Tender Documents
Table of Contents
SCC Reference to Description Page No.
Clause GCC Sub-
No. Clause No.
1 1.4 Contract Agreement 3
2 3.2 Duties and authorities of the Engineer 3
3 4.2.1 Performance Security 3
4 4.2.3 Release of Performance Security 4
5 4.4 Facilities for and other co-ordination with others 4
6 4.5 Sub-contractors 4
7 4.10 Sufficiency of accepted contract amount 5
8 4.16 & 6.7 Safety Precautions 5
9 4.17 Protection of Environment 5
10 4.18 Electricity & Water 6
11 4.19 Tools, plants and equipments supplied by the employer 7
12 4.27 Security of the site 7
13 5.3 Construction and/or manufacture documen 7
14 6.0 Staff and Labour
15 6.4 Labour laws 8
16 6.7 Health and Safety 8
17 7.0 Quality Control 9
18 10 Defect liability period 10
19 11 .1 Contract Price & Payment & 10
11,1.1. Change in Taxes & Duty
& 11.1.4
20 11.1.3 Adjust in Contract Price 11
21 11.2 Advance Payments 11
22 11.3 Provisional payment against material at site 11
23 11.4 Application for interim payment certificates 11
24 11.6 Payment- Interim & final 11
25 15.0 Insurance 12
26 18.1 Notices and Instructions 12
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different metro
station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
Performance Security
Within 30 days from date of issue of the Letter of Acceptance, the
successful Tenderer shall furnish Performance Security, for an
amount of three percent (3%) or as applicable at the time of
signing of agreement of the Contract in types and proportions of
currencies in which the Contract Price is payable either in the
form of a Bank Draft, FDR or in the form of a Bank Guarantee
from a branch in India of a scheduled foreign bank or from a
3 Sub-Clause 4.2.1 scheduled commercial bank in India acceptable to the Employer.
The Performance Security shall be valid up to 6 months beyond
the Completion period or the Defect Liability Period, wherever
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
SFMS and only after this, the BG will become operative and
acceptable to the employer. It is, therefore, in the own interest of
the contractor to obtain Employer’s bank IFSC Code, it’s branch
and address and advise these particulars to the BG issuing bank
and request them to send advice of BG through SFMS to the
Employer’s Bank.
Replace the GCC Clause 4.5 with the following: Subletting of
work is not permitted in this contract.
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
Safety Precautions
The Contractor is required to make himself aware of all the
requirements of the Employer’s Safety & Health Manual (O&M-
Electrical) in this regard and comply with them. The Site Safety
Plan shall include detailed policies, procedures and regulations
which, when implemented, will ensure compliance with Sub-
Clauses 4.16 and 6.7 of General Conditions of Contract.
The Contractor shall, from time to time and as necessary or
required by the Engineer, produce supplements to the Site Safety
Plan such that it is at all times a detailed, comprehensive and
contemporaneous statement by the Contractor of his site safety
8 Sub-Clause 4.16 & 6.7 and industrial health obligations, responsibilities, policies and
procedures (under the laws of India) or as stated in the Contract or
elsewhere relating to work on Site
If at any time the Site Safety Plan is, in the opinion of the
Engineer, insufficient or requires revision or modification to
ensure the security of the Works and the safety of all workmen
upon, and visitors to the Site, the Engineer may instruct the
Contractor to revise the Site Safety Plan. The Contractor shall,
within 14 days, submit the revised plan to
the Engineer for review.
Protection of Environment
The Contractor shall maintain ecological balance by preventing
deforestation, water pollution and defacing of natural landscape.
The Contractor shall, so conduct his cleaning operations, as to
9 Sub-Clause 4.17 prevent any avoidable destruction, scarring or defacing of natural
surroundings in the vicinity of work. In respect of ecological
balance, the Contractor shall observe the following instructions
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
(b) All trees and shrubbery, which are not specifically required to be
cleared or removed for cleaning purposes, shall be preserved and
shall be protected from any damage that may be caused by
Contractor’s cleaning operations and equipment. The removal of
trees or shrubs will be permitted only after prior approval by the
Engineer. Trees shall not be used for anchorage. The Contractor
shall be responsible for injuries to trees and shrubs caused by his
operations. The term “injury” shall include, without limitation,
bruising, scarring, tearing and breaking of roots, trunks or
branches. All injured trees and shrubs shall be restored as nearly
as practicable, without delay, to their original condition at
Contractor’s expenses.
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
The Contractor shall arrange the issue of passes for the admission
of all persons and vehicles to the Site or to any part thereof and
may refuse admission to or remove from the Site any person or
vehicle failing to show an appropriate pass on demand to any duly
authorised person.
For the purposes of this Clause only, "Site" shall include off- Site
places of manufacture or storage and the Contractor's Work Areas
and shall include, areas provided to the Contractor by others
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
Labour laws
(i) The Contractor shall, if required by the Employer, deliver to the
Engineer or to his office; a return in detail, in such form and at
such intervals as the Employer may prescribe, showing the
number of labour employed in different categories by the
Contractor for the entire work.
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
Quality Control
Following to be read in conjunction to GCC sub clause 6.7
Upon the Engineer notifying his consent to the Site Quality Plan,
or any supplement thereto, the Contractor shall, adhere to the
principles and procedures contained in such document, except
where the Engineer gives his consent to any amended or varied
version thereof. The
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
Changes in Taxes/Duty:
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Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different
metro station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.
(d) Any other changes (except on account of Clause (a) (i) &
(ii) above) in existing taxes/new taxes on supply of
materials/services/works etc. will not be considered and its impact
shall be considered covered in the price variation clause provided
in the Contract and in contract where price variation clause is not
provided, the impact on any other change (except on account of
clause a (i) & (ii) above in existing taxes/ new taxes on supply of
materials/services/works etc. will be deemed to be included in the
quoted contract price.
Advance Payments
21 Sub-Clause 11.2
No Advance is admissible in this contract.
The payment against CAMC shall be on basis for Quarterly/Half
yearly or as specified in Employer's Requirement only after
submission of duly filled preventive maintenance reports &
submission of details of breakdown/ spares consumed in the
format specified by DMRC.
1. Following to be read in conjunction to GCC sub clause
All of the contractor’s employees drawing monthly wages up
to Rs.21,000/-or as applicable as per the enhanced limit, shall
have to be covered under ESI. The Contractor shall take
insurance policy as specified in the Employee’s
Compensation Act only for those employees who are not
covered by ESI.
S Page 11
Contract: OEM-984 :- Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of VRV AC System (make: LG) Installed at different metro
station / Location of DMRC for 5 years.