Wireless Networking and Telecom Technology Chapter 3
Wireless Networking and Telecom Technology Chapter 3
Wireless Networking and Telecom Technology Chapter 3
• Introduction to cellular system
• Duplexing techniques in cellular system
• Frequency reuse
• Co-channel and Adjacent channel interference
• Cellular system capacity
• Channel assignment strategies
• Handoff strategies
• Trunking and Grade of Service
Introduction to Cellular Systems
• The design objective of early mobile systems consisted of one
high power transmitter covering the service area.
• The allocated frequency spectrum (range) was divided into a
number of duplex channels.
• But, the system was not able to accommodate much more
users over the same allocated spectrum.
• The cellular concept provides the solution for the capacity
problem. By replacing the single, high-power transmitter
covering a large area by many low-power transmitters
covering smaller areas called cells. So that the same radio
channels may be used by many base stations located in some
distance away.
Components of Mobile Cellular Radio System
• Base Station: A fixed station in a mobile radio system used for
radio communication with mobile station. Base stations are
located at the center or on the edge of a coverage region and
consist of radio channels and transmitter and receiver
antennas mounted on a tower.
• Mobile Station: A station in the cellular radio service intended
for use while in motion at unspecified locations.
• Mobile Switching Center: Switching center which coordinates
the routing of calls in a large service area. In cellular radio
system, the MSC connects the mobile stations to the PSTN.
• Base stations are connected to the MSC via wireline or microwave links.
• The BS is the bridge between the MS and the MSC.
• The following figure, Fig 1, shows a basic cellular system which
includes base stations, and a mobile switching center (MSC).
• The MSC is sometimes called a mobile telephone switching
office (MSTO), since it is responsible for connecting all mobiles
to the PSTN (public switched telephone network).
• Each mobile communications via radio with one of the base
stations and may be handed-off to any number of base
stations through out the duration of a call.
• A typical MSC handles 100,000 cellular subscribers and 5,000
simultaneous conversations at a time, and accommodates all
billing and system maintenance functions as well.
Fig1: Cellular System
Duplexing in Cellular Communication Systems
• A full duplex conversation requires a transmit & receive
channel pair.
– Reverse channel (uplink): A radio channel that used to transmit a
signal from mobile station to base station or from ground controller to
– Forward channel (downlink): A radio channel that used to transmit a
signal from base station to mobile station or from satellite to ground
• Cellular Telephony Channel Categories:
– Voice channels: Carry voice and data traffic (~ 95%)
– Control channels: Carry data about call setup, handoff, power control
and other management data (~ 5%) 7
• A scheme called frequency division duplexing (FDD) in which the
two directions, from the mobile station to base station and vice
versa, are separated using different frequencies.
• FDD provides simultaneous radio transmission channels for the
subscriber (mobile station) and the base station, so that they both
can transmit while simultaneously receiving signals from one
• At the base station a separate transmitter and receiver antennas are
used to accommodate the two separate channels. At the subscriber
unit, however a single antenna is used for transmission and
reception signals from the base station. The device called duplexer
is used in the subscriber unit to enable this full duplex
• Time division duplexing (TDD), uses the fact that it is possible
to share a single radio channel in time, so that a portion of
time is used for forward channel and the remaining time is
used for reverse channel.
– Even though there are no two simultaneous radio transmission at any
instant of time. If the data transmission rate in the channel
(bandwidth) is much greater than the end-user’s data rate, it is
possible to store information bursts and provide the appearance of full
duplex operation to a user by using TDD.
• TDD is suitable for digital transmission formats and digital
modulation, for this reason TDD has only recently used in the
conventional cellular telephone systems. 9
Frequency Reuse
• Base stations in each cell can be placed at:
– The cell center – center-excited cells – omni-directional
– The cell vertices – edge-excited cells – sectored directional
• Since there are many base stations are exist in the cellular
system, neighboring base stations are assigned different
groups of channels so that the interference between base
stations is minimized.
• The design process of selecting and allocating channel groups
for all of the cellular base stations within a system is called
frequency reuse or frequency planning.
Fig 2
• An illustration of the cellular
frequency reuse concept
shown at Fig 2. Cells with the
same letter use the same set of
frequencies. A cell cluster is
outlined in bold and replicated
over the coverage area.
• In this example the cluster size, N, is equal to seven.
• The actual radio coverage of a
cell is known as the footprint
and is determined from field
measurements or propagation
prediction models.
Co-channel interference
• Interference has been recognized as a major bottleneck in
increasing capacity and is often responsible for dropped calls.
The two major types of system-generated cellular interference
are co-channel interference and adjacent channel interference.
• Frequency reuse implies that in a given coverage area there
are several cells that use the same set of frequencies. These
cells are called co-channel cells, and the interference between
signals from these cells is called co-channel interference.
– To reduce co-channel interference, co-channel cells must be physically
separated by a minimum distance to provide sufficit isolation due to
Finding nearest co-channels (hexagon)
• To find the nearest co-channel neighbors of a particular
cell, one must do the following:
(1) move i cells along any chain of hexagons and then
(2) turn 60 degrees counter-clockwise and move j cells.
• Such that the number of cells per cluster, N, can only
have values which satisfy
• 𝑁 = 𝑖 2 + 𝑖𝑗 + 𝑗 2
– where i and j are non-negative integers.
• Look the following figure for i = 3 and j = 2 (N = 19).
Method of locating co-channel cells in a cellular system In this
example, N = 19 (i.e., i = 3, j = 2).
Adjacent channel interference
• Interference resulting from signals which are adjacent in
frequency to the desired signal is called adjacent channel
• Adjacent channel interference results from imperfect
receiver filters which allow nearby frequencies to leak
into the passband.
– Adjacent channel interference can be minimized through careful
filtering and channel assignments. By keeping the frequency
separation between each channel in a given cell as large as
possible, the adjacent channel interference may be reduced
Cellular system capacity
• Consider a cellular system which has a total of S duplex
channels available for use. If the S channels are divided among
N cells into unique and disjoint channel groups which each
have the same number of channels, k, the total number of
available radio channels can be expressed as:
• S = kN
• The N cells which collectively use the complete set of available
frequencies is called a cluster. If a cluster is replicated M times
with in the system, the total number of duplex channels, C,
can be used as a measure of capacity and is given:
• C = MkN = MS
• A total of 33 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a
particular FDD cellular telephone system, which uses
two 25 kHz simplex channels to provide full duplex
communication, determine the number of voice and
control channels available per cell, if 1 MHz of the
allocated spectrum is dedicated to control channels.
(a) 4-cell reuse
(b) 7-cell reuse
(c) 12-cell reuse
• Given:
– Total bandwidth: 33 MHz
– Channel bandwidth: 25 kHz * 2 simple duplex = 50 kHz duplex channel
• Control channel bandwidth: 1 MHz
• Voice channel bandwidth: 32 MHz
• Total number of available channels: 33,000 kHz / 50 kHz = 660
– Total number of control channels: 1000/50 = 20
– Total number of voice channels: 32,000/50 = 640
(a) For N = 4
• Total channels: 660 / 4 = 165
– Control channels per cell: 20 / 4 = 5
– Voice channels per cell: 640 / 4 = 160
Channel Assignment Strategies
• For efficient utilization of the radio spectrum, a
frequency reuse scheme that is consistent with the
objectives of increasing capacity and minimizing
interference is required.
• Channel assignment strategies can be classified as
either fixed or dynamic.
Fixed channel assignment
• Each cell is allocated a predetermined set of voice channels.
Any call attempt within the cell can only be served by the
unused channels in that particular cell.
• Very simple and requires least amount of processing
• If all the channels in that cell are occupied, the call is blocked
and the subscriber does not receive service.
• The borrowing strategy
– A cell is allowed to borrow channels from a neighboring cell if all of its
own channels are already occupied
– The MSC supervises such borrowing procedures and ensures that the
borrowing of a channel does not disrupt or interfere with any of the
calls in progress in the donor cell.
Dynamic channel assignment
• In a dynamic channel assignment strategy, voice channels are not
allocated to different cells permanently. Instead, each time a call
request is made, channels are allocated.
• The MSC allocates a channel to the requested cell following an
algorithm that takes into account
– the likelihood of future blocking within the cell (to increases the
trunking capacity of the system),
– the frequency of use of the candidate channel (to avoid co-
channel interference),
– the reuse distance of the channel.
• Big space and time complexity, but provides the advantage of
increased channel utilization and decreased probability of a blocked
Handoff/ Handover
Handoff Strategies
• Mobility is the most important feature of a wireless cellular
communication system. Usually, continuous service is
achieved by supporting handoff (or handover) from one cell to
• When a mobile moves into a different cell while a
conversation is in progress, the MSC automatically transfers
the call to a new channel belonging to the new base station.
– Identifying new base stations
– Assigning channels associated to the new base station
• Processing handoffs is an important task in any cellular radio
system. Handoffs must be performed successfully and as
infrequently as possible, and be imperceptible to the users.
Handoff initiation
• In order to initiate a handoff.
– A particular signal level is specified as the
minimum usable signal for acceptable voice
quality at the base station receiver (normally
taken as between –90 dBm and –100 dBm), and a
slightly stronger signal level is used as a threshold
at which a handoff is made.
• The threshold of signal level for handoff must chosen
carefully to meet the following conflicting
• The difference (margin), given by Δ = Phandoff –
Pminimum_usable, cannot be too large or too small. If Δ is
too large, unnecessary handoffs which burden the
MSC may occur, and if Δ is too small, there may be
insufficient time to complete a handoff before a call
is lost due to weak signal conditions.
• Moreover
– A handoff is necessary depends on the speed at
which the vehicle is moving.
Short-term average received signal
• In deciding when to handoff, the base station
monitors the signal level for a certain period of time
before a handoff is initiated.
• If the slope of the short-term average received signal
level in a given time interval is steep, the handoff
should be made quickly.
• This running average measurement of signal strength
should be optimized so that unnecessary handoffs
are avoided, while ensuring that necessary handoffs
are completed before a call is terminated due to poor
signal level.
1G Handoff - Locator Receiver
• In first generation analog cellular systems, signal strength
measurements are made by the base stations and supervised
by the MSC.
• Each base station constantly monitors the signal strengths of
all of its reverse voice channels to determine the relative
location of each mobile user with respect to the base station
• Additional spare receiver in each base station, called the
locator receiver, is used to scan and determine signal
strengths of mobile users which are in neighboring cells.
– Based on the locator receiver signal strength information
from each base station, the MSC decides if a handoff is
necessary or not.
2G Handoff - MAHO
• In today’s second generation systems, handoff decisions
are mobile assisted. In mobile assisted handoff (MAHO),
every mobile station measures the received power from
surrounding base stations and continually reports the
results of these measurements to the serving base
• A handoff is initiated when the power received from the
base station of a neighboring cell begins to exceed than
the power received from the current base station by a
certain level or for a certain period of time.
• MAHO is particularly suited for microcellular
environments where handoffs are more frequent.
Prioritizing handoff
• One method for giving priority to handoffs is called the guard
channel concept, whereby a fraction of the total available
channels in a cell is reserved exclusively for handoff requests
from ongoing calls which may be handed off into the cell.
• Queuing of handoff requests is another method to decrease
the probability of forced termination of a call due to lack of
available channels.
– Queuing of handoffs is possible due to the fact that there is
a finite time interval between the time the received signal
level drops below the handoff threshold and the time the
call is terminated due to insufficient signal level.
Intersystem handoff
• During the course of a call, if a mobile moves from one cellular
system to a different cellular system controlled by a different
MSC, an intersystem handoff becomes necessary.
• An MSC engages in an intersystem handoff when a mobile
signal becomes weak in a given cell and the MSC cannot find
another cell within its system to which it can transfer the call
in progress.
• Compatibility between the two MSCs must be determined.
• There are many issues that must be addressed when
implementing an intersystem handoff (You’re invited to read).
The umbrella cell approach (cell-split)
• In practical cellular systems, several problems arise when
attempting to design for a wide range of mobile velocities.
• By using different antenna heights (often on the same
building or tower) and different power levels, it is possible
to provide “large” and “small” cells which are co-located at
a single location. This technique is called the umbrella cell
approach and is used to provide large area coverage to
high speed users while providing small area coverage to
users traveling at low speeds.
The umbrella cell approach
• The umbrella cell approach ensures that the number
of handoffs is minimized for high speed users and
provides additional microcell channels for pedestrian
• The speed of each user may be estimated by the
base station or MSC by evaluating how rapidly the
short-term average signal strength on the RVC
changes over time, or more sophisticated algorithms
may be used to evaluate and partition users.
Cell dragging problem
• Cell dragging results from pedestrian users that provide a very
strong signal, like line-of-sight (LOS), to the base station. As the
result, average signal strength does not decay rapidly.
• Even when the user has traveled well beyond the designed range of
the cell, the received signal at the base station may be above the
handoff threshold, thus a handoff may not be made.
• This creates a potential interference and traffic management
problem, since the user has meanwhile traveled deep within a
neighboring cell. To solve the cell dragging problem, handoff
thresholds and radio coverage parameters must be adjusted
Hard and Soft Handoffs
• Handoffs are broadly classified into two categories—hard and soft
• In hard handoffs, “break before make”, current resources are
released before new resources are used.
– Channelized wireless systems that assign different radio
channels during a handoff uses a hard handoff.
• In soft handoffs, “make before break”, both existing and new
resources are used during the handoff process.
– Unlike channelized wireless systems, in IS-95 code division
multiple access (CDMA) spread spectrum mobiles share the
same channel in every cell. Thus, the term handoff refers
selecting the best base station that handles the radio
communication task.
Power Control for Reducing Interference
• In practical cellular radio and personal communication
systems the power levels transmitted by every subscriber unit
are under constant control by the serving base stations.
• This is done to ensure that each mobile transmits the smallest
power necessary to maintain a good quality link on the
reverse channel.
• Power control not only helps prolong battery life for the
subscriber unit, but also dramatically improves the reverse
channel S/I in the system.
• Power control is especially important for CDMA spread
spectrum systems that allow every user in every cell to share
the same radio channel.
Trunking and Grade of Service
• Cellular radio systems rely on trunking to accommodate a
large number of users in a limited radio spectrum.
• Trunking exploits the statistical behavior of users so that a
fixed number of channels may accommodate a large,
random user community.
• In a trunked mobile radio system, when a particular user
requests service and all of the radio channels are already in
use, the user is blocked, or denied access to the system. In
some systems, a queue may be used to hold the requesting
users until a channel becomes available.
• The grade of service (GOS) is a measure of the ability of a user to
access a trunked system during the busiest hour, typically occur
during rush hours, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on a Thursday or
Friday evening.
• The grade of service is a benchmark used to define the desired
performance of a particular trunked system by specifying a desired
likelihood of a user obtaining channel access given a specific
number of channels available in the system.
• It is the wireless designer’s job to estimate the maximum required
capacity and to allocate the proper number of channels (recall
dynamic channel allocation) in order to meet the GOS.
Definitions of Common Terms Used in Trunking Theory
• Set-up Time: The time required to allocate a trunked
radio channel to a requesting user.
• Blocked Call: Call which cannot be completed at time of
request, due to congestion. Also referred to as a lost call.
• Holding Time: Average duration of a typical call. Denoted
by H (in seconds).
• Load: Traffic intensity across the entire trunked radio
system, measured in Erlangs.
• Request Rate: The average number of call requests per
unit time for each user. Denoted by λ (1/seconds).
Traffic intensity
• Measure of channel time utilization, which is the average
channel occupancy measured in Erlangs. This is a
dimensionless quantity and may be used to measure the
time utilization of single or multiple channels. Denoted
by A.
– One Erlang represents the amount of traffic intensity
carried by a channel that is completely occupied (i.e.
one call-hour per hour or one call-minute per minute).
For example, a radio channel that is occupied for thirty
minutes during an hour carries, we say, 0.5 Erlangs of
• The traffic intensity offered by each user is equal to the
call request rate multiplied by the holding time. That is,
each user generates a traffic intensity of Au Erlangs given
by: Au = λH
• For a system containing U users and an unspecified
number of channels, the total offered traffic intensity A,
is given as: A = UAu
• Furthermore, in a C channel trunked system, if the traffic
is equally distributed among the channels, then the
traffic intensity per channel, Ac, is given as: Ac = UAu ⁄ C
Types of trunked systems
• No queueing for call requests (blocked calls cleared):
– for every user who requests service, it is assumed there is no setup
time and the user is given immediate access to a channel if one is
– If no channels are available, the requesting user is blocked without
access and is free to try again later.
– GOS: Erlang B formula determines the probability that a call is blocked.
• A queue is provided to hold calls which are blocked (blocked calls delayed).
– If a channel is not available immediately, the call request may be
delayed until a channel becomes available.
– GOS: Erlang C formula gives the likelihood that a call is initially denied
access to the system.
Computation of GoS (Erlang B formula)
• Calculation of GoS for blocked calls cleared:
• If no channels are immediately available the call is
delayed, and the probability that the delayed call is
forced to wait more than t seconds is given by the
probability that a call is delayed, multiplied by the
conditional probability that the delay is greater than t
• The GOS of a trunked system where blocked calls are
delayed is hence given by
• End of Chapter 3
• Next
– Chapter Four: Multiple Access Techniques for
Wireless Communications