
specialized supports
Here are some UDL and multi tiered resources to
support your student or child (CAST, n.d.).

Multiple means of Engagement:

- Optimize individual choice - Vary demands and resources

and autonomy in how learning - Promote expectations and beliefs

objectives can be reached that optimize motivation

Multiple means of Representation:

- Offer ways of customizing the - Activate or supply background

display of information knowledge
- Illustrate through multiple media

Multiple means of Expression:

- Use multiple tools for construction
- Optimize access to tools and
and communiction
assistive technologies
- Guide appropriate goal-setting

Tier 1
- Movement Breaks - Choice in group creation
- Flexible Seating - Quiet Corner

Tier 2
- Speech to Text - Flexible deadlines
- Personal Checklist - Fidgets
- A color coded system for folders - Chunked deadlines

Tier 3
- Extra time on tests
- Counselling sessions
- Time with an occupational
- Medication
society. All children have
Assessment change. Curriculum must a right to education and
Now our student has the be taught to all. When we to teach the curriculum
support they need hooray! change standards or coddle effectively teachers must
However, lets recall our students due to a belief ensure it is accessible to
definition of a crutch “a that they cannot succeed all students regardless of
tool used past the point we are doing the student a difference and disability.
of needing it”. How do we disservice. Consider a variety Inclusive teaching is
determine when a support of options when formatively explicit and implicit in
is no longer needed? and summative assessing the Alberta Education
Instructional design must your student and don’t be Teaching Quality Standard
consider what a student is afraid to bring them into the and is therefore necessary
doing, what they’re capable process. Communicate with to meet the standards of a
of doing, challenge their them directly about the level quality teaching.
abilities. If a task is too easy of challenge their experiencing
growth does not occur but and cultivate a classroom “All children have a
if a task is too hard, they will environment where learning right to education
likely become discouraged. is valued over achievement. and to teach
According to Vygotsky’s To somewhat answer our
the curriculum
theory of the zone of question a support becomes
effectively teachers
proximal development a crutch when it no longer
instruction is most fits the definition of a support must ensure it is
beneficial when the task is “something you cannot accessible to all
just beyond the individuals’ complete a task or complete a students regardless
capabilities. ZPD also refers task well without”. Challenge of difference and
to the gap between what a your students while ensuring disability”
student is currently capable success remains possible for
of doing independently all. In Conclusion
and what they can do “When does a support
“Just because a
with support (Mcleod, become a crutch”? When
student experiences those involved in a child’s
2024). To accurately
understand your student
barriers does not learning fail to properly
and their capabilities mean standards identify need, fail to select
requires a strong teacher- change. Curriculum appropriate supports,
student relationship and must be taught to and neglect ongoing
ongoing assessment of all” assessment of student
student learning. When ability. To avoid these
completing assessment The Role of School and pitfalls teachers, parents,
for students with Curriculum and others involved
disabilities it is important The curriculum sets goals for in the child’s learning
to be mindful of bias and all students. The purpose of must embrace inclusive
“shifting the goal post”. curriculum is to give students learning practices and ask
Just because a student the knowledge, skills, and themselves “how can I
experiences barriers does understanding necessary to best support this child”?
not mean standards navigate and thrive in our

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