Assertion-Reason RCC

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Rahul Chemistry Classes Assertion/Reason for Board 2024 Solutions 1.(A):Camphor i sed a a solvent in the determination of molecular weight on non-volatile salute (%):Camphor has high moa elevation constant 2.(A): When a cells placed in hypertonic solution, t shrinks (8): Reverse osmosisis used for desalination of water. 3. (A): When CuSO. SHO is dissolved in water, the slain cools dv and when CuSOcis dissolved in water, the ‘ston gets heated up. (R): The dissolution of hydrated CuSO+ i endothermic process because force of aration decreases on disslation ‘whereas CuSO. (anhydrous) changes to hydrated and enegy i tleased dc to formation of new bonds, 4.(A) : Adtion of ethylene glycol to water lowers the freezing point of wate, therefore, used as antics (8): 1, 2-Ethanedil is soluble in water because tan frm H-bood with water, therefore vapour pressure of solution i lowered '.(A) Allsoutes become more soluble in wae t higher temper (8): The amount of solute hat dissale depends up the mature temperature and pressure (gases ofthe substance. 6.(A) The vapour presse of 0.48 molar urea soliton is more than that oF 04S mole solution oF yas (8): Lowering of vapour presur is dreetly proportional tothe numberof species presenti the solution. ‘7.(A) Am inrease insure area increases the rat of evaporation. (): Songer the inlermoeclaratracton forces, faster in he rate of evaporation (A): The rezing point of 8.1 Mure ses than that of 0.1 M KCI slain, (8) The depression of feezng points dicey proportional tthe numberof species prescatin the solution, 9.(A): The freezing point of 0.05 Mure sluin is dere frm that of 05 M sodium chloride solution (The depression in fezing pom is dct proporiona othe number of species present inthe solution. 10.(A) : The vapour pressure of 0.1 M sug solution is more than that of 0.1 M potassium chloride solution, (8): Lowering of vapour pressure is direly proportional othe number of species preset in the olution 11.(A): Acetic aid hs molecule ight of 120 in benz slutin, (R): There is ime formation by H-bonding 12,(A) The boiling point of 0.1 re olson i ess than that 0.1 M KC slion. (8) Elevation of boing pin is duet proportional othe numberof species presen inthe solution. 13.(A) Fone component obeyed Raoult’ law vera certain ange of composition, the ater component would nt obey Henry's lw in hat rage (8): Raoul law is a special ease of Henry's aw. 14.(A): Strength and Nomality are two diferent methods of expressing the concentration of solution, (8) Suongth sequal to normality ofa solution 18.(A) One moar aqueous solution has always higher concentration than one mol (8) The molality of Solution depends upon the density ofthe solution whereas mola doesnot. given temperature 16. (A): Osmosis involves movement of solvent molecules frm ts lower concentration tots higher concentration {(): Solution having the same osmotic pressure are called isotonic solution. 8-34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar, CilLines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sr 98786-14284) 17.(A) The vapour pressure of liquid decreases if ome nonvolatile solute i solved int {): The lative lowering of vapour pressure of solution containing anon volatile solite equate the mole {rection ofthe solute in the solution, 1 (A) Solutions show deviations fom Raoul’ lw. {The cause for these deviation isin the nature of interactions atthe molecu evel 19.(A): Vapour pres of wate is es than 1013 barat 373K (): Water ois at 373K asthe vapor presse a his temperature becomes equal 1 atmospheric pressure 2n,(A) : An azeotope lg mixture i one that boil with wighanged composition (): The vapour prestue of lige decrease upon dsoition of non volatile liquid whichis attributable tts some {kindof sociation with non-volatile sole, 21. (A:Intoduetion of Vant Hot factor sigs the change in molaliies with respect to number of parties present in Solution ater dissociation or association {far Ht factor canbe neglected if molality remains the sae, 22.(A) : Molocular mass of polymer cannot be calculated using boing poi or revzing point metho. () Polymer solution do ot possess constant boiling pot eezng point, 23,(A) One mola aqueous solution afore contains 60g of urea ia 10g water, () Solution having ane mole oft in 100g solvent in called as ne moll sluin. 24.(4): Elevation n boiling pot wil be high ifthe moll elevation comsant ofthe gud is igh () Elevation in boiling pots oligaive pope 25,(A): Azootopie mixture ate formes only By non-delsolations. () Boiling poet of an azaouopc iether higher han hot the component or lower han hot the component 26. (A): The mobility of sodium ions slower than that of potassium on. (R): The ionic mobiles depend upon the effective radusaf ihe ion, 227.(A): When dried itis a vogstables are plcod in water they slowly get swelled |) tthappens due to the phenomenon of osmosis 48) 2(0)3 (4 (2) 5. (0) 6 (4) 7 (8. () 9.) 10) 12.) 12 () 13. (24) 15. () 26 (0) 27. (0) 28. (0) 19, (4) 20. (b) 2b) 2. () 23. a) 26) 2. (0) 26 (2) 27. (2) Electrochemistry 1. (A) In brown ing complex, [Fe(H-0}NO} 80, the oxidation number of eo is “1 {f):Oue to charge transfer the one unpaired electron of NO shits to Fe, thereby Fe-conversItoFe. 2.(A) If standard reduction potential for the reaction Ag. +¢--+ Agi 080 vols then forthe reaton 3Age+ 30. +3 Agitwillbe24 volts (8) concentration i increased redaction electrode potentials increased '3.(A) 1 Faraday of cleric is pasod though acidified H.0, volume of O:iberatd at STP willbe 5.6L (8): Equivalent weight of oxygen is 16 '8-34/1189 Street No.2 Chander Nagar, Civil Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sr 98786-14284) 4.(4) The voliage of mercury cell mss constant fo longer period of ine (8): Mis because vet election doesnot involve any ion. '5.(A) The concet order of equivalent conductance at init dilaton is KCL> NaC> LiCl (8) :KClisstroager electrolyte than NaCl which is seonger than LCL, {6.(A): The tendeny fa ator to reach stable electronic arrangement may bests bythe ans of electrons rm ‘one atom to another. (%): Los and gain of eleeuoas continue reduction and oxidation. 7.(A) nace medium equivalent weight of K:CrO; eqs to 294 same stato molecular weight (8) Inaidic medium K:Cr0 does not observe any chang. 18.(A): Fora weak electrolyte, the plot of molar conductivity (Am) agnns Ve (cis concentration in mol lit.) early linear (8): The moar conductivity at infinite dition (Am) fran electrolyte can be considered equal tothe sum ofthe limiting ‘molar condi ofthe indidval ons. 9.(A) Cell constant isthe EMF. ofa cal (%) Cell constant is determined by using saturated KCl solution 10. (A) : When acidified ne sulphates solution is elecwolsod between ne elocwoses, cathode and hydrogen evolution doesnot take place (B) The electrode potential of zine is moc negative than hydrogen a8 the @ver-voltage for hydrogen evolution on zine ‘ge age 11.(4): For three half-* CO —» CO:+ NO Rate =k [NO:}: The aes independent of eonentration of CO, (8): The ate doesnot depend upon [CO] because itis involved in fst step (A): In order for molecules intrat,thy mst approach cach others lovely to cll with each tier (): Rearrangement of ehemicl bonds occur dig olson 12.(A) The rate of reaction normally increases by a fictr of 203 for every 10.C rise in temperature (Increase intemperate increases the numberof olson, 13.(A): A catalyst enhances the rte of ection, (8): The energy of atvation of the ection i lowered in presence of tlt 14 (A): Ina laws the exponents for concentration donot necessarily match the soichiometi coef. (8): isthe mechanism and not the balanced chemical equation for the overall change that govers the eatin ae '8.34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar Civil Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sir 98786-14284) 15.(A):Inrate las, uli inthe expression for equilibrium constants, the exponent fr concentrations do not necessity ‘atch stoichiometric cofficents (%) = isthe mechanism and not the balanced chemical equation forthe overall change the govems the reaction rate 16, (A) : Onder canbe ifferent fom molecular ofa reaction (8): Slow step isthe ate determining step and may involve lesser number of reactants 17.(4) Forthe hydrogen halogen photochemical ection the quantum ye fo the formation of HB, lower han hat of HCL (R) B+ H+ HB +H has higher activation snergy than C+ H+ HCL+ 1.092.030) (a) $4) 6 (6) 7. (0) 8.00) 9b) 1. a) HH (a) 2.) 13 (0 14. (4) 1.3) 16) 17. D and f Block 1. (A): Concentrated aqueous solution of CuCLIs grein colour. (8) Th solution contains two complex ions Le, [Cu(HO} and [CuCl in equibium, 2.(A): Magnetic moment vale for copper (acta i ess han tat for oe unpre electron (8): Ineraction between unpaired electronsbelonging o diferent copper atoms ours via Wing acetate group '3.(A) : KMnOsis tre in dark bots. (R): On eating with tales KM conwened to manganat, 4.(A) Allthe on-carhon bond distances in feroene ate el (8): The pi-electons in the yelopetadieny group of ferocene ae delocalized '$(A): KMrO,taat be used as ema standard (R) ls standard solution cannot be prepared itis made soluble in water. 16.(A) Tungsten haa yer high melting poi (R): Tungsten ia covalent compound. 7.(A) :AgNOsisalo called na cause. (8): AgNO is photosensitive, therefore stored in dak coloured bots. '.(A): HgCleand SoC exist ogether in aqueous ston. (8): On beating HgCl: sublines. 9. (A): Silver fares insoluble (8) Hydation energy of AF is higher than its Itc energy. 10,(A) :K:Ce0 is prefered to NocCeOr for use in volumetric analysis asa primary standard, (B):NaCeOr is hydroscopic while K:C Oris mot, 14. (A) auivalent mass of KMnOvis equa 6 one thie ofits molecular mass when it acts as an oxidizing agent in an alkane mem, (8): Oxidation number of Mn is +7 in KMa0. 12,(A):The purple colour of duet the charge transfer transition, (8) The intense colour, in mos ofthe transition metal complexe, x de wo dd taston, 13, (A): When KMn0. solution is added to hot oxalic acid soaton, the decolrzaion i slow in the begining but ‘becomes spontancous ater sometime (8): Ma at a8 aoc '8-34/1189 street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Chil Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sir 98786-14284) 14. (A) Mobr salts used as. primary standard in volumetric analysis (8): Mohr sl contains both Fes- and Fes ions in he crystalline sl, 1. (A) CuO can be reduced by C, Heas well 8 CO. (R) CuO is basi oxide 16.(A) : Green vitriol always have tes of fetes. (R) Asai oxidizes ferrous ion ito frie ions 17.(A) :KMaOcand K:Cr0r ae intensely coloured compounds (R): Transion metal compound having electrons in orbital are coloured due todd transition. (A): KafFe(CN)s and Ki(Fe(CN)s have sae magnetic omen (8): Magnetic moments controlled by the number of unpaired eects. 19. (A): A solution offer lid on standing gives a Brown precipitate (R): FeCl possesses covalent bonds and chlorine bridge structs 20.(A): Ma atom loses as eleetons fst daring ionization as compared to (a 1) elecwons. (8): Theefective nuclear charge experienced by (n-1) dcleerons is greater than hat by ns leetons 1a). 04 20.) 3) (0) 6 () 7 (O98. (9 (a) 1. a) 11. (b) 12 (13. (4) 14. () 18 (0) 16. (2) 17. (0) 18.6) 1. Coordination Compounds 1.(A) Transition metas foma large numberof interstitias compounds, (8) They have high meting point and boing pot. 2. (A) Transition metal form complexes. ‘R) Transiton mel have unpaired leceons. 3. (A) Zn, Cd, Hg ae notreparded as transition metals {€8) Za, Cg have low meling and boiling points therefore they are regaded as volatile metals, 4.(A) The number of unpaired electrons in NiCO)sis20 ‘R) 4s eectoason Ni tom eater the inner debit facilitate the sp hybridization i atom. §.(A) Tetabedral complexes wih cra structure exhibit optical isomerism, (8) They lek plane of symmetry. 6.(A) The [Nien)JCLhas higher stability than [NIOSH ‘Ry Ethylene diamine show chelation with ison, 7 (A) When KMnO. solution is added to hot oxalic aid solution, the decolouristion is slow inthe Beginning but becomes spontaneous afer sometime (R) Min acts as autocatalt 5 (A) (CoN) C]Cleracs with excess of AgNO form 2 moles of MgCl (white ppt) {(R) [Co(NHpJCh gives 2 moles of CL which react with AgNO: forms 2 moles of AgCl {9.(A) KMnOuis stored in dak bots {(R) On beating with alkalies KMnO. is comer o manganate 10.(A) Ti(HLOpois coloured ion (8) Tishows +2, +3, +4 oxidation due to 45° and 3 electons (A) [CoANO>)(NIL)] doesnot show optical isomerism '8-34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Civil Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Si 98786-14284) ¢R) Iho a plane of symmetry. 12.(A) CN-and CO ligands usually form low spin complexes with mel ios. (8) CN and CO cause the metal ions spliting of orbitals with greater evalu. 13. (A) There i an increase in oxidation potential of Fe-when it combined with 8) Ionic activity of Fe nceases during complex formation of Fe(CN)) (A) Thiocarbonsl is neutral ligand, (R) Thiocatbony has three donor atoms bt behaves a a bidentate ligand. (A) The ligands nitro and nitro ae eae ambidentate ligands (8) These ligands give linkage isomers 16. (A) Zeise's sat isa thonded organoaallic compound. (0) The ouation number of platinum in Zeiss salt 6° 17.(4)[Fe(CNp" is weakly paramagnetic while [Fe(CN)s diamagnetic (R) [FCN has +3 oxidation state while [Fe{CN)} a+ oxidation state 18.(A) Complex of calcium with EDTA iss teat ead poisoning (R) EDTA is hexadetate ligand, 19.(A) [CANE coloured while [Ou(CN).) on is colourless. (8) [CNEL }" has dsp hybidisation. 20.(A) (CANH}spis paramagnetic (8) [CH(NH)" shows sp hybridisation, 21. (A) The [Nifen} JL (en ~ ethylene diamine) has lower ability than [Ni(NHD} Cs {R) In [Nien }Csthe geometry of the comple is wigonl bipyramidal 22, (A) K:CrOris preferred ta NaiGrO> for ws in Volumetric analysis a a primary standard, (R) NaCeOrishydoscopi while C0 isnot 1.0) 20) 3. (0) 4a) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7-(2) 8 (0) 9. (0) 10.00) 19. (0) 20.0) 21. @)22.(a) 1) 12 (13.46) 14.) 1S. (2) 16.(0)17. 0) Haloatkanes and Haloarenes (A) : The effet of electron withdnwing group at ath 8 pars postion increases the reactivity of halarenes bt at meta position (R): As a meta position negative chageean not be stabilized by such a group i any resonating stuctare 2.(A): Alkyl iodides darken on standing. (8): Ally iodides ae prepared by Finkelstein reaction, 3.(A):2-cloro--methyfbutane on teatmea! with alcobolic potash gives 2-methy-butene2 as major product {): The reaction occurs according to Saye rule 4. (A Primary benzylic halides ae more reactive than primary ally! halides towanls SN: reactions {R) Reactivity depends yp the nature ofthe nucleophile ad the solvent (A) lopropylchlovide is more reactive than CHLBr in SNereactions. (8): SNreaetions are always accompanied by inversion of configuration. {6.(A):0-dchlowo benzos has higher melting pint than p-dchloro-benzene (8): Stronger the Vander Waals Fores of atracton, higher i theming pot. 7.(A) Addition of Brot cis-but-2-ene i stereoselective. (i): SNoreseions re stereospecific as well as stereoselective, 8-34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Cul Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sir 98786-14284) 4A): SNsteaton of an opsicaly active alk alde with an aqueous solution of KOH gives an aleobol with opposite signof rotation (B): SN: reactions proced wih inversion of eoniguration 9.(A): Benzyl chloride i more active than p-chloroolune towards aqueous NAOH (8): TheC ~ Cl bond in benzyl chloride is more polar than C~ Cl bond in p-hlootluese 10.(A) Tertiary halalkans are more reactive than primary halollanes towards elimination eactons (8): The +Leect ofthe alkyl groups weakens the CX bond 11.(A) Rate of reaction is dependent onl onthe coneetaton of nucleophile in SN reactions (8): Polar solvent favours SN: reaction 12, (A): The carbon halogen bond nan ayl halide i shorter ta carbon halogen bond in a alkyl halide. (R): A bond formed of anspor should be shorter thn the coresponding bond valving an spo, 13. (A): SNareaction of CH)~ Br faster in DMSO than i EO. (8): DMSO has greater capability to solvate neleophi 14, (A) In SNi mechanism, the product with inversion of onfiguration is obsined in higher amount compared othe product wth the retention of configuration {R) Pron sie tack of ncleophile hindered duet the presence of leaving group inthe vit. 18.(A) Bromabenzene upon reaction wih BE/Fe gives I, 4-dlromsbenzzne asthe major product. (8): Inbromobenzene the inductive effet ofthe brome group is more dominant than the mesomeric effect in dieting the meoming eleceoplie 1 (0) 2. (€) 3. (0) 4.40) $(4) 6. (4) 7 (0) 8.0) 9.0) 10 (0) 1 (4) 12. (6) 13.6) 14.) 18.(€) Aeohols PI 1.(A): The water solbility ofthe alebols follow the order bu alcoho! s Buy alcool > abut alcool (8) Alebols frm H-bonding with water o show soluble mature 2. (A): The order of sic song is RCOOH > phenol > H:0 > CHLOH (0): As acd strength increases, pKa increases |3.(A) : Anhydrous ZnCl is wed in eation of alcohols with HCL {(R): ZaCleforms a complex with otyge of alcohol and converts -OH wo much bette lev 4. (a): Am alcohol does nt react with halide ons sch ut on dsouton in song acids it docs eat smoothly forming an ‘aly halide {(R) The strong acid accelerates the removal of ton from the -OH group ofthe aleao ©. on $.(4) is compon imo os ong 2 HS { . 7 oon (0 I contains strained rng sytem (6.4): The C0 bond length of phic alahols is ess than aromatic alcohols (8) Inaromatic alcohols CO bond acquires x-bond characte. 34/1189 Street No, 2 Chander Nagar, Cv Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Si 98786-14284) 7.(A) The tbutxie ion isa stronger base than OF of C:H.0. but a much pore nucleophile (0): A negatvely charged ion is always amore powerful nucleophile than its conjugate acid '.(4) Phenols cannot be converted nto esersby diet reaction with carboxylic acs. (8): Electron withdrawing groups increase the acidity of phenol 19.(A) Phenol react ith acyl halides in presence of pyridine ofr pe (8): Benzylation of phenol is eared out inthe presence of NH.OH, 10. (A): Phenol on oxidation with KM. gives meso tartaric acid () Pure phono ar colorless but tum pink duc o oxidation duc to phenoquinone (ed) 1.(4): Trestment of phenol with nitrous acid yields p-bemsoguinone manoxine. (): Pritrosophenl and p-beazo quinine nonovnse are tautomers 12.(A) : Phenols cannot be converted ito eters by det ection with carboxylic acids whereas aleahols canbe. (R): The esterification reaction is exothermic foraloholsbut lightly endothermic for phenols. 12.(A) Phenol ses aii than pnitophenol (Penola on is more stable han P-iropeolas fon 14.(A):4aitophcnl is mor acidiéthan 2.46srniropheno (8): Phenol isa weaker acid than carbonic aid. 15.(A): Both symmetrical nd unsymmetrical ethers can be prepared With Willamsons’syathesis (): Williamson's synthesis i an example of nucleophilic substuton renetion 16 (A) Dipenyl ete is prepared by Ullmann reaction a shown Below: cu CALONe + BCs “PCALOCA+ Nate (2): Diphenyl ether i used a peri. 17.(A) = Diteiagy ethers very fc prepare (8): isd to sever strc hindeanee 18, (A) :Diser-butyl ether eanoot be prepare by Wiliamson's syethess (tert bromide on treatment with sodium tet-buoxide preferentially undergoes elimination 1 form butslene and tert-butyl alco 19.(A) :CHLCHLOCHC eats aster when tated with water than CH CH-OCH:CHLCH.CI does (8): Cashoniun ion formed by the fnization of CH: CH-OCH.C is stabilized by resonance 20,(A) The dehydration of on (MeyC - CH - Cts the pesene of CS: and Mel (R) This eatin proceed by oration of carbocation nfs step 0) 26) 3.) 4 (€)§ (0) 6. (4) 7 (0) 8. (099.0) 206) 0) 1. (6) 12.) 18.69 14. 18.6) 16.00)17.00) (2) 19. Aldehydes Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 1.(A): Resonance entzy of carboxylation is much greater tan that of undissocated carboxylic acid. (): Caboxylte ion ia resonance hybrid of equivalent resonating structures, 8-34/1189 street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Cl Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Si 98786-14284) 2. (A): Chien Condensation involves the self condensation of ester molecules having a hydrogen. (8): Clasen condensation occurs inthe presence of strong base such as sodium chore £.(A): Ethyl actscetate gives relish vilt colour on restment with fc chloride (R): Wexists redonsinatly inthe keto fom 4.(A):CH-COOH but not HCOOH canbe halogen in presence of ed P and Cl (R): Boh formic acid and CH-COOH ar highly soluble in water. 5. (A) In sodium format, both the C—O bonds have same value 127 A ‘(R): Same bond length is det the phenomenon of resonance 6.(A): Formic ai gives rs to nucleopilic aon reactions (R) = Caton oxygen bod length in foe acid ae 123 Aand 1.36 A. 7-(A):Nitation of benzoic acid gives m-aitrobenoic acid (8): Caboxyl group increases the electron density atthe meta postion 18a) sm Chlrobenzic acids suonge il than pchlorobenzoic aid. (R): In mchlorobonzie acid stonget I eflaet Cl operate but in pchlrobenzac acid only +R effec of Cl operates 19.(A) Both formic acid and oxalic eid decolourize KMaO. solution, (8) Bosh are exsily oxidized o COzand 1.0. 10,(4):RCOCL, (RCO}.O and ROR’ eat with Grignard eagent to form alcohols (8) = RCOC eats with iC 0 form ketones but (RCO). and RCOOR do not eat ata 11.(A) pHydcosybenie sid has lower ling point than o-hydroxybenzie aid. (8): @ Hydrorybenoie aid has intramolecular hydrogen bonding. 12.(A): Acstamise teats with Bria preseace of methanolic CHLONe to form methyl N-methylcarbamate (R): Meth iageyanate fred ws an nermotiate which ets wth mebano o frm mt! N-metylerbamae, 13,(4): Aci stale yoy fester reversible om the the dl ase ely hydrolyse is reversible, (8) In acid catalysed ester hydrolysis eatbonic acids forme on which mcteopil atackof alcohol is possible while in base catalysed exter yds carbowlate anion formed on which suceopille ack spt pouble 14.(4) In aldo condensation the final products always, P- usaturated crbory compound (8), unsaturated exbonyl compounds are stabilized de 19 cojusation. 18.(A): Although ketones do not reduc Toles reagent and Febling's solution bu a-hydroxyketones give postive est (8) Secondary alcoholic group of hydroxy ketones gts oxidized to ketone group. 16. (4): Benzaldey de doesn pveFeblng' es (R) Benaldehyde a weak reducing agent, 17.(A): Inthe addition of Grignard reagent w carbonyl compound the R group of RMX attack carbon erbon. (R): The carbon magnesium bon othe Grignard eagen is highly poi, eben being negative eave elctropesitve Images 18,(4) :Cyanohyérinobtaind from ration of HCN inte alaline mim with actaldchyde is racemic mint, (8): Cyanohydrin obtained above is formed by atack of CN. on planar “C=O group. 19.(A): Methyl n-propyl Ketone and dicty Ketone canbe distinguishes by haloform tes. (8): Meth ketones give haloform reaction, £8-34/1189 street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Cv Lines Ludhiana, (Rahul Sir 98786-14284) 20, (A) :44-Dimethyl-2-pentanone cannot e easily prepared from ast asi exer. (R):(CHl)»CBe isa tea alkyl halide which de 0 rc effec, prefers cimination rather tam substation, (A): When clr seated with cone potassium hydroxide, it yields [CC1~ C00. CCLCHON] (8): the canizzto's reaction hye Wansfr isthe slowest tp. 22.(A):22imethypropanal undergoes Camizzaro reaction with concenated NSOH. (8): Camizzaro is dsproportionation ection. ay:cr,0—{O)— eto + eno Qt Se ae (): Wit increase in lctopiiity on C= O group, ate of tak f aacleopile increase. a. 24.09) Won ():Inamoleclr ld forms in presence of i kal 25.(A) Palldiom clone an uprechorid are ued a etait in oxo process. (8) Oo process is aso ealledhykoformationreaetion. 26. (A): peimethylaminorbenzaldelye does wot uerg benoin condensation, (8): The aldehyie--CHO) group is meta dctng 27.(A): PRCHO upon reaction by 2imole in presence of AL(OE:) gives an ser (R): In presence of Al(OFt) intramolecular hide shi takes place Answorieys 160) 2. (0)3. (8) 4. (0) 54) 6 (4) 7.6) 8. (4) 9. (4) 1. (0) 11 (4) 12. (a) 1. (4) 14a) 18.) 16) 17-4) 18.) 19. (2) 20.0) 2.) 22 (0) 23. (4) 24.6) 28. (0) 26.00) 27.0) ‘Nitrogen Containing Compounds 1. (a): Med recs with BF where PN does mt (3): The cern pin be gen in Ps losin th eee ing nt valle oro fn BF 2.(A) Trying (ges no tele dct with wma wheres ie) fre eye tae omy sayisessueetno.2 Memon (2 one a (Rahul sir 98786-14284) (8): The thy groups sic the nitrogen atom ofthe amie te prevent any reaction of triethylamine with meth borane ‘mn quiucldine, in contrast, the carbon atom ae pinned atthe Back inthe Fng system. Therefore the trogen aoe ee to atacktimetytborane and hence forma stable aut. 3.(A) : Oxidation of aminonaphhalne yields pale ai (8): An amino group attached tothe benzene rings renders it srsitve oxidation. 4.(4) Treatment fay halide with sleobole solution of potassium cyanide gives socyanile (8): Cyanides are used fer preparation of amines and carboxylic ais '5.(A) : Nation mixture used for earryng out nitration of enzene consists of cae. HNO + cone. HSOs, (8) Inpresence of H.S0., HNOs cts asa base and produces NO:-ons. 6.(A) : Acctmide eats wit Brin presence of methanolic CHAONG te form methyN-methylcarbamat, (R): Methyl isocyanate forms! an intermediate which reacts with methanol to fom mathy!N-methylcaramat, 17.40) Aniline isa weaker bate than ycloheny (8): Aniline undergoes halogenaton even inthe absence ofa catalyst (A): Oxidation of L-ito naphthalene gives o-nito philic acid whereas I-amino naphthalene on oxidation gives phthalic (8): An amino group atached tothe benzene kg makes it estat to oxidation whereas nto group makes the Benzene ring susceptible fo oxidation. 9.(A) : Diazo-coupling reactions oceurin strong alkane medium. (8): Instrong alkaline medium, the concsnration of diazonium ion decrease apy. 10.(A) : Nitwalkanes, but not nitoarenes cas be disilledat normal atmospheric pressure (8): Niwoalkans are sparingly soluble in water while nitoarnes ae insoluble. 11.(A): In onder to conver R~ Cl pure R- NH, Gabriel phthalimide synthesis ean be wed () With proper choke of alkyl halides, phthalimide synthesis canbe used to prepare Ts 2-0" 3 amines. 12,(A) In Hoffmann bromamide cation, the amine formed has one can atom less than the parent I-amie, (%): N-methyl acetamide undergoes Hofmann bromamide reaction, 13.(A) : Nitaton of aniline canbe done convenicny by protecting the ai (): Acetylation neeases the electron density in the benzene ring, 14, (A): In strongly ase solutions aniline becomes more reactive towards electrophle reagents (8): Taming ing completly prorat in song alton, hela pir of devon onthe non ‘sno longer avaiable for resonance 18. (A): Aniline on reaction with NaNOsHC at D.C fallowed by coupling with f-naphibol gives a dark be coloured recipi (): The colour ofthe compound fared inthe reaction of aniline wi ‘aphthol is de othe extended conjupaton, group by acetylation NaNO: HCL at 0. followed by coupling wih 1.(0)2.00)34 ) 4.) 5 (4) 6. (a) 7 (0) 86). 10.) 11. (6) 12.) 18. (6) 14. (€) 18. (4) Biomolecules 1.(A):D-Giucose and D-mannose are cpimer (%): Epimers area pair of isteramer tht differ only the configuration abou single carbon atomsecond carbon in this ease) 2.(A) :a-aming acids exist as dipolar ios or ier ins (R): amino acide are the building blocks of proteins. 3.(A) Proteins are made up of only amin aids. £8-34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Civil Lines Ludhiana, (Rahl Si 98786-14284) (8): During denaturation, primary structure of proteins snot aected 4.(A): Primary structure of proteins gives an dea about the conformation ofthe molecule (8): The differences in chemical and biological properties of various proteins arise duet the diference in primary ssroctues, 5.(A): Glucose canbe converted into its glycoside by its reaction with an alcohol inthe presence ofan ac (H.). The remaining hydroxy groups are unaffected by this proces. (8) Under the condition ofthe reaction, nation to more sabe oxonium ion whichis involve in glycoside formation, kes sable primary or secondary carbonium ions maybe formed which are undesirable for the remaining hydtexy groups tbe converted int the coresponing ther derivative {6.(A): Sequence of ase in DNA is TGAACCCTT and sequence of bases m-RNA is CATTAAACC. (R) :InDNA nitrogenous bases have hydrogen bonds 7-(A): Linseed ols a important contitcat of paints and vanishes (R) Its rich in ane unsaturated fat acids, '8.(A):Dealucose and D-Mannose are C-2epimes. (8): They only have diferent configuration a carbon number 2 9.(A) The digestion of arboydrates does not ake place in stomach (8): Enzymes like salivary amylase Become inactive it stomach where ther is acide pL snd) aeasteDescnnoe plogeeael ted ues ne fen tt fey sheen “a Keen, ke (Ry: The intermediate in slycoside is carbocation which ease of Vand 2a case IL 11,(A) Millon’ ets atesto identify eatboy rates, (Ry Millon’ eageats solution af mercurous irate and mercuric ita in me acid containing line nitrous ac 12,(A) Cellulose isnot digested by humans. (R) :Ceulos is a branched polysocharde of high maleusr weight 13,(A) : Treatment of D-ghcose with dilute aal affords an equilvium mixture consisting of D-mannose D-fructose andthe starting substance D-glucose. (8): The reaction involves an intermediate in which the hybridization of Cschanges from pt sp 14. (A) /A solution of sucrose in water is dexto rotatory but on hydelyss ia presence of H itbecames Inve rotatry (8) Inversion of sugar follows ist order Kinetics 15,(A) : Redocing sugar give brick red pt with Felings solution and show mutarotaton, (R) : During mutation, one pute anome is converted into mixture of wo anomers 16.(A) : Glucose gives reds brown precipitate with Feling’s soon. (8): Reaction of glucose with Febling's solution gives CuO and sluconic acid 17.(A) : Molecules hat ar not superimposbleon their mior images are chia. (8) All chiral molecules have chiral caters. 1 (a) 20) 3. (0) 4. (5.0) 6 (7. (6) 8. (0) 9a) HO (a) 11 () 12. (13. (0) 14. (0) 8-34/1189 Street No. 2 Chander Nagar, Cl Lies Ludhiana, (Rahul Sir 98786-14284) MOI. M: 75278-21428, 98786-14284

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