Speed Boat 12 Seater Boat Only Boat
Speed Boat 12 Seater Boat Only Boat
Speed Boat 12 Seater Boat Only Boat
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Now the company owns the skill and technical know-how to manufacture more than 130 types of products under one roof,
which nobody in the world can claim or boast of. Our range of products include from Single-man Kayak to 150men capacity
Luxury Double Decker Tourist Sea-going Boat. We are also manufacturing Catamaran type boats which are widely used all
over the world ranging from 20 seater to 150 seater capacity. We are the major players in India in Water Sports, Tourism and
Adventure Sports sectors and nobody can ignore our presence in the field of disaster management also.
All our indigenous products – Kayaks, Canoes ( both Racing and Recreation models), Rowing Boats, Canoe Polo, Pedal Boats,
Catamaran Moveable Floating Jetties, Eco-friendly Electric Boats-battery run (first time in India), Luxury Tourist Double Decker
Boats from 25 to 150men capacity , Traditional Kerala House Boats in Fibreglass, Eco-friendly Electric “River Bus” (a new O
concept and pioneered by us), Inflatable Boats, Rigid Inflatable boats, Swamp (Air) Boats (again pioneers), River Cleaning Boat
(Pioneers) Rescue Boats, FRP Flat Bottom Boats, Water Scooters, FRP Shikarra , Small Fishing Boats, Floating Jetties, Life U
Jackets, Life Buoys etc.are manufactured under stringent quality control supervision, adopting to the latest international
technology and composites. We are using the latest available composites such as Balsa Core / PVC Core sandwich T
construction with Isophthalic Marine grade Resin/Epoxy with Vacuum Resin System with an eye to reduce the weight of the
products which will have direct impact on lesser fuel consumption,high speed,more strength,more rigidity,added stiffness,low
maintenance cost.
We are proud to state that our boats are selected for conducting the National Games and Championships held for Rowing and
Kayaking in India from 1994 onwards. The raw materials / accessories used in the above Boats are of the superior quality and
almost major parts of the accessories used are imported ones.
Our prestigious clients are Telangana State Tourism Development Corporation, Andhra Pradesh Tourism, IWT Assam, Jungle
Safari Raipur, Sports Authority of India, Meghalaya Tourism Development Corporation Ltd, Water Resources Departments,
Tourism Departments of various States, Indian Army, Indian Navy, the Research and Development Establishment of the Army,
various colleges and private Boat Clubs and Water Sports Centre’s all over the country. Besides, we believe in social cause.
We, without expecting any remuneration, run Water Sports Centre’s in India to train the children in Rowing, Kayaking and
Canoeing in search of new talents and thereby to promote Water Sports in India.
Length : 9.5 ft
Width : 5.5 ft
Draft : 0.5 ft
Overall Height : 2.8 ft
Tare Weight : 90 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 8.85 ft
Width : 5.5 ft
Draft : 0.65 ft
Tare Weight : 100 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
SEAT : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Construction Approval : By IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 9.35 ft
Width : 6.2 ft
Draft : 0.65 ft
Tare Weight : 80 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass,
Owen Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of
Construction Approval : By IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 9.35 ft
Width : 6.23 ft
Draft : 0.65 ft
Overall Height : 1.08 ft
Tare Weight : 80 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 13 ft
Width : 5.5 ft
Draft : 0.65 ft
Overall Height : 2.8 ft
Tare Weight : 150 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 10.8 ft
Width : 5.57 ft
Draft : 2.95 ft
Overall Height : 6.29 ft
Tare Weight : 200 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 10.8 ft
Width : 5.57 ft
Draft : 2.95 ft
Overall Height : 6.29 ft
Tare Weight : 200 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Drawing : Approved by IRS (Indian Register of Shipping)
Length : 16.4 ft
Width : 5.4 ft
Overall Height : 2.8 ft
Tare Weight : 200 kgs
Thickness : 4 to 6 mm
Seat : FRP Bucket Seat with Buoyancy
Construction : UV Self -Pigmented Gelcoat, Fibreglass, Owen
Rowing, Isophthalic Marine Grade Resin.
Servicing : Easy to service
Quality : Quality Tested
Water scooter is a recreational watercraft that the rider sits on rather than inside of, as in a boat. The Riders
themselves can operate the scooter very easily. The boat hull is highly streamlined so that cruising need
minimum power. All the above features make riding of this boat least tiresome and enjoyable.
Valuable Customers:
Length O.A : 2.80 mtr.
Width : 1.40 mtr.
Overall Height : 0.50mtr
Tare Weight : 100 Kgs
Capacity : 2 seater
Engine for Normal Speed : 9.9 / 15HP Outboard engine
Construction : UV self pigmented marine Grade Isophthalic Gel coat, Marin Grade Isophthalic resin,
Additional Layers at Keel, Chine and transom. Sandwich construction with PVC core
vacuum infusion System.
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
This type of boat would be most suitable for using in bird and
wildlife sanctuaries for sightseeing without disturbing the
animals and the birds, especially in clean lakes where use of
Outboard Motors / Inboard Diesel Engines are prohibited. The
boats being made of Fibre Glass, it does have a very long life.
Valuable Customers:
It can seat 6 people on bench seats and can be used for Pleasure Boating, Rescue, Rowing and Towing.
Valuable Customers:
Length O.A : 3.37 mtr
Breadth : 1.70 mtr
Capacity : 6 seater
Construction : UV self pigmented marine Grade Isophthalic Gel coat, Marin Grade Isophthalic resin,
Additional Layers at Keel, Chine and transom. Sandwich construction with PVC core vacuum
infusion System.
Oars : 2 Nos
The FRP hull is filled with P.U. foam and thus unsinkable. The buoyancy chamber of the inflated rubber collar has five
independent chambers so that in case of accident and damage to two or three chambers, the boat will still be
serviceable with full load. The Hypalon material Polymide fabrics coated is imported from Pennel & Flipo.
Length O.A : 3.80 mtr / 4.70 mtr / 5.40 mtr
Breadth : 1.60 mtr / 2.10 mtr / 2.30 mtr
No of Chambers : 3 Nos / 5 Nos / 5 Nos
Buoyancy diameter : 0.35 mtr / 0.50 mtr / 0.50 mtr
Capacity : 6 seater / 10 seater / 12 seater
Hull Construction : Fibreglass, U.V. resistence Gelcoat, Epoxy resin with vacuum infusion system and sandwich core
Recommended Engine : 40hp Outboard Engine and above
Collar : The inflatable collar will conform to the highest military specifications for heavy duty use. It will
be made from the best imported Hypalon material Polymide fabrics coated with Neoprene &
Hypalon - ORCA® 866 Make, Pennel & Flipo, Belgium
Valuable Customers:
Valuable Customers:
Length : 9 metre
Width : 2.50 metre
Capacity : 20-25 seater
Pontoon : Three
Material Construction : Marine aluminum. Every part of
aluminum boat is marine grade,
Corrosion resistance.
Accessories Included : Water proof Captain seat,
Fiberglass Steering console, Water
proof Fold canopy, Waterproof
Sofa seat, Marine deck/floor,
12V40A Battery, Compass, 12V
cigar lighter, SS Ladder, Bow sides
Right/left light, Port light
Valuable Customers:
Length : 8 fts
Width : 6.5 fts
Height : 18 inchs
Buoyancy : 2000 kgs
Material Construction : The Floating Jetty consists of panels
made out of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) with internal
honey comb structure with vacuum infusion resin system
and a deck formed of chequered anti skid plate to prevent
accidents from slipping.
Main Features : Modular Construction, Easy/Fast
installation/Anti-skid surface/U V Protected/More
stable/Excellent Buoyancy
Minimum maintenance : Unbelievable durability/PVC Pipe
Fender all around the module/
Connectors: SS Plate, Nut and bolts.
Railings : MS Railings PU Coated with nut and bolts
Valuable Customers:
: 9371019349 / 7620013308
: [email protected]
[email protected]
Kayak Boats
Canoe Boats
: www.sunnysportsboats.com
Rowing Boats
Sailing Boats
Adventure Sports
Disaster Management (Rescue Items)
We are specialized in making
Swimming Pool
custom-made boats.