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01,/2022(2023)/15-S-1, I (839 © 880 91 apt pufannyB Al Righis Reserved) icSiamn “eS mmaaae 5 og ons ee Nae dS a ‘ay sie Ace donne, A ee eee oe ID o6x%, ania 0 (rdrm8 ee) Oma, 2022(2023) | Sebeis ung Soret UY (onpnyem Sp) uft.aos, 2022(2023) General Certificate of Education (Ord. Level) Examination, 2022(2023) Gdns ate0 1, TT cia HOB BuBlordgsoub Lm eosign 1050 Susrood Christianity Lu Three hours qOod Gad mea - 8821, 106 q800 B053 mee Odo OYE Sad) odo cai) GBBOS BENS Brose aureity Gib - 10 UBL — "BEEBE QaNdOD ecw Qe B-BAdOG BC OBES arcade, Additional Reading Time _- 10 minutes GiGa05 O00 T cogs: % Bag ® yeinded BEQd, svazin. # goo 1 89 40 eas gode, F gS (1), (2), 3), (4) om SEQG Est BOE eat Ord ereson ess 886 one oxtn. + @D0 axDeRa BENS: ODE Os Oc Qdna Bem E 1S DO ECE GD enicioS EEQSEH gonGO eUBEED B02 gE (x) ERE emeda. H 08 Bac oped BQ0e 2 GiB gems cose ¢ excBdoce Bud, 8d ¢ BEsiatn. 1. 08g con sAslenens®S 8880 aO¢x exigd Dsies, CD exBad e¢dgacs 88a10 wm» ediadd got gdOxqa8. Q) sens edseconed? B:898. @G) cestco ¢9 eames A RerBocrest qu oens 8680 os B6ers8. . ‘quidmced mBxy ewe O0d mociaas eAs0i &." 689 Bred OBe oemed QM OBO BBs «2 (1) 6@e0 (2) Oen8 (3) So (4) ecsesncso 3. egBast Owniod G00, O83 eOBadigirod oEHO gma adm cf. d8BsS ee LOG edad Cdn o¢@ CAD CBYDS REx g? (1) Senne wddelomna SO waag 94) oO Q) a@errscrige® HBQOe yma BO GB) qBetdsrBo O:G0a80 Scroeredesig5S 4) Bid OB oc dD mBxioEst odaax Saewid9 CaO : 4. “God dOBsled OBiaws" Gin Goods BBst Oar SEyHOO QOest oxigd Qos ¢7 () 8 s@8e800 Q) s2yqaxi 88 @) 280 demGanid0 ) atossioeueist Susteded Socos0e 5. ‘edge! am med glide Oatess, () eqSaet Ooxted em cxko cata. Q) mode e8 aurBina cxin8. @) ocSaet Omstedd ang oD axind, (4) edemios WBetia axknd, 6. c@Bad cum B8Aq qed ddd Bs © BEaKHOo wAQed, (1D) e08em08 aSast 5108 Geo o. 2) qpbOs w efemends qbiag srcas g Be a. @) edge Susteded moced 85 sdOds} Ben a. @ Bede nem aden qddee Ben a. [ogee G09 Beale,01/2022(2023)/15-S-1, 11 -2- 1. enbiOen qbgqamd GigE gm mount DEgE a8 edgd Oosied Qvd coxldsio! QOH @? () go8eas qed edastne egcooFO8. @) gskn BaQ8 gd=td Gu» ertioand ewogy 593. @ &sao 8588, @ qo8Rosiod egoust gut wnomd Ger S688. 8. cimdia echinsl ymve mE Gearmern OBsl gu CBM GOOG ofox5H ¢? (D deed deo B® Sea mBs 852 Q) 2d am Bag Ocige Bat wd COs &9 @) Onde 5 eweasd gos 59 (4) egnd eD8m m8 Bm O00 BBAg oxBOd edo 9, dtndrned Bay eved choo © mbae Ostend aod ¢? (1) @g© cosine gine B58 Q) edge Owaledod oS MSHS gave G60 GB) 8nd eetdan weeasd Sém 59 @) ast aa Bg (80 earns O82 10. 758 BBgo® ‘Guin’ OSs} monies Oules!, () eeBaxt Oxted 68 emdm ad a. Q) eqBast Onvied 08 O10 Bm 30 a. @) Bast Oexied mocBin 89 a. @) ecfart Sexted go min 80 a. Il, 6.08 854608 gods est qs 8808S aqua Om Odie Oxted, C) ge086y, SOS a CoOKSS 2. 2) Qde0c%, FrBOK ww SHO @. @) 6406, LHBEH ow CoOHS 2. A) ctidch, GxmOK am CoBds a. 12. 9s gems eget. A 888 q108e SedGaid Ba Qe. B - 29m odgd Onzied Scat da com Gen. C - OB ectencsto Borda Be. D - @8m edcwsc® good edneidons ecs eeRN. gon gio EnEds Yoxd den BedBoasd 08s oreme AO qaleOo yor oOo @? () AmB @ AwC @) Ber (4) Bs» D 1B. edo sued ¢R® © OBa209 Oster, () mdsmzc8. Q) egee a» akesoDe8, (3) Jog® OvdeidDs gx_w®ns S508. (4) cenemd dedind BOS. . 14, sno gare semetn. A - & agen Ost B - qed en ma gg emdcain C - comet Bo 88 8Sgs ton gw D - GeQzed yegnc Segst © me 68 que gma qneds edged Ousied enioast 12 aga miqbe®? De Gane e050) ¢? () Aw B Q) AgeC @) Bac @ BoD 15, of0 crdved Obama EBAG 49 NOS wo yes Bx Edo agdeusl qo Can SH_Oe () @@ 8tOme Oxtest qed cximome O88. (2) of0 ace Gast Osos} gos Geacidead. GB) diame géeds qo 5 odd Ageasd HLOnsB08, A) qnoed BBD 80 ous eutess ocouars ObODad quieBOB. [ese BQ eri.01/2022(2023)/15-S-1, IL satin 16. edge Ousted Syne of oweed cag ends Erfimlia GBai od qunddeia Sxtoxt, () 92 889 wes gofertiaast dex a0. (2) eg dee aE Es Bag Be Od Bm 288. GB) grbertinads omedS E8eset go Bdorsa d_Ds om gen 208. G) e8g¢ Sexied eniimbacs Bgmed nod dead B90 308. 17. g2k gogm @d ed ane Ones oo LOnidast “Od oqBast Ooviedd COais DOdho2d mdeio.” am B8q6 NOD cosiwnedf edge Ousted mOn dB ¢? (1) ceg o8atss5 Q) 298% w6xte0 GB) QedH ofan @) fates qnoo 18. soa o&g0 acasin. A- 88108 qs8 96) eangdo B- Sie enn dGan qe OKoxt 49 C- nak On Salas gost ate D- odged dosieded efddida geddeie 50 gan BQO qnedal, edaQied je Blo BBoask Sag qo Olnosned! Cds LEGO exn0s ¢? () Aw B @ Asc (3) Aw D (@) CmD o8ged Onsied iB OnB80 020 Bo evigas! ao m85e0, ) R808 e.0ene «. Q) Gd odsBonesst exc we 8889 a. @) ence Goer «. ) 228 O45 ey B59 a. odd Soatociod’ qacsi88 qd go 6B gos ecostend ercBe gatos, () 288 825 Saeed a. 2) etemedeast a. @) gtocmse 99 a. ) qdeen89 e~_EE @. 21. 080 died mE Eexean/Besde mgm O08 QGOrde 8a guess, () BgodoBo get80 c. 2) @8 BBs © 8 Gexard eQ0ess H18E0 a. GB) Sgstdeas3 an gnq eYOeast Ga B68 a, A) cgaoBesio a® 2 22. com adie eematn. A- gels wo coindesnts B- B&dOe wo <9 C- acromadosigd an Béks D- anercna mm 68 9059 Od wi8a qHdbucasd © eed Su gees quo QID ace OD ¢? (Amc Q) AmD @) Barc @ BoD, 23, com quiede suliea® acasio, A- Bxe0io manBet B- B8ci 2€xtoct Ce eg 086 HB ge D-. axbkn0 BBak= go gun eqoss meina® gods edd diinad BID8 quid mS eka® om eH ¢? (@) AmB. Q Amc. Q) As D. 4) BoC, 24, gogd qrandst edge OwstedS! SAAOs B89 eqn g®Sus S590 oxlg Qed, (1) 898 98 ceBast Ousied AD game BO Be» a. (2) BEn8st cogeds eoS B58 Be a. GB) cBeoasd (SHeay 58 Bev o. (4) 0€0 &Bos e8y 888 Se 3. [sade BOD Ooao.01./2022(2023)/15--1, IL 24: . edges Ooslociod BAdda weir OED gfBers mE Yor asain oo atocoss oxtes, () exsten§st eid, Bort ew onsdid o. (2) Goed Oxtges amb, cuin® gumn® aw ewnedid 0. 3) Goed Oxkges eum’, Bored ww ewedid os. (4) edd® géoa®, ewadid oo Sensi a. 26. “ddiBH @8 m1 200 Bob 18D wo Otesa0 HO ¢ GO Gams O BSE.” eOad sdam cided, (1) exgeae «. (2) eet qebarecas a. 8) eckg9® ©. @) ented 27. qo BBs BBD: 85,0 ont em OG gHses, () ge Badegs © oagiost Sem o. Q) eBemm wire ke ga Geo a. G) qdenen Bde50 oy CAsios! eBusl Ousted Heo a. (A) qindeia BBai Beked tage Seo a. 2B. BO» Cdned QO ¢ AgyOet BIB ocr Ga G00 evi Ouest, ()) cf gtes dBnac agn edge Ouaied emed8 eB Bsibx008. Q) Seats 98 axiBeart OO eOysSs® AgrevsecuigOS. @) edna qi B59 oem BOsde eedS qxh AerorrecisigOS. ) qdanm eB BO oddeldoe OBS dor agreg qur8 om Sqremedsaig08. 29, ‘cosinor fo’ B68 wo goby BS OBS go CAD OB QOG (L) ggdasi® game ewaziest enivoss B8amd 208. 2) Bag adm, 08 qGAOs qlarinearcied Ganado 803. @) qgdotodaresed aA Oalert dons quigSOOCo B08. @) qarsineareied OBA One Suiost B50 wisDEs adr Bd 808. 30. Q¢ qOekded Banos} BOD caine ood og Geige Ousted eOQedsd BE BED oOo arg Qed 208 Sen ¢? (1) a qx08 BE ag wae quae Q Beso @ Q) BrhBss emecS 8 sYoe Suc G) S98 Gens Owsied QesoSeO gigB2 Ben a @) qnBad 088 co8® CAG Smo 31. Ag80 wordam dean BQO HAEQBed ALOgD 6m OB coo mH 2B CO120> @? (1) gepobes mo 2.088 © Gax852 2) 42820 emsed QD¢ Stes 9 mds B69 @) Bagegen ong B68 eam Bap Yeaso oo. 20 4) edamem Ons 88 ao godin) BO 32. G80d Baw dO edded® Gmbd._ oH OKs HO O88 BEsom Ou gues} Oat ¢? (1) 39 One Ganstom 8680 aded © Be» BBB (2) ecide BEay DESSeOxi og OBO B) BomB5 208 Om wo geod Dt B59 ) ectdad ads emdD eG 08 Bde gapduind Gassiom SED 33. oon aquest acre qQedsl eeDaxt Ousiedod mOusiad ogadds ogy Castes} QOS @? () “red m.0e89 om8, 280d yx eDDs!" 2) “ebaiedd emndsdm BEia'adup mdoien.” @) "Sed ome abe aru oes mgte8.” (4) “eded Score emBege eee & aay nve8." Ted BQ bet.01./2022(2023)/15-S-1, IL 34, 3. cus qslods gaa Rede! LOYd oOo ods! me eoless oqoqmned gaae Ox G? (1) “e2tdmaied extaon 9 exe.” 2) “608m aumsind Seat nd emavies Ot ¢?” @) “Oded Bade een cvistes} ou” 4) “Smoinoast® aBnesat Oosted oyB0 GS sek.” 080 eden BEedn Onodd aBasiaeast edgdy wD sromd, eddiacs® Oalges wmed qian che} Bag oo Bdene (L) Bagegsn 858 eden BEslm eqodas me gy AOR, (2) 888 odkan BBedD eurdo@ad on go Bdes3 208. 3) Joq8Oxs coast O49 eden BOD GONE me gy 403. (4) BBoos 888 edger Beda quo8ms BEO qdos cmH 203. 28 efSddmed cdBm Oxyeus aOdand od mdsiest exeet G? ()) cage metdra®ed ddBeoue 6059 Q) mda qQ@oTz «09 Bon mB xO OSD DAD Sago} 20 B) gato Bcomcens egin @ndead exog B52 (4) 85d wetars®ded BDsted ysin CODY Bag HO arg BOO e029 gs 78 qBeals acautn. A- Begod 28 ¢ BdGacOet 200 oo ad Bd qOUBad oO B - ofdeicned cad memaind 8859 C- aided cod BESOs 5859 D - aSideast © gfisiede 58 gon 8 gneds edge Oostod qqoins adBat Gandn BO quo gyeiE,0O BpOsiess NOD gBeckodco ¢? (@) Aw B Q) Asc @) As D @ Boo Brio aogia ederSained edds aBasteus con nent OD yavas ened Basted ¢? 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AGargond Christianity §d6m6 ade0 I F GCGOB geina m ada! ada Gadd quad O ydo OND oduct BEQq acasin, # [E908 gainad cag 20 3 ¢ ond oxi gens gdoamd cng 10 aGet ¢ BS 60. J. (@) @) oqSaet Ousted Ogerm 8m clad NOES (qo) JNO Gna FO oq Oghresss Os me orko @? Gi) “q9® 2880 ¢ miqass ¢, Qed Beoessiod cue ¢ ems GB G eosin efacd asis.” (@) ceed 08mm Cfed a 89 6? (@) Geet am Cg EXocmed QOn Qenoasd edOQed ¢? Gi) o8gd ousted costba og HOrSated eoBaped 18 68 DOO BBde OKo8 quo eM aqued mdsinn. (iv) e8Badatred 790 yore mE FLOSS egecsag.n® Ddzin. () @) BeoQedd cH r8 49m Aesfiat ED osiesd @? (qo) 68 gbee Rost ¢? (vi) Feed mode saiha® gad gnidéone emBEorlm od metals aw gndséone Bouin Od astinstd aGxt mn adako, (Wil) @) 8 mcod edge Oosied m{OEO qoSm mameay o18Gied . Oped 09 RIS ¢? (9) 89 ROD HeqO DalO280 qasd oD ¢? (ili) (@) qf ecrmsted gaged 40m EBdedged edge Susied chBen wo Orbkm 0m gBAD. Bawwe qoUoos eqns! 66. edgd Ooaied adged es ¢? (@2) 0R0 CAE BE yHOa yO 5 ¢? . (ix) Qg2 ocomuied gages! 42m o6dedced gfSux emedn, OdN0 God Bowed oS edged Darden! 9965 gut HB ents im Boo ong 299e8 5 ¢? () qed aga Sine codsled odgd Onstodoos! a. ged Sim ebdbaned 88x B30 gq Qeinow oem g8SExI adeien, 2. (i) 6g cadeed oBodS ofSes! BECO edge Ousted eared Coss eg AOS ¢? Gi) 29 coo) O85 qo 08m GEES emedn Qoysi8 Qad aqwst aden. Gi) Stomned Ba_ doe ocined cay go a0 Gag oOUIHSSE eed Gr me gn a 062 Gtived yBoHS ON ergedsi ougsin, [eae 69 Bean,01,/2022(2023)/15-S-1, IL 21. 3. @ go gage ego concads Be cuct odgd Ousted me Q eaiqast eqegeng 08 mduten, (ii) edge Onnied eoicoss eqoentogm argon gdeidooO!, Og enodst Berengnea dSn06 Bon 8 Bdod qB aqust adato, Gil) ‘qootigg/eyia’ om Domed ebds Eu», of GOrdad 08 Ogaxis® RES a8 adrG ODdd e1gj80e8 Belod mdeten. 4. @ inde edameoss edge Ovsted qebest mdD EHDG ED EOm 6d eco Qed g? (ii) Gagged oseass 9 ofens g_P qo Bm wHod om ga goede Qed glad mdstn, Gil) comm 8 come denn SaQls Oseas! afd ELbE Badels w Burden odancasd go 68m wiPoadds oO coms g qui@ Bay acre COS ofS odatn, @ cegsin SEnau® god comet Op edge Oncioded qui s88 egad gfCust mdaten, Gi) edge Octedted qaxs88 qu90 go S89 wOodd caged Oxyd qatOr, C8Bxs god Cd.aD 28 98ec aad Gouin. Gi) Bade 69x 60:05 E~0 96 oB8O Bay qo BBs Geass Fo ga qoa Od Seiad eB engeten, 6. (i) © exgdamred 56g Om O89 gm ectds qd QED Dodouss ¢? © 083t qu08Ha0 cod 88 eBwa mod NOx @? (ii) eaQ@a®.0d o_be Ob0 gm OrSimed’ Be cero gad aquest 25, yy a0 oOs ost emt coms DE gdocast Geena, m8 adzin. (ii) eoenG00 ©O2 OGrmOEZ 550 gdocust w2o ew B50 edeOOto yes GOO BeBe. con eqns ea qnedst os HioceaR eniionm, 6 Hoca Gemges GDedaOy sy Gor DE Gudeass Oe B GomsO OLOED eddsad gig Gam B5e8f on ga Swcoso Ros GB CWwRE mdzbo. (@) e603 (qa) Siew mE Yoedosi (9) Odd moaimd BEadonn BS gs (©) 0895 ww deme obodiaset [q08x8 608 ecko.01./2022(2023)/13-S-1, 1 7. eo egos Somme eneds ead omih eon om adust Gouin. & equ 2 aS coeget Ome mba mdzin. @ eed80 gaco = sed80 goa eco nO emcees afore o» OQeed sobawndts — 689 8a mes 0:8 Oacast onme s6ade — 889g0 Gs 400 SE melOre® m Od gx} edd = 28 %855 dombed gOdina ang meg mAs 80¢ aatn ~ eSrged Ene em EEHOS g¢ God Oxqost Om quke® (ii) goed OrS—y — edged Ouateded med e198 589 geq® 86g ~ edge Owsteded e¢@8at SEg etgads au gdae dig aw Sue oQ. 122 99 me 8:89 = BBegs Sco oc O1400 ogy comBs edened 88 BD gtocast exec — ethQat Ee edgn® mo 882869 mdm eg gax 12 wB8Z obgedy& YegO mmamand sDeod oak BS gOddved Ba o¢@Bard wd quai) GBOrd0 gg Fo E6d Ogos Om quic® Gi) og8 gnasied ebem00 — 0g co 80095 A efoces! an Dalow® — 2 DE 8696 om Fm HE gOekds — a86e8 me 5B gO = ©g0 go e8e006 HA Hlocasd mw msIded qe | BO. — 8% @2 gna Sacast go mgm avian adocust om Bgxted gm e@ewOs (iv) madd Bmeained edana - arnds Bncaloed ofamed Bedesioa = edaned aqual ood meihs® one08 gud 8 AHO = 21S BBREd Efocssd eqogomg qPBod BES OB dg uO BD smd ven CA 28g00 — efsned ede go Bmevined domed gBOrde — 989 ofancd a0 e¢ added edds mE GR in maldic® HRE
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