Shivani Singh 1

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VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

NEW ELECTORAL REFORM IN India is the largest democracy in the world.
INDIA In a democratic governance system, elections
are the most important and indispensable part
By Shivani of politics. Democracy can only be effective
LLM from Chandigarh University based on the belief that elections are free and
fair, rather than manipulative. However, due
to some reasons, the democratic system
ABSTRACT cannot function normally, and ordinary
Former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee people think that there are problems in the
submitted the idea of "one country, one election process.1
election" to the whole country earlier. An
election in a country is a controversial issue, The Election Commission is an institution in
which is why even Prime Minister Narendra India that works uninterrupted throughout the
Modi called for a national debate on this issue year. Panchayat, district assembly, state
before carrying out such electoral reforms. assembly, legislative committee, Lok Sabha,
Frequent elections involve huge expenditures Rajya Sabha, president, and vice president all
and the use of various other resources, which need the supervision of the Indian Election
is why one country should participate in one Commission. Enumerating the number of
election. One country, one election is the votes, verifying the voter list and the division
electoral reform proposed by India. It has of constituencies took up almost all of the
been proposed to hold a single election for committee's time. The country has adopted a
Lok Sabha and the state legislative quasi-federal system in our constitution.
assemblies, rather than holding separate India is neither a unified country like the
elections in succession. Experts say that the United Kingdom nor a fully federal country
idea of Prime Minister Narendra Modi like the United States. Members need to be
holding simultaneous elections in India may elected for Lok Sabha and the Legislative
be desirable, but it may not work in a country Assembly. The purity of the election process
as vast and diverse as India. This article requires the election committee to be strictly
explores the advantages and challenges faced vigilant.2
by implementing the one country, one
election policy in a vast country like India. Recently, on the occasion of Constitution
Day (November 26), the Prime Minister of
KEY WORDS: Democracy, Election, Lok India gave a closing speech at the 80th All
Sabha, Legislative Assembly, Election India Conference in kevadiya (Gujarat)
Commission. through a video conference. He put forward
the proposal of "one country, one election",

Jitendra Sahoo, One Nation One Election in India, 4
(SRJIS) (2017), Available at mns/is-one-nation-one-election-, possible/article33366878.ece, (Last Visited on 8th
(Last Visited on 8th April, 2021). April, 2021).
Is One Nation One Election Possible?, The Hindu
(18 December, 2020), Available at
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

which is the only list of voters in all public to serve the people should be a competency
opinion polls. He also asked the moderator to contest and be elected as a representative of
simplify the language of the regulations and the people.4
allow easier procedures to eliminate
redundant laws. The idea is about structuring 1.1 What is One Nation, One Election?
the Indian election cycle in some way so that It refers to the simultaneous holding of
the elections for Lok Sabha and the state elections for Lok Sabha, the state legislative
assembly can be held simultaneously so that assembly, Panchayats and the urban local
elections for both can be held within a given institutions every five years.5 Elections are
time frame. held in different places every few months,
which hinders development efforts.
The expression "one country" seems to be the Currently, in the Indian regime, elections for
cornerstone of the Indian government's new the state assembly and the Lok Sabha are held
initiatives. Goods and Services Tax (GST) is separately. 6
the concept of "one country, one tax". In the
field of education, the construction of the An election in a country will conceive a
new education policy "one country, one system in which elections in all states and
curriculum". Similarly, the concept of "one Lok Sabha elections are held simultaneously,
country, one election" calls for the thus saving time and money. This will also
simultaneous election of Lok Sabha and all involve the reorganization of the Indian
national legislatures. In India, simultaneous election cycle to synchronize state and
elections are not a new concept. After the central elections. 7
independence and implementation of the
constitution, the first elections held in 1952 Voters will elect the member of Lok Sabha
were held on the same policy of one election and state legislators by casting their votes at
at the same time. Elections were held at the the same time or in stages throughout the day.
same time from 1952 to 1967, after which The idea of "One Nation, One Election"
they were interrupted. This concept came to shows that only one voter list can be used for
an end when the fourth Lok Sabha was Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha and other
disbanded earlier. The ideal condition elections.8
requires an honest and upright person who is
enthusiastic about public welfare and wants
PM on One Nation One Election, drishtiias,
Available at nation-one-election-2/, (Last visited on 9th April, 2021).
one-nation-one-election.pdf, (Last visited on 8th 6
Tulika Tandon, one Nation, One Election:
April, 2021). Requirements, Benefits, Significance and more,
Seema Unkey, Bhavna Pathak & Others, Scope of Jagran Josh (Published on 30th November, 2020),
one Nation one Election: A Feed Forward Study on Available at
People’s Perception, 7(8) IJSR (August 2018), knowledge/one-nation-one-election-requirement-
Available at benefits-significance-and-more-1606742728-1, (Last, visited on 9th April, 2021).
(Last Visited on 4th April, 2021). 7
5 8
One Nation, One Election, Insights IAS (Published Ibid.
on 27th November, 2020), Available at
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

Holding of common election for all will save 2016. Instead, Niti Aayog prepared a
the government money, but will require states working paper on the subject in the
to make some changes to their respective subsequent January 2017. In April 2018,
laws. It will also include the use of the voter another working paper of the Law
list of the Indian Election Commission for Commission of India stated that at least "five
municipal opinion polls. constitutional recommendations" are
necessary in order to reintroduce this system.
1.2 BRIEF HISTORY OF However, so far, no final decision has been
SIMULTANEOUS ELECTION IN made on holding the elections at the same
INDIA time.11
Simultaneous elections are not a new
concept, as the Indian government has 1.3 IMPORTANT COMMITTEE ON
already tested it several times. After ELECORAL REFORMS
independence in 1951-52, India began its first 1. Jaya Prakash Narayan Committee
elections for the Lok Sabha and the State
Assembly at the same time. It was the norm In 1974, Jaya Prakash Narayan led a
until 1967. But later, due to the dissolution of committee composed of EPW. Decosta, A.G.
some legislative assemblies in 1968 and Noorani, R. D. Desai, PH. Mavlankar, M. R.
1969, problems appeared in the electoral Masani and V.M. Tarkunde made
system at the same time. In fact, Lok Sabha recommendations on the electoral process or
was dissolved in December 1970. Therefore, electoral reforms.
since the state legislature and parliamentary The committee recommended that some
elections were held separately. 10 standards be changed during the election
process. They are as follows: 12
In 1983, the annual report of the Election a. Change the appointment procedures of
Commission once again supported the idea of general election commissioners;
reverting to conducting polls at the same b. Establishment of three-member election
time. The Law Committee also mentioned the committees;
same in its 1999 report. In the past ten years, c. The minimum voting age should be 18 years
there have been many debates and old.
discussions on this topic. In fact, the Lok d. Televisions and radios should be placed
Sabha poll in the Bhartiya Janata party under the control of autonomous statutory
manifesto in 2014 recommended companies.
simultaneous elections as a system. Prime e. The electoral council should consist of as
Minister Narendra Modi once again proposed many electoral districts as possible, which
the idea of bringing this concept back to India contributes to free and fair elections.
and reintroducing it into Indian politics in
Ibid. 12
Mohita Negi, “Major Committee on Electoral
Sankalpita Pal, “One Nation One Election: why? or reforms and their recommendations in India”, your
Why not?”, Latest Laws, Available at Article Library, Available at
election-why-and-why-not/, (Last Visited on 10th committees-on-electoral-reforms-and-their-
April, 2021). recommendations-in-india/24930, (Last Visited on
Ibid. 10th April, 2021).
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

2. Goswami committee (1990) Indrajit Gupta was the chairman of the State
Election All-Party Parliamentary Committee.
According to Janata Dal’s campaign promise, The 8-member committee established by the
the National Front government announced in All-Party General Assembly in May 1998
Lok Sabha on May 4, 1990. The main submitted its report in January 1999 and
recommendations are as follows: made the following recommendations: 15
a. The time limit for the by-election. a. State funds should be in kind, that is, no
b. Deposits from independent individuals financial support should be provided to the
increased. parties, and part of the financial burden of the
c. Check advertisements in new newspapers parties should be borne by the state first.
and strengthen election committees. b. The center contributes 6 billion rupees to the
d. A series of legislative measures should be state’s election corpus fund each year, with
formulated to eliminate the equipment and each state accounting for the same amount.
intimidation of trapping booths. c. In terms of printed materials and facilities,
e. The committee also called for amendments to only EC-approved political parties should be
the Anti-Defection law to limit provided with state support; electronic media
disqualification. time; vehicles and fuels, etc.
d. Political parties should compulsorily submit
3. Jeevan Reddy Committee their annual accounts to the income tax
department to show their income and
Judge Jeevan Reddy has proposed extensive expenditures, otherwise the political parties
electoral reforms. The following are the key or candidates will give up the support of the
points:14 state.
a. The committee advocates a total ban on the e. The complete account of election expenses
division and merger of political parties shall be filled by the parties to the Election
during the term of the Lok Sabha or commission.
Legislative Assembly. f. Each party should deposit 10,000 in the form
b. Once a member is elected by the votes of a of a check/money order, and the name of the
recognized political party, he shall remain in donor should be disclosed in the accounts.
that party until the House of Representatives g. The government will continue to prohibit
is dissolved, or until his membership is donations for political purposes, but whether
terminated due to resignation or other other companies can donate is up to the
reasons. parliament to decide.
c. The committee recommends an appropriate h. The Election Committee has put forward a
number of representatives. comprehensive set of recommendations on
electoral reform and implemented many of
4. Indrajit Gupta committee on state funding the above-mentioned committee’s
of elections (1998) recommendations.

Ibid. committees-in-india/, (Last Visited on 10th April,
Electoral Reforms Committee in India, GKToday 2021).
(Published on 23rd March, 2016), Available at 15
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

1.4 HOW SIMULANEOUS ELECTION will be held simultaneously with the 2019
WILL WORK? Lok Sabha elections. In the second batch, the
Earlier, two proposals were made regarding remaining elections for the state legislatures
the simultaneous holding of elections with will be held concurrently with the elections
the 17th Lok Sabha election. However, so far, of a federal government and one union
neither of these two recommendations have Territory by the end of 2021 (Puducherry). 19
been implemented.
In the first proposal, it is recommended to 1.5 REPORTS AND DISCUSSION ON
transfer the concurrent polls in a phased SIMULTANEOUS ELECTIONS
manner. Depending on which general ECI has been discussing the idea of
election, 12 state parliaments and one federal simultaneous elections since 1983. Many
territory may be held simultaneously in 2019. reports support this, such as the 170th report
The reason for this proposal is that other "Electoral Law Reform" (1999) by the Law
states are still in the middle of their 5-year Commission of India and the Standing
term. Committee on Personnel, Public Affairs of
the Parliament. According to the complaint,
According to the first proposal, the 12 states the legal and judicial departments
that will undergo this transition are Andhra recommended in their 79th report to hold
Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Orissa, Sikkim, elections at the same time to achieve long-
Telangana, Haryana, Jharkhand, term good governance.
Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh,
Mizoram and Rajasthan. Delhi's NCT is also 1.5.1 First Annual Report of the Election
facing a poll in 2019. In order for this system Commission of India, 1983
to succeed, many factors must be considered, The report had suggested the following: 20
such as political consensus, extension of the • The report supports the holding of elections
term of office to six months in some states at the same time to reduce expenditure and
and appropriate amendments to the effectively use manpower and human
Constitution in order to support the resources.
reintroduction of such a system. The • Continuous elections will also affect the
elections for the state legislatures and federal daily operation of the government. When the
territories of the remaining states will be held entire administrative organization was
simultaneously before the end of 2021. This frozen, the state and the central government
gradual transformation will help to hold created difficulties for ordinary people.
elections at the same time in 2024. 18 • Separate elections can also lead to
duplication of expenditures.
The second proposal put forward involves • In its report, the Election Commission
synchronizing the elections in two batches. In recommended that if it is impossible or
the first batch, the elections for 12 state impossible to legislate for simultaneous
legislative assemblies and 1 federal territory

16 20
Supra Note 10. Dignath Raj Sahgal, Simultaneous Election: A
Ibid. Boon to India, iBlog Pleaders, Available at
Ibid. india/, (Last Visited on 10th April, 2021).
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

elections, a system should be developed in 1.5.5 79th Report of Parliamentary
accordance with the convention. Standing Committee, 2015
In its report "On the Feasibility of
1.5.2 170th Report of the Law Commission Simultaneous Elections for the People's
of India, Reform of Electoral Laws (1999) Chamber and the National Legislative
The report emphasized that due to the Assembly", the committee pointed out
frequent use of Article 356 of the several reasons for holding simultaneous
Constitution, elections after 1967 were elections, including the following: 24
disrupted. The Governor's dissolution of the • The current huge expenditures resulting
state assembly on the advice of the chief from a separate election.
minister of State was an exception, but it • Policy paralysis caused by the
became a norm. 21 implementation of the Model Code of
Conduct (MCC) during the election period.
1.5.3 Report of the National Commission • Impact on basic service delivery.
to Review the Working of the Constitution, • Bear the key manpower deployed during the
2002 (NCRWC Report) election.
A NCRWC was appointed to study how the • NITI Aayog's working paper.
Constitution can best respond to the changing
needs of an effective, stable and effective 1.5.6 Working paper by NITI Aayog
governance system and recommendations for Niti Aygo’s working paper entitled "Analysis
the socio-economic development of modern of Simultaneous Elections: What, Why, and
India within the framework of parliamentary How" emphasizes the importance of
democracy, and put forward the reform simultaneous elections, which focus on the
proposal does not need to modify the basic different needs of the country, because
structure of the constitution. 22 national parties will focus on regional issues,
and regional parties will Fight for national
1.5.4 255th Report of the Law Commission issues. 25
of India "Electoral Reforms", (2015)
The report relates to the Anti - defection law, 1.6 PROS AND CONS OF
suggesting that the president or the governor SIMULTANEOUS ELECTION
should be given the power to determine non-  The election process is not only cumbersome,
compliance on the grounds of defecting, and but also costly. Individual political parties
the president or the governor should act on spend a lot of money on campaign activities.
the recommendation of the ECI, not the If they only need to do it once for the general
speaker or chairman. 23 election and the state election, they can make
better use of the money. 26

Tejal Thambore, One Nation, One Election – A india-draft-report-2018, (Last Visited on 10th April,
way Ahead, Think India, Available at 2021).
23, Ibid.
(Last Visited on 10th April, 2021). 24
Supra Note 20.
22 25
Simultaneous Elections, Dhristiias, Available at Ibid.
26 Supra Note 4 at 6.
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VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

 The Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is enables the government to make difficult
implemented during the election season. decisions for the greater public good.33
MCC is seen as an obstacle to the government
service delivery mechanism. Simultaneous 1.7 DISADVANTAGES OF
elections can reduce this interference. SIMULTANEOUS ELECTION

 The use of black money to conduct elections These are the following disadvantages:34
is an open secret. During the country’s  It has been observed that the elections for the
general elections, a huge black man became state assembly and Lo Sabha were conducted
a white man. Therefore, if elections are held on different issues. Regional parties target
throughout the year, the country’s parallel local issues, while national parties target
economy is likely to grow.28 national issues. Therefore, regional political
 During elections, political convenience takes parties may not be able to raise local issues
precedence over public interest. In order to strongly.
attract voters, political parties accepted the  Regional political parties will not be able to
demands of the public without considering compete with national political parties in
the public interest. Simultaneous elections terms of election spending and election
reduce such chances of political parties. 29 strategies. Parliamentary elections are closely
 Simultaneous elections promote a national related to local issues and local voters.
perspective on a regional perspective. This is Therefore, regional political parties will not
very important for the unity of the country. 30 accept one-off elections.
 Because it promotes national views, the  Currently, almost all regional political parties
simultaneous elections strengthen national require elections by ballots. If the election is
political parties. This reduces the conducted in a one-off mode, the results of
mushrooming growth of parties based on the election will be announced very late.
narrow voting banking politics. 31  Due to the country’s democratic system, a
 The elections held at the same time align the general election seems almost impossible.
countries with the center. If the election is Suppose that elections are held at the same
held at the same time within five years, the time, but it is not certain whether all state and
elected state government cannot be easily central governments will be composed of a
dismissed. This reduces the anomalies caused majority of people. It is also possible for
by Article 356 of the Indian Constitution certain parties to form a coalition
(President’s Provisions), thus strengthening government, which may collapse at any time
the federal system. 32 five years ago. Therefore, it is possible to be
 Simultaneous elections held every five years re-elected nationwide.
provide stability to the government. It

“Simultaneous Elections – Advantages & nation-one-election-1561032672-1, (Last Visited on
Challenges”, Neo Stencils, Available at 13th April, 2021).
29 Supra Note 27.
advantages-and-challenges, (Last Visited on 13th 30
April, 2021). Ibid.
One Nation One Election – Merits and Demerits, 32
Jagran Josh, Available at Ibid.
34 Supra Note 28.
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VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

• Only Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha will be
1.8 CHALLENGES elected simultaneously.
Here are some of the following challenges
while implementing one nation one election 1.10 CONCLUSION
policy:35 In democracies, the public is the most
• During consultations with the Indian Law powerful entity. People eagerly hope to carry
Commission, political parties were divided out electoral reforms and changes under the
over holding simultaneous elections. current circumstances. Simultaneous
• Simultaneous elections will include elections will bring about democratic
arbitrary cuts or extensions of the term of the stability, will reduce corruption, elections
House of Representatives. It is questionable and other unnecessary expenditures, will
whether this is legally appropriate. strengthen nationalism, speed up the
• Such measures will undermine federalism development process, and so on. At the same
and representative democracy. time, elections are not bad for a country like
• The core issue is the parliamentary form of India, because it is not a new phenomenon for
government. In this form of government, the Indians. The elections of 1952, 1957, 1962
government is responsible and can collapse and 1967 were held at the same time.
before the term expires. Although people hope to hold elections in
• Compared with other parts of the country, India at the same time, they also have some
our parliamentary system is complex, doubts. For example, ethnic issues may cast a
different and difficult. shadow on regional and local issues, and
• A political consensus is needed because it ethnic parties may cast a shadow on regional
requires constitutional amendments. parties, which is more beneficial to the ruling
part but not all parties. If the public does not
1.9 SUGGESTIONS vote for criminals who want to buy votes with
• In order to synchronize the term of the State money or power, dishonest and corrupt
Legislative Assembly with the term of the politicians, then everything will work well,
Lok Sabha Assembly, the term of the State and democracy will shine in the dark side of
Legislative Assembly can be reduced and the corrupt and convicted political system so
increased accordingly. However, for this far. Therefore, although the Election
purpose, constitutional amendments to commission is working in this direction,
Articles 83, 85, 172, 174, and 356 may be unless all political parties and voters are
required. aware of their responsibilities, the Election
• In India, due to the parliamentary form of Commission will not succeed. In order for
government, it is not feasible to set a date, so democracy to survive, it is essential that the
a fundamental solution is to switch to a most talented people should be chosen as the
presidential form of government, that is, the representatives of the people in order to
president is not responsible to the House of properly manage the country. This can be
Representatives. done best through higher moral and ethical
values, the people who have won the active

RSTV: Discussion Today – One Nation One
Election, Insight IAS (Published on 30th November, discussion-today-one-nation-one-election/, (Last
2020), Available at Visited on 25th April, 2020).
PIF 6.242

VOLUME 24 ISSN 2456-9704

vote. There should be no politics in holding
elections at the same time. If the development
of the country requires electoral reform, the
country should lead its implementation.


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