Mis 1
Mis 1
Mis 1
Presented by:
( [email protected] ) ( [email protected] )
In conventional wireless communications, a single antenna is used at the source, and another single
antenna is used at the destination. In some cases, this gives rise to problems with multipath effects. When
an electro magnetic field (EM FIELD) is met with obstructions such as hills, canyons, buildings, and utility
wires, the wave fronts are scattered, and thus they take many paths to reach the destination. The late
arrival of scattered portions causes problems such as fading, cut-off (cliff effect), and intermittent reception
(picket fencing). In digital communications systems such as wireless internet, it can cause a reduction in
data speed and an increase in the number of errors. The use of two or more antennas, along with the
transmission of multiple signals(one for each antenna) at the source and the destination, eliminates the
trouble caused by multipath wave propagation, and can even take advantage of this effect.
MIMO technology has aroused interest because of its possible applications in digital television (DTV),
wireless local area networks (WLANs), metropolitan area network (MANs), and mobile communications.
MIMO (multiple inputs, multiple outputs) takes advantage of multiplexing to increase wireless
bandwidth and range. MIMO algorithms send information out over two or more antennas and the
information is received via multiple antennas as well. On normal radio, multiplexing would cause
interference, but MIMO uses the additional path ways to transmit more information and then recombines
the signal on the receiving end. MIMO systems provide a significant capacity gain over conventional single
antenna systems, along with more reliable communication. The benefits of MIMO lead many to believe it is
the most promising of emerging wireless technology.
The human acoustical communication has one important feature: for the purpose of communication, the
address of the user is unique. Suppose if your name is “NITISH”, anybody will recognize by your name at
any time, anywhere etc.
But this not the case of in today's telephony, mobile or computer network. Your telephone number will be
different from city to city, your mobile number will differ from network to network, and your email address
in ‘ vsnl' will be different from that of ‘ yahoo ' .
Technical trends follow the natural paths. We invented the aircrafts to fly like birds. C omputers are being
attempted to be as brainy as humans. In the same way, the communication technology is going to be
human like but without limitation of coverage area. So the future will see a single number for a person for
communication world over.
The future communication aims at becoming all wireless and mobile supporting any communication (voice,
video, pictures, graphics etc.) anywhere anytime and for anybody with a single unique identification
number (UTN UNIVERSAL TELEPHONE COMMUNICATION NUMBER) of a person world over for all
communications. It is defined as personal communication service (PC S) and may be supported by the
personal communication network (PC N)-a global wireless and mobile network.
Last few years have seen a rapid development of wireless technologies. The stage is set for third
generation (3G) technology and R&D is already aiming at a fourth generation (4G) technology. See the
figures (1) and (2) as shown below.
The 2G technology for mobile communication originated during 1990's and it revolved around GSM mainly
for voice communication. It was focused on voice services with circuit switching, whereas the current 2.5G
technology is focused circuit switched voice service and packet switched data service.
The 3G technology is optimally focused on using a single interface number and an advanced core network.
It aims at:
• Anywhere and anytime mobile connection with low cost and flexible handheld devices.
• Wireless data access, particularly with wireless internet connection. This was motivated by the
exponential growth of internet access.
• High speed multimedia or broadband services, causing shift from voice oriented services to internet
access (both data and voice, particularly with VoIP technology), video, music, graphics and other
multimedia services.
• Mobile multimedia services that will be able to transmit data, voice, video, image etc. over a variety of
networks like point to point, point to multi point, broadcast, symmetric and asymmetric etc.
The 2G technology offer quite satisfactory voice communication services, but with growing data traffic, the
3G technology has mainly targeted data services, particularly the internet traffic. Thus the main service
component of 3G technology is quality and reliable internet data traffic.
The migration from 2G to 3G was started for providing new reliable services
2G 2.5G 3G
l Scalability so that it can handle huge traffic with efficient use of transmission bandwidth.
l Advanced services that were not possible with the 2G network.
l Interoperability with 2G so that important 2G services can be offered.
l Quality service like circuit switched services.
l Flexibility so that both the present and future services can be offered.
l High security
l Roaming service with lower handover time to achieve, lower communication connection latency.
• Wireless internet for exponentially growing users will be difficult to implement until IPv6 is implemented.
• Low cost, efficient and flexible mobile devices are yet to evolve. The devices are still struggling with
limited processing powers of microprocessors, small display with limited resolution, limited battery life,
limited memory size etc.
Wireless technologies are not free from problems like limitation of availability frequency spectrum, fading
and multipath fading. Fading results in sudden drop of signal power in the receiver. Multipath fading results
when the transmitted signal bounces off objects like buildings, office cabinets and hills, creating multiple
paths for the signal to reach the receiver. The same transmitted signal that follows the different paths
reaches the receiver at different times with different phases. Added together, the several incidences
of the same signal with different phases and amplitudes may cancel each other, causing
signal loss or drop of signal power.
The expectations from future wireless mobile networks are high data rate, higher network capacity, better
quality of service and lower probability of call
drops. With increasing data rates, the problem of multipath fading becomes severe.
The consequences of multipath fading (fig 3) may be delay spread, short term fading, long term fading and
Doppler Effect. Delay spread results in spreading of the transmitted pulse on the time axis and even in
generation of multiple low amplitude pulse trains. It occurs in fixed ratio stations.
In mobile environments, as the channel condition changes with motion of the receiver, fading causes the
short term effect resulting in fluctuation of the received power overtime. The receiver may not adapt to the
changes. This degrades the service quality. Shorterm fading occurs over short term duration.
Long term fading results in decreased received power over long time/distance; as time increases, the
moving receiver usually goes farther away.
The Doppler effect occurs in fast moving mobiles. It results in shift of the frequency randomly. Multipath
fading, in effect, either causes low received signal power or degrades the quality of service, both of which
are highly unexpected in the future all wireless and mobile communication. The low received power
increases the bit error rate, which in turn limits the data rate.
Wireless channels input and output modulated signals. For the purpose of modulation, the two basic things
considered are frequency and time. The frequency plan and the time plan use “bits per hertz” and “bits
per second” as measures for data rate transportation. A new dimension to upgrade the data
transport rate is spatial dimension. This is the basic idea behind multiple input multiple output
(MIMO) technology.
MIMO technology may be seen as an upgrade of single input multiple outputs (SIMO) and multiple
input single output (MISO) technologies (fig4).
All three technologies are based on the philosophy of using disadvantages for achieving gains. These are
multiple (the sources of fading) for increasing the data rate, throughput and reliability. Multiple paths are
used by multiple transmit antennae and multiple antennae. This deviation from SISO brings all gains for
SIMO, MISO and finally MIMO.
Multiple antennae at one end, either at the transmitter or at the receiver, were in use long ago. The then
use of multiple antennae aimed at beam forming and spatial diversity which are mainly used to increase
the signal to noise ratio. The improved signal to noise ratio decreases the bit error rate.
Infact if SIMO and MISO achieve gains by multiple antennae at receivers and transmitters, respectively
multiple antennae both at the transmitter and the receiver are supposed to multiple the gain in other words
you can say that MIMO=MISO+SIMO.
The use of multiple antennae adds a new dimension to the digital communication technology on the basis of
3G and 4G. The natural “dimension” of digital technology is “time”. Added with that MIMO offers a new
“space time axis” to digital technology. MIMO is often termed as space time wireless or smart
antennae. Of course it is the improved extension of smart antennae. Digital MIMO is also called volume to
volume wireless links as it offers parallel bit pipes between the transmitter and the receiver.
MIMO technology promises higher data rate, higher quality of service and better reliability by exploiting
antenna arrays at both the transmitter and the receiver. Signals at both the sides (transmitter and
receiver) are mixed such that they either generate multiple parallel, spatial bit pipes and odd diversity to
decrease the bit error rate.
Diversity helps in selecting the clearest signal out of many signals, resulting in lower bit error rate. Multiple
bit pipes effectively increase the data rate (quantitative improvement), whereas the reduced bit error rate
improves the quality of service throughput and reliability. MIMO creates benefits beyond the diversity of
multiple antennae at one end only. Thus, while MIMO offers both quantitative and qualitative
improvements, SIMO and MISO each offer only the qualitative improvements.
The fundamental gain in MIMO is increased data rate. Why not use more bandwidth or complex modulation
schemes to increase the data rate?
The use of more bandwidth depends on the availability of spectrum and again the use may be difficult to
meet the spectral efficiency. The use of a complex modulation scheme leads to complexity which damages
the radio propagation itself. MIMO in that sense is better and the only strategy for achieving both the
higher data rate and better quality of service.
By spreading the transmitted signals over multiple paths, the MIMO technology increases the chances of
signal reception at the receiver. It also increases the range of operation.
In fig (4) MIMO covers all three base regions of conventional cellular telephony. The transmitter can adjust
power and phase of the signal fed to antennae, which allows the best transmission quality.
Multi path fading causes distortion by scrabbling different copies of signals reaching the receiver by multi
paths on bouncing of the objects. Then how do the multi paths signals work in mimo??? Proper algorithms
are used at both transmitter and the receiver to analyze the signal received from different and different
antennae of the array. Proper spacing of the antennae and signal analysis via a matrix manipulation
technology that cross co relates the signals are the requirements of MIMO technology.
MIMO technology offers significant improvements but not without some limitations . It provides the
benefits of higher capacity, higher data rate, and higher reliability, better quality of service
and higher throughout at the expense of complex design requirements. Processing multiple
signals of multiple paths and multiple antennae will consume more energy .
C omplex algorithm and design are required for operation of multiple antennae. This will make the hand set
and the other mobile devices costlier.
For implementation of MIMO technology R&D is required in its model, signal processing approaches and
information theory for coding and capacity. The design of MIMO networks both fixed and mobile wireless
needs the optimally consider the C DMA-TDMA and FDMA techniques and medium access control protocols,
MIMO chips, products and systems are expected to hit the market within three years.
“ The disadvantage of one generation is the challenge to be overcome in the following generation”.
Whatever have been the disadvantages of the third generation can be overcome in this fourth generation.
Whatever are the demerits of the fourth generation are the challenges for the fifth generation.
• Telecommunications.