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A systematic survey on Information retrieval and

Document ranking
Pragati Natwarlal Bhattad1, Hritam Dutta2, Dev Wadhwa3,
Atharva Nitin Gundawar4
Department of Software Systems
School of Computer Science and Engineering
VIT, Vellore, India
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

under the guidance of

Prof. Saravanakumar Kandasamy
Associate Professor Grade 1
VIT, Vellore
[email protected]

The constant emergence of large amounts of data - unprocessed - has made it difficult to extract
information - useful data - for utilization in our applications. This is why various models and
algorithms used for information retrieval and document ranking have attracted much attention in
recent years for their potential to alleviate this problem. One of the major reasons that are limiting the
utilization of proper algorithms for a given application is due to unawareness of the presence of
different algorithms and models in this field. And thus, this paper proposes to solve this issue by
presenting different algorithms with their own specific applications which can help a user identify the
same for their application. This survey paper then presents the state-of-the-art research relating to
different areas of these models, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, and overall suitability for
applications specific to them. Challenges that this field of information retrieval and document ranking
face include expensive and complex all-to-all match retrievers, vocabulary mismatch, running the
models on outdated data, the efficiency of the model, querying time, the inability of the model to
handle a wide range of features, etc. Different challenges are presented in the paper and
recommendations have been made for future research directions.

Keywords: Document Ranking, Information Retrieval, Transformers, SetRank, DeText, BERT,


Information retrieval is a critical procedure for storing and retrieving data. It is defined as a totally automated
process that examines a set of documents and returns a sorted document list that ought to be relevant to the user's
requirements as indicated in the query.

Information retrieval and Document Ranking systems handle one of the most difficult challenges in knowledge
management: swiftly discovering important information in vast databases and sorting the results by relevance.
Organizations can profit right away from information retrieval. While it's critical to develop ways to capture tacit
knowledge, the Information Query allows you to access data that's already in electronic form. Information retrieval
software has progressed beyond simple search to include knowledge management activities like information
dissemination. Web technologies and browser-based interfaces are used in information retrieval systems.

The first basic implementations of information retrieval models came into place during the late 1960s, researchers
developed test systems and evaluation methodologies though large collections or databases. In the 1970s and 1980s,
the exponential expansion of computing power aided research and large-scale testing of novel approaches for
content indexing and query optimization. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) continued to work on its
MEDLINE database. The growth of network technology in the 1990s allowed for more direct access to databases,
and research into interface and query improvements, as well as research into massive "textual" databases,
intensified. The National Library of Medicine has integrated its "Pubmed" interface into the MEDLINE system. The
Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), an annual conference and series of workshops sponsored by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology and the US Department of Defense's Disruptive Technology Office, began in
1992. The annual conference serves as a venue for "challenge assessments" of new approaches in the context of a
"standardised task and/or data collecting." The emergence of the Web brought information querying and retrieval to
the masses.

This section will discuss and describe the models present in the research papers we have chosen for our research.
Every model is followed by its one liner explanation and then a paragraph describing the same.

1. DeText [1]: Non-exhaustive BERT implementation. Representation based structure: Instead of applying
BERT to a concatenated string containing the query and document, the Qd structure produces query and
document embeddings separately.
2. Contextualized Inverted List(COIL) [2]: Achieving independence from lexical matches by using soft
matching : The creation of neural IR models is used to achieve the goal of soft matching all tokens. Despite
the increased efficiency offered by deep LMs, there is still room for improvement by returning to lexical
exact match systems with contextualized representations. This also allows an inverted list index to focus on
only the subset of pages that have overlapping words with the query, which is a time-saving feature.
3. SetRank [4]: Precisely learns a permutation-invariant ranking model defined on document sets of any
arbitrary size. The approach is permutation-invariant, which means it may be used straight to a set of texts
without any preprocessing. Because self-attention networks, a prominent neural method used in machine
learning tasks, were included in this paper's suggested model, it may be regarded as a deep model for IR.
4. Vanilla BERT [5]: BERT discards redundant attention weights on tokens with high document frequency
(such as periods) at every step. Through their interactions, BERT aggregates document information to
query token representations, yet derives query-independent representations for document tokens.
5. Vanilla Seq-to-seq [9]: Lacks BERT level precision but is far more data-efficient. The major advantage of
this method, we feel, is that it allows one to leverage the model's latent knowledge (e.g., of semantics,
linguistic connections, etc.) that has been polished by pretraining by "linking" fine-tuned latent
representations of relevance to associated output "target words."
6. Aspect-based Document Similarity [7]: Unlike most RS which neglects the aspects which make two or
more documents similar. Documents are connected in aspect-based document similarity based on the inner
features that connect them. We use the title of the section in which a citation appears as a label for a
document pair instead of citations for binary classification (i.e., similar and dissimilar). The aspect-based
similarity of citing and cited publications is described in the section names of citations.
7. TPRM [8]: Improves effectiveness in modeling personalization signals, which had a low accuracy in most
BERT implementations. User interest model, usnerdoc interest matching, query-doc semantic matching,
and personalized ranking are the four modules that assist accomplish the aforesaid levels of efficacy.
8. Local Self-Attention + Vanilla BERT [10]: Exponential decrease in memory cost and time required while
enforcing the input documents. It operates with the help of a local self-attention system that examines
fixed-size moving windows over the document terms, which helps to significantly reduce time and memory
complexity. When the window size is modest in comparison to the duration of the sequence, the computer
and memory needs are significantly reduced.
9. Hybrid Deep Fuzzy Hashing [11]: Handles security and other privacy features of input data. To improve the
efficiency of information retrieval and data security in the distributed cloud environment, the mathematical
formulation for the hashing technique and deep fuzzy for information retrieval are meticulously obtained.
Implementing fuzzy with deep neural networks improves prediction accuracy via fuzzy logic and retrieval
accuracy via neural network learning. To create a connection between the query and the database, a hashing
algorithm is utilized.
10. BERT for document ranking [12]: BERT computations are expensive for document ranking. This causes a
relevance-efficiency tradeoff for ad-hoc ranking. Despite the remarkable relevance of queries based on
keywords, a long interference time is usually visible. Furthermore, the BERT model is still not able to
achieve an NDCG relevance competitive to that of CEDR on ad-hoc ranking tasks.

As discussed above we can notice that every implementation is targeted to a very particular and peculiar problem,
and every model has some scope of improvement in some capacity. The learnings from these models can be put
into use to come up with better models which help solve most of the above-discussed problems.

The purpose of this article is to interpret and describe the significance of our findings in light of what was already
known about and experiment on the research problem of information retrieval and document ranking. The problem
being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of our intensive study
and research of models, implementations, and potential future work of improvising on the current systems.

As computing power improves and storage costs fall, the quantity of data we deal with daily increases
dramatically. However, without the ability to retrieve and query the data, the information we collect is useless. To
make sense of the data, information retrieval technologies are critical. Consider how difficult it would be to obtain
information on the Internet if Google or other search engines were not available. Without information retrieval
methods, information is not knowledge. Most organizations’ data is dispersed among several different data
repositories. Important repositories include file servers, groupware systems, relational databases, legacy systems,
and even external sources such as the Internet. Text indexing and retrieval systems can index information in
multiple data sources, allowing users to search against it. As a result, retrieval systems provide users internet
access to information they might not be aware of, and they aren't needed to know or care where the data is kept.
Users can use a single search to query all information that the administrator has considered suitable to index.

The paper is properly divided and described using headings, sub-headings, and so on. First of all, we have
explained most of the relevant terms which might come in handy while reading this paper to better understand the
meaning of each terminology. In the case of formulas, they have been explained and their mathematical scientific
notation is given. Secondly, the architecture of the proposed model is described with a visual representation of the
same to better understand the flow of data and generation of embeddings. Each paper is briefly explained after the
above, each paper section has 2 subtitles from the paper and has been explained in detail. Following that, each
author's contributions were discussed in depth. After that, all the evaluation metrics that have been discussed in the
chosen papers, base papers, and other resources have been described with their mathematical scientific
representations. This is followed by a conclusion and future work which concludes the paper and the research
along with some ideas for what can be improved on in the upcoming papers. Finally, the paper ends with the
references and citations for all the referred work and knowledge used in making this paper.


Each sequence to sequence model that is used for Information retrieval and Document ranking is unique in its way
due to the different applications they are used for. We have discussed different models with their distinct features
and applications, which can aid a user to choose the best-suited one for their work purposes. However, in almost all
of them, a general base architecture is present which consists of different parts. The following figures represent a
general model.

Figure 2.1: Generalized encoder-decoder architecture for a model

Fig. 2.1 shows the entire model unit which will be used across time to take sequences as inputs and make them
Recurrent. The first part on the left side is the Encoder which is the module that takes the document(s) as its input
and stores the targeted information in its weights. It comprises the following modules: A. Multi-Head Attention
block: Multi-threaded attention blocks help in capturing a higher amount of feature vectors that will be considered to
calculate inference. B. The attention blocks are followed by Transformer units. These are the blocks that comprise
95% of the model. C. Between every unit there is an Add & Normalization layer which adds the output of the last
sequence iteration and the current logits. The second part of the model is the Decoder which takes two inputs
namely the logits/weights from the encoder and the input query. The logits/weights are responsible for saving user
data from the input documents and the query is the question asked. It comprises the following modules: A.
Multi-Head Attention block: Multi-threaded attention blocks help in capturing a higher amount of feature vectors
that will be considered to calculate inference. B. The attention blocks are followed by Transformer units. These are
the blocks that comprise 95% of the model. C. Between every unit there is an Add & Normalization layer which
adds the output of the last sequence iteration and the current logits. D. Finally each output of the decoders is
summed together in a basic dense neural network that uses tan-h as the output activation function.

Figure 2.2: Working mechanism of the architecture on a set of inputs

Fig. 2.2 is rolled out across time to better explain how it handles sequences. As you can see the blocks in gray
denote the input document and the purple are the tokens or embeddings generated by the Encoder which will be
passed to the Decoder to use as its knowledge base. The decoder then will take the input query and the knowledge
base generated by the encoders to generate the output sequence.

In this section, different sequence-to-sequence models are explored for document ranking and information retrieval,
and their suitability for different applications is highlighted. Several pioneering works related to information
retrieval and document ranking are discussed. Each of them has solved different problems and has innovative
solutions with their architecture varying from simple to complex. A complete analysis of each of them has been
made to use them for appropriate applications and guide the future development of such models.

3.1. Information Retrieval Models

3.1.1. Local Self-Attention model
Document retrieval helps in finding relevant documents to user queries. When documents are retrieved, the time and
memory cost might be high when using Transformers over a sequence of documents. A strategy wherein only the
first n terms of the document are considered might lead to the formation of a biased system that retrieves lengthy
documents. This paper deals with building a local self-attention to lower the compute and memory cost of attention
over the whole document. The problem was chosen because the time and memory complexity of using self-attention
over a sequence of length N is O(N2), which makes it very inefficient to use over a long sequence of documents. A
strategy wherein only the first n terms of a document are considered worked well when implemented for a short
sequence of documents. But it retrieves longer documents because it only inspects the first n terms of any document.
[59] discusses the difficulty in finding effective multi-level soft matches through neural models. K-NRM, a
kernel-based neural model, was proposed for document ranking. Its kernel-guided embedding encodes a similarity
metric build specifically for matching query words to document words and later provides effective multi-level soft
matches. According to [60], depending on a first-stage ranker forms a dual problem such that the combination and
interaction effects are not well known. Also, the stage ranker works as a filter, thus blocking the potential of neural
models to find new relevant documents. [61] Furthermore, much attention has been paid to various neural ranking
architectures, but not much attention has been paid to the term representations that are used as input to these models.
It is seen that many present neural ranking architectures may benefit from the added context provided by
contextualized language models. In [62], the vocabulary mismatch problem is addressed. Vocabulary mismatch
occurs when different people name the same concept differently. A query generation method for document
expansion that is based on the pointer-generator model is used for the same. As per [63], large transformer models
routinely provide up-to-date outcomes on a variety of tasks. However, training these models can be expensive.
Training such models is especially costly on long sequences. The proposed solution to tackle the problems involves
implementing a local self-attention that considers fixed-size moving windows over the document terms. For each
term, the terms in the same window need to be tended to. This reduces the time and memory complexity over a
sequence of length N, from O(N2) to O(Nn) wherein n is the window size.

The solution that is proposed is of a local self-attention that considers fixed-size moving windows over the
document terms helps in the reduction of time and memory complexity by a considerable amount. If the window
size is very small when compared to the length of the sequence, there is a significant reduction in computer and
memory requirements. To combine the evidence from different parts of the document, a novel two-staged
aggregation strategy is proposed. The first stage involves a local aggregation with a learned saturation function
within a fixed window size and the second stage revolves around a global selection of top-t different important
portions of the document and their corresponding signal aggregation. The proposed system, TKL, is more likely to
retrieve longer documents than TK. Also, retrieval quality improves when TKL considers longer portions of
documents. Thus, the longer the input document, the better the results. [64] TREC Deep Learning track dataset for
document retrieval was used for training and testing purposes.

The three steps that are involved are:

1. Efficient Contextualization:
Query embeddings in one window and document embeddings in multiple windows of size w and
overlapped by o are contextualized.

2. Term Interaction and Kernels:

TKL transforms each term interaction with kernel activations, which splits similarities into activations
based on how close the values are to a certain range.

3. Topography Saturation and Scoring

The top-t local maxima and their f immediate neighbors, by selecting 1 to f left and right values of the
maxima are calculated. The local is then defined as saturation with region size r, so that term matches are
not counted twice.

The proposed system, TKL, is more likely to retrieve longer documents than TK. Also, retrieval quality improves
when TKL considers longer portions of documents. Thus, the longer the input document, the better the results.
However, when working with shorter documents, TKL and TK have the same results. Thus TKL might not be
needed in some cases.

3.1.2. COIL: Contextualized Inverted List model

While retrieving correct data based on a query is an important factor in determining how good the model is, the
efficiency and speed of the model also are valid factors for the same. The loss in the computation efficiency of the
exact match system because of soft semantic matching all query document terms is what this paper focuses on [2].

Generally, information retrieval systems such as BM25 are dependent on the exact lexical match and that conducts
efficient searching with inverted list index, but the recent neural IR models shifts towards soft semantic matching all
query document terms, but eventually losing the computation efficiency of exact match systems as a disadvantage.
The idea of soft matching all tokens is done through the development of neural IR models. On having the improved
efficiency brought by deep LMs but there is still a scope of gaining more efficiency by contextualized
representations back to lexical exact match systems. This also allows the search to focus on only the subset of
documents that have overlapping terms with a query, which can be done efficiently with an inverted list index. At
the same time, the use of dense contextual token representations allows the model to deal with semantic
incompatibility, which has been a long-standing problem in classical lexical systems.

In the past, there were four different approaches and improvisations for the same cover-up problem
1. Bag-of-words (BOW) information retrieval (IR) systems that are widely popular such as BM25 depend on
exact lexical match 2 between query and document terms.
2. Later the study in neural IR leads to a different approach that computes between n all query and document
terms to model intricate matching
3. Further introduction of the contextual representation of deep linguistic models (LM) further focuses on
semantic incompatibility, i.e. the same word can refer to different meanings.
4. Re-ranking LM in generating context-based token representation and achieving state of the art in text
classification with huge performance improvements

To gain more insight on how this problem was tackled in the past, many other papers with similar insights have been
referred to in the paper [2]. [18] suggests analyzing the capacity of the dual encoders to encode the document into
dense low dimensional vectors and scoring each of them by the inner product query method relative to sparse
bag-of-words models and attentional neural networks. While [19] emphasizes Accelerating Large-Scale Inference
with Anisotropic Vector Quantization which implies a score-aware quantization loss function that can work under
any weighting function of the inner product and regardless of whether the data points vary in the norm, in turn,
increasing the efficiency of the loss function. [20] explains a Context-Aware Sentence/Passage Term Importance
Estimation For First Stage Retrieval. This paper proposes a solution to handle the importance of a term when the
term frequency distribution is flat. In turn as a solution, a Deep Contextualized Term Weighting framework can be
implemented to map BERT’s contextualized text representations to context-aware term weights for sentences and
passages. [21] presents words, phrases, and their compositions with a distributed representation. This paper proposes
an extension to Skip Gram and studies high-quality distributed vector representation. This can be achieved by
reducing frequently used words by learning a more regular representation of words. After analyzing more of these
models, the following model was created.

It works on a new lexical matching scheme that uses vector similarities between query-document overlapping term
contextualized representations to replace heuristic scoring used in classical systems. It processes documents with
deep LM offline and produces representations for each document token. In addition, the representations are grouped
by their surface tokens in an inverted list. At search time, each query token is used to search its reverse list and
calculate the similarity of the vector to the document vector stored in the reverse list as a match score

The following are the algorithms that this model uses:

1. Inverted list indexing - The inverted list tracks back from a term to a collection of documents where the
term appears.As an advantage retriever only needs to traverse the subset of documents in query terms’
inverted lists.
2. Contextualized Exact Lexical Match Scoring - A specific derived function can be used to evaluate
similarities between exactly matched query document token pairs.

Contextualization improves the capability of modeling intricate matching patterns. COIL-full’s when the
dimensions are lowered leads to a faster result than the DPR system. It can analyze its own embedding space and
can encode and measure the semantic similarity of the token in different contexts. However, the possibility of
Vocabulary mismatch still persists. Expensive and complex all-to-all match retrievers.
3.1.3. Hybrid Deep Fuzzy Hashing Algorithm based model
Information management systems are always in demand by a user to access the internet-based services, network
mediums, electronic libraries, and recently advanced search engines. Therefore, an efficient information retrieval
system that also caters to the need of maintaining the security and privacy of data is the need of the hour. Numerous
information retrieval models have emerged for this purpose. But, each model has its advantages and disadvantages.
In order to overcome the limitations of the existing models such as ranking-based information retrieval model,
multimodal retrieval system, cluster-based information retrieval model, etc., a hybrid data processing model is
required. A problem that emerged in the information management system is the cost involved in the process. The
cost of data management for storage and retrieval is huge. Hence, cloud computing evolved as a cost-effective
method of information management. But, the cloud has some limitations such as communication failure, data loss,
data traffic surveillance, and other potential risks in terms of privacy and security. Also, cloud computing is the most
common method for information management but it has few limitations pertaining to data privacy.

[65] Yongjun. described the problems encountered due to the natural language interface in the bibliographic
information retrieval system. As the database management system faces difficulty in organizing natural language
data, the retrieval of information using natural language becomes difficult. In order to overcome these issues, an
interface is proposed by the researchers which help the user to search bibliographic data using natural language. [66]
Sidali Hocine Farhi. introduced a graph-based information retrieval system that is widely adopted in many
applications. Keeping the emphasis on the graph-based system, the proposed bibliographic information system is
developed which processes the queries as text and retrieves information through the interface. [67] Andrei.
proposed a Ranking based information retrieval model in their research work. Based on document description and
term frequency model, ranks are allocated considering the user request. The proposed research uses modified genetic
algorithms and provides relevant information with minimum stagnation. The structural complexity in conventional
information retrieval is reduced in the proposed approach using ranking models and genetic-based map criteria. The
limitation of the model is that the proposed system failed in processing natural language requests. [68] Jianchang
Lai. proposed a private information retrieval model which allows the user to retrieve the information from the
database based on user preference. In the case of conventional private information models, each data is required to
be published with a description which leads to information leakage. In order to minimize such information leakage,
an attribute-based information retrieval model is proposed in the said research work. The proposed work attains
better data privacy which does not reveal any information about the data. The complexity of this model is its
limitation as it is difficult to describe the data which is present in a large data set using this model. [69] Jennifer. described the problems faced in multi-cloud environment information processing. Multi-cloud provides better
consistency and diminishes the severity. But information maintenance in a multi-cloud environment is difficult due
to its interface, service renders, and technologies. Information maintenance such as store, secure, and retrieve
processes need a highly reliable and flexible system. The proposed model overcomes the limitation in traditional
cloud-based information processing systems through cryptography integrated computational intelligence which is
widely adaptable for multi-cloud models. But, the security of data is a major issue in multi-model data processing
systems. The researchers concluded that though the performance of the multimodal information system is better, it is
essential to improve the features of the system. [11] The proposed solution to tackle such problems is a hybrid deep
fuzzy hashing algorithm model.

The proposed solution in this research paper is a hybrid deep fuzzy hashing algorithm model. The mathematical
formulation for the hashing approach and deep fuzzy for information retrieval are methodically obtained to enhance
the efficiency of information retrieval and security of data in the distributed cloud environment. Implementing fuzzy
with deep neural networks enhances prediction accuracy through fuzzy logic and retrieval accuracy through the
learning ability of neural networks. The hashing function is used to establish a relationship between the query and
the database. The proposed hybrid deep fuzzy hashing algorithm for distributed cloud environments is verified
experimentally in CloudSim and the results are observed. [70] KDD Cup 2004 Database is used in the
experimentation which comprises 50000 training examples, 100000 test examples, and 78 numerical attributes.

The classification and retrieval efficiency of the proposed model is measured in terms of the following:
i) Specificity , ii) Sensitivity

To determine the efficiency of the proposed model, it is compared with the Support vector machine-based
information retrieval system and Deep neural network-based information retrieval system. A hybrid combination of
deep learning and fuzzy hashing algorithm enhances the information and data administration in a cloud
environment. The proposed model is verified experimentally and compared with the existing Support vector
machine-based information retrieval system and Deep neural network-based information retrieval system. The
proposed model obtains 97.6% retrieval efficiency which is regarded as an exceptional improvement in information
retrieval systems. As stated by the authors, future work may involve the use of optimization models to reduce the
number of features in the feature selection process.

The proposed model achieves 97.6% retrieval efficiency which is considered a remarkable improvement in
information retrieval systems. However, the limitation of the proposed solution is handling a wide range of features.

3.2. Document Ranking models

3.2.1. Data-Efficient Pretrained Sequence-to-Sequence Model using BM25
The sequence-to-sequence model seems to be far more data-efficient: the approach used in this work [6] shines in a
data-poor regime.

Since it is not practical to apply inferences to all documents in a corpus related to a query, these techniques are
commonly used to reorder a candidate list. In a typical end-to-end system, these candidates are obtained from the
results of a keyword search based upon a "classic" IR scoring function such as BM25. This leads to the standard
multi-stage keyword retrieval pipeline architecture, followed by re-classification using one or more machine
learning models. The sequence-by-sequence model appears to be much more data-efficient. In a data-rich regimen
with many training examples, this method may outperform an encoder-only approach based purely on classification.
However, the sequence-by-sequence model appears to be much more data-efficient - our approach shines in a
data-sparse regime and outperforms BERT with limited training examples. The main advantage of this approach, in
our opinion, is that by "connecting" latent representations of finely tuned relevance with related output "target
words", the latent knowledge of the model is obtained (for example, about semantics, linguistic relationships, etc.)
that has been developed through prior sharpening training. A straightforward formulation of classification is to turn
the task into a classification problem and then order the candidate elements to be classified according to the
probability that each element belongs to the desired class. Applied to the problem of document precedence in
information retrieval - when queried, the system's job is to return a document classification list from a large corpus
that maximizes some classification metrics such as average precision or nDCG - the formulation simpler is to
provide a classifier that estimates the probability that each document belongs to the "relevant" class and then ranks
all candidates according to these estimates. Deep Transformer models pre-trained for language modeling purposes,
using BERT as an example, have proven very effective in a variety of sequence labeling and classification tasks in

[38] Deep Transformer models that are pre-trained for language modeling purposes, using the BERT example, have
been shown to be very effective in a variety of NLP sequence tagging and classification tasks. [39] In a typical
end-to-end system, these candidates come from the results of a keyword search based on a "classic" IR scoring
function such as BM25. [40] T5 bears the work of tokenizing sequences using the SentencePiece model, which
could divide a word into subwords. We choose target words ("true" and "false") that are represented as individual
tokens; thus, each class is represented by a single logit. [41, 42] leads to the standard multi-stage keyword retrieval
pipeline architecture, followed by a reordering using one or more machine learning models.

This work proposes a novel adaptation of a previously trained sequence-by-sequence model to the document
classification task. This approach differs fundamentally from a generally accepted classification-based classification
formulation that relies on previously trained converter architectures for encoders only. like BERT. This thesis depicts
how a sequence-by-sequence model can be trained to generate relevant tags such as "target words" and how the
underlying logits of these target words can be understood as relevancy probabilities for ranking.

Few relevant concepts and algorithms that have been used in the current work are:
1. Greedy decoding during inference.
2. This re-ranking method is based on T5, a sequence-to-sequence model that uses a masked language
modeling target similar to that of BERT to pre-train its encoder-decoder architecture.
It should be noted that T5 tokenizes sequences using the SentencePiece model, which can divide a word into
subwords. This model chooses target words ("true" and "false") that are represented as individual tokens; Therefore,
each class is represented by a single logit. Instead, this model has an adaptation. At inference time, this model
applies a softmax only to the logits of the "true" and "false" tokens to calculate the probabilities for each query and
document pair (in a reorder configuration). Therefore, this model reorders the documents according to the
probabilities associated with the "true" token.

This model outperforms a classification-based approach, especially in the data-poor regime with limited training
data. This approach significantly outperforms an encoder-only model in a data-poor regime. This approach is more
data-efficient than BERT. T5 significantly outperforms BERT when fine-tuned with few training examples.
However, the exact way the model is exploiting knowledge from its ability to generate fluent natural language text is
still unclear. This approach is much more suitable for a data-poor regime, as it yields outstanding results. There are
few reservations for this to do well in a data-rich regime. This work’s experiments are inconclusive regarding the
importance of having a polarity scale in the low-data regime.

3.2.2. ELECTRA or Aspect-based Document Similarity Model

The traditional document similarity measures do not consider in what aspects two documents are similar. This limits
the granularity of applications such as recommendation systems that rely on document similarity. When user
feedback is scarce or unavailable, content-based approaches and appropriate document similarity measures are used
(Beel et al., 2016) [37]. RS recommends candidate documents based on whether they are similar or dissimilar to
seed documents. This rough assessment of similarity (similar or not) ignores the many facets that can make two
documents similar. Regarding the concept of similarity in general, Goodman (1972), and Bar et al. (2011) even
argue that similarity is a poorly defined idea unless it can be said which aspect refers to the similarity.
[39, 40, 41] In RS for scientific articles, similarities often affect some aspects of the research presented, for example,
methods, results (Huang et al., 2020) [38, 42].

Most RSs are based on a measure of similarity between seeds and the k most similar target documents (a). Aspects
that make two or more documents similar are ignored. In the similarity of documents based on the aspect (b), related
documents according to internal aspects that connect them (a1 or a2). Multi-label scenarios and focus on scientific
literature rather than general literature (Wikipedia article). Similar to the work of Jiang et al. (2019) and Cohan et al.
(2020), we use quotes as training signals. [37, 38] Instead of using citations for binary (i.e. similar and different)
classification, we include the headings of the sections where the citations occur, as labels for a pair of documents.
The title of the citation section describes the similarities based on the aspect of the citation and the cited article. Our
data set comes from ACL Anthology (Bird et al., 2008) and CORD19 (Wang et al., 2020). [40, 41]

When recommending literature, content and user information are the predominant dimension to consider (Beel et al.,
2016). Chan et al. (2018) examine aspect-based document similarity as a segmentation task rather than a
classification task. Huang et al. (2020) apply the same segmentation approach to the CORD19 corpus (Wang et al.,
2020). Kobayashiet al. (2018) takes a similar approach to citation recommendations. [42, 43]

Experiments investigate the Transformer language model (Vaswani et al., 2017). BERT (Devlin et al., 2019),
RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), XLNet (Yang et al., 2019), and ELECTRA (Clark et al., 2020) improve many NLP
tasks, such as natural language inference (Bowman et al., 2015; Williams et al., 2018) and semantic textual
similarity (Cer et al., 2017). Reimers and Gurevych (2019) demonstrated how the BERT model can be combined in
a Siamese network (Bromley et al., 1993) to produce comparable embodiments using cosine similarity. Adikari et al.
(2019) and Ostendorff et al. (2019) explore BERT for the classification of individual documents with respect to
sentiment or topic. Beltagy et al. (2019) and Cohan et al. (2020) studied domain-specific transformers for NLP
assignments on scientific papers. [45, 46, 47]

ELECTRA and RoBERTa achieve higher F1-scores than Covid-BERT and XLNet. Even though Covid-BERT is
fine-tuned on CORD-19 its performance yields a 0.818 micro-F1. However, SciBERT presents the highest scores
with a large margin, followed by Covid-BERT, XLNet, and BERT. The lower performers are RoBERTa (0.626
micro-F1) and ELECTRA (0.616 micro-F1)
3.2.3. Context-Aware Document Ranking model by Contrastive Learning of User
Behavior Sequence
The main aim of this document is to obtain a better representation of user behavior that can accommodate the high

Existing studies explore the sequence of user behavior to improve query suggestions or document ranking. However,
the sequence is often seen as a precise and precise signal that reflects user behavior. This does not take into account
the variability of user behavior as user requests for the same intent vary. Search engines have evolved from one-time
searches to successive search interactions with users. [50] To meet complex information needs, users will issue a
sequence of questions, check and interact with multiple results. User behavior history or interaction history within a
session is known to be very useful for understanding user information needs and for classifying documents. Various
studies have leveraged user behavior data by analyzing search logs and finding that a user's search history provides
useful information for understanding user intent during a search session. [51]

The order of user behavior is seen as a defined and precise order. That is, observed sequences are used as positive
samples and unseen sequences are not used or viewed as negative samples. [52] This strict view does not reflect the
flexible nature of user behavior within a session. Different approaches and improvisations were followed to cover
the same problem
1. Hierarchical neural structures with RNNs [53] were used to map these sequences
2. Attention mechanisms to better represent sessions and capture search behavior at the user level
3. Shared learning of suggestions Query and document classification can improve model performance on
Duty. [54, 55]
4. Large-scale pre-trained language models, such as BERT, yield strong results for these tasks

Here you are working on a new lexical matching scheme that uses vector similarities between
conceptual-contextualized representations of overlapping query documents to replace the heuristic evaluation used
in classical systems. Process documents with Deep LM offline and create representations for each document token
surface token in inverted lists. [56] At search time, each query token is used to find its own inverted list and
calculate vector similarity to document vectors stored in the inverted list as matching scores.
COCA performs better, demonstrating its effectiveness in modeling user behavior sequences through contrastive
learning. In general, the contextual document classification model performs better than the ad hoc classification
model. For example, on the AOL dataset, the weak contextual model of MNSRF can still outperform the strong ad
hoc ranking model of KNRM. [57, 58] This shows that modeling the order of user behavior is useful for
understanding user intent and improving ranking results.

COCA achieves the best results, which demonstrates its effectiveness in modeling user behavior sequence through
contrastive learning. In general, the context-aware document ranking models perform better than ad-hoc ranking
models. For example, on the AOL dataset, the weak contextualized model M-NSRF can still outperform the strong
ad-hoc ranking model KNRM. This indicates that modeling user behavior sequence is beneficial for understanding
user intent and improving the ranking results. However, the possibility of Vocabulary mismatch still persists.
Expensive and complex all-to-all match retrievers.

3.3. BERT and its Adaptations

3.3.1. Vanilla BERT
The understanding of BERT’s internal mechanism is not enough, even though BERT has shown its efficiency in
several IR-related tasks. This paper [5] studies the evolution of attention distribution and aims at understanding
BERT in a more detailed manner.

This paper studies the evolution of attention distribution. BERT discards redundant attention weights on tokens with
high document frequency at every step. This may lead to a potential threat to the model’s robustness and should
thereby be considered for future research purposes. By studying BERT models interactions between query and
document, it has been indicated that it is possible to transform BERT into a more efficient representation-focused
model. These findings might aid in better clarity of the ranking process by BERT and may inspire future
improvement. After being pre-trained on a bigger corpus and finely tuned on supervised data, BERT can achieve
promising results in ranking tasks. On the MS MARCO Passage Ranking leaderboard, BERT is adopted by the most
exceptional performers. Attention largely does not impart meaningful "explanations" and researchers have been
trying to analyze BERT, which is based solely on attention mechanisms. This research paper is of some significance
as the elucidation of BERT in the ranking task has not been fully studied. Several studies noticed a surprisingly
substantial amount of attention focusing on "[CLS]", "[SEP]" and periods, which is not fully understood. A research
paper designed a representation-focused BERT ranker. But due to its poor performance, they suggested that BERT
shouldn’t be used as a representative model.

[33, 34] have analyzed the usage of BERT in document ranking, via a common procedure, which is to build the
model input by concatenating the query and document text. [35] has found that some BERT attention heads agree
well with linguistic notions of syntax and coreference. This paper analyzes the working mechanism of BERT. [36]
found that the deeper layers produce more context-specific representations. In particular, they found that the
contextualized representations of all words in any layer of the contextualization model are not isotropic. [37] studies
the performance and behavior of BERT in ranking tasks and explores various ways to exploit the preformed BERT
and refine it on two ranking tasks. The paper also demonstrates BERT to be a strong interaction-focused seq2seq
matching model. [38] states BERT is designed to pre-train deep bi-directional representations from the unlabeled
text by conditioning the left and right context on all layers together. As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be
refined with just one additional output layer to create advanced models for a wide variety of tasks.

To address the problem of insufficient understanding, the document analyzes 2 metrics. First, the development of the
distribution of attention is considered. It shows that BERT discards redundant attention weights in tokens with a
high document frequency (such as points) at each step. Second, it examines how BERT models query-document
interactions, showing that BERT aggregates document information to query token representations through its
interactions, but extracts independent query representations for document tokens.

Few relevant concepts and algorithms that have been used in the current work are:

1. Attention Distribution.
2. BERT model interactions between query and document.
3. Attribution techniques to study token importance in different layers.

The differences between the work in this paper and previous similar studies have been described. First, this paper
generalizes the conclusion about "[CLS]" and the periods and attributes them to their high frequency of documents.
Furthermore, such a demonstration of behavior can affect the robustness of the model. Secondly, we see that
document token representations are largely independent of queries, showing great potential for improving BERT
efficiency. This result differs somewhat from that suggested in Method 2. This article also examines interaction
behavior at different layers, most of which have yet to be examined.

The paper generalizes the conclusion to "[CLS]" and periods, to somehow counter their high document frequency.
Representations of document tokens are largely query-independent, thereby revealing the chance to transform BERT
to a representation-focused model. The performance of BERT is compared when its attention matrix is masked in
different ways to gauge the importance of interactions. However, one needs to be careful with tokens with high
document frequency, as BERT discards redundant attention weights and periods due to their increased document
frequencies. It isn’t as efficient. It can be transformed into a more efficient representation-based model.

3.3.2. DeText - A Deep Text Ranking Framework with BERT and CLSM
BERT is a model that learns contextual embedding. But, this model uses exhaustive iteration over each query word
with each document word which is very ineffective. [1] deals with building an efficient BERT-based ranking model.
Document ranking is an important part of a search system and these systems deal with a large amount of Natural
language. Deep learning-based NLP models have been made for ranking this data. BERT is the most advanced of
them. The only downside is that it uses exhaustive iteration for learning and processing contextual embedding. This
process includes iterating over each query word and comparing it with each document word which is
time-consuming. Querying large amounts of data is a huge problem faced by search systems. To create an algorithm
that is better than the previous BERT model to perform this function is necessary to improve efficiency. There are
many other state-of-the-art deep NLP components in addition to BERT.

The solution proposed in [1] is a Representation-based structure: creates query and document embeddings
independently instead of applying BERT to a concatenated string of the query and document. This model solution
was further extended into a general ranking framework, DeText (Deep Text Ranking Framework). The paper
mentions 2 categories of deep NLP based ranking models
1. Representation-based and
2. Interaction-based

Representation-based models are those that learn independent additions for the query and the document.
● DSSM averages word embeds as query/document embeds.
● CLSM / LSTMRNN encodes word order information using CNN / LSTM, respectively. All these three jobs
assume that there is only one field on the document page and the document qualification is the cosine
similarity qualification of the document query/embed.
● NRMF adds more fields on the document page and works better.

One of the major weaknesses of representation-based networks is the inability to capture local lexical matching. To
overcome this, interaction-based models compare every part of the query against every part of the document.

a. In DRMM, a cosine match is calculated for each word embedded in the query and each word embedded in
the document.
b. KNRM and ConvKNRM extended DRMM with kernel pooling and pairwise n-gram matching,
c. BERT has recently shown superior performance in the rankings.

In this model, the input text data has a source text and a target text. The source text can be a query or a user profile.
The target text can be documented. The proposed architecture has 6 components:

1. Text Embedding Layer: Text Embedding Layer: The sequence of text tokens is transformed into an
embedding matrix E.
2. Token Embedding Layer: This is a representation-based model. Structure and embedding are extracted
independently for each text field.
3. Interaction Layer: The interaction between source and destination only occurs after the text insert is made,
which is the main difference between representation-based methods and interaction-based methods.
4. Traditional Feature Processing: Existing features, such as personalization features, social networking
features, user behavior features, integrate with NLP using standard normalization and per-item scaling
5. Multilayer-Perceptron Layer: MPL is used to print the final document. The hidden layer in MLP is able to
extract nonlinear correlations from deep features and traditional features.
6. Learning-to-rank Layer: The final level is learning levels to rank which accept multiple target scores as
input. Systems where only relative position matters are the main systems where LTR can be used.

BERT is one of the best models out there. This model surpasses BERT and is one of the most progressing and
promising models.

This paper successfully deals with building an efficient BERT-based ranking model. BERT uses exhaustive iteration
over each query word with each document word which is very ineffective. Instead, this model improves efficiency
by creating query and document embeddings independently instead of applying BERT to a concatenated string of the
query and document. Pretraining a BERT model on in-domain data can maintain the same level of relevance
performance, while the current model significantly reduces computation. Deep ranking models were used in this
paper which can achieve better performance than the production models. However, BERT has been a very strong
model in itself. This paper has removed the flaws BERT had.

3.3.3. Composite Re-Ranking with BERT

The development of new transformer architectures (e.g., BERT) and pre-training techniques gave new life to the
neural ranking studies using deep contextual models, leading to a higher relevance score in the top 𝐾 document
search. Even though there is a striking relevance of the keyword-based queries using transformer-based ranking
models, the long inference time is still a problem. In order to address this limitation, recent studies examined the
efficiency of transformer-based models during model inference. Additionally, in order to decrease the complexity
associated with the transformer computation, simplified BERT-based architecture was previously proposed to reduce
the load of jointly encoding query-document pairs, including the twin encoder-based rankers that individually
encode the query and the document. Moreover, despite the enhanced efficiency, the previously mentioned models
are still not able to deliver an NDCG relevance competitive to CEDR on ad-hoc ranking tasks. To overcome these
obstacles, the researchers in this study aim to develop an integrated re-ranking scheme, which they termed as BECR
(BERT-based Composite Re-Ranking).

[71] Not much attention has been given to the term representations that are used as input to neural ranking models.
The authors examine how two pre-trained contextualized language models (ELMo and BERT) can be used for
ad-hoc document ranking. The study also reported the highest relevance for the popular ad-hoc datasets (ClueWeb
and TREC Disk 4&5). [72] In the study, the researchers propose a new Conformer layer to reduce the memory
complexity of the Transformer layers with respect to the input sequence length. The transformer-kernel (TK) model
for natural language queries uses a lightweight BERT-like architecture with only 2 encoder layers, thus enhancing
the online performance. [73] Although being effective, the ranking models based on the fine-tuning language models
increase computational cost. [74] It is difficult to prevent the server from discovering embedding-based semantic
features and inferring privacy-sensitive information because of the fact that neural ranking adds more complexity in
score computation. Evaluation of the significant leakages in interaction-based neural ranking is done and then
countermeasures to relieve such leakages are analyzed. [75] Interpretability of learning-to-rank models is a crucial
research area. Recent advances in interpretable ranking models have largely focused on generating post-hoc
explanations for existing black-box classification models, while the alternative possibility of building an inherently
interpretable ranking model with a transparent and self-explanatory structure remains unexplored. The proposed
solution tackles the mentioned problems.

The proposed solution in this paper is to implement transformed-based composite models together with traditional
signals in order to furnish substantially enhanced efficiency and relevance in ad-hoc re-ranking. BECR further
leverages embedding approximation based on locality-sensitive hashing and thus improves the efficiency of the
model. The proposed framework involves token encoding, online composite re-ranking, storage cost, and reduction

The three major steps involved are:

1. Training:
During training time, a set of training queries with their matched documents is sent as input to the BECR
model to learn novel parameters.

2. Indexing:
During indexing time, a set of uni-grams and skip-bi-grams are selected and then fed to the trained model
to pre-compute token embeddings. After compression, the results obtained are stored in a key-value store
for online access.

3. Online Inference:
During inference time, the neural representations of a query captured by a set of terms are considered. For
each query, a semantic token set called T that consists of uni-gram or word pair tokens related to the query
are also derived.

BECR delivers fast response time on affordable computing platforms. With token encoding, the query
representations are effectively approximated by BECR. It also makes proper use of deep contextual and lexical
matching features, allowing for strong ad-hoc ranking performance.

BECR delivers fast response time on affordable computing platforms. With token encoding, the query
representations are effectively approximated by BECR. It also makes proper use of deep contextual and lexical
matching features, allowing for strong ad-hoc ranking performance. However, BECR performs slightly worse than
CEDR-KNRM but still outperforms BERT for Robust04, which is a relatively small dataset.
3.4. A combination of document ranking and information retrieval models
3.4.1. SetRank - Learning a Permutation-Invariant Ranking Model
Failure of univariate scoring functions to model interactions between documents; or multivariate scoring functions
that sacrifice the requirement of permutation invariance. This paper [4], also inspired by the work of Set
Transformer, was written to address the decrease in performance of previous models.

Previous studies of learning ranking models have shown that univariate scoring functions that score each individual
document do not model interactions between documents. Multivariate scoring functions that score documents one at
a time, ultimately sacrificing the need for permutation invariance. This paper [4] has addressed the above problems
by proposing a neural range learning model called SetRank, which accurately learns a permutation invariant ranking
model defined for document sets of any size. To cope with the decrease in performance of previous models. This
article suggests developing a multivariate ranking model called SetRank, whose input is a set of documents of any
size and whose output is a permutation over the set, making full use of the self-attention mechanism. If you compare
existing models that use multivariate ranking functions, SetRank is more natural for document ranking and easier to
use for parallel computing. It is also possible to include multiple document rankings as initial rankings.
Conventional learning-to-rank models are generally based on the probability ranking principle (PRP). The strength
of PRP-based learning models for classifying is limited. Independent assessment paradigms prevent traditional range
learning models from modeling interactions between documents and capturing information from the local context.
The PRP works document by document, while the ranking results are evaluated request by request. Annotation
studies on the relevance of reference documents depict that information from other documents in the same ranking
list can influence an annotator's decision on the present document, which in turn could challenge the basic
hypothesis that the relevance of each document is modeled independently for a single information request. All
existing multivariate evaluation approaches react sensitively to the order of input documents, thereby violating the
permutation invariance requirement for the ranking model.

[28] proposes to encode the local context of an initial ranking with a recurrent neural network, and then to re-rank
the documents, according to the integration of the latent context of all documents. [29, 30] suggests a slate
optimization framework that directly predicts the ranking of a list of documents by mutually considering their
attributes together. [28] further formalizes the scheme and proposes a multivariate scoring framework that is in
accordance with deep neural networks. It is mainly based on the intricate interactions between top results from the
deep neural networks. [31] suggests using a self-attention network to aggregate cross-documents information, in
response to the problem under view. It satisfies the permutation-equivariant requirement and can produce scores for
document sets of varying sizes. [32] proposes to build a list-wise re-ranking framework that personalizes
recommendation results by jointly considering multiple items in the same ranked list. The proposed model can easily
be used as a follow-up module after any classification algorithm by directly using the existing ranking feature

In this work, the authors proposed a new learning-to-rank model on the multivariate scoring paradigm. The method
used is permutation invariant and can be applied directly to a set of documents with or without preprocessing. The
model proposed in this article can be considered a deep IR model because it used self-attention networks, a popular
neural technique used in machine learning tasks. The focus is on a general learning-to-rank task assuming that the
feature representation for each pair of query documents has been calculated in advance. This model framework also
supports learning ranking models and characteristics together.

The following concepts and algorithms were used in the paper to complete off the proposed work:
1. Ranking model satisfying permutation invariance requirements and cross-document interactions.
2. Learning-to-rank model using multivariate scoring functions.
3. Deep neural networks for document ranking.
4. Self-attention mechanism.

The scoring function in SetRank is designed as a multivariate mapping from a document set to a permutation.
Efficiently captures local context information. Naturally involves (multiple) initial rankings. High accuracy in
ranking. Robust to input noise. It can involve zero, one, or multiple initial document rankings as inputs, through
adding one or more ordinal embeddings. However, there could be more work done on multivariate scoring functions
for greater efficiency, even though SetRank has outperformed the traditional learning-to-rank models.

3.4.2. TPRM - A Topic-based Personalized Ranking Model for Web Search

Despite notable improvements in ranking performance, pre-trained, context-focused BERT-based rankings were less
effective at modeling personalization signals, such as user clicks.

In a custom classification system, documents are classified based on user interests and specified queries.
Specifically, for both q user-specific requests u and d documents, the specific classification system aims to calculate
the relevance scores(u, q, d) based on user interest, query representation, and documentary representation. And then,
candidate documents are ranked based on their relevance score.
As the amount of information on the web is growing rapidly, search engines have to deal with natural language data
on a large scale. The ranking system [13], which plays an important role in search engines, requires an in-depth
understanding of the semantics behind queries and documents. Previous work [28, 12, 31] has mainly focused on the
design of classification systems by studying the semantic correspondence between query terms and documents. With
the advent of pre-trained linguistic models, Eg. BERT [1], existing classification models benefit from learning
contextual information from representations of pre-trained terms [25, 20].

The architecture of the proposed TPRM model is shown in Figure 1. This model mainly consists of four modules:
(1) User Interest Modeling, (2) UserDoc Interest Matching, (3) QueryDoc Semantic Matching, and (4)
Personalized interest rating matching.

For their empirical study, the team compared TPRM with the BM25 algorithm and advanced ad hoc classification
models such as KNRM, ConvKNRM, CEDAR KNRM, PClick, SLTB, etc. Experiments were performed on
real-world AOL search logs and used mean precision (MAP), mean reciprocal rank (MRR), P@1 (first position
precision), and A.Clk (average click position) as metrics to evaluate the quality of the ranking provided. generated.

This model has the following advantages:

The results show that our model can significantly improve TPRM: a topic-based custom ranking model for web
search 7 improves the ad hoc ranking model and the custom ranking model. Meanwhile, CEDAR KNRM goes far
beyond other ad hoc models, verifying that a pre-trained representation of contextual terms can significantly
contribute to the classification system. In addition, most custom ranking models outperform ad hoc ranking models,
indicating the effectiveness of user profiles for the ranking system. We also show the performance of
TPRMsemantic, i.e. TPRM without the user interest component.

The document provides room for future work:

The ablation studies and further analysis reveal the effects of user interest and semantic correspondence learned
from queries and documents.

Results demonstrate that our model can significantly TPRM: A Topic-based Personalized Ranking Model for Web
Search 7 improve ad-hoc ranking models and personalized ranking models. Meanwhile, CEDR-KNRM greatly
outperforms other ad-hoc models, verifying that pre-trained contextualized term representations can significantly
contribute to ranking systems. Moreover, most personalized ranking models outperform ad-hoc ranking models,
indicating the effectiveness of user profiles for ranking systems. We also show the performance of TPRM-semantic,
which is the TPRM without user interest component. The number of topics is an important hyper-parameter in topic
models. To investigate the quality of topics discovered by the topic model, we use the topic coherence score [27] as
the evaluation metric.


To understand the evaluation metrics that can be used for the process of information retrieval and document ranking,
we can look at various papers that have evaluated and elucidated the same. The main aim of the paper [3] is to
analyze and elucidate various representations of text that are used for retrieving relevant search results, approaches
along with the analysis that is carried out in conceptual information retrieval.

Generally, manual interventions are required for evaluating the relationship between the co-related keywords in
terms of semantics to replicate the precise results which have paved the way for semantic search. The paper
elucidates various representations of text that is used for retrieving relevant search results. Information retrieval
started out with searching for keywords in documents. However, this poses a disadvantage as more than one
keyword is used for describing and defining a single concept.

The next method that paved its way was a semantic search which involves determining the relationship between
related keywords. The paper describes the different ways of representing text that is responsible for retrieving
relevant search results. This is done by experimentation and evaluation carried out in conceptual information

There have been many methods developed in the past like:

1. HsienTang Lin and Egozi use paragraph based functionality for search system
2. Egozi has developed a MORAG system that demonstrates the BagofWords and ESA methods to perform
information retrieval based on concepts
3. Jiang defines macro and micro media metrics to test search results. The macro average is defined as the
unweighted average defined across the queries which are referred to as the query-centered measure.
4. Concept-based information retrieval for specific domains proposed by HsienTang Lin
5. Concept-based information retrieval has been developed using various statistical approaches involving
Salton vector spatial models.

Many methods have been proposed that address this problem. [23] Real-Time Semantic Search Using Approximate
Methodology for Large-Scale Storage Systems. Due to this cloud storage systems mainly fail to offer adequate
semantic queries. Exploiting the semantic correlation within and among datasets via correlation-aware hashing and
manageable flat-structured addressing to significantly reduce the processing latency, while incurring an acceptably
small loss of data-search accuracy can prove to solve the issue [27]. [24] explains Query Expansion Using Local and
Global Document Analysis. Analyzing the retrieval of documents by implementing a query and using global
analysis techniques, such as word context and phrase structure, on the set of documents and analyzing the results
and evaluating their effectiveness. [25] is a Conceptual Representation of Documents and Queries for Information
Retrieval Systems by Using Light Ontologies. Analyzing vector space models representing queries based on the
concept using WordNet as a light ontology. It also reduces information overlap with respect to classic semantic
expansion techniques. [26] explains query expansion using lexical-semantic relations. This paper analyzes the
importance of lexical query expansion in the large. Concepts can be presented as WordNet synonym sets and are
evaluated by following the typed links included in WordNet. [27] is a personalized query expansion approach for
engineering document retrieval. The paper proposes a framework that includes the development of domain ontology,
indexing the engineering documents, and performing personalized query expansion and retrieval. User’s interests
can be evaluated by querying a relevant document.

The general flow of conceptual-based Information retrieval starts from the web where the extraction of documents
happens which are later processed to form a common knowledge base and then both things refer to the indexing of
the documents to prepare a ranking. whenever a query is made the data goes through the knowledge base and
displays the resultant documents on the basis of the indexes they are ranked.

Conceptual based information retrieval

1. Representation of text
1.1. Concept Vectors
1.2. Semantic Network
2. Approaches
2.1. Statistical based
2.2. Probability-based
2.3. Semantic relatedness
2.4. Genetic Algorithm
3. Sources
3.1. Wikipedia
3.2. Wordnet
3.3. Domain ontology
4. Evaluation
4.1. MAP
4.2. F-measure

Below are the most common evaluation methodologies used:

The proportion of documents retrieved that are suited to the user’s information need, thus precision measures the
exactness of the process. Precision can be calculated by dividing the number of retrieved documents that are
relevant by the total number of retrieved documents.
|{𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠} ∩ {𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|
𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 =
|{𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|

The proportion of the documents that are relevant to the query and were successfully retrieved is known as recall.
The recall is calculated by dividing the number of retrieved documents that are relevant by the total number of
relevant documents.
|{𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠} ∩ {𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙 =
|{𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|

Fall-out is estimated by the fraction of non-relevant documents that are retrieved to all non-relevant documents that
are obtainable. Thus, the fall-out is calculated by dividing the number of non-relevant documents that are retrieved
by the total number of non-relevant documents present.
|{𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠} ∩ {𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|
𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙 − 𝑜𝑢𝑡 =
|{𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠}|

F-score is the weighted harmonic mean of results obtained from precision and recall metrics.
𝐹 − 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 = 𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑃𝑖𝑠 𝑃𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅 𝑖𝑠 𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑙

Average precision:
Average precision is used where a sequence of documents is ranked instead of a single document. A precision-recall
curve can be plotted using precision as a function of recall. The value of recall (r) ranges from 0 to 1 while p(r) is
the value of precision at that point.
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∫ 𝑝(𝑟) 𝑑𝑟

Mean average precision:

Mean average precision (MAP) is the mean of the average precision values for each query within a set of queries.

ROC curve:
The Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve plots the Total Positive Rate against the False Positive Rate at
different threshold values. Its main purpose is to separate the signal from the noise. The area under this curve
measures the ability of the classifier to differentiate between classes. The higher the area under this curve, the better
is the performance of the model.
Bert was released on October 21, 2019, by Google’s development team which was used in Google's search system
for English-language queries, including featured snippets. This was one of the biggest improvements in seq-to seq
models in the last decade. Following which one of the biggest improvements on BERT was released on Aug 30th,
2020 called DeText or Deep Text Ranking Framework, which marked significant speedup on the processing time in
TABLE 5.1: The following table differentiates between Bidirectional Encoder Representations from
Transformers (BERT) which is a transformer-based machine learning technique Deep Text Ranking
Framework(DeText) which is an adaptation of the BERT.

Model BERT DeText

Description of the BERT is a model that learns contextual Representation-based structure:

models embedding. But, this model uses creates query and document
exhaustive iteration over each query embeddings independently instead
word with each document word which
of applying BERT to a
is very ineffective. This paper deals
with building an efficient BERT-based concatenated string of the query
ranking model. and document. This model solution
was further extended into a general
ranking framework, DeText (Deep
Text Ranking Framework)

Datasets/corpora used MS MARCO Passage Ranking also Three document ranking datasets
known as Microsoft Machine Reading were used
Comprehension was used. 1. people search,
2. job search, and
3. help center search.

It contains 8.8 million unique passages. 5 million queries for people search,
1.5 million queries for job search,
340 thousand queries for help

Performance (space and A strong interaction-focused seq2seq A similar level of accuracy metric
time matching model was made. matrix was found for this approach.
Recall = 81.5% Recall = 83.3%

Precision = 92.46% Precision = 90.71%

Scope Using vanilla methods and basic BERT This model used an exponentially
structure we cannot expect lesser amount of memory space and
exponentially better results. hence had a faster inference speed,
if incorporated with other work in
this field we can expect better
accuracy 2 papers down the line.
Applications Considering the size and speed of the Can be used in low compute
model this can’t be used as an devices and use cases that don't
enterprise-level model but can be used require high amounts of accuracy
to develop newer models (BASENET). but demand faster speeds.

Algorithms/Approaches Bidirectional Encoder Representations Distributed Text Embedding Layer

used from Transformers and Token Embedding Layer.

From the following comparison, we can conclude that using a distributed text embedding layer with the optimization
of the token embedding layer in DeText was responsible for the speedup of BERT and helped make its distributed
implementation easier.

Seq to Seq models came into the limelight in the early 2014s, which changed the world of Deep Learning as we
could now have a variable number of inputs for a given model. COIL of Contextualized Inverted List was released 5
years later and proves to be one of the biggest advancements until this day. It works on a new matching scheme that
uses lexical vectors.

TABLE 5.2: Below we have compared one of the most basic Vanilla Seq to Seq models with one of the
latest approaches called Contextualized Inverted List or COIL in short.

Model Vanilla Seq-to-Seq COIL

Description of the This work proposes a novel adaptation Contextualized Inverted List works
models of a pre-trained sequence-to-sequence on a new lexical matching scheme
model to the task of the document that uses vector similarities between
ranking. This approach is fundamentally
query-document. Overlapping term
different from a commonly-adopted
classification-based formulation of contextualized representations to
ranking, based on encoder-only replace heuristic scoring used in
pre-trained transformer architectures classical systems. It processes
such as BERT. documents with deep LM offline
and produces representations for
each document token.

Datasets/corpora used MS MARCO Passage Ranking also Two large scale ad hoc retrieval
known as Microsoft Machine Reading benchmarks from the TREC 2019
Comprehension was used. It contains Deep Learning (DL) were used:
8.8 million unique passages. MSMARCO passage (8M English
passages of average length around
60 tokens)MSMARCO document
(3M English documents of average
length around 900 tokens).
Performance (space and This model outperforms a COIL-tok achieves an MRR of 0.34
time classification-based approach, compared to BM25’s MRR 0.18.
complexities)/results especially in the data-poor regime with DeepCT and DocT5Query, which
limited training data. also use deep LMs like BERT and

Scope Using vanilla methods and basic This approach is more data-efficient
seq-to-seq structure we cannot expect than BERT. T5 significantly
exponentially better results but can be outperforms BERT when fine-tuned
used as a base for other models.
with few training examples. Hence
can be used in enterprise-level
applications and in use cases that
need high accuracy at the cost of
higher computational power.

Applications Considering the size and speed of the Enterprise-level applications and
model this can’t be used as an use cases where higher accuracy is
enterprise-level model but can be used needed and computational power is
to develop newer models (BASENET). in abundance.

Algorithms/Approaches Uses a similar masked language Contextualized Exact Lexical

used modeling objective as BERT to Match Scoring and Inverted list
pre-train its encoder-decoder indexing.

From the following comparison, we can conclude that using a lexical matching scheme that uses vector similarities
between query-documents in COIL was responsible for the high increase in accuracy and the decrease in latency.

SetRank uses a multivariate scoring paradigm while TPRM uses a personalized ranking model as their main
algorithm which helps make the embedding layer. Both are improvements of BERT but with different methods to
generate embeddings and score them.

TABLE 5.3: Following is the comparison between a multivariate scoring paradigm-based model
called SetRank and Topic-based Personalized Ranking Model or TPRM in short.

Model SetRank TPRM

Description of the SetRank is a new learning-to-rank Topic-based Personalized Ranking
models model based on the multivariate Model is a model which integrates
scoring paradigm. The method used is user topical role with pre-trained
permutation-invariant and can be
contextualized term representations to
applied directly to a set of documents
with or without any preprocessing. The tailor the general document ranking
proposed model in this paper can be list. Experiments on the real-world
considered as a deep model for IR dataset demonstrate that TPRM
because self-attention networks have outperforms state-of-the-art ad-hoc
been utilized, which is a popular neural ranking models and personalized
technique used in machine learning ranking models significantly.

Datasets/corpora used 1. Istella LETOR dataset (Istella) Dataset constructed by [1] using the
real-world AOL search log [23].
2. Microsoft LETOR 30K (MS Following previous works [1], search
LR30K) logs in the first five weeks are set as
history, and the remaining data are
used for model training, validation and
3. Yahoo! LETOR challenge set1
testing with a ratio of 6:1:1.

Scope The scoring function in SetRank is Results demonstrate that our model
designed as a multivariate mapping can significantly TPRM: A
from a document set to a permutation. Topic-based Personalized Ranking
Efficiently captures local context Model for Web Search 7 improve
information. Naturally involves ad-hoc ranking models and
(multiple) initial rankings High personalized ranking models.
accuracy in ranking. Meanwhile, CEDR-KNRM greatly
outperforms other ad-hoc models,
verifying that pre-trained
contextualized term representations
can significantly contribute to ranking

Applications This approach is more data-efficient Most personalized ranking models

than BERT. T5 significantly outperform ad-hoc ranking models,
outperforms BERT when fine-tuned indicating the effectiveness of
with few training examples. Hence can user-profiles for ranking systems. We
be used in enterprise-level applications also show the performance of
and in use cases that need high TPRM-semantic, which is the TPRM
accuracy at the cost of higher without user interest component.
computational power
Algorithms/ Multivariate ranking functions are Query-Doc Semantic Matching
Approaches used defined on predefined document Pretrained language models Mean
sequences. Average Precision (MAP), Mean
Reciprocal Rank (MRR),
An attention-based neural network
module, the Set Transformer, is
specifically designed to model
interactions among elements in the
input set.

From the following comparison, we can conclude that using Query-Doc Semantic Matching Pretrained language
models along with Mean Average Precision and Mean Reciprocal Rank in COIL was responsible for the high
increase in accuracy and the decrease in latency.

From the rigorous research done across some of the top papers and models used in information retrieval and
document ranking the findings we inferred are as follows. Most of the models solved very specific problems and did
their job well at the same, each model was trained on huge amounts of data which averaged around 8 million unique
paragraphs. If merged together they will be able to make a model/platform which can help encounter most of the
problems tackled by each paper and in some cases, some of these are disadvantages of some other papers.

Considering this field in general, the research is extensive, however, there still remains scope for improvement. The
possibility of vocabulary mismatch still persists which can be looked into and then worked upon. Additionally, more
work could be done on multivariate scoring functions for greater efficiency, even though SetRank has outperformed
the traditional learning-to-rank models. Handling a wide range of features and weights still remains a problem.

The efficiency of the BERT is still a major concern as it is on par with all the other metrics except speed. One needs
to be careful with tokens with high document frequency, as BERT discards redundant attention weights and periods
due to their increased document frequencies. The BERT model can definitely be transformed into a more efficient
representation-based model.

In this work, we have discussed different sections of information retrieval and document ranking and have
mentioned different models throughout with their specific perks by which their usage can be seen for different
applications. We then presented a thorough and systematic comparison between different models used for the same
purpose to help ease the process of finding the right model for an application. Several parts of a retrieval and ranking
system have been considered and a final generalized architecture has been suggested that can be useful in a majority
of applications.

The architecture proposed divides the entire system into 2 parts: the encoder and decoder. A sequence-to-sequence
model has been suggested in association with a loss function and a compression function. The sequence to sequence
model is BERT - Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. In both, the encoder and decoder, the
use of multi-head self-attention blocks come into play. There are different layers of BERT units induced which are
trained with the Permutation Invariant Ranking as the loss function. Fuzzy hashing can be used as a compression
function to differentiate different files by distinguishing their outputs.

The entire model can be rolled out across time to better visualize the process of taking sequences as inputs and
representing the model in a Recurrent manner. The first part, the Encoder, is the module that takes the document(s)
as its input and stores the targeted information in its weights. The following models are present in the encoder:
Multi-Head Attention block: Multi-threaded attention blocks help in capturing a higher amount of feature vectors
that will be considered to calculate inference. The attention blocks are followed by Transformer units. These are the
blocks that comprise 95% of the model. Between every unit, there is an Add & Normalization layer which adds the
output of the last sequence iteration and the current logits.

The second part of the model is the Decoder which takes two inputs namely the logits/weights from the encoder and
the input query. The logits/weights are responsible for saving user data from the input documents and the query is
the question asked. It comprises the following modules: Multi-Head Attention block: Multi-threaded attention
blocks in this case help in capturing a higher amount of feature vectors from the input query which will be inferred
against the logits created by the encoder. The attention blocks are followed by Transformer units. Which in this case
have word embeddings and output Between every unit, there is an Add & Normalization layer that adds the output
of the last sequence iteration and the current logits. Finally, each output of the decoders is summed together in a
basic dense neural network that uses tan-has the output activation function.

Based on the analysis of different models, the problem of all-to-all match retrievers from documents is still a
prevalent issue in most of them. This process is time-consuming and many researchers have proposed models like
DeText [1] to improve it, but none of the suggested models is known widely. Improvement in this field remains an
open journal for new research. The way a model exploits the knowledge given to it and trains itself according to the
knowledge to generate fluent text is still rudimentary. That exploitability is a key to developing high-quality texts
and explanations based on the query proposed by the users.

Further, there could be more work done on multivariate scoring functions for greater efficiency, even though
SetRank has outperformed the traditional learning-to-rank models. In addition to this, datasets used can be improved
and a past model can be run on it to check its efficiency on the basis of which parameters that are lagging can be
worked upon. This provides the most opportunity for researchers seeking to make significant improvements in the
field of information retrieval and document ranking.

The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose. Also, the authors have no proprietary
interests in any material discussed in this article.

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